The bike is very good looking and proportionate. But QJ motor should understand some points. 1) India is a price sensitive market. Why would I purchase a 250cc 17hp bike if RE Hunter is 350cc, cheaper and makes more power and torque. 2) yes, there are some people who would like a more efficient alternative to RE hunter or classic, but those people will also find it difficult to purchase less powerful bike for more price. 3) major reason for this bike being more expensive is that it is a twin cylinder bike. But you will find it diff to justify the price. 4) same bike will sell in much much larger number if you improve on cost, and give a 220-250cc single cylinder engine Making 20hp 20nm
The bike is very good looking and proportionate. But QJ motor should understand some points.
1) India is a price sensitive market. Why would I purchase a 250cc 17hp bike if RE Hunter is 350cc, cheaper and makes more power and torque.
2) yes, there are some people who would like a more efficient alternative to RE hunter or classic, but those people will also find it difficult to purchase less powerful bike for more price.
3) major reason for this bike being more expensive is that it is a twin cylinder bike. But you will find it diff to justify the price.
4) same bike will sell in much much larger number if you improve on cost, and give a 220-250cc single cylinder engine Making 20hp 20nm
very good bike. with more service centres and some good marketing. qj motors looks promising
Very beautiful bike
Not available for test ride in Nasik.. dealer don't recommend this model
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