His first reaction is my first thought too. I understand why people ask that question, but when you really investigate you discover that the Old Testament God and the New Testament God are one and the same! Our covenant has changed, but God hasn't.
John 12:47: If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. A strike difference from the old testament god... who is NOT God Jesus.
Me too. People getting killed right and left. And I wonder why God spoke to so many people and sent angels to talk to people in the Old Testament and not today, at least I don't know anyone who has knowingly spoke to God or had angels appear to them and give them directions they are to follow. I am a 100% Christian but that doesn't mean I don't have questions.
@@thomastessier4529 as I've kept reading thru the Bible, I've come to understand GOD IS NOT PLAYING ABOUT HAVING NO OTHER gods BEFORE HIM!!! He warned the people SO MUCH regarding their idolatry and explained what the consequences would be and they simply refused to listen... OR would be faithful for a while then turn right back. He sends His warnings present day as well. I asked God to reveal my idols (if any) and it has been quite a journey of self discovery. Idol are sneaky. You truly begin to see God's mercy and love for the people as He is very very veery slow to anger. As for all the killing in the OT, there's simply consequences to consistently putting other gods or things before Him.
Funny how most people commenting either hate God or think the Bible isn't true. Why are so many people obsessed with bashing Christianity in their free time? Can't find anything better to do? Also, those that don't understand war or what being in a disgusting ancient culture that sacrificed their own babies to Molech, had sex with their moms and dads, and killed people freely was like... Those poor infants whose lives were ended to destroy a despicable cultural cycle that was going on for hundreds of years wasn't harsh or cruel judgment. It was a neutral decision and a necessary reality. God isn't cruel. He's just and merciful, both. I wish people would actually look into ancient cultures and what certain wars and judgments were for instead of thinking everything was like it is today. So many people that think all wars are bad probably celebrate the 4th of July and watch fireworks, go on picnics, and support patriotism not realizing America was founded on a WAR and that's what the celebration is actually about! Most other countries are also founded on wars and invasions. Don't think the UK is founded on the fact that the English wanted to control everybody living around them and did so by force and war? They're only "united" through war... God bashing is only done by people that have no real understanding of anything and want to do whatever they want with no repercussions. People that can't understand what it means to be a part of a fallen, broken, sinful world and turn justice into cruelty and in ingratitude make mercy seem redundant... And as for people that haven't done enough research to find out that the Bible is the most trusted ancient, historically accurate documentation humanity has come across get your head out of your skeptic, critical ass and do some real research. Unless all your free time is used up to bash things you won't really objectively look into.
My goodness... There is actual intelligent people in the world who understand! God isn't cruel! He is like a father (Wow, such a literal description that probably flies over everyone's heads) and as such he has a priority to protect his children from the bad, from sin, but his children are rebellious and wicked. And as we know with Adam and Eve, once God learned they had sinned, his had to cast himself as far as he could imagine away from us. Which is also why he had to become human (Jesus)! He had to be able to be among us without scaring off Satan and his demons. God doesn't do bad things to us to say he hates us... It's to make us stronger and to get us away from danger before it's too late. God, even in the old testament, only wanted his people to be able to receive the salvation men needed from sin and to be able to fight this spiritual war against Satan and prove to all of the fallen angels that God can do anything. And it shows true today as we Christians are stronger than Satan's little imitations of "power" over us. The Lord has more authority than anything and anyone. He has made his presence known among everyone across the face of the earth. He had to do it himself because the Jews wouldn't share his message with the Genitals (Everyone who has not received God's message) in fear of God becoming angry again. But in the end, God still got angry because his people would not accept Jesus as the Messiah, so now we have to mourn for all those who will be deceived by Satan and the Beast. God WANTED to be kind to us as a Dad would be kind to his children. But, because we are rebellious, he has to bring down the law and will do everything he can to bring us back. But, if we still don't accept him, he will strike your name from the book of life because HE HANDED YOU THE CHANCE to come to him, and you refused him relentlessly. God is not cruel. If he was, he would have destroyed everything already and started over from scratch. But because he loves all men, he has not abandoned us. Which is why we have not destroyed ourselves yet.
The people of Israel were slaves to the egyptians and god's chosen people they were not sacrificing babies and having sex with their parents, others outside of the israelite nation possibly were doing these things. So the question is why did God come down so harsh on them for breaking the simplest of his commandments such as example, moses striking the rock instead of speaking to it and being banned from entering the promised land and y were the Israelites still ordered to destroy the children of the caananite children when they were innocent? Also the entire books of Joshua and judges contradicts the events that were recorderd in history. There were no desimation of cities by fire and rehabitation of those cities. There is no evidence. There is a difference in believing in god and believing in a canonized text that by the way some of the book dont even have authors AND the corrupt catholic church decided the books that made it into the bible and the books that didnt. Just saying
Also death for God is simply ushering our souls from this world to the next. He probably saved those innocent kids from turning into child sacrificers themselves. Btw this does not justify murder! Thou shalt not kill. Vut God is above all commandments as he is wise beyond our understanding
He went from being transparent with his creation to not being transparent. That's a major change. And because creation as continued 2,000 years later, you would think there would be a third testament. What we have in the bible is an idea of what an all powerful supreme God would be like; written by the likings of the early Jewish community.
He went from being transparent with his creation to not being transparent. That's a major change. And because creation as continued 2,000 years later, you would think there would be a third testament. What we have in the bible is an idea of what an all powerful supreme God would be like; written by the likings of the early Jewish community.
God doesn't change in essence but How he responds changes with who He responds to and to the choices we make. For example; God changed how He sees you and me after we accept Jesus' offer on the cross and also changes what He does or doesn't do for us. A prayer can also change God's actions.
The same God throughout Old Testament and New Testament: God in the Old Testament: Just and angry towards unrepentant wicked people (both Israelites and nations); Slow to anger and merciful towards sinners (when they cried out and repented) God in the New Testament: Just and angry towards His own Son, Jesus Christ, who bore our punishment and absorbed the Holy wrath from God God is love fully revealed in His Son Jesus, who is gracious and merciful towards sinners. God in the Revelation: No more forgiveness. Wicked will be punished with eternal separation from God and hell fire, and the righteous (who repented, received Christ as their righteousness, and did the will of the Father) will be rewarded with eternal life and glorious inheritance of His kingdom.
Joshua Chua you couldn’t have explained this any better. I have been reading the bible from the book of Genesis and now in the book of Leviticus and I kept wondering why God was so detailed (in the Old Testament and I started googling and I came across this video with your comment. Thank you.
I love my God and Savior, I do believe in Christ after being called to be saved and serve Him, I was an atheist. I'm still a baby on Jesus so be easy on me, but my question is this, if He loves us so immensely, why would He condemned someone who doesn't believe in Jesus? There's still some things I don't understand, after a year I started reading the Bible so I'm still learning. Though this thought of being rejected if I come back to my old life belief really scares me. I do pray, every day, as I say, read or listen to the Bible every single day and trying to change some of my disgusting sinful behavior with the help of my Savior, I see some changes even now after a year ago, lucky enough. I do sin of course, we all do, but all this thoughts keeps tormenting me like never before. Please don't take advantage of my ignorance on Christ and let me know what your truth thoughts are on this subject, thanks. God bless you all.
Morela Vought We deserve to be thrown into hell forever, we are innately sinful creatures. However, because God loves us so much, He forgives us even though we have turned our backs on Him so many times. So God is more than just concerning humans.
Morela Vought, its not so much that God is "condemning" people out of jealousy or anger. Sin is supposed to be anything that separates us from God. There's some debate at when you become sinful, such as how can a newborn have committed sin? Some adhere to a concept of inherited sins to address this conundrum. The answer to your question though, is that its less of "God throws people in a pit of fire" and really that we're unable to avoid the pit and get salvation on our own. So Christ's sacrifice is meant to be a bridge we can use to reach God. By rejecting Jesus, you're simply choosing to not use the bridge, if that makes sense. This is why Jesus says "no one comes to the Father except through me". Think of the peak of Everest as getting to God & Heaven, and Jesus as all gear you need. Sure, you can TRY to climb the mountain without the gear, but you're not going to make it.
God does not condemn anyone, it is us humans who condemn ourselves. We are the ones who reject Him, and not the other way round. He says, 'search Me and you will find Me', so keep on searching by reading His word and meditating on what you read and discussing with like minded people. Past thoughts should not torment you since you are now the one in charge of your life through Christ. You are forgiven, 100%, so concentrate on your baby steps. Soon, you'll be walking and even help someone. Christ died for us 100%. He underwent the worst type of torture and death ever invented by man. There is nothing that we have been through that can match what He underwent. Please remember, Christ did not come to this world to make bad people good, (me, you and everyone else) but He came to this world to make dead people live. That's why we are now living anew. We are Christ's most precious. You can only give up your life to what is most precious to you. always remember that. Be blessed!
I'm sorry brethren but that's not good enough for me. I think of the people in the old testament and think "what about them"?, so they were playthings in order to prove God can get nasty and wrathful BUT ! can show compassion in sending his son Jesus to save us from what? more nastiness because he can't sort out a dispute between himself and a fallen angel of his . If he really new mankind was at risk of falling to the desires of a fallen angel then why on Earth, excuse me, why in creation did he expose us to a lurking enemy in the background. Better he denied us free will than slaughter half mankind in the old testament to make a point. God f__ked up and sent his son and I still see suffering my fellow humanbeings ..We are pawns in a messed up creation. I do believe in a creator of sorts because even as unscientific as I am my heart tells me existence did not pop out of nothing. God any gods is our way of trying to make sense of how we popped into existence .Not the rabble of who's God is dominate and the consequences of not adhering to that particular gods demands. As a result of this mentality mankind has suffered terrifying genocides, unspeakable torture, torture that even the so called devil, satan , evil one etc would be proud of. People in my opinion mankind did these things to himself , it wasn't demons that nailed Jesus to the cross, it wasn't demons that gased millions of Jewish brethren to their deathbeds, it was humankind afraid of what they couldn't get there heads around on who is who why they exist.
This video seem so simple but it a big eye opener for me…I will watch this video every day to get in the habit of not sinnin because I don’t want to get gods wrath…I want to go to heaven …I have to change my life and ways…
Hey! Be careful, its good that you dont want to sin, but trying to be good and stay away from sin WONT save you. Its putting your faith, trust and your life in JESUS that saves you. Praying for you
@@joshuad.4625 Genuine question, If you put your faith and trust in Jesus, it means following his teaching, which is basically do good, right? But good works won't save you?
Jeran, God’s brutality in the Old Testament is there to show God’s Justice, wrath and truth and the severity of sin and that he is holy, so holy that sin requires sever wrathful payment. ....Then comes Jesus, who is mercy and grace and forgiveness, which is God’s heart toward his children, saying: here is salvation....Then comes Revelation, which is another Old Testament..look out for more of that terrible wrath....We are in that window of mercy so we can escape that wrath to come again. It boils down to God’s holiness and the sin of man which is merely man tuning from the creator and thinking, “I know better than God” That is precisely what you are doing Jeran. You are basically saying that if you were God you would do things better than he.
Because that wasn’t the Heavenly Father who was murdering all those people and even sending people to kill babies and children. That was Yahweh aka the god of this earth aka satan and the beast. The Heavenly Father and Yahweh are two different people. The Heavenly Father is kind, loving, merciful, and slow to anger. Yahweh is wrathful. You don’t see Jesus in the New Testament call his Father Yahweh or Jehovah. Jesus says Abba, Father, and the word Heavenly Father is used. Notice Jesus preaches the exact opposite of what Yahweh says or does from the Old Testament.
It makes me think of Hebrews 12: "you have not come to a physical mountain, to a place a flaming fire, darkness, gloom, and whirlwind." Skipping ahead, "you have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood which speaks of forgiveness instead of crying out for vengeance like the blood of Abel." God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, His character is the exact same, but I think what changed was the primary way God choose to reveal Himself to His people in the OT vs the NT. Instead of awesome displays of power and justice, Jesus was gentle, compassionate, and relatable. Both are 100% God's personality, but we relate and can more easily accept the way God reveals Himself in the NT.
I personally believe in the actual burdens of sin carried by people who haven't accepted the grace offered by Christ. They say that the wages of sin is death. I truly believe that. In its literal form.
Old testament was preparation and example. Now Jesus is salvation and hope. Thank you for answering these important questions. I think evil would have utterly taken over way before now if God didn't stop it at these times that seem harsh to us.
I'm really struggling with this right now. I am from Brazil and we are living a big culture war lately, and christians have decided to side with right-wing conservatives. A while ago an efeminate homossexual artist said in one of his concerts that jesus was a tranvestite. He said this to provoke conservatives, because in Brazil homophobic acts of violence and prejudice are a big issue. So this artist was trying to get back at conservatives as if he was trying to say "your Jesus is on our side". I saw this as a case where we should be like: "forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do". But most people saw this as a case where we have to be like David against Goliath who was inspired by righteous anger in order to honor God's name which had been insulted by the giant. So why is it that in the old testament to honor God is to kill canaanites and philistines, whereas in the new testament to honor God is to be patient and forgiving even to our worst enemies? I know God doesn't change, He is the same today as He as 3000 years ago. But why do things seem just so different?
Kaleo Mariz I struggle with this too. I’m not sure the answer in this video is a very good one either. God had to be cruel in the past so that Jesus would seem good by comparison? Isn’t Jesus good anyway? Don’t need to compare Him to atrocious acts to help his image.
derfdado H If there's one thing I am pretty sure, is that Jesus doesn't need the past harshness of the Old Testament to seem nice in the future. God doesn't play with his creation. (In comparison, for beauty to exist, there doesn't need to be ugliness). What John piper helped me with this video is that, God is still just as furious with sin as He was 3500 years ago. But Jesus sacrifice provided enough grace for His church to influence the world in such a way that people are not as evil as they used to be in the past. But that's my perception, I may be wrong here and there because I'm no theologian. But one thing is certain, we are sinful and we don't deserve a perfect utopian world. The only utopian world available is Heaven after death. And for us to get there we need Christ! He suffered God's wrath against our sin so that we don't get condemned for our sin.
@@kaleomariz1000 I really struggle with this too. It would almost be easier if God was always wrathful (we are sinful, I'd understand that) or if there was no final judgement. But being in this limbo where he is both loving and wrathful is really hard. One thing that also bothers me is wondering why Jesus couldn't come sooner, like right after Adam and Eve
I have been in the Christian faith for a while but don’t know if I can anymore I’m confused on who he is even though I read the Bible daily and pray a lot
dont let the enemy fool you, dont forget the simplicity that is in Christ, He is with you even in your questions. dont think from man’s perspective, but God’s
Dear, first pray for guidance from Holy Spirit. Because he will be your guidance to understand God in a correct way : John 14:26 (KJV) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. So first step is not opening your bible, but pray first with intention, ask Holy Spirit to guide you, you will slowly but sure get an understanding like never before Also, pick easy to understand book first, dont start from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus.. you might get so bored, save them for laterm start with book of James, very short and easy to understand, then to book of Mark which will make u feel like u know Jesus in a simple way... google passages that doesnt make sense, all those confusing pieces will fall to their place. Also dedicate same hour to read ur bible everyday as a date with Jesus. In 1 month you will grow like never before. Ill pray for u my friend, so ull get to see Jesus's face and how full of love He is😊
because the god of the old testament is the same God of the new!! with his lake of fire, judgement and wrath, look up who won't inherit the kingdom, liars of every kind, fornicators, drunkards, murderers etc, pretty much rules out every one on planet earth, just on the basis of " liars of every sort/ kind"
Because God doesn’t like EVIL. Give thanks to Jesus Christ for giving Him a reason to withheld His anger. Because honestly God doesn’t give a fuck about anything. He can create and destroy at a whim.
"Because God doesn’t like EVIL." "Because honestly God doesn’t give a fuck about anything. He can create and destroy at a whim." These two statements are mutually exclusive. One cannot kill "on a whim" and not "give a fuck" about doing so and still claim to be morally viable. Your position is completely contradictory.
Compare these scriptures : Hosea 13 : 7, 8 (KJV) 7) Therefore I will be unto them as a lion, as a leopard by the way will I observe them. 8) I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion, the wild beast shall tear them. Revelation 13 : 2 - And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion : and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. (KJV)
I would beware of any secret books that try to change what has been already revealed! Or any man who says he has an additional revelation! All revelation is sealed up and final! And the bible says, if anyone adds to these words, or takes away from them let him be accursed!
Can do, that's the Jesuits Bible. The Roman Catholics and their FALSE CHURCHES full of manipulating evil. The Jesuits have been infiltrating through out world religions with wayward sins of want to be the worlds one world religion having no other outside denominations. The Jesuit swears a sinister oath so vile it would make most people physically vomit.
...and if any preacher outside of the RCC denys that God Truth, they're a spy for the Jesuits and carry with them the unforgivable seven deadly sins of the sinister jesuit in their body.
@@a.larson2125 lol what a load of hot air. The op talks of killing babies in the Bible and you try to attack the Catholic faith? Lol So obvious you know next to nothing!
Thank you... "According to the exigencies of the time, His Holiness Moses revealed ten laws for capital punishment. It was impossible at that time to protect the community and preserve social security without these severe measures, for the children of Israel lived in the wilderness of Tah, where there were no established courts of justice and no penitentiaries." ~ Baha'i Faith
All God did in the old testament was justified, if we don't agree it really does not make a difference, we don't understand why God did all He did. A question comes to mind, what would you do to protect your Children, family or someone you love?? Would you fight against many?? how far would you go to protec those you love?? You see the answers is in our own nature, the bible says we were created in God's likeness and image, in simpler terms we act and look like Him, please don't misunderstand me, we are not gods, but we have allot from Him. When you read the old testament read it with the understanding that because God can foresee the future God's judgements were, are and will always be justified and are always the only solution the last choice, the word says that God takes no pleasure in punishing mankind, when it happens is always in love and protection of His beloved childre, GBY.
Ethan I personally struggle with this question. How do you feel about his answer? God had to be awful and cause suffering just so that Jesus seemed good by comparison? Really denies how amazing Jesus is.
Was God in the Old Testament Cruel? or could it be that he was showing us something much bigger. God truly is all loving...and he has always been there with us. Here is what I believe he showed me on this. God bless th-cam.com/video/2QtX6SVzMo4/w-d-xo.html
@@derfdado9071 I think you misunderstood. In the Old testament, God seems “harsh” because He did not yet send his son, but God always loved us. It was just the distance between the people and Him that made Him SEEM harsh. In the New Testament, we now can see God’s love and mercy.
OLD TESTAMENT GOD WAS NOT JESUS' FATHER. PROVE : 1. THIS OT'S GOD, ACTIVELY APPEARED BEFORE PEOPLE. ----> JESUS CLEARLY SAID : NOBODY, NO-BODY! HAS EVER SEEN FATHER EXCEPT the One descent from Heaven. 2. THE GOD'S OF OLD TESTAMENT drove Extraterrestrial vehicle, UFO's- like vehicle. ----> JESUS CLEARLY SAID : "If you want to pray ( meet The Father ), get into your room, close the door , and pray, your Father who reside in the "Secret Place".... This means ONE TRUE GOD IS EVERYWHERE. NO NEED ANY VEHICLE. 3.Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy
If Moses was said to have spoken to god face to face, BUT JESUS said that NO one Has seen The Father at ANYTIME, then HOW can it be that the god of the OT was the same as God the FATHER?
That's not a matter of different gods, but of the way God chose to appear to Moses. Theophanies as it's called, I believe. God's full glory was hidden from them, even though God was able to appear to them in a particular form.
Yes and Peter said in the Acts of the apostles, that the law was given by Angels. So it was not the Father who appeared to Moses. It was an Angelic tutor.
It isn't simple battles, harshness, death, and killing that the question asks about. God explicitly COMMANDS the killing of babies; he orders the firstborns to be killed (AFTER he hardened Pharaoh's heart--think about that one). He commanded the Israelites on HOW to take slaves.... What about God's immutability? The same yesterday, today and forever? As a former Christian, I saw the light. I no longer understand how anyone can make excuses for what God explicitly did and commanded in the Bible. Of course, since I no longer believe that YHWY existed, I don't think he really did any of those things.
What this chap in the video said is also pretty alarming in that he seems to think the coming of Christ is a brief window of mercy before God reverts back to his usual OT wrathfulness. So essentially most of God's relationship with humanity has always been domineering and furious and Jesus was essentially a brief blip of compassion in a sequence of events that's about to become unpleasant again. Where's the justice there? Where's the consistency? The logic?
I LOVE the Lord Jesus Christ but it seems like God the Father was harsh and was kinda evil in the Old Testament. I mean why does He need to flood the Earth in Noah's time?
He flooded the earth because of what happened in genesis 6. The fallen angels had corrupted everything except Noah and his family. Meaning the earth was full of nephilim. For instance, Goliath was a nephilim. His father was also.
Queen of Clean those were the first borns of the Egyptians and since they were refusing to let God’s people free (the Israelites) He had to take it a notch higher. I mean He had already sent them plagues and made the sea red yet these people still didn’t want to let the chosen people free. So God just had to convince them in a way that would really sting to get the point across, that was the last resort for Him, it’s not like God started off with the killing of the first born sons. It’s just that the Egyptians were so hard headed even when God had sent them previously perilous signs like the plagues
Scripture says that Moses did speak with God, face-to-face, but that means God spoke plainly and clearly not in riddles. That’s literally in the scriptures in Exodus and Numbers. In Numbers, God rebukes Miriam and Aaron when they’re upset that Moses is the leader and Miriam talks about how she and Aaron have prophesied too, Then God rebukes her and tells her he has spoken face-to-face, which means clearly and plainly and not in riddles with Moses. God then gives her leprosy for her disobedience, but relents when Moses intercedes and sends her out of the camp for 7 days. When God says he speaks face-to-face with Moses, he does not mean that Moses has seen his literal face because he clearly tells Moses in Scriptures that no one can see his face or they will die, so he lets Moses see his back staring around Exodus 33:12. After just seeing the Lord‘s back, Moses has to wear a veil because the glory of the Lord is too much for the Israelites to be able to look at Moses because he’s overcome with God‘s residual glory. Jesus has seen God‘s “literal face” because he is God. He’s a member of the Trinity and is God. 3 persons; one God (trinitarian God).
I think what we are forgetting here is that God is immutable. Whatever is inconsistent with the character of Jesus, like the blatant racism in the Old Testament, is a misinterpretation of God made by the fallible human authors. Those parts arise from the bias and prejudice of people at that time, and are not inspired by the Holy Spirit. The immutability of God or the fallibility of humans. Take your pick.
milo victor clarion: All Scripture was inspired by God. God chose, from time to time, to eliminate evil from the Earth (don't we all want Him to do that?). Unfortunately, evil resides in the hearts of people, so God had to eliminate people from the Earth in order to eliminate evil from the Earth. God knew which people had made their final choice regarding good and evil, and had chosen evil. No amount of His love was going to change them, so, for the welfare of those who hadn't yet chosen evil, He eliminated many of those who had. As far as the children who hadn't yet made a final decision, God probably saved them from a life of evil by eliminating them, and I'm sure He dealt with them justly after death. We don't see Jesus judging people because, as He said, "I have not come to judge". However, He spent a lot of time warning people about the judgment to come for those who rejected Him, and chose evil.
@@lookatmepleasesir God doesn't allow racism,infact He despices it.When Moses got married,Miriam(his sister),and Aaron,rebuked him bcs of marrying an Ethiopian woman,(bcs she is of another race,...different skin colour..)but God cursed Miriam with leprosy for bring racist,for a week or so.
Please, could you answer why the need for blood sacrifices? This is beyond my comprehension that God would require blood and suffering from animals, and later on from Christ itself. To me it seems there are TWO Gods, one on the old testament and a different one on the new.
God is just. Whenever there is sin, there is a consequence. When you give a blood sacrifice to God you pay the consequences of your sin and repent. When sin becomes so prevalent animal sacrifices are not enough, so Jesus took that place and died for our sins. That's why he is called the Lamb of God. You also have to realize that Christ died at his own will, since the will of the Father is also the will of the Son.
“All things are cleansed with blood and apart from the shedding of blood there’s no forgiveness”- Hebrews 9:22. In the Old Testament, people used animal sacrifice as a way to have their sins forgiven. We have to understand that when they’d sin, they couldn’t just ask for Gods forgiveness because they were not actually in Gods presence which is in heaven. Also, it says in Leviticus 17:11 that “the life of a creature is in blood and it is the blood that makes atonement for someone’s sin”. For example a lamb, an animal who cannot distinguish right from wrong therefore is innocent was used as the sacrifice. Only someone who was innocent could take their place. Think Ab it: the lamb was innocent Bc it can’t think therefore it can’t sin and it’s like it took their place to stand on Gods presence since they couldn’t. I hope it made a sense!
@@paolafarias2169 Nope. Old testament was satan pretending to be God. Christ would never kill anyone, nor woman or baby. That's why we must follow CHRIST and not the law.
He did answer it. All the words he said literally expanded on his initial reaction, which was the answer. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does exercise righteous Justice and wrathful, but is good and abounding in steadfast love in the Old Testament. Through Jesus, God provides a “window” of love, grace, and mercy for more people to repent and receive salvation through Jesus, while Jesus, still clearly outlines and warns very clearly about the destruction and damnation of hell/rejecting God’s salvation. However, the point of Jesus‘s ministry is to bring people into the kingdom of God until the day comes back, which will again be a day of judgment, wrath, and justice, that more clearly would reflect the type of actions we see in theOld Testament. That’s why he says read revelation where God’s final judgment is revealed with Jesus as the lion who comes to judge the world.
My first question is if anyone notices the similarity with the "war" for territories for the chosen people of today, is it very similar to the one in the Old Testament? The second question: did they know about the existence of Satan in the Old Testament period and when did Jesus tell them that "You have the father of lies as your father"? I mean, they could make the difference with whom they had contact at that time? And the third question, why do the Jews say that their God is not ours?
Even in the Old Testament the Lord is quoted saying he will make enemies a footstool rather than new testament Lord saying love your enemies. How Is this the same unchanging Lord God who tells us to love enemies while he goes footstooling the enemy? Seems hypocritical but I'm sure there's an explanation.Maybe scenario based as the deliverance from evil continues but I dunno
That's because the God of the Old Testament is Enlil. He is a Jealous and vengeful God that didn't want you to eat from the tree of knowledge. But the God of the New Testament is all loving. So, which one is it, because clearly the one in the Old Testament has done a lot of killing, but the one in the new testament speaks of love and enlightenment. These are two different Gods.
The bible is very consistent with the character of God throughout. People who propose that they like Jesus but not the OT God don't understand that Jesus IS God and that this window to become saved is God's greatest act of mercy. Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".
Actually the Old Testament covered thousands of yers of "it is what is it" interacting .with Jews. In the New Testament we have three years of Christ and maybe 50 years of things after his death. "It is what it is" did more "mean things" in the OT because he had a lot more time to do "mean things". Even calling them mean I think is a misnomer. My sisters dog though my sister was being mean when she gave him a bath. If you ask her she wasn't mean.
Think if we were in the days before this window of mercy we would be stoned or destroyed by God for such sins we commit freely now. This shows the severity of his mercy now. The OT shows how serious Sin is to a holy God. Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy Father and sorry fir taking it for granted
Makes ya think how much God has changed now. Maybe he realizes that we were created to be able to be corrupted by sin, and that it isn’t our own fault when we sin. We were made this way. Seems weird to punish us for how he made us. Either that or… maybe we need to realize he can’t control everything and isn’t perfect. Maybe he can’t forgive us when we can forgive ourselves. Maybe we are more forgiving than God. If Jesus already paid for all of my sins, then… why would anyone be sent to hell? All of our sins are forgiven. All of them. Unless they weren’t all forgiven. Then. We were lied to. Either way. We are either more understanding and forgiving than God, God can’t make perfect things and thus we cannot assume heaven will be perfect, or… God lied to us. Just saying. Seems silly to worry about a judgmental diety that created us to be corruptible and created a universe where sin could exist.
well see, if there was no choice to be against him, there would be no choice to he for Him, why would God want robots? so, God made an opportunity for man to take his own route, or God’s route.
He didn’t create us to be corruptible, He created us in the first place because He wanted living species to experience the greatness of His majesty, power and everything that is good. We were created to dwell in eternal paradise with Him, that’s what earth was originally for, but by committing sin, mankind had lost that right to stand before and dwell with God who is perfect, holy and maximally God, because that is what heaven is.
I don't disagree with this man but like most they miss something important. The Old Testament covers over 2,000 years and the NT at most 100 years if we look at the time since Christ over 2,000 years they are no different then the previous era.
He did answer, from what I understood, God didn't chage, but Jesus absorbed the wrath for the sinners, and hence what follows (the New Testament) seems nicer as there is way less wrath. This is only my understanding of it.
Which God ? God is not the creator's name and God was the Babylonian Deity of fortune Gâd pronounced the same as God Strong's Hebrew Concordance H1409 - גָּד gâd, gawd; from (in the sense of distributing); fortune:-troop. Acts 17:18 in Greek says Daimonions which means demons but our English Bibles of Acts 17:18 says gods In the Book of Enoch 69:6, Satan's name is revealed as "Gadreel" and the short of that name would be "Gad" ... the letter "A," in Aramaic/Hebrew, is always pronounced "ahh" - so "Gad" is pronounced "God." Even in Russian Gad is pronounced the same as God and in Russian Gad is reptile Here is research on the god word All that we know for certain is that the word God is a relatively new European invention, which was never used in any of the ancient Judaeo-Christian scripture manuscripts which were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek or Latin. Amusingly, none of the prophets, sages and disciples who wrote down the various books of the Bible would recognize or understand this recently invented word God. Yet people fight over it. The name “God” is one of many names of the Divine Creator. The word “God” does not appear in the original Hebrew or Greek manuscripts of the Bible, as this particular name came into being much later in human history. “God” is an old English word which developed from an Indo-European word, meaning “that which is invoked”-which is also the predecessor of the German word Gott and the Danish “Gud,” both meaning “God.” As such, the word is not an authentic name of our Creator. All Christians profess belief in the Bible, it is as they claim "The Word of God". Curious however, the word "God" never appears in any of the original languages of the Bible. In the Hebrew (Ibriy) language which makes up the entirety of what many Christians refer to as the "Old Testament", the words El el, Elohiym elohiym, and Eloah eloah are used, and in the Greek and Aramaic text, what many Christians call the "New Testament", the words Ho Theos, or Ho Kurios are used.
@Derelict Rv It's true that we don't have the original scriptures and I always wonder why they don't call the Jewish books Yehudian books because not many realize that the word Jew didn't exist until after 1774 and William Shakespeare called the Yehudians iewes in his writings and the letter J was invented in 1524 by a Italian man There's a website that explains that the Bible we have now isn't the original and explains about verses that were forged and that don't appear in original Manuscripts and even the word God doesn't appear in original Manuscripts either it was forged by Yehudians scribes (Jewish scribes) because they don't want anyone knowing the creator's true name and even King james translators wanted to add the creator's name but they were facing persecution and even the Romans in Ancient days get mad when someone says the creator's name They do say the Greek Septuagint is the oldest book but research shows that the Greek Septuagint is a hoax and the Greek Septuagint that is available now is actually a copy of one of the Catholic Church Bibles and there was never a original Greek Septuagint it contradicts many Bible translations I been studying the sea scrolls and I learned about some Greek manuscripts being changed too even Chrestianos was changed to Christianos which is Christians because a scribe removed the E from Chrestianos and replaced it with the letter i and that's how Chrestianos became Christianos in the Greek Manuscripts and the oldest scriptures I know of is the Leningrad Codex this book cost over $1,000.00 and it is in Hebrew and it originally had the creator's name in it until scribes removed IEUE from it and replaced it with YHWH and YHVH names There was a website called www.ieue.org it has lots of research and explains about scribes Changing things in scriptures plus the language the Jews speak is Aramaic and Strong's Hebrew Concordance confirms that the language is Chaldee Aramaic language and book of Daniel chapter 1:18 says about the language of the Chaldeans this is one of the original languages
@@brianbachinger6357 God is not the creator's name and the God word is not found in any original manuscripts The Word Lord is Baal in Hebrew and Baal means Lord and Baalzebub means Lord of the Flies The title "lord" is applied to all heathen deities, if the word "god" is notused for them. In most cases "lord" and "god" are used interchangeably for pagan idols. There was an Etruscan house deity whose name was Lar, which signified "Lord. Lar and Larth mean Lord. The letters "th" and "d" were virtuallyinterchangeably used, in various nations. It was also common to find "o" and "a" interchangeablyused in Old and Middle English. The word "Lord" can also be traced back to Loride, a surnamefor the Teutonic god Thor, and to Lordo, another deity. Adonai comes from the Greek God called Adonis Elohim is not the creator's name either Elohim was EL the Canaanite God they have his gold statue but the creator called himself AL and Aleim and Aleium before he gave his real name IEUE to Moshe
Amen I totally hear this I have been wondering if theybwere 2 diffrent God's for sometime but No it is jesus his righteous amd wrathful side against the severity of sin and now he is showing us PURE MERCY AND GIVING US A WIDOW OF MERCY AND GRACE TO COME HOME AND DONT FORGET THAT HE ON THE CROSS TOOK ALL THAT WRATH ON HIMSELF TO GIVE US THIS WINDOW OF MERCY. AMEN AND AMEN COME LORD JESUS
Heck, what about the NEW TESTAMENT? Acts 5:1-10 GW A man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold some property. They agreed to hold back some of the money ⌞they had pledged⌟ and turned only part of it over to the apostles. Peter asked, “Ananias, why did you let Satan fill you with the idea that you could deceive the Holy Spirit? You’ve held back some of the money you received for the land. While you had the land, it was your own. After it was sold, you could have done as you pleased with the money. So how could you do a thing like this? You didn’t lie to people but to God!” When Ananias heard Peter say this, he dropped dead. Everyone who heard about his death was terrified. Some young men got up, wrapped his body in a sheet, carried him outside, and buried him. About three hours later Ananias’ wife arrived. She didn’t know what had happened. So Peter asked her, “Tell me, did you sell the land for that price?” She answered, “Yes, that was the price.” Then Peter said to her, “How could you and your husband agree to test the Lord’s Spirit? Those who buried your husband are standing at the door, and they will carry you outside for burial.” Immediately, she dropped dead in front of Peter. When the young men came back, they found Sapphira dead. So they carried her outside and buried her next to her husband.
Jesus willingly left his throne to become a servant because of his love for us. This is his deity being manifested to us. God robed in flesh. The Old Testament hadn’t yet revealed the fullness of God, Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament and revelation will be the fulfilment of the Old and New Testament.
@@brianbachinger6357 What you say is blasphemy and sorry, is an ignorance of your own book. I AM In the context of the Bible is a pronoun of Almighty God. In the book of exodus chapter 3 verse 14 you will find this "And God said unto Moses, aI Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you." It's a the translation from original language that lead to the confusion. It's like if you translate Mrs Black as the color black not as a pronoun!
@@beautifulcreation3910 Firstly these are Paul sayings not Jesus sayings. Secondly the translation reflects the translator ideology (the church). The oneness with god is mentionned in the Bible to describe the aim of every believer this doesn't mean that every believer is God. Jesus say clearly that he has a God and that he worship God and that he by himself can do nothing! So he said clearly that he isn't God.
@@lumierdujourRevelation 1:7-8= “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
We see two sides of God. In the old testament he shows us his more JUST side and then in the new testament he shows us his more LOVING side. The events of the Bible are to teach us and prepare us for what's coming in the end times.
The old testement God is the same as the new testament. The confusion comes from the fact that. The Jews hid the "Book Of Enoch" from us. Because it talks about the coming of the messiah. The "Book Of Enoch" goes more into depth about why all the killings of the different tribes happened. It explains most of your questions you've always had. It was absolutely evil for the Jews to not include the "Book Of Enoch" into the bible.
@@lgtribuit5730 it was taken out of whats called the biblical canon, a canon is a foundation of all doctrine, and all Scripture regarded as truth and holy spirit inspired
@@lgtribuit5730 ive read the book of enoch, im not 100% on it, but it was found in the dead sea scrolls and ofc other places. but the most amazing fact and why i read it was because Jesus’ name “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” is written in it
@@lgtribuit5730 that name King of Kings and Lord of Lords is only found and written in enoch and revelation which is the most recent book. enoch was written in the old testament and is during genesis era, so, since that Name, King of Kings Lord of Lords is in enoch, and since enoch was written before revelation, it has truth in it since that name was recorded
What is just about murdering children for the sins of their fathers? I expected a good explanation or at least some excuses for the evil commited by the old testament god, instead he calls it justice. If evil is just in your religion I want no part in it.
But did the question get answered? Also that Jesus didn't come to judge... Confusing answer to most I'm sure. Jesus also said the world is judged already because they believe not in Him. Let me remind that Jesus said No Man had ever seen not heard the Father at any time. But that He, Jesus came to reveal Him to us and he said he did reveal to us the Father... If you've seen, heard me, you've seen heard the Father, If you don't believe my words, believe my works. Well, ALL the works Jesus did were Loving, he healed, he taught righteousness, he warned of basically having bad character traits, lying, stealing, harming, hypocritical etc.. The Father is LOVE. Man's idea of God doesn't necessarily equal who God truly is, but rather mans ever evolving conscience understanding and mis representation of who God is... Remember NT says there is a veil still to this day over the understanding of the OT. Remember, Jesus rent the veil, making The Way to the Truth and The Light available through Him, He is The Word, LISTEN to HIM. HE shows us THE Father. The Truth, The Way, The Light and the Life. Drink His Blood (Holy Spirit) and eat his flesh (The Word) Eat = Partake as in a familial way, personal dinner table as family would eat and share intimately together. Holy Spirit, Father, Son s beautiful description of who Our Creator is. We are the bride. The body. He is the groom. And the Two shall be One flesh. A great mystery. Spirit body & Physical body = One Flesh The Kingdom of God is with IN YOU, Christ IN YOU The wall of separation is torn down. Just listen to Jesus, He knows the Father because he was with the Father and came out from the bosom of the Father, and came down from HEAVEN from the Father. He knows him and if you know Jesus then you know the Father, that's what Jesus said. Love the Lord God with all your heart & Love one another as yourself God is Good Nothing Evil is in Him The thoughts of man are wicked. Not God. Ever! Only Love. Hope this helps someone. ❤️🙏
God rebukes who he loves, the Israelites were very rebellious but God always called them back to him. God never changes, men changed and kept rejecting him
I dont get it wwhy does the old testament exist if ita not inspired by god how can it be a preperation for the runup of the new testament how could god let a demon i think your reffering to a yahweh not trying to blaspheme but i dont know gather authors to write books in the first place god of moses but moses is in heaven isnt the old testament just god the father?
God is a loving Father. He sent His Son to save us from God's Judgment of Sin. You can see that God is Merciful when he was about to destroy the Israelites when Moises was on the mountain and Moses begged God to show mercy and God did. Although God showed Mercy. Moses gave people the choice after coming down from the mountain to those who still wanted to follow in the path of God. the Levites did and the other did not Exodus 32:25-26 Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. 26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites rallied to him. 27 Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” 28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. 29 Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the Lord today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.” The OT is a clear testimony of God the Father displaying Love, Mercy, and Grace. He also shows Justice against Sin and Wickedness and people that openly go against God. these people clearly have seen God work miracles and was so detached from reality of God that they completely rejected God. The Father had to be harsh on them in because He is a keeper of promises. What did he promise Adam and Eve? the Messiah from the beginning. He had to keep the Israelis separate from every one else to protect His people and remove people who did not conform to the community. To set them apart from the rest of the world, and be more strict towards them to usher in the Christ, His Son.
My question is why doesn't God still carry out this wrath of the Old Testament when people especially in modern day America are even more wicked and vile than Sodom and Gomorrah, Egypt under the evil Pharaoh, and all the wicked kings of Israel and Judaeh combined!? Imagine the shock and awe people would have now with TV and internet if God got mad at a bunch of unrepentant sinners and decided to breath fire upon them!? Talk about the revival that would cause! People would be terrified not to repent and obey!
@poly cube that was all carried out in the cross. The moral law, judicial law and sacrifical law. That was the fulfilled when Christ took all that to the cross.
The real question is why were the people in the old testament so stubborn and stupid, time and time again they were shown miracles and time and time again the reverted back to their old ways
the true nature of GOD is kindness forgiving loving after all look at the suffering JESUS CHRIST did for us washed away the sins of the world with his blood... JESUS IS OUR SAVIOUR
Because the Israelite priests needed to control the people for conquests. As for the vikings or Norse, they were already inspired for battle. Those who die in battle dine with Odin. Even hel, the Norse goddess of the underworld seemed sweeter than yahweh. Summary: religions can be instruments of war. Period
That's how it used to be. Now a days, they're used for money and influence, although they're losing that now too, rapidly. Oh, and Islam is still being used for war.
There's no doubt differences in the Old & New Testaments. There were times God's instruction was to kill everyone. I don't see any of that in the New. What changes in the New Testament is Jesus died on the cross and satisfied the payment for sin. After Jesus's death, I see no anger in God.
.God was revealed to them in that way to bring about repentance? .God took time to reveal a new better covenant thereafter in Jesus? .stop looking back at bygone revelation. .Be a good christian now, today.it's a better covenant. .Think what people 2000 years from now will think of you Christian and how you lived your good faith in Jesus compared to non christian or other faiths. .In 2000 years Christianity may have evolved even further to better things. .will other faiths, I wonder what people 2000 years from now will think of Islam and how it has reacted since it started. .I would choose Christian faith.
Now… is the God of the Old Testament…the same God that’s in the new…. Cuz I’ll tell you right now… the one who incited evil, approved and took credit for murder rape and cannibalism… isn’t the same one so…. Hmm…. I started to read the Bible once starting at the beginning… after the fourth book I was basically horrified… and refused to think anything other than what I thought… but then…. The God I know found me… and the God I know…… is not the same God of the old testament and never was... and never would be…. It’s all so much deeper than most think… deeper than most can imagine…. But here I looked up a lil something to help support what I mean… cuz if you really think about it… can you tell me whole heartedly that you think that the God in the old is the same God that’s in the new…. There’s a reason there’s no Christ in the old testament… because that is not a God of love…. The father the son and the Holy Spirit is the true God and the God I know… the trinity… a god of no beginning no end…. So who is it then in the Old Testament… cuz there is no son… and there is no Holy Spirit….. ffrf.org/fttoday/april-2016/articles-april-2016/the-10-worst-old-testament-verses/ Oh and not to say I don’t think God isn’t present in the old testament…. God is and always has been…Who else would the angels be representative of, who else would be there for David…. No God is there… but… And creation… well…. They were both… there… You think an insect who mates then eats the head off is… um… from idk the light? Or poisonous plants… disease and blight?… it’s complex and deep… and there is so so so much more to the story…. The Bible… never to be an end all be all…. It is but a fraction…. And touched by man so fallible… But I mean if you wanna get deep and I mean really really really deep.. then…. You could say they are the same… but most people aren’t ready for that… not the obvious… obviously… but not ready to see the actual truth in Good and evil…. because with that comes some truths that most people can’t actually fathom or wrap their minds around… and go against everything they believe… and some peoples beliefs are their very identity… Cuz there is nothing holy about Murdering the innocent, rape, and smashing babies on rocks… I don’t care what anyone says…. … I mean the God I love is still a God of wrath, and vengeance…most definitely…most definitely… but NOT evil…. And um 💥 yup…. Now it really checks out… ha… damn… it would be Leviticus too… that’s almost funny… okay… I just checked on somethin an… yeah… I’d think twice about whatever the old testament tells you is “law…” or “against God” cuz… that ain’t even God… so… I mean… idk I’d think hard on that… 🙏 I mean really… I’d put it in the perspective that that’s what evil wants me to believe… Ya know the one who’s cool with smashing babies on rocks… And what does evil do… it perverts… it twits… and it doesn’t want you seeking or finding the truth… Thru ANYTHING…. And it Especially doesn’t want you to understand the LANGUAGE of God… …✨✡️🧩🌙💃👻…. …🐝🍀🕉️🐇💧🍁…. …🐆🐉🌈✝️🐚🍄…. …⚡️⚖️❄️🐣⚛️🔑…. …🌿🌬️🪐🔥💫☯️….
I’m not mocking God, but he was very harsh and supposedly God does not change back then people that did wrong was turned into salt supposedly people when they died went to hell before Jesus died on the cross and let’s not forget the most important one and yes, it was a betbetween God and Satan on Job life
His first reaction is my first thought too. I understand why people ask that question, but when you really investigate you discover that the Old Testament God and the New Testament God are one and the same! Our covenant has changed, but God hasn't.
John 12:47: If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.
A strike difference from the old testament god... who is NOT God Jesus.
@J M just a deceiver from satan.never mind him!
They are totally different?
Here's a video I made on the topic th-cam.com/video/bX2Lq4VWOnI/w-d-xo.html
@@milis1963 We have a parrot. Go back and read what I wrote carefully.
Thank you for this. I've been reading thru the old testament and it's had me very veery down.
I agree man, Ive had a lot of questions about it
Me too. People getting killed right and left. And I wonder why God spoke to so many people and sent angels to talk to people in the Old Testament and not today, at least I don't know anyone who has knowingly spoke to God or had angels appear to them and give them directions they are to follow. I am a 100% Christian but that doesn't mean I don't have questions.
@@thomastessier4529 as I've kept reading thru the Bible, I've come to understand GOD IS NOT PLAYING ABOUT HAVING NO OTHER gods BEFORE HIM!!! He warned the people SO MUCH regarding their idolatry and explained what the consequences would be and they simply refused to listen... OR would be faithful for a while then turn right back. He sends His warnings present day as well. I asked God to reveal my idols (if any) and it has been quite a journey of self discovery. Idol are sneaky. You truly begin to see God's mercy and love for the people as He is very very veery slow to anger.
As for all the killing in the OT, there's simply consequences to consistently putting other gods or things before Him.
@@thomastessier4529 I had communication with God
@@apostleflix Good for you, happy to hear that.
Funny how most people commenting either hate God or think the Bible isn't true. Why are so many people obsessed with bashing Christianity in their free time? Can't find anything better to do?
Also, those that don't understand war or what being in a disgusting ancient culture that sacrificed their own babies to Molech, had sex with their moms and dads, and killed people freely was like... Those poor infants whose lives were ended to destroy a despicable cultural cycle that was going on for hundreds of years wasn't harsh or cruel judgment. It was a neutral decision and a necessary reality. God isn't cruel. He's just and merciful, both. I wish people would actually look into ancient cultures and what certain wars and judgments were for instead of thinking everything was like it is today. So many people that think all wars are bad probably celebrate the 4th of July and watch fireworks, go on picnics, and support patriotism not realizing America was founded on a WAR and that's what the celebration is actually about! Most other countries are also founded on wars and invasions. Don't think the UK is founded on the fact that the English wanted to control everybody living around them and did so by force and war? They're only "united" through war...
God bashing is only done by people that have no real understanding of anything and want to do whatever they want with no repercussions. People that can't understand what it means to be a part of a fallen, broken, sinful world and turn justice into cruelty and in ingratitude make mercy seem redundant...
And as for people that haven't done enough research to find out that the Bible is the most trusted ancient, historically accurate documentation humanity has come across get your head out of your skeptic, critical ass and do some real research. Unless all your free time is used up to bash things you won't really objectively look into.
My goodness... There is actual intelligent people in the world who understand! God isn't cruel! He is like a father (Wow, such a literal description that probably flies over everyone's heads) and as such he has a priority to protect his children from the bad, from sin, but his children are rebellious and wicked. And as we know with Adam and Eve, once God learned they had sinned, his had to cast himself as far as he could imagine away from us. Which is also why he had to become human (Jesus)! He had to be able to be among us without scaring off Satan and his demons.
God doesn't do bad things to us to say he hates us... It's to make us stronger and to get us away from danger before it's too late. God, even in the old testament, only wanted his people to be able to receive the salvation men needed from sin and to be able to fight this spiritual war against Satan and prove to all of the fallen angels that God can do anything. And it shows true today as we Christians are stronger than Satan's little imitations of "power" over us.
The Lord has more authority than anything and anyone. He has made his presence known among everyone across the face of the earth. He had to do it himself because the Jews wouldn't share his message with the Genitals (Everyone who has not received God's message) in fear of God becoming angry again. But in the end, God still got angry because his people would not accept Jesus as the Messiah, so now we have to mourn for all those who will be deceived by Satan and the Beast.
God WANTED to be kind to us as a Dad would be kind to his children. But, because we are rebellious, he has to bring down the law and will do everything he can to bring us back. But, if we still don't accept him, he will strike your name from the book of life because HE HANDED YOU THE CHANCE to come to him, and you refused him relentlessly.
God is not cruel. If he was, he would have destroyed everything already and started over from scratch. But because he loves all men, he has not abandoned us. Which is why we have not destroyed ourselves yet.
God is not like a father, he IS the father! All glory to him.
The people of Israel were slaves to the egyptians and god's chosen people they were not sacrificing babies and having sex with their parents, others outside of the israelite nation possibly were doing these things. So the question is why did God come down so harsh on them for breaking the simplest of his commandments such as example, moses striking the rock instead of speaking to it and being banned from entering the promised land and y were the Israelites still ordered to destroy the children of the caananite children when they were innocent? Also the entire books of Joshua and judges contradicts the events that were recorderd in history. There were no desimation of cities by fire and rehabitation of those cities. There is no evidence. There is a difference in believing in god and believing in a canonized text that by the way some of the book dont even have authors AND the corrupt catholic church decided the books that made it into the bible and the books that didnt. Just saying
We aren't "bashing it", we're being critical of it. Like everyone should be
Also death for God is simply ushering our souls from this world to the next. He probably saved those innocent kids from turning into child sacrificers themselves.
Btw this does not justify murder! Thou shalt not kill.
Vut God is above all commandments as he is wise beyond our understanding
God doesn't change.
He did change after the crucifixion so...
@@onlyechadtherebellious2467 he didn’t though. We just don’t fully understand God. God is the same as he has always been
He went from being transparent with his creation to not being transparent. That's a major change. And because creation as continued 2,000 years later, you would think there would be a third testament. What we have in the bible is an idea of what an all powerful supreme God would be like; written by the likings of the early Jewish community.
He went from being transparent with his creation to not being transparent. That's a major change. And because creation as continued 2,000 years later, you would think there would be a third testament. What we have in the bible is an idea of what an all powerful supreme God would be like; written by the likings of the early Jewish community.
God doesn't change in essence but How he responds changes with who He responds to and to the choices we make. For example; God changed how He sees you and me after we accept Jesus' offer on the cross and also changes what He does or doesn't do for us. A prayer can also change God's actions.
The same God throughout Old Testament and New Testament:
God in the Old Testament: Just and angry towards unrepentant wicked people (both Israelites and nations);
Slow to anger and merciful towards sinners (when they cried out and repented)
God in the New Testament: Just and angry towards His own Son, Jesus Christ, who bore our punishment and absorbed the Holy wrath from God
God is love fully revealed in His Son Jesus, who is gracious and merciful towards sinners.
God in the Revelation: No more forgiveness. Wicked will be punished with eternal separation from God and hell fire, and the righteous (who repented, received Christ as their righteousness,
and did the will of the Father) will be rewarded with eternal life and glorious inheritance of His kingdom.
Joshua Chua you couldn’t have explained this any better. I have been reading the bible from the book of Genesis and now in the book of Leviticus and I kept wondering why God was so detailed (in the Old Testament and I started googling and I came across this video with your comment. Thank you.
Amen.!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
god said in the old he does not change
@@debbie444-x1h He isn't changing he is just showing more of himself.
It is actually two separate gods. Jesus being the true God.
Or, or, hear me out... It's because the abrahamic god was made up, as all other gods, and it's all bullshit. How about that?
People keep blaming God when they forget about the devil..
I love my God and Savior, I do believe in Christ after being called to be saved and serve Him, I was an atheist. I'm still a baby on Jesus so be easy on me, but my question is this, if He loves us so immensely, why would He condemned someone who doesn't believe in Jesus? There's still some things I don't understand, after a year I started reading the Bible so I'm still learning. Though this thought of being rejected if I come back to my old life belief really scares me. I do pray, every day, as I say, read or listen to the Bible every single day and trying to change some of my disgusting sinful behavior with the help of my Savior, I see some changes even now after a year ago, lucky enough. I do sin of course, we all do, but all this thoughts keeps tormenting me like never before. Please don't take advantage of my ignorance on Christ and let me know what your truth thoughts are on this subject, thanks. God bless you all.
Morela Vought We deserve to be thrown into hell forever, we are innately sinful creatures. However, because God loves us so much, He forgives us even though we have turned our backs on Him so many times. So God is more than just concerning humans.
Morela Vought, its not so much that God is "condemning" people out of jealousy or anger. Sin is supposed to be anything that separates us from God. There's some debate at when you become sinful, such as how can a newborn have committed sin? Some adhere to a concept of inherited sins to address this conundrum. The answer to your question though, is that its less of "God throws people in a pit of fire" and really that we're unable to avoid the pit and get salvation on our own. So Christ's sacrifice is meant to be a bridge we can use to reach God. By rejecting Jesus, you're simply choosing to not use the bridge, if that makes sense. This is why Jesus says "no one comes to the Father except through me". Think of the peak of Everest as getting to God & Heaven, and Jesus as all gear you need. Sure, you can TRY to climb the mountain without the gear, but you're not going to make it.
God does not condemn anyone, it is us humans who condemn ourselves. We are the ones who reject Him, and not the other way round. He says, 'search Me and you will find Me', so keep on searching by reading His word and meditating on what you read and discussing with like minded people. Past thoughts should not torment you since you are now the one in charge of your life through Christ. You are forgiven, 100%, so concentrate on your baby steps. Soon, you'll be walking and even help someone. Christ died for us 100%. He underwent the worst type of torture and death ever invented by man. There is nothing that we have been through that can match what He underwent. Please remember, Christ did not come to this world to make bad people good, (me, you and everyone else) but He came to this world to make dead people live. That's why we are now living anew.
We are Christ's most precious. You can only give up your life to what is most precious to you. always remember that. Be blessed!
I understand your viewpoint. I know you will find your answers to your questions.
James Brown that makes a lot of sense
Well you know what they say, being a father changes a man xD
God is not a Man
God doesn’t change, God has always been the same. But people have changed
@@mixhegacha3484 Amen
God was already Adam's dad.
I'm sorry brethren but that's not good enough for me. I think of the people in the old testament and think "what about them"?, so they were playthings in order to prove God can get nasty and wrathful BUT ! can show compassion in sending his son Jesus to save us from what? more nastiness because he can't sort out a dispute between himself and a fallen angel of his . If he really new mankind was at risk of falling to the desires of a fallen angel then why on Earth, excuse me, why in creation did he expose us to a lurking enemy in the background. Better he denied us free will than slaughter half mankind in the old testament to make a point. God f__ked up and sent his son and I still see suffering my fellow humanbeings ..We are pawns in a messed up creation. I do believe in a creator of sorts because even as unscientific as I am my heart tells me existence did not pop out of nothing. God any gods is our way of trying to make sense of how we popped into existence .Not the rabble of who's God is dominate and the consequences of not adhering to that particular gods demands. As a result of this mentality mankind has suffered terrifying genocides, unspeakable torture, torture that even the so called devil, satan , evil one etc would be proud of. People in my opinion mankind did these things to himself , it wasn't demons that nailed Jesus to the cross, it wasn't demons that gased millions of Jewish brethren to their deathbeds, it was humankind afraid of what they couldn't get there heads around on who is who why they exist.
Thank God for Jesus.
This video seem so simple but it a big eye opener for me…I will watch this video every day to get in the habit of not sinnin because I don’t want to get gods wrath…I want to go to heaven …I have to change my life and ways…
Hey! Be careful, its good that you dont want to sin, but trying to be good and stay away from sin WONT save you. Its putting your faith, trust and your life in JESUS that saves you. Praying for you
@@joshuad.4625 Genuine question, If you put your faith and trust in Jesus, it means following his teaching, which is basically do good, right? But good works won't save you?
@@jmbeam right! Doing good works is a result of your faith in Jesus. Works are a fruit as James speaks about
Jeran, God’s brutality in the Old Testament is there to show God’s Justice, wrath and truth and the severity of sin and that he is holy, so holy that sin requires sever wrathful payment. ....Then comes Jesus, who is mercy and grace and forgiveness, which is God’s heart toward his children, saying: here is salvation....Then comes Revelation, which is another Old Testament..look out for more of that terrible wrath....We are in that window of mercy so we can escape that wrath to come again. It boils down to God’s holiness and the sin of man which is merely man tuning from the creator and thinking, “I know better than God” That is precisely what you are doing Jeran. You are basically saying that if you were God you would do things better than he.
Deceitful god!
Because that wasn’t the Heavenly Father who was murdering all those people and even sending people to kill babies and children. That was Yahweh aka the god of this earth aka satan and the beast. The Heavenly Father and Yahweh are two different people. The Heavenly Father is kind, loving, merciful, and slow to anger. Yahweh is wrathful. You don’t see Jesus in the New Testament call his Father Yahweh or Jehovah. Jesus says Abba, Father, and the word Heavenly Father is used. Notice Jesus preaches the exact opposite of what Yahweh says or does from the Old Testament.
It makes me think of Hebrews 12: "you have not come to a physical mountain, to a place a flaming fire, darkness, gloom, and whirlwind." Skipping ahead, "you have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood which speaks of forgiveness instead of crying out for vengeance like the blood of Abel."
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, His character is the exact same, but I think what changed was the primary way God choose to reveal Himself to His people in the OT vs the NT. Instead of awesome displays of power and justice, Jesus was gentle, compassionate, and relatable. Both are 100% God's personality, but we relate and can more easily accept the way God reveals Himself in the NT.
Wondaful, Thanks!
This is absolutely the truth birth of Christ changed everything as an ex Muslim I believe this
Yea sureee that’s what yall all say
A window of mercy…like that🙏
I personally believe in the actual burdens of sin carried by people who haven't accepted the grace offered by Christ. They say that the wages of sin is death. I truly believe that. In its literal form.
It can be both a physical or spiritual death
Old testament was preparation and example. Now Jesus is salvation and hope. Thank you for answering these important questions.
I think evil would have utterly taken over way before now if God didn't stop it at these times that seem harsh to us.
I'm really struggling with this right now. I am from Brazil and we are living a big culture war lately, and christians have decided to side with right-wing conservatives.
A while ago an efeminate homossexual artist said in one of his concerts that jesus was a tranvestite. He said this to provoke conservatives, because in Brazil homophobic acts of violence and prejudice are a big issue. So this artist was trying to get back at conservatives as if he was trying to say "your Jesus is on our side".
I saw this as a case where we should be like: "forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do". But most people saw this as a case where we have to be like David against Goliath who was inspired by righteous anger in order to honor God's name which had been insulted by the giant.
So why is it that in the old testament to honor God is to kill canaanites and philistines, whereas in the new testament to honor God is to be patient and forgiving even to our worst enemies? I know God doesn't change, He is the same today as He as 3000 years ago. But why do things seem just so different?
Kaleo Mariz I struggle with this too. I’m not sure the answer in this video is a very good one either.
God had to be cruel in the past so that Jesus would seem good by comparison? Isn’t Jesus good anyway? Don’t need to compare Him to atrocious acts to help his image.
derfdado H
If there's one thing I am pretty sure, is that Jesus doesn't need the past harshness of the Old Testament to seem nice in the future. God doesn't play with his creation. (In comparison, for beauty to exist, there doesn't need to be ugliness).
What John piper helped me with this video is that, God is still just as furious with sin as He was 3500 years ago. But Jesus sacrifice provided enough grace for His church to influence the world in such a way that people are not as evil as they used to be in the past. But that's my perception, I may be wrong here and there because I'm no theologian.
But one thing is certain, we are sinful and we don't deserve a perfect utopian world. The only utopian world available is Heaven after death. And for us to get there we need Christ!
He suffered God's wrath against our sin so that we don't get condemned for our sin.
@@kaleomariz1000 I really struggle with this too. It would almost be easier if God was always wrathful (we are sinful, I'd understand that) or if there was no final judgement. But being in this limbo where he is both loving and wrathful is really hard. One thing that also bothers me is wondering why Jesus couldn't come sooner, like right after Adam and Eve
You wanna know the answer? Because god changes accordingly to the changes of man and his society. Man made god in his image.
@@viktorthevictor6240 That's a lie.
Great answer, I have been struggling with that question also. Thank you!
I have been in the Christian faith for a while but don’t know if I can anymore I’m confused on who he is even though I read the Bible daily and pray a lot
Pray for Spiritual Discernment. The Enemy is the Author of Confusion.
dont let the enemy fool you, dont forget the simplicity that is in Christ, He is with you even in your questions. dont think from man’s perspective, but God’s
Hi, May Christ out saviour bless you with wisdom 🙏🏻❤️🤍
Dear, first pray for guidance from Holy Spirit. Because he will be your guidance to understand God in a correct way : John 14:26 (KJV) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
So first step is not opening your bible, but pray first with intention, ask Holy Spirit to guide you, you will slowly but sure get an understanding like never before
Also, pick easy to understand book first, dont start from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus.. you might get so bored, save them for laterm start with book of James, very short and easy to understand, then to book of Mark which will make u feel like u know Jesus in a simple way... google passages that doesnt make sense, all those confusing pieces will fall to their place. Also dedicate same hour to read ur bible everyday as a date with Jesus. In 1 month you will grow like never before. Ill pray for u my friend, so ull get to see Jesus's face and how full of love He is😊
because the god of the old testament is the same God of the new!! with his lake of fire, judgement and wrath, look up who won't inherit the kingdom, liars of every kind, fornicators, drunkards, murderers etc, pretty much rules out every one on planet earth, just on the basis of " liars of every sort/ kind"
Natalie231065 You're right! Also sexual immorality and homosexuality.
National Socialist Europe Your lost and need to get saved by jesus.
leon4christ false
leon4christ the god of the Bible isn't real.
leon4christ how did Adam and Eves children have children?
Because God doesn’t like EVIL. Give thanks to Jesus Christ for giving Him a reason to withheld His anger. Because honestly God doesn’t give a fuck about anything. He can create and destroy at a whim.
"Because God doesn’t like EVIL." "Because honestly God doesn’t give a fuck about anything. He can create and destroy at a whim." These two statements are mutually exclusive. One cannot kill "on a whim" and not "give a fuck" about doing so and still claim to be morally viable. Your position is completely contradictory.
There will a multitude of Muslims believing in the Christ as the son of God soon as they open their hearts to love and mercy
No Islam is the most fastest growing religion
"A window of mercy" good video
I’m thinking God wanted to show both sides of Himself …. Or that we could’ve had it much worse if not for Jesus
Gods wrathful judgement in the New Testament: the cross
The secret book of john will answer all from genesis to revelation... Supreme God bless you all
I’ve just started reading the Bible so I was just thinking about this thank god I found this video
Compare these scriptures :
Hosea 13 : 7, 8 (KJV)
7) Therefore I will be unto them as a lion, as a leopard by the way will I observe them.
8) I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion, the wild beast shall tear them.
Revelation 13 : 2 - And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion : and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. (KJV)
I would beware of any secret books that try to change what has been already revealed! Or any man who says he has an additional revelation! All revelation is sealed up and final! And the bible says, if anyone adds to these words, or takes away from them let him be accursed!
I guess he dont no why
He answered the question. Is English your third language?
@@matthewdyer2926 lolllll
@@matthewdyer2926 😂😂😂cool down
Perfect explanation. Loved it
It literally talks about kill babies and “be happy” while doing it. wanna explain that ?
Can do, that's the Jesuits Bible. The Roman Catholics and their FALSE CHURCHES full of manipulating evil. The Jesuits have been infiltrating through out world religions with wayward sins of want to be the worlds one world religion having no other outside denominations. The Jesuit swears a sinister oath so vile it would make most people physically vomit.
...and if any preacher outside of the RCC denys that God Truth, they're a spy for the Jesuits and carry with them the unforgivable seven deadly sins of the sinister jesuit in their body.
It’s evil that’s what it is .
@@a.larson2125 lol what a load of hot air. The op talks of killing babies in the Bible and you try to attack the Catholic faith? Lol
So obvious you know next to nothing!
Thank you... "According to the exigencies of the time, His Holiness Moses revealed ten laws for capital punishment. It was impossible at that time to protect the community and preserve social security without these severe measures, for the children of Israel lived in the wilderness of Tah, where there were no established courts of justice and no penitentiaries." ~ Baha'i Faith
All God did in the old testament was justified, if we don't agree it really does not make a difference, we don't understand why God did all He did. A question comes to mind, what would you do to protect your Children, family or someone you love?? Would you fight against many?? how far would you go to protec those you love?? You see the answers is in our own nature, the bible says we were created in God's likeness and image, in simpler terms we act and look like Him, please don't misunderstand me, we are not gods, but we have allot from Him. When you read the old testament read it with the understanding that because God can foresee the future God's judgements were, are and will always be justified and are always the only solution the last choice, the word says that God takes no pleasure in punishing mankind, when it happens is always in love and protection of His beloved childre, GBY.
@@LovePatience32 Amen, God bless you more.
Brother, you did not answer the question directly.
Ethan I personally struggle with this question. How do you feel about his answer? God had to be awful and cause suffering just so that Jesus seemed good by comparison? Really denies how amazing Jesus is.
Was God in the Old Testament Cruel? or could it be that he was showing us something much bigger. God truly is all loving...and he has always been there with us. Here is what I believe he showed me on this. God bless
@@derfdado9071 Try this site. th-cam.com/video/bqfdUqhcpTg/w-d-xo.html
@@derfdado9071 you are wrong.
@@derfdado9071 I think you misunderstood. In the Old testament, God seems “harsh” because He did not yet send his son, but God always loved us. It was just the distance between the people and Him that made Him SEEM harsh. In the New Testament, we now can see God’s love and mercy.
2. THE GOD'S OF OLD TESTAMENT drove Extraterrestrial vehicle, UFO's- like vehicle. ----> JESUS CLEARLY SAID : "If you want to pray ( meet The Father ), get into your room, close the door , and pray, your Father who reside in the "Secret Place".... This means ONE TRUE GOD IS EVERYWHERE. NO NEED ANY VEHICLE.
3.Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy
If Moses was said to have spoken to god face to face, BUT JESUS said that NO one Has seen The Father at ANYTIME, then HOW can it be that the god of the OT was the same as God the FATHER?
That's not a matter of different gods, but of the way God chose to appear to Moses. Theophanies as it's called, I believe. God's full glory was hidden from them, even though God was able to appear to them in a particular form.
Yes and Peter said in the Acts of the apostles, that the law was given by Angels. So it was not the Father who appeared to Moses. It was an Angelic tutor.
He Never Showed His Face... People Will Die Seeing His Face. He Was In Hiding With His Veil In Burning Bush
Collin lutz Be careful, that is blasphemy. @Collin Lutz
Could it be that Jesus knew the old testament was written by man so came to rip it up and start a new one based on love and compassion?
Meaning, he was not in control of anything at all.
Matthew 5:7 = Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Never answers the question
It isn't simple battles, harshness, death, and killing that the question asks about. God explicitly COMMANDS the killing of babies; he orders the firstborns to be killed (AFTER he hardened Pharaoh's heart--think about that one). He commanded the Israelites on HOW to take slaves.... What about God's immutability? The same yesterday, today and forever? As a former Christian, I saw the light. I no longer understand how anyone can make excuses for what God explicitly did and commanded in the Bible. Of course, since I no longer believe that YHWY existed, I don't think he really did any of those things.
What this chap in the video said is also pretty alarming in that he seems to think the coming of Christ is a brief window of mercy before God reverts back to his usual OT wrathfulness. So essentially most of God's relationship with humanity has always been domineering and furious and Jesus was essentially a brief blip of compassion in a sequence of events that's about to become unpleasant again. Where's the justice there? Where's the consistency? The logic?
I LOVE the Lord Jesus Christ but it seems like God the Father was harsh and was kinda evil in the Old Testament. I mean why does He need to flood the Earth in Noah's time?
Same, I can resonate with the New Testament, but the Old Testament just makes me feel weird and kinda scared
He flooded the earth because of what happened in genesis 6. The fallen angels had corrupted everything except Noah and his family. Meaning the earth was full of nephilim. For instance, Goliath was a nephilim. His father was also.
Why did God command Moses to not only offer firstborn of animals but firstborn human males to give to the Lord?
Queen of Clean those were the first borns of the Egyptians and since they were refusing to let God’s people free (the Israelites) He had to take it a notch higher. I mean He had already sent them plagues and made the sea red yet these people still didn’t want to let the chosen people free. So God just had to convince them in a way that would really sting to get the point across, that was the last resort for Him, it’s not like God started off with the killing of the first born sons. It’s just that the Egyptians were so hard headed even when God had sent them previously perilous signs like the plagues
John Henderson and the nephilim were known to eat human beings too. So the world was just a mess
😂😂😂😂😂People at each other's throats in the comments😂😂😂😂y'all too much sometimes
Jesus said no one has seen god , but mosses said he spoke face to face with god so who is telling the truth, I’m with Jesus .
Bro yes, even Jesus teachings was against Yahweh from the Old Testament.
Scripture says that Moses did speak with God, face-to-face, but that means God spoke plainly and clearly not in riddles. That’s literally in the scriptures in Exodus and Numbers. In Numbers, God rebukes Miriam and Aaron when they’re upset that Moses is the leader and Miriam talks about how she and Aaron have prophesied too, Then God rebukes her and tells her he has spoken face-to-face, which means clearly and plainly and not in riddles with Moses. God then gives her leprosy for her disobedience, but relents when Moses intercedes and sends her out of the camp for 7 days. When God says he speaks face-to-face with Moses, he does not mean that Moses has seen his literal face because he clearly tells Moses in Scriptures that no one can see his face or they will die, so he lets Moses see his back staring around Exodus 33:12. After just seeing the Lord‘s back, Moses has to wear a veil because the glory of the Lord is too much for the Israelites to be able to look at Moses because he’s overcome with God‘s residual glory. Jesus has seen God‘s “literal face” because he is God. He’s a member of the Trinity and is God. 3 persons; one God (trinitarian God).
This Man just speak of his opinion
Disregarding the word of God.
The answer to the question he is being asked is:
Num 23:19 hebrews 13:8 hebrews 4:2
The one-sentence explanation: when choosing the canonical books for the NT church leaders and the Roman emperor wanted a loving, forgiving God.
Best Answer! i like that, was always curious about that, Ravi Zacharias also gives a great explanation. ;-)
I think what we are forgetting here is that God is immutable. Whatever is inconsistent with the character of Jesus, like the blatant racism in the Old Testament, is a misinterpretation of God made by the fallible human authors. Those parts arise from the bias and prejudice of people at that time, and are not inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The immutability of God or the fallibility of humans. Take your pick.
@Captain Smek that does not identify all the words of the OT with God. In fact Jesus specifically addresses teachings of the OT and denounces them
milo victor clarion: All Scripture was inspired by God. God chose, from time to time, to eliminate evil from the Earth (don't we all want Him to do that?). Unfortunately, evil resides in the hearts of people, so God had to eliminate people from the Earth in order to eliminate evil from the Earth. God knew which people had made their final choice regarding good and evil, and had chosen evil. No amount of His love was going to change them, so, for the welfare of those who hadn't yet chosen evil, He eliminated many of those who had. As far as the children who hadn't yet made a final decision, God probably saved them from a life of evil by eliminating them, and I'm sure He dealt with them justly after death. We don't see Jesus judging people because, as He said, "I have not come to judge". However, He spent a lot of time warning people about the judgment to come for those who rejected Him, and chose evil.
@cubomania3 obviously there are far worse things he allows
@@lookatmepleasesir God doesn't allow racism,infact He despices it.When Moses got married,Miriam(his sister),and Aaron,rebuked him bcs of marrying an Ethiopian woman,(bcs she is of another race,...different skin colour..)but God cursed Miriam with leprosy for bring racist,for a week or so.
Because its not God!?
Please, could you answer why the need for blood sacrifices?
This is beyond my comprehension that God would require blood and suffering from animals, and later on from Christ itself.
To me it seems there are TWO Gods, one on the old testament and a different one on the new.
God is just. Whenever there is sin, there is a consequence. When you give a blood sacrifice to God you pay the consequences of your sin and repent. When sin becomes so prevalent animal sacrifices are not enough, so Jesus took that place and died for our sins. That's why he is called the Lamb of God. You also have to realize that Christ died at his own will, since the will of the Father is also the will of the Son.
@@AngusMkoth701 Hi Angus, tks for the reply. Actually I found the answer:
@@AngusMkoth701 Please confirm if you saw the link I've just posted.
“All things are cleansed with blood and apart from the shedding of blood there’s no forgiveness”- Hebrews 9:22. In the Old Testament, people used animal sacrifice as a way to have their sins forgiven. We have to understand that when they’d sin, they couldn’t just ask for Gods forgiveness because they were not actually in Gods presence which is in heaven. Also, it says in Leviticus 17:11 that “the life of a creature is in blood and it is the blood that makes atonement for someone’s sin”. For example a lamb, an animal who cannot distinguish right from wrong therefore is innocent was used as the sacrifice. Only someone who was innocent could take their place. Think Ab it: the lamb was innocent Bc it can’t think therefore it can’t sin and it’s like it took their place to stand on Gods presence since they couldn’t. I hope it made a sense!
@@paolafarias2169 Nope. Old testament was satan pretending to be God. Christ would never kill anyone, nor woman or baby.
That's why we must follow CHRIST and not the law.
Sir if you don't know the answer, frankly and humbly accept it. That's greatness.
Mere talkativeness wont be a substitute for clear, sound answer.
He did answer it. All the words he said literally expanded on his initial reaction, which was the answer. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does exercise righteous Justice and wrathful, but is good and abounding in steadfast love in the Old Testament. Through Jesus, God provides a “window” of love, grace, and mercy for more people to repent and receive salvation through Jesus, while Jesus, still clearly outlines and warns very clearly about the destruction and damnation of hell/rejecting God’s salvation. However, the point of Jesus‘s ministry is to bring people into the kingdom of God until the day comes back, which will again be a day of judgment, wrath, and justice, that more clearly would reflect the type of actions we see in theOld Testament. That’s why he says read revelation where God’s final judgment is revealed with Jesus as the lion who comes to judge the world.
My first question is if anyone notices the similarity with the "war" for territories for the chosen people of today, is it very similar to the one in the Old Testament?
The second question: did they know about the existence of Satan in the Old Testament period and when did Jesus tell them that "You have the father of lies as your father"?
I mean, they could make the difference with whom they had contact at that time?
And the third question, why do the Jews say that their God is not ours?
Even in the Old Testament the Lord is quoted saying he will make enemies a footstool rather than new testament Lord saying love your enemies. How Is this the same unchanging Lord God who tells us to love enemies while he goes footstooling the enemy? Seems hypocritical but I'm sure there's an explanation.Maybe scenario based as the deliverance from evil continues but I dunno
remind us Lord that you are unchanging and our perspective is limited
That's because the God of the Old Testament is Enlil. He is a Jealous and vengeful God that didn't want you to eat from the tree of knowledge. But the God of the New Testament is all loving. So, which one is it, because clearly the one in the Old Testament has done a lot of killing, but the one in the new testament speaks of love and enlightenment. These are two different Gods.
Read revelation
The bible is very consistent with the character of God throughout. People who propose that they like Jesus but not the OT God don't understand that Jesus IS God and that this window to become saved is God's greatest act of mercy. Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".
Actually the Old Testament covered thousands of yers of "it is what is it" interacting .with Jews. In the New Testament we have three years of Christ and maybe 50 years of things after his death. "It is what it is" did more "mean things" in the OT because he had a lot more time to do "mean things".
Even calling them mean I think is a misnomer. My sisters dog though my sister was being mean when she gave him a bath. If you ask her she wasn't mean.
Please make your stand and statement clearer. You are confusing.
Think if we were in the days before this window of mercy we would be stoned or destroyed by God for such sins we commit freely now. This shows the severity of his mercy now. The OT shows how serious Sin is to a holy God. Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy Father and sorry fir taking it for granted
How is being threatened with damnation if we don’t follow Him merciful?
Jesus is Lord. Jesus is King. True Christianity is the Truth. Pray to Him and Honor Mary. Have faith in Him. 2021 will be your year.
GOD:"disclaimer, I didn't assign this guy to explain of my doings"😂
Well explained thank you for wisdom
Makes ya think how much God has changed now.
Maybe he realizes that we were created to be able to be corrupted by sin, and that it isn’t our own fault when we sin.
We were made this way.
Seems weird to punish us for how he made us.
Either that or… maybe we need to realize he can’t control everything and isn’t perfect.
Maybe he can’t forgive us when we can forgive ourselves.
Maybe we are more forgiving than God.
If Jesus already paid for all of my sins, then… why would anyone be sent to hell? All of our sins are forgiven.
All of them. Unless they weren’t all forgiven.
Then. We were lied to.
Either way. We are either more understanding and forgiving than God, God can’t make perfect things and thus we cannot assume heaven will be perfect, or… God lied to us.
Just saying.
Seems silly to worry about a judgmental diety that created us to be corruptible and created a universe where sin could exist.
well see, if there was no choice to be against him, there would be no choice to he for Him, why would God want robots? so, God made an opportunity for man to take his own route, or God’s route.
He didn’t create us to be corruptible, He created us in the first place because He wanted living species to experience the greatness of His majesty, power and everything that is good. We were created to dwell in eternal paradise with Him, that’s what earth was originally for, but by committing sin, mankind had lost that right to stand before and dwell with God who is perfect, holy and maximally God, because that is what heaven is.
Hey guys i need some help understand something about old and new testaments can anyone help me ?
Old Testament was before Jesus. New Testament was after His birth.
Sorry folks, his answer is really weak. I am puzzled by all the people praising his weak answer. Also, Duh' we all know it's the same god.
God is cruel like generally all kings with absolute power are
I don't disagree with this man but like most they miss something important. The Old Testament covers over 2,000 years and the NT at most 100 years if we look at the time since Christ over 2,000 years they are no different then the previous era.
After listening to Aaron Abke's videos addressing on the same topic, John Piper's interpretation seems so different.
In otherwords you do NOT know why. Stop dancing around the question please be honest, just don't know.
He did answer, from what I understood, God didn't chage, but Jesus absorbed the wrath for the sinners, and hence what follows (the New Testament) seems nicer as there is way less wrath.
This is only my understanding of it.
It's strange that somehow you missed the answer. Did your audio fail?
@@1yoan3 that wrath will be back at the end... ouch
Which God ? God is not the creator's name and God was the Babylonian Deity of fortune Gâd pronounced the same as God
Strong's Hebrew Concordance H1409 - גָּד gâd, gawd; from (in the sense of distributing); fortune:-troop.
Acts 17:18 in Greek says Daimonions which means demons but our English Bibles of Acts 17:18 says gods
In the Book of Enoch 69:6, Satan's name is revealed as "Gadreel" and the short of that name would be "Gad" ... the letter "A," in Aramaic/Hebrew, is always pronounced "ahh" - so "Gad" is pronounced "God."
Even in Russian Gad is pronounced the same as God and in Russian Gad is reptile
Here is research on the god word
All that we know for certain is that the word God is a relatively new European invention, which was never used in any of the ancient Judaeo-Christian scripture manuscripts which were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek or Latin.
Amusingly, none of the prophets, sages and disciples who wrote down the various books of the Bible would recognize or understand this recently invented word God. Yet people fight over it.
The name “God” is one of many names of the Divine Creator. The word “God” does not appear in the original Hebrew or Greek manuscripts of the Bible, as this particular name came into being much later in human history. “God” is an old English word which developed from an Indo-European word, meaning “that which is invoked”-which is also the predecessor of the German word Gott and the Danish “Gud,” both meaning “God.” As such, the word is not an authentic name of our Creator.
All Christians profess belief in the Bible, it is as they claim "The Word of God". Curious however, the word "God" never appears in any of the original languages of the Bible. In the Hebrew (Ibriy) language which makes up the entirety of what many Christians refer to as the "Old Testament", the words El el, Elohiym elohiym, and Eloah eloah are used, and in the Greek and Aramaic text, what many Christians call the "New Testament", the words Ho Theos, or Ho Kurios are used.
@Derelict Rv
It's true that we don't have the original scriptures and I always wonder why they don't call the Jewish books Yehudian books because not many realize that the word Jew didn't exist until after 1774 and William Shakespeare called the Yehudians iewes in his writings and the letter J was invented in 1524 by a Italian man
There's a website that explains that the Bible we have now isn't the original and explains about verses that were forged and that don't appear in original Manuscripts and even the word God doesn't appear in original Manuscripts either it was forged by Yehudians scribes (Jewish scribes) because they don't want anyone knowing the creator's true name and even King james translators wanted to add the creator's name but they were facing persecution and even the Romans in Ancient days get mad when someone says the creator's name
They do say the Greek Septuagint is the oldest book but research shows that the Greek Septuagint is a hoax and the Greek Septuagint that is available now is actually a copy of one of the Catholic Church Bibles and there was never a original Greek Septuagint it contradicts many Bible translations
I been studying the sea scrolls and I learned about some Greek manuscripts being changed too even Chrestianos was changed to Christianos which is Christians because a scribe removed the E from Chrestianos and replaced it with the letter i and that's how Chrestianos became Christianos in the Greek Manuscripts and the oldest scriptures I know of is the Leningrad Codex this book cost over $1,000.00 and it is in Hebrew and it originally had the creator's name in it until scribes removed IEUE from it and replaced it with YHWH and YHVH names
There was a website called www.ieue.org it has lots of research and explains about scribes Changing things in scriptures plus the language the Jews speak is Aramaic and Strong's Hebrew Concordance confirms that the language is Chaldee Aramaic language and book of Daniel chapter 1:18 says about the language of the Chaldeans this is one of the original languages
I was listening to hebrew audios and its basically same messages for most part just the proper names
God is not the creator's name and the God word is not found in any original manuscripts
The Word Lord is Baal in Hebrew and Baal means Lord and Baalzebub means Lord of the Flies
The title "lord" is applied to all heathen deities, if the word "god" is notused for them. In most cases "lord" and "god" are used interchangeably for pagan idols.
There was an Etruscan house deity whose name was Lar, which signified "Lord.
Lar and Larth mean Lord. The letters "th" and "d" were virtuallyinterchangeably used, in various nations. It was also common to find "o" and "a" interchangeablyused in Old and Middle English. The word "Lord" can also be traced back to Loride, a surnamefor the Teutonic god Thor, and to Lordo, another deity.
Adonai comes from the Greek God called Adonis
Elohim is not the creator's name either Elohim was EL the Canaanite God they have his gold statue but the creator called himself AL and Aleim and Aleium before he gave his real name IEUE to Moshe
Amen I totally hear this I have been wondering if theybwere 2 diffrent God's for sometime but No it is jesus his righteous amd wrathful side against the severity of sin and now he is showing us PURE MERCY AND GIVING US A WIDOW OF MERCY AND GRACE TO COME HOME AND DONT FORGET THAT HE ON THE CROSS TOOK ALL THAT WRATH ON HIMSELF TO GIVE US THIS WINDOW OF MERCY. AMEN AND AMEN COME LORD JESUS
This makes sense
How is it okay for God to be wrathful, but if we do it, its a sin?
Romans 12:19
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
Heck, what about the NEW TESTAMENT?
Acts 5:1-10 GW
A man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold some property. They agreed to hold back some of the money ⌞they had pledged⌟ and turned only part of it over to the apostles. Peter asked, “Ananias, why did you let Satan fill you with the idea that you could deceive the Holy Spirit? You’ve held back some of the money you received for the land. While you had the land, it was your own. After it was sold, you could have done as you pleased with the money. So how could you do a thing like this? You didn’t lie to people but to God!” When Ananias heard Peter say this, he dropped dead. Everyone who heard about his death was terrified. Some young men got up, wrapped his body in a sheet, carried him outside, and buried him. About three hours later Ananias’ wife arrived. She didn’t know what had happened. So Peter asked her, “Tell me, did you sell the land for that price?” She answered, “Yes, that was the price.” Then Peter said to her, “How could you and your husband agree to test the Lord’s Spirit? Those who buried your husband are standing at the door, and they will carry you outside for burial.” Immediately, she dropped dead in front of Peter. When the young men came back, they found Sapphira dead. So they carried her outside and buried her next to her husband.
How refreshing to hear the TRUTH.
Good job sir.
LIE dressed as TRUTH!
Jesus willingly left his throne to become a servant because of his love for us. This is his deity being manifested to us. God robed in flesh. The Old Testament hadn’t yet revealed the fullness of God, Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament and revelation will be the fulfilment of the Old and New Testament.
Nowhere in the Bible Jesus said that he is God. This is a blasphemy.
What you say is blasphemy and sorry, is an ignorance of your own book. I AM In the context of the Bible is a pronoun of Almighty God.
In the book of exodus chapter 3 verse 14 you will find this "And God said unto Moses, aI Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you."
It's a the translation from original language that lead to the confusion. It's like if you translate Mrs Black as the color black not as a pronoun!
@@lumierdujour Colossians 2:9 = For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,
Firstly these are Paul sayings not Jesus sayings. Secondly the translation reflects the translator ideology (the church). The oneness with god is mentionned in the Bible to describe the aim of every believer this doesn't mean that every believer is God. Jesus say clearly that he has a God and that he worship God and that he by himself can do nothing! So he said clearly that he isn't God.
@@lumierdujourRevelation 1:7-8= “Look, he is coming with the clouds,”
and “every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him”;
and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”
So shall it be! Amen.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Quite simple actually...standards change and the people writing are different.
We see two sides of God. In the old testament he shows us his more JUST side and then in the new testament he shows us his more LOVING side. The events of the Bible are to teach us and prepare us for what's coming in the end times.
The old testement God is the same as the new testament. The confusion comes from the fact that. The Jews hid the "Book Of Enoch" from us. Because it talks about the coming of the messiah. The "Book Of Enoch" goes more into depth about why all the killings of the different tribes happened. It explains most of your questions you've always had. It was absolutely evil for the Jews to not include the "Book Of Enoch" into the bible.
What happened in The Book of Enoch?
@@lgtribuit5730 it was taken out of whats called the biblical canon, a canon is a foundation of all doctrine, and all Scripture regarded as truth and holy spirit inspired
@@lgtribuit5730 ive read the book of enoch, im not 100% on it, but it was found in the dead sea scrolls and ofc other places. but the most amazing fact and why i read it was because Jesus’ name “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” is written in it
@@lgtribuit5730 that name King of Kings and Lord of Lords is only found and written in enoch and revelation which is the most recent book. enoch was written in the old testament and is during genesis era, so, since that Name, King of Kings Lord of Lords is in enoch, and since enoch was written before revelation, it has truth in it since that name was recorded
What is just about murdering children for the sins of their fathers? I expected a good explanation or at least some excuses for the evil commited by the old testament god, instead he calls it justice. If evil is just in your religion I want no part in it.
But did the question get answered? Also that Jesus didn't come to judge... Confusing answer to most I'm sure. Jesus also said the world is judged already because they believe not in Him. Let me remind that Jesus said No Man had ever seen not heard the Father at any time. But that He, Jesus came to reveal Him to us and he said he did reveal to us the Father... If you've seen, heard me, you've seen heard the Father, If you don't believe my words, believe my works. Well, ALL the works Jesus did were Loving, he healed, he taught righteousness, he warned of basically having bad character traits, lying, stealing, harming, hypocritical etc..
The Father is LOVE.
Man's idea of God doesn't necessarily equal who God truly is, but rather mans ever evolving conscience understanding and mis representation of who God is... Remember NT says there is a veil still to this day over the understanding of the OT. Remember, Jesus rent the veil, making The Way to the Truth and The Light available through Him, He is The Word, LISTEN to HIM. HE shows us THE Father. The Truth, The Way, The Light and the Life. Drink His Blood (Holy Spirit) and eat his flesh (The Word)
Eat = Partake as in a familial way, personal dinner table as family would eat and share intimately together. Holy Spirit, Father, Son s beautiful description of who Our Creator is. We are the bride. The body. He is the groom. And the Two shall be One flesh. A great mystery. Spirit body & Physical body = One Flesh
The Kingdom of God is with IN YOU, Christ IN YOU
The wall of separation is torn down.
Just listen to Jesus, He knows the Father because he was with the Father and came out from the bosom of the Father, and came down from HEAVEN from the Father.
He knows him and if you know Jesus then you know the Father, that's what Jesus said.
Love the Lord God with all your heart &
Love one another as yourself
God is Good
Nothing Evil is in Him
The thoughts of man are wicked.
Not God. Ever!
Only Love.
Hope this helps someone. ❤️🙏
God rebukes who he loves, the Israelites were very rebellious but God always called them back to him. God never changes, men changed and kept rejecting him
What about John 1:18 saying no one but Jesus has seen the Father
Alright you obviously don’t have an answer so here it is. The god of Moses is not the God Jesus refers to.
I dont get it wwhy does the old testament exist if ita not inspired by god how can it be a preperation for the runup of the new testament how could god let a demon i think your reffering to a yahweh not trying to blaspheme but i dont know gather authors to write books in the first place god of moses but moses is in heaven isnt the old testament just god the father?
God is a loving Father. He sent His Son to save us from God's Judgment of Sin. You can see that God is Merciful when he was about to destroy the Israelites when Moises was on the mountain and Moses begged God to show mercy and God did. Although God showed Mercy. Moses gave people the choice after coming down from the mountain to those who still wanted to follow in the path of God. the Levites did and the other did not
Exodus 32:25-26 Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. 26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites rallied to him.
27 Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” 28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. 29 Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the Lord today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”
The OT is a clear testimony of God the Father displaying Love, Mercy, and Grace. He also shows Justice against Sin and Wickedness and people that openly go against God. these people clearly have seen God work miracles and was so detached from reality of God that they completely rejected God. The Father had to be harsh on them in because He is a keeper of promises. What did he promise Adam and Eve? the Messiah from the beginning. He had to keep the Israelis separate from every one else to protect His people and remove people who did not conform to the community. To set them apart from the rest of the world, and be more strict towards them to usher in the Christ, His Son.
My question is why doesn't God still carry out this wrath of the Old Testament when people especially in modern day America are even more wicked and vile than Sodom and Gomorrah, Egypt under the evil Pharaoh, and all the wicked kings of Israel and Judaeh combined!? Imagine the shock and awe people would have now with TV and internet if God got mad at a bunch of unrepentant sinners and decided to breath fire upon them!? Talk about the revival that would cause! People would be terrified not to repent and obey!
@poly cube that was all carried out in the cross. The moral law, judicial law and sacrifical law. That was the fulfilled when Christ took all that to the cross.
The real question is why were the people in the old testament so stubborn and stupid, time and time again they were shown miracles and time and time again the reverted back to their old ways
We do not embrace Christ to ‘escape the wrath’!
People that ask that, haven’t read the Bible.
the true nature of GOD is kindness forgiving loving after all look at the suffering JESUS CHRIST did for us washed away the sins of the world with his blood... JESUS IS OUR SAVIOUR
Because the Israelite priests needed to control the people for conquests.
As for the vikings or Norse, they were already inspired for battle. Those who die in battle dine with Odin. Even hel, the Norse goddess of the underworld seemed sweeter than yahweh.
Summary: religions can be instruments of war. Period
That's how it used to be. Now a days, they're used for money and influence, although they're losing that now too, rapidly.
Oh, and Islam is still being used for war.
There's no doubt differences in the Old & New Testaments. There were times God's instruction was to kill everyone. I don't see any of that in the New. What changes in the New Testament is Jesus died on the cross and satisfied the payment for sin. After Jesus's death, I see no anger in God.
Amen 🙏🏽
Well my theory, is he became human, aka Jesus. So because he was a human, he struggled like a human
He was a human body. So he could use his powers like he could in God form.
Ruthless and Brutal Gods.
.God was revealed to them in that way to bring about repentance?
.God took time to reveal a new better covenant thereafter in Jesus?
.stop looking back at bygone revelation.
.Be a good christian now, today.it's a better covenant.
.Think what people 2000 years from now will think of you Christian and how you lived your good faith in Jesus compared to non christian or other faiths.
.In 2000 years Christianity may have evolved even further to better things.
.will other faiths, I wonder what people 2000 years from now will think of Islam and how it has reacted since it started.
.I would choose Christian faith.
The battles were the tainted bloodline of the Nephilim
Amen 🙏
He is reading Revelation incorrectly.
In quran same god explaining stories. And read you will find god not changed but you guys get deviated from truth.
Because in the new testament jesus was born
Now… is the God of the Old Testament…the same God that’s in the new….
Cuz I’ll tell you right now… the one who incited evil, approved and took credit for murder rape and cannibalism… isn’t the same one
so…. Hmm….
I started to read the Bible once starting at the beginning… after the fourth book I was basically horrified… and refused to think anything other than what I thought…
but then…. The God I know found me… and the God I know…… is not the same God of the old testament and never was...
and never would be….
It’s all so much deeper than most think… deeper than most can imagine….
But here I looked up a lil something to help support what I mean…
cuz if you really think about it… can you tell me whole heartedly that you think that the God in the old is the same God that’s in the new….
There’s a reason there’s no Christ in the old testament… because that is not a God of love….
The father the son and the Holy Spirit is the true God and the God I know… the trinity… a god of no beginning no end….
So who is it then in the Old Testament… cuz there is no son… and there is no Holy Spirit…..
Oh and not to say I don’t think God isn’t present in the old testament…. God is and always has been…Who else would the angels be representative of, who else would be there for David….
No God is there… but…
And creation… well…. They were both… there…
You think an insect who mates then eats the head off is… um… from idk the light? Or poisonous plants… disease and blight?…
it’s complex and deep… and there is so so so much more to the story….
The Bible… never to be an end all be all….
It is but a fraction…. And touched by man so fallible…
But I mean if you wanna get deep and I mean really really really deep.. then…. You could say they are the same… but most people aren’t ready for that… not the obvious… obviously… but not ready to see the actual truth in Good and evil…. because with that comes some truths that most people can’t actually fathom or wrap their minds around… and go against everything they believe… and some peoples beliefs are their very identity…
Cuz there is nothing holy about Murdering the innocent, rape, and smashing babies on rocks… I don’t care what anyone says….
… I mean the God I love is still a God of wrath, and vengeance…most definitely…most definitely… but NOT evil….
And um 💥 yup…. Now it really checks out… ha… damn… it would be Leviticus too… that’s almost funny… okay…
I just checked on somethin an… yeah…
I’d think twice about whatever the old testament tells you is “law…” or “against God” cuz… that ain’t even God… so… I mean… idk I’d think hard on that… 🙏
I mean really… I’d put it in the perspective that that’s what evil wants me to believe…
Ya know the one who’s cool with smashing babies on rocks…
And what does evil do… it perverts… it twits… and it doesn’t want you seeking or finding the truth…
Thru ANYTHING…. And it Especially doesn’t want you to understand the LANGUAGE of God…
I’m not mocking God, but he was very harsh and supposedly God does not change back then people that did wrong was turned into salt supposedly people when they died went to hell before Jesus died on the cross and let’s not forget the most important one and yes, it was a betbetween God and Satan on Job life