I understand what he's saying, so many religions, so many Gods, everyone thinks God look like their race etc. But I love how the Native Americans refer to God as the great Spirit. There's only ONE, so he's talking about personify God that attributes are given to. One known in the Bible jealousy, and visiting iniquity on thousands of generations if they don't love. Him. (Wow) if we just look around and pay attention we see God in every thing, I meant the things we take for granted eg. The rain drops, birds, flowers even with thorns. But no one is to be blame we're searching for the source of our existence. People speak from the product of society and environment. My wish is that we all find the source of life within🙏🙏
There's nothing so deep to understand here. Every hindu in sanatan dharam knows it that god is everything,everything is god & god is everywhere there is nothing else other than shiva. I mean even nothing is also shiva ❤️. That's why we Hindus worship mountains,rivers,tree,plant,snake,animals, human's,ancestors,earth,sun,moon,sky,air literally everything.
There is two concept of parmatman ( god ) in sanatan Dharma . First one is formless god ( nirakar paramatma ) and second one is formfull ( sakar paramatma ) god . We worship them according to our faith .
@Summer Day He wasn't a Christian or have any religion. Just a humble man. Speaking words his time or even this time wanted to hear. The qualities of Jesus is what matters, not whether he exist or not. We too will cease to exist and as times goes by forgotten by even our love ones ❤
This discourse change my life indeed! HIs favorite book of mine is "The God Conspiracy." It's very intimidating to most because Osho doesn't sugar coat the truth. "God" itself as a word is a noun which is a dead thing. "Godliness" helps to make us aware that ''it'' is a quality/state of this life more so than our personification or person or entity. Love that there is a channel out there discussing Osho! NAMASTE
Another Osho video that you can react to is 'Meditation is about watchfulness, not about what you watch'. A brilliant video discourse that explains the whole Advaita Vedanta in 15 minutes.
Advaita Vedanta explains this topic beautifully, the Supreme Brahman that which is beyond all descriptions and conceptions called "Nirguna brahman" the attribute-less Absolute, by his (or that) power all phenomena can exist, in the world of phenomenal existence the human mind creates a concept of a God, each culture will create a concept that is informed by it's own characteristics and understanding so that's why we have so many concepts of who God is, in Advaita Vedanta this temporary and limited mind made concept of God called "Saguna Brahman" God with qualities, it has no absolute reality. when Osho said that God doesn't exist he was talking about Saguna Brahman, he's saying that Nirguna Brahman is all there is but is prior and beyond our limited mind. Osho had a bit of a tendency to talk bluntly and shock his listeners so Sabine's reaction is quite understandable, peace.
I'm from India, I understand this point of knowledge and can say Eli's understanding is correct about it. Thanks for taking interest in understanding this "World" . It's totally different from Abrahmik religions. It's full of philosophy and logical not easy for comman .
@@satyendrapandeyful Thank you my friend, i all heartily recommend to any lover of truth to dive deep into Advaita Vedanta. i'll be forever grateful that i came to know Advaita Vedanta through Sri Ramana Maharshi and the direct path, it opened my eyes so to speak and cleared deep misconceptions i had about our true nature, the main thing for me is that it teaches truth through our own immediate experience of reality and shows us who or what we really are. it also helped me to deeply understand the true meaning of other traditions and paths I've studied before, including my own Judaism and Kabbalah. we are very blessed that this profound knowledge is available to us, peace.
@@elifineart how do you know about these qualities of god? By reading vedanta? What is your experience in it? And you call yourself a seeker of truth, dont you think that you are repeating a book and believing everyrhing written in it?
My first experience of meditation was when I was listening to Osho's discourse about meditation (dhyan surta) , in the beginning of the video what you read is the important thing that osho can give to world and that's why he talked about just about everything so people listen and when they do , hopefully they will get exposed to meditative state and from there it's only way forward no looking back . If people miss this , then no matter how much they hear osho they never hear him really . And his work is missed too . After your first experience all you need to do is to stay/hold the state longer and longer .
Beautifully said Yes, I think it was the text at the beginning that shifted something in me and during the video it just got more and more intense. It took an hour to subside. It's such a beautiful state and yet there was a certain kind of panic coming up at the same time. Maybe I went too deep too quickly and it felt like there was nothing to hold onto. LOVE IT😄!!!
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow yes fear can come , because of abundance , I would suggest you to have someone experienced to guide you through it so it doesn't become overwhelming , isha is a good place to start 👍🙏 .
If you listen to many new spiritual gurus .. no one speak like Osho .. Osho is the benchmark for them and secretly all listen to him. His speeches on mundane spiritual and psychology is best for new comers .. 🙏
When ever there is decline in dharma or teaching of vedas is disappearing i will appear to re-estabish it - Vishnu said. Vedas are so scientific and well researched that nobody can challenge....
When Osho says there is no God, he is talking from a level where everything is an illusion (the world and the God). Only consciousness exists... But, this sort of info is of no practical use to all of us. Its a useless info.
To me (Roger) He is saying that there is no limited personal God (Anthropomorphic) With human (egoic) tendencies. Like the false ideas of God as vengeful, wrathful, jealous, partial to one group or another. An old man sitting in the clouds... This is how a great many people think of God, and that is what I think he was speaking about. This is most definitely not useless info... And if somebody can actually understand that only consciousness exists then their whole World View would be transformed... Also Extremely Useful. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow Let me give an example to make my point: Osho is saying: there is only one air. Making distinctions in air is temporary & artificial. So, Osho is telling the truth (He is reiterating the basic ancient Indian position of Advaita). But, what is its practical relevance in day to day life? To continue the analogy: Personal Gods are like gases (Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Carbondioxide, ...etc). They have different characteristics and powerful practical applications. Are they artificial & temporary? Yes, these gases (Personal Gods) are artificial & temporary because they exist as One Air in nature, they dont exist as separate gases in nature. These individual gases have been manufactured and they have to be kept in a certain way to preserve them. So, they are artificial & temporary. But, manufacturing separate gases (i.e. Personal Gods) is a very powerful and useful process with lots of practical applications to enhance the quality of life. Now, thats why Hinduism uses the combination of both Personal God (Ishwara) & Ultimate God (Brahman). The prayers & rituals to personal Gods are meant to fulfill desires and give protection to practitioner. The knowledge (not experience, just the bookish knowledge) of Ultimate God is meant to moderate the extremism of devotees (of personal gods) and eventually take the devotee from Personal God to Ultimate God. This is the path of Devotion (Bhakti) & also Rituals (Tantra). Problems with only bookish knowledge of Advaita Vedanta: Without a proper roadmap to experience the ultimate God, just having a bookish knowledge of Ultimate God (i.e. Advaita Vedanta) is counter productive. India has had phases like this. Because only bookish knowledge of Advaita Vedanta will create a despondency and laziness and lack of interest in life. Thats why Advaita Vedanta was mostly given to Monks. And it was only given after a series of preparatory internal purification methods. Problem with Abrahamic religions: The problem is Monotheism. They have tried to create a jealous personal God. This is the problem. They wanted jealous personal God because in ancient middle east, personal Gods represented nations. So, praying to a personal God of another country (or enemy country) was seen as treason. So, they created jealous God to deal with it. And the second problem is: even though they are supposed to be monotheistic religions, Abrahamic religions are actually duotheistic. They believe in two entities: God & Devil. God is responsible for all good things and Devil is responsible for all bad things. So, its not even a proper monotheism. Because a real monotheism would transform into monism i.e. everything (good, bad & ugly) must be traced to God (assuming God exists). This would then raise moral questions like, "why are some people enjoying and others are suffering? Is God arbitrary and unjust dictator?" The only satisfactory solution to this moral dilemma is the Doctrine of Karma. And Doctrine of Karma leads to Reincarnation Concept. And that leads to Mayavada (Advaita Vedanta). So, the Abrahamic religions avoid all that by creating two entities: God & Devil. And neither of them have the qualities of ultimate God. They are the energy forms that these people are trying to create at personal level. Lots of people get confused between personal God & ultimate God. Ultimate God is without any specific characteristics (like love, hate, peace, violence, ...etc). It has no gender, no form, no name, nothing. It does not care if someone prays or not. It has no morals, no good, no bad, nothing. Yet, it exists and forms the basis for all existence. Its a material beyond human comprehension. It can only be experienced, not understood. We get a glimpse of that experience everyday in deep sleep. Anyway, this ultimate god is really practically irrelevant. The personal gods of people ard more significant and relevant in the medium timeframe. Now, all religions want to elevate the personal God to the level of ultimate god. There is nothing wrong with it. Infact, thats the correct approach. But, most non-Indian religions seem to lack understanding that ultimate God is without any specific qualities (or to put it another way: ultimate god is an amalgamation of all qualities and yet beyond all qualities). So, if the personal god is elevated to the level of ultimate god, then that personal god has to shed its qualities (of love, hate, peace, violence, ...etc) and become a neutral entity. This is an understanding that Abrahamic religions are not able to understand. They want to elevate their personal god to the level of ultimate god, but they dont want to shed the qualities like vengefulness or love or jealousy...etc of their personal gods.
God is formless and also with form. We worship god in any form, god comes to us in that form. Shri Ramkrishna paramhansa worshipped mother kali, who would come to him in Kali form and eat the prasadam. I love you god😊.
@@FendiYT, no one wants to follow your church, your Bible and your Christianity. Jesus was a good guy, if he even existed. We have thousands like him in my tradition. If magic trick like coming from dead is all it takes for you to surrender then count me out of such tradition and teaching.
@@FromPlanetZX Buddhist Evangelists created literary figure of Jesus to spread Buddhism (Mahayana Tantric Buddhism) in middle east (Syria, Egypt & Iraq). Jesus is a literary figure pointing towards Buddha. The literary sources of New Testament are Buddhist literature like Mula Sarva Astivada Vinaya. Read the works of Dr Micheal Lockwood (Buddhism's relation to Christianity & Unknown Buddha). And research of Prof Christian Lindtner.
@@FendiYT Originally, Reincarnation & Karma was part of Christianity because Christianity started off as a branch of Buddhism. Karma was removed from Christianity by followers of St Augustine of Hippo in 3rd & 4th Ecumenical councils held in 430 CE & 450 CE respectively by importing the concept of Original Sin into Christianity. Original Sin was a manichean concept. (Manicheanism is a religion of Iran). It was imported into Christianity by Augustine of Hippo. Manicheanism was born in Iran & popular in middle-east & north africa. So, Iraqi & Syrian christians knew that original sin was a core doctrine of manicheanism. So, they vigorously oppossed it being introduced into christianity. Introduction of Original Sin & deletion of Karma from Roman Christianity caused the Nestorian Schism i.e. rebellion by rebellion by Assyrian Church (Iraq) & Syrian Church (Syria). (Greek church also opposed original sin idea).
Sadguru is a kind of guru who tells what we want to hear but Osho is the type of guru which tells what's needed to be said without fear of being judged 🙏
Other guru try to become diplomatic and always tells that pleases you … But osho was straightforward …he never tried to make connections with politician and minister to save his commune …rather he says truth about politician …
u have to see this video its the key to all the teaching, if u miss this then your path will remain hard ,imprtant video as a seeker '''arsha bodha center channel name '''video -is meditation itself the key to enlightment''' important
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow u would have seen vishnu pic with so many other standing surrounding him. 33types of god run this world on order of lord vishnu everyone have their own duty as given by Vishnu (the boss). these God's are selected among us(people who are good soul throughout the 4 yugas) after the universe is destroyed to regenerate back by Shiva. The present God retire and be one with Brahman ,the newly soul(can be anyone even u both) are given the job of god to run the world. Vishnu and Shiva (two form of Brahman) are permanent
Osho is not saying anything new, anything different from the Yoga philosophy of Hinduism. Bhagavan Rajneesh also called Osho was born in a Jain family. He studied Philosophy at the University of Jabalpur in India. At the age of 21, he had an intense spiritual awakening, which inspired in him the belief that individual religious experience is the central fact of spiritual life and that such experiences cannot be organized into any single belief system. In 1989 Rajneesh adopted the Buddhist name Osho. These are some of his quotes on God: If you are a man of prayer, existence appears as God, as personal. If you are a man of meditation, existence is impersonal, just a wholeness, a divineness. For the man of prayer, there is God; for the man of awareness, there is godliness but no God. Begin with dhyana, with meditation, and end in samadhi, in ecstasy, and you will know what God is. It is not a hypothesis, it is an experience. You have to LIVE it -- that is the only way to know it. God is the ultimate experience of silence, of beauty, of bliss, a state of inner celebration.
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow God is within you. The kingdom of God, Jesus replied, is not something people will be able to see and point to. Then came these striking words: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)
I want to clear that there are not 33 million of God but 33 type of Devi- (female name of power and Devata- male name of power that controls the nature existens and activities ). It's said that there are 33 koti Devi and Devata. Koti means type in Sanskrit language. Koti means crore in number also. Here in this reference, koti means "Type ". The concept of God is totally different from Hindu concept of Ishwar, Bhagwan and Devi and Devata. Common people understand that all above three things are same and one. They used word"God" for all above three for the same meaning. But all the three are different to each other.
Hey actually it is not 33 million gods but 33 different types of gods.(confusion is real because translation was misunderstood when they wrote text from old) scriptures)
Do you remember my Ex: carrot 🥕 I also given same explanation, we are also a part of god, we are not saparate from god, 🙏❤️🇮🇳 in sanatan dharma we call him as Shiva in sanskrit language the mother of all languages , Shi+Va=Nothingness, the name : Krishna means Attractive, Adi Shakti means the first power (It's not consciousness) The Brahma means Scientist (No God, no form but he is also carrot 🥕 or bullekart )🙏🙏🙏 Adi shakti+Krishna or Vishnu+Brahma+etc= Sada Shiva 🙏🙏🙏
33 million gods..... Its not correct actually....in sanatana dharma there is only 3 gods..... Brahma,vishnu and shiva.... Even Rama and krishna are not gods but avatar's of god..... The 33 million came from 33 koti.... Actually in Sanskrit koti means literally type's so its 33 types of gods but the confusion comes because of other devnagri languages like marathi or hindi.... In which koti means crore(unite of measuring number) (1 crore = 10 million).......thats why its confusing for even sanatani hindus...... 🙏🙏🙏
God is only one.. There is one story of how Krishna ji summoned Brahmas of all the Universes of the Multiverse to teach our Universe's Brahma ji a lesson on how not to be too proud and always be humble. Similarly there are Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh of each Universe. There is one God. There is no name. (some people still call Him Brahman) There is no name because u need name if there are 2 things or more. Eg. A table and a chair. A atom and a molecule, a proton and a neutron. But when everything is only 1 and there is no thing that is different, then, the thought of naming doesn't even arise.. Its just very natural to no name..
@@direnbhatsavesoil9628 yes bro you are correct..... Actually there is a story about shiva..... Saptarishi when they were learning yoga from shiva they asked shiva.... Who is your father? Shiva answered vishnu is my father.... Then they asked who is your grandfather? Shiva replied brahma is my grandfather.... Then they asked who is father of your grandfather? And he replied I am my father's grandfather...... They are basically 1 but not 1.....3 part of 1 soul basically to understand very vaguely..... One must give deep to understand spirituality..... 🙏🙏🙏
@@trira1171 shiva gave 112 methods for self realization to parvati... Osho explained these mantras so elaborately that anyone can grasp it, that's why I suggested osho, others also wrote book but they aren't that great.
@@gautamkumar-li7ey Ok, thanks! 😊 Have you practiced any of these tevhniques in Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (by Osho)? Which one did you practice? And whats your review?
@@trira1171 i tried breathing techniques but they didn't work for me so I changed to 3rd eye (just feel point between eyebrows "bindi area" ) and gazing techniques... and they worked effortlessly.. it's said only 2 3 techniques works on a particular person generally... (BTW the book of secrets is book but the mantras are called vigyan bhairav tantra)
U can only be followed if u construct something of ua own, or deny something of other's. So he took 3rd approach. (Agenda being Same). Nevertheless he was knowledgeable.
Many people in the comment writing their opinions. But looks like it they think what they are writing are facts.. Take them as just another comment.. No need to take them seriously. Eg. I just saw a fellow Hindu write there are 3 Gods in Hinduism.. And not 33 million.. My reply to that comment : "God is only one.. There is one story of how Krishna ji summoned Brahmas of all the Universes of the Multiverse to teach our Universe's Brahma ji a lesson on how not to be too proud and always be humble. Similarly there are Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh of each Universe. There is one God. There is no name. (some people still call Him Brahman) There is no name because u need name if there are 2 things or more. Eg. A table and a chair. A atom and a molecule, a proton and a neutron. But when everything is only 1 and there is no thing that is different, then, the thought of naming doesn't even arise.. Its just very natural to 'no name'.. " And that's my speculation too so no need to take that also seriously 🙏 🙏 🙏
atheists: there is no God (at all) osho: there is no (personal) God without nuances: there is no god = there is no god with nuances: there is no god (at all) there is no (personal) god atheism is a degeneration of a skillful means, namely that of anthropomorphizing or personalizing (making a "person" of-) something (God) that is not personal, for the purpose of bhakti or better relating with "it". initially, people understood what the non-dual, non-personal, all pervasive "God" is, then when we continued the descent from the eon of light into eon of darkness (in degrees), they started having hard time getting it, so the skillful means was employed and all was good. then, after further descent, people having lost completely touch with the impersonal, they started to critically view this personal God and equated her with a flying spaghetti monster and dismissed it. the eon of darkness is "dark", all that are consumed by it, are blind. the blind are leading the blind, becaues their spiritual eyes are in darkness. but, according to theosophists, in this never ending cycle of going from light to dark and then back up again, we are now at an upward ascent...
Personal God is a different substance than The God. The ultimate God is without any qualities (or amalgamation of all qualities), all pervasive (omnipresent), always existing and beyond our comprehension. This God is frankly useless for us. It exists, but it is of no direct use to us. At the highest level of enlightenment, the seekers realizes the ultimate God within. As for Personal Gods: This is a far more interesting phenomenon. Most people think that actions are more powerful than words and words are more powerful than thoughts. But, its the reverse: actions are less powerful than words and words are less powerful than thoughts. Thoughts are the most powerful mechanism. Our thoughts are influenced by the world but more importantly, also our thoughts influence the world. Every thought is a small pouch of energy. If a person keeps thinking a certain thing with intensity, over a period of time, these thoughts create an energy form. So, if a person keeps praying to any God or Goddess over a period of time, then it creates an energy form (of that God or Goddess). Now, if an entire group of people are praying to a certain God or Goddess, then a very powerful energy form is created which is capable of interacting with us (protecting us and fulfilling wishes). This is the mechanism personal God. This God or Goddess can be any God, but more ancient (and continued devotees), the better. Because then, that God or Goddess would have a very powerful energy bank from many millenia. Now, the problem with Abrahamic religions is Monotheism. They have tried to create a jealous personal God. This is the problem. They wanted jealous personal God because in ancient middle east, personal Gods represented nations. So, praying to a personal God of another country (or enemy country) was seen as treason. So, they created jealous God to deal with it. And the second problem is: even though they are supposed to be monotheistic religions, Abrahamic religions are actually duotheistic. They believe in two entities: God & Devil. God is responsible for all good things and Devil is responsible for all bad things. So, its not even a proper monotheism. Because a real monotheism would transform into monism i.e. everything (good, bad & ugly) must be traced to God (assuming God exists). This would then raise moral questions like, "why are some people are enjoying and others are suffering? Is God arbitrary and unjust dictator?" The only satisfactory solution to this moral dilemma is the Doctrine Karma. And Doctrine of Karma leads to Reincarnation. And that leads to mayavada. So, the Abrahamic religions avoid all that by creating two entities: God & Devil. And neither of them have the qualities of ultimate God. They are the energy forms that these people are trying to create at personal level.
God is there in everyone, whether it is an animal or a human being or a bird or a thing in nature. It is from this face that we find God even in a stone because it is a part of it. Because if God is formless than he also take any form. This is sanatan Dharm. Osho can't be right every time. If you can understand. The tree develops its form by taking some energy from the sun.
Osho had realy the magic of talking to people but I wouldn't follow him blindly he has some great insights tho. Can you also react to: Alan watts you are god (part 1) and (part 2) from cosmic abundance
If ur reacting on God.. and if u really want to react on Sadhguru I feel u shud have reacted on what he has said about God.. Swami Vivekananda and Swami Paramhansa teachings or perception and choice of words according to their era might have been different but the message will always will be same till the end.. but I feel u should react on what Sadhguru has to say from his point of view on what is God.. I know they are all the same ultimately.. but I feel if u do so ul understand more how close Osho's teachings and choice of words and examples are to Sadhguru's. And which is not wrong as I consider both of them as my gurus and they have the same message.. But just because I have told you don't miss out or ignore what I have said and blindly focus on what u feel or ur senses tell u do if u have ever done so just do it... u can always consider.. thanks
There in no god in sanatan dharma( sikhism,hinduism, jainism, buddhism)......GOD is western word.....we dont have any word for god in india.....all titles like bhagwan,guru,rishis, muni means enlightened beings not GOD.....if you want to understand indian culture than throw away your god concept
It depends on your definition of the word God... We believe "God" means the Absolute Supreme Source of absolutely everything in existence. And in this sense we equate God with Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahman, Durga, Allah, God the Father, The Infinite Field of Consciousness. All of these "Words" calibrate at Infinity on the Map of Consciousness. So all these words mean God. And I'm pretty sure some of these words are found within Sanatan Dharma 🙏🏻💙
To be honest I can break down every point made after video reaction and clear the structures you have which I would say will be a hindrance in meditation .
that's how donnish people thinks and create conflict in society, there is no such thing as one thing that's why vedas has been translated in upnishads just because they mean so many things at one time and eventually saying find the truth by yourself not by just reading things
Hello being human I must say don't follow him and his thought follow who are the real sage like sadhguru and amogh lila prabhu ji because may be he has many criminal charged on his organisation as well as him also so pls beware you do good work and we all are want to the real truth but not want the illusion of truth or ego of truth so pls search him back ground always when you go to follow them don't follow blindly
We don't follow anyone blindly... It is the teachings that are important. We are devoted to the Absolute Truth, and God, not to any Gurus., so we will listen and use our discernment. But from what we've heard so far from him, he sounds very similar to the Buddha and other teachers we've heard. If I hear something from him that is totally wrong, I will declare it at the time. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙 Some people need different kinds of teachers... Sabine has a weird karma with teachers and benefits greatly from listening to him as do many others. It is the intention for Truth that will reveal it within... The teachings are primary, even the Buddha placed the teachings above himself.
I understand what he's saying, so many religions, so many Gods, everyone thinks God look like their race etc. But I love how the Native Americans refer to God as the great Spirit. There's only ONE, so he's talking about personify God that attributes are given to. One known in the Bible jealousy, and visiting iniquity on thousands of generations if they don't love. Him. (Wow) if we just look around and pay attention we see God in every thing, I meant the things we take for granted eg. The rain drops, birds, flowers even with thorns. But no one is to be blame we're searching for the source of our existence. People speak from the product of society and environment. My wish is that we all find the source of life within🙏🙏
Perfect! Great Understanding of the Talk 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙 We wish the Same
That's the reason hindu God's are in all form even in the form of animal,river,mountain,ocean and that's the reason most hindus are vegetarian
There's nothing so deep to understand here. Every hindu in sanatan dharam knows it that god is everything,everything is god & god is everywhere there is nothing else other than shiva. I mean even nothing is also shiva ❤️. That's why we Hindus worship mountains,rivers,tree,plant,snake,animals, human's,ancestors,earth,sun,moon,sky,air literally everything.
There is two concept of parmatman ( god ) in sanatan Dharma . First one is formless god ( nirakar paramatma ) and second one is formfull ( sakar paramatma ) god . We worship them according to our faith .
If you want life you must have Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are spiritually dead, God bless you
Listening to osho is itself a meditation,
Osho the courageous man ever lived on this Earth
If you want life you must have Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are spiritually dead, God bless you
@Summer Day He wasn't a Christian or have any religion. Just a humble man. Speaking words his time or even this time wanted to hear. The qualities of Jesus is what matters, not whether he exist or not. We too will cease to exist and as times goes by forgotten by even our love ones ❤
@@FendiYT jesus was a jew!
You two are so pure and feels like u r shining buddhas Always smile and be the way you are.. I adore you two ❤❤
Osho " master of master"❤️❤️❤️
Every guru is good but if anyone says I m god that is hypocrite
Thank you soooooooooo much for Osho video. I love ur reaction.
This discourse change my life indeed! HIs favorite book of mine is "The God Conspiracy." It's very intimidating to most because Osho doesn't sugar coat the truth. "God" itself as a word is a noun which is a dead thing. "Godliness" helps to make us aware that ''it'' is a quality/state of this life more so than our personification or person or entity. Love that there is a channel out there discussing Osho! NAMASTE
Another Osho video that you can react to is 'Meditation is about watchfulness, not about what you watch'. A brilliant video discourse that explains the whole Advaita Vedanta in 15 minutes.
Advaita Vedanta explains this topic beautifully, the Supreme Brahman that which is beyond all descriptions and conceptions called "Nirguna brahman" the attribute-less Absolute, by his (or that) power all phenomena can exist, in the world of phenomenal existence the human mind creates a concept of a God, each culture will create a concept that is informed by it's own characteristics and understanding so that's why we have so many concepts of who God is, in Advaita Vedanta this temporary and limited mind made concept of God called "Saguna Brahman" God with qualities, it has no absolute reality. when Osho said that God doesn't exist he was talking about Saguna Brahman, he's saying that Nirguna Brahman is all there is but is prior and beyond our limited mind. Osho had a bit of a tendency to talk bluntly and shock his listeners so Sabine's reaction is quite understandable, peace.
Great! Thank you for this very informative Comment 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙 Oh yes! We are being shocked by him regularly now 😲😅
I'm from India, I understand this point of knowledge and can say Eli's understanding is correct about it. Thanks for taking interest in understanding this "World" . It's totally different from Abrahmik religions. It's full of philosophy and logical not easy for comman .
@@satyendrapandeyful Thank you my friend,
i all heartily recommend to any lover of truth to dive deep into Advaita Vedanta.
i'll be forever grateful that i came to know Advaita Vedanta through Sri Ramana Maharshi and the direct path, it opened my eyes so to speak and cleared deep misconceptions i had about our true nature, the main thing for me is that it teaches truth through our own immediate experience of reality and shows us who or what we really are. it also helped me to deeply understand the true meaning of other traditions and paths I've studied before, including my own Judaism and Kabbalah. we are very blessed that this profound knowledge is available to us, peace.
you are most welcome dear friend.
@@elifineart how do you know about these qualities of god? By reading vedanta? What is your experience in it? And you call yourself a seeker of truth, dont you think that you are repeating a book and believing everyrhing written in it?
My first experience of meditation was when I was listening to Osho's discourse about meditation (dhyan surta) , in the beginning of the video what you read is the important thing that osho can give to world and that's why he talked about just about everything so people listen and when they do , hopefully they will get exposed to meditative state and from there it's only way forward no looking back .
If people miss this , then no matter how much they hear osho they never hear him really .
And his work is missed too .
After your first experience all you need to do is to stay/hold the state longer and longer .
Beautifully said Yes, I think it was the text at the beginning that shifted something in me and during the video it just got more and more intense. It took an hour to subside. It's such a beautiful state and yet there was a certain kind of panic coming up at the same time. Maybe I went too deep too quickly and it felt like there was nothing to hold onto. LOVE IT😄!!!
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow yes fear can come , because of abundance , I would suggest you to have someone experienced to guide you through it so it doesn't become overwhelming , isha is a good place to start 👍🙏 .
If you want life you must have Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are spiritually dead, God bless you
@@FendiYT lol
You Should Listening Osho's Speech Everyday, His Voice is Meditation for Mind,Osho is Best Spiritual Speaker From 20th Century.
If you listen to many new spiritual gurus .. no one speak like Osho .. Osho is the benchmark for them and secretly all listen to him. His speeches on mundane spiritual and psychology is best for new comers .. 🙏
If you want life you must have Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are spiritually dead, God bless you
True so true
Bro study scripture don’t just listen you will end up listening all your life . This guru good, that guru good
Dear Sabina...you’re so beautiful and I love your voice. Love you and Roger and your pursuit of enlightenment. Have a Happy New Year. 🙏
Happiest and blessed New Year to you too dear Sept🤗❤️🙏🏼✨💫🌈💕
himself If you understand yourself then you will understand Osho🙏🏻🌼
All the best,
May all your aspirations become into reality,
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Happy 2022💐💕💕❤️🙏🙏🙏.
Happiest New Year 💖🤗✨😘💥🥂
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow thank you,
Namaskaram 🙏🙏🙏,
Did you watch SADHGURU event on new year
@@sparkofcreativity7562 We watched the chanting around the Dhyanalinga live
You are very knowledgeable !! God Bless !!
Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙 God Bless you too
Love your videos 🙏
When ever there is decline in dharma or teaching of vedas is disappearing i will appear to re-estabish it - Vishnu said.
Vedas are so scientific and well researched that nobody can challenge....
When Osho says there is no God, he is talking from a level where everything is an illusion (the world and the God). Only consciousness exists...
But, this sort of info is of no practical use to all of us. Its a useless info.
To me (Roger) He is saying that there is no limited personal God (Anthropomorphic) With human (egoic) tendencies. Like the false ideas of God as vengeful, wrathful, jealous, partial to one group or another. An old man sitting in the clouds... This is how a great many people think of God, and that is what I think he was speaking about. This is most definitely not useless info... And if somebody can actually understand that only consciousness exists then their whole World View would be transformed... Also Extremely Useful. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow Let me give an example to make my point:
Osho is saying: there is only one air. Making distinctions in air is temporary & artificial.
So, Osho is telling the truth (He is reiterating the basic ancient Indian position of Advaita). But, what is its practical relevance in day to day life?
To continue the analogy:
Personal Gods are like gases (Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Carbondioxide, ...etc). They have different characteristics and powerful practical applications. Are they artificial & temporary? Yes, these gases (Personal Gods) are artificial & temporary because they exist as One Air in nature, they dont exist as separate gases in nature. These individual gases have been manufactured and they have to be kept in a certain way to preserve them. So, they are artificial & temporary. But, manufacturing separate gases (i.e. Personal Gods) is a very powerful and useful process with lots of practical applications to enhance the quality of life.
Now, thats why Hinduism uses the combination of both Personal God (Ishwara) & Ultimate God (Brahman). The prayers & rituals to personal Gods are meant to fulfill desires and give protection to practitioner. The knowledge (not experience, just the bookish knowledge) of Ultimate God is meant to moderate the extremism of devotees (of personal gods) and eventually take the devotee from Personal God to Ultimate God. This is the path of Devotion (Bhakti) & also Rituals (Tantra).
Problems with only bookish knowledge of Advaita Vedanta:
Without a proper roadmap to experience the ultimate God, just having a bookish knowledge of Ultimate God (i.e. Advaita Vedanta) is counter productive. India has had phases like this. Because only bookish knowledge of Advaita Vedanta will create a despondency and laziness and lack of interest in life. Thats why Advaita Vedanta was mostly given to Monks. And it was only given after a series of preparatory internal purification methods.
Problem with Abrahamic religions: The problem is Monotheism. They have tried to create a jealous personal God. This is the problem. They wanted jealous personal God because in ancient middle east, personal Gods represented nations. So, praying to a personal God of another country (or enemy country) was seen as treason. So, they created jealous God to deal with it.
And the second problem is: even though they are supposed to be monotheistic religions, Abrahamic religions are actually duotheistic. They believe in two entities: God & Devil. God is responsible for all good things and Devil is responsible for all bad things. So, its not even a proper monotheism. Because a real monotheism would transform into monism i.e. everything (good, bad & ugly) must be traced to God (assuming God exists). This would then raise moral questions like, "why are some people enjoying and others are suffering? Is God arbitrary and unjust dictator?" The only satisfactory solution to this moral dilemma is the Doctrine of Karma. And Doctrine of Karma leads to Reincarnation Concept. And that leads to Mayavada (Advaita Vedanta). So, the Abrahamic religions avoid all that by creating two entities: God & Devil. And neither of them have the qualities of ultimate God. They are the energy forms that these people are trying to create at personal level.
Lots of people get confused between personal God & ultimate God. Ultimate God is without any specific characteristics (like love, hate, peace, violence, ...etc). It has no gender, no form, no name, nothing. It does not care if someone prays or not. It has no morals, no good, no bad, nothing. Yet, it exists and forms the basis for all existence. Its a material beyond human comprehension. It can only be experienced, not understood. We get a glimpse of that experience everyday in deep sleep. Anyway, this ultimate god is really practically irrelevant. The personal gods of people ard more significant and relevant in the medium timeframe. Now, all religions want to elevate the personal God to the level of ultimate god. There is nothing wrong with it. Infact, thats the correct approach. But, most non-Indian religions seem to lack understanding that ultimate God is without any specific qualities (or to put it another way: ultimate god is an amalgamation of all qualities and yet beyond all qualities). So, if the personal god is elevated to the level of ultimate god, then that personal god has to shed its qualities (of love, hate, peace, violence, ...etc) and become a neutral entity. This is an understanding that Abrahamic religions are not able to understand. They want to elevate their personal god to the level of ultimate god, but they dont want to shed the qualities like vengefulness or love or jealousy...etc of their personal gods.
It's true sabena ....even when i hear osho ...he always takes me to somewhere
Beautiful to hear 💖🤗
If you want life you must have Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are spiritually dead, God bless you
How cute she is
You both very intelligent thank you for explaining the osho view about god
God is formless and also with form.
We worship god in any form, god comes to us in that form.
Shri Ramkrishna paramhansa worshipped mother kali, who would come to him in Kali form and eat the prasadam.
I love you god😊.
When did Krishna says there is god. He said I'm god.
If you want life you must have Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are spiritually dead, God bless you
@@FendiYT, no one wants to follow your church, your Bible and your Christianity.
Jesus was a good guy, if he even existed. We have thousands like him in my tradition. If magic trick like coming from dead is all it takes for you to surrender then count me out of such tradition and teaching.
@@FromPlanetZX Buddhist Evangelists created literary figure of Jesus to spread Buddhism (Mahayana Tantric Buddhism) in middle east (Syria, Egypt & Iraq). Jesus is a literary figure pointing towards Buddha. The literary sources of New Testament are Buddhist literature like Mula Sarva Astivada Vinaya.
Read the works of Dr Micheal Lockwood (Buddhism's relation to Christianity & Unknown Buddha). And research of Prof Christian Lindtner.
@@FendiYT Originally, Reincarnation & Karma was part of Christianity because Christianity started off as a branch of Buddhism. Karma was removed from Christianity by followers of St Augustine of Hippo in 3rd & 4th Ecumenical councils held in 430 CE & 450 CE respectively by importing the concept of Original Sin into Christianity. Original Sin was a manichean concept. (Manicheanism is a religion of Iran). It was imported into Christianity by Augustine of Hippo. Manicheanism was born in Iran & popular in middle-east & north africa. So, Iraqi & Syrian christians knew that original sin was a core doctrine of manicheanism. So, they vigorously oppossed it being introduced into christianity. Introduction of Original Sin & deletion of Karma from Roman Christianity caused the Nestorian Schism i.e. rebellion by rebellion by Assyrian Church (Iraq) & Syrian Church (Syria). (Greek church also opposed original sin idea).
Loved ur reaction plz react to osho prayer or meditation
Happy new year May GOD give you all the happiness ❤
Do listen HIM.. his is the master of masters
Sadguru is a kind of guru who tells what we want to hear but Osho is the type of guru which tells what's needed to be said without fear of being judged 🙏
Other guru try to become diplomatic and always tells that pleases you …
But osho was straightforward …he never tried to make connections with politician and minister to save his commune …rather he says truth about politician …
Osho is just repeating what the upanishads say
Beyond words
The Master❤
Stay safe and healthy
Please make a video on srila prabhupada lecture on “srila prabhupada lecture and lover of the lord”
Love is ice cold and fire hot at the same time
Osho my love 💛🙏
Happy new year ❤️🙏🙏🙏
u have to see this video its the key to all the teaching, if u miss this then your path will remain hard ,imprtant video as a seeker '''arsha bodha center channel name '''video -is meditation itself the key to enlightment''' important
Please do react for one more video of OSHO..
title :- There is no tommorow.
There is no 33M God in hinduism there are 33types... koti means type and many take as million bcoz of less knowledge of Sanskrit language
Excellent! Thanks for letting us know... I just googled it, yup a mistranslation spread like wildfire.. 🙏🏻💙
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow u would have seen vishnu pic with so many other standing surrounding him. 33types of god run this world on order of lord vishnu everyone have their own duty as given by Vishnu (the boss). these God's are selected among us(people who are good soul throughout the 4 yugas) after the universe is destroyed to regenerate back by Shiva. The present God retire and be one with Brahman ,the newly soul(can be anyone even u both) are given the job of god to run the world. Vishnu and Shiva (two form of Brahman) are permanent
Osho is not saying anything new, anything different from the Yoga philosophy of Hinduism. Bhagavan Rajneesh also called Osho was born in a Jain family. He studied Philosophy at the University of Jabalpur in India. At the age of 21, he had an intense spiritual awakening, which inspired in him the belief that individual religious experience is the central fact of spiritual life and that such experiences cannot be organized into any single belief system. In 1989 Rajneesh adopted the Buddhist name Osho.
These are some of his quotes on God:
If you are a man of prayer, existence appears as God, as personal. If you are a man of meditation, existence is impersonal, just a wholeness, a divineness. For the man of prayer, there is God; for the man of awareness, there is godliness but no God.
Begin with dhyana, with meditation, and end in samadhi, in ecstasy, and you will know what God is. It is not a hypothesis, it is an experience. You have to LIVE it -- that is the only way to know it.
God is the ultimate experience of silence, of beauty, of bliss, a state of inner celebration.
Wonderful 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙 The Ultimate Experience
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow God is within you. The kingdom of God, Jesus replied, is not something people will be able to see and point to. Then came these striking words: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)
@@cpadman5800 Oh Yeah! Love that Teaching
Namste ji 🙏🙏
I love this girl plz react shri krishna episode
Now please react to sadhguru “what is GOD”
I want to clear that there are not 33 million of God but 33 type of Devi- (female name of power and Devata- male name of power that controls the nature existens and activities ).
It's said that there are 33 koti Devi and Devata.
Koti means type in Sanskrit language.
Koti means crore in number also.
Here in this reference, koti means
"Type ".
The concept of God is totally different from Hindu concept of Ishwar, Bhagwan and Devi and Devata.
Common people understand that all above three things are same and one. They used word"God" for all above three for the same meaning.
But all the three are different to each other.
Great! Thanks for clarifying this 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙
84 type of meditation learn in osho resort in Puna...one of the dinemic is powerful meditation...
Hey actually it is not 33 million gods but 33 different types of gods.(confusion is real because translation was misunderstood when they wrote text from old) scriptures)
Take it easy
Do you remember my Ex: carrot 🥕 I also given same explanation, we are also a part of god, we are not saparate from god, 🙏❤️🇮🇳 in sanatan dharma we call him as Shiva in sanskrit language the mother of all languages , Shi+Va=Nothingness, the name : Krishna means Attractive, Adi Shakti means the first power (It's not consciousness) The Brahma means Scientist (No God, no form but he is also carrot 🥕 or bullekart )🙏🙏🙏 Adi shakti+Krishna or Vishnu+Brahma+etc= Sada Shiva 🙏🙏🙏
Oh yes! I remember 😁🙏🏻🥕 Great!
Happy new year 2022....
33 million gods..... Its not correct actually....in sanatana dharma there is only 3 gods..... Brahma,vishnu and shiva.... Even Rama and krishna are not gods but avatar's of god..... The 33 million came from 33 koti.... Actually in Sanskrit koti means literally type's so its 33 types of gods but the confusion comes because of other devnagri languages like marathi or hindi.... In which koti means crore(unite of measuring number) (1 crore = 10 million).......thats why its confusing for even sanatani hindus...... 🙏🙏🙏
God is only one..
There is one story of how Krishna ji summoned Brahmas of all the Universes of the Multiverse to teach our Universe's Brahma ji a lesson on how not to be too proud and always be humble.
Similarly there are Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh of each Universe.
There is one God. There is no name. (some people still call Him Brahman)
There is no name because u need name if there are 2 things or more. Eg. A table and a chair. A atom and a molecule, a proton and a neutron.
But when everything is only 1 and there is no thing that is different, then, the thought of naming doesn't even arise.. Its just very natural to no name..
@@direnbhatsavesoil9628 yes bro you are correct..... Actually there is a story about shiva..... Saptarishi when they were learning yoga from shiva they asked shiva.... Who is your father? Shiva answered vishnu is my father.... Then they asked who is your grandfather? Shiva replied brahma is my grandfather.... Then they asked who is father of your grandfather? And he replied I am my father's grandfather...... They are basically 1 but not 1.....3 part of 1 soul basically to understand very vaguely..... One must give deep to understand spirituality..... 🙏🙏🙏
Read vigyan bhairav tantra
(the book of secrets by osho)
In this 112 methods for self realization given.
Have you read it? If so, please give a short summary... to help others...
@@trira1171 shiva gave 112 methods for self realization to parvati...
Osho explained these mantras so elaborately that anyone can grasp it, that's why I suggested osho, others also wrote book but they aren't that great.
@@gautamkumar-li7ey Ok, thanks! 😊
Have you practiced any of these tevhniques in Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (by Osho)? Which one did you practice? And whats your review?
@@trira1171 i tried breathing techniques but they didn't work for me so I changed to 3rd eye (just feel point between eyebrows "bindi area" ) and gazing techniques... and they worked effortlessly.. it's said only 2 3 techniques works on a particular person generally...
(BTW the book of secrets is book but the mantras are called vigyan bhairav tantra)
@@gautamkumar-li7ey Thanks for your answer... 😊
I would like to try breathing techniques. Are they same as pranayam or different?
U can only be followed if u construct something of ua own, or deny something of other's. So he took 3rd approach. (Agenda being Same). Nevertheless he was knowledgeable.
He definitely sounds knowledgeable 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙
Please react on the Mahabharata and Radha Krishna series....
Many people in the comment writing their opinions. But looks like it they think what they are writing are facts.. Take them as just another comment.. No need to take them seriously.
Eg. I just saw a fellow Hindu write there are 3 Gods in Hinduism.. And not 33 million..
My reply to that comment : "God is only one..
There is one story of how Krishna ji summoned Brahmas of all the Universes of the Multiverse to teach our Universe's Brahma ji a lesson on how not to be too proud and always be humble.
Similarly there are Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh of each Universe.
There is one God. There is no name. (some people still call Him Brahman)
There is no name because u need name if there are 2 things or more. Eg. A table and a chair. A atom and a molecule, a proton and a neutron.
But when everything is only 1 and there is no thing that is different, then, the thought of naming doesn't even arise.. Its just very natural to 'no name'.. "
And that's my speculation too so no need to take that also seriously 🙏 🙏 🙏
I like your Speculation! This is how we see it as well 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙💙
We just Reacted to the Little Krishna Episode that you mention! Truly Amazing!
Lord Krishna said I am god.
ओशो की गहराई में जितना उतरो उतना जीवन महसूस होता है , इन्हें सुनना मात्र ही एक परम सौभाग्य है ,
If you want life you must have Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are spiritually dead, God bless you
My lord osho 💚🙏🙏🙏
Osho raise the bar
Please react more on Osho videos.
atheists: there is no God (at all)
osho: there is no (personal) God
without nuances:
there is no god = there is no god
with nuances:
there is no god (at all) there is no (personal) god
atheism is a degeneration of a skillful means, namely that of anthropomorphizing or personalizing (making a "person" of-) something (God) that is not personal, for the purpose of bhakti or better relating with "it".
initially, people understood what the non-dual, non-personal, all pervasive "God" is, then when we continued the descent from the eon of light into eon of darkness (in degrees), they started having hard time getting it, so the skillful means was employed and all was good.
then, after further descent, people having lost completely touch with the impersonal, they started to critically view this personal God and equated her with a flying spaghetti monster and dismissed it. the eon of darkness is "dark", all that are consumed by it, are blind. the blind are leading the blind, becaues their spiritual eyes are in darkness.
but, according to theosophists, in this never ending cycle of going from light to dark and then back up again, we are now at an upward ascent...
Wow 🤣😝 nice
Personal God is a different substance than The God. The ultimate God is without any qualities (or amalgamation of all qualities), all pervasive (omnipresent), always existing and beyond our comprehension. This God is frankly useless for us. It exists, but it is of no direct use to us. At the highest level of enlightenment, the seekers realizes the ultimate God within.
As for Personal Gods:
This is a far more interesting phenomenon. Most people think that actions are more powerful than words and words are more powerful than thoughts. But, its the reverse: actions are less powerful than words and words are less powerful than thoughts. Thoughts are the most powerful mechanism. Our thoughts are influenced by the world but more importantly, also our thoughts influence the world. Every thought is a small pouch of energy. If a person keeps thinking a certain thing with intensity, over a period of time, these thoughts create an energy form. So, if a person keeps praying to any God or Goddess over a period of time, then it creates an energy form (of that God or Goddess). Now, if an entire group of people are praying to a certain God or Goddess, then a very powerful energy form is created which is capable of interacting with us (protecting us and fulfilling wishes). This is the mechanism personal God. This God or Goddess can be any God, but more ancient (and continued devotees), the better. Because then, that God or Goddess would have a very powerful energy bank from many millenia.
Now, the problem with Abrahamic religions is Monotheism. They have tried to create a jealous personal God. This is the problem. They wanted jealous personal God because in ancient middle east, personal Gods represented nations. So, praying to a personal God of another country (or enemy country) was seen as treason. So, they created jealous God to deal with it.
And the second problem is: even though they are supposed to be monotheistic religions, Abrahamic religions are actually duotheistic. They believe in two entities: God & Devil. God is responsible for all good things and Devil is responsible for all bad things. So, its not even a proper monotheism. Because a real monotheism would transform into monism i.e. everything (good, bad & ugly) must be traced to God (assuming God exists). This would then raise moral questions like, "why are some people are enjoying and others are suffering? Is God arbitrary and unjust dictator?" The only satisfactory solution to this moral dilemma is the Doctrine Karma. And Doctrine of Karma leads to Reincarnation. And that leads to mayavada. So, the Abrahamic religions avoid all that by creating two entities: God & Devil. And neither of them have the qualities of ultimate God. They are the energy forms that these people are trying to create at personal level.
Great! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙
Pls react to go to the other place by osho
love osho
Plz react on Krishna's video's....
Please react more on osho.
God is there in everyone, whether it is an animal or a human being or a bird or a thing in nature. It is from this face that we find God even in a stone because it is a part of it. Because if God is formless than he also take any form.
This is sanatan Dharm.
Osho can't be right every time.
If you can understand. The tree develops its form by taking some energy from the sun.
Osho is master of all master
Osho had realy the magic of talking to people but I wouldn't follow him blindly he has some great insights tho. Can you also react to: Alan watts you are god (part 1) and (part 2) from cosmic abundance
We don't follow anyone blindly. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow 🙏💙💙🙏
I listen his speech everyday before going to bed.
If you want life you must have Jesus Christ, without Jesus you are spiritually dead, God bless you
does projections, or personal god, or believes are separate from collective consciousness???
Nonduality is primary.... The Infinite Field of Consciousness. Everything is a manifestation of the One Source. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙
For me God is nothing but everything is God. Good bad ugly everything..
If ur reacting on God.. and if u really want to react on Sadhguru I feel u shud have reacted on what he has said about God.. Swami Vivekananda and Swami Paramhansa teachings or perception and choice of words according to their era might have been different but the message will always will be same till the end.. but I feel u should react on what Sadhguru has to say from his point of view on what is God.. I know they are all the same ultimately.. but I feel if u do so ul understand more how close Osho's teachings and choice of words and examples are to Sadhguru's. And which is not wrong as I consider both of them as my gurus and they have the same message.. But just because I have told you don't miss out or ignore what I have said and blindly focus on what u feel or ur senses tell u do if u have ever done so just do it... u can always consider.. thanks
And I'm really sorry above is really not a criticism it is just a suggestion from another seeker like you..
All is well ❤️ There will be more Sadhguru on God Videos coming in the next 2 weeks. We always cover him most on this channel
Baby my whole idea is to confuse you
Which I have seen now seeing you guys confused😀😀😀
There in no god in sanatan dharma( sikhism,hinduism, jainism, buddhism)......GOD is western word.....we dont have any word for god in india.....all titles like bhagwan,guru,rishis, muni means enlightened beings not GOD.....if you want to understand indian culture than throw away your god concept
It depends on your definition of the word God... We believe "God" means the Absolute Supreme Source of absolutely everything in existence. And in this sense we equate God with Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahman, Durga, Allah, God the Father, The Infinite Field of Consciousness. All of these "Words" calibrate at Infinity on the Map of Consciousness. So all these words mean God. And I'm pretty sure some of these words are found within Sanatan Dharma 🙏🏻💙
Please react to bhagvad Geeta in 7 minutes
There is no god or demon but yourself
React on Project Shivoham channel videos
To be honest I can break down every point made after video reaction and clear the structures you have which I would say will be a hindrance in meditation .
God is EVERYTHING including NOTHING.
dont follow osho blindly.. some he say good . some/most are ...
Read this book on vigyan bhairav tantra... (the book of secrets by osho)
We don't follow anyone blindly... 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙
you don't have to follow anyone or anthing except Vedas
that's how donnish people thinks and create conflict in society, there is no such thing as one thing that's why vedas has been translated in upnishads just because they mean so many things at one time and eventually saying find the truth by yourself not by just reading things
Hello being human I must say don't follow him and his thought follow who are the real sage like sadhguru and amogh lila prabhu ji because may be he has many criminal charged on his organisation as well as him also so pls beware you do good work and we all are want to the real truth but not want the illusion of truth or ego of truth so pls search him back ground always when you go to follow them don't follow blindly
We don't follow anyone blindly... It is the teachings that are important. We are devoted to the Absolute Truth, and God, not to any Gurus., so we will listen and use our discernment. But from what we've heard so far from him, he sounds very similar to the Buddha and other teachers we've heard. If I hear something from him that is totally wrong, I will declare it at the time. 🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💙 Some people need different kinds of teachers... Sabine has a weird karma with teachers and benefits greatly from listening to him as do many others. It is the intention for Truth that will reveal it within... The teachings are primary, even the Buddha placed the teachings above himself.
@@RaiseTheWorldProjectNow ok good
Actually listening 🎧 to Sadhguru is more fun than osho 😁
I like both.. Both are different.
Listen to Osho more.. Its an addiction..