Nice, do you prefer Marta over isabella? I personally have a lot of fun playing as Marie, if I maintain a good range I love her different thrusts. There's one where she drops down low and reaches high up, it's so fun to land. However, I've been trying to learn Isabella, cause she has such a varied moveset. I played as Marta a bit, but I found her thrusts had less power than Marie somehow? What are some of Martas advantages? Idk, I just wanna know what your thoughts are! And please keep uploading Hellish Quart vids!
Jacques thanks for your comments😄 I think Marta's strength is that she is stronger than any other swordsman at attacking while falling back Conversely, her weakness is that she often loses when her opponents do the same while falling back This is my personal opinion😅
Nice, do you prefer Marta over isabella? I personally have a lot of fun playing as Marie, if I maintain a good range I love her different thrusts. There's one where she drops down low and reaches high up, it's so fun to land. However, I've been trying to learn Isabella, cause she has such a varied moveset. I played as Marta a bit, but I found her thrusts had less power than Marie somehow? What are some of Martas advantages? Idk, I just wanna know what your thoughts are! And please keep uploading Hellish Quart vids!
Jacques thanks for your comments😄
I think Marta's strength is that she is stronger than any other swordsman at attacking while falling back
Conversely, her weakness is that she often loses when her opponents do the same while falling back
This is my personal opinion😅