@jdljll Matt, the presenter of the show, has caught in excess of 1100 marlin during his 35 years on the planet. 9 of those have been killed and eaten, and perhaps a handful have met the same fate as this huge Black. Hundreds more have been tagged and released (sometimes at great cost, satellite tags are a few grand a pop) for scientific research purposes to help learn more about these incredible creatures to ensure the survival of species.
I respect your opinion there Todd, well put. As a bit of background, this clip was actually filmed a number of years back. Since then, I understand that the Lizard Island tournament has moved from capture based to a tag and release format. They've even gone as far as to remove the gantry so there's no incentive to bring in a fish to weigh. These changes were brought about not by new legislation or PETA, but by the gamefishing enthusiasts themselves, mainly due to increasing shark predation.
There were two tiger sharks, they were identified approaching the boat on the sonar near the end of the fight. It's happened a few times before to other boats in this location, but never on a Marlin so large. This Marlin was going to be kept by the crew as it was caught during a prestigious big game tournament and would have won a great deal of prizemoney, talking 6 figures. And for the record, Marlin do not take 'ages' to get to breeding size, they are fully mature after 5/6 years.
There were two tiger sharks, they were identified approaching the boat on the sonar near the end of the fight. It's happened a few times before to other boats in this location, but never on a Marlin so large.
I'm confused... "Giant Black Marlin" - No Lie there? "Attacked" - Well, they certainly didn't give it a massage did they... "By Monster Sharks" - Analysis of the bite radius of the sharks responsible show that they were a couple of very large Tiger sharks. Tigers have unique teeth which are directed to allow them to thrash & tear chunks of flesh instead of slicing cleanly through. I've heard them compared to 'Can Openers' in the way they can rip things apart. So, where's the lie?
@FOscum Okay mate. I'm just going to stop trying to help you see the light, I'm banging my head against a brick wall. If you're against all forms of fishing, I assume that you don't eat any fish whatsoever? I'm also picking you live somewhere inland, miles from the closest ocean, because if you did live near the sea you'd have an appreciation of it as both a treasure & a resource, not some romantic notion of it as a playground for mermaids and clownfish developed from watching too much Disney.
At 2:45, it clearly shows the 2 ft wide marlin had two bites that chopped it off. It must be a 16-17 ft great white with 19 pairs of serrated scissor under 2,000 lb bite force that did it in one second. It would be more fun to accidentally hook a 18 ft 4,500 lb Calif great white, fight it for 3 hours then release.
it was 2 tiger sharks if i’m not mistaken. haha matt’s longest fight is like 17 hours and that’s a swordfish so just imagine how long it would take to get a great white 2.5 times the size of a marlin to the surface
@conliffe0 Thanks 'conliffe0'. I think what you're describing is called Spearfishing, and personally, I think that getting out there and spearing a Marlin is a great idea for an episode. Thanks for the suggestion, keep the ideas rolling in mate!
@FOscum Mate, get your facts straight. Recreational Fisherman do more for protecting the oceans than any other group; e in New Zealand's they've set up voluntary no take areas, limited takes to 1 fish per boat when quota numbers allow 3, assisted in scientific research through tag and release, & established marine reserves. A healthy ocean ecosystem is in their best interest, as without the fish, they've lost their favorite past time.
Interesting story. We know that a fish in distress is prime target for other predators. I recall an article where a fisherman was reeling in a decent size pike and in all the chaos a massive pike (something of world record proportions) attacked the fisherman’s would be catch. He was able to “net” the monster pike which is why even though it was a record it did not count as he explained how he caught it via a net after it attacked his catch in proximity the boat.
i think we can all agree that at 2:08 we were like HOOOLLLYYY SH*********** i aint gon swimmin, surfin, skimboardin, i aint takin no girls out to the beach nomo, imma take a harpoon in da shower
bigfishpondhome1 Orcas aren't sharks and we really dont know the reason behind their odd behavior. Although it sure looks like that's what they are doing.
Larry Tischler Whose home is the ocean again I forget. This isn't idiotic its fact. I really don't care if a shark ruins your sport fishing fun and I'm a fisherman myself. Fishermen take far more fish from the ocean then the sharks do.
POVadventure But, you said humans are monsters, implying that we are the only species on earth that are. Orcas kill for reasons other than food, what ever the reasons are irrelevant, so humans are not the only species that could be be considered monsters.
Does nobody else see the shark? between 0:34-0:36 look between the marlin swimming along the boat and the fishermen. You can see a shark come up to the marlin and turns away. Big ass shark!
OhhhhAce You are right about that. I am not a fishing enthusiast, but I can imagine that the Black Marlin must be the most spectacular fish to catch for a sport fisherman. They can really fight for their own freedom. I hope that they don't catch too many of them, so that this fantastic species will not disappear from the oceans. The head of this poor fish was huge. I didn't know that they are that big?
petereuropa I can imagine that it's hard to be a fish in the ocean. If the Black Marlin was hooked, then the big white shark noticed that and attacked the Black Marlin. Why could not the black marlin avoid the attack from the shark? How big was the shark's jaws? Huge!
Haha black marlin are not usually caught in masses, so there's no worry there. Also, they get even bigger than 1000 lbs. Lastly, the sharks would not have had a chance if that marlin wasn't already tired out from the fight!
Its not an electric reel you blind dumb fuck and all you haters can get fucked too. Do you not eat fish? these men are doing it for recreational purposes and have caught and released thousands of marlin with only a hand full ever kept. Go take your hate, jealousy and whatever is stuck up ya fuckin asses over to japan and moan at them slope heads that are actually fucking our oceans!
I like the shows you do, yes some if them may be crazy but what can I say. I'm 14 years old and have a new 6 meter boat with a 40 horse Evinrude. Well done Matt.
For all the people expressing their disapproval for the attempted capture of this fish, USUALLY when fishing for big marlin, the fish is hooked on extremely heavy tackle then the boat backs up towards the fish and the deckie takes a shot with a tag for scientific and then the fish is released, keeping the fight time to a minimum. This gives little risk of shark attack. Very few marlin are taken/killed these days because respect for the fish but a few are kept, but some are. This one was hooked in a tournament. It was going to be killed, weighed then eaten. To kill a fish of this size it must be fought to almost complete exhaustion and then a gaff shot must be taken. In this long fight sharks are able to use their 7 senses ( all of what we have + detection of electronic pulses, like a heartbeat + detection of water movement ) to hone in on the distressing fish, which is what happened here. Planning to take and kill a fish has its risks, people understand that. That is another reason so few marlin are killed these days. This boat has caught tagged and released thousands of fish for research, lead expeditions to tag marlin while freediving to prevent the fishes behaviour changing as a result of stress so we can see their natural way of life. All the effort these people and this boat have put into trying to research the mighty creatures of our ocean, they understand the risks, they respect this fish,I think they should be allowed to take just one.
They used to say the same thing about tarpon in Florida. Now, sharks regularly kill tarpon soon after the fish is released which can't swim away due to exhaustion. I suspect the sharks in Australia will learn the same thing soon enough.
Kieran Wasmann Agreed And I am a fisherman too. We need to conserve what fish are left in our oceans NOW or our children and grandchildren won't have any to see or much to eat. The sharks kill maybe between 5 and 20 people worldwide every year and humans,??, kill 20 million sharks for fin soup a year. They cut off the fins and dump the still living sharks back into the sea, butchers we are, it has to stop.
There is a moment in life, that the seak of egoistic emotions through fishing and hunting, must surrender to the respect of life, in terms of avoiding unnecessary tortures and kills, and transform those pulsions, progressivly into love and protection for all those beautiful lovely friends: animal life !
Nature has monsters. You should see a hen house after a fox gets in. 30 dead chickens and only one missing. You ask one of those chickens what a monster looks like. Weasel will do the same.
I worked on a trophy finishing boat when I was in my 20s. I remember how tired I was when the trips were over. I’ve never experienced a fight equal to a black marlin.
They aren't "stupid", they are what they are. However, some of them HAVE exhibited enough cognitive ability that sejdaren lmarinen's contention is not beyond possibility.
it's fun to see people pretend smart by gave negative comments to this usual fishing activity with strange phenomena. Btw, nice video dude. whatever creature that eat giant marlin must be more than 4 meter long because even 4 meter white shark have a little possibility to attack other fish that have the same size or 1 meter shorter
no one's pretending to be smart. strange and phenomena? uhhh , nooo you don't have to be smart to have common sense and empathy. this isn't rocket science dude. Thiers nothing strange about it ! point in fact , its fucking senseless killing for nothing and plain WRONG ! I didn't know you had to act smart to comment on common sense , but if you say so ? all of us want to be as smart as YOU ! not....
all your comments here are baseless nonsense, can barely comprehend them, its like youre 16 and just discovered animal rights. im going to go fishing tonight and keep them all and fry them all up and kill some potatoes too; fry them up as well. just for you.
If its a sport and they can "afford" the sport then they should be able to afford the shark repellant and as soon as the marlin is near the boat they should be releasing the repellant. Seems weird that this wouldnt be normal practice if they get chomped on so often!
Where can I buy some of this shark repellent that you speak of?holy shit I've been fishing offshore for a long time and never heard of nor have I seen it?
Hazonrer have you ever tried fishing for a large fish before? not all fishing has to result in a dead animal either. Mounting dead animals on the wall for display is on its way out anyways so its not worth getting too worked up over. Things cannot change instantly but they are on the right path.
+Jon Teague Ever seen the original 1966 batman movie ? There's a scene in it with shark repellent . It's hilarious . I don't know how to post a link but the title of the video is "Rubber sharks can't beat batman!" it's right here on YT . You will piss yourself laughing I guarantee
@rinavanity It takes a bit of time to catch up with approving everyone's comments (especially when we're out filming a great deal and haven't got the time). The only comments that don't make it onto the board are spam marketing requests and blatant hate speech, we value everyone's opinions here at the Fishing Show, positive and negative.
Ryan Palermo we do! But those who say we are cruel dump plastic in the seas want all the sharks killed for making the beaches safer tip their old engine oil and antifreeze into water courses. The big problem is the general hypocritical language used by those who criticise the angling fraternity. When commercial fishing is the most unbelievably cruel method in the world of harvestimg nature, just for some fish and chips! I should know as I done commercial fishing but not any more.
Jezz Bowden Well said marlin and sharks probably take more than30 years to get that big.We need to start leaving the oceans alone,we don't bloody belong there!
Shame such a magnificent creature has to meet such a horrific death. Can understand the thrill these fishermen get out of the hunt , but personally I feel it should be left to be free to grace the oceans with its beauty. Not to be shark bait.
Unfortunate the Marlin wasn't tagged and released, but the video was very educational for those with a fascination for marine life. Even more educational is the number of digital new age hippies/nature experts with comments below that are so concerned! If nature is so important to you why are you on the electricity consuming computer all day?
Lame. Title should be "Nothing but filler then deckhand finally pulls up black marlin's head". Theres not a single shark in this video. Booooo. I take back my view.
I have seen great white shark eat a 150 yellowfin tuna in 3 bites. This marlin could have been eaten by a great white, bull shark, hammerhead shark or etc...
You never see the shark in the video but if you look. Closely I think you can see it at 1.22 minutes in it underwater swimming towards the swordfish underwater you can see a dark shadow almost looks like it's coming in towards him. Did anyone catch that?
"fisherman gets his fun " A "fun" paid on an animal who has to do his job in the natural chain food. Struggling like that is no fun for him, he is a predator and spend most of his life hunting to try to feed himself......and just for fun this man made him lose lots of calories + the stress that afterward, even if released, keeps him in maximum alert makes his heart wasting more blood and energy that he needs to SURVIVE.
Don't be stupid, we cannot put on a same level every of those "animals"....especially the one who is 'getting his fun' by overstressing and arming a predator who has nothing to do on this damn line -_-
It's more than a 50% chance, it's the current consensus within scientific circles. This came from the most recent study: Fish have already been found to have “nociceptors” - sensory receptors that in humans respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending signals to the brain, allowing them to feel pain.However, the research concluded that the mere presence of the receptors did not mean the animals felt pain, but only triggered a unconscious reaction to the threat.
+ShinySwordGaming If you believe what you have just said then you do not understand "ecosystem". If the killing of this fish was as nature intended - man vs beast - with the intention of killing for the needs of that man and his family surviving then - yes, it is the ecosystem at work. But man and his ego with his high tech unnatural toys and broadcasting this to the world to say "look at me" ......? Go back and study what an ecosystem is and look deep inside at what your motivations for taking the life of this beautiful animal really are. Nothing natural here.
Depends what your definition of natural is. In my opinion, the definition for "natural" evolves over time. Your opinion is probably the better opinion to believe though.
+ShinySwordGaming Yes, you're right. However, to me a lot of human activity is not natural. We design things to kill in a way that is not normal when you consider the "natural world" in its true form. High tech big business forms of killing and the motivation behind them are not natural, in my opinion.
@FOscum Greenpeace NZ have a video on their site which we put together with them, check that out before jumping to conclusions. Search - Matt Watson Talks Fishing Sustainability
@leighsa49 Uneducated? I have a BSc in Zoology, our Underwater cameraman has a Masters in Marine Biology, and Matt, the presenter of the show, is a leading expert on marlin behavior. I'll admit that there has been some recent research pointing to the fact that some fish species possess rudimentary nociceptors but these are far less developed than the pain receptors in you or I. Marlin jump to shake the hook in the same way they jump to shake off parasites, that's why you see them free jumping
@legaczydesign Don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but that's just smoke from the Boat's engines making that shadowy shape, I have the full resolution clip to check and there's no way it's some kind of Super Great White/Megalodon.
Thanks for killing a breeder fish how many trips to pay off the boat I hope my grand kids have fish to catch and before you go off I’m a fishermen to but I know that charters don’t want to lose a $50-150 rig I’ve lost some and cut some off but it’s not a cheep sport so if y’all see sharks just cut the line and move on no big deal
Look, I understand and respect your point of view - but you need to realise that without recreational fishermen fighting government and commercial interests, the worlds fish stocks would be far worse off than they are right now. Game fisherman have successfully lobbied to protect striped marlin from being caught commercially in New Zealand, as a result, our big game fishery is in good health. And I don't know why you're throwing mammals into the equation, Marlin are fish.
Why are we taking sides? That's completely irrational. I can argue that due to Matt Watson's fishing, a shark got a meal that it otherwise wouldn't have. Matt is practically a saint! Why are we empathizing with the marlin and taking its side?
For all of you who are saying crap about how people still have to have their "trophys," please take into consideration that conservation by big game fisherman and hunters has led to more preservation of species than any other group out there. These fish aren't usually kept anyway. It's the thrill of the fight that most fish for.
@Bboyflash2 99% of the Marlin we catch are tagged and released, this one was going to be landed as it would have won a very prestigious tournament and a huge cash prize.
Matt, the presenter of the show, has caught in excess of 1100 marlin during his 35 years on the planet. 9 of those have been killed and eaten, and perhaps a handful have met the same fate as this huge Black. Hundreds more have been tagged and released (sometimes at great cost, satellite tags are a few grand a pop) for scientific research purposes to help learn more about these incredible creatures to ensure the survival of species.
Why is this comment not higher, people need to see his so they stop fucking complaining, props to Matt. True kiwi legend
I respect your opinion there Todd, well put. As a bit of background, this clip was actually filmed a number of years back. Since then, I understand that the Lizard Island tournament has moved from capture based to a tag and release format. They've even gone as far as to remove the gantry so there's no incentive to bring in a fish to weigh. These changes were brought about not by new legislation or PETA, but by the gamefishing enthusiasts themselves, mainly due to increasing shark predation.
Sharks: "Table for two, please."
There were two tiger sharks, they were identified approaching the boat on the sonar near the end of the fight. It's happened a few times before to other boats in this location, but never on a Marlin so large. This Marlin was going to be kept by the crew as it was caught during a prestigious big game tournament and would have won a great deal of prizemoney, talking 6 figures. And for the record, Marlin do not take 'ages' to get to breeding size, they are fully mature after 5/6 years.
There were two tiger sharks, they were identified approaching the boat on the sonar near the end of the fight. It's happened a few times before to other boats in this location, but never on a Marlin so large.
Mantap bro...👍🏻👍🏻💪🏻🇮🇩
Holy cow that marlin's head is huge! I thought it was a smaller fish. Absolutely remarkable creature.
Modern version of "The old man and the sea"....
Congrats for the big marlin and thxs for sharing this awesome video👏👏🇪🇦
I'm confused...
"Giant Black Marlin" - No Lie there?
"Attacked" - Well, they certainly didn't give it a massage did they...
"By Monster Sharks" - Analysis of the bite radius of the sharks responsible show that they were a couple of very large Tiger sharks. Tigers have unique teeth which are directed to allow them to thrash & tear chunks of flesh instead of slicing cleanly through. I've heard them compared to 'Can Openers' in the way they can rip things apart. So, where's the lie?
Im here in 2021. With 240res 🤘🤘
@FOscum Okay mate. I'm just going to stop trying to help you see the light, I'm banging my head against a brick wall. If you're against all forms of fishing, I assume that you don't eat any fish whatsoever? I'm also picking you live somewhere inland, miles from the closest ocean, because if you did live near the sea you'd have an appreciation of it as both a treasure & a resource, not some romantic notion of it as a playground for mermaids and clownfish developed from watching too much Disney.
There is no way that this is 17 years ago, its even older than me. It gives me the old vibe. What a video
At 2:45, it clearly shows the 2 ft wide marlin had two bites that chopped it off. It must be a 16-17 ft great white with 19 pairs of serrated scissor under 2,000 lb bite force that did it in one second. It would be more fun to accidentally hook a 18 ft 4,500 lb Calif great white, fight it for 3 hours then release.
it was 2 tiger sharks if i’m not mistaken. haha matt’s longest fight is like 17 hours and that’s a swordfish so just imagine how long it would take to get a great white 2.5 times the size of a marlin to the surface
@conliffe0 Thanks 'conliffe0'. I think what you're describing is called Spearfishing, and personally, I think that getting out there and spearing a Marlin is a great idea for an episode. Thanks for the suggestion, keep the ideas rolling in mate!
Mate, get your facts straight. Recreational Fisherman do more for protecting the oceans than any other group; e in New Zealand's they've set up voluntary no take areas, limited takes to 1 fish per boat when quota numbers allow 3, assisted in scientific research through tag and release, & established marine reserves. A healthy ocean ecosystem is in their best interest, as without the fish, they've lost their favorite past time.
holly crap Matt your video got over 7 million views. nice job
Interesting story. We know that a fish in distress is prime target for other predators. I recall an article where a fisherman was reeling in a decent size pike and in all the chaos a massive pike (something of world record proportions) attacked the fisherman’s would be catch. He was able to “net” the monster pike which is why even though it was a record it did not count as he explained how he caught it via a net after it attacked his catch in proximity the boat.
i think we can all agree that at 2:08 we were like HOOOLLLYYY SH***********
i aint gon swimmin, surfin, skimboardin, i aint takin no girls out to the beach nomo, imma take a harpoon in da shower
I reckon that this is probably the only way a large healthy marlin ever gets devoured by a shark--because our own fuckin' hand!
rsuriyop boo hoo
yep it is. Marlin are much faster than those fat tiger sharks
@eriksfisketips Which country are you living in?
Sharks aren't monsters. People are!
Larry Tischler Think about it. Sharks kill to survive. People kill for fun, misguided religious reasons, revenge, money, jealousy...
POVadventure Orcas kill for fun...
bigfishpondhome1 Orcas aren't sharks and we really dont know the reason behind their odd behavior. Although it sure looks like that's what they are doing.
Larry Tischler Whose home is the ocean again I forget. This isn't idiotic its fact. I really don't care if a shark ruins your sport fishing fun and I'm a fisherman myself. Fishermen take far more fish from the ocean then the sharks do.
POVadventure But, you said humans are monsters, implying that we are the only species on earth that are. Orcas kill for reasons other than food, what ever the reasons are irrelevant, so humans are not the only species that could be be considered monsters.
Marlin-the most beautiful fish and what a fighter!Respect to all the marlins!
@jason2012ification Do the global gene pool a favour and please don't have any kids.
Brutal...brutal video ...channel subscribed...
Reminds me of "You're going to need a bigger boat"
TheHypnotstCollector jaws
I love how commenters think this was ONE big shark......lol
Does nobody else see the shark? between 0:34-0:36 look between the marlin swimming along the boat and the fishermen. You can see a shark come up to the marlin and turns away. Big ass shark!
I dont see no fucking shark...
"There's always a bigger fish." Qui-Gon Jinn
What kind of fishing sport is that? An electric motor on the fishing reel. What? I'm on the marlin's side.
OhhhhAce You are right about that. I am not a fishing enthusiast, but I can imagine that the Black Marlin must be the most spectacular fish to catch for a sport fisherman. They can really fight for their own freedom. I hope that they don't catch too many of them, so that this fantastic species will not disappear from the oceans. The head of this poor fish was huge. I didn't know that they are that big?
petereuropa I can imagine that it's hard to be a fish in the ocean. If the Black Marlin was hooked, then the big white shark noticed that and attacked the Black Marlin. Why could not the black marlin avoid the attack from the shark? How big was the shark's jaws? Huge!
Haha black marlin are not usually caught in masses, so there's no worry there. Also, they get even bigger than 1000 lbs. Lastly, the sharks would not have had a chance if that marlin wasn't already tired out from the fight!
Its not an electric reel you blind dumb fuck and all you haters can get fucked too. Do you not eat fish? these men are doing it for recreational purposes and have caught and released thousands of marlin with only a hand full ever kept. Go take your hate, jealousy and whatever is stuck up ya fuckin asses over to japan and moan at them slope heads that are actually fucking our oceans!
Brett Schmidt Right on Bro! thumbs up
A 3 and a half minutes video maked it with no material et all... Thank u, guys!
The very same thing happened in Ernest Hemingway's 'The Old Man And The Sea'.
Jennifer Weston yes indeed,I thought the same thing too.
One of the greatest books of my childhood.
The Movie with Spencer Tracy tripped me out as a kid. Golden era.
Didn't he shoot himself? What an ass.
The Old Man did it alone in a rowboat without fiberglas rods or motorized reels.
I like the shows you do, yes some if them may be crazy but what can I say. I'm 14 years old and have a new 6 meter boat with a 40 horse Evinrude. Well done Matt.
For all the people expressing their disapproval for the attempted capture of this fish, USUALLY when fishing for big marlin, the fish is hooked on extremely heavy tackle then the boat backs up towards the fish and the deckie takes a shot with a tag for scientific and then the fish is released, keeping the fight time to a minimum. This gives little risk of shark attack.
Very few marlin are taken/killed these days because respect for the fish but a few are kept, but some are. This one was hooked in a tournament. It was going to be killed, weighed then eaten. To kill a fish of this size it must be fought to almost complete exhaustion and then a gaff shot must be taken. In this long fight sharks are able to use their 7 senses ( all of what we have + detection of electronic pulses, like a heartbeat + detection of water movement ) to hone in on the distressing fish, which is what happened here. Planning to take and kill a fish has its risks, people understand that. That is another reason so few marlin are killed these days.
This boat has caught tagged and released thousands of fish for research, lead expeditions to tag marlin while freediving to prevent the fishes behaviour changing as a result of stress so we can see their natural way of life. All the effort these people and this boat have put into trying to research the mighty creatures of our ocean, they understand the risks, they respect this fish,I think they should be allowed to take just one.
They used to say the same thing about tarpon in Florida. Now, sharks regularly kill tarpon soon after the fish is released which can't swim away due to exhaustion. I suspect the sharks in Australia will learn the same thing soon enough.
They said the same thing about whales. Just one every now and again wont hurt, sure its for a good cause, a fucking tournament for christs sake.
Kieran Wasmann
Kieran Wasmann
Kieran Wasmann Agreed And I am a fisherman too. We need to conserve what fish are left in our oceans NOW or our children and grandchildren won't have any to see or much to eat. The sharks kill maybe between 5 and 20 people worldwide every year and humans,??, kill 20 million sharks for fin soup a year. They cut off the fins and dump the still living sharks back into the sea, butchers we are, it has to stop.
Thanks for the input Paul. Will pump out 26 episodes on Kingfish next season just for you...
This is sick. Leave the Marlin alone
F u
Yeah sick bruh🤙🏼
How big is it? Can they estimate the size?
There is a moment in life, that the seak of egoistic emotions through fishing and hunting, must surrender to the respect of life, in terms of avoiding unnecessary tortures and kills, and transform those pulsions, progressivly into love and protection for all those beautiful lovely friends: animal life !
Jacques sur Gmail animals are food.
Jacques sur Gmail - unless you're hungry, of course.
Jacques sur gmail you have no understanding of anything
until youre stranded, then all of a sudden your morals change real quick so you can get back to your precious life.
City boy=moocher= far from the carnage=safe space = what do you survive on styrofoam !?
fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads 😂
Nature has monsters. You should see a hen house after a fox gets in. 30 dead chickens and only one missing. You ask one of those chickens what a monster looks like. Weasel will do the same.
Minks will too seem it
I worked on a trophy finishing boat when I was in my 20s. I remember how tired I was when the trips were over. I’ve never experienced a fight equal to a black marlin.
sharks arnt stupid im quite sure some of them have learned that the marlins are caught and cant get away
ohh yeah !
They aren't "stupid", they are what they are. However, some of them HAVE exhibited enough cognitive ability that sejdaren lmarinen's contention is not beyond possibility.
They're just attracted to any thrashing, like any fish
what channel brodcasts this show?
it's fun to see people pretend smart by gave negative comments to this usual fishing activity with strange phenomena. Btw, nice video dude. whatever creature that eat giant marlin must be more than 4 meter long because even 4 meter white shark have a little possibility to attack other fish that have the same size or 1 meter shorter
amazing isn't it ?
no one's pretending to be smart. strange and phenomena? uhhh , nooo you don't have to be smart to have common sense and empathy. this isn't rocket science dude. Thiers nothing strange about it ! point in fact , its fucking senseless killing for nothing and plain WRONG ! I didn't know you had to act smart to comment on common sense , but if you say so ? all of us want to be as smart as YOU ! not....
all your comments here are baseless nonsense, can barely comprehend them, its like youre 16 and just discovered animal rights. im going to go fishing tonight and keep them all and fry them all up and kill some potatoes too; fry them up as well. just for you.
What is that piece?
If its a sport and they can "afford" the sport then they should be able to afford the shark repellant and as soon as the marlin is near the boat they should be releasing the repellant. Seems weird that this wouldnt be normal practice if they get chomped on so often!
Where can I buy some of this shark repellent that you speak of?holy shit I've been fishing offshore for a long time and never heard of nor have I seen it?
zeekthe hammer This is not "sport". It has NOTHING to do with sport. This is just killing and murdering
Hazonrer have you ever tried fishing for a large fish before? not all fishing has to result in a dead animal either. Mounting dead animals on the wall for display is on its way out anyways so its not worth getting too worked up over. Things cannot change instantly but they are on the right path.
+Jon Teague
Ever seen the original 1966 batman movie ? There's a scene in it with shark repellent . It's hilarious . I don't know how to post a link but the title of the video is "Rubber sharks can't beat batman!" it's right here on YT . You will piss yourself laughing I guarantee
Tom tonka, I'll have to check that out, thanks for the info!
Great video will show my kids one day
I think, ... there was no shark, ... he was pushing to hard.
What type of boat is that? Name or brand would be greatly appreciated
No fucking shark in this video. The sharks were the fishermen.
It takes a bit of time to catch up with approving everyone's comments (especially when we're out filming a great deal and haven't got the time). The only comments that don't make it onto the board are spam marketing requests and blatant hate speech, we value everyone's opinions here at the Fishing Show, positive and negative.
Here's an idea, why not just leave the bloody things alone!
Amen, bruh. Fishing brats need to respect God's creatures.
na man they taste to good, sorry but i aint gonna stop.
Ryan Palermo we do! But those who say we are cruel dump plastic in the seas want all the sharks killed for making the beaches safer tip their old engine oil and antifreeze into water courses. The big problem is the general hypocritical language used by those who criticise the angling fraternity. When commercial fishing is the most unbelievably cruel method in the world of harvestimg nature, just for some fish and chips! I should know as I done commercial fishing but not any more.
Jezz Bowden Well said marlin and sharks probably take more than30 years to get that big.We need to start leaving the oceans alone,we don't bloody belong there!
90% of the worlds large fish are now gone from the ocean. You don't put anything back in the ocean to replace what you take, keep it up lads.
Why is nobody seeing the positive side that the shark got an easy meal?
Love this video!!
Shame such a magnificent creature has to meet such a horrific death. Can understand the thrill these fishermen get out of the hunt , but personally I feel it should be left to be free to grace the oceans with its beauty. Not to be shark bait.
said this same thing many years ago. They just laughed at me. Idiots.
WOW ...the elusive black marlinheaded fish.How do they swim without a tail?
Maybe a Giant Adult Great White...
How convenient to fade to black right when the mystery monster attacks the Marlin. Another brilliant video from austrailia...........
Unfortunate the Marlin wasn't tagged and released, but the video was very educational for those with a fascination for marine life.
Even more educational is the number of digital new age hippies/nature experts with comments below that are so concerned!
If nature is so important to you why are you on the electricity consuming computer all day?
Catching fish (or any other animal) for entertainment is a very sick concept.
Never saw the monster.
Hope they feel guilty... The shark didn't kill the Marlin! They did!
Lame. Title should be "Nothing but filler then deckhand finally pulls up black marlin's head". Theres not a single shark in this video. Booooo. I take back my view.
whatever took that was immense! i just have to ask how many Marlin there are to fish for them? Why fish for them anyway? thank you and just asking.
I saw a marlin head...I didn't see a monster shark attack! What's that all about?
I think the just cut the marling head and invented the monster...
I have seen great white shark eat a 150 yellowfin tuna in 3 bites. This marlin could have been eaten by a great white, bull shark, hammerhead shark or etc...
You never see the shark in the video but if you look. Closely I think you can see it at 1.22 minutes in it underwater swimming towards the swordfish underwater you can see a dark shadow almost looks like it's coming in towards him. Did anyone catch that?
lot of negative comments most marlin are released and the fisherman gets his fun you have all eaten fish at one point so think about it
"fisherman gets his fun "
A "fun" paid on an animal who has to do his job in the natural chain food. Struggling like that is no fun for him, he is a predator and spend most of his life hunting to try to feed himself......and just for fun this man made him lose lots of calories + the stress that afterward, even if released, keeps him in maximum alert makes his heart wasting more blood and energy that he needs to SURVIVE.
Jeez......buy you a brain!
Is that vid' something to deal with eating an animal? I don't think so, and it wasn't the point where I was focusing.
Don't be stupid, we cannot put on a same level every of those "animals"....especially the one who is 'getting his fun' by overstressing and arming a predator who has nothing to do on this damn line -_-
+EveryDay nooo ! really ? are you sure ? what would we do without YOU.
nice catch.....no meat ....but ya still get a mount of the bill...thumbs up
Lake George, NY
Use seal cubs as bait it works wonders, I cought five dolphins today that way. Man were they tasty...
Nobhead your name is in the dictionary and the defernition is nobhead lol!!!!
It's more than a 50% chance, it's the current consensus within scientific circles. This came from the most recent study:
Fish have already been found to have “nociceptors” - sensory receptors that in humans respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending signals to the brain, allowing them to feel pain.However, the research concluded that the mere presence of the receptors did not mean the animals felt pain, but only triggered a unconscious reaction to the threat.
Only Jaws could do that
themadrapper101 gonna need a bigger boat.
What a majestic fish. See it leap.
Sick selfish humans killing a beautiful animal.
+Malcolm Thompson Its called an ecosystem. We happen to be at the top of it.
+ShinySwordGaming If you believe what you have just said then you do not understand "ecosystem". If the killing of this fish was as nature intended - man vs beast - with the intention of killing for the needs of that man and his family surviving then - yes, it is the ecosystem at work. But man and his ego with his high tech unnatural toys and broadcasting this to the world to say "look at me" ......? Go back and study what an ecosystem is and look deep inside at what your motivations for taking the life of this beautiful animal really are. Nothing natural here.
Depends what your definition of natural is. In my opinion, the definition for "natural" evolves over time. Your opinion is probably the better opinion to believe though.
+ShinySwordGaming Yes, you're right. However, to me a lot of human activity is not natural. We design things to kill in a way that is not normal when you consider the "natural world" in its true form. High tech big business forms of killing and the motivation behind them are not natural, in my opinion.
But they still kill to get paid money for food and comfort items, which are wants that are VERY natural.
HOLY SHIT!! Imagine how big the shark must have been! Almost certainly a great white.
it's a shame u couldn't have thought to appreciate the marlin's beauty & then released it
Greenpeace NZ have a video on their site which we put together with them, check that out before jumping to conclusions. Search - Matt Watson Talks Fishing Sustainability
Allah will show no mercy for thoos how show no mercy to animals. Hunting is alloud only if you are hungry and is nessesery !!!
allah doesnt exist
Maybe allah could teach you to spell?
good thing idgaf about your god! lol
Get out of the desert, and take a spelling class Haji
What is this image some keep pointing out @ 0:34?? All I see is the Marlin and smoke from the boat or bubbles from the propeller.
That was pathetic! And shame on you for allowing that huge fish to go to waste. Were there any justice you'd be the one in the water with the sharks.
locust7777 it did not go to waste. The sharks got some food.
The sharks got a huge free meal. Why do you hate sharks? Sharks lives matter! Sharks lives matter! Sharks lives matter!
So 14 years ago,a "monster" shark attack a giant black marlin?
I'm a keen fisherman but this is fucked.
The only point of doing this is for a giant dick to put on your wall. Marlin meat is about as good as cat food
where ever you got your marlin was not choice. marlin is delicacy. google it.
Didn't this happen to Spencer Tracy in the old man and the sea?
marlin got eaten by a shark that found a marlin hooked on by stupid humans ... MONSTER HUMANS ...
You are in control of ridding the world of one less monster human if you feel so strongly. Free will.
@leighsa49 Uneducated? I have a BSc in Zoology, our Underwater cameraman has a Masters in Marine Biology, and Matt, the presenter of the show, is a leading expert on marlin behavior. I'll admit that there has been some recent research pointing to the fact that some fish species possess rudimentary nociceptors but these are far less developed than the pain receptors in you or I. Marlin jump to shake the hook in the same way they jump to shake off parasites, that's why you see them free jumping
Of course it got eaten by another predator, it was stuck on a fishing line unable to escape.
Don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but that's just smoke from the Boat's engines making that shadowy shape, I have the full resolution clip to check and there's no way it's some kind of Super Great White/Megalodon.
Thanks for killing a breeder fish how many trips to pay off the boat I hope my grand kids have fish to catch and before you go off I’m a fishermen to but I know that charters don’t want to lose a $50-150 rig I’ve lost some and cut some off but it’s not a cheep sport so if y’all see sharks just cut the line and move on no big deal
In this video: Everyone suddenly becomes experts on nature.
Look, I understand and respect your point of view - but you need to realise that without recreational fishermen fighting government and commercial interests, the worlds fish stocks would be far worse off than they are right now. Game fisherman have successfully lobbied to protect striped marlin from being caught commercially in New Zealand, as a result, our big game fishery is in good health. And I don't know why you're throwing mammals into the equation, Marlin are fish.
Why are we taking sides? That's completely irrational. I can argue that due to Matt Watson's fishing, a shark got a meal that it otherwise wouldn't have. Matt is practically a saint! Why are we empathizing with the marlin and taking its side?
@Vigis The fight took about an hour all up, best of luck out there mate!
How big do you think this marlin is
For all of you who are saying crap about how people still have to have their "trophys," please take into consideration that conservation by big game fisherman and hunters has led to more preservation of species than any other group out there. These fish aren't usually kept anyway. It's the thrill of the fight that most fish for.
he tried sooo hard for that giant fish, then all of a sudden a shark goes.. "HEY!! i'm hungry!!!" NOM!
Joe. Mammals and fish are very different creatures. One feels pain, the other doesn't.
strange sensation,to be pulled,straight out of your world!
That would look cool mounted on a plaque for the wall. What a story to tell.
It would look cooler swimming around in its own environment
@Bboyflash2 99% of the Marlin we catch are tagged and released, this one was going to be landed as it would have won a very prestigious tournament and a huge cash prize.
And what of the other 1%... They don't deserve life, eh?
The fact hes half and it seems like a clean bite n rip ...what you recon was the sizw of the shark
Its not so bad....you got a good story out of it!