@@dianajemison105 Yes... unfortunately, we live in an age where you should call people "it" instead of "he/she" to avoid being cancelled on social media.
@@alekxplaghj9780 ориентация не выбирается. В данном случае "это их выбор" звучит так, будто это выбирают. "Это их жизнь" звучит как что-то личное, куда не должны лезть другие. Это немного разное
@@karivar5404 "Ориентация не выбирается." Ага, а людям, которым нравится сыр чеддер и коннина, это определено генами, судьбой, богом и подобным. Не несите детерминистического такого рода бред в отношении простейшего выбора на основе предпочтений, а то "наплодите" ещё больше отсталых, верящих в гороскопы. P.S. Не нравится аналогия с пищей: замените её на другую любую вещь
"Он мой ребёнок и моим ребёнком не перестаёт быть, у него своя жизнь и свои решения, я люблю его любым" - плачу, потому что это слова золотых родителей
@@HeleneBlancBeaufoy But incest isn't sexual orientation and isn't same to these, when ppl two of adults like and loves each other, no matter men with men, or women with women, or men with women.
@@maka2210angel9_devilWhat is the definition of sexual orientation? If you open up a psychiatry or a medicine book you will find out that incest and homosexuality are the SAME biologically. You are NOT born homosexual, the same as you are not born incestuous.
@@HeleneBlancBeaufoy In books either can be mistake. Homosexuality isn't same as incest, it's totally different. And biologically it's too not same with homosexuality, if heterosexuality isn't same too. It's totally different.
Ну это, во-первых, в основном молодых людей спрашивают, во-вторых, в Москве. В больших городах толерантность выше. И молодежь проще относится, чем более старшие поколения. Мне кажется, это прям редкость, люди в возрасте, которых тут опросили, и они спокойно смотрят на это
За молодыми будущее. Могу сказать, что действительно от места жительства зависит мнение, но только потому что в маленьких городах и поседениях меньше знаний об этом. Жить в городе миллионнике или в городе с 100к жителей не одно и тоже по всем аспектам жизни. Так что нормально, что мы видим мнение со стороны людей с более информационно оснащенного места, ведь в том же США, в глубинке, тоже мало сторонников ЛГБТ движения и тех, кто относится нейтрально или положительно по данному вопросу.
Согласна, хоть я жила в провинции и у меня даже старшие родственники не гомофобы, но в провинции даже за одежду Найк родители могут ненавидеть детей. Тоталитарная семейная дурка.
Спс, что назвал меня отставшим от мира и малоинформированным человеком, ты прям специалист. Удивительно, что ты не знаешь о такой штуке, как интернет. @@onicheez
Как и вов сех странах, везде старшее поколение к этому более остро относится, так же и от городов зависит, бабушка моего друга с Сахалина говорила: "пусть спят с кем хотят, мне какое дело", хотя сами из небольшого пгт в 50тыс людей
Ну хз, жил и там, и там +- Одинаково В больших городах даже побольше было из-за наличия мигрантов + там я встретил самых лютейших гомофобов В маленьких городах тоже есть интернет, и там тоже есть куча лгбт+ людей. От твоего места рождения вероятность родиться с данной наклонностью не снижается
The question “How would you react if your kid or grandkid was gay?”, gives a much better representation of peoples attitudes towards homosexuality than the question “Are you homophobic?” Many claim to not be homophobic in general yet are less understanding of the concept if put in a position where someone close to them might be gay.
I completely agree with @Average Person. Besides, the term 'homophobe' (or 'racist' for that matter) has negative connotations for almost all people. Some might not call themselves 'homophobes' but 'traditionalists', 'religious' og other terms that might include LGBT averse views.
I mean, it's the same with "do you hate smokers?" and "would you want your kid to smoke?" Like, I don't care what people do with their health, as long as it doesn't include me, but when it is about my child, of course I wouldn't want them to smoke. My best friend is bi and rn is dating a person of her own gender. She is happy and I am happy for her, but I would not want my little sister to date a girl, because that would create a lot of social problems for her
It's refreshing to see that while Russia's goverment is very agressive to LGBT people, the russian young people are more open minded.. also that babushka at the end 😭❤❤God bless her
what Russian government does YOU GOT NO IDEA. for real. russian people, state and russian government have DIFFERENT RELATIONSHIP compare to yours. and brainwash does not work on Russians. because people form opinions consulting OWN SOUL, not majority or PR. and there is no anti-gay PR in Russia any way. or laws. the only law is to BAN sexualisation of kids. which started appearing. but was stopped.
Отношение нашеого правительства к лгбт - это реакционизм от того, что на западе лгбт превратили в повестку, в том числе политическую. Личная жизнь неприкосновенна - до тех пор, пока это личная жизнь.
No, it's not. As most sane people say they are neutral to these ppl. But nobody wants they were treated somehow specially, let them do what they want, but not publicly. That's the main demand.
Its not that aggressive to LGBT PEOPLE. Do not interchange PEOPLE with ORGANIZATIONS and open representation- Russia is a country where you cant even swear on TV. No laws go after LGBT PEOPLE- in fact labor law etc protects ALL aspects of a person outside ability to perform the job duties required.... the issue is that the general public does not want something broadly seen as 1. sexual in nature and 2. highly propagandized recently- beyond its normal representation in daily life in all media- they have laws that say those things cannot be essentially advertised to children and more recently the groups who organize such were recognized as groups which are under higher scrutiny. None of that has anything to do with an average LGBT person. Theres nothing the GOVERNMENT does in the daily operations of the country that goes after a specific person. - And as you can see ALL of those people above raised in that country speaking that language and consuming its media STILL believe people are people in the end and even the ones that claim to dislike them dont want to do them any harm.
@@sketchingdown9710 factually wrong. same sex couples of been seen as far back as ancient Egypt and if it isn't natural why do nearly 500 animal species practice homosexuality? you are using faulty logic and just flat out wrong information to justify you emotion based bigotry.
The honesty of the woman at 7:28, and her desire to try and be a better person brought a lump to my throat. It takes a huge amount of courage to examine your own feelings and thoughts in a critical way.
10:01 what lovely response from a beautiful, warm, open-hearted woman! This was refreshing to see that the majority of Russians interviewed here were supportive of gay people. Here in Australia, we only hear of Russia's homophobia and violence toward LGBTQI people - this video illustrates a very similar response that you would receive from people in Australia, if you asked the same question here. 1420; I really appreciate your videos, providing such a humanising insight into Russian people, culturally we may be different - however, we are ALL share the same humanity. It makes it apparent that where we differ is only in our country's leadership & governments, which use division and prejudice in attempts to divide and conquer us. Please keep up the great work!
Проблема России в том, что даже если люди не имеют ничего против, а вот наше правительство имеет Так что да, жестокость и гомофобия в нашей стране есть на уровне законодательном, у нас довольно много всякого например "Запрет гей-пропаганды" (Нельзя показывать ЛГБТ где либо и т.п.), Запрет ЛГБТ парам усыновлять детей и т.д.
@@okoroccns5710 and my gay Australian heart breaks, that such institutionalised homphobia exists in your country. I've read about the horrors that my fellow LGBTI brothers and sisters face in Russia, due to the governments legislated discrimination - hopefully, one day this will change. At least, it seems from this video, many Russians have open minds and seem less prejudiced.
@@harvey1965 Unfortunately this video isn’t even remotely objective. It’s like asking people in the city center of Melbourne. You will get much more interesting(and unsatisfying) response in some small poor town with a bunch of bogans. Same with Russia, it’s about social class mostly, not country specific.
Забавно, что люди с нейтральным отношением развернуто, понятно и аргументированно отвечают, почему они так относятся. У людей с негативной позицией ответы в стиле "ну потому что, ну просто", теряются и даже не могут объяснить свое мнение. Очень доходчиво показывает, что это просто принятая бездумно точка зрения, никакого критического взгляда, просто вот так принято. Простите, байду про Адама и Еву никак не могу считать за аргумент, если что.
Просто такие на самом деле не могут принять свою теневую сторону личности, они считают себя правильными, что ограничивают себя и других, а на самом деле они просто не знают, что вытесняют свою тень. Может, они сами латентные, либо у них зависть, что ЛГБТешники себе могут позволить то, что им запрещает окружение, потому и хотят сами запретить, чтоб все были ограниченные.
Чё несёшь? С обеих сторон в основном клишированные мнения ничем не обоснованные. Самое рациональное что сказали это про отсутствие биологического смысла и про фобии. Людям не обязательно знать почему явление плохое в подробностях, главное что бы общие ориентиры были правильными. Гомосексуализм был в науке болезнью ещё несколько десятков лет назад, только из за давления глобалистов с их политикой по деградации белого традиционного общества, этот подход был безапелляционно пересмотрен и пошли нагромождения фейковых исследований о нормальности этого отклонения. Всех несогласных просто отменяют
Я могу дать тебе развернутый ответ, почему я и вся моя семья против этого сообщества недолюдей, надо? И почему отвращение к неестественному это негативная позиция? Если ты будешь против педофилов и некрофилов это негативная позиция? Аргументируй
Хвхавхаза, боже, что вы несете? Там был человек, который ответил почему так. Как правило все те, кто отвечали, что они гомофобы имели ввиду то, что им бы не понравилось, если бы ЛГБТ как-то касалось общества (орали повсюду как дебилы, что они геи, бегали с разноцветными флагами, устраивали гей парады, выступали чуть ли не голыми на сцене), но при этом ничего не имеют против геев, главное, чтобы жить не мешали и пофиг. Все.
@@Luntic_mother Целый человек что-то там попробовал ляпнуть, вау. А кто и где сейчас так делает, что вы описали? В чем проблема флага? Мне вот мужики с пивным пузом не нравятся, не хочу, чтоб они со своими пивными животами по улицам бегали, пусть дома тихо сидят и не демонстрируют себя. А то ходят, навязывают, потом молодые мальчики тоже себе брюхо наращивают, мерзость. И вообще все бренды надо запретить, что за демонстрация. И публичное выражение чувств запретить, свадьбы справлять дома, на свидания в общественные места не ходить, зачем показывать всем что ты весь из себя гетеро? Ханжество и лицемерие так и прет. Чеж у стрипух не стоят с пикетами, чтоб не бегали голыми по сцене. Или это другое? Да нет, не другое, и там, и там хотят понравится мальчикам ;) Ничего не имеют против геев, но далее гиперболизированный стереотипный список того, что дурачки имеют против геев ХD Как я и говорила, аргументация отрицательная и только демонстрирует прямую связь между критическим складом ума, да и вообще его наличием, и яркой гомофобной позицией)
I'm a Russian gay from Rostov, everyone in my office know, my boss knows, all my family and friends know, bc I lived with a b*tch of a man who told everyone I'm gay after I left him. Here how it went - mom cried, because she was scared for me, dad told me I'm dead to him, sister wanted to kill my former boyfriend, colleagues pretended they didn't find out, boss told me it's ok and I shouldn't worry. It was a lot of nerves over nothing, at the end of the day everything went as usual, mom now cries bc she wanted grandkids from me, bc my sister is child free, my father pretends nothing happened, colleagues talk to me as usual and sometimes joke about gay stuff, boss doesn't remember it. all in all not bad, bc I heard horror stories about it coming from all over the world.
У меня мама долго плакала, отец говорил, если узнает, то убьет и сядет, не пожалеет об убийстве. Кроме нее никто не знал. Я никому не говорил, ведь хуже будет только ей. Но совсем недавно она умерла, всего 47 лет.. В общем, хочется как-то донести, что сын-гей - это не самая большая беда. Чтобы она поняла, что пока мы живы, мы должны быть счастливы.. Возможно, у вашей мамы такая же проблема, что и у моей - стыд перед родственниками и знакомыми, что воспитали такого сына... Но воспитание вряд ли играет большую роль...
Сходи к психиатру и сестру возьми. Я не говорю что ты какой-то плохой, просто ты болен и тебе нужно пройти лечение, я знаю о чём говорю, это тяжёлый груз, тебе станет гораздо легче в будущем
"Are you homophobic?" is the wrong question. Of corse everybody will say no because it sounds like a negative thing (it is also) and people are not ready to admit that about themselves. Ask them more specific questions and then you will have your real answer
that is true, other questions would probably show that people have more prejudice than they admit at first. but considering how much anti lgbt propaganda there is on russian tv, i was surprised how many people didn't just say they are homophobic and proud
it is their choice to have prejudice as well as it a choice to be lgbt. why u want everyones opinion to be the same while talking shit about tolerance? they say ok i dont give a fu*k what other people do but it doesnt mean they want to support and even participate in lgbt...
@@georgenash1402 no one is talking about participation. of course you can not force people into lgbt relationships or to be lgbt activists, that’s just ridiculous. people should do what they want as long as it doesn’t harm others. but in a lot of cases homophobia can actually be damaging. like with the child example. if you are a parent and you are being discriminative towards your child it will negatively affect their quality of life. it’s one thing to choose how you want to live your life and it is another to force your lifestyle on others. and being lgbt is not a choice. you can choose who you date, but you can not choose who you are attracted to. do you choose people to have crushes on concisely? i don’t think so. and it is your choice as a gay person to act out your gay feelings or repress them. but forcing gay people into repression is definitely doing harm to them. it’s not just a neutral opinion. being gay or acting gay doesn’t harm anyone. it’s your life, you are not inviting other people to participate in it by just stating you are gay. to have an opinion that everyone around you should be straight is harming gay people. cause you are creating a hostile environment. and you deciding for them how they should live. that is invasive. i think the only correct opinion here is not to care about sexual preferences of people around you. and minding your own business
Следующее видео: следователь ищет каждого человека из данного ролика, поддерживающего лгбт P. S. Если вы хотите указать мне на то, что шутка неудачная, то достаньте листочек, напишите на нём свои мысли и сожгите. Надеюсь вам станет легче
Подписан на вас почти с самого начала, приятно видеть, что прислушиваетесь к аудитории в вопросах подачи контента, да и сам контент на высоте как всегда. Люблю вас 1420🥰
That one guy was spot on about the reasons of homophobia "they make me feel akward" I bet that is actually the main feeling behind racism too. People who look/behave unlike what we have accustomed to make us feel akward and uncertain, and that sometimes leads to fear, anger and agression.
Dude, im russian bisexual myself, but all those LGBTQ+ cringe leftists make me feel awkward as fuck as well. They look and behave like weirdos and i honestly hate them, not gonna lie.
@@honsuaman8743 "Hating and feeling uncomfortable are very different things" But then I guess some kind of visual irritant must be included ? You can't actually see orientation, unless person does something very obvious (like kissing in public with same sex). Also yours examples shows that disgust is being caused not by people themselves but by objects they eat: bugs, ice-cream and so on. Racism is basically prejudice based on persons skin color. Homophobia is based on prejudice how people should make sex. Taste on food does not make problems, but racism and homophobia does hurt society. That's why we tolerate tastes but do not tolerate others two.
@@honsuaman8743 Well, there are rules how people should behave in public. However they should be applied to ALL ppl despite race, orientation, gender age and so on. Lets say if we all agree not to show PDA in public then it should be mandatory to everyone despite if you are gay or straight.
@@honsuaman8743 I had no judgment over your words. Don't get me wrong. I am not asking from you anything ;) I am just trying to understand those people who gets annoyed by public display of affection (PDA). I am open to any social agreement as long as it's fair to everyone. I am gay and my close friend has asked not to kiss my boyfriend in front of her. And I do listen to her and keep myself when we are with her. I do accept that she might feel uncomfortable and I respect her feelings.
As someone who lived in Russia for many years, I disagree with this video. First of all, the question is wrong. If you went to anywhere and asked the question, "Are you racist?' nearly everyone will say no (like the 85 people in this video). But if you break it down and ask specific questions, people's prejudice will show. How about questions like, "Should two men be allowed to hold hands while walking down the street like a heterosexual couple?" or "If a gay man said you were cute and asked you out, what would you do?" or "Do you think being gay is a mental illness?" or "Do you think gay people should be allowed to work with children?". I could go on and on and I know the answers already. I'm not faulting Russians per se because the same could be said about the US in decades past and it takes time for acceptance. We, in the US, want to seem so progressive towards gay issues, but it wasn't until 2015 that gay marriage was legal in all of the US and now we are afraid the Supreme Court can take that away. But the conclusion the creator wants us to take from this video, I don't buy it nor does it match my personal experience in Russia or my Russian friends.
Exactly, thats why there were different questions and I saw the same people with those different questions, answer and it wasnt consistent to their answers of NO to "are you h^^^phobic?"
Actually, the second question is doing precisely that, showing that many people are still struggling. The first one is there just to show the difference, it's not wrong. Both of the questions are asked in that order for a reason. If you watch this guy's other videos, you'll see that it's his thing, asking a question with an obvious answer first and then nailing it with a follow up question.
I'm a Bisexual Filipino guy. I just want everyone to know that we never choose our sexuality. It just came out naturally. We have inclinations and desires that are in the brain and heart. It's not like choosing what clothes to wear or what food to eat. It's not like that. Many heterosexual people believes that this is a choice because they don't know what we feel in the inside. They think that a gay man who would act masculine or a lesbian woman who would act feminine is an evidence that they already become straight. But that's not how it is. There are gay men who are very masculine, and there are straight men who are very effeminate. Same thing with women, there are lesbians who are super feminine and there are straight girls who are masculine. Sexuality is different from Gender Expression after all. I'm still hoping the day would come wherein everyone will have an understanding of what we're going through. It's ok if you don't accept us. That's fine. What anger me the most is that there are rumors and false assumptions that are being spread against us and the community.
Interesting. I must ask however, you mention that it's natural. How Come the amount of LGBTQ people is steadily on the rise among populations? I would argue that the biggest reason for being gay and other things is that our society is encouraging it. 200 years ago, this choice was not optional. Now, it is a choice that people make because it has been normalized. I would like to see your point of view on this point.
@@thomast6851 There were moments in the past when homosexuality (and the rest of the LGBTQ spectrum) was even more obvious and part of society than today, like in Ancient Greece, or in the Roman Empire, for example. Its more about acceptance in society = visibility. The amount of people has always been there, but in times when it was not accepted, and prosecuted, the majority were just in the closet, confused and hiding, so it felt like they were not there. If a society is accepting they accept themselves and they come out, and more people is willing to explore parts of themselves that in other times in history they would just have to try to ignore and hide. Also, a very simple thing: there are more and more of us, exponentially, and the more of us there are, the more gay people there will be also.
@@thomast6851 Homosexuality is a natural phenomenon well known to science. In the animal world there are thousands of species in which it occurs. Besides that there are also transsexualities, such as gynandmorphism (half male, half female), intra-and interspecific sexual mimicry, hermaphrodites... Many of this phenomena occurs in order to regulate the population of a certain species, or just because biology is never black or white and it exhibit a big amount of greys in between. But, yeah, definitely as natural as it gets.
I need this channel in this times so much. It helps me to stay in balance with myself when I see that people are not so different from each other. I believe that we could have a friendly future together.
This channel will show you a highly distorted picture. If you went in and asked people if they're racist even in a highly racist population, over 90% would say no. Trust me most Russians even the younger generation are homophobic
@@lil_weasel219 Hi Weasel, may be or not😏. I prefer to try to find the more optimistic way of observation. People are not only bad, nowhere. If we look for constructive relationships with each other in daily live depends on us not politicians and their games. And that is what the channel 1420 me often shows.
@The Fish Russian twitch viewers liked to troll our streamers asking them to put gachi mix on stream and then watching reaction. It became so popular that with time people were not shocked anymore but became catually charmed by Billy's charisma. Nowadays most of popular Russian songs got gachi mixed
The man who said he was homophobic because he was raised that way sums it up perfectly. As much as people like to think they think with their own head the upbringing and ideologies of individuals that were forced upon them are rooted deep inside. I don’t know what is it with societies to always look down on minorities, is it some biological thing to hate on the ones who are different from them or what?
It’s hard to believe anyone would WANT their child to come out gay. I mean, to have them go through all of this bullsh*t from other people all their life? Of course it would be easier if my child is straight and follows the same direction in this grand highway of life. But the reality is that there IS a chance that your child will come to you one day as their parent, and ask for your support in coming out. I have to be prepared for that possibility. It’s my duty as his parent to protect him at all costs.. straight or not.
That's the answer for the sake of their quality of life, for a parent's preference is a different story though. But I think it's only more right to not care to want a straight or lgbt, but it's okay, especially if you just want someone to continue your bloodline or if depending on your sexual orientation as a parent, you wanna relate to them more and be able to help out in their romance life.
got us in the first half ngl, i see too many comments like "ooh im not phobic i just don't want them to be like that ... oh because it will be hard for them" like bruh what you'll do if they were? and why not change the world not ur kid
В каком месте физиологически заложено ? По мнению антропологов , это не логично , тк потомство не получается (для вас это огромное открытие ) По мимо этого есть исследования о влиянии на мужской плод ребенка, фталатов и впоследствии изменении поведения ,в начальном, школьном возрасте (дети предпочитают противоположный род деятельности, свойственный мальчикам, а ещё огромное количество физиологических отклонений от референтных значений) далее ,наблюдения на сколько я знаю ,прекратились. (Наталкивает на мысль , не более ) Возможно это зависит с гипотоламо-гипофизарной системой , влияние андрогенных и эстрогенных гормонов на мозг в утробном развитии и до конца подросткового . (Я могу быть не точнен , так что прошу проверить в интернете ) Ещё не исследовано много моментов этого рода и выводы вообще нельзя делать . И если вы намерены их делать, напишите род вашей медицинской деятельности . Ещё хочу поделиться моментом для раздумий : Со времён нацистской Германии ,прошло, всего лишь 79 лет, где огромная часть общества, считала, что она выше другой, и наоборот, и государства поддерживали эту позицию . А ещё момент ,в недавней истории- когда определенные государства умалчивали колоссальное отрицательное влияние свинцовых присадок в бензине, на организм человека. Все эти ситуации (а я вспомнил всего лишь 2 из множества) были не так давно и они наталкивают на вывод на сколько могут ошибаться огромное количество масс на счёт своих взглядов и не стоит следовать за толпой , а стоит думать своей головой . В любом случае я отношусь ко всем людям на равных и всем желаю лишь добра , но когда мне и моим близким , а ещё хуже не дееспособным близким, доносят без оснований что это заложено и это норма , я буду максимально противостоять этому. Я хочу сказать что это не свойственно человеку , но это не повод для дискриминации ,травли и тд , это такие же люди как и все .
@@НикГорелов-х4впо мнению хуя с горы тебе бы следовало открыть гугл, сделать небольшой ресерч и обновить свои знания, открыв для себя кучу новой информации, но ты, конечно же, этого делать не будешь.
@@soriroguri Ну, и как правило, весь так называемый "ресерч" о котором вы и подобные вам "просветлённые" так любите говорить - это просмотр видео вруша-манипуляша Trashsmash'а, прочтение нисколички не предвзятой википедии и прочий бред.))
Многи пишут про Москву, что только там толерантные люди. Во многих городах России они такие же, от Смоленска до Владивостока, от национальных республик до маленьких городов. Старшее поколение принимает, молодежь глобализирована. Просто надо больше узнавать, больше интересоваться кульурой страны в живую, не демонизировать соотечественников.
what happenses is that Kremlin is spreading a message against western people and civilizations, most of the people in the western sides look at Russia like people with no feelings and I am pretty sure that 99% of that feeling was born due Kremlin’s propaganda which at the end of th day the only thing that does is to harm Russians image
Никогда не поверю, что в депрессивном бедном Смоленске, помешанном на войне и истории, такое же отношение к этой теме, как в Москве. Или на Кузбассе. Или на Урале. От места, к сожалению, много зависит. В столице стоит толпа возложить цветы Навальному, а в каком-то Чебурашкинске в это время под Шамана пляшут
You should get out of Moscow sometimes and visit smaller towns. My homeland, Poland is the same - people are tolerant and open-minded in big cities, where cultures intersect, but when you leave the biggest metropolies, even by 40km or so, things and people's opinions shift dramatically, sometimes by a 180 degrees, to a point of hatred and approval for genocide. Luckily, more and more people have access to the Internet, which makes them more informed.
True support is only found out after the second question, the tune changed for a lot of people. To "accept" gay people is one thing (that doesn't mean much) but to actually prove it is another.
In fact it changed for very few people. Some said they would be upset but would try to understand, which is all you can ask of any parent. I thought it was a hugely encouraging video in general.
Nobody has to prove anything to you. Supporting or being neutral is no longer enough for the LGBT community? Now, in order not to hurt you, need it become gay? You are radical.
There is a problem with the negative connotation of saying something is unnatural or abnormal. The slightly contradictory fact is that all people are actually "not normal", as in, they will have some feature that will not conform to a statistical average of the human population. Some features may be completely unnoticeable and have no impact on regular life of an individual or his offspring (like birthmarks, being a lefty, being taller\shorter). Two humans of the same sex, thou, do not perpetuate those genes simultaneously in nature (assuming homosexuality is something you are born with through a regular healthy birth, and not something acquired afterwards). Our very own nature of reproduction is "homophobic", like it or not. While I do not see an homosexual as a fully "normal" person, I do not think it is logical in any sense to discriminate and mistreat people who are in their own right to exist, people who can and do contribute to society. Societies and the existence of human race cannot solely be reduced to our means of reproduction. Not being normal _is_ fairly normal, and unless it is something that prevents a person from being healthy and living a happy life, there's nothing wrong with not being normal.
а можно гетеро тоже будут тогда поскромнее быть? а то мне уже надоело смотреть как они языки друг другу в глотки пихают посередине тротуара или на остановке (впрочем им в принципе без разницы где это делать)
Обиженные и вечноущемленные. Всем все равно на вас. Да в обществе к вам большинство людей нормально относятся, что и показало видео, всем ПОФИГ. Твой комментарий неуместен. Соситесь вы сколько хотите на улице, только делать это лучше за пределами государства где законом запрещены такие действия и это считается за нарушение традиций и пропагандой. Нет, гетеро нельзя быть поскромнее. Пусть делают что хотят, так же как и вы делаете все что хотите. А мне на комментарии таких как ты надоело смотреть, и что? Развернись уйди, отвернись Какая разница кто этим занимается, это в обоих случаях не всем бывает приятно наблюдать. Но тебе никто не заставляет стоять и пялиться. Если тебя это раздражает это твои личные проблемы, так же как и если бы кого то раздражало что на улице целуются два гея.
Автор, готова снять видео в своём городе с таким же вопросом, что бы доказать, что в провинции ситуация такая же. Жутко бесят люди, говорящие что провинция отсталая и там у людей мнение иное.
@@123Karnak я вот летом буду проезжать мимо Дагестана спрошу. Я первый раз когда там была тоже была мнения о том что там «дикие» люди, а когда приехала туда оказалось обычные люди.
@@lol-stall6015, интересно всё-таки, как только Кавказ упомянается, так все почему-то думают о чём-то диком. Не с Кавказа, но как то за людей обидно :/
A further question you could ask is, "is being gay a choice or is it wiring?" Ask this to 100 homosexual people, then ask to 100 hetrosexuals. It might be eye opening.
👍👍👍👍👍Exactly!!! I keep hearing "choice", "preference", "how they WANT",.... All terms that science and psychology have jettisoned. It makes me want to ask people, "Well, how many gay experiences did you have before YOU CHOSE to go straight"? "How can you guarantee that YOU won't PREFER the same gender in the future"? It's like a strangely tolerant type of the 1950s! 🙄🤣🤣🤣
@@epidomy2 But, that's my point (in a way). I want defence of the very concept of choice. I want to hear someone say, "I WOULD sleep with same gender people, but I CHOOSE the opposite (and I don't feel cheated /deprived /untrue to my nature". When were they given a "choice"? Did they "choose" because they placed a premium on personal servility, and blind obedience to a temporal authority (above self) as an expression of the highest virtue? Again, I am touched by the (tepid) tolerance, but reeling from the ignorance of the approach that demands a qualified tolerance. For myself, it's a nice "baby step" in a good direction.
@@tj5032 They probably meant that they can choose to hide or repress that part of themselves, to fit in with the majority, or they can choose to act on it and/or be “out”.
I... kinda understand not wanting your kid to be gay, so long as it's not from a strictly homophobic standpoint. Being a parent is terribly difficult and frought with worry. My mum was always frightened on my behalf because I got bullied a lot. When I came out, to her, it was one more reason on top of many that she was scared for me.
You just don't understand how it works in Russia, their responses didn't include "they should be beaten with sticks," "forced treatment in an insane asylum."
Yeah i agree - keep it in private. Its not hard to do. Actually i think everyone must keep it private. Even straight couples. I mean if your hands connected its ok but when someone kissing in public place its not ok for everyone IMHO
@@TRIALEX3 in your country 2 men if they hold hands in public,they would be beaten to death. If a heterosexual couple kiss, the public will ignore ... so how is logical to beat or even kill some people because they are different?
Daniil can you ask them more casual questions for a little change? Nice Russian songs, their favourite Russian food, if they have pets, best books they've read, best places to visit, what do they think about state healthcare, about parents, grandparents, fave celebs, fave cuisine, sun or moon, beaches or mountains, anything. The questions you asked were enough to show the world that Russians are just like every other person, people who won't accept it won't accept it, no matter how hard you try to show them. Who are ready to accept it have already accepted it. Just couple of casual questions please????
Oh yeah I would like to know about books. I'm reading Enlightenment now and Factfullness (not the best timing for such positive books I know) but Factfullness is a must read
Потому что это фейк опросы, подговорили группу хипстеров снятся для интервью. Это все срежессировано. Россия одна из самых гомофобных стран мира. Это подтверждено многими источниками
У меня за 20 лет работы в разных местах совсем другой опыт. С желанием гнобить вообще ни разу не сталкивалась. Осуждали это тоже единицы. В одном коллективе даже был мужик гей, все об этом знали, по нему не догадаться было, но он не скрывал. Несколько раз даже его муж приходил на работу, реакция была как на супруга/у любого другого сотрудника. Конечно иногда подшучивали на эту тему, но не больше чем над другими
А где я сталкивалась с гомофобией: в детском доме, в лагере, в типографии. Прям никто их не спрашивал, а они начинали со мной на эту тему говорить, про своё нет и своё отвращение.
"Are you homophobic?" is a very loaded question. Everybody's automatic response is no. As soon as you phrased it differently or asked follow up questions, the real talk started... The average Russian opinion seems to be similar to ~1990s in a lot of western countries. "I don't have a problem with people being gay but nobody *_I_* know should be gay"
"... nobody I know should be gay." - Mmmh, I think best is to not think about that before it happens. Perhaps sometimes your best friend tells you that he's gay and then you decide to stand by your friend regardless of this fact. If you think about it in advance that could affect your decision negatively.
Interesting! Lets be honest here, most people in most countries would answer no on the first question and hesitate or ramble or be negative on the second, even those who are gay themselves. I am a proud mother myself. 👍🌈
@@shanish82 Probably because it´s still difficult and comes with a lot of rubbish to be gay and live in this society where it is an issue? Some countries it´s a life-threatening "choice", some countries caustic comments at any opportunity :).
I am from Russia (Voronezh). A twofold feeling on this issue. On the one hand, I grew up in a religious family, where the standard way of life prevails, which is managed by my grandmother. She treated gays extremely negatively, I remember that relatives joked about them and did not accept them. Mom just disapproves, especially those who are feminine, but treat them with restraint in public, and says frankly what she thinks only to me. I know pansexual and asexual girls among my acquaintances. And when I found out, I didn't feel anything new in my attitude towards them. They are good people and this is their business. Even though I have written this, I feel that I am going against the family's attitudes... If I were, for example, a lesbian, then I would definitely not be accepted in my family. I would not have been taken seriously (at best), or would have been mistaken for a mentally ill, possessed, and in the name of saving my soul, they would definitely have taken me to the temple by force. There was a case when I openly admitted that I was an atheist. In the eyes of my family, I became possessed. They looked at me like a wild animal, they were afraid to approach, they poured holy water on me, read prayers over my head, they tricked me into going to the temple, where in the fall I was standing outside under strong pressure of cold water while a new cross was attached to my neck, and after that I walked around the church like a rat from canonization and kissed icons. It seems to me that homophobia comes from religion, where, let's say, simple non-standardness is perceived as a sin, a crime, a mistake. And I, as a person who grew up in a religious family, feel the pressure of religion on my choice of attitude towards people. It's as if religion has put invisible red signs "wrong" on everything that goes beyond it and I have to keep my distance. Maybe I'm judging only by my experience and it's not true, but I think so. I hope that the time will come when people will treat orientation as they now treat the choice of their favorite color.
That sounds like you had a really difficult experience, with the attempt to force you to believe. I hope things have been better for you since. There is a very famous book in England called Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit - you might like to read a story about sexuality and religious extremism from another culture. Best regards from England 👍.
A lot of Russian people are coming to Buenos Aires recently to live here, I'm glad to know that most of you are ok with the LGBTQ+ community. Argentina in general its very open and supportive about LGBTQ+ rights, as if should be.
I didn't care. A man once flirted with me and I took it more as a compliment than an annoyance. I think when people are uncomfortable around gay people, they are insecure about their own sexuality. Why else would that bother you?
Yes, that is right. A heterosexual men who is sure about his sexuality won t be angry when a homosexuals flirts with him. Some of the men who are angry about homosexuals and lesbians have been raised by their parents with the idea that only heterosexuals are good.
@@marko.rankovic most of the homosexuals don t do that. And if they do, the men could say that they are hetero,not to be angry. Lesbians explain nice to them that they are not heterosexuals, why straight men could not do the same ?
The translation isn't correct. The answer was better . She said "I don't care for colour. Blue, navy blue, red, pink or grey brown- raspberry speckled. "😅😂😂😂 I
I don't understand why so many people use the word "choice" when it comes to sexuality, even the interviewer. Btw, the woman on 8:25 didn't in fact use the word "choice", she said that the sexuality of her kid is the kid's BUSINESS not hers.
Because many people uneducated regarding sexual orientation. Since Russia have law about “gay propaganda” it’s socially not appropriate to make public education about LGBT nature. If people don’t want to educate themselves in this field, they don’t know the basics.
Yeah, that was pretty upsetting. I think many LGBTQ+ who have face discrimination or similar would rather wish they could choose to be straight. But they just cannot and have to deal with hate for as long as society doesn't change as a whole.
От этого видео стало легче на душе, еще не все потерянно, мы все люди, мы все братья, и не важно кто кого любит, у любви нету границ (кроме возраста разумеется)
Well that's Moscow, but almost all other parts of the country are full of shit and homophobia. Plus there's more problems with zero help and acception from government itself
Florida has great people there but sadly the Republican governor as well as the Republican controlled legislature has given it a bad name just so they keep in power. Republicans there nowadays are passing things no one really gives a shyt about. Hopefully, a Democrat wins the governorship in Florida's next election. Get the crazy Republicans out.
Если опрос был сделан в Москве, то это вполне ожидаемые для нее цифры. Надо было снимать ролик в глубинках, провинциях, тут то бы мы и увидели реальную картину.
Нет, это не реальная картина, 12 миллионов человек в городе, где люди с разных стран и регионов, который устанавливает планку для всех - это реальная картина
С учетом того, что почти вся Москва приезжие, то вполне можно сказать что это все российски опрос 😀 когда я жила в Москве больше половины друзей были из моего же города живущие в Москве. И вообще ни одного друга москвича. Все из разных городов и все приехали в разное время кто-то давно живет кто-то пару месяцев.
For foreigners thi videp is not 100% accurate about Russian community Yes we have a lot of lgbt friendly people in general but also we have a lot of homophobic people too This video is filmed in Moscow and Moscow is generally much closer to the European culture than the rest of our country and I'm afraid if you ask the same question in another region the answers will change a lot
Забавная правда этого видео в том, что большинство из опрошенных людей даже не знали значение слова "гомофоб". Для них вопрос "вы гомофоб?" звучал как "вы гей?"
@@Сашка-в5в Посмотрел опросы где у людей спрашивали "Вы гетеросексуал?". Результатом стало то, что 95% людей ответили нет))) Некоторые даже с кулаками полезли на ведущего. Опрос проводили к слову не в столице, но всё же. Поверить в то, что в России так много не гетеро как то сложно. Следовательно большинство россиян значения слов по типу "гетеросексуал, гомосексуал, гомофоб" просто не знают... Впрочем зачем я отвечаю лахте??? Тут и так всё очевидно же, достаточно по сторонам оглядеться. В обществе сейчас стена ненависти к всем "не таким", а этот опрос какой-то розовый мирок строит, где все хорошенькие
@@Neferpitou3 не могу отрицать все то что вы сказали, но посмотреть на этот опрос хочется. Тут надо смотреть на то какие люди присутсвовали в видео (молодые, старые), год . Люди меняются в своих познания
@@Сашка-в5в Забейте в поиск "Вы гетеросексуал?" и посмотрите. Год, да, достаточно древний (хотя есть и видео 2 летней давности), но в связи с риторикой нашего государства начиная с 2022 года, ситуация становится ещё хуже. Люди более неграмотности, стали ещё и озлобленные, появилась стена ненависти. Мне не очень понятно, что вы вообще хотите сказать... Типа в России к ЛГБТ относятся нормально? Или что?
Well, while most answers are quite positive - most seem to miss a very important fact - it's neither a choice nor a preference. And it doesn't reflect back on the parents, they didn't do anything wrong or are in any way less heterosexual if their kids turn out to be LGBT.
i'd say there is a little difference in perception of the topic between Russia and the West (well, in general). The choice is meant in whether to be openly LGBT or never talk about it outside their closest circle. In this way it is a choice - and if my kid would have to make this choice in today's Russia I would feel a little worried it can still be harder in life for him/her if they come out
@@bardo0007 Yes and no. We sometimes jokingly say Moscow and St. Petersburg are western europe but somehow the native people there still speak russian. Near no one outside of those sees them as Russian, they are separate entities, who happen to be part of the Russian Federation.
Imagine a situation in front of you: people with a camera ask a pressing question about the opinion of people whose rights they have been fighting for in recent years; they put you in front of a camera and ask the question, “Are you homophobic or not?” And in order to avoid mass hatred and aggression that will obviously be poured on them, they prefer to lie in order to save their own skin. I have lived in Russia for many years and I know what I am talking about. Living constantly in fear that the truth will somehow be revealed is very scary and now that's why you have to lie that you are the same as everyone else, straight, in order to avoid baseless hatred and injustice or just not to be beaten half to death in some alley because of your orientation. And if you want to know the opinion of the state, then you will only need to look at the Constitution of the Russian Federation That's where everything will be described in detail.
alright, I'm actually reading this as a half Spanish half French person and I was expecting Russians to be way more homophobic. I'm so pleased to see that society is progressing and that most people are supportive towards it :)
@@pricelessppp You seem rather hateful yourself, espousing that some don't deserve to live, while others have a special place at the table. All peoples have the right of self-determination, not just those you pick and choose.
Thank you for these insights into Russian opinion, many have surprised me, but are these people truly representative of the majority? They seem more sophisticated, educated & progressive, but perhaps that is my preconceived bias of greater Russia. In regard to averageperson882's comment, previously parent's attitudes used to be the same in the west because they were afraid their loved one would face discrimination & unwarranted difficulties. It is those who say "As long as I don't see it" or "As long as they keep it to themselves" who truly have unconscious bias.
The new generation is the hope for a better world no matter the country , and it evolves better and better and more and more, to the displeasure of the reactionaries .
Hope you can ask more questions like these but more in depth on the topic. Like “should gay marriage be legalized” “should gay people be able to show their affection in public without discrimination (kissing hugging etc), “should pride parades be allowed”.
I am a Russian citizen and I can be the first one to answer those... :D 1)...uhm...Idk really but I wouldn't mind if they were but most likely that'll never happen. 2)I think no. 3) No...because some mad individuals can take it to extreme and do some crazy fetishist shit on such events etc. Also I would add one important question: "Would you be ok with your relative, friend or acquaintance being in LGBTQ+ community?" My answer would be: 'Yes since it's none of my business'.
1) нет 2) нет. В России вообще принято вести себя сдержанно в обществе в плане сексуальных отношений. У нас и традиционные пары не зажимаются и не лобзаются в общественных местах. Такое воспитание. 3) нет. А зачем? Парад гордости? А разве гомосексуализм - это достижение? А всего лишь природа человека. А если тянет нацепить стринги на голую жопу, накрасить губы помадой и надеть каблуки, то это можно сделать на закрытых тематических вечеринках, а не на параде.
Какие могут быть парады гордости? Разве может быть нетрадиционной ориентация причиной гордости ? Разве это достижение, разве это что-то выдающееся, приносящее пользу окружающим? Нет. В западных странах это возвели в какой-то абсурд, открыли окно овертона, сейчас ваши парады превратились в непотребные шоу и пропаганду, которая травмирует психику детей. Вы насильно навязываете людям, детям свою точку зрения, причём агрессивно. Гей парады в западных странах-это шествие извращенцев в самых ужасных проявлениях. И все, кто участвует в этих парадах зацикленные только на себе эгоисты и махровые нарциссы, не думающие об интересах других людей, об окружении
I’ve been hooked on your channel since I first discovered it a couple of months ago, with the perhaps surprising result that I’m beginning to respect the good people of Russia more and more! 🇷🇺 ❤️👍
Nice one, thanks. Reassuring and even surprising, not what I expected. Normally we get a message that Russians are generally homophobic. But again, as usual, you interviewed mostly cool cosmopolitan types in Moscow, it seems, so just how representative these are might be debatable. Let’s hear what they say in Grozni!
The answers in Grozny are predictable because they have a rather strict mentality, I have friends among Chechens, they respect their parents very much, so even if they are attracted to the opposite sex, they will never say so, as far as I know, same-sex relationships are unacceptable in Islam. If we talk about Russians from smaller cities, then I think they don't care what orientation a person has, but in any case, there are people everywhere who will be against it, this is their opinion🤷🏼♀️
@Виктор Халк mmm…because it’s wide known that especially in Chechnya gay people are prosecuted, arrested, tortured or even killed. By Chechen government. Other regions don’t have this on that high level
Чем ниже уровень интеллекта, образования и эмпатии у человека, тем больше шансов того, что он будет ненавидеть какую-либо социальную группу. Я предлагаю все же не людям ЛГБТК+ проходить лечение, а тем, у кого есть зоосадизм или не контролируемая агрессия например. Вот эти люди опасны, которые говорят о том, что геи должны умереть.
Знаете, есть элементарная брезгливость и все. Это никак не зависит от интеллекта и образования. Мне, например, противны сороконожки. Чисто внешне, без какой либо причины. Точно также мне непонятны всяки товарищи индентифицирующие себя как : "мы/они/женщина в теле мужчины, который чувствует себя инопланетянином и тд."Просто, все это уже доходит до абсурда, когда выходит за рамки сексульной ориентации и расстройства гендерной принадлежности. Есть природа, есть отклонения от неё, все, точка. Если это отклонения в голове, следовательно есть шанс, это как-то это скорректировать. Хочет человек - пусть так делает, не хочет- пусть живёт с этим. Мне все равно. Но пихать это всем в лицо, зачем? При этом называя нормой, когда это не так. Тут вопрос только в том, что агрессия и насилие, руководствуясь фактом человеческого отклонения, не допустимо. Но могу сказать, что вот любая такая пропаганда делает только хуже и злит. Почему я должна принимать чиь-то отклонения за данность и везде про это слушать? Есть и есть, не пихайте мне это все в лицо и будет вам мир.
@@user-hu6vn4wb5w Если вы считаете, что сороконожки противны вам без причины, то вы и по жизни строите противоречивые логические связи. Причём тут ваши сороконожки и социальная группа людей?
- are you a homophobe? - no, idc - what would you do if your child was gay? - i would be upset/would talk to them - are you homophobic? - no, as long as they don’t show their feelings among “normal” people yeah, these people aren’t self-aware enough. and some of them said homosexuality was a choice? uhm.
there’s some translation difficulties. the old lady said that if her child is gay she thinks that it is his personal affair, but the subtitles said “it’s his personal choice”. not everyone had in mind that this is the choice, it’s just a features of our language :)
You can call me a barbarian but 2 kissing men on the street is meh... I prefer noone do this even straight couples. Its better then kissing lgbt couples.
Lol so what! I don't want my son or daughter to be gay either, but I don't give a shit if it doesn't affect me and my family. Fuck a donkey, just as long as it doesn't affect my family
I am a gay person myself and it makes me really happy to see people like this. I guess our need to be seen comes from the fact that we would like to be treated equal one day, not to make other people uncomfortable. It's not the choice that we made or something that we wanted. Greeting to all good people in Russia from Poland
I actually agree about the private thing. I think sex and sexuality in general should be a private matter. This goes for all of us, not just gay and bisexual people.
@@rotapander And where was such a thing said? You don't need to be be exposed to anything to be heterosexual. In a normal environment there shouldn't be any lack of attraction to the opposite sex. Sexuality is largely environmental. Does this mean you will not also be attracted to the same sex, no. And like I said, sex should be a private matter for everyone.
@@vertigo2894 anddd that's just bullshit. People develop as it is. Remember Erwin Rommel? NsdAp member, raised more homophobe than anyone else and gay. People have always been gay in homophobe societies too and you won't change it. And it is NOTHING wrong with being into the same gender. Just let people love each other gdam, they don't hurt you. And in a democracy, we got freedom of expression no?
As a queer person I find it nice how even though some of these people wouldn’t agree with my love that they still agree that I’m a person who deserves respect.
Please, consider asking about gay men, lesbian women, bisexual people and transgender people in separate videos or questions. I think most people do not have the same feeling about each of them. "Muchas gracias" 🇪🇸
I liked the attitude of the lady at 10:03 the most. 😃 Funny thing is that many of them say "it's their choice" but of it course it isn't a choice, just like you can't choose your skin color or how many fingers you have. 😀
Even though most people said that they are not homophobic, a lot of them seem to think that is a "choice". As a straight heterosexual male, i never "chose" to be straight -- i.e., it's innate and biological (atleast according to the current scientific understanding). Maybe barring very few exceptions, I guess it's the same with people who are not straight (except, maybe bisexuals) -- their biology decides whether they are straight or not, it's not a conscious choice.
Well said. The thing is, they lack information about it and likley heart mostly Propaganda against lgbt people. It's sad. It's also not a choice, it's natural.
I don't think biology is the word you're looking for. There may be lose genetic research that ties in with sexuality, but I think a lot more has to do with psychological and environmental factors. I'm not at all implying it's a choice, but I don't think there's any way to pinpoint from a biological standpoint what someone's sexuality will be. Think for example of how people have different types - some people are more attracted to tall people, short people, blondes, brunettes, etc. Nothing in our biology can change that, nor can we choose to change our types. It has to do with some subconscious feelings.
Of course you didn't choose. It is in your very DNA to reproduce. The entire point of life is to reproduce itself, so that trait has passed down from generation to generation, because anything else is antithetical to reproduction, thus antithetical to life itself.
Watching this video for me is like scanning my previously messy room after tidying it up for a while and being relieved about how it's clean now for the most part
I live in southern Italy and I really doubt this video could have been so calm here. I believe that many people here would have beaten you up just only for the children questions, because they would get very offended at it. And we live in "democracy"
Я рада, что много людей поддерживает ЛГБТ 😅❤ я никогжа не задумывалась быть гомофобом. Почему людей должно волновать, какой ориентации друглй человек, это его выюор и его жизнь
It’s wild, majority of them say they’re not homophobic yet most of them would have negative feelings about their children being gay and they all seem to describe it as a choice. Most of them saying they aren’t homophobic clearly have homophobic tendencies and clearly don’t understand their own homophobia
I think it's interesting that the word "choice" was used quite often. People don't choose to be gay any more than people choose to be straight. If this was universally understood, I bet the number of those saying no would be even higher.
Sometimes it was not the best translation of 'it's their business', 'it's their life'. But often it was indeed what thay meant. I personally feel that sexuallity being a choice is a popular belief in Russia
Well a g/y could have just accepted that it would be better for him and all of society to just marry a girl. The reasoni don't like g.y is because they are willing to leave their family , the people who took care of them and loved them ,just for one random man purely out of l,st. This isn't right. Young people are supposed to be the support of their old parents. And this is exactly why l,bt goes against all family values that are really important and should be kept.
@@knisterkultur476 why the sad face? Are you a snowflake ? Oh and another reason is that those people are the MOST ANNOYING little things on the planet
@@fellowcomrade3076 What a weird take. First, it's "lust" if a guy likes a guy, but "love" if it's a guy and a girl right? It's fine if that's what love means to you, but people are diverse. Second, nobody should have to be stuck in a relationship with someone who was never nor will ever be attracted to them (the girl in a relationship with a gay guy) their whole life. Third, what makes you think gay people (or couples) are any less able to take care of their elderly parents? I'm gay, I see my elderly mother several times a week, clean her house and help her with anything else she can't manage on her own.
good on them! i think nearly everyone took the question and answered it in a respectful way. even as a gay person i can agree with the people that partially accept it, i dont like seeing it out in public too much myself and it makes sense that straight people feel uncomfortable around lgbtq. but that also depends why they feel that way. for example if theyre being hit on or being told sexual things i would be uncomfortable too
It's heartening to hear that a significant majority of people in this survey expressed acceptance and tolerance toward LGBTQ+ individuals. This level of support and understanding is a positive step forward, especially in a country where LGBTQ+ rights have often been challenged. When people believe that everyone should live with dignity and happiness, it reflects a growing awareness of human rights and equality. However, it's important to remember that true acceptance goes beyond just words; it involves actions and systemic changes that ensure everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live safely and freely. The responses show promise, but there is still work to be done to challenge remaining prejudices and to ensure that such acceptance translates into real-world protections and rights for LGBTQ+ people everywhere.🏳️🌈❤️
🏳️🌈 = 👎🏻: 8
🏳️🌈 = 👌: 85
🏳️🌈 = 🤷♂️: 7
I thought Russia 🇷🇺 was a more 'Conservative, traditional country' with more Christian-like values.
I still have hope for Russia 🇷🇺 because I think they may understand these issues more when they're older.
@@stlouisix3 most who hate LGBT are people over 40. Act the younger ones are more open minded
Стыдно за свою страну..
Russians are actually open minded society, I wish they have a better leader.
That babushka at 10:01 is just the sweetest person pls protect at all costs!
Calling this lady a babushka will be rude. She's not that old.
@@dianajemison105 Yes... unfortunately, we live in an age where you should call people "it" instead of "he/she" to avoid being cancelled on social media.
@@Toopa88 No, if you aren't sure about someone's pronouns, you say, they/them. Not it. How would you like it if someone called you it?
@@Toopa88 lmao who told u this
Its actually translated a bit wrong. Most of the people who said “it’s their choice” actually said “it’s their life” “it’s their business” etc
Но разницы нет
@@alekxplaghj9780 ориентация не выбирается. В данном случае "это их выбор" звучит так, будто это выбирают. "Это их жизнь" звучит как что-то личное, куда не должны лезть другие. Это немного разное
thanks, I was wondering about that as well when the translation always was choice. Было бы плохо если бы все люди думали что гомосексуализм это выбор.
@@karivar5404 "Ориентация не выбирается."
Ага, а людям, которым нравится сыр чеддер и коннина, это определено генами, судьбой, богом и подобным. Не несите детерминистического такого рода бред в отношении простейшего выбора на основе предпочтений, а то "наплодите" ещё больше отсталых, верящих в гороскопы.
P.S. Не нравится аналогия с пищей: замените её на другую любую вещь
@@ИльяМихайлов-э4л ориентация не выбирается. Если у парня не встаёт на девушку - это не его выбор. Он не управляет кровью в организме.
"Он мой ребёнок и моим ребёнком не перестаёт быть, у него своя жизнь и свои решения, я люблю его любым" - плачу, потому что это слова золотых родителей
Its like saying: what if your kids do incest? Of course you would still love them, but that doesn’t make what they do ok…
@@HeleneBlancBeaufoy But incest isn't sexual orientation and isn't same to these, when ppl two of adults like and loves each other, no matter men with men, or women with women, or men with women.
@@maka2210angel9_devilWhat is the definition of sexual orientation? If you open up a psychiatry or a medicine book you will find out that incest and homosexuality are the SAME biologically. You are NOT born homosexual, the same as you are not born incestuous.
@@HeleneBlancBeaufoy In books either can be mistake. Homosexuality isn't same as incest, it's totally different. And biologically it's too not same with homosexuality, if heterosexuality isn't same too. It's totally different.
Ну это, во-первых, в основном молодых людей спрашивают, во-вторых, в Москве. В больших городах толерантность выше. И молодежь проще относится, чем более старшие поколения. Мне кажется, это прям редкость, люди в возрасте, которых тут опросили, и они спокойно смотрят на это
За молодыми будущее. Могу сказать, что действительно от места жительства зависит мнение, но только потому что в маленьких городах и поседениях меньше знаний об этом. Жить в городе миллионнике или в городе с 100к жителей не одно и тоже по всем аспектам жизни.
Так что нормально, что мы видим мнение со стороны людей с более информационно оснащенного места, ведь в том же США, в глубинке, тоже мало сторонников ЛГБТ движения и тех, кто относится нейтрально или положительно по данному вопросу.
Согласна, хоть я жила в провинции и у меня даже старшие родственники не гомофобы, но в провинции даже за одежду Найк родители могут ненавидеть детей. Тоталитарная семейная дурка.
Спс, что назвал меня отставшим от мира и малоинформированным человеком, ты прям специалист. Удивительно, что ты не знаешь о такой штуке, как интернет. @@onicheez
Как и вов сех странах, везде старшее поколение к этому более остро относится, так же и от городов зависит, бабушка моего друга с Сахалина говорила: "пусть спят с кем хотят, мне какое дело", хотя сами из небольшого пгт в 50тыс людей
Ну хз, жил и там, и там
+- Одинаково
В больших городах даже побольше было из-за наличия мигрантов + там я встретил самых лютейших гомофобов
В маленьких городах тоже есть интернет, и там тоже есть куча лгбт+ людей. От твоего места рождения вероятность родиться с данной наклонностью не снижается
The question “How would you react if your kid or grandkid was gay?”, gives a much better representation of peoples attitudes towards homosexuality than the question “Are you homophobic?”
Many claim to not be homophobic in general yet are less understanding of the concept if put in a position where someone close to them might be gay.
Giusta osservazione! Avere vicino persone 🏳️🌈 aiuta tutti a proteggerle e supportarle nelle loro lotte civili! 🏳️🌈❤️ 🏳️⚧️
And it is right. I am glad that people continue to resist the influence of Western ideas.
I completely agree with @Average Person.
Besides, the term 'homophobe' (or 'racist' for that matter) has negative connotations for almost all people.
Some might not call themselves 'homophobes' but 'traditionalists', 'religious' og other terms that might include LGBT averse views.
I mean, it's the same with "do you hate smokers?" and "would you want your kid to smoke?"
Like, I don't care what people do with their health, as long as it doesn't include me, but when it is about my child, of course I wouldn't want them to smoke.
My best friend is bi and rn is dating a person of her own gender. She is happy and I am happy for her, but I would not want my little sister to date a girl, because that would create a lot of social problems for her
@@unnamed2480 Western ideas who existed even before we know where 'west' is.
The last guy made me laugh 😂, he said “sometimes people think that I’m one of them” 🤣😂
I liked him. He made me laugh too. I wish him the best. He didn't look well.
@@glenncordova4027 no you’re right, he didn’t look to healthy. What ever he’s going through I wish him the best.👍
@@glenncordova4027 he's probably alcoholic
@@pacifist9805 thanks for the link I just watched it and it’s hilarious 😆 😂🤣 even a gay man said he was heterosexual 🤣 that made my day, 👍
Бабушка на 10:02 просто солнышко! Я в шоке, что есть люди прошлого поколения, у которых такое отношение к данной теме… это просто прекрасно
My favorite too!
У меня бабушка точно такая же)
Я гей, и она меня любит, и спрашивает как у меня на личном
@@LediDemitresko я очень рада за вас! Это же так хорошо, иметь понимающих родственников, которые тебя поддерживают ^^
@@froggul1519 да еще она худая зеленоглазая блондинка) ей 76 лет)
Люблю ее до безумия
It's refreshing to see that while Russia's goverment is very agressive to LGBT people, the russian young people are more open minded.. also that babushka at the end 😭❤❤God bless her
what Russian government does YOU GOT NO IDEA. for real. russian people, state and russian government have DIFFERENT RELATIONSHIP compare to yours. and brainwash does not work on Russians. because people form opinions consulting OWN SOUL, not majority or PR. and there is no anti-gay PR in Russia any way. or laws. the only law is to BAN sexualisation of kids. which started appearing. but was stopped.
Отношение нашеого правительства к лгбт - это реакционизм от того, что на западе лгбт превратили в повестку, в том числе политическую. Личная жизнь неприкосновенна - до тех пор, пока это личная жизнь.
@@БелаяГвардия-о4ю Отношение нашеого правительства к лгбт - это придумываение "страшной" проблемы, чтобы не решать существующие
No, it's not. As most sane people say they are neutral to these ppl. But nobody wants they were treated somehow specially, let them do what they want, but not publicly. That's the main demand.
Its not that aggressive to LGBT PEOPLE. Do not interchange PEOPLE with ORGANIZATIONS and open representation- Russia is a country where you cant even swear on TV. No laws go after LGBT PEOPLE- in fact labor law etc protects ALL aspects of a person outside ability to perform the job duties required.... the issue is that the general public does not want something broadly seen as 1. sexual in nature and 2. highly propagandized recently- beyond its normal representation in daily life in all media- they have laws that say those things cannot be essentially advertised to children and more recently the groups who organize such were recognized as groups which are under higher scrutiny. None of that has anything to do with an average LGBT person. Theres nothing the GOVERNMENT does in the daily operations of the country that goes after a specific person. - And as you can see ALL of those people above raised in that country speaking that language and consuming its media STILL believe people are people in the end and even the ones that claim to dislike them dont want to do them any harm.
Bless the young Russian generation with no hatred in their hearts. You're appreciated and supported from afar.
Same for old people) we don’t hate lgbt but we don’t wants it publicly, like parades etc. people may do what they wants behind the door we could say)
@@sketchingdown9710 so you think homophobic is logical?
@@sketchingdown9710 Prove it is
@@sketchingdown9710 factually wrong. same sex couples of been seen as far back as ancient Egypt and if it isn't natural why do nearly 500 animal species practice homosexuality? you are using faulty logic and just flat out wrong information to justify you emotion based bigotry.
The honesty of the woman at 7:28, and her desire to try and be a better person brought a lump to my throat. It takes a huge amount of courage to examine your own feelings and thoughts in a critical way.
I loved her too
She's good
She has precise and decent understanding of her own psychological model. Such people are quite rare statistically.
@@petrasb1 my mother is so...
so true. i appreciate her honesty and intelligence.
10:01 what lovely response from a beautiful, warm, open-hearted woman!
This was refreshing to see that the majority of Russians interviewed here were supportive of gay people. Here in Australia, we only hear of Russia's homophobia and violence toward LGBTQI people - this video illustrates a very similar response that you would receive from people in Australia, if you asked the same question here.
1420; I really appreciate your videos, providing such a humanising insight into Russian people, culturally we may be different - however, we are ALL share the same humanity. It makes it apparent that where we differ is only in our country's leadership & governments, which use division and prejudice in attempts to divide and conquer us. Please keep up the great work!
Why the hell does your country hate Russia so much?
Проблема России в том, что даже если люди не имеют ничего против, а вот наше правительство имеет
Так что да, жестокость и гомофобия в нашей стране есть на уровне законодательном, у нас довольно много всякого например "Запрет гей-пропаганды" (Нельзя показывать ЛГБТ где либо и т.п.), Запрет ЛГБТ парам усыновлять детей и т.д.
@@okoroccns5710 and my gay Australian heart breaks, that such institutionalised homphobia exists in your country. I've read about the horrors that my fellow LGBTI brothers and sisters face in Russia, due to the governments legislated discrimination - hopefully, one day this will change. At least, it seems from this video, many Russians have open minds and seem less prejudiced.
@@harvey1965 Будем верить в лучшее будущее в России и во всём мире
@@harvey1965 Unfortunately this video isn’t even remotely objective. It’s like asking people in the city center of Melbourne. You will get much more interesting(and unsatisfying) response in some small poor town with a bunch of bogans. Same with Russia, it’s about social class mostly, not country specific.
Забавно, что люди с нейтральным отношением развернуто, понятно и аргументированно отвечают, почему они так относятся. У людей с негативной позицией ответы в стиле "ну потому что, ну просто", теряются и даже не могут объяснить свое мнение. Очень доходчиво показывает, что это просто принятая бездумно точка зрения, никакого критического взгляда, просто вот так принято. Простите, байду про Адама и Еву никак не могу считать за аргумент, если что.
Просто такие на самом деле не могут принять свою теневую сторону личности, они считают себя правильными, что ограничивают себя и других, а на самом деле они просто не знают, что вытесняют свою тень. Может, они сами латентные, либо у них зависть, что ЛГБТешники себе могут позволить то, что им запрещает окружение, потому и хотят сами запретить, чтоб все были ограниченные.
Чё несёшь? С обеих сторон в основном клишированные мнения ничем не обоснованные. Самое рациональное что сказали это про отсутствие биологического смысла и про фобии. Людям не обязательно знать почему явление плохое в подробностях, главное что бы общие ориентиры были правильными. Гомосексуализм был в науке болезнью ещё несколько десятков лет назад, только из за давления глобалистов с их политикой по деградации белого традиционного общества, этот подход был безапелляционно пересмотрен и пошли нагромождения фейковых исследований о нормальности этого отклонения. Всех несогласных просто отменяют
Я могу дать тебе развернутый ответ, почему я и вся моя семья против этого сообщества недолюдей, надо?
И почему отвращение к неестественному это негативная позиция?
Если ты будешь против педофилов и некрофилов это негативная позиция? Аргументируй
Хвхавхаза, боже, что вы несете? Там был человек, который ответил почему так. Как правило все те, кто отвечали, что они гомофобы имели ввиду то, что им бы не понравилось, если бы ЛГБТ как-то касалось общества (орали повсюду как дебилы, что они геи, бегали с разноцветными флагами, устраивали гей парады, выступали чуть ли не голыми на сцене), но при этом ничего не имеют против геев, главное, чтобы жить не мешали и пофиг. Все.
@@Luntic_mother Целый человек что-то там попробовал ляпнуть, вау. А кто и где сейчас так делает, что вы описали? В чем проблема флага? Мне вот мужики с пивным пузом не нравятся, не хочу, чтоб они со своими пивными животами по улицам бегали, пусть дома тихо сидят и не демонстрируют себя. А то ходят, навязывают, потом молодые мальчики тоже себе брюхо наращивают, мерзость. И вообще все бренды надо запретить, что за демонстрация. И публичное выражение чувств запретить, свадьбы справлять дома, на свидания в общественные места не ходить, зачем показывать всем что ты весь из себя гетеро? Ханжество и лицемерие так и прет. Чеж у стрипух не стоят с пикетами, чтоб не бегали голыми по сцене. Или это другое? Да нет, не другое, и там, и там хотят понравится мальчикам ;) Ничего не имеют против геев, но далее гиперболизированный стереотипный список того, что дурачки имеют против геев ХD Как я и говорила, аргументация отрицательная и только демонстрирует прямую связь между критическим складом ума, да и вообще его наличием, и яркой гомофобной позицией)
I'm a Russian gay from Rostov, everyone in my office know, my boss knows, all my family and friends know, bc I lived with a b*tch of a man who told everyone I'm gay after I left him. Here how it went - mom cried, because she was scared for me, dad told me I'm dead to him, sister wanted to kill my former boyfriend, colleagues pretended they didn't find out, boss told me it's ok and I shouldn't worry. It was a lot of nerves over nothing, at the end of the day everything went as usual, mom now cries bc she wanted grandkids from me, bc my sister is child free, my father pretends nothing happened, colleagues talk to me as usual and sometimes joke about gay stuff, boss doesn't remember it. all in all not bad, bc I heard horror stories about it coming from all over the world.
I'm glad your mom, sister, and boss are okay with it. I wish you the best in life.
сочувствую тебе((
У меня мама долго плакала, отец говорил, если узнает, то убьет и сядет, не пожалеет об убийстве. Кроме нее никто не знал. Я никому не говорил, ведь хуже будет только ей. Но совсем недавно она умерла, всего 47 лет..
В общем, хочется как-то донести, что сын-гей - это не самая большая беда. Чтобы она поняла, что пока мы живы, мы должны быть счастливы.. Возможно, у вашей мамы такая же проблема, что и у моей - стыд перед родственниками и знакомыми, что воспитали такого сына... Но воспитание вряд ли играет большую роль...
Stay safe!
Сходи к психиатру и сестру возьми. Я не говорю что ты какой-то плохой, просто ты болен и тебе нужно пройти лечение, я знаю о чём говорю, это тяжёлый груз, тебе станет гораздо легче в будущем
"Are you homophobic?" is the wrong question. Of corse everybody will say no because it sounds like a negative thing (it is also) and people are not ready to admit that about themselves. Ask them more specific questions and then you will have your real answer
that is true, other questions would probably show that people have more prejudice than they admit at first. but considering how much anti lgbt propaganda there is on russian tv, i was surprised how many people didn't just say they are homophobic and proud
@@everythingdrifts пропаганда против лгбт это сами лгбт
it is their choice to have prejudice as well as it a choice to be lgbt. why u want everyones opinion to be the same while talking shit about tolerance? they say ok i dont give a fu*k what other people do but it doesnt mean they want to support and even participate in lgbt...
@@georgenash1402 no one is talking about participation. of course you can not force people into lgbt relationships or to be lgbt activists, that’s just ridiculous. people should do what they want as long as it doesn’t harm others. but in a lot of cases homophobia can actually be damaging. like with the child example. if you are a parent and you are being discriminative towards your child it will negatively affect their quality of life. it’s one thing to choose how you want to live your life and it is another to force your lifestyle on others. and being lgbt is not a choice. you can choose who you date, but you can not choose who you are attracted to. do you choose people to have crushes on concisely? i don’t think so. and it is your choice as a gay person to act out your gay feelings or repress them. but forcing gay people into repression is definitely doing harm to them. it’s not just a neutral opinion.
being gay or acting gay doesn’t harm anyone. it’s your life, you are not inviting other people to participate in it by just stating you are gay.
to have an opinion that everyone around you should be straight is harming gay people. cause you are creating a hostile environment. and you deciding for them how they should live. that is invasive.
i think the only correct opinion here is not to care about sexual preferences of people around you. and minding your own business
@@georgenash1402 it is not a choice to be lgbtq
"I don't see anything wrong with kissing a man. I'd rather keep my butt in tact though."
Well said my friend.
To each their own.
He sounds like he might be gay and just doesn't like anal. Not everyone loves anal sex.
Was looking for that comment 😂👌
Там перевод наверно неправильный
he said, "it might hurt to the butt, so no"
Следующее видео: следователь ищет каждого человека из данного ролика, поддерживающего лгбт
P. S. Если вы хотите указать мне на то, что шутка неудачная, то достаньте листочек, напишите на нём свои мысли и сожгите. Надеюсь вам станет легче
лучше б поискали маньяков убийц наркоманов и действительно преступников с таким же успехом
@@ViktoriiaFalileeva это шутка, душнила.
@@ViktoriiaFalileeva просто тема острая, но в остальном с вами согласна
@@seonsualite та не будут их искать, нафиг париться?
@@Q_neutrinoплоская, но мы поняли.
Подписан на вас почти с самого начала, приятно видеть, что прислушиваетесь к аудитории в вопросах подачи контента, да и сам контент на высоте как всегда. Люблю вас 1420🥰
That one guy was spot on about the reasons of homophobia "they make me feel akward" I bet that is actually the main feeling behind racism too. People who look/behave unlike what we have accustomed to make us feel akward and uncertain, and that sometimes leads to fear, anger and agression.
Dude, im russian bisexual myself, but all those LGBTQ+ cringe leftists make me feel awkward as fuck as well.
They look and behave like weirdos and i honestly hate them, not gonna lie.
@@honsuaman8743 not necessarily 😂
@@honsuaman8743 "Hating and feeling uncomfortable are very different things"
But then I guess some kind of visual irritant must be included ? You can't actually see orientation, unless person does something very obvious (like kissing in public with same sex).
Also yours examples shows that disgust is being caused not by people themselves but by objects they eat: bugs, ice-cream and so on.
Racism is basically prejudice based on persons skin color. Homophobia is based on prejudice how people should make sex. Taste on food does not make problems, but racism and homophobia does hurt society. That's why we tolerate tastes but do not tolerate others two.
@@honsuaman8743 Well, there are rules how people should behave in public. However they should be applied to ALL ppl despite race, orientation, gender age and so on.
Lets say if we all agree not to show PDA in public then it should be mandatory to everyone despite if you are gay or straight.
@@honsuaman8743 I had no judgment over your words. Don't get me wrong. I am not asking from you anything ;) I am just trying to understand those people who gets annoyed by public display of affection (PDA). I am open to any social agreement as long as it's fair to everyone.
I am gay and my close friend has asked not to kiss my boyfriend in front of her. And I do listen to her and keep myself when we are with her. I do accept that she might feel uncomfortable and I respect her feelings.
One man killing other man: 😊👌👍
One man loving other man:🤢😳😣😡
What type of world is it?
A terrible world
The most FR comment
@@hello3691000by pro-gay you mean seeing a 4 seconds long scene including a gay couple? Yeah dude you're a snowflake.
As someone who lived in Russia for many years, I disagree with this video. First of all, the question is wrong. If you went to anywhere and asked the question, "Are you racist?' nearly everyone will say no (like the 85 people in this video). But if you break it down and ask specific questions, people's prejudice will show. How about questions like, "Should two men be allowed to hold hands while walking down the street like a heterosexual couple?" or "If a gay man said you were cute and asked you out, what would you do?" or "Do you think being gay is a mental illness?" or "Do you think gay people should be allowed to work with children?". I could go on and on and I know the answers already. I'm not faulting Russians per se because the same could be said about the US in decades past and it takes time for acceptance. We, in the US, want to seem so progressive towards gay issues, but it wasn't until 2015 that gay marriage was legal in all of the US and now we are afraid the Supreme Court can take that away. But the conclusion the creator wants us to take from this video, I don't buy it nor does it match my personal experience in Russia or my Russian friends.
Exactly, thats why there were different questions and I saw the same people with those different questions, answer and it wasnt consistent to their answers of NO to "are you h^^^phobic?"
Actually, the second question is doing precisely that, showing that many people are still struggling. The first one is there just to show the difference, it's not wrong. Both of the questions are asked in that order for a reason. If you watch this guy's other videos, you'll see that it's his thing, asking a question with an obvious answer first and then nailing it with a follow up question.
@@eshaybah5581 I think some of them just didn't get what a homophobe is
The older woman 12 seconds in really show that. Basically "It's ok if gay people exist, as long as they aren't anyone I know"
You are 100% right.
I'm a Bisexual Filipino guy. I just want everyone to know that we never choose our sexuality. It just came out naturally. We have inclinations and desires that are in the brain and heart. It's not like choosing what clothes to wear or what food to eat. It's not like that. Many heterosexual people believes that this is a choice because they don't know what we feel in the inside. They think that a gay man who would act masculine or a lesbian woman who would act feminine is an evidence that they already become straight. But that's not how it is. There are gay men who are very masculine, and there are straight men who are very effeminate. Same thing with women, there are lesbians who are super feminine and there are straight girls who are masculine. Sexuality is different from Gender Expression after all. I'm still hoping the day would come wherein everyone will have an understanding of what we're going through. It's ok if you don't accept us. That's fine. What anger me the most is that there are rumors and false assumptions that are being spread against us and the community.
Thanks for letting us know bro
Parabéns 👏👏👏👏👏👏🌈
Interesting. I must ask however, you mention that it's natural. How Come the amount of LGBTQ people is steadily on the rise among populations? I would argue that the biggest reason for being gay and other things is that our society is encouraging it. 200 years ago, this choice was not optional. Now, it is a choice that people make because it has been normalized. I would like to see your point of view on this point.
@@thomast6851 There were moments in the past when homosexuality (and the rest of the LGBTQ spectrum) was even more obvious and part of society than today, like in Ancient Greece, or in the Roman Empire, for example. Its more about acceptance in society = visibility. The amount of people has always been there, but in times when it was not accepted, and prosecuted, the majority were just in the closet, confused and hiding, so it felt like they were not there. If a society is accepting they accept themselves and they come out, and more people is willing to explore parts of themselves that in other times in history they would just have to try to ignore and hide. Also, a very simple thing: there are more and more of us, exponentially, and the more of us there are, the more gay people there will be also.
@@thomast6851 Homosexuality is a natural phenomenon well known to science. In the animal world there are thousands of species in which it occurs. Besides that there are also transsexualities, such as gynandmorphism (half male, half female), intra-and interspecific sexual mimicry, hermaphrodites... Many of this phenomena occurs in order to regulate the population of a certain species, or just because biology is never black or white and it exhibit a big amount of greys in between. But, yeah, definitely as natural as it gets.
I need this channel in this times so much. It helps me to stay in balance with myself when I see that people are not so different from each other. I believe that we could have a friendly future together.
I hope🤞🏼
This channel will show you a highly distorted picture.
If you went in and asked people if they're racist even in a highly racist population, over 90% would say no.
Trust me most Russians even the younger generation are homophobic
@@lil_weasel219 Hi Weasel, may be or not😏. I prefer to try to find the more optimistic way of observation. People are not only bad, nowhere. If we look for constructive relationships with each other in daily live depends on us not politicians and their games. And that is what the channel 1420 me often shows.
почему про "вред обществу" сказал алкаш?
Пххпхпха и в правду
Потому что алкоголь расширяет сознание😂
может он никому не вредит а просто работает дворником (помогает людям) и тихонько себе бухает?
а как алкаш вредит обществу?
How can anyone think we homophobic if we have the strongest, most loyal and friendly gachi community?
Would you tell us more about what that is?
@@muffininorbit Billy Harrington and van
@@muffininorbit movies about real and deep male friendship
@The Fish Russian twitch viewers liked to troll our streamers asking them to put gachi mix on stream and then watching reaction. It became so popular that with time people were not shocked anymore but became catually charmed by Billy's charisma. Nowadays most of popular Russian songs got gachi mixed
The man who said he was homophobic because he was raised that way sums it up perfectly. As much as people like to think they think with their own head the upbringing and ideologies of individuals that were forced upon them are rooted deep inside. I don’t know what is it with societies to always look down on minorities, is it some biological thing to hate on the ones who are different from them or what?
It’s hard to believe anyone would WANT their child to come out gay. I mean, to have them go through all of this bullsh*t from other people all their life? Of course it would be easier if my child is straight and follows the same direction in this grand highway of life. But the reality is that there IS a chance that your child will come to you one day as their parent, and ask for your support in coming out. I have to be prepared for that possibility. It’s my duty as his parent to protect him at all costs.. straight or not.
That's the answer for the sake of their quality of life, for a parent's preference is a different story though.
But I think it's only more right to not care to want a straight or lgbt, but it's okay, especially if you just want someone to continue your bloodline or if depending on your sexual orientation as a parent, you wanna relate to them more and be able to help out in their romance life.
raising a kid thats lgbt is the same as raising a straight one what special needs do you need for them?
got us in the first half ngl, i see too many comments like "ooh im not phobic i just don't want them to be like that ... oh because it will be hard for them" like bruh what you'll do if they were? and why not change the world not ur kid
Каждый может быть тем, кем хочет. Это нормально. Это физиологически заложено и это не психическое заболевание. Главное чтобы были все счастливы
Ну и маразм. То есть заниматься сексом с одним полом это нормально? С таким темпом скоро зоофилов будут считать нормой🤦♂️
В каком месте физиологически заложено ?
По мнению антропологов , это не логично , тк потомство не получается (для вас это огромное открытие )
По мимо этого есть исследования о влиянии на мужской плод ребенка, фталатов и впоследствии изменении поведения ,в начальном, школьном возрасте (дети предпочитают противоположный род деятельности, свойственный мальчикам, а ещё огромное количество физиологических отклонений от референтных значений) далее ,наблюдения на сколько я знаю ,прекратились. (Наталкивает на мысль , не более )
Возможно это зависит с гипотоламо-гипофизарной системой , влияние андрогенных и эстрогенных гормонов на мозг в утробном развитии и до конца подросткового . (Я могу быть не точнен , так что прошу проверить в интернете )
Ещё не исследовано много моментов этого рода и выводы вообще нельзя делать .
И если вы намерены их делать, напишите род вашей медицинской деятельности .
Ещё хочу поделиться моментом для раздумий :
Со времён нацистской Германии ,прошло, всего лишь 79 лет, где огромная часть общества, считала, что она выше другой, и наоборот, и государства поддерживали эту позицию . А ещё момент ,в недавней истории- когда определенные государства умалчивали колоссальное отрицательное влияние свинцовых присадок в бензине, на организм человека. Все эти ситуации (а я вспомнил всего лишь 2 из множества) были не так давно и они наталкивают на вывод на сколько могут ошибаться огромное количество масс на счёт своих взглядов и не стоит следовать за толпой , а стоит думать своей головой .
В любом случае я отношусь ко всем людям на равных и всем желаю лишь добра , но когда мне и моим близким , а ещё хуже не дееспособным близким, доносят без оснований что это заложено и это норма , я буду максимально противостоять этому. Я хочу сказать что это не свойственно человеку , но это не повод для дискриминации ,травли и тд , это такие же люди как и все .
@@НикГорелов-х4впо мнению хуя с горы тебе бы следовало открыть гугл, сделать небольшой ресерч и обновить свои знания, открыв для себя кучу новой информации, но ты, конечно же, этого делать не будешь.
Все, я решился, кем хочу быть - королем целого мира. Жду поклонений и подношений
@@soriroguri Ну, и как правило, весь так называемый "ресерч" о котором вы и подобные вам "просветлённые" так любите говорить - это просмотр видео вруша-манипуляша Trashsmash'а, прочтение нисколички не предвзятой википедии и прочий бред.))
Многи пишут про Москву, что только там толерантные люди. Во многих городах России они такие же, от Смоленска до Владивостока, от национальных республик до маленьких городов. Старшее поколение принимает, молодежь глобализирована. Просто надо больше узнавать, больше интересоваться кульурой страны в живую, не демонизировать соотечественников.
what happenses is that Kremlin is spreading a message against western people and civilizations, most of the people in the western sides look at Russia like people with no feelings and I am pretty sure that 99% of that feeling was born due Kremlin’s propaganda which at the end of th day the only thing that does is to harm Russians image
Согласна. Тоже считаю, что население у нас базово нормальное во многом. Но четверть века путинизма мозги всё же покорёжило.
Никогда не поверю, что в депрессивном бедном Смоленске, помешанном на войне и истории, такое же отношение к этой теме, как в Москве. Или на Кузбассе. Или на Урале. От места, к сожалению, много зависит. В столице стоит толпа возложить цветы Навальному, а в каком-то Чебурашкинске в это время под Шамана пляшут
@@mordegardglezgorv2216 зависит не от места, а от людей
@@mordegardglezgorv2216Какое же у вас скотское отношение к стране и людям. Это многое говорит о вас лично.
You should get out of Moscow sometimes and visit smaller towns. My homeland, Poland is the same - people are tolerant and open-minded in big cities, where cultures intersect, but when you leave the biggest metropolies, even by 40km or so, things and people's opinions shift dramatically, sometimes by a 180 degrees, to a point of hatred and approval for genocide. Luckily, more and more people have access to the Internet, which makes them more informed.
femboy land
So true.
True support is only found out after the second question, the tune changed for a lot of people. To "accept" gay people is one thing (that doesn't mean much) but to actually prove it is another.
that goes against their religion. they're free to have that opinion.
In fact it changed for very few people. Some said they would be upset but would try to understand, which is all you can ask of any parent. I thought it was a hugely encouraging video in general.
Nobody has to prove anything to you. Supporting or being neutral is no longer enough for the LGBT community? Now, in order not to hurt you, need it become gay? You are radical.
There is a problem with the negative connotation of saying something is unnatural or abnormal.
The slightly contradictory fact is that all people are actually "not normal", as in, they will have some feature that will not conform to a statistical average of the human population. Some features may be completely unnoticeable and have no impact on regular life of an individual or his offspring (like birthmarks, being a lefty, being taller\shorter).
Two humans of the same sex, thou, do not perpetuate those genes simultaneously in nature (assuming homosexuality is something you are born with through a regular healthy birth, and not something acquired afterwards).
Our very own nature of reproduction is "homophobic", like it or not.
While I do not see an homosexual as a fully "normal" person, I do not think it is logical in any sense to discriminate and mistreat people who are in their own right to exist, people who can and do contribute to society.
Societies and the existence of human race cannot solely be reduced to our means of reproduction.
Not being normal _is_ fairly normal, and unless it is something that prevents a person from being healthy and living a happy life, there's nothing wrong with not being normal.
Yes, indeed.
а можно гетеро тоже будут тогда поскромнее быть? а то мне уже надоело смотреть как они языки друг другу в глотки пихают посередине тротуара или на остановке (впрочем им в принципе без разницы где это делать)
Обиженные и вечноущемленные. Всем все равно на вас. Да в обществе к вам большинство людей нормально относятся, что и показало видео, всем ПОФИГ. Твой комментарий неуместен. Соситесь вы сколько хотите на улице, только делать это лучше за пределами государства где законом запрещены такие действия и это считается за нарушение традиций и пропагандой. Нет, гетеро нельзя быть поскромнее. Пусть делают что хотят, так же как и вы делаете все что хотите. А мне на комментарии таких как ты надоело смотреть, и что? Развернись уйди, отвернись Какая разница кто этим занимается, это в обоих случаях не всем бывает приятно наблюдать. Но тебе никто не заставляет стоять и пялиться. Если тебя это раздражает это твои личные проблемы, так же как и если бы кого то раздражало что на улице целуются два гея.
Это тоже не прилично
Где ты живешь что такое видишь ?)
@@iaro_ везде, сладкий) в снг это очень распространённое явление. и необязательно знать где я живу и тыкать мне
@@ohhmy5630 ой какие мы нежные ) ну ок, видимо каждый замечает то что для него значимо )
10:02 didnt expect to shed a tear or two, beautifully said!
Автор, готова снять видео в своём городе с таким же вопросом, что бы доказать, что в провинции ситуация такая же. Жутко бесят люди, говорящие что провинция отсталая и там у людей мнение иное.
возьми автор и съезди в дагестан/чечню и там буду сильно иные мнения по этому вопросу
@@123Karnak тут уже религиозный фактор, а не географический
@@123Karnak я вот летом буду проезжать мимо Дагестана спрошу. Я первый раз когда там была тоже была мнения о том что там «дикие» люди, а когда приехала туда оказалось обычные люди.
@@lol-stall6015, интересно всё-таки, как только Кавказ упомянается, так все почему-то думают о чём-то диком. Не с Кавказа, но как то за людей обидно :/
A further question you could ask is, "is being gay a choice or is it wiring?" Ask this to 100 homosexual people, then ask to 100 hetrosexuals. It might be eye opening.
👍👍👍👍👍Exactly!!! I keep hearing "choice", "preference", "how they WANT",.... All terms that science and psychology have jettisoned.
It makes me want to ask people, "Well, how many gay experiences did you have before YOU CHOSE to go straight"? "How can you guarantee that YOU won't PREFER the same gender in the future"?
It's like a strangely tolerant type of the 1950s! 🙄🤣🤣🤣
@@tj5032 That WOULD work if straight wasn't the norm.
@@epidomy2 But, that's my point (in a way). I want defence of the very concept of choice. I want to hear someone say, "I WOULD sleep with same gender people, but I CHOOSE the opposite (and I don't feel cheated /deprived /untrue to my nature".
When were they given a "choice"? Did they "choose" because they placed a premium on personal servility, and blind obedience to a temporal authority (above self) as an expression of the highest virtue?
Again, I am touched by the (tepid) tolerance, but reeling from the ignorance of the approach that demands a qualified tolerance.
For myself, it's a nice "baby step" in a good direction.
@@tj5032 They probably meant that they can choose to hide or repress that part of themselves, to fit in with the majority, or they can choose to act on it and/or be “out”.
@@tj5032 👍🇳🇿🏳️🌈
I... kinda understand not wanting your kid to be gay, so long as it's not from a strictly homophobic standpoint. Being a parent is terribly difficult and frought with worry. My mum was always frightened on my behalf because I got bullied a lot. When I came out, to her, it was one more reason on top of many that she was scared for me.
Total contradiction to say "I'm not homophobic" but then "except for my children" or "it's their choice" or "keep it in private"
You just don't understand how it works in Russia, their responses didn't include "they should be beaten with sticks," "forced treatment in an insane asylum."
Yeah i agree - keep it in private. Its not hard to do. Actually i think everyone must keep it private. Even straight couples. I mean if your hands connected its ok but when someone kissing in public place its not ok for everyone IMHO
Я очень рад, что в моей стране такой ответ) не надо нам этого.
@@TRIALEX3 in your country 2 men if they hold hands in public,they would be beaten to death. If a heterosexual couple kiss, the public will ignore ... so how is logical to beat or even kill some people because they are different?
Keep your private life private, that’s easy and normal 🤷♀️🤦♀️
Daniil can you ask them more casual questions for a little change? Nice Russian songs, their favourite Russian food, if they have pets, best books they've read, best places to visit, what do they think about state healthcare, about parents, grandparents, fave celebs, fave cuisine, sun or moon, beaches or mountains, anything. The questions you asked were enough to show the world that Russians are just like every other person, people who won't accept it won't accept it, no matter how hard you try to show them. Who are ready to accept it have already accepted it. Just couple of casual questions please????
US intelligence agencies don't pay for neutral questions.
Yes pls
The only good question you had is about healthcare. Awnser: They Love it and are repulsed from the inhuman U.S. system.
Would be nice
Oh yeah I would like to know about books. I'm reading Enlightenment now and Factfullness (not the best timing for such positive books I know) but Factfullness is a must read
Не особо верится в такие опросы, когда на практике везде, где бы я ни работал, считается правильным гнобить лгбт, и зашкваром, если НЕ гнобишь...
Потому что это фейк опросы, подговорили группу хипстеров снятся для интервью. Это все срежессировано. Россия одна из самых гомофобных стран мира. Это подтверждено многими источниками
У меня за 20 лет работы в разных местах совсем другой опыт. С желанием гнобить вообще ни разу не сталкивалась. Осуждали это тоже единицы. В одном коллективе даже был мужик гей, все об этом знали, по нему не догадаться было, но он не скрывал. Несколько раз даже его муж приходил на работу, реакция была как на супруга/у любого другого сотрудника. Конечно иногда подшучивали на эту тему, но не больше чем над другими
пошутить это одно, гнобить это другое
А где я сталкивалась с гомофобией: в детском доме, в лагере, в типографии. Прям никто их не спрашивал, а они начинали со мной на эту тему говорить, про своё нет и своё отвращение.
А у нас просто гнобить некого. Не столица, слава богу. У нас все адекватные. Жопой пользуются только по прямому назначению.
"Are you homophobic?" is a very loaded question. Everybody's automatic response is no. As soon as you phrased it differently or asked follow up questions, the real talk started...
The average Russian opinion seems to be similar to ~1990s in a lot of western countries. "I don't have a problem with people being gay but nobody *_I_* know should be gay"
Perhaps it's not so loaded in Russia, it's all in context. The people expanding on their answers were consistent.
Unfortunately Russia is pretty much stuck in the 90’s except Moscow and Saint-Petersburg (I mean in social development)
"... nobody I know should be gay." - Mmmh, I think best is to not think about that before it happens. Perhaps sometimes your best friend tells you that he's gay and then you decide to stand by your friend regardless of this fact. If you think about it in advance that could affect your decision negatively.
Nah things change. Now a huge part of russian is ok with lgbt
"I'd like to keep my butt intact." That was hilarious, loved this video. Please continue.
She says "but I guess it might hurt in the but".
Interesting! Lets be honest here, most people in most countries would answer no on the first question and hesitate or ramble or be negative on the second, even those who are gay themselves. I am a proud mother myself. 👍🌈
the ground for pride? Is it some kind of genius?
@@eddyerle3338 Some people are ashamed of having gay kids, she's not. That is the point.
Gayness is not an accomplishment so why are you “proud”?
@@oskarfabian5200 , it is good.
@@shanish82 Probably because it´s still difficult and comes with a lot of rubbish to be gay and live in this society where it is an issue? Some countries it´s a life-threatening "choice", some countries caustic comments at any opportunity :).
I am from Russia (Voronezh). A twofold feeling on this issue. On the one hand, I grew up in a religious family, where the standard way of life prevails, which is managed by my grandmother. She treated gays extremely negatively, I remember that relatives joked about them and did not accept them. Mom just disapproves, especially those who are feminine, but treat them with restraint in public, and says frankly what she thinks only to me. I know pansexual and asexual girls among my acquaintances. And when I found out, I didn't feel anything new in my attitude towards them. They are good people and this is their business. Even though I have written this, I feel that I am going against the family's attitudes... If I were, for example, a lesbian, then I would definitely not be accepted in my family. I would not have been taken seriously (at best), or would have been mistaken for a mentally ill, possessed, and in the name of saving my soul, they would definitely have taken me to the temple by force. There was a case when I openly admitted that I was an atheist. In the eyes of my family, I became possessed. They looked at me like a wild animal, they were afraid to approach, they poured holy water on me, read prayers over my head, they tricked me into going to the temple, where in the fall I was standing outside under strong pressure of cold water while a new cross was attached to my neck, and after that I walked around the church like a rat from canonization and kissed icons. It seems to me that homophobia comes from religion, where, let's say, simple non-standardness is perceived as a sin, a crime, a mistake. And I, as a person who grew up in a religious family, feel the pressure of religion on my choice of attitude towards people. It's as if religion has put invisible red signs "wrong" on everything that goes beyond it and I have to keep my distance. Maybe I'm judging only by my experience and it's not true, but I think so. I hope that the time will come when people will treat orientation as they now treat the choice of their favorite color.
That sounds like you had a really difficult experience, with the attempt to force you to believe. I hope things have been better for you since. There is a very famous book in England called Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit - you might like to read a story about sexuality and religious extremism from another culture. Best regards from England 👍.
0:42 FINALLY. Proof that kissing the homies goodnight isn’t gay
Do you remember our former leader Brezhnev's passionate kisses? We were step ahead of the whole world iin this kind of tolerance )))
A lot of Russian people are coming to Buenos Aires recently to live here, I'm glad to know that most of you are ok with the LGBTQ+ community. Argentina in general its very open and supportive about LGBTQ+ rights, as if should be.
Love Argentina!
I didn't care. A man once flirted with me and I took it more as a compliment than an annoyance. I think when people are uncomfortable around gay people, they are insecure about their own sexuality. Why else would that bother you?
If people feel uncomfortable around terrorists, this means they secretly desire to kill??
I love your story♡
Yes, that is right. A heterosexual men who is sure about his sexuality won t be angry when a homosexuals flirts with him. Some of the men who are angry about homosexuals and lesbians have been raised by their parents with the idea that only heterosexuals are good.
@@marko.rankovic most of the homosexuals don t do that. And if they do, the men could say that they are hetero,not to be angry. Lesbians explain nice to them that they are not heterosexuals, why straight men could not do the same ?
@@marko.rankovic There are gays that look way too straight, calm down, if you know who you are, then just say no and that's it
“It is important that everything is interconnected and stable”. That last comment was the best of all. I’m going to remember that one. ❤
10:00 we all need a woman like this in our lifes! ❤️
The translation isn't correct. The answer was better . She said "I don't care for colour. Blue, navy blue, red, pink or grey brown- raspberry speckled. "😅😂😂😂 I
I don't understand why so many people use the word "choice" when it comes to sexuality, even the interviewer. Btw, the woman on 8:25 didn't in fact use the word "choice", she said that the sexuality of her kid is the kid's BUSINESS not hers.
Because many people uneducated regarding sexual orientation. Since Russia have law about “gay propaganda” it’s socially not appropriate to make public education about LGBT nature. If people don’t want to educate themselves in this field, they don’t know the basics.
Yeah, that was pretty upsetting. I think many LGBTQ+ who have face discrimination or similar would rather wish they could choose to be straight. But they just cannot and have to deal with hate for as long as society doesn't change as a whole.
Might want to consider that different languages don't necessarily work the same way.
@@twilightsparkle8403 understandable
@@mattthelearner2797 Huh? The sexuality of my kid is his business. Signed: Heterosexual female
Young people in big cities are pretty much the same everywhere. Try to ask some folks in country side.
От этого видео стало легче на душе, еще не все потерянно, мы все люди, мы все братья, и не важно кто кого любит, у любви нету границ (кроме возраста разумеется)
This is some great content.. it’s actually crazy.. stay safe bratan.
Like for " bratan "
They gave much more accepting answers than some of the people I live around in the states
I live in Florida btw
Well that's Moscow, but almost all other parts of the country are full of shit and homophobia. Plus there's more problems with zero help and acception from government itself
Perhaps you live in rural Florida. The Deep South is where you still find many homophobic people in USA.
Florida has great people there but sadly the Republican governor as well as the Republican controlled legislature has given it a bad name just so they keep in power. Republicans there nowadays are passing things no one really gives a shyt about. Hopefully, a Democrat wins the governorship in Florida's next election. Get the crazy Republicans out.
They weren't that accepting. It's all about propaganda.
Lmao, did u watch the video?
Если опрос был сделан в Москве, то это вполне ожидаемые для нее цифры. Надо было снимать ролик в глубинках, провинциях, тут то бы мы и увидели реальную картину.
Нет, это не реальная картина, 12 миллионов человек в городе, где люди с разных стран и регионов, который устанавливает планку для всех - это реальная картина
@@jaygarciasaturner А что,спросили все 12 миллионов?
Rural and provincial is not more “real” that urban and cosmopolitan, that’s a fallacy. It’s just different.
Да в той же Москве снимали ли бы в спальных районах и не вырезали бы некрасивые ответы...
С учетом того, что почти вся Москва приезжие, то вполне можно сказать что это все российски опрос 😀 когда я жила в Москве больше половины друзей были из моего же города живущие в Москве. И вообще ни одного друга москвича. Все из разных городов и все приехали в разное время кто-то давно живет кто-то пару месяцев.
Неожиданно, на самом деле, хотя думаю если приехать в какую-нибудь глубинку, то ответы будут другими)
Тут думаю тоже много повырезали. А некоторые вообще слово гомофоб не правильно трактуют
В глубинках России тоже есть интернет и люди осведомленные, я очень редко встречаю гомофобов, и живу не в столице)
@@kavalayy вы с маленьким количеством людей видитесь? Или не у всех спрашиваете их отношение? Даже в Питере гомофобии до чёртиков (
А теперь проведите такой же опрос в Челябинске 🙃
For foreigners thi videp is not 100% accurate about Russian community
Yes we have a lot of lgbt friendly people in general but also we have a lot of homophobic people too
This video is filmed in Moscow and Moscow is generally much closer to the European culture than the rest of our country and I'm afraid if you ask the same question in another region the answers will change a lot
«Не нравится, что бегают и кричат» говорят люди, которые сами приказывают, что делать половине общества
Забавная правда этого видео в том, что большинство из опрошенных людей даже не знали значение слова "гомофоб". Для них вопрос "вы гомофоб?" звучал как "вы гей?"
С чего же вы это взяли?
@@Сашка-в5в Посмотрел опросы где у людей спрашивали "Вы гетеросексуал?".
Результатом стало то, что 95% людей ответили нет))) Некоторые даже с кулаками полезли на ведущего. Опрос проводили к слову не в столице, но всё же. Поверить в то, что в России так много не гетеро как то сложно. Следовательно большинство россиян значения слов по типу "гетеросексуал, гомосексуал, гомофоб" просто не знают... Впрочем зачем я отвечаю лахте??? Тут и так всё очевидно же, достаточно по сторонам оглядеться. В обществе сейчас стена ненависти к всем "не таким", а этот опрос какой-то розовый мирок строит, где все хорошенькие
@@Neferpitou3 не могу отрицать все то что вы сказали, но посмотреть на этот опрос хочется. Тут надо смотреть на то какие люди присутсвовали в видео (молодые, старые), год . Люди меняются в своих познания
@@Сашка-в5в Забейте в поиск "Вы гетеросексуал?" и посмотрите. Год, да, достаточно древний (хотя есть и видео 2 летней давности), но в связи с риторикой нашего государства начиная с 2022 года, ситуация становится ещё хуже. Люди более неграмотности, стали ещё и озлобленные, появилась стена ненависти. Мне не очень понятно, что вы вообще хотите сказать... Типа в России к ЛГБТ относятся нормально? Или что?
@Neferpitou3 я ничего не хочу сказать
Well, while most answers are quite positive - most seem to miss a very important fact - it's neither a choice nor a preference. And it doesn't reflect back on the parents, they didn't do anything wrong or are in any way less heterosexual if their kids turn out to be LGBT.
i'd say there is a little difference in perception of the topic between Russia and the West (well, in general). The choice is meant in whether to be openly LGBT or never talk about it outside their closest circle. In this way it is a choice - and if my kid would have to make this choice in today's Russia I would feel a little worried it can still be harder in life for him/her if they come out
@@maksimzholobov7555 To me it sounds like "it's her/his choice to be homosexual" as the question was about homophobia not about a coming out.
It's not a requirement that they did something wrong but it's very likely
@@mattthelearner2797 No, it isn't.
@@forrest_lump fine
Ask the same question to people outside St. Petersburg and Moscow and you'll see what happens
Yeah. Asking any of his questions in the rural areas will come up with different answers.
You could say that about any country in the world really, smaller towns and the countryside where people live more traditional.
@@bardo0007 Exactly
@@bardo0007 Yes and no. We sometimes jokingly say Moscow and St. Petersburg are western europe but somehow the native people there still speak russian. Near no one outside of those sees them as Russian, they are separate entities, who happen to be part of the Russian Federation.
Imagine a situation in front of you: people with a camera ask a pressing question about the opinion of people whose rights they have been fighting for in recent years; they put you in front of a camera and ask the question, “Are you homophobic or not?” And in order to avoid mass hatred and aggression that will obviously be poured on them, they prefer to lie in order to save their own skin. I have lived in Russia for many years and I know what I am talking about. Living constantly in fear that the truth will somehow be revealed is very scary and now that's why you have to lie that you are the same as everyone else, straight, in order to avoid baseless hatred and injustice or just not to be beaten half to death in some alley because of your orientation. And if you want to know the opinion of the state, then you will only need to look at the Constitution of the Russian Federation That's where everything will be described in detail.
But why would they get mass hatred for saying “yes” if the masses in Russia are homophobic?
@a.m.308 We are talking about Western culture and we don't want to be in a negative light for them.
alright, I'm actually reading this as a half Spanish half French person and I was expecting Russians to be way more homophobic. I'm so pleased to see that society is progressing and that most people are supportive towards it :)
"i'd try to raise them differently"
good luck raising a child with green eyes, you've got this 🤭
I like the answer "because I was raised that way" had to be the most honest response. Appreciate this segment.
The world has room for everyone.
@@pricelessppp You seem rather hateful yourself, espousing that some don't deserve to live, while others have a special place at the table. All peoples have the right of self-determination, not just those you pick and choose.
Thank you for these insights into Russian opinion, many have surprised me, but are these people truly representative of the majority? They seem more sophisticated, educated & progressive, but perhaps that is my preconceived bias of greater Russia. In regard to averageperson882's comment, previously parent's attitudes used to be the same in the west because they were afraid their loved one would face discrimination & unwarranted difficulties. It is those who say "As long as I don't see it" or "As long as they keep it to themselves" who truly have unconscious bias.
The new generation is the hope for a better world no matter the country , and it evolves better and better and more and more, to the displeasure of the reactionaries .
Hope you can ask more questions like these but more in depth on the topic. Like “should gay marriage be legalized” “should gay people be able to show their affection in public without discrimination (kissing hugging etc), “should pride parades be allowed”.
I am a Russian citizen and I can be the first one to answer those... :D
1)...uhm...Idk really but I wouldn't mind if they were but most likely that'll never happen.
2)I think no.
3) No...because some mad individuals can take it to extreme and do some crazy fetishist shit on such events etc.
Also I would add one important question:
"Would you be ok with your relative, friend or acquaintance being in LGBTQ+ community?"
My answer would be: 'Yes since it's none of my business'.
1) нет
2) нет. В России вообще принято вести себя сдержанно в обществе в плане сексуальных отношений. У нас и традиционные пары не зажимаются и не лобзаются в общественных местах. Такое воспитание.
3) нет. А зачем? Парад гордости? А разве гомосексуализм - это достижение? А всего лишь природа человека. А если тянет нацепить стринги на голую жопу, накрасить губы помадой и надеть каблуки, то это можно сделать на закрытых тематических вечеринках, а не на параде.
Какие могут быть парады гордости? Разве может быть нетрадиционной ориентация причиной гордости ? Разве это достижение, разве это что-то выдающееся, приносящее пользу окружающим? Нет. В западных странах это возвели в какой-то абсурд, открыли окно овертона, сейчас ваши парады превратились в непотребные шоу и пропаганду, которая травмирует психику детей. Вы насильно навязываете людям, детям свою точку зрения, причём агрессивно. Гей парады в западных странах-это шествие извращенцев в самых ужасных проявлениях. И все, кто участвует в этих парадах зацикленные только на себе эгоисты и махровые нарциссы, не думающие об интересах других людей, об окружении
It really makes you wonder how much hatred is forced and manufactured by their government, or any government in general.
This is "NYET" is so cute
I’ve been hooked on your channel since I first discovered it a couple of months ago, with the perhaps surprising result that I’m beginning to respect the good people of Russia more and more! 🇷🇺 ❤️👍
Типичный сакс... С трудом пытается уважать кого-то, когда русские безвозмездно и без всякой причины любят всех
Такую душевную речь пьяный мужчина в конце сказал, аж до слёз растрогало (я не шучу! ахах)
Nice one, thanks. Reassuring and even surprising, not what I expected. Normally we get a message that Russians are generally homophobic. But again, as usual, you interviewed mostly cool cosmopolitan types in Moscow, it seems, so just how representative these are might be debatable. Let’s hear what they say in Grozni!
The answers in Grozny are predictable because they have a rather strict mentality, I have friends among Chechens, they respect their parents very much, so even if they are attracted to the opposite sex, they will never say so, as far as I know, same-sex relationships are unacceptable in Islam. If we talk about Russians from smaller cities, then I think they don't care what orientation a person has, but in any case, there are people everywhere who will be against it, this is their opinion🤷🏼♀️
@Виктор Халк mmm…because it’s wide known that especially in Chechnya gay people are prosecuted, arrested, tortured or even killed. By Chechen government. Other regions don’t have this on that high level
Чем ниже уровень интеллекта, образования и эмпатии у человека, тем больше шансов того, что он будет ненавидеть какую-либо социальную группу.
Я предлагаю все же не людям ЛГБТК+ проходить лечение, а тем, у кого есть зоосадизм или не контролируемая агрессия например. Вот эти люди опасны, которые говорят о том, что геи должны умереть.
Знаете, есть элементарная брезгливость и все. Это никак не зависит от интеллекта и образования. Мне, например, противны сороконожки. Чисто внешне, без какой либо причины. Точно также мне непонятны всяки товарищи индентифицирующие себя как : "мы/они/женщина в теле мужчины, который чувствует себя инопланетянином и тд."Просто, все это уже доходит до абсурда, когда выходит за рамки сексульной ориентации и расстройства гендерной принадлежности. Есть природа, есть отклонения от неё, все, точка. Если это отклонения в голове, следовательно есть шанс, это как-то это скорректировать. Хочет человек - пусть так делает, не хочет- пусть живёт с этим. Мне все равно. Но пихать это всем в лицо, зачем? При этом называя нормой, когда это не так. Тут вопрос только в том, что агрессия и насилие, руководствуясь фактом человеческого отклонения, не допустимо. Но могу сказать, что вот любая такая пропаганда делает только хуже и злит. Почему я должна принимать чиь-то отклонения за данность и везде про это слушать? Есть и есть, не пихайте мне это все в лицо и будет вам мир.
@@user-hu6vn4wb5w Если вы считаете, что сороконожки противны вам без причины, то вы и по жизни строите противоречивые логические связи. Причём тут ваши сороконожки и социальная группа людей?
- are you a homophobe?
- no, idc
- what would you do if your child was gay?
- i would be upset/would talk to them
- are you homophobic?
- no, as long as they don’t show their feelings among “normal” people
yeah, these people aren’t self-aware enough. and some of them said homosexuality was a choice? uhm.
there’s some translation difficulties. the old lady said that if her child is gay she thinks that it is his personal affair, but the subtitles said “it’s his personal choice”. not everyone had in mind that this is the choice, it’s just a features of our language :)
If it's not a choice, what is it then?
@@fraser2803 Genetic bruh
Or maybe they do not think the word homophobic is as broad as you think it is? To them, perhaps to be homophobic is to want it banned?
You can call me a barbarian but 2 kissing men on the street is meh... I prefer noone do this even straight couples. Its better then kissing lgbt couples.
Difference is that why would you be mad at a random gay person, I can understand that most people want to raise a normal child or grandchild.
Lol so what! I don't want my son or daughter to be gay either, but I don't give a shit if it doesn't affect me and my family. Fuck a donkey, just as long as it doesn't affect my family
@@Alt300 “Normal”.
@ yes, you read that right.
Спасибо за видео, вселяет надежду!
Бабушка свои ответом растрогала до слез! ❤
I am a gay person myself and it makes me really happy to see people like this. I guess our need to be seen comes from the fact that we would like to be treated equal one day, not to make other people uncomfortable. It's not the choice that we made or something that we wanted. Greeting to all good people in Russia from Poland
I actually agree about the private thing. I think sex and sexuality in general should be a private matter. This goes for all of us, not just gay and bisexual people.
heterosexuality is pressed on literally everyone, even on 3yos. So u think movies with homosexuality yes or no?
@@rotapander How is it "pressed"? It's human nature.
@@vertigo2894 "sexuality should be a private matter" but only if it's the bad gays?
@@rotapander And where was such a thing said? You don't need to be be exposed to anything to be heterosexual. In a normal environment there shouldn't be any lack of attraction to the opposite sex. Sexuality is largely environmental. Does this mean you will not also be attracted to the same sex, no.
And like I said, sex should be a private matter for everyone.
@@vertigo2894 anddd that's just bullshit. People develop as it is. Remember Erwin Rommel? NsdAp member, raised more homophobe than anyone else and gay. People have always been gay in homophobe societies too and you won't change it.
And it is NOTHING wrong with being into the same gender. Just let people love each other gdam, they don't hurt you. And in a democracy, we got freedom of expression no?
amazing the high cultural level and articulation of these young people.
“So that everything is interconnected and stable”
Unexpected profound wisdom from the guy at the end
As a queer person I find it nice how even though some of these people wouldn’t agree with my love that they still agree that I’m a person who deserves respect.
Please, consider asking about gay men, lesbian women, bisexual people and transgender people in separate videos or questions. I think most people do not have the same feeling about each of them. "Muchas gracias" 🇪🇸
it's true xD
I liked the attitude of the lady at 10:03 the most. 😃 Funny thing is that many of them say "it's their choice" but of it course it isn't a choice, just like you can't choose your skin color or how many fingers you have. 😀
some of it is bad translation more accurate would be "its their life"
@@TheDonUrbas Thanks! My russian is extremly limited. 😁I thought that it could also be a translation issue, but was not sure about it.
Even though most people said that they are not homophobic, a lot of them seem to think that is a "choice". As a straight heterosexual male, i never "chose" to be straight -- i.e., it's innate and biological (atleast according to the current scientific understanding). Maybe barring very few exceptions, I guess it's the same with people who are not straight (except, maybe bisexuals) -- their biology decides whether they are straight or not, it's not a conscious choice.
Well said. The thing is, they lack information about it and likley heart mostly Propaganda against lgbt people. It's sad. It's also not a choice, it's natural.
Deleted reply? YT does it again.
I don't think biology is the word you're looking for. There may be lose genetic research that ties in with sexuality, but I think a lot more has to do with psychological and environmental factors. I'm not at all implying it's a choice, but I don't think there's any way to pinpoint from a biological standpoint what someone's sexuality will be.
Think for example of how people have different types - some people are more attracted to tall people, short people, blondes, brunettes, etc. Nothing in our biology can change that, nor can we choose to change our types. It has to do with some subconscious feelings.
Of course you didn't choose. It is in your very DNA to reproduce. The entire point of life is to reproduce itself, so that trait has passed down from generation to generation, because anything else is antithetical to reproduction, thus antithetical to life itself.
Получила удовольствие. Люди, будьте счастливы!
Watching this video for me is like scanning my previously messy room after tidying it up for a while and being relieved about how it's clean now for the most part
I live in southern Italy and I really doubt this video could have been so calm here.
I believe that many people here would have beaten you up just only for the children questions, because they would get very offended at it. And we live in "democracy"
@ECarson "economic retardation" lol
какая же плохая у нас репутация, боже
@@pidt72 Russians? Nah. Not bad as you think in Russia. At least not in Europe
@@icn2111 :)
@@pidt72 нееет нам всё равно
4:12 here is a translation error. He said, using a bad word, that if this happened, he would beat his child to a pulp.
I want this comment in the top. Or pinned.
he was joking
Я рада, что много людей поддерживает ЛГБТ 😅❤ я никогжа не задумывалась быть гомофобом. Почему людей должно волновать, какой ориентации друглй человек, это его выюор и его жизнь
Никого не волновала бы ориентация других людей. Если бы ЛГБТ они не навязывали свою повестку.
@@Sleh-uz6zb да, вот тут я тоже соглашусь. Это не очень хорошо. Но в любом случае говорю про тех людей, которые просто живут и не на навязывают это.
@@Sleh-uz6zb как они по твоему ее навязывают?
@@ko0nserva Устраивают прайды, продвигают повесточку в играх, фильмах.
@@Sleh-uz6zb и как же ее навязывают через игры и фильмы? просто показывают что лгбтк+ тоже люди?
The interesting part is that many people believe sexual orientation is a choice.
I love how you can always tell who’s going to say yes lmfao
It’s wild, majority of them say they’re not homophobic yet most of them would have negative feelings about their children being gay and they all seem to describe it as a choice. Most of them saying they aren’t homophobic clearly have homophobic tendencies and clearly don’t understand their own homophobia
It’s crazy that so many people still think being lgbtq+ is a choice 🥲
I think it's interesting that the word "choice" was used quite often. People don't choose to be gay any more than people choose to be straight. If this was universally understood, I bet the number of those saying no would be even higher.
i think "it's their choice" kinda means "it's their business"
Sometimes it was not the best translation of 'it's their business', 'it's their life'. But often it was indeed what thay meant. I personally feel that sexuallity being a choice is a popular belief in Russia
Interesting how so many said its a choice but not one said that we are born with our sexuality.
Is all of their heterosexuality a choice?
Well a g/y could have just accepted that it would be better for him and all of society to just marry a girl. The reasoni don't like g.y is because they are willing to leave their family , the people who took care of them and loved them ,just for one random man purely out of l,st. This isn't right. Young people are supposed to be the support of their old parents. And this is exactly why l,bt goes against all family values that are really important and should be kept.
@@fellowcomrade3076 I hope this is parody 🤦
@@knisterkultur476 why the sad face? Are you a snowflake ? Oh and another reason is that those people are the MOST ANNOYING little things on the planet
@@multus_liber is right. In russia it's just a more common way to say "none of my business".
@@fellowcomrade3076 What a weird take. First, it's "lust" if a guy likes a guy, but "love" if it's a guy and a girl right? It's fine if that's what love means to you, but people are diverse. Second, nobody should have to be stuck in a relationship with someone who was never nor will ever be attracted to them (the girl in a relationship with a gay guy) their whole life. Third, what makes you think gay people (or couples) are any less able to take care of their elderly parents? I'm gay, I see my elderly mother several times a week, clean her house and help her with anything else she can't manage on her own.
good on them! i think nearly everyone took the question and answered it in a respectful way. even as a gay person i can agree with the people that partially accept it, i dont like seeing it out in public too much myself and it makes sense that straight people feel uncomfortable around lgbtq. but that also depends why they feel that way. for example if theyre being hit on or being told sexual things i would be uncomfortable too
It's heartening to hear that a significant majority of people in this survey expressed acceptance and tolerance toward LGBTQ+ individuals. This level of support and understanding is a positive step forward, especially in a country where LGBTQ+ rights have often been challenged. When people believe that everyone should live with dignity and happiness, it reflects a growing awareness of human rights and equality.
However, it's important to remember that true acceptance goes beyond just words; it involves actions and systemic changes that ensure everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live safely and freely. The responses show promise, but there is still work to be done to challenge remaining prejudices and to ensure that such acceptance translates into real-world protections and rights for LGBTQ+ people everywhere.🏳️🌈❤️