Funny story: When I was a wee tot, Autism Speaks actually contacted my mother. I swear, if they were at our house, she would've slapped them in the face. When I asked why she wouldn't let them give us money, she said they were bad people. I do not regret her doing that, and neither does she.
If I lived in America, I'd actually want Autism Speaks to contact my parents, just so they could hand the phone over to me and so I could tell them politely that even though I still live with my parents, it's only because I need my full driver's license to get the work I need to pay rent and in fact I do pay my parents for board and I work three jobs, so even though I need more work, I don't need any help from them and I suggest they start talking to more people with autism instead of just people close to them.
I've never really heard much of Autism Speaks, but that commercial is HORRIBLE. Imagine if an autistic child saw that...being treated as simply an OBJECT that ruins their parent's lives, with no will of their own... Do the people working for Autism Speaks even know what autism IS?
***** I do understand that severe cases of autism can ruin a parent's life, I have a cousin with autism who is an example of this. However, I do not like this... thing because it objectifies kids with autism.
I have Asperger. Whenever I hear myself talk, I sound normal. When I hear myself talk in a video, I feel ashamed by how stupid I sound. I admire you, Enter, keep on the videos. You're my favorite TH-camr.
Some people with Aspergers also have speech impediments. Some but not all. Just like some people with Aspergers have dyspraxia or ADHD/ADD but not all. Different people with Aspergers can have different things, everyone's different.
Neurotypical people can have speech impediments. People with ADHD or ADD can have speech impediments. People with dyslexia can have speech impediments. It's not related to any of those things. It's a stupid correlation.
I hate how Autism Speaks shows autism! They show it like it's the Black Plague. It's terrible. To people who are on the autism spectrum: I love you and I want to protect you from how terrible people are. Don't let Autism speaks define you. You're perfect.
coolcat001100 it's sad how the internet using autism as simple insult to both who have or not have autism. face the fact that they do not know what they talking about. :(
Orin Ogami The most frustrating part is that when autism is just used as an insult, it's often when the person using it thinks someone is stupid, not realizing that it just makes *them* look stupid. By the way, ***** , yes, I have Asperger's Syndrome. Glad you like my vids.
coolcat001100 Autism imho is an enhancement. It's just different parts of the brain get formed than "normal". I have aspergers, and since that's autism, I get to actually give insight about what it's like to live with autism. I actually think of my aspergers as a blessing instead of a curse. Autistic people are capable of doing tremendous things while "normal" people might not be. People see it as a bad thing when someone has ANY syndrome that makes then not as social, why must that be the basis for everything? I would rather be non-verbal and super intelligent than verbal and of normal intelligent.
That commercial was genuinely offensive. I have autism and I hate how people sling it around like a common insult. This video only makes parents scared, the opposite of what will help an autistic child. What really helps is a family willing to take them for what they are and love them no matter what.
Max Mishlaga It's odd to think about, to me. I keep thinking "Wow, some people might find this offensive". Then I realize "Wait a minute! *I'm* diagnosed with Asberger syndrome! *I* find this offensive!"
I DON'T have autism and I find this offensive. I don't get offended by personal attacks very often, but when I see something so... so stupid, so wrong, and so ignorant to what they're trying to make a point about, it pisses me off. Idiocy is what offends me. People being fucking idiots makes me angry, and this organization is no exception.
I remember first discovering this video. After watching this video, I watched the original video, Autism Every Day, and My Name Is David. Every single one of these videos was offensive beyond all belief. In fact, in my high school, the seniors were supposed to give a speech about a controversial topic that they cared about for English class. I gave my speech on Autism Speaks. My message was that people should not support Autism Speaks, but instead they should support other organizations that fight for autism. When I told people about the subject of my speech, I was mostly met with surprised reactions. I took the time to explain to them why Autism Speaks is as terrible as it is. My point is, without this video, I'm not sure if I would ever be aware of how horrible this organization is. And for that, I thank you, Mr. Enter.
I am currently writing a college essay about how irresponsible Autism Speaks is. And it is all thanks to Mr. Enter for bringing light to such an issue. I would also like to thank him for analyzing The Judge Rotenberg Center For People Who They Want To Zap For Being Autistic. That should be its official title, and it looks like Autism Speaks was a contributor to their cause. Jesus Christ...
I did not know Shatoshi Tajiri had autism! In a way... it really does make sense. It would take a unique mind to take a simple hobby like bug collecting to its logical extreme. Its really inspirational to know that somebody with my condition was able to create one of the biggest franchises of our time.
***** Yet another example of why Autism Speaks is such a sick and disgusting organization. They like to deny that Autistics can not only live successful lives, they could create one of the biggest video game/anime/toy franchises in the world and they could also create successful computer companies. Like Microsoft.
Autism ruined my life, which is why I have plenty of friends that like me, I have a family that loves and takes care of me (and would be disgusted by this), and I'm not only in my second year of college, I am doing quite well. Yeah, real dangerous and life destroying. Autism Speaks needs to shut the hell up.
When I was very young, I was diagnosed with Asperger's, and the doctor thought that I would not be able to feed myself when I'm older or be able to do anything. My mom didn't study about autism, but my dad, having worked in special education, did. He knew what to do. No pills, just working to ensure that I go to schools that are capable of helping me succeed. Now I'm in college. If I had the time or the inclination, I would meet the doctor that said that and probably moon him. Maybe organize his CD drawer if he had one by genre and not by alphabet. Not sure.
I really think it's fantastic that more and more people on the spectrum are taking to the internet to spread awareness. I love your profile picture, by the way!
I can respect the fact that there are people out there who would want to be cured. I hope, however, that they respect the fact that I personally _wouldn't._
Autism speaks briefly hired an autistic man (only because people were angry that they hadn’t) but he quit very quickly once he became aware of what autism speaks was really about.
I heard someone with autism went to them, hoping to change things, but they purposely turned them out because they don't care about people who actually have autism, just about spreading fear. They create moms like Elsa from Atypical (parents with autistic children who make it all about them and smothers their child, no matter how independent their child tries to be, even if they're successful).
"i am autism and i have no intrest in right or wrong." i have asbergers syndrome and almost everybody i know says i have a strong perception of justice.
Actually, people with autism tend to be really sympathetic. That's why we generally tend to say sorry a lot. Lacking social empathy doesn't mean you lack empathy in general. It just means you have trouble reading emotions, which is where that misconception came from.
Quite a lot of people with autism have a much more developed sense of justice than a lot of neurotypicals. Everyone tells me I do. Most people with autism are less likely to judge, too, because they're so used to being judged.
I'm also Aspergers and have always been a pretty moralistic guy. Most high-functioning autistics are known for having rigid brains, and this often manifests itself in the form of strict, rigid moral codes.
As an Autistic person myself, this is really frustrating. My parent's marriage is fine, great, in fact. All the talk of hovering around makes it sound like some sort of virus in the air or something. And, like you say it's been for you, it's been helpful in some ways to me. I think very logically and pattern-based. This can help in my writing, or my reading as I catch on to what's going on and start to infer on what'll happen next, or in problem solving. People who know I'm different - they don't know how, just that I am - can be so cruel to me and treat me like I'm so ridiculous when I ask them to not tap their pencil on their desk, even if I ask as nicely, sweetly, and gently as possible. One kid would go off on me as if I was yelling at him to stop breathing or something. No, I'm jus asking you to stop making one noise that you don't need to make but tortures me like getting constantly jabbed in the temple. One girl even said, in such a patronizing way, as if I was her 5 year old kid, "aaw, sweety, do I have to get you some earplugs?" Like, no! I'm not 5! I'm not your daughter! We're the same age! Even if I did need ear plugs, who says YOU would have to get them? That YOU would have to TAKE CARE OF me? Like I was your 5 year old daughter? This is not everyone, by any means, but the people that are this way can be so problematic. This kind of misinformation makes it even worse! I don't need some organization speaking in some menacing voice about how my condition is some sort of terrible disease and how it basically reduces me to some scared, paranoid 5 year old that gets freaked out by everything! I saw one ad about getting overstimulated. It made the kid seem like he was scared, not overwhelmed, scared. It made him seem terrified. Effe these guys, man!
"I do not know right from wrong" >spent 40 minutes obeying traffic laws in gta. grand theft fooken auto. Obeying laws. in gta. >do not know right or wrong Oh, you mean the 80 dead people in my closet? >do not understand sarcasm See above.
Same here, man. I had to create a podcast talking about a serious issue of my choice, and I chose autism, and because of this, I knew not to use Autism Speaks as a source.
I have Asperger's Syndrome. My dad has Asperger's Syndrome. His dad had Asperger's Syndrome. And his father was dead before he knew. You wanna know something? My grandfather literally made a company so that people can be smart with their money. Honestly, having Asperger's is not a downside at all. In fact, under the right conditions, it can be a very good thing. I have an obsession with [adult swim] and TV Content Ratings. Why the fuck would I be ashamed of that?
+Teresa Mullooly BUT! This obviously does not mean that you should not seek some form of treatment. it isn't something to be ashamed of, no. but, like depression or ocd, it does not define you as a person, and you should not let it. as someone with a mental disorder, I can attest that there is a very fine line between co-existing with your problem, and letting it consume you. I have Adhd (actual Adhd, not attention whores wanting to be special self diagnosed flowers), and I know that I am two different people sometimes. it's the same for many people. if you have a disorder, please, don't be ashamed of it, but don't let it define you.
@marianne mccrank , I have the Aspergers that Mr.Enter has where I can remember the lore, character building, power structures, etc etc like in series like Avatar the Last Airbender series, but whenever I’m going out shopping I almost always forget my wallet at home.
Remember that commercial where the kid was all happy then he found out he had autism and was depressed until he found out about autism speaks? It's kinda backwards
I have autism, ADHD and Aspergers syndrome. I see this as a horrifying PSA. Does anyone agree with me that the Autism Speaks ad sounds like a frightening PSA?
I dont have Autism, and I still find the ad completely wrong and just disturbing as fuck. you could replace autism with stalker and satan and it would work in their ad. i once watched a video and the guy called OCD a disease and that you should see a doctor... do people even know what a disorder is? its not contagious, its not curable by fucking medication, and it doesnt make u less of a human. its like they look at them and their like "theyre different, haha"...wait thats exactly how a large margin of the world is. the two most bullied kids in the high school (i grad last year) are mentally retarded brothers, and when there was a gun threat they blammed the younger brother. why? cause he liked halo and call of duty. it was sickening. >:l
I have to ask you. What do you think about anti-vaccine movement using autism as a scare tactic against modern medicine? I was thinking they also seem to portray all cases of autism as the worst possible thing ever.
The worst part of all that is how it implies autism is worse than the fatal diseases vaccines prevent. Hmmm Autism, a condition with varying degrees of communication difficulty, or polio, where you have to get a machine to breathe and die painfully. HMMM?
MsDjessa I think I can speak for every single one of us (that is, people on the spectrum) when I say that the anti-vaxxers movement that claims autism is caused by vaccines may be the biggest group of morons on the face of the planet.
Sam Geuvenen I can imagine. I mean I have OCD and I get annoyed when people think OCD is just like "oh I'm a bit OCD". But at least there isn't a movement of conspiracy theorists who claim it is caused by medical breaktroughs and basically demonizing us like this Autism Speaks commercial did with autistic people.
My favorite PETA story was that they made a parody of Super Meatboy by making him toe fu and the 2 who made the put toe fu in the game and making him the worst playable character in the game
Dennydo1 Super Meat Boy's developer took it rather well actually. PETA also made a Pokemon parody which supports Team Plasma and demonizes Ash Ketchum.
Fun fact, I was exposed to this PSA when I was really little and it actually made me unwilling to accept I was autistic when it was diagnosed. And I generally grew bitter towards Autistic people because of this. I’ve since come to realize exactly how wrong I was, and how much this PSA detrimented my development as a person.
Autism speaks is the reason autism became an insult. I always like to imagine autism speaks actually works with the trolls, practically TELLING them to insult autistic people, or just call people autistic. Meanwhile, for those that DON'T go on the internet, they play commercials like this, and piss the public off, yet somehow don't get sued.
That commercial genuinely makes me sad. The first time I watched it, I nearly broke down crying because I could relate to a lot of the things they said in the commerical. It really hurts hearing that this is what they think of me and others. I am already suffering from depression, and seeing shit like this is not helping in the slightest. Thank you for talking about this, Mr. Enter. I appreciate it.
CobaltClaw Listen here my friend. I believe that we all have two different perspectives in life, the real world, and the soul. The real world perspective is what you show. It's the way you look, the way you talk, and the personality traits you show the most. The soul perspective is what you feel on the inside. It's how you feel about yourself and everything around you, It is a place where you will always feel safe, but alone. Now the catch is that the actual real world is cruel and miserable. People will throw every challenge they have at you no matter how ready you are to accept them, and they will judge for everything you've ever done. Now if that sounds unfair then you're right, it is unfair. So when a game is unfair, you make it fair. You need to obliterate the line between the real world and the soul with a crashing boom, and dig down deep. You must be able to express the feelings you have inside of you with those who are willing to listen: your family, and even your friend if you trust them. Eventually you can figure out what you are good at, bad at, and more. You need to one-up the people that stressed you out and made you feel like nothing by out doing their expectations for as long as enough is enough, and if they don't even accept that, either talk to them to form a compromise or just go through the motions; people like that aren't worth your time. Most of all, you need to show your true colors to the world. Your personality is your life. If people can't accept who you are even after you reason with them then they are, yet again, not worth your time. You can use that time instead to figure out who you are, and what you want to do in life. The world can be a terribly stressful place. It is full of liars, cheaters, and selfish scum, but let me tell you one thing if you are ever feeling down and alone, their will always be someone there to give you a hug. (Or write you a ridiculously long message on youtube. XD) So I wish you luck my friend. You may never do any of the things I wrote down here, but I at least wanted to tell you that I care; I bet a lot of other people do to.
CobaltClaw Had to deal with depression too during middle school, still at the therapist to clear up some minor issues. Don't worry, I know it feels like the world's on your shoulders but it'll all be over if you take the time. Hell if I had the chance to go back in time and skip that depression, I wouldn't, because I wouldn't be the same person as I am now. I know you'll feel the same way too! :)
CobaltClaw I have so many people telling me I am wise beyond my years because I refuse to hate others. Just remember that there are people who care about you, even if you haven't met them yet.
Funnily enough, before I knew what that actually was, I heard it on an episode of Family Guy, and I actually heard it as Assburgers. Just thought it was cartoon logic.
When I was quite little, I found out that everyone in my Special Eddies classroom had some form of Autism, but, being the idiot I am, thought that all Autists were low-functioning and stupid, so it made sense at the time that I wouldn't've been Autistic, since I can talk and understand basic things. So I told my teacher that "I noticed that everyone here has Autism, but I don't". She responded with something along the lines of "Well.... actually.. you do, just a different kind." I asked what she meant, and she said that I have Asperger's. I said, out loud, "@$$BURGERS?" (keep in mind, Mom swore all the time since I was born, so naturally I'd use her words against others. Needless to say, that wasn't great). She laughed and, at some point, told Mom about it, and I think she died laughing. We still laugh at it to this day
I've been against people on the internet because of how offensive they are in the case of autism. It really offends me because Im on the spectrum. We need to show people all the successful things autistic people did and how much better they are then them(the people who insult us). And fun fact: Albert Einstein was diagnosed with autism and look how he changed the world.
Jordan Mcrae yeah. I do not have autism myself, but I know people that do really well and it isn't right on a humane level to bully them ceaselessly for having a mental condition of which they have no control.
Malone .j2 What I've learned in life is that there's many people who've lost or never had any humanity all together. Everytime they call this disability a "disease" really makes you think that people just don't like anybody whose different.
My little brother, Reid who is a nonverbal autistic is the happiest person I know. Very small things make him really happy, he loves bubbles, animated movies, salty food, and music.
Autism is such a poorly research and organized field it's pathetic. So many people can get diagnosed with it but it often is just stigmatizing different personalities and thoughts.
ImTheMagicalDolphin Autism has a wide array of symptoms each with their own spectrum. Some people may have fewer symptoms but to a more serious degree than someone else having many more symptoms but to a much lighter degree.
ImTheMagicalDolphin i've had many teachers in classes where autism was brought up. Even when the word "autism" was a new term, I could tell it was poorly researched. They make it clear it is a mental/psychological/developmental condition, but every year I hear something talking about curing it, like its a damn std. Also every couple years the spectrum is constantly changing with something new added like ADHD, which I was told falls on the spectrum, but isn't autism (correct me if i'm wrong). And how they seem to always find something new that somehow increases chances of autism is very reminiscent of the idiot days when so-called research linked different kinds of bullshit to homosexuality. I'm still mad about the vaccine incident that was proven false, but still have idiots who believe it, so actual HARMFUL diseases that were eradicated are now returning.
Pooky1991 ADHD has never been on the Autism spectrum, and Autism isn't becoming more common, it's becoming easier to recognize and diagnose. Dolphin's statement is completely wrong. Diagnoses aren't stigmatizing personality types. Autistic people HAVE widely varied personality types, but people have made the condition so hated that people diagnosed feel ashamed of having it. People on the outside see the increased diagnoses and think "well, those doctors are just being assholes and saying more people are broken" instead of "hey, maybe we shouldn't say autistic people are broken."
I have Aspergers and personally I think it is a great thing. For example I see and think differently from "normal" people. I may still not understand most social aspects but it's never been a problem for me. Autism and Asperger is NOT a disease and does not need to be cured. I see it as a gift. Also, living in Sweden I did not hear about Autism Speaks until I was an adult. Here people have much better understanding for ASD and I have yet to hear another Swede describe it as a disease. Unfortunately it seems like a majority of people in the US aren't well educated about ASD.
I completely agree with you on this. I am autistic myself, but most people in my High School don't even know since I attend normal classes and don't show any signs, despite being painfully shy. However in Elementary, I had to go to special classes because I had speech problems, and motor skill problems. Luckily, over the years those have drastically improved but I am still painfully shy. But I have seen people with autism from incredibly nice and almost normal to totally violent and unreasonable. Hell, I even had a guy attempt to murder me in the 3rd grade. But it's still not FATAL as this commercial has made it out to be. If it was fatal I'd have been dead a long time ago.
The “replace autism with homosexuality” line is what got me fully on the train, since I am gay and have heard a pastor speak that exact same way about me
With the following items: (Who cares if the planet blows itself up?) (Hide in these and watch the explosion.)
+Shane Killian I'd... I'd take the pill to the proper authorities, cuz such a pill is probably incredibly dangerous. Think about it, a pill that can undo autism, a neurological developmental disorder can have some severe side effects. Especially if the pill isn't already FDA approved, I either want to report its existence and the man who gave it to me (not to mention that's unsolicited drug dealing) or I want to make sure it gets in the hands of trusted scientists who can test it, reverse engineer it, and then mass produce it. (Making sure to note that it won't be forced/'strongly recommended' on anyone)
+Shane Killian Autism is a spectrum disorder, though. You have to remember that there are kids out there with autism who suffer from serious issues far beyond social issues. I grew up with a severely autistic sibling whom I love to death, but cannot live a normal life on their own. That's not to say that there's anything wrong with autism, but it's irresponsible to make blanket statements about it. Not everyone with autism can lead a regular normal life on their free of serious problems.
tampabaybuccaneer10 "I grew up with a severely autistic sibling whom I love to death, but cannot live a normal life on their own" I'm not saying they can all live a normal life. I'm saying they all have something to contribute to society.
Having Tourrettes I can relate. My family still has yet to apologize (except my mother, who never needed to, and my brother, who was the worst offender back then) for the mental mistreatment they put me through whenever I would be around them.
***** Ay, hello there, fellow sire! Lemme stop you from being paralyzed in such uncomfortable position and slap that hand! *tries to raise his weirdly twitching hand in your direction*
***** Marvelous job! Now I shall proceed somewhere else and do my thing, when you... you can go complete your life objective, if you have one. See you soon, lad! *leaves in a rather disturbing matter of himself being half-paralyzed*
I'm on the autistic spectrum and I have to say that commercial infuriates me way more than any of those idiots who think it's cool to use autistic as an insult ever could. This "charity" make autism out to be a debilitating illness that's a million times worse than it actually is, while being autistic does cause me problems socially it doesn't prevent me from living a healthy and happy life.
I know this girl that's on the spectrum simply because she's a little shy and doesn't speak loud. Like there's nothing really wrong with her, but the label still points to kids that literally can't feed themselves.
I hate people that use Autism as an insult and I hate it when people use Autism as an insult. I'm not Autistic so it shouldn't offend me, but it's possibly the only insult out there that genuinely pisses me off. It's just so unnecessarily cruel to people that have it and don't have it, and I've unfortunately been seeing it used a lot more than I would like due to recently joining the Brony Fandom. Autism seems to be the haters insult of choice.
robotwarsfan03 I hate that. My sister is gay and it's offensive to her. So what if you like the same gender? There's this kid in my class that saw this drawing I made, and he didn't like it so he said "gay" But he said it more like how someone with the intelligence of him would: gaaaaAAyYYY Meanwhile, everyone else in the class liked my drawing. This kid is a hipster.
"I am autism, you ignored me, big mistake" oh really? I have aspergers syndrome, and I have had it all my life. but the thing is, during my childhood I never took any medications, never went to any counciling, nothing was ever done for my condition. and guess what? I'm fine! I'm social, I can think clearly, I can express emotion, I'm one of the smartest people in the school for gods sake! I even hid my autism so well, if I revealed myself, no one would even have guessed I have it.
Dude I have Asperger's Syndrome and I struggle every day to live a happy life. When I was in Kindergarten, I didn't know how to socialize with anyone. I'd just be alone by myself because I didn't know how to play with other kids on the playground. However, I did learn eventually but it came with a lot of baggage. I was overly-clingy with my friends, I was an obnoxious little shit and nobody wanted to go near me. I had a therapist that got me through this stuff, but after my parents couldn't pay for it anymore (due to the fact that he didn't take our insurance), I started developing more social issues that I couldn't get any help with. It took me YEARS to finally learn to socialize with people and push it down to as little as possible. The only thing that I can't control is my voice, social anxiety, my somewhat strong, loving personality, I say stuff without thinking about it first, and depression because everyone at school still sees me as the little weird kid from elementary school and doesn't give me a chance. While I appreciate the fact that you're living a happy life, just know that there are others out there who are really unhappy with themselves, and I have to blame Asperger's for ruining my entire childhood.
Aspergers didn't ruin it-- the people refusing to accept anyone who isn't "normal" did. I'm autistic, and I've learned to love who I am. I hope that you will find a way to become comfortable in your identity, as well. Have a nice day
Yeah, I'm not too far on the autism spectrum and I just have a few "quirks" like being very analytical with emotions and how other people socialize which might help me sometimes, I've always felt isolated though. I mean we don't need autism at all, but I believe we'd all have better lives if these organizations wouldn't spread fake information. I hope autistic kids could have more opportunities in the future if we develop organizations that work to give them actual therapy.
"I work faster than cancer, AIDS, and diabetes combined" I should find this offensive, but I find it hilariously stupid. Autism, worse than cancer or AIDS....HA!
***** Huh? I never was talking about that! Not once did I suggest that autistic people are slow learners! Hell *I am autistic!* (well technically it's aspergers, but still!) Suggesting that autistic people are slow is one of my biggest pet peeves! What I *was* saying was that the people at Autism Speaks are morons for thinking autism was worse than AIDS or cancer! Seriously how on earth did you get "all autistic people are slow learners" out of my comments?! I'm starting to think think you may have commented on the wrong thread!
I know a crazy woman who is heavily involved with autism speaks. She has three kids with "diagnosed" autism. I've spent time with them... I think she makes it up for the government checks. If they are on the autism spectrum they are the most outgoing, verbose children i've ever seen with autism. First time I met her 8 year old he maintained perfect eye contact while we had a 20 minute conversation about video games... They have discipline problems. When her kid gets in trouble at school for threatening to stab a teacher with a pencil, she blames 'autism' and lets him play video games all day. She identifies her kids as "autistic kids" and she is "the mother of autistic kids". She leaves her kids alone every night to go drink in bars and complain to strangers about "how hard it is to have autistic kids". Sorry for the pointless rant. But this self diagnosing, psychotic mom who suffers from munchaussen by proxy, and convinces her kids that there is "something wrong with them" so that she can get sympathy from strangers and checks from the government, that is the face I see when I think of autism speaks.
You should tell that woman to go f*ck off and get out of this world
9 ปีที่แล้ว +12
A lot of autistics are self diagnosed, and are usually incorrect. A psychiatrist is more likely to diagnose you's still mixed with ADHD and similar to ADHD diagnoses, there are lots of misdiagnosed patients.
Spencer Gage to be honest an apology won't do anything... if you treat your kids like that for their whole lives their confidence may never come back... Heck, it wouldn't shock me if they off'ed themselves because "They aren't worth it"... People like that are just... just, shit...
Wow.. Update on this, so today this lady posts on FB, "Idea for a short story: woman with munchausen's fakes autism to collect government checks" Seriously? How bout : "woman with guilty conscience confesses on facebook in her story ideas"
This fucking commercial though. Like, I love being told that I'm the reason my parents got divorced and that any time my mom took me out in public she must have been embarrassed by me. Hey, why don't they start suggesting people with autism shouldn't be in the military without shooting someone so I lose my job. This commercial does nothing but pretend that having a kid with autism means that they will be self destructive brainless and spasm prone instead of the possibility that they could be like me and have the only difference between me and most people is I have a reason to be socially inept. I had to work very hard to get to the social level I'm at and have the "weird" things I do or say happen less. I am not ashamed to be autistic because it isn't anything to be ashamed of
To me, I am kind of proud of it due to, I honestly I might be different, but having disability or a disorder doesn't mean you're completely alien, but a variant. I would be gladly humiliate the person who made this stupid commercial, make sure how embaressed they get from a white dot in the crowd to a completely red person and fulled exposed due to how mindless this commercial is. There was no thought put into it, no research, it seems like they used the money for toilet paper and this is the shit that came out of it. This commercial is ass backwards compared to the name of the corporation. Autism speaks's commercial should be named "Autism doesn't speak"
I'm told that it means you think differently from others. If that's the case, how much do you want to bet that it could be beneficial? I hear Bill Gates and Albert Einstein had autism, too...Yeah, and autism ruins lives...please.
I've noticed people treating others on the autism spectrum like they are brain dead, or like they don't have a talent and won't be successful. It's probably because I am still in Highschool and quite a few of today's teenagers and children aren't being informed of things properly and think being cruel is being cool, but I might be wrong. I, however, noticed that the people they insult actually can be more successful and are in fact VERY talented. My brother gets treated like an idiot for his grades and because he is put in special ED., however, he is more intelligent than most kids I know who don't have any neurological disorder. My sister can be treated like she has no talent or can't go anywhere without having to have someone hold her hand- and yet she is a more talented singer than most of today's celebrities, and can very well care for herself and can help others rather well. Someday I might look back at this and see if there is any flaws in what I say. I rant a lot. I post these rants a lot. Sometimes I am afraid to go back to correct it because it may seem like... It's not me. I don't know. There are a lot of things I don't know, I am still learning. But I don't think things like this who shouldn't have the right to call themselves a charity ARE learning.
I know right? I'm even worse. I'm quote unquote ' normal,' except for my ADD. people don't even seem to realize it unless I call it out (which I admit to having done a lot in the earlier years) because I'm in advance classes. that said, I wouldn't care what they said to me. if it wasn't attacking others. I took being called 'mangina' and gay for almost a fucking year by a 6th grader I had CALLED A FRIEND. that fucking stung for a few months. I told the staff and my parents about it. it did not stop until I punched him. in the face. with my weak hand. and he still took it like a bitch. I ramble. sorry. main reason wasn't that it hurt. no. I was way beyond numb to that asshole's opinion. it was because my uncle is genderfluid, identifies as gay, and is know to dress in feminine ways. my best friend is by. that is when I stood up. I realized 'I'm letting this idiot attack /my friends, my family/ and I am SO BEYOND DONE WITH IT.'
My sister has autism. It's somewhat more severe on the spectrum, so we have to supervise her during certain tasks, and we often have to serve as translators of sorts to help her communicate with others due to her echolalia. She has a job, she goes to group events, she has friends (more than me, even). We've always had times where it's been difficult, but we love her and value her as a member of our family. The things this commercial says about my sister is so deeply, grossly *disgusting* that if I ever met those people I would punch their teeth out. Nobody talks about my sister that way, directly or indirectly. *NOBODY.*
necelticsox I don't exactly know how I would go about doing that, so no. I've never had the displeasure of actually seeing any representatives of the group, either. But Heaven help them if they ever show up at one of my sister's Special Olympics events.
Just... *hugs* *standing ovation* *hugs again* If one of my sisters said this about me, I think I'd cry. God bless you. Your sister is great and has a wonderful sibling.
I remember in Elements of Brony they were talking about Lesson Zero and how it didn't treat Twilight as wrong for her mental quirks, representing how psychology has moved beyond the idea that mental disorders are something that needs to be forcibly removed, and instead towards the idea that we should help people learn how to best live with who they are. Autism Speaks is very, very behind.
Alex Steward I won't lie: for a few seconds I thought he was holding a drink cup while speaking myself. Weird how people's minds think in similar ways.
Mr.Enter I hold you in a high respect for targeting this subject. I am currently 17 years old and in my 3rd year of high school but, through out most of my life people tend to be shocked when I tell them that I am actually diagnosed with higher functioning autism. As a child I was bad at socializing I wanted to be a performer but I was so different from the other girls that I had a tendency to fall back and stay alone. It's ironic that you mentioned Pokemon becase it was actually through that show that I began a deep love for anime. In my passion for it I realized characters like "Naruto", "Konchome" from the Zatch Bell series, and even "Ash Ketchum" all were relatable characters for me because they had a lot of traits that I associted with my own autism. Naruto being hyperactive but knowing how his strengths could help him improve, Ash striving to prove the world that he could win with his own methods even while starting late in the game, and Konchome just relates a lot with how I use to find friends that I looked up to and idolized. ( In hind sight would ever consider doing a top 10 of characters that you find most relatable within the anime or american animations that youve seen)
Well, where I connect with Enter on this subject is that I was proactive in trying to change the stereotype that pandering created for me.Is I like to think that those who try to change their reputation can in fact do so but at a price it causes those without that foresight to suffer. The best example of this from my point of view is the Nancy Drew movie staring Emma Roberts. That movie was my introduction to Nancy Drew and I feel like it did a fantastic job in depicting her because when I watched Emma in the role I came to a conclusion that made me change and in turn made me different from others. I chose to look up to a fictional woman who despite being beatiful and smart still had her weaknesses and strived to fight the pandering of the world who told her that what she loved to do was odd and out of place. So in short I'm not terribly different but I choose to stand out.
As a woman who also has Aspergers and was in enough disability programs in school to know all the variations autism can take, I'd like to applaud you for this spot on video. I'm about as mild as it gets, and it honestly offends me when people try to treat me like I'm some moron who can't understand the world around me. So Autism Speaks is an organization that tends to top my shit list.
To me this advert really makes Autism sound like a highly infectious and terminal illness, which it obviously isn't. That bit about 'your neighbours ignored it until it was their child' makes it sound like your child infected theirs with their autism, which is both untrue and offensive. Personally I do not have Autism but do have Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia so I can just sub in one of those and it's pretty easy to see how offensive this advert is. I have also worked on advertising for charities (Mental ilness and depression- another highly stigmatised thing) and won the client (was in competition with my peers) due to making sure I found out what people with depression, bulimia etc wanted people to know, your job as a charity is to give the people you're representing an accurate voice, especially when deal with something with a stigma around it. The research is pretty easy with the internet - there are a lot of people who talk about having any given condition. I find it offensive when a freaking CHARITY is so bad at giving a voice to the people they're representing especially when the people you're representing are TALKING ABOUT IT AND IT ABOUT ONE GOOGLE SEARCH AWAY! anyway, rant over. TL:DR This advert offends me from a perspective of someone with a basic knowledge of autism (friends have it), a human-being with empathy, and someone who has helped create charity advertising as this is a terrible example of it.
David lechevalier They're learning difficulties, not super bad but they have affected me completely (I have all three severely- I was tested when I was 12, 15 and 17) I'm not a super expert, my mum has a degree in learning disabilities and stuff (don't remember the actual name of it) but i basically say something I'm making trouble with and she's like "That's your dyslexia" If you fancy doing a little lookig into it:- You don't need to have all of these symptoms to be dyslexic/dyscalculic/dyspraxic, but I have many of them :P
David lechevalier In some ways, yes, in others no. It's complicated and I don't fully understand it, there are some things people with Autism will experience that I wouldn't and vise versa, and there is a bit of over lap between them with some things. I'm no expert, but I don't think Dyslexia/ Dyspraxia/ Dyscalculia can affect people as severely as severe cases of Autism can affect people. But if you rule out extreme Autistic cases they can be similar. Again, I'm not a professional and am only going off my and my friends personal experiences, so this is hardly a scientific case study.
My mum doesn't understand how hard it is for me to actually think first before doing or control my emotions and thinks that I can just control it like a snap of the finger like people with no Autism. And yet she thinks she has Autism.
I apologize that my comment is off topic. I have autism myself so I'm going to listen to the full commentary and opinion on how you feel about the topic. But that beard is just glorious.
My best guy-friend in high school had Asperger's. He was really into video games, movies, and loved to draw, so he was very visual, and he loved talking about the visual aspects of games and movies. He wasn't perfect, but I always enjoyed spending time with him. You can't act like anyone with Autism is going to ruin your life and hurt society as a whole. Heck, he was one of my only real friends. He made my life better!
I was diagnosed with autism 2 months ago. I'm 19 years old. I wasn't verbal until the age of 6, and nobody thought there was anything wrong with me because they thought it was a phase or that it was a big deal, even though I did my own research when I was 8 and basically felt like I was looking into a mirror with my personality and quirks. I often had sensory overloads in school from the noisy classrooms, I was an honor student but towards high school started to decline with my grades because things weren't getting any better. The older I got, the louder the classrooms got, the more time my symptoms were ignored, the more I struggled to feel understood and the more alienated I felt. It took a job at a crazy place like Target to indicate to me that it was time to put my money and time into this. Getting that diagnosis wasn't a surprise, but was still an awakening to a side of me that could've been helped with earlier. I do agree that it's better when diagnosed early, that way the person with it could learn to cope with it better and have a lot more time to practice coping. Because going through my whole life misunderstood and ignored didn't get me anywhere, and I blame a shitty organization like Autism Speaks for that ignorance I was handed with most of my life. They don't understand that autism is a spectrum, and everyone is different in the spectrum. I'm sure they're the reason I got shit thrown my way like "oh but you don't LOOK autistic". I really hope better organizations outshine them one day.Thank you so much for the great video, Mr Enter.
Mr. Enter's third live action video! :D I am Aspergirl myself, and I read that Asperger's is often undiagnosed in females as opposed to males. Most of the kids in the Autism Speaks video are boys, and to me, that just opens another can of worms. Happy Mother's Day, everyone.
***** True, Aspergirls are chameleon-like in personality for given situations, but even so, girls (from my knowledge) today are bolder than back then, and one would think that they should be noticed more.
***** I agree with what you say, when I was at high-school. I was the quieter one, didn't go outside nowhere near as much as the other guys at my school, almost always kept to myself watching movies and playing games only. I actually had to be gaining something out of it in a way. So when it came to my teachers and colleges, they were somewhat concerned, but obviously had no trouble from me. Take me as a Wasp or a Bee, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Hell, nearly 19 years of age and I still don't feel like partying at nights or going out in the day, which nearly everyone does at this age. I have a very mild form of Aspergers which was only diagnosed 4 years ago (2011) why it was only a few short years ago, because my parents had to be absolutely sure what it was.
My older brother has autism, and it has deeply affected the way he communicates with people. He can speak (some autistic people cannot) but he has trouble voicing opinions or emotions. It makes me happy that many autistic people who have less trouble speaking for themselves are helping those who can't. Off topic a bit, but anyone else here think Mr. Enter is quite the looker? I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable at all, sir, it's just that you have a rather sweet, caring look about you. :)
I'm an aspie and as a fan of yours I'm glad to hear that you are too! Sadly I've only been encountering the bad parts of Asperger's syndrome so far in life but I still have hope. It's organizations like Autism Speaks that make me and others struggle to keep that hope.
My friend has very severe autism and he's a really sweet kid. His parents are very happy and him and each other very much. I may not be autistic, but that's offensive because I know autistic people and this is portraying them wrong.
This commercial is incredibly shitty. But about what Mr. Enter was saying about having some of these things being helpful sometimes, i have ADHD and Tourette Syndrome, so its hard to concentrate (which sucks) but really easy for me to learn instruments. Not everyone with a neurological disorder is ruined, and this commercials implication of that is really shitty.
I don't have any of that,but I have to take a medicine to focus,but my brother has autism. Although we haven't found what Fonzie(my brothers nickname) I'd God at,he is very friendly and he is a hugger. He likes to be on his iPad a lot,so he might be a little obsessed,but he is respectable and kind,and probably the most adorable 7 almost 8 year old out there. That commercial disgusts me.
You're like the opposite of me. I couldn't learn any instruments if I tried, I can concentrate very well and as far as I know theres nothing really "wrong" with me... Weird.
That line about Autism ruining lives faster than cancer and diabetes *REALLY* pissed me off. As a Type 1 Diabetic and person with a very mild case of Asperger's, I fail to see how Autism ruins lives. For example, while I was never the most sociable kid in the world, and never will be, the fact that I have great friends and even a girlfriend pretty much says that Autism means nothing in real life. I fucking *hate* when people try to pass Autism as if it's some sort of disease. Hey assholes, do some goddamn research before making your advertisement. -_-
People saying that all My Little Pony fans are autistic, for the most part, is a meme. Though, it is the type of show that attracts mentally different people. Don't take too much offence from what I just said; many other fan bases are the same. It's like that for most very large fan bases.
Binkus Barnes - THE ROAD TO 22 Im a sonic fan... I became one *AFTER* i developed autism... When will people realize that liking something does not make you something...
I tried to look for autism speaks commercials, to see what other ones they have, and your video came up as the second result, which I feel is a good thing.
THAT COMMERCIAL I HATE IT. I have a cousin who has DS and severe autism and yes it's hard for her parents. Yes it poses a challenge. But then when there's achievements they're even greater. When she remembered the names of my family members, we were all so happy. Yes, having a child with autism isn't easy, but if anything it makes relationships stronger. I really want to find an organization that helps integrate people with autism into society. Provide talking devices for non verbal people if their families can't afford one, provide seminars to teachers and administrators to help educate them on how to help a child with autism, raise money to research to help find ways to make the lives of people with autism easier. That's what this world needs. Tell me if you know of one, or I'm starting my own.
I don't have autism, and I've never had any autistic friends, though I can relate. I'm trans, once saw an ad talking about transgender bathrooms. Basically, a little girl walked into the bathroom, and this guy with a full beard, obviously not trans, not even trying to look it, walks in behind her, saying "Obama wants to make this legal" or some shit like that. THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS, GOD DAMMIT ADS, WHY YOU ALWAYS LYING? STOP FUCKING LYING! ITS TIME TO STOP, WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?!
+thedarkdragonoffire that's what I've been saying since the start. Make it a law that all buildings whom will have public bathrooms made from then on must only have unisex bathroom. I wouldn't say desperate for children though... Worried parents. Good idea though
It's also, like, daft. If you're worried that letting trans women in female bathrooms will mean that daughters will be perved on, what about the sons? Silly.
Does Autism Speaks think autism is just another word for sociopathy? I say this since in the video, they say autistic people have no concept of right and wrong, and that they take great pleasure in their family's suffering, which is a pretty disgusting claim to make.
I understood everything you talked about in this video. My brother is on the spectrum, and he acts just like you. He can get obsessive, but visualizes everything so well.
Mr. Enter can i say how much your videos inspire me? When you talk about things like this it gives me hope that one day i won't have to hurt anymore and wake up and hate my own exestance. From day one my parents have told me i'm a worthless pile of trash even though it took me years to understand that's what they really meant with the things they said. I hope that one day i can go to a public place and not be scared out of my mind or have a breakdown because i'm terrified that everyone is watching me. I hope that one day i don't have to be ashamed that i'm gay. I hope that one day i feel like i have worth and i can get out of bed in the morning happy to start a new day rather than dreading the pointlessness of it. i hope that one day no one has to feel like i do. and i hope that other people feel the same. Thank you Mr. Enter for the hope that you give me
You are an inspiration to me. I have Aspergers too. My grade school teachers would get sick of my obsession toward reading and writing where it wasn't needed, as well as my meltdowns, so they would shove me into a closet in the office during the day. But over the years, I've been told that I'm a brilliant writer with vivid detail, a great painter with multitudes of colors and attention to the detail involved, and a good visualizer. When I had to go to the hospital after a breakdown and they gave me a ton of medication, I was horrified to find out that I couldn't visualize for two weeks after that. All I saw could be described as tantamount to a white mist where my "third eye" usually was. In my Experience, high functioning members like us receive the worst treatment because our place on the spectrum is the least obvious. To anyone who doesn't know, were just lazy or incompetent in social circles. The fact that you're such a brilliant speaker and willing to speak out is an inspiration to me. Thank you for all you do, Mr. Enter
Um... last time I checked autism wasn't as malevolent as this commercial implies. And to hear that it was directed by the same man who directed one of my favorite movies isn't exactly pleasant.
I have aspergers too! Small world. I'm learning that almost everyone I know now is aspergers though... dunno if it's a coincidence or not, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I and a few others I know found out we are recently as well, technically I am atypically autistic
+sonicawesomeness It's the social circle you pick. It's unsurprising that if someone has autism, they'd most likely make a lot of friends and interact with a lot of other autistic people. Source: Blind claim.
+sonicawesomeness It's the social circle you pick. It's unsurprising that if someone has autism, they'd most likely make a lot of friends and interact with a lot of other autistic people. Source: Blind claim.
Cave Rave You say blind claim, but honestly most of my social circle turned out to somewhere on the asexual spectrum like me as well. We gravitate together I guess.
Funny story:
When I was a wee tot, Autism Speaks actually contacted my mother.
I swear, if they were at our house, she would've slapped them in the face.
When I asked why she wouldn't let them give us money, she said they were bad people.
I do not regret her doing that, and neither does she.
Your mom sounds like an awesome person. You're lucky to have her.
ReasyRandom You don't fuck with mothers who have children on the spectrum. That's an established fact.
@@Double-R-Nothing Just don't fuck with good parents in general.
@@reasyrandom Relatable, unfortunately
If I lived in America, I'd actually want Autism Speaks to contact my parents, just so they could hand the phone over to me and so I could tell them politely that even though I still live with my parents, it's only because I need my full driver's license to get the work I need to pay rent and in fact I do pay my parents for board and I work three jobs, so even though I need more work, I don't need any help from them and I suggest they start talking to more people with autism instead of just people close to them.
I've never really heard much of Autism Speaks, but that commercial is HORRIBLE. Imagine if an autistic child saw that...being treated as simply an OBJECT that ruins their parent's lives, with no will of their own... Do the people working for Autism Speaks even know what autism IS?
ya it's sad and really messed up makes me
+jet trooper angry?
Mad Mat sorta
***** I can see that
***** I do understand that severe cases of autism can ruin a parent's life, I have a cousin with autism who is an example of this. However, I do not like this... thing because it objectifies kids with autism.
I have Asperger. Whenever I hear myself talk, I sound normal. When I hear myself talk in a video, I feel ashamed by how stupid I sound.
I admire you, Enter, keep on the videos. You're my favorite TH-camr.
Sounding stupid has nothing to do with having Aspies
It causes speech impediment.
Aspergers has nothing to do with having a speech impediment. That's completely separate.
Some people with Aspergers also have speech impediments. Some but not all. Just like some people with Aspergers have dyspraxia or ADHD/ADD but not all. Different people with Aspergers can have different things, everyone's different.
Neurotypical people can have speech impediments. People with ADHD or ADD can have speech impediments. People with dyslexia can have speech impediments. It's not related to any of those things. It's a stupid correlation.
I hate how Autism Speaks shows autism! They show it like it's the Black Plague. It's terrible. To people who are on the autism spectrum: I love you and I want to protect you from how terrible people are. Don't let Autism speaks define you. You're perfect.
Thanks! I'm gonna make video games when i'm older!
Bacony Cakes that’s awesome
I can’t wait to become a cartoonist!
The fact that there are people in the world who actually believe what this commercial has to say horrifies me.
coolcat001100 Well, there is those, things, the..... Teenage Girls.
coolcat001100 Hey coolcat.
coolcat001100 it's sad how the internet using autism as simple insult to both who have or not have autism. face the fact that they do not know what they talking about. :(
Orin Ogami The most frustrating part is that when autism is just used as an insult, it's often when the person using it thinks someone is stupid, not realizing that it just makes *them* look stupid.
By the way, ***** , yes, I have Asperger's Syndrome. Glad you like my vids.
coolcat001100 Autism imho is an enhancement. It's just different parts of the brain get formed than "normal". I have aspergers, and since that's autism, I get to actually give insight about what it's like to live with autism. I actually think of my aspergers as a blessing instead of a curse. Autistic people are capable of doing tremendous things while "normal" people might not be. People see it as a bad thing when someone has ANY syndrome that makes then not as social, why must that be the basis for everything? I would rather be non-verbal and super intelligent than verbal and of normal intelligent.
That commercial was genuinely offensive. I have autism and I hate how people sling it around like a common insult. This video only makes parents scared, the opposite of what will help an autistic child. What really helps is a family willing to take them for what they are and love them no matter what.
Max Mishlaga It's odd to think about, to me. I keep thinking "Wow, some people might find this offensive". Then I realize "Wait a minute! *I'm* diagnosed with Asberger syndrome! *I* find this offensive!"
Max Mishlaga I have Aspergers and I find that commercial offensive as well.
TheMichromeBlade Same here.
I DON'T have autism and I find this offensive. I don't get offended by personal attacks very often, but when I see something so... so stupid, so wrong, and so ignorant to what they're trying to make a point about, it pisses me off. Idiocy is what offends me. People being fucking idiots makes me angry, and this organization is no exception.
ahbeef I know that feeling.
>Looks through comments
>Doesn't see a single joke about how "Aspergers" sounds like "ass burgers"
>Today was a good day
I was watching a Cracked After Hours video, and one guy said "Aspergers", and I legit thought he said "ass burgers". Funny thing is, I'm autistic.
Haha in Britain we pronounce it "Assberjers"
In France or somewhere, they just take off the last letter and say "Asperger".
I'm from NZ and here we say "Asperjers"
Cheese Wizard indeed
I remember first discovering this video. After watching this video, I watched the original video, Autism Every Day, and My Name Is David. Every single one of these videos was offensive beyond all belief. In fact, in my high school, the seniors were supposed to give a speech about a controversial topic that they cared about for English class. I gave my speech on Autism Speaks. My message was that people should not support Autism Speaks, but instead they should support other organizations that fight for autism. When I told people about the subject of my speech, I was mostly met with surprised reactions. I took the time to explain to them why Autism Speaks is as terrible as it is. My point is, without this video, I'm not sure if I would ever be aware of how horrible this organization is. And for that, I thank you, Mr. Enter.
Stephen Brown but your name is steven brown
Stephen Brown jk good speech
I am currently writing a college essay about how irresponsible Autism Speaks is. And it is all thanks to Mr. Enter for bringing light to such an issue. I would also like to thank him for analyzing The Judge Rotenberg Center For People Who They Want To Zap For Being Autistic. That should be its official title, and it looks like Autism Speaks was a contributor to their cause. Jesus Christ...
+Stephen Brown Ye be a hero
Stephen Brown that must've been a hella good speech...i wanna hear it :D
I did not know Shatoshi Tajiri had autism! In a way... it really does make sense. It would take a unique mind to take a simple hobby like bug collecting to its logical extreme. Its really inspirational to know that somebody with my condition was able to create one of the biggest franchises of our time.
"I loved graph paper..."
~Satoshi "Dr. Bug" Tajiri
Fly1ngShurtugal XIII I have PDD NOS but Asperger's Syndrome sounds a lot like it. Obsessing over things easily and being shy
***** Yet another example of why Autism Speaks is such a sick and disgusting organization. They like to deny that Autistics can not only live successful lives, they could create one of the biggest video game/anime/toy franchises in the world and they could also create successful computer companies.
Like Microsoft.
that commercial is very disturbing.
Also very very stupid!
Thats life for you.
isn't it just it's designed to be disturbing to induce despair in parents and relatives of Autistic people and children.
Autism ruined my life, which is why I have plenty of friends that like me, I have a family that loves and takes care of me (and would be disgusted by this), and I'm not only in my second year of college, I am doing quite well. Yeah, real dangerous and life destroying. Autism Speaks needs to shut the hell up.
how can autism ruin ur life
I am autistic. I am also disgusted by this. Thank you Enter, for helping me realize this. These people are lucky to be alive.
I have asperger's syndrome and I don't care what people say about me. I am who I am and I don't need your approval.
***** thanks
WeegeeSlayer yeah.
+anime lover 17 I have aspergers too, and my brother has Autism
When I was very young, I was diagnosed with Asperger's, and the doctor thought that I would not be able to feed myself when I'm older or be able to do anything. My mom didn't study about autism, but my dad, having worked in special education, did. He knew what to do. No pills, just working to ensure that I go to schools that are capable of helping me succeed.
Now I'm in college. If I had the time or the inclination, I would meet the doctor that said that and probably moon him. Maybe organize his CD drawer if he had one by genre and not by alphabet. Not sure.
+bobipineman Why are you asking?
the quality of health care and doctor education vary on country
+bobipineman I don't know. I moved from state to state. It varied.
+Mini-Con Longarm I vote moon him
+Mini-Con Longarm hes gonna find you
I have autism and I don't want to be cured, I want to be accepted for who I am!
I really think it's fantastic that more and more people on the spectrum are taking to the internet to spread awareness. I love your profile picture, by the way!
I dont like people in general so not being good at being sociable isnt a problem
I can respect the fact that there are people out there who would want to be cured. I hope, however, that they respect the fact that I personally _wouldn't._
Autism speaks briefly hired an autistic man (only because people were angry that they hadn’t) but he quit very quickly once he became aware of what autism speaks was really about.
I heard someone with autism went to them, hoping to change things, but they purposely turned them out because they don't care about people who actually have autism, just about spreading fear. They create moms like Elsa from Atypical (parents with autistic children who make it all about them and smothers their child, no matter how independent their child tries to be, even if they're successful).
"i am autism and i have no intrest in right or wrong." i have asbergers syndrome and almost everybody i know says i have a strong perception of justice.
Same. To a fault. Like, serious to a fault.
Yep. I'm autistic and I am an anti-rebel. I am a total rule follower
Actually, people with autism tend to be really sympathetic. That's why we generally tend to say sorry a lot. Lacking social empathy doesn't mean you lack empathy in general. It just means you have trouble reading emotions, which is where that misconception came from.
Quite a lot of people with autism have a much more developed sense of justice than a lot of neurotypicals. Everyone tells me I do. Most people with autism are less likely to judge, too, because they're so used to being judged.
I'm also Aspergers and have always been a pretty moralistic guy. Most high-functioning autistics are known for having rigid brains, and this often manifests itself in the form of strict, rigid moral codes.
Why do people use "autistic" as an insult when you can call someone a "board member of autism speaks"
***** wut yo call meh m8 jk
Awesome Oh my god...
Awesome good one.
***** that's because autistic people are the smartest of us all, its true
As an Autistic person myself, this is really frustrating. My parent's marriage is fine, great, in fact. All the talk of hovering around makes it sound like some sort of virus in the air or something. And, like you say it's been for you, it's been helpful in some ways to me. I think very logically and pattern-based. This can help in my writing, or my reading as I catch on to what's going on and start to infer on what'll happen next, or in problem solving. People who know I'm different - they don't know how, just that I am - can be so cruel to me and treat me like I'm so ridiculous when I ask them to not tap their pencil on their desk, even if I ask as nicely, sweetly, and gently as possible. One kid would go off on me as if I was yelling at him to stop breathing or something. No, I'm jus asking you to stop making one noise that you don't need to make but tortures me like getting constantly jabbed in the temple. One girl even said, in such a patronizing way, as if I was her 5 year old kid, "aaw, sweety, do I have to get you some earplugs?" Like, no! I'm not 5! I'm not your daughter! We're the same age! Even if I did need ear plugs, who says YOU would have to get them? That YOU would have to TAKE CARE OF me? Like I was your 5 year old daughter? This is not everyone, by any means, but the people that are this way can be so problematic. This kind of misinformation makes it even worse! I don't need some organization speaking in some menacing voice about how my condition is some sort of terrible disease and how it basically reduces me to some scared, paranoid 5 year old that gets freaked out by everything! I saw one ad about getting overstimulated. It made the kid seem like he was scared, not overwhelmed, scared. It made him seem terrified. Effe these guys, man!
You know that a charity is well-made, when south park describes their issue more accurately.
"I do not know right from wrong"
>spent 40 minutes obeying traffic laws in gta. grand theft fooken auto. Obeying laws. in gta.
>do not know right or wrong
Oh, you mean the 80 dead people in my closet?
>do not understand sarcasm
See above.
and yeah, diagnosed aspie at 5
This is gold
In my case, about sarcasm, it takes a while for me to get certain metaphors and sarcastic jokes, but I myself use them constantly
@@autizm0x obaying stop lights in gta thats gold
I did a project on autism and didn't use autism speaks for a source.
Same here, man. I had to create a podcast talking about a serious issue of my choice, and I chose autism, and because of this, I knew not to use Autism Speaks as a source.
You are a good man, thank you.
I have Asperger's Syndrome.
My dad has Asperger's Syndrome.
His dad had Asperger's Syndrome.
And his father was dead before he knew.
You wanna know something? My grandfather literally made a company so that people can be smart with their money. Honestly, having Asperger's is not a downside at all. In fact, under the right conditions, it can be a very good thing. I have an obsession with [adult swim] and TV Content Ratings. Why the fuck would I be ashamed of that?
+0215MADman no way you like not finishing sentences too now way our sick disease must make us all mindless drones to the great autism praise it!
+Teresa Mullooly Some forms are problems, and they do need some kind of treatment.
Teresa Mullooly Damn straight!
+Teresa Mullooly BUT! This obviously does not mean that you should not seek some form of treatment. it isn't something to be ashamed of, no. but, like depression or ocd, it does not define you as a person, and you should not let it. as someone with a mental disorder, I can attest that there is a very fine line between co-existing with your problem, and letting it consume you. I have Adhd (actual Adhd, not attention whores wanting to be special self diagnosed flowers), and I know that I am two different people sometimes. it's the same for many people.
if you have a disorder, please, don't be ashamed of it, but don't let it define you.
Peyton Martin Did I say I didn't have a therapist?
wow... his cartoon look exactly matches his real life look. jacket, beard, hair and all.
To think that Turkey Tom called him a “pedo” because of it.
anyone else absolutely love Mr Enter's voice?
He has a unique voice
He has a very good ranting voice.
I do as well.
@marianne mccrank , I have the Aspergers that Mr.Enter has where I can remember the lore, character building, power structures, etc etc like in series like Avatar the Last Airbender series, but whenever I’m going out shopping I almost always forget my wallet at home.
@@jmckenzie962yeah it’s very iconic despite sounding normal.
Remember that commercial where the kid was all happy then he found out he had autism and was depressed until he found out about autism speaks? It's kinda backwards
Ah, after he found out about AtSe (i refuse to say the full name) he became like the doomguy and fired a laser at them, right?
🎶Now everybody do the Propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia🎶
+Noah Karpinski eyyyyy
+Roshambo ᴠ ᴋᴡᴀᴍᴇ Of course
American Idiot
I know! Green Day's song is becoming more and more true
+Roshambo ᴠ ᴋᴡᴀᴍᴇ
Whip it.
Whip it good.
I have autism, ADHD and Aspergers syndrome. I see this as a horrifying PSA. Does anyone agree with me that the Autism Speaks ad sounds like a frightening PSA?
Menchi Guevarra totally
I dont have Autism, and I still find the ad completely wrong and just disturbing as fuck.
you could replace autism with stalker and satan and it would work in their ad. i once watched a video and the guy called OCD a disease and that you should see a doctor...
do people even know what a disorder is? its not contagious, its not curable by fucking medication, and it doesnt make u less of a human. its like they look at them and their like "theyre different, haha"...wait thats exactly how a large margin of the world is. the two most bullied kids in the high school (i grad last year) are mentally retarded brothers, and when there was a gun threat they blammed the younger brother. why? cause he liked halo and call of duty. it was sickening. >:l
Menchi Guevarra I agree with you because I was born with ADHD.
Menchi Guevarra Yeah that offends me 😡
Is it bad that, despite having autism, I was crying with laughter watching the autism speaks commercial.
Mikey Clarke Not really, these commercials are so stupid that they're funny.
Mikey Clarke i was _humorously_ fascinated by the fact this actually offended me, so i guess not
Laughing so you wouldn’t cry?
Because you find it laughably ignorant?
My brother would laugh at this, and he went through shit.
I have to ask you. What do you think about anti-vaccine movement using autism as a scare tactic against modern medicine? I was thinking they also seem to portray all cases of autism as the worst possible thing ever.
The worst part of all that is how it implies autism is worse than the fatal diseases vaccines prevent. Hmmm Autism, a condition with varying degrees of communication difficulty, or polio, where you have to get a machine to breathe and die painfully. HMMM?
MsDjessa I think I can speak for every single one of us (that is, people on the spectrum) when I say that the anti-vaxxers movement that claims autism is caused by vaccines may be the biggest group of morons on the face of the planet.
Sam Geuvenen I can imagine. I mean I have OCD and I get annoyed when people think OCD is just like "oh I'm a bit OCD". But at least there isn't a movement of conspiracy theorists who claim it is caused by medical breaktroughs and basically demonizing us like this Autism Speaks commercial did with autistic people.
MsDjessa people who legitimately think that vaccines cause autism are freaking idiots
Blake Kuhlman but to be fair, when people think autism they don't think about the entire spectrum. they think about the extreme less subtle cases.
Can we please have more "MrEnter reacts" videos?
***** As long as they're on his Vlog channel, and I would really like to more of thoses.
***** Yeah. I would love to see more videoa like that.
***** It's called MrEnterVlogs.
CrimsonDarkness SS i've been wondering why he didnt put this video on that channel...
Colton Bryan He probably needed a wider audience for this video.
Speaking of PETA didn't they once make an article that cow milk gave people autism
Dennydo1 Say what?
Victor Hernandez That actually happened. They've also made a parody game of Mario getting his Tanooki Suit by skinning a raccoon.
My favorite PETA story was that they made a parody of Super Meatboy by making him toe fu and the 2 who made the put toe fu in the game and making him the worst playable character in the game
Dennydo1 Super Meat Boy's developer took it rather well actually. PETA also made a Pokemon parody which supports Team Plasma and demonizes Ash Ketchum.
Where did they get that information from? A candy bar wrapper? Seriously, how stupid can you get?
I think that you gave a very good point by point review of that organization! I appreciate and applaud this video and your views! Thank you.
Fun fact, I was exposed to this PSA when I was really little and it actually made me unwilling to accept I was autistic when it was diagnosed. And I generally grew bitter towards Autistic people because of this. I’ve since come to realize exactly how wrong I was, and how much this PSA detrimented my development as a person.
Autism speaks is the reason autism became an insult. I always like to imagine autism speaks actually works with the trolls, practically TELLING them to insult autistic people, or just call people autistic. Meanwhile, for those that DON'T go on the internet, they play commercials like this, and piss the public off, yet somehow don't get sued.
deltadragonoid225 Autism speaks is so autistic, they make severe cases of it look like child's play.
***** Fantastic
How to troll a troll who calls you autistic if you have autism say thanks for telling me something I know #you just trolled a troll
isaac zerke thanks for the advice!
Is it odd that I believe Mr. Enter is the only TH-camr to talk about his condition without begging for sympathy ?
That's the power of that person stomach making shit..
I`m a High-Functioning Aspie and I don`t beg for sympathy. Oversensitivity exists in every demographic,not the autistic community alone.
+sikisikiamimis he only mentions it when he has to explain something or tell his point of view, which I think is completely fine.
Holy shit you're right
+sikisikiamimis Gr8 B8 M8
That commercial genuinely makes me sad.
The first time I watched it, I nearly broke down crying because I could relate to a lot of the things they said in the commerical. It really hurts hearing that this is what they think of me and others.
I am already suffering from depression, and seeing shit like this is not helping in the slightest.
Thank you for talking about this, Mr. Enter. I appreciate it.
CobaltClaw **hugs**
CobaltClaw Listen here my friend. I believe that we all have two different perspectives in life, the real world, and the soul. The real world perspective is what you show. It's the way you look, the way you talk, and the personality traits you show the most. The soul perspective is what you feel on the inside. It's how you feel about yourself and everything around you, It is a place where you will always feel safe, but alone.
Now the catch is that the actual real world is cruel and miserable. People will throw every challenge they have at you no matter how ready you are to accept them, and they will judge for everything you've ever done.
Now if that sounds unfair then you're right, it is unfair. So when a game is unfair, you make it fair.
You need to obliterate the line between the real world and the soul with a crashing boom, and dig down deep. You must be able to express the feelings you have inside of you with those who are willing to listen: your family, and even your friend if you trust them. Eventually you can figure out what you are good at, bad at, and more.
You need to one-up the people that stressed you out and made you feel like nothing by out doing their expectations for as long as enough is enough, and if they don't even accept that, either talk to them to form a compromise or just go through the motions; people like that aren't worth your time.
Most of all, you need to show your true colors to the world. Your personality is your life. If people can't accept who you are even after you reason with them then they are, yet again, not worth your time. You can use that time instead to figure out who you are, and what you want to do in life.
The world can be a terribly stressful place. It is full of liars, cheaters, and selfish scum, but let me tell you one thing if you are ever feeling down and alone, their will always be someone there to give you a hug.
(Or write you a ridiculously long message on youtube. XD)
So I wish you luck my friend. You may never do any of the things I wrote down here, but I at least wanted to tell you that I care; I bet a lot of other people do to.
CobaltClaw Had to deal with depression too during middle school, still at the therapist to clear up some minor issues. Don't worry, I know it feels like the world's on your shoulders but it'll all be over if you take the time. Hell if I had the chance to go back in time and skip that depression, I wouldn't, because I wouldn't be the same person as I am now. I know you'll feel the same way too! :)
Codie Cola Wow That was touching.
CobaltClaw I have so many people telling me I am wise beyond my years because I refuse to hate others. Just remember that there are people who care about you, even if you haven't met them yet.
That beard is fucking beautiful....
Agreed :o
I agree
As a kid, people used to make fun of my Aspergers, calling it "Assburgers". Elementary school students can be cruel.
Funnily enough, before I knew what that actually was, I heard it on an episode of Family Guy, and I actually heard it as Assburgers. Just thought it was cartoon logic.
It’s said the same way though XD
Reminds me of that south park episode
When I was quite little, I found out that everyone in my Special Eddies classroom had some form of Autism, but, being the idiot I am, thought that all Autists were low-functioning and stupid, so it made sense at the time that I wouldn't've been Autistic, since I can talk and understand basic things. So I told my teacher that "I noticed that everyone here has Autism, but I don't". She responded with something along the lines of "Well.... actually.. you do, just a different kind." I asked what she meant, and she said that I have Asperger's. I said, out loud, "@$$BURGERS?" (keep in mind, Mom swore all the time since I was born, so naturally I'd use her words against others. Needless to say, that wasn't great). She laughed and, at some point, told Mom about it, and I think she died laughing. We still laugh at it to this day
This video should be required viewing for everyone on the planet. The review, I mean. The ad should never be seen on its own.
I've been against people on the internet because of how offensive they are in the case of autism. It really offends me because Im on the spectrum. We need to show people all the successful things autistic people did and how much better they are then them(the people who insult us).
And fun fact: Albert Einstein was diagnosed with autism and look how he changed the world.
+Jordan Mcrae no, he was born before the diagnose was public
exactly, I hate offensive people on the internet who try to crack jokes about racial or sexual discrimination, or autism. it is never funny
What we need to do is stand as individuals and fight things like this
Jordan Mcrae yeah. I do not have autism myself, but I know people that do really well and it isn't right on a humane level to bully them ceaselessly for having a mental condition of which they have no control.
Malone .j2 What I've learned in life is that there's many people who've lost or never had any humanity all together. Everytime they call this disability a "disease" really makes you think that people just don't like anybody whose different.
My little brother, Reid who is a nonverbal autistic is the happiest person I know. Very small things make him really happy, he loves bubbles, animated movies, salty food, and music.
C. N. He sounds like a great kid! He sounds sorta like me, since I’m an introvert with Aspergers that likes music and worships animation
Autism is such a poorly research and organized field it's pathetic. So many people can get diagnosed with it but it often is just stigmatizing different personalities and thoughts.
ImTheMagicalDolphin Autism has a wide array of symptoms each with their own spectrum. Some people may have fewer symptoms but to a more serious degree than someone else having many more symptoms but to a much lighter degree.
***** Uh, yeah, I know. That doesn't change my statement.
ImTheMagicalDolphin i've had many teachers in classes where autism was brought up. Even when the word "autism" was a new term, I could tell it was poorly researched. They make it clear it is a mental/psychological/developmental condition, but every year I hear something talking about curing it, like its a damn std. Also every couple years the spectrum is constantly changing with something new added like ADHD, which I was told falls on the spectrum, but isn't autism (correct me if i'm wrong). And how they seem to always find something new that somehow increases chances of autism is very reminiscent of the idiot days when so-called research linked different kinds of bullshit to homosexuality. I'm still mad about the vaccine incident that was proven false, but still have idiots who believe it, so actual HARMFUL diseases that were eradicated are now returning.
Is your profile picture Pelswick?
Pooky1991 ADHD has never been on the Autism spectrum, and Autism isn't becoming more common, it's becoming easier to recognize and diagnose. Dolphin's statement is completely wrong. Diagnoses aren't stigmatizing personality types. Autistic people HAVE widely varied personality types, but people have made the condition so hated that people diagnosed feel ashamed of having it. People on the outside see the increased diagnoses and think "well, those doctors are just being assholes and saying more people are broken" instead of "hey, maybe we shouldn't say autistic people are broken."
I have Aspergers and personally I think it is a great thing. For example I see and think differently from "normal" people. I may still not understand most social aspects but it's never been a problem for me. Autism and Asperger is NOT a disease and does not need to be cured. I see it as a gift.
Also, living in Sweden I did not hear about Autism Speaks until I was an adult. Here people have much better understanding for ASD and I have yet to hear another Swede describe it as a disease. Unfortunately it seems like a majority of people in the US aren't well educated about ASD.
USA gets way more hate than it deserves, I can assure you that well over half the adult population realizes that autism isn't a disease.
You should see how people in East Asia deal with autistic children. It's freaking brutal.
I completely agree with you on this. I am autistic myself, but most people in my High School don't even know since I attend normal classes and don't show any signs, despite being painfully shy. However in Elementary, I had to go to special classes because I had speech problems, and motor skill problems. Luckily, over the years those have drastically improved but I am still painfully shy. But I have seen people with autism from incredibly nice and almost normal to totally violent and unreasonable. Hell, I even had a guy attempt to murder me in the 3rd grade. But it's still not FATAL as this commercial has made it out to be. If it was fatal I'd have been dead a long time ago.
The “replace autism with homosexuality” line is what got me fully on the train, since I am gay and have heard a pastor speak that exact same way about me
Well, he should be glad he isn't in Britain (we are very strict about homophobic/racist/sexist comments to the point where it's a crime)
@@lordoffrogs6786 Yet you won't do anything about your immigrant issues, but instead focus on stupid shit
@@PeruvianPotato How is it stupid shit?
@@PeruvianPotatoHello liar.
Jesus Christ this company needs to be shut down
With the following items:
(Who cares if the planet blows itself up?)
(Hide in these and watch the explosion.)
Not just shut down, but also blacklisted .
Rex Apis and ice
I have Aspergers and they treat autism like the plague. It's disgusting.
What I can tell you is: if you gave me a pill and told me it could cure my son's autism, I'd throw it in the trash!
+Shane Killian I'd... I'd take the pill to the proper authorities, cuz such a pill is probably incredibly dangerous. Think about it, a pill that can undo autism, a neurological developmental disorder can have some severe side effects. Especially if the pill isn't already FDA approved, I either want to report its existence and the man who gave it to me (not to mention that's unsolicited drug dealing) or I want to make sure it gets in the hands of trusted scientists who can test it, reverse engineer it, and then mass produce it. (Making sure to note that it won't be forced/'strongly recommended' on anyone)
***** Autistics aren't ill.
+Shane Killian I wish you were my parent :')
+Shane Killian Autism is a spectrum disorder, though. You have to remember that there are kids out there with autism who suffer from serious issues far beyond social issues. I grew up with a severely autistic sibling whom I love to death, but cannot live a normal life on their own.
That's not to say that there's anything wrong with autism, but it's irresponsible to make blanket statements about it. Not everyone with autism can lead a regular normal life on their free of serious problems.
tampabaybuccaneer10 "I grew up with a severely autistic sibling whom I love to death, but cannot live a normal life on their own" I'm not saying they can all live a normal life. I'm saying they all have something to contribute to society.
Having Tourrettes I can relate. My family still has yet to apologize (except my mother, who never needed to, and my brother, who was the worst offender back then) for the mental mistreatment they put me through whenever I would be around them.
I'm not autistic,I don't know anyone personally who is autistic.But, this advert is a massive disgrace.
MegaSparkster I'm not autistic, I'm just weird.
I'm autistic and wierd
***** Ay, hello there, fellow sire! Lemme stop you from being paralyzed in such uncomfortable position and slap that hand!
*tries to raise his weirdly twitching hand in your direction*
***** Marvelous job! Now I shall proceed somewhere else and do my thing, when you... you can go complete your life objective, if you have one. See you soon, lad!
*leaves in a rather disturbing matter of himself being half-paralyzed*
MegaSparkster I can never agree more. Why would they even do this and who allowed this?
I'm on the autistic spectrum and I have to say that commercial infuriates me way more than any of those idiots who think it's cool to use autistic as an insult ever could. This "charity" make autism out to be a debilitating illness that's a million times worse than it actually is, while being autistic does cause me problems socially it doesn't prevent me from living a healthy and happy life.
I'm also autistic.
I do too Mattie Sensei. I read your works and I have even written a novel myself :).
You are quite right. It's about time I see someone uses autism in a non-insulting way
I know this girl that's on the spectrum simply because she's a little shy and doesn't speak loud. Like there's nothing really wrong with her, but the label still points to kids that literally can't feed themselves.
Me too
I hate people that use Autism as an insult and I hate it when people use Autism as an insult. I'm not Autistic so it shouldn't offend me, but it's possibly the only insult out there that genuinely pisses me off. It's just so unnecessarily cruel to people that have it and don't have it, and I've unfortunately been seeing it used a lot more than I would like due to recently joining the Brony Fandom. Autism seems to be the haters insult of choice.
Wrench Man Don't forget those who use "gay" as a supposedly derogatory insult...
robotwarsfan03 Yeah... Close minded ignorance is what it is... It's a shame people use them as insults.
robotwarsfan03 I hate that. My sister is gay and it's offensive to her. So what if you like the same gender? There's this kid in my class that saw this drawing I made, and he didn't like it so he said "gay"
But he said it more like how someone with the intelligence of him would:
Meanwhile, everyone else in the class liked my drawing.
This kid is a hipster.
Pluto Bone Bruh, pls. :P
robotwarsfan03 in my opinion gay is an insult used by kids to sound more adult but they end up sounding like kids.
"I am autism, you ignored me, big mistake"
oh really? I have aspergers syndrome, and I have had it all my life. but the thing is, during my childhood I never took any medications, never went to any counciling, nothing was ever done for my condition. and guess what? I'm fine! I'm social, I can think clearly, I can express emotion, I'm one of the smartest people in the school for gods sake! I even hid my autism so well, if I revealed myself, no one would even have guessed I have it.
Dude I have Asperger's Syndrome and I struggle every day to live a happy life. When I was in Kindergarten, I didn't know how to socialize with anyone. I'd just be alone by myself because I didn't know how to play with other kids on the playground. However, I did learn eventually but it came with a lot of baggage. I was overly-clingy with my friends, I was an obnoxious little shit and nobody wanted to go near me. I had a therapist that got me through this stuff, but after my parents couldn't pay for it anymore (due to the fact that he didn't take our insurance), I started developing more social issues that I couldn't get any help with. It took me YEARS to finally learn to socialize with people and push it down to as little as possible. The only thing that I can't control is my voice, social anxiety, my somewhat strong, loving personality, I say stuff without thinking about it first, and depression because everyone at school still sees me as the little weird kid from elementary school and doesn't give me a chance.
While I appreciate the fact that you're living a happy life, just know that there are others out there who are really unhappy with themselves, and I have to blame Asperger's for ruining my entire childhood.
i have aspergers too
it is NOT a gift in ANY way at all
i act so weird around everyone 🌯 and have no friends
Aspergers didn't ruin it-- the people refusing to accept anyone who isn't "normal" did. I'm autistic, and I've learned to love who I am. I hope that you will find a way to become comfortable in your identity, as well. Have a nice day
Yeah, I'm not too far on the autism spectrum and I just have a few "quirks" like being very analytical with emotions and how other people socialize which might help me sometimes, I've always felt isolated though. I mean we don't need autism at all, but I believe we'd all have better lives if these organizations wouldn't spread fake information. I hope autistic kids could have more opportunities in the future if we develop organizations that work to give them actual therapy.
Im really sorry you're going through this.... I'm here for you, ok? Stay strong! *hugs* I'll be your friend if you want!
theawsomeyoutuber275 If you want, I could be your friend!
"I work faster than cancer, AIDS, and diabetes combined"
I should find this offensive, but I find it hilariously stupid. Autism, worse than cancer or AIDS....HA!
***** And how does something work faster then those combined? Wouldn't that mean it's slower then two of them combined?
dave19941000 IDK. I just know that these people are dumb XD
***** Huh? I never was talking about that! Not once did I suggest that autistic people are slow learners! Hell *I am autistic!* (well technically it's aspergers, but still!) Suggesting that autistic people are slow is one of my biggest pet peeves!
What I *was* saying was that the people at Autism Speaks are morons for thinking autism was worse than AIDS or cancer! Seriously how on earth did you get "all autistic people are slow learners" out of my comments?!
I'm starting to think think you may have commented on the wrong thread!
***** I blame the grammar. XD
***** No I mean with the other commentators. Lol
I know a crazy woman who is heavily involved with autism speaks. She has three kids with "diagnosed" autism. I've spent time with them... I think she makes it up for the government checks. If they are on the autism spectrum they are the most outgoing, verbose children i've ever seen with autism. First time I met her 8 year old he maintained perfect eye contact while we had a 20 minute conversation about video games... They have discipline problems. When her kid gets in trouble at school for threatening to stab a teacher with a pencil, she blames 'autism' and lets him play video games all day. She identifies her kids as "autistic kids" and she is "the mother of autistic kids". She leaves her kids alone every night to go drink in bars and complain to strangers about "how hard it is to have autistic kids".
Sorry for the pointless rant. But this self diagnosing, psychotic mom who suffers from munchaussen by proxy, and convinces her kids that there is "something wrong with them" so that she can get sympathy from strangers and checks from the government, that is the face I see when I think of autism speaks.
You should tell that woman to go f*ck off and get out of this world
A lot of autistics are self diagnosed, and are usually incorrect. A psychiatrist is more likely to diagnose you's still mixed with ADHD and similar to ADHD diagnoses, there are lots of misdiagnosed patients.
Qwark40k That mother needs a therapist and maybe needs to apologize to her kids, and those kids need somebody to raise them properly.
Spencer Gage to be honest an apology won't do anything... if you treat your kids like that for their whole lives their confidence may never come back... Heck, it wouldn't shock me if they off'ed themselves because "They aren't worth it"...
People like that are just... just, shit...
Wow.. Update on this, so today this lady posts on FB, "Idea for a short story: woman with munchausen's fakes autism to collect government checks" Seriously?
How bout : "woman with guilty conscience confesses on facebook in her story ideas"
This fucking commercial though. Like, I love being told that I'm the reason my parents got divorced and that any time my mom took me out in public she must have been embarrassed by me. Hey, why don't they start suggesting people with autism shouldn't be in the military without shooting someone so I lose my job. This commercial does nothing but pretend that having a kid with autism means that they will be self destructive brainless and spasm prone instead of the possibility that they could be like me and have the only difference between me and most people is I have a reason to be socially inept.
I had to work very hard to get to the social level I'm at and have the "weird" things I do or say happen less. I am not ashamed to be autistic because it isn't anything to be ashamed of
To me, I am kind of proud of it due to, I honestly I might be different, but having disability or a disorder doesn't mean you're completely alien, but a variant. I would be gladly humiliate the person who made this stupid commercial, make sure how embaressed they get from a white dot in the crowd to a completely red person and fulled exposed due to how mindless this commercial is.
There was no thought put into it, no research, it seems like they used the money for toilet paper and this is the shit that came out of it. This commercial is ass backwards compared to the name of the corporation. Autism speaks's commercial should be named "Autism doesn't speak"
I'm told that it means you think differently from others. If that's the case, how much do you want to bet that it could be beneficial? I hear Bill Gates and Albert Einstein had autism, too...Yeah, and autism ruins lives...please.
+CheckableReality Same here. I don't socialize much, but when I do, I tend to be very reasonable if a bit awkward and clingy.
Amen, son.
I know right? Nothing like being made even more aware of the burden you are to those who love you, huh?
I've noticed people treating others on the autism spectrum like they are brain dead, or like they don't have a talent and won't be successful. It's probably because I am still in Highschool and quite a few of today's teenagers and children aren't being informed of things properly and think being cruel is being cool, but I might be wrong. I, however, noticed that the people they insult actually can be more successful and are in fact VERY talented. My brother gets treated like an idiot for his grades and because he is put in special ED., however, he is more intelligent than most kids I know who don't have any neurological disorder. My sister can be treated like she has no talent or can't go anywhere without having to have someone hold her hand- and yet she is a more talented singer than most of today's celebrities, and can very well care for herself and can help others rather well.
Someday I might look back at this and see if there is any flaws in what I say. I rant a lot. I post these rants a lot. Sometimes I am afraid to go back to correct it because it may seem like... It's not me. I don't know. There are a lot of things I don't know, I am still learning. But I don't think things like this who shouldn't have the right to call themselves a charity ARE learning.
I know right? I'm even worse. I'm quote unquote ' normal,' except for my ADD. people don't even seem to realize it unless I call it out (which I admit to having done a lot in the earlier years) because I'm in advance classes. that said, I wouldn't care what they said to me. if it wasn't attacking others. I took being called 'mangina' and gay for almost a fucking year by a 6th grader I had CALLED A FRIEND. that fucking stung for a few months. I told the staff and my parents about it. it did not stop until I punched him. in the face. with my weak hand. and he still took it like a bitch. I ramble. sorry. main reason wasn't that it hurt. no. I was way beyond numb to that asshole's opinion. it was because my uncle is genderfluid, identifies as gay, and is know to dress in feminine ways. my best friend is by. that is when I stood up. I realized 'I'm letting this idiot attack /my friends, my family/ and I am SO BEYOND DONE WITH IT.'
My sister has autism. It's somewhat more severe on the spectrum, so we have to supervise her during certain tasks, and we often have to serve as translators of sorts to help her communicate with others due to her echolalia. She has a job, she goes to group events, she has friends (more than me, even). We've always had times where it's been difficult, but we love her and value her as a member of our family. The things this commercial says about my sister is so deeply, grossly *disgusting* that if I ever met those people I would punch their teeth out. Nobody talks about my sister that way, directly or indirectly. *NOBODY.*
***** do you like Boycott Autism Speaks?
necelticsox I don't exactly know how I would go about doing that, so no. I've never had the displeasure of actually seeing any representatives of the group, either. But Heaven help them if they ever show up at one of my sister's Special Olympics events.
the boycott is on facebook and twitter
necelticsox Okay then, I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the info, these creeps don't deserve a dime.
*standing ovation*
*hugs again*
If one of my sisters said this about me, I think I'd cry. God bless you. Your sister is great and has a wonderful sibling.
I remember in Elements of Brony they were talking about Lesson Zero and how it didn't treat Twilight as wrong for her mental quirks, representing how psychology has moved beyond the idea that mental disorders are something that needs to be forcibly removed, and instead towards the idea that we should help people learn how to best live with who they are.
Autism Speaks is very, very behind.
woah! you look strangely like your avatar!
oh, and a good way to combat autism is with SCHOOLS not cures
Fancy meeting you here.
Yeah, like a douche! MEGA LULZ!!!
sine moderamine
sine moderamine
He looks like an ugly version of Tom Green
TheMysteriousMrEnter knows about Chris-Chan?
Sir Gamma I'm surprised that he actually mentioned him. I doubt Mr Enter would review Sonichu but my god would it be interesting to see.
A Chris Chan rant on Mr. Enter's review of Sonichu would be really interesting!
Sir Gamma funny/sad thing is I thought the autism hatred was because of Chris-Chan.
Sir Gamma To be fair, who _doesn't_ know about Chris-Chan? He's kinda infamous on the net.
Winter Steele He's one of the most infamous though he's falling out of fashion even though he's even more outlandish than ever.
Your mic looks like an XL smoothie cup.
It's called a blue snowball lol I see what you mean though
Alex Steward I won't lie: for a few seconds I thought he was holding a drink cup while speaking myself. Weird how people's minds think in similar ways.
It's one of those egg timers
Must be why it's called SNOWball.
Omg now i can't unsee it
Mr.Enter I hold you in a high respect for targeting this subject. I am currently 17 years old and in my 3rd year of high school but, through out most of my life people tend to be shocked when I tell them that I am actually diagnosed with higher functioning autism. As a child I was bad at socializing I wanted to be a performer but I was so different from the other girls that I had a tendency to fall back and stay alone. It's ironic that you mentioned Pokemon becase it was actually through that show that I began a deep love for anime. In my passion for it I realized characters like "Naruto", "Konchome" from the Zatch Bell series, and even "Ash Ketchum" all were relatable characters for me because they had a lot of traits that I associted with my own autism. Naruto being hyperactive but knowing how his strengths could help him improve, Ash striving to prove the world that he could win with his own methods even while starting late in the game, and Konchome just relates a lot with how I use to find friends that I looked up to and idolized. ( In hind sight would ever consider doing a top 10 of characters that you find most relatable within the anime or american animations that youve seen)
+SymbolicSky same I way different from the average girl
Well, where I connect with Enter on this subject is that I was proactive in trying to change the stereotype that pandering created for me.Is I like to think that those who try to change their reputation can in fact do so but at a price it causes those without that foresight to suffer. The best example of this from my point of view is the Nancy Drew movie staring Emma Roberts. That movie was my introduction to Nancy Drew and I feel like it did a fantastic job in depicting her because when I watched Emma in the role I came to a conclusion that made me change and in turn made me different from others. I chose to look up to a fictional woman who despite being beatiful and smart still had her weaknesses and strived to fight the pandering of the world who told her that what she loved to do was odd and out of place. So in short I'm not terribly different but I choose to stand out.
Is it weird that I don't think John's voice matches his face?
Agreed. His name is John?
I agree
+anime lover 17 yep. His last name isn't really Enter, either.
ImpKaz I know that. I'm surprised about his first name
As a woman who also has Aspergers and was in enough disability programs in school to know all the variations autism can take, I'd like to applaud you for this spot on video. I'm about as mild as it gets, and it honestly offends me when people try to treat me like I'm some moron who can't understand the world around me. So Autism Speaks is an organization that tends to top my shit list.
***** do you know of Boycott Autism Speaks? it's on facebook, tumblr and twitter.
necelticsox I have! They're actually pretty great.
that commercial was PSA from 2009?! it looks like it was made in the 70s or 80s!
*the 30's, in nazi germay.
To me this advert really makes Autism sound like a highly infectious and terminal illness, which it obviously isn't. That bit about 'your neighbours ignored it until it was their child' makes it sound like your child infected theirs with their autism, which is both untrue and offensive.
Personally I do not have Autism but do have Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia so I can just sub in one of those and it's pretty easy to see how offensive this advert is.
I have also worked on advertising for charities (Mental ilness and depression- another highly stigmatised thing) and won the client (was in competition with my peers) due to making sure I found out what people with depression, bulimia etc wanted people to know, your job as a charity is to give the people you're representing an accurate voice, especially when deal with something with a stigma around it.
The research is pretty easy with the internet - there are a lot of people who talk about having any given condition. I find it offensive when a freaking CHARITY is so bad at giving a voice to the people they're representing especially when the people you're representing are TALKING ABOUT IT AND IT ABOUT ONE GOOGLE SEARCH AWAY!
anyway, rant over.
TL:DR This advert offends me from a perspective of someone with a basic knowledge of autism (friends have it), a human-being with empathy, and someone who has helped create charity advertising as this is a terrible example of it.
+Peebles Pebbles Excuse me, but, can you explain to me what is"Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia"
It sound serious. May i know what it is, please ?
David lechevalier They're learning difficulties, not super bad but they have affected me completely (I have all three severely- I was tested when I was 12, 15 and 17)
I'm not a super expert, my mum has a degree in learning disabilities and stuff (don't remember the actual name of it) but i basically say something I'm making trouble with and she's like "That's your dyslexia"
If you fancy doing a little lookig into it:-
You don't need to have all of these symptoms to be dyslexic/dyscalculic/dyspraxic, but I have many of them :P
+Peebles Pebbles So it's similar ?
David lechevalier In some ways, yes, in others no.
It's complicated and I don't fully understand it, there are some things people with Autism will experience that I wouldn't and vise versa, and there is a bit of over lap between them with some things.
I'm no expert, but I don't think Dyslexia/ Dyspraxia/ Dyscalculia can affect people as severely as severe cases of Autism can affect people. But if you rule out extreme Autistic cases they can be similar.
Again, I'm not a professional and am only going off my and my friends personal experiences, so this is hardly a scientific case study.
Peebles Pebbles Okay.
My mum doesn't understand how hard it is for me to actually think first before doing or control my emotions and thinks that I can just control it like a snap of the finger like people with no Autism.
And yet she thinks she has Autism.
Watch out, she's a -hippopotamus- -hippocrates- -hippodrome- hypocrite!
Same thing with my dad. And he also thinks that he has autism too. 🤬 hypocrite.
Same! My mom keeps lecturing me about controlling my emotions and yet she think she has autism herself!
I apologize that my comment is off topic. I have autism myself so I'm going to listen to the full commentary and opinion on how you feel about the topic. But that beard is just glorious.
I commented that but you have made mine obsolete. :p
Nicholas Genung Sorry, I really didn't mean to make yours obsolete.
sanityjinxazu That's a mans beard right there!
when it comes to me my mom takes this ad as gospel truth and hideously demeans and abuses me
that's sad
How about you call 911 instead of commenting it on TH-cam
its psychological abuse which is hard to verify
At least try
Dude, are you ok? Seriously.
I am pretty sure that kid holding the baseball bat in the woods is having a great time.
He's looking around, observing the world hanging out. When I see that kid, I see a kid who is learning
Stuff like that commercial is one major factor as to why I have so much self-loathing.
I'm so sorry to hear that. :( If you wanna talk about it, just PM me.
Vorst hey, self-loathing person..... stop it.... stop it..... just sing happy
My best guy-friend in high school had Asperger's. He was really into video games, movies, and loved to draw, so he was very visual, and he loved talking about the visual aspects of games and movies. He wasn't perfect, but I always enjoyed spending time with him.
You can't act like anyone with Autism is going to ruin your life and hurt society as a whole. Heck, he was one of my only real friends. He made my life better!
SusanSnapDragon I have a couple of buddies like that. and I agree, they have made my life so much better and happier :)
I have a friend with aspergers he was really in to science
I'm on the autism spectrum, specifically aspergers too! And I also hate autism speaks! We should start a club.
Yes. I shall join that club. Let's fly a helicopter painted in middle fingers into their headquarters!
+Smoopydee speaking of clubs I go to one it's best place ever and I made a friend from there and only met her since last year!
+Smoopydee We could call it Autism Actually Speaks
+Smoopydee A club already exists: it's called the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network. Look it up - they're actually quite prominent.
Kendra Dehnert what, to hate on Autism Speaks?
As a teenager with autism I think you for making this video.
I was diagnosed with autism 2 months ago. I'm 19 years old. I wasn't verbal until the age of 6, and nobody thought there was anything wrong with me because they thought it was a phase or that it was a big deal, even though I did my own research when I was 8 and basically felt like I was looking into a mirror with my personality and quirks. I often had sensory overloads in school from the noisy classrooms, I was an honor student but towards high school started to decline with my grades because things weren't getting any better. The older I got, the louder the classrooms got, the more time my symptoms were ignored, the more I struggled to feel understood and the more alienated I felt. It took a job at a crazy place like Target to indicate to me that it was time to put my money and time into this. Getting that diagnosis wasn't a surprise, but was still an awakening to a side of me that could've been helped with earlier. I do agree that it's better when diagnosed early, that way the person with it could learn to cope with it better and have a lot more time to practice coping. Because going through my whole life misunderstood and ignored didn't get me anywhere, and I blame a shitty organization like Autism Speaks for that ignorance I was handed with most of my life. They don't understand that autism is a spectrum, and everyone is different in the spectrum. I'm sure they're the reason I got shit thrown my way like "oh but you don't LOOK autistic". I really hope better organizations outshine them one day.Thank you so much for the great video, Mr Enter.
Mr. Enter's third live action video! :D
I am Aspergirl myself, and I read that Asperger's is often undiagnosed in females as opposed to males. Most of the kids in the Autism Speaks video are boys, and to me, that just opens another can of worms.
Happy Mother's Day, everyone.
***** True, Aspergirls are chameleon-like in personality for given situations, but even so, girls (from my knowledge) today are bolder than back then, and one would think that they should be noticed more.
***** I agree with what you say, when I was at high-school. I was the quieter one, didn't go outside nowhere near as much as the other guys at my school, almost always kept to myself watching movies and playing games only.
I actually had to be gaining something out of it in a way. So when it came to my teachers and colleges, they were somewhat concerned, but obviously had no trouble from me.
Take me as a Wasp or a Bee, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.
Hell, nearly 19 years of age and I still don't feel like partying at nights or going out in the day, which nearly everyone does at this age.
I have a very mild form of Aspergers which was only diagnosed 4 years ago (2011) why it was only a few short years ago, because my parents had to be absolutely sure what it was.
My older brother has autism, and it has deeply affected the way he communicates with people. He can speak (some autistic people cannot) but he has trouble voicing opinions or emotions. It makes me happy that many autistic people who have less trouble speaking for themselves are helping those who can't.
Off topic a bit, but anyone else here think Mr. Enter is quite the looker? I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable at all, sir, it's just that you have a rather sweet, caring look about you. :)
I'm an aspie and as a fan of yours I'm glad to hear that you are too!
Sadly I've only been encountering the bad parts of Asperger's syndrome so far in life but I still have hope. It's organizations like Autism Speaks that make me and others struggle to keep that hope.
Even if there was a cure for Autism, I wouldn't want it anyways.
I like the unique way I see the world.
Edit: I would probably also be deaf. That too.
7:45 hey, I have mild Autism and I went to parks, churches and birthday parties without problems!
My friend has very severe autism and he's a really sweet kid. His parents are very happy and him and each other very much. I may not be autistic, but that's offensive because I know autistic people and this is portraying them wrong.
I’m high functioning autistic, and this boils my blood. I appreciate you for your videos, Mr. Enter. You’re one of my favorite TH-camrs.
that voice in the ad is gonna give me nightmares
This commercial is incredibly shitty. But about what Mr. Enter was saying about having some of these things being helpful sometimes, i have ADHD and Tourette Syndrome, so its hard to concentrate (which sucks) but really easy for me to learn instruments. Not everyone with a neurological disorder is ruined, and this commercials implication of that is really shitty.
I don't have any of that,but I have to take a medicine to focus,but my brother has autism. Although we haven't found what Fonzie(my brothers nickname) I'd God at,he is very friendly and he is a hugger. He likes to be on his iPad a lot,so he might be a little obsessed,but he is respectable and kind,and probably the most adorable 7 almost 8 year old out there. That commercial disgusts me.
survivalist101 I know. I have ADHD too. I tend to lose focus on several things.
I have autism and ADHD.
You're like the opposite of me. I couldn't learn any instruments if I tried, I can concentrate very well and as far as I know theres nothing really "wrong" with me... Weird.
That line about Autism ruining lives faster than cancer and diabetes *REALLY* pissed me off. As a Type 1 Diabetic and person with a very mild case of Asperger's, I fail to see how Autism ruins lives. For example, while I was never the most sociable kid in the world, and never will be, the fact that I have great friends and even a girlfriend pretty much says that Autism means nothing in real life. I fucking *hate* when people try to pass Autism as if it's some sort of disease. Hey assholes, do some goddamn research before making your advertisement. -_-
People saying that all My Little Pony fans are autistic, for the most part, is a meme. Though, it is the type of show that attracts mentally different people. Don't take too much offence from what I just said; many other fan bases are the same. It's like that for most very large fan bases.
I can agree. I have Turrets. Also, I remember seeing you in a Johnny Cs. Video :3
Binkus Barnes - THE ROAD TO 22 Im a sonic fan...
I became one *AFTER* i developed autism...
When will people realize that liking something does not make you something...
I tried to look for autism speaks commercials, to see what other ones they have, and your video came up as the second result, which I feel is a good thing.
Clarabelle M do you know of Boycott Autism Speaks? it's on facebook, tumblr and twitter.
THAT COMMERCIAL I HATE IT. I have a cousin who has DS and severe autism and yes it's hard for her parents. Yes it poses a challenge. But then when there's achievements they're even greater. When she remembered the names of my family members, we were all so happy. Yes, having a child with autism isn't easy, but if anything it makes relationships stronger.
I really want to find an organization that helps integrate people with autism into society. Provide talking devices for non verbal people if their families can't afford one, provide seminars to teachers and administrators to help educate them on how to help a child with autism, raise money to research to help find ways to make the lives of people with autism easier. That's what this world needs. Tell me if you know of one, or I'm starting my own.
Doctors have only told me I have "Austic Like" features, but never confirmed to have autism itself.
ScreamForMeme2015 k bro thanks for the input
ScreamForMeme2015 This comment is so ironic.
mark daman Autism is overdiagnosed these days.
Belmont Ziimon Indeed. Many people don't realise it's a complex disorder.
Dancergirl600 I have a diagnosis, you are weird. Have fun confusing everyone! (not being mean)
I have autism and so does my brother (on a much more severe level) and my parents marriage is fine.
Jimbo xD
I don't have autism, and I've never had any autistic friends, though I can relate. I'm trans, once saw an ad talking about transgender bathrooms. Basically, a little girl walked into the bathroom, and this guy with a full beard, obviously not trans, not even trying to look it, walks in behind her, saying "Obama wants to make this legal" or some shit like that. THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS, GOD DAMMIT ADS, WHY YOU ALWAYS LYING? STOP FUCKING LYING! ITS TIME TO STOP, WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?!
+I Am Robin why i'm boycotting target
+thedarkdragonoffire that's what I've been saying since the start. Make it a law that all buildings whom will have public bathrooms made from then on must only have unisex bathroom.
I wouldn't say desperate for children though... Worried parents. Good idea though
+I Am Robin *separate not desperate
It's also, like, daft. If you're worried that letting trans women in female bathrooms will mean that daughters will be perved on, what about the sons? Silly.
Does Autism Speaks think autism is just another word for sociopathy? I say this since in the video, they say autistic people have no concept of right and wrong, and that they take great pleasure in their family's suffering, which is a pretty disgusting claim to make.
I understood everything you talked about in this video. My brother is on the spectrum, and he acts just like you. He can get obsessive, but visualizes everything so well.
Mr. Enter can i say how much your videos inspire me? When you talk about things like this it gives me hope that one day i won't have to hurt anymore and wake up and hate my own exestance. From day one my parents have told me i'm a worthless pile of trash even though it took me years to understand that's what they really meant with the things they said. I hope that one day i can go to a public place and not be scared out of my mind or have a breakdown because i'm terrified that everyone is watching me. I hope that one day i don't have to be ashamed that i'm gay. I hope that one day i feel like i have worth and i can get out of bed in the morning happy to start a new day rather than dreading the pointlessness of it. i hope that one day no one has to feel like i do. and i hope that other people feel the same. Thank you Mr. Enter for the hope that you give me
Speaking as someone on the spectrum, I just wanted to say that Autism Speaks reminds me of the Anti-Mutant weirdos from X-Men.
You are an inspiration to me. I have Aspergers too. My grade school teachers would get sick of my obsession toward reading and writing where it wasn't needed, as well as my meltdowns, so they would shove me into a closet in the office during the day. But over the years, I've been told that I'm a brilliant writer with vivid detail, a great painter with multitudes of colors and attention to the detail involved, and a good visualizer. When I had to go to the hospital after a breakdown and they gave me a ton of medication, I was horrified to find out that I couldn't visualize for two weeks after that. All I saw could be described as tantamount to a white mist where my "third eye" usually was. In my Experience, high functioning members like us receive the worst treatment because our place on the spectrum is the least obvious. To anyone who doesn't know, were just lazy or incompetent in social circles. The fact that you're such a brilliant speaker and willing to speak out is an inspiration to me. Thank you for all you do, Mr. Enter
Um... last time I checked autism wasn't as malevolent as this commercial implies. And to hear that it was directed by the same man who directed one of my favorite movies isn't exactly pleasant.
This video had me hugging my son, showing him a lot of love!
I have aspergers too! Small world.
I'm learning that almost everyone I know now is aspergers though... dunno if it's a coincidence or not, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I and a few others I know found out we are recently as well, technically I am atypically autistic
+sonicawesomeness It's the social circle you pick. It's unsurprising that if someone has autism, they'd most likely make a lot of friends and interact with a lot of other autistic people.
Source: Blind claim.
+sonicawesomeness It's the social circle you pick. It's unsurprising that if someone has autism, they'd most likely make a lot of friends and interact with a lot of other autistic people.
Source: Blind claim.
Cave Rave You say blind claim, but honestly most of my social circle turned out to somewhere on the asexual spectrum like me as well. We gravitate together I guess.
im the only person in my school with it, im new to this channel and i could not even tell he had it. such knowledge.
oh hey, it's Mr.Enter's face! and it's handsome!