The #1 Priority is Personal Time With HaShem, The Time Invested In Prayer is Imperative and Out of Respect and Honor He Deserves Our Undivided Attention. Our Very Own Marriage and Family Flourish Through The Very Covenant With HaShem First in Our Lives. We Ourselves Lose The Animal Instincts, By Rising Up The Spiritual Realm and Keeping It Elevated by Prayer, Study and Wanting To Spend Time Directly Where The Holiest of Holy Dwell as a Divine Family. Where The Rebbe’s and The Rabbi’s Dwell Is the Holy Kingdom of HaShem. The Holy Transfigures The Animal Soul and Tames Our Soul by Divine it Transforms Us Through Wisdom to Holy and Living Righteous. Thank You Rabbi Very Powerful Lecture The King in the Fields Accompanied by The Divine Court of Moschiach
The #1 Priority is Personal Time With HaShem, The Time Invested In Prayer is Imperative and Out of Respect and Honor He Deserves Our Undivided Attention. Our Very Own Marriage and Family Flourish Through The Very Covenant With HaShem First in Our Lives. We Ourselves Lose The Animal Instincts, By Rising Up The Spiritual Realm and Keeping It Elevated by Prayer, Study and Wanting To Spend Time Directly Where The Holiest of Holy Dwell as a Divine Family. Where The Rebbe’s and The Rabbi’s Dwell Is the Holy Kingdom of HaShem. The Holy Transfigures The Animal Soul and Tames Our Soul by Divine it Transforms Us Through Wisdom to Holy and Living Righteous. Thank You Rabbi Very Powerful Lecture The King in the Fields Accompanied by The Divine Court of Moschiach
Chabad and The Catholic Church are both valid, for reasons that I am not discussing. :)