I feel like the beginning of the end is apon us, and that the UN is the one world goverment, and the harlot might be the United States described in revelations. The UN might be the multi part Frankenbeast that she rides. I may be wrong, but it feels very right.
I am Pharaoh Giu-Reh-On II of this World, and the Board of Gizeh approves the following video for total intel on Putin the Beast in the 8 hour TH-cam documentary: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on TH-cam channel "HomieLand Sickurity". Switzerland has 7 Heads of State, who divide 10 Ministries amongst themselves; thus explained in Part 1 of the 38 hours Swiss Beast series.
💙 I fear my HOLY FATHER so much right now... I've done so much wrong but he's a loving caring merciful FATHER... I'm eternally grateful for him🙏 I'm trying LORD, please forgive my flesh. When I am weak, you are strong.
@@pursuegodvideo I am Pharaoh Giu-Reh-On II of this World, and the Board of Gizeh approves the following video for total intel on Putin the Beast in the 8 hour TH-cam documentary: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on TH-cam channel "HomieLand Sickurity". Switzerland has 7 Heads of State, who divide 10 Ministries amongst themselves; thus explained in Part 1 of the 38 hours Swiss Beast series.
Let's talk in simple the day I die, I will consider that day as the end of the world 4 me or second comming of Jesus for me...... Please just be faithfull to Jesus, accept him and fallow his comandment jesus will come like the thief in the night Bcoz nobody know went we will die...
were close enough the unsaved should be getting worried.. about now.. in our life time to.. going to heaven with a movie. we get to watch all of this happen right before our eyes. be not afraid.. God will see us through.. be strong in the lord...yall read his word every day. there's not that Meany left. dont waste the time we got left.. for thoes who lost there way. jesus left the light on for ya. its in his word,.. read it to get back on the right path.. stay safe brother.s and sisters. pack your bags Jesus is waiting see ya on the other side..
I am born again, through the receipt of baptism in the Holy Spirit, and when I prayed for wisdom when lockdown started in March 2020, I was immediately led to REVELATION 6 and reminded that the original translation of crown was corona. So the First Horseman has been conquering the world with corona for 18 months and the Second Horseman joined in with civil unrest. Now the Third Horseman is about to bring food shortages to the entire world. So we know what time it is don't we?
Don’t listen to any of these ppl We in the third right now Famine Due to hyper inflation and food shortage It’s gonna get worse Government is burning crops and food distribution centers The next seal will be worse
I believe that the scroll with the 7 seal's is the deed to the earth that when lucifer stole the kingship and queenship of the earth from Adam and Eve. Jesus is reclaiming the earth back but not without cleansing it from sin with fire. 🙏😁🙏
The SEALS are/ have been opening for hundreds of years they are opening THE LAMBS BOOK of LIFE! The KINGS of the EARTH and the 5th seal martyrs are Key in understanding that the seals are HISTORICAL and current events. Up to the 6th seal they are NOT judgements ! The 5th seal martyrs prove that no judgement has come on the earth up to that seal, (Rev. 6:10) they ask God how long until he judges the earth. The first seal being the Catholic Church which has conquered millions who call its priests “Father.” Has turned the simple gospel into its religion of works. ---------------- Now look at the Differences of THE KINGS OF THE EARTH; In the 6th seal, the Kings of the earth are FEARFUL and HIDING in their elite bunkers. Scripture says rocks and caves . “And the KINGS OF THE EARTH , and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, HID THEMSELVES in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;” Revelation 6:15 KJV In a parallel passage, Matthew 24:30 says the tribes of the earth will MOURN. When the sun and moon are darkened and the earth quakes as the dead are raised out of their graves, mankind will indeed be fearful, hide. Men’s hearts will fail them for fear of what they see coming on the earth. (Luke 21:26) HOWEVER, at the END, at ARMAGEDDON, these same KINGS OF THE EARTH, after being controlled by Satan are now WAGING WAR against Christ when he comes BACK WITH THE SAINTS. Revelation 19:19 and I saw the beast and the KINGS OF THE EARTH and THEIR ARMIES , gathered together to make WAR against him that sat on the horse and against his army. Clearly TWO completely different comings of the Lord. 1. 6th seal rapture 2. Armageddon Note: Matthew 24:29-31 is the same rapture event as the 6th seal. Job 5:19 He will deliver thee in six troubles, Yea in seven no evil will touch thee.
@@trublu3483 "Thou art Petros and upon this Petra I will build my church." Jesus changed the words. Petra is feminine and cannot refer to Peter. The Rock is the testimony of the Lord, not a man. The church is built on Christ alone.
I really wish that mankind will close the books and roll up the scrolls for it is the time of the Lord our God. He has sent a servant to except surrender of all armies and free all in bondage. It’s a new beginning not an end of time. Those that believe in love shall have it, those that believe in the all mighty will live forever and ever. The world will come to and end someday but he’s building another not to far away that’s paradise in comparison.
@@Rick-wy5mn be led by the Holy Spirit, not false teachers. The First Horseman started conquering the world in the Spring of 2020 with his bow and crown/corona. Then the Second joined in with civil unrest and now the Third will bring food shortages!
God Bless you sir , you say it as it is . Clearly showing to those who follow Christ what is coming from our Father God . It is all the way from the start of the Old Testament to the end of the New Testament. Please Repent be ready , pray to be strong enough to stand with Christ now and when the apocalypse starts . Soo much of the World is deaf and blind to this , money and pride will not save you it will kill you. Give your money to those who need it to survive, help those in Gods name who are small and weak. Be humble. Do not look for glory or praise for great things you do or have done . They are Our Fathers work. Even the Apostles ran and hid and denied Christ , and they saw his miracles, what will you do in the same hour?
Just as King Xerxes's seal had to be broken, unleashing Haman's destruction of the Jews, so must the 7 seals be broken. Once a word is spoken, it can not be retracted, but it can be altered, as Jesus did, warned of, and added to.
My whole problem with that is the fact that all the religious people will be mad at the non-religious people for "what they have done to them" like you realize how many people have been needlessly murdered in the name of God right? More wars have been fought over religion than any other reason...
Mh gace - I guess that we would all like to know the answer to that question. The only thing we know for sure is that we are closer today to Christ's return than we were yesterday. That sounds stupid except for the fact that in reality we should be living as though we expect Christ's return in 10 minutes. In other words conduct your life in a manner in which you would like Him to find you. Jesus gave us signs that will be evident before His return and I personally believe that many of the prophecies that precede His return have already been fulfilled. However, the only thing that we know for sure is that He will keep His promise; He will return for us and it may be that His return will be very soon.
Those are the 7 chakras in our chromo system within our body when we meditate and make thine eye single (pineal Gland) our body gets filled with light ..God is Light we are one with the father!
Almost all 7s are connected Pluto is not a planet, the earth is not a planet, Uranus and Neptune should not be counted as planets, that leaves 7 planets including the sun and moon, how everything was predicted in the Bible, the 7 planets also match with the 7 days of the week, also look at the names of the days of the week in Spanish, they line up with the 7 planets which also line up perfectly with the 7 alchemical metals and the 7 chakras, God made 7s beloved, the number 7 is in the Bible Over 490 times, let me know if you have any questions
The SEALS are/ have been opening for hundreds of years they are opening THE LAMBS BOOK of LIFE! The KINGS of the EARTH and the 5th seal martyrs are Key in understanding that the seals are HISTORICAL and current events. Up to the 6th seal they are NOT judgements ! The 5th seal martyrs prove that no judgement has come on the earth up to that seal, (Rev. 6:10) they are simply historical. The first seal being the Catholic Church which has conquered millions who call its priests “Father.” ---------------- Now look at the Differences of THE KINGS OF THE EARTH; In the 6th seal and then at Armageddon. At the 6th seal The Kings of the earth are FEARFUL and HIDING in their elite bunkers. Scripture says rocks and caves . “And the KINGS OF THE EARTH , and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, HID THEMSELVES in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;” Revelation 6:15 KJV In a parallel passage, Matthew 24:30 says the tribes of the earth will MOURN. When the sun and moon are darkened and the earth quakes as the dead are raised out of their graves, mankind will indeed be fearful, hide. Men’s hearts will fail them for fear of what they see coming on the earth. (Luke 21:26) HOWEVER, at the END, at ARMAGEDDON, these same KINGS OF THE EARTH, after being controlled by Satan are now WAGING WAR against Christ when he comes BACK WITH THE SAINTS. Revelation 19:19 and I saw the beast and the KINGS OF THE EARTH and THEIR ARMIES , gathered together to make WAR against him that sat on the horse and against his army. Clearly TWO completely different comings of the Lord. 1. 6th seal rapture 2. Armageddon Note: Matthew 24:29-31 is the same rapture event as the 6th seal. Job 5:19 He will deliver thee in six troubles, Yea in seven no evil will touch thee.
Some people think that the day of the lord and the day of christ are different. Day of christ is clearly explained by Paul to arrive after the man of sin has been revealed. It is also clearly descibed at the end of the sixth seal "the wrath of the lamb" the great day of his wrath has come - whos wrath? The lamb of course which is christ! The events at the end of the sixth seal clearly match the 7th vial and that great day of God almighty. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great day of the lord - also the day of christ The sixth/seventh seal day of wrath and armageddon cannot be separated. The seals are a long term series of events tbat happen over a long time, and culminate in heaven being departed from (1/2 hour silence in heaven). The olivet discourse explains what happens from Jesus time on earth to his return which correlates with the seals. As soon as christ was risen false christs appeared (white horse), wars and rumours of wars (red horse), famines (black horse), sword, pestilence, death (pale horse) which is the result of the previous horses combined over time, and persecution and martyrdom (5th seal), jesus right then was describing the seals! The trumpets and vials simply go into more detail about what happens in latter years. The trumpets and bowls do not start after the after the 7th seal, they are contained within the seals
Are you saying that you have never wronged anyone? Are you saying that the greed, corruption, hate and war that we see everywhere in our world has nothing to do with us?
@@pursuegodvideo I think the point was either a joke or pointing out how God and Satan are fighting a proxy war using humans as their pawns and seeing victory/defeat in what we do rather than just duking it out and figuring it out themselves. So humans get to suffer and die because God and Satan don't want to get their hands dirty.
@@renkol123 1st understand God can easily destroy the devil just as he can any of us, but God’s judgement doesn’t operate like ours. He is not quick to anger. We do know there’s an appointed time and place that God has set for such. 2nd it is creation as a whole that has corrupted itself, not just the devil. We all have freewill and we all will be held accountable for our own choices. 3rd The devil is only one of many fallen angel’s that rebelled, the Bible says 1/3 of angels fell with him. The Devil was just the first to do so. And Angels are held to an higher standard than humans because they know God personally and his eternal nature so there is no excuse for them to sin, therefore there is no redemption and there punishment is set in stone (lake of fire). So while some may see it as God vs the Devil, the reality is it is God the creator finally judging ALL of his creation, both great and small, once and for all. It’s not a versus, since no one even comes close to being more powerful than the Creator, he is forever undefeated.
The First four have been broken, the fifth one is in heaven. We are waiting for the Sixth One. Revelation 6:12-Revelation 6:17 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
The corona virus vaccine is going to be the mark of the beast, it’s going to have a microchip in it and it’s going to be implanted in the right hand, watch the video I made on that subject, soon you won’t be able to buy or sell without the vaccine because you’ll need the vaccine to enter grocery stores and pay for things once the dollar is purposely crashed by the government, look into Bill Gates Quantum Dot Tattoo Coronavirus Vaccine, literally everything about it was predicted in Revelation 13 16-18 to be the mark of the beast, everything about the vaccine is creepy, the 060606 Microsoft Patent Number, the fact that the active ingredient in the vaccine is the “Luciferase” Enzyme, it has a microchip and it’s implanted in the right hand (another creepy thing is if you look up RFID microchip, they are always implanted in the right hand and made for buying and selling, there is even a company that makes them called Three Square Market, that sounds similar to Threescore Mark, Threescore refers to 666 in the Bible, or 60, the middle 6 in 666, that’s why it’s sometimes read as Six Hundred Threescore and Six) there is also a corona testing machine called “The Beast” and the Bible says that the Beast will force everyone to get the mark of the beast and kill those who refuse, the government is talking about rolling out the military and declaring Marshal Law so they can go house to house and force everyone to get the mark of the beast vaccine, Bill Gates vaccine isn’t the only one with a microchip, there is also another one that the government ordered millions of syringes for and they say that the syringe has an RFID tag on it but I know it’s going to end up being in the vaccine, there is also another vaccine that has an “Optional” RFID Chip in it but how hard would it be to say that they are out of ones without the chip in it, do not let them give you the corona vaccine because then you’ll be accepting the mark of the beast and you’ll be selling your soul to Satan and you’ll go to hell when you die, I would rather die than take the corona vaccine
@@DARK_AMBIGUOUS You have no Evidence at all to back your claims sounds like you're way too religious The vaccine is saving lives you take it in your right or left arm not your right hand or your forehead.
@@terrycrosslin7866 the pentagon is making these microchips. Also bill gates had a patent on a microchip with the numerical value of 060606 which is the number of the beast. It is either here right now as initiation or is coming very alarmingly soon as well as the singular cryptocurrency and one world government aka globalism.
I agree with you 100% on that. I might be wrong but I believe it could be a test of faith because Jesus God said never fear for I am with you and I believe that.
I believe we are seeing those birth pains. I pray to be able to witness the day of the Lord. Glory and honor be to God
Yes! What we are expericing now are birth pangs. After this birth pangs era is over with that's when it will really begin.
I feel like the beginning of the end is apon us, and that the UN is the one world goverment, and the harlot might be the United States described in revelations. The UN might be the multi part Frankenbeast that she rides. I may be wrong, but it feels very right.
I am Pharaoh Giu-Reh-On II of this World, and the Board of Gizeh approves the following video for total intel on Putin the Beast in the 8 hour TH-cam documentary: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on TH-cam channel "HomieLand Sickurity". Switzerland has 7 Heads of State, who divide 10 Ministries amongst themselves; thus explained in Part 1 of the 38 hours Swiss Beast series.
Yes we're seeing Birth Pains big time....Jesus is coming very soon!!! Keep looking up
Amen brother! Jesus is our creator deliverer and salvation!
My pride is the God and my faith are his words 😌
"Avenge our blood for what they've done to us."
God bless you, and may He continue to encourage you
I definitely want and need encouragement. I'm back falling.
💙 I fear my HOLY FATHER so much right now... I've done so much wrong but he's a loving caring merciful FATHER...
I'm eternally grateful for him🙏
I'm trying LORD, please forgive my flesh. When I am weak, you are strong.
Amen! Keep pursuing Him, for the Lord's ways are perfect (even if we don't always understand them).
@@pursuegodvideo I am Pharaoh Giu-Reh-On II of this World, and the Board of Gizeh approves the following video for total intel on Putin the Beast in the 8 hour TH-cam documentary: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on TH-cam channel "HomieLand Sickurity". Switzerland has 7 Heads of State, who divide 10 Ministries amongst themselves; thus explained in Part 1 of the 38 hours Swiss Beast series.
Can you kindly tell me if seal events are going to take place during the first 3 ½ years?
Let's talk in simple the day I die, I will consider that day as the end of the world 4 me or second comming of Jesus for me...... Please just be faithfull to Jesus, accept him and fallow his comandment jesus will come like the thief in the night Bcoz nobody know went we will die...
Jesus is not just able to open the scrolls. He is the only one Worthy to open the Scrolls.
@wolfen244 "EVERYTHING in Revelation is figurative not literal." Who gave you a licence to say that ? Bible verse please ?
Thanks for this video
AMen.!!!! In Jesus Holy Name.!!!
Beautiful word of God.....Amen.
God bless you and your ministry. This was very enlightening..thank you
Thank you for this enlightment.
were close enough the unsaved should be getting worried.. about now.. in our life time to.. going to heaven with a movie. we get to watch all of this happen right before our eyes. be not afraid.. God will see us through.. be strong in the lord...yall read his word every day. there's not that Meany left. dont waste the time we got left.. for thoes who lost there way. jesus left the light on for ya. its in his word,.. read it to get back on the right path.. stay safe brother.s and sisters. pack your bags Jesus is waiting see ya on the other side..
How many’s seals do you guys think have been opened
I am born again, through the receipt of baptism in the Holy Spirit, and when I prayed for wisdom when lockdown started in March 2020, I was immediately led to REVELATION 6 and reminded that the original translation of crown was corona. So the First Horseman has been conquering the world with corona for 18 months and the Second Horseman joined in with civil unrest. Now the Third Horseman is about to bring food shortages to the entire world. So we know what time it is don't we?
There isn't any seals opened. It will happen in tribulation
Don’t listen to any of these ppl
We in the third right now
Due to hyper inflation and food shortage
It’s gonna get worse
Government is burning crops and food distribution centers
The next seal will be worse
I believe that the scroll with the 7 seal's is the deed to the earth that when lucifer stole the kingship and queenship of the earth from Adam and Eve. Jesus is reclaiming the earth back but not without cleansing it from sin with fire. 🙏😁🙏
The SEALS are/ have been opening for hundreds of years they are opening THE LAMBS BOOK of LIFE!
The KINGS of the EARTH and the 5th seal martyrs are Key in understanding that the seals are HISTORICAL and current events. Up to the 6th seal they are NOT judgements !
The 5th seal martyrs prove that no judgement has come on the earth up to that seal, (Rev. 6:10) they ask God how long until he judges the earth.
The first seal being the Catholic Church which has conquered millions who call its priests “Father.” Has turned the simple gospel into its religion of works.
Now look at the Differences of THE KINGS OF THE EARTH; In the 6th seal, the Kings of the earth are FEARFUL and HIDING in their elite bunkers. Scripture says rocks and caves .
“And the KINGS OF THE EARTH , and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, HID THEMSELVES in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;”
Revelation 6:15 KJV
In a parallel passage, Matthew 24:30 says the tribes of the earth will MOURN.
When the sun and moon are darkened and the earth quakes as the dead are raised out of their graves, mankind will indeed be fearful, hide.
Men’s hearts will fail them for fear of what they see coming on the earth. (Luke 21:26)
HOWEVER, at the END, at ARMAGEDDON, these same KINGS OF THE EARTH, after being controlled by Satan are now WAGING WAR against Christ when he comes BACK WITH THE SAINTS.
Revelation 19:19 and I saw the beast and the KINGS OF THE EARTH and THEIR ARMIES , gathered together to make WAR against him that sat on the horse and against his army.
Clearly TWO completely different comings of the Lord.
1. 6th seal rapture
2. Armageddon
Note: Matthew 24:29-31 is the same rapture event as the 6th seal.
Job 5:19 He will deliver thee in six troubles, Yea in seven no evil will touch thee.
@@mcampbell4556 is the catholic church evil? Christ founded the church through St Peter the first pope. "Peter upon this rock I build my church"
@@trublu3483 "Thou art Petros and upon this Petra I will build my church." Jesus changed the words. Petra is feminine and cannot refer to Peter. The Rock is the testimony of the Lord, not a man. The church is built on Christ alone.
It is not “our” interpretation that we think through. It is what the Bible says.
Jezus want us to call him Master
Not him but God
I really wish that mankind will close the books and roll up the scrolls for it is the time of the Lord our God. He has sent a servant to except surrender of all armies and free all in bondage. It’s a new beginning not an end of time. Those that believe in love shall have it, those that believe in the all mighty will live forever and ever. The world will come to and end someday but he’s building another not to far away that’s paradise in comparison.
The third seal will be opened soon by the end of the year..
Actually my friend and I think only two more seals are left
I thought the bible teaches that God's not the author of confusion?
Think the 6th seal is next.
You are correct! The Third Horseman is bringing food shortages!
@@Rick-wy5mn be led by the Holy Spirit, not false teachers. The First Horseman started conquering the world in the Spring of 2020 with his bow and crown/corona. Then the Second joined in with civil unrest and now the Third will bring food shortages!
What if all of the seals are broken
God Bless you sir , you say it as it is . Clearly showing to those who follow Christ what is coming from our Father God . It is all the way from the start of the Old Testament to the end of the New Testament. Please Repent be ready , pray to be strong enough to stand with Christ now and when the apocalypse starts . Soo much of the World is deaf and blind to this , money and pride will not save you it will kill you. Give your money to those who need it to survive, help those in Gods name who are small and weak. Be humble. Do not look for glory or praise for great things you do or have done . They are Our Fathers work. Even the Apostles ran and hid and denied Christ , and they saw his miracles, what will you do in the same hour?
Just as King Xerxes's seal had to be broken, unleashing Haman's destruction of the Jews, so must the 7 seals be broken. Once a word is spoken, it can not be retracted, but it can be altered, as Jesus did, warned of, and added to.
My whole problem with that is the fact that all the religious people will be mad at the non-religious people for "what they have done to them" like you realize how many people have been needlessly murdered in the name of God right? More wars have been fought over religion than any other reason...
Where are we now? In the 7th seal?
None of the seals have been broken yet! All of those passages are talking about the end times. We are not at that period Yet in history.
In case ya'll haven't caught on...it's always been about the Sun.
@@adrianlopez3640 WRONG! It's Sun of God.
Oh shoot. Okay
The Son of God will be brighter than the sun when He returns but calling Him the sun is blasphemy!
where are we based on the book of revelation? please
Mh gace - I guess that we would all like to know the answer to that question. The only thing we know for sure is that we are closer today to Christ's return than we were yesterday. That sounds stupid except for the fact that in reality we should be living as though we expect Christ's return in 10 minutes. In other words conduct your life in a manner in which you would like Him to find you.
Jesus gave us signs that will be evident before His return and I personally believe that many of the prophecies that precede His return have already been fulfilled. However, the only thing that we know for sure is that He will keep His promise; He will return for us and it may be that His return will be very soon.
@@pursuegodvideo very true, I appreciate your reply!
If you're going to Blush blush HERE You won't RECOVER if you blush there
Are we in the 7 seals now?
Not yet, because the Peace Deal has not been finalised with Israel.
I'm convinced 1-4 have already happened, and I question 5. 6 is obviously not yet.
@@SwankyKitteh82 How do u know ? Is that your own opinion or do you have a Bible verse to prove it ?
@@SwankyKitteh82 At this point, I think we're on the 5th one...
No, we are NOT in the seals yet. Does anyone read the Bible? The first one is the anti-christ. He isn't revealed yet. Hello?
Those are the 7 chakras in our chromo system within our body when we meditate and make thine eye single (pineal Gland) our body gets filled with light ..God is Light we are one with the father!
Almost all 7s are connected Pluto is not a planet, the earth is not a planet, Uranus and Neptune should not be counted as planets, that leaves 7 planets including the sun and moon, how everything was predicted in the Bible, the 7 planets also match with the 7 days of the week, also look at the names of the days of the week in Spanish, they line up with the 7 planets which also line up perfectly with the 7 alchemical metals and the 7 chakras, God made 7s beloved, the number 7 is in the Bible Over 490 times, let me know if you have any questions
@I AM KAREN That is not biblical Christianity.
The SEALS are/ have been opening for hundreds of years they are opening THE LAMBS BOOK of LIFE!
The KINGS of the EARTH and the 5th seal martyrs are Key in understanding that the seals are HISTORICAL and current events. Up to the 6th seal they are NOT judgements !
The 5th seal martyrs prove that no judgement has come on the earth up to that seal, (Rev. 6:10) they are simply historical.
The first seal being the Catholic Church which has conquered millions who call its priests “Father.”
Now look at the Differences of THE KINGS OF THE EARTH; In the 6th seal and then at Armageddon.
At the 6th seal The Kings of the earth are FEARFUL and HIDING in their elite bunkers. Scripture says rocks and caves .
“And the KINGS OF THE EARTH , and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, HID THEMSELVES in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;”
Revelation 6:15 KJV
In a parallel passage, Matthew 24:30 says the tribes of the earth will MOURN.
When the sun and moon are darkened and the earth quakes as the dead are raised out of their graves, mankind will indeed be fearful, hide.
Men’s hearts will fail them for fear of what they see coming on the earth. (Luke 21:26)
HOWEVER, at the END, at ARMAGEDDON, these same KINGS OF THE EARTH, after being controlled by Satan are now WAGING WAR against Christ when he comes BACK WITH THE SAINTS.
Revelation 19:19 and I saw the beast and the KINGS OF THE EARTH and THEIR ARMIES , gathered together to make WAR against him that sat on the horse and against his army.
Clearly TWO completely different comings of the Lord.
1. 6th seal rapture
2. Armageddon
Note: Matthew 24:29-31 is the same rapture event as the 6th seal.
Job 5:19 He will deliver thee in six troubles, Yea in seven no evil will touch thee.
Some people think that the day of the lord and the day of christ are different. Day of christ is clearly explained by Paul to arrive after the man of sin has been revealed. It is also clearly descibed at the end of the sixth seal "the wrath of the lamb" the great day of his wrath has come - whos wrath? The lamb of course which is christ!
The events at the end of the sixth seal clearly match the 7th vial and that great day of God almighty.
The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great day of the lord - also the day of christ
The sixth/seventh seal day of wrath and armageddon cannot be separated.
The seals are a long term series of events tbat happen over a long time, and culminate in heaven being departed from (1/2 hour silence in heaven).
The olivet discourse explains what happens from Jesus time on earth to his return which correlates with the seals.
As soon as christ was risen false christs appeared (white horse), wars and rumours of wars (red horse), famines (black horse), sword, pestilence, death (pale horse) which is the result of the previous horses combined over time, and persecution and martyrdom (5th seal), jesus right then was describing the seals!
The trumpets and vials simply go into more detail about what happens in latter years.
The trumpets and bowls do not start after the after the 7th seal, they are contained within the seals
We are going in to the 6 seal coming between December and April 2020 3 days of Darkness.
@wolfen244 Brother that is not the case because the first four seals have opened up. Revelation is literal
Luke 21 is appointed to the jews in the tribulation, not the church. The jews flee to escape to the wilderness .its all written in revelation also
It's God and Satan's fight don't bring us into it we didn't do anything
Are you saying that you have never wronged anyone? Are you saying that the greed, corruption, hate and war that we see everywhere in our world has nothing to do with us?
I think the point was either a joke or pointing out how God and Satan are fighting a proxy war using humans as their pawns and seeing victory/defeat in what we do rather than just duking it out and figuring it out themselves. So humans get to suffer and die because God and Satan don't want to get their hands dirty.
@@renkol123 1st understand God can easily destroy the devil just as he can any of us, but God’s judgement doesn’t operate like ours. He is not quick to anger. We do know there’s an appointed time and place that God has set for such. 2nd it is creation as a whole that has corrupted itself, not just the devil. We all have freewill and we all will be held accountable for our own choices. 3rd The devil is only one of many fallen angel’s that rebelled, the Bible says 1/3 of angels fell with him. The Devil was just the first to do so. And Angels are held to an higher standard than humans because they know God personally and his eternal nature so there is no excuse for them to sin, therefore there is no redemption and there punishment is set in stone (lake of fire). So while some may see it as God vs the Devil, the reality is it is God the creator finally judging ALL of his creation, both great and small, once and for all. It’s not a versus, since no one even comes close to being more powerful than the Creator, he is forever undefeated.
The horses do not represent those things.. The horses have been identified. Stick to the Scriptures.
so violent....
Just son!! No violent
It sounds like today the first seal was broken
What do you mean
The First four have been broken, the fifth one is in heaven. We are waiting for the Sixth One.
Revelation 6:12-Revelation 6:17
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Middle east is getting crazy now...6th Seal now maybe?
Where is the 144000 I am here Number 1
Crown = Corona
The corona virus vaccine is going to be the mark of the beast, it’s going to have a microchip in it and it’s going to be implanted in the right hand, watch the video I made on that subject, soon you won’t be able to buy or sell without the vaccine because you’ll need the vaccine to enter grocery stores and pay for things once the dollar is purposely crashed by the government, look into Bill Gates Quantum Dot Tattoo Coronavirus Vaccine, literally everything about it was predicted in Revelation 13 16-18 to be the mark of the beast, everything about the vaccine is creepy, the 060606 Microsoft Patent Number, the fact that the active ingredient in the vaccine is the “Luciferase” Enzyme, it has a microchip and it’s implanted in the right hand (another creepy thing is if you look up RFID microchip, they are always implanted in the right hand and made for buying and selling, there is even a company that makes them called Three Square Market, that sounds similar to Threescore Mark, Threescore refers to 666 in the Bible, or 60, the middle 6 in 666, that’s why it’s sometimes read as Six Hundred Threescore and Six) there is also a corona testing machine called “The Beast” and the Bible says that the Beast will force everyone to get the mark of the beast and kill those who refuse, the government is talking about rolling out the military and declaring Marshal Law so they can go house to house and force everyone to get the mark of the beast vaccine, Bill Gates vaccine isn’t the only one with a microchip, there is also another one that the government ordered millions of syringes for and they say that the syringe has an RFID tag on it but I know it’s going to end up being in the vaccine, there is also another vaccine that has an “Optional” RFID Chip in it but how hard would it be to say that they are out of ones without the chip in it, do not let them give you the corona vaccine because then you’ll be accepting the mark of the beast and you’ll be selling your soul to Satan and you’ll go to hell when you die, I would rather die than take the corona vaccine
@@DARK_AMBIGUOUS yes i knew it please explain more
@@DARK_AMBIGUOUS You have no Evidence at all to back your claims sounds like you're way too religious The vaccine is saving lives you take it in your right or left arm not your right hand or your forehead.
@@terrycrosslin7866 the pentagon is making these microchips. Also bill gates had a patent on a microchip with the numerical value of 060606 which is the number of the beast. It is either here right now as initiation or is coming very alarmingly soon as well as the singular cryptocurrency and one world government aka globalism.
Pay your taxes 🙏🏽
Don’t take the certificate of vaccination. The government likes to call it COVID
I agree with you 100% on that. I might be wrong but I believe it could be a test of faith because Jesus God said never fear for I am with you and I believe that.
The vaccine is a leash from the government
John took LSD