idk if you can do this in procreate but a general tip for the white outline is ger your lineart layer, select outside of it (make sure there's gap recognition/the gaps are closed), invert selection, expand it by whatever many pixels you want and make a layer below everything and above the bg and fill with white!
slower steps: duplicate your lineart, choose the bottom one alpha lock it and fill the layer with your color un alpha lock it choose gaussian blur under the magic wand and make it no more than 10% then use the selection tool and choose around it lower the threshold (hold and swipe slowly left) invert your selection adjust layers if needed and you have your outline!
I mean, you could also just: Group all your current layers. Duplicate the group; Flatten the new group. Alpha lock and fill the flattened layer with white. Un-Alpha lock and gaussian blur. Automatic select, adjust, and erase. Remove selection and boom.
idk if you can do this in procreate but a general tip for the white outline is
ger your lineart layer, select outside of it (make sure there's gap recognition/the gaps are closed), invert selection, expand it by whatever many pixels you want and make a layer below everything and above the bg and fill with white!
slower steps:
duplicate your lineart, choose the bottom one
alpha lock it and fill the layer with your color
un alpha lock it
choose gaussian blur under the magic wand and make it no more than 10%
then use the selection tool and choose around it
lower the threshold (hold and swipe slowly left)
invert your selection
adjust layers if needed
and you have your outline!
I mean, you could also just:
Group all your current layers.
Duplicate the group; Flatten the new group.
Alpha lock and fill the flattened layer with white.
Un-Alpha lock and gaussian blur.
Automatic select, adjust, and erase.
Remove selection and boom.
I wish i can get it on android