People who rob banks, kill their spouses, or cheat on their taxes "believe" they have the right but they are held accountable. Just because you "believe" it doesn't make it true or right.
Re: civil war ... People have a romanticized notion of uniforms and trumpets and horses galloping with state boundaries neatly matching up with our political differences. A 21st century civil war in the US would be far more like an Iraq or Afghanistan insurgency with messy pockets of fighting and lawlessness in every state. Many "red" or "blue" states are in reality 60/40 splits or 55/45 splits. A kinetic civil war would absolutely devastate the United States. There would be no winner. But.. by some measures we are already in a non-kinetic war driven by obsession with party loyalty as opposed to critical thinking about costs and benefits. To this end the wagers of the war are those with hyper dogmatic extremely partisan views who are unable to compromise. That's maybe 15% of democrats and 95% of Republicans.
As with the so called war on Christmas or the "culture wars," only the Anti American extremists of the far right are fighting the new civil war. Because unlike the GOP (or more accurately the GQP), the Democratic Party is not a political cult hell bent on passing unpopular, undemocratic legislation and maintaining minority rule of the federal government into the foreseeable future.
I think if one of these yahoo militia groups were to try starting any sort of "kinetic" civil war they would be crushed flat a few seconds after they raised their rifles.
Guns aren't needed when replacing professionals with radical ideologues. The women running far more opportunistic, just in my hood, experience. The new book club/mommies club has political discussion, just as churches had religious discussion. FB/META preferred in groups. 🙃
The problem is this. It is far easier to con someone than it is to get them to ADMIT they were conned. The egos of the Trumpers is the greatest impediment to them actually embracing THE TRUTH.
Yes, and it almost must be an interrogation by the most skilled of interrogators, who can back that suspect into a corner, from which he has no options but to give up, or stop talking. If you haven't watched and are interested in good interrogation techniques: Canadian Air Forces Colonel Russell Williams on youtube is cleverly backed into a hole with no way out. I don't think he saw it coming. And he probably could not have been aggressively forced there.
Sometimes I do not even think they were conned and continuing to try and make it right...they have just found a weasel-ly way as a stubborn chorus, to force get their guy back in--they wanted this flawed swindler, thinking he was just a bigger, more successful version of these little businessmen cutting corners here and there--and not in actuality, the esulting ruins of a lifelong intended crook. He's offensive, loud, he's grand and swaggering, so that part seems harmless as he gets his way because they all think it us their wat, what they want. IT IS NOT. IF SUPPORTERS COULD SEE WHAT THEIR WORLD IN THEIR OWN TOWN WILL BE UNDER HIM AS AUTHORITARIAN...they would stop. See right now they think America is broke and broken, that democracy is miserable because poor people, bib-eirjng hard, intellectuals are drawing us of "free stuff". They have money enough to live well and get by. There will be no money for anyone under Putin's TOTALITARIAN state, deeds will be gathered up, gas vouchers handed us nothing they can imagine. We inky ever refer to oppressed societies as grifting politicians and murdering Nazis. We never talk about borders closed all the time Castro, or ships not coming in Argentina. And I believe the takeover/overthrow will happen this year not 2024--because now MANY see permanent appointments, and no elections...salivating. You say, why wouldn't they just certify him all over again in 2024 with the new laws allowing it? Because a force coup is EASIER, and the action on one day now rill REQUIRE the implementation of a whole bunch of horrors as excuse, suspend this, stop that, lock this, Outlaw that. In other words, it's easier, it's faster than waiting for old age to remove some...ITS NOW.
I’m a normal personal… if this doesn’t tell us we need to abolish the Electoral College, what will? We have no right to risk our Democracy and Constitution by not addressing this urgent concern. One person one vote. Social curtesy doesn’t exist in the GOP. The writing is on the wall. We must act! Reform elections. The will is there. We need Popular Vote only!!!
You understand that means the large states dominate the small states and there’s no longer any incentive for them to remain in the union, right? No one wants to be ruled by NYC and LA. We can just dissolve the country.
@@janerosenbaum5742 only epiphanies which are highly personal and seem to happen naturally in some and then of course there are always deprogramming. They're all already websites and services for the deprogramming of the Trump cult. There is a Reddit group with over 70k members of people quitting quanon, seeking help with wanting to do so and those who have already done it turning around to help the others coming in behind them back to sanity and reason. So there's always hope
I conversed casually with an anti-masker here, one day in 2020, in Southern Utah. S.Utah is deeply white supremacist, fundamentally right-wing. What I saw in her face + voice about her hating masks was an ebullience--that she had inside info, that she possessed secret knowledge setting her above ordinary citizens. It was eye-opening; I finally understood "Why?"
This is why the character of the president is so important. You can always disagree with policies and ideology but Trump is so dishonest, conniving and just a straight up lier. He completely missed the point of what the president stands for. All this over a made up situation. Such a pity.
Well yeah, but if he didn't have so many enablers who should know better we could believe it was a one off. But the fact that so many in Congress, even those that were in the Capitol at the time are still supporting him is terrifying.
I was born and raised in the United States. I've spent my entire life here. I have two great grandchildren and all my life I've believed we would continue to live in a democracy but I am no longer certain. What is going on now has me seriously considering moving my family out of the United States although I'm not sure where. We have already become an oligarchy but now we are in danger of living in a fascist autocracy. This really scares me and I really think it's time to get out of here. We are not even able to agree on the same set of facts so how can we expect to go back to being a democracy. A lot of this is because we let the Murdock media empire in. Since then politics has slowly become a game of fear and anger.
I'm with you. I was considering the idea of moving out of the country also, like maybe Canada. I'm not sure though that it's going to be a solution. This evil agenda seems to be infecting a big part of the world! I don't see this whole thing ending well, unless drastic steps are taken to thwart this monster of a sham!
Murdock media promotes and repeats online foreign disinformation. The bad actors are here right now and on every comment section having to do with American institutions.
Gellman: "And Trump is a deeply abnormal figure in our politics." A truer statement has probably never before been said in our times. Gellman's so correct when he says this that he deserves a high-five ten times over from President Biden. Seriously!
I’ve worked a few elections and I invite any of these million of people to do the same. The long day. The hyper awareness. The many rules and regs to follow. Integrity must be impeccable. Yet these millions upon millions of people don’t even bother to manage the elections in their own neighborhood. I worked election after election in a Republican stronghold. I knew that Republicans would have their say and way every single election. My only goal the same as everyone else who works on Election Day. To help facilitate the democratic process. That is all. These people are violent. With violence there is no democracy. Period. Let’s call it what it is. White supremacists upholding white supremacy.
Well Cats, look at it this way....perhaps after the 22 & 24 elections there won't be any need for you to work the polls during elections. You can spend that time in hiding.
What happens to one person one vote all votes count. How does that jive with the Electoral College? Whoever gets the most votes wins. The Electoral College has become a political weapon. Just count the popular vote.
Truth is truth. The Commonwealth Club is doing a noble service as an avenue of distributing the truth. Mr Gellman notes that the message of truth doesn't reach across news silos. This talk, among other direct actions, may help proclaim truth more directly. That you for this presentation.
The credulity of democrats to answer or even describe completely the effort to destabilize the U.S. foundational structure is amazing, and completely worrying. The violence being invited to visit not just the electorate but the halls where power is exercised is a reality that cannot be resolved by avoiding the actions currently being taken or have already has been put in place.
What do you suggest? We need creative minds with *CLEAR* plans, not just words or criticisms. Have you phoned your elected officials? I'm doing that today. 👍
It has been soooo hard to believe up to recently SBD now because WHY, WHY IN EARTH WOULD ANY AMERICAN W-A-A-NT A DICTATORSHIP/TOTALITARIAN/ AUTHOR I TAR A N got when we are the too if Democracy, our leaders have been admired and beloved by the hang around and sidle up to demanding, murdering Autocrats? Permanence, ni more 2yr terms for our 435member Congress forever campaigning, no endless arguments to nominate and expensively elect 4-8yr Presidents, no 3 branches... we pick the gut, and everyone falls in line, pulls them up by bootstraps, pays their way, if you can't afford house payment, local govt takes deed, you live there, no programs for immigrants. NO MORE ELECTIONS. That s his they got 'em...irresistible, permanent posts/authority/respect= we know what they need.That s strung theory d nnects every lunatic c assertion, every block vote NO, every rally, every lie. Just get there, don't let them stop you, you will see, we will be compassionately in charge, God's Rules though, forever.
Little question or perhaps an enormous question to all of my white str8 male brethren. If a good number of you are ALREADY frightened by the fact that in 15-30 years by JUST, " total population figures, " we will be the minority for the first time, in nearly 300 year's and given the behavior, speech and laws passed to, " slow this prominence death, " what laws are going to enacted or attempted to be enacted, what behavior and speech are you planning to do in 10-15 years when the actual changing to a minority in this country is on the cusp of occurring? Question #2. MOST of my white male brethren who have this, "fear, " seem to nearly universally be overly, " PATRIOTIC. " If this is an accurate description of you, can I assume you support above ALL things, no matter your political party affiliation, no matter the individual politician, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I think we could agree, THAT, is THE ultimate display of PATRIOTISM. As a result, wouldn't it be your main mission for ALL American citizens to be viewed equally in EVERY aspect of America? Whether it's thru the government, culture, society, education etc.. It seems this fear and the resulting speech, behavior and laws are the opposite of what our constitution and goal of the founders was/is. While the constitution never really mentions anyone other than white men, the founders were pretty explicit in saying the goal, the continued striving desire, should be to have ALL American citizens treated like us white Str8 men have been for our country's ENTIRE existence. It would seem to me some of my white str8 male brethren are doing the opposite of what would support that goal of a, " more perfect union. " It's more like some of my white str8 male brethren would rather not only not progress any further toward this, " more perfect union, " but they'd prefer going backward to an even LESS than perfect union IF YOUR NOT WHITE, STR8 AND MALE. Which even at the current moment, taking women into account, would be MORE THAN HALF THE COUNTRY being considered juuust a little less human than us. That doesn't sound like, " PATRIOTISM," to me. This fear seems very UNAMERICAN and just flat out weak. Are we as white men so weak, that unless we are on top of the food chain EVERYWHERE in America FOREVERMORE, that we fall apart? That we digress to speech, behavior and laws that aim to keep these, " lesser, " creatures from getting too close to equally human as American as we are? Isn't this antithetical to not only the constitution but our supposed superiority? If we are ACTUALLY superior wouldn't we not be phased if all others were in equal footing. Due to our supposed superiority we'd still end up on top, no? Food for thought. Eat up guys, it's DELICIOUS!
Like everything else with the new, blatantly 🤥 lying version of the Republicans, the fact they're doing all this right out in the open makes all of it doubly frustrating.
ApplePay option will probably boosts the amount of donations. I stopped when I was asked to enter credit card number. Last & not least, thank you for the great reporting 🙏
People keep bringing up 'hatred on both sides'. Why? I do not see anyone hating a Trump supporter. I do see people who do not agree with Trump supporters. I see people who do not want our country destroyed or a dictator put in the place of a president and are deeply concerned about the mental state of these individuals who don't comprehend that they are falling for lies. I also see people who are highly concerned with the espoused physical violence and verbal attacks by Trump supporters. The sooner we realize that there are not two sides. We don't take a bank robber to court and say, "there are two sides." Unless, of course, we are saying there is the legal, Constitutional side and the illegal Trump side.
Any of us are possibly subject to misplaced emotion or mental illness by virtue of being human. But I don't believe that is the issue. The main problem seems to be "alternative realities" or brainwashing if you will. It happened in Nazi Germany and seems to be happening here now. Those doing the brainwashing begin to believe their false theories as more and more people buy in to their rhetoric. I know we are at a critical juncture now but democracy is somewhat surviving. The way out will ultimately be the Democratic party rising up stronger and the courts holding these people legally accountable for their illegalities. Has anyone looked into Senator Manchin's possible illegal activities? And I'm not suggesting a witch hunt but something is not right there. I believe his own constituents are beginning to wake up and smell the stench. Those "alternative electors" who forged paperwork and illegally cast votes for Trump need to be held accountable.
They all know it's a lie--they HAVE to say we cheated in order to break all these lies. look at us out here "oh no, what can we do they still believe he won, and that is why they are gathering in hate?" Stop swallowing.
@@CynthiaWord-iq7in Actually, I don't think they are believing it because of anything we are saying, they are believing it because Trump has not been prosecuted. After all, they say, if he were guilty, he would have been prosecuted. "Trump hasn't been prosecuted therefore, he must be telling the truth." OR, if they admit Trump is the criminal he is, they have to face up to the stupidity of voting for a criminal. It's a deep hole the Republican Senate dig when they did not hold Trump accountable after each of his two impeachments.
Glenda you are right. THERE ARE NOT TWO SIDES HATING--I am astonished by thus repeated over and over. I am no longer puzzled by it though...McConnell's speech last night regarding a carve-out of filibuster just enough to pass voting rights protections, was breath-takingly projection. We are losing our country to willful Authoritarians.
there's got to be a term in psychology for what gellman is describing where a person latches onto the first so-called expertise to influence them and then distrusts the expertise that is at odds with what they have embraced. be nice if schools could teach a course in thinking and reason that would make kids aware of this common problem that i think we all have.
It's called the "availability heuristic" , it's a well-known cognitive bias and it behaves (or we behave) exactly as you describe. Heuristics are like mental shortcuts that save us the trouble of re-thinking everything, but this one is obviously not helpful.
@@wilhouts6173 David Roddis 8 days ago (edited) It's called the "availability heuristic" , it's a well-known cognitive bias and it behaves (or we behave) exactly as you describe. Heuristics are like mental shortcuts that save us the trouble of re-thinking everything, but this one is obviously not helpful.
That's for afterwards. We need to be preparing for a short violent period of civil unrest. Short, because the first items on the list of who controls what will be nuclear weapons facilities. If the federal government starts losing control of those... there are two nations I can think of right out of the gate that lost tens of millions of their people to aggressive Fascist governments less than seventy years ago. And you thought it was just civil war.
I believe that would be branded and defined as "brainwashing". Of course there are people who don't need brainwashed for they are same believers and instigators themselves
Justice for Jan6? Seriously? FBI needs to track down PAC,. political action committee funding. Violence and disruption can't be okay when contributing to candidate. Isn't money laundering/racketeering a crime?
...and what about Hannity practically acting as Trump's Sec of State then propagandizing every night on FOX News?? No wonder we're in such a mess. Hannity and even Fox should be run off the air! England kicked the Murdochs out of their country for spreading the fear, mistrust and blatant lies.... let's do it here!!
Yes, partisan government I understand. There's Democrats, Republicans, Independents and a variety of special interest parties. THEN you have the FASCIST who don't accept sharing power with any of the beforehand mentioned parties .Hitler ring a bell?
Adults, as a rule, never change their value system. At times they may, after suffering a catastrophic loss, such as a spouse, child, parent or limb, but even loss or gain of great fortune is not at all likely to change a spendthrift into a saver. Values are instilled during early childhood by powerful influencers such as parents, siblings, teachers and clergy. Values are considered immutable, an element of personality rather than a skill or life-skill that can be trained or extinguished. Trying to get someone to change their values is perceived by them as an attack on their personality; we are all very heavily biased in thinking that we have done right rather than wrong. Beware of wishful thinking, and good luck in all you do.
Cult de-programing people say, the best steps to bring cult followers back to functioning society are to 1) unplug person from echo chamber 2) LOVE 3) Improve their personal individual financial / living situation; which empowers self-esteem 4) They MUST arrive at the answer on their OWN. ( #4 is what makes the change last)
Early into this conversation I feel that the idea of what a democray could be is in the Republican and their corporate overlords bathtub full of water.
While you guys debate the finer points of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, our electoral system is being upended through a variety of means. Through a well coordinated national effort that doesn't leave out any states. These people don't care about evidence based conversations or thinking for that matter. The goal is minority rule, not good faith dialogue based on facts. And if those of us who care and cherish our country's ideals, and the democratic process as a fundamental mechanism for defending and empowering those values, like the notion that all people are created equal and share fundamental rights, don't get serious about these very clear and present dangers, we are going to lose our Republic. So just keep talking and trying to reach out to fascists.
I agree José. And when people fail to see any menace in "their side" minority rule, U remains and them is of two things or three essential facts, for thus to take permanent hold, they need at least a loud, disruptive, damaging, halting, even violent portion to support their so-called authoritarian- unConstututional remedies "give us permission and we will fix it," before they turn on you guys' with money (we have nothing for them to take from us except our half paid off deeds, and they always do that pro forma, our book-learning is so outlawed already, it's practically unusable), then they willfully wield dominance over you...and finally in life that we have seen in varying groups and numbers is the phenomenal control by a minority if one seemingly impossible is the lone gunman in a siege as entire stores/schools/workplaces huddle in fear. The stated need/plan/demand/aggression for any outsized power over a cooperative group/nation of two essential parties...should not only be suspect as to why their set of prohibitions are denied, desired, and proposed as necessary. Why do they need such power. Presidents need less. Supremes need less, not 1/9th of consent, but 1/15th to reflect all voices...AND THE OPPODITION FIGHT TO SAVE YOUR DEMOCRACY FROM A NARROW POLITBUREAU/WITH ONLY ONE STATE TV/KREMIN POLICE FORCE, SHOULD BE VOCAL, AND MIGHTY--95% never-seen-before turnout, or we have already seen our last election.
We have agreed upon Laws for our society/civilization. If you don’t agree, we have agreed you support your representative to go change the laws instead of justifying breaking the law. “The Great Replacement”, sounds like what the march in Charlottesville was saying, “Jews will not replace us.” Fear is not a good motive. How does violence solve the problem. Is this the last gasp of American Apartheid. If so, we have a chance to grow and evolve into a democracy of We The People standing for freedom and liberty for all men. An agreed upon system, if not what do we want/have.?
I hope everyone who participated in January 6 in selection insurrection should no that most foreign governments also know who they are now and they probably will not be allowed in their country Canada is declared everybody who participates participated in that insurrection is a terrorist and they cannot come on Canadian soil a lot of countries now have declared the Republican party a terrorist organization we need to do the same
Let us always align ourselves with what is TRUE and in Balance with the principles of coherent enlightened Values , Ethics and Morals that comport to the Ideals of Unity , Mutual Cooperation, Human Solidarity and Peace for all citizens on our world !
He gives us eyes yet we cannot see. A metaphysical war is on the horizon, and humanity is to blame. No one is innocent; our arrogance will come back to haunt us.
I was brought up with the understanding that violence solves nothing. Today, children are told to use their words. I, like many other people, was horrified by the violence that took place on Jan.6, 2021. I want to see justice, not mercy, done. I have mercy for many people, but none for Trump.
Mercy begins when you have STOPPED recruiting with lies, swindling for donations with plans to overthrow/pardon, admit you selfishly wanted/needed to hold into power leaned in by outside govts/threats--because we know all this...and you will not demand unconditional fealty from anyone running for office in our country. Shut-up inciting overthrow first, and state your contrition and regret last.
@@CynthiaWord-iq7in I somehow doubt that that's where mercy begins. It seems to me that mercy begins with empathy. Empathy can be defined as the ability to identify with another person, to put yourself in their place..If what you wrote is where mercy begins, where does it end? Trump has none and has never had any. It is his delusion that anyone cares about him. So he cares about no one but himself.This is why I do not support Trump or any person that is only interested in adding to their own power, by hook or by crook. Trump seems to have done it by crook.
@@martinze11 I thought we were talking about forgiving/showing mercy TO Trump & his criminals....say, when they are tried/convicted, AFTER THEY HAVE STOPPED COMMITTING THE ONGOING INCITFUL CRIME for how WE would act/react. And no, I don't think he has any mercy for others, or even the less fortunate, in him--that's why I said for grace, he should begin by STOPPING his tirade, he can't even get to there.
@@CynthiaWord-iq7in That is correct. I don't disagree. That is what we were talking about. But after over four years of allowing Trump to have his say, I have had enough. I am at the end of any empathy for him that I may have had. That seems to be where my, at any rate, empathy ends. The current problem seems to be that Trump desires to retain his power over his adopted party. I have several things in common with Trump, Not the least of which is that he and I were brought up in the same city. In my own travels, I might have even driven past the house that he was brought up in, in Queens. When Trump wanted to disparage "coastal elites" I wanted to remind him that he is also from a coastal city. Even if his adopted residence is Florida. I am deeply ashamed of him and what he has done to our great nation, not to mention my city, but I try to not allow that to cloud my own empathy for other people. I can see that you do also.
@@martinze11 I agree with all that you have said. born in Florida, I left Jud before Reagan got in, as hippies began their upwardly mobile yuppie trek, lived 6ys. Philadelphia and over 20 in Manhattan (he was known as vulgar in both places, P: DonKing/Milken-casino junk, and NYC: Never made a contribution without a plaque/not ever seen at a BrookeAstor party...not in a snobbish way, only an elegant shunning by the truly altruistic families who have made the city of supported museums, a force to behold), it is ghastly that he claims such a pedigree after running so many trades into bankruptcy by not paying them. Thanks for your inside info, hope any jury chosen for whatever crimes they manage to indict, have your encompassing judgement, and thanks for reading.
I think it's not opportune to use the words "alternative facts" any longer. They describe the position from the side of the betrayed by lies. Name a lie a lie. Justice shouldn't wait longer to verify the truth. Who than opposes violent has to face the appropriate consequences.
We need to not have Electors and we should just go by the Popular vote. No more Electoral Colleges. Over 100 years ago it wasn’t as easy to collect and count every single persons vote. Now we have that power and we should use it. Then every single person is equal and is able to participate in who becomes President.
Which one of you smart fellow Americans can answer my question ? First a bit about me. Iam a Noncustodial parent of 2 woman 38 and 40 years old. Here is my question. Since November 17 1997 the Department of Human services has Been take my money the first time the amount was $125,000 This took me 10 years to pay through money orders, wage garnished state and federal taxes refunds offsets. 10 years. Then i received a letter From DHS Oklahoma Saying i owed $30.000 In intrest. I was never in a courtroom or in front of a judge . one phone call in November of 1997. Finally 2 years ago i was able to get one piece of paper from comanche county Oklahoma I'm not paying interest. Its a judgement against me put in motion by a judicial administrator. Called a friend of the court.. What does that mean? That's not my question My question is this. How come no one at DHS CSS OKLAHOMA DHS. The IRS the US Treasury can tell me How Much Money Has Been Collected From Me? I am one of millions Of Noncustodial parents. I was a life long Democrats If i had the money I would have been At the capital on January 6th Santos Rivera Seaside California.
It sounds like you didn’t willingly pay child support when they were children. You still have to pay what you owe. It doesn’t matter how old they are now! I’ve never heard of interest being charged for this, however. If you had other court violations and were on probation, that’s when they charge for administrative and perhaps interest. Ask an attorney. An initial appointment is usually no charge.
You know what's frustrating?? Republican TRUMP political ads in Texas endorsing the top three corrupt incumbents for re-election. Enough to make you vomit knowing there's 8 more months of it ahead .
Our government was NEVER meant to be a democracy. Our constitution gaurantees us the right to a Republic. As a "Lecturer" at a law school you should know this. This just goes to show who you people really are.
Another troll trying to “train” Americans to not use that bad word…DEMOCRACY! “We’re a republic”. That’s about as meaningful as the “no seperation between church and state “, or “there’s no such thing as an automatic weapon”.
America is quickly heading down the road to authoritarianism and fascism. There is not much Californians can do to slow or stop this, so our energies now should be focused on concrete steps we can take to protect ourselves as America declines, up to and including asserting our independence and seeking international recognition as a sovereign state.
The states are already authoritarian...legislatures can make a lit if things fascist without federal oversight. States all preside over their cities/counties/districts and can appoint flat out crooks&criminals to local positions if not enough people object.
Hold on everyone!! There's no takeover ever gonna happen. You forget one thing and that is Americans are spoiled. If anyone or anything comes between them and their rights to do pretty much what they want there will be HELL to pay!!
Watch the refs in mid and high school games? Man,.this red.organization DOES go deep. Vouchers, private, non unionized public school has been 🔻Red goal since '80s. Most I talk to HATE paying taxes, especially property taxes. Power to Progressive Teachers, today's T-shirt.
Does anyone remember when the conservatives raged against the "godless communists" who said something like give me your child for their first seven years and the child will be mine forever? Anyone know when they converted to a faith in indoctrination? Did it have anything to do with Reagan's insisting that all republicans unite in their aims? The Russian (and Nazi) tactic has already won the hearts and minds of our less numerous party. The GQP is trying to shut out everyone else from their say in governing. They are the fasces bundled about the handle of the ax of authority. At this moment, trump represents the authoritative ax in the center of their bundle. When he is gone, as he will be eventually, someone(s) will jump in to wrest his place from the throng while the dust settles. We need to drain this abscess in our body politic.
Nope they are minority--plain and stubborn truth is that they want people to act right, LIKE THEM, adhering to strict theological rules of newish, religious cults in Christianity, and over written Bible.
Both Trump supporters and rational people in general would agree that democracy requires voters with foresight and good judgement. What distinguishes these characteristics is the Micawber Threshold. Let's require that voters have 6-12 months of reserve capital - kind of like the economic stress test imposed on banks after 2008 recession.
@@marlonstjohn I've read that Paine was one of three that rejected the current Constitution in favor of the previous one, and who also liked universal basic income. Neither initiative got much support among the founders. I would be interested in reasons why universal suffrage is the best way to select representatives, especially considering how ingroup biases, motivated reasoning, prejudices and susceptibility to only the most salient issues dominates our general elections. Asking only those with the foresight to at least maintain a positive cash-flow and save for inevitable shocks, to select representatives would be a big improvement.
@@freerovingbovine Paine’s proposal for a basic income was one he put forward in revolutionary France, not in America. Prior to the revolution, all the estates in France had pretty much excused themselves from taxation except for the working class and peasantry. They were paying for everything. Paine favored progressive taxation. It must also be noted that the first abolitionist pamphlet in colonial America was published in a paper Paine edited. It was an anonymous entry, but many feel he was the author. He did not believe in human bondage of any sort, whether it be a king or any so called master. He called for universal suffrage in both America and France as he felt that anyone who is subject to a law of the state should have a vote as to who should make the law.
@@marlonstjohn Thanks for the reply. I like the idea that those under the law should have something to say about the law, but it wasn't until the 16th amendment that that became relevant. My favorite founder is Gouverneur Morris. My favorite phrase he wrote is ", and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity". Some 56% of us (down from 70% pre-pandemic stimulus) don't have $1,000 from avoiding homeless or indentured slavery. We have a long way to go before we can claim 185 million Americans have have secured liberty. Anything we do to to get more people to save would be a nudge in that direction. Why not a Universal 401k? Capitalism secures liberty, but only for those with capital. But a job or welfare secures only dependency.
@@freerovingbovine I own a small business and I am a capitalist, but liberty belongs to all. It is not contingent on our financial position. The tax I pay does is not dues for some exclusive club that grants me privileges as there are some who have given so much more than their money and received only a free flag on their casket for their efforts. I don’t understand why you wish to conflate our economic system with our means of governance. They are not one and the same. If so, that could mean that the affluent are entitled to a different justice, different educational opportunities, and are entitled to secure better blessings than perhaps others. That is no nation I want to live in.
So this point was mentioned: Whites have a problem because they're slowly losing hold of the majority status --> so what's the fear in that? That is critical to know ... use Socratic questioning; otherwise, we will never be able to solve this problem. Gotta find out the root cause of this fear.
People who rob banks, kill their spouses, or cheat on their taxes "believe" they have the right but they are held accountable. Just because you "believe" it doesn't make it true or right.
Excellent conversation lads. Thank u for all u do. Long live democracy!
Re: civil war ... People have a romanticized notion of uniforms and trumpets and horses galloping with state boundaries neatly matching up with our political differences. A 21st century civil war in the US would be far more like an Iraq or Afghanistan insurgency with messy pockets of fighting and lawlessness in every state. Many "red" or "blue" states are in reality 60/40 splits or 55/45 splits. A kinetic civil war would absolutely devastate the United States. There would be no winner. But.. by some measures we are already in a non-kinetic war driven by obsession with party loyalty as opposed to critical thinking about costs and benefits. To this end the wagers of the war are those with hyper dogmatic extremely partisan views who are unable to compromise. That's maybe 15% of democrats and 95% of Republicans.
As with the so called war on Christmas or the "culture wars," only the Anti American extremists of the far right are fighting the new civil war. Because unlike the GOP (or more accurately the GQP), the Democratic Party is not a political cult hell bent on passing unpopular, undemocratic legislation and maintaining minority rule of the federal government into the foreseeable future.
I think if one of these yahoo militia groups were to try starting any sort of "kinetic" civil war they would be crushed flat a few seconds after they raised their rifles.
Vulpeculae, thank you. Well said.
Guns aren't needed when replacing professionals with radical ideologues. The women running far more opportunistic, just in my hood, experience. The new book club/mommies club has political discussion, just as churches had religious discussion. FB/META preferred in groups. 🙃
Most compelling piece.Thankfully WE have your voices.Much clarity spoken!
The problem is this. It is far easier to con someone than it is to get them to ADMIT they were conned. The egos of the Trumpers is the greatest impediment to them actually embracing THE TRUTH.
Yes, and it almost must be an interrogation by the most skilled of interrogators, who can back that suspect into a corner, from which he has no options but to give up, or stop talking.
If you haven't watched and are interested in good interrogation techniques: Canadian Air Forces Colonel Russell Williams on youtube is cleverly backed into a hole with no way out. I don't think he saw it coming. And he probably could not have been aggressively forced there.
Barnum and Bailey built a business on your theory.
Truth? Like the Mueller "investigation"🤭
Willfully ignorant.
Sometimes I do not even think they were conned and continuing to try and make it right...they have just found a weasel-ly way as a stubborn chorus, to force get their guy back in--they wanted this flawed swindler, thinking he was just a bigger, more successful version of these little businessmen cutting corners here and there--and not in actuality, the esulting ruins of a lifelong intended crook. He's offensive, loud, he's grand and swaggering, so that part seems harmless as he gets his way because they all think it us their wat, what they want. IT IS NOT. IF SUPPORTERS COULD SEE WHAT THEIR WORLD IN THEIR OWN TOWN WILL BE UNDER HIM AS AUTHORITARIAN...they would stop. See right now they think America is broke and broken, that democracy is miserable because poor people, bib-eirjng hard, intellectuals are drawing us of "free stuff". They have money enough to live well and get by. There will be no money for anyone under Putin's TOTALITARIAN state, deeds will be gathered up, gas vouchers handed us nothing they can imagine. We inky ever refer to oppressed societies as grifting politicians and murdering Nazis. We never talk about borders closed all the time Castro, or ships not coming in Argentina. And I believe the takeover/overthrow will happen this year not 2024--because now MANY see permanent appointments, and no elections...salivating. You say, why wouldn't they just certify him all over again in 2024 with the new laws allowing it? Because a force coup is EASIER, and the action on one day now rill REQUIRE the implementation of a whole bunch of horrors as excuse, suspend this, stop that, lock this, Outlaw that. In other words, it's easier, it's faster than waiting for old age to remove some...ITS NOW.
You would think that would be fair and just but apparently the rural Americans get to have more valuable votes than others.
@@tubegirl25 the republicans count in their guns to back up their votes?
I’m a normal personal… if this doesn’t tell us we need to abolish the Electoral College, what will? We have no right to risk our Democracy and Constitution by not addressing this urgent concern. One person one vote. Social curtesy doesn’t exist in the GOP. The writing is on the wall. We must act! Reform elections. The will is there. We need Popular Vote only!!!
You understand that means the large states dominate the small states and there’s no longer any incentive for them to remain in the union, right? No one wants to be ruled by NYC and LA. We can just dissolve the country.
People will believe what they WANT to believe. No amount of logic will sway an emotional mindset, unfortunately.
Like the Russia hoax?
Nothing penetrates a cult mentality.
@@janerosenbaum5742 only epiphanies which are highly personal and seem to happen naturally in some and then of course there are always deprogramming. They're all already websites and services for the deprogramming of the Trump cult. There is a Reddit group with over 70k members of people quitting quanon, seeking help with wanting to do so and those who have already done it turning around to help the others coming in behind them back to sanity and reason. So there's always hope
I conversed casually with an anti-masker here, one day in 2020, in Southern Utah. S.Utah is deeply white supremacist, fundamentally right-wing. What I saw in her face + voice about her hating masks was an ebullience--that she had inside info, that she possessed secret knowledge setting her above ordinary citizens. It was eye-opening; I finally understood "Why?"
@@MidnightRambler where trump asked russia for help to steal an election and it worked?
This is why the character of the president is so important. You can always disagree with policies and ideology but Trump is so dishonest, conniving and just a straight up lier. He completely missed the point of what the president stands for. All this over a made up situation. Such a pity.
Well yeah, but if he didn't have so many enablers who should know better we could believe it was a one off. But the fact that so many in Congress, even those that were in the Capitol at the time are still supporting him is terrifying.
I was born and raised in the United States. I've spent my entire life here. I have two great grandchildren and all my life I've believed we would continue to live in a democracy but I am no longer certain. What is going on now has me seriously considering moving my family out of the United States although I'm not sure where. We have already become an oligarchy but now we are in danger of living in a fascist autocracy. This really scares me and I really think it's time to get out of here. We are not even able to agree on the same set of facts so how can we expect to go back to being a democracy. A lot of this is because we let the Murdock media empire in. Since then politics has slowly become a game of fear and anger.
I've considered a move too. Maybe even to a different state.
You can't have an oligarchy and a democracy at the same time.
I'm with you. I was considering the idea of moving out of the country also, like maybe Canada. I'm not sure though that it's going to be a solution. This evil agenda seems to be infecting a big part of the world! I don't see this whole thing ending well, unless drastic steps are taken to thwart this monster of a sham!
Murdock media promotes and repeats online foreign disinformation. The bad actors are here right now and on every comment section having to do with American institutions.
Gellman: "And Trump is a deeply abnormal figure in our politics." A truer statement has probably never before been said in our times. Gellman's so correct when he says this that he deserves a high-five ten times over from President Biden. Seriously!
I’ve worked a few elections and I invite any of these million of people to do the same. The long day. The hyper awareness. The many rules and regs to follow. Integrity must be impeccable. Yet these millions upon millions of people don’t even bother to manage the elections in their own neighborhood. I worked election after election in a Republican stronghold. I knew that Republicans would have their say and way every single election. My only goal the same as everyone else who works on Election Day. To help facilitate the democratic process. That is all.
These people are violent. With violence there is no democracy. Period. Let’s call it what it is. White supremacists upholding white supremacy.
Well Cats, look at it this way....perhaps after the 22 & 24 elections there won't be any need for you to work the polls during elections. You can spend that time in hiding.
Thank you Barton, I feel the same way about the truth serum idea. Our “leaders???” Know the truth but don’t want to say.
A very interesting conversation, although rather horrifying.
What happens to one person one vote all votes count. How does that jive with the Electoral College? Whoever gets the most votes wins. The Electoral College has become a political weapon. Just count the popular vote.
Truth is truth. The Commonwealth Club is doing a noble service as an avenue of distributing the truth. Mr Gellman notes that the message of truth doesn't reach across news silos. This talk, among other direct actions, may help proclaim truth more directly. That you for this presentation.
The credulity of democrats to answer or even describe completely the effort to destabilize the U.S. foundational structure is amazing, and completely worrying. The violence being invited to visit not just the electorate but the halls where power is exercised is a reality that cannot be resolved by avoiding the actions currently being taken or have already has been put in place.
What do you suggest? We need creative minds with *CLEAR* plans, not just words or criticisms. Have you phoned your elected officials? I'm doing that today. 👍
It has been soooo hard to believe up to recently SBD now because WHY, WHY IN EARTH WOULD ANY AMERICAN W-A-A-NT A DICTATORSHIP/TOTALITARIAN/ AUTHOR I TAR A N got when we are the too if Democracy, our leaders have been admired and beloved by the hang around and sidle up to demanding, murdering Autocrats?
Permanence, ni more 2yr terms for our 435member Congress forever campaigning, no endless arguments to nominate and expensively elect 4-8yr Presidents, no 3 branches... we pick the gut, and everyone falls in line, pulls them up by bootstraps, pays their way, if you can't afford house payment, local govt takes deed, you live there, no programs for immigrants. NO MORE ELECTIONS.
That s his they got 'em...irresistible, permanent posts/authority/respect= we know what they need.That s strung theory d nnects every lunatic c assertion, every block vote NO, every rally, every lie.
Just get there, don't let them stop you, you will see, we will be compassionately in charge, God's Rules though, forever.
Lock him up now
Little question or perhaps an enormous question to all of my white str8 male brethren. If a good number of you are ALREADY frightened by the fact that in 15-30 years by JUST, " total population figures, " we will be the minority for the first time, in nearly 300 year's and given the behavior, speech and laws passed to, " slow this prominence death, " what laws are going to enacted or attempted to be enacted, what behavior and speech are you planning to do in 10-15 years when the actual changing to a minority in this country is on the cusp of occurring? Question #2. MOST of my white male brethren who have this, "fear, " seem to nearly universally be overly, " PATRIOTIC. " If this is an accurate description of you, can I assume you support above ALL things, no matter your political party affiliation, no matter the individual politician, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I think we could agree, THAT, is THE ultimate display of PATRIOTISM. As a result, wouldn't it be your main mission for ALL American citizens to be viewed equally in EVERY aspect of America? Whether it's thru the government, culture, society, education etc.. It seems this fear and the resulting speech, behavior and laws are the opposite of what our constitution and goal of the founders was/is. While the constitution never really mentions anyone other than white men, the founders were pretty explicit in saying the goal, the continued striving desire, should be to have ALL American citizens treated like us white Str8 men have been for our country's ENTIRE existence. It would seem to me some of my white str8 male brethren are doing the opposite of what would support that goal of a, " more perfect union. " It's more like some of my white str8 male brethren would rather not only not progress any further toward this, " more perfect union, " but they'd prefer going backward to an even LESS than perfect union IF YOUR NOT WHITE, STR8 AND MALE. Which even at the current moment, taking women into account, would be MORE THAN HALF THE COUNTRY being considered juuust a little less human than us. That doesn't sound like, " PATRIOTISM," to me. This fear seems very UNAMERICAN and just flat out weak. Are we as white men so weak, that unless we are on top of the food chain EVERYWHERE in America FOREVERMORE, that we fall apart? That we digress to speech, behavior and laws that aim to keep these, " lesser, " creatures from getting too close to equally human as American as we are? Isn't this antithetical to not only the constitution but our supposed superiority? If we are ACTUALLY superior wouldn't we not be phased if all others were in equal footing. Due to our supposed superiority we'd still end up on top, no? Food for thought. Eat up guys, it's DELICIOUS!
Like everything else with the new, blatantly 🤥 lying version of the Republicans, the fact they're doing all this right out in the open makes all of it doubly frustrating.
ApplePay option will probably boosts the amount of donations.
I stopped when I was asked to enter credit card number.
Last & not least, thank you for the great reporting 🙏
Maybe it is about time that we start calling them what they have been calling us for over two years: enemies...
Specifcally enemies of the state=against democracy.
@@CynthiaWord-iq7in Exactly. If they aren't hiding it anymore, why should we?
Great, when's the poll fisticuffs begin - in 22 or wait till 24?
@@johntodd8854 The more we wait, the worse they will become and the tougher they will be to remove.....
People keep bringing up 'hatred on both sides'. Why? I do not see anyone hating a Trump supporter. I do see people who do not agree with Trump supporters. I see people who do not want our country destroyed or a dictator put in the place of a president and are deeply concerned about the mental state of these individuals who don't comprehend that they are falling for lies. I also see people who are highly concerned with the espoused physical violence and verbal attacks by Trump supporters. The sooner we realize that there are not two sides. We don't take a bank robber to court and say, "there are two sides." Unless, of course, we are saying there is the legal, Constitutional side and the illegal Trump side.
Any of us are possibly subject to misplaced emotion or mental illness by virtue of being human. But I don't believe that is the issue. The main problem seems to be "alternative realities" or brainwashing if you will. It happened in Nazi Germany and seems to be happening here now. Those doing the brainwashing begin to believe their false theories as more and more people buy in to their rhetoric. I know we are at a critical juncture now but democracy is somewhat surviving. The way out will ultimately be the Democratic party rising up stronger and the courts holding these people legally accountable for their illegalities. Has anyone looked into Senator Manchin's possible illegal activities? And I'm not suggesting a witch hunt but something is not right there. I believe his own constituents are beginning to wake up and smell the stench. Those "alternative electors" who forged paperwork and illegally cast votes for Trump need to be held accountable.
@@smokeykitty6023 well spoken.
They all know it's a lie--they HAVE to say we cheated in order to break all these lies. look at us out here "oh no, what can we do they still believe he won, and that is why they are gathering in hate?"
Stop swallowing.
@@CynthiaWord-iq7in Actually, I don't think they are believing it because of anything we are saying, they are believing it because Trump has not been prosecuted. After all, they say, if he were guilty, he would have been prosecuted. "Trump hasn't been prosecuted therefore, he must be telling the truth." OR, if they admit Trump is the criminal he is, they have to face up to the stupidity of voting for a criminal. It's a deep hole the Republican Senate dig when they did not hold Trump accountable after each of his two impeachments.
Glenda you are right. THERE ARE NOT TWO SIDES HATING--I am astonished by thus repeated over and over. I am no longer puzzled by it though...McConnell's speech last night regarding a carve-out of filibuster just enough to pass voting rights protections, was breath-takingly projection. We are losing our country to willful Authoritarians.
there's got to be a term in psychology for what gellman is describing where a person latches onto the first so-called expertise to influence them and then distrusts the expertise that is at odds with what they have embraced. be nice if schools could teach a course in thinking and reason that would make kids aware of this common problem that i think we all have.
It's called the "availability heuristic" , it's a well-known cognitive bias and it behaves (or we behave) exactly as you describe. Heuristics are like mental shortcuts that save us the trouble of re-thinking everything, but this one is obviously not helpful.
Yes, it is a course called “Critical Thinking.” Still taught.
David Roddis
8 days ago (edited)
It's called the "availability heuristic" , it's a well-known cognitive bias and it behaves (or we behave) exactly as you describe. Heuristics are like mental shortcuts that save us the trouble of re-thinking everything, but this one is obviously not helpful.
That's for afterwards. We need to be preparing for a short violent period of civil unrest. Short, because the first items on the list of who controls what will be nuclear weapons facilities. If the federal government starts losing control of those... there are two nations I can think of right out of the gate that lost tens of millions of their people to aggressive Fascist governments less than seventy years ago. And you thought it was just civil war.
I believe that would be branded and defined as "brainwashing". Of course there are people who don't need brainwashed for they are same believers and instigators themselves
These are scary 😨 people and we will have to confront them eventually and we will.
Justice for Jan6? Seriously? FBI needs to track down PAC,. political action committee funding. Violence and disruption can't be okay when contributing to candidate. Isn't money laundering/racketeering a crime?
What about pillow man and Koch, they are out in the open with funding.
...and what about Hannity practically acting as Trump's Sec of State then propagandizing every night on FOX News?? No wonder we're in such a mess. Hannity and even Fox should be run off the air! England kicked the Murdochs out of their country for spreading the fear, mistrust and blatant lies.... let's do it here!!
You cannot remove partisan politics from this. The form of government we have in the US is the most partisan discussion you can have.
This has not always been true. Partisan and bipartisan legislatures have come into and out of favor over time.
What works?
Yes, partisan government I understand. There's Democrats, Republicans, Independents and a variety of special interest parties. THEN you have the FASCIST who don't accept sharing power with any of the beforehand mentioned parties .Hitler ring a bell?
Lawyers: the law is absolute, you shall not break it.
Also lawyers: let's reinterpret this word "democracy"
This is very depressing.
...but it's real...
You ain't seen nuthin yet.
@@jefftheriault3914 Likely...
Dunning and Krueger play a part in this as well.
Adults, as a rule, never change their value system. At times they may, after suffering a catastrophic loss, such as a spouse, child, parent or limb, but even loss or gain of great fortune is not at all likely to change a spendthrift into a saver. Values are instilled during early childhood by powerful influencers such as parents, siblings, teachers and clergy. Values are considered immutable, an element of personality rather than a skill or life-skill that can be trained or extinguished. Trying to get someone to change their values is perceived by them as an attack on their personality; we are all very heavily biased in thinking that we have done right rather than wrong. Beware of wishful thinking, and good luck in all you do.
My God we're going to lose our democracy to these feeble minded traitors
In so far as the challenge to constitutional law, the electors, and state legislatures are concerned, I say to these folks FAFO.
Cult de-programing people say, the best steps to bring cult followers back to functioning society are to 1) unplug person from echo chamber 2) LOVE 3) Improve their personal individual financial / living situation; which empowers self-esteem 4) They MUST arrive at the answer on their OWN. ( #4 is what makes the change last)
Early into this conversation I feel that the idea of what a democray could be is in the Republican and their corporate overlords bathtub full of water.
There went our baby?
While you guys debate the finer points of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, our electoral system is being upended through a variety of means. Through a well coordinated national effort that doesn't leave out any states. These people don't care about evidence based conversations or thinking for that matter. The goal is minority rule, not good faith dialogue based on facts. And if those of us who care and cherish our country's ideals, and the democratic process as a fundamental mechanism for defending and empowering those values, like the notion that all people are created equal and share fundamental rights, don't get serious about these very clear and present dangers, we are going to lose our Republic. So just keep talking and trying to reach out to fascists.
I agree José. And when people fail to see any menace in "their side" minority rule, U remains and them is of two things or three essential facts, for thus to take permanent hold, they need at least a loud, disruptive, damaging, halting, even violent portion to support their so-called authoritarian- unConstututional remedies "give us permission and we will fix it," before they turn on you guys' with money (we have nothing for them to take from us except our half paid off deeds, and they always do that pro forma, our book-learning is so outlawed already, it's practically unusable), then they willfully wield dominance over you...and finally in life that we have seen in varying groups and numbers is the phenomenal control by a minority if one seemingly impossible is the lone gunman in a siege as entire stores/schools/workplaces huddle in fear. The stated need/plan/demand/aggression for any outsized power over a cooperative group/nation of two essential parties...should not only be suspect as to why their set of prohibitions are denied, desired, and proposed as necessary. Why do they need such power. Presidents need less. Supremes need less, not 1/9th of consent, but 1/15th to reflect all voices...AND THE OPPODITION FIGHT TO SAVE YOUR DEMOCRACY FROM A NARROW POLITBUREAU/WITH ONLY ONE STATE TV/KREMIN POLICE FORCE, SHOULD BE VOCAL, AND MIGHTY--95% never-seen-before turnout, or we have already seen our last election.
All sides of an issue do NOT need to be heard. Some sides are cuckoo and need therapy, not an audience. What say you?
We have agreed upon Laws for our society/civilization. If you don’t agree, we have agreed you support your representative to go change the laws instead of justifying breaking the law. “The Great Replacement”, sounds like what the march in Charlottesville was saying, “Jews will not replace us.” Fear is not a good motive. How does violence solve the problem. Is this the last gasp of American Apartheid. If so, we have a chance to grow and evolve into a democracy of We The People standing for freedom and liberty for all men. An agreed upon system, if not what do we want/have.?
Good show! Thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it!
I hope everyone who participated in January 6 in selection insurrection should no that most foreign governments also know who they are now and they probably will not be allowed in their country Canada is declared everybody who participates participated in that insurrection is a terrorist and they cannot come on Canadian soil a lot of countries now have declared the Republican party a terrorist organization we need to do the same
What countries declared reps a "terrorist organization"?
One that count
Let us always align ourselves with what is TRUE and in Balance with the principles of coherent enlightened Values , Ethics and Morals that comport to the Ideals of Unity , Mutual Cooperation, Human Solidarity and Peace for all citizens on our world !
Trump believes in NONE of that and will roll over you like a crawling bug.
He gives us eyes yet we cannot see.
A metaphysical war is on the horizon, and humanity is to blame. No one is innocent; our arrogance will come back to haunt us.
Thank U, infinite intelligence. ♾
I was brought up with the understanding that violence solves nothing. Today, children are told to use their words. I, like many other people, was horrified by the violence that took place on Jan.6, 2021. I want to see justice, not mercy, done. I have mercy for many people, but none for Trump.
Mercy begins when you have STOPPED recruiting with lies, swindling for donations with plans to overthrow/pardon, admit you selfishly wanted/needed to hold into power leaned in by outside govts/threats--because we know all this...and you will not demand unconditional fealty from anyone running for office in our country.
Shut-up inciting overthrow first, and state your contrition and regret last.
@@CynthiaWord-iq7in I somehow doubt that that's where mercy begins. It seems to me that mercy begins with empathy. Empathy can be defined as the ability to identify with another person, to put yourself in their place..If what you wrote is where mercy begins, where does it end? Trump has none and has never had any. It is his delusion that anyone cares about him. So he cares about no one but himself.This is why I do not support Trump or any person that is only interested in adding to their own power, by hook or by crook. Trump seems to have done it by crook.
@@martinze11 I thought we were talking about forgiving/showing mercy TO Trump & his criminals....say, when they are tried/convicted, AFTER THEY HAVE STOPPED COMMITTING THE ONGOING INCITFUL CRIME for how WE would act/react.
And no, I don't think he has any mercy for others, or even the less fortunate, in him--that's why I said for grace, he should begin by STOPPING his tirade, he can't even get to there.
@@CynthiaWord-iq7in That is correct. I don't disagree. That is what we were talking about. But after over four years of allowing Trump to have his say, I have had enough. I am at the end of any empathy for him that I may have had. That seems to be where my, at any rate, empathy ends.
The current problem seems to be that Trump desires to retain his power over his adopted party.
I have several things in common with Trump, Not the least of which is that he and I were brought up in the same city. In my own travels, I might have even driven past the house that he was brought up in, in Queens. When Trump wanted to disparage "coastal elites" I wanted to remind him that he is also from a coastal city. Even if his adopted residence is Florida.
I am deeply ashamed of him and what he has done to our great nation, not to mention my city, but I try to not allow that to cloud my own empathy for other people. I can see that you do also.
@@martinze11 I agree with all that you have said. born in Florida, I left Jud before Reagan got in, as hippies began their upwardly mobile yuppie trek, lived 6ys. Philadelphia and over 20 in Manhattan (he was known as vulgar in both places, P: DonKing/Milken-casino junk, and NYC: Never made a contribution without a plaque/not ever seen at a BrookeAstor party...not in a snobbish way, only an elegant shunning by the truly altruistic families who have made the city of supported museums, a force to behold), it is ghastly that he claims such a pedigree after running so many trades into bankruptcy by not paying them. Thanks for your inside info, hope any jury chosen for whatever crimes they manage to indict, have your encompassing judgement, and thanks for reading.
This democracy of ours is SOOOOOOO over.
I think it's not opportune to use the words "alternative facts" any longer.
They describe the position from the side of the betrayed by lies.
Name a lie a lie.
Justice shouldn't wait longer to verify the truth.
Who than opposes violent has to face the appropriate consequences.
The only people using the term have been those leveraging it to gain power.
The BigLiar, the first row conspiring GOP leaders and their comrades at Fox.
You're right.
Very well said .
I think we need an update for 2022
How are statements of fact now “ shaming “ . This is no longer about policy , this has become cult behavior requiring deprogramming
We need to not have Electors and we should just go by the Popular vote. No more Electoral Colleges. Over 100 years ago it wasn’t as easy to collect and count every single persons vote. Now we have that power and we should use it. Then every single person is equal and is able to participate in who becomes President.
What a crock , the American electrical system should be directed by the president to all states to support people’s decision !
Shock the electoral college into fulfilling it obligation?
That's true but when state electorial boards are defining the people's choice it is no longer a democracy.
Emmy award on shelf...
The Last 2 Years of Democracy in the United States
Popular Vote! The Only fair system. Majority vote!
Which one of you smart fellow Americans can answer my question ?
First a bit about me.
Iam a Noncustodial parent of 2 woman
38 and 40 years old.
Here is my question.
Since November 17 1997 the Department of Human services has
Been take my money the first time the amount was $125,000
This took me 10 years to pay through money orders, wage garnished state and federal taxes refunds offsets. 10 years.
Then i received a letter
From DHS Oklahoma
Saying i owed $30.000
In intrest. I was never in a courtroom or in front of a judge . one phone call in November of 1997.
Finally 2 years ago i was able to get one piece of paper from comanche county Oklahoma
I'm not paying interest.
Its a judgement against me put in motion by a judicial administrator. Called a friend of the court..
What does that mean?
That's not my question
My question is this.
How come no one at DHS CSS OKLAHOMA
DHS. The IRS the US Treasury can tell me
How Much Money Has
Been Collected
From Me?
I am one of millions
Of Noncustodial parents. I was a life long Democrats
If i had the money
I would have been
At the capital on January 6th
Santos Rivera
Seaside California.
It sounds like you didn’t willingly pay child support when they were children. You still have to pay what you owe. It doesn’t matter how old they are now! I’ve never heard of interest being charged for this, however. If you had other court violations and were on probation, that’s when they charge for administrative and perhaps interest. Ask an attorney. An initial appointment is usually no charge.
To have something so important to say and not speak into the microphone and or fix the audio it’s just beyond frustrating
You know what's frustrating?? Republican TRUMP political ads in Texas endorsing the top three corrupt incumbents for re-election. Enough to make you vomit knowing there's 8 more months of it ahead .
I hear your argument about Constitutional States rights, but is not the 'state' the people who live in that state, not the government of that state?
In England we would have the Queen, in Israel they have the president and the Prime minister.
OMG these Zoom interviews are freaking BORING. This one put me to sleep multiple times before I was able to soldier through it. 😴 Spice it up people!
Yes, what we need are broadcast wrestling rings where our political opponents can battle it out before the manical throngs on both sides.
Our government was NEVER meant to be a democracy. Our constitution gaurantees us the right to a Republic. As a "Lecturer" at a law school you should know this. This just goes to show who you people really are.
Another troll trying to “train” Americans to not use that bad word…DEMOCRACY! “We’re a republic”. That’s about as meaningful as the “no seperation between church and state “, or “there’s no such thing as an automatic weapon”.
America is quickly heading down the road to authoritarianism and fascism. There is not much Californians can do to slow or stop this, so our energies now should be focused on concrete steps we can take to protect ourselves as America declines, up to and including asserting our independence and seeking international recognition as a sovereign state.
The states are already authoritarian...legislatures can make a lit if things fascist without federal oversight. States all preside over their cities/counties/districts and can appoint flat out crooks&criminals to local positions if not enough people object.
Autocracy on steroids!!
Hold on everyone!! There's no takeover ever gonna happen. You forget one thing and that is Americans are spoiled. If anyone or anything comes between them and their rights to do pretty much what they want there will be HELL to pay!!
If truth is truth what is Fox News.?
Tell us what can be done.
I just don’t understand the hate towards Blacks that is what all this is about.
Lock trump up now.
Watch the refs in mid and high school games? Man,.this red.organization DOES go deep. Vouchers, private, non unionized public school has been 🔻Red goal since '80s. Most I talk to HATE paying taxes, especially property taxes. Power to Progressive Teachers, today's T-shirt.
Does anyone remember when the conservatives raged against the "godless communists" who said something like give me your child for their first seven years and the child will be mine forever?
Anyone know when they converted to a faith in indoctrination?
Did it have anything to do with Reagan's insisting that all republicans unite in their aims?
The Russian (and Nazi) tactic has already won the hearts and minds of our less numerous party. The GQP is trying to shut out everyone else from their say in governing.
They are the fasces bundled about the handle of the ax of authority.
At this moment, trump represents the authoritative ax in the center of their bundle. When he is gone, as he will be eventually, someone(s) will jump in to wrest his place from the throng while the dust settles.
We need to drain this abscess in our body politic.
this goes back to gore v bush in 2000
Traitors We know who they are.
Thank goodness that India and China are nuclear powers.
See if he declares the Republican party a terrorist organization that gives him unlimited power to dispose of the problem
Created two nations with self
They are disaffected because they feel isolated.
What remedy for isolation?
I don't think war works.
Nope they are minority--plain and stubborn truth is that they want people to act right, LIKE THEM, adhering to strict theological rules of newish, religious cults in Christianity, and over written Bible.
is this fantasy of 'truth serum' just a dopey analogy or the level of Atlantic reporting?
Both Trump supporters and rational people in general would agree that democracy requires voters with foresight and good judgement. What distinguishes these characteristics is the Micawber Threshold. Let's require that voters have 6-12 months of reserve capital - kind of like the economic stress test imposed on banks after 2008 recession.
Or lets require what was favored by Thomas Paine: universal suffrage.
@@marlonstjohn I've read that Paine was one of three that rejected the current Constitution in favor of the previous one, and who also liked universal basic income. Neither initiative got much support among the founders. I would be interested in reasons why universal suffrage is the best way to select representatives, especially considering how ingroup biases, motivated reasoning, prejudices and susceptibility to only the most salient issues dominates our general elections. Asking only those with the foresight to at least maintain a positive cash-flow and save for inevitable shocks, to select representatives would be a big improvement.
@@freerovingbovine Paine’s proposal for a basic income was one he put forward in revolutionary France, not in America. Prior to the revolution, all the estates in France had pretty much excused themselves from taxation except for the working class and peasantry. They were paying for everything. Paine favored progressive taxation. It must also be noted that the first abolitionist pamphlet in colonial America was published in a paper Paine edited. It was an anonymous entry, but many feel he was the author. He did not believe in human bondage of any sort, whether it be a king or any so called master. He called for universal suffrage in both America and France as he felt that anyone who is subject to a law of the state should have a vote as to who should make the law.
@@marlonstjohn Thanks for the reply. I like the idea that those under the law should have something to say about the law, but it wasn't until the 16th amendment that that became relevant. My favorite founder is Gouverneur Morris. My favorite phrase he wrote is ", and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity". Some 56% of us (down from 70% pre-pandemic stimulus) don't have $1,000 from avoiding homeless or indentured slavery. We have a long way to go before we can claim 185 million Americans have have secured liberty. Anything we do to to get more people to save would be a nudge in that direction. Why not a Universal 401k? Capitalism secures liberty, but only for those with capital. But a job or welfare secures only dependency.
@@freerovingbovine I own a small business and I am a capitalist, but liberty belongs to all. It is not contingent on our financial position. The tax I pay does is not dues for some exclusive club that grants me privileges as there are some who have given so much more than their money and received only a free flag on their casket for their efforts. I don’t understand why you wish to conflate our economic system with our means of governance. They are not one and the same. If so, that could mean that the affluent are entitled to a different justice, different educational opportunities, and are entitled to secure better blessings than perhaps others. That is no nation I want to live in.
So this point was mentioned:
Whites have a problem because they're slowly losing hold of the majority status --> so what's the fear in that? That is critical to know ... use Socratic questioning; otherwise, we will never be able to solve this problem. Gotta find out the root cause of this fear.
Can't say it--that's the quiet part, that they want friends and neighbors who LOOK white like them.