I've sung this version for years. I sang it this afternoon - over Zoom. It was requested by one of the other participants. I was the only other person who knew it! I love it.
This is called Cranbrook after the west gallery tune it's based on. We sing it in the pub along with many other While Shepherds including Pentonville, Old Foster and Lyngham. Your's is a cracking rendition! Thankyou for posting.
This is one of the livelier tunes for it (and yes, LYNGHAM would be a good one, too). WINCHESTER OLD has got to be one of the least lively. Thanks for a fun listen!
Brilliant version, I have only ever heard and sang this version once, and that was when I was a kid in the Gospel Hall in Hampshire Avenue Slough, it is the Ilkley Moor Bar Tat version.
Cranbrook is the name of a hymn tune written by Canterbury, Kent cobbler Thomas Clark around 1805, and later used as a tune for the Christmas hymn "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks". The tune later became associated with the Yorkshire song " On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at ".
Wish I had been there!
Do it for Yorkshire!!!!!
I've sung this version for years. I sang it this afternoon - over Zoom. It was requested by one of the other participants. I was the only other person who knew it! I love it.
Thanks to everyone for such positive comments. I’m glad you like it, especially at this time of year.
This is called Cranbrook after the west gallery tune it's based on. We sing it in the pub along with many other While Shepherds including Pentonville, Old Foster and Lyngham. Your's is a cracking rendition! Thankyou for posting.
Thank you for your nice comment David!
I've been singing choir for years but I only knew the Old Winchester tune- this was a lovely surprise.
+MrOnionterror Try it to Lyngham as well!
Billy Joel
The West Gallery Music Association know of more than 300 tunes to which it has been sung.
On Ilkely moor baht'at!
This is one of the livelier tunes for it (and yes, LYNGHAM would be a good one, too). WINCHESTER OLD has got to be one of the least lively. Thanks for a fun listen!
Brilliant version, I have only ever heard and sang this version once, and that was when I was a kid in the Gospel Hall in Hampshire Avenue Slough, it is the Ilkley Moor Bar Tat version.
Thanks for this! As someone born in Yorkshire I was looking for it so I could share it with the choir I sing with here in Australia. Merry Christmas!
Hope you like this - a unique recording.
The tune is called Cranbrook,
Cranbrook is the name of a hymn tune written by Canterbury, Kent cobbler Thomas Clark around 1805, and later used as a tune for the Christmas hymn "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks". The tune later became associated with the Yorkshire song " On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at ".
I live there
We sing a completely different tune in Cornwall known as Lyngham.
Cranbrook is a special tune
On Ilkla Moor B’aht At!
BAD to quick
Do you mean it's too quick? If so, it's not. It's exactly the right speed.