+Joanna Hausmann jajajaja worst chilean accent evur! pro tip: skip the 's' sound in the middle of some words, i.e.: "mohca" instead of "mosca" (y) Chilean accent 101
+Joanna Hausmann Us Mexicans dont use the word "Vos" however we do tend to cuss a lot, especially a place called Alvarado Veracruz. it is known to be Mexico's most fowled mouthed people. And another place that would be hell would be an asian hair or nail salon. they are ALWAYS talking crap about you and you cannot prove it....but you just know. Saludos!!
Tips for chilean accent: - Don't pronounce the "S" at the end of words - Say "weon" every 3 words, nevermind the context - The "r" at the middle of words, pronounce it breathing in - Speak fast - "The tune": not even one chilean can tell you about that, but every latinamerican who knows chileans, says we speak to the rhythm of "a tune". Find out more about it. Bonus track: the "Cuico accent". A "cuico" for us is like a "fresa" to mexicans. Replace the "weon" above for "cachai", BUT! every "ch" sound, pronounce it "tch", like "catchai", "matchupitchu" and so on. Cheers!!! You make me laugh!!!!
No hablamos pésimo , hablamos con nuestra propia jerga xD el idioma es algo que cambia a través de los años, con decirte que el español tiene prestamos lingüísticos del francés ( por que está al lado de España) , Arabe (Conquista musulmana de la península ibérica) entre otros idiomas,además sus bases son del Latín unido con el Griego. Un ejemplo del porque el español varía de país en país : -Por qué en argentina se habla el español de distinta manera ? Debido a los inmigrantes italianos "Buenos Aires pasó de 85 000 habitantes a 1 200 000 en 1852 y en 1914 el 50% de la población de Buenos Aires era extranjera." Cachate esa po wn xD imagínate que en Chile la mitad de la población fuera Rusa o China, es imposible que no se mezclen los idiomas,predomina una y sea crea algo totalmente distinto. El español llegó a latinoamerica en 1492 y de ahí en adelante se combino con los idiomas de los indígenas e inmigrantes y se terminó mezclando todo , en Chile está demás decir que se combinó con el Mapuche xD bue podría mandarme pedazo de Informe sobre El español y su continuo cambio por país, pero yo solo quiero tratar de aclarar porque en Chile el español tiene un cambio tan radical.
As a Brazilian I am very ashamed of all the Brazilians saying they're not "Latinos". No, we are not Hispanic for we are not Spanish, but we are STILL Latinos. And we should be proud of that. Latin American countries, no matter if they speak Portuguese or Spanish, should stick together and celebrate our cultures together. América Latina
People also leave out Haitians. Haitians are Latinos too, they share the same island with the DR for crying out loud lmao. But yea Brazilians, Haitians, etc. We all are latinos 💜 btw I'm Mexican 😊
*Tutorial para castellano-parlantes sobre como hablar con acento Chileno, 100% real* *Paso 1*: comienza hablando como un antiguo Español de la edad media y con seseo. (no digas " _hablas_ ", di " _habláis_ ", no digas " _¿Quieres?_ ", di " _¿Queréis?_ ") *Paso 2*: saca todas las S que sean finales consonantes y remplazalas con una "H" y las D pronuncialas muy suave (no digas " _¿Queréis?_ ", di " _¿Queréih?_ ", no digas " _adversidad_ ", di " _ahversidad_ ") *Paso 3*: remplaza todas las "ei" que te encuentres por solo una "i" (no digas " _¿Queréih?_ ", di " _¿Queríh?_ ") *Paso 4*: agrega cuanto modismo o analogia puedas. (no digaih " _listo_ ", di " _ready_ ", *ej*: _ehtamoh ready para la fiehta_ ) *Paso 5*: felicidades ya hablas Chileno.
no tienes que reemplazar todos los ei por íh, sólo los que están acentuados, por ejemplo comieseis pasa a comiesei, llegaseis a llegasei, hubieseis a hubiesei y así
+Chorrell Klaverweide Then in Brazil, there's also the even more informal 'cê'. Which is honestly a tossup, I hear a lot of Mideast/Northeast Brazilians say it, but Cariocas (Rio-based) Brazilians say it too, and our regional cultures are really different, lol.
As a guatemalan, the guatemalan accent was spot on. That's hilarious. I've been binge watching your videos for the past 3 days, you're hilarious. Abrazos!
+Joanna Hausmann I´m Brazilian and I watched this channel for the first time 2 days ago, and I'm addicted for it! I'm an eternal learner of english and spanish! I love it :)
+Joanna Hausmann ¡Por favor, subtítulos! yo hablo algo de inglés, pero hay partes q no entiendo. Además cuando quiero recomendar el canal a mis amigos q no hablan inglés, no puedo hacerlo. Y estaría buenísimo q todos los latinos pudieran verlo (y entenderlo), porque son muuuuuuuy bueeeeeenooooooossss!!!!!!!
2:02 i LOOOOVED LOVED LOVED your face when Chris explained you about the relationship term "Shipping" and you were like... "What? Seriously?" Hilarious!
Nicaraguans do say lot's of bad words hahaha A very common thing we do while speaking is that we left out the "S" in almost every word that has it and also the "D" as the final letter in the word. Example: Como vas? (Como estas?) = Como vah? (Como estah?) Que barbaridad! = "Que barbaridah!" and so on lol
And the Spanish people from SPAIN, anybody loves us. ¬¬ We have a lot accents from differents places in our country. For example: ¿Qué pollah aseh? Que sipollo ereh, andy cuehtaté, que no valeh pa ná Granada (Andalucia) rules.
In Central America we use the VOS (tu) with friends and it´s an informal way of speaking to somebody. But it is not disrespectful unless you are talking to and older unknow person.
As a chilean, your attempt of speaking with chilean accent reminds me more the peruvian accent, but I tried with 1.5x speed up and that was pretty accurate lol
+Ricardo Méndez Araya tbh we don't 😂 we have like a...I don't know to say it in English so I'll said in Spanish, tenemos como un acento cantado o algo parecido, también cambiamos mucho las palabras digamos para le quitamos el ra, en estoy le quitamos el es y así en adelante.
Bueno está bien, uds no lo van a admitir y al parecer no lo quieren aceptar, digan lo que digan lo van a tener quieran o no. Ustedes no lo notan porque es normal entre ustedes, pero nosotros sí lo notamos.
Why is it that we have a different word for "straw" in every Spanish speaking country?!? I was asking my coworker for a "sorbeto" since that's what we call it in Puerto Rico, and him being mexican didn't understand me, said that he calls it "bombilla", then my other mexican coworker goes and says that she calls it "popete".. then a Venezuelan girl jumps in and says they call it "pajilla" over there.
Acontece que 'latino' é uma cousa e 'latino-americano' é outra. Ou seja, todo latino-americano é latino, mas nem todo latino é latino-americano. Os francezes fallam uma lingua neolatina, mas não são latinos. Os italianos fallam uma lingua neolatina e são latinos. Mas parece que o que vale aqui é a opinião dos anglo-saxonicos dos EUA.
I'm on a FLAMA binge right now. Why did TH-cam not tell me about this channel. After all of the related videos I watched, and I get this 5 years later.
That is not colombian accent, that is paisa accent which is spoken just in one of the 32 areas Colombia is divided in, I dont know why it became so popular, probably because of Pablo Escobar I guess. There are many accents in Colombia, and they are really different, the one used in the atlantic coast for example is more like a caribbean accent, they avoid pronouncing the s sound, for example they say "ete que eta aca" instead of "este que esta aca", meanwhile the one in the capital is actually pretty neutral.
+keith coye Really? In what way? I've always thought we don't have a distinct or even interesting accent, we don't really add weird pronounciation like mexico or colombia
+carlos garcia I asked her last time and I think she probably doesn't know the accent and I am also afraid she's gonna make us sound like other central americans, no offense lol
Jajaja "Ese Serote" you made the Guatemalan accent pretty good and if you add words like "Pisto", "Chilero , "Patojo" " and " De ahuevo" to your sentence you can pass like an autentic Guatemalan :D Thank you for remeber that Guatemala Exist.
hahhahaha yeahh as guatemalan we need to add the article before the name because is not just Gabriela is La Gabriela Hahahha but se have like 4 big accents in Guatemala y he one that you made is like the west people one (occidnte), then we have the indigenous, the people that lives in the coast, and the capitalinos which I am we have no accent at all we swear a lot hahaha and we all sound like soft I can tell
+Kai Meni hahaha no, sweety ticos Put an l instead an r and they uses a weird spanglish which make them Hardy to understand I really love how argentinos talk you are so warm so it seems
Hola Johanna, I''m from Perú, I Wander where did you learn all that spanish accents!, I'm astonished! By the way, can you imitate the peruvian accents??
lmao at all the people commenting "not everyone from [insert country here] talks like that!". like, no shit, do you expect her to do every accent and dialect per country? she's just doing the funniest ones and the ones she hears the most.
Tenía una amiga chilena a la que tampoco le entendía todo,usaba mucho eso de PO o en muchas palabras las terminaba en i,como queri,teni,etc. No es mala onda pero me costaba a veces entender todo y además hablaba muy rápido :(
Haha, that " Colombian" accent is not actually from Colombia, this is from Medellin, Colombia. People from Bogota or Cartagena don't speak like that. ;)
I love that you can do so many accents and the ones you do... they are amazing ! You really sound like them! Shame you can't do peruvian... but try doing a posh surfer limenean accent! That'd be funny! Great Video!!!
In Costa Rica nobody uses tú, although we know how to conjugate it and stuff (unlike in Mexico, where my friends have no clue how to use vos). We use vos with people we're close with and usted with pretty much everyone else, especially older people, but it also depends a lot on the person. I've got cousins that use usted with pretty much everyone, while I've grown accustomed to using vos regularly.
Centran American conjugations are the best, is the only region that I know where people navigate between the three pronouns (vos, usted y tu). At least in Guatemala is very difficult to explain to foreigners when is better to use each one. For example, I address to my friends wit vos, I use usted to speak with cute girls and elders, and use tu-vos (vos conjugation but replacing vos with tu) to speak with my mom or girl friends.
Same here in El Salvador and pretty much all of Central America. I always thought of tu as a way to adress other latinos, but never used it. It sounds so weird like if you were some type of voice actor.
Chris Estrada I actually hate that, I hate hearing someone using the pronoun "tú", but using the conjugation of "vos". I don't know, it sound horrible.
No I'm from Managua Nicaragua, en algunas conversaciones olvidamos mencionar la letra "S" lo descubrí cuando estuve en Guatemala, me encantanba escuchar hablar a los chapines "guatemaltecos" pero compartíamos el mismo "vos" para referirme a "ti ó tu" el "vos" se usa en Centroamérica.😜
Bueno no todos los Nicaraguenses dicen malas palabras ... pero si la mayoria XD tambien depende del pais para mi bruto es mala palabra pero en Costa Rica no lo ven tan mal como yo... o tal vez es por la forma en que fui criada que considering esa y otras , malas palabras.....
You've just mention freaking guatemala!!!!!!!!!! OMG I'm ago happy hahahaha I'm Guatemalan and literary die watching your videos you are just so awesome!!!! And yeah!! Pendejo, cerote hahaha those are some of the many bad words we have 😂😂😂☺️☺️
+Ismael863 jajaja eso pregunte yo mismo, eso es re peruano, en la casa de mi abuela es "camilito, tomamos un tecito con el lonchecito a las diez y cinco?"
Siempre usamos diminutivos! Cuando digo: Mira que tiernito es ese niñito! Le daría un besito. No se, es un ejemplo. Fíjate bien, siempre decimos todo chiquitito.
Chileans must love the Nordic languages. We have a preposition that technically means "on", but it can be used to mean almost every other preposition depending on the context. It's på and that vowel is pronounced pretty much like an O.
Como chilena, digo que entiendo que nuestro modo de hablar sea difícil para muchos, incluso para nosotros. Pero muchos NO hablamos o escribimos tan mal. El "po'" es más hablado y se puede omitir si se lee. Y "pololo/a" es un término derivado del mapudungún, nuestra lengua indígena más extendida, y es "novio/a" (Acá, "novio/a" se usa cuando el compromiso ya es con argollas técnicamente)
I' m Guatemalan I like your accent it's so good. But we don't say bad words all the time. It' s something more informal, like talk with friends not with your mom, Never!!!!!
Flama, you put the flag of Nicaragua on Honduras, the flag of El Salvador on Nicaragua, and the flag of Honduras (It's barely visible, but I'm assuming) on El Salvador in the thumbnail of the video...
The Guatemalan people I know have weird grammar. Instead of me prestas un lápiz? They say te presto un lápiz? Oh... And they say pueeee a lot. Like sí pueee!
Oooookay, so I'm from Colombia and what you did is a PAISA accent, which is from Medellín and the Eje Cafetero. It does not represent Colombia but a specific area. However, I must say you did it pretty well!😊
Here in Brazil we just have sooooo many accents, we divide them by Northeast, Southeast, North, South and Center-West... And they've subdivisions too... We're just like a "Portuguese America" in just one country.
While in the subject of accents, you can always tell someone's mother tongue is Spanish by the lack of aspiration in a lot of consonants. For instance, place your hand in front of your mouth and say "pear" and "pera". You will find a distinct lack of air in Spanish. This can be repeated for many other letters. Take, Car, etc.
I was (trying) to speak to my Argentinian friend in spanish and she told me I have a mixed accent. I was like what? and she said i have the vocabulary of an Argentinian, pronounce words and a lisp like a spaniard, and speak fast like a Dominican. my teacher noticed that I sigh a lot when I speak spanish so Venezuelan can also be counted and since I'm Filipino, I also add the word "po" at everything to show respect for people, so Chilean too probably.
Joanna, best way for imitating a Chilean accent is to speak as if you are driving a race car: you start the phrase on a normal rythm, suddenly you accelerate while you tone becomes higher, then you start slowing down and lowering the tone until reaching the starting point
I finally tried a Chilean accent. It was bad.
it wasn't that bad💘
+Joanna Hausmann Saludosss cariño..!
+Joanna Hausmann jajajaja worst chilean accent evur! pro tip: skip the 's' sound in the middle of some words, i.e.: "mohca" instead of "mosca" (y) Chilean accent 101
+Joanna Hausmann It was like a peruvean speaking chilean spanish.
+Joanna Hausmann Us Mexicans dont use the word "Vos" however we do tend to cuss a lot, especially a place called Alvarado Veracruz. it is known to be Mexico's most fowled mouthed people. And another place that would be hell would be an asian hair or nail salon. they are ALWAYS talking crap about you and you cannot prove it....but you just know. Saludos!!
Tips for chilean accent:
- Don't pronounce the "S" at the end of words
- Say "weon" every 3 words, nevermind the context
- The "r" at the middle of words, pronounce it breathing in
- Speak fast
- "The tune": not even one chilean can tell you about that, but every latinamerican who knows chileans, says we speak to the rhythm of "a tune". Find out more about it.
Bonus track: the "Cuico accent". A "cuico" for us is like a "fresa" to mexicans. Replace the "weon" above for "cachai", BUT! every "ch" sound, pronounce it "tch", like "catchai", "matchupitchu" and so on.
Cheers!!! You make me laugh!!!!
Nailed it wn
Por eso existe 2 libros que se llaman - How to survive in the chilean jungle - diccionario de dichos y modismos chilenos
Porque hablamos pesimooo
No hablamos pésimo , hablamos con nuestra propia jerga xD el idioma es algo que cambia a través de los años, con decirte que el español tiene prestamos lingüísticos del francés ( por que está al lado de España) , Arabe (Conquista musulmana de la península ibérica) entre otros idiomas,además sus bases son del Latín unido con el Griego.
Un ejemplo del porque el español varía de país en país :
-Por qué en argentina se habla el español de distinta manera ? Debido a los inmigrantes italianos
"Buenos Aires pasó de 85 000 habitantes a 1 200 000 en 1852 y en 1914 el 50% de la población de Buenos Aires era extranjera."
Cachate esa po wn xD imagínate que en Chile la mitad de la población fuera Rusa o China, es imposible que no se mezclen los idiomas,predomina una y sea crea algo totalmente distinto.
El español llegó a latinoamerica en 1492 y de ahí en adelante se combino con los idiomas de los indígenas e inmigrantes y se terminó mezclando todo , en Chile está demás decir que se combinó con el Mapuche xD bue podría mandarme pedazo de Informe sobre El español y su continuo cambio por país, pero yo solo quiero tratar de aclarar porque en Chile el español tiene un cambio tan radical.
Al fin alguien chileno💕
As a Brazilian I am very ashamed of all the Brazilians saying they're not "Latinos". No, we are not Hispanic for we are not Spanish, but we are STILL Latinos. And we should be proud of that. Latin American countries, no matter if they speak Portuguese or Spanish, should stick together and celebrate our cultures together. América Latina
Sara Ramos yes! we still latinos 🇧🇷❤
Brazilian culture is so diferent from other latin countries, I'm proud to be brazilian, not latino.
Henzel i'm so proud to be latina, and i love my country ❤🇧🇷
People also leave out Haitians. Haitians are Latinos too, they share the same island with the DR for crying out loud lmao. But yea Brazilians, Haitians, etc. We all are latinos 💜 btw I'm Mexican 😊
MusicLxfe yes!
Brazilians use random letters as a laugh....
This asuhahshaushaushasush would be just like LMAO in english....
Its not a evil laugh... Hahahahaha
I thought they used kkkkkk
@@davidtorres718 we use that too
Its "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"
@@davidtorres718 we use
Now, "hahaha" is an evil life.
argentina and uruguay say "vos" too, in informal context
*Tutorial para castellano-parlantes sobre como hablar con acento Chileno, 100% real*
*Paso 1*: comienza hablando como un antiguo Español de la edad media y con seseo.
(no digas " _hablas_ ", di " _habláis_ ", no digas " _¿Quieres?_ ", di " _¿Queréis?_ ")
*Paso 2*: saca todas las S que sean finales consonantes y remplazalas con una "H" y las D pronuncialas muy suave
(no digas " _¿Queréis?_ ", di " _¿Queréih?_ ", no digas " _adversidad_ ", di " _ahversidad_ ")
*Paso 3*: remplaza todas las "ei" que te encuentres por solo una "i"
(no digas " _¿Queréih?_ ", di " _¿Queríh?_ ")
*Paso 4*: agrega cuanto modismo o analogia puedas.
(no digaih " _listo_ ", di " _ready_ ", *ej*: _ehtamoh ready para la fiehta_ )
*Paso 5*: felicidades ya hablas Chileno.
no es queréis.. es queris. podís. etc.
+mitsuko000001 es "queríh" "podíh"
ej: "te podíh callar?'
no tienes que reemplazar todos los ei por íh, sólo los que están acentuados, por ejemplo comieseis pasa a comiesei, llegaseis a llegasei, hubieseis a hubiesei y así
Creí que lo estaba haciendo bien, hasta que no sé por qué leí el paso 4 con acento venezolano... 😳
your Chilean accent was Mexican accent. I'm Chileanly triggered.
Omg same
Saul Cifuentes Jazz
Least noticeable accent? Don't make me laugh. Mexican accent is more marked than a freckles on a ginger.
she got Guatemala right
really? I didn't think so. at least I don't sound like that but I think Cuz I lost my Guatemalan accent : (
I think that in Portugal 'voce', is very formal. In Brazil, not at all.
+Chorrell Klaverweide Then in Brazil, there's also the even more informal 'cê'. Which is honestly a tossup, I hear a lot of Mideast/Northeast Brazilians say it, but Cariocas (Rio-based) Brazilians say it too, and our regional cultures are really different, lol.
+Mareepu in brasil we use "você" or "tu"
+Ian Alisson , I'm Carioca and my family and I use 'cê'. I think it's slang, tho.
+Cruciator I figured. Thanks!
Você comes from the expression "vossa mercê" witch is formal in portuguese and became normal in brazil
As a guatemalan, the guatemalan accent was spot on. That's hilarious. I've been binge watching your videos for the past 3 days, you're hilarious.
Yes. Joanna is just the best.
+Ewan B Thanks friend!
+Joanna Hausmann I´m Brazilian and I watched this channel for the first time 2 days ago, and I'm addicted for it! I'm an eternal learner of english and spanish! I love it :)
+Joanna Hausmann epa Joanna! Eres un bonche.
+Joanna Hausmann ¡Por favor, subtítulos! yo hablo algo de inglés, pero hay partes q no entiendo. Además cuando quiero recomendar el canal a mis amigos q no hablan inglés, no puedo hacerlo. Y estaría buenísimo q todos los latinos pudieran verlo (y entenderlo), porque son muuuuuuuy bueeeeeenooooooossss!!!!!!!
+Joanna Hausmann Sos una genia!!!! la mejor!!! Me hacés reír mucho
I'm Colombian, and I gotta make clear that there are a lot of different accents in the country
m f hola would you help me with my Spanish?
Gee 977 español es fácil para mi pero para tu yo pienso que tienes trabajo para hablar español perfecto :)
m f Yup I'm from Medellin, Colombia! Where are u from?
the show is 5m
m f as there is in every country
lol the Guatemalan accent was rite on 👌👌👌
Right?!!! lol
Cabal 👌
al principio pense "asi no hablo yo" y escuche como pense y pense "rayos" jajaja si entendiste lo que dije traducilo porque ni yo se que dije
I'm guatemalan American and i though it was on point .
chicagosbest82 same
2:02 i LOOOOVED LOVED LOVED your face when Chris explained you about the relationship term "Shipping" and you were like... "What? Seriously?" Hilarious!
Nicaraguans do say lot's of bad words hahaha
A very common thing we do while speaking is that we left out the "S" in almost every word that has it and also the "D" as the final letter in the word.
Como vas? (Como estas?) = Como vah? (Como estah?)
Que barbaridad! = "Que barbaridah!"
and so on lol
+Paola Alfaro you right! lol
Soo true!! I never noticed until a coworker told me lol
so true. I didn't start to notice until my cousin who's a singer told me that they make pronunce the "s" when they're recording in the studio
My friends tell me that Dominicans say "Oh pero" a lot, true? false?
+Jennifer Holloway true!
+Jennifer Holloway , im dominican thats True. oh pero bueno jaja Lmao
+Jennifer Holloway Dominican Captain reporting! it is true!
+Eli P. :)
True, so do pr
And the Spanish people from SPAIN, anybody loves us.
We have a lot accents from differents places in our country. For example:
¿Qué pollah aseh? Que sipollo ereh, andy cuehtaté, que no valeh pa ná
Granada (Andalucia) rules.
+Olmos YTB I was fairly confident in my Spanish until I saw this comment and couldn't understand anything.
Ken Dang hahah, in the south of spain cut the words xD
+Olmos YTB I LOVE Andalucia's accent! ahaha I would have loved to see Joanna trying it!
+Olmos YTB Sí. No soy de España pero me gusta el acento andaluz.
Por cierto adoro tus vídeos. :D
Ever Beltrán Oooh graciiias :D
In Central America we use the VOS (tu) with friends and it´s an informal way of speaking to somebody. But it is not disrespectful unless you are talking to and older unknow person.
As a chilean, your attempt of speaking with chilean accent reminds me more the peruvian accent, but I tried with 1.5x speed up and that was pretty accurate lol
FLAMA is my new favorite channel!! I love Joanna and learning about cultures :) If only I spoke fluent Spanish :3
what about Honduran accent??
what I keel saying.. :(
+Glenda Diaz viva honduras!!!
+Glenda Diaz Que onda vos? xD
I second this 👏😁
Yasss I was coming here to say that!! lol
El salvadorian accent please!
El Salvador?
MiMi I know right
Vamos El Salvador
Or honduras?🇭🇳
I loved so much your piñata!! Sooo Mexican! With the moustache! I looooooved it so much!! :3
Still waiting on panamanian Accent
+DegenerateSharingan I have panamanian friends and they have a similar accent to Venezuela
I said ssimilar, not the same. And you do have the accent.
+Ricardo Méndez Araya tbh we don't 😂 we have like a...I don't know to say it in English so I'll said in Spanish, tenemos como un acento cantado o algo parecido, también cambiamos mucho las palabras digamos para le quitamos el ra, en estoy le quitamos el es y así en adelante.
Ustedes hablan como cambiando las "s" por "j" como decir "ejtoy" o "ehtoy" en vez de "estoy".
Bueno está bien, uds no lo van a admitir y al parecer no lo quieren aceptar, digan lo que digan lo van a tener quieran o no. Ustedes no lo notan porque es normal entre ustedes, pero nosotros sí lo notamos.
Why is it that we have a different word for "straw" in every Spanish speaking country?!?
I was asking my coworker for a "sorbeto" since that's what we call it in Puerto Rico, and him being mexican didn't understand me, said that he calls it "bombilla", then my other mexican coworker goes and says that she calls it "popete".. then a Venezuelan girl jumps in and says they call it "pajilla" over there.
Alexandra Borrero In Venezuela we call it pitillo.
pajilla en Guatemala también :D
Acontece que 'latino' é uma cousa e 'latino-americano' é outra. Ou seja, todo latino-americano é latino, mas nem todo latino é latino-americano. Os francezes fallam uma lingua neolatina, mas não são latinos. Os italianos fallam uma lingua neolatina e são latinos. Mas parece que o que vale aqui é a opinião dos anglo-saxonicos dos EUA.
I'm on a FLAMA binge right now. Why did TH-cam not tell me about this channel. After all of the related videos I watched, and I get this 5 years later.
Love your channel, greetings from Guatemala
Daniela Vargas yeessss, I Was waiting for peruvian accent 😔
Dav Rodz NOOOO really? 🙄
No one cares for Peru..
Jk I love everyone ☺️
Its around 27 hours away from Chilli and Bolivia. Its gorgeous!
Ebrasilbr Brasil Jaja Peru es muy lindo 😊
That is not colombian accent, that is paisa accent which is spoken just in one of the 32 areas Colombia is divided in, I dont know why it became so popular, probably because of Pablo Escobar I guess. There are many accents in Colombia, and they are really different, the one used in the atlantic coast for example is more like a caribbean accent, they avoid pronouncing the s sound, for example they say "ete que eta aca" instead of "este que esta aca", meanwhile the one in the capital is actually pretty neutral.
COSTA RICAAA! MAE, que pasa! (mention it!) I'll send you something for your room ":)
Costa Rica PURA VIDA!!!
oh I agree jaja Costa Ricans have a very funny and distinct accent
+carlos garcia MAE SI! COSTA RICA!! Que saquen otro video solo para ver el de costa rica xD
+keith coye Really? In what way? I've always thought we don't have a distinct or even interesting accent, we don't really add weird pronounciation like mexico or colombia
+carlos garcia I asked her last time and I think she probably doesn't know the accent and I am also afraid she's gonna make us sound like other central americans, no offense lol
I'm from Guatemala and I never noticed the "swing trait" about our accent, spot on.
That's because you live in Guatemala, you are never gonna notice your own accent
Jajaja "Ese Serote" you made the Guatemalan accent pretty good and if you add words like "Pisto", "Chilero , "Patojo" " and " De ahuevo" to your sentence you can pass like an autentic Guatemalan :D Thank you for remeber that Guatemala Exist.
hahhahaha yeahh as guatemalan we need to add the article before the name because is not just Gabriela is La Gabriela Hahahha
but se have like 4 big accents in Guatemala y he one that you made is like the west people one (occidnte), then we have the indigenous, the people that lives in the coast, and the capitalinos which I am we have no accent at all we swear a lot hahaha and we all sound like soft I can tell
In Córdoba, Argentina, also use the articles before the names :). I had understand that los ticos had the neutral accent, not guatemalans.....
+Kai Meni hahaha no, sweety ticos Put an l instead an r and they uses a weird spanglish which make them Hardy to understand
I really love how argentinos talk you are so warm so it seems
and what about Oriente accent
Zacapa chiquimula el acento cantadito ;)
¿Soy el único que notó que en la miniatura la bandera de Honduras está incorrecta?
Hola Johanna, I''m from Perú, I Wander where did you learn all that spanish accents!, I'm astonished! By the way, can you imitate the peruvian accents??
Haha I died in the end when she said “it hurts when you put the beeper in your back pocket or you might just get excited” I can’t XD
Love you Joanna! When are you having a show? You have great rants! Cheers!
lmao at all the people commenting "not everyone from [insert country here] talks like that!". like, no shit, do you expect her to do every accent and dialect per country? she's just doing the funniest ones and the ones she hears the most.
panama and honduras accents??
Tenía una amiga chilena a la que tampoco le entendía todo,usaba mucho eso de PO o en muchas palabras las terminaba en i,como queri,teni,etc. No es mala onda pero me costaba a veces entender todo y además hablaba muy rápido :(
La wea fome
Si nosotros los Chilenos honestamente es bien dificil entender te creo weon 😂 pero que querí poh? No ay nada que podí hacer 😂😂. Deal with it dude
puta la wea, po
debido a los vascos españoles, usaban mucho el ibais, estáis, quereis.. y acá se transformó en ibai, estai, queri... etc
i'm glad peru was acknowledged :3 love your videos
Para mi, salvo argentina, chile, uruguay y brasil en todos los demas paises hablan igual no distingo uno de otro
me *is peruvian* me: DANG IT
Valeria Castro Brissolese same tho😂
Haha, that " Colombian" accent is not actually from Colombia, this is from Medellin, Colombia. People from Bogota or Cartagena don't speak like that. ;)
Hey Joanna, prima mía! in Maracaibo-Venezuela Vos is not that fancy and we use it all the time. Would love to see you imitating a Maracucha mijita
@2:03-2:08 Her face, though, LOL!
I love that you can do so many accents and the ones you do... they are amazing ! You really sound like them! Shame you can't do peruvian... but try doing a posh surfer limenean accent! That'd be funny! Great Video!!!
In Costa Rica nobody uses tú, although we know how to conjugate it and stuff (unlike in Mexico, where my friends have no clue how to use vos). We use vos with people we're close with and usted with pretty much everyone else, especially older people, but it also depends a lot on the person. I've got cousins that use usted with pretty much everyone, while I've grown accustomed to using vos regularly.
Same in El Salvador
Nobody told me that when I was in Costa Rica until the day before I left, haha
Centran American conjugations are the best, is the only region that I know where people navigate between the three pronouns (vos, usted y tu). At least in Guatemala is very difficult to explain to foreigners when is better to use each one. For example, I address to my friends wit vos, I use usted to speak with cute girls and elders, and use tu-vos (vos conjugation but replacing vos with tu) to speak with my mom or girl friends.
Same here in El Salvador and pretty much all of Central America. I always thought of tu as a way to adress other latinos, but never used it. It sounds so weird like if you were some type of voice actor.
Chris Estrada I actually hate that, I hate hearing someone using the pronoun "tú", but using the conjugation of "vos". I don't know, it sound horrible.
Chileans also do the 'la [name]' example "OYE ADONDE ESTA EL ANTONIO!!!"
Pronounced in Chilean "A dondeta el antonio poooo!!!"
se dice "aonde anda este aweonao"
Donde cresta se metio este weon !!!!!
We northen Mexicans do it too.
So do Italians, actually. Hence "La Callas," "La Malfitano," etc.
That's a Colombian accent, but just one of a lot of accents that we have
Paisa caldense wtf? Eso no existe, solo existe paisa ya que las diferencias son minimas entre estos departamentos
Joanna, in Chile we also skip the final ¨s¨ of any word, add an ¨i¨ at the end of verbs ex: quieres=querí, sabes=sabí; etc.
Love the background melody..anyone knows the name?
No I'm from Managua Nicaragua, en algunas conversaciones olvidamos mencionar la letra "S" lo descubrí cuando estuve en Guatemala, me encantanba escuchar hablar a los chapines "guatemaltecos" pero compartíamos el mismo "vos" para referirme a "ti ó tu" el "vos" se usa en Centroamérica.😜
tambien usamos "la" al referirnos a mujeres. por ejemplo La Maria me dijo que queria gaseosa
😩You miss Ecuadorian accent 😭😭😭
+Karla Tutillo Sorry Karla! But don't worry I know your accent is "del putas"! (that means awesome, right?!)
+Joanna Hausmann ahahaaha kind of!
+Joanna Hausmann hahahahahahah de donde sacastes esa palabra? xD eres del puctas Joanna
+Joanna Hausmann you actually know what "del putas" means, that's so Quito. Love you Jhoanna :)
Perfecto uso de "del putas" 😂😂😂
Bueno no todos los Nicaraguenses dicen malas palabras ...
pero si la mayoria XD
tambien depende del pais para mi bruto es mala palabra pero en Costa Rica no lo ven tan mal como yo... o tal vez es por la forma en que fui criada que considering esa y otras , malas palabras.....
comenzó ver tus vídeos and I love it. your funny! showing lots of love.
You've just mention freaking guatemala!!!!!!!!!! OMG I'm ago happy hahahaha I'm Guatemalan and literary die watching your videos you are just so awesome!!!! And yeah!! Pendejo, cerote hahaha those are some of the many bad words we have 😂😂😂☺️☺️
Include Costa Rica in your next vídeo pleaseee!
Omg she's so right about the Guatemalan accent!!
Algo que solo un chileno entiende:
- Una weá es una weá y otra weá es otra weá y esas dos weás son dos weás bien distintas !!!! Entendí la weá o no?
3 años tarde pero... "Wea" es como decir "Cosa" o me equivoco ???
When she said cuando llegamos el cerote va a salir i was drink milk I laughed so hard it almost got out through my nose lol 😂
There are several different accents in Colombia. The one you did is only from Bogotá.
Yeeeeeees Guatemalan accent, much like a swing but fluid, Lol.
donde chucha has visto un chileno usar diminutivos??
+Ismael863 jajaja eso pregunte yo mismo, eso es re peruano, en la casa de mi abuela es "camilito, tomamos un tecito con el lonchecito a las diez y cinco?"
La kgo. 😂
Siempre usamos diminutivos! Cuando digo:
Mira que tiernito es ese niñito! Le daría un besito.
No se, es un ejemplo. Fíjate bien, siempre decimos todo chiquitito.
Carolina Hantke De esa frase te creo "besito", el resto te envolaste un poco
fijate fijate!
You're really pretty Joanna..
+Marlon Arroyo what the fuck
Chileans must love the Nordic languages. We have a preposition that technically means "on", but it can be used to mean almost every other preposition depending on the context. It's på and that vowel is pronounced pretty much like an O.
Como chilena, digo que entiendo que nuestro modo de hablar sea difícil para muchos, incluso para nosotros. Pero muchos NO hablamos o escribimos tan mal. El "po'" es más hablado y se puede omitir si se lee. Y "pololo/a" es un término derivado del mapudungún, nuestra lengua indígena más extendida, y es "novio/a" (Acá, "novio/a" se usa cuando el compromiso ya es con argollas técnicamente)
Vos en El Salvador Es como decir, tu ni sabe como hacer un accento salvadoreño pot eso nunca haces in video de nosotros Los salvadoreño a:(
Nunca nos asen caso los salvadoreños:(
+Cajo HD ba creer!!! LOL
Que hable de la palabra "maje" jajajaja
Que hable de la palabra "maje" jajajaja
+Cajo HD si. "usted" es formal, y "vos" es informal.
I' m Guatemalan I like your accent it's so good. But we don't say bad words all the time. It' s something more informal, like talk with friends not with your mom, Never!!!!!
As a Guatemalan I approve 👍of that accent
Flama, you put the flag of Nicaragua on Honduras, the flag of El Salvador on Nicaragua, and the flag of Honduras (It's barely visible, but I'm assuming) on El Salvador in the thumbnail of the video...
I've never seen a video where Chris shows up, it'd be a great idea to have one with both you on it!! he is friggin' funny
mmm where is authentic spanish accent from spain?????
I'm Guatemalan American and you honestly aimed it😂😂😂😂😂😂
The Guatemalan people I know have weird grammar. Instead of me prestas un lápiz? They say te presto un lápiz? Oh... And they say pueeee a lot. Like sí pueee!
no wonder why when i say something like they look at me confused acting like i don't know Spanish
Oooookay, so I'm from Colombia and what you did is a PAISA accent, which is from Medellín and the Eje Cafetero. It does not represent Colombia but a specific area. However, I must say you did it pretty well!😊
I commend all your videos.As an Ecuadorian I am fascinated with your knowledge of all the latin countries...
De que pais eres Joanna?
Ella es de Venezuela.
Con razón sabe tanto de Sudamérica y Centroamérica, mucho mas de lo que yo se.
+David cisneros Saber muchos de latinoamerica? esta tipa sabe tan poco que ni sabia que era latina...
el acento de los guatemaltecos te sale muy bien! saludos desde Guatemala.
Here in Brazil we just have sooooo many accents, we divide them by Northeast, Southeast, North, South and Center-West... And they've subdivisions too... We're just like a "Portuguese America" in just one country.
I love your channel and your video!!! So tue about Nicaraguans! :)
First time Guatemala appears 😁
Guatemalan accent!! Yes!!
Joanna quisiera que intentes el acento dominicano.
Mi alma Joanna... come to Maracaibo pa' escuchar el vos casual en todos lados!
While in the subject of accents, you can always tell someone's mother tongue is Spanish by the lack of aspiration in a lot of consonants. For instance, place your hand in front of your mouth and say "pear" and "pera". You will find a distinct lack of air in Spanish. This can be repeated for many other letters. Take, Car, etc.
You didn't even try Peruvian accent !! Maybe next time? Ya pe...
"I feel so gringo with Guatemalans" ala puta y ahora que hicimos muchades 😂
Hi where you from
El de Guatemala estuvo de ahuevo jajaja el "cerote" le da el toque xD
I was (trying) to speak to my Argentinian friend in spanish and she told me I have a mixed accent. I was like what? and she said i have the vocabulary of an Argentinian, pronounce words and a lisp like a spaniard, and speak fast like a Dominican. my teacher noticed that I sigh a lot when I speak spanish so Venezuelan can also be counted and since I'm Filipino, I also add the word "po" at everything to show respect for people, so Chilean too probably.
Who is walking at the lower left corner minute 3:53. I see two sets of legs walking by.
Costa Rica!!!! Please!!!! Please!!!! Please!!!!!!
yes please
Siii Costa Rica que!!!
Estamos pintados en la pared!
Accurate Guatemalan accent😂😂😂
Joanna, best way for imitating a Chilean accent is to speak as if you are driving a race car: you start the phrase on a normal rythm, suddenly you accelerate while you tone becomes higher, then you start slowing down and lowering the tone until reaching the starting point
im colombian and love the píza accent u did
Colombiano y venezolano ¡ORGULLO!