My honourable dear leaders, request all the presidents and priministers all the countries all over the world and all UN secretary general I want to be the president of Bangladesh if i am the 7star owner doll owner gold star owner and aeroplane owner all over the world,p, please, MD Kabir hossain
Hi World Bank Group
Thank you for your invitation to join COP29 Online.
With Regards
United Nations Volunteer
@16.20 paybeck of Solar enery plant has reduced to approx 10 years. its not 30 years
Hi COP29 team event Nov.2024.
Thank You
-Young Scientist Award 2022 of Global.Warming Research - Zurich
- Switzerland
Os credores deram enorme poder às três instituições da Troika - o FMI, o BCE e a Comissão Europeia.
How controll my money
How is Madam Gopinath?😂😂😂😂
Welcome Cograsulasion 😂❤
My honourable dear leaders, request all the presidents and priministers all the countries all over the world and all UN secretary general I want to be the president of Bangladesh if i am the 7star owner doll owner gold star owner and aeroplane owner all over the world,p, please, MD Kabir hossain
How poor are they that have not patience!
What wound did ever heal but by degrees?
(William Shakespeare)
Indian people are minded
❤️👍🎉 from 🇲🇦
Elite Grifters - that is all they are.
Scam you