Is this really Kamila's only shot ?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @ariestaurus9207
    @ariestaurus9207 2 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Assuming in 2026, that Russia will again have 3 spots in the ladies event, it is highly unlikely that Kamila will be in those top 3 skaters. Especially considering the newer generations that seem to come out of Russia each season, such as Sofia Akatieva, Adelia Petrosian, Sofia Samodelkina, Sofia Muravieva, etc. These four are just the next lineup. There will be more skaters by 2026 and the competition will be more competitive at the national championships. However considering that the Age Limit will be raised to 17, and basing it off precedent cases, where these girls tend to struggle with their Ultra-C elements by around 17, we could see a field of skaters that are all struggling, hence giving more chances to the current generation.

    • @acrylicrezeki2586
      @acrylicrezeki2586 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Really hope IOC will raise minimum age to 17 years old but I doubt it would happen.

    • @minavamp2811
      @minavamp2811 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      none of the girls that you mentioned above will make it to the 2026 olympics, because by then they all will be 18 years old and too old. the tuberidze's girls that will make the 2026 olympics are the 11 and 12 year old girls that she is training now, because by 2026 they will be 15 and 16 years old ready to compete. scherbakova and trusova are among the rare ones that did well at the olympics being that they're almost 18 years old. hadn't valieva not get caught for doping she would have won the gold medal at 15 like all the typical age of tyberidze's girls. so if isu raises age limit to 17 or 18, then that will be the end of tuberidze's girls because scherbakova and trusova have a hard time now doing quad jumps as both of them are 17 years old.

    • @kaiaswrld
      @kaiaswrld 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Polar Bear true. And evgenia. She was thinking about competing in these olympics also but because of covid she chose not to

    • @minavamp2811
      @minavamp2811 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Polar Bear tuktamysheva didn't even make the olympics team because all 3 tuberide's girls from age 15 to 17 made the team. sure she can still skate but she will not make it to european world and olympics as long as tuberidze's girls occupy the top 3 spots.

    • @minavamp2811
      @minavamp2811 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Polar Bear no. medvedeva personal best was during 2018 olympics both short and free skate. in 2019 at world she's far below her personal best.

  • @janechoy2073
    @janechoy2073 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    4 years later she'll be 19, way too old for that camp.

    • @aaroncorcega9441
      @aaroncorcega9441 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If Kamila chages from coach , like Brian Orser ( Actually i want that Kamila switches from Eteri tutberize to Brian Orser) She maybe could make it to the next olympics , better jumping techniques , better choreography , an longer sport career, and positive change of enviroment for her.

  • @thispersonsfigureskatingst4874
    @thispersonsfigureskatingst4874 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ngl Anna Pogorilaya fell a lot. But her technique is and was good. Just look at her now. She just got all her triples back, even though she also got a baby. Like what.

  • @edithsndoval8461
    @edithsndoval8461 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Can someone explain me how the current system sopport this cycle of young skaters, by the points? By the tcnique or what? I dont understand that part, can someone please explain me!

  • @toxic-low-key-ghost7934
    @toxic-low-key-ghost7934 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Yes unfortunately it is. No hate to this girl because I honestly feel so bad for what happened but she has the worst technique to come out of the eteri camp. 3/4 pre rotation on TRIPLE jumps, her combos are also just as bad. Anyone who is reading this, go look at elizavetas combos then look at hers you will see how bad they are. If she grows anymore her jumps will be gone. She really is a beautiful skater but the jumps won’t last at all and we’ve seen this happen time and time again with every eteri girl EVER. Eteri and plushenko already have juniors who could literally beat kamila right now, one of eteris girls is doing QUAD LOOP. Next season she will be eaten alive when her jumps start to fail
    Plus after this experience I doubt she will want to go to another Olympics.

    • @Dan-uf2vh
      @Dan-uf2vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I hope Kamila can soon find out that she is surprisingly far better off now than if she had the normal competition and gotten her deserved performance followed by ceremony. If she can get over that idealization, she will realize that she has far greater public attention now and far better support from around the world. This could easily be the better development for her if she can see beyond the idealizations. She would have been forgotten in a couple of years if this didn't happen.

    • @primalcritters
      @primalcritters 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Kamila Valiyeva does need to work on her jumping technique in order to still maintain but in terms of her Artistry, hand, arm, and leg extensions, extreme emotive expression, I think she is artistically Superior and a once-in-a-lifetime skater. It's a shame that simply quadruple jumps and decent Artistry from younger Eteri skaters could usurp Kamila's Talent as she ages because I still think she's far superior to even the young eteri girls. I hope some reform takes place so that we can see the likes of Valiyeva again and again because she is the most beautiful skater to watch and it just kills me that even the Eteri girls, while doing quads, just don't have it like she does, but will be more competitive than her in for years because of quads alone

  • @Plaspos
    @Plaspos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don’t think the technique matters much actually because Mao and Liza have unorthodox 3A technique compared to Midori or Wakaba who have the more textbook technique with the “kick” but they both kept their 3A for a decade. And Kostornaia with textbook 3A technique is barely able to land it. I think it’s more about general fitness and staying lean post-puberty, Liza is in better shape now that she finished puberty than she was in 2016-18 when she lost the 3A and Mao was always very slender. Kamila is also slender and naturally stronger than say Anna so I’d say she has a better chance of keeping quads even though both she and Anna have similarly bad technique. Wakaba also was 16, when she landed the 3A at world team trophy practice, then lost it for a bit as puberty hit, then she got into better shape again at 19 when puberty finished and restored the 3A.
    But the issue for Kamila is if she goes through a period of a couple of years where she loses some ultra-c elements, is Eteri willing to wait for her puberty to settle like Mishin waited for Liza? I don’t think so, Eteri will demote her to the kids group like Kostornaia and Kamila will lose motivation and retire…
    Also in Kamila’s favor is that after Akatieva/Zhilina the talent in team tutberidze and the other schools really drops off, there is dvoeglazova gordeeva and titova but none are at the level we see from Akatieva. Either they will have to have a Kostornaia level glow up or an unknown like Zagitova will have to appear. But as of now Akatieva Petrosyan Samodelkina and zhilina will be in the middle of the difficult puberty years 16-18 at the next Olympics while Muravyeva and Kamila will be 19-20 and maybe “over the hump” and recovered their tech like liza?

    • @sayomsskiver
      @sayomsskiver  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Generally it's difficult to tell. But there's a few things to consider.
      1) They train with Eteri, and her training style is both questionable and very tough on these girls. Liza and Mao most likely had healthier training environments where rest was better incorporated into the regime.
      For example, apparently Kostornaia has broken her other arm, most likely because she wasn't given enough time to recover adequately.
      2) Although you can pre-rotate the Axel, because it's a forward take off jump, you can't use your arms to wind your body upwards in the same way you can with backwards take off jumps.
      3) Even though skaters like Mao pre-rotated their jumps, there wasn't the same winding/twist with her upper body. With Liza and Caro in particular, you can really see how their technique helps them elevate and make the rotation. The 'jumping' is coming from the legs which overall is more sustainable. That level of force on the back, especially under Eteri's regime doesn't seem sustainable into adulthood (20+).

    • @Plaspos
      @Plaspos 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sayomsskiver you definitely can use your arms on axel, Liza is like the only one who doesn’t use arms on it (and Veronica zhilina who jumped 2A with arms behind her back). Mao had a huge windup with her arms before the 3A and took off very low to the ground compared to Midori, Aliona, Rika, or Wakaba

    • @sayomsskiver
      @sayomsskiver  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Plaspos I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Jumping forward and backwards the arms are in different position for take off.

    • @Plaspos
      @Plaspos 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sayomsskiver I don’t know what to tell you, if you can’t see the crappy technique of Mao or Medvedeva on their axels which has huge strain on their upper bodies and relies on winding their arms way back, compared to effortless technique of Kostornaia or Kihira on the axel, well you should look again. It’s a testament to mao’s overall level of fitness and natural talent that she was able to land the 3A for so long despite such strange technique. My point is that technique matters little compared to general health and fitness and the lack of correlation between good triple axel technique and actual triple axel longevity is proof. People love to say Anna’s and Sasha’s quads are terrible and that Rika actually has good technique on the 4S. And I agree 100% with those claims but the fact is Anna and sasha have been jumping quads for four years now over many competitions despite injuries Rika was out for the whole year after landing one 4S. That’s what matters a lot more for longevity, the overall heath and fitness and in this area sasha and Anna are way ahead of Rika (are they aided by drugs there? who knows now). Crappy technique will take you a very far way in skating.

  • @Dan-uf2vh
    @Dan-uf2vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    IOC is guilty of stripping her of the competition's spirit while the legal doping and abusive training on the Russian side are something which needs to be banned into the future. She didn't get enhanced performance over her fellow Russians, that was almost certainly a trace substance due to a faulty pill from her legal stack. IOC stripped her of a fair competition to enjoy the rewards of her labors, which of WADA and IOC is essentially abuse over a legal technicality.
    Meanwhile, I hope Kamila can soon find out that she is surprisingly far better off now than if she had the normal competition and gotten her deserved performance followed by ceremony. If she can get over that idealization, she will realize that she has far greater public attention now and far better support from around the world. This could easily be the better development for her if she can see beyond the idealizations.

    • @Plaspos
      @Plaspos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      “Abuse over a legal technicality” yeah tell that to the clean athletes. Some people just have no sense of how unfair this is for the clean athletes. Never in the history have athletes had to compete against someone who they knew was tested positive who did not already serve a suspension.

    • @Dan-uf2vh
      @Dan-uf2vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Plaspos tell about massive legal doping they all practice and how this trace doesn't impact results in any way. Then about how this does't bring any guilt on the participant as an accident.

    • @Plaspos
      @Plaspos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@Dan-uf2vh it’s not trace at all, that was a lie made up by rusada. The actual number reported in the CAS arbitration was 2.1 ng/ml, that was a concentration 200x higher than what was found in Madisyn cox’s sample when her vitamins were contaminated with tmz (and she was still suspended for many months while this was sorted out). With a half life of less than 6 hours, that 2.1 ng/ml would be characteristic of having taken a consistent daily 15 mg tablet of tmz up till only 4-6 days before the test assuming she has about 4 liters of blood. Less time even if you consider Kamila’s metabolism which is much faster than an average adult human.
      Yes it doesn’t bring any guilt onto Kamila at all only her narcissistic coach. But you are wrong to say everyone else is doping, maybe Anna and sasha are yes. But most athletes don’t have an anesthesiologist for a doctor giving them hypoxen and xenon gas to recover, don’t go blaming other athletes for Shvetsky.

    • @Dan-uf2vh
      @Dan-uf2vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Plaspos thanks for that information! finally something useful instead of rants :)