Cats are smart and have excellent memories. The mother cat would have seen the rescuer and his car before and known that he was a good choice to approach.
@@Dream_more_age_lessanimals remember good people. And routines. Some street animals see other animals going into vets and coming out and realize that they are safe places. They sometimes go there when they are injured or sick.
@Lemxnx_Rxsie I had one cat who was pregnant show me where she intended to have her kittens before she had them. Then that’s where she brought them when she had them. She trusted me enough to let me know where she was going to have them. She literally kept meowing at me to follow her until she got me to come to where she intended to nest. lol
I have been cats adopter for over 4 decades and I have NEVER seen anything as grand as this video. Gaining a cat's trust is not easy. With kittens, it's even harder. You were chosen. It's a sign that your heart is kind. Congratulations on your love for cats.
Oh yeah especially if the cat is more nervous than normal. I had a female named Snow and man she was a skittish cat you had to take it slow with her. Had kittens too didn't trust anyone except my dad and I. Key is time and patience. Don't make movements or loud/high pitched sounds that'll scare them. They'll wind up loving you eventually
I had a feral cat move in with me,out of nowhere. Took it to vet who told me the cat had probably always been feral but was now old and not well. He chose me as his late life caregiver. In the country with a creek in back. So vet said for years he survived nicely but was no longer able to. With good med care and plenty of love we had him 2 years. Was a sweet loving baby.
Our cat just hopped the fence and went inside the house. Layed on the couch and basically said... "I like this place, I will live here with you.... purr."
Thank you so much for rescuing this poor stray mama cat with her undying maternal instinct, you people are heroes savior of the poor neglected and forgotten animals that roam our street! I wish them a full recovery and a life filled with comfort, food and warmth.
As a little girl when asked "what do u wanna do when u grow up?" The same exact dream I had 40-+ years ago, to open the 🌎 largest animal shelter. 🐶 😺 🐿️ 🐐 🐎
I love animals and never turn my back on one. I can't say no. They deserve a good life and we can help them.❤ Right now I'm down to 18; lost 5 and gained 2 since kast June and many in the past 15 years were given to good homes.❤ Thank you for taking them all in. Such innocence.😊
17 years ago we found a stray pregnant mom cat who soon after had 5 kitties. We raised the litter and ended up keeping 3 of them. Watching them grow we remember this as one of the happiest times in our life
А у меня 15 лет назад вселилась кошка Английская короткошёрстная, каждый год по 5 котят, хлопот с ней не было, как только котятам исполнялись 4 месяца, она брала их гулять по посёлку и устраивала котят 😊. Теперь у меня обычная кошка, она котят не устраивает по домам и их у меня уже 11.11здоровых красивых котов, рожает мальчиков. Я в ужасе жду ещё 5 котят
We rescued 6 kittens after mom was killed by a car when they were 3 days old.She was a stray that we fed and hoped to bring inside,but we didn't get the chance.We bottle fed around the clock,and got attached,so we kept them all.
Thank you so much for faithfully feeding her while she was pregnant and that’s probably why she was able to have the energy to carry the kitties to you. And feed eight babies.
You must have a good heart. Something like this happened to me twice in my life. Both times a cat brought their babies directly in front of my doorstep. Embrace it. God loves you!
I have 4 kittens from two litters from the same mom, she was wild an would run from me. I put a ton of effort into getting her to trust me, she brought me a kitten from her first litter and left it for a whole day, she came to check on it an since it was alive she went an got the rest one by one. I kept a male an female from that litter. she showed up ready to have a 2nd litter an had them in my home. I kept another male an female from that litter. She still comes an stays inside some nights now an then.
@@MostCommentsOnTH-camAreAiBOTS easier said than done, she comes an goes when she wants to an does not like being picked up getting her in the pet taxi to take to the vet is not gunna happen.
The same also happened to me I have a giant garden in my home and the cat came with her kittens everyday to st there but now vanished far far away as another came
She's so smart and lovely mother. A mother will do anything to protect her babies. Thank you so much for rescuing them. The best video i've seen today ❤
We understand! We are unemployed and disabled and have a number of homeless cats visiting and some moving into our home over the years! The largest amount was 11 cats and at this moment it is at 8 cats! We love them so much! We might not have much money but we have a lot of love which stray animals need! We love what you do! Blessings to you all!👍😺🐕
God bless you Esther and John, you are protectors and care givers of God's creations. You are recognized for the love and shelter that you give. God will bless you with double blessings. Proverbs 11:24-25 ESV One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered
Me and my husband feed street cats every day in Portugal. 3 months ago we rescued an abandoned 4 week old kitten. We absolutely love him. Amazing what you are doing ❤❤❤
I sent you a PayPal. A very ill stray mother cat came to me in my yard; she had a litter of 4 kittens inside an abandoned shed. I left food out for her before, but she never allowed me to approach her. That day, she seemed to be coaxing me to follow her, so I did; that's when two kittens came out of a hole in the bottom of the shed door. Nothing seemed out of order, but the next day, I found her near the shed dead; the kittens were still inside the shed. I plated some wet food and allowed them to come further out the door, when all four were out, I captured them and took them to a shelter, they were immediately adopted by others. I've always reflected on the intelligence of these animals to seek help and overcome their fears when needed. To these animals, you are the hand of God. You are being blessed.
This story gave me goosebumps. Mama cat knew she'll die soon and wanted to make sure her kittens will be taken care of. She trusted you. I wish human mothers would all be the same but unfortunately a lot of them aren't. When it comes to mothering animals are a lot better than some humans. We should all learn from them....
Can you please let me know which country are you from. I found three stray kittens. The thing is that someone has been poisoning cats in our neighbourhood. I have taken 5 cats just this month to the vet all foaming at the mouth and the diagnosis being poisoning. If you are in Pakistan can you please let me know how can I get the kittens adopted please ? I have contacted almost all animal shelters in Islamabad but all are saying we are at maximum capacity. Kindly let me know.
The day I saved a momma nd her 4 week old kittens from outside changed me forever, I still miss them so much since they’ve all been adopted out, momma was hardest for me to give up as I really grew such a close bond with her, but my male cat n her didn’t get along. Having a momma trust you is the best gift you could ever get . What a touching video
@@nessy2000 And she knew him because he feeds the stray cats there every day. Other people here are telling their stories that are similar. Of feral cats trusting them.
@@dod2304 If so I'm happy. In fact, you can see that his mother knows him. I see too many videos where animals are used to click and sometimes I'm harsh. But if it helps to promote love for animals, that's fine!
The way the mother cat just trusted you guys to actually jump through the car window blows my mind! ❤ So glad yall were able to get the mother and all her kittens to safety. Such wonderful people and God bless you! 🙏❤🐾
The vet saved that last kitten 10:11 ….. that made me soooo happy for that cat to have all her babies with her…❤… I’ve seen videos of people performing cpr on dying cats, dogs and all kinds of animals, those people are amazing and wish them well!!!
As a longtime cat parent, I find that just telling the cats what’s happening n going to happen alleviates their anxiety. They seem to understand every word.
They have the IQs of human 3-5year olds and some animals studies show they understand as many as 1000 words. So yes, they understand a lot of what we say. Most communication in English uses the same 100 words.
@ Thanks! Only based my msg on personal experiences. Have also noted they get smarter as they age. I’ve got one 14 & one 18. But the smartest is the 7-mo-old I brought in from its stray life.
Есть такое! У меня кот от одной фразы "Барсик кушать" просыпался) После еды благодарил, под старость правда, забывать стал немного. Но, когда говоришь ему "а где спасибо?", сразу вспоминал) Шарики из мятой бумаги как пёс приносил, в руку ложил и ждал чтоб еще раз кинули. Да и по жизни куча случаев мелочных было, когда казалось что, как будто он понял всё что ты сказал.
Cars' resilience never fails to amaze me. She knew she needed help and because she could feel you are a good people she chose you. Thank you so much for saving this beautiful family and all those other kitties, the world needs more people like you.
THE NAMES FOR KITTENS AND MOTHER CAT 💗 Sekhmet - for the Mom, is the name of the goddess of strength from ancient Egypt For kittens: Aurora, Luna, Iris, Mike, Morris, Loly, Anis, Boris, Holy… 😊 💗 You have the heart of gold, I wish all the best for you, guys! I’ve just put a bowl with water in my garden, thanks for the advices in the video 💖 The Earth needs people like you, all you do is very inspiring and what’s more - you help others in helping the animals! 💖
My jaw dropped when I saw the opening moments of this video! Just to put it in perspective, I've seen a ton of cat videos but never something quite like this.The love and determination of this mama cat was astonishing! And no less astonishing was the kindness and compassion of the wonderful people who opened their hearts to this brave mama and her babies. I am in awe; bless you all.
As a person with an outside cat who is my bestie & has been getting fed by me for a few years now & bringing her litters for food too, this blew my mind. I have never even heard of something like this before. Cats definitely choose ppl and this is the greatest display of that Ive ever known of. You guys are some very special people and cats are pretty amazing too. So incredible that you were able to record all of this.
This is utterly unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like this. Thank u for taking care of the mom and her kittens❤️ It was nice to see the actual vet care as well. Is there an update on them so we can know how they’re doing?
I would also LOVE to see an update! Thank you for all that you do for these beautiful, innocent kitties. People like you make me have faith in humanity ❤️
Какая огромная ответственность легла на маму кошку. Но, как одомашненное животное, она не может без помощи людей вырастить своих детей. Желаю здоровья и благополучия всем , кто помогает животным, нуждающихся в помощи 💖💖💖
My heart has swollen with love and awe at the beautiful mother cat putting her kittens above her fears, straight into the hands of those that care. Yes, I shed a tear watching this and wanted to thank you all at Teddy Kitten for the wonderful love and humanity you give with abundance. Thank you again ❤❤❤
Deja filmuletele astea cu "salavatorii de animale" din pacate nu mai sunt credibile. Cum era el astepta in masina cu telefonul pregatit sa filmeze fix cand era pisica cu primul pui in gura. El se pare ca avea un adapost pentru asa ceva care sigur este facut cu niste resurse de la oamenii care i-au vizionat filmuletele pe youtube si i-au donat bani ca sa impresioneze si a facut un micut adapost pentru a castiga mai mult pe viitor.. Sunt atatia care posteaza asa ceva dar de fapt ei abandoneaza animalele, ei le arunca prin cine stie ce gropi si ce le mai fac. Probabil si acesta avea deja pisica cu pui acolo dar a scos-o si a dus-o afara si el statea acolo aproape sa il recunoasca pisica sa vina cu puii inapoi ca nu-i putea lasa in strada unde i-a aruncat omul. Si de aici filmarea, era el pregatit cu tot arsenalul ce avea in masina, "s-a nimerit" perfect acolo. Si de aici banutii care vin din vizualizari si din donatii financiare. Este plin internetul de "salavatori" de animale care de fapt sunt diavolii animalelor.
Alsea or Tillamook, two Native American tribes in our area, and I am a descendant of. 14:18 Thank you for all the care and love you show these cats. We had a TAR cat that we called Joey, he lived in our backyard many years. He disappeared in 2021. I am thinking of getting my mom a rescued kitten. She is 84 and lonely
Omg I’m pregnant and this makes me so happy Hey mama girl you better go get your baby kitties 🥺🥹🥹 how sweet Thank you so much for being a great person and rescuing them ❤️
Everyone involved with the rescue, treatment and constant care of these innocent little creatures, veterinarians, volunteers and rescuers, shall go to paradise one day alongside angels! You are wonderful humans
God bless the sensitive people of this beautiful shelter for their continuous love and attention for street cats. Seeing them healthy and happy is always a joy, even for us. All the best 🙏🙏🤗🍀😻😻😻❤️🥰💕🌹💯🐾✨
❤🎉..como toda madre...protegiendo a sus bebes.....siento una emocion enorme de ver personas amables .que comparten...alimentos.. amor cariño con los animalitos.....y me parte el corazon de dolor y pena....con aquellas personas que maltratan a los animalitos.... DESDE PERU VEO ESTE HERMOSO EJEMPLO...QUE EL MUNDO DEBE TENER CON LOS ANIMALITOS... TENGO 6 GATOS..Y SON ADORADOS ...AQUI EN LIMA.PERU..GRACIAS
Around 6 years ago, my grandpa saw a cat in the road, and almost ran over it. He quickly took them in, even buying a cage for them. Their name was Kit. The act of being able to care for and see a cat was one of the best things I've experienced. We couldn't keep Kit, and we gave her back, but eventually we got another cat, named Nico :)
Thank you SOO MUCH for rescuing these fur babies!!! You are true angels on earth!!! We just rescued a black baby cat that was less than 1 year old that was crying at our back door. It was barely 5 pounds & it was 29 degrees that night we HAD to get it out of the cold!!!. And we went on Facebook to the lost cats of then our county and we found someone to take the baby in and they ssid theyre going to foster it until they find it a loving home and that they've fostered over 100 cats. I was never so thankful to the daughter that drove 20 minutes to come take the cat in and theyve been sending us pictures and the sweet cat is thriving! We would have taken it in ourselves but our senior cat is aggressive towards other cats because she was given up by 3 different families in the first 3 years of her life. So happy it turned out well!!!
Oh my gosh. I was crying through out this heart warming video. Thank you to all who love and care for these dear animals. You all are true angels on earthxx
Cats are smart and have excellent memories. The mother cat would have seen the rescuer and his car before and known that he was a good choice to approach.
It's really incredible...I'm in awe of the mother cats' actions
@@Dream_more_age_lessanimals remember good people. And routines. Some street animals see other animals going into vets and coming out and realize that they are safe places. They sometimes go there when they are injured or sick.
They are very smart and very intelligent and most stray cats will run away from you unless you have food and this is a very cute video
TRUE: I street feed cats and they all come running when they see my car even before I stop and get out
@Lemxnx_Rxsie I had one cat who was pregnant show me where she intended to have her kittens before she had them. Then that’s where she brought them when she had them. She trusted me enough to let me know where she was going to have them. She literally kept meowing at me to follow her until she got me to come to where she intended to nest. lol
The absolute trust that cat had in you was astonishing. You must have earned it.
Very true.
trimakasih orang baik yg telah menolong anak kucing dan induk nya ❤❤
It is noticeable that the cat is Venezuelan.
I have been cats adopter for over 4 decades and I have NEVER seen anything as grand as this video.
Gaining a cat's trust is not easy. With kittens, it's even harder. You were chosen. It's a sign that your heart is kind. Congratulations on your love for cats.
Oh yeah especially if the cat is more nervous than normal. I had a female named Snow and man she was a skittish cat you had to take it slow with her. Had kittens too didn't trust anyone except my dad and I. Key is time and patience. Don't make movements or loud/high pitched sounds that'll scare them. They'll wind up loving you eventually
@@derrickforealI wondered this myself. People will do anything for views :(
Unfortunately, the cats were abandoned beforehand so that he could rescue them and make a video of it.
I’ve played this video in church and we all loved it. Happy Sunday 😊
So great :) true shining happiness
I had a feral cat move in with me,out of nowhere. Took it to vet who told me the cat had probably always been feral but was now old and not well. He chose me as his late life caregiver. In the country with a creek in back. So vet said for years he survived nicely but was no longer able to. With good med care and plenty of love we had him 2 years. Was a sweet loving baby.
So they just know they can stay with humans? Like thats always an alternative. LOL!🤣
God bless you for your kindness to that sweet feline friend. There’s a special place in heaven for YOU. 💞
in car cat adoption center is crazyyy
Isn’t that just awesome?! That mother had instincts beyond this dimension for sure.
Our cat just hopped the fence and went inside the house. Layed on the couch and basically said... "I like this place, I will live here with you.... purr."
The cat mom definitely saw your pure soul and decide to take her kittens to you! We need more people like you and may God Bless you and your family!
They are so smart ❤she knew you help
One pure soul reaching out to another.
Very True! And Well Said! 😊❤
Thank you so much for rescuing this poor stray mama cat with her undying maternal instinct, you people are heroes savior of the poor neglected and forgotten animals that roam our street! I wish them a full recovery and a life filled with comfort, food and warmth.
What I said. And those kittens look adorable.
As a little girl when asked "what do u wanna do when u grow up?" The same exact dream I had 40-+ years ago, to open the 🌎 largest animal shelter. 🐶 😺 🐿️ 🐐 🐎
Did you conquer your dream?
I also have this dream and I'm recently out of high-school and planning on pursuing it
I thank all (including vets) who have helped in the rescue of this needy cat family assuring all SAFE and forever permanent homes.
😮😮😢😢😢😊😊😊 merci beaucoup pour avoir pris en charge cette merveilleuse petite famille que dieu vous bénisse tous respect et merci aux vétérinaires ❤❤❤❤❤
Que veterinarios?🤬😡
@@NoemiAliciaZabala the ones that care for animals...
Unfortunately, the cats were abandoned beforehand so that he could rescue them and make a video of it.
That's one smart mama kitty! She saved her own life, and her kittens lives too. Thank you for rescuing them! ❤
The world needs more people like you! I'm so happy you saved them. ❤❤❤
I fully agree
I love animals and never turn my back on one. I can't say no. They deserve a good life and we can help them.❤ Right now I'm down to 18; lost 5 and gained 2 since kast June and many in the past 15 years were given to good homes.❤ Thank you for taking them all in. Such innocence.😊
17 years ago we found a stray pregnant mom cat who soon after had 5 kitties. We raised the litter and ended up keeping 3 of them. Watching them grow we remember this as one of the happiest times in our life
Did the kitties die 😢😢
No, they grew up big and strong, one lived 12 years, one 13
А у меня 15 лет назад вселилась кошка Английская короткошёрстная, каждый год по 5 котят, хлопот с ней не было, как только котятам исполнялись 4 месяца, она брала их гулять по посёлку и устраивала котят 😊. Теперь у меня обычная кошка, она котят не устраивает по домам и их у меня уже 11.11здоровых красивых котов, рожает мальчиков. Я в ужасе жду ещё 5 котят
We rescued 6 kittens after mom was killed by a car when they were 3 days old.She was a stray that we fed and hoped to bring inside,but we didn't get the chance.We bottle fed around the clock,and got attached,so we kept them all.
I think that my cat my cat gave birth to 5 kittens
Thank you so much for faithfully feeding her while she was pregnant and that’s probably why she was able to have the energy to carry the kitties to you. And feed eight babies.
You must have a good heart. Something like this happened to me twice in my life. Both times a cat brought their babies directly in front of my doorstep. Embrace it. God loves you!
I have 4 kittens from two litters from the same mom, she was wild an would run from me. I put a ton of effort into getting her to trust me, she brought me a kitten from her first litter and left it for a whole day, she came to check on it an since it was alive she went an got the rest one by one. I kept a male an female from that litter. she showed up ready to have a 2nd litter an had them in my home. I kept another male an female from that litter. She still comes an stays inside some nights now an then.
And you haven’t gotten her spayed?!
@@MostCommentsOnTH-camAreAiBOTS easier said than done, she comes an goes when she wants to an does not like being picked up getting her in the pet taxi to take to the vet is not gunna happen.
IM CRYING RN. GOD loves you because your on a GOD given mission to save precious creatures.
The same also happened to me I have a giant garden in my home and the cat came with her kittens everyday to st there but now vanished far far away as another came
She's so smart and lovely mother. A mother will do anything to protect her babies. Thank you so much for rescuing them. The best video i've seen today ❤
We understand! We are unemployed and disabled and have a number of homeless cats visiting and some moving into our home over the years! The largest amount was 11 cats and at this moment it is at 8 cats! We love them so much! We might not have much money but we have a lot of love which stray animals need! We love what you do! Blessings to you all!👍😺🐕
Bless you! I hope your situation improves. I already know that your soul is full. ❤
God bless you Esther and John, you are protectors and care givers of God's creations.
You are recognized for the love and shelter that you give. God will bless you with double blessings. Proverbs 11:24-25 ESV
One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered
Me and my husband feed street cats every day in Portugal. 3 months ago we rescued an abandoned 4 week old kitten. We absolutely love him. Amazing what you are doing ❤❤❤
Sono tre bellissimi
Oh thé humanity
This place is my dream
I sent you a PayPal. A very ill stray mother cat came to me in my yard; she had a litter of 4 kittens inside an abandoned shed. I left food out for her before, but she never allowed me to approach her. That day, she seemed to be coaxing me to follow her, so I did; that's when two kittens came out of a hole in the bottom of the shed door. Nothing seemed out of order, but the next day, I found her near the shed dead; the kittens were still inside the shed. I plated some wet food and allowed them to come further out the door, when all four were out, I captured them and took them to a shelter, they were immediately adopted by others. I've always reflected on the intelligence of these animals to seek help and overcome their fears when needed. To these animals, you are the hand of God. You are being blessed.
You are so right my dear friend. thank you for your kindness.
This story gave me goosebumps. Mama cat knew she'll die soon and wanted to make sure her kittens will be taken care of. She trusted you. I wish human mothers would all be the same but unfortunately a lot of them aren't. When it comes to mothering animals are a lot better than some humans. We should all learn from them....
Can you please let me know which country are you from. I found three stray kittens. The thing is that someone has been poisoning cats in our neighbourhood. I have taken 5 cats just this month to the vet all foaming at the mouth and the diagnosis being poisoning. If you are in Pakistan can you please let me know how can I get the kittens adopted please ? I have contacted almost all animal shelters in Islamabad but all are saying we are at maximum capacity. Kindly let me know.
Gosh you are a good man! thank you for helping animals, it is my dream to one day have a sanctuary and to help as many as I can.
@@Chunkypokeythey are from Lahore. Arent they?
Thank you for being so helpful to these poor innocent animals. God bless you abundantly❤
What wonderful mama cat. She obviously trusted you very much. Thank you for being so kind and helping her and her babies!
@@moredistractions could it be that the cat trusted him so much because it's his cat.
Thank you جزاكم الله خيرا
Thank you so much for bringing them to the rescue center
love you
as in your comment
The day I saved a momma nd her 4 week old kittens from outside changed me forever, I still miss them so much since they’ve all been adopted out, momma was hardest for me to give up as I really grew such a close bond with her, but my male cat n her didn’t get along. Having a momma trust you is the best gift you could ever get . What a touching video
Thank you so much for helping the cats. God bless you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
You didn't realize it was his cat, right?
I guarantee you that a cat only brings kittens to those she knows
@@nessy2000 And she knew him because he feeds the stray cats there every day. Other people here are telling their stories that are similar. Of feral cats trusting them.
@@dod2304 If so I'm happy. In fact, you can see that his mother knows him. I see too many videos where animals are used to click and sometimes I'm harsh. But if it helps to promote love for animals, that's fine!
yeah thats right❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
she trusted you with her most beloved. you have done something heroic to deserve this honor. the world needs more people like you.
The way the mother cat just trusted you guys to actually jump through the car window blows my mind! ❤
So glad yall were able to get the mother and all her kittens to safety. Such wonderful people and God bless you! 🙏❤🐾
She said it in the captions at how she was always mean although they fed her everytime they pass through 😮
Cat Dad For Life.
What a Beautiful Human . May you prosper in anything you do.
Soooo sweet.
Much love.
Господи, какая трогательная история! Мама кошка- чудо! Спасибо!🥰❤😻🙏
seeing that baby newborn kitten so vulnerable nearly made me cry ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Tears man so many tears I don't gotta wash my face 😭
The vet saved that last kitten 10:11 ….. that made me soooo happy for that cat to have all her babies with her…❤… I’ve seen videos of people performing cpr on dying cats, dogs and all kinds of animals, those people are amazing and wish them well!!!
My eyes started tearing up. 😢 Good mama cat
Wtf lol
These rescuers and vets are the real “Beautiful People”. Thank you!🙏
these channels place the cats and edit the clips with cute music to fool people. 👆
당신은 고양이의 엄마여요 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
❤❤That's a best mom❤❤
똑똑한 어미고양이랑 아기들 살려주셔서 감사합니다
As a longtime cat parent, I find that just telling the cats what’s happening n going to happen alleviates their anxiety. They seem to understand every word.
Cats are smarter than a lot of us think. I grew up with cats & consider them precious family members. ❤
They have the IQs of human 3-5year olds and some animals studies show they understand as many as 1000 words. So yes, they understand a lot of what we say. Most communication in English uses the same 100 words.
@ Thanks! Only based my msg on personal experiences. Have also noted they get smarter as they age. I’ve got one 14 & one 18. But the smartest is the 7-mo-old I brought in from its stray life.
Есть такое! У меня кот от одной фразы "Барсик кушать" просыпался) После еды благодарил, под старость правда, забывать стал немного. Но, когда говоришь ему "а где спасибо?", сразу вспоминал) Шарики из мятой бумаги как пёс приносил, в руку ложил и ждал чтоб еще раз кинули. Да и по жизни куча случаев мелочных было, когда казалось что, как будто он понял всё что ты сказал.
@ wish I could read this!
Thank you for saving these animals.. ❤❤❤
Cars' resilience never fails to amaze me. She knew she needed help and because she could feel you are a good people she chose you. Thank you so much for saving this beautiful family and all those other kitties, the world needs more people like you.
Cars ❤❤
the car was very resilient to have a cat jump on it and not get damaged. poor car
Кошка оглянулась, проверила, не остался ли её ребёнок на сиденье, успокоилась, что все дети в домике . Какая заботливая мать ❤
Сколько же их там
Sekhmet - for the Mom, is the name of the goddess of strength from ancient Egypt
For kittens: Aurora, Luna, Iris, Mike, Morris, Loly, Anis, Boris, Holy… 😊
💗 You have the heart of gold, I wish all the best for you, guys! I’ve just put a bowl with water in my garden, thanks for the advices in the video 💖 The Earth needs people like you, all you do is very inspiring and what’s more - you help others in helping the animals! 💖
My jaw dropped when I saw the opening moments of this video! Just to put it in perspective, I've seen a ton of cat videos but never something quite like this.The love and determination of this mama cat was astonishing! And no less astonishing was the kindness and compassion of the wonderful people who opened their hearts to this brave mama and her babies. I am in awe; bless you all.
당신 같은 분들 덕에
세상은 좀 더 살만 하다 고
생각 합니다.
내가 구해주고 싶어도 조건이 안 되서
마음만 앞서고 실천을 못하는데
직접 구조해 주시니 감사합니다.
좋은 일만 있으실 겁니다.
Thank you for rescuing the cats❤❤❤
Cat is very smart. I think you are good man❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Moi j aurais fait pareil
Unfortunately, the cats were abandoned beforehand so that he could rescue them and make a video of it.
Dio che benedica grazie 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Дай Бог щастя цій людині, яка забрала до себе жити цих котиків та піклується про них!
Thank you for helping these poor animals. You are truly heaven sent.🐱
Thank you for being you!
As a person with an outside cat who is my bestie & has been getting fed by me for a few years now & bringing her litters for food too, this blew my mind. I have never even heard of something like this before. Cats definitely choose ppl and this is the greatest display of that Ive ever known of. You guys are some very special people and cats are pretty amazing too. So incredible that you were able to record all of this.
This is utterly unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like this. Thank u for taking care of the mom and her kittens❤️ It was nice to see the actual vet care as well. Is there an update on them so we can know how they’re doing?
I would also LOVE to see an update!
Thank you for all that you do for these beautiful, innocent kitties. People like you make me have faith in humanity ❤️
Умница какая мамочка ❤, нашла доброго человека и потащил всех своих деток❣️❣️❣️🐈🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🩷💕🩷💕🩷💕
Спасибо большое Вам за Вашу доброту 🙏🙏🙏❤️
Какая огромная ответственность легла на маму кошку. Но, как одомашненное животное, она не может без помощи людей вырастить своих детей.
Желаю здоровья и благополучия всем , кто помогает животным, нуждающихся в помощи 💖💖💖
Ответственность?)) Обычный животный инстинкт.
That’s incredible! She is soooo smart! And that’s a huge litter!
Amazing mama cat! Thank you for helping to her and her sweet babies
My heart has swollen with love and awe at the beautiful mother cat putting her kittens above her fears, straight into the hands of those that care. Yes, I shed a tear watching this and wanted to thank you all at Teddy Kitten for the wonderful love and humanity you give with abundance. Thank you again ❤❤❤
@barbd5607 Bitte LEST was die Leute schreiben. Was die Wahrheit ist !!!
Esti un om cu inima mare si cu un suflet ales de Dumnezeu. Sa fi binecuvintat omule. 🙏🫀❤
Deja filmuletele astea cu "salavatorii de animale" din pacate nu mai sunt credibile. Cum era el astepta in masina cu telefonul pregatit sa filmeze fix cand era pisica cu primul pui in gura. El se pare ca avea un adapost pentru asa ceva care sigur este facut cu niste resurse de la oamenii care i-au vizionat filmuletele pe youtube si i-au donat bani ca sa impresioneze si a facut un micut adapost pentru a castiga mai mult pe viitor.. Sunt atatia care posteaza asa ceva dar de fapt ei abandoneaza animalele, ei le arunca prin cine stie ce gropi si ce le mai fac. Probabil si acesta avea deja pisica cu pui acolo dar a scos-o si a dus-o afara si el statea acolo aproape sa il recunoasca pisica sa vina cu puii inapoi ca nu-i putea lasa in strada unde i-a aruncat omul. Si de aici filmarea, era el pregatit cu tot arsenalul ce avea in masina, "s-a nimerit" perfect acolo. Si de aici banutii care vin din vizualizari si din donatii financiare. Este plin internetul de "salavatori" de animale care de fapt sunt diavolii animalelor.
Imagine her walking around inside that magnificent playroom.❤
Look, guys, look, look what we have! Look at this awesome playroom!❤
Hello from Prague and thank You very much, you help her!❤😊❤🙏
Thank you for rescuing all mother and are all angels ❤❤❤
Thank you all for the incredible work you people do God bless you
Aww how sweet thanks for rescuing them & cats are very smart
You’re a true cat angel! Blessed you for saving and helping them! 🙏🏽🙏🏽💕❤️💞
Thank you for your compassion towards this beautiful mama and her babies.
I admire how gently you held those babies.
The mama cat has the most beautiful eyes!
Hat momma looked exhausted! She’s a beauty and obviously smart too.
ありがとうございますThank you so very much🙏❤🇯🇵
Alsea or Tillamook, two Native American tribes in our area, and I am a descendant of. 14:18 Thank you for all the care and love you show these cats. We had a TAR cat that we called Joey, he lived in our backyard many years. He disappeared in 2021. I am thinking of getting my mom a rescued kitten. She is 84 and lonely
Omg I’m pregnant and this makes me so happy
Hey mama girl you better go get your baby kitties 🥺🥹🥹 how sweet
Thank you so much for being a great person and rescuing them ❤️
Everyone involved with the rescue, treatment and constant care of these innocent little creatures, veterinarians, volunteers and rescuers, shall go to paradise one day alongside angels! You are wonderful humans
God bless the sensitive people of this beautiful shelter for their continuous love and attention for street cats. Seeing them healthy and happy is always a joy, even for us. All the best 🙏🙏🤗🍀😻😻😻❤️🥰💕🌹💯🐾✨
❤🎉..como toda madre...protegiendo a sus bebes.....siento una emocion enorme de ver
personas amables .que comparten...alimentos..
amor cariño con los animalitos.....y me parte el corazon de dolor y pena....con aquellas personas que maltratan a los animalitos....
Ŕeturn your Blessings ! FROM Dallas Texas USA
Thank you, you are such a good person who loves and looks after God's beautiful creatures. Hello from Ireland
Ma Shaa Allah
Stay blessed❤😊
It's so cute to see all the cats of different ages interacting together; that must be such a wonderful environment for them to grow up in
It's always so heart warming to see good people helping stray cats and dogs on the streets...!! Many thanks ...!!!
God bless the rescuer for their humanity! Humanity is the most beautiful thing there is!!
Wprost niesamowity, cudowny widok ❤❤❤
Thank you for rescuing these beautiful little babies. 🙏
GOD bless you for helping " Mother & her Baby's " 🙏 ❤️
Thank you for helping them!!!!
Around 6 years ago, my grandpa saw a cat in the road, and almost ran over it. He quickly took them in, even buying a cage for them. Their name was Kit. The act of being able to care for and see a cat was one of the best things I've experienced. We couldn't keep Kit, and we gave her back, but eventually we got another cat, named Nico :)
Thank you so much for rescuing this mother cat and her babies. It’s so nice to know there are people like you to help animals. ❤
You're all just wonderful for coming to the rescue of this precious mother cat and her kittens.....humanitarians in the first order! Bless you 🙏
Gracias por todo lo que hacen🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇦🇷
You are so kind and sweet and thoughtful ❤😊
Awww....Thank you for rescuing the mother cat and her new born kittens. I'm still crying for joy and relief. ❤️🤩😍🥰
Thank you, everyone involved in the rescue of these animals. My wife and I love you for it. Please keep up these good deeds
Thank you for caring for the animals
Thank you SOO MUCH for rescuing these fur babies!!! You are true angels on earth!!! We just rescued a black baby cat that was less than 1 year old that was crying at our back door. It was barely 5 pounds & it was 29 degrees that night we HAD to get it out of the cold!!!. And we went on Facebook to the lost cats of then our county and we found someone to take the baby in and they ssid theyre going to foster it until they find it a loving home and that they've fostered over 100 cats. I was never so thankful to the daughter that drove 20 minutes to come take the cat in and theyve been sending us pictures and the sweet cat is thriving! We would have taken it in ourselves but our senior cat is aggressive towards other cats because she was given up by 3 different families in the first 3 years of her life. So happy it turned out well!!!
Thanks so much for being kind and considerate. All souls deserve the chance to life. God bless all of you kind people
merci et bonne année à tous les chats 🥰💕💫
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story and thank you for taking in this little family
The tan lil guy at 11:21 stretching as hard as it can trying' to get a drink of Mama's milk to then comes crashing down is the cutest thing!
THANK YOU for rescuing them.
Oh my gosh. I was crying through out this heart warming video. Thank you to all who love and care for these dear animals. You all are true angels on earthxx
Thanks 🙏 for rescuing 🫶
Thank you for saving them God bless you
What a smart cat and a devoted mama. Sir, your good deeds will be rewarded tenfold, I’m sure of it.
Thanks a lot for your kind act, you are an Angel 😇
Łzy, mi się leją. Już jest bespieczna. Z maleństwami❤❤❤
Какая умница! Какой добрый и хороший человек! Дай Бог тебе здоровья!❤❤❤