This homily made me cry. I realized that my mother gave me the greatest gift I could have ever received....the Catholic faith. She was a convert and gave her faith to me.
Wow. Struck a chord with me. Mom passed three years ago. All three of us kids had left the church. Her last months and passing brought me back. She prayed the aloud constantly.. when she received last rites I cried and got goosebumps. I read scripture at her funeral. I’m now back and an enthusiastic practicing Catholic.
Yes, kind of. I am trying to do so for others, but it is far easier to think and do then to actual do. Pray for me, as I pray for you. Thank you, Father. God bless!
Father H.. You remind me of an old Bishop from 50s, 60s and 70s that I love listening to til this day because he inspires me to seek the Lord and to lead a good life. Yes Father, you remind of a young Bishop Fulton Sheen. It's a blessing to listen to your homilies every Sunday morning before I go to mass. I pray that you keep doing this ... it's so helpful to us. God love you and bless you!!
+Father John Hollowell .. Well you are well on your way Father. God has blessed you with wisdom to speak and us for sure too.. for hearing God's Truth come from your words... I will remember to pray for you. Our lords church needs more priests like you. God love you!!
I thought the same. Their delivery is similar and make you reflect on yourself and be a better Catholic. He's right about Haiti. God and The Church is all we have. May God bless them both.
The late Archbishop Fulton J Sheen was a truly amazing and holy man. I still listen to his recordings and read his books. Reinforces my Faith as does Fr. John. I love his homilies.
Thank you Father I love and look forward to your all of your homilies! This one in particular really hit me & is so on point with what is going on with so many of fallen away family.
There is always hope..I was away for almost 40 years..had very little good to say about the Church..I left ( or was guided away) shorty after my first Communion...I always pray for fallen away Catholics..
I was guided away shortly after my 1st Communion as well, and was away for more than 40 years. I am SO happy to be back!! It is always possible for you to come back.. Don't be afraid.. Jesus is waiting!! He burns with love for us to come back to His open arms--His ocean of Mercy is immense! See the story of the Prodigal Son, hope that helps! Luke 15:11-32. God Bless!
I have returned to our church, the Roman Catholic Church and am glad I did! Thanks for your kind, encouraging words and prayers. May God bless you all🙏
@@garymarcera7452 God Bless you please pray for my son Gary he is away from Church for over 10 years please pray he comes back to confession and Church
Thanks Father for such a great explanation and blessings we many times take for granted. Thank God for our Church and for our blessed Priests and Nuns and all who contribute to make this world a better place in our way to Jesus Christ.
Amen 🙏! You are absolutely saying the truth Father. I was a fallen away Catholic , and I came back HOME this June! Praise the Lord.✝️ Viva Cristo Rey! God is calling people back. I think Pope Francis is bringing Catholics back to the traditional true Catholic Faith, part of which is the TLM, whether he intends that or not.
Dear father it would seem that a larger percentage of our extended Christian Catholic groups may have been discouraged by the influences of their pope and in so they now call out to Jesus on a personal basics ...
catholics can't believe the true gospel is so simple and amazing.....a free gift....don't need anything else....they are limiting God's goodness and grace....start thinking for yourself.
It is nice to go to church to see other friends who share a similar faith. You come here to hear God's message because it brings you a feeling of peace. Think how powerful it is to go as a group and to pray for others and to thank God for the love and grace that we do have.
Perhaps you SHOULD ask the adult children if they know that; understanding that could be responsible for bringing the fallen away child(ren) back to the Church. That's what brought my sister back when our dad died. That's what brought another sister and a brother back when our mom died. My mom's prayers during her suffering as she died is what brought me a new understanding of how beautiful suffering can be, and how valuable the Rosary can be when my dad was dying.
The Catholic faith teaches additions to the word of God and no matter what they say good works do not get you to heaven. Repent in Jesus Christ the one and ONLY mediator for you.
Father, if you get a chance to give a homily or sermon on why fallen away Catholics -- whether nones, those who are now Protestant, or whatever -- should come home. If you do, I'll post it on the Facebook group to which I belong (Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic Discussion Group), which has many who have fallen from the fold, even some who have swum the Bosphorous.
The problem I have ,I came from a good ,Scottish/Irish Catholic family I married a Spanish girl thinking that if I had a family ,she would want a family ,when she fell pregnant,she wanted a the baby aborted ,I stayed with her for 15yrs until my son was old enough,I separated,and managed to get a divorce, against my up bringing, I manage to get back back with my formal girlfriend,she was divorced,we got married in a public ceremony, I don’t go to mass because I can’t take communion, we are both in our seventies,just found out we can’t get buried or have a funeral mass , so father please for our souls ,we are not bad people, we are more catholic than catholics amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
The great majority of Catholic have fallen away from the Catholic Faith including the majority who still attend Mass, including the majority of Bishops and Priests. Imagine how sad it is to be living in the very depth of the End Times Apostasy and not to have a clue. Much like a professional meteorologist who doesn't know it's raining a down pour outside and that there is a major tornado barreling down on us. "When the Son of man returns will He find faith?" Very few Roman Catholics, but hordes of Modernist Catholics. God have Mercy on us all !!!
Yes! We shall know them by their fruits. Many outside of the Catholic Church will look to the pedophilia, the various kinds of liberalism, and corruption as a sign that the church is no good. But every faith, country, and civilization has people who don’t meet the mark. But out of all them who does the most? Who gives the most food, shelter, and clothing to the poor? What organization has the largest private school institution in the world? What organization has produced scores of saintly people , geniuses, and restored individuals who had no hope? The Catholic Church! Objectively speaking, it is the greatest force for morality on the planet and has been so for a long time. It’s protected civilization, preserving that which came before, and paved roads for the future. The entire planet owes something to the Catholic Church!
awesome, now compound on that and give your family the gift of true faith and salvation. Then you can keep everything you accomplished in the past, while expanding upon it. win-win!
02:38 Sorry Im going to be a voice of dissent here...Being catholic has nothing to do with parents doing right by their children. My father renounced catholicism before I was born. That had no effect on the love he has for me nor him being a good father. And my mother was never a catholic and she's an amazing mother always has been. There are agnostics, atheists, muslims, pagans, etc. who are awesome parents. How very arrogant of you, Father. And by the way, some of those school nuns were vicious bigots who treated my dad very cruel. For the successful and amazing man he is today, my dad doesn't owe those nuns a damn thing.
He said, "they (parents) read the bible! Show me how many Catholics read the bible! If they would read the Bible, then they wouldn't pray the rosary! (Former Catholic of 55 years) The priest is maybe just ignorant of this fact (reading of bible), if not then it is just a platent lie! I have invited many Catholics to read the Bible, so far all of them refused, even to the extend that they mention "bible is not understood by laity or they are down ride afraid of it"
@ Father John Hollowell. I wonder if you have the courage of your convictions? Perhaps you can reach out to me and demonstrate what you preach, especially the efficacy element, as you appear confident in your claims. After all, you have God in your corner, and I am but a mere evolved mammalian primate. I suspect this challenge will go unaccepted, but hey, time will tell.
Inside the Catholic Church THERE IS NO SALVATION. BELIEVE THE BIBLICAL GOSPEL OF 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. The Mass is blasphemy. Your reprobate Jesuit Pope Bergoglio is Antichrist
Real Roman catholic salvation? That same salvation that espoused slavery? The same salvation that at one time blammed and shamed the woman for being raped? The same salvation that has remained silent when people in Buffalo were gunned down? when Armaud Arbery was killed? When those poor women were slaughtered in Atlanta? The same salvation that covered up the abuse of innocent children? If that is salvation I'd rather not be saved...thanks
Father, I've been reflecting on your homily since last Sunday...i realized something about my people, from a nation of 80%+ Catholics. I kept wondering for years why most of us wanted to serve/be employed, and not really ambitioning to be served/become entrepreneurs/businessmen. I kept wondering why many of us are all over the world serving people in other nations, integrating ourselves into their lives & forgetting our own identity sometimes. I kept wondering why it's easy for us to point out the mistakes of others & ourselves (easily admitting we are corrupt nation?), yet we easily fight in peace if possible (people power? or ignore them & let God's will be done?). I kept wondering why we love to eat a lot (Eucharist?), and we love to sing so much (Psalms?). i kept wondering why after serving others outside our country, our dreams are always to come back and be taken cared of by our people and die here (must die here). I wonder why we love to have picnic at the cemetery this coming Sunday & Monday. i realized, from your homily, that it's because we are CATHOLICS! its not so much that we are Asian, or we come from the equator... our temperament is due to us being Catholics! Thank you so much for this homily...for the realization :)
can 1.2 billion catholics be wrong ?.....sure can....Jesus said the way to Him is narrow and FEW will find it....MANY (billions) will take the wrong path.....don't be one of them...THINK!
“Former Roman Catholics”/ “EX-Catholics” need to come Back to Sinless Jesus Christ The Real Truth = Return to His Holy Virgin Bride Catholic Mother Church Amen
step back and take a good look at the Vatican and all it's material riches....Jesus never had riches hanging off Him etc......this is not His church....think for yourselves and look for the true gospel....Jesus said, look and you will find, knock and the door will open, etc, etc....DO IT, DO IT, DO IT .
How do U consider the rcc THE CHURCH. Jesus established his Church with the apostles. The apostles were born again Christians n died as Christians. N Peter never went to Rome. Jesus did not start another church known as the Catholic church. If U hv evidence pls post on YT. I will understand if u choose to keep silent
Or maybe mom and dad made sacrifices for their children because they were good parents. I should imagine there are equally good Hindu parents and Buddhists and Muslims and Atheists and Communists who lay down their life everyday for their children. Nothing to do with the Eucharist, they just happen to be good parents. Good people. Of course at the other end of the spectrum we have those who claim to celebrate the Eucharist and abuse other peoples children. Just a thought John.
I for one will never even think about going back to the RCC....for 60 yrs I was one and then my eyes were opened to the real gospel......I really wish catholics could see what I know.
Daisy I can tell you for a fact that there is nothing unscriptural about the RCC faith; only misinterpretation. I am happy to answer any objections you might have to any teaching.. Jesus establishd one Church, which compiled the New Testament, not the othe way around. God bless
Leaving church is one's choice. When we are weak we easily make rash decisions. Stengthen our faith by pray daily or everywhere for HOLY SPIRIT to direct in us in right ways when we do not pray & ask for help. Bless the church.
Dear fallen away roman catholic Take heart i fell Out of n into The Holy Bible Based Protestant Church of JESUS CHRIST--- CATHOLIC👏👏👏. Just google, If u do not believe The simple definition of CATHOLIC!!!
As you are well aware after the Second Ecumenical Council around 1967 the church made changes to the holy orders. One change was the transubstantiation of the Holy Eucharist. It was not the norm of changing the bread and wine to the body and blood of Jesus Christ but to change it as a symbolic gesture of the last supper. So priests no longer have the power to change the bread and wine into the body of Christ. If we want to recieve the real body body of Christ we need to find a priest who received his vows before 1967. Sadly most are retired or dead.
Dear Catholics, I prey to you that you will be able to fall away from this tree that bares no fruit; for Jesus does not reside with these children of mankind.
It is quite interesting that he can preach this without just one word of sorrow about child molesting priests, about catholic orphanages where many children were treated very very bad. Not one word about this and other atrocities committed by his church in history but daring to tell everybody how wonderful all catholic social works are. Unless people like this priest do not want to see catholic reality they will lose more and more people. Compare this with Jesus before his crucifixion. He was crucified although he not only did nothing wrong but showed constantly the love of the father. And why was that so? Because the jewish clergy did not want to give up their positions. And they knew that this Jesus would not only threaten but demolish their role as "mediator" between God and man. This Jesus simply went to people who couldn´t make it in the religious system and he was open to be encountered without any religious system at all. Did Jesus change?
I'm very sure he knows everything you mentioned. The Church did a lot of wrongdoing throughout history, and we know it and are sorry that they happened. Its people are fallible, but there is no way that the Church is like that. Even at times, the clergy themselves, as people, make mistakes. However, mistakes are everywhere, not just in the Church, but also other institutions. We are people, we make mistakes. Just because there are irrefutable facts that the Church made mistakes, even in its people's acts of charity, doesn't mean that it is evil. The Church asks for forgiveness in its wrongdoing throughout history, and it also strives to spread the Gospel not just in faith but through its good deeds, in order for the world to come in unity. That's also what he meant by there are Good Catholics but bad people/parents, and good people/parents who are Bad Catholics, or not Catholic. But still, there is no undeniable fact that the Catholic Church started hospitals, schools, orphanages, and other acts of charities since its beginning. Yes, as Catholics in general, we know what we did in the past and are trying to be better, not just inside as a church, but ecumenically with our separated brothers and sisters. There are also people in the clergy, once they did a grave wrongdoing, actually gave up their positions. The respective bishops in Chile gave up their positions because of the child abuse scandal they did. They didn't respect and follow their calling to serve the Lord well. The clergy knows what their fellow members did, they know this "reality" that you are referring to. Yes it is a reality, but they (and everyone in the Church) are called to become better Christians, not just in faith, but in their actions. Yes, Jesus did what you mentioned, going to people who couldn't make it in the Jewish religious system and he was open to be encountered. He also passed down his teachings to his disciples and ordered the Apostles to become leaders and preach the Gospel. The apostles themselves ordained other people after them to do what they believe and have been doing. These bishops followed this apostolic succession started by the apostles, and are now the bishops and priests of today. Yes, the Catholic Church has done a lot of grave things made by its people, and we know it and are asking for forgiveness. However, the Catholic Church still affirms and teaches what the early Church Fathers believed and preached that came from the apostles who heard and witness Jesus himself, and staying true to those teachings while making peace and spreading love to everyone in the World. God Bless.
Phil Vincent Castanares , you are writing: "The Church did a lot of wrongdoing throughout history, and we know it and are sorry that they happened. Its people are fallible, but there is no way that the Church is like that." Do you see the contradiction? Is the Church Holy and blameless or is she a collection of sinners? Tell me.
Yes, the Church is both holy and a church full of sinners. Jesus Christ had come and died to cleanse the Church of its sin, until he comes back again. Also, to say that the Church is holy does not mean that it is perfect, without sin. Holiness is a gift of God to his people, a share in his divine nature. A Paul taught, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us" (2 Corinthians 4:7). By God's gift, the Church is holy in this sense, but the members of the Church are still fallible, and thus sinners. We are humans, we make mistakes and also sin. Jesus taught his followers to pray the Lord's Prayer, and a part of it says to "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." This prayer only makes sense if there was still sin in the Church. Jesus came to cure the sick and sinners, not the righteous. There is no contradiction when we Catholics claim that the Church is holy and also a church full of sinners. Of course, we also don't comfortably accept the presence of sin. God hates sin. Jesus Christ died on the cross because of our sin, but sin is not overcome in our individual lives right away. It is a process. Once you claim that you are Christian and accept Jesus Christ, you are saved. But you are also being saved as you walk your life trying to be a true follower of Christ. And you will be saved in the future when Christ comes down to clean the whole Church of sin.
Holiness is a real thing. The Church is holy because it is helping people to follow and behave what Jesus wants us to do. That's ultimately the main goal/purpose: to preach the Word of God through words and actions, for the better of the world. At the same time, the Church continually is in need of repentance and renewal. After all, it is made up of sinners. Even Jesus's close followers sinned against him, especially Judas and Peter. Thomas even doubted the Lord when he rose up from the dead. People are "earthen vessels." Yes they are made in the image of God, but they are also people who sin. No Christian leader, or Christian in general, is above human weakness and personal sin. If God chose his Apostles, who are sinful men, to become leaders to preach His teaching, should we be surprised that he continues to use Church leaders who sometimes fall into sin? Of course this is not an excuse to sin. God detests sin, but there is no sinless, perfect Church until Jesus comes again to purify it. There are no sinless, perfect Christian leaders. The Church's approach is to acknowledge its own sin, to repent, and to seek God for the grace of purification and renewal. Holiness is the call and goal of all Catholics. Yes all Catholics are sinners, but the holiness of the Catholic Church is also evident and manifest in the lives of so many of its members throughout its history. The Church is rich and deep in history and knowledge, both good and bad. Which I guess in a way makes it beautiful.
Fallen away is deviating from God’s expectation. There was a radical shift from the blood covenant of first to the second. Under the first, Sacrifices of animals thru blood was offered. The rituals in a Physical temple focused on a Head Priest. On the second , the shift was pronounced, in Jesus OWN words, the temple is in you, the priest becomes you, the EMPOWERMENT thru His Gift!!! H O L Y. SPIRIT Jesus was the one perfect priest, temple and sacrifice. He reiterated about that Spiritual kingdom! that the worship of the Father is in Spirit, because he is a Spirit. why complicate. it was spiritual folks! spiritual! why get stuck on the mindset of old Jews. They always asked for physical PROOF or signs. What does Faith then stand? Paul says to RENEW your Mind. Throw away traditions. God is immovable, will not change his rules. Ever connect it to Jesus saying “i have not come to abolish the law! Dont make it hard on yourself, READ the bible. Falling away is such a toss up word. If ever it ONLY applies to the perspective of God. Afterall we are players, He is the author of the Game.
I am a born & raised Catholic attending Catholic schools my whole life...Inthink you are kind of insulting to non-Catholics. Many succesful people have not attended Catholic schools & many people that attended Catholic schools are not very successful. You are way too biased but i guess you have to be.
Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Anniston, Jay-Z, Spike Lee, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Michael Bloomberg, Lucy Liu, Kevin Hart, Betty Davis, Steve Jobs all went to secular public schools. Father shouldve done his research before the homily
Wil liam, you cannot lose something or "fall out" of something you never had to begin with. At least a professional pearl diver knows not to trade a priceless pearl for a cheap marble. Some day your salvation will actually matter to you then you will seek the Truth that exist only within the One, True, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Faith, until then we can only pray for you.
Wil liam Amazing to hear this, flee from the sinking ship that is the Catholic Church who is like peter who stoped setting his eyes upon Jesus and fell short for not having the faith. If only more Catholics would open their Bible and read there would be no more Catholicism.
@@dragonairbender1796 Where do you think the Bible came from? At Mass we have Holy Scripture thoughout the Liturgy. Many Catholics read the Bible, but we look to the Church founded by Jesus Christ, who have taught the Truths for 2,000 years. Where do you go when you have come across Scrioture that you don't comprehend? Is it the local pastor who has now become your pope? Or, worse, do you rely upon your own understanding and claim to be your own pope.
Navy76 no I claim Jesus as my “pope” I prey to him for things that I do not understand for clarity. Also Catholics did not write the Bible all they did was put it in one single book so not sure how that makes your point
Manny Oaks you are guilty of the sin of presumption when you believed you are saved. You will not know if you are saved until you enter into eternity and stand before God and give an account of your life. He will let you know if you are saved. We are not God.
So Macintosh The Catholic cult has lied to you and 1.2 billion Catholics. There is no such sin as the sun of presumption. You Must decide before you leave this earth were you’ll spend eternity. Either in heaven or hell, Confess Romans 10:9 for salvation!
I don't think you're an atheist. I honestly think you should go to confession and speak to a priest. Whatever it is that you're going through.. God loves you!!
SmithsnMoz If you want to control people you have to convince them there is something wrong with them (original sin, or regular sin) so that way you can sell them the snake oil salesman cure of redemption and forgiveness.
+Liliy White .. We're all broken in one way or another .. none of us are perfect. I'll just say this.. I was living a very sinful life which was offending God and it wasn't til I asked God for mercy and forgiveness that I felt his love and grace.. God has been merciful to me.. and He will be merciful to all who come to Him with a humble heart.. He's waiting. But He also gives us the free will and the choice to let us choose!! God love you!!
+Liliy White Life is much more difficult doing it all yourself Liliy. That's why believing in God helps me, I know I'm never alone. I have a large family, and still feel alone at times, but if I had to do it all myself, I would feel so much more hopeless and helpless.
Catholic church didn't build all those things. It was the Catholic laity that donated money to the "church ". And the church in turn did those "good" things!!
Father, I look forward to your homily every week. Your message is always inspirational, merciful, and truthful. Thank you, and may God bless you.
This homily made me cry. I realized that my mother gave me the greatest gift I could have ever received....the Catholic faith. She was a convert and gave her faith to me.
Wow. Struck a chord with me. Mom passed three years ago. All three of us kids had left the church. Her last months and passing brought me back. She prayed the aloud constantly.. when she received last rites I cried and got goosebumps. I read scripture at her funeral. I’m now back and an enthusiastic practicing Catholic.
The nicest thing a child of mine ever said was at her wedding during her speech. She thanked me for giving her her faith.
You deliver homilies that never fail to enkindle my heart with the fire of divine love. Thanks, Father.
Yes, kind of. I am trying to do so for others, but it is far easier to think and do then to actual do. Pray for me, as I pray for you. Thank you, Father. God bless!
Father H.. You remind me of an old Bishop from 50s, 60s and 70s that I love listening to til this day because he inspires me to seek the Lord and to lead a good life. Yes Father, you remind of a young Bishop Fulton Sheen. It's a blessing to listen to your homilies every Sunday morning before I go to mass. I pray that you keep doing this ... it's so helpful to us. God love you and bless you!!
Wow that's a high bar. Thanks for the kind words
+Father John Hollowell .. Well you are well on your way Father. God has blessed you with wisdom to speak and us for sure too.. for hearing God's Truth come from your words... I will remember to pray for you. Our lords church needs more priests like you. God love you!!
I thought the same. Their delivery is similar and make you reflect on yourself and be a better Catholic. He's right about Haiti. God and The Church is all we have. May God bless them both.
The late Archbishop Fulton J Sheen was a truly amazing and holy man. I still listen to his recordings and read his books. Reinforces my Faith as does Fr. John. I love his homilies.
Thank you Father I love and look forward to your all of your homilies! This one in particular really hit me & is so on point with what is going on with so many of fallen away family.
There is always hope..I was away for almost 40 years..had very little good to say about the Church..I left ( or was guided away) shorty after my first Communion...I always pray for fallen away Catholics..
I've been away for about 42 yrs. Is it possible for me to come back?
I was guided away shortly after my 1st Communion as well, and was away for more than 40 years. I am SO happy to be back!! It is always possible for you to come back.. Don't be afraid.. Jesus is waiting!! He burns with love for us to come back to His open arms--His ocean of Mercy is immense! See the story of the Prodigal Son, hope that helps! Luke 15:11-32. God Bless!
@@garymarcera7452 come back home Gary The Lord Jesus, is waiting for you. God Bless
I have returned to our church, the Roman Catholic Church and am glad I did! Thanks for your kind, encouraging words and prayers. May God bless you all🙏
@@garymarcera7452 God Bless you please pray for my son Gary he is away from Church for over 10 years please pray he comes back to confession and Church
Thanks Father for such a great explanation and blessings we many times take for granted. Thank God for our Church and for our blessed Priests and Nuns and all who contribute to make this world a better place in our way to Jesus Christ.
This impressed me greatly, thank you. As a Protestant convert, the Church gave me so much that was so rich, and I would not have had otherwise
We have this treasure in earthen vessels...
Wonderful homily
Thank you, Father, for this homily! God bless you :)
Thanks Padre, truly enjoyed it......
Thank you Father I really enjoy watching your videos you are right on the money
Amen, Brother/Father! Great homily! Thank you so much for this. I wish all Catholics would hear this.
Amen, Amen, Amen!
Well said Father John.
I keep you in prayer. 🙏
Thank You Father. I’ve been listening to you everyday.
Amen. Father are my rock!!
I really would love for people to wake up and ask God to come back to our country, like the polish people did in 1979, when JP II visited Poland.
Thank you so much We need to hear the good things.
The Catholic Faith is a BEAUTIFUL religion
Thank you FR. A very self-probing homily. I needed to hear it.
Exactly how I felt. Thanks Father!
Amen 🙏! You are absolutely saying the truth Father. I was a fallen away Catholic , and I came back HOME this June! Praise the Lord.✝️ Viva Cristo Rey! God is calling people back. I think Pope Francis is bringing Catholics back to the traditional true Catholic Faith, part of which is the TLM, whether he intends that or not.
This was eye opening for me , thank you Father
So much for the idea that Catholicism is growing!
Amen , Father.
Thank you, Father.
Dear father it would seem that a larger percentage of our extended Christian Catholic groups may have been discouraged by the influences of their pope and in so they now call out to Jesus on a personal basics ...
catholics can't believe the true gospel is so simple and amazing.....a free gift....don't need anything else....they are limiting God's goodness and grace....start thinking for yourself.
It is nice to go to church to see other friends who share a similar faith. You come here to hear God's message because it brings you a feeling of peace. Think how powerful it is to go as a group and to pray for others and to thank God for the love and grace that we do have.
Perhaps you SHOULD ask the adult children if they know that; understanding that could be responsible for bringing the fallen away child(ren) back to the Church. That's what brought my sister back when our dad died. That's what brought another sister and a brother back when our mom died. My mom's prayers during her suffering as she died is what brought me a new understanding of how beautiful suffering can be, and how valuable the Rosary can be when my dad was dying.
The Catholic faith teaches additions to the word of God and no matter what they say good works do not get you to heaven. Repent in Jesus Christ the one and ONLY mediator for you.
@ThisIsTurok1I do. Jesus baptized with water and the holy spirit.
Jesus was not known to discriminate.
@ThisIsTurok1 I absolutely do agree.
@ThisIsTurok1 No exceptions.
And there are 30,000 Protestant sects as of today.
But no. No "additions to the word of God" there, right?
Thanks Fr.
Father, if you get a chance to give a homily or sermon on why fallen away Catholics -- whether nones, those who are now Protestant, or whatever -- should come home. If you do, I'll post it on the Facebook group to which I belong (Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic Discussion Group), which has many who have fallen from the fold, even some who have swum the Bosphorous.
The problem I have ,I came from a good ,Scottish/Irish Catholic family I married a Spanish girl thinking that if I had a family ,she would want a family ,when she fell pregnant,she wanted a the baby aborted ,I stayed with her for 15yrs until my son was old enough,I separated,and managed to get a divorce, against my up bringing, I manage to get back back with my formal girlfriend,she was divorced,we got married in a public ceremony, I don’t go to mass because I can’t take communion, we are both in our seventies,just found out we can’t get buried or have a funeral mass , so father please for our souls ,we are not bad people, we are more catholic than catholics amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
The great majority of Catholic have fallen away from the Catholic Faith including the majority who still attend Mass, including the majority of Bishops and Priests. Imagine how sad it is to be living in the very depth of the End Times Apostasy and not to have a clue. Much like a professional meteorologist who doesn't know it's raining a down pour outside and that there is a major tornado barreling down on us. "When the Son of man returns will He find faith?" Very few Roman Catholics, but hordes of Modernist Catholics. God have Mercy on us all !!!
God loves us all, don't worry too much!!
Yes! We shall know them by their fruits.
Many outside of the Catholic Church will look to the pedophilia, the various kinds of liberalism, and corruption as a sign that the church is no good. But every faith, country, and civilization has people who don’t meet the mark. But out of all them who does the most?
Who gives the most food, shelter, and clothing to the poor? What organization has the largest private school institution in the world? What organization has produced scores of saintly people , geniuses, and restored individuals who had no hope?
The Catholic Church! Objectively speaking, it is the greatest force for morality on the planet and has been so for a long time. It’s protected civilization, preserving that which came before, and paved roads for the future.
The entire planet owes something to the Catholic Church!
Funny, I worked very hard to provide for my family while not being Catholic
awesome, now compound on that and give your family the gift of true faith and salvation. Then you can keep everything you accomplished in the past, while expanding upon it. win-win!
@@4309chris we disagree about Catholicism being the true faith
@@travisjohnson6676 if there is a "true faith" can it be easily identified by the layman?
Gut gemacht!!
02:38 Sorry Im going to be a voice of dissent here...Being catholic has nothing to do with parents doing right by their children. My father renounced catholicism before I was born. That had no effect on the love he has for me nor him being a good father. And my mother was never a catholic and she's an amazing mother always has been. There are agnostics, atheists, muslims, pagans, etc. who are awesome parents. How very arrogant of you, Father. And by the way, some of those school nuns were vicious bigots who treated my dad very cruel. For the successful and amazing man he is today, my dad doesn't owe those nuns a damn thing.
He said, "they (parents) read the bible! Show me how many Catholics read the bible! If they would read the Bible, then they wouldn't pray the rosary! (Former Catholic of 55 years) The priest is maybe just ignorant of this fact (reading of bible), if not then it is just a platent lie! I have invited many Catholics to read the Bible, so far all of them refused, even to the extend that they mention "bible is not understood by laity or they are down ride afraid of it"
We have not fallen away the church has
joe blow false. The church keeps the faith as it is the bride
2. Bóg jest Panem wszechświata
@ Father John Hollowell. I wonder if you have the courage of your convictions? Perhaps you can reach out to me and demonstrate what you preach, especially the efficacy element, as you appear confident in your claims. After all, you have God in your corner, and I am but a mere evolved mammalian primate. I suspect this challenge will go unaccepted, but hey, time will tell.
“Former Roman Catholic’s”
“EX-Catholic’s” desperately Need Real Roman Catholic Salvation IN GOD’S REAL RCC BIBLICAL TRUTH AMEN
Inside the Catholic Church THERE IS NO SALVATION. BELIEVE THE BIBLICAL GOSPEL OF 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. The Mass is blasphemy. Your reprobate Jesuit Pope Bergoglio is Antichrist
Real Roman catholic salvation? That same salvation that espoused slavery? The same salvation that at one time blammed and shamed the woman for being raped? The same salvation that has remained silent when people in Buffalo were gunned down? when Armaud Arbery was killed? When those poor women were slaughtered in Atlanta? The same salvation that covered up the abuse of innocent children? If that is salvation I'd rather not be saved...thanks
Father, I've been reflecting on your homily since last Sunday...i realized something about my people, from a nation of 80%+ Catholics. I kept wondering for years why most of us wanted to serve/be employed, and not really ambitioning to be served/become entrepreneurs/businessmen. I kept wondering why many of us are all over the world serving people in other nations, integrating ourselves into their lives & forgetting our own identity sometimes. I kept wondering why it's easy for us to point out the mistakes of others & ourselves (easily admitting we are corrupt nation?), yet we easily fight in peace if possible (people power? or ignore them & let God's will be done?). I kept wondering why we love to eat a lot (Eucharist?), and we love to sing so much (Psalms?). i kept wondering why after serving others outside our country, our dreams are always to come back and be taken cared of by our people and die here (must die here). I wonder why we love to have picnic at the cemetery this coming Sunday & Monday. i realized, from your homily, that it's because we are CATHOLICS! its not so much that we are Asian, or we come from the equator... our temperament is due to us being Catholics! Thank you so much for this homily...for the realization :)
can 1.2 billion catholics be wrong ?.....sure can....Jesus said the way to Him is narrow and FEW will find it....MANY (billions) will take the wrong path.....don't be one of them...THINK!
Ephesians 2:8-9/Romans 10:9-10
“Former Roman Catholics”/
“EX-Catholics” need to come Back to Sinless Jesus Christ The Real Truth = Return to His Holy Virgin Bride Catholic Mother Church Amen
How can someone roll in their graves?
step back and take a good look at the Vatican and all it's material riches....Jesus never had riches hanging off Him etc......this is not His church....think for yourselves and look for the true gospel....Jesus said, look and you will find, knock and the door will open, etc, etc....DO IT, DO IT, DO IT .
How do U consider the rcc THE CHURCH. Jesus established his Church with the apostles. The apostles were born again Christians n died as Christians. N Peter never went to Rome. Jesus did not start another church known as the Catholic church. If U hv evidence pls post on YT.
I will understand if u choose to keep silent
Or maybe mom and dad made sacrifices for their children because they were good parents. I should imagine there are equally good Hindu parents and Buddhists and Muslims and Atheists and Communists who lay down their life everyday for their children. Nothing to do with the Eucharist, they just happen to be good parents. Good people.
Of course at the other end of the spectrum we have those who claim to celebrate the Eucharist and abuse other peoples children. Just a thought John.
THANK YOU 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I for one will never even think about going back to the RCC....for 60 yrs I was one and then my eyes were opened to the real gospel......I really wish catholics could see what I know.
I can tell you for a fact that there is nothing unscriptural about the RCC faith; only misinterpretation. I am happy to answer any objections you might have to any teaching.. Jesus establishd one Church, which compiled the New Testament, not the othe way around.
God bless
if you give me a proper holymas and not a profane novus ordo vatican one catholic0
Leaving church is one's choice. When we are weak we easily make rash decisions. Stengthen our faith by pray daily or everywhere for HOLY SPIRIT to direct in us in right ways when we do not pray & ask for help. Bless the church.
Its not a Catholic's a human thing. There are good & bad parents from all faiths.
Gloria Ford : Being a Catholic claim good parenting. It is not a thing. That is why Christians are horrible at it.
I plan hull
Catechism #846 and #1129
Dear fallen away roman catholic Take heart i fell Out of n into The Holy Bible Based Protestant Church of JESUS CHRIST--- CATHOLIC👏👏👏. Just google, If u do not believe The simple definition of CATHOLIC!!!
As you are well aware after the Second Ecumenical Council around 1967 the church made changes to the holy orders. One change was the transubstantiation of the Holy Eucharist. It was not the norm of changing the bread and wine to the body and blood of Jesus Christ but to change it as a symbolic gesture of the last supper. So priests no longer have the power to change the bread and wine into the body of Christ. If we want to recieve the real body body of Christ we need to find a priest who received his vows before 1967. Sadly most are retired or dead.
Where did you ever hear the weird notion that Transubstantiation was eliminated in the Roman Catholic Church? It is not and has never been true.
I just must reply to this, it is so absolutely untrue! The true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is as true today as it has been forever!
No Pope is not in hell but in save alive.
Dear Catholics, I prey to you that you will be able to fall away from this tree that bares no fruit; for Jesus does not reside with these children of mankind.
It is quite interesting that he can preach this without just one word of sorrow about child molesting priests, about catholic orphanages where many children were treated very very bad. Not one word about this and other atrocities committed by his church in history but daring to tell everybody how wonderful all catholic social works are.
Unless people like this priest do not want to see catholic reality they will lose more and more people. Compare this with Jesus before his crucifixion. He was crucified although he not only did nothing wrong but showed constantly the love of the father. And why was that so? Because the jewish clergy did not want to give up their positions. And they knew that this Jesus would not only threaten but demolish their role as "mediator" between God and man. This Jesus simply went to people who couldn´t make it in the religious system and he was open to be encountered without any religious system at all. Did Jesus change?
I'm very sure he knows everything you mentioned. The Church did a lot of wrongdoing throughout history, and we know it and are sorry that they happened. Its people are fallible, but there is no way that the Church is like that. Even at times, the clergy themselves, as people, make mistakes. However, mistakes are everywhere, not just in the Church, but also other institutions. We are people, we make mistakes. Just because there are irrefutable facts that the Church made mistakes, even in its people's acts of charity, doesn't mean that it is evil. The Church asks for forgiveness in its wrongdoing throughout history, and it also strives to spread the Gospel not just in faith but through its good deeds, in order for the world to come in unity. That's also what he meant by there are Good Catholics but bad people/parents, and good people/parents who are Bad Catholics, or not Catholic.
But still, there is no undeniable fact that the Catholic Church started hospitals, schools, orphanages, and other acts of charities since its beginning. Yes, as Catholics in general, we know what we did in the past and are trying to be better, not just inside as a church, but ecumenically with our separated brothers and sisters.
There are also people in the clergy, once they did a grave wrongdoing, actually gave up their positions. The respective bishops in Chile gave up their positions because of the child abuse scandal they did. They didn't respect and follow their calling to serve the Lord well. The clergy knows what their fellow members did, they know this "reality" that you are referring to. Yes it is a reality, but they (and everyone in the Church) are called to become better Christians, not just in faith, but in their actions.
Yes, Jesus did what you mentioned, going to people who couldn't make it in the Jewish religious system and he was open to be encountered. He also passed down his teachings to his disciples and ordered the Apostles to become leaders and preach the Gospel. The apostles themselves ordained other people after them to do what they believe and have been doing. These bishops followed this apostolic succession started by the apostles, and are now the bishops and priests of today.
Yes, the Catholic Church has done a lot of grave things made by its people, and we know it and are asking for forgiveness. However, the Catholic Church still affirms and teaches what the early Church Fathers believed and preached that came from the apostles who heard and witness Jesus himself, and staying true to those teachings while making peace and spreading love to everyone in the World.
God Bless.
Phil Vincent Castanares
, you are writing: "The Church did a lot of wrongdoing throughout history, and we know it and are sorry that they happened. Its people are fallible, but there is no way that the Church is like that." Do you see the contradiction? Is the Church Holy and blameless or is she a collection of sinners? Tell me.
Yes, the Church is both holy and a church full of sinners. Jesus Christ had come and died to cleanse the Church of its sin, until he comes back again. Also, to say that the Church is holy does not mean that it is perfect, without sin. Holiness is a gift of God to his people, a share in his divine nature. A Paul taught, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us" (2 Corinthians 4:7). By God's gift, the Church is holy in this sense, but the members of the Church are still fallible, and thus sinners. We are humans, we make mistakes and also sin. Jesus taught his followers to pray the Lord's Prayer, and a part of it says to "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." This prayer only makes sense if there was still sin in the Church. Jesus came to cure the sick and sinners, not the righteous. There is no contradiction when we Catholics claim that the Church is holy and also a church full of sinners. Of course, we also don't comfortably accept the presence of sin.
God hates sin. Jesus Christ died on the cross because of our sin, but sin is not overcome in our individual lives right away. It is a process. Once you claim that you are Christian and accept Jesus Christ, you are saved. But you are also being saved as you walk your life trying to be a true follower of Christ. And you will be saved in the future when Christ comes down to clean the whole Church of sin.
So, holiness is not a real thing? Or to put it this way: Wouldn´t something or someone who is holy not also behave like that?
Holiness is a real thing. The Church is holy because it is helping people to follow and behave what Jesus wants us to do. That's ultimately the main goal/purpose: to preach the Word of God through words and actions, for the better of the world. At the same time, the Church continually is in need of repentance and renewal. After all, it is made up of sinners. Even Jesus's close followers sinned against him, especially Judas and Peter. Thomas even doubted the Lord when he rose up from the dead. People are "earthen vessels." Yes they are made in the image of God, but they are also people who sin. No Christian leader, or Christian in general, is above human weakness and personal sin. If God chose his Apostles, who are sinful men, to become leaders to preach His teaching, should we be surprised that he continues to use Church leaders who sometimes fall into sin?
Of course this is not an excuse to sin. God detests sin, but there is no sinless, perfect Church until Jesus comes again to purify it. There are no sinless, perfect Christian leaders. The Church's approach is to acknowledge its own sin, to repent, and to seek God for the grace of purification and renewal.
Holiness is the call and goal of all Catholics. Yes all Catholics are sinners, but the holiness of the Catholic Church is also evident and manifest in the lives of so many of its members throughout its history. The Church is rich and deep in history and knowledge, both good and bad. Which I guess in a way makes it beautiful.
Feather , stop the reason why people leave the church is VATICAN 2. VATICAN 2 VATICAN 2
To understand the origins and reasons behind Vatican 2 will reveal the Church's present situation.
Fallen away is deviating from God’s expectation.
There was a radical shift from the blood covenant of first to the second.
Under the first, Sacrifices of animals thru blood was offered. The rituals in a Physical temple focused on a Head Priest.
On the second , the shift was pronounced, in Jesus OWN words, the temple is in you, the priest becomes you, the EMPOWERMENT thru His Gift!!!
Jesus was the one perfect priest, temple and sacrifice.
He reiterated about that Spiritual kingdom! that the worship of the Father is in Spirit, because he is a Spirit. why complicate.
it was spiritual folks! spiritual! why get stuck on the mindset of old Jews. They always asked for physical PROOF or signs.
What does Faith then stand?
Paul says to RENEW your Mind.
Throw away traditions.
God is immovable, will not change his rules. Ever connect it to Jesus saying “i have not come to abolish the law!
Dont make it hard on yourself, READ the bible.
Falling away is such a toss up word. If ever it ONLY applies to the perspective of God. Afterall we are players, He is the author of the Game.
I am a born & raised Catholic attending Catholic schools my whole life...Inthink you are kind of insulting to non-Catholics. Many succesful people have not attended Catholic schools & many people that attended Catholic schools are not very successful. You are way too biased but i guess you have to be.
How are you measuring success?
Use Our Lord's standards and you may find many more success stories. Peace.
Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Anniston, Jay-Z, Spike Lee, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Michael Bloomberg, Lucy Liu, Kevin Hart, Betty Davis, Steve Jobs all went to secular public schools. Father shouldve done his research before the homily
Thank GOD in JESUS n Only CHRIST, i fell out of the idolatrous roman catholic chch surrounded by graven images😲🤤
Wil liam, you cannot lose something or "fall out" of something you never had to begin with. At least a professional pearl diver knows not to trade a priceless pearl for a cheap marble. Some day your salvation will actually matter to you then you will seek the Truth that exist only within the One, True, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Faith, until then we can only pray for you.
Wil liam Amazing to hear this, flee from the sinking ship that is the Catholic Church who is like peter who stoped setting his eyes upon Jesus and fell short for not having the faith. If only more Catholics would open their Bible and read there would be no more Catholicism.
Where do you think the Bible came from?
At Mass we have Holy Scripture thoughout the Liturgy. Many Catholics read the Bible, but we look to the Church founded by Jesus Christ, who have taught the Truths for 2,000 years.
Where do you go when you have come across Scrioture that you don't comprehend? Is it the local pastor who has now become your pope? Or, worse, do you rely upon your own understanding and claim to be your own pope.
Navy76 no I claim Jesus as my “pope” I prey to him for things that I do not understand for clarity. Also Catholics did not write the Bible all they did was put it in one single book so not sure how that makes your point
They didnt fall away Mr. They found Christ and are now SAVED- Salvation is what they left Roman Peganism to found.
You are extremely ignorant.
Manny Oaks you are guilty of the sin of presumption when you believed you are saved. You will not know if you are saved until you enter into eternity and stand before God and give an account of your life. He will let you know if you are saved. We are not God.
So Macintosh The Catholic cult has lied to you and 1.2 billion Catholics. There is no such sin as the sun of presumption. You Must decide before you leave this earth were you’ll spend eternity. Either in heaven or hell, Confess Romans 10:9 for salvation!
I just stopped going to church because I realized there's no god and I have to help myself.
I don't think you're an atheist. I honestly think you should go to confession and speak to a priest. Whatever it is that you're going through.. God loves you!!
SmithsnMoz If you want to control people you have to convince them there is something wrong with them (original sin, or regular sin) so that way you can sell them the snake oil salesman cure of redemption and forgiveness.
+Liliy White .. We're all broken in one way or another .. none of us are perfect. I'll just say this.. I was living a very sinful life which was offending God and it wasn't til I asked God for mercy and forgiveness that I felt his love and grace.. God has been merciful to me.. and He will be merciful to all who come to Him with a humble heart.. He's waiting. But He also gives us the free will and the choice to let us choose!! God love you!!
+Liliy White I can assure you, there is plenty wrong with each of us. If that were not the case, life would be paradise. As it is, people are mean.
+Liliy White Life is much more difficult doing it all yourself Liliy. That's why believing in God helps me, I know I'm never alone. I have a large family, and still feel alone at times, but if I had to do it all myself, I would feel so much more hopeless and helpless.
Catholic church didn't build all those things. It was the Catholic laity that donated money to the "church ". And the church in turn did those "good" things!!