That's a wonderful point. I'll have to spend some time thanking God for the pain brought to my life, knowing that the blessings that come from it can bless other people.
After hearing this hymn and knowing the tragedy behind it, I've learnt to say that it's well , as it's Lord alone who's glorified even in disasters and tragedies ( I've learnt to say this after witnessing my favorite team losing match after match. I know it's nothing compared to tragedies, but it's just that i wanted to say this)
The Christian music industry needs needs to take a lesson from these productions. We need our pastors in our music. Rich, amazing, sound, and beautiful. PRAISE God.
When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to knowa It is well, it is well, with my soul. Refrain It is well, (it is well), With my soul, (with my soul) It is well, it is well, with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live: If Jordan above me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life, Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul. But Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait, The sky, not the grave, is our goal; Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord! Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul. And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, A song in the night, oh my soul!b
A Hymn saturated by the Gospel of Jesus, inspired by tragedy and faith in the goodness of our wonderful Lord! So rich in truth, and the beauty of God's Word.
A great song...remember playing this at a small church in Watsonville on trumpet with Debbie B playing piano...after the 7.9 earthquake that hit the northern CA area and knocked down the Oakland bridge. Praise God who sustains His peoplle through natural earthquakes, huricanes, tsunamis, etc.
The story of the man who wrote the song is such an incredible one. The man lost everything in the Chicago Fire and this man could still find grace for his pain. God bless all listening and all be well with your soul.
This is my ABSOLUTE favorite rendition of this song. I have been looking for it for quite some time. I mean like scouring & it just wouldn't pop up. I even got him singing it q different places or w/o John Piper speaking. & today... I found myself hurting over that "1 more "last" thing u can take," & it popped right up 🥹🥲when I needed to hear it the most🥲🥹 It's the littlest things the Abba does for us. ❤
My brother and his wife lost their first child, she was stillborn. Nancy has a dream the baby would not survive the pregnancy. She knew the dream was from God. They named the baby "Grace" after the grace of God that had sustained them. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! This song and Piper's words remind me. We see only in a clouded mirror. But His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. It is the essence of faith, to trust in this.
Thank you!!!!!! Thank you, Thank you for sharing the story of this song Years ago… I heard a Pastor tell this story and forgot all about it but now I will never forget and I will share with others and I will sing this song as well. The young man singing has a wonderful gift. Keep going and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!
Wow! What a a beautiful rendition of this great song. And what a blessing you are Jimmy (and your band mates) to a world that is in desperate need of you right now. May God bless you!
Though He slay me yet will I Worship Him! How, how can I say this??? Because my God, Who supplies ALL my needs, according to His RICHES and GLORY in/by/through Yeshua Hamashiach Tsidkenu. (Jesus Christ my Righteousness)
It is my wish that you record a CD ... you have the voice of an Angel and a talent that only God could have touch you with!!! I'm completely taken by you 3 beautiful men!!!!!!
If you haven't already, look up Clear the Stage by Jimmy Needham, it is the most powerful song I have heard in a long time!! I listened to it 20 times, and I was in tears by the end of it, every single time!
I love this!!!! These songs/hymns are so beautiful!!!! ♡ we should sing them loudly and never forget the simplicity and overwhelming power they have!!!! ♡ I love the stories behind the song!!!!!
I think that it is grossly unfair to tell only half the story on the creation of this moving and inspiring song. Good to know that Horatio Spafford wrote the lyrics after the sad tragedy of loosing his four daughters, but many people neglect to also post the other tragedy that enshrouds the genesis of this song (not a hymn!): Philip Bliss. He composed the immortal, powerful tune to the poem by Spafford in 1874. Sad that nobody mentions him! Two years after writing his music, he also suffered a tragedy that cost him his life along with his beloved wife. On 29 December 1876, a train in which Bliss and his wife were traveling to Ashtabula, Ohio was in the process of crossing a bridge that collapsed. All the carriages fell into the ravine below. Bliss escaped from the wreck, but the carriages caught fire and Bliss returned to try to extricate his drowning wife. Sadly he also perished during his failed attempt.
E. Diaz del Campo Well who can't neglect the added tragedy to the story of why the song was written. All get misery in the end sheesh. We all got to hear this wonderful song and why it was written. It is well with my soul.
I struggle in my trials with confessing "it is well with my soul" or Ruth 1:20 ... “Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me." How can I know which it is?
Horacio Spafford went through a lot no doubt and wrote an amazing song but the truth is that he did not finish well. He denied hell completely and considered the local church as Babylon. He then started a cult and became obsessed with end times. He was an early Harold Camping, false predictions when Christ would come. Then he came down with measles and on his death bed he considered himself the messiah. Sad story, don’t think he was saved.
+jeremiah pascual If you are referring to the poem writer Horatio Spafford and/or the composer of the tune Philip Bliss, both Methodists, the answer could be NO. The Methodist denomination is more Arminian than Calvinist although George Whitefield, who worked with the Wesley brothers shoulder to shoulder (founders of Methodism) was a declared Calvinist. Most important, however, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyerians, etc. are one family under the atoning sacrifice and grace of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
No. Horatio Spafford was a heretic on his deathbed. You can read more about it here -> Regardless, it doesn't mean that the song can't be used for good use when you have the right theological presuppositions and framework in mind.
Thanks for sharing, there is room for improvements. Some of the background lightings (at some windows they may need curtains) were too bright. Use "three points lightings" idea (see the term at Google search! If possible Post Lyrics please on the Video to improve the presentation!
America will soon be destroyed !!! The Lord Jesus Christ stated: John 13:20. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. Therefore, if a man wants to receive Jesus, the man MUST receive the “Messenger” who Jesus sends, in this day the Lord has kept His word, and has sent His prophet. The, “Elijah anointing,” (Concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ) is used “TWICE.” The first time 2,000 years ago, when God sent John the Baptist, then again in this day. At each, “Coming of the Lord,” there is an Elijah prophet who precedes that, “Coming.” Jesus said concerning John the Baptist. Matthew 3:3. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Elijah, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. John, “Prepared the way for the Lord,” John did NOT “Restore anything,” as that which would need to be restored, (The full understanding of the whole Bible,) had not yet been given. This scripture concerns the Elijah prophet for, “THIS DAY.” Matthew 17:11. And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elijah truly shall FIRST COME, and RESTORE all things. God has fulfilled the above scripture in THIS DAY. This scripture also predicts the Elijah prophet for “This day”..... Malachi 4:5. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. This Elijah prophet comes just before, “The coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord,” which happens in this day. We are now living in the last days, God has kept His word and sent that prophet, thereby “Restoring” His word to His Bride. One Sunday morning in June, 1933, God gave seven major continuous visions to His prophet William Marrion Branham (Fulfilling Malachi 4:5 + Matthew 17:11 + Revelation 10:7 and other scriptures) Five of the seven continuous visions, have already come to pass. THE SEVENTH VISION. “The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.” God has raised the dead on FIVE occasions through His chosen vessel. God was photographed SIX times, (Veiled in the form of the Pillar of Fire) with His prophet. God`s chosen vessel was William Marrion Branham. Check out William Branham, God`s “Vindicated Prophet” for the End Time. These and other “Prophetical scriptures” fulfilled: Malachi 4:5. Matthew 17:11. Revelation 10:7. Revelation 3:14. Revelation 1:16 - 20. Revelation 2:1. Revelation 3:1. Watch this amazing testimony on TH-cam: Ed Byskal - I am a witness (Testimony on William Branham)
Man, I was just waiting to see John Piper on that drum kit. Haha.
John Piper playing blast beats and a double kick. Now try erasing that image out of your head.
Haaa me too
Haa me to
Count me in.
But seriously, it's a good song though
My husband of 25 years passed away suddenly 4 months ago. This song is a beautiful testament to God's grace.
Rest in His grace sister.
kevin cade may God fill you with his love and compassion
God bless you
Sorry for your loss, praying for you.
I was waiting to hear John Piper... instead I heard Jesus. Thank you, Lord... thank you. It is well with my soul.
Paradoxically, we thank God for the tragedy in Horatio Spafford's life, from which was born this majestic hymn.
That's a wonderful point. I'll have to spend some time thanking God for the pain brought to my life, knowing that the blessings that come from it can bless other people.
After hearing this hymn and knowing the tragedy behind it, I've learnt to say that it's well , as it's Lord alone who's glorified even in disasters and tragedies ( I've learnt to say this after witnessing my favorite team losing match after match. I know it's nothing compared to tragedies, but it's just that i wanted to say this)
The Christian music industry needs needs to take a lesson from these productions. We need our pastors in our music. Rich, amazing, sound, and beautiful. PRAISE God.
well this seems like something
M. Leanne Todd not only that, but anointing to touch peoples hearts.
A lot of Christian songs have this. It’s mostly gospel and not contemporary music or hymns.
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to knowa
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, (it is well),
With my soul, (with my soul)
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life,
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
But Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
A song in the night, oh my soul!b
A Hymn saturated by the Gospel of Jesus, inspired by tragedy and faith in the goodness of our wonderful Lord! So rich in truth, and the beauty of God's Word.
2023 By God's Grace it is well with my soul. ⭐
Healthy souls are God's Joy!
A great song...remember playing this at a small church in Watsonville on trumpet with Debbie B playing piano...after the 7.9 earthquake that hit the northern CA area and knocked down the Oakland bridge. Praise God who sustains His peoplle through natural earthquakes, huricanes, tsunamis, etc.
I was there John, I was 14 at the time in 1989 earthquake
I heard jesus in litsening John Piper😢😢in my bed of one week sickness saying saying it is well with my soul😢❤hallelujah Jesus Glory yo God Amen🙏
The story of the man who wrote the song is such an incredible one. The man lost everything in the Chicago Fire and this man could still find grace for his pain. God bless all listening and all be well with your soul.
This is my ABSOLUTE favorite rendition of this song. I have been looking for it for quite some time. I mean like scouring & it just wouldn't pop up. I even got him singing it q different places or w/o John Piper speaking.
& today... I found myself hurting over that "1 more "last" thing u can take," & it popped right up
🥹🥲when I needed to hear it the most🥲🥹
It's the littlest things the Abba does for us. ❤
My brother and his wife lost their first child, she was stillborn. Nancy has a dream the baby would not survive the pregnancy. She knew the dream was from God. They named the baby "Grace" after the grace of God that had sustained them. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! This song and Piper's words remind me. We see only in a clouded mirror. But His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. It is the essence of faith, to trust in this.
The cracks in his voice makes the song even more beautiful than it already is.
I thought the same thing. Couldn't agree more! :D
These are the most transforming songs and messages I have heard in my life my soul is thirsty for Christ it is well with my soul.
I love this song and especially when this brother is singing
Thank you!!!!!!
Thank you, Thank you for sharing the story of this song Years ago… I heard a Pastor tell this story and forgot all about it but now I will never forget and I will share with others and I will sing this song as well. The young man singing has a wonderful gift. Keep going and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!
I love the testimony of the man who wrote this song.
Gloria a Dios!! Estoy bien con mi Señor por los méritos de Cristo!
WOW!! How awesome to have the story behind the music with the song!! Thank you Jesus!! Jimmy Needham and John Piper also!!
Beautiful. Jimmy needham..your a beautiful soul .❤ Sad in places 🙏
Wow! What a a beautiful rendition of this great song. And what a blessing you are Jimmy (and your band mates) to a world that is in desperate need of you right now. May God bless you!
Though He slay me yet will I Worship Him!
How, how can I say this???
Because my God, Who supplies ALL my needs, according to
Yeshua Hamashiach Tsidkenu.
(Jesus Christ my Righteousness)
Anointed song but Jimmy definitely brings His presence not everyone who sings this song can make you feel his presence this strongly ❤
Praise him🙌👏 he has risen!!!!!!!!
It is my wish that you record a CD ... you have the voice of an Angel and a talent that only God could have touch you with!!! I'm completely taken by you 3 beautiful men!!!!!!
+Dawn Hicks Jimmy Needham has CDs. (:
If you haven't already, look up Clear the Stage by Jimmy Needham, it is the most powerful song I have heard in a long time!! I listened to it 20 times, and I was in tears by the end of it, every single time!
+Adam Gattis Ross King actually wrote "Clear the Stage." You may want to check out Ross King's other music if you enjoyed it.
+Chrisy Abshire I know he did and I really enjoy his music, I just like Jimmy Needham's version better. Just a personal preference though :)
+Chrisy Abshire I know he did and I really enjoy his music, I just like Jimmy Needham's version better. Just a personal preference though :)
Absolutely Beautiful Rendition.
Wonderful way to start everyday, with the presence of the Lord”
I love this!!!! These songs/hymns are so beautiful!!!! ♡ we should sing them loudly and never forget the simplicity and overwhelming power they have!!!! ♡ I love the stories behind the song!!!!!
Beyond Beautiful Song
Yes! It is well with my soul! Praise you Jesus! Even so come!
Awesome. Love to praise our Lord with this song and I only hope tragedy won’t deter me
It is well...with my soul🙏
Thank you for this video. You don't know how much you impacted millions of lives all over the world.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
Absolutely blessed and beautiful
Thank you Jesus 🙏. I friggin’ love this song ❤🙌
It is well with my soul.
Love this song and this video. Such an amazing story.
Praise God for this beautiful Hymn
Thank you
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and my King.
This is a beautiful song
I love listening and singing along
Just amazing praise the Lord
wake up to this is just a beautiful blessing :)
Song is such a blessing... heart touching... praise be to God
Absolutely beautiful
Amen jimmy needham did an amazing job singing this hymns!!!! Praise the lord on my soul!!!!
Thanks for the blessed, anointed, file! Blessings and peace for everyone in our vast universe!
I love this song. Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy.
Wow such an anointed singer!!!!
Thank you for posting this song. It is a great help to me today.
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Beuty song!! and beauty voice!! ♡
Just beautiful.Thank-you.
😢 I love you Jesus
Lovely Holly Spirit Filled Musical Sharing !
Beautiful 😊
THAT was beautiful!! I LOVE your voice - and the guitar playing is gorgeous. Thank you...;)
Amen may God bless U
Wonderful voice. God bless you :)
Wish they'd do more videos like these. These are gorgeous.
I love this so much.
❤️ these. Please create more song/sermon/story combinations
I love it
Wow. Really enjoyed
So powerfool....
I think that it is grossly unfair to tell only half the story on the creation of this moving and inspiring song. Good to know that Horatio Spafford wrote the lyrics after the sad tragedy of loosing his four daughters, but many people neglect to also post the other tragedy that enshrouds the genesis of this song (not a hymn!): Philip Bliss. He composed the immortal, powerful tune to the poem by Spafford in 1874. Sad that nobody mentions him! Two years after writing his music, he also suffered a tragedy that cost him his life along with his beloved wife. On 29 December 1876, a train in which Bliss and his wife were traveling to Ashtabula, Ohio was in the process of crossing a bridge that collapsed. All the carriages fell into the ravine below. Bliss escaped from the wreck, but the carriages caught fire and Bliss returned to try to extricate his drowning wife. Sadly he also perished during his failed attempt.
Thank you for sharing the rest of the story.
never heard that, very deep
I t.o never heard of that before, our pastor only spoke about this tragedy. Thank you for sharing
E. Diaz del Campo lol prophet I'm reading your Pentateuch
E. Diaz del Campo Well who can't neglect the added tragedy to the story of why the song was written. All get misery in the end sheesh. We all got to hear this wonderful song and why it was written. It is well with my soul.
with my soul
unbelievable rendition
Love this himn!:)
Great music +Great sharing (or preaching) + Videography === Great TH-cam video presentation===Great Evangelistic (Teaching-Discipleship) Tool!
Amazing ! :)
I struggle in my trials with confessing "it is well with my soul" or Ruth 1:20 ... “Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me." How can I know which it is?
I can't be the only one to notice that he didn't even open his eyes until 1:19...right?
Anointed (:
Me encantou me faz ter mais certeza da minha luz que transporta a lugares especiais de talentos.
💜💜•❀••●✿SσℓHσℓmє✿●••❀• 💜💜
Anyone know when the bloke wrote this on the boat? Context is king.
Love this song, but unfortunately the story of this mans life does not end well.
Omgomgomgomgomgomgomg is Jimmy Needham gonna start making music again??
Does anyone have the chords for the song come around?
Horacio Spafford went through a lot no doubt and wrote an amazing song but the truth is that he did not finish well. He denied hell completely and considered the local church as Babylon. He then started a cult and became obsessed with end times. He was an early Harold Camping, false predictions when Christ would come. Then he came down with measles and on his death bed he considered himself the messiah. Sad story, don’t think he was saved.
on his death bed he considered himself the messiah
where can I read about that? thanks
Lyrics please, I'm not a English Native speaker.
is he a calvinist, too? :)
1 Cor 1:12
+jeremiah pascual If you are referring to the poem writer Horatio Spafford and/or the composer of the tune Philip Bliss, both Methodists, the answer could be NO. The Methodist denomination is more Arminian than Calvinist although George Whitefield, who worked with the Wesley brothers shoulder to shoulder (founders of Methodism) was a declared Calvinist. Most important, however, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyerians, etc. are one family under the atoning sacrifice and grace of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
jeremiah pascual
Horatio was Presbyterian Church elder.
Jesus died for all
No. Horatio Spafford was a heretic on his deathbed. You can read more about it here ->
Regardless, it doesn't mean that the song can't be used for good use when you have the right theological presuppositions and framework in mind.
Thanks for sharing, there is room for improvements. Some of the background lightings (at some windows they may need curtains) were too bright. Use "three points lightings" idea (see the term at Google search! If possible Post Lyrics please on the Video to improve the presentation!
Okay so no one else heard him off pitch at 0.24?
dialect1luv Really bruh?
Where that DJ John Piper? 😂
America will soon be destroyed !!!
The Lord Jesus Christ stated:
John 13:20.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.
Therefore, if a man wants to receive Jesus, the man MUST receive the “Messenger” who Jesus sends, in this day the Lord has kept His word, and has sent His prophet.
The, “Elijah anointing,” (Concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ) is used “TWICE.”
The first time 2,000 years ago, when God sent John the Baptist, then again in this day.
At each, “Coming of the Lord,” there is an Elijah prophet who precedes that, “Coming.”
Jesus said concerning John the Baptist.
Matthew 3:3.
For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Elijah, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
John, “Prepared the way for the Lord,” John did NOT “Restore anything,” as that which would need to be restored, (The full understanding of the whole Bible,) had not yet been given.
This scripture concerns the Elijah prophet for, “THIS DAY.”
Matthew 17:11.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elijah truly shall FIRST COME, and RESTORE all things.
God has fulfilled the above scripture in THIS DAY.
This scripture also predicts the Elijah prophet for “This day”.....
Malachi 4:5.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
This Elijah prophet comes just before, “The coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord,” which happens in this day.
We are now living in the last days, God has kept His word and sent that prophet, thereby “Restoring” His word to His Bride.
One Sunday morning in June, 1933, God gave seven major continuous visions to His prophet William Marrion Branham (Fulfilling Malachi 4:5 + Matthew 17:11 + Revelation 10:7 and other scriptures)
Five of the seven continuous visions, have already come to pass.
“The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.”
God has raised the dead on FIVE occasions through His chosen vessel.
God was photographed SIX times, (Veiled in the form of the Pillar of Fire) with His prophet.
God`s chosen vessel was William Marrion Branham.
Check out William Branham, God`s “Vindicated Prophet” for the End Time.
These and other “Prophetical scriptures” fulfilled:
Malachi 4:5.
Matthew 17:11.
Revelation 10:7.
Revelation 3:14.
Revelation 1:16 - 20.
Revelation 2:1.
Revelation 3:1.
Watch this amazing testimony on TH-cam:
Ed Byskal - I am a witness (Testimony on William Branham)
...Sing it the way it should be...too much voicing, just to sound modern with NO anointing is wrong !!!