The I creates suffering only to the extent that the I is experienced through the body and the five senses. The I is in fact a distinct individuality that when experienced with supersensible awareness beyond the 5 senses is in fact a spirit based individuality with a unique and distinct self.
Merci infiniment pour votre beau message. 🙏 Chaque mot a effectivement une profondeur qui résonne en vérité. Je suis que je suis. Gratitude infinie à vous. Soyez bénis. 💫❤️
The I creates suffering only to the extent that the I is experienced through the body and the five senses. The I is in fact a distinct individuality that when experienced with supersensible awareness beyond the 5 senses is in fact a spirit based individuality with a unique and distinct self.
Absolument vrai, merci. Chaque mot compte et reflète la vérité. I am that I am. Thank you. Gratitude. Be blessed. 💥🙏🫀
Merci infiniment pour votre beau message. 🙏 Chaque mot a effectivement une profondeur qui résonne en vérité. Je suis que je suis. Gratitude infinie à vous. Soyez bénis. 💫❤️