@deathadone88 You could see a doctor or get a online referral to a lab to see where your levels are, then if you feel like it is a life long thing you want to get into then go for it. I dont recommend starting without dr guiding you, but if you have to be an army of 1, then due diligance on the research of everything. You will need to know what type of test, the size syringe, injection site/sites, frequincey of injections, incorperating an Ai, and im more than likely missing something, anyway good luck
@deathadone88 Don't assume. Get with a competent doctor, get your labs done. If you are low in your total/free testosterone levels, AND you have symptoms AND you don't have other conditions (uncontrolled cholesterol, hypertension, heart arrythmia for example, it can be a huge improvement to quality of life.
@deathadone88Ok, you buy months worth and see how you feel? Doesn't work that way! You can't buy & try TRT for a month and come off if you don't like it!
@deathadone88 lots of info on low test signs, if you have all those signs then make an appointment with a urologist or wellness clinic to get a blood test. it will tell you if you are in need of trt. then you can decide
I've been on 125 of test cip weekly for 6 months. I've lost 58 lbs, and completely stopped my blood pressure meds. It's truly a game changer. I'm 43 and feel 25 again.🙏
I am 39 years old been going to the gym since I was 21 years old but really took it serious at 30 and 2 years ago i was very depressed. I told my dr and they said i had PTSD. I didn't know what to do didn't want to go out and pushed ppl out of my life. They wanted to put me on antidepressants and all sort of medication. My wife and I talked to one of my old brother and he said how TRT helped him and how his low test really messed him up. I went the urologist and my test was abnormally low. 2 years later, TRT changed my life I was in a low point thinking life wasn't worth it to back to loving life TRT saved me.
TRT changed my life bro. So glad you decided to do a Truck rant! I still listen to your previous rants too because they get me pumped up. Glad to be seeing a lot more of you Seth..#HWMF #AAR
I really enjoy your rants, not just for the topic, but also because I'm from western PA and lived in and around Pgh for about 10 years, so seeing the scenery in the background checks the nostalgic box for me.
I wish I have your type of attitude about life. I’m only 23 that can still build their character. I’m slowly learning how to deal with ups and downs about life. Recently got out of a four year relationship. It’s been three months already. Thank you for making these types of videos!
Don’t worry bro, you got your whole life ahead of you still, and you will continue to learn as you go Also, don’t let the end of your relationship bring you down. You will find someone else eventually. And honestly, probably will find an even better relationship/ deeper love. From 19-23, you’re really still just a kid in a lot of ways. You haven’t experienced enough of life to really understand what you truly want, need, desire, etc. Same with your partner. So as great as your relationship may have seemed, I bet that you will have another relationship in the future which is much “better” in many ways All the best man
I’ll give you some advice and hopefully it helps you the same way it did me. Read, read and read, stoicism/Hellenic Philosophy, don’t disregard what doesn’t resonate straight away. Practice everything that you agree with. There is no easy way to just accept the world as it is, but knowledge is power and it does help you understand what the universe is and not what you want it to be. Eat well, train smart, live life, don’t be materialistic, yes you’re young enjoy things in moderation but don’t lose sight of your goals. Find what matters to you. Save your money and buy a place that’s big enough for what you need and the future. Learn from the mistakes of others and do not ignore your instincts. Try to always think logically, do not let external events out of your control send you into chaos, accept them and people for who and what they are.
@@2011hwalkeryou sound like you might be a GP. You’re definitely not an endocrinologist because you don’t have his blood work and you made a conclusion based on his age.
Glad I found your channel.. Looks like the type content I enjoy.. I have been lifting over 30 years and have seen and done everything in the gym… Luckily I’m 52 and still healthy.. Still lifting 3 days a week..
Love the truck rants!!! I love the argument that says “no I’m not taking steroids, I’m on TRT” but it’s not from a doctor and they don’t need it. Like you said, just a low dose of test 😂
Who really cares!? I can tell who is on gear without them saying. Avg person doesnt need to disclose if they use or not. No other drug do we care if somebody is using or not.
I’m on trt but I don’t hide it, if people as I’m always honest about it, if anything I guide them and say it could be something useful to them in their life depending on age and how they feel
I am currently on TRT and man it has greatly improved my life. I was tested and had low T levels. I am 7 months in and so far no regrets. Having said that, I would not claim to be natural while on TRT. Great video as usual. Keep them coming.
@@RLantern23it’s not a specific clinic, it’s going to an endocrinologist’s and having them test your testosterone levels to then recommend, if your levels are low enough, a dose to bring your levels back into a normal range.
Well you need to look at the big picture. If you are on TRT its due to low T. If you take the TRT weekly your levels are now like a regular guy or close. That is natural, your being fooled to think you are not natural on TRT when taken to get you to normal levels. Now if you abuse the TRT and mega dose then yes, you are now not natural.
TRT is so common now even amongst younger generations. I am certainly not opposed to it but it does bother me when I see someone that has gone half-ass on workouts/eating and not seen any gains start convincing themselves that they need TRT. Makes me wonder how much of it is unwarranted...
If it’s unwarranted, it’ll become obvious. If the dosage level is in the TRT range, and a person already had normal levels of Test, they’re spending money and the minor annoyance of injecting weekly/bi-weekly for.. almost nothing or nothing at all. If you’re low, and have low symptoms, it can be life changing. If you’re low and don’t’ have low symptoms, it’s of very limited value. If you’re not even low, and get on it, all you’re doing it shutting your own balls off and replacing what it was doing with synth that isn’t giving anything extra. Need to get to levels of PED to gain benefit if you weren’t low to begin with, and then it’s no longer TRT.
I'm 47 and went on true TRT 6 years ago. I went 3-4 years on 175mg per week. Loved it so much, I just stay at 250mg year rough now. Feel fanatics and look great for my age. I tell people I'm on TRT, but don't discuss dosages.
@@tomkeppler3519 You're right, Tom. I'm sure some people at my gym are going to see this and call me out. If it helps, I work out at the LA Fitness in Queens, NY off 79th. 🙄
Brand new subscriber, love the honesty and information in the video keep em coming it really put me in a great place mentally after listening to the video! Thank You
Seth - I really enjoy your rants as well as training sessions. As a 61 year old lifter, honestly I want to look better and instead of working on making sure I don’t screw up my joints (too late) I want to get bigger...you help motivate me not to be a pussy. However, my son has been dealing with cancer for half his life and was a great college athlete and I will be honest Cancer is the worst. However, when his T dropped below 200 after years of treatment he didn’t feel like a sick athlete, he felt like a cancer patient. Huge difference is quality of life. We got him to a T specialist And he’s been on a weekly dose that has him steady at ~800 and it’s keeping him strong and able to hit the gym for a workout every day. So for those who think T is wrong .... they all can go F themselves!
Went on 150 a week of Test Cyp at 55 per doctor after blood showed a total of 72. My life and health improved dramatically. Blood work needed every 6 months to start with. It took me years before I would talk openly about it due to feelings of inadequacy. Then you find out a bunch of friends have a script.
That’s actually a low dose, and blood work will always be needed in order to monitor your levels. I’m 52, been on TRT for 10 years, 200ml every 5 days. Each person is different, as mine rises to 1600 and by day 5 it’s down to 600, so I inject every 2.5 days of 100ml. It levels my number out at 900-1100 consistently. Feels awesome.
3/4 of the guys at my gym are using TRT 💉 they all look great … I’m not there yet … my T levels are 500 at 58 years old … I always train and eat a 90 percent carnivore diet … I eat a bit of carbs and fruit … I’m at 11 percent body fat … the doc says keep up what I’m doing … however … I really want to be at 750 … so my next endocrinologist visit is in March … my birthday month .. I go once a year … I really believe it’s time to step it up do to my age .. and 500 is good … I use almost all of it … I look great because I’ve got 45 years in weight training and I eat very good and stay away from alcohol… good luck everyone … it’s great to see we have bad ass men in this world of freaks and geeks 👍👍🏆
what is a good way to start with steroids, what to use. things that are important to keep in mind, a good age to start/ how many years of experience natty ? and a ''safe way'' to start with steroids. Amazing vids bro!!! keep the coming.
I absolutely destroyed my body from steroid abuse when I was young. Test, Tren, Deca, EQ, Dbol was what worked for me, but I abused it for many years. When I was off, mentally and physically, something was wrong, and I stayed that way for years. Ever since I started on TRT, I have felt great again. I love the energy and honesty Seth brings in all his content. Ive been watching for years and am always looking for new videos. Keep them coming Seth!
If ever do anything else besides TRT I will take it in small dosages while monitoring everything to be safe. Myself I'll probably have to stay on TRT the rest of my life to. I started TRT at the age of 42. When I got tested my total testosterone level was at 238ng which is considered low. Now I'm 46, I take 100mgs of TRT weekly. My total testosterone level end up around 650ng on average which is a mid range level. I do feel a little better since being on TRT. The problem I have is I'm carrying about 70 pounds of fat on me. I'm sure I would feel a bigger difference on TRT if I got my weight down.
@@TiredOfImbecileLibtards Try the carnivore diet. I was like you and came off and now I feel back to normal with nothing. I was way overweight and didn’t feel like myself. Now on carnivore I lost a bunch of weight effortlessly and no training.
The truck rants are fun to listen to! What kinds of tools do YOU use when you have a day to get out and split wood and smoke cigars? That might be a fun topic
I'm on TRT I just started two weeks ago an I've been on methadone treatment for 10 years and any opiate treatment lowers testosterone by half in men. 10 years ago I was in the army an I finally said I don't feel right something's not right i don't work out like I use to an I'm not getting any bigger. Got tested and my testosterone was below normal. But I'm also 36. So I made my kids young so I'm not worried about taking TRT.
Love you Seth. I’m 42 on trt plus primo. 200 test 100 primo. Never felt better or stronger. Bloodwork looking great. Did gear heavy at a younger age and glad I don’t have any serious repercussions. Praying for the younger crowd to reach natty potential before going to the dark side
31 years on TRT of one sort or another. Today at almost 60, I am only needing 80mg per week (40mg M/Th). I do use a transcrotal cream 2x a week as well and I feel damn amazing! That is what I have settled on and it flat out gets the job done. I do run labs, but I could give a shit what the numbers show! I feel GREAT
I really have not had horrible sides. Some water retention and issues with acne when adding dhea. Other than that. I will be 60 in a few months and i certainly am thriving. I dont watch numbers much and I go by how I feel. I also did experience some mild hairloss@User-5amk1m0
I’m 28 after the military I was on heavy doses of anti depressants and anti psychotics. Finally broke down and found my testosterone levels were bottomed out. I’ve been on 225 of trt once a week and may be going up again soon as some symptoms still prevalent. Feel like a new man finally losing fat like a normal person energy is getting better. No longer on any medication aside from my TRT and estrogen blocker and it’s great
If you’re blasting 200+mg a week, that isn’t TRT. I’m a late 30s dude. Had persistent depression, sexual dysfunction, you name it. I have congenital defects with my testicles, doesn’t help things. Docs wanted to throw SSRIs at me. Got tested, levels were in the basement. 275-300ish total, free was out the ref range. First doc put me on too much. 180mg/wk. My total shot up to 1500+. Way too high. E2 was high, lots of sides. Found another doc who wasn’t trying to juice me to the moon, and now I’m on 100/wk. My total numbers peak around 750, so I average around where a normal guy averages. No sides, I feel good, everything works.
I’m so glad you said that TRT is different for everybody. For some reason people think 200mg test per week is TRT for everybody. Some people need 80mg per week some people 200mg per week to put them in a normal range.
Bro, that’s common sense. It depends on your T level number. If your at 500 and I’m at 65, you won’t get 200ml every five days, you may get 200ml every 10 days.
Literally nobody needs 200mg/week for TRT. That's not TRT. That's a baby cycle 100%. It doesn't matter who you are, there are zero people on this planet that need 200mg to get to normal levels. Period.
I wish I could get away with 80mg, my doc started me at 100mg and my total test was only 213 on that dose, bumped it up to 160mg and that put me at 549 total test. Now I'm at 200mg per week and my total T is at 825 which feels good enough for me.
I cant wait to eventually start TRT. Trying to have kids and we are already high risk so doctor advised to wait. Took HCG for 8 wks to see if any change but none. Asked about using HCG alongside test but he said to risky. Having kids is way more important to me but man, I can't wait to feel normal again.
Steroids greatly boosted my fitness progress, enabling me to surpass previous milestones and achieve results more quickly. Their effectiveness depends on incorporating them wisely within a carefully designed regimen that prioritizes both growth and well-being.
Test Enan is commonly used in hormone replacement therapy to address low testosterone levels, promoting muscle growth and improving overall well-being. Tren, on the other hand, greatly enhances muscle size and strength. Speeds up recovery from injuries as well.
Totally agree. Steroids helped me recover faster and maintain muscle mass, especially during intense training or after injury. It's amazing how they can support bone health as well, which is crucial for people with conditions like osteoporosis.
There’s no doubt to the benefits of steroids. Honestly, it has greatly impacted my life. It played a major role in achieving my desired physique. People should learn not to abuse these substances and act like they are all bad.
Hey everyone, I’m looking for reliable sources for both steroids and protein supplements. I know it’s crucial to be cautious with these, especially with steroids, so I want to make sure I’m getting them from trustworthy sources. For protein supplements, I’m also interested in recommendations for reputable brands. Any suggestions or advice on where to find safe and high quality options?
I've had guys at work flat out ask me if I am on gear. Not because I am huge, but because I dropped 28lbs and my physique completely changed. I went from dad body to seeing delt caps, pecks, and arm definition in my sweaters. I was open and transparent. I told them I got my diet back in check, got off my ass and back to the gym and added in a TRT dose of 125mg's a week. I told them after 4 back to back blood tests across a year my highest total test was 218 and estradiol was next to zero, there was literally a < on my result. Got my calcium score back and it was zero, which was shocking and incredibly considering being 40 and not eating the best for a decade and zero training. TRT is a game changer for those that really need it. A lot of my boys still cycle to this day and all of them are 40+ and I support them 100%. I think we have a similar goal Seth, to live an optimized lifestyle as we age. More truck rants please!
I don’t usually comment but I see a bunch of men commenting but as a woman on trt 8mg a week it’s the best thing I ever did for my health. It’s only been 13 weeks but I feel so much better. I was ready to give up on life sounds dramatic but true. Transcend is awesome
I'm on TRT for my age a little bit, but one of my anti-seizure meds dropped my testosterone almost to nothing. I was miserable. I'm getting my levels tested again today. Hopefully good. My first test since I started. I use the gel version. I changed my dose from prescribed from 4 pumps to 5. I'm disabled with a bad right hip, so I want to strengthen my upper body in case I end up in a wheel chair. I have to modify my workout to not stand when lifting. Lots of pretty good tricks I have come up with. If I push downwards, no problems since that lifts my upwards and I can stand for that.
Great truck rant! I’m on 360 mg of TRT and the occasional Deca cycle through my doctor. My test levels are not super physical based on my bloodwork, but I’m no different than anyone doing any of this shit just because I use a doctor. I like to look good and feel good. Eventually, the music will stop and maybe I’ll be without a chair, but it’s a choice.
A question, how did you bring up the subject with your Dr? I’m 63 and like anyone my age probably have low T but I can’t say that it’s affecting my life very much. I want to look better, bigger etc but afraid a Dr isn’t going to prescribe just so I can look better.
@@stevecoll7748you go to a Dr who specializes in it. A primary care physician is not going to be the way to go. If you feel fine, your drive, focus, sleep, motivation etc is good, then you probably don’t need it.
I’ve worked with 3 TRT doctors including the Veterans endocrinologist and my test levels never improved. I wish I could feel normal/have normal test levels atleast
Great rant! Keep em coming! As to the new fake natty, I say yes. I feel if anything is prescribed by a doctor it no longer holds the negative label. TRT is just a low dose of steroids. If you're prescribed pain meds, you're still taking narcotics. The reason is just different. Keep up the great work, Seth!
TRT for me at 51 my Dr gives me one shot of Sus 250 every 3 weeks so once a month basically, i feel pretty good. Tried higher doses but it got complicated with gyno so then needed to take more meds to counteract, now im good with once a month for 5 years
I’m 30. Test was 304. No libido. Literally didn’t think about sex. Doctor said TRT and HCG. Now I’m 900 test, feel amazing, made more gains, libido is great. All on 150mg/week. When yoi genuinely need it, it’s life changing!
Ive had boners and sexual function after coming off gear and having test in the 200s. Keep an eye on that ed. 300s you should still feel ok. Glad you feel better and test is the most effective mood regulator. Middle age men get a brain fog that is truly where they detach a bit from life and start getting old. Test therapy gets rid of that.
@@TrevorCrook-c1s Thanks TH-cam doctor! I will now not listen to my actual doctor because of this incredible advice surely steeped in decades of academia.
@@TrevorCrook-c1sdoctors love making new life long patients instead of figuring out the root cause. In your 30 it’s almost always sleep issues, lack of Vit D, weed, alcohol issues shit diet
Im 40, recently got blood work and my free test level was 315. Ive been debating to start TRT for almost a year now. I eat correct and weight train 3 to 4 times a week. Just a bit nervous because ive never done any thing similar to test. Always natural. Maybe i just need to stop being scared and do it lol. Procrastinating is my issue
I'm going in this Thursday 1/18 to get my testosterone tested. I'm going to my primary care physician so I trust them and they have gone over all the pro's and cons with me but they are pretty serious about monitoring. I'm excited/nervous/curious to see what my levels come back at. Reading through the comments and following Seth has given me the confidence to go get tested.
Going in myself to be tested in a couple months. Been taking androgel TRT now for 5 weeks, set up also through my primary care doctor, who I very much trust. I’m interested if your willing to share……..what your starting levels were and what you find out in a few days. Thanks and best wishes 👍🏻
Got tested and they said my levels were normal (386) so I didn't qualify as I need 2 low tests in a row (sub 332) I'm a 39y/o male. I'll test again in 6 months or so. Good luck with yours!!@@danieljames1065
A good topic would be suicide prevention. Mental illness seems to be a big problem today, especially in veterans. On average 22 veterans commit suicide a day, thats 22 too many. You have a big platform, so maybe a five minute truck rant could help someone not make the decision to end it all. If you helped just one it would be worth the rant. Been a Seth fan since way back, thanks for all the great content.
Gym is my therapy lol,I'm 41,I felt like trash for years ,went to my doc and my test levels were low test ,not much ,I just have to take .5 a week,after a few months man I feel so much better in so many ways,my life sucks so I'll take it,cant be worst honestly lol
The way to choose your dose is this: Get your blood work after you've been on it a few months. If it's above 1000 & you work at a desk, that's a bit too high. If you work with your hands & move all day, that is fine. You're welcome.
You don’t feel total T. To be fair, it might not be “a bit too high (or low)” depending on your free-T levels. At 1000 ng/dl and a free T of like 165-that is garbage. You still have some work to do to figure out what’s keeping you down. Could be SHBG or aromatization, etc. It’s not that simple.
@@FirstnameLastname-pe5ib you’re right. You just said if your total T is at some arbitrary number & you’re active it’s fine, but if you’re not active it’s not. Total T doesn’t mean jack shit. It’s your free T that actually matters.
I’ve Been on trt for 6 years. 200mg a week. I have no thyroid, insulin resistance syndrome and nerve/muscle damage to the entire left side of my body after a power lifting injury in my 20s. It has been a life saver and has helped me significantly to lose weight and build muscle. I have also blasted many different compounds from injectables to orals. obviously as power lifter at 250lbs+ competing in power lifting everyone is blasting heavily so if you want to win you basically don’t have a choice. I definitely messed my body up with gear which is why I think I have the thyroid and insulin resistance issue. A lot of people say they’re in “trt” when they truly either don’t need it or don’t understand what it’s meant for. They just think coming of a cycle and running 150mg of test a week until next cycle is trt 🤷🏻♂️ I just preach to all the teens and dudes in their 20s to stay completely natural unless you truly have the heart to compete and the mental strength to compete in bodybuilding or powerlifting. Other then that why kill your self early? I’d be surprised if I make it past 45 years old and I have 4 kids, a wife and a grandchild so just think of that when you want to go and ruin or organs just to look good..
Being honest with everybody is good practice for the hardest thing in life and that is being honest with yourself, that's most people problem is they can't except life and be honest with their self and knowing when the music stops !
I think truck rants should definitely be reality talks about gear and life. hard to make them new and interesting but I think the younger crowd and people who shouldn't or should be running gear; need to have more videos about what NOT to do.
Bro I love you and own 80% of your hoodies haha. All I wear! Next time drive with the sun behind you though. That sun visor was fucking with you the entire video! lol. I’ll be waiting for your next video brother! ❤
Trt saved my life i was overweight depressed 2 years later im in the gym every other day and took my manhood back thank you seth for the inspiration
@deathadone88 get off youtube comments and go see a fucking doctor dude
@deathadone88 You could see a doctor or get a online referral to a lab to see where your levels are, then if you feel like it is a life long thing you want to get into then go for it.
I dont recommend starting without dr guiding you, but if you have to be an army of 1, then due diligance on the research of everything. You will need to know what type of test, the size syringe, injection site/sites, frequincey of injections, incorperating an Ai, and im more than likely missing something, anyway good luck
@deathadone88 Don't assume. Get with a competent doctor, get your labs done. If you are low in your total/free testosterone levels, AND you have symptoms AND you don't have other conditions (uncontrolled cholesterol, hypertension, heart arrythmia for example, it can be a huge improvement to quality of life.
@deathadone88Ok, you buy months worth and see how you feel? Doesn't work that way! You can't buy & try TRT for a month and come off if you don't like it!
@deathadone88 lots of info on low test signs, if you have all those signs then make an appointment with a urologist or wellness clinic to get a blood test. it will tell you if you are in need of trt. then you can decide
I've been on 125 of test cip weekly for 6 months. I've lost 58 lbs, and completely stopped my blood pressure meds. It's truly a game changer. I'm 43 and feel 25 again.🙏
How expensive has it been? You have insurance? Is it covered?
@@david-nanceMy insurance covers it.
@@mattyjay8896 I've never had insurance cover mine. Period. Then again its only 80 bucks per 10ml bottle.
@@egregiousblunder5395True. It's not crazy expensive if you get a prescription and don't insurance.
My insurance doesn't cover it and I'm 53. It's around $3-5K annually. I can't afford it. @@mattyjay8896
Yes, more truck rants and longer truck rants. It’s good to listen to during cardio
The transparency and brutal honesty is much appreciated and much respect. Thanks Seth!
You think people are honest??
@cale583 no I don't think 99% of people are honest, but for the fitness industry, Seth is as real as it gets!
I am 39 years old been going to the gym since I was 21 years old but really took it serious at 30 and 2 years ago i was very depressed. I told my dr and they said i had PTSD. I didn't know what to do didn't want to go out and pushed ppl out of my life. They wanted to put me on antidepressants and all sort of medication. My wife and I talked to one of my old brother and he said how TRT helped him and how his low test really messed him up. I went the urologist and my test was abnormally low. 2 years later, TRT changed my life I was in a low point thinking life wasn't worth it to back to loving life TRT saved me.
One of my favorite things about your channel is you always preach accountability. We need so much more of this today. Thanks for the good content!
TRT changed my life bro. So glad you decided to do a Truck rant! I still listen to your previous rants too because they get me pumped up. Glad to be seeing a lot more of you Seth..#HWMF #AAR
I really enjoy your rants, not just for the topic, but also because I'm from western PA and lived in and around Pgh for about 10 years, so seeing the scenery in the background checks the nostalgic box for me.
Seth and the team, we love you and appreciate you all, stay safe and stay warm!
- with love from Kansas City
I wish I have your type of attitude about life. I’m only 23 that can still build their character. I’m slowly learning how to deal with ups and downs about life. Recently got out of a four year relationship. It’s been three months already. Thank you for making these types of videos!
Don’t worry bro, you got your whole life ahead of you still, and you will continue to learn as you go
Also, don’t let the end of your relationship bring you down. You will find someone else eventually. And honestly, probably will find an even better relationship/ deeper love. From 19-23, you’re really still just a kid in a lot of ways. You haven’t experienced enough of life to really understand what you truly want, need, desire, etc. Same with your partner. So as great as your relationship may have seemed, I bet that you will have another relationship in the future which is much “better” in many ways
All the best man
I’ll give you some advice and hopefully it helps you the same way it did me.
Read, read and read, stoicism/Hellenic Philosophy, don’t disregard what doesn’t resonate straight away. Practice everything that you agree with. There is no easy way to just accept the world as it is, but knowledge is power and it does help you understand what the universe is and not what you want it to be. Eat well, train smart, live life, don’t be materialistic, yes you’re young enjoy things in moderation but don’t lose sight of your goals. Find what matters to you. Save your money and buy a place that’s big enough for what you need and the future.
Learn from the mistakes of others and do not ignore your instincts. Try to always think logically, do not let external events out of your control send you into chaos, accept them and people for who and what they are.
@@Day-ZDukedamn this was not meant for me, but thanks for those words man. appreciate it
@@Day-ZDuke I appreciate your advice and take in what you and the other person that replied to me. Have a good day Duke.
I could only imagine the conversations if Rich Piana and Seth were to have podcasts or vlogs together. Appreciate your content Seth.
My natural test dropped off when i was 27. I'm 36 now and been on TRT 9 years in the UK. Best decision I ever made. ❤️
Do you pay private or did you get it on the NHS
Getting on TRT at 27 is pretty early...sounds like a short cut to me. Im 45 and only just considering it now.
@@2011hwalker if you have low test then you have low test age is just a indicator of natural decline in most people but everyone is different.
@@2011hwalkerI've got half of the test levels of guys twice my age and I'm not even 30 yet. Definitely not a shortcut if he needs it
@@2011hwalkeryou sound like you might be a GP. You’re definitely not an endocrinologist because you don’t have his blood work and you made a conclusion based on his age.
Glad I found your channel.. Looks like the type content I enjoy.. I have been lifting over 30 years and have seen and done everything in the gym… Luckily I’m 52 and still healthy.. Still lifting 3 days a week..
How did I just find your channel today? Love the real talk in the truck man. Great vibes.
Love the truck rants!!! I love the argument that says “no I’m not taking steroids, I’m on TRT” but it’s not from a doctor and they don’t need it. Like you said, just a low dose of test 😂
Who really cares!? I can tell who is on gear without them saying. Avg person doesnt need to disclose if they use or not. No other drug do we care if somebody is using or not.
I’m on trt but I don’t hide it, if people as I’m always honest about it, if anything I guide them and say it could be something useful to them in their life depending on age and how they feel
First time hearing of you Seth. I’m glad i clicked on this video, totally enjoyed it. Thanks bro.
I love your rawness and transparency with humor.. it's great 🎉
I'd let him rawdawg me!!!!
I am currently on TRT and man it has greatly improved my life. I was tested and had low T levels. I am 7 months in and so far no regrets. Having said that, I would not claim to be natural while on TRT. Great video as usual. Keep them coming.
How did you get on it? Any recommendations for specific clinics?
@@RLantern23it’s not a specific clinic, it’s going to an endocrinologist’s and having them test your testosterone levels to then recommend, if your levels are low enough, a dose to bring your levels back into a normal range.
Well you need to look at the big picture. If you are on TRT its due to low T. If you take the TRT weekly your levels are now like a regular guy or close. That is natural, your being fooled to think you are not natural on TRT when taken to get you to normal levels. Now if you abuse the TRT and mega dose then yes, you are now not natural.
TRT changed my life, I definitely needed it. Also on Deca 😊 43 and crushing it
Bet you shoot big loads
@@sloppytaco9629 opposite actually
Tren will do that@@sloppytaco9629
TRT, Deca, and Tren is the best TRT
Are you also prescribed deca? If so, how does one find out if they need it?
TRT is so common now even amongst younger generations. I am certainly not opposed to it but it does bother me when I see someone that has gone half-ass on workouts/eating and not seen any gains start convincing themselves that they need TRT. Makes me wonder how much of it is unwarranted...
If it’s unwarranted, it’ll become obvious. If the dosage level is in the TRT range, and a person already had normal levels of Test, they’re spending money and the minor annoyance of injecting weekly/bi-weekly for.. almost nothing or nothing at all. If you’re low, and have low symptoms, it can be life changing. If you’re low and don’t’ have low symptoms, it’s of very limited value. If you’re not even low, and get on it, all you’re doing it shutting your own balls off and replacing what it was doing with synth that isn’t giving anything extra. Need to get to levels of PED to gain benefit if you weren’t low to begin with, and then it’s no longer TRT.
lol trt is not gonna get you jacked
TRT is new slang for cruising 😂
Another awesome video 👏🏻 💪🏻 🫡
Cruise on 3cc... easy mode 👌 obv sarcasm
You’re the man, look forward to you truck rants more than anything!
Best channel out there! The daily content is 🙌🏻 don’t stop after January Seth .
Good stuff man…lifting almost 25 years here myself, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made was get that first gym membership
I have missed the truck rants!!! Love it!! Hope to see more truck rants brother!! Soo grateful for all the content lately!!
I'm 47 and went on true TRT 6 years ago. I went 3-4 years on 175mg per week. Loved it so much, I just stay at 250mg year rough now. Feel fanatics and look great for my age. I tell people I'm on TRT, but don't discuss dosages.
You don't talk about your dosage but yet you just told us wtf
@@tomkeppler3519 You're right, Tom. I'm sure some people at my gym are going to see this and call me out. If it helps, I work out at the LA Fitness in Queens, NY off 79th. 🙄
175 a week is not trt, lol
@@MB-rr1fbit absolutely is
@@MB-rr1fb lmaooo...then what is it???
Brand new subscriber, love the honesty and information in the video keep em coming it really put me in a great place mentally after listening to the video! Thank You
Been watching you forever. I love you Man. The only bodybuilder I learn from.
Hey Seth, great video as always. I got my H2 and Demo Day today and I’m super stoked to use it for my chest day tomorrow. Fast delivery too!
Stop lying stephen
Let’s go been waiting for the video to drop
100mgs Mon,wed,fri I’ve been doing this for 5 months and been feeling great! Making steady progress in the gym. Can’t complain
same! just started two months ago
100mgs per injection 3x a week? That alot if so, not a TRt dose
@@aaronrus correct, my doc is cool with it.
Seth - I really enjoy your rants as well as training sessions. As a 61 year old lifter, honestly I want to look better and instead of working on making sure I don’t screw up my joints (too late) I want to get bigger...you help motivate me not to be a pussy. However, my son has been dealing with cancer for half his life and was a great college athlete and I will be honest Cancer is the worst. However, when his T dropped below 200 after years of treatment he didn’t feel like a sick athlete, he felt like a cancer patient. Huge difference is quality of life. We got him to a T specialist And he’s been on a weekly dose that has him steady at ~800 and it’s keeping him strong and able to hit the gym for a workout every day. So for those who think T is wrong .... they all can go F themselves!
Really enjoyed the truck rant. Keep on grinding. Loving it
Went on 150 a week of Test Cyp at 55 per doctor after blood showed a total of 72. My life and health improved dramatically. Blood work needed every 6 months to start with. It took me years before I would talk openly about it due to feelings of inadequacy. Then you find out a bunch of friends have a script.
Bro tons have scripts. No shame helps tremendously with mental health for us men.
That’s actually a low dose, and blood work will always be needed in order to monitor your levels. I’m 52, been on TRT for 10 years, 200ml every 5 days. Each person is different, as mine rises to 1600 and by day 5 it’s down to 600, so I inject every 2.5 days of 100ml. It levels my number out at 900-1100 consistently. Feels awesome.
@CalvinK225 that's a little more of a steroid cycle dose to be honest.
3/4 of the guys at my gym are using TRT 💉 they all look great … I’m not there yet … my T levels are 500 at 58 years old … I always train and eat a 90 percent carnivore diet … I eat a bit of carbs and fruit … I’m at 11 percent body fat … the doc says keep up what I’m doing … however … I really want to be at 750 … so my next endocrinologist visit is in March … my birthday month .. I go once a year … I really believe it’s time to step it up do to my age .. and 500 is good … I use almost all of it … I look great because I’ve got 45 years in weight training and I eat very good and stay away from alcohol… good luck everyone … it’s great to see we have bad ass men in this world of freaks and geeks 👍👍🏆
My Testosterone levels are so low that Cialis does nothing but make my cheeks a little red. The frustration and shame is horrible.
As always, loved every minute of this video.😊
what is a good way to start with steroids, what to use. things that are important to keep in mind, a good age to start/ how many years of experience natty ? and a ''safe way'' to start with steroids. Amazing vids bro!!! keep the coming.
I absolutely destroyed my body from steroid abuse when I was young. Test, Tren, Deca, EQ, Dbol was what worked for me, but I abused it for many years. When I was off, mentally and physically, something was wrong, and I stayed that way for years. Ever since I started on TRT, I have felt great again. I love the energy and honesty Seth brings in all his content. Ive been watching for years and am always looking for new videos. Keep them coming Seth!
If ever do anything else besides TRT I will take it in small dosages while monitoring everything to be safe. Myself I'll probably have to stay on TRT the rest of my life to. I started TRT at the age of 42. When I got tested my total testosterone level was at 238ng which is considered low. Now I'm 46, I take 100mgs of TRT weekly. My total testosterone level end up around 650ng on average which is a mid range level. I do feel a little better since being on TRT. The problem I have is I'm carrying about 70 pounds of fat on me. I'm sure I would feel a bigger difference on TRT if I got my weight down.
Try the carnivore diet. I was like you and came off and now I feel back to normal with nothing. I was way overweight and didn’t feel like myself. Now on carnivore I lost a bunch of weight effortlessly and no training.
I love it. Truck rants!!! Everything you represent.
The truck rants are fun to listen to! What kinds of tools do YOU use when you have a day to get out and split wood and smoke cigars? That might be a fun topic
I'm on TRT I just started two weeks ago an I've been on methadone treatment for 10 years and any opiate treatment lowers testosterone by half in men. 10 years ago I was in the army an I finally said I don't feel right something's not right i don't work out like I use to an I'm not getting any bigger. Got tested and my testosterone was below normal. But I'm also 36. So I made my kids young so I'm not worried about taking TRT.
Love you Seth. I’m 42 on trt plus primo. 200 test 100 primo. Never felt better or stronger. Bloodwork looking great. Did gear heavy at a younger age and glad I don’t have any serious repercussions. Praying for the younger crowd to reach natty potential before going to the dark side
31 years on TRT of one sort or another. Today at almost 60, I am only needing 80mg per week (40mg M/Th). I do use a transcrotal cream 2x a week as well and I feel damn amazing! That is what I have settled on and it flat out gets the job done. I do run labs, but I could give a shit what the numbers show! I feel GREAT
Srsly?? 31 yrs?? Wow.. worst sides you ever had?
I really have not had horrible sides. Some water retention and issues with acne when adding dhea. Other than that. I will be 60 in a few months and i certainly am thriving. I dont watch numbers much and I go by how I feel. I also did experience some mild hairloss@User-5amk1m0
Completely agree. Started myself on a “low dose” of TRT at 38 for 4 months. Worked wonders. Just started test and EQ…hopeful lol.
I’m 28 after the military I was on heavy doses of anti depressants and anti psychotics. Finally broke down and found my testosterone levels were bottomed out. I’ve been on 225 of trt once a week and may be going up again soon as some symptoms still prevalent. Feel like a new man finally losing fat like a normal person energy is getting better. No longer on any medication aside from my TRT and estrogen blocker and it’s great
Two shots week should be .minimum 3x or every other day works best for most. Usually shbg levels determines your injection frequency
@@mattmason4589 I’ve seen mixed opinions on it. I spoke with my provider about more frequent injections but they saw no need for it
Love it, no fucking crying about it. Just fucking own it.. hey bud your videos always put a smile on my face and you help keep me motivated. Cheers.
Love these vids bro
From a not natty
More truck rants please, this was the first one I’ve seen. Perfectly said on steroids, you take ‘em then suck it up. 👍
If you’re blasting 200+mg a week, that isn’t TRT.
I’m a late 30s dude. Had persistent depression, sexual dysfunction, you name it. I have congenital defects with my testicles, doesn’t help things. Docs wanted to throw SSRIs at me.
Got tested, levels were in the basement. 275-300ish total, free was out the ref range. First doc put me on too much. 180mg/wk. My total shot up to 1500+. Way too high. E2 was high, lots of sides. Found another doc who wasn’t trying to juice me to the moon, and now I’m on 100/wk. My total numbers peak around 750, so I average around where a normal guy averages. No sides, I feel good, everything works.
You got to love Seth’s transparency
Truck rants have always been great
I’m so glad you said that TRT is different for everybody. For some reason people think 200mg test per week is TRT for everybody. Some people need 80mg per week some people 200mg per week to put them in a normal range.
Bro, that’s common sense. It depends on your T level number. If your at 500 and I’m at 65, you won’t get 200ml every five days, you may get 200ml every 10 days.
Literally nobody needs 200mg/week for TRT. That's not TRT. That's a baby cycle 100%. It doesn't matter who you are, there are zero people on this planet that need 200mg to get to normal levels. Period.
I wish I could get away with 80mg, my doc started me at 100mg and my total test was only 213 on that dose, bumped it up to 160mg and that put me at 549 total test. Now I'm at 200mg per week and my total T is at 825 which feels good enough for me.
@@jonathansaffron3119 700-900 levels are perfect and all that’s needed. Anything over that, side effects occur and lots of water weight.
Respect for being honest to people at the most easy way to understand the information! hat down
I cant wait to eventually start TRT. Trying to have kids and we are already high risk so doctor advised to wait. Took HCG for 8 wks to see if any change but none. Asked about using HCG alongside test but he said to risky. Having kids is way more important to me but man, I can't wait to feel normal again.
I love this dude. I'm on test. 200mg a week but before testosterone my level was 94 lol lol. So I really really needed it.
thanks for the truck rant!!!! we need more!!!
Steroids greatly boosted my fitness progress, enabling me to surpass previous milestones and achieve results more quickly. Their effectiveness depends on incorporating them wisely within a carefully designed regimen that prioritizes both growth and well-being.
Test Enan is commonly used in hormone replacement therapy to address low testosterone levels, promoting muscle growth and improving overall well-being. Tren, on the other hand, greatly enhances muscle size and strength. Speeds up recovery from injuries as well.
Totally agree. Steroids helped me recover faster and maintain muscle mass, especially during intense training or after injury. It's amazing how they can support bone health as well, which is crucial for people with conditions like osteoporosis.
There’s no doubt to the benefits of steroids. Honestly, it has greatly impacted my life. It played a major role in achieving my desired physique. People should learn not to abuse these substances and act like they are all bad.
Hey everyone, I’m looking for reliable sources for both steroids and protein supplements. I know it’s crucial to be cautious with these, especially with steroids, so I want to make sure I’m getting them from trustworthy sources. For protein supplements, I’m also interested in recommendations for reputable brands. Any suggestions or advice on where to find safe and high quality options?
Jeremyproteins is the person you want. He's the most knowledgeable about muscle-building supplements that I know.
I've had guys at work flat out ask me if I am on gear. Not because I am huge, but because I dropped 28lbs and my physique completely changed. I went from dad body to seeing delt caps, pecks, and arm definition in my sweaters. I was open and transparent. I told them I got my diet back in check, got off my ass and back to the gym and added in a TRT dose of 125mg's a week. I told them after 4 back to back blood tests across a year my highest total test was 218 and estradiol was next to zero, there was literally a < on my result. Got my calcium score back and it was zero, which was shocking and incredibly considering being 40 and not eating the best for a decade and zero training. TRT is a game changer for those that really need it. A lot of my boys still cycle to this day and all of them are 40+ and I support them 100%. I think we have a similar goal Seth, to live an optimized lifestyle as we age. More truck rants please!
NEWSFLASH: TRT is gearing. LOL
@@noodlesvr95615nobody cares. Cry alone
@@TyCorr apparently you care… a lot. Stay salty no one cares about your HUGE post that even isn’t accurate
“TRT dose of…” Bruh! 🤣🙌🏻
Trt is gear lol you can’t claim natty on trt lol
We're all gonna make it brahs
Last time I did anything was test deca and anadrol 50. Best I ever felt. Nothing too crazy and it’s been a long time. No negative side effects.
Seth you’re a real one for this!
I don’t usually comment but I see a bunch of men commenting but as a woman on trt 8mg a week it’s the best thing I ever did for my health. It’s only been 13 weeks but I feel so much better. I was ready to give up on life sounds dramatic but true. Transcend is awesome
Did you notice any muscle gain & fat loss? Also any change in libido?
Really like this type of video. Keep it up!
I'm on TRT for my age a little bit, but one of my anti-seizure meds dropped my testosterone almost to nothing. I was miserable. I'm getting my levels tested again today. Hopefully good. My first test since I started. I use the gel version. I changed my dose from prescribed from 4 pumps to 5. I'm disabled with a bad right hip, so I want to strengthen my upper body in case I end up in a wheel chair.
I have to modify my workout to not stand when lifting. Lots of pretty good tricks I have come up with. If I push downwards, no problems since that lifts my upwards and I can stand for that.
Realest dude in the industry,respect! 👊🏻
You are a genuine human. You may rant on ANYTHING you feel like.
You're awesome brother! I love how you keep it real.
This is the stuff I love. Thanks brother
Recently attended my 4th funeral over test and derivatives of test. 4 funerals and all less than 45 years old each in just 3 past years.
41 and just got on trt 150mg a week. I feel great. I have energy for work, family, and gym, but I did labs and am getting monitored by my doctor.
I effing love this guy! Seth, you are the man and we need more men in this world like you.
Much love bro
Great truck rant! I’m on 360 mg of TRT and the occasional Deca cycle through my doctor. My test levels are not super physical based on my bloodwork, but I’m no different than anyone doing any of this shit just because I use a doctor. I like to look good and feel good. Eventually, the music will stop and maybe I’ll be without a chair, but it’s a choice.
That’s not TRT…….
@@Dan-zs8pk I’ll be sure to call your front desk with my insurance information doctor.
A question, how did you bring up the subject with your Dr? I’m 63 and like anyone my age probably have low T but I can’t say that it’s affecting my life very much. I want to look better, bigger etc but afraid a Dr isn’t going to prescribe just so I can look better.
@@Rooster-fo7lgTHAT IS NOT TRT. nobody produces 360mg of test and fucking deca a week that is not REPLACEMENT THERAPY. Your on cycle
@@stevecoll7748you go to a Dr who specializes in it. A primary care physician is not going to be the way to go. If you feel fine, your drive, focus, sleep, motivation etc is good, then you probably don’t need it.
man i love your transparency about steroid usage. much respect
Truck rants!!!!!!!! Topic: human interaction when moving forward in work and/or business owning
Big Seth hasn’t let the internet fame change him. That’s genuine
I’ve worked with 3 TRT doctors including the Veterans endocrinologist and my test levels never improved. I wish I could feel normal/have normal test levels atleast
Great rant! Keep em coming!
As to the new fake natty, I say yes. I feel if anything is prescribed by a doctor it no longer holds the negative label. TRT is just a low dose of steroids. If you're prescribed pain meds, you're still taking narcotics. The reason is just different.
Keep up the great work, Seth!
TRT for me at 51 my Dr gives me one shot of Sus 250 every 3 weeks so once a month basically, i feel pretty good. Tried higher doses but it got complicated with gyno so then needed to take more meds to counteract, now im good with once a month for 5 years
Was laughing my ass off this whole video😂 good shit Seth, great channel!
Realest dude in the industry. Massive respect 🫡
I look for my headphones as soon his videos come. 😂 but still love it.
I’m 30. Test was 304. No libido. Literally didn’t think about sex. Doctor said TRT and HCG. Now I’m 900 test, feel amazing, made more gains, libido is great. All on 150mg/week. When yoi genuinely need it, it’s life changing!
You are 30 you shouldn’t need it .Its absurd
@@TrevorCrook-c1s50% of men need it , it’s not absurd it’s needed. Chill.
Ive had boners and sexual function after coming off gear and having test in the 200s. Keep an eye on that ed. 300s you should still feel ok. Glad you feel better and test is the most effective mood regulator. Middle age men get a brain fog that is truly where they detach a bit from life and start getting old. Test therapy gets rid of that.
@@TrevorCrook-c1s Thanks TH-cam doctor! I will now not listen to my actual doctor because of this incredible advice surely steeped in decades of academia.
@@TrevorCrook-c1sdoctors love making new life long patients instead of figuring out the root cause. In your 30 it’s almost always sleep issues, lack of Vit D, weed, alcohol issues shit diet
4:18 Dead ringer for Dan Aykroyd
Damn i love the truck rants
Im 40, recently got blood work and my free test level was 315. Ive been debating to start TRT for almost a year now. I eat correct and weight train 3 to 4 times a week. Just a bit nervous because ive never done any thing similar to test. Always natural. Maybe i just need to stop being scared and do it lol. Procrastinating is my issue
I'm going in this Thursday 1/18 to get my testosterone tested. I'm going to my primary care physician so I trust them and they have gone over all the pro's and cons with me but they are pretty serious about monitoring. I'm excited/nervous/curious to see what my levels come back at. Reading through the comments and following Seth has given me the confidence to go get tested.
Go to a urologist, not a primary care doctor. They don’t believe in the shot, cypionate etc..
Going in myself to be tested in a couple months. Been taking androgel TRT now for 5 weeks, set up also through my primary care doctor, who I very much trust. I’m interested if your willing to share……..what your starting levels were and what you find out in a few days. Thanks and best wishes 👍🏻
Got tested and they said my levels were normal (386) so I didn't qualify as I need 2 low tests in a row (sub 332) I'm a 39y/o male. I'll test again in 6 months or so. Good luck with yours!!@@danieljames1065
im on 70 x 2 every 3.5 days, been on for almost 2 years. TRT improved my life tremendously
A good topic would be suicide prevention. Mental illness seems to be a big problem today, especially in veterans. On average 22 veterans commit suicide a day, thats 22 too many. You have a big platform, so maybe a five minute truck rant could help someone not make the decision to end it all. If you helped just one it would be worth the rant. Been a Seth fan since way back, thanks for all the great content.
I'm 5'6 ......and you Mr. Feroce are my hero.......BTW 200mgs a week of Test ....From my Dr im 55 years old I feel great
Gym is my therapy lol,I'm 41,I felt like trash for years ,went to my doc and my test levels were low test ,not much ,I just have to take .5 a week,after a few months man I feel so much better in so many ways,my life sucks so I'll take it,cant be worst honestly lol
I just had my first dose of test yesterday. 200mg, how do I make the most of it. For now I’m going to continue with a bro split and see what happens!
Also it’s 2 am and here in Texas and I’m heading to the gym to head chest!!!🎉 Let’s f@$&ing go!!!!
The way to choose your dose is this: Get your blood work after you've been on it a few months. If it's above 1000 & you work at a desk, that's a bit too high. If you work with your hands & move all day, that is fine. You're welcome.
You don’t feel total T. To be fair, it might not be “a bit too high (or low)” depending on your free-T levels. At 1000 ng/dl and a free T of like 165-that is garbage. You still have some work to do to figure out what’s keeping you down. Could be SHBG or aromatization, etc. It’s not that simple.
@@Yt-user65000 I never said anything about feelings or free test.
@@FirstnameLastname-pe5ib you’re right. You just said if your total T is at some arbitrary number & you’re active it’s fine, but if you’re not active it’s not. Total T doesn’t mean jack shit. It’s your free T that actually matters.
I’ve Been on trt for 6 years. 200mg a week. I have no thyroid, insulin resistance syndrome and nerve/muscle damage to the entire left side of my body after a power lifting injury in my 20s. It has been a life saver and has helped me significantly to lose weight and build muscle. I have also blasted many different compounds from injectables to orals. obviously as power lifter at 250lbs+ competing in power lifting everyone is blasting heavily so if you want to win you basically don’t have a choice. I definitely messed my body up with gear which is why I think I have the thyroid and insulin resistance issue. A lot of people say they’re in “trt” when they truly either don’t need it or don’t understand what it’s meant for. They just think coming of a cycle and running 150mg of test a week until next cycle is trt 🤷🏻♂️ I just preach to all the teens and dudes in their 20s to stay completely natural unless you truly have the heart to compete and the mental strength to compete in bodybuilding or powerlifting. Other then that why kill your self early? I’d be surprised if I make it past 45 years old and I have 4 kids, a wife and a grandchild so just think of that when you want to go and ruin or organs just to look good..
Some men will be in the high 800’s using only 80 mg/wk. You really have to get bloodwork, otherwise you are guessing.
Great rant👍🏻. Love your attitude 👊🏻
Good video brother !
Being honest with everybody is good practice for the hardest thing in life and that is being honest with yourself, that's most people problem is they can't except life and be honest with their self and knowing when the music stops !
I think truck rants should definitely be reality talks about gear and life. hard to make them new and interesting but I think the younger crowd and people who shouldn't or should be running gear; need to have more videos about what NOT to do.
Bro I love you and own 80% of your hoodies haha. All I wear! Next time drive with the sun behind you though. That sun visor was fucking with you the entire video! lol. I’ll be waiting for your next video brother! ❤