Thanks for engaging with it! So many women I talk with are confused and overwhelmed about making their HRT decision. That’s exactly what The Menopause Solution is for - helping women answer the (seemingly) simple question: “Should I take hormones for my menopause . . . or not?”
We were talking one day, and several of my female friends were advocating for hysterectomies after they were finished having babies. Their theory being that “we’re done with it, just have it out”. I pointed out that we wouldn’t be saying the same of the men in our lives. You’re done having babies, just have your testicles removed. The lack of respect for women’s bodies is astounding and pervasive. Sad.
I am 62, and recently saw my NP, and was pleasantly surprised that she was very pro HRT. When I mentioned having difficulties finding someone to prescribe HRT for me, (I most recently went to a gynecologist in search of it and was denied) she shook her head and pointed out the amount of gaslighting we women have to endure. I go to a functional medicine group. More expensive than traditional allopathic Dr.s but so worth it.
I’m confused. It looks like I can order estradiol over the counter. Why does there need to be a class action suit? Please elaborate, thanks. Now 70, not overweight, get loads of exercise and eat a plant based whole food vegan diet. No heart disease, but osteoporosis. Wish I had not waited.
72 and just started estradiol and progesterone. I think the WHI and NIH should pay for ALL care I'll need because of the delay they caused in me getting them. Osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, neurological problems, weight gain, sleeplessness, ad nauseum
May I ask what dosage? I've been on generic estradiol and methaprogesterone for 17 yrs!! I feel great but recently started some hot flashes at nite- wondering if dosage is too low now... Thank you
Amen! I have a doctor appointment in June, and plan on requesting to be on HRT’s. However, I had to get a new Dr who has only been practicing a couple years. My other doctor retired, so I’m not sure what doctors are being taught these days regarding HRT’S :(
I'm gonna be controversial in what I have to say. If a doc can prescribe estrogen for a person who thinks they want to be a woman. Then why can't they prescribe women with this so we can feel better. You can get something called lichens sclerosis if hormones too low. That isn't life threatening. But very uncomfortable. Surgical menopause here, 25. At 52 the doc decided to take me off. I became suicidal and ended up with hypothyroid. For 12 years now I feel worse, thyroid issue. I am back on HRT now. Better, but the thyroid. Huh!!!. I intend to continue until I can't. Good luck ladies
My endocrinologist just re-subscribed me Estriadol and I'm going to be 65 at the end of June. I'm scared to start wearing the patch but I had surgical Menopause at age 51. I had my Uterus removed at 38. I think I should probably have Testosterone too. I can't sleep without sleep aids. I have zero sex drive. I am depressed and just tried stopping my antidepressant but started having panic attacks. Did I mention I have no energy? I want to start wearing my patch but I'm scared. Should I be or should I just be grateful she gave it to me. I became Hypothyroid after my hysterectomy.
I agree three-thousand times with your comment about men and HRT and women and HRT. I ALSO think that if insurance is going to cover the cost of "GENDER AFFIRMING" breast removal or implants, it should cover it for us women who want a reduction or removal or revision for every reason we think we "need" it. Why should it only be covered for men or for women who think they ARE men?
@@latherandlaceI hope you get relief. I am just learning about HRT at 69! I just have never had women issues that I can remember until 64. Now I’m depressed ALWAYS, don’t want to go out of the house, skin Itches always, on and on. I just asked my doctor to test my hormones for the first time.
Been taking bioidentical HRT for over 17 years…am 75, and feel like a 20 year old. I found a functional medicine doc who is a genius with body chemistry. I don’t know what I’ll do when he retires. He saved my life when I had Lyme’s disease, and other docs said “It was all in my head”.
I'm 57 , I've been on HRT for 5 years. My symptoms were horrific, insomnia, brain fog, hot flushes every 30 mins, aches and pains and depression. They will have to take my HRT from my cold dead hands. I honestly dont care about the risks of heart disease cancer and breast cancer. My life was effectively over anyway, HRT honestly saved me.
Me 2. Before HRT, I was having 10 hot flashes a day and all the other horrific symptoms. I waited eight years before I went on HRT. It was the best decision I ever made. The risks are worth it to me.
My mom took HRT for 7 yrs then was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It was horrible. She is no longer with us. Just wanted to give you the info of the other side. Becareful
@@danawc5595Stop implying that HRT caused your mother’s uterine cancer. Not true, unless she took estrogen only without also taking progesterone. That is the only scenario that may raise a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer.
What about our sex lives? We're just supposed to say well, honey, no more nookie for you because I'm dry and painful. Yes there is medicine but I don't qualify because I'm 65. I don't see men my age being cut off from ED meds. This makes me very angry. It's sexist.
I’ve been using Vagifem for years. It works great. Healthy vagina and it helps prevent bladder prolapse etc. Is a vaginal suppository so you should get it.
I have to agree, it IS sexist. And its abusive. ED meds for men and nothing for our dried up painful vaginas. A match NOT made in Heaven. Do these men realize just how much more sex they would get if they focused more on getting our plumbing working?
I’m 70 and have been on HRT for 20 years. A gyn and PC have recently said I should stop but I’m not. I have breast cancer history in my family but I chose quality of life over quantity and have no regrets. I would’ve had to leave the work force and my good job at 50 w/o HRT and I was single then and now. My response to the gyn who suggested I stop was “oh wow, I hate being miserable” and she shrugged her shoulders and said “oh well, that’s life”!
It is downright insulting and abusive. "oh well, that's life"??? Wow. They are more concerned about getting sued than their patient's quality of life. Sorry, but SCREW THEM. Yet my husband went to his urologist saying he felt tired all the time and he was losing muscle mass and the urologist said, "You're in mano-pause" and prescribed him TESTOSTERONE. Without a blink. Un-FREAKIN believable.
It’s infuriating to me that so many doctors flat out refuse to even discuss the benefits and risks of HRT let alone prescribe it for their female patients, when it already has well-established cardiac (and bone density) benefits, and cardiovascular problems are still the leading cause of death for women over age 65. Then there’s the issue of the patient’s free will; if a fully-informed transwoman can choose to receive female hormones, and have them covered by health insurance, then a fully-informed ciswoman should be able make that same choice, yes?
ABSOLUTELY. We are living in clown world anymore. I've done my homework too. If we choose to continue hormones, then that is OUR choice. Not the doc's.
The body drops these hormone levels over time for a reason. Should we be messing with that? Shouldn't diet and exercise be the first defense again these symptoms? Women in the east have few traditional menopause symptoms until they eat a western diet.
@@Himmiefan Could be why women in the east have some of the highest rates of osteoporosis.... Female hormones (including a little testosterone), help maintain bone and muscle mass and reduces risk of heart, vascular disease. Many people don't bat an eyelash should someone want to become the sex that they aren't and take hormones opposed to their biology. HRT gives back to women what we've had all along. It also helps with sleep, which is often problematic after menopause. Don't think that HRT is 'messing' with anything. If women feel worlds better on HRT and their quality of life is greatly improved, then what is the problem? And yes, good diet and exercise are VERY important too, no matter your age or sex..
@@Himmiefan The lifespan wasn't nearly as long when our genetics were developing: women didn't live an extra 20-60 years post menopause. As for the Asian diet: soy is high in phytoestrogens. Soy also got a bad rap but the latest evidence is positive for soy helping in menopause.
Thank you for all you do. I found my hormone doctor by asking the pharmacist for a list of doctors that prescribed HRT. Might be an option for those that you don’t have someone in their area.
I was going to go "all natural" in post menopause. That's because I didn't have any symptoms until my hormones disappeared at around age 51. I got the really weird symptoms (air hunger, dizziness, nausea, adrenal surges) in addition to hot flashes, night sweats etc. Also Covid. An older woman I know, told me that the symptoms persisted YEARS after the change. That, and the sudden acceleration in the aging of my body was the deciding factor to start HRT at 52.
Me too! My GP ( a cool woman who is still my PCP in Medicare) suggested all the OTC stuff- estravan pills, lubricants) Nope- went on generic HRT 17 yrs ago and continue to feel good, look 10 yrs younger( with RetinA)😂. And kept weight same -30 yrs ago
yes, me too. I've aged SO MUCH in 6 months time! I'm 55, so my doctor asked me to stop taking birth control and wait a month to do an FSH test to see if I'm entering menopause (result=yes). Let me tell you, once I was off birth control, the symptoms started coming on strong. This has been going on only about 6 months, and a few weeks ago I finally got HRT to help. I have severe joint pain still, where I wonder if it will ever go away (do I have arthritis now?). The brain fog and hot flashes have subsided, thankfully. Good thing you started it as soon as you found out. I certainly didn't know that all this would happen, and I assume that most other women don't know, beyond knowing you'll get hot flashes.
Did your doctor do any tests on your heart and artery health first? I'm 62 as well and concerned I should be doing that, but maybe it's okay. So excited to hear you are feeling great!! : ) Did you go through a regular doctor?
@@biritsimonsen hi yes my doctor made me do a 24 hour blood pressure monitor which came back normal so she prescribed the hrt for me. And yes just my regular gp. I feel very strongly that people of our age group were frightened away from getting hrt because it was put out there that it caused breast cancer and now they are saying that information was not correct. I hope you go and seek the help we all deserve we’ve suffered in silence for far too long 🙏
That’s encouraging bc I’m 66 and am just going to be starting. Waiting for a phone call to start Rx. (The medical group’s system is completely shut down. UGH)
I'm 70 and been on them for 22 years. I had to be my own advocate, but my doctor listened to me. I am extremely healthy and feel and look much younger than those many years younger who aren't on any hormones. It's been a Godsend!
@@pkstiever Been on HRT since age 45 when I still had regular periods. It was the best ever for mood regulation. No PMS. Now 66 and starting on testosterone plus HRT. We deserve quality of life. I have high normal bone density, heart function is excellent, no cancer of any kind. I think women should start HRT when they start having intrusive hot flashes and poor sleep. That way they are not suddenly starting HRT when they are post menopausal and have been suffering from menopausal symptoms for years.
I’ve just recently started (March 1st) Estradiol 1mg patch I change once a week, then started Progesterone 100mg pill once a day. Was feeling great, then recently symptoms are coming back again, might need an increase?
I turned 64 in May of this year. I just got prescribed HRT this morning. I did my homework and I approached my doctor about it. She listens to me and agreed to work with me on this matter. Menopause was very easy for me. I felt good the first four years of being post menopausal. Then over the past 7 years my symptoms have gotten progressively worse. I now have osteopenia. I’m very active and about to embark on a new life path teaching yoga. I want to feel like myself again. It’s been way too long.
I'm 62 and FINALLY found a doctor that would give me HRT. I've been so EXHAUSTED for decades and I can't get to the cause of it. Started on Estradiol patches 3 weeks ago and while I'm still fatigued, I SUDDENLY got a sex-drive. WTH? that's not what I was wanting but...hey, it's kinda cool. I FORGOT what it feels like to be attracted to someone. LOL.
I’m 66 and started HRT yesterday, pill at night and patch on this morning. My doctor is all for it. She made me get a mammogram first and thankfully a normal result. I’m hoping I won’t get side effects, but got to give it chance to get used to it, and hopefully I will benefit and stay healthy and feel great. This video was helpful
I had SERIOUS problems at meno!! Early meno caused me 12 years of issues.. finally HRT, so much better… I was having a hard time getting any Dr to give it to me… then I went to a women’s center that specializes in women’scare and got hormones… it changed my life
I literally just stopped having regular periods end of Feb. I’m 56. And I just demanded HRT patches and I got em. I’m more worried about weak bones. Hope this helps. Suffered all my life with heavy periods and a 21 day cycle. It severely impacted life. I tried the IUD 3 times, and my body would move it thru the uterus wall. So let’s hope HRT and menopause is a relief!!
You should add onto the lack of help from my local clinic regarding loss of hormones. I went vegan at about age 60, as before my periods ended late around age 58, they had told me that even though my mother and sister died of their breast cancers and this was most menopausal. But then, I was not given anything but Premarin, which was mess and inconvenient and did nothing for any of my symptoms. When I went vegan, a lot of my symptoms improved out disappeared. My gynecologist told me it was out of the question that I could get HRT because it would increase my cancer risks. The diet I eat alkalizes the body, and cancer cannot grow except if one’s body is acidic. Eating meat was something my mother and sister did all the time, even during their cancers. I have a very hard time sleeping despite that I do use some soy products, just not daily. If I get some hot flashes, I’ll eat whole cooked soybeans and this stops the hot flashes. I find once or twice a week is sufficient for me. It is the brittle bone I am concerned about. I do eat loads of green and dark green veggies both cooked or raw. Just how much I absorb is a question. Sex is quite painful for me. Why doctors hate vegans is beyond me. No high blood pressure or cholesterol, blood sugars are perfect, no heart disease, I am at my right weight, I exercise daily. Yes, I can sure see they are not making money off of me!
My appointment to get HRT is scheduled in June. I'm 64 and cannot wait!! I need energy, I need to lose the brain's debilitating as an accountant with at least a minimum of 3 more years to go before I retire!!!
They’ll just keep raising it It’s going to be 70 before they even think about stopping the age minimum for SS I think it might hit 75. The GOV is B R O K E
Excellent presentation, Steve. I found a doc who prescribed BHRT for me; osteoporosis, horrific hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and everything else in between. Then we moved to a small town and I'm getting no where. They look at me like I have 3 heads. Doc out here flat out refused to prescribe them. He sent me to a endocrinologist (LOL), said 'they prescribe hormones'. I told him that the endo would do nothing' (PLEASE, I'm a retired RN). He insisted that I see the endo but couldn't get an appt for 3 months. By this time, I was in full-on menopausal symptoms once again. I went to the endo who said, 'Sorry, I'm not going to prescribe any hormones', I told her 'I already knew that but I'm jumping through the proper hoops'. WHY must we 'jump through hoops' to get relief? They are all afraid. They all cite the WHI study, Please. Yet when my husband was tired and losing muscle mass, his urologist said, 'You need testosterone' and he got it....just like that.
@@Starfish2145 I sure hope Steve can give me a name or two:( On top of all this, I'm caring for my husband who was recently diagnosed with dementia and the weight of the world is on my shoulders. I spent my entire career in healthcare. But I'm unable to get adequate healthcare for myself.
@@ComplexityUnveiled I did this a while back. Found two practitioners within two hours from me. Called them both and was told that the doc did not prescribe BHRT. The Menopause Society list is a joke and not up to date.
I’m 64 and went back on hrt at 63 after stopping it at 57 because I was told I had to. I was miserable and lost 6 years of my life because of misinformation. I’m on estradiol transdermal and oral micronized progesterone. The depression lifted almost immediately and my libido came back. Also take vaginal estrogen to help with atrophy and bladder leakage. Still working on my sleep but the changes are nothing short of amazing! Don’t give up!
You are precious and I feel like I’ve found a new best friend because of your obvious concern and your clear and concise way of explaining this life altering time in women’s lives! Thank you!
I'm 82 and have been on hrt for 30 years. Still fit and active. If I stop hrt I feel bad with depression and feel " old". I use bio identical cream and had a hysterectomy pre menopause.
I started with hormone pellets (testosterone) before menopause to try and get ahead of things. My testosterone was really low before. You don’t have to wait for doctor approval. There are places that specialize in hormone replacement.
Omg! Same story! I’ve lost any quality of life. I didn’t know about prolapse my doctor told me about that a long time ago but I had no clue what she meant. I’m 59 and have felt like this was all Hashimotos. I feel like I’ve been waiting to die for 12-25 years. It’s been a hopeless hellish experience.
I'm 68 amd just starting HRT. I took a low dosage of birth contol pills for several years to control the awful hot flashes that began at 43 with peri-menopause. I had 12-20 hot flashes daily. The pill was magical. Then my primary care doc said that I had to stop. Too risky. I am angry that so many of us have suffered due to one study. I rarely get a good night's sleep. I hope the HRT will help.
If your doctor is reluctant to prescribe HRT, ask friends on HRT who their doctor are, and try to change to one of their doctors. Specialists in women’s health are often more sympathetic. Personally I am 66, have been on HRT for fifteen years, and hope to stay on it for life, and am lucky to have a sympathetic doctor. I try to reduce health risks by keeping fit, moderating alcohol, and eating a plant rich Mediterranean diet (no meat, limited fish, eggs and dairy, no ultra processed foods). HRT is the only medication I am on.
Using only Premarin more than 40 years. Hysterectomy about six years prior to Premarin. Never had any menopause symptoms. Doing fine. No colon cancer, dementia, breast cancer or lung cancer yet.
Really interesting! My mums just turned 70 and went through menopause around 50. It effected her badly and still does. She wasn’t prescribed HRT due to breast cancer in her family, however we now know that myths been debunked. I’m still concerned about the increased risk but overall the effects of HRT look promising. Thank you for making this video 🙏🏻
I had hot flashes every 30 minutes day and night. I tried every natural remedy. I did not get a decent night sleep for 4 years. I gained 28 lbs. I finally got relief when I went on HRT. I finally also made some diet changes that have helped me start to lose weight.
I’m 61 now 5- 8 years ago been toughening it out these awful menopausal symptoms . Finally listening and discovered those advocating HRT like you open my eyes. Just started 1.5 months ago. And feel the difference now. I just hope my doctor will continue to prescribe HRT as long as I needed them to have a quality of life I have left. Thank You 🙏 😊👏
Just confirmed for me that I did the right thing 2 years ago by starting HRT at 53. I'm currently on both estradiol and progesterone pills via a hormone center.
My mom got that prolapse. She had 6 kids and had a hysterectomy. She has stayed on HRT since menopause and had surgery which went very well because her tissues were healthy from having HRT. She is 77.
I'm 52 and I haven't had a period in 1 year, 6 months. All my symptoms have disappeared. No hot flashes. I had so many symptoms. I'm shocked they all went away. My daughter, who is 23 pointed it out to me. She said I'm back to myself. Perimenopause was a nightmare. I want to give you ladies hope. I didn't go on hrt. I tried supplements, but nothing worked. I'm so happy it's over and I'm finally on the other side. I'm going to stores every day now. I'm more confident to socialize. I love you all my sistas.
@Godisfirst21 Thanks for watching. I'm not clear, based on your comment, if you are or are not taking hormone replacement now. But it's great you're feeling better. My surveys of menopausal women and the scientific literature indicate that supplements may help a little with menopause . . . but not much.
@SimpleHormones I've never taken hrt. I tried a few supplements. They didn't work. 1.5 years no period and I'm starting to feel more like myself again. It was a bumpy ride.
@@Godisfirst21 Anxiety on a whole different level!!! And brain fog in all forms: brain freeze, mental confusion, uncertainty, and even unwarranted fears. And, the feeling of being stuck, like I can’t go on with life. Like I’m blocked by a wall. Type A personality to barely getting by with the basics. Hot flashes not bad, but extreme bursts of hellish anxiety right before they happen. Other symptoms are insomnia, bile sludge and now IBS torsion-like pain which I believe is stressed induced by the brain (brain-gut connection) which intensifies existing kidney stones pain. I’ve tried various herbs and supplements which do help. Low dose Gabapentin/Neurontin is amazing for brain 🧠 fog and improved mood and function. My next goal is the gym! HRT doesn’t scare me, but Progesterone side effects do. I’m turning 55 in Feb. Symptoms started at 52, one year after my periods completely stopped. Dr. Pam Popper says that menopause should pass if we get to the root of the problems such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diet, sleep, etc…
I finally convinced doc to give me HRT, had hysterectomy at age 45 and on HRT until the other doc took them away . I now have 0% testosterone and can't get that one added..I'm 73 ...muscle tissue evaporating, loss of strength and energy, insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, weight loss, arthritis and osteoporosis...disgusting that I cannot get back the meds that worked for me for over 25 years!!
I hate to read the comments about not being able to obtain HRT. I live in the SouthWest USA and my doctors have no problem giving it to me. I take estradiol and progesterone. I tried the herbal route, but they would stop working after 6 months. I don’t understand why my mother and sisters didn’t have bad symptoms and I did. I just increased my estradiol because my hot flashes came back. The new dose started working right away. I imagine I will need to take it for life.
I am 67 and the menopausal roller coaster ride has dominated my life for over ten years! I am so tired of trying to feel normal when my hormones are constantly changing. I actually do use HRT but finding the right combination at the right time has not been easy. My doctors are very supportive regarding HRT so I haven't had to battle to have it prescribed however I feel sorry for those women who have less knowledgeable medics. Many thanks for this video and sending best wishes from the UK.
What are you taking? I’m in the UK and, though it’s taken a couple of years to get them all prescribed, I’m now taking all 3 hormones. Only just started testosterone yesterday, so can’t say if it’s helping yet. And I’m supplementing my progesterone capsule with non-prescribed progesterone cream because I don’t think the minimum dose prescribed is enough to balance the amount of oestrogel I use. It’s a lot of self experimentation, but I’m grateful to have a GP who is more knowledgeable than many
The best way to find a hormone specialist, somebody who really knows how to manage all your hormone issues and get you to optimal levels, is to visit this page on my website and fill out my Patient Referral Request Form here If you leave a referral request on TH-cam or email it to me, it's extremely likely I'll drop the ball or it will fall through the cracks. Once you fill out the form, be sure to check your email for a message that says "Confirm your email address." Thanks!
Ladies, go to a Naturopathic physician. Mine prescribes HRT for me and has told me that I need to take them for life. On the flip side, my gynecologist who removed my last ovary then gave me ZERO counseling on the hell my life would become without the hormones produced by our ovaries. I’m 58 and approaching seven years after the surgery and immediate medical onset of menopause. I’m better but still suffer brain fog. Also, sadly, I’m not sure my marriage will survive. (I’ve read that many marriages don’t survive the nightmare of menopause.😢)
I'm 66 years old and had 12 years of hot flashes and 10 years severe vaginal dryness, went to the doctor at that time and he said welcome to menopause, use lube. 5 years ago I lost my libido all together and finally got in to see a gyno doctor. After a few tests she diagnosed me with lichen sclerosus and labia fusion, also stated there was nothing to help with libido and told me to use lubricant and dilators to help with sexual intercourse....HAHA!! The lack of information to doctors is ridiculous. Thank you for giving me a light of to find someone near me in Toronto area, if you know someone please let me know. So So Frustrated
@karinn9406 - Doctors are so stupid for being smart folks. Try tele-medicine. I do video appointments with my NP and she orders the tests I need and I go to the lab or do the tests at home. She also tests my thyroid and cortisol levels every year. It's pricey and out of pocket on top of the health insurance I have to purchase here in the US for useless medical care with a regular MD (which I never see). Good luck, I hope they have tele-medicine with a NP in Canada, it's worth every penny.
Hi Gillian, I just turned 65, and my doctor has insisted on me reducing my estrogen which I did 6 months ago. But I’m struggling with hot flashes and night sweats, and I’m having bouts of chest pains off and on. My whole reason for going on hormones was to protect my cardiovascular system. So I feel really upset by my current symptoms. So your post caught my eye because you said that you just went back on them, so I’m wondering why you went back on them and how long were you off of them? I hope that I hear back from you. Thanks 😊
I'm 75...almost 76. My new PC insisted I start on estradiol vaginal cream 3 months ago. I'm feeling a lot better. After reading comments from so many of you about how difficult it has been to get a prescription for HRT, I'm thinking I'm pretty fortunate to have stumbled across my new, female PC. The biggest changes are sleeping so much better and just feeling better overall.
I had endometriosis after 37 and my hormones dropped significantly at 43. So, my lovely GP put me on progesterone first, no estrogen. Even from just taking progesterone my night sweats were gone, sleep quality is the best now, no irritability and depression anymore. And I don't have an uterus. Why do they keep saying that only estrogen is important in menopause? I have fantastic improvement of my symptoms just from taking progesterone. Hope I knew this after my 30, maybe fibroids and adenomyosis wouldn't develop and I didn't have to take my uterus out. I was always complaining about symptoms to my gyno such as breast tenderness since I was like 27, irritability, spotting, etc.
I am seventy one ,I am taking hormones without them I go mentally unbalanced and tried the vagina prolapse and dryness was horrendous ,I will never stop taking my hormones
Any Dr. who does not give a woman estrogen only after a full hysterectomy is criminal. It is like castrating a male and they would give them testosterone no problem :*( Hope you find a good Dr. to help you :*)
I am 65 and have a very strong history of breast cancer in my family (grandmother/aunts/mother/sister). My sister who had breast cancer had been on bio identical hormones. I really wish I could go on HRT but hearing in this video that in one study HRT increases the risk of breast cancer makes me think it’s not for me sadly.
I wish they would test women in their 30’s for hormone values because I know mine are dropping and have been asking for a boost to alleviate my perimenopause symptoms! Especially requesting progesterone for the last half of my cycle and continue to get denied!
Can you tell them you want birth control just to get past the gate keeping, and get on a progesterone-only pill or long-acting reversible contraceptive implant? I think those are progesterone based.
I used a progesterone cream I bought online U can buy in stores too Rotate where u rub it in It made me conceive my last n then allowed me to not miscarry until she implanted Just look for USP amount, not herbal supplement type. Those are very hit n miss for this need. I use herbs for lots of things but this I went hardcore. I didn’t get other benefits too that I wanted from prog tho. Oh well 🤷🏼♀️
Excellent content! I loved the way you broke out the data in the spreadsheet. I believe my doctor is much too concerned about the red data and is asking me to have all of these invasive and painful tests because of some bleeding after being on HRT for only a few months (< 6). I asked her to increase my Progesterone to 300mg from 200mg and she said no - "We don't go any higher than 200mg." Well I have found studies that say they do. And my uterine lining is only 6mm, which seems within reason. And I'm sure after a decade of Menopause that kick-starting that area again with HRT will cause some bleeding. In short, your video makes me feel much better about my situation. As an aside - I feel like every doctor (not just gynos) I see these days is trying to convince me that I have cancer, but then every test comes back normal. Edit: I'm 57-years-old.
Here's the one I don't get: Why - when I got off HRT - does my autoimmune disease flare? I have scleroderma and I've found that estrogen is a vital part of the disease management plan. Diet is #1 (carnivore), but hormones are necessary, too. I don't know how, but estrogen, my autoimmune disease, and allergies are all somehow linked. And yes, if my allergies are flaring from normal seasonal crap, I have to stay on top of it or the autoimmune disease with break through bad. Same thing happens when I catch a virus. I feel like I'm walking a tightrope all the time.
Judy Cho here on YT can help I bet! She’s carni but goes beyond for harder cases. Very informed, very smart. She overcame an ED and then a psychic break. Idk her website but you’ll find her searching on here
@@ellekay1721I refuse to put medications in my body or it does is cause problems in something else and damage dementia or cancer. I don’t know why he’s scary women .
@@aliciacarmona5004Our brains have oestrogen receptors in them, so the brain needs oestrogen to remain healthy. It’s your choice, but having cared for and watched my Mum slowly die from dementia let alone the multitude of UTIs she also had, I am going to stay on HRT for as long as possible.
I've put myself on minimal HRT after 20 years of being off of it. I keep a daily record of weight and bp and would love to help any study that is seeking to find volunteers. After 20 years of hot flashes-- intense -- I was free of them after only two weeks. Other benefits seem to be happening, too. I've had a complete checkup, top to bottom, no family history of cancer, active lifestyle.
@JoanOfArgghh That’s great news if you’re experiencing symptom relief. I’m curious as to why you put yourself on “minimal HRT.” One of the driving principles of what I teach is that “optimal” hormones not only eliminate your symptoms, they also protect you from long-term health risks at the same time. I understand that this is counter to a lot of the conventional wisdom that says “Hormones should only be given at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible length of time.” My digital course, The Menopause Solution, explains this in great detail. Take a look here
My doc wouldn't prescribe it. I don't have heart risk. She was only going to give me HRT if I had hot flashes. I'm 8 years in to menopase (58). One of the docs told me that they don't prescribe it after 10 years, I said, I'm not 10 years, I'm 7 (this was a couple years ago). This same woman told me not to look in the mirror when I complained about weight and my inablity to suddenly not able to get rid of it. She sent me to another doctor in the practice. This is advertised as a mid-life center, which is laughable.
I felt like a million bucks on prempro, prescribed by my gyno. It's what convinced me that my body needed hormones. But the naturopath i found for other issues insisted i switch to compounded, sublingual hrt because prempro was dangerous for all women. The bioidentical hrt works well but nothing like that prempro. I guess something that made me feel like a million bucks was too good to be true.
Did the study show differences in hrt and bhrt and breast cancer. I heard from other videos that it was the combination of synthetic hormones with synthetic progesterone that caused an increase in breast cancer. That bhrt progesterone did not increase chances of breast cancer.
I am so fortunate to have a gynecologist that has no qualms about prescribing HRT. ( she is a pcp and post menopausal specialist as well)I use a compounding cream of estrogen and testosterone. I have an IUD in place so as not to have “unopposed” estrogen. I don’t take progesterone so this way, with the IUD, the lining of the uterus won’t overgrow and increase the risk of cancer. I feel pretty good most days and have no osteoporosis. My risk is so low it is at 0.5% So ladies don’t be afraid to try things and hopefully you can find someone to help you. I just don’t understand why Drs. are so afraid. I sign an informed consent, that’s all they would need since they are afraid to be held libel.
In the UK you can get HRT patches, estradiol vaginal tablets, topical creams etc online without your doctor needing to prescribe it and it's quite inexpensive. The online pharmacies have doctors that will issue the prescription after you answer a few questions about age, symptoms L, medical history etc. You can also buy over the counter in Boots and Superdrug.
Thank you so much for all the information you are providing us. I'm 65 and I got taken off my estrogen about half a year ago and I decided to go with pellets. I feel great, but the new DR is so Close-minded to any HRT I thought because she was a woman she would understand it was worse. When my previous Doctor had me on vaginal estrogen. because of my age . Plz send me a list of HRT Dr's. After my Hysterectomy I was put on Estrogen right after . Thank you again.
Finally, after begging, I was allowed to get a tube of estradiol every three months to apply on my labia twice a week. I'm worried if this is synthetic or bio.? I had surgical menopause at 48 years old has 20 years ago. yeah oh my doctors are afraid of HRT. I had to beg for bladder health and vagina health with a tube of estradiol.
Another limitation of this study is that they only analyzed women on oral progesterone. So the 17% increased risk of breast cancer for E2+Progesterone says nothing about the non-oral delivery methods of progesterone. Only those readers that opened up the supplemental link at the bottom of the study saw the details of what were the delivery methods and doses.
Unfortunately when I asked, the answer is that being 10 years past, it is too late yet my sleep is poor and I have osteopenia. This and it was during the time of backlash against HRT, mostly because of the abuse of the horses involved in the production- urine collection. Nasty business and then the offspring sold for meat.
Thank you for putting this information out there. The way most GPs treat older women is disgusting 😢 Hrt improves all cause mortality that's all there should be to it. I am convinced doctors force this on women because of the cost of cancer treatments rather than actual patient health outcomes!
Just turned 63 and my hot flashes are back. WTF!! I still have my ovaries and uterus. I have never taken HRT or any other hormone. I guess I like to suffer. Not!!
I was able to find a provider for compounded hrt. But they act odd when I request some testosterone, too. Why is that? You'd think i was asking for a controlled substance. They finally gave me a little, tiny bit to be added to my compounded hrt. Not enough to notice much difference though. Women need some testosterone, too.
Wow. I can't even tell you when I had menopause. I had a hysterectomy at age 41 and no symptoms at all. I now have age related signs that my hormones have stopped but that is all.
I do a progesterone capsule and a estradiol patch. I am 47. I also am working on my low D and Ferritin levels which were also contributing to my menopause symptoms.
It's brutal to live with night sweats, no solid sleep. Im 13 years past menopause and still suffering. If men suffered so, science would have found a solution just like they created viagra as a result of the loss of testosterone in men.
Thank you very much, Steve! I’d be interested in the absolute number with regards to the E2 + P4 increase in breast cancer in this study. How many additional cases per 1000 women per year, for example. I find this more meaningful in terms of assessing whether it’s something I’m going to worry about. Did the study authors give actual numbers? Would love to know. Thanks again, Steve! Always looking forward to your valuable videos! 😊
you might wanna consider reading the book estrogen matters where he gives a lot of data and statistics for different studies and breast cancer risk. Essentially, he says it boils down to one more case per 1000 women. If that. That’s if you’re on estrogen and progesterone. If you’re on estrogen only and don’t have uterus, then your risk of B cancer actually decreases.
@@FortheHealthofit. Thank you. I read “Estrogen Matters”. Great book! My question for Steve was about specifics of the particular new study he summarized in this video.
I'm 68 and had a total hysterectomy at 46. I have never had menopause least I tought I didn't. Now I'm exhausted all the time, have a prolasped bladder and vagina. I was also told I had ostoporosis (by mistake) and put on an awful shot that I didn't need. It has caused me to be in pain in almost every joint. I'm hoping this exhaustion, dry skin and irritibility is helped by HRT. I haven't been any any other medication for blood pressure, cholestorol and am just about 20 lbs over my normal weight. I think I'm healthy but am going to the cardiologist just to be sure before get HRT. Do I need progesteron or is there just a plain estrogen med?
I was 58 My doctor perscibed me estradiol patch and immediately I started hot flashes night sweats so I stopped. Is that a side effect I needed to work through?
63, never had it, and don’t know where to find a provider who gives me the prescription. I just want to prevent possibles diseases associated with lack of hormones.
@jackiemansfield8325 - Fill out my Patient Referral Request Form here to find a hormone specialist: If you leave a referral request on TH-cam or email it to me, it's extremely likely I'll drop the ball or it will fall through the cracks. Thanks!
I’m 77 and in relatively good health. I take no medication’s at this time. My doctor says I am pre-diabetic so I’m watching what I eat. I have osteopenia and I’m about 10 pounds overweight and can’t lose it. He also says I have high cholesterol, but I refuse to take statins. I was on hormone replacement therapy at 52 for a little while but then that deadly report came out and my doctor took me off of it. I struggled for 20 years with hot flashes, and all the other usual symptoms. I guess it’s too late for me now???
Thanks for watching. It’s interesting that you used the phrase, “deadly report” to refer to the Women’s Health Initiative. The study itself showed no increase in mortality for women on hormones. The irony is that more women have died after they were denied hormones than would have died if they’d received hormone replacement therapy.
I’m 61 and just went to my OBGYN today and asked for HRT. I haven’t had a period in over 12 years, never been on hormones because I didn’t have hot flashes but don’t sleep usually go to the bathroom 4 to 5 times a night, have horrible brain fog muscle is gone, joint pain is horrible. Dry skin, eyes, mouth. Don’t even want to think about sex anymore so painful and embarrassing. My gyno flat out told me I’m too old. I keep a healthy weight at 123lbs but said the risks are too high . I did get her to prescribe me estradiol cream you insert 2 a week but won’t do nothing else. Is this gonna be enough. I’m in San Diego. Does any know of anyone that can help me here. I have good insurance through Sharp and would like to not feel the exhaustion I go through and all those other things that stop me from living a full life. Please help. They keep bringing up that study and say even the new study says if your over 60 the risks are to high. 🥺
Hi Steve, I’m confused by some things that you said in this video. I hope that you can clarify them. The first thing I’m confused about is that you gave a positive statement about those taking estrogen alone. I didn’t think that you could take estrogen alone, so could you clarify? The second thing that confused me is that I think you said that bio estrogen and progesterone raise breast cancer risk more than any other combination, could you please 🙏 clarify your statements. Thanks Steve 😊
Your Menopause Solution course is excellent, even for me as a menopause provider! I think all women would benefit from taking it!
Thanks for engaging with it! So many women I talk with are confused and overwhelmed about making their HRT decision. That’s exactly what The Menopause Solution is for - helping women answer the (seemingly) simple question: “Should I take hormones for my menopause . . . or not?”
Imagine if the male testes shriveled and died. The URGENCY! The MONEY! The RESEARCH!
Makes me so mad. The absolute h@ll we have to go through. If I had only knew
YES....!!! Very funny and well-put. Thanks for the genuine LOL
Absolutely! No one cares if we suffer 😮
We were talking one day, and several of my female friends were advocating for hysterectomies after they were finished having babies. Their theory being that “we’re done with it, just have it out”. I pointed out that we wouldn’t be saying the same of the men in our lives. You’re done having babies, just have your testicles removed. The lack of respect for women’s bodies is astounding and pervasive. Sad.
I am 62, and recently saw my NP, and was pleasantly surprised that she was very pro HRT. When I mentioned having difficulties finding someone to prescribe HRT for me, (I most recently went to a gynecologist in search of it and was denied) she shook her head and pointed out the amount of gaslighting we women have to endure. I go to a functional medicine group. More expensive than traditional allopathic Dr.s but so worth it.
Thank you so much! We women should initiate a class action lawsuit for negligence and discrimination against medical providers and the FDA!
I’m confused. It looks like I can order estradiol over the counter. Why does there need to be a class action suit? Please elaborate, thanks. Now 70, not overweight, get loads of exercise and eat a plant based whole food vegan diet. No heart disease, but osteoporosis. Wish I had not waited.
72 and just started estradiol and progesterone.
I think the WHI and NIH should pay for ALL care I'll need because of the delay they caused in me getting them. Osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, neurological problems, weight gain, sleeplessness, ad nauseum
Ditto. Exactly the same diagnoses here. 😔
yup...73 and just got estrogen and premerine...insane!!...same symptoms here!
I no agree for lying to use and taking away our options!
May I ask what dosage? I've been on generic estradiol and methaprogesterone for 17 yrs!! I feel great but recently started some hot flashes at nite- wondering if dosage is too low now... Thank you
Amen! I have a doctor appointment in June, and plan on requesting to be on HRT’s. However, I had to get a new Dr who has only been practicing a couple years. My other doctor retired, so I’m not sure what doctors are being taught these days regarding HRT’S :(
I'm gonna be controversial in what I have to say. If a doc can prescribe estrogen for a person who thinks they want to be a woman. Then why can't they prescribe women with this so we can feel better. You can get something called lichens sclerosis if hormones too low. That isn't life threatening. But very uncomfortable. Surgical menopause here, 25. At 52 the doc decided to take me off. I became suicidal and ended up with hypothyroid. For 12 years now I feel worse, thyroid issue. I am back on HRT now. Better, but the thyroid. Huh!!!. I intend to continue until I can't. Good luck ladies
My endocrinologist just re-subscribed me Estriadol and I'm going to be 65 at the end of June. I'm scared to start wearing the patch but I had surgical Menopause at age 51. I had my Uterus removed at 38. I think I should probably have Testosterone too. I can't sleep without sleep aids. I have zero sex drive. I am depressed and just tried stopping my antidepressant but started having panic attacks. Did I mention I have no energy? I want to start wearing my patch but I'm scared. Should I be or should I just be grateful she gave it to me. I became Hypothyroid after my hysterectomy.
I agree three-thousand times with your comment about men and HRT and women and HRT. I ALSO think that if insurance is going to cover the cost of "GENDER AFFIRMING" breast removal or implants, it should cover it for us women who want a reduction or removal or revision for every reason we think we "need" it. Why should it only be covered for men or for women who think they ARE men?
Good for you! You are your own best doctor!!!
@@latherandlaceI hope you get relief. I am just learning about HRT at 69! I just have never had women issues that I can remember until 64. Now I’m depressed ALWAYS, don’t want to go out of the house, skin Itches always, on and on. I just asked my doctor to test my hormones for the first time.
@@latherandlaceDo not be scared of the transdermal Estradiol patch
Been taking bioidentical HRT for over 17 years…am 75, and feel like a 20 year old. I found a functional medicine doc who is a genius with body chemistry. I don’t know what I’ll do when he retires. He saved my life when I had Lyme’s disease, and other docs said “It was all in my head”.
Any chance you are in Canada?
Any chance your in Texas?
I need him. Please tell me his contact & name
I'm 57 , I've been on HRT for 5 years. My symptoms were horrific, insomnia, brain fog, hot flushes every 30 mins, aches and pains and depression. They will have to take my HRT from my cold dead hands. I honestly dont care about the risks of heart disease cancer and breast cancer. My life was effectively over anyway, HRT honestly saved me.
Me 2. Before HRT, I was having 10 hot flashes a day and all the other horrific symptoms. I waited eight years before I went on HRT. It was the best decision I ever made. The risks are worth it to me.
I started hrt at 52 also. I’m 63 now.
My mom took HRT for 7 yrs then was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It was horrible. She is no longer with us. Just wanted to give you the info of the other side. Becareful
@@danawc5595I won’t touch it with a 10’ pole
I do hospice. I’ve cared for women after taking HRT. Nope.
@@danawc5595Stop implying that HRT caused your mother’s uterine cancer. Not true, unless she took estrogen only without also taking progesterone. That is the only scenario that may raise a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer.
What about our sex lives? We're just supposed to say well, honey, no more nookie for you because I'm dry and painful. Yes there is medicine but I don't qualify because I'm 65. I don't see men my age being cut off from ED meds. This makes me very angry. It's sexist.
Yep I worked in urology men and women treated differently
I’ve been using Vagifem for years. It works great. Healthy vagina and it helps prevent bladder prolapse etc. Is a vaginal suppository so you should get it.
I have to agree, it IS sexist. And its abusive. ED meds for men and nothing for our dried up painful vaginas. A match NOT made in Heaven.
Do these men realize just how much more sex they would get if they focused more on getting our plumbing working?
I go to a Naturopathic doctor and he prescribes HRT for me .
Exactly, it's not equitable for sure.
Don't have time for doctors to catch up, gave up on them at 67 and now purchase my estradiol from pharmacy in Mexico
If you still have a uterus, they also recommend micronized progesterone (as cancer protection).
Please tell us how and where?
@@Jesusiswatchingyou-123 Pharmacies all over Mexico. Just walk in. (I haven't specifically bought this -- check before making a trip.)
Also Canada. I also had a bladder sling at a surgical clinic
I’m 70 and have been on HRT for 20 years. A gyn and PC have recently said I should stop but I’m not. I have breast cancer history in my family but I chose quality of life over quantity and have no regrets. I would’ve had to leave the work force and my good job at 50 w/o HRT and I was single then and now.
My response to the gyn who suggested I stop was “oh wow, I hate being miserable” and she shrugged her shoulders and said “oh well, that’s life”!
What a response! Some doctors just don't care!
It is downright insulting and abusive. "oh well, that's life"??? Wow. They are more concerned about getting sued than their patient's quality of life. Sorry, but SCREW THEM.
Yet my husband went to his urologist saying he felt tired all the time and he was losing muscle mass and the urologist said, "You're in mano-pause" and prescribed him TESTOSTERONE. Without a blink. Un-FREAKIN believable.
@@Dreengirl If female, wait until they get their turn...............ha.
Bye “DOCTOR” I’d be seething 😡
It only matters to them when they are inconvenienced. 😤
It’s infuriating to me that so many doctors flat out refuse to even discuss the benefits and risks of HRT let alone prescribe it for their female patients, when it already has well-established cardiac (and bone density) benefits, and cardiovascular problems are still the leading cause of death for women over age 65. Then there’s the issue of the patient’s free will; if a fully-informed transwoman can choose to receive female hormones, and have them covered by health insurance, then a fully-informed ciswoman should be able make that same choice, yes?
Absolutely! 👏👏👏
ABSOLUTELY. We are living in clown world anymore.
I've done my homework too. If we choose to continue hormones, then that is OUR choice. Not the doc's.
The body drops these hormone levels over time for a reason. Should we be messing with that? Shouldn't diet and exercise be the first defense again these symptoms? Women in the east have few traditional menopause symptoms until they eat a western diet.
@@Himmiefan Could be why women in the east have some of the highest rates of osteoporosis....
Female hormones (including a little testosterone), help maintain bone and muscle mass and reduces risk of heart, vascular disease.
Many people don't bat an eyelash should someone want to become the sex that they aren't and take hormones opposed to their biology.
HRT gives back to women what we've had all along. It also helps with sleep, which is often problematic after menopause.
Don't think that HRT is 'messing' with anything. If women feel worlds better on HRT and their quality of life is greatly improved, then what is the problem?
And yes, good diet and exercise are VERY important too, no matter your age or sex..
@@Himmiefan The lifespan wasn't nearly as long when our genetics were developing: women didn't live an extra 20-60 years post menopause. As for the Asian diet: soy is high in phytoestrogens. Soy also got a bad rap but the latest evidence is positive for soy helping in menopause.
Thank you for all you do. I found my hormone doctor by asking the pharmacist for a list of doctors that prescribed HRT. Might be an option for those that you don’t have someone in their area.
thank you for that tip!
YES! Call a compounding pharmacy in your area & ask who is prescribing.
How do you find a compounding pharmacist?
@@kanna8662 in Australia we have them everywhere… so Google 🤷🏻♀️
I was going to go "all natural" in post menopause. That's because I didn't have any symptoms until my hormones disappeared at around age 51. I got the really weird symptoms (air hunger, dizziness, nausea, adrenal surges) in addition to hot flashes, night sweats etc. Also Covid. An older woman I know, told me that the symptoms persisted YEARS after the change. That, and the sudden acceleration in the aging of my body was the deciding factor to start HRT at 52.
Sounds just like me!
Me too! My GP ( a cool woman who is still my PCP in Medicare) suggested all the OTC stuff- estravan pills, lubricants) Nope- went on generic HRT 17 yrs ago and continue to feel good, look 10 yrs younger( with RetinA)😂. And kept weight same -30 yrs ago
yes, me too. I've aged SO MUCH in 6 months time! I'm 55, so my doctor asked me to stop taking birth control and wait a month to do an FSH test to see if I'm entering menopause (result=yes). Let me tell you, once I was off birth control, the symptoms started coming on strong. This has been going on only about 6 months, and a few weeks ago I finally got HRT to help. I have severe joint pain still, where I wonder if it will ever go away (do I have arthritis now?). The brain fog and hot flashes have subsided, thankfully. Good thing you started it as soon as you found out. I certainly didn't know that all this would happen, and I assume that most other women don't know, beyond knowing you'll get hot flashes.
What is air hunger?
I’m 62 and I started hrt 3 months ago and I feel fantastic
I'm 61 and hope to soon as well
Did your doctor do any tests on your heart and artery health first? I'm 62 as well and concerned I should be doing that, but maybe it's okay. So excited to hear you are feeling great!! : ) Did you go through a regular doctor?
@@biritsimonsen hi yes my doctor made me do a 24 hour blood pressure monitor which came back normal so she prescribed the hrt for me. And yes just my regular gp. I feel very strongly that people of our age group were frightened away from getting hrt because it was put out there that it caused breast cancer and now they are saying that information was not correct. I hope you go and seek the help we all deserve we’ve suffered in silence for far too long 🙏
Were you put on the estradiol patch?
@@wyleecoyotee4252 I was offered a patch but my skin is sensitive so I opted for the estradiol gel along with progesterone capsules
I’m 68, started HRT a few a weeks ago. I’m feeling better everyday. Thank God!
That’s encouraging bc I’m 66 and am just going to be starting. Waiting for a phone call to start Rx. (The medical group’s system is completely shut down. UGH)
What were you prescribed?
@@janetslack8707 Bijuva (capsule). It estrogen & progesterone
Where do u live & who is your Doctor that prescribed to you if I can please ask?
I’m 65 and started two years ago at 63. I feel so much better! I wish I’d started years ago! Any Dr that tells me to get off hrt will be my X Dr
I’m 67 and I’ve been on bio-identical hormones of testosterone, estridial, and progesterone creams for 12 years now. I feel pretty good.
I'm 70 and been on them for 22 years. I had to be my own advocate, but my doctor listened to me. I am extremely healthy and feel and look much younger than those many years younger who aren't on any hormones. It's been a Godsend!
@@pkstiever Been on HRT since age 45 when I still had regular periods. It was the best ever for mood regulation. No PMS. Now 66 and starting on testosterone plus HRT. We deserve quality of life. I have high normal bone density, heart function is excellent, no cancer of any kind. I think women should start HRT when they start having intrusive hot flashes and poor sleep. That way they are not suddenly starting HRT when they are post menopausal and have been suffering from menopausal symptoms for years.
I’ve just recently started (March 1st) Estradiol 1mg patch I change once a week, then started Progesterone 100mg pill once a day. Was feeling great, then recently symptoms are coming back again, might need an increase?
@user-hi3sy8jh9c just a suggestion - I did better with the patch that you change twice weekly. Less fluctuation and it's much smaller.
@@Suzanne-x1r You may need a twice weekly patch :*)
I turned 64 in May of this year. I just got prescribed HRT this morning. I did my homework and I approached my doctor about it. She listens to me and agreed to work with me on this matter.
Menopause was very easy for me. I felt good the first four years of being post menopausal. Then over the past 7 years my symptoms have gotten progressively worse. I now have osteopenia. I’m very active and about to embark on a new life path teaching yoga. I want to feel like myself again. It’s been way too long.
My doc agreed to prescribe HRT for my osteoporosis. I'm 62. She'd read the papers about HRT and ESTROGEN MATTERS book. I love my doc!
I'm 62 and FINALLY found a doctor that would give me HRT. I've been so EXHAUSTED for decades and I can't get to the cause of it. Started on Estradiol patches 3 weeks ago and while I'm still fatigued, I SUDDENLY got a sex-drive. WTH? that's not what I was wanting but...hey, it's kinda cool. I FORGOT what it feels like to be attracted to someone. LOL.
I’m 66 and started HRT yesterday, pill at night and patch on this morning. My doctor is all for it. She made me get a mammogram first and thankfully a normal result. I’m hoping I won’t get side effects, but got to give it chance to get used to it, and hopefully I will benefit and stay healthy and feel great. This video was helpful
I had SERIOUS problems at meno!! Early meno caused me 12 years of issues.. finally HRT, so much better… I was having a hard time getting any Dr to give it to me… then I went to a women’s center that specializes in women’scare and got hormones… it changed my life
I literally just stopped having regular periods end of Feb. I’m 56. And I just demanded HRT patches and I got em. I’m more worried about weak bones. Hope this helps. Suffered all my life with heavy periods and a 21 day cycle. It severely impacted life. I tried the IUD 3 times, and my body would move it thru the uterus wall. So let’s hope HRT and menopause is a relief!!
You should add onto the lack of help from my local clinic regarding loss of hormones. I went vegan at about age 60, as before my periods ended late around age 58, they had told me that even though my mother and sister died of their breast cancers and this was most menopausal. But then, I was not given anything but Premarin, which was mess and inconvenient and did nothing for any of my symptoms.
When I went vegan, a lot of my symptoms improved out disappeared. My gynecologist told me it was out of the question that I could get HRT because it would increase my cancer risks. The diet I eat alkalizes the body, and cancer cannot grow except if one’s body is acidic. Eating meat was something my mother and sister did all the time, even during their cancers.
I have a very hard time sleeping despite that I do use some soy products, just not daily. If I get some hot flashes, I’ll eat whole cooked soybeans and this stops the hot flashes. I find once or twice a week is sufficient for me.
It is the brittle bone I am concerned about. I do eat loads of green and dark green veggies both cooked or raw. Just how much I absorb is a question.
Sex is quite painful for me. Why doctors hate vegans is beyond me. No high blood pressure or cholesterol, blood sugars are perfect, no heart disease, I am at my right weight, I exercise daily. Yes, I can sure see they are not making money off of me!
My appointment to get HRT is scheduled in June. I'm 64 and cannot wait!! I need energy, I need to lose the brain's debilitating as an accountant with at least a minimum of 3 more years to go before I retire!!!
They’ll just keep raising it
It’s going to be 70 before they even think about stopping the age minimum for SS
I think it might hit 75.
The GOV is
Excellent presentation, Steve.
I found a doc who prescribed BHRT for me; osteoporosis, horrific hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and everything else in between. Then we moved to a small town and I'm getting no where. They look at me like I have 3 heads. Doc out here flat out refused to prescribe them. He sent me to a endocrinologist (LOL), said 'they prescribe hormones'. I told him that the endo would do nothing' (PLEASE, I'm a retired RN). He insisted that I see the endo but couldn't get an appt for 3 months. By this time, I was in full-on menopausal symptoms once again.
I went to the endo who said, 'Sorry, I'm not going to prescribe any hormones', I told her 'I already knew that but I'm jumping through the proper hoops'.
WHY must we 'jump through hoops' to get relief? They are all afraid. They all cite the WHI study, Please.
Yet when my husband was tired and losing muscle mass, his urologist said, 'You need testosterone' and he got it....just like that.
Screw those aaaholes….there are doctors online who will prescribe. I bet this guy can refer you
@@Starfish2145 I sure hope Steve can give me a name or two:( On top of all this, I'm caring for my husband who was recently diagnosed with dementia and the weight of the world is on my shoulders. I spent my entire career in healthcare. But I'm unable to get adequate healthcare for myself.
Check the North America Menopause Society’s website for a practitioner.
@@ComplexityUnveiled I did this a while back. Found two practitioners within two hours from me. Called them both and was told that the doc did not prescribe BHRT. The Menopause Society list is a joke and not up to date.
@@catbee1452good to know!
I’m 64 and went back on hrt at 63 after stopping it at 57 because I was told I had to. I was miserable and lost 6 years of my life because of misinformation. I’m on estradiol transdermal and oral micronized progesterone. The depression lifted almost immediately and my libido came back. Also take vaginal estrogen to help with atrophy and bladder leakage. Still working on my sleep but the changes are nothing short of amazing! Don’t give up!
You are precious and I feel like I’ve found a new best friend because of your obvious concern and your clear and concise way of explaining this life altering time in women’s lives! Thank you!
I'm 82 and have been on hrt for 30 years. Still fit and active. If I stop hrt I feel bad with depression and feel " old". I use bio identical cream and had a hysterectomy pre menopause.
Same here..same age. No one believes my age
I started with hormone pellets (testosterone) before menopause to try and get ahead of things. My testosterone was really low before. You don’t have to wait for doctor approval. There are places that specialize in hormone replacement.
Omg! Same story! I’ve lost any quality of life. I didn’t know about prolapse my doctor told me about that a long time ago but I had no clue what she meant.
I’m 59 and have felt like this was all Hashimotos.
I feel like I’ve been waiting to die for 12-25 years.
It’s been a hopeless hellish experience.
I'm 68 amd just starting HRT. I took a low dosage of birth contol pills for several years to control the awful hot flashes that began at 43 with peri-menopause. I had 12-20 hot flashes daily. The pill was magical. Then my primary care doc said that I had to stop. Too risky. I am angry that so many of us have suffered due to one study. I rarely get a good night's sleep. I hope the HRT will help.
If your doctor is reluctant to prescribe HRT, ask friends on HRT who their doctor are, and try to change to one of their doctors. Specialists in women’s health are often more sympathetic. Personally I am 66, have been on HRT for fifteen years, and hope to stay on it for life, and am lucky to have a sympathetic doctor. I try to reduce health risks by keeping fit, moderating alcohol, and eating a plant rich Mediterranean diet (no meat, limited fish, eggs and dairy, no ultra processed foods). HRT is the only medication I am on.
Great comment with great advice…People can also ask a pharmacist which doctors in their area prescribe HRT.
Using only Premarin more than 40 years. Hysterectomy about six years prior to Premarin. Never had any menopause symptoms. Doing fine. No colon cancer, dementia, breast cancer or lung cancer yet.
Really interesting! My mums just turned 70 and went through menopause around 50. It effected her badly and still does. She wasn’t prescribed HRT due to breast cancer in her family, however we now know that myths been debunked. I’m still concerned about the increased risk but overall the effects of HRT look promising.
Thank you for making this video 🙏🏻
I had hot flashes every 30 minutes day and night. I tried every natural remedy. I did not get a decent night sleep for 4 years. I gained 28 lbs. I finally got relief when I went on HRT. I finally also made some diet changes that have helped me start to lose weight.
I’m 61 now 5- 8 years ago been toughening it out these awful menopausal symptoms . Finally listening and discovered those advocating HRT like you open my eyes. Just started 1.5 months ago. And feel the difference now. I just hope my doctor will continue to prescribe HRT as long as I needed them to have a quality of life I have left. Thank You 🙏 😊👏
What sort are you taking ? :)
Just confirmed for me that I did the right thing 2 years ago by starting HRT at 53. I'm currently on both estradiol and progesterone pills via a hormone center.
My mom got that prolapse. She had 6 kids and had a hysterectomy. She has stayed on HRT since menopause and had surgery which went very well because her tissues were healthy from having HRT. She is 77.
I'm 52 and I haven't had a period in 1 year, 6 months.
All my symptoms have disappeared. No hot flashes. I had so many symptoms. I'm shocked they all went away. My daughter, who is 23 pointed it out to me. She said I'm back to myself. Perimenopause was a nightmare. I want to give you ladies hope. I didn't go on hrt. I tried supplements, but nothing worked. I'm so happy it's over and I'm finally on the other side.
I'm going to stores every day now. I'm more confident to socialize.
I love you all my sistas.
@Godisfirst21 Thanks for watching. I'm not clear, based on your comment, if you are or are not taking hormone replacement now. But it's great you're feeling better. My surveys of menopausal women and the scientific literature indicate that supplements may help a little with menopause . . . but not much.
@SimpleHormones I've never taken hrt. I tried a few supplements. They didn't work. 1.5 years no period and I'm starting to feel more like myself again. It was a bumpy ride.
@@Godisfirst21You are a rare exception indeed! Do you exercise regularly? Are you thin?
@Suki0428 what are you experiencing?
@@Godisfirst21 Anxiety on a whole different level!!! And brain fog in all forms: brain freeze, mental confusion, uncertainty, and even unwarranted fears. And, the feeling of being stuck, like I can’t go on with life. Like I’m blocked by a wall. Type A personality to barely getting by with the basics. Hot flashes not bad, but extreme bursts of hellish anxiety right before they happen. Other symptoms are insomnia, bile sludge and now IBS torsion-like pain which I believe is stressed induced by the brain (brain-gut connection) which intensifies existing kidney stones pain. I’ve tried various herbs and supplements which do help. Low dose Gabapentin/Neurontin is amazing for brain 🧠 fog and improved mood and function. My next goal is the gym! HRT doesn’t scare me, but Progesterone side effects do. I’m turning 55 in Feb. Symptoms started at 52, one year after my periods completely stopped. Dr. Pam Popper says that menopause should pass if we get to the root of the problems such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diet, sleep, etc…
I got my referral name and made an appointment. I had my blood drawn last week and am now waiting for my appointment. Fingers crossed it helps!!
So glad to confirm what happens after I become officially in menopause next month. Now at least I know what to expect.
I finally convinced doc to give me HRT, had hysterectomy at age 45 and on HRT until the other doc took them away . I now have 0% testosterone and can't get that one added..I'm 73 ...muscle tissue evaporating, loss of strength and energy, insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, weight loss, arthritis and osteoporosis...disgusting that I cannot get back the meds that worked for me for over 25 years!!
Keep trying new doctors till you find help
I hate to read the comments about not being able to obtain HRT. I live in the SouthWest USA and my doctors have no problem giving it to me. I take estradiol and progesterone. I tried the herbal route, but they would stop working after 6 months. I don’t understand why my mother and sisters didn’t have bad symptoms and I did. I just increased my estradiol because my hot flashes came back. The new dose started working right away. I imagine I will need to take it for life.
I am 67 and the menopausal roller coaster ride has dominated my life for over ten years! I am so tired of trying to feel normal when my hormones are constantly changing. I actually do use HRT but finding the right combination at the right time has not been easy. My doctors are very supportive regarding HRT so I haven't had to battle to have it prescribed however I feel sorry for those women who have less knowledgeable medics. Many thanks for this video and sending best wishes from the UK.
What are you taking? I’m in the UK and, though it’s taken a couple of years to get them all prescribed, I’m now taking all 3 hormones. Only just started testosterone yesterday, so can’t say if it’s helping yet. And I’m supplementing my progesterone capsule with non-prescribed progesterone cream because I don’t think the minimum dose prescribed is enough to balance the amount of oestrogel I use. It’s a lot of self experimentation, but I’m grateful to have a GP who is more knowledgeable than many
Steve you got me a referral in my area and she was great! Just starting hrt at 64
@nancykennedy9397 So glad you found some help! I love hearing back from patients who’ve found a good fit.
Hi Steve….im wondering if you had any recommendations for a doctor in Suffolk County, Long Island, N.Y. ? Thank you! 🙋♀️
The best way to find a hormone specialist, somebody who really knows how to manage all your hormone issues and get you to optimal levels, is to visit this page on my website and fill out my Patient Referral Request Form here If you leave a referral request on TH-cam or email it to me, it's extremely likely I'll drop the ball or it will fall through the cracks. Once you fill out the form, be sure to check your email for a message that says "Confirm your email address." Thanks!
I still take HRT at 90, but I had general low endocrine output from many glands, including adrenals, when in my 30’s.
I’m 67 and have bio-identical HRT. I’m taking it until I die.
Are you doing pellets? What are all your HRT’s and in what form, please?
Love this! I was told I'm too old aged 60yrs old!
Ladies, go to a Naturopathic physician. Mine prescribes HRT for me and has told me that I need to take them for life.
On the flip side, my gynecologist who removed my last ovary then gave me ZERO counseling on the hell my life would become without the hormones produced by our ovaries. I’m 58 and approaching seven years after the surgery and immediate medical onset of menopause. I’m better but still suffer brain fog. Also, sadly, I’m not sure my marriage will survive. (I’ve read that many marriages don’t survive the nightmare of menopause.😢)
I'm 66 years old and had 12 years of hot flashes and 10 years severe vaginal dryness, went to the doctor at that time and he said welcome to menopause, use lube. 5 years ago I lost my libido all together and finally got in to see a gyno doctor. After a few tests she diagnosed me with lichen sclerosus and labia fusion, also stated there was nothing to help with libido and told me to use lubricant and dilators to help with sexual intercourse....HAHA!! The lack of information to doctors is ridiculous. Thank you for giving me a light of to find someone near me in Toronto area, if you know someone please let me know. So So Frustrated
Dr. Alvin Pettle is my hormone doc. He’s located on Bathurst in Toronto.
@karinn9406 - Doctors are so stupid for being smart folks. Try tele-medicine. I do video appointments with my NP and she orders the tests I need and I go to the lab or do the tests at home. She also tests my thyroid and cortisol levels every year. It's pricey and out of pocket on top of the health insurance I have to purchase here in the US for useless medical care with a regular MD (which I never see). Good luck, I hope they have tele-medicine with a NP in Canada, it's worth every penny.
LS is autoimmune
Go carni and u will see a diff in six mos I bet
And resolve it in a yr
Just gone back onHRT at 67.NHS THANKS
Hi Gillian,
I just turned 65, and my doctor has insisted on me reducing my estrogen which I did 6 months ago. But I’m struggling with hot flashes and night sweats, and I’m having bouts of chest pains off and on. My whole reason for going on hormones was to protect my cardiovascular system. So I feel really upset by my current symptoms. So your post caught my eye because you said that you just went back on them, so I’m wondering why you went back on them and how long were you off of them? I hope that I hear back from you. Thanks 😊
But if you had a break for 10 years they would have said no I asked for HRT 8 years into menopause they said no
@@daisymae749 I would love to know also as I'm thinking about going off HRT. Hope she answers you.
@@r-anne7375why are you thinking of going off them.
I'm 75...almost 76. My new PC insisted I start on estradiol vaginal cream 3 months ago. I'm feeling a lot better. After reading comments from so many of you about how difficult it has been to get a prescription for HRT, I'm thinking I'm pretty fortunate to have stumbled across my new, female PC. The biggest changes are sleeping so much better and just feeling better overall.
I had endometriosis after 37 and my hormones dropped significantly at 43. So, my lovely GP put me on progesterone first, no estrogen. Even from just taking progesterone my night sweats were gone, sleep quality is the best now, no irritability and depression anymore. And I don't have an uterus. Why do they keep saying that only estrogen is important in menopause? I have fantastic improvement of my symptoms just from taking progesterone. Hope I knew this after my 30, maybe fibroids and adenomyosis wouldn't develop and I didn't have to take my uterus out. I was always complaining about symptoms to my gyno such as breast tenderness since I was like 27, irritability, spotting, etc.
I am seventy one ,I am taking hormones without them I go mentally unbalanced and tried the vagina prolapse and dryness was horrendous ,I will never stop taking my hormones
Two years ago, my Dr started me on Estradiol and clobetosol 2 years ago. I feel so much better. I use 2x a week. Almost 70.
I've been using estradiol patch and one week per m onth of progestin for 20 years - now 72
What strength is your patch? I'd like to try that method. Mine is .1
Do you have a video on women who’ve had a full hysterectomy & their hormonal needs? Thank you
Any Dr. who does not give a woman estrogen only after a full hysterectomy is criminal. It is like castrating a male and they would give them testosterone no problem :*( Hope you find a good Dr. to help you :*)
I am 65 and have a very strong history of breast cancer in my family (grandmother/aunts/mother/sister). My sister who had breast cancer had been on bio identical hormones. I really wish I could go on HRT but hearing in this video that in one study HRT increases the risk of breast cancer makes me think it’s not for me sadly.
It’s not for anyone
I wouldn’t touch it
Try yam cream
I wish they would test women in their 30’s for hormone values because I know mine are dropping and have been asking for a boost to alleviate my perimenopause symptoms! Especially requesting progesterone for the last half of my cycle and continue to get denied!
Can you tell them you want birth control just to get past the gate keeping, and get on a progesterone-only pill or long-acting reversible contraceptive implant? I think those are progesterone based.
I used a progesterone cream I bought online
U can buy in stores too
Rotate where u rub it in
It made me conceive my last n then allowed me to not miscarry until she implanted
Just look for USP amount, not herbal supplement type. Those are very hit n miss for this need.
I use herbs for lots of things but this I went hardcore.
I didn’t get other benefits too that I wanted from prog tho. Oh well 🤷🏼♀️
Excellent content! I loved the way you broke out the data in the spreadsheet. I believe my doctor is much too concerned about the red data and is asking me to have all of these invasive and painful tests because of some bleeding after being on HRT for only a few months (< 6). I asked her to increase my Progesterone to 300mg from 200mg and she said no - "We don't go any higher than 200mg." Well I have found studies that say they do. And my uterine lining is only 6mm, which seems within reason. And I'm sure after a decade of Menopause that kick-starting that area again with HRT will cause some bleeding. In short, your video makes me feel much better about my situation. As an aside - I feel like every doctor (not just gynos) I see these days is trying to convince me that I have cancer, but then every test comes back normal. Edit: I'm 57-years-old.
I been doing Exercise since a long time eat healthy I feel fine .
Same here.
Here's the one I don't get: Why - when I got off HRT - does my autoimmune disease flare? I have scleroderma and I've found that estrogen is a vital part of the disease management plan. Diet is #1 (carnivore), but hormones are necessary, too.
I don't know how, but estrogen, my autoimmune disease, and allergies are all somehow linked. And yes, if my allergies are flaring from normal seasonal crap, I have to stay on top of it or the autoimmune disease with break through bad. Same thing happens when I catch a virus. I feel like I'm walking a tightrope all the time.
Judy Cho here on YT can help I bet! She’s carni but goes beyond for harder cases. Very informed, very smart. She overcame an ED and then a psychic break.
Idk her website but you’ll find her searching on here
Estrogen receptors are found through our bodies. Makes sense that hormones decline (estrogen and testosterone) compromises our overall health.
When your in the menopause ,you stay in the menopause until the day you day😢
It debilitating 😢
Not if you replace your depleted hormones. You don’t have to suffer.
@@ellekay1721I refuse to put medications in my body or it does is cause problems in something else and damage dementia or cancer. I don’t know why he’s scary women .
@@aliciacarmona5004 I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
@@aliciacarmona5004Our brains have oestrogen receptors in them, so the brain needs oestrogen to remain healthy. It’s your choice, but having cared for and watched my Mum slowly die from dementia let alone the multitude of UTIs she also had, I am going to stay on HRT for as long as possible.
I've put myself on minimal HRT after 20 years of being off of it. I keep a daily record of weight and bp and would love to help any study that is seeking to find volunteers. After 20 years of hot flashes-- intense -- I was free of them after only two weeks. Other benefits seem to be happening, too. I've had a complete checkup, top to bottom, no family history of cancer, active lifestyle.
@JoanOfArgghh That’s great news if you’re experiencing symptom relief.
I’m curious as to why you put yourself on “minimal HRT.”
One of the driving principles of what I teach is that “optimal” hormones not only eliminate your symptoms, they also protect you from long-term health risks at the same time.
I understand that this is counter to a lot of the conventional wisdom that says “Hormones should only be given at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible length of time.”
My digital course, The Menopause Solution, explains this in great detail.
Take a look here
Would love your take on having had a heart attack before menopause started and taking HRT.
Varying schools of thought on this topic !
My doc wouldn't prescribe it. I don't have heart risk. She was only going to give me HRT if I had hot flashes. I'm 8 years in to menopase (58). One of the docs told me that they don't prescribe it after 10 years, I said, I'm not 10 years, I'm 7 (this was a couple years ago). This same woman told me not to look in the mirror when I complained about weight and my inablity to suddenly not able to get rid of it. She sent me to another doctor in the practice. This is advertised as a mid-life center, which is laughable.
72 started estrogen when I was 45. Just had a dexa Scan my bones are really good
I felt like a million bucks on prempro, prescribed by my gyno. It's what convinced me that my body needed hormones. But the naturopath i found for other issues insisted i switch to compounded, sublingual hrt because prempro was dangerous for all women. The bioidentical hrt works well but nothing like that prempro. I guess something that made me feel like a million bucks was too good to be true.
Did the study show differences in hrt and bhrt and breast cancer. I heard from other videos that it was the combination of synthetic hormones with synthetic progesterone that caused an increase in breast cancer. That bhrt progesterone did not increase chances of breast cancer.
Yes that is correct 👍
Yes, correct!
I am so fortunate to have a gynecologist that has no qualms about prescribing HRT. ( she is a pcp and post menopausal specialist as well)I use a compounding cream of estrogen and testosterone. I have an IUD in place so as not to have “unopposed” estrogen. I don’t take progesterone so this way, with the IUD, the lining of the uterus won’t overgrow and increase the risk of cancer. I feel pretty good most days and have no osteoporosis. My risk is so low it is at 0.5% So ladies don’t be afraid to try things and hopefully you can find someone to help you. I just don’t understand why Drs. are so afraid. I sign an informed consent, that’s all they would need since they are afraid to be held libel.
In the UK you can get HRT patches, estradiol vaginal tablets, topical creams etc online without your doctor needing to prescribe it and it's quite inexpensive. The online pharmacies have doctors that will issue the prescription after you answer a few questions about age, symptoms L, medical history etc. You can also buy over the counter in Boots and Superdrug.
@mariabatlles7032 Interesting. I've also read that there have been some severe shortages of HRT in the UK over the past couple of years?
Thank you for all you do for us.
You are so welcome. It’s something I CAN’T NOT DO!
Thank you so much for all the information you are providing us. I'm 65 and I got taken off my estrogen about half a year ago and I decided to go with pellets. I feel great, but the new DR is so Close-minded to any HRT I thought because she was a woman she would understand it was worse.
When my previous Doctor had me on vaginal estrogen. because of my age . Plz send me a list of HRT Dr's. After my Hysterectomy I was put on Estrogen right after . Thank you again.
Have just been reading this study. Very important findings!
I just started getting hot flashes and have dealt with night sweats for awhile and I can tell you it's already too long to suffer with it.
Finally, after begging, I was allowed to get a tube of estradiol every three months to apply on my labia twice a week. I'm worried if this is synthetic or bio.? I had surgical menopause at 48 years old has 20 years ago. yeah oh my doctors are afraid of HRT. I had to beg for bladder health and vagina health with a tube of estradiol.
Another limitation of this study is that they only analyzed women on oral progesterone. So the 17% increased risk of breast cancer for E2+Progesterone says nothing about the non-oral delivery methods of progesterone.
Only those readers that opened up the supplemental link at the bottom of the study saw the details of what were the delivery methods and doses.
Thank you sir for the information especially re the breast cancer risk and osteoporosis. All the best
Helpful. Thank you for your information.
Unfortunately when I asked, the answer is that being 10 years past, it is too late yet my sleep is poor and I have osteopenia. This and it was during the time of backlash against HRT, mostly because of the abuse of the horses involved in the production- urine collection.
Nasty business and then the offspring sold for meat.
Thank you for putting this information out there. The way most GPs treat older women is disgusting 😢
Hrt improves all cause mortality that's all there should be to it. I am convinced doctors force this on women because of the cost of cancer treatments rather than actual patient health outcomes!
Thank you, excellent and clear explanation
Thanks for such important information
Just turned 63 and my hot flashes are back. WTF!! I still have my ovaries and uterus. I have never taken HRT or any other hormone. I guess I like to suffer. Not!!
I was able to find a provider for compounded hrt. But they act odd when I request some testosterone, too. Why is that? You'd think i was asking for a controlled substance. They finally gave me a little, tiny bit to be added to my compounded hrt. Not enough to notice much difference though. Women need some testosterone, too.
Wow. I can't even tell you when I had menopause. I had a hysterectomy at age 41 and no symptoms at all. I now have age related signs that my hormones have stopped but that is all.
You are the exception to the rule. Most women have one or more life-altering symptoms that need to be treated but are refused.
I’m ordering Estradiol from an online pharmacy in Mexico
Can you please share the contact information for that pharmacy?
@@ayliea3974 look up “farmaciasdelnino”
Me too!
Not just me then, I’m 66 and 23 years of hot flashes plus lots of other symptoms that you’ve mentioned here.
Started estradiol patch 1mg 1 week still feeling sick. Hope it will pass soon
Some women feel better, adding progesterone, testosterone and also vaginal oestrogen cream.
I do a progesterone capsule and a estradiol patch. I am 47. I also am working on my low D and Ferritin levels which were also contributing to my menopause symptoms.
Excellent video. Thank you. 👍
It's brutal to live with night sweats, no solid sleep. Im 13 years past menopause and still suffering. If men suffered so, science would have found a solution just like they created viagra as a result of the loss of testosterone in men.
Thank you very much, Steve! I’d be interested in the absolute number with regards to the E2 + P4 increase in breast cancer in this study. How many additional cases per 1000 women per year, for example. I find this more meaningful in terms of assessing whether it’s something I’m going to worry about. Did the study authors give actual numbers? Would love to know. Thanks again, Steve! Always looking forward to your valuable videos! 😊
you might wanna consider reading the book estrogen matters where he gives a lot of data and statistics for different studies and breast cancer risk. Essentially, he says it boils down to one more case per 1000 women. If that. That’s if you’re on estrogen and progesterone. If you’re on estrogen only and don’t have uterus, then your risk of B cancer actually decreases.
@@FortheHealthofit. Thank you. I read “Estrogen Matters”. Great book! My question for Steve was about specifics of the particular new study he summarized in this video.
Exactly what I was going to recommend, read Estrogen Matters.
I'm 68 and had a total hysterectomy at 46. I have never had menopause least I tought I didn't. Now I'm exhausted all the time, have a prolasped bladder and vagina. I was also told I had ostoporosis (by mistake) and put on an awful shot that I didn't need. It has caused me to be in pain in almost every joint. I'm hoping this exhaustion, dry skin and irritibility is helped by HRT. I haven't been any any other medication for blood pressure, cholestorol and am just about 20 lbs over my normal weight. I think I'm healthy but am going to the cardiologist just to be sure before get HRT. Do I need progesteron or is there just a plain estrogen med?
You don't need Progesteron if you've had a hysterectomy.
I was 58 My doctor perscibed me estradiol patch and immediately I started hot flashes night sweats so I stopped.
Is that a side effect I needed to work through?
63, never had it, and don’t know where to find a provider who gives me the prescription. I just want to prevent possibles diseases associated with lack of hormones.
@jackiemansfield8325 - Fill out my Patient Referral Request Form here to find a hormone specialist:
If you leave a referral request on TH-cam or email it to me, it's extremely likely I'll drop the ball or it will fall through the cracks. Thanks!
I’m 77 and in relatively good health. I take no medication’s at this time. My doctor says I am pre-diabetic so I’m watching what I eat. I have osteopenia and I’m about 10 pounds overweight and can’t lose it. He also says I have high cholesterol, but I refuse to take statins. I was on hormone replacement therapy at 52 for a little while but then that deadly report came out and my doctor took me off of it. I struggled for 20 years with hot flashes, and all the other usual symptoms. I guess it’s too late for me now???
Thanks for watching. It’s interesting that you used the phrase, “deadly report” to refer to the Women’s Health Initiative. The study itself showed no increase in mortality for women on hormones. The irony is that more women have died after they were denied hormones than would have died if they’d received hormone replacement therapy.
Thank you for your videos !
Please speak about titanium dioxide in progesterone pills.
If we have to take it every day it can toxic.
It is not present in micronised progesterone capsules that are bio-identical. Avoid synthetic HRT at all costs!
I’m 61 and just went to my OBGYN today and asked for HRT. I haven’t had a period in over 12 years, never been on hormones because I didn’t have hot flashes but don’t sleep usually go to the bathroom 4 to 5 times a night, have horrible brain fog muscle is gone, joint pain is horrible. Dry skin, eyes, mouth. Don’t even want to think about sex anymore so painful and embarrassing. My gyno flat out told me I’m too old. I keep a healthy weight at 123lbs but said the risks are too high . I did get her to prescribe me estradiol cream you insert 2 a week but won’t do nothing else. Is this gonna be enough. I’m in San Diego. Does any know of anyone that can help me here. I have good insurance through Sharp and would like to not feel the exhaustion I go through and all those other things that stop me from living a full life. Please help. They keep bringing up that study and say even the new study says if your over 60 the risks are to high. 🥺
Who said cholesterol is bad do research . We need cholesterol .
Ldl and hdl different k8nds
We also need blood sugar, but no one disagrees that high blood sugar is dangerous.
And you just exposed your ignorance to the world.
@@megjillm that's an ignorant statement. Cholesterol is the precursor to hormones. We've been lied to about it for decades. Wake up
Par for the course
Ignoramuses galore
“Cholesterol bad!”
Hi Steve,
I’m confused by some things that you said in this video. I hope that you can clarify them. The first thing I’m confused about is that you gave a positive statement about those taking estrogen alone. I didn’t think that you could take estrogen alone, so could you clarify?
The second thing that confused me is that I think you said that bio estrogen and progesterone raise breast cancer risk more than any other combination, could you please 🙏 clarify your statements. Thanks Steve 😊
If you don’t have a uterus, you can take estrogen with progesterone. Hrt does raise your cancer risk slightly, but it’s negligible.
If you don’t have a uterus, you don’t need progesterone, but many people find benefits from it, such as with sleep.
@@BexnRNshoooo I didn’t lol
I have a uterus and progesterone did nothing for my insomnia
I got another baby tho so yay!
@@YeshuaKingMessiah aww! Babies are awesome 🥰😍🥰