Bit of a glitch fest this one, not sure what's going on with the code hitting the VIC-II bank during the scrolling. Needs a fix. When a game is this bad, you know why the credits never show the authors full names. Ben Daglish did the music I think for this. It could have been coded by Shaun Southern, but that's just a wild guess given there's a Shaun on the hiscore table and he wrote a fair few Gremlin games.
Used to load this just because of the music ;-)
Well, I couldn't hate the music anyway.
Bit of a glitch fest this one, not sure what's going on with the code hitting the VIC-II bank during the scrolling. Needs a fix. When a game is this bad, you know why the credits never show the authors full names. Ben Daglish did the music I think for this. It could have been coded by Shaun Southern, but that's just a wild guess given there's a Shaun on the hiscore table and he wrote a fair few Gremlin games.
The music's still great, but this I feel is one where the AY beat the SID by a smidgen, just IMO 😁
Having posted that I just got to the guitar solo bit and I'm changing my mind, it's GREAT lol