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I do remember the date and some comments made by individuals such as Getachew Reda which iwas very true " OroMara መርህ አልባ ግንኙነት ነው" ህውኀት ብልፅግናን ቢክቀላቀል እኔም ጥቅምት 24 I was driving old to Toyota corolla 2003 in Bole area, Ethiopian but not from Tigray region, but just group of muscular youth (5 in #) all of a sudden called me you " junta stop" But I drove away for fear of mob justice, I am a live example for all the fis information by the mainstream media and high government officials I know Zara media is more Tigraway than Ethiopian however I like the way you present the truth
Thank you, Stalin! For bringing the truth to light concerning Tigray invasion!! Justice shall and must be served for these unjust and barbaric acts!!!!
Dog owners have a responsibility to take care their dog and at the same time they've a responsibility to protect the people around them .if the dog got out of their hand and start attacking then I'll be forced to do the same thing like what the (driver) said so Dog owners must leashed their dogs at all times and can unleash if they're inside their home/property. In this case if you're at home and someone approachs you to give their service then just keep the dog indoor, . forget not some dog owners are bullies.
Zara Media: Your reasoning that externalize the situation in Tigrai is not right. It is absolutely due to the people in the interim government because they are so stupid and irresponsible. They are working hard to stay on political power and nothing else. They did nothing to do with the people of Tigrai that are displaced from their lovely homes. They are working hard to destroy TPLF and TDF to please the Arat kilo government. At least they could have tried to work on the unity of Tigrai and Tegaru. The parts of the Tigrai map must have been returned back to historical ownership.
Stalin I like your show, it is sad the martyrs cemetery incident you showed, however, could that be the kind of “chickens coming home to roost”? Weyane had done the same thing in Eritrea!! I was member of the EDF at the time and it was hurtful at the time. Some stupid people claim that it was done by Shaebia.... it is ridiculous
Though immediate cause of this black spot on Ethiopian history still couldn't clearly verified who are responsible under Ethiopian or either international laws against war criminal But it importantly looted Ethiopian innocent millions and fired thousands of military senior elites
Ask your Amhara fano commanders Abune Abraham & And another Menelik commander fano Abune petros what they did with Amhara fano to Tegaru Agawoo kemant Argoba Oromo Gumuz Etc who we’re blessing the Amhara fano commiting Genocide.
@ shimeles the Ethiopian Orthodox Church raised funds from abroad and Ethiopia and contributed millions dollars to Abyi to fund his war to buy drones, Tanks. They went to the war front with Abyi. And you are one of them. The church committed rape , genocide, ethic cleansing, destroying churches, mosque, GADAMES In Tigray. It is the right call to have your own senodos. And soon we will have our Patriarch. Shimels you have blood on ur hand.
Where were you when millions of Amhara, Oromo, and PPL from South were being killed for the past 2 decade? We will never forget. Meles started all the hate and decided the ppl. On top of all that, Eritrea were the main reason that TPLF took control of Ethiopia.
I was always confused about who started the war, specially after knowing Abiy and his colleagues. Sorry, now you are telling us TPLF started the war to protect itself. You just said " If it were not so, Getachew, Debretsion and as a whole TPLF would have been non existent" or they would be in prison. Did you notice you are not talking about the Tigrai people or it's 1m youth it sacrificed. As to me I wish TPLF didn't start the war and thousands of poor Tigrai mothers didn't lose their beloved children.
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እንደ ብርሀን የሚያበራ ሀቅን መሠረት ያደረገ ትንታኔ እጅግ አደንቃለሁ። በርታ ጀግና ተጋሩ ስታሊን !!!
ከምዚ እናገበርካ ኣንቀሓና እምበር እቲ ግንዛበናስ እናቀነሰ እዩ።❤
ኣሕሕሕሕ ሰንት ጅግና ነዉ በራሃ የቀራቹ ክብርን ሞጎሰን ንሰማእታት
I respect zara media..
እስታሊን ጀግና የትግራይ ድምፅ በርታ ❤❤❤❤
ስታሊን እውነተኛ የትገራይ ህዝብ ታጋይ !!
ለህዝብህ ያለህ ፋቅር ያስቀናኛል ስታሊን
I do remember the date and some comments made by individuals such as Getachew Reda which iwas very true " OroMara መርህ አልባ ግንኙነት ነው"
ህውኀት ብልፅግናን ቢክቀላቀል
እኔም ጥቅምት 24 I was driving old to Toyota corolla 2003 in Bole area, Ethiopian but not from Tigray region, but just group of muscular youth (5 in #) all of a sudden called me you " junta stop"
But I drove away for fear of mob justice, I am a live example for all the fis information by the mainstream media and high
government officials
I know Zara media is more Tigraway than Ethiopian however I like the way you present the truth
360 የትም ቢበተኑና ስም ቢቀያይሩ ከጀኖሳይድ ወንጀል ተጠያቂነት የትም ኣያመልጡም!!
ጀኖሳይድ ክፉ መንፈስ ነው ። ሊደገም አይገባውም ፈፃሚዎችም ፍርዳቸውን ሊያገኙ ይገባል።ስታሊንም እድሜ ይስጥክ እናመሰግናለን።
Thank you for your program !❤❤❤❤❤❤
እንዳይረሳ እንዳይደገም!!!!!!
የዕንቁ ሰኩቴረ ታሪካዊ ንግግር።
ቃል-በቃሉ ኣዳምጡት፡ ስሙት። ሲያጠፋህ፡ ሲገድልህ፡ ለተዘጋጀ ጠላት የተሰጠው ተገቢ መልስ ነው!!!
ስህተተቸው፡ በቁጥትር የገቡ፡ ደግመው ከባዕድ ሰራዊት የተሰለፉት መልቀቃቸው ነው።
God bless you dear brother 🥰🙏🕊️
አረ ስታሊን ያልተወራ እንጂ ያልተደረግነው እኮ የለም እነዚህ የትኛውንም ሃይማኖት የማይወክሉ አለሌዎች ቀላል ዘመቻ አልዘመቱብንም ብቻ ግን አሁን እግዚአብሔር ደግ ነውና ዋጋቸውን እየሰጣቸው ነው
ያሳዝናል ምን አይነት መጥፎዋች እንደሆንን በመላው ሀገሪቱ የፈሰሰው ደም ፈሶ ቀረ በቃ መጨረሻቺን ይህ ነው በቃ ያሳዝናል
Thank you Nima!!❤❤❤❤
Thank you Stalin
ይሕን ሁሉ ግፍ ሲፈፀምብን እያዮ በትግራይ ያሉ ከወረዳ እስከ ክልል ምክርቤት ለማፍረስ የሚራራጡት
የሰሩቱን ሃጢያት እስከአሁን ድረስ ባለመቀበላቸው ገና የሚከፍሉት ዋጋ አለ። ስታሊን ጥሩ ሰራ እየሰራህ ነው 🙏🏽
በጣም ጥሩ ነው የተሳሳተ ግንዛቤ ነበር የነበረኝ
ሁለ ለማለት በህይወት መኖር በትክክል ❤
ይህ ክፍ ታሪክ በየጊዜው መዘክር አለበት እንዳይረሳ አንዳይደገመም
true about 🇪🇷 no war zone in tigray
Thank you, Stalin! For bringing the truth to light concerning Tigray invasion!! Justice shall and must be served for these unjust and barbaric acts!!!!
ድጋሚ የትግራይ መሬት እሚያርስ ሃይል እንዳይኖር ማድረግም የግድ ነው::
ትግራዋይ ረሳዒ እዩ ጽቡቅ ገይርካ ሓወይ
ሰውየው የእውነት አለርጂ አለበት።ተጋሩ ❤❤❤❤❤
ጅግና ወዲ ህዝ ቢ ትግራይ
ምን አይነት ቋንቋ ይገልጸዋል የህን😢😢😢
ሰላም ሰላም
እሄም አለፈ የማይልፍ የለም
ስታሊን ንፀላእቲ ፅቡቅ
ለኢትዮጵያዊያን (ድህነት ሽንፈት ነው!ርሀብ ሽንፈት ነው! ስደት ሽንፈት ነው!ልመና ሽንፈት) ነው!ክህደት ሽንፈት ነው!
ጉድ ብዙ ታዕምረኛ የጳጳሳት ቪዲዮ አሳየኸን😭😭😭😭
እንደነዚህ ያሉ ከሃዲ ከእውነት የተጣሉ ግለሰቦች ጊዜና ታሪክ ይፋረዳቸዋል ።
ፋኖ ማርኳቸው የለቀቃቸው ተመልሰው ለጦርነት ተልከዋል።
ከሰማእታት ኣጥን ጦርነት የወያኔም ይኹን የኢትዮጵያ ወታደሮች ባህላዊ ጨዋታ ነው!!!!!
አንበሳ ትግራይ
ጦርነቱን ጀመራችሁ፣ አልሳካ ሲል፣ ተጨፈጨፍን ከማለት፤ ልክ እንደጎጃሜው “አንዴ ገጥመን መስሎኝ!” ብትሉ ኖሮ፣ ብዙ ደጋፊ ታገኙ ነበር። ለነገሩ፣ ጦርነቱ ከመጀመሩ፣ ከጥቂት ወራት በፊት፣ ደብረ ጽዮን፣ ተዘጋጅተናል፣ ኑና ሞክሩን እያለ ሲፎክር አልነበር። የትግራይን ህዝብ፣ በመካከሉ ኖሬ አውቀዋለሁ። ወያነና ደጋፊዎቹ ግን ጉዶች ናችሁ። ያን ቅዱስ ህዝብ ለቀቅ ብታደርጉት ምን አለ?
የህዋሀት የትዕቢት ዉጤቱ ህዝቡን ጎድቶታል ቀናየትግል ነትግል እቅድ ስላላወጣ ሌላዉ ቀርቶ የአማራን የድንበር ችግር ፈትቶ የትግል አንድነት ቢያደርግ እንኳን አድስአበባን አፍሪካን መቆጣጠር እንደሚችል የሚያጠራጥር አልነበረም
ወያኔ እና ፋኖ አንድ አይሆኑም አትልፋ
Ethiopia political is game over for new philosophy come son
ጦርነቱን ማን እነደጀመረው ነፍስ ይማር ጌታቸው ሴኩትሬ ሐቁን ተናግሮ አልፏል። ጀነራል ፃድቃንም ሐቁን ተናግሯል።
የትግራይ መሪዎች አሁን ምን ነካቸው የ፬ አመት ታሪክ መርሳት
እረ እንደዛ ነው ይ አሳፋሪ ንግግር ነው
የሰሚን ህዝ የህዝብ ልጅ ነው የጨፈጨፋቹት ይ ጆኖሳይድ ነው ገና ትጠየቁበታላቹ
Sewyow, yetenagerew Leaediy Begiao new Slebadme Aeltenagherem.
አዳምነህ በእርግጥ ከተለቀቀ በኋላ አዋጊ የሆነ ይመስለኛል። በአንድ ወቅት በደባርቅ ግምባር ነበር ።
ዶክተር ሲሳይ በቅርቡ ጅቡቲ የባህር በር ብትከሉክለን መዋጋት እንችላለን ብሏል።
ጀነራል ሞላ ወያናይስ ንምንታይ "ገዛኻ ከፍ በል " ተባሂሉ?
ኡነትክን አኮ ነው የማን ወጥ ሊያማስሉ ነው የምጡ
Viva stalin
"እስታሊን ሐደ ዓብይ አቦ እክሊ ዘምጽዑ ዘክሮሞ
እሄ ሰውየ የት ነው ያለው በጣም እወደዋለሁ
አሁንም ትልቁ ጥያቄ እንዴትና ወዴት ነን??
ዛሬ ብዙዉሸት አገኘሁ ስታሊን
Hasawi sukbel
Samba Tegaru
"Mankoraretwa bare akelalaw bila fandeta motech"ye males ababale
ስታሊን ሌላው ቢቀር መብረቃዊ ጥቃትን አትርሳ
Semtehewal adel.kksegete
Dog owners have a responsibility to take care their dog and at the same time they've a responsibility to protect the people around them .if the dog got out of their hand and start attacking then I'll be forced to do the same thing like what the (driver) said so
Dog owners must leashed their dogs at all times and can unleash if they're inside their home/property.
In this case if you're at home and someone approachs you to give their service then just keep the dog indoor, .
forget not some dog owners are bullies.
This was during eritrea ethiopia war adi begio front
ከጦርነቱ በፊት ጀምሮ በወያኔ የተደፈሩት ትግሬዎች ጉዳይ አታለባብሱ
But woyane dug Eritrean general
አማሐራ ትግሬ እንደዳይኖሰር ከመጥፋትህ በፊት ቆም ብለን እናስብ።
Zara Media: Your reasoning that externalize the situation in Tigrai is not right. It is absolutely due to the people in the interim government because they are so stupid and irresponsible. They are working hard to stay on political power and nothing else. They did nothing to do with the people of Tigrai that are displaced from their lovely homes. They are working hard to destroy TPLF and TDF to please the Arat kilo government. At least they could have tried to work on the unity of Tigrai and Tegaru. The parts of the Tigrai map must have been returned back to historical ownership.
Stelin Antea America mistihin ena Lijochihin yizeah tekemiteah dehawin yetigray wetat lemascherese postpone eyalik taweraleah. Amhara kilili yimtu ena witeatuin tayewaleah
Stelin ahunim TDF jegna new tilaleah ? Esti yimitu ena Amhara kilili tayewaleah. Erafu stelin dehawin yeatigray wetat atascherisuit.
Stalin I like your show, it is sad the martyrs cemetery incident you showed, however, could that be the kind of “chickens coming home to roost”? Weyane had done the same thing in Eritrea!! I was member of the EDF at the time and it was hurtful at the time. Some stupid people claim that it was done by Shaebia.... it is ridiculous
Alen yetgray lejoch sebsben enmgb nber
Though immediate cause of this black spot on Ethiopian history still couldn't clearly verified who are responsible under Ethiopian or either international laws against war criminal
But it importantly looted Ethiopian innocent millions and fired thousands of military senior elites
ፋኖ ትግራይ የገባው በመጨረሻው ጦርነት ጊዜ ነው። የህወሃት ጦር ስንት የአማራ ሴቶችን ደፈሩ። የትግራይ መሪወችና የአብይ መንግሥት በህግ ተጠያቂ ይሆናሉ።
@@yosefbelete3952 ከጦርነቱ በፊት የማስታውሰው ጦርነት እንዳያነሱ ወያኔን ያልመከረ አልነበረም። ነገር ግን ሰልፍ አካሂደው ፣ ሶሻል ሚዲያ ላይ አማራ ፈርቶን ነው ነበር ያሉት። ወልቃይት እና ራያን ጥያቄ ያፌዙበት መንገድ ሳስታውሰውማ😭😭😭። ተዋግታቹ መልሱት ነበር ያሉን።
Yala amara Fekad manem kiristiyan mahon aychelem😎
Tplf started the war. ::
Such words expected from elitrated individuals like you that doesn't know recent, clear history with tangible evidence.
😂😂😂😂 እየበዳኋት ታንቀላፋለች የሚለው ተረት ኣስታወሽኝ
አዳምነህ በናንተ እስር ነበር እይደለም እንዴ?
የሰሜን እዝ መሪው ታሳሪው እርሱ ነው ።
በኋላም በርካታ እስረኞች አዳምነህም ጭምር ከህወሃት ተዋጊወች ጋር በተከዜ ዙሪያ ሲንቀሳቀሱ ነው ጦሩ ያስለቀቃቸው። በሰቆጣ የሽኘነው ያልኸው ትክክል አይደለም ።
ሁለ መጃጃል አይደብርም።የምናውቀውን በአዲስ መልክ ልተነግረን ስትሞክር
Yenatem sitet emenu?ulegez weshet?
አሁንም አትማሩም የቤተክርስቲያን መከፈልን ልዩነትን እንደ ጀግና ቆጥራችሁ ታወራለህ
ያንተ ጽንፈኛ ጳጳሶች ናቸው እኮ ቤተክርስትያን የለያዩት
ከዚ በኋላ ሞት ይሻላል ገዳይ መተታሞች ቱ😞
Ask your Amhara fano commanders Abune Abraham & And another Menelik commander fano Abune petros what they did with Amhara fano to Tegaru Agawoo kemant Argoba Oromo Gumuz Etc who we’re blessing the Amhara fano commiting Genocide.
@@gebrekristosgebreselassie2155 በዚህ ሰኣት እንኳን የጥፋተኝነት ስሜት የላችሁም ይሄንን ሳስብ መከራችሁ ገና አላለቀም ። በጭንቅላታችሁ የፈጠራችሁትን ትርክት እንደ እውነት ተቀብላችሁ ለአማራ ያላችሁ ጥላቻ ገደብ የለውም ። አማራ እናንተ የጠላችሁትን ያህል ቢጠላችሁ መልካም ነበረ ።ከጫካ እስከ መንግስት ስትሆኑ ድረስ አምሃራን ስትገሉ ስታስገድሉ ኖራችሁ ያተረፋችሁት ምንም ነገር የለም ተረጋግተህ ነገሮችን መርምሩ መልካም ጊዜ
@ shimeles the Ethiopian Orthodox Church raised funds from abroad and Ethiopia and contributed millions dollars to Abyi to fund his war to buy drones, Tanks. They went to the war front with Abyi. And you are one of them. The church committed rape , genocide, ethic cleansing, destroying churches, mosque, GADAMES In Tigray. It is the right call to have your own senodos. And soon we will have our Patriarch.
Shimels you have blood on ur hand.
Roto. Temchege
Sera kakomene dehennenete ye.nberne. kakomenene 4 ametahene
Where were you when millions of Amhara, Oromo, and PPL from South were being killed for the past 2 decade? We will never forget. Meles started all the hate and decided the ppl. On top of all that, Eritrea were the main reason that TPLF took control of Ethiopia.
Wendata Abere Adamu be Misahil Baherdarn yedebedebechn Tplf be 24 hour betenachew,,🎉 temeleseh ye torenet kebero medeleq jemershsa😅😅
ኣበረ ኣዳሙ በራሱ በቆፈረዉ ጉድጎድ ግብት ነዋ! ቂቂቂቂ😄😄
የሰሜኑን ዘበኛ ከመቱ በሁዋላ ባድሜና ኢሮብ ወዘተ ተወሰዱ ብሎ ማልቀስ ምን ይባላል?
Yemnder Baltet! Yeteshekemkew chinklat mindnw siraw??
ጦርነት ትግራይ ላይ ካልፈለክ፣ መንገዱ ኣንድና ኣንድ ብቻ ነው። እአሱም ሁለገብ ትብብር ከኤርትራ ጋራ።
ትግራዋይ ይኼን ማረግ ካልቻለ፣
1- የጋሎች ጦርነት ትግራይ ውስጥ ይካሄዳል
2- ትግራይ የጋላ መፈንጫ ትኾናለች
3- ትግራዋይ የውሃ ሽታ ይኾናል
4- በመጨረሻ ጋሎች ከትግራይ ይወገዳሉ
5- ግን ባዶ የባደነች መሬት ኾና ትቀራለች
ይኼ ኹሉ እንዳይኾን
1- የወያኔን ሓጥያት ኣምኖ መኮነንና ይቅርታ መጠየቅ
2- ሁለገብ ትብብር ከኤርትራ ጋራ
ከዚኽ ውጭ ጸሎት እያረጉ መጥፋት ብቻ ነው።
I was always confused about who started the war, specially after knowing Abiy and his colleagues. Sorry, now you are telling us TPLF started the war to protect itself. You just said " If it were not so, Getachew, Debretsion and as a whole TPLF would have been non existent" or they would be in prison. Did you notice you are not talking about the Tigrai people or it's 1m youth it sacrificed. As to me I wish TPLF didn't start the war and thousands of poor Tigrai mothers didn't lose their beloved children.
karegay የማነህ ግን ነገር የሚገባህ እንደምግብ ሲያጎርሱህ ነዉ ከየት ነዉ የተፈጠርከዉ ከንቱ
ትግሬ ተገነጠለ እና ምን ይጠብስ ብን በል ግልግል
ቁዘማ ይመስላል::
ዉይ የምን ቁዘማ ?🙅
ተረኛዉ መቆዘምነዉ !
በሰፈርበት ቁና ደል ☝
ቁዘማ ኣይደለም ጠላታችን ጠንቅቀን እያውቃለን የሚወራረደው ሂሳብም ኣንተን ኣያድርገኝ። በትግራዋይ ደም የተሰጠህ ነፃነት እና ግማሽ የኢትዮጵያኖች መሬት የኦሮምያ ምድር ውለታው ጀኖሳይድ ከሆነ ኣንተን ኣያርድርገኝ ሂሳቡ ሲወራረድ።
እዚ ናይ ኤርትራ ወታደር ምስ ( ማዕበል)ዝዛረብ ዘሎ ናይ 2000 ዓ.ም እዩ ዝዛረብ ዘሎ።
Stallin don’t dream Humera!
😂😂😂 ታዝለህ ገብተህ ታዝለህ ትወጣለህ😂😂😂
By law or by force you will be kicked out from Humora.