Sailor Moon is a Manga Series created by Naoko Takeuchi and a Anime by Toei Animation which started in 1992 and lasted until 1997. It has two dubs one from Dic Entertainment/Cloverway and a redub by Viz Media and a remake called Sailor Moon Crystal being the original 90s Anime changed so much key storyline stuff to major characters that they had to do a brand new anime series unlike with Dragon Ball Z to Dragon Ball Z Kai which they only had to get the animation up to HD and 16 by 9 and have a new recording with new script with the cast but with Sailor Moon they changed so much from the manga storyline for the original anime that they pretty much had no other choice but to do a brand new anime series basically from scratch. For example the final season Sailor Moon Sailor Stars the character Chibi Chibi she's the main villain's Star Seed in the 90s anime but in the manga she's Sailor Cosmos aka Sailor Moon from a distant apocalyptic future. That's not the only change the original anime made but that's why they're making Sailor Moon Crystal because there could be an anime series that is faithful to the manga storyline. You see when the original anime was being made the Naoko Takeuchi was making the manga at the same time like with Akira Toriyama for the Dragon Ball Series but unlike with Dragon Ball Naoko Takeuchi didn't have much time or control over the anime being she was making the manga at the same time. And for the dub The Dic Entertainment/Cloverway Dub are not faithful to the original anime being it was done in the 90s and early 2000s when anime wasn't that popular in America like it is nowadays but the seeds for it to become popular was being planted but a lot of animes like Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon was heavily censored. In 2014 Viz Media announced that they had gotten the rights to not only The 90s Sailor Moon Anime along with the movies and specials but they got the rights to Sailor Moon Crystal and they were doing a redub for the original anime and finally dub Sailor Moon Sailor Stars for the first time in America and having it uncut and with everything that the original Japanese version had relationships included. I highly recommend you give it a try because it's a classic like Dragon Ball Z.
Sailor Moon is a Manga Series created by Naoko Takeuchi and a Anime by Toei Animation which started in 1992 and lasted until 1997. It has two dubs one from Dic Entertainment/Cloverway and a redub by Viz Media and a remake called Sailor Moon Crystal being the original 90s Anime changed so much key storyline stuff to major characters that they had to do a brand new anime series unlike with Dragon Ball Z to Dragon Ball Z Kai which they only had to get the animation up to HD and 16 by 9 and have a new recording with new script with the cast but with Sailor Moon they changed so much from the manga storyline for the original anime that they pretty much had no other choice but to do a brand new anime series basically from scratch. For example the final season Sailor Moon Sailor Stars the character Chibi Chibi she's the main villain's Star Seed in the 90s anime but in the manga she's Sailor Cosmos aka Sailor Moon from a distant apocalyptic future. That's not the only change the original anime made but that's why they're making Sailor Moon Crystal because there could be an anime series that is faithful to the manga storyline. You see when the original anime was being made the Naoko Takeuchi was making the manga at the same time like with Akira Toriyama for the Dragon Ball Series but unlike with Dragon Ball Naoko Takeuchi didn't have much time or control over the anime being she was making the manga at the same time. And for the dub The Dic Entertainment/Cloverway Dub are not faithful to the original anime being it was done in the 90s and early 2000s when anime wasn't that popular in America like it is nowadays but the seeds for it to become popular was being planted but a lot of animes like Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon was heavily censored. In 2014 Viz Media announced that they had gotten the rights to not only The 90s Sailor Moon Anime along with the movies and specials but they got the rights to Sailor Moon Crystal and they were doing a redub for the original anime and finally dub Sailor Moon Sailor Stars for the first time in America and having it uncut and with everything that the original Japanese version had relationships included. I highly recommend you give it a try because it's a classic like Dragon Ball Z.
the guy with the blue fire hair is haddes
Have you seriously never heard about "Sailor Moon"? It was one of the most popular anime of the 90s and early 00s!
Well ... everyone has their interest
Well I've never heard of it either!!
lol funny sailor moon
You don't know sailor moon?
I’ve never watched it in my life.
@@CaptainYoshiHD It is an anime.
@@CaptainYoshiHD 30:07 through 30:14 you literally sound like a dalek from the British Sci-Fi show Doctor who. 😅😅😂😂😂😂
@@heathledgersjoker6262 when are you gonna come back bc you didn’t upload in 9 months