The pre-trib rapture is not only a salvation, it is a reward for the faithful, those who endured, those who are ready. That's why He warns to watch and pray. Rev. 3:10 "Because you have kept My command to endure with patience, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." It is altogether clear that if you don't keep His word to endure, then you will not be kept out of the hour of trial. Those saints who are left during the great tribulation are left so that they can get ready.
Someone asked if the first 6 seals represent an escalation (sorry i accidently removed the post). I dont see it that way - i see them as being opened quickly one after the other, and they operate in parallel throughout the Tribulation. Each seal-breaking releases birth-pains on a different realm of the world-system, which continue and intensify until the birth. The 7th seal however comes a bit later and is an intensification of the first 6, because it releases the 7 Trumpets.
So Derek ........Are you saying the birth pains haven't started yet ?? So all the signs we are seeing in the world today are not birth pains ?? As the rapture hasn't happened yet I'm assuming that is what you mean.
correct - the full birth pains have not yet begun, but since 1914 with WW1 (i believe) we have entered the time of the Braxton Hicks contractions, so we are getting close to the time of bith pains and the birth of God's Kingdom on earth.
The four horses refer to Zacharia 6, where in verse 5 it says they are four winds. Revelation 7:1 says these four winds need to wait to be released and in 9:13-15 they are called angels and let loose at the sixth seal. See for details.
I understand that scripture supports a pre tribulation rapture Rev. 3:10. Rev. 4:1. I do not want to be in the last 7 years for the life of me. 2 Thess:2 says the man of sin cannot be revealed until the restrainer is removed. I see the restrainer as being the Holy Spirit and He indwells believers. We are the salt of the earth that keeps the world from spoiling. If the Holy Spirit is somehow restrained and He is in all believers, then we must be removed before the son of perdition can be revealed.
1)Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2)That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3)Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (2 Thessalonians 1-3)
You have a very sweet heart, one can sense you love the Lord and His word. Sometimes you emmit a child like excitement, like the one needed to enter the kingdom of God. May the Lord bless you and your ministry to build up the Body of Christ...
Thank you for your video pastor and 1st let me say I bless you in the name of our father who is in heaven our Almighty savior and the Holy Spirit may be blessed to. I have a question for you to ponder. I really don't need an answer though one would be nice but I believe it is more for you to take to prayer with our father who does not lie. Many pastors today RT chain that the entire church is the bride of Christ. I don't exactly hold the same belief after years of searching the Word for the truth of this matter. I cannot say whether I'm right or wrong and ask you to please not trust me but only our father again who is in heaven and does not lie. 1st pastor, thank you for your service to our father in heaven and to the brethren who are in the sheepfold you are Shepherding. I guess today become one of them sheep as I've never seen your videos before but know that I'm here for a reason. I do trust our father in these matters. Now my question is, do you believe that our Savior would have mentioned that his disciples were his bride's out of his own mouth instead of calling them children of the bridechamber and in the case of John the baptizer.. Called the friend of the bridegroom which I Believe men best man. He did not once call his closest friends and confidantes in this life the bride. Another interesting fact is that there is not one instance where Jesus prayed with anyone. Yes in fact he would give thanks for the food to our father in heaven above but now he didn't have group prayer meetings and every time it said that he was praying it said He went off by himself to pray. But the last statement is for another question for another day. When considering the 7 letters to the 7 angels of the 7 churches in the book of revelation only one of the 7 churches is found worthy to escape all these things that are coming upon the Earth and that, pastor, is the congregation of Philadelphia. I think it's the church of Smyrna that is 2nd in line as far as being close to having it right... But I'd have to re read just to be sure. I do know that in the book of Isaiah I believe our father is making a statement to his wife Jerusalem. It is where he reveals to her that he knows about her whoredom and her using the things that he gave her to entice other men to her bed chamber and where he gives her a bill of divorcement. It is also where he says that his anger will eventually go away held forgive her and bring her back to himself and other interesting tidbits. But it is interesting though he uses the name of nations or cities like her sisters saraim and Sameria or something? Pastor, is it possible that our father in heaven actually made himself a companion who watched him make creation? Is it possible that he really did have a wife named Jerusalem Or named something else that was hidden? The reason I'm posing this to you is because I find it fascinating! What if our father in heaven truly has a wife he is divorced from... What if she was down here today in a human body not even knowing who she is to him? Now don't get me wrong I'm not trying to speak heresy or anything of that nature but it is interesting when considering that for about 3:00 years Solomon's temple had something in their called an Asherah Pole... And our father was OK with that until people started baking raisin cakes to the Queen of heaven and worshiping her over him. Is it possible he has a real wife? I know there are places where the Holy Spirit is mentioned in a feminine form however if our father is one our creator is 1 like water can take 3 different forms but still remains H20 regardless of what form it's in he made man in his own image and from the man he made a woman. I do not believe that our creator is male and female in one I think it would be unnatural in my own opinion. It seems there is a suggestion in the holy word that says pray always or often they're cheap I found worthy to escape all these things coming upon the Earth… and I'm paraphrasing here but as interesting. When we read the words have Jesus in Matthew 24 where he says these are merely the birth pains.. He follows that with the statement saying then you will Go into tribulation where you will be hated and killed for my name's sake again paraphrased. So we have a warning to pray often or always to be found worthy to escape with a warning that we will go into tribulation... I don't think 07 churches will be raptured out of here before the tribulation Since you're at Oxford University one has to conclude that you must be pretty intelligent I'm sure the same spirit is in both of us from our father in heaven. That being said do you consider this part now if you will Yes you are mentions for periods of time when speaking of your last days He speaks of the birth paint, The tribulation and great tribulation and his wrath. The book of revelation speaks of 3 separate times at the end The seal judgments, The trumpet judgments and the bowls of his wrath which we both now we have been told that as people with faith in him we were not appointed to his wrath... But the wrath is not the tribulation! In fact the wrath is the judgment right after the trumpets! Now if we put the words of Jesus together with the words in the judgments In the book of revelation they fit hand-in-hand. We were not appointed unto his wrath! But the wrath of God follows the trumpet judgments! If we are in the birth pains now that means the tribulation is soon to come Jesus said tribulation and great tribulation because halfway through their tribulation. Is when the devil gets dirty and tries to convince people that he is God which we both now hes not because hes an idiot and hes a created being the could never do our father's job. Again the balls of his wrath we are not appointed to as his children who have faith in him. What's interesting is if you read the trumpet judgments the last trumpet or the last trump if you will is when Jesus returns and people who are here will be caught up in the blink of an eye to be forever with him As he takes back the kingdoms of this world as his own and we go off to the wedding supper of the lamb while the bowls of wrath are poured upon those who refused to repent and find salvation in him. Again the bowls of wrath come after Jesus returns Fascinating subject and I'm very grateful for finding your video here to day. I have studied Bible prophecy on and off since 1985 when I was saved at 18 though I had been saved multiple times since I was about 7 years old. Edit T and I was baptized.. I since been baptized multiple times as well just to make sure I got it right lol :) Back to my question about the bride and about whether you think it could be possible that it could be 1 woman 1 female not the whole church senses best friends he didn't call the bride.... I'm not sure about this subject but I find it fascinating and intriguing. After visiting Israel twice and staying in Jerusalem I have to say that I am in all of our father in all of its forms and his word. His garden is a magnificent place to play and I felt like a child again there... Several interesting things happened to me while I was there and I just have to wonder, Did he have a wife? Evidence is even been found with the name of YAH with the name of His Asherah. Either way I think it's interesting ID love a good mystery :) I have a feeling that the congregation in Philadelphia is snatched out before the tribulation begins because they were found worthy to escape. I believe the 6 other churches go into tribulation where they will be hated and killed for our savior's name sake. I believe this 7 noaa hide laws that are starting to be thrust upon the nations For one reason or another over our fathers 10 commandments which Jesus did not come to do away with but to fulfill.... Interesting days ahead pastor. And lastly before I go? If you want a really great Study to teach your congregation I have to for you to consider if you would. I did a word study on the word fulfill and my suggestion to you would be to just look up the most extensive definition of that word because it will show you how absolutely perfect detailed and intricate everything Jesus did for us was! It is a study they could give you 6 sermons that would bring many people to face! This 2nd one is kind of hidden but was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit and I'm still amazed he gave this message to me. I'm no one special. What are you gave me is this Jeremiah 52... I believe it was verse 3 where the lineage of the king Seemed off because most of the lineage were ever given in The Bible are men but in this case it spoke of his mother daughter of a certain man. What I found there seemed to be a message for the bride of Christ or the wife of God however you want to put it! You can go to blue letter Bible online and check strong's can cordons and look up every single word that is available. Write down the meaning of every single word strong's has a definition of write each definition down. After you get all the definitions in order right the verses with the definitions instead of the names and you will be amazed at what you find! I have a feeling our fathers word is at least 3 dimensional... It would be interesting to hear it and music. I'm sure you know the Hebrew alphabet didn't just stand for letters but numbers and musical notes?
If there is no pre-trib rapture then you’ve led the sheep down the wrong path because some will lose faith as they wont be prepared to face the tribulation that’s coming
The Pre-Trib Rapture is true to scripture which tells us again that we should prepare and live for the really important meeting with our Lord Jesus Christ, whose coming is at hand, rather than any meeting the antichrist (which the post-tribbers focus on).
Derek Walker i agree with you that we should look for Christ but based on the evidence of a pre-trib rapture i don’t really buy it but the point im making is if by any means we interpreted the bible wrong on the timing of the rapture i believe that many christians who didn’t think they’d be in the tribulation will possibly lose faith possibly the falling away thats talked about by paul, but if we are optimistic then people are prepared for the tribulation but if the rapture happens before, it wouldn’t change much since we will be in heaven anyways
for me pre-trib is clearly revealed in the bible so its not an issue. we do not create doctrine based on fear or human reasoning. Our faith should be in Christ anyway not in any particular doctrine or on our understanding - so if i found myself in the Tribulation it would be disappointing but not a cause for losing faith. Because i have studied the scriptures (like Revelation) i will be as prepared as a post-tribber. But praise God He will come to deliver me from the wrath to come (1thess 1:10)..
Derek Walker i agree 100% because either way pre-trib or post we will still be in heaven so its okay but i just always think about how some people may handle the situation but if they were true Christians then it wouldn’t be a problem 🤷🏾♂️ keep up the good work by the way ive followed your works since the early revelation studies real love Pastor💖
Hi, I don't understand the bible but I am a strong believer in christ and I am working on a book about a dream I had and it has to do with the end days in revelations and was wondering if you would be interested in co writing the book with me because you understand the bible
No - the rapture will happen first. Also when the Tribulation starts all the birth pains will start together - world-war, word-wide earthquakes, pandemics etc
I've wondered if the 5th Seal could be Old Testament martyrs whose blood must be avenged because, first of all, the 144,000 "firstfruits" (believers) of the Tribulation aren't even marked until chapter 7. And the Torah claims the unavenged blood must come on the land in Deuteronomy 21:1-9. Matthew 23:35 says that will happen as well. The fact that these saints are "under the altar" is very Jewish terminology.
Anti-Christ Timeline: 1947 (psalms 47) +62 years (Daniel 9:24-27) = 2009(Psalms 109:1-6 (The ADVERSARY; the ANTICHRIST; Obama) + 1260 days = March 20-23rd trip to Israel in 2013 where he did 7 events the Messiah would do. +1290 days = 2016 September to December events (Psalms 116= 2016. 1947+70 years (Psalms 90:10; Matt 24:32-34) = 2017 (Psalms 117: Deliverance from Babylon). When? 2018-2019/5778 (Psalms 118 with 3 events: rapture (v. 5)on the New Moon; Ezekiel 38-39 War ends 10 days later (10-13) and Millennium on the Full Moon (Psalms 118:15; Lev 23-Feast of Tabernacles (Tabernacling among us). Obama, Macron, the Black Pope, Prince William, Erdogan Arrives any day, any hour, any year.
Rapture Day (Revelation 6:12-17; Rev 8:5; Isa 24:1-6) The Day of the Lord (Jubilee) will be poured out on planet Earth beginning on Day of Atonement 2017 and run till April 30, 2019. Rapture Day/Week/Month has a global earthquake (axial poleshift) and 400 million people disappear and all the children under the age of knowing right from wrong (Deut 1) by G-d. Those who wholly follow the Lord get raptured. Psalms 118:5 a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13--Joshua's Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be: Nibiru. 1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10--Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood) 2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust. 3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses. 4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean. 5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves. 6) 200 to 500 mph (320 to 820 kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13. 7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23 8) hurricanes over land. 9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons. 10) change of the length of days and of the calendar (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20). A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).
The book of Revelation is not a book of end time but for all time. The first 4 seals and the 4 horseman have always been taught as 4 horseman of the apocalypse and they are not. They are 4 pronouncements of God upon us in our History in the sixth day of Creation. 0. God’s Word- those who overcome by Gods Word and Jesus ...God’s Word manifest in the flesh recieve the crown of life. White horse with the crown. 0. Red Horse- Satan and sin 0. Pale Horse-God cursed ground after our sin in Garden of eden 0. Dark Horse- 1/4 of mankind in sixth day of creation will die from disease,war,animals, pestilence etc Throne Room- beautiful spiritual illustration showing God dominion and providence upon us in sixth day of creation ⁃ 24 elders are the 12 apostles and 12 patriarchs ⁃ Lamb..Jesus ..word of God now opened up to us...death on cross..Holy Spirit given ⁃ 4 beasts are 4 periods of time(faces) in 6th day of creation(wings) full of eyes within and without(people) ⁃ 4 periods of time...without law...under law..under grace salvation through Jesus..Christ’s return he reigns praise god. ⁃ without law man face...under law cow...under grace lion...Jesus reigns eagle Seals 5,6, 7 match up with Mathew 24 and divine sequence of events given here in Revelation. Even in Revelation this order is given by Jesus via St John the Divine. ⁃ Great tribulation ⁃ Israel becoming a nation again..fig tree as shaken with a mighty wind..see video on fig tree ⁃ Delay of judgement...silence in heaven 30 minutes...30 minutes to 1440 minutes (day) same proportion as 120 years is to 6000 years of history in 6th Day of Creation...delay of judgement while Noah built ark So those are the seven seals 7 trumpets represent events which happen during delay of judgement we are now in ⁃ 1/3 fish sea gone...happened last 120 can discern weather not the signs of the times ⁃ 1/3 water made bitter..already happened ...worlds biggest can discern weather not signs of the times ⁃ 1/3 ships destroyed...half ships ever built destroyed during first and Second World can discern the weather not the signs of the times ⁃ 1/3 moon , stars, sun...pollution last 120 years..even astronauts from space see there ever a clear can discern the weather not the signs of the times Israel blew trumpets when gathering together the people and anointing a king. The seven trumpets represent events that take place during delay of judgement as God gathers his people to anoint Jesus at his second coming That’s how he comes as a thief in the night. I often thought ...Revelation as is your coming going to be as thief in the night..these things are so obvious. Then he started showing me people don’t understand what the seven seals and trumpets are. Both given by Jesus in Mathew 24 and Revelation chapters 6 thru 8. There can be no mistake in divine sequence.
The pre-trib rapture is not only a salvation, it is a reward for the faithful, those who endured, those who are ready. That's why He warns to watch and pray. Rev. 3:10 "Because you have kept My command to endure with patience, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." It is altogether clear that if you don't keep His word to endure, then you will not be kept out of the hour of trial. Those saints who are left during the great tribulation are left so that they can get ready.
Really good study. Clearly explained. I needed this
Someone asked if the first 6 seals represent an escalation (sorry i accidently removed the post). I dont see it that way - i see them as being opened quickly one after the other, and they operate in parallel throughout the Tribulation. Each seal-breaking releases birth-pains on a different realm of the world-system, which continue and intensify until the birth. The 7th seal however comes a bit later and is an intensification of the first 6, because it releases the 7 Trumpets.
So Derek ........Are you saying the birth pains haven't started yet ?? So all the signs we are seeing in the world today are not birth pains ?? As the rapture hasn't happened yet I'm assuming that is what you mean.
correct - the full birth pains have not yet begun, but since 1914 with WW1 (i believe) we have entered the time of the Braxton Hicks contractions, so we are getting close to the time of bith pains and the birth of God's Kingdom on earth.
The four horses refer to Zacharia 6, where in verse 5 it says they are four winds. Revelation 7:1 says these four winds need to wait to be released and in 9:13-15 they are called angels and let loose at the sixth seal. See for details.
Derek, I am SO blessed by your ministry. Thank you and Hilary for your faithfulness
I understand that scripture supports a pre tribulation rapture Rev. 3:10. Rev. 4:1. I do not want to be in the last 7 years for the life of me. 2 Thess:2 says the man of sin cannot be revealed until the restrainer is removed. I see the restrainer as being the Holy Spirit and He indwells believers. We are the salt of the earth that keeps the world from spoiling. If the Holy Spirit is somehow restrained and He is in all believers, then we must be removed before the son of perdition can be revealed.
For my full teaching on Revelation - my book: 'A Chronological Commentary on the Book of Revelation' is available on all Amazons.
1)Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2)That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3)Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
(2 Thessalonians 1-3)
Very good teaching!
You have a very sweet heart, one can sense you love the Lord and His word. Sometimes you emmit a child like excitement, like the one needed to enter the kingdom of God. May the Lord bless you and your ministry to build up the Body of Christ...
Thank you for your video pastor and 1st let me say I bless you in the name of our father who is in heaven our Almighty savior and the Holy Spirit may be blessed to.
I have a question for you to ponder. I really don't need an answer though one would be nice but I believe it is more for you to take to prayer with our father who does not lie.
Many pastors today RT chain that the entire church is the bride of Christ. I don't exactly hold the same belief after years of searching the Word for the truth of this matter. I cannot say whether I'm right or wrong and ask you to please not trust me but only our father again who is in heaven and does not lie.
1st pastor, thank you for your service to our father in heaven and to the brethren who are in the sheepfold you are Shepherding. I guess today become one of them sheep as I've never seen your videos before but know that I'm here for a reason. I do trust our father in these matters.
Now my question is, do you believe that our Savior would have mentioned that his disciples were his bride's out of his own mouth instead of calling them children of the bridechamber and in the case of John the baptizer.. Called the friend of the bridegroom which I Believe men best man. He did not once call his closest friends and confidantes in this life the bride. Another interesting fact is that there is not one instance where Jesus prayed with anyone. Yes in fact he would give thanks for the food to our father in heaven above but now he didn't have group prayer meetings and every time it said that he was praying it said He went off by himself to pray. But the last statement is for another question for another day.
When considering the 7 letters to the 7 angels of the 7 churches in the book of revelation only one of the 7 churches is found worthy to escape all these things that are coming upon the Earth and that, pastor, is the congregation of Philadelphia. I think it's the church of Smyrna that is 2nd in line as far as being close to having it right... But I'd have to re read just to be sure.
I do know that in the book of Isaiah I believe our father is making a statement to his wife Jerusalem. It is where he reveals to her that he knows about her whoredom and her using the things that he gave her to entice other men to her bed chamber and where he gives her a bill of divorcement. It is also where he says that his anger will eventually go away held forgive her and bring her back to himself and other interesting tidbits. But it is interesting though he uses the name of nations or cities like her sisters saraim and Sameria or something? Pastor, is it possible that our father in heaven actually made himself a companion who watched him make creation? Is it possible that he really did have a wife named Jerusalem Or named something else that was hidden?
The reason I'm posing this to you is because I find it fascinating! What if our father in heaven truly has a wife he is divorced from... What if she was down here today in a human body not even knowing who she is to him?
Now don't get me wrong I'm not trying to speak heresy or anything of that nature but it is interesting when considering that for about 3:00 years Solomon's temple had something in their called an Asherah Pole... And our father was OK with that until people started baking raisin cakes to the Queen of heaven and worshiping her over him. Is it possible he has a real wife?
I know there are places where the Holy Spirit is mentioned in a feminine form however if our father is one our creator is 1 like water can take 3 different forms but still remains H20 regardless of what form it's in he made man in his own image and from the man he made a woman. I do not believe that our creator is male and female in one I think it would be unnatural in my own opinion.
It seems there is a suggestion in the holy word that says pray always or often they're cheap I found worthy to escape all these things coming upon the Earth… and I'm paraphrasing here but as interesting.
When we read the words have Jesus in Matthew 24 where he says these are merely the birth pains.. He follows that with the statement saying then you will Go into tribulation where you will be hated and killed for my name's sake again paraphrased.
So we have a warning to pray often or always to be found worthy to escape with a warning that we will go into tribulation... I don't think 07 churches will be raptured out of here before the tribulation
Since you're at Oxford University one has to conclude that you must be pretty intelligent I'm sure the same spirit is in both of us from our father in heaven. That being said do you consider this part now if you will
Yes you are mentions for periods of time when speaking of your last days
He speaks of the birth paint, The tribulation and great tribulation and his wrath.
The book of revelation speaks of 3 separate times at the end
The seal judgments, The trumpet judgments and the bowls of his wrath which we both now we have been told that as people with faith in him we were not appointed to his wrath... But the wrath is not the tribulation! In fact the wrath is the judgment right after the trumpets!
Now if we put the words of Jesus together with the words in the judgments In the book of revelation they fit hand-in-hand.
We were not appointed unto his wrath! But the wrath of God follows the trumpet judgments!
If we are in the birth pains now that means the tribulation is soon to come Jesus said tribulation and great tribulation because halfway through their tribulation. Is when the devil gets dirty and tries to convince people that he is God which we both now hes not because hes an idiot and hes a created being the could never do our father's job. Again the balls of his wrath we are not appointed to as his children who have faith in him.
What's interesting is if you read the trumpet judgments the last trumpet or the last trump if you will is when Jesus returns and people who are here will be caught up in the blink of an eye to be forever with him As he takes back the kingdoms of this world as his own and we go off to the wedding supper of the lamb while the bowls of wrath are poured upon those who refused to repent and find salvation in him. Again the bowls of wrath come after Jesus returns
Fascinating subject and I'm very grateful for finding your video here to day. I have studied Bible prophecy on and off since 1985 when I was saved at 18 though I had been saved multiple times since I was about 7 years old. Edit T and I was baptized.. I since been baptized multiple times as well just to make sure I got it right lol :)
Back to my question about the bride and about whether you think it could be possible that it could be 1 woman 1 female not the whole church senses best friends he didn't call the bride....
I'm not sure about this subject but I find it fascinating and intriguing. After visiting Israel twice and staying in Jerusalem I have to say that I am in all of our father in all of its forms and his word. His garden is a magnificent place to play and I felt like a child again there... Several interesting things happened to me while I was there and I just have to wonder, Did he have a wife? Evidence is even been found with the name of YAH with the name of His Asherah. Either way I think it's interesting ID love a good mystery :)
I have a feeling that the congregation in Philadelphia is snatched out before the tribulation begins because they were found worthy to escape. I believe the 6 other churches go into tribulation where they will be hated and killed for our savior's name sake. I believe this 7 noaa hide laws that are starting to be thrust upon the nations For one reason or another over our fathers 10 commandments which Jesus did not come to do away with but to fulfill.... Interesting days ahead pastor.
And lastly before I go? If you want a really great Study to teach your congregation I have to for you to consider if you would.
I did a word study on the word fulfill and my suggestion to you would be to just look up the most extensive definition of that word because it will show you how absolutely perfect detailed and intricate everything Jesus did for us was! It is a study they could give you 6 sermons that would bring many people to face!
This 2nd one is kind of hidden but was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit and I'm still amazed he gave this message to me. I'm no one special. What are you gave me is this
Jeremiah 52... I believe it was verse 3 where the lineage of the king Seemed off because most of the lineage were ever given in The Bible are men but in this case it spoke of his mother daughter of a certain man.
What I found there seemed to be a message for the bride of Christ or the wife of God however you want to put it!
You can go to blue letter Bible online and check strong's can cordons and look up every single word that is available. Write down the meaning of every single word strong's has a definition of write each definition down. After you get all the definitions in order right the verses with the definitions instead of the names and you will be amazed at what you find! I have a feeling our fathers word is at least 3 dimensional... It would be interesting to hear it and music. I'm sure you know the Hebrew alphabet didn't just stand for letters but numbers and musical notes?
If there is no pre-trib rapture then you’ve led the sheep down the wrong path because some will lose faith as they wont be prepared to face the tribulation that’s coming
The Pre-Trib Rapture is true to scripture which tells us again that we should prepare and live for the really important meeting with our Lord Jesus Christ, whose coming is at hand, rather than any meeting the antichrist (which the post-tribbers focus on).
Derek Walker i agree with you that we should look for Christ but based on the evidence of a pre-trib rapture i don’t really buy it but the point im making is if by any means we interpreted the bible wrong on the timing of the rapture i believe that many christians who didn’t think they’d be in the tribulation will possibly lose faith possibly the falling away thats talked about by paul, but if we are optimistic then people are prepared for the tribulation but if the rapture happens before, it wouldn’t change much since we will be in heaven anyways
for me pre-trib is clearly revealed in the bible so its not an issue. we do not create doctrine based on fear or human reasoning. Our faith should be in Christ anyway not in any particular doctrine or on our understanding - so if i found myself in the Tribulation it would be disappointing but not a cause for losing faith. Because i have studied the scriptures (like Revelation) i will be as prepared as a post-tribber. But praise God He will come to deliver me from the wrath to come (1thess 1:10)..
Derek Walker i agree 100% because either way pre-trib or post we will still be in heaven so its okay but i just always think about how some people may handle the situation but if they were true Christians then it wouldn’t be a problem 🤷🏾♂️ keep up the good work by the way ive followed your works since the early revelation studies real love Pastor💖
Hi, I don't understand the bible but I am a strong believer in christ and I am working on a book about a dream I had and it has to do with the end days in revelations and was wondering if you would be interested in co writing the book with me because you understand the bible
you could have just put the first 13 mins in one sentence, which you said about 5,000 times
Is tribulation happening now? Thank you
No - the rapture will happen first. Also when the Tribulation starts all the birth pains will start together - world-war, word-wide earthquakes, pandemics etc
I meant if the Holy Spirit is removed not restrained then believers must also be removed first and,then the lawless one will be revealed.
I spoke to a person and asked him what seal are we in and he said we are not leaving in any seals and not yet opened?.
correct - the seals are only opened after the rapture
Revelation 6v14 hasn't happened yet. I'm still waiting for the great earthquake and every mountain and Island being removed from it's place!
I've wondered if the 5th Seal could be Old Testament martyrs whose blood must be avenged because, first of all, the 144,000 "firstfruits" (believers) of the Tribulation aren't even marked until chapter 7. And the Torah claims the unavenged blood must come on the land in Deuteronomy 21:1-9. Matthew 23:35 says that will happen as well. The fact that these saints are "under the altar" is very Jewish terminology.
Is it true that the Tribulation is the same as God's wrath? I am looking for the bible scripture that explain these 2 terminologies
Anti-Christ Timeline: 1947 (psalms 47) +62 years (Daniel 9:24-27) = 2009(Psalms 109:1-6 (The ADVERSARY; the ANTICHRIST; Obama) + 1260 days = March 20-23rd trip to Israel in 2013 where he did 7 events the Messiah would do. +1290 days = 2016 September to December events (Psalms 116= 2016. 1947+70 years (Psalms 90:10; Matt 24:32-34) = 2017 (Psalms 117: Deliverance from Babylon). When? 2018-2019/5778 (Psalms 118 with 3 events: rapture (v. 5)on the New Moon; Ezekiel 38-39 War ends 10 days later (10-13) and Millennium on the Full Moon (Psalms 118:15; Lev 23-Feast of Tabernacles (Tabernacling among us).
Obama, Macron, the Black Pope, Prince William, Erdogan Arrives any day, any hour, any year.
wow …. 6th sure sounds like the arrival of Planet X
Rapture Day (Revelation 6:12-17; Rev 8:5; Isa 24:1-6)
The Day of the Lord (Jubilee) will be poured out on planet Earth beginning on Day of Atonement 2017 and run till April 30, 2019. Rapture Day/Week/Month has a global earthquake (axial poleshift) and 400 million people disappear and all the children under the age of knowing right from wrong (Deut 1) by G-d. Those who wholly follow the Lord get raptured. Psalms 118:5
a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13--Joshua's Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be: Nibiru.
1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10--Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses.
4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean.
5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves.
6) 200 to 500 mph (320 to 820 kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
8) hurricanes over land.
9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
10) change of the length of days and of the calendar (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).
A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).
The book of Revelation is not a book of end time but for all time.
The first 4 seals and the 4 horseman have always been taught as 4 horseman of the apocalypse and they are not. They are 4 pronouncements of God upon us in our History in the sixth day of Creation.
0. God’s Word- those who overcome by Gods Word and Jesus ...God’s Word manifest in the flesh recieve the crown of life. White horse with the crown.
0. Red Horse- Satan and sin
0. Pale Horse-God cursed ground after our sin in Garden of eden
0. Dark Horse- 1/4 of mankind in sixth day of creation will die from disease,war,animals, pestilence etc
Throne Room- beautiful spiritual illustration showing God dominion and providence upon us in sixth day of creation
⁃ 24 elders are the 12 apostles and 12 patriarchs
⁃ Lamb..Jesus ..word of God now opened up to us...death on cross..Holy Spirit given
⁃ 4 beasts are 4 periods of time(faces) in 6th day of creation(wings) full of eyes within and without(people)
⁃ 4 periods of time...without law...under law..under grace salvation through Jesus..Christ’s return he reigns praise god.
⁃ without law man face...under law cow...under grace lion...Jesus reigns eagle
Seals 5,6, 7 match up with Mathew 24 and divine sequence of events given here in Revelation. Even in Revelation this order is given by Jesus via St John the Divine.
⁃ Great tribulation
⁃ Israel becoming a nation again..fig tree as shaken with a mighty wind..see video on fig tree
⁃ Delay of judgement...silence in heaven 30 minutes...30 minutes to 1440 minutes (day) same proportion as 120 years is to 6000 years of history in 6th Day of Creation...delay of judgement while Noah built ark
So those are the seven seals
7 trumpets represent events which happen during delay of judgement we are now in
⁃ 1/3 fish sea gone...happened last 120 can discern weather not the signs of the times
⁃ 1/3 water made bitter..already happened ...worlds biggest can discern weather not signs of the times
⁃ 1/3 ships destroyed...half ships ever built destroyed during first and Second World can discern the weather not the signs of the times
⁃ 1/3 moon , stars, sun...pollution last 120 years..even astronauts from space see there ever a clear can discern the weather not the signs of the times
Israel blew trumpets when gathering together the people and anointing a king. The seven trumpets represent events that take place during delay of judgement as God gathers his people to anoint Jesus at his second coming
That’s how he comes as a thief in the night. I often thought ...Revelation as is your coming going to be as thief in the night..these things are so obvious. Then he started showing me people don’t understand what the seven seals and trumpets are. Both given by Jesus in Mathew 24 and Revelation chapters 6 thru 8. There can be no mistake in divine sequence.