The level of trust is unheard of. The kitten isn’t constantly crying and the mom, while watchful, clearly is relaxed. It shows they’ve been around this person for some time to the point they’re family.
My cat was the same with us. Since I was her personal private midwife😅 In fact she called for attention 😢😅. To notice her and her masterpieces she "created"😅😅😅
She's wanting her kittens all of the time to protect them, even though no harm is being done! She's being a good Mommy for sure! That's their nature! Love all of them, and their caregiver "parent" who is representing their interests! D.
you can tell from the body language of the cat its the owner and she knows the owner wont hurt them. its not even trying to grab them back just curious.
@@michaelscottland4239 Most kittens get adopted as the owner usually does not keep the whole litter as there are so many. So they will be adopted. The commenter never mentioned anything about the kittens being unloved. They will be adopted and she wishing them to go to loving homes... Which is a very kind thing to say. 😂😂😂 Also they are living in a box outside... So no they do not currently have a "home". Home is not a box outside. ASSumptions 😂
@@SilvioSouza-tz6dtyes they are ... Your general knowledge are weak bro ... Snake attack human if they threatened unless they some kind of python ... They are not attack intentionally ... I spcially observe snakes ... One day a big snake come into my desk approaching towards my hand ... The snake just leave without harm me
It makes me happy seeing animals in domestic environments, being able to birth their young in security. In nature, cubs are usually easy prey for predators or die because of starvation, or get abandoned, or get killed by the father depending on species. Nature is rough and horrifying. And I love the comfort of civilisation we have archieved. We can now love our cats and dogs and whatever pets we have and they are able to live out long and happy lives. That makes me happy.
You're absolutely right but in some parts of the world, in this same “civilisation", some uncivilized people are intentionally torturing/killing/eating these cute babies.
❤❤❤Не тревожьте маму-кошку - кисонька переживает за своё потомство !!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤Давайте возможность отдохнуть Вашей пушистой деточке♥️💖💝и набраться сил и молока перед очередным кормлением !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤Котятки такие крошечные💖💖💖, не тревожьте их !!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤Храни Вас Бог !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤
Matta 17“Kutsal Yasa'yı ya da peygamberlerin sözlerini geçersiz kılmak için geldiğimi sanmayın. Ben geçersiz kılmaya değil, tamamlamaya geldim. 18 Size doğrusunu söyleyeyim, yer ve gök ortadan kalkmadan, her şey gerçekleşmeden, Kutsal Yasa'dan ufacık bir harf ya da bir nokta bile yok olmayacak. 19Bu nedenle, bu buyrukların en küçüğünden birini kim çiğner ve başkalarına öyle öğretirse, Göklerin Egemenliği'nde en küçük sayılacak. Ama bu buyrukları kim yerine getirir ve başkalarına öğretirse, Göklerin Egemenliği'nde büyük sayılacak. 20Size şunu söyleyeyim: Doğruluğunuz din bilginleriyle Ferisiler'inkini aşmadıkça, Göklerin Egemenliği'ne asla giremezsiniz!”15“Sahte peygamberlerden sakının! Onlar size kuzu postuna bürünerek yaklaşırlar, ama özde yırtıcı kurtlardır. 16Onları meyvelerinden tanıyacaksınız. Dikenli bitkilerden üzüm, devedikenlerinden incir toplanabilir mi? 17Bunun gibi, her iyi ağaç iyi meyve verir, kötü ağaç ise kötü meyve verir. 18İyi ağaç kötü meyve, kötü ağaç da iyi meyve veremez. 19 İyi meyve vermeyen her ağaç kesilip ateşe atılır. 20 Böylece sahte peygamberleri meyvelerinden tanıyacaksınız. 21“Bana, ‘Ya Rab, ya Rab!’ diye seslenen herkes Göklerin Egemenliği'ne girmeyecek. Ancak göklerdeki Babam'ın isteğini yerine getiren girecektir. 22O gün birçokları bana diyecek ki, ‘Ya Rab, ya Rab! Biz senin adınla peygamberlik etmedik mi? Senin adınla şeytanlar kovmadık mı? Senin adınla birçok mucize yapmadık mı?’ 23 O zaman ben de onlara açıkça, ‘Sizi hiç tanımadım, uzak durun benden, ey kötülük yapanlar!’ diyeceğim.” yuhanna 28Onlara sonsuz yaşam veririm; asla mahvolmayacaklar. Onları hiç kimse elimden kapamaz. 29Onları bana veren Babam her şeyden üstündür. Onları Baba'nın elinden kapmaya kimsenin gücü yetmez. 30Ben ve Baba biriz.” 31Yahudi yetkililer O'nu taşlamak için yerden yine taş aldılar. 32İsa onlara, “Size Baba'dan kaynaklanan birçok iyi işler gösterdim” dedi. “Bu işlerden hangisi için beni taşlıyorsunuz?” 33 Şöyle yanıt verdiler: “Seni iyi işlerden ötürü değil, küfrettiğin için taşlıyoruz. İnsan olduğun halde Tanrı olduğunu ileri sürüyorsun.”
@@Bozon38335Allah hepimizin Yaratıcısı, ilk insan Hazreti Adem hepimizin babası, ve hazreti Havva hepimizin annesi, hepimiz insanız, hepimiz kardeşiz, Hazreti İsa (aleyhisselam) tarafından gelmesi müjdelenen ve “Faraklit” olarak geçen kelimenin aslı; Süryanice’de “Münhamenna“ Yunanca’da “Piriklitos”tur. Bu kelimenin birebir Arapça karşılığı ise “Ahmed”dir. İncil ayetlerinde Grekçe Priklitos yani “Ahmed” ifadesi bazı kaynaklarda “Briklitüs” olarak geçmektedir. “Ahmed”, Efendimiz (asm)’in bir ismi olduğu gibi, Kur’ân-ı Kerim’de de, O’nun İncil’de“Ahmed” olarak geçtiği açıkça ifade edilmektedir. (bk. Saff, 61/6)
@@Bozon38335Hazreti İsa (Aleyhisselam) tarafından gelmesi müjdelenen ve “Faraklit” olarak geçen kelimenin aslı; Süryanice’de “Münhamenna“ Yunanca’da “Piriklitos”tur. Bu kelimenin birebir Arapça karşılığı ise “Ahmed”dir. İncil ayetlerinde Grekçe Priklitos yani “Ahmed” ifadesi bazı kaynaklarda “Briklitüs” olarak geçmektedir. “Ahmed”, Efendimiz (asm)’in bir ismi olduğu gibi, Kur’ân-ı Kerim’de de, O’nun İncil’de“Ahmed” olarak geçtiği açıkça ifade edilmektedir. (bk. Saff, 61/6)
@@Bozon38335 “Faraklit” kelimesi, İncil tefsirlerinde “hak ve batılı birbirinden ayıracak hakperest zat” olarak izah edilmiştir ki, Hz. İsa (a.s)’dan sonra gelecek insanları hakka sevk edecek zatın ismidir. Acaba Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dan daha fazla bu vazifeyi yapmış başka birisi alemde gösterilebilir mi? 8. Hz. İsa dedi; “Size gerçeği söylüyorum; benim gidişim size faydalıdır. Zira ben gitmezsem, tesellici size gelmez.”(Yuhanna Bab 16, ayet 7) Acaba, şu âleme gelen ve insanlara hakiki teselli veren Hz. Muhammed (asm)’dan başka kim vardır. Evet, O’dur, fani insanları ölümün ebedi idamından kurtarıp hakiki teselli veren. 9. Hz. İsa dedi; “Artık sizinle konuşmayacağım: Çünkü bu dünyanın reisi geliyor ve bende onun hiçbir şeyi yoktur.”(Yuhanna, Bâb 14, Âyet: 30) 10. Hz. İsa dedi;“... ve O geldiği zaman günah, salâh ve hüküm için dünyayı ilzâm edecektir.”(Yuhanna, Bâb 16, Âyet: 8) Acaba Hz. İsa (a.s)’dan sonra, dünyanın reisi olacak ve hak ve batılı ayırıp, Hz. İsa (as)’ın yerinde insanları irşad edecek, Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dan başka kim gelmiştir? Ve Ondan başka “Alemin reisi” olma unvanına kim layıktır? Hem Hz. Davud (as)’dan sonra, Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dan başka hangi nebi gelmiş ki, doğudan batıya kadar dinini neşretmiş ve memleketleri cizyeye bağlamış ve padişahları kendine secde eder gibi itaat altına almış ve her gün insanlığın beşte biri kendisine dua ve salavat okur olsun? Bunları yapmış tek kişi olarak Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dan başka kim gösterilebilir? Demek, İncil’de, Hz. İsa (a.s)’dan sonra geleceği belirtilen “Alemin reisi” tabiri ile kastedilen; Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dır. Hem “fahr-i alem” yani “alemin kendisiyle övündüğü” unvanı, Efendimiz (asm)’in en meşhur unvanıdır.
Hermosa mamá minina y los críos también. Dios quiera que le permitan criarlos y que tanto ella como sus pequeños se disfruten mutuamente. Tan bella, levanta su patita para presentarlos, ellos son tan puros, tan confiados, tan limpios de toda sospecha. Amigo del video y dueño de ellos, tenga cuidado, no ve su fragilidad, sitico se golpeo duro y ojalá los cuide y de en adopción segura. Pilas pues!
I'm genuinely interested in knowing what could be weird with what I said. Don't you sometimes wish you were a cat with nothing to worry about? Well that wish was particularly strong for me when I saw these kittens and their mom in a cardbox, because it seems very calm, warm and soft :)
Und dazu noch unheimlich vertrauensvoll. Schade, dass die Kleinen in so einer lauten Umgebung gross werden müssen. Bei mir direkt am Waldrand hätten sie es so viel besser.....
@@Flossteam That's not her owner, and she had no say in the matter poor cat and kittens. This guy needs reporting. Let's hope she doesn't abandon them due to him touching all on them .
I'm a dog man myself but you can't beat kittens when it comes to cuteness. Well, except for maybe baby crocodiles. They make this little squeak when they want their mom. Too adorable.
I hope you're talking about stuffed toy crocodiles that squeak 😂 those real mfrs only squeaking to let mom know foods here (YOU) but it's too big for them to chew it up😂😂
She doesn’t look upset, but she just tried to tell you in a nice way sweet way. It’s not the time yet. Give me some time with the kids so they can grow up and you can play with them.
Aww that's the cutest thing in this world. Specially after seen all the Evil around this world thank you God for giving us animals like this so we can take are problems from others things and at least have something that make us live for thank you my lord
How beautiful and healthy are these kittens. The mother sure is watching her babies with you. How precious the mom and babies are. Bless you for watching and caring for the babies and mom.
Indeed beautiful, but far from angry. She would have hissed and growled. Aggression is also absent, as the handler is not bleeding from her sharp claws and teeth.
"OK, you dropped the last one! That's it, give them back!"
He got butterfingers✊🏿☀️🌟🛸🔥💯
With claw.
@@adammatlack4667Mother cat wants her-self a bit clingy...
She's like "I can't believe you just face planted one of my babies"
I’m peeing
@@Lava_Zoid Are you still doing that?
@@Orangnus 😏
She's like, "Okay you can hold them one by one BUT QUICKLY, I'm feeding them!"
Exactly! Some men r soooo! Impassionate!
😂😂 نعم لقد قالت هذا بالضبط
Thats one chill momma. She totally trusts you. Dont ever take that for granted.
Probably hell pissed about being bothered though hahaha
Probably just lost a little bit of that trust when she just face planted the baby.
i'm gonna take it for granted
You Can Say That Again. Totally Agree With You On That One.🙂✌🏼✌🏼
@@dimensionhacker2271dude did you just take that for granted? How do you sleep at night taking things for granted left and right.
She said:
Hey fool, be Careful
That's a pretty mom cat.
Thats how she got pregnant
What's a Mom?
She is one of the most beautiful female cats I've seen.
I totally agree!! Mama kitty is gorgeous and I'll bet her kittens will be too!! ❤❤❤😺😺😺
What are you? A male cat! Stop eyeing her man
People are attracted to anything these days @@DemiGod_Y
🤨 📸
@@DemiGod_Y If he is a male cat then he has every right to eye her.
The mother looks very healthy.
The level of trust is unheard of. The kitten isn’t constantly crying and the mom, while watchful, clearly is relaxed. It shows they’ve been around this person for some time to the point they’re family.
My cat was the same with us.
Since I was her personal private midwife😅
In fact she called for attention 😢😅. To notice her and her masterpieces she "created"😅😅😅
The level of trust is unheard of? Are you a funny head bummy?
@@HEROSASUKE99aww so cute
@@HEROSASUKE99she technically did create them
She's wanting her kittens all of the time to protect them, even though no harm is being done! She's being a good Mommy for sure! That's their nature! Love all of them, and their caregiver "parent" who is representing their interests! D.
Did she get full custody of the kittens?
you can tell from the body language of the cat its the owner and she knows the owner wont hurt them. its not even trying to grab them back just curious.
Where is the dad?
Не трогайте ее котят ,не нервируйте мамочку
nah she doesn’t look upset. she’s very trusting, and that means you’re a great cat owner
Yea, title is misleading.
Idk, that yawn felt more indicative of something
Who is a great owner? This is a street cat from Turkey.
@@allesindwillkommen ah damn then the people in that area must be super nice. That cat is so calm and trusting.
You are clueless
Какие милые кошки У меня сейчас слёзы пойдут Вот таких милашек❤❤❤😊😊😢😢😢
I would want my kitten back too. She’s like, Dude! Did you really just drop my kid??😊
Tienes que respetar a los animales
@@isabel3824 I agree
We have a mom cat, she drops her kittens more often while taking them to a higher place.😂
@@nabakishoremarndi887Lol… oh no! 😊
It’s very obvious she trusts the human, but is also protective.
@destinychanged I’ll bet she doesn’t trust him as much now.
@@2kitties 🤥
Beautiful.... I hope you find a loving home for mom and her kittens.
Just because she dropped the second kitten doesn’t mean it’s not a loving home 😂.
@@michaelscottland4239 Most kittens get adopted as the owner usually does not keep the whole litter as there are so many. So they will be adopted. The commenter never mentioned anything about the kittens being unloved. They will be adopted and she wishing them to go to loving homes... Which is a very kind thing to say. 😂😂😂 Also they are living in a box outside... So no they do not currently have a "home". Home is not a box outside. ASSumptions 😂
@@michaelscottland4239 it's a he dude
@@RedrosesGoth 😿
Sounds like a busy road? Are they living in a box on the streets? 😮🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
What a beautiful mother cat!
The cat was like OK that’s enough.❤
GOT THAT RIGHT!.. She was like, 'I didn't give you permission to pick up my babies'
Snakes are inocent too?
@@SilvioSouza-tz6dtyes they are ... Your general knowledge are weak bro ... Snake attack human if they threatened unless they some kind of python ... They are not attack intentionally ... I spcially observe snakes ... One day a big snake come into my desk approaching towards my hand ... The snake just leave without harm me
@@SoumikDhar569 The snake is the dumbest and most disgusting animal
Be considerate. A new mother is full of emotions. She's watching you closely hoping that she can trust you.'s their cat.
@lilmeowmeow-pb8dw sure.
@lilmeowmeow-pb8dwthere was no abuse here is the difference between what you said and this scenario my guy 💀
@lilmeowmeow-pb8dw intentionally abusing your wife is not the same as accidentally dropping a kitten🤦♂️
@lilmeowmeow-pb8dw Okay, understandably.. Have a nice day sir.. 😂😂😂
So Cute.☺ And So Adorable. Precious Baby Kittens. Protective Mama.... I Love It!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Cats are so beautiful. Such expressive facial features.
Cats are way nicer than dogs.
@@johnmills7716 All mammals have their charm.
well dogs are more dangerous thinking that they can killed a person in minutes or makin them had serious issues or whatever it called
It makes me happy seeing animals in domestic environments, being able to birth their young in security. In nature, cubs are usually easy prey for predators or die because of starvation, or get abandoned, or get killed by the father depending on species. Nature is rough and horrifying. And I love the comfort of civilisation we have archieved. We can now love our cats and dogs and whatever pets we have and they are able to live out long and happy lives. That makes me happy.
You're absolutely right but in some parts of the world, in this same “civilisation", some uncivilized people are intentionally torturing/killing/eating these cute babies.
@@Arthur-pt5kh What's worse about eating a cat vs eating pigs and chicken?
❤❤❤Не тревожьте маму-кошку - кисонька переживает за своё потомство !!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤Давайте возможность отдохнуть Вашей пушистой деточке♥️💖💝и набраться сил и молока перед очередным кормлением !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤Котятки такие крошечные💖💖💖, не тревожьте их !!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤Храни Вас Бог !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤
What a gorgeous cat. Her eyes❤
🤴 Almost as you ... ❤
@@likeaburningstar Thank you🙏
You Too ❤🤗
@@MysticSage-hg3jh Thank you🙏
Cat thinks, "You clumsy oaf you just dropped my kitten." lol
Wishing momma and her kittens a long, happy life ❤
Lol that's funny, I would like the comment if it wasn't 420 likes
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Mahattaya ❤❤❤❤the I ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
wish will not come true pray will😅😊😊😊 like if u love kittens (not begging) im just saying that so i know if u love kittens 😅😊😊😊😂❤❤
Yavrularına zarar gelmesin diye çabalıyor, annelerin içlerine Anne sevgisini, şefkat merhamet insanlık duygularını yerleştiren, Yüce Yaratıcımıza, Rabbimize, sonsuz şükürler olsun. Elhamdülillah
Matta 17“Kutsal Yasa'yı ya da peygamberlerin sözlerini geçersiz kılmak için geldiğimi sanmayın. Ben geçersiz kılmaya değil, tamamlamaya geldim. 18 Size doğrusunu söyleyeyim, yer ve gök ortadan kalkmadan, her şey gerçekleşmeden, Kutsal Yasa'dan ufacık bir harf ya da bir nokta bile yok olmayacak. 19Bu nedenle, bu buyrukların en küçüğünden birini kim çiğner ve başkalarına öyle öğretirse, Göklerin Egemenliği'nde en küçük sayılacak. Ama bu buyrukları kim yerine getirir ve başkalarına öğretirse, Göklerin Egemenliği'nde büyük sayılacak. 20Size şunu söyleyeyim: Doğruluğunuz din bilginleriyle Ferisiler'inkini aşmadıkça, Göklerin Egemenliği'ne asla giremezsiniz!”15“Sahte peygamberlerden sakının! Onlar size kuzu postuna bürünerek yaklaşırlar, ama özde yırtıcı kurtlardır. 16Onları meyvelerinden tanıyacaksınız. Dikenli bitkilerden üzüm, devedikenlerinden incir toplanabilir mi? 17Bunun gibi, her iyi ağaç iyi meyve verir, kötü ağaç ise kötü meyve verir. 18İyi ağaç kötü meyve, kötü ağaç da iyi meyve veremez. 19 İyi meyve vermeyen her ağaç kesilip ateşe atılır. 20 Böylece sahte peygamberleri meyvelerinden tanıyacaksınız.
21“Bana, ‘Ya Rab, ya Rab!’ diye seslenen herkes Göklerin Egemenliği'ne girmeyecek. Ancak göklerdeki Babam'ın isteğini yerine getiren girecektir. 22O gün birçokları bana diyecek ki, ‘Ya Rab, ya Rab! Biz senin adınla peygamberlik etmedik mi? Senin adınla şeytanlar kovmadık mı? Senin adınla birçok mucize yapmadık mı?’ 23 O zaman ben de onlara açıkça, ‘Sizi hiç tanımadım, uzak durun benden, ey kötülük yapanlar!’ diyeceğim.” yuhanna 28Onlara sonsuz yaşam veririm; asla mahvolmayacaklar. Onları hiç kimse elimden kapamaz. 29Onları bana veren Babam her şeyden üstündür. Onları Baba'nın elinden kapmaya kimsenin gücü yetmez. 30Ben ve Baba biriz.”
31Yahudi yetkililer O'nu taşlamak için yerden yine taş aldılar. 32İsa onlara, “Size Baba'dan kaynaklanan birçok iyi işler gösterdim” dedi. “Bu işlerden hangisi için beni taşlıyorsunuz?”
33 Şöyle yanıt verdiler: “Seni iyi işlerden ötürü değil, küfrettiğin için taşlıyoruz. İnsan olduğun halde Tanrı olduğunu ileri sürüyorsun.”
@@Bozon38335Allah hepimizin Yaratıcısı, ilk insan Hazreti Adem hepimizin babası, ve hazreti Havva hepimizin annesi, hepimiz insanız, hepimiz kardeşiz,
Hazreti İsa (aleyhisselam) tarafından gelmesi müjdelenen ve “Faraklit” olarak geçen kelimenin aslı; Süryanice’de “Münhamenna“ Yunanca’da “Piriklitos”tur. Bu kelimenin birebir Arapça karşılığı ise “Ahmed”dir.
İncil ayetlerinde Grekçe Priklitos yani “Ahmed” ifadesi bazı kaynaklarda “Briklitüs” olarak geçmektedir. “Ahmed”, Efendimiz (asm)’in bir ismi olduğu gibi, Kur’ân-ı Kerim’de de, O’nun İncil’de“Ahmed” olarak geçtiği açıkça ifade edilmektedir. (bk. Saff, 61/6)
@@Bozon38335Hazreti İsa (Aleyhisselam) tarafından gelmesi müjdelenen ve “Faraklit” olarak geçen kelimenin aslı; Süryanice’de “Münhamenna“ Yunanca’da “Piriklitos”tur. Bu kelimenin birebir Arapça karşılığı ise “Ahmed”dir.
İncil ayetlerinde Grekçe Priklitos yani “Ahmed” ifadesi bazı kaynaklarda “Briklitüs” olarak geçmektedir. “Ahmed”, Efendimiz (asm)’in bir ismi olduğu gibi, Kur’ân-ı Kerim’de de, O’nun İncil’de“Ahmed” olarak geçtiği açıkça ifade edilmektedir. (bk. Saff, 61/6)
@@Bozon38335 “Faraklit” kelimesi, İncil tefsirlerinde “hak ve batılı birbirinden ayıracak hakperest zat” olarak izah edilmiştir ki, Hz. İsa (a.s)’dan sonra gelecek insanları hakka sevk edecek zatın ismidir. Acaba Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dan daha fazla bu vazifeyi yapmış başka birisi alemde gösterilebilir mi?
8. Hz. İsa dedi; “Size gerçeği söylüyorum; benim gidişim size faydalıdır. Zira ben gitmezsem, tesellici size gelmez.”(Yuhanna Bab 16, ayet 7)
Acaba, şu âleme gelen ve insanlara hakiki teselli veren Hz. Muhammed (asm)’dan başka kim vardır. Evet, O’dur, fani insanları ölümün ebedi idamından kurtarıp hakiki teselli veren.
9. Hz. İsa dedi; “Artık sizinle konuşmayacağım: Çünkü bu dünyanın reisi geliyor ve bende onun hiçbir şeyi yoktur.”(Yuhanna, Bâb 14, Âyet: 30)
10. Hz. İsa dedi;“... ve O geldiği zaman günah, salâh ve hüküm için dünyayı ilzâm edecektir.”(Yuhanna, Bâb 16, Âyet: 8)
Acaba Hz. İsa (a.s)’dan sonra, dünyanın reisi olacak ve hak ve batılı ayırıp, Hz. İsa (as)’ın yerinde insanları irşad edecek, Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dan başka kim gelmiştir? Ve Ondan başka “Alemin reisi” olma unvanına kim layıktır? Hem Hz. Davud (as)’dan sonra, Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dan başka hangi nebi gelmiş ki, doğudan batıya kadar dinini neşretmiş ve memleketleri cizyeye bağlamış ve padişahları kendine secde eder gibi itaat altına almış ve her gün insanlığın beşte biri kendisine dua ve salavat okur olsun? Bunları yapmış tek kişi olarak Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dan başka kim gösterilebilir? Demek, İncil’de, Hz. İsa (a.s)’dan sonra geleceği belirtilen “Alemin reisi” tabiri ile kastedilen; Hz. Muhammed (asv)’dır. Hem “fahr-i alem” yani “alemin kendisiyle övündüğü” unvanı, Efendimiz (asm)’in en meşhur unvanıdır.
Hermosa mamá minina y los críos también. Dios quiera que le permitan criarlos y que tanto ella como sus pequeños se disfruten mutuamente. Tan bella, levanta su patita para presentarlos, ellos son tan puros, tan confiados, tan limpios de toda sospecha. Amigo del video y dueño de ellos, tenga cuidado, no ve su fragilidad, sitico se golpeo duro y ojalá los cuide y de en adopción segura. Pilas pues!
It seems so warm in there. I dream to be a kitten snuggled with my siblings and mother cat
What wrong with what they said? And why is the comment liked? It’s just affection and love- I don’t see the issue
I'm genuinely interested in knowing what could be weird with what I said. Don't you sometimes wish you were a cat with nothing to worry about? Well that wish was particularly strong for me when I saw these kittens and their mom in a cardbox, because it seems very calm, warm and soft :)
Diese Katze sieht aus, wie eine kleine Berglöwin! Sie ist wunderschön!
Und dazu noch unheimlich vertrauensvoll. Schade, dass die Kleinen in so einer lauten Umgebung gross werden müssen.
Bei mir direkt am Waldrand hätten sie es so viel besser.....
“This mfker is clumsy af. Touch time is over” 🤣🤣🤣
Oh I added in my own flair 😅🔥🔥🤣🤣
Mashallah ya allah in sabko salamati ata farmaye ameen summa ameen
The look of concern and disappointment that she gave him when he dropped her kid was hilarious 😂.
Momma cat is definitely gonna silently judge that person for the rest of their life. 😂
Cats are so cute!!!
Not sure mice would agree 😏
I agree. Cats are very cute.
Cats are definitely so cute! Same with dogs! And mice and bunnies! ^.^
My soul actually left my body temporarily when she dropped the kitten 😮
I actually laughed
222nd like. Don't ask, it's a habit :P
Kinda felt bad, though. They need some durability at their start of their lives ;(
Beautiful momma cat who trusts the person who picks up her cute kittens.
Che amori bellissimi
So well taken care of. Look how beautiful her coat is.
@@lunacielo7680Why does it sound like her house is outside by the dang interstate highway? 😂😂
That mama cat is gorgeous ❤
And i bet no one has ever said that to you! LOL! HATCHET FACE!!
@@tedwilson2844 You are rude and mean.
Momma has such gorgeous eyes! Tou can tell she is a great protective Momma❤
my cat has pretty green eyes like hers , and similar hair color
110% adorable, nothing stronger than the Love of a mother no matter what species you are.
Humans fail to live up to this standard daily.
What a beautiful mom cat and such cute babies. ❤
She was more like. Yeah you can hold them
It's not the owner @@Flossteam
That's not her owner, and she had no say in the matter poor cat and kittens. This guy needs reporting. Let's hope she doesn't abandon them due to him touching all on them .
@one-day-at-a-time4134 Stop being hysterical. The mother cat clearly trusts this person and the cat only fell down 0.01 feet.
@@one-day-at-a-time4134You're completely insane. Wtf is wrong with you
That is one beautiful momma cat
Eeeek!! Plop!!!
She looks like an excellent mother - so caring and attentive! What a beauty she is too!
I didn't knew tomcats were all over internet commenting on videos of sexy cats 😂😂 (Just kidding 🙃😉)
Sooooo sweeeeeet
Don't touch her kitties , damit, you're stressing her, now you have put your stench on that pure love cat
"if you don't mind, can you just... Yes, thank you" energy
Pretty girl feeding her babies..unconditional love.
I mean most the cats leave their offsprings before being adults and cats in my area leave their kittens right after birth.
It's not unconditional love. Mother cats literally will chase their kittens off after a certain age, depending on the cat.
@@DoctorChainedisn't this what we literally do as humans?
@@mohammadalibrahem3011 Then it's not unconditional love. Do you even know what that means?
@@DoctorChainedhe never said it was unconditional love. That was OP
Ahh such a sweet mother ❤️
She's a gorgeous mama cat.
Small wonder she wanted it back, you DROPPED it!
Them not “it” ;) the kitty is not an object
@@lapinchechismosait's a cat it doesn't care
@@TObyvruh doesn’t matter, speak English
@@lapinchechismosait's a cat, it doesn't care about pronouns the way you insensitive and insecure people do
Ah adorable little kitties 😍😍😍❤❤❤😊😊
Such a beautiful mama. Such beautiful babies. ❤
I'm a dog man myself but you can't beat kittens when it comes to cuteness. Well, except for maybe baby crocodiles. They make this little squeak when they want their mom. Too adorable.
Yes they sound like a video game😂 so cute
I hope you're talking about stuffed toy crocodiles that squeak 😂 those real mfrs only squeaking to let mom know foods here (YOU) but it's too big for them to chew it up😂😂
For a stray mom she is very trusting of you.
Hermosos 😍🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
She's beautiful! Ty for helping her with warm dry shelter and food ❤
That is a beautiful family you have there momma !❤
Can't even imagine how big our creator is to create beautiful animals ❤
😊 Que familia de michitos mas linda 😻🐈🐈🐈🐈👍🍀🇲🇽
Of course she want her kittens back. You're lucky you didn't get growled out when she saw her baby slip on your watch lol😂
she probaly trusts the owner
@krane97 LOL, I was making a lighthearted joke to be exact lol🫠😆🩷
I love their stripes!
When we look, we really realize what a lovely world God has created
Amen 🙏🏾
Its even more amazing when you think this is creation in its fallen state the ne Heaven and New Earth will be incredible
I think this same thing when your mother is giving me top
God doesn't exist lol
LOVELY PROTECTIVE MOMMY with her equally LOVELY babies!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
She looks like my cat Tiny that I had for over 19 years. May her precious spirit continue to be with me.
Sounds like Tiny had a good life, I hope you can cherish the memories :')
@comradeurod9805 thank you so much!
Wow she might be Tiny, but she surely had a huge life!
R.I.P. Tiny
She doesn’t look upset, but she just tried to tell you in a nice way sweet way. It’s not the time yet. Give me some time with the kids so they can grow up and you can play with them.
The look on that momma cat face, when that blank-da-blank dropped her baby. Priceless 😂😂😂
@jasonwight25 Turkey
@jasonwight25 I am male. 🤣
Aww that's the cutest thing in this world. Specially after seen all the Evil around this world thank you God for giving us animals like this so we can take are problems from others things and at least have something that make us live for thank you my lord
The second bro got discombobulated
Мамочка красавица, одни глазки чего стоят ❤ Храни их Господь ,дай Бог здоровья котяткам и мамочке❤и счастья кошачьего ❤
@@lucutes2936 you must be as well
уронил котёнка рукожоп !
She even said Ty 🥺 What a polite young mother
Graças a Deus que existem pessoas boas neste mundo que ajudam e protegem os animais, parabéns a todos vcs.
Her little face was soooooo precious, I suddenly "found I had a little something in my eye"🥲😆😆🥰🥰❤️❤️
We just not gonna talk about how he dropped that cat
He didn't drop her, as much as the kitten squirmed too much and slipped oit
Yeah... just to make a video...
It's the kitten's fault, right? Idiot kitten.
Let them be.
@@ordenaxoh now it's a kitten fault, eh?
@@DzinkyDzink Wow! Your mind works in mysterious ways
She's looking to say "get your own to play with"💙💙🙏🏿
I just want to give momma cat a nose boop and all the kitties lots of kisses!!! ❤❤❤
فديتج انت وبناتج وبطانيتج شنو هالجمال 😅
Beautiful Mama Kitty, and her precious furbabies 🥰😻
Who drops a teeny tiny baby like that?
Let's just pray that kitten doesn't have brain damage now.
How beautiful and healthy are these kittens. The mother sure is watching her babies with you.
How precious the mom and babies are.
Bless you for watching and caring for the babies and mom.
Beautiful mama cat and kitties.😊😊😊😊😊
Боже ты мой дай им здаровье и счастье и пищу💝💖💓💕🙏🙏🐱🐱🐈💋💋💋🐾🐾🐾
A cat yawning at you is never upset. At that moment they are vulnerable. She still trusts you. Just keeping a close eye on.
The fact that she lets you touch her babies means that she has complete trust over you
Mãe e filhos, simplesmente lindossss ♥️😽😽❤️
Mí vida 😘🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️ke lindos pompocitos los amó ♥️ bendiciones desde 🇦🇷 amo i kiero mucho a los gatitos
Proud Mother cat with her baby kittens. HANDLE WITH CARE! ❤❤😊
What a Beautiful family ❤❤❤❤❤
Beautiful mommy cat loving and looking after her little babies in fur 💞
I love seeing videos like this where the cat trusts it human with her babies and not appearing stressed
they are so cute 😍
Kitty mommy will return in a moment lol toonami fluffed up ekkk yawn ❤❤❤❤
Cats are such beautiful creatures
Momma cat looks like a baby herself . Adorable
The father's a wrong un...
Beautiful, Angry and Aggressive Mom Cat, she has got the Killer looks, and that loud yawn was befitting of a Tigress protecting her cubs. 😮😊☺️👍👌😘
Indeed beautiful, but far from angry. She would have hissed and growled. Aggression is also absent, as the handler is not bleeding from her sharp claws and teeth.
Where did you get angry and aggressive from? Are we watching the same video? She was calm yet watchful. Definitely trusting.
С чего Вы взяли, что кошка злая? Хорошая кошка, она просто переживает, когда берут котят. Нормальный материнский инстинкт
So cuteeeeee ❤❤ ❤ so cute and adorable cat 🐈😺 and kittens
She only reacted when the kitten fell off your palm. She trusts you :3
Such a beautiful mama and her sweet kids! 😊❤🥰
Beautiful mama kitty with her baby kitties. ❤️
The Fact is Mother Cats Never Forgets the Counting of baby's ever ❤❤🎉🎉😅😊😢😮
Beautiful cat. Adorable kittens ❤