“The Curse of Ham”, father of Canaan - a book by David Goldenberg. Amen 🙏 (Amenemhat III) Transparency to Transmute. Simeon called “Niger”. This is deeply rooted.
"Regarding Genesis 9:20-27, where Noah drank too much wine, and Ham, his son, saw him naked and uncovered: Some churches and Christians believe and teach that Noah cursed Ham and his son because Ham committed a homosexual act with Noah, while Noah was drunk from the wine. Others believe that Ham had sexual relations with his mother, while Noah was drunk from the wine, and this is why Canaan and Ham were cursed. And still others believe that Ham impregnated his mother, while Noah was drunk from the wine, who later gave birth to Canaan. These same churches use Leviticus as “evidence” for their beliefs. Question asked by Timothy, for a sister in Christ: Lord, are these teachings correct? Thus says The Lord: Beloved one, hear and understand that which I have spoken through Timothy already. And be very careful that you do not deny My Word, nor add to, nor take away from it. For I am The Lord, and I do not change. And if I do not change, then I shall surely correct and discipline My own; even to the rebuking of all these churches of men, who do always speak in My name without permission, willfully forgetting that no prophecy of Scripture is to be interpreted by an individual on his own. For no prophecy or Scripture has ever come about by the power of man’s will. Rather those chosen were given ears to hear My voice, and by the power of My spirit, according to My will, they shared My message.[1] Therefore here is truth and wisdom concerning these blasphemies, of which you have accepted: In the days of Noah there was much violence and great perversion upon the face of the earth, and so the wrath of God came upon all the inhabitants of the earth in those days. And none were saved except those counted worthy to escape, those who had walked uprightly before Me, obeying My every word. These, having hearts which were right and good, were spared. Yet I tell you, if even one of these eight souls were not of a right heart, they would have by no means entered the ark. For all appointed to wrath received of wrath and were consumed. Yet these eight lived not as the multitude, but stood apart, choosing rather to trust in My voice and obey My commands, and it was accounted to them as righteousness. So then by no means did these of Noah’s household commit that which is a disgrace to their parents and to themselves, committing that which is altogether worthy of death. Beloved, you see with tainted eyes, through a veil of purple and scarlet; Remove this veil, and see with new eyes and restored vision; Discern rightly and look upon My words as they are, And not as you or the churches would have them be... For My Word is pure, and I am indeed A shield to those who put their trust in Me. Therefore do not add to My words, lest I rebuke you and you be found a liar, as it is written.[2] For only I may add to My Word, yea, an unveiling of the Word’s majesty, both subtle and brilliant, that you may have greater understanding. I alone shall take what man has made crooked, and set it straight once again. For I tell you the truth, the translations of men are greatly erred, which leads to an even greater misinterpretation of My Word by the churches of men, who seek not the Truth as it is but long for that which is malleable, embracing only that which yields to their own perverse desires and expectations. Beloved, hear and understand, and grow wise according to this wisdom I have given you, and no more listen to the churches of men. Be wary of their scholars, and stop your ears from hearing the arrogant speeches of all these men in authority; be wary and vigilant. For they hold tightly to singleness of doctrine, teaching always that which is built upon the corrupt knowledge and vain understanding of men, men who refuse to let go of that which was passed down to them by their forefathers, by which they also remain blind, doctrines and traditions I hate! For they hold onto judgment, seeking always to expose the darkness in men, though they themselves continue to embrace every contemptuous word and deed, perverting My Word and polluting My name before many witnesses. Thus the day is coming and is already here, when all they have wrought in My name shall be tried, it shall surely be tested, and found wanting, declares The Lord. Beloved, you lack knowledge and have no understanding; you know not the will of The Most High God. Therefore I will speak plainly, that you may discern your error and repent: There is no mention of a forbidden sexual act, nor the “uncovering of one’s nakedness” as it is ambiguously referred to in certain translations of men. Rather Ham saw his father naked, and then told his brothers, as it is written.[3] Thus Noah’s anger was not aroused because of an act worthy of death, but on account of shame. And it was I, by Noah, who cursed Canaan, the father of the Canaanites, according to that which was yet to be. For that which was spoken through Noah was according to prophecy, which later came to be written and was also fulfilled. I AM THE LORD. Therefore again I say to you, Even to all who call of themselves Christian, Stop adding to and taking away from My Word[4], To uphold your own perverse way!... Says The Lord." trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=Mistranslation_and_Misinterpretation_Leading_to_Great_Obscurity_among_Many_Faces
The keyword in the Canaanite issues is the pronoun "he" and not "they" Noah was not upset with the children of canaan, who would become great nations. But with Ham and pronounced Canaan would be a servant. In essence, Noah was upset with Ham disrespect and proclaimed a form of father-son correction.
I’m reading the comments and I’m feeling better. I want Gods love so bad so to feel like my people were cursed for something we didn’t have anything to do with hurt. This video has given some clarity.
@@jeanellreynolds7291 All humanity was cursed at the garden of eden. Therefore, All humanity stands in need of a savior. So what is the argument one tries to impose on another because of their skin color or their lineage. Ridiculous!
Scripture plainly teaches Canaan was cursed. Descendants of Canaan were not African nations. People of the Levant region of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria descended from Canaan. Ancient descendants of Canaan were the Philistines, Amorites, Hittites, Jebusites, Hivites, Perizzites, and Girgashites. Mizraim, Cush, and Phut were progenitors of black African nations and also were sons of Ham. Mizraim was father of Egypt, Cush father of Ethiopia, and Phut father of Libya. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canaan_(son_of_Ham) The curse of Canaan is Israel conquest over Palestine.
Noah was an Adamic human - pure Atlantean, of the main lineage of Adam and Eve, blue eyes, initially situated in the Caucasus. He was not of Cain's lineage, mongoloid eyes, situated in the Asian Far East. Nor did he mix with prehistoric homo sapiens with the brownish phenotype. Noah was already a righteous man before God before the flood and was not unrighteous in the curse he uttered against Canaan. Noah did not curse Can. Canaan, his grandson, was the one who really got him drunk, surreptitiously, cup after cup, while he was already fed up listening to his tedious pre-Flood biblical stories. After being alarmed at the drinking state in which grandfather had become, Canaan left his grandfather's tent and ran to call his father, Can. Can is the archangel Gabriel (Satan / Nephi / Rafa / Khan / Leviathan). The rest of the story appears in the biblical account. Canaan, of Caucasoid phenotype/ethnicity, is the ascendant of the short, short, and pygmy angelic individuals in all of their ethnic crosses. Cush, ie, the Cushites in turn, were cursed by God for the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah when they were still of the Caucasoid phenotype/ethnicity. They became Negroid (black in color). Cush is the ascendant of the Negroid peoples of South Asia, Oceania, Australia and Africa. From their inter-ethnic crosses result the brownish angelic peoples (Ethiopians, Koisans, Berbers, Indians, Indians, etc…).
This man sound like a thinking man who has no hate and prejudice against any people. I believe he is true to his heart. However, The scholars, theologians etc over the centuries were Europeans and racists. No Where in Genesis does it say Ham or anyone else committed sin? God imputed no iniquity to any in the episode not even to Noah for getting drunk. God who has the final say and knows the hearts is silent in Genesis 9 except for his blessing of Noah and his sons. It is Jsphetites that have made this an issue in the earth, allowing Satan to use them, falsely thinking like God has some special love for them above other people, they must know that God respect no people above another. Check out his dealings with israel his chosen natural nation, how he dealt with them when they provkved him to anger. It must ve known God deals with no one by skin colour. It is all dust of earth. But man's heart and his works are are noted by him. Japhetites of Noah's eldest son who was given the least of the three brothers and was not chosen to replace Canaan, their jealousy is mainly of the richness of Africa given to three of Ham. Plus not being chosen to replace Canaan after Satan's attack through Noah who was powerless because he awoke from a drunken stupor. It is not a sin to see someone naked, ade it can be accidental, but it is a sin to uncover someone's nakedness, two different things. Uncovering nakedness is not in this epidode, just a father who got drunk and was naked in his tent. The account is very clear, Noah drank wine in excess and got drunk, he was uncovered in his tent. HAM saw him, should have covered him but told his brothers outside went backwards and covered. The text does not say Ham did anything else apart from telling his brothers. Shem and Japheth came in backwards and covered Noah. Why did HAM not cover his father ? HAM is described twice as the Father of Canaan. HAM was not the eldest but was Noah’s leading son being the father of the one with the special land. He told his brothers because maybe he expected them to cover his father when he was the one to do it. But no body in the eipdode was aware of Satan's presence. The incident was set up by Satan to attack Cannaan to whose land the Messiah would come. It was an attempt to prevent the Messiah. Notice how HAM and his other sons are not mentioned by name, Canaan was Satan's target. Noah was the one to protect the young child or baby Canaan and would have protected him but was in a vulnerable position awaking from a drunken state. " be not drink with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit. The curse shows Noah lost self control in anger against HAM but attacked the innocent Canaan with a curse. Why not Mizraim, Cush or Phut? Canaan was the one who was given God's special land. The curse was not of God. God Does not operate like that, he is not a man who drinks in excess and gets drunk and wakes not knowing how to deal with a situation that confronts him. Noah was not in the Spirit, for the scripture says "bless and curse not" yet fathers had the power to curse. Noah uttered the curse first therefore the curse stood on Canaan, his blessings coming after and were null and void. One cannot bless and curse at the same place James 3:5-12 akjv. He was supposed to first bless Shem and Japhet for covering him but then curse would have been null and void. Satan's aim was the special land to corrupt the people and prevent the Messiah. God said nothing to anyone in this incident, except to Abram in chapter twelvw in whom he had an inheriter of Canaan’s land. Abram was about the BLESSING not about any curse, and the blessing is for all families, Canaan included and is established in scripture. GOD did not approve a curse on Canaan and said nothing else to Noah thereafter, but spoke with Abraham about the blessing. In spite of the curse God proceeded with his plans among the Canaanites for that was his chosen land. He raised up his special priest among the Canaanites even though they would eventually lose the land. No one knew Melchizedek was in Canaan's land among the Canaanites until Abraham met him. He was better than Abraham, he blessed Abraham. Hebrews declared, 7:7 " without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better" it is Melchizedek King of Salem and priest of the Most High God that the Priesthood of Christ is patterned after and not the levitical priesthood of which is Aaron and Levi which, a temporary priesthood. The levitical priesthood is long abolished with a new covenant in place. The Priesthood of Christ after the order of Melchizedek is currently in eternal effect. The Canaanites were worshippers, but the curse made them perverse and vile in their WORSHIP. They did not WORSHIP the true and living God but other gods. That's what a curse does. Because of their vileness and perverse worship, God asked Israel not to marry the Canaanites. But Canaan himself was of no offence to God. If the text is studied carefully he was very young when the curse was pronounced. Noah had not long left the ark and no children entered the ark. We don't know if any were born in the ark. Noah's words are repeated nowhere in scripture, showing God was not in agreement. "For In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" God gave Israel and Israel only, instructions concerning the Canaanites. He said nothing to the family of Japheth concerning them. The curse was fulfilled since in the time of Joshua, after four generations, when Israel took the land though literal warefare with God’s help driving Canaanites from the land, yet not all. So, Africans not being the Canaanites, coming under attack in the Roman religion of Christianity through false theologies using Genesis 9:20-27, after Christ coming and after the decline of the church, what some called the apostasy is of SATAN. After the apostasy was the arrival of Rome's universal Church, the Catholic Church wit it own priesthood of priests that were forbidden to marry. Rome's Church practiced the erection of false images and pic of God, his son, and other Bible persons. Rome's Church by extention Christianity endorsed Europe's false theory of racism based on skin colour and nationality with three three different types of blood in mankind, superior, inferior, and most inferior blood, with Asians inferior and African most inferior. In scripture a descendant of Shem was chosen to take Canaan's land after the curse. So please understand the false theology behind the ungodly theory using Genesis 9:20-27. Only Japhetites agree with that theology, they created it. And understand why racism exists in Christianity in this dispensation of the grace of God. And why hate and destruction has been targeted at Africans who are not Canaanites. Christianity is the religion of the White man and of SATAN; it is the world's major religion and the religion of the BEAST to be revealed. Not all that preach Christ are of Christ. It is not written in scripture where Mizraim, Cush and Phut are guilty of evil against the children of Japheth. It is partly l jealousy and covetousness over the rich lands given to Mizraim, Cush and Phut. Japhetites have been Most wicked in the earth, especially against the children of their younger brother, Ham, not so much the children of Shem that are inferior in blood to Japhetites in opposition to Acts 17:24-31 akjv. Yet, Many Japhetites profess to know God and his Son Jesus Christ yet practising racism. But Israel that inherited Canaan's was unfaithful to God and rebellious. Only 144000 of them are sealed. God PURPOSELY BLINDED Israel as a nation from knowing the Messiah and they are currently in blindness until the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached throughout the world, until the FULNESS OF THE GENTILES. Yet the gospel was first preach by Israel, for God said the word of the Lords shall go forth from Jerusalem. Israel is currently not funtioning, no priesthood, no TABANACLE being trodden down of the heathen/gentiles. God has left them to do their own thing until he returns to them and open their blinded eyes, giving them a second chance to receive their Messiah/Saviour. The racist Roman religion of Christianity arising around the fourth century, as Rome's universal Catholic church, with its 'white' false images, has the world in a hateful mess, focusing on outward appearance, in opposition to the nature of God that looks on the hearts of men, yet preaches the name of Christ and the love of God as a religion of light, but it is Satan's major religion in the earth. A religion with a dark, wicked, evil history against humanity. And things get worse in the Earth by and by. The Lord knoweth them that are his, " Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity"
No commentary on what Canaan did to deserve such a curse in the rift place?
It was Canaan's descendants and not Ham's descendants. Ham had other children
10,000 years?
“The Curse of Ham”, father of Canaan - a book by David Goldenberg.
Amen 🙏
(Amenemhat III)
Transparency to Transmute. Simeon called “Niger”. This is deeply rooted.
"Regarding Genesis 9:20-27, where Noah drank too much wine, and Ham, his son, saw him naked and uncovered: Some churches and Christians believe and teach that Noah cursed Ham and his son because Ham committed a homosexual act with Noah, while Noah was drunk from the wine. Others believe that Ham had sexual relations with his mother, while Noah was drunk from the wine, and this is why Canaan and Ham were cursed. And still others believe that Ham impregnated his mother, while Noah was drunk from the wine, who later gave birth to Canaan. These same churches use Leviticus as “evidence” for their beliefs.
Question asked by Timothy, for a sister in Christ: Lord, are these teachings correct?
Thus says The Lord: Beloved one, hear and understand that which I have spoken through Timothy already. And be very careful that you do not deny My Word, nor add to, nor take away from it. For I am The Lord, and I do not change. And if I do not change, then I shall surely correct and discipline My own; even to the rebuking of all these churches of men, who do always speak in My name without permission, willfully forgetting that no prophecy of Scripture is to be interpreted by an individual on his own. For no prophecy or Scripture has ever come about by the power of man’s will. Rather those chosen were given ears to hear My voice, and by the power of My spirit, according to My will, they shared My message.[1]
Therefore here is truth and wisdom concerning these blasphemies, of which you have accepted: In the days of Noah there was much violence and great perversion upon the face of the earth, and so the wrath of God came upon all the inhabitants of the earth in those days. And none were saved except those counted worthy to escape, those who had walked uprightly before Me, obeying My every word. These, having hearts which were right and good, were spared.
Yet I tell you, if even one of these eight souls were not of a right heart, they would have by no means entered the ark. For all appointed to wrath received of wrath and were consumed. Yet these eight lived not as the multitude, but stood apart, choosing rather to trust in My voice and obey My commands, and it was accounted to them as righteousness. So then by no means did these of Noah’s household commit that which is a disgrace to their parents and to themselves, committing that which is altogether worthy of death.
Beloved, you see with tainted eyes, through a veil of purple and scarlet;
Remove this veil, and see with new eyes and restored vision;
Discern rightly and look upon My words as they are,
And not as you or the churches would have them be...
For My Word is pure, and I am indeed
A shield to those who put their trust in Me.
Therefore do not add to My words, lest I rebuke you and you be found a liar, as it is written.[2] For only I may add to My Word, yea, an unveiling of the Word’s majesty, both subtle and brilliant, that you may have greater understanding. I alone shall take what man has made crooked, and set it straight once again. For I tell you the truth, the translations of men are greatly erred, which leads to an even greater misinterpretation of My Word by the churches of men, who seek not the Truth as it is but long for that which is malleable, embracing only that which yields to their own perverse desires and expectations.
Beloved, hear and understand, and grow wise according to this wisdom I have given you, and no more listen to the churches of men. Be wary of their scholars, and stop your ears from hearing the arrogant speeches of all these men in authority; be wary and vigilant. For they hold tightly to singleness of doctrine, teaching always that which is built upon the corrupt knowledge and vain understanding of men, men who refuse to let go of that which was passed down to them by their forefathers, by which they also remain blind, doctrines and traditions I hate! For they hold onto judgment, seeking always to expose the darkness in men, though they themselves continue to embrace every contemptuous word and deed, perverting My Word and polluting My name before many witnesses. Thus the day is coming and is already here, when all they have wrought in My name shall be tried, it shall surely be tested, and found wanting, declares The Lord.
Beloved, you lack knowledge and have no understanding; you know not the will of The Most High God. Therefore I will speak plainly, that you may discern your error and repent: There is no mention of a forbidden sexual act, nor the “uncovering of one’s nakedness” as it is ambiguously referred to in certain translations of men. Rather Ham saw his father naked, and then told his brothers, as it is written.[3] Thus Noah’s anger was not aroused because of an act worthy of death, but on account of shame. And it was I, by Noah, who cursed Canaan, the father of the Canaanites, according to that which was yet to be. For that which was spoken through Noah was according to prophecy, which later came to be written and was also fulfilled. I AM THE LORD.
Therefore again I say to you,
Even to all who call of themselves Christian,
Stop adding to and taking away from My Word[4],
To uphold your own perverse way!...
Says The Lord."
The keyword in the Canaanite issues is the pronoun "he" and not "they" Noah was not upset with the children of canaan, who would become great nations. But with Ham and pronounced Canaan would be a servant. In essence, Noah was upset with Ham disrespect and proclaimed a form of father-son correction.
I’m reading the comments and I’m feeling better. I want Gods love so bad so to feel like my people were cursed for something we didn’t have anything to do with hurt. This video has given some clarity.
@@jeanellreynolds7291 All humanity was cursed at the garden of eden. Therefore, All humanity stands in need of a savior. So what is the argument one tries to impose on another because of their skin color or their lineage. Ridiculous!
@@jamesdykes1829 🙌🏽🙌🏽
Ham sinned with his Mom, so Cannaan is a product of that sin. Noah was upset and cursed Cannaan.
Scripture plainly teaches Canaan was cursed. Descendants of Canaan were not African nations. People of the Levant region of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria descended from Canaan.
Ancient descendants of Canaan were the Philistines, Amorites, Hittites, Jebusites, Hivites, Perizzites, and Girgashites.
Mizraim, Cush, and Phut were progenitors of black African nations and also were sons of Ham.
Mizraim was father of Egypt, Cush father of Ethiopia, and Phut father of Libya.
The curse of Canaan is Israel conquest over Palestine.
Noah was an Adamic human - pure Atlantean, of the main lineage of Adam and Eve, blue eyes, initially situated in the Caucasus. He was not of Cain's lineage, mongoloid eyes, situated in the Asian Far East. Nor did he mix with prehistoric homo sapiens with the brownish phenotype. Noah was already a righteous man before God before the flood and was not unrighteous in the curse he uttered against Canaan. Noah did not curse Can. Canaan, his grandson, was the one who really got him drunk, surreptitiously, cup after cup, while he was already fed up listening to his tedious pre-Flood biblical stories. After being alarmed at the drinking state in which grandfather had become, Canaan left his grandfather's tent and ran to call his father, Can. Can is the archangel Gabriel (Satan / Nephi / Rafa / Khan / Leviathan). The rest of the story appears in the biblical account. Canaan, of Caucasoid phenotype/ethnicity, is the ascendant of the short, short, and pygmy angelic individuals in all of their ethnic crosses. Cush, ie, the Cushites in turn, were cursed by God for the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah when they were still of the Caucasoid phenotype/ethnicity. They became Negroid (black in color). Cush is the ascendant of the Negroid peoples of South Asia, Oceania, Australia and Africa. From their inter-ethnic crosses result the brownish angelic peoples (Ethiopians, Koisans, Berbers, Indians, Indians, etc…).
So it is your contention,
were the first people to inhabited earth❓🤔💭
This man sound like a thinking man who has no hate and prejudice against any people. I believe he is true to his heart.
However, The scholars, theologians etc over the centuries were Europeans and racists. No Where in Genesis does it say Ham or anyone else committed sin?
God imputed no iniquity to any in the episode not even to Noah for getting drunk. God who has the final say and knows the hearts is silent in Genesis 9 except for his blessing of Noah and his sons. It is Jsphetites that have made this an issue in the earth, allowing Satan to use them, falsely thinking like God has some special love for them above other people, they must know that God respect no people above another. Check out his dealings with israel his chosen natural nation, how he dealt with them when they provkved him to anger. It must ve known God deals with no one by skin colour. It is all dust of earth. But man's heart and his works are are noted by him.
Japhetites of Noah's eldest son who was given the least of the three brothers and was not chosen to replace Canaan, their jealousy is mainly of the richness of Africa given to three of Ham. Plus not being chosen to replace Canaan after Satan's attack through Noah who was powerless because he awoke from a drunken stupor.
It is not a sin to see someone naked, ade it can be accidental, but it is a sin to uncover someone's nakedness, two different things. Uncovering nakedness is not in this epidode, just a father who got drunk and was naked in his tent.
The account is very clear, Noah drank wine in excess and got drunk, he was uncovered in his tent. HAM saw him, should have covered him but told his brothers outside went backwards and covered. The text does not say Ham did anything else apart from telling his brothers. Shem and Japheth came in backwards and covered Noah. Why did HAM not cover his father ? HAM is described twice as the Father of Canaan. HAM was not the eldest but was Noah’s leading son being the father of the one with the special land. He told his brothers because maybe he expected them to cover his father when he was the one to do it. But no body in the eipdode was aware of Satan's presence.
The incident was set up by Satan to attack Cannaan to whose land the Messiah would come. It was an attempt to prevent the Messiah. Notice how HAM and his other sons are not mentioned by name, Canaan was Satan's target.
Noah was the one to protect the young child or baby Canaan and would have protected him but was in a vulnerable position awaking from a drunken state. " be not drink with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit. The curse shows Noah lost self control in anger against HAM but attacked the innocent Canaan with a curse. Why not Mizraim, Cush or Phut? Canaan was the one who was given God's special land.
The curse was not of God. God Does not operate like that, he is not a man who drinks in excess and gets drunk and wakes not knowing how to deal with a situation that confronts him.
Noah was not in the Spirit, for the scripture says "bless and curse not" yet fathers had the power to curse.
Noah uttered the curse first therefore the curse stood on Canaan, his blessings coming after and were null and void. One cannot bless and curse at the same place James 3:5-12 akjv. He was supposed to first bless Shem and Japhet for covering him but then curse would have been null and void.
Satan's aim was the special land to corrupt the people and prevent the Messiah.
God said nothing to anyone in this incident, except to Abram in chapter twelvw in whom he had an inheriter of Canaan’s land. Abram was about the BLESSING not about any curse, and the blessing is for all families, Canaan included and is established in scripture. GOD did not approve a curse on Canaan and said nothing else to Noah thereafter, but spoke with Abraham about the blessing.
In spite of the curse God proceeded with his plans among the Canaanites for that was his chosen land. He raised up his special priest among the Canaanites even though they would eventually lose the land.
No one knew Melchizedek was in Canaan's land among the Canaanites until Abraham met him. He was better than Abraham, he blessed Abraham. Hebrews declared, 7:7 " without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better" it is Melchizedek King of Salem and priest of the Most High God that the Priesthood of Christ is patterned after and not the levitical priesthood of which is Aaron and Levi which, a temporary priesthood. The levitical priesthood is long abolished with a new covenant in place.
The Priesthood of Christ after the order of Melchizedek is currently in eternal effect.
The Canaanites were worshippers, but the curse made them perverse and vile in their WORSHIP. They did not WORSHIP the true and living God but other gods. That's what a curse does.
Because of their vileness and perverse worship, God asked Israel not to marry the Canaanites. But Canaan himself was of no offence to God. If the text is studied carefully he was very young when the curse was pronounced. Noah had not long left the ark and no children entered the ark. We don't know if any were born in the ark.
Noah's words are repeated nowhere in scripture, showing God was not in agreement. "For In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established"
God gave Israel and Israel only, instructions concerning the Canaanites. He said nothing to the family of Japheth concerning them. The curse was fulfilled since in the time of Joshua, after four generations, when Israel took the land though literal warefare with God’s help driving Canaanites from the land, yet not all.
So, Africans not being the Canaanites, coming under attack in the Roman religion of Christianity through false theologies using Genesis 9:20-27, after Christ coming and after the decline of the church, what some called the apostasy is of SATAN.
After the apostasy was the arrival of Rome's universal Church, the Catholic Church wit it own priesthood of priests that were forbidden to marry.
Rome's Church practiced the erection of false images and pic of God, his son, and other Bible persons.
Rome's Church by extention Christianity endorsed Europe's false theory of racism based on skin colour and nationality with three three different types of blood in mankind, superior, inferior, and most inferior blood, with Asians inferior and African most inferior.
In scripture a descendant of Shem was chosen to take Canaan's land after the curse. So please understand the false theology behind the ungodly theory using Genesis 9:20-27. Only Japhetites agree with that theology, they created it.
And understand why racism exists in Christianity in this dispensation of the grace of God.
And why hate and destruction has been targeted at Africans who are not Canaanites.
Christianity is the religion of the White man and of SATAN; it is the world's major religion and the religion of the BEAST to be revealed. Not all that preach Christ are of Christ.
It is not written in scripture where Mizraim, Cush and Phut are guilty of evil against the children of Japheth. It is partly l jealousy and covetousness over the rich lands given to Mizraim, Cush and Phut.
Japhetites have been Most wicked in the earth, especially against the children of their younger brother, Ham, not so much the children of Shem that are inferior in blood to Japhetites in opposition to Acts 17:24-31 akjv.
Yet, Many Japhetites profess to know God and his Son Jesus Christ yet practising racism.
But Israel that inherited Canaan's was unfaithful to God and rebellious. Only 144000 of them are sealed. God PURPOSELY BLINDED Israel as a nation from knowing the Messiah and they are currently in blindness until the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached throughout the world, until the FULNESS OF THE GENTILES.
Yet the gospel was first preach by Israel, for God said the word of the Lords shall go forth from Jerusalem. Israel is currently not funtioning, no priesthood, no TABANACLE being trodden down of the heathen/gentiles. God has left them to do their own thing until he returns to them and open their blinded eyes, giving them a second chance to receive their Messiah/Saviour. The racist Roman religion of Christianity arising around the fourth century, as Rome's universal Catholic church, with its 'white' false images, has the world in a hateful mess, focusing on outward appearance, in opposition to the nature of God that looks on the hearts of men, yet preaches the name of Christ and the love of God as a religion of light, but it is Satan's major religion in the earth. A religion with a dark, wicked, evil history against humanity.
And things get worse in the Earth by and by.
The Lord knoweth them that are his, " Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity"