I burst out crying at the end of his speech out of all the gratitude that suddenly washed over me when I realised just how incredible, how magnificent, how wonderful and mysterious is this Universe and I have been given a chance to be here to experience it and appreciate it. I think it was that tune at the end, it moved me ❤ thank you.
Kamila S , i feel you ❤ ( and yeah , there are ppl who are still too sad & caught in mindtraps , 2 trust their very Heart = cORe🎯, not emotional heart ) .. yet lets imagine all "M" ppl ,will be helped to open their doors of perception, and standing the trial . Keep celebrating the blessing of awakening to yOur SelF & potenTial , Love ❣
During my contemplations of speech and the nature of it, it always seems to boil down to the way we manipulate sound in order for it to do our bidding. I'm sure you are aware that resonance transcends the 3rd dimension, and has powerful effects on not just matter, but mind, too. I'm working on what part gravity plays on the finer weavings of extra dimensions, but I have seen how time is involved. Tesla was right about vibration and frequency, their modes and algorithms imprinting what we call laws upon multiple dimensions. I've also seen the way these laws can be bent by not only resonance, but perception.
Once on mushrooms me and a friend needed to walk across a small town to get to his house and we really couldn’t handle bumping in to anyone so we scrambled about across some fields and then around the back of an abandoned warehouse at night time. The fractals were so bright and vivid in my vision I literally could barely see where I was going
Sounds like a magnificent experience, it's been about 12 years since i've ingested any hallucinogens. Purchased a telescope a month ago, and it offers me a smiliar experience, at least being able to see the planets in our solar system for the first time in my life. I've been thinking about ingesting a little psylo on a clear dark night and taking out the scope :)
Certainly my own psychedelic experiences would suggest that the universe is fractally organised. As I understand it.. it is this fractal construction and it's underpinning iterative mathematical basis that gives rise to its infinite nature. William Blake to my mind had it right. Great channel by the way! I was privileged to briefly meet McKenna following a lecture at Quaker House in London in the early 1990's. It was apparent to me as a young raver that I was being exposed to fundamental truths and the most important information I was ever going to hear. A truly brilliant human being and a massive influence on the direction of my life. Rob.
Mushrooms containing psilocybin saved my life. They aided my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quit illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would’ve become medically dangerous to quit. It has also helped me survive depression.
The Trips I've been having really helped me a lot. I’m now able to meditate and I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@Annabella Butler I was having this constant, unbearable anxiety due to work stress. Not until I came across *dr.healingstrain* a very intelligent mycologist. He saved my life honestly
@@lawrenceward5418 I feel the same way too. I put too much on my plate and it definitely affects my stress and anxiety levels. I am also glad to be a part of this community.
I remember seeing the Madelbrot Set for the first time and thinking, "Oh, this must be what God sees." After many trips into the void, the fractal nature of our existence is has become as obvious as the wetness of rain. On a side note: I FUCKING LOVE THIS CHANNEL!
JC --- I've come across quite a few people who do all they can to avoid having any kind of a spiritual experience within a trip. It scares the hell out of them. Any kind of ego erosion that might take place causes them to hold on to ego so tight, it looks like they might break their teeth from clenching their jaw. Have you ever witnessed this? I only have over the past 4 or 5 years.
I did mushrooms 2 days ago and went on a guided meditation with headphones. This is exactly what I saw. Fractal energies in many dimensions. the simplest energy of infinite creation. Always there, and everywhere. That's the best way I can use language to describe it.
@@BamBam-me8sf 3 grams. I've taken up to 8 grams when I was a teenager and had a 'crazy trip.' but I think the importance of the trip is meditation and your personal belief and intention
@@xXxWhiskeytangoxXx oh, sweet. I had shrooms a handful of times in my younger days. I remember taking a rather small amount and feeling relitevly sober, yet had these amazing closed eye visuals when listening to music. Like a 'spiral of creation'. Truly amazing experience.
@@BamBam-me8sf that's similar to what I had. Except I felt like I left my body and was part of the spiral fractal energy. Very colorful and felt multidimensional with no time. The meditation was about 40 minutes and when it ended it seemed liked years...but joyful and spiritual. I specifically remember thinking there's no way to truly describe the awe
Was impressed, how I would occasionally look away from my computer screen, only to see a large picture frame or part of my room shrinking, pulling away... without being On anything... what a cool trick of the eyes.
Super deep... I love u and miss you Terrence. I wish I could have know you but perhaps I already do my friend. You have confirmed some of my speculations and taught me so much more than I knew. I'm glad you made it home!!
Studies show that By the age of 3, children begin noticing fractal patterns in nature and appreciate them. Fractal patterns found commonly in nature have shown to reduce stress up to 60%. Studies are also showing that perhaps an evolutionary mechanism optimizes our visual system for processing fractals. Amazing.
@@RicardoMontania yeah well I'd like to see you give a better theory for the massive expansion in brain size from Astralopithecus africanus to homo habilis and forward
Nice to see McKenna was on this wave as well, I’ve been studying physics and mathematics for some years now and my research into the natural world has been pointing me more and more towards fractal geometry as the way forward. Calculus implies that as you get infinitely small, curves more and more approximate straight lines, but of course that need not be the case! A continuous function which is nowhere differentiable requires a whole new toolbox to describe, and I intend to describe it someday
The metaphysical truth is that the universe is infinite in all directions, at all scales, forever. There is no smallest thing. Things at smaller scales must be understood as matter. Matter at smaller scales must be understood as energy.. and so forth. Ideas like the speed of light being an upper limit, or that there was nothing before the big bang, or the Plankt scale, or quantum indeterminacy are first draft attempts at understanding the ineffable and will almost certainly be supplanted.
@@havenbastion I think it’s absolutely certain those theories will be supplanted eventually, as will all theories. I believe not only the universe to be infinite, but our process of scientific thinking and discovery as well. When our theories of today rest so heavily on things like scale, and other factors that continuously provide problems for us, it might be in our best interest to produce a theory that remains invariant to scale, or with scale involved in a very specific way. Could end up being that time is not really a spatial dimension as it’s treated in relativity and QM, but a fractal dimension, resting on top of the whole map at once. Also, I believe the universe to be infinite, but I believe it as just as well complete.
"I maintain that these kind of theories give permission to abandon anxiety. It isn't riding on the egos of civilized people. It isn't up to us to control and understand. We are part of a system, but it's the system that's in governance of the situation. It is not running out of control, it has not escaped its traces, and isn't somehow in a malfunctioning state. It's just that it is a process of winding things up in order to condense them down in order to push them into another dimensional domain where everything [...] is at equilibrium and completion." What an elegant position to hold. As essentially being a metaphysical axiom I believe it reaches passed what's necessary for ethical enlightenment, completion of holy living, and liberation from suffering, self, and subjectivity in phenomenological experience, and thus is a point of view of a putthujjana; but that doesn't mean it may not carry some validity in regards to its own ambition, he certainly has a novel way of seizing his existential situation, not in a way that resolves it, but not in a way that creates much conflict either, which is impressive in its own right.
Well said. Reminds me to a TH-cam vid that shows how to make fractals without computer, but with 2 cameras repeating a part of their own screen. So I guess that in the perception of reality there are many repetitions involved, causing these structures that we see.
Very thankful for this channel..I'd say it's probably one of my ten or so favorite channels on YT. How lucky is it that Terence left so much recorded material?
14:23 - 15:13 Pretty sure this explains hallucinations like fractals, geometric shapes and patterns, basically during these experiences a certain part of the brain is activated and is revealing to us how our minds, eyes, are processing the world and/or how this world is arranged. Amazing insight!
understanding fractals has helped me more firmly grasp infinity in all its different versions, ever since I was a wee lad, I've been enamored with comparisons of scale, I had always thought there is such a strange correlation between big and small. Ant colonies are similar to human civilization. Stellar orbits mirror even vaguely the arrangements of atoms, how the neural network resembles the cosmic web, It's bold but I have to assume that this fractaling carries on into dimensions beyond our scope, do you consider the universe to be infinite, because objectively it is, but what about whatever our universe is nested in wouldn't that be infinitely more infinite.
This question, what does the universe expand into? Can be resolved in meditation. More subtle than space, the universe is consciousness. Expanding into Self.
And now, may I introduce... "Procedural Generation". Exactly what Terence spoke of nay 30 years ago. This was actually based upon his experience with Microsoft Flight Simulator (Terence was an Apple nerd. We used to bump into him at the computer store in Kona when I was but a wee lad). The MS flight sim was an early commercially-available example of this technology used to build out mountain ranges. The feeble computers of the time were unable to render miles and miles of virtual landscape in real-time so a developer came up with this idea based on his knowledge of fractals. It was later used by George Lucas and his ground-breaking studio by the name of Industrial Light and Magic. The history goes on and on and on and on... (see what I did there?)
Came up with these ideas after tripping on LSD and noticing the fractal nature of everything. Tried to explain it to some friends at the time but I couldn't put the concept into words.
This prooves to me that reality has unlimited possibilities because every fraction of life, of something that is concious, contributes to an even bigger multiverse of possible choices, uninevidable situations which on their turn are all small fractions of something even more bigger.
i have HPPD from lots of psychadelics. i see trippy stuff all the time, in everything. i love it. but i first really started noticing the fractals in everything if i bothered looking for them after my first 1/2 tab acid trip... i've come to many of the conclusions in this talk on my own over the past 7 years and its really validating to hear someone else say it. my boyfriend talking me through it with fractals is what helped me understand finally that we are the universe. talking to itself.
Maybe brings a different understanding to the “Starry Night” painting by Van Gough. Was what we understand as “Abstract” art, depicting something else entirely?
I'd love to see this video reuploaded in 4k so that we can enjoy a higher bitrate so the fractals don't look as blurry and blocky. These fractals are truly beautiful
If anyone here is interested in tool and in the right state of mind, lining this up with the start of Pushit off Salival and letting the album run from that point makes for some incredibly synchronized visuals.
Permaculture is big on patterns, which ties in nicely to fractal structures. The great architect has a thumb firmly pressed on the pulse of aesthetics.
@@federalmayhem By they, do you mean Auroville as a community? If so, I must say it's incredibly difficult to thrive with all the external and internal pressures and the fact we are talking about more than 2000 people. It is the largest and longest-running such community by a massive margin and an incredible hive of inspiration for countless models on lifestyle alternatives. In my eye, the only concrete manifestation of what hippies could've done worldwide if the movement hadn't been crushed in its infancy. Auroville's main limitation is that it is not a sovereign nation and it cannot even afford to operate as freely as some of these alternate communities due to its sheer size and socio-economic impact. This all amounts to incredibly complex internal politics with a multitude of agendas and opposing forces within the community and its surroundings. Still, I'd like to think it is spiritually fuelling every alternate community around the world and attempts at creating them.
I was in a time fractal once, it was like every branch was a different past life. I could zoom in and out, and live different lives in a matter of seconds. It was more like a never ending spiral everywhere I looked, with short fractals/family trees coming out of the spiral.
Hearing this has caused a vast amount of lightbulbs to go on in my head. It's like a lightning storm in my brain, so many different things make sense. Truly breath taking.
I think he means 3 Dimensional objects will begin to enfold through the eyes of your consciousness, and souls will be displaying these objects created by visual language. What he's saying is souls will be famous by allowing their inner consciousness to unfold in 3 Dimensional space.
So sometimes you zoom in on a fractal and zoom in on a point and after that there's nothing... But if you push forward long enough something new will emerge. So I wonder if there was really nothing before the big bang or if you pushed past the nothingness long enough that something new would emerge.
I know, right! :) And there is always this wonderful message of hope and trust. Like a rub on the shoulders. :) Enlightens my mind and warms my heart, everytime I choose to listen. We love you, Terence! ❤️
This made me think of the recently released pentagon UFO video where the air force pilots were saying that the UFOs would predict where the pilots were flying and show up there before they got there, like they were reading the pilot’s mind. I’ve certainly had experiences with psilocybin that were deja vu like events where I just knew what was happening before it happened and was very strange and trippy…
Terrence Was definitely dialed into the notion of the path of least action and the repeating self-similar nature of nature across scales which is at this point in the development of science is the one central truism that has rung true across virtually all scientific fields.
Very well put, and I agree. I believe the human race is on the precipice of combining physics with non-physics. Would be fascinating to see it's beginnings in my lifetime.
@@ilovebutterstuff I think we have been at the cusp of this for a very long time and now it is becoming unavoidable even to the most conservative of scientists and mathematicians in that we are entering what is in very many ways the final age of computing, namely quantum computing, by which I mean computing in a way in which we are at the limit of information itself being ordered in any way that could be reasonably regarded as order.
"I conceived and developed a new geometry of nature and implemented its use in a number of diverse fields. It describes many of the irregular and fragmented patterns around us, and leads to full-fledged theories, by identifying a family of shapes I call fractals." Benoit Mandelbrot "History is fractal. The closer you look, the more complicated, yet always repeating patterns." Ted Nelson
I very recently learned what fractals are and goddamn I'm excited. In the peak of this excitement, I would dare say that fractal study could derive knowledge more important than last-gen holy books
As above so below. The universe is one complex almost imperceptibly subtle and sublime fractal that we take for granted as part of the construct and manifestation of manifold cosmically autogenous perpetuating patterns and those infinitely nested within themselves. We may be reminded of this when contemplating the golden ratio. Pi, Phi, fibonnaci's fractal as well and the infinitely repeating patterns generated through nature. Crystals are fractal, the macro detail and design is based on the fact that the atomic structure of a crystal is exactly how the crystal will grow and it's shape towards maturity as it reaches our level of perception as it grows.. Salt has a square atomic structure. In larger grown crystals the entire shape makes a square (just an example I do not technically know what shape a sodium chloride crystal assumes but to me it looks square and for purposes of explanation I will refer to it as such..) The micro reflects the macro and vice versa. Even though general relativity and quantum mechanics don't align in a harmonious "grand unified theory" paradoxically they reflect one another and it is true in a generalized context "that which is above correlates to that which is below to accomplish the miracle of existence and reality as known to the individual" disclaimer: I believe in what I'm attempting to explain however but it should be put out there that these are my beliefs and what I also Know to be true by experience and perception of nature's fractals which are infallible in terms of nature's perfection. Nature cannot lie nor is ever false or untrue.
I came here because while meditating with the Gateway process, I had seen fractals in my mind eyes and while doing an experience, I’ve asked consciousness what it was and it gave me a vision that was pulsing fractals. To be honest I got fascinated and scared and now I understand that it is a recurrent theme and that I’m not crazy rather attuned !!!
@@benjaminh.1099"Our" referring to a plural God, or some say, the Trinity... but i like to think it may have been a holographic/fractal meaning, referring mutually to both "man" and "God".
20:41 What an ending to the video. A practical tool to solve things in this life. Knowing how to solve things by fitting it in to the totality of life. 🔥🔥🔥🙏🙏🙏
Honestly I came to this conclusion when i was 14. Around the time i saw picture models of the universe, and then pictures of microscopic images. They reflected eachother and from then on I knew that we are soooooo much smaller than we think we are. We most likely are within at least one other giant organsim(our universe, that is), and also very likely that we are a created simulation ourselves, of an incomprehensible magnitude (it could be a mix of mediums, such as mediums we know of such as electrical, biological, mechanical, spiritual etc.). One thing to note that he almost said here but didn't specifically state, is that there is no such thing as "true" freedom of choice. Everything has been pre-determined since the beginning of these fractals first began. Everything that has led you to this point in life was destined to be from the first seed (or seeds). You may choose to make decisions based off of doing what the opposite of what you think you should, and you may call that control over your life, or free will, but you were destined to make that controversial choice as well. I think it's all super fucking cool. Speaking about it as fractals is something i hadn't really put much thought or weight into, but he articulates it well and it makes sense. Typically when i explain this concept to people, i just explain how it's all one giant complex math algorithm, minus the fractal part.
I haven't heard this theory before and it blows my mind. I started trying to day trade in the pandemic, and became addicted to looking at charts. I am mesmerized by the way the charts are the same on all timeframes nested inside each other from the second to the year. I am told it's the collective mind of all participants that create these patterns. I must spend 50 hours a week staring at them and I continue to find things that amaze me.
I’ve seen exact patterns like this. The last time I’ve tripped. I had my eyes closed and what I would describe as the inside of my minds visual cortex was this.
Fractals are very applicable to everyday life because it illustrates the notion that even the universe has an infinite central depth and it’s this depth that actually defines its outer area. In other words, everything you need is right before you.
I took lsd I started to become overwhelmed as if something was trying to scare me and play with me. I postured strongly stared at the wall and said to myself I am not afraid, then my own voice replied then why are you crying? I rubbed my eyes looked at my distorted hands and saw they were soaked with tears and I then realized I am afraid even when I am certain I am not I truly am. I found so much comfort in knowing that my fear is always present and I had no certainty in anything and control is an illusion and peace washed over me immediately. Being out of control is normal control doesn't exist, composure is not control only a shield guarding our weakness from the view of others.
Same. If you stare at this video long enough when you look away things begin to look distorted. Not so much wavy for me but like things were getting smaller and moving away from me.
Man, this is just what I needed todays lunch break. I have for years now, been tracing deeply into the fractal wisdom of the you'n-i-vurse, even been lucky enough to have a physical experience with "Ether" actually existing as a crystaline substance, that stuff we call air in our field is actually technology programming written in some type of crystal "dust". To think we are freely moving through the open scape could be illusionary to the fact that we are just thought processing with the aid of crystal substance, like chip programming but with primitive crystal rock. Id love to to be able to spend a week with Terrence in the woods.
When Problems arise, its the realization as new as it seems, I’ve already solved it before! Unwittingly, slightly different each time yet knowing it will reoccur again and again no matter how unique brings peace to me because I know that I’ve already lived it before. How much more creative can I be on this go around???
Technically, most fractals are not actually self similar, strictly speaking, but contain an unbounded number of slightly distorted versions of themselves. This is true for the Mandelbrot set or for any Julia sets, for example. Furthermore, all fractals generated from polynomials of complex variable are ultimately constructed of [only] slightly distorted copies of themselves. That is to say, no matter what point on a fractal boundary one zooms there can never be any region that a copy of itself cannot be found. What you also may finding intriguing is that every fractal generated from a complex number polynomial (assuming it is not a Fatou dust) always has a [boundary] whose dimension is 2. In essence, these fractal boundaries are the most folded up they can be. For the same reason a Mandelbulb, which is generated in a Euclidean space of complex variable with three spatial axis' (again, assuming it is not a Fatou dust) has a [surface] boundary whose dimension is 3. So, should one try to crinkle its surface more, one would be unable to do so. Personally, I find such properties to be quite remarkable.
I’m not versed enough in mathematics to appreciate all of the finer intricacies of the properties you describe, but the insight is appreciated and may be useful for future unpacking, so thank you for sharing. On a by-the-by semantic note, I think that the term ‘self-similar’ does communicate ‘slightly distorted versions of oneself’ quite aptly.
Like the mandelbrot set has finite area but infinite perimeter (analogy to the coast problem) our universe and even ourselves could be finite in a sense of the volume but with infinite surface area or as i like to call it: the event horizon where reality is experienced. Self similar structures are manifested all across our existence and in every part a reflection of the totality can be found (indras net)
Woah, I was listening while working but got sucked into that awesome fractal assimilation you got and went to look back at my work computer and notice my screen was still fractaling LOL!
In the 1970's befoore computer fractal rendering, I sat by a small stream early one morning and saw that the swirls continued to split and reform in smaller sizes, until disappearing. I was fascinated by vortexes after that. The first time I saw a fractal rendering I thought, "I recognize that!"
These are some pretty kool fractals. If you stare at one point near the middle of the screen for a while, it makes everything wavy for a bit. Like those lsd trip simulators.
I burst out crying at the end of his speech out of all the gratitude that suddenly washed over me when I realised just how incredible, how magnificent, how wonderful and mysterious is this Universe and I have been given a chance to be here to experience it and appreciate it. I think it was that tune at the end, it moved me ❤ thank you.
You probably just have bi polar.
Kamila S , i feel you ❤
( and yeah , there are ppl who are still too sad & caught in mindtraps , 2 trust their very Heart = cORe🎯, not emotional heart ) ..
yet lets imagine all "M" ppl ,will be helped to open their doors of perception, and standing the trial .
Keep celebrating the blessing of awakening to yOur SelF & potenTial , Love ❣
@@triple_gem_shining.And what do you have? A lack of empathy, maybe?
it was a joke wasnt it? @@akbk2505
"Everything small is just a small version of something big. I understand everything!" - Fin the human
This guy
Fr? What ep
@@iDevilProsGTS i think its s2e15.
@@iDevilProsGTS this is the clip
as above, so below
"God knows I'm aware of the fractal nature of speech because I'm always in the same place saying the same thing but it's always a little different."
I have never tough about fractal nature of speech, o.O Amazingk
Thanks guys
How did you get that Terrence sticker!!!
During my contemplations of speech and the nature of it, it always seems to boil down to the way we manipulate sound in order for it to do our bidding. I'm sure you are aware that resonance transcends the 3rd dimension, and has powerful effects on not just matter, but mind, too. I'm working on what part gravity plays on the finer weavings of extra dimensions, but I have seen how time is involved. Tesla was right about vibration and frequency, their modes and algorithms imprinting what we call laws upon multiple dimensions. I've also seen the way these laws can be bent by not only resonance, but perception.
@@freedoobies5757 yeah dude wtf
Once on mushrooms me and a friend needed to walk across a small town to get to his house and we really couldn’t handle bumping in to anyone so we scrambled about across some fields and then around the back of an abandoned warehouse at night time. The fractals were so bright and vivid in my vision I literally could barely see where I was going
Sounds like a magnificent experience, it's been about 12 years since i've ingested any hallucinogens. Purchased a telescope a month ago, and it offers me a smiliar experience, at least being able to see the planets in our solar system for the first time in my life. I've been thinking about ingesting a little psylo on a clear dark night and taking out the scope :)
@@2147B do it bro, but prepare
Certainly my own psychedelic experiences would suggest that the universe is fractally organised. As I understand it.. it is this fractal construction and it's underpinning iterative mathematical basis that gives rise to its infinite nature. William Blake to my mind had it right. Great channel by the way! I was privileged to briefly meet McKenna following a lecture at Quaker House in London in the early 1990's. It was apparent to me as a young raver that I was being exposed to fundamental truths and the most important information I was ever going to hear. A truly brilliant human being and a massive influence on the direction of my life. Rob.
"Syntax is fractally organized. The act of creating language is the act of running a fractal generation program in the human neurological system."
Make a kilindi iyi talk vid!!!!
Id kill for a mckenna emoji, anywhere on command
Music as well, maybe not all music, but good and/or complex music is, I think.
This sentence is not a fractal.
Mushrooms containing psilocybin saved my life. They aided my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quit illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would’ve become medically dangerous to quit. It has also helped me survive depression.
The Trips I've been having really helped me a lot. I’m now able to meditate and I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@Annabella Butler I was having this constant, unbearable anxiety due to work stress. Not until I came across *dr.healingstrain* a very intelligent mycologist. He saved my life honestly
You can check him out on. 👇🏻
*l* *G*
@@lawrenceward5418 I feel the same way too. I put too much on my plate and it definitely affects my stress and anxiety levels. I am also glad to be a part of this community.
I remember seeing the Madelbrot Set for the first time and thinking, "Oh, this must be what God sees." After many trips into the void, the fractal nature of our existence is has become as obvious as the wetness of rain. On a side note: I FUCKING LOVE THIS CHANNEL!
Same. The universe is basically a fractal of enough dimensionality (including time) that we're unable to see it as such.
Indras net.
JC --- I've come across quite a few people who do all they can to avoid having any kind of a spiritual experience within a trip. It scares the hell out of them. Any kind of ego erosion that might take place causes them to hold on to ego so tight, it looks like they might break their teeth from clenching their jaw. Have you ever witnessed this?
I only have over the past 4 or 5 years.
the Fractalverse.
I did mushrooms 2 days ago and went on a guided meditation with headphones. This is exactly what I saw. Fractal energies in many dimensions. the simplest energy of infinite creation. Always there, and everywhere. That's the best way I can use language to describe it.
How much did u take?
@@BamBam-me8sf 3 grams. I've taken up to 8 grams when I was a teenager and had a 'crazy trip.' but I think the importance of the trip is meditation and your personal belief and intention
@@xXxWhiskeytangoxXx oh, sweet. I had shrooms a handful of times in my younger days. I remember taking a rather small amount and feeling relitevly sober, yet had these amazing closed eye visuals when listening to music. Like a 'spiral of creation'. Truly amazing experience.
@@BamBam-me8sf that's similar to what I had. Except I felt like I left my body and was part of the spiral fractal energy. Very colorful and felt multidimensional with no time. The meditation was about 40 minutes and when it ended it seemed liked years...but joyful and spiritual. I specifically remember thinking there's no way to truly describe the awe
Was impressed, how I would occasionally look away from my computer screen, only to see a large picture frame or part of my room shrinking, pulling away... without being On anything... what a cool trick of the eyes.
I had the same effect and wondered if something was wrong with my health lol
Super deep... I love u and miss you Terrence. I wish I could have know you but perhaps I already do my friend. You have confirmed some of my speculations and taught me so much more than I knew. I'm glad you made it home!!
Studies show that By the age of 3, children begin noticing fractal patterns in nature and appreciate them. Fractal patterns found commonly in nature have shown to reduce stress up to 60%. Studies are also showing that perhaps an evolutionary mechanism optimizes our visual system for processing fractals. Amazing.
Hey! Not that I don't believe you, sounds kinda like proof for the stoned ape theory, do you mind linking the papers?
Study Shows 100% Of Studies Falsified
@@TalkAboutaTrapstar Stoned ape barely fits the hypothesis category. It is far from being a scientific theory.
let's see that Harvard referenced please
@@RicardoMontania yeah well I'd like to see you give a better theory for the massive expansion in brain size from Astralopithecus africanus to homo habilis and forward
The fractal in this video is superb! Wow.
Nice to see McKenna was on this wave as well, I’ve been studying physics and mathematics for some years now and my research into the natural world has been pointing me more and more towards fractal geometry as the way forward. Calculus implies that as you get infinitely small, curves more and more approximate straight lines, but of course that need not be the case! A continuous function which is nowhere differentiable requires a whole new toolbox to describe, and I intend to describe it someday
good luck bro
I'm rooting for you. I wish I could help.
You got this man, make your mark on the world
The metaphysical truth is that the universe is infinite in all directions, at all scales, forever. There is no smallest thing. Things at smaller scales must be understood as matter. Matter at smaller scales must be understood as energy.. and so forth.
Ideas like the speed of light being an upper limit, or that there was nothing before the big bang, or the Plankt scale, or quantum indeterminacy are first draft attempts at understanding the ineffable and will almost certainly be supplanted.
@@havenbastion I think it’s absolutely certain those theories will be supplanted eventually, as will all theories. I believe not only the universe to be infinite, but our process of scientific thinking and discovery as well. When our theories of today rest so heavily on things like scale, and other factors that continuously provide problems for us, it might be in our best interest to produce a theory that remains invariant to scale, or with scale involved in a very specific way. Could end up being that time is not really a spatial dimension as it’s treated in relativity and QM, but a fractal dimension, resting on top of the whole map at once.
Also, I believe the universe to be infinite, but I believe it as just as well complete.
"I maintain that these kind of theories give permission to abandon anxiety. It isn't riding on the egos of civilized people. It isn't up to us to control and understand. We are part of a system, but it's the system that's in governance of the situation. It is not running out of control, it has not escaped its traces, and isn't somehow in a malfunctioning state. It's just that it is a process of winding things up in order to condense them down in order to push them into another dimensional domain where everything [...] is at equilibrium and completion." What an elegant position to hold. As essentially being a metaphysical axiom I believe it reaches passed what's necessary for ethical enlightenment, completion of holy living, and liberation from suffering, self, and subjectivity in phenomenological experience, and thus is a point of view of a putthujjana; but that doesn't mean it may not carry some validity in regards to its own ambition, he certainly has a novel way of seizing his existential situation, not in a way that resolves it, but not in a way that creates much conflict either, which is impressive in its own right.
everything now is shaped exactly like everything that comes next, just elaborated iterations all the way up, down and through
Well said. Reminds me to a TH-cam vid that shows how to make fractals without computer, but with 2 cameras repeating a part of their own screen.
So I guess that in the perception of reality there are many repetitions involved, causing these structures that we see.
Everything is shaped like bofa
" There's no fooling me sir, it's turtles all the way down"
@@squanchy666 squanch off
if you stare at the center of the fractal from around 17-18 minutes then look away, the world literally starts warping around you its really trippy
Peter I have been thanking you for years, as soon as your music started playing my eyes began to water.
Thank you Peter! What a joy it has been
As above, so below; as within, so it is without. Absolutely phenomenal video, thank you for sharing.
Very thankful for this channel..I'd say it's probably one of my ten or so favorite channels on YT. How lucky is it that Terence left so much recorded material?
No luck involved,visionary words are always recorded
Only in the top ten? Got anymore recommendations?
Same thing with Alan Watts and Manly P. Hall. I can listen to all of these guys for hours.
@@starchildo240 well what categories/genres are you interested in?
what are the other nine!? lol
14:23 - 15:13 Pretty sure this explains hallucinations like fractals, geometric shapes and patterns, basically during these experiences a certain part of the brain is activated and is revealing to us how our minds, eyes, are processing the world and/or how this world is arranged. Amazing insight!
Called form constants now, essentially the visuals are activated through similar structures in the mind.
understanding fractals has helped me more firmly grasp infinity in all its different versions, ever since I was a wee lad, I've been enamored with comparisons of scale, I had always thought there is such a strange correlation between big and small. Ant colonies are similar to human civilization. Stellar orbits mirror even vaguely the arrangements of atoms, how the neural network resembles the cosmic web, It's bold but I have to assume that this fractaling carries on into dimensions beyond our scope, do you consider the universe to be infinite, because objectively it is, but what about whatever our universe is nested in wouldn't that be infinitely more infinite.
Read Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
This question, what does the universe expand into? Can be resolved in meditation. More subtle than space, the universe is consciousness. Expanding into Self.
@@seangrieves love it
As above so below
And now, may I introduce... "Procedural Generation". Exactly what Terence spoke of nay 30 years ago. This was actually based upon his experience with Microsoft Flight Simulator (Terence was an Apple nerd. We used to bump into him at the computer store in Kona when I was but a wee lad). The MS flight sim was an early commercially-available example of this technology used to build out mountain ranges. The feeble computers of the time were unable to render miles and miles of virtual landscape in real-time so a developer came up with this idea based on his knowledge of fractals. It was later used by George Lucas and his ground-breaking studio by the name of Industrial Light and Magic.
The history goes on and on and on and on...
(see what I did there?)
Awesome! If any other memories come to mind about Terence please reach out to me at weplants@gmail.com thanks!
Is this real thing? or are you just "connecting the dots" :D
Fortnite, World of Warcraft - visit the real world sometime.
You say you used to bump into him in the store in Kona?? Kailua Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii???
Loving the visuals
Beautiful on many levels. You can almost feel your mind expanding while watching. McKenna is a shaman.
Came up with these ideas after tripping on LSD and noticing the fractal nature of everything. Tried to explain it to some friends at the time but I couldn't put the concept into words.
This prooves to me that reality has unlimited possibilities because every fraction of life, of something that is concious, contributes to an even bigger multiverse of possible choices, uninevidable situations which on their turn are all small fractions of something even more bigger.
i have HPPD from lots of psychadelics. i see trippy stuff all the time, in everything. i love it. but i first really started noticing the fractals in everything if i bothered looking for them after my first 1/2 tab acid trip... i've come to many of the conclusions in this talk on my own over the past 7 years and its really validating to hear someone else say it. my boyfriend talking me through it with fractals is what helped me understand finally that we are the universe. talking to itself.
How did you Got hppd?
They are manipulating you
An ancient native American description of matter : "Everything is made of spiraling circles within spiraling circles "
Maybe brings a different understanding to the “Starry Night” painting by Van Gough. Was what we understand as “Abstract” art, depicting something else entirely?
I'd love to see this video reuploaded in 4k so that we can enjoy a higher bitrate so the fractals don't look as blurry and blocky. These fractals are truly beautiful
and here I was feeling cheerful that this was my first 1080p upload but I guess that's nothing special these days
@@wpahp people won’t be happy until you post a 16k 20000p 40 gigafarts quality video
If anyone here is interested in tool and in the right state of mind, lining this up with the start of Pushit off Salival and letting the album run from that point makes for some incredibly synchronized visuals.
Time to swing on the spiral.
I imagine McKenna would have been delighted by some of the incredible 3D fractal art being made today!
Permaculture is big on patterns, which ties in nicely to fractal structures. The great architect has a thumb firmly pressed on the pulse of aesthetics.
Too tight too tight to take it off!!
In fact, have you seen Auroville in India? Looks like a fibonacci spiral from a plane. Use Google Earth!
@@miracleshappen4483 Been there :)
@@papapetad they could do so much more but like everything discussed in this vid they live in entropy of the fractal of corruption.
@@federalmayhem By they, do you mean Auroville as a community? If so, I must say it's incredibly difficult to thrive with all the external and internal pressures and the fact we are talking about more than 2000 people. It is the largest and longest-running such community by a massive margin and an incredible hive of inspiration for countless models on lifestyle alternatives. In my eye, the only concrete manifestation of what hippies could've done worldwide if the movement hadn't been crushed in its infancy. Auroville's main limitation is that it is not a sovereign nation and it cannot even afford to operate as freely as some of these alternate communities due to its sheer size and socio-economic impact. This all amounts to incredibly complex internal politics with a multitude of agendas and opposing forces within the community and its surroundings. Still, I'd like to think it is spiritually fuelling every alternate community around the world and attempts at creating them.
Om Shanti Om!
and God bless :)
The passion, the knowledge, the insights, the eloquence:. truly fractalicious
Supercalafractalicicious ?
I was in a time fractal once, it was like every branch was a different past life. I could zoom in and out, and live different lives in a matter of seconds. It was more like a never ending spiral everywhere I looked, with short fractals/family trees coming out of the spiral.
Hearing this has caused a vast amount of lightbulbs to go on in my head. It's like a lightning storm in my brain, so many different things make sense. Truly breath taking.
I agree, this is really thought provoking and as someone who hates math but keen at recognizing patterns, Im more aware of these fractal patterns
I'm having my realization all at once like right now in the last 20 minutes or so. Breathtaking is an understatement lol.
"...in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.."
Sums up today pretty well with social media
I think he means 3 Dimensional objects will begin to enfold through the eyes of your consciousness, and souls will be displaying these objects created by visual language. What he's saying is souls will be famous by allowing their inner consciousness to unfold in 3 Dimensional space.
Well it's both, and probably more than that also.
He stole that line from Andy Warhal, either way they were both high outta their minds when they said that.
15 minutes is enough.
Never wanted fame. Seems fame sought me out. Or infamy. They watch, nevertheless. Are you entertained? Do my adventures make you feel alive?
So sometimes you zoom in on a fractal and zoom in on a point and after that there's nothing...
But if you push forward long enough something new will emerge.
So I wonder if there was really nothing before the big bang or if you pushed past the nothingness long enough that something new would emerge.
holy shit, amigo
Very interesting brotha I’m glad I had the opportunity to read that
Or realy old
@@johnpwright7832 that makes sense. Something Older to Astronomy and newer to astronomers.
it's been two days. still sober. still mind-blown.
I think Terence McKenna has blown my mind every time I’ve listened to him so far 😂. Much love, thanks for the good content ❤️
I know, right! :) And there is always this wonderful message of hope and trust. Like a rub on the shoulders. :)
Enlightens my mind and warms my heart, everytime I choose to listen.
We love you, Terence! ❤️
It’s Denton, remember the briefing
Everytime I thought I heard em all a new one makes my day !👍
I literally listen to McKenna every night. I listen to him as I fall asleep.
Incredible to hear about the technological predictions and seeing them come to fruition now.
This made me think of the recently released pentagon UFO video where the air force pilots were saying that the UFOs would predict where the pilots were flying and show up there before they got there, like they were reading the pilot’s mind.
I’ve certainly had experiences with psilocybin that were deja vu like events where I just knew what was happening before it happened and was very strange and trippy…
19:20 I love this music so god damn much. It makes me feel nostalgic because I've listened to it so many times when first listening to mckenna
i love looking thru trees while on mushies, the patterns are so beautiful.
Terrence Was definitely dialed into the notion of the path of least action and the repeating self-similar nature of nature across scales which is at this point in the development of science is the one central truism that has rung true across virtually all scientific fields.
Very well put, and I agree. I believe the human race is on the precipice of combining physics with non-physics. Would be fascinating to see it's beginnings in my lifetime.
@@ilovebutterstuff I think we have been at the cusp of this for a very long time and now it is becoming unavoidable even to the most conservative of scientists and mathematicians in that we are entering what is in very many ways the final age of computing, namely quantum computing, by which I mean computing in a way in which we are at the limit of information itself being ordered in any way that could be reasonably regarded as order.
If you stare at the fractal for a while and look at the comments you'll have a small visual hallucinations.
"I conceived and developed a new geometry of nature and implemented its use in a number of diverse fields. It describes many of the irregular and fragmented patterns around us, and leads to full-fledged theories, by identifying a family of shapes I call fractals."
Benoit Mandelbrot
"History is fractal. The closer you look, the more complicated, yet always repeating patterns."
Ted Nelson
Thanks for the Fractal itself as your background.
In an ancient pre Christian tradtion from Europe, it is taught that hidden knowledge is contained in the spaces between the obvious things we see.
since the 90's Terrence is my favarate i love listening to him
I could watch this all day on low volume!
I love the music towards the end on your videos 😍😍😍
I very recently learned what fractals are and goddamn I'm excited. In the peak of this excitement, I would dare say that fractal study could derive knowledge more important than last-gen holy books
Wow! This is huge breakthrough! The fractal reality!
Wow wow wow… this hits deep and feels so clarifying in so many ways. Ride the wave.
As above so below. The universe is one complex almost imperceptibly subtle and sublime fractal that we take for granted as part of the construct and manifestation of manifold cosmically autogenous perpetuating patterns and those infinitely nested within themselves. We may be reminded of this when contemplating the golden ratio. Pi, Phi, fibonnaci's fractal as well and the infinitely repeating patterns generated through nature. Crystals are fractal, the macro detail and design is based on the fact that the atomic structure of a crystal is exactly how the crystal will grow and it's shape towards maturity as it reaches our level of perception as it grows.. Salt has a square atomic structure. In larger grown crystals the entire shape makes a square (just an example I do not technically know what shape a sodium chloride crystal assumes but to me it looks square and for purposes of explanation I will refer to it as such..) The micro reflects the macro and vice versa. Even though general relativity and quantum mechanics don't align in a harmonious "grand unified theory" paradoxically they reflect one another and it is true in a generalized context "that which is above correlates to that which is below to accomplish the miracle of existence and reality as known to the individual" disclaimer: I believe in what I'm attempting to explain however but it should be put out there that these are my beliefs and what I also Know to be true by experience and perception of nature's fractals which are infallible in terms of nature's perfection. Nature cannot lie nor is ever false or untrue.
The Vision & The Voice... ☘
I came here because while meditating with the Gateway process, I had seen fractals in my mind eyes and while doing an experience, I’ve asked consciousness what it was and it gave me a vision that was pulsing fractals. To be honest I got fascinated and scared and now I understand that it is a recurrent theme and that I’m not crazy rather attuned !!!
When I was a little kid I remember often experiencing this in my bed at night, I wasnt exactly seeing it but rather feeling it, its hard to explain
"God made man in his image" could be a crude description of fractal holography as an organizing principle of divine nature.
To quote the Bible, kjv, it’s OUR image. Not his.
and the image of man as the medium between the inner and outer cosmos- in Kabalah this is referred to as Adam Kadmon, the man-shaped universe.
@@benjaminh.1099"Our" referring to a plural God, or some say, the Trinity... but i like to think it may have been a holographic/fractal meaning, referring mutually to both "man" and "God".
And oddly enough, man made god in its image
@@crisyotube this is gold
No wonder I love looking at waves for hours.
We love You, Terence.
Thank You so much! :)
20:41 What an ending to the video. A practical tool to solve things in this life. Knowing how to solve things by fitting it in to the totality of life. 🔥🔥🔥🙏🙏🙏
Honestly I came to this conclusion when i was 14. Around the time i saw picture models of the universe, and then pictures of microscopic images. They reflected eachother and from then on I knew that we are soooooo much smaller than we think we are. We most likely are within at least one other giant organsim(our universe, that is), and also very likely that we are a created simulation ourselves, of an incomprehensible magnitude (it could be a mix of mediums, such as mediums we know of such as electrical, biological, mechanical, spiritual etc.).
One thing to note that he almost said here but didn't specifically state, is that there is no such thing as "true" freedom of choice. Everything has been pre-determined since the beginning of these fractals first began. Everything that has led you to this point in life was destined to be from the first seed (or seeds). You may choose to make decisions based off of doing what the opposite of what you think you should, and you may call that control over your life, or free will, but you were destined to make that controversial choice as well.
I think it's all super fucking cool. Speaking about it as fractals is something i hadn't really put much thought or weight into, but he articulates it well and it makes sense. Typically when i explain this concept to people, i just explain how it's all one giant complex math algorithm, minus the fractal part.
Gotta love his linguistics
Thanks for editing in the wave when Terence talked about, really helped me understand what he was talking about
The concepts you discuss here are more foundational to our multiverse than can be described. I look foward to merging our worls
Fell asleep listening to this on the acid come down and it was the best thing I’ve ever heard
What an incredible gift Terence was...just incredible
amazing. & made me think of joyce 'in the particular is contained the universal'
We are all fractals of each other. Love this channel!
"Local information has global implication" ... the sound of fractals!
I haven't heard this theory before and it blows my mind. I started trying to day trade in the pandemic, and became addicted to looking at charts. I am mesmerized by the way the charts are the same on all timeframes nested inside each other from the second to the year. I am told it's the collective mind of all participants that create these patterns. I must spend 50 hours a week staring at them and I continue to find things that amaze me.
Bro I thought I was the only one wow
terrance mckenna just makes me want to text everybody i love and tell them how much i love and value them
I’ve seen exact patterns like this. The last time I’ve tripped. I had my eyes closed and what I would describe as the inside of my minds visual cortex was this.
The visuals in this video are so accurate
The logos tapped me on the shoulder...
Read this and then he said it. #synchronicity
Love you for uploading these. Ty ty ty.
It's amazing that this is the same pattern you see when using hallucinogenics. It all ties in to the real truth that we haven't figured out yet.
Fractals are very applicable to everyday life because it illustrates the notion that even the universe has an infinite central depth and it’s this depth that actually defines its outer area.
In other words, everything you need is right before you.
Fantastic patterns. Wow!
I took lsd I started to become overwhelmed as if something was trying to scare me and play with me. I postured strongly stared at the wall and said to myself I am not afraid, then my own voice replied then why are you crying? I rubbed my eyes looked at my distorted hands and saw they were soaked with tears and I then realized I am afraid even when I am certain I am not I truly am. I found so much comfort in knowing that my fear is always present and I had no certainty in anything and control is an illusion and peace washed over me immediately. Being out of control is normal control doesn't exist, composure is not control only a shield guarding our weakness from the view of others.
Oh, by the way, fungi that eat plastic and glass sponges developing in the substructure of the polar icecaps.
heal yeah bruhtherrrr
yo thanks for sharing yet again the shrooms trying to save us wretched dwellers haha
I was intently watching this video. Ten minutes within the video i looked up and saw my dining room wall looking totally wavy.
Same. If you stare at this video long enough when you look away things begin to look distorted. Not so much wavy for me but like things were getting smaller and moving away from me.
Man, this is just what I needed todays lunch break.
I have for years now, been tracing deeply into the fractal wisdom of the you'n-i-vurse, even been lucky enough to have a physical experience with "Ether" actually existing as a crystaline substance, that stuff we call air in our field is actually technology programming written in some type of crystal "dust".
To think we are freely moving through the open scape could be illusionary to the fact that we are just thought processing with the aid of crystal substance, like chip programming but with primitive crystal rock.
Id love to to be able to spend a week with Terrence in the woods.
Don't spell universe like that
Just don't
Nothing good will come of it
I could listen to that music with Terences voice for hours 😀
When Problems arise, its the realization as new as it seems, I’ve already solved it before! Unwittingly, slightly different each time yet knowing it will reoccur again and again no matter how unique brings peace to me because I know that I’ve already lived it before. How much more creative can I be on this go around???
The fractal animation is amazing ! To me it it look like an infinite pulsation of waves from everywhere all dancing together perfectly in peace ☺️💓⚡
Technically, most fractals are not actually self similar, strictly speaking, but contain an unbounded number of slightly distorted versions of themselves. This is true for the Mandelbrot set or for any Julia sets, for example. Furthermore, all fractals generated from polynomials of complex variable are ultimately constructed of [only] slightly distorted copies of themselves. That is to say, no matter what point on a fractal boundary one zooms there can never be any region that a copy of itself cannot be found. What you also may finding intriguing is that every fractal generated from a complex number polynomial (assuming it is not a Fatou dust) always has a [boundary] whose dimension is 2. In essence, these fractal boundaries are the most folded up they can be. For the same reason a Mandelbulb, which is generated in a Euclidean space of complex variable with three spatial axis' (again, assuming it is not a Fatou dust) has a [surface] boundary whose dimension is 3. So, should one try to crinkle its surface more, one would be unable to do so. Personally, I find such properties to be quite remarkable.
It seems you cannot find a peer to grant you a reply among a sea of comments of a somewhat simpler nature :)
I’m not versed enough in mathematics to appreciate all of the finer intricacies of the properties you describe, but the insight is appreciated and may be useful for future unpacking, so thank you for sharing. On a by-the-by semantic note, I think that the term ‘self-similar’ does communicate ‘slightly distorted versions of oneself’ quite aptly.
He had me at “febrege”.... dude got it, really enjoy his insight
Like the mandelbrot set has finite area but infinite perimeter (analogy to the coast problem) our universe and even ourselves could be finite in a sense of the volume but with infinite surface area or as i like to call it: the event horizon where reality is experienced. Self similar structures are manifested all across our existence and in every part a reflection of the totality can be found (indras net)
Username checks out
This reminds me how every 4-5000 years humanity makes it way to space
I would do love him to see the world today and give his views he had such a great way of understanding the world ❤
This video on acid would melt my brain
Woah, I was listening while working but got sucked into that awesome fractal assimilation you got and went to look back at my work computer and notice my screen was still fractaling LOL!
In the 1970's befoore computer fractal rendering, I sat by a small stream early one morning and saw that the swirls continued to split and reform in smaller sizes, until disappearing. I was fascinated by vortexes after that.
The first time I saw a fractal rendering I thought,
"I recognize that!"
These are some pretty kool fractals. If you stare at one point near the middle of the screen for a while, it makes everything wavy for a bit. Like those lsd trip simulators.
I’ve been waiting for this video and didn’t even know it
This guy was so goddamn smart. It’s humbling.
Great visuals, especially the closing🔮🤲🤲