In my experience, treatment dependence is an issue not exclusive to manual therapies, it is found in all areas of medicine. Drug dependency is not just found in pain patients with pain meds, some people seek out antibiotics when not needed etc. Great discussion Chris!
I find a lot of patients come to me initially because they want some manual therapy, that they believe the exercises the physio gave them aren’t doing anything. The exercises the physio has given aren’t any different to ones I give but I get better compliance when I point out that doing them might mean they need to see me less often so will save them money…
Always good to attach it to an intrinsic incentive! There's also the element of more frequent contact with the practitioner. This has been shown to increase accountability and compliance. If someone prescribed a rehab plan and says "come back in 6 weeks", even the more motivated patients tend to drop off
In my experience, treatment dependence is an issue not exclusive to manual therapies, it is found in all areas of medicine. Drug dependency is not just found in pain patients with pain meds, some people seek out antibiotics when not needed etc. Great discussion Chris!
I find a lot of patients come to me initially because they want some manual therapy, that they believe the exercises the physio gave them aren’t doing anything. The exercises the physio has given aren’t any different to ones I give but I get better compliance when I point out that doing them might mean they need to see me less often so will save them money…
Always good to attach it to an intrinsic incentive! There's also the element of more frequent contact with the practitioner. This has been shown to increase accountability and compliance. If someone prescribed a rehab plan and says "come back in 6 weeks", even the more motivated patients tend to drop off