That comment for Kalista made me think you should have a special "DO NOT USE" tier for those in that kind of spot. This is a low elo list afterall. Saying not to use them unless you're in high basically means that doesn't it? This way it just explicitly states it for those who skip to the list.
i main kalista and can't wait for riot to remove her passive jump aswell bc she is strong in pro, so that i will be playing as a caster minion in solo q :(
I agree that it is important to know the best champions but what is certain is that you can win with anyone. For example, I am low plat and I have 5 kda, 78% winrate with Maokai jungle, a rank C champion
If I were to hazard a guess, it’s because they want the item as an option for other champs. One example they gave was AP junglers, if I am remembering correctly. I would argue that it is not the everfrost situation because everfrost gave extra, hard cc to any champion and that was the real problem with that one. Not saying this will work out, but just that it is more apples and oranges kind of comparison.
Morgana Jungle is definitely underrated in low elo and I would swap Rammus there. First-picking Morgana usually makes the enemy bot panic and try to counter-pick, giving your bot an easy time picking into them. Getting guaranteed six Grubs is very strong in low elo, since even if only one of your lanes is winning, they will be at the enemy's Inhibitor very fast.
I mean yeah but its better to play karthus in low elo cuz he can carry hard in late game and has a global ultimate. But morg is good too cuz she has some hard cc so both options are crazy good tbh.
I'm a bit confused as you why y'all say a 3 armor buff to yone is entirely pointless and has zero impact on the game,, but then say a 4 ad buff is a game changer and worth an entire divison change and will be noticable on a mage?
I use to play Varus a lot and after he became a mainly Lethality builder, I switched to Ezreal and played him a lot more. These on-hit changes will definitely bring me back to playing Varus though and I am so excited to test these out
I was playing him before the item reworks. You could take several items for a hybrid build. Lord Dom's for the passive damage increase based on missing health. Liandry's to add reliable persistent damage after landing Q poke and scaling damage for next Q to hit harder. Horizon Focus for percentage damage and vision on Q poke. Ravenous Hydra to make his Q instantly clear minion waves as it once worked off his Q and added more team-fight AoE damage. And finally, Manamune (Muramana) for everything that does. Couple that with either Comet for lane harass or Dark Harvest for late-game nuisance whilst sniping. And you take a Xerath or Vel'Koz support. Between the two of you the enemy has to all-in you by surprise or get bullied out of lane and never be able to commit to a siege. It was such a toxic and hilarious way to play him. But was total ass if the enemy had a solid engage (zed or malphite ftl). Sadly, that playstyle instantly went away with item rework.
Depends on the lane matchup/state. If you're healing adc from poke harass; yes. If the enemy has an all-in (trist+pyke maybe); no. For those all-in matches you need raw ap for bigger heals to offset burst. But I've seen mog's work into lanes where the enemy comp doesn't double-down on poke (sivir+lux). So mog's passive is able to work consistently.
i main gp and i can clearly the extra slow is nice but it takes a team to play him since you have to build trinity and no crit its almost impossible to 1v2 even if you have a 2 level lead wish they would bring essense back
It's weird that you don't place Caitlyn in OP or S tier, as she has no real counter, good early game, scales hard. Also weird that Riot hasn't done anything to nerf her just a bit.
They really put Vel Koz mid in S Tier (he's D Tier over all Elos on lolalyticts) and even have him 1 Tier above Tristana who terrorizes all Elos atm and 1000000 good Midlaners complain about her every day being op. Surely Vel Koz is playable right now, right? :)
About the ADC barrier x ghost %, is it possible that it's like how highest win rate item on ezreal used to be Galeforce since its barely picked and good ezreal players picked it for memes? I wonder if enough people pick barrier on ADC for that stat to be helpful
A yes more Kalista nerfs, the champion with a high CD no damage ult gets nerf but Lux and Zed can one tap ult on 20 sec cd while also having high damage kits. Now with the minion execute removed as well, not only do I do no damage, I barely have farm stability against 99 percent of other ADCs. At this point as a Kalista player I would feel better if they just came out straight up and removed her from the game instead of constantly stabbing and twisting the knife
same for Taliyah, i can't wait her W being a point and clic so she will became more accessible and her win rate will drop because played by master yi or volibear main, so she will get buffed back :D
No nerf her down as much as possible and buff easy adc so low elo players can play them and high elos also... Thb this is a joke as a diamond kalista main... Other adc easy to play and strong... Kalista is the most counterpickable and counterable champion in the game in my opinion... Just let her be or rework her already... Also they can buff her lategame... Maybe possible to make her be playable as an attackspeed crit adc or onhit... Lethality build will still be almost the same.. w dmg to kinions doesnt make sense as she can oneshot the whole minion wawe.
@hola_chelo It's more about pro-play vs solo and not as much about elo. Kalista is extremelt strong with a 5 man team who can coordinate but 99% of LoL players aren't doing that
@@azesgod7712 This entire conversation started because (and the reason behind nerfs is) kalista is too powerful in competitive and riot decided to buff her despite being balanced or tending to underpowered in soloQ (50% winrate in diamond and above, 63% in challenger but about 43% winrate in GM...) and it goes down in lower elo. I don't need to know when Kalista's powerspike is because that's unrelated to the fact that I was presenting a supposition, should we leave a champion too powerful in higher levels of competitive play even though the average player will do bad with it? what do you think? should they buff her instead or do you think she's perfectly balanced?
Unless you play him as suicide split-pusher. In which case he's the biggest menace and broken champ in the game. "I've killed Sion seventeen times this match and completely dominated the early and mid game... But he's currently smashing my inhibitor because my team can't commit 3+ people to stop his push whilst his team takes elder or baron. Aaaaaaaaand I've lost the match to him." /facepalm
@@keldor8302 The thing is i am a sion main i do this every game but t is boring asf and if the enemy knows how to counter it then you will go 0/20 and have 1 item
You missed it.. was brief. Passive healing adjusted so that the healing is slightly worse until level 9 then about as good. Aiming to disproportionately affect top lane Zac early sustain
Thats kinda the point of aurelion sol. You scale and if you dont mess up early game ( give kills to enwmy laners ) you should be able to mean a lot in teamfights
play passive until u get ur first item, or if its a champ u can abuse with ur range be very aggresive. Watch how pros play him to learn how to play in lane!
Skill capped videos be like: 20 minutes covering Mid/Jungle/Top/ADC..... .....Play Leona Remember that if you join skill capped and don't get ripped you'll get your money back. It's like joining a Gym and getting a full refund if your Pokemon loses.
Champ most in need of a buff at least for high Elo id say Briar. Briars winrate is ABYSMAL in master+. Not just lower than low elo but literally 46-47%.
Briar will always be complete dogshit useless champ. It's a low elo stomper, they can't buff her as She's already too strong in low elo. Probably needs a rework, but tbh I'm fine with not seeing Briar, just 0 skill braindead gameplay.
@onam3000 that's why they give high elo focused buffs instead of just regular overall buffs. Also if you think she's braindead you definitely don't know what youre talking about. I'd suggest actually looking into it. Surface level looks that way but that's a bronze players pov. Educate yourself
@@TheCosmicAstro-I play Briar and I love her but I have to admit she’s brain dead. Even if she wasn’t she will never be good in high Elo simply cuz everyone will know how to fight her. I usually pick Morg jungle if enemy pick briar. Free lp. She runs in a straight/predictable path and that alone makes her lose to anyone with a cc skill shot.
So I basically watched all the tier list Videos up to 14.5 and you never talked about Nidalee jumping between A and B Tier. Pls talk about her next tier list Video, bcs she is my main and want to know in which Position she is (include electrocute and dark harvest buffs also pls)
Me that started to play League 3 weeks ago: Why do people play Kraken on Kai'Sa I think Shiv is better, also I think the shield spell better to win 1v1 and lure oppos thinking they can win, why do people play heal or ghost? The Meta 3 weeks later: Shiv + Barrier Lol
I dont get why riot Destroy kalista, she are already soo bad against everyone on bot jhin, jinx, cait, everyone destroy kalista, now even riot destroyed kalista, thanks.
wtf with the kalista nerfs, its like the seventh time they nerf her without her being at least in c tier, she has been d tier for the last 10 years. give her some love cause now she is useless
How can you guys put the pyke on the s tier ı dont get it they nerfed hail of blades his ult q and its one of the worst late game support and he is so fragile his item build expensive once you fall back your team has to play 4v5
"Here is who is good to play" Me: Thats alot of talk telling me to play Yorick again. Come to think of it, the list is kind of stupid. If you're good with a champion, it wont become obsolete with a nerf. You wont perform better with a new champion just because its been buffed. I mainly just look at it to keep track of what to think of when facing opponents.
They need to nerf Zyra aswell I played against a off meta role zyra jungle she straight up zones you too hard once she had blackfire/Liandrys built magic resist doesn’t matter she can lock you up till her teammates can assist on the objectives then had the nerve to tell me my only option was to invade her with my team early like bruh how is that fun she’s already problematic as a support the fact ppl are off meta playing her is a problem and the game not giving more early tenacity/magic resist item is bad enough nerf the magic items or give back tenacity or even add a better optimal item to deal with magic burn mages cuz at this rate truly unfun can’t play in aram summoner rift or arena cuz I’m constantly cc’d to death and if I do manage to survive die to burn dmg from either or Blckfire/liandry Ik I’m not buggin either the shot just cracked and unfun
why are they adding so many unnecessary buffs like mf, her ms buff will be crazy along with items that she already builds to give her ms, and a person playing mf with an actual brain will already be able to play with the way she moved already. this just makes her kiting and manoeuvrability absolutely broken. her damage is not underwhelming at all coming from someone who plays her often
Nerf nasus and garen and nerf black fire torch 😊. Garen kinda nasus needs a nerf 51% winrate in emerald and like the simplest kit and infinitely scales…. Black fire torch is just wild and getting fated ashes for 900 gold is wild should be like 1100 imo.
And that Graves buff will specifically do 2 things. The Heca matchup in early game you always lose right now if he press ghost and has phase rush. Just better stats what you gonna do right... So with 8 stacks now maybe you can win that fight because its always very close. Also will make it so you can do drake without dropping to 2% hp. I think chemtech drake you literally cant do but im not sure. Some games you probably really cant do it cause that champ is so weak.
I haven't seen a hecarim played in months, let alone a graves. So, I'm not sure where you're readily seeing this scenario play out. But I think this change is actually going to turn him into a mid counter-pick for those Yasuo/Yone/Talon/Panth/Garen players. The problem is, they're way out of meta right now and not often picked. But it should be a solid pick when you do see them in champ select.
@@keldor8302 wtf are you bronze elo in antarctica server or something? I see Heca very often and I play Graves myself even though hes in the weakest state he ever was in history.
I think yi needs a buff to his skills not just base stats .-. Like his e again or idk something new but no more nerfs to him how much more do they want to screw him!
Please pay attention to fizz, he is too weak. In the current game environment, fizz is struggling. His ability to fight in the early stage is very weak and it is difficult for him to gain an advantage. His solokill ability has also been greatly weakened. When facing most mid champions, he can only be forced to stay under the defensive tower. It is also difficult for him to carry the game when the situation is balanced. He has no damage, no CD, and no mobility. All sources of output require close combat with the enemy, but the basic attributes are so low, and even his health growth is not as high as most mages. If he loses these, what is the meaning of fizz's existence?
xdd, varus just going randomly from C to B in prev vids without getting any buffs, to now jump into A ? xddd the fact lethality was played in pro play doesn't mean it was good in soloq
Imagine no mention of Quinn mid xd, I know is skillcapped and they are usually out of the loop, but cmon... She has the best winrate on mid, next time do your homework
Rank Up Fast At ➡
hey somthing to know, brand triggers electrocute with 2 abilitys not 3 because his passive counts as a 3rd so it might be a good pickup on brand mid
That comment for Kalista made me think you should have a special "DO NOT USE" tier for those in that kind of spot. This is a low elo list afterall. Saying not to use them unless you're in high basically means that doesn't it? This way it just explicitly states it for those who skip to the list.
or just use whatever champion you want and climb that way. Looking at tierlists will only have you stuck in silver forever lmao
Id agree while Kalista takes a huge skill to pilot nothing is really scarier than playing against a good one
They used to have a basement tier (I think they called it "D tier", but they stopped doing it. That was where Aphelios lived. :D
Riot don't be a pussy make kalista an ap support champion.
key takes as adc: jinx jhin zeri kaisa strongest ads, not worth to run anything but barrier
Still Like exhaust vs allin adcs
@@callmeaboomer that's interesting, i like the support go exhaust against samira for example but you cant always count on that
@@enzomansur5579this might be a hot take but I love doing the barrier adc heal supp if they don't have stuff like a lot of heal or a lot of cc
@@enzomansur5579 sup gcan Go heal If enchanter/mage or ignite for engage.
im def still running cleanse vs some comps. but with kaisa almost exclusively barrier
i main kalista and can't wait for riot to remove her passive jump aswell bc she is strong in pro, so that i will be playing as a caster minion in solo q :(
lol, and they remained kalista as C tier although all the nerfs. Thats wild. It should be F rank for these lists of theirs
@@enzomansur5579ranking her F tier is a skill issue C is accurate
@@Sharkenjoyer862 yeah i mean this kind of lisf for low elo, obiously in competitive is pretty op
I agree that it is important to know the best champions but what is certain is that you can win with anyone. For example, I am low plat and I have 5 kda, 78% winrate with Maokai jungle, a rank C champion
some C tier champions are actually stronger than most people realize. I call the C tier the "underrated" tier for that reason :)
i main senna support and azir mid. What really matters is that you're having fun lol
QoD: Corki. Why rework a champ out of the basement just to nerf him right back into the basement.
He’s to strong in pros
@@dawsdaws1091I'm low elo tbh and I was still stomping with him lol his shred is ridiculous
Watch the pro stuff rn. Explained everything for me 🤣
why do they keep nerfing champs and not blackfire
everfrost situation all over again
Blackface kinda kaka tho
If I were to hazard a guess, it’s because they want the item as an option for other champs. One example they gave was AP junglers, if I am remembering correctly.
I would argue that it is not the everfrost situation because everfrost gave extra, hard cc to any champion and that was the real problem with that one.
Not saying this will work out, but just that it is more apples and oranges kind of comparison.
while they aren't touching Lillia
Brand is a good nerf cause he can flex as a jungler/mid/bot lane carry/support and insanly good on all of those roles. So his nerfs r justified.
Always good to hear Ezreal talking about other champions
Morgana Jungle is definitely underrated in low elo and I would swap Rammus there. First-picking Morgana usually makes the enemy bot panic and try to counter-pick, giving your bot an easy time picking into them. Getting guaranteed six Grubs is very strong in low elo, since even if only one of your lanes is winning, they will be at the enemy's Inhibitor very fast.
I mean yeah but its better to play karthus in low elo cuz he can carry hard in late game and has a global ultimate. But morg is good too cuz she has some hard cc so both options are crazy good tbh.
I'm a bit confused as you why y'all say a 3 armor buff to yone is entirely pointless and has zero impact on the game,, but then say a 4 ad buff is a game changer and worth an entire divison change and will be noticable on a mage?
I like how Kaisa drops from god tier for like a patch or two and then inmediately goes back to it.
0 nerfs to the champ.
Yeah and they nerf karthus by 3 damage 🥶🥶🥶🥶
I use to play Varus a lot and after he became a mainly Lethality builder, I switched to Ezreal and played him a lot more. These on-hit changes will definitely bring me back to playing Varus though and I am so excited to test these out
I was playing him before the item reworks. You could take several items for a hybrid build. Lord Dom's for the passive damage increase based on missing health. Liandry's to add reliable persistent damage after landing Q poke and scaling damage for next Q to hit harder. Horizon Focus for percentage damage and vision on Q poke. Ravenous Hydra to make his Q instantly clear minion waves as it once worked off his Q and added more team-fight AoE damage. And finally, Manamune (Muramana) for everything that does. Couple that with either Comet for lane harass or Dark Harvest for late-game nuisance whilst sniping. And you take a Xerath or Vel'Koz support. Between the two of you the enemy has to all-in you by surprise or get bullied out of lane and never be able to commit to a siege. It was such a toxic and hilarious way to play him. But was total ass if the enemy had a solid engage (zed or malphite ftl).
Sadly, that playstyle instantly went away with item rework.
Why Aphelions is in the C tier?
What do you say to warmogs rush on soraka? Does it still work?
Depends on the lane matchup/state. If you're healing adc from poke harass; yes. If the enemy has an all-in (trist+pyke maybe); no. For those all-in matches you need raw ap for bigger heals to offset burst. But I've seen mog's work into lanes where the enemy comp doesn't double-down on poke (sivir+lux). So mog's passive is able to work consistently.
Thank you for the info Ezreal
I didn't see Kennen on the mid tier list, thoughts on how he'll manage in 14.13?
0:06 no offense, but smolder must seriously have a rework or buff for 14.14! Last patch buffs were useless
i main gp and i can clearly the extra slow is nice but it takes a team to play him since you have to build trinity and no crit its almost impossible to 1v2 even if you have a 2 level lead wish they would bring essense back
It's weird that you don't place Caitlyn in OP or S tier, as she has no real counter, good early game, scales hard. Also weird that Riot hasn't done anything to nerf her just a bit.
any assassin jgl with a supp just landing a cc and shes free kills
They really put Vel Koz mid in S Tier (he's D Tier over all Elos on lolalyticts) and even have him 1 Tier above Tristana who terrorizes all Elos atm and 1000000 good Midlaners complain about her every day being op.
Surely Vel Koz is playable right now, right? :)
Playable if ur not trash
@@elantonelle playable yes. But playable does not mean S Tier does it? Mr. silver 3?
@@S0rakaban4na Oh wow, you got me there!
About the ADC barrier x ghost %, is it possible that it's like how highest win rate item on ezreal used to be Galeforce since its barely picked and good ezreal players picked it for memes? I wonder if enough people pick barrier on ADC for that stat to be helpful
A yes more Kalista nerfs, the champion with a high CD no damage ult gets nerf but Lux and Zed can one tap ult on 20 sec cd while also having high damage kits. Now with the minion execute removed as well, not only do I do no damage, I barely have farm stability against 99 percent of other ADCs. At this point as a Kalista player I would feel better if they just came out straight up and removed her from the game instead of constantly stabbing and twisting the knife
For real ! I love kalista, super fun to play but watching pros play her, her kit is crazy good. They gotta balance her out😭
same for Taliyah, i can't wait her W being a point and clic so she will became more accessible and her win rate will drop because played by master yi or volibear main, so she will get buffed back :D
Wow. Kalista is crushing in pro play, better make her less possible for the rest of us. Thanks.
What can you do? let her be OP just because low elo players (me included) don't know how to take advantage of its power?
No nerf her down as much as possible and buff easy adc so low elo players can play them and high elos also...
Thb this is a joke as a diamond kalista main... Other adc easy to play and strong... Kalista is the most counterpickable and counterable champion in the game in my opinion... Just let her be or rework her already... Also they can buff her lategame...
Maybe possible to make her be playable as an attackspeed crit adc or onhit... Lethality build will still be almost the same.. w dmg to kinions doesnt make sense as she can oneshot the whole minion wawe.
@hola_chelo It's more about pro-play vs solo and not as much about elo. Kalista is extremelt strong with a 5 man team who can coordinate but 99% of LoL players aren't doing that
@@hola_chelo Kalista is OP? do you even know when kalista's powerspike is? and do you know EVERY SINGLE ADC OUTSCALE HER.
@@azesgod7712 This entire conversation started because (and the reason behind nerfs is) kalista is too powerful in competitive and riot decided to buff her despite being balanced or tending to underpowered in soloQ (50% winrate in diamond and above, 63% in challenger but about 43% winrate in GM...) and it goes down in lower elo.
I don't need to know when Kalista's powerspike is because that's unrelated to the fact that I was presenting a supposition, should we leave a champion too powerful in higher levels of competitive play even though the average player will do bad with it? what do you think? should they buff her instead or do you think she's perfectly balanced?
putting lee on b tier is a comedy leesin will always be a top jg pick no matter what elo
Fun fact, the which of the champions you believe should be buffed was Ezreal in blur
Damn i really want some sion buffs not been performing very well lately
Unless you play him as suicide split-pusher. In which case he's the biggest menace and broken champ in the game.
"I've killed Sion seventeen times this match and completely dominated the early and mid game...
But he's currently smashing my inhibitor because my team can't commit 3+ people to stop his push whilst his team takes elder or baron. Aaaaaaaaand I've lost the match to him." /facepalm
@@keldor8302 The thing is i am a sion main i do this every game but t is boring asf and if the enemy knows how to counter it then you will go 0/20 and have 1 item
when this changes will be in game?
The patches are coming out almost always on wednesdays, but can pe pushed to thursday. This one is wednesday.
What is Lux doing in S on the ADC tierlist?
Probably just the same as Sera, perma clearing wave and only fight when she hits the cc
she neutralises lanes and if she gets ahead, enemy bot cant do anything without jgl/mid help
How is Ezreal tier S, if he was tier B in the last patch's video? Like, when was he buffed?
did i miss it or does zac not get nerfed ?
You missed it.. was brief. Passive healing adjusted so that the healing is slightly worse until level 9 then about as good. Aiming to disproportionately affect top lane Zac early sustain
Any Aurelion Sol tips? I played 1 game and was basically useless until i got stardust up
Thats kinda the point of aurelion sol. You scale and if you dont mess up early game ( give kills to enwmy laners ) you should be able to mean a lot in teamfights
play passive until u get ur first item, or if its a champ u can abuse with ur range be very aggresive. Watch how pros play him to learn how to play in lane!
Skill capped videos be like: 20 minutes covering Mid/Jungle/Top/ADC.....
.....Play Leona
Remember that if you join skill capped and don't get ripped you'll get your money back. It's like joining a Gym and getting a full refund if your Pokemon loses.
Thanks for the updates ezreal, see ya on the rift mate 😂
Champ most in need of a buff at least for high Elo id say Briar.
Briars winrate is ABYSMAL in master+. Not just lower than low elo but literally 46-47%.
Briar will always be complete dogshit useless champ. It's a low elo stomper, they can't buff her as She's already too strong in low elo. Probably needs a rework, but tbh I'm fine with not seeing Briar, just 0 skill braindead gameplay.
@onam3000 that's why they give high elo focused buffs instead of just regular overall buffs.
Also if you think she's braindead you definitely don't know what youre talking about.
I'd suggest actually looking into it. Surface level looks that way but that's a bronze players pov.
Educate yourself
@@TheCosmicAstro-I play Briar and I love her but I have to admit she’s brain dead. Even if she wasn’t she will never be good in high Elo simply cuz everyone will know how to fight her. I usually pick Morg jungle if enemy pick briar. Free lp. She runs in a straight/predictable path and that alone makes her lose to anyone with a cc skill shot.
@@jonathannunez7752 listen to and watch loganjg (the #1 Briar).
you have much to learn
So I basically watched all the tier list Videos up to 14.5 and you never talked about Nidalee jumping between A and B Tier. Pls talk about her next tier list Video, bcs she is my main and want to know in which Position she is (include electrocute and dark harvest buffs also pls)
Why Tahm support C tier ? He has one of the best win rate at every rank
boosted by fasting senna
@@wielbladtibijski nop, with fasting senna tahm is listed as adc even if game start as support
4:51 gankplank still in c tier when it was said he is in b
Karma is still playable in top??
Competitive play is the worst that could ever happen to any game, Kalista and Azir are the best proof of that
Why are op in competitive champs in lower ranks, when they are so regularly picked worldwide? (Examples: karthus, ksante, maokai, etc)
Wait this is a re-upload
Why do mages have base ad at all? Makes no sense to me why champs like ori or morgana have any ad at all
Ah yes, Corporate Mundo claiming a refund :D
gotta love top meta, i always liked akali, gp, ornn, yone and teemo XD
try sundered sky on shy
How is gangplank remaining in B tier when he's been C tier since 14.10?
Why is Yorick in S Tire ?
Ksante needs a buff for sure.
Me that started to play League 3 weeks ago:
Why do people play Kraken on Kai'Sa I think Shiv is better, also I think the shield spell better to win 1v1 and lure oppos thinking they can win, why do people play heal or ghost?
The Meta 3 weeks later: Shiv + Barrier
Id say Zyra benefitted from the rune changes quite a bit she could be S tier now
I dont get why riot Destroy kalista, she are already soo bad against everyone on bot jhin, jinx, cait, everyone destroy kalista, now even riot destroyed kalista, thanks.
They’re balancing her in pro gameplay. She’s crushing the scene when a team of 5 actually utilizes her strengths.
Like why would they nerf Kalista?? I have no idea why are they doing it, when she is weak already..
wtf with the kalista nerfs, its like the seventh time they nerf her without her being at least in c tier, she has been d tier for the last 10 years. give her some love cause now she is useless
How can you guys put the pyke on the s tier ı dont get it they nerfed hail of blades his ult q and its one of the worst late game support and he is so fragile his item build expensive once you fall back your team has to play 4v5
Can i say that this tierlists are poopoo and all products of this scamcapped are scam that is trying to milk bronzies?
STILL no compensation buffs for Mordekaiser, sad!
I thought you said gp was b tier why he still in c
nice Video but timestamps next time will be really insane :)
Evelynn is defo the champ that needs a buff now
I think the next champion Riot should nerf is Blackfire Torch.
"Here is who is good to play"
Me: Thats alot of talk telling me to play Yorick again.
Come to think of it, the list is kind of stupid. If you're good with a champion, it wont become obsolete with a nerf. You wont perform better with a new champion just because its been buffed.
I mainly just look at it to keep track of what to think of when facing opponents.
js if your scared about using skill capped, i checked it out, didnt like it myself, and got my money back that day!
Thanks ezreal
RYZE needs a F'ing buff. Why should ROA Nami mid beat Ryze ... its crazy
I personnaly got better from skill capped but i went down ranks cuz my teams were true trash. Still liked the courses
skarner needs to have at least Q mana cost of 70 rank 1 and reduce his base health&mana and regen to remove that !@%^ out of top lane
They need to nerf Zyra aswell I played against a off meta role zyra jungle she straight up zones you too hard once she had blackfire/Liandrys built magic resist doesn’t matter she can lock you up till her teammates can assist on the objectives then had the nerve to tell me my only option was to invade her with my team early like bruh how is that fun she’s already problematic as a support the fact ppl are off meta playing her is a problem and the game not giving more early tenacity/magic resist item is bad enough nerf the magic items or give back tenacity or even add a better optimal item to deal with magic burn mages cuz at this rate truly unfun can’t play in aram summoner rift or arena cuz I’m constantly cc’d to death and if I do manage to survive die to burn dmg from either or Blckfire/liandry Ik I’m not buggin either the shot just cracked and unfun
I guess just remove evelynn from game at this point. Nerfing her like crazy, directly or indirectly.
Why taliyah is so low again 😢
why are they adding so many unnecessary buffs like mf, her ms buff will be crazy along with items that she already builds to give her ms, and a person playing mf with an actual brain will already be able to play with the way she moved already. this just makes her kiting and manoeuvrability absolutely broken. her damage is not underwhelming at all coming from someone who plays her often
Aphelios, Aphelios, Alune's twin and Aphelios.
Ah Rito. Taliah playable for a few patches, Nerf her down!
I'm still waiting for you to put Evelynn where she belongs now, which is C tier...For real, she is unplayable now.
Kled never moving from s rank now
5:35 poor ashe
id pay for the course, but my dumbass will probably squander it since i cant remember info XD
god forbid kennen be good for more than a month
Zyra should be tier S in jungle
+4 om basic attack. Huge…
Nerf nasus and garen and nerf black fire torch 😊. Garen kinda nasus needs a nerf 51% winrate in emerald and like the simplest kit and infinitely scales…. Black fire torch is just wild and getting fated ashes for 900 gold is wild should be like 1100 imo.
And that Graves buff will specifically do 2 things. The Heca matchup in early game you always lose right now if he press ghost and has phase rush. Just better stats what you gonna do right... So with 8 stacks now maybe you can win that fight because its always very close. Also will make it so you can do drake without dropping to 2% hp. I think chemtech drake you literally cant do but im not sure. Some games you probably really cant do it cause that champ is so weak.
It's literally embarrassing to do drake with graves
I haven't seen a hecarim played in months, let alone a graves. So, I'm not sure where you're readily seeing this scenario play out. But I think this change is actually going to turn him into a mid counter-pick for those Yasuo/Yone/Talon/Panth/Garen players. The problem is, they're way out of meta right now and not often picked. But it should be a solid pick when you do see them in champ select.
@@keldor8302 wtf are you bronze elo in antarctica server or something? I see Heca very often and I play Graves myself even though hes in the weakest state he ever was in history.
Orianna needs her passive changed
Should tristana not be in the OP mid tearlist? LOL
Might aswell take off Kalista from ADCs 😂
I think yi needs a buff to his skills not just base stats .-. Like his e again or idk something new but no more nerfs to him how much more do they want to screw him!
I just want the buffs and nerfs reverted, that E nerf gutted him so hard.
Please pay attention to fizz, he is too weak. In the current game environment, fizz is struggling. His ability to fight in the early stage is very weak and it is difficult for him to gain an advantage. His solokill ability has also been greatly weakened. When facing most mid champions, he can only be forced to stay under the defensive tower. It is also difficult for him to carry the game when the situation is balanced. He has no damage, no CD, and no mobility. All sources of output require close combat with the enemy, but the basic attributes are so low, and even his health growth is not as high as most mages. If he loses these, what is the meaning of fizz's existence?
Rengar deserves some buffs. A lot of braindead champs are too strong right now, while Rengar has been falling too much after some system changes
Lmao learn to play him he is defo not weak. Its an otp champ
@@r4pt0rx68 I literally main the champ
xdd, varus just going randomly from C to B in prev vids without getting any buffs, to now jump into A ? xddd
the fact lethality was played in pro play doesn't mean it was good in soloq
if youre gonna give GP garbage useless buffs, dont bother doing it, give back the 25% increased crit damage on barrels
katarina best champ at avoiding buffs
Wtf Corki in C tier lol
He's super broken even without opportunity
supports like vel'koz, xerath, brand, lux... yeah supports XD
yay kalista got nerfed again she really needed it
I wish Viego would get a nerf, too strong rn
sett can stay here forever, very nice.
The boss is in the right place.
they should make gragas passive heal scale with a heavy early nerf
maybe 4-8% max hp based on level
Imagine no mention of Quinn mid xd, I know is skillcapped and they are usually out of the loop, but cmon... She has the best winrate on mid, next time do your homework