KingOfMadCows He did. But his supporters have no idea what that is. No wonder their brains don't function...they don't use protection when mating with their siblings.
KingOfMadCows yeah what an abortion is is they pull the baby out by its feet part way. then they crush the skull with forceps to make it slip out easier.
Also... NO WOMEN USE ABORTIONS AS THEIR PRIMARY FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL. They are way too expensive, invasive, and emotionally difficult (from hormones, if nothing else) for that to happen. It is understandable why conservatives would want to make it so that abortions aren't a person's primary form of birth control (for religious reasons...or for simple health reasons. Getting dozens of abortions is not recommended by doctors). But no one does that. The average abortion in the US costs anywhere from $300-1000. So relying on abortion as your only form of birth control makes absolutely no sense from any financial perspective (the poorest of us don't even have $300 to spare, and the wealthiest can pay for less invasive types of birth control.) It just isn't a thing.
It was THRILLING to hear Hillary stand up for the right to late term abortion as a necessary health care issue. I haven't heard a woman politician speak that way in public, EVER.
In a medical emergency for a late term pregnancy, did you know it's easier to perform a C-section than aborting a baby? For a late term abortion you need to go in at least a week beforehand to start the dilation process. C-section you can do right there. The problem is it's still alive. I guess you could just throw it to the ground and bust it's skull Negan style. 2:46 "Worst possible choices a woman has to make." Why is that Hilary? If it's not a life it should be easy. Yes, you know it's hard. Because you know you're killing a life so you're life isn't so hard! 2:15 It's so funny that they love bringing up failed business ventures. Yeah, they stopped making money and were abandoned. Unlike the government. They can keep throwing money at failed programs because they're not worried about if it makes economic sense. Just keep using our money and borrow the rest. The Hil wants to throw more money at the failed Obamacare.
I'm happy Samantha brought up the fact that Trump used the non-word "bigly" twice within the first 20 minutes. The first time I heard it I wasn't sure, but then to clarify he used it again. I now have a much better understanding of why he never speaks in complete sentences like an intelligent person when he obviously isn't. It's truly pathetic that this is what the Republicans are left with, what a joke.
Adrian Juarenze do you know how they remove the baby in an abortion though. they pull it out feet first up to the head, then they crunch the skull and pull the rest out
I need a 'miss Rodham if you're nasty' t-shirt right now to got with my nasty woman mug! They should have gone with that campaign slogan from the start.
Purzius Conservatives have been doing it for years. I can't tell you how many times I've heard those exact words from "sidewalk counselors" while volunteering with a reproductive rights organization, obtaining birth control from a clinic that performed abortions, and finally after getting my own. Trump just does it with significantly less finesse than the Republicans we're used to. Which is terrifying because it's not like Bush, Gingrich, or McCain have ever been subtle.
spitxfire99 Hillary's private server was discussed non-stop all across the media spectrum for months, and we eventually came to the conclusion that the idea of the scandal was more scandalous than anything that was actually in those emails.
I assume that you are not a doctor or a nurse or a person who gave any thought to your comment before posting it. Birth, or "taking the baby out" does not guarantee survival; not by a long shot. But, mostly, you are missing the important point. Misinformed, misogynist Trump has no idea what he is talking about regarding abortion or immigration or racial relations or the constitution or his opponent's qualifications to be on that stage. If Hillary responded to Trump as he has responded to her, the entire country would be in the toilet in a heartbeat.
Wrong, if you tie rocks to a babies legs after birth and throw it into a lake, and it drowns and you have to save it, then you can tell for sure it's not a demon. Only then, by the grace of god, does it survive.
Conservatives" We want small government that doesn't get in my way or tell me what to do" wants to vote for Government policies that tell women what they must do with their bodies. "So what I really mean is, I want a government that doesn't tell me what to do, but makes everyone else act in a way I'd like 'em to act".
I made this same revelation a couple weeks ago. It really is fascinating how such contrasting ideologies can coexists within the same political entity.
+Torgo Gorgo youtube is currently glitched on mobile devices to where comments duplicate and there is no way to delete them. But thanks for your non-argument.
The job of the government is to protect rights to **life**, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. **Life**. When you abort a child, you are ending it's life. It's okay, I understand most leftist don't understand the concept of rights in the first place.
Every abortion is a failure. Not an insight or a punchline. Also, most of her information is actually false. Partial Birth abortions are a real thing. Just because she is using different nomenclature to identify it does not mean it's imaginary. Much like how liberals use the term "pro choice" instead of the more apt "pro abortion." The term "partial birth abortion" is just an identifying moniker they don't like. So partial birth abortions don't exist, the same way Bea and others like her are not "pro abortion."
I love you, Sam Bee. Thank you for speaking for women (and intelligent men) everywhere. You are brave and smart and hilarious. So glad you're in the world, doing your comedy show!
I think the point was that late night talk show hosts aren't journalists, they're comedians. They're in the same box as Sam Bee when it comes to doing the job that the media are supposed to.
Thank you, Hillary, for speaking passionately about abortion rights. I had to have an abortion after finding out in the 14th week of a very wanted pregnancy that the fetus had a chromosomal issue that would eventually result in a miscarriage. At best, I could carry it until the third trimester, but there was no chance it would survive to birth. My husband and I decided to abort because it was the safest option and would allow me to recover and try again sooner. Trump and Pence are incredibly ignorant when it comes to reproduction and women's rights!
do you understand how expensive pregnancy's are? or how some woman simply cant care for a baby? or some poor underage girl, who cant have a baby because her family would throw her out on the street? do you remember back when abortions were illegal and how many died from coat hanger/ back alley abortions? Abortions are something woman have almost all of the time when they have no other options. Contraception can fail, accidents happen. their are so so many kids in foster care and homes I don't see a problem with woman having the right to their reproductive organs. I'm pro choice because WE deserve to have the right to choose not lawmakers.
+Pale Compass I hate to break it to you but those tests for birth defects are more often wrong than right. So, you most likely killed a healthy baby. Good job! /watch?v=dhtphabTpIs
Dominique Titulaer I don't believe that I am related to anyone named Kim. That said, I'm not sure of all my cousins' children or second cousins and so on.
Yeah she's great, sadly when her videos are trending their filled with the kind of scrum who literally click on a video just to dislike it. No knowing that more views just equals more popularity for her. Anyways she has the best political comedy on TV right now
THANK YOU SAMANTHA BEE for telling it like it is!!!! Wish all the Men and Women Supporting TRUMP would educate themselves on many of his ignorant and uneducated comments he spits out. Or more like vomits.
EA LA what? Trump is for America. You need to get educated. All this video is is propaganda. And we won't stop, because fascists are trying to take over the country. And Trump is what's stopping them.
Facts? Oh, you mean like these ones: CNN is owned by Comcast, the largest multi-media conglomerate in the world. ABC is owned by Disney, the second largest multi-media conglomerate in the world. MSMBC is owned by Time Warner, the third largest multi-media conglomerate in the world. CBS is owned by National Amusements. Fox News is owned by 21st Century Fox. All of the above corporations have supported Hillary Clinton and demonstrate an sizable interest in her campaign. The Clinton campaign has indulged in numerous unethical and illegal activities (see: project Veritas) and has the media under her thumb to boot. Come this November when I vote, I do so to keep a senator crooked as Nixon out of office.
Original Narrator yeah yeah, but I'm talking about abortions here. Can you at least admit he was very wrong about what he said? that he was ill informed? just as Hillary pivoted to Putin during her answer, you are pivoting towards her dealings with corporate suits to disregard the fact that Trump was not informed about late term abortions and used sensationalist language to influence you and others and to mislead you from a very sad issue that you might as well face (god forbid). Now, as for corporations, there is a problem there for sure, politicians should divorce themselves from companies, for ever, in that we agree, that's a very transversal problem and there is nothing to add, I think that's what I hate more about hillary (I have not bothered much with the e-mails thing, I'm not from US, I'm just a fan of Samantha from the daily show, she is awesome). Allthough, what makes you think Donald Trump isn't in bed with some coorporations too, after all he used to work in TV, he has bussiness with constructors. What if he makes a deal that benefits him when building his ridiculous wall?
The reason why it's called partial birth is because it requires the doctor to pull the fetuses body half way through the the birth canal. Whilst the fetus is already halfway out of the birth canal the doctor has to cut through the fetuses head. The fetus was already halfway out of the the birth canal before it was terminated, and that's why it's called partial birth.
Thank you for putting all this up. I'm sure it ruins advertising and must cut your budget. But this episode (and many others) are essential for the public to understand...
Debate: boarder security. Another debate: boarder security. Another debate: boarder security. Another debate: boarder security. Another debate: abortion. Samantha Bee: "Their talking about abortion again? Oh my gosh! You people talk about that too much!
Ron Lester I truly don't understand why Trump is a bad option. His policies are spot on and he's surrounded himself with great advisors. Hilary is always neck deep in scandal and has horrible policy and everyone around her is getting fired...
Here's a fact. Only one candidate held a position as a public servant, sworn to serve her constituents. That same candidate used her position for personal gain. FACT!
well... yeah it is! Propaganda is a form of communication meant to influence the opinion or attitude of a community in regards to a an idea or occurence. If publicity, ads, are to material goods; propaganda is to ideas. Why is it immoral for Bee and her show to have a clear position in this issues? it's a comedic show, they don't need to be unbiased, they just need to be truthful, and everything she said was factual. You seem to use the term "Propaganda" in a peyorative way, I understand, communist dictatorship used propaganda to lie to their people, but this is not the case. Samanatha Bee is a private individual, she has a right to voice her opinions, this is not an oppressive goverment trying to manipulate the ideas of people, it's just an individual trying to insert her ideas in the public sphere, which is ok.
Took up your world. Thought about it. Nah... I enjoyed this because this is exactly what I was already thinking when I was watching the debate. This show's host articulated more than I can hope for. I have sisters, aunts, cousins that I deeply care about and I would want them to live in a country where they don't criminalize abortion. Abortion should be legal, as it is now, period.
As a medical professional getting trained in surgical gynecology as a specially I can say, PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION IS A THING AND IT DOES HAPPEN IN THE NINTH MONTH!!! Most often it is done by cutting the spinal cord at the baby's neck just after the head is exposed but before the whole body leaves the birth canal and is legally "a live birth". As for "life of mother". With the medical advancements we have today, life of mother is rarely an issue. Not to mention that we saved a mother and her baby when they were in a car crash and the mother was only 20 weeks. The pregnancy was complicating the mother's life, the husband wanted an emergency C instead of the advised abortion, and the baby survived. No matter my opinion on the topic, I'm sick of people screaming "facts" out of megaphones that simply are not true.
+Original Narrator I don't know, I usually give people the benefit of doubt, but on TH-cam comments Reverse Poe's Law is more likely in effect, so I take everything with a grain of capsicum.
Haha! Wow, good on you Samantha Bee. Possibly the funniest breakdown of the last debate I've seen. I know you people rooting for Trump will be eager to call me a ton of names, but maybe instead you could tell me which of his policy proposals earned him your vote.
I dont know why Trump supporters come here to comment.... they have popular satire late night shows that reflect their views, so they can comment with their own people? right?
True, but if "they" stick to "their side" and "we" stick to "our side," where will that get *_us_*? However unruly, some form of communication is generally better than none, right?
Ryan Gibson True! But I talk about the people that just type profanities and insult anybody that is "liberal" and has a different opinion. These trolls are not trying to communicate or have a civil discussion.
They feel like the net is their safe space (unless google is "suppressing" view counts). MSM has forced them into enclaves, where they can speak of being repressed cucks together while considering themselves to be among the intellectual elite, because breitbart told them that they are.
TheSportCompact ***** Both of you should be well aware that trolls and unruly followers exist on both sides. By pinning the blame of altercations on the other, you are only perpetuating that which you reject.
Because Sam addressed one of her remarks to men, I'd just like to point out that I've seen far more men speaking up for a woman's right to choose on social media in the last three weeks than I've seen speaking against it. In fact, even combined, the men and women speaking against a woman's right to choose has not equalled the number of men defending it. If there's been one good thing about this election, it is that the horrors of Trump have given the many, many good-hearted men who both like and love women a chance to speak up against paternalism and misogyny. THANK YOU TO EVERY MAN WHO FEELS THIS WAY, and especially those who stand up to be counted, now, when we need you the most.
Something in my brain exploded at the "on the last day" statement. Both me and my brother were four days early. When we're going into that territory it's no longer a collection of cells or components of a baby, or even premature birth. It's a healthy baby.
Question to Everyone: Does that really sound like a good idea? Because the media gets it right more often than wrong, and I hope you already knew that!
I hope this women watches the rebuttal to this auful video by Steven Crowder at his channel Louder with Crowder. But she probably won't even read the comment section for this video
Lydia Jones It's not that she's _"not perfect"_. There's more than that. From _"pay to play"_ to her lying about her policies (e.g. Colombia Free Trade, etc.). And then there's the cheating during the primary. And the _"she's not Trump"_ isn't an answer or excuse. But every time I've tried to ask HRC supporters if they know the particulars of any given incident they shut down.
I think Trump just described a C-section.
makes for a sweet metal album though. tiny hands reaching for dying feti? fetipode?
KingOfMadCows He did. But his supporters have no idea what that is. No wonder their brains don't function...they don't use protection when mating with their siblings.
KingOfMadCows well, have you seen ben Shapiro's vid on abortion?
KingOfMadCows yeah what an abortion is is they pull the baby out by its feet part way. then they crush the skull with forceps to make it slip out easier.
Finished the recent clips all at once. Now I'm sad. Need more Bee!
Also... NO WOMEN USE ABORTIONS AS THEIR PRIMARY FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL. They are way too expensive, invasive, and emotionally difficult (from hormones, if nothing else) for that to happen. It is understandable why conservatives would want to make it so that abortions aren't a person's primary form of birth control (for religious reasons...or for simple health reasons. Getting dozens of abortions is not recommended by doctors). But no one does that. The average abortion in the US costs anywhere from $300-1000. So relying on abortion as your only form of birth control makes absolutely no sense from any financial perspective (the poorest of us don't even have $300 to spare, and the wealthiest can pay for less invasive types of birth control.) It just isn't a thing.
no duh sherlock
Love her!!! I mean, S.B. nails it every time, but at the end of this speech I was applauding! Preach!
It was THRILLING to hear Hillary stand up for the right to late term abortion as a necessary health care issue. I haven't heard a woman politician speak that way in public, EVER.
Isabella Marcos How much do they pay you to say this?
In a medical emergency for a late term pregnancy, did you know it's easier to perform a C-section than aborting a baby? For a late term abortion you need to go in at least a week beforehand to start the dilation process. C-section you can do right there. The problem is it's still alive. I guess you could just throw it to the ground and bust it's skull Negan style.
2:46 "Worst possible choices a woman has to make." Why is that Hilary? If it's not a life it should be easy. Yes, you know it's hard. Because you know you're killing a life so you're life isn't so hard!
2:15 It's so funny that they love bringing up failed business ventures. Yeah, they stopped making money and were abandoned. Unlike the government. They can keep throwing money at failed programs because they're not worried about if it makes economic sense. Just keep using our money and borrow the rest. The Hil wants to throw more money at the failed Obamacare.
I'm happy Samantha brought up the fact that Trump used the non-word "bigly" twice within the first 20 minutes. The first time I heard it I wasn't sure, but then to clarify he used it again. I now have a much better understanding of why he never speaks in complete sentences like an intelligent person when he obviously isn't. It's truly pathetic that this is what the Republicans are left with, what a joke.
Mr Debunker I had to look it up too....bigly is a real word....look it up
Jack Potter no Bigly isn't as much as a word as partial birth abortion is
Ananya Bhaskar use the dictionary......
I think he's saying "big-league"
"Removing a baby in the 9th month its not abortion, it's giving birth" lol you're the best!!!
Adrian Juarenze do you know how they remove the baby in an abortion though. they pull it out feet first up to the head, then they crunch the skull and pull the rest out
So tell me ... how's that workin' out for ya ?
I need a shirt that says "Ms. Rodham, if you're nasty"
I need a 'miss Rodham if you're nasty' t-shirt right now to got with my nasty woman mug! They should have gone with that campaign slogan from the start.
Ooh, what about "Madam President, if you're nasty?"
All 'Nasty Woman' coffee mug proceeds go to help the children in Haiti -have more work making coffee mugs-.
It annoyes me a great deal that Donald can pull a lie like that (the 9th month thingy), and have no accountability.
Purzius Conservatives have been doing it for years. I can't tell you how many times I've heard those exact words from "sidewalk counselors" while volunteering with a reproductive rights organization, obtaining birth control from a clinic that performed abortions, and finally after getting my own. Trump just does it with significantly less finesse than the Republicans we're used to. Which is terrifying because it's not like Bush, Gingrich, or McCain have ever been subtle.
Yeah but when Hillary lies about her not having a private server... silence.
+spitfire99 That's a joke, right? That's got to be a joke.
Pablo360able Ask Samantha.
spitxfire99 Hillary's private server was discussed non-stop all across the media spectrum for months, and we eventually came to the conclusion that the idea of the scandal was more scandalous than anything that was actually in those emails.
I want to see Samantha Bee debate Kellyanne Conway or Katrina Pierson
That would be pay-per-view worthy honestly.
Katrina Pierson will lose bigly. Kellyanne on the other hand has mastered the art of the pivot. Every answer will be "Well Hillary Clinton did..."
Sam doesn't debate people, she just mocks and hurls insults behind other's backs, whilst having a dumb audience in front of her.
pkariiiiiiiii Typical brain dead Sam Bee supporter response.
+emcats84 Typical brain dead Whiny Drumpf supporter response.
Man that mic broke when it hit the ground, she dropped it so hard.
Oh my! That unexpected Dennis Hastert burn had me in stitches :-D Well done!
"Ms. Rodham if you're nasty". Lol Sam so savage.
You keep me woke. PREACH QUEEN
You've given me so much life right now, you nasty woman.
AnnaDeeDee lol
Andeavor you misspelled cancer, twice
im dying hahaha
You tell them Samantha Bee!!!
I completely lived for this 3 minutes and 52 seconds!
But if you take the baby out on the final day, it, well, survives...
I assume that you are not a doctor or a nurse or a person who gave any thought to your comment before posting it. Birth, or "taking the baby out" does not guarantee survival; not by a long shot. But, mostly, you are missing the important point. Misinformed, misogynist Trump has no idea what he is talking about regarding abortion or immigration or racial relations or the constitution or his opponent's qualifications to be on that stage. If Hillary responded to Trump as he has responded to her, the entire country would be in the toilet in a heartbeat.
Wait, do you think I'm a Trump supporter? Dear God, no!
Thanks for the clarification.
Wrong, if you tie rocks to a babies legs after birth and throw it into a lake, and it drowns and you have to save it, then you can tell for sure it's not a demon. Only then, by the grace of god, does it survive.
not if you puncture its head to deflate it by draining the brains... (what a partial birth abortion is)
"D***-waving Berlusconi knockoff": spot on and very eloquently said. (Although, in fairness, the "d***-waving" part is 100% redundant).
To be fair Trump's managed to get to all different levels of sleaziness of Berlusconi before even getting elected.
I regret not finding this youtube channel sooner. Samantha Bee is the best.
she grosses me out
Nailed it aaaagin Samantha Bee!
This woman is a gift! ❤
Conservatives" We want small government that doesn't get in my way or tell me what to do" wants to vote for Government policies that tell women what they must do with their bodies. "So what I really mean is, I want a government that doesn't tell me what to do, but makes everyone else act in a way I'd like 'em to act".
I made this same revelation a couple weeks ago. It really is fascinating how such contrasting ideologies can coexists within the same political entity.
nicely put
Maybe you will sound more right-er if you say it a fourth time.
+Torgo Gorgo youtube is currently glitched on mobile devices to where comments duplicate and there is no way to delete them. But thanks for your non-argument.
The job of the government is to protect rights to **life**, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. **Life**. When you abort a child, you are ending it's life. It's okay, I understand most leftist don't understand the concept of rights in the first place.
This is the closest I have come to catharsis since an election induced depression. Thank you!
I know right...
I love her - this whole election just depresses me but Samantha makes me smile - LOL
"Her name is Hillary, Miss Rodham if you're nasty"
That should be Mrs. Clinton's new campaign slogan.
Thee BEST insights I've heard yet on abortion and women's related health issues! Thank you!
Best insights? Good lord, do I feel sorry for you.
Every abortion is a failure. Not an insight or a punchline. Also, most of her information is actually false. Partial Birth abortions are a real thing. Just because she is using different nomenclature to identify it does not mean it's imaginary. Much like how liberals use the term "pro choice" instead of the more apt "pro abortion." The term "partial birth abortion" is just an identifying moniker they don't like. So partial birth abortions don't exist, the same way Bea and others like her are not "pro abortion."
Jamie J. if this is thee best, you need to get out more
I love you, Sam Bee. Thank you for speaking for women (and intelligent men) everywhere. You are brave and smart and hilarious. So glad you're in the world, doing your comedy show!
pesterlig know some things she said was not at all true.
pesterlig speak for your self, I disagree
You have my full support and respect! Amazing piece!
I just had a realization (Or well, a question) pop-up: Does Trump think that a Caesarian (Or C-section) is a type of abortion?
Trump doesn't think, to think you need a brain.
that would make the story of my birth VERY different
+Martine they literally rip the baby half way out and then crush its head with scissors. hence why its called partial birth
Did you even watch the clip above? There is a law banning it. It was signed by W. in the early 2000's.
Now who's the idiot? (Hint = it's you.)
Don't be sad, Trump will lose, but you lot can nominate an even bigger train wreck in just four years.
Man, I was about to sleep!
It is awesome to see *SOMEONE* doing the job the USA media is supposed to do but does not.
"Every late night talk show host bashes Trump."
I agree. You are an idiot. Name one who doesn't.
Anything on Faux News channel.
Fox News is a subsidiary of the Republican party and even THEY aren't 100% on board with Trump. Except Sean Hannity aka Trump's manstress.
I think the point was that late night talk show hosts aren't journalists, they're comedians. They're in the same box as Sam Bee when it comes to doing the job that the media are supposed to.
Thank you, Hillary, for speaking passionately about abortion rights. I had to have an abortion after finding out in the 14th week of a very wanted pregnancy that the fetus had a chromosomal issue that would eventually result in a miscarriage. At best, I could carry it until the third trimester, but there was no chance it would survive to birth. My husband and I decided to abort because it was the safest option and would allow me to recover and try again sooner. Trump and Pence are incredibly ignorant when it comes to reproduction and women's rights!
Pale Compass but what is the reason for majority of abortions though?
do you understand how expensive pregnancy's are? or how some woman simply cant care for a baby? or some poor underage girl, who cant have a baby because her family would throw her out on the street? do you remember back when abortions were illegal and how many died from coat hanger/ back alley abortions? Abortions are something woman have almost all of the time when they have no other options. Contraception can fail, accidents happen. their are so so many kids in foster care and homes I don't see a problem with woman having the right to their reproductive organs. I'm pro choice because WE deserve to have the right to choose not lawmakers.
MirandaMai13 can but very unlikely. 98% of the time work.
+Pale Compass I hate to break it to you but those tests for birth defects are more often wrong than right. So, you most likely killed a healthy baby. Good job!
Shes a nasty woman also
Sam Bee, you are my hero(ine?)!!! Where have you been all my life? ;-)
Dominique Titulaer I don't believe that I am related to anyone named Kim. That said, I'm not sure of all my cousins' children or second cousins and so on.
ChilledLimes She rocked it on that show, too!
Brian Bates See, now I made sure to add the extra 'e' to avoid uncertainty. ;-) She might just be that, too, though...
THANK YOU!!! WHY are YOU the only one talking about this!
because most people talking about abortion are educated enough to know she's factually wrong about many of her points made in this video.
MrHandss anti-abortionists are the least educated people. They are even afraid of the word abortion and get too emotional to even engage in a debate
Because most people are smart enough to realize killing babies isn't funny.
Super G you sound really smart, Super G.
A54321 killing babies? Who's killing babies?
Love you! Keep this show on forever.
First time watching a full frontal clip! Shes awesome, I can't wait to watch more.
Just don't read the comments. Angry man-children as far as the eye can see...
Yeah she's great, sadly when her videos are trending their filled with the kind of scrum who literally click on a video just to dislike it. No knowing that more views just equals more popularity for her. Anyways she has the best political comedy on TV right now
RedLightning17 because she lies all the time
pure brilliance! Rodham if your nasty!
Just because you say something loud, that doesn't make it true
Watching this clip and applauding!!! Thank you Samantha Bee 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Well said. And good on Hillary.
Clint Ronnow Do you DOUBT hillary endorses ISLAM!?
You do know that Islam in essence is a good thing right?
I just love this. Simply love it. Gets me fired up! 👍🏼👍🏼
I freaking love this !!!!!!
well u shouldnt
Adrian Lacey well it's my body my right my choice you don't have to like my opinion but you're not going bully me or tell me what I should feel or do
THANK YOU SAMANTHA BEE for telling it like it is!!!! Wish all the Men and Women Supporting TRUMP would educate themselves on many of his ignorant and uneducated comments he spits out. Or more like vomits.
EA LA what? Trump is for America. You need to get educated. All this video is is propaganda. And we won't stop, because fascists are trying to take over the country. And Trump is what's stopping them.
yeah but he was very wrong about late term abortions... actually that moderator was very wrong. That's ver factual.
Facts? Oh, you mean like these ones:
CNN is owned by Comcast, the largest multi-media conglomerate in the world.
ABC is owned by Disney, the second largest multi-media conglomerate in the world.
MSMBC is owned by Time Warner, the third largest multi-media conglomerate in the world.
CBS is owned by National Amusements.
Fox News is owned by 21st Century Fox.
All of the above corporations have supported Hillary Clinton and demonstrate an sizable interest in her campaign.
The Clinton campaign has indulged in numerous unethical and illegal activities (see: project Veritas) and has the media under her thumb to boot. Come this November when I vote, I do so to keep a senator crooked as Nixon out of office.
Original Narrator yeah yeah, but I'm talking about abortions here. Can you at least admit he was very wrong about what he said? that he was ill informed? just as Hillary pivoted to Putin during her answer, you are pivoting towards her dealings with corporate suits to disregard the fact that Trump was not informed about late term abortions and used sensationalist language to influence you and others and to mislead you from a very sad issue that you might as well face (god forbid).
Now, as for corporations, there is a problem there for sure, politicians should divorce themselves from companies, for ever, in that we agree, that's a very transversal problem and there is nothing to add, I think that's what I hate more about hillary (I have not bothered much with the e-mails thing, I'm not from US, I'm just a fan of Samantha from the daily show, she is awesome).
Allthough, what makes you think Donald Trump isn't in bed with some coorporations too, after all he used to work in TV, he has bussiness with constructors. What if he makes a deal that benefits him when building his ridiculous wall?
Slight edit, I mixed up CNN with NBC.
NBC belongs to Comcast, while CNN is owned by Time Warner.
If you don't want men making laws about women's body's how about not electing them.
I believe over half the country is about to take you up on that in 2 weeks.
American women have finally caught up with the rest of the world and discovered the cheat code lol
The reason why it's called partial birth is because it requires the doctor to pull the fetuses body half way through the the birth canal. Whilst the fetus is already halfway out of the birth canal the doctor has to cut through the fetuses head. The fetus was already halfway out of the the birth canal before it was terminated, and that's why it's called partial birth.
Sam Bee, I think I love you.
Thank you for putting all this up. I'm sure it ruins advertising and must cut your budget. But this episode (and many others) are essential for the public to understand...
I can't think of anything better to comment than "yaaassss"
Sam Bee, my wife and I adore you! Thank you for having a show of your own.....keep it going!
Love! Samantha Bee & Hillary!!!!
Again, thank you Samantha, I needed that.
¡Jãjäjåjàjâ! You know the photo of Trump reacting to a birth? I imagine it with his tiny hands covering his eyes.
what is she gonna report on after the elections are over?
probably on Caesars Legion since they're the patriarchy or the myth called the gender wage gap
22FIFA complaining about Donald trump being president
22FIFA vaginas and women because vaginas and women
22FIFA every time President Trump makes a minor mistake, she'll talk about how much better of a president Hillary might have been.
tboss2447 Yes but will she hold Hillary accountable? Because up until now no one says anything negative about Clinton. I am not for Trump by the way.
Debate: boarder security.
Another debate: boarder security.
Another debate: boarder security.
Another debate: boarder security.
Another debate: abortion.
Samantha Bee: "Their talking about abortion again? Oh my gosh! You people talk about that too much!
Who else loves Samantha bee? I sure do!
This was such a delight to see. Samantha Bee you're a total rockstar.
I can't like this video enough
any of my homies here from Steven Crowder's new video?
Yep. Here to dislike
wyatt watterud same here
wyatt watterud Yeah, we all had the same idea.
Hmm, haters still outnumbered over 10-1. Weird.
Must be rigged.
Ryan Keeping not haters, just rational individuals
I bet you said that during the primary.
said one person and nobody else. Trump 2016
Nah, Trump isn't a smarter choice. He's just a choice, just like Hillary. 2 venomous heads on the same snake. Both are terrible options.
Ron Lester
I truly don't understand why Trump is a bad option. His policies are spot on and he's surrounded himself with great advisors. Hilary is always neck deep in scandal and has horrible policy and everyone around her is getting fired...
I love how facts, more facts and somehow even more facts make Trump fans/Hillary haters so uncomfortable with this subject. Oh the salt.
Reese Williams Pretty much none of this was fact.
Reese Williams bad jokes about unsubstantiated claims are not
Here's a fact. Only one candidate held a position as a public servant, sworn to serve her constituents. That same candidate used her position for personal gain. FACT!
Can we get more than one show a week?
We want that but Sam has a life other than work and probably needs some time for her family.
LOL Hillary, Ms. Rodham if youre nasty
This is the definition of propaganda. It you enjoy this, then you need to rethink your life.
EdwardM862 Looks like life is going pretty good so far. We're just about the elect the first female president :)
well... yeah it is!
Propaganda is a form of communication meant to influence the opinion or attitude of a community in regards to a an idea or occurence. If publicity, ads, are to material goods; propaganda is to ideas.
Why is it immoral for Bee and her show to have a clear position in this issues? it's a comedic show, they don't need to be unbiased, they just need to be truthful, and everything she said was factual.
You seem to use the term "Propaganda" in a peyorative way, I understand, communist dictatorship used propaganda to lie to their people, but this is not the case. Samanatha Bee is a private individual, she has a right to voice her opinions, this is not an oppressive goverment trying to manipulate the ideas of people, it's just an individual trying to insert her ideas in the public sphere, which is ok.
Took up your world. Thought about it. Nah... I enjoyed this because this is exactly what I was already thinking when I was watching the debate. This show's host articulated more than I can hope for. I have sisters, aunts, cousins that I deeply care about and I would want them to live in a country where they don't criminalize abortion. Abortion should be legal, as it is now, period.
That was awesome! Thank you Samantha!!!!
It almost seems that Trump gets more publicity than Hillary. Who is she again? I'm tired of hearing about Trump, is getting old.
Indeed, there's plenty comedy to be milked out of the old senator's bones.
how does this broad have her own show?
That was the moment I became passionate about Hillary again. I mean passionate the way I was before Obama came on the scene. Go Hillary and Samantha!
As a medical professional getting trained in surgical gynecology as a specially I can say, PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION IS A THING AND IT DOES HAPPEN IN THE NINTH MONTH!!! Most often it is done by cutting the spinal cord at the baby's neck just after the head is exposed but before the whole body leaves the birth canal and is legally "a live birth". As for "life of mother". With the medical advancements we have today, life of mother is rarely an issue. Not to mention that we saved a mother and her baby when they were in a car crash and the mother was only 20 weeks. The pregnancy was complicating the mother's life, the husband wanted an emergency C instead of the advised abortion, and the baby survived. No matter my opinion on the topic, I'm sick of people screaming "facts" out of megaphones that simply are not true.
Samantha bee is nasty
If you agree check out my channel
I don't even know what thats supposed to even mean...
Have a nice day
phoenixkhost lol that too
Ahmad Jihad Hamada The salt is tactile.
+Original Narrator I don't know, I usually give people the benefit of doubt, but on TH-cam comments Reverse Poe's Law is more likely in effect, so I take everything with a grain of capsicum.
Haha! Wow, good on you Samantha Bee.
Possibly the funniest breakdown of the last debate I've seen.
I know you people rooting for Trump will be eager to call me a ton of names, but maybe instead you could tell me which of his policy proposals earned him your vote.
Hillary looks like a South Park character
Bless you, Samantha Bee!
I dont know why Trump supporters come here to comment.... they have popular satire late night shows that reflect their views, so they can comment with their own people? right?
True, but if "they" stick to "their side" and "we" stick to "our side," where will that get *_us_*?
However unruly, some form of communication is generally better than none, right?
Ryan Gibson True! But I talk about the people that just type profanities and insult anybody that is "liberal" and has a different opinion. These trolls are not trying to communicate or have a civil discussion.
JAFO-PTY Yeah, I guess that's the peel that comes with the banana, so to speak. :P
They feel like the net is their safe space (unless google is "suppressing" view counts). MSM has forced them into enclaves, where they can speak of being repressed cucks together while considering themselves to be among the intellectual elite, because breitbart told them that they are.
TheSportCompact *****
Both of you should be well aware that trolls and unruly followers exist on both sides. By pinning the blame of altercations on the other, you are only perpetuating that which you reject.
how have i not know about this gold until today
I think all the trolls in the comments section are just trying to be in Sam's next "Real or Fake" web extra!
Because Sam addressed one of her remarks to men, I'd just like to point out that I've seen far more men speaking up for a woman's right to choose on social media in the last three weeks than I've seen speaking against it. In fact, even combined, the men and women speaking against a woman's right to choose has not equalled the number of men defending it. If there's been one good thing about this election, it is that the horrors of Trump have given the many, many good-hearted men who both like and love women a chance to speak up against paternalism and misogyny. THANK YOU TO EVERY MAN WHO FEELS THIS WAY, and especially those who stand up to be counted, now, when we need you the most.
this one .... samantha bee.... she's got conviction ..... i think, a true heir to jon stewart .... vastly better than the other daily show progeny
yeah, she has brass ovaries I like it.
She's good but this election was tailor made for Jon Stewart. He would have had a blast with this one.
Something in my brain exploded at the "on the last day" statement. Both me and my brother were four days early. When we're going into that territory it's no longer a collection of cells or components of a baby, or even premature birth. It's a healthy baby.
Alright, who gave the angry soccer mom a show?
If she's a mother I feel bad for the children.
Andrew Jackson
I feel bad for your mother.
they switched ideas
Andrew Jackson ROASTED
Advice to everyone: do and believe the oppose of what the media tells you, because you will become a better and smarter person that way.
Question to Everyone: Does that really sound like a good idea? Because the media gets it right more often than wrong, and I hope you already knew that!
Donald Trump Mike Pence 2016!!! MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Samantha Bee: The trailer park neighbor you smash because why not?
I hope this women watches the rebuttal to this auful video by Steven Crowder at his channel Louder with Crowder. But she probably won't even read the comment section for this video
Never heard of him, not curious. But it's fun to make comments on TH-cam, isn't it?
Ben Culture libtard has been triggered*
+Ben Culture that comment literally had absolutely no point to it, yet it has 7 up-votes. I guess that's the feminist community for ya.
Ben Culture you should be, he is actually pretty funny
Trump was just spitballing that whole debate. His 2 minutes on Mosul made my eyes bleed. He might as well have been talking about Narnia.
why does hillary always look like she's lying when she talks
"Sounds like Trump is confusing abortions with *bear attacks*"
Samantha Bee isn't famous enough!
No no, quite the opposite actually.
Samantha Bee is the motherfucking best! Thank you. Please never stop!
It's amazing how much she gets wrong. And people just eat it up. Please do your own research and don't take what these type of people say as fact.
pacificnorthwester LIBTARD ALERT!!!!
Trump is a nightmare, but I'm still trying to figure out why Hillary is any better? Or why anyone believes anything she says?
You trolls get nicer and nicer each week :)
***** Well I wouldn't classify #HRC as liberals. Hillary is a war hawk and supports corporations over people. That's not a liberal. Stein's liberal.
Michael Cantu Pretty sure Stein has one of those ...
Lydia Jones Oh I'm sure she'll win. I just find it strange to see the people supporting her ignoring her history. It reminds me of the right wingers
Lydia Jones It's not that she's _"not perfect"_. There's more than that. From _"pay to play"_ to her lying about her policies (e.g. Colombia Free Trade, etc.). And then there's the cheating during the primary. And the _"she's not Trump"_ isn't an answer or excuse. But every time I've tried to ask HRC supporters if they know the particulars of any given incident they shut down.
I wish some old, stuffy, curmudgeon would try to tell me what tf to do with my body...
Who's prepared for a WW3?
Genius. Tell it like it is girl!
I heard that Samantha Bee wasn't even born in America. Where's your birth certificate?!
idk what ur saying but nice profile pic
Partial birth abortion is a thing. This show, for example, is an aborted fetus that was shat out by the Daily Show.
"authentic" and "feminist" are not the words to describe Shillary
I vote trump!!!