Chanting Ishwarkrishna Sankhyakarika Arya Meter ईश्वरकृष्ण सांख्यकारिका पाठ आर्या छंद Rajani Pradhan

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ธ.ค. 2024

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    Chanting of Ishwarkrishna’s Sankhyakarikas in Arya Meter ।
    आर्या छंद में ईश्वरकृष्णस्य सांख्यकारिकाओं का पाठ डॉ रजनी प्रधान ।
    About this video:
    Chanting: ॥ Īśvarakṛṣṇa’s Sāṅkhyakārikā ॥
    पाठ: ईश्वरकृष्णस्य सांख्यकारिका ।
    Recited by: Dr Rajani Pradhan
    Studio Courtesy: Lambodara Studio, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
    Instagram: @rajanipradhanyoga
    Or click:
    For complete text of Īśvarakṛṣṇasya Sāṅkhyakārikā ॥ please join the telegram channel:
    This channel is created to share the text files for the benefit of those who would like to have the text while listening / chanting the Ślokas of Śrīmadbhagavadgītā and other texts. You will also be able to know about the courses that Dr Rajani Pradhan conducts on various aspects of Yoga / Indian Culture. And other relevant information will be shared on this group. Your identity will not be revealed to anybody in the group and you are free to leave the group any time you like.
    About Īśvarakṛṣṇa’s Sāṅkhyakārikās:
    Īśvarakṛṣṇa composed 72 Saṅkhya-Kārikās. Saṅkhya-Kārikās are the oldest available text on Saṅkhya-Darśana. Sāṅkhyakārikās are composed in the meter ‘Āryā’. The definition of the meter ‘Āryā’ is:
    यस्याः पादे प्रथमे द्वादश मात्रास्तथा त्रितेयेऽपि ।
    अष्टादश द्वितीये पञ्चदश चतुर्थके साऽर्या ।।
    Yasyaḥ pāde prathame dvādaśa mātrāstatha tritīye’pi ।
    Aṣṭādaśa dvitīye pañcadśa caturthake sā’ryā ।।
    That meter, which has twelve mātrās in its first and third Pādas (quarters), eighteen mātrās in second Pāda and fifteen mātrās in the fourth Pāda is called Āryā.
    Given below are some of the examples of Āryā meter:
    दुःखत्रयाभिघाताज् जिज्ञासा तदपघातके हेतौ ।
    ऽ ऽ । ऽ । ऽ ऽ, ऽ ऽ ऽ ।।। ऽ। ऽ ऽ ऽ
    12, - 18
    दृष्टे सापार्था चेन् नैकान्तात्यन्ततोऽभावात् ॥ १॥
    ऽ ऽ ऽ ऽ ऽ ऽ, ऽ ऽ ऽ ऽ । ऽ ऽ ऽ
    12, - 15
    दृष्टवदानुश्रविकः स ह्यविशुद्धि क्षयातिशययुक्तः ।
    ऽ ।।ऽ ऽ । ।ऽ, ऽ । । ऽ ऽ ।ऽ । । । ऽ ऽ
    12, - 18
    तद्विपरीतः श्रेयान् व्यक्ताव्यक्तज्ञविज्ञानात् ॥ २॥
    ऽ । ।ऽऽ ऽ ऽ, ऽ ऽ ऽ ऽ ।ऽ ऽ ऽ
    12, - 15

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