Good job obviously people are going to criticize you and call you names and be mean but that’s not evidence against you those are just emotions. No disrespect to unbelievers God bless you guys.
No, if you’ve been shown how stupid the beliefs are and you continue to lie about it, then you’re the problem. And you deserve all the mocking and ridicule you get
9:30 Years ago I was part of a fish farm. They have found (or they breed special fish) that they are happy with feeding the fish meatless from the start. But if they ever ate meat/fish once in their life (due to famine, e.g. not being fed enough) they could only eat meat from then on.
@@nathancook2852 You clearly lack basic biology instruction. No, evolution of both sorts occurs over generations PLURAL, not inside a single generation. I'd use the term adaptation but I know would confuse you even more.
And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark.(KJV) So God was in the ark with them. And the best part is...... Nothing is impossible with God.
after the flood, how did the animal spread across the earth? I just wondering, after the ark landed, let say at somewhere in middle east, how did the large animal go to American Continent? and... Australia....
It is a good question considering our curre3nt globe but UK used to be connected to Europe and an entire continent sized land mass went beneath the waters SE of Indochina within recorded history. Evolutionary scientists insist upon land bridges in many locations at various points in time. Sooo ... land bridges & sore feet? I do feel sorry for poor little Roo.
@@davidfisher5140Assume the animals disembarked in what is now Turkey, why did for example the kangaroos end up in Australia, without any kangaroo in the land mass between Turkey and Australia. Same for penguins. Why did they walk the entire way back to Antarctica and not simply to the North Pole? Well, how did they get that far anyway?
@@JanKluiver If u knew anything about historical geography, current geography, marine archaeology or biology, you would not ask. Australia was connected by land bridge to mainland Asia. A great civ is beneath the ocean in Polynesia area. Historical records remain indicating this but ot took a long while before archeology caught up. The same for UK BTW. Also ice bridges linked many areas during some periods. Why move? Well, if a lion though my buttlooked tasty, I'd move too! Sometimes ppl move to get resources or to flee trouble. Several humans have hiked the world's longest road from South Africa to Vladivostok in just 1 year. How long would it take a faster land mammal unencumbered by a backpack and firemaking?
@@davidfisher5140 Again, those land bridges were there LONG before your supposed flood. Also, how would the arctic creatures survive until they got to their climate region?
The answer to your question, "Could 8 people really care for all the animals on the Ark" is simply no. Estimates vary from 30,000 down to as few as 6,000 animals, either way a huge number of animals to care for, all requiring different habitats, food and feeding regimes. As an interesting aside, the lower the number of animals estimated creates a very interesting conundrum. For example if only 6000 animals were on the ark, then in order for all the different varieties we see today, which is only some 6000 years later, there must have been evolution taking place at a phenomenal rate. This is in direct conflict with the belief many Christians have that evolution does not exist. I would be interested to hear an explanation as to how Christians believe these variations did occur in such a short time period.
Jesus said "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8. A warning for later generations that faith, the belief in something you can't see and at times don't understand, will falter. Evolution has no real scientific basis if you study it in detail, and I'm sure you have seen this. The mixing of animals, breeding, among a single "kind" can give you huge variations without evolution. Look at the English bulldog and it's history. Over a period of only a couple hundred years, dogs that didn't look anything like the English bulldog bred until the English bulldog was born. A product of the mix of the DNA of a single kind, the dog. As the dogs are a kind, two English bulldogs can now breed producing more of the same. This is true for birds, reptiles, etc. Those that exist today are only the ones that could continue to breed. The DNA mixes within a kind that were born that couldn't reproduce died off a long time ago. Think about it with an open mind. Ponder it and you will see that these types of variations among a kind are legit and logical.
Firstly evolution most certainly does have a scientific base whereas the belief in the supernatural does not. Selective breeding as in dogs is a form of evolution, albeit guided evolution to promote certain desired characteristics. Of course this process also produces unwanted characteristics as well and the bulldog you mention would probably not survive in the wild because of issues around its bite. In addition many popular breeds have a lowered resistance to disease and other defects such as joint problems. So it is unlikely that many of the breeds we see today would have survived if they had occured naturally. It is also true that once you cease selective breeding offspring of mixed breeds quickly lose their breed characteristics. @@glennkrieger
@@glennkrieger You can only get genetic variation within a population if you actually have a population to begin with. A single breeding pair of animals has no genetic variation. You can't account for the diversity of life that we see today if you start with each 'kind' of animal beginning with a single breeding pair.
God healed my foot in less than a minute from an ailment which didn’t heal for months. All I said, was in the name of Jesus, I pronounce you healed and it was healed. God is real. He loves you and wants to have relationship with you. He wants you to seek him diligently. I was once like you, a denier of God. I used to mock his existence yet at the same time, I’d wonder if he was or if there were gods. I could never be atheistic since my family and I had seen a demon like entity years prior. We don’t take drugs nor do we have mental diseases. Its eyes were flickering in and out. They were red. Its body was plasma like, moving like a flame yet it was black and translucent. It opened our house door, walked in and then disappeared. Hallucinations don’t open doors that have the top and bottom lock locked. Thus for years, even though I doubted God’s existence, I never crossed it off the table. I was and still am in love with physics and sought the answers to reality there. Learning about general relativity, quantum mechanics and so many other concepts yet something was missing. What created all of this wasn’t so clear. I was 99% against the idea of God and sought for the wisdom which was tangible. I didn’t worry myself deeply with wondering who or what made our universe since when I had tried to rationalise it, I realised that I couldn’t say whether it was just unconscious processes, God or gods that created it. Yet a part of me never stopped wondering about it or about what is after this life. I believed that there was no afterlife. That we just live and die. When people died, I didn’t cry since I rationalized that it was bound to happen and now they are nothingness for all eternity. I’d miss them but I wouldn’t cry since logically there was nothing I could do to change the outcome thus the outcome was concrete whether I liked it or not. Yet at night, part of me still wondered what that demon entity was so I’d say little prayers to say if you’re real, show yourself. I tried being rigorous so I ensured I wasn’t biased and read into different religions to try and make sense of what my family and I witnessed. This year was one of my darkest times in life. My mental state was no bueno so I started seeking more for the answers to life. I started reading deeply into the bible and saw that the things in it seemed most true out of all the religions. I remember my foot had an ailment and I tried to remedy it but nothing worked. So one day, I said in the name of Jesus, I pronounced you healed. I watched in disbelief as my ailment remedied itself on the spot. I was astonished. My mouth widened in shock. What kind of power is this? It was of supernatural origin. I tried to rationalise it but could find no natural explanation. That’s the day I stopped doubting in God’s existence. I realised that God is real and he’s coming again soon to make the earth brand new. If he’s real, then there is a heaven. An afterlife as he promised. I realised that my loved ones who believed in Christ weren’t crazy, deluded or lunatics. He’s real and he wants to have relationship with you. I am still growing in my relationship with God. It’s not easy to give up sin. The more I learn to be Godlike, the more I disdain sin. Lust becomes disgusting. Lust is the murder of a person’s personage. They become an object to the beholder. The person behind the body becomes secondary and the body is primary. This is not what God intends. God wants us to love. God loves me who still lust. His love is unconditional. He wants me to give it up so that I can love more purely. I also want to give it up and have made strives in doing so. My lustfulness has decreased since following God. 1st Corinthians 4-7: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I’m not perfect that’s why God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. God is love but he is also just. In heaven, there is a legal code according to the scriptures. This is how the devil gained dominion over earth. He convinced Adam and Eve to become their own gods. This is how he wages war against God. He does it legally. God could erase Satan but if he erases him prematurely, then it’ll seem that God is unjust to the rest of the angels who can’t read minds and hearts like God can. God sees Satan is evil but the other angels can’t see the extent of Satan’s depraved mind. The bible says that Satan was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him. It tells us that Satan became proud of his beauty and talent and sought to become his own god. Thus he started to make up his own rules and rebelled against God. The bible says that God will return after the mark of the beast crisis which is a moment in time when Satan is allowed to act out some of his most sinister agendas. This will show everyone that Satan is a lying manipulating psychopath who wants anarchy. Satan believes that we should all be able to govern ourselves. That we should all become gods and look at where that has led us. War and strife continually. Everyone making up their own moral code and enacting it the way they wish. Justifying their behaviours by saying I can make my own rules. Chaos is derived from this. Jesus came to die for our sins since the death of an innocent person who is apart of the Godhead would legally free us from the contract our foreparents made with Satan. Jesus payed for our sins so that our slate can be wiped clean. We’ve all sinned yet God loves us. He had to die since his law is just and never changes. Thus he paid our bail to save us. He cannot change his law since it is the moral code and a just judge doesn’t waive the penalty. Yet his love was so great that he died so that we may live. Since he didn’t sin, he had legal rights to resurrect and all who accept the bail and strive to become better can also have legal rights to eternal life. Eternal life was our human right till we gave it away and broke the moral law. God has granted us it back again. I still struggle with sins yet I pray to God to give me victory over sin. I’ve become a better person since following Christ. I know that you’ll be on the fence reading this but give God a try. He’s real and demons are real. God bless you🙏🏾.
There are so many things wrong with the story of Noah, the biggest problem is knowing where to start with a critique. Your points are absolutely correct and illustrate some of the nonsense. I do find it fascinating the lengths some, so called "scientists", and believers go to in order to try and convince others of its truth. The Ark project is a perfect example. Rather than prove the story it actually clearly demonstrates the folly and as such it is no more than a massive monument to mans stupidity.
A goat kid matures to breeding age by 6months. Most animals even if taken as babies would mature over the year that the ark floated and be ready to multiply when the ark opened. It’s an interesting point.
Ah, but that maturation would require the animals have more space on the ark at the end of the trip than the beginning. Boom, you just busted up their entire argument!
Well how do you know that? Either you are trolling or are ignoring the propagation of numerous stories of a flood spread throughout multiple civilizations around the world.
@@derekr6096 Flood stories are common, it was an early boogeyman trope. Floods were a real threat and wiped out villages without warning. So yes, there were lots of flood stories. As for whether this 'global flood that wiped out every living thing on land' happened, yes, it factually and objectively did not happen. We know it did not happen because every civilization up and running at the time, like Egypt, Sumeria, China, and a few others, showed no sign of disruption from such an event. Not only that we see no such disruption in biology. And no sign of such an event in the geology of this planet. Also, we are missing an enormous amount of water if it happened. This story is a reworking of the older story, the Epic of Gilgamesh. That's all it is.
@@derekr6096 how we know it never happened? Well let's see.... Geology, biology, physics, chemistry, paleontology, genetics, geography, archeology and so on and so on.....
God healed my foot in less than a minute from an ailment which didn’t heal for months. All I said, was in the name of Jesus, I pronounce you healed and it was healed. God is real. He loves you and wants to have relationship with you. He wants you to seek him diligently. I was once like you, a denier of God. I used to mock his existence yet at the same time, I’d wonder if he was or if there were gods. I could never be atheistic since my family and I had seen a demon like entity years prior. We don’t take drugs nor do we have mental diseases. Its eyes were flickering in and out. They were red. Its body was plasma like, moving like a flame yet it was black and translucent. It opened our house door, walked in and then disappeared. Hallucinations don’t open doors that have the top and bottom lock locked. Thus for years, even though I doubted God’s existence, I never crossed it off the table. I was and still am in love with physics and sought the answers to reality there. Learning about general relativity, quantum mechanics and so many other concepts yet something was missing. What created all of this wasn’t so clear. I was 99% against the idea of God and sought for the wisdom which was tangible. I didn’t worry myself deeply with wondering who or what made our universe since when I had tried to rationalise it, I realised that I couldn’t say whether it was just unconscious processes, God or gods that created it. Yet a part of me never stopped wondering about it or about what is after this life. I believed that there was no afterlife. That we just live and die. When people died, I didn’t cry since I rationalized that it was bound to happen and now they are nothingness for all eternity. I’d miss them but I wouldn’t cry since logically there was nothing I could do to change the outcome thus the outcome was concrete whether I liked it or not. Yet at night, part of me still wondered what that demon entity was so I’d say little prayers to say if you’re real, show yourself. I tried being rigorous so I ensured I wasn’t biased and read into different religions to try and make sense of what my family and I witnessed. This year was one of my darkest times in life. My mental state was no bueno so I started seeking more for the answers to life. I started reading deeply into the bible and saw that the things in it seemed most true out of all the religions. I remember my foot had an ailment and I tried to remedy it but nothing worked. So one day, I said in the name of Jesus, I pronounced you healed. I watched in disbelief as my ailment remedied itself on the spot. I was astonished. My mouth widened in shock. What kind of power is this? It was of supernatural origin. I tried to rationalise it but could find no natural explanation. That’s the day I stopped doubting in God’s existence. I realised that God is real and he’s coming again soon to make the earth brand new. If he’s real, then there is a heaven. An afterlife as he promised. I realised that my loved ones who believed in Christ weren’t crazy, deluded or lunatics. He’s real and he wants to have relationship with you. I am still growing in my relationship with God. It’s not easy to give up sin. The more I learn to be Godlike, the more I disdain sin. Lust becomes disgusting. Lust is the murder of a person’s personage. They become an object to the beholder. The person behind the body becomes secondary and the body is primary. This is not what God intends. God wants us to love. God loves me who still lust. His love is unconditional. He wants me to give it up so that I can love more purely. I also want to give it up and have made strives in doing so. My lustfulness has decreased since following God. 1st Corinthians 4-7: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I’m not perfect that’s why God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. God is love but he is also just. In heaven, there is a legal code according to the scriptures. This is how the devil gained dominion over earth. He convinced Adam and Eve to become their own gods. This is how he wages war against God. He does it legally. God could erase Satan but if he erases him prematurely, then it’ll seem that God is unjust to the rest of the angels who can’t read minds and hearts like God can. God sees Satan is evil but the other angels can’t see the extent of Satan’s depraved mind. The bible says that Satan was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him. It tells us that Satan became proud of his beauty and talent and sought to become his own god. Thus he started to make up his own rules and rebelled against God. The bible says that God will return after the mark of the beast crisis which is a moment in time when Satan is allowed to act out some of his most sinister agendas. This will show everyone that Satan is a lying manipulating psychopath who wants anarchy. Satan believes that we should all be able to govern ourselves. That we should all become gods and look at where that has led us. War and strife continually. Everyone making up their own moral code and enacting it the way they wish. Justifying their behaviours by saying I can make my own rules. Chaos is derived from this. Jesus came to die for our sins since the death of an innocent person who is apart of the Godhead would legally free us from the contract our foreparents made with Satan. Jesus payed for our sins so that our slate can be wiped clean. We’ve all sinned yet God loves us. He had to die since his law is just and never changes. Thus he paid our bail to save us. He cannot change his law since it is the moral code and a just judge doesn’t waive the penalty. Yet his love was so great that he died so that we may live. Since he didn’t sin, he had legal rights to resurrect and all who accept the bail and strive to become better can also have legal rights to eternal life. Eternal life was our human right till we gave it away and broke the moral law. God has granted us it back again. I still struggle with sins yet I pray to God to give me victory over sin. I’ve become a better person since following Christ. I know that you’ll be on the fence reading this but give God a try. He’s real and demons are real. God bless you🙏🏾.
The idea that God, who planned the ark, had it built and stocked with animals, would not have known how much food his creatures would need is like saying, yes, we know God could have made the earth in six days, but how could He have known which animals would be compatible with each other.
@@razark9THAT’S JUST IT! Modernists need complete evidence and proof to understand something and cannot think outside the box despite believing in the theory of evolution which has plenty of holes in it, for one there has been NO discovery of a creature partway through evolution, only complete creatures. Imagine trying with your limited human intellect to understand something that is all powerful and created us to love Him. Seriously we wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for Our Heavenly Father. Please repent and seek the truth, I pray for your conversion.
This is like a grown up Harry Potter..... You know it's not real, but you believe with all your heart that it is.... Best line ever, "If you're willing to keep an open mind...."
The very idea that a God who created the entire universe and all life can't take care of a few animals on a boat with the help of a few people for a couple of months is lunacy.
@@spazzabilly Again...... If God did indeed make the entire universe then God adding a little food to a boat even during a voyage would be child's play..... This dilemma does not exist if God exists.
@@GSpotter63 then there's no point even having an ark. God can just save the animals he wants to. The very idea that anyone believes this fairy tale is lunacy.
@@spazzabilly Perhaps God wanted to teach us all a few lessons and/or provide a supply of fossil fuels ??? The very idea that you could possibly know the mind of God is lunacy.....
@@GSpotter63 If he can create the entire universe why wouldn't he just make fossil fuels? He seems to have a very convoluted way of going about things. I think God might be the lunatic.
Can some one explain where the salt water fish were stored? If the flood waters were from the rain how did the salt water fish survive? Also how did Noah collect the animals that were on different continents and islands?
@@inquisitive_stranger actually youbcan have both. Being that i live near the Mississippi delta we learn how where freshwater meets saltwater its called brackish water. Where many fish of either can survive. There are some fish that require a higher salt rate than others. How do those fish know how to survive? The same way humans try to move from areas the oxygen my not be suffecient to breath. People in the mountains breath a thinner air, Arizona a dryer air, louisiana a heavier humid air and wisconsion a cold air. Its hard for any of us to move to the other but we adapt.
Also, if everything fit just perfectly at the beginning of the trip, which you say was a year long, all those organisms are going to be maturing over the course of that year. They would need more room at the end of the trip than the end of the trip. Where did that extra room come from? Did they build an addition mid-flood?
Such great info. I often wonder if Good made animals homemade? Like it was shown in movie Noah? Granted, it's great you explain the situation where they did not but all is possible to God .
While the research is good. It makes our brains come up with many other questions. It certainly leads us to predict what may be found in the ark when it is dug up. However, I will not be surprised if we are awestruck by a completely unknown methodology. What we learn here is Noha was not just making the ark, but was also finding the right kind of pottery and food material in the right condition and quantity all brought to him at the right time and place to be loaded onto the ark, probably by those mockers who were soon to perish.
They also could have used an Archimedes screw to remove waste on Noah's ark. Archimedes was credited for this idea but with inspiration from God Noah could have made one or more of these devices. And he could've used animals to power it.The earliest use of the Archimedes screw is believed to have been during the Hellenistic period of ancient Egypt. Archimedes screws are used in waste treatment plants even today. They are used to pump raw wastewater and return activated sludge in treatment plants. The gap between the screw blades is wide enough to cut through solids without clogging. Archimedes screw pumps are popular because they are relatively easy to operate.
@@Bomtombadi1 Archimedes screw, machine for raising water, allegedly invented by the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes for removing water from the hold of a large ship. One form consists of a circular pipe enclosing a helix and inclined at an angle of about 45 degrees to the horizontal with its lower end dipped in the water; rotation of the device causes the water to rise in the pipe. Other forms consist of a helix revolving in a fixed cylinder or a helical tube wound around a shaft. Modern screw pumps, consisting of helices rotating in open inclined troughs, are effective for pumping sewage in wastewater treatment plants. The open troughs and the design of the screws permit the passage of debris without clogging.
Thousands? There's a little more than just thousands of animals that the magical ark would need. And one of the carers was a magical 600 year old man. No, they couldn't possibly gather all the animals, nor care for them nor build a magical wooden ship big enough to carry them all even with modern tools. This is all Peter pan imagination stuff.
Most animals on earth are bacteria and single celled organisms and the majority of life is aquatic. They also aren't counting individual species there counting kinds.
I like how your just taking God out of the equation like he couldn't just lead the animals there and keep them calm like with Daniel. I hope and pray you take time to read the bible and pray for yourself.
@@emoji1817 Ok, so god is the ad hoc solution, again? The band aid for a fairytale more fantastical than any other. There's no evidence for any god(s) either so just invoking him as a band aid doesn't really help at all. ''It's all Peter pan imagination stuff till you end up in hell'' Aha. I imagine the muslims or other religions believing in some sort of hell tell you the same thing. Hell is actually just a concept invented to manipulate you and appeal to your emotions rather than reason. Noah's ark falls apart at every level under the tiniest amount of scrutiny, it's 100% nonsensical from top to bottom and there's zero positive evidence for either the ark myth or your god, which is why you appeal to my emotions instead. What loving, benevolent and omnipotent god that can forgive absolutely anything (except disbelief) would condemn someone to eternal torture, simply for not believing in something there's absolutely no evidence for whatsoever?
@@emoji1817 P.S: Remember you'll be sharing supposed heaven with Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, most of the KKK, remorseless predatory scammers like Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland and many many other heartless monsters. They're all okay simply because they blindly believed what they were told supposedly. That's the only real criteria.
wasn't a better option, for an omnipotent being, to just kill whoever he wants, instead of killing everybody AND almost all of the animals? considering also that ok, the first couple of each animals are good, but their puppies are blood relatives (in reality, also the people on the ark, but it's another story)
"wasn't a better option, for an omnipotent being, to just kill whoever he wants, instead of killing everybody AND almost all of the animals?" Yes, it wasn't. An omnipotent being would simply cut to the chase; create a few billion souls and dump them in a sea of fire because that's where they are going to end up OR that's not an accurate representation and the story should not be extrapolated beyond its actual claims.
You're not taking into account the reason. It said every person's every thought was evil continually. It also describes some animals as being genetically altered.
Also the animals that got on the ark all bowed to Noah. Showing their obedience to God. The ones that didn't bow didn't board. Just as the people didn't Bow to the Lord our God didn't board. The good was so few that they all fit on the ark.
marsupials originated in south America so how did they get to Noah? it's believed that plate tectonics were triggered by "the great fountains of the deep burst forth" and that caused the continents that we have today so originally, it's believed even by science that there was 1 big super continent (Pangea).
@@marcusmuse4787 Meanwhile, in the real world, there was no global flood or Noah’s Ark. the genesis flood story is a fabricated story made up of two versions of Gilgermesh woven together.
Where did Noah get the bamboo for the Pandas and all the other very specific food only found in other countries? How did Noah maintain very specific weather and environmental necessities for all the animals? Hint: He couldn't as the ark story is impossible and just another mythical assertion form christian apologists.
the 1 minute to 1:20 mark is the perfect description of what you do to all scientific arguments that you don't agree with. Less than 3,000 animals on the ark - Ha, perfect example of what I just said. You don't believe in evolution, but > 7000 species (Sorry, "kinds") can somehow grow to millions of species (sorry "kinds") today in a couple thousand years. If the flyers didn't need room on the ark, then the flood didn't cover the entire earth...Yep, makes perfect sense...It would make more sense to bring young, almost fully grown adults, who were ready to procreate onto the ark, so they could you know, procreate after getting off the ark, and not have to survive multiple years before, you know, procreating...Mass isn't the concern, volume is...The ark is described in great detail in the Bible, don't you think they would have included the part about cages if there were cages on board (but even if they were, there are still too many problems for this to be a true story). How many tiny cages did they build for the insects and other small creatures you mention? Even if they are the only ones left roaming, them may end up in the cages of those that might eat them. You require evolution for your story to be true, but then reject evolution. Simply hysterical.
Have you seen the ark model? Enough cages enough storage and plenty of room for everything else. From 7000 > 1 mil species in a couple thousand years. That is the claim. Can you refute it? No lmao. Can you prove it came from evolution? NO! matter of fact there’s more evidence for creation theory than the evolution theory. So I base my judgement on which is more sound. Do more research with an open mind.
Start at the beginning of the series. Then take it and cross research it. The problem with mainstream people are they no longer research for themselves and are dependent on people telling them what they need to hear... like why would the goverment lie to us. They are here to take care of us... research for ypuraelf. Read the Bible for yourself. Fact check it and then watch how your studies confirm everything
@Humanbeing.whatelse Smart as in how? Being indoctrinated into believing that the Bible is 100% true? We're living in the 21st century CE ...not the 21st century BCE.
If God can have two of every kind, travel to the Ark, enter and stay for 40 days, he can have them Hibernate…. Where’s the problem. No matter how He did it, by faith, I believe He did it.
This is not true. It has been revealed the "archaeologist" was actually a male nurse and had no experience with archaeology. It has also been shown that the anomaly found on the mountain top was only a geographic and natural structure. It was not man made.
Did God protect Daniel in the lion's den? Did God protect Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego in the fiery furnace? Did God protect Jonah in the belly of the big fish? Do you believe? What we need to know about ourselves from God's Word and our only hope of being justified before God: [WHY WE HAVE NO HOPE IN OURSELVES: Mk. 7:20-23 And he (Jesus) said, That which comes out of the man, that defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things (sins) come from within, and defile the man.] [WHY WE NEED A SAVIOR: Rom. 3:10-28 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that does good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes. Now we know that what things so ever the law says, it says to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his (God's) sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ to all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Joh. 3:16 For God so loved the world (us), that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Joh. 14:6 Jesus said to him (us), I am the way (salvation), the truth (assurance), and the life (eternal): no man comes to (God) the Father, but by me (God the Son). Rom. 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:]
The Bible says that a righteous man cares for his beasts. God called Noah a righteous man in his time. God needed someone who would not only obey, but could also be trusted with the care of the animals. Why did he get drunk? Imagine spending 100 years building the ark. Then living in it for 1year plus, until God says it’s time to get out. All that work caring for the animals…. Finally getting a day off. Pretty traumatic events and he finally sat down with a beer. Yet we all assume he was a “drunk”. So maybe he wasn’t “a drunk”, he simply got drunk.
You keep assuming Noah was "low tech" I seem to recall Noah's world being described as so advanced that they defeated Gods idea of making agriculture hard work.
Maybe take a look at the scientific names for the various sorts of rhinoceros? THERE you will find your unicorn. I have never seen a horned horse, but I have seen horses that are quite horny.
@@spazzabilly Scripture is documented history and every claim that it makes which can be verified using the scientific method has been verified. Archeologists actually use the Bible as primary source material in understanding artifacts being unearthed in the Middle East today. Archeology is a field that specializes in both science AND history. That means people who reject scripture fit the category of observable science denying documented history deniers. Please accept observable science and documented history; declare Jesus as your Lord, believe in your hearty that God raised him from death and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
@@refuse2bdcvd324 None of this is true. Your "archeologists" are not actual archeologists, but rather apologists masquerading a archeologists. Much of the Bible has actually been proven inaccurate...
@@nathancook2852 all of it is true. Every ancient culture has a flood narrative and there is no ancient documentation that refutes the global flood. You said much of what is in the Bible has been proven false but you haven't given an example of anything that is false in the Bible.
In the beginning we invented gods for everything we did not understand. We had gods of thunder, gods of volcanos, even gods of the wind in the trees. After a little bit of evolution the idiots invented a new god to rule all gods and said we have no scientific evidence what so ever but these old gods are all fake but you must believe in this new one he is real he's just very shy.
I don’t care how they took care of the animals. What I want to know is how did the animals repopulate with only two alive for each? There’s a minimum to a population size in order to survive, and two is far lower than most all of those minimums. Same thing with the 8 humans you posit. It’s genetically impossible to repopulate with the numbers given.
Is it possible that on the day of creation only two was enough? Or were there too many of the same kind evolved to fill up the earth as we see it today? Thank God that he made them male and female and did not let one gender of one kind wait eternally for the other gender to show up.
"Could 8 People REALLY Care for ALL the Animals On the Ark?" Of course. There is no "could" for a thing that has already happened. If it seems impossible, perhaps your estimate of how many animals existed is too high.
8 people can easily care for over 6,000 animals with magic. " Kinds" means supercharged evolution can allow Siberian tigers to be descendants of a pair of house cats in less than 4,000 years. BTW where I live we occasionally hear of farmers being overcome by methane in hog confinement buildings. You are telling of 6,000 animals on a boat with one window.
Koalas are known for their diet of eucalyptus leaves. However, it is not clear what they ate before they started eating eucalyptus leaves. According to the Australian Koala Foundation, koalas eat mainly eucalyptus leaves (gum leaves) and occasionally they will eat the leaves from some other native Australian trees . The female koala will begin to prepare her offspring for a eucalyptus-based diet at around 6 months old.
Is a grove required for two of a kind? It seems a little too far fetched to claim that an animal would eat only from one tree. Imagine me telling you that evolution took care to bring forth an animal that would eat from only one tree that evolved millions of years before it. Or that Kolas are a special category that have no adaptation or evolutionary capabilities or capacities. I am sure the animal will indulge itself on different stuff, when provided with a wide variety of food but eucalyptus. It would have to evolve before it runs out of time to adapt to an alternate food. Maybe it has a built in capacity to do it without hoping for new organs.
It requires faith in something greater than us. Even if there are 10,000 different species, who created them? It all comes back full circle to a Devine being that created all things. God loves you, so have faith, believe and accept it. He’s son gave everything for you.
@@glorybound7599 don't u ever get tired of mangling facts to fit your narrative? It must be exhausting to constantly ignore reality. And, btw, it's called evolution- that's why there r a bazillion different species of fauna on this planet (u know, the one that's almost 4 billion years old). And, no, there is no possible way a handful of humans could get every animal on earth into an ancient boat, let alone care and feed them all. Give it up quixote
Hibernation can be extended to many species under the guidance of a biologist. An induced state of tranquility can slower metabolism. God knows how He did manage it because created D.N.A., with self-regulation capabilities, which is a much greater task. DNA codification is a language needing information to be produced by an Intelligent Creator, who possesses eternal life and is promising mankind a future life partnership existence. Today I choose to have faith in the evidence of God cares for mankind by becoming a man, Jesus Christ, who was resurrected after living a sinless life. His victory and Justice are offered to me by God's Mercy. To accept and remain in Christ, today until He comes, is my call. The Bible teaches us to be able to do it through The Holy Spirit abiding in us.
Lol god exists because you invent criteria for said god to exist, lazily link it to something which is known to exist, and then conclude god exists. Purely ontological. Second, loaded language does not your argument more convincing.
Noah's deluge was likely accompanied by a deep cold, so many of the animals on board hibernated for much of that time, not requiring much feeding and care. Also, only the specified number of each "kind" were taken onboard, but not every variety of each kind. In addition, it is likely that only the very young were taken, smaller than adults.
This study kept aside the possibility of hibernation and yet found it probable for them to survive. Maybe a graphics generated with help of AI fed with information from these guys, will help us visualise how it would have been in the ark.
"Likely" does not seem very biblical to me. It is more likely that Noah built a fleet of arks with sails and more than likely each ark had crews of hundreds and pretty likely that Admiral Noah ordered his fleet to disperse across the flat sea of the flat earth, and quite likely that there would have been even more kinds of animals except that several of the arks fell over the edge into intergalactic space, thus guaranteeing the populating of 144 other planets. It can all be inferred from a creative reading of the bible.
@@Jewonastick Exactly! But, think about it. It is even possible that the ark(s) had motors and wings and could fly, dropping off different animals at different spots across the planet.
The animals, imho, went into hibernation throughout the ark ride. The Bible doesn't say they hibernated, but the Bible doesn't say they DIDN'T hibernate. God told Noah to take food for the animals, but the animals would need food when they awoke and left the ark.
Mythical Noah wasn't a zoologist, vet, or biologist etc. so how did he know how to look after exotic animals needing very specific food, habitat and environments? The Noah flood and ark stories are comically false and impossible, having no verifiable scientific evidence at all. PS Your assertion of hybrnating is dismissed as it has no evidence.
Nobody has ever built wooden ships with a main body beyond 450ft in length . Even if you used trusses to brace the frame, the wood will twist. The sheer weight of the ark would have torn itself apart. Even with a slave army to help him, the technology to build an entirely wooden ship of this magnitude has never existed, never mind the era of Noah. The Ark Encounter is a stationary building on land with no movement stresses. But that thing on the water during a flood and it would break apart in minutes. So you can talk all you like about KINDS not being the same as species, and ignore the very specific dietary requirements of animals from across the globe, and you can fudge the figures all day about how 8 people populated the earth - but you cant ignore that a seagoing vessel the size of the ark, made only of wood is impossible thanks to the laws of physics.
Mortise and tenon planking: Greeks and Romans used this spectacular (almost unbelievable) solution to shearing between planks. The method goes back well before the fourteenth century before Christ, but then it disappeared for centuries until rediscovered conclusively by modern underwater archaeology. This lends credence to the records of Ark-sized wooden ships of antiquity. For example, Athenaeus discussed a large warship that was 427 feet (130 m) long! It was built by Ptolemy Philopater around 250-200 BC. It proved quite capable in war, no less. Then there was the Leontifera-based on the specification of eight tiers of oarsmen, it is estimated at about 393 feet (120 m) long.
Wait… there’s no mention in Genesis of what species are “needed” on the Ark. It simply says “two of every kind). It makes no distinction between species as opposed to kind. Even if it says two of every kind, even if this guy were to take two (male & female) of every Insect in the world that “biomass” would take up the entire Ark !! I really can’t fathom this “Genius” today would not be capable of appreciating just how many separate species of insects there are on this planet. There are estimated to be 1.3 Billion insects for every human on this planet !! That’s just One example of how far out in left field this christian apologists is. Look… this guy along with clergy, misguided “christian scientists” & apologists is selling a product they can’t even prove exists… supernaturalism !! And they use gaps in modern human knowledge as their avenue of approach. In other words, they’re preying upon human naïveté, gullibility & ignorance about the real world. And just like most businesses & corporations they’re usually selling HALF-TRUTHS & outright Lies to make a living. To get their hands on what little wealth you have of unproven & unprovable products like “life after death”, supermarket of deities & other pure nonsense.
I bet you cant explain this 7000 animals on ark at a super quick time to get food from storage walk to cage feed them just say you were Superman taking 2 minutes each to feed each animal which would be a 14000 minutes a day to feed all the animals and walk to all the cages all over the boat as you say it was huge thats 233 hours per day there was 8 of them so that means they were feeding animals and looking after the ones that need it they each would have to work 29 hours a day thats only at 2 mins a animal all that walking from storage to 3500 cages its impossible when would they sleep feed themselves clean all the muck up carve up all the meat for meat eaters, then one got to steer the boat your not doing your maths its not that hard to work out its just a fairytale for kids like santa clause and the tooth fairy any adult thats believes that story are brainwashed or delusional its just like if you believe the talking donkey in the bible the brain is a strange thing you can get it to believe anything if you try harder enough
First of all I think it's nonsense that you think that dinosaurs went on to the ark! And nowhere in the Bible does it say that adult animals were taken onto the ark it just says male and female of each species! The way I see it as far as feeding the animals, God created them it was his plan for this flood so I am sure that God took it upon himself to take care of those animals also! Why do we always have to keep dissecting the Bible? It doesn't need to be explained, it's God's written word and all we need to do is read it and live by it, not question it!
Your pseudo science is hilarious. Do you really think you can use fancy words and convince people that this is scientific? I guess you can, because people who believe that genesis is a history book, can be made to believe anything. There are so many crazy assumptions here, it’s, well, crazy!
@@Jewonastick you didn't say that but you did accuse people who believe in creation of being gullible. If you don't believe in the creation religion or the evolution religion then what else is there to believe? Even if you believe in other "gods" it's still creation just a different version
Suspension of disbelief. If you’re well spoken any absurd theory seems possible. I’m going to stick w it was a good flood story just as many other cultures possess. Great floods did occur and nobody is arguing against that. This explanation is simply silly
or magic created everything in the universe by random chance?? that's magic without a magician. Spontaneous generation has been debunked by scientific experiments and is no longer considered a valid theory among biologists.
even Darwin conceded it was impossible to imagine that this universe came about by Random chance and that this is the chief argument for the existence of God.
@@jockyoung4491 our minds never rest on questions, it is fine I guess to think over God's creation from all angles. Any science has ultimately told us about God's hand in all of His creation.
God's Holy Spirit has described the Genesis account of Noah as it actually occurred. Genesis was written by Moses. However, the Torah was destroyed by burning and rewritten from memory according to Ezra. In the early 1950’s, Elizabeth Greber, the wife of the now famous pastor Johannes Greber (the Author of "Communication With the Spirit World of God, It's Laws and Purpose”), related a moment when a Heavenly Spirit intervened during a Sunday School class at their church. Elizabeth had begun to tell the children of the story of Noah's Ark in the Bible and how God caused the whole planet to be flooded by rain, as the Bible says. BUT, before she could begin, a Heavenly Spirit showed up and told Elizabeth: "Why don't you tell the children what really happened." And here is what that high spirit of God said to her, which she began to relate to the children as the spirit spoke to her by clairaudience: "The earliest civilisation in Noah's day consisted only of about fifty thousand people on the planet. These people lived on a peninsula off the Arabian coast. The corruption of the people of that day had grown to such an extreme that there was no manner in which they could be brought back into good and moral existence. God determined that the people should be wiped out and replaced by spirits who could incarnate into Noah's lineage where they could be taught truth and moral standards in order to continue to develop good character in order to progress back to Heaven. Noah was told to move outside of town and to build a very large boat that could carry his family, his livestock and enough food for more than a year. Noah was given specific details of how to build that craft, including the exact size: that information which has been preserved in the Bible. It had to be built to withstand great pressure. He spent many years, during his spare time, building this very large craft. When it was done, he and his family began to live in this craft. Finally, after many years, God sent an angel and told Noah to bring in all the farm animals, for the next day would begin the end of civilisation as he knew it. God did not tell Noah to take two of every animal of the earth, but only his farm animals onto the Ark. The entire planet did not flood but only the peninsula the population of the earth at that time had inhabited. With only 50,000 people on the planet it was not necessary to destroy all the land, but only to clear off the corrupt generations of that time. He was to close the door behind his farm animals and all the food remaining for themselves, as well as food for all the farm animals. Just before mid-day a great sound was heard of a rushing wind of water, all which sound the same when it blows strong and the waves lash against other waves. A great tsunami wave of water from the ocean rose rapidly over the land and drowned all the corrupt people of that day except for Noah and his family, his farm animals and food and supplies, safe in the great boat. The peninsula off the Arabian coast had sunken completely, along with the total population of the earth at that time, about 50,000 people, who drowned in that tsunami. The coast is still under water to this day. The boat drifted upward with the wave and met dry land midway up the side of the Ararat mountain in Saudi Arabia. The wave receded and the Ark remained on that mountain side. Noah and his family lived in that boat, along with their animals on the lower decks, until the yards and pens and barns to house all his livestock could be rebuilt. It took more than a year to do this. Only after this did he begin to build his own house in the valley below. And when the house was done, he moved all his family and his livestock to that valley. The entire world did not flood, it was not a rain, but a large wave of water. There were only 50,000 people on the planet at that time. It was not two of every animal. It was only his extended family and livestock." And that is the true story of Noah and his ark / ship.
Thomas saw and still didn't believe. And Jesus said onto him, " blessed are those that didn't see and still believe." The animals were taken care of by the Divine hand
@wasntme7845 no ,no not every species only "kinds" with the capability of producing variants like we have today thats microevolution. evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period.
Noah was able to remove the cover of the ark to look and see if the ground was dry so that suggests another way to ventilate the ark Also, he made a window below the roof. The bible does say that the window was around 18 inches but that could just be length and not width.
Methane build up, on the other hand, is not a problem: it’s lighter than air, and the Ark has excellent ventilation up top. Stinky? Yes. Dangerous? No.
Scripture says the animals came and bowed. Three lions came. Two bowed ans one did not. The two that did chased off the one that didn't. The animals thag did were not genetically altered in anyway. Thus completely obedient to God and his will. 8 people didn't manage the animals. The Lord our God manged them.
Good job obviously people are going to criticize you and call you names and be mean but that’s not evidence against you those are just emotions. No disrespect to unbelievers God bless you guys.
No, if you’ve been shown how stupid the beliefs are and you continue to lie about it, then you’re the problem. And you deserve all the mocking and ridicule you get
Those 8 people had help you wouldn't understand if you were sweating for a life preserver
Years ago I was part of a fish farm. They have found (or they breed special fish) that they are happy with feeding the fish meatless from the start. But if they ever ate meat/fish once in their life (due to famine, e.g. not being fed enough) they could only eat meat from then on.
Not only that, but they also tolerate vastly differing salinity levels if you make gradual changes.
@@davidfisher5140 That is called... evolution.
@@nathancook2852 You clearly lack basic biology instruction.
No, evolution of both sorts occurs over generations PLURAL, not inside a single generation. I'd use the term adaptation but I know would confuse you even more.
You REALLY need to put the part number IN THE TITLE!
I love this series.❤❤❤
Me too
And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark.(KJV) So God was in the ark with them. And the best part is...... Nothing is impossible with God.
The Lord God of which you speak is merely a fiction.
Well done, thank you for this series! Maranatha!
You guys really help me with my Chanel on young earth thank you so much.😊
This channel is a blessing
after the flood, how did the animal spread across the earth?
I just wondering, after the ark landed, let say at somewhere in middle east, how did the large animal go to American Continent? and... Australia....
It is a good question considering our curre3nt globe but UK used to be connected to Europe and an entire continent sized land mass went beneath the waters SE of Indochina within recorded history.
Evolutionary scientists insist upon land bridges in many locations at various points in time.
Sooo ... land bridges & sore feet? I do feel sorry for poor little Roo.
@@davidfisher5140Assume the animals disembarked in what is now Turkey, why did for example the kangaroos end up in Australia, without any kangaroo in the land mass between Turkey and Australia. Same for penguins. Why did they walk the entire way back to Antarctica and not simply to the North Pole? Well, how did they get that far anyway?
@@JanKluiver If u knew anything about historical geography, current geography, marine archaeology or biology, you would not ask.
Australia was connected by land bridge to mainland Asia. A great civ is beneath the ocean in Polynesia area. Historical records remain indicating this but ot took a long while before archeology caught up.
The same for UK BTW.
Also ice bridges linked many areas during some periods.
Why move? Well, if a lion though my buttlooked tasty, I'd move too!
Sometimes ppl move to get resources or to flee trouble.
Several humans have hiked the world's longest road from South Africa to Vladivostok in just 1 year. How long would it take a faster land mammal unencumbered by a backpack and firemaking?
@@davidfisher5140 Those land bridges existed long before your supposed flood...
@@davidfisher5140 Again, those land bridges were there LONG before your supposed flood. Also, how would the arctic creatures survive until they got to their climate region?
It’s amazing the amount of skills, knowledge, ability and dedication was required to accomplish this task.
Interesting and thought-provoking. However, I found the "background music" quite loud. So I turned on the captioning and turned off the sound.
The answer to your question, "Could 8 people really care for all the animals on the Ark" is simply no. Estimates vary from 30,000 down to as few as 6,000 animals, either way a huge number of animals to care for, all requiring different habitats, food and feeding regimes. As an interesting aside, the lower the number of animals estimated creates a very interesting conundrum. For example if only 6000 animals were on the ark, then in order for all the different varieties we see today, which is only some 6000 years later, there must have been evolution taking place at a phenomenal rate. This is in direct conflict with the belief many Christians have that evolution does not exist. I would be interested to hear an explanation as to how Christians believe these variations did occur in such a short time period.
Jesus said "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8. A warning for later generations that faith, the belief in something you can't see and at times don't understand, will falter. Evolution has no real scientific basis if you study it in detail, and I'm sure you have seen this. The mixing of animals, breeding, among a single "kind" can give you huge variations without evolution. Look at the English bulldog and it's history. Over a period of only a couple hundred years, dogs that didn't look anything like the English bulldog bred until the English bulldog was born. A product of the mix of the DNA of a single kind, the dog. As the dogs are a kind, two English bulldogs can now breed producing more of the same. This is true for birds, reptiles, etc. Those that exist today are only the ones that could continue to breed. The DNA mixes within a kind that were born that couldn't reproduce died off a long time ago. Think about it with an open mind. Ponder it and you will see that these types of variations among a kind are legit and logical.
Firstly evolution most certainly does have a scientific base whereas the belief in the supernatural does not. Selective breeding as in dogs is a form of evolution, albeit guided evolution to promote certain desired characteristics. Of course this process also produces unwanted characteristics as well and the bulldog you mention would probably not survive in the wild because of issues around its bite. In addition many popular breeds have a lowered resistance to disease and other defects such as joint problems. So it is unlikely that many of the breeds we see today would have survived if they had occured naturally. It is also true that once you cease selective breeding offspring of mixed breeds quickly lose their breed characteristics. @@glennkrieger
@@glennkrieger You can only get genetic variation within a population if you actually have a population to begin with. A single breeding pair of animals has no genetic variation. You can't account for the diversity of life that we see today if you start with each 'kind' of animal beginning with a single breeding pair.
God healed my foot in less than a minute from an ailment which didn’t heal for months. All I said, was in the name of Jesus, I pronounce you healed and it was healed. God is real. He loves you and wants to have relationship with you. He wants you to seek him diligently. I was once like you, a denier of God. I used to mock his existence yet at the same time, I’d wonder if he was or if there were gods. I could never be atheistic since my family and I had seen a demon like entity years prior. We don’t take drugs nor do we have mental diseases. Its eyes were flickering in and out. They were red. Its body was plasma like, moving like a flame yet it was black and translucent. It opened our house door, walked in and then disappeared. Hallucinations don’t open doors that have the top and bottom lock locked. Thus for years, even though I doubted God’s existence, I never crossed it off the table. I was and still am in love with physics and sought the answers to reality there. Learning about general relativity, quantum mechanics and so many other concepts yet something was missing. What created all of this wasn’t so clear. I was 99% against the idea of God and sought for the wisdom which was tangible. I didn’t worry myself deeply with wondering who or what made our universe since when I had tried to rationalise it, I realised that I couldn’t say whether it was just unconscious processes, God or gods that created it. Yet a part of me never stopped wondering about it or about what is after this life. I believed that there was no afterlife. That we just live and die. When people died, I didn’t cry since I rationalized that it was bound to happen and now they are nothingness for all eternity. I’d miss them but I wouldn’t cry since logically there was nothing I could do to change the outcome thus the outcome was concrete whether I liked it or not. Yet at night, part of me still wondered what that demon entity was so I’d say little prayers to say if you’re real, show yourself. I tried being rigorous so I ensured I wasn’t biased and read into different religions to try and make sense of what my family and I witnessed. This year was one of my darkest times in life. My mental state was no bueno so I started seeking more for the answers to life. I started reading deeply into the bible and saw that the things in it seemed most true out of all the religions. I remember my foot had an ailment and I tried to remedy it but nothing worked. So one day, I said in the name of Jesus, I pronounced you healed. I watched in disbelief as my ailment remedied itself on the spot. I was astonished. My mouth widened in shock. What kind of power is this? It was of supernatural origin. I tried to rationalise it but could find no natural explanation. That’s the day I stopped doubting in God’s existence. I realised that God is real and he’s coming again soon to make the earth brand new. If he’s real, then there is a heaven. An afterlife as he promised. I realised that my loved ones who believed in Christ weren’t crazy, deluded or lunatics. He’s real and he wants to have relationship with you. I am still growing in my relationship with God. It’s not easy to give up sin. The more I learn to be Godlike, the more I disdain sin. Lust becomes disgusting. Lust is the murder of a person’s personage. They become an object to the beholder. The person behind the body becomes secondary and the body is primary. This is not what God intends. God wants us to love. God loves me who still lust. His love is unconditional. He wants me to give it up so that I can love more purely. I also want to give it up and have made strives in doing so. My lustfulness has decreased since following God.
1st Corinthians 4-7:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
I’m not perfect that’s why God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. God is love but he is also just. In heaven, there is a legal code according to the scriptures. This is how the devil gained dominion over earth. He convinced Adam and Eve to become their own gods. This is how he wages war against God. He does it legally. God could erase Satan but if he erases him prematurely, then it’ll seem that God is unjust to the rest of the angels who can’t read minds and hearts like God can. God sees Satan is evil but the other angels can’t see the extent of Satan’s depraved mind. The bible says that Satan was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him. It tells us that Satan became proud of his beauty and talent and sought to become his own god. Thus he started to make up his own rules and rebelled against God. The bible says that God will return after the mark of the beast crisis which is a moment in time when Satan is allowed to act out some of his most sinister agendas. This will show everyone that Satan is a lying manipulating psychopath who wants anarchy. Satan believes that we should all be able to govern ourselves. That we should all become gods and look at where that has led us. War and strife continually. Everyone making up their own moral code and enacting it the way they wish. Justifying their behaviours by saying I can make my own rules. Chaos is derived from this. Jesus came to die for our sins since the death of an innocent person who is apart of the Godhead would legally free us from the contract our foreparents made with Satan. Jesus payed for our sins so that our slate can be wiped clean. We’ve all sinned yet God loves us. He had to die since his law is just and never changes. Thus he paid our bail to save us. He cannot change his law since it is the moral code and a just judge doesn’t waive the penalty. Yet his love was so great that he died so that we may live. Since he didn’t sin, he had legal rights to resurrect and all who accept the bail and strive to become better can also have legal rights to eternal life. Eternal life was our human right till we gave it away and broke the moral law. God has granted us it back again. I still struggle with sins yet I pray to God to give me victory over sin. I’ve become a better person since following Christ. I know that you’ll be on the fence reading this but give God a try. He’s real and demons are real. God bless you🙏🏾.
There are so many things wrong with the story of Noah, the biggest problem is knowing where to start with a critique. Your points are absolutely correct and illustrate some of the nonsense. I do find it fascinating the lengths some, so called "scientists", and believers go to in order to try and convince others of its truth. The Ark project is a perfect example. Rather than prove the story it actually clearly demonstrates the folly and as such it is no more than a massive monument to mans stupidity.
Great series!!! 👍
A goat kid matures to breeding age by 6months. Most animals even if taken as babies would mature over the year that the ark floated and be ready to multiply when the ark opened. It’s an interesting point.
Ah, but that maturation would require the animals have more space on the ark at the end of the trip than the beginning. Boom, you just busted up their entire argument!
This is a theoretical question,the flood never happened and the ark wasn’t built
Well how do you know that?
Either you are trolling
or are ignoring the propagation of numerous stories of a flood spread throughout multiple civilizations around the world.
@@derekr6096 Flood stories are common, it was an early boogeyman trope. Floods were a real threat and wiped out villages without warning. So yes, there were lots of flood stories.
As for whether this 'global flood that wiped out every living thing on land' happened, yes, it factually and objectively did not happen. We know it did not happen because every civilization up and running at the time, like Egypt, Sumeria, China, and a few others, showed no sign of disruption from such an event. Not only that we see no such disruption in biology. And no sign of such an event in the geology of this planet. Also, we are missing an enormous amount of water if it happened.
This story is a reworking of the older story, the Epic of Gilgamesh. That's all it is.
@@derekr6096 how we know it never happened? Well let's see.... Geology, biology, physics, chemistry, paleontology, genetics, geography, archeology and so on and so on.....
God healed my foot in less than a minute from an ailment which didn’t heal for months. All I said, was in the name of Jesus, I pronounce you healed and it was healed. God is real. He loves you and wants to have relationship with you. He wants you to seek him diligently. I was once like you, a denier of God. I used to mock his existence yet at the same time, I’d wonder if he was or if there were gods. I could never be atheistic since my family and I had seen a demon like entity years prior. We don’t take drugs nor do we have mental diseases. Its eyes were flickering in and out. They were red. Its body was plasma like, moving like a flame yet it was black and translucent. It opened our house door, walked in and then disappeared. Hallucinations don’t open doors that have the top and bottom lock locked. Thus for years, even though I doubted God’s existence, I never crossed it off the table. I was and still am in love with physics and sought the answers to reality there. Learning about general relativity, quantum mechanics and so many other concepts yet something was missing. What created all of this wasn’t so clear. I was 99% against the idea of God and sought for the wisdom which was tangible. I didn’t worry myself deeply with wondering who or what made our universe since when I had tried to rationalise it, I realised that I couldn’t say whether it was just unconscious processes, God or gods that created it. Yet a part of me never stopped wondering about it or about what is after this life. I believed that there was no afterlife. That we just live and die. When people died, I didn’t cry since I rationalized that it was bound to happen and now they are nothingness for all eternity. I’d miss them but I wouldn’t cry since logically there was nothing I could do to change the outcome thus the outcome was concrete whether I liked it or not. Yet at night, part of me still wondered what that demon entity was so I’d say little prayers to say if you’re real, show yourself. I tried being rigorous so I ensured I wasn’t biased and read into different religions to try and make sense of what my family and I witnessed. This year was one of my darkest times in life. My mental state was no bueno so I started seeking more for the answers to life. I started reading deeply into the bible and saw that the things in it seemed most true out of all the religions. I remember my foot had an ailment and I tried to remedy it but nothing worked. So one day, I said in the name of Jesus, I pronounced you healed. I watched in disbelief as my ailment remedied itself on the spot. I was astonished. My mouth widened in shock. What kind of power is this? It was of supernatural origin. I tried to rationalise it but could find no natural explanation. That’s the day I stopped doubting in God’s existence. I realised that God is real and he’s coming again soon to make the earth brand new. If he’s real, then there is a heaven. An afterlife as he promised. I realised that my loved ones who believed in Christ weren’t crazy, deluded or lunatics. He’s real and he wants to have relationship with you. I am still growing in my relationship with God. It’s not easy to give up sin. The more I learn to be Godlike, the more I disdain sin. Lust becomes disgusting. Lust is the murder of a person’s personage. They become an object to the beholder. The person behind the body becomes secondary and the body is primary. This is not what God intends. God wants us to love. God loves me who still lust. His love is unconditional. He wants me to give it up so that I can love more purely. I also want to give it up and have made strives in doing so. My lustfulness has decreased since following God.
1st Corinthians 4-7:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
I’m not perfect that’s why God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. God is love but he is also just. In heaven, there is a legal code according to the scriptures. This is how the devil gained dominion over earth. He convinced Adam and Eve to become their own gods. This is how he wages war against God. He does it legally. God could erase Satan but if he erases him prematurely, then it’ll seem that God is unjust to the rest of the angels who can’t read minds and hearts like God can. God sees Satan is evil but the other angels can’t see the extent of Satan’s depraved mind. The bible says that Satan was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him. It tells us that Satan became proud of his beauty and talent and sought to become his own god. Thus he started to make up his own rules and rebelled against God. The bible says that God will return after the mark of the beast crisis which is a moment in time when Satan is allowed to act out some of his most sinister agendas. This will show everyone that Satan is a lying manipulating psychopath who wants anarchy. Satan believes that we should all be able to govern ourselves. That we should all become gods and look at where that has led us. War and strife continually. Everyone making up their own moral code and enacting it the way they wish. Justifying their behaviours by saying I can make my own rules. Chaos is derived from this. Jesus came to die for our sins since the death of an innocent person who is apart of the Godhead would legally free us from the contract our foreparents made with Satan. Jesus payed for our sins so that our slate can be wiped clean. We’ve all sinned yet God loves us. He had to die since his law is just and never changes. Thus he paid our bail to save us. He cannot change his law since it is the moral code and a just judge doesn’t waive the penalty. Yet his love was so great that he died so that we may live. Since he didn’t sin, he had legal rights to resurrect and all who accept the bail and strive to become better can also have legal rights to eternal life. Eternal life was our human right till we gave it away and broke the moral law. God has granted us it back again. I still struggle with sins yet I pray to God to give me victory over sin. I’ve become a better person since following Christ. I know that you’ll be on the fence reading this but give God a try. He’s real and demons are real. God bless you🙏🏾.
The idea that God, who planned the ark, had it built and stocked with animals, would not have known how much food his creatures would need is like saying, yes, we know God could have made the earth in six days, but how could He have known which animals would be compatible with each other.
He made earth, why not just start over, why did he need a boat?
The simple answer is GOD DIDI IT.. VERY EASY..REST US STORY
God provided everything for the ark.
Of course there's no evidence to even suggest the possibility of a god nor this ark but you're free to believe whatever.
@@razark9You flaming ignorance is astounding. Like you're stuck in the 19th century.
@@razark9THAT’S JUST IT! Modernists need complete evidence and proof to understand something and cannot think outside the box despite believing in the theory of evolution which has plenty of holes in it, for one there has been NO discovery of a creature partway through evolution, only complete creatures. Imagine trying with your limited human intellect to understand something that is all powerful and created us to love Him. Seriously we wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for Our Heavenly Father. Please repent and seek the truth, I pray for your conversion.
Why did he need an ark? Couldn't he just snap his fingers and start everything over....
@@inquisitive_stranger maybe he should have, then maybe the people in this world wouldn't be so hateful and evil.
Assuming the boat, remember who gathered the animals. He doesn't need even the 8 humans on board.
You don't even need to assume the boat. God could have just snapped his fingers and repopulated the earth.
@@markb3786 But that isn't what the Bible says... so which is it?
This is like a grown up Harry Potter..... You know it's not real, but you believe with all your heart that it is....
Best line ever, "If you're willing to keep an open mind...."
I just went to the ark encounter couple weeks ago and I loved every second
Try going to an actual museum sometime. Maybe you will actually learn something.
The very idea that a God who created the entire universe and all life can't take care of a few animals on a boat with the help of a few people for a couple of months is lunacy.
Over a year. With no supplies.
Again...... If God did indeed make the entire universe then God adding a little food to a boat even during a voyage would be child's play..... This dilemma does not exist if God exists.
@@GSpotter63 then there's no point even having an ark. God can just save the animals he wants to. The very idea that anyone believes this fairy tale is lunacy.
Perhaps God wanted to teach us all a few lessons and/or provide a supply of fossil fuels ???
The very idea that you could possibly know the mind of God is lunacy.....
@@GSpotter63 If he can create the entire universe why wouldn't he just make fossil fuels? He seems to have a very convoluted way of going about things. I think God might be the lunatic.
Can some one explain where the salt water fish were stored? If the flood waters were from the rain how did the salt water fish survive? Also how did Noah collect the animals that were on different continents and islands?
Yes, of course we can explain it,... you see.... um...... God did it, bam!!
@@inquisitive_stranger LOL. That is the typical explanation.
Well its simple. Read the Bible. It states clearly that fish were not on the ark... land dependent animals.
@@hometownhobbies103 what about the salt water fish? How did they survive? Or the fresh water fish?! Can't have both
@@inquisitive_stranger actually youbcan have both. Being that i live near the Mississippi delta we learn how where freshwater meets saltwater its called brackish water. Where many fish of either can survive. There are some fish that require a higher salt rate than others. How do those fish know how to survive? The same way humans try to move from areas the oxygen my not be suffecient to breath. People in the mountains breath a thinner air, Arizona a dryer air, louisiana a heavier humid air and wisconsion a cold air. Its hard for any of us to move to the other but we adapt.
Also, if everything fit just perfectly at the beginning of the trip, which you say was a year long, all those organisms are going to be maturing over the course of that year. They would need more room at the end of the trip than the end of the trip. Where did that extra room come from? Did they build an addition mid-flood?
I love watching people state fantasy and wild conjecture and opinions as if they are widely accepted and proven facts.
Such great info.
I often wonder if Good made animals homemade? Like it was shown in movie Noah?
Granted, it's great you explain the situation where they did not but all is possible to God .
There 'would' be enough water for all the Creatures on the Ark 😉👍. God 🙏 Bless ✝️💛.
While the research is good. It makes our brains come up with many other questions. It certainly leads us to predict what may be found in the ark when it is dug up. However, I will not be surprised if we are awestruck by a completely unknown methodology. What we learn here is Noha was not just making the ark, but was also finding the right kind of pottery and food material in the right condition and quantity all brought to him at the right time and place to be loaded onto the ark, probably by those mockers who were soon to perish.
They also could have used an Archimedes screw to remove waste on Noah's ark. Archimedes was credited for this idea but with inspiration from God Noah could have made one or more of these devices. And he could've used animals to power it.The earliest use of the Archimedes screw is believed to have been during the Hellenistic period of ancient Egypt. Archimedes screws are used in waste treatment plants even today. They are used to pump raw wastewater and return activated sludge in treatment plants. The gap between the screw blades is wide enough to cut through solids without clogging. Archimedes screw pumps are popular because they are relatively easy to operate.
Demonstrate it
@@Bomtombadi1 demonstrate my faith.
@@marcusmuse4787 irrelevant. Demonstrate Noah used an Archimedes Screw.
@@Bomtombadi1 Archimedes screw, machine for raising water, allegedly invented by the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes for removing water from the hold of a large ship. One form consists of a circular pipe enclosing a helix and inclined at an angle of about 45 degrees to the horizontal with its lower end dipped in the water; rotation of the device causes the water to rise in the pipe. Other forms consist of a helix revolving in a fixed cylinder or a helical tube wound around a shaft.
Modern screw pumps, consisting of helices rotating in open inclined troughs, are effective for pumping sewage in wastewater treatment plants. The open troughs and the design of the screws permit the passage of debris without clogging.
It's a good thing there were more than 8 people on the Ark.
In reality? No.
In fantasy land? Well sure, anything is possible there.
I mean, you're not wrong.... Like a grown up Never Never Land
Thousands? There's a little more than just thousands of animals that the magical ark would need. And one of the carers was a magical 600 year old man. No, they couldn't possibly gather all the animals, nor care for them nor build a magical wooden ship big enough to carry them all even with modern tools. This is all Peter pan imagination stuff.
Most animals on earth are bacteria and single celled organisms and the majority of life is aquatic. They also aren't counting individual species there counting kinds.
It's all Peter pan imagination stuff till you end up in hell
I like how your just taking God out of the equation like he couldn't just lead the animals there and keep them calm like with Daniel. I hope and pray you take time to read the bible and pray for yourself.
@@emoji1817 Ok, so god is the ad hoc solution, again? The band aid for a fairytale more fantastical than any other. There's no evidence for any god(s) either so just invoking him as a band aid doesn't really help at all. ''It's all Peter pan imagination stuff till you end up in hell'' Aha. I imagine the muslims or other religions believing in some sort of hell tell you the same thing. Hell is actually just a concept invented to manipulate you and appeal to your emotions rather than reason. Noah's ark falls apart at every level under the tiniest amount of scrutiny, it's 100% nonsensical from top to bottom and there's zero positive evidence for either the ark myth or your god, which is why you appeal to my emotions instead. What loving, benevolent and omnipotent god that can forgive absolutely anything (except disbelief) would condemn someone to eternal torture, simply for not believing in something there's absolutely no evidence for whatsoever?
@@emoji1817 P.S: Remember you'll be sharing supposed heaven with Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, most of the KKK, remorseless predatory scammers like Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland and many many other heartless monsters. They're all okay simply because they blindly believed what they were told supposedly. That's the only real criteria.
wasn't a better option, for an omnipotent being, to just kill whoever he wants, instead of killing everybody AND almost all of the animals?
considering also that ok, the first couple of each animals are good, but their puppies are blood relatives (in reality, also the people on the ark, but it's another story)
You are not omipotent so how would you have any clue how to advise an omipotent being? Pretty arrogant. Lol
"wasn't a better option, for an omnipotent being, to just kill whoever he wants, instead of killing everybody AND almost all of the animals?"
Yes, it wasn't. An omnipotent being would simply cut to the chase; create a few billion souls and dump them in a sea of fire because that's where they are going to end up OR that's not an accurate representation and the story should not be extrapolated beyond its actual claims.
You're not taking into account the reason. It said every person's every thought was evil continually. It also describes some animals as being genetically altered.
Also the animals that got on the ark all bowed to Noah. Showing their obedience to God. The ones that didn't bow didn't board. Just as the people didn't Bow to the Lord our God didn't board. The good was so few that they all fit on the ark.
@@theoryofpersonality1420 the kangaroos came from Australia and then get back there?
How did all the marsupials find the way to the ark and back to Australia?
marsupials originated in south America so how did they get to Noah? it's believed that plate tectonics were triggered by "the great fountains of the deep burst forth" and that caused the continents that we have today so originally, it's believed even by science that there was 1 big super continent (Pangea).
Noah didn't gather all the animals they came to him. It's impossible for man but all things are possible with God.
Meanwhile, in the real world, there was no global flood or Noah’s Ark.
the genesis flood story is a fabricated story made up of two versions of Gilgermesh woven together.
@@marcusmuse4787 And then all the continents drifted apart over 4000 years?
Where did Noah get the bamboo for the Pandas and all the other very specific food only found in other countries? How did Noah maintain very specific weather and environmental necessities for all the animals? Hint: He couldn't as the ark story is impossible and just another mythical assertion form christian apologists.
God created on board the ship.
the 1 minute to 1:20 mark is the perfect description of what you do to all scientific arguments that you don't agree with. Less than 3,000 animals on the ark - Ha, perfect example of what I just said. You don't believe in evolution, but > 7000 species (Sorry, "kinds") can somehow grow to millions of species (sorry "kinds") today in a couple thousand years. If the flyers didn't need room on the ark, then the flood didn't cover the entire earth...Yep, makes perfect sense...It would make more sense to bring young, almost fully grown adults, who were ready to procreate onto the ark, so they could you know, procreate after getting off the ark, and not have to survive multiple years before, you know, procreating...Mass isn't the concern, volume is...The ark is described in great detail in the Bible, don't you think they would have included the part about cages if there were cages on board (but even if they were, there are still too many problems for this to be a true story). How many tiny cages did they build for the insects and other small creatures you mention? Even if they are the only ones left roaming, them may end up in the cages of those that might eat them. You require evolution for your story to be true, but then reject evolution. Simply hysterical.
Have you seen the ark model? Enough cages enough storage and plenty of room for everything else. From 7000 > 1 mil species in a couple thousand years. That is the claim. Can you refute it? No lmao. Can you prove it came from evolution? NO! matter of fact there’s more evidence for creation theory than the evolution theory. So I base my judgement on which is more sound. Do more research with an open mind.
Great knowledge for Fundamentalist home schooling, but not for mainstream teaching. Children need facts not fairy-tales.
Start at the beginning of the series. Then take it and cross research it. The problem with mainstream people are they no longer research for themselves and are dependent on people telling them what they need to hear... like why would the goverment lie to us. They are here to take care of us... research for ypuraelf. Read the Bible for yourself. Fact check it and then watch how your studies confirm everything
@@hometownhobbies103 I was raised in a church. Don't listen to hometown here. They are liars and hypocrites. I have seen it first hand.
@Humanbeing.whatelse Smart as in how? Being indoctrinated into believing that the Bible is 100% true?
We're living in the 21st century CE ...not the 21st century BCE.
What do you mean by “post flood rock layers”? I assumed the rock layers were created by the flood.
A flood like that would not create layers. It would create a single layer.
If God can have two of every kind, travel to the Ark, enter and stay for 40 days, he can have them Hibernate…. Where’s the problem. No matter how He did it, by faith, I believe He did it.
More "God did it!" That is all you all can go on. There is zero physical evidence anywhere.
This is not true. It has been revealed the "archaeologist" was actually a male nurse and had no experience with archaeology. It has also been shown that the anomaly found on the mountain top was only a geographic and natural structure. It was not man made.
Thanks you. 😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
Did God protect Daniel in the lion's den? Did God protect Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego in the fiery furnace? Did God protect Jonah in the belly of the big fish? Do you believe?
What we need to know about ourselves from God's Word and our only hope of being justified before God: [WHY WE HAVE NO HOPE IN OURSELVES: Mk. 7:20-23 And he (Jesus) said, That which comes out of the man, that defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things (sins) come from within, and defile the man.] [WHY WE NEED A SAVIOR: Rom. 3:10-28 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that does good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes. Now we know that what things so ever the law says, it says to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his (God's) sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ to all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Joh. 3:16 For God so loved the world (us), that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Joh. 14:6 Jesus said to him (us), I am the way (salvation), the truth (assurance), and the life (eternal): no man comes to (God) the Father, but by me (God the Son). Rom. 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:]
If you want to believe that: of course.
Don't forget all the ants for the anteaters.
The Bible says that a righteous man cares for his beasts.
God called Noah a righteous man in his time. God needed someone who would not only obey, but could also be trusted with the care of the animals.
Why did he get drunk? Imagine spending 100 years building the ark. Then living in it for 1year plus, until God says it’s time to get out. All that work caring for the animals…. Finally getting a day off. Pretty traumatic events and he finally sat down with a beer.
Yet we all assume he was a “drunk”. So maybe he wasn’t “a drunk”, he simply got drunk.
noah was 520 years old when he built the ark that says it all
You keep assuming Noah was "low tech"
I seem to recall Noah's world being described as so advanced that they defeated Gods idea of making agriculture hard work.
NOAH & family collected rain or from the sea diluted so heavily by fresh water
God kept their fresh water bucket filled
For 7,000 creatures (by this insanely small estimation) on a daily basis? So they survived a hurricane for a year?
Do you know why there isn't unicorns anymore. They didn't make it off the ark. That way all the animals behave
Maybe take a look at the scientific names for the various sorts of rhinoceros?
THERE you will find your unicorn.
I have never seen a horned horse, but I have seen horses that are quite horny.
Noah's ark is documented history!
Documented where?
@@spazzabilly Scripture is documented history and every claim that it makes which can be verified using the scientific method has been verified. Archeologists actually use the Bible as primary source material in understanding artifacts being unearthed in the Middle East today. Archeology is a field that specializes in both science AND history. That means people who reject scripture fit the category of observable science denying documented history deniers. Please accept observable science and documented history; declare Jesus as your Lord, believe in your hearty that God raised him from death and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
@@spazzabilly I notice that @refuse2bdcvd324 has failed to answer your question even after three months.
@@refuse2bdcvd324 None of this is true. Your "archeologists" are not actual archeologists, but rather apologists masquerading a archeologists. Much of the Bible has actually been proven inaccurate...
@@nathancook2852 all of it is true. Every ancient culture has a flood narrative and there is no ancient documentation that refutes the global flood. You said much of what is in the Bible has been proven false but you haven't given an example of anything that is false in the Bible.
The CREATOR of all things & perfect in all ways
In the beginning we invented gods for everything we did not understand. We had gods of thunder, gods of volcanos, even gods of the wind in the trees. After a little bit of evolution the idiots invented a new god to rule all gods and said we have no scientific evidence what so ever but these old gods are all fake but you must believe in this new one he is real he's just very shy.
The god of which you speak is a fiction.
I don’t care how they took care of the animals. What I want to know is how did the animals repopulate with only two alive for each? There’s a minimum to a population size in order to survive, and two is far lower than most all of those minimums. Same thing with the 8 humans you posit. It’s genetically impossible to repopulate with the numbers given.
Is it possible that on the day of creation only two was enough? Or were there too many of the same kind evolved to fill up the earth as we see it today? Thank God that he made them male and female and did not let one gender of one kind wait eternally for the other gender to show up.
you are wasting your time here liam.. these simple people do not have the ability to question and think
@@LinsonJoseph "Is it possible that on the day of creation only two was enough?" No. And that is one of the thousands of reasons why genesis is WRONG!
@@Jewonastick very compelling argument, simply stating the word no has convinced me that you are correct………
@@johnstone9396 Cool, genetics, geology, physics, geography and so on and so on convinced me that genesis is incorrect
"Could 8 People REALLY Care for ALL the Animals On the Ark?"
Of course. There is no "could" for a thing that has already happened. If it seems impossible, perhaps your estimate of how many animals existed is too high.
Nothing's impossible when god ordered you to do something.
8 people can easily care for over 6,000 animals with magic. " Kinds" means supercharged evolution can allow Siberian tigers to be descendants of a pair of house cats in less than 4,000 years. BTW where I live we occasionally hear of farmers being overcome by methane in hog confinement buildings. You are telling of 6,000 animals on a boat with one window.
Koalas eat only eucalyptus leaves. FRESH eucalyptus leaves. Was there a eucalyptus grove on Ye Ark?
Koalas are known for their diet of eucalyptus leaves. However, it is not clear what they ate before they started eating eucalyptus leaves. According to the Australian Koala Foundation, koalas eat mainly eucalyptus leaves (gum leaves) and occasionally they will eat the leaves from some other native Australian trees .
The female koala will begin to prepare her offspring for a eucalyptus-based diet at around 6 months old.
@@marcusmuse4787 this is nothing more than last Tuesdayism. This is completely unprovable and doesn’t lend any plausibility to your stupid flood myth
@@marcusmuse4787 the female koala prepares them for eucalyptus diet by weaning them off their milk.
Man you’re dishonest
Is a grove required for two of a kind? It seems a little too far fetched to claim that an animal would eat only from one tree. Imagine me telling you that evolution took care to bring forth an animal that would eat from only one tree that evolved millions of years before it. Or that Kolas are a special category that have no adaptation or evolutionary capabilities or capacities. I am sure the animal will indulge itself on different stuff, when provided with a wide variety of food but eucalyptus. It would have to evolve before it runs out of time to adapt to an alternate food. Maybe it has a built in capacity to do it without hoping for new organs.
@@Bomtombadi1 don't hate
The answer is no. Absolutely not. There r 10,000 species of birds alone. Mythology.
It requires faith in something greater than us. Even if there are 10,000 different species, who created them? It all comes back full circle to a Devine being that created all things. God loves you, so have faith, believe and accept it. He’s son gave everything for you.
@@glorybound7599 don't u ever get tired of mangling facts to fit your narrative? It must be exhausting to constantly ignore reality. And, btw, it's called evolution- that's why there r a bazillion different species of fauna on this planet (u know, the one that's almost 4 billion years old). And, no, there is no possible way a handful of humans could get every animal on earth into an ancient boat, let alone care and feed them all. Give it up quixote
@@johnlane4367 God bless and have a great day.
Every claim about Noah's Ark in the Bible is manifestly ridiculous.
Noah's Ark was a myth and not to be taken literally.
Hibernation can be extended to many species under the guidance of a biologist. An induced state of tranquility can slower metabolism. God knows how He did manage it because created D.N.A., with self-regulation capabilities, which is a much greater task. DNA codification is a language needing information to be produced by an Intelligent Creator, who possesses eternal life and is promising mankind a future life partnership existence. Today I choose to have faith in the evidence of God cares for mankind by becoming a man, Jesus Christ, who was resurrected after living a sinless life. His victory and Justice are offered to me by God's Mercy. To accept and remain in Christ, today until He comes, is my call. The Bible teaches us to be able to do it through The Holy Spirit abiding in us.
Lol god exists because you invent criteria for said god to exist, lazily link it to something which is known to exist, and then conclude god exists. Purely ontological.
Second, loaded language does not your argument more convincing.
You can write one sentence of nonsense, or you can write a paragraph of nonsense, it's still nonsense
God can do the impossibl. To those that have faith.
So the “one size fits all” approach again. Did you or anyone ever figure just how many animals can hibernate and for how long?
There were hippos, but not the big, big hippos, but the smaller ones..... SMH
Everyhing is explained when sprinkled with a bit of god majik.
Sure, if you believe the moon is made out of cheese….. religion is the same thing…..
Noah's deluge was likely accompanied by a deep cold, so many of the animals on board hibernated for much of that time, not requiring much feeding and care. Also, only the specified number of each "kind" were taken onboard, but not every variety of each kind. In addition, it is likely that only the very young were taken, smaller than adults.
This study kept aside the possibility of hibernation and yet found it probable for them to survive. Maybe a graphics generated with help of AI fed with information from these guys, will help us visualise how it would have been in the ark.
What is a "kind"?
"Likely" does not seem very biblical to me. It is more likely that Noah built a fleet of arks with sails and more than likely each ark had crews of hundreds and pretty likely that Admiral Noah ordered his fleet to disperse across the flat sea of the flat earth, and quite likely that there would have been even more kinds of animals except that several of the arks fell over the edge into intergalactic space, thus guaranteeing the populating of 144 other planets. It can all be inferred from a creative reading of the bible.
@@stevepierce6467 It seems "more likely" that non of this bullshit ever happened.
@@Jewonastick Exactly! But, think about it. It is even possible that the ark(s) had motors and wings and could fly, dropping off different animals at different spots across the planet.
The animals, imho, went into hibernation throughout the ark ride. The Bible doesn't say they hibernated, but the Bible doesn't say they DIDN'T hibernate. God told Noah to take food for the animals, but the animals would need food when they awoke and left the ark.
Mythical Noah wasn't a zoologist, vet, or biologist etc. so how did he know how to look after exotic animals needing very specific food, habitat and environments? The Noah flood and ark stories are comically false and impossible, having no verifiable scientific evidence at all.
PS Your assertion of hybrnating is dismissed as it has no evidence.
I heard it was a baby animals on ark
Nobody has ever built wooden ships with a main body beyond 450ft in length . Even if you used trusses to brace the frame, the wood will twist. The sheer weight of the ark would have torn itself apart. Even with a slave army to help him, the technology to build an entirely wooden ship of this magnitude has never existed, never mind the era of Noah. The Ark Encounter is a stationary building on land with no movement stresses. But that thing on the water during a flood and it would break apart in minutes. So you can talk all you like about KINDS not being the same as species, and ignore the very specific dietary requirements of animals from across the globe, and you can fudge the figures all day about how 8 people populated the earth - but you cant ignore that a seagoing vessel the size of the ark, made only of wood is impossible thanks to the laws of physics.
Who cares about facts when you can quote.
26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Mortise and tenon planking: Greeks and Romans used this spectacular (almost unbelievable) solution to shearing between planks. The method goes back well before the fourteenth century before Christ, but then it disappeared for centuries until rediscovered conclusively by modern underwater archaeology. This lends credence to the records of Ark-sized wooden ships of antiquity. For example, Athenaeus discussed a large warship that was 427 feet (130 m) long! It was built by Ptolemy Philopater around 250-200 BC. It proved quite capable in war, no less. Then there was the Leontifera-based on the specification of eight tiers of oarsmen, it is estimated at about 393 feet (120 m) long.
the ancients did plan and build pyramids. (Ancient ingenuity)
it was covered inside and out with pitch kind of similar to cold molding technology used today.
Wait… there’s no mention in Genesis of what species are “needed” on the Ark. It simply says “two of every kind). It makes no distinction between species as opposed to kind.
Even if it says two of every kind, even if this guy were to take two (male & female) of every Insect in the world that “biomass” would take up the entire Ark !! I really can’t fathom this “Genius” today would not be capable of appreciating just how many separate species of insects there are on this planet. There are estimated to be 1.3 Billion insects for every human on this planet !! That’s just One example of how far out in left field this christian apologists is.
Look… this guy along with clergy, misguided “christian scientists” & apologists is selling a product they can’t even prove exists… supernaturalism !! And they use gaps in modern human knowledge as their avenue of approach. In other words, they’re preying upon human naïveté, gullibility & ignorance about the real world. And just like most businesses & corporations they’re usually selling HALF-TRUTHS & outright Lies to make a living. To get their hands on what little wealth you have of unproven & unprovable products like “life after death”, supermarket of deities & other pure nonsense.
I bet you cant explain this 7000 animals on ark at a super quick time to get food from storage walk to cage feed them just say you were Superman taking 2 minutes each to feed each animal which would be a 14000 minutes a day to feed all the animals and walk to all the cages all over the boat as you say it was huge thats 233 hours per day there was 8 of them so that means they were feeding animals and looking after the ones that need it they each would have to work 29 hours a day thats only at 2 mins a animal all that walking from storage to 3500 cages its impossible when would they sleep feed themselves clean all the muck up carve up all the meat for meat eaters, then one got to steer the boat your not doing your maths its not that hard to work out its just a fairytale for kids like santa clause and the tooth fairy any adult thats believes that story are brainwashed or delusional its just like if you believe the talking donkey in the bible the brain is a strange thing you can get it to believe anything if you try harder enough
First of all I think it's nonsense that you think that dinosaurs went on to the ark! And nowhere in the Bible does it say that adult animals were taken onto the ark it just says male and female of each species! The way I see it as far as feeding the animals, God created them it was his plan for this flood so I am sure that God took it upon himself to take care of those animals also! Why do we always have to keep dissecting the Bible? It doesn't need to be explained, it's God's written word and all we need to do is read it and live by it, not question it!
Your pseudo science is hilarious. Do you really think you can use fancy words and convince people that this is scientific? I guess you can, because people who believe that genesis is a history book, can be made to believe anything. There are so many crazy assumptions here, it’s, well, crazy!
Gods creatures knew 2 fast,behave,hybernate etc until land
There are millions of animals in the world. Obviously they couldn't all fit on a boat.
You need to watch the complete series. I am sure you will come up with more questions.
@@LinsonJoseph yeah, and no answers that fit reality.
Just garbage to fool the gullible
@@Jewonastick but it's completely believable that we evolved from a rock 😂
@@charlesdavis3923 Where did I say that?
@@Jewonastick you didn't say that but you did accuse people who believe in creation of being gullible. If you don't believe in the creation religion or the evolution religion then what else is there to believe? Even if you believe in other "gods" it's still creation just a different version
Suspension of disbelief. If you’re well spoken any absurd theory seems possible. I’m going to stick w it was a good flood story just as many other cultures possess. Great floods did occur and nobody is arguing against that. This explanation is simply silly
God magically made the animals arrive to the ark. It's a myth from the beginning.
or magic created everything in the universe by random chance?? that's magic without a magician. Spontaneous generation has been debunked by scientific experiments and is no longer considered a valid theory among biologists.
even Darwin conceded it was impossible to imagine that this universe came about by Random chance and that this is the chief argument for the existence of God.
I don't know why they just don't admit it is faith and stop trying to make science support it.
It doesn't matter what Darwin might have thought. Science is a process, not a person.
@@jockyoung4491 our minds never rest on questions, it is fine I guess to think over God's creation from all angles. Any science has ultimately told us about God's hand in all of His creation.
God's Holy Spirit has described the Genesis account of Noah as it actually occurred. Genesis was written by Moses. However, the Torah was destroyed by burning and rewritten from memory according to Ezra.
In the early 1950’s, Elizabeth Greber, the wife of the now famous pastor Johannes Greber (the Author of "Communication With the Spirit World of God, It's Laws and Purpose”), related a moment when a Heavenly Spirit intervened during a Sunday School class at their church.
Elizabeth had begun to tell the children of the story of Noah's Ark in the Bible and how God caused the whole planet to be flooded by rain, as the Bible says. BUT, before she could begin, a Heavenly Spirit showed up and told Elizabeth: "Why don't you tell the children what really happened."
And here is what that high spirit of God said to her, which she began to relate to the children as the spirit spoke to her by clairaudience:
"The earliest civilisation in Noah's day consisted only of about fifty thousand people on the planet. These people lived on a peninsula off the Arabian coast.
The corruption of the people of that day had grown to such an extreme that there was no manner in which they could be brought back into good and moral existence. God determined that the people should be wiped out and replaced by spirits who could incarnate into Noah's lineage where they could be taught truth and moral standards in order to continue to develop good character in order to progress back to Heaven.
Noah was told to move outside of town and to build a very large boat that could carry his family, his livestock and enough food for more than a year. Noah was given specific details of how to build that craft, including the exact size: that information which has been preserved in the Bible. It had to be built to withstand great pressure.
He spent many years, during his spare time, building this very large craft. When it was done, he and his family began to live in this craft.
Finally, after many years, God sent an angel and told Noah to bring in all the farm animals, for the next day would begin the end of civilisation as he knew it. God did not tell Noah to take two of every animal of the earth, but only his farm animals onto the Ark. The entire planet did not flood but only the peninsula the population of the earth at that time had inhabited. With only 50,000 people on the planet it was not necessary to destroy all the land, but only to clear off the corrupt generations of that time. He was to close the door behind his farm animals and all the food remaining for themselves, as well as food for all the farm animals.
Just before mid-day a great sound was heard of a rushing wind of water, all which sound the same when it blows strong and the waves lash against other waves.
A great tsunami wave of water from the ocean rose rapidly over the land and drowned all the corrupt people of that day except for Noah and his family, his farm animals and food and supplies, safe in the great boat.
The peninsula off the Arabian coast had sunken completely, along with the total population of the earth at that time, about 50,000 people, who drowned in that tsunami. The coast is still under water to this day.
The boat drifted upward with the wave and met dry land midway up the side of the Ararat mountain in Saudi Arabia. The wave receded and the Ark remained on that mountain side.
Noah and his family lived in that boat, along with their animals on the lower decks, until the yards and pens and barns to house all his livestock could be rebuilt. It took more than a year to do this. Only after this did he begin to build his own house in the valley below. And when the house was done, he moved all his family and his livestock to that valley.
The entire world did not flood, it was not a rain, but a large wave of water. There were only 50,000 people on the planet at that time. It was not two of every animal. It was only his extended family and livestock."
And that is the true story of Noah and his ark / ship.
Nope, not only because its 1400 animals, which there are way more than that, but also because the ark wasn’t real.
Thomas saw and still didn't believe. And Jesus said onto him, " blessed are those that didn't see and still believe." The animals were taken care of by the Divine hand
6,744 animals needed only animal kinds not every species we have today.
@Wasn't Me
Noah’s ark story is made up.
I can prove it.
@wasntme7845 no ,no not every species only "kinds" with the capability of producing variants like we have today thats microevolution. evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period.
@wasntme7845 Micro-evolution does not disprove God it actually shows his genius.
and if a bolt of lightning hit the ark it would have exploded bc of the unvented volatile gases
Without God's grace the mission would not have even started.
Thank god then that a bolt of lightning didn’t strike the ark
Noah was able to remove the cover of the ark to look and see if the ground was dry so that suggests another way to ventilate the ark Also, he made a window below the roof. The bible does say that the window was around 18 inches but that could just be length and not width.
Methane build up, on the other hand, is not a problem: it’s lighter than air, and the Ark has excellent ventilation up top. Stinky? Yes. Dangerous? No.
@@marcusmuse4787 And a window, may not be the only one
Scripture says the animals came and bowed. Three lions came. Two bowed ans one did not. The two that did chased off the one that didn't. The animals thag did were not genetically altered in anyway. Thus completely obedient to God and his will. 8 people didn't manage the animals. The Lord our God manged them.
Have you read the bible, all animals entered then were put to sleep til they landed after the water receded
I have read the bible and grew up in a church. This is nonsense. Just like the story. This is not what it is says at all.
@@nathancook2852 ok champ, whatever...
You're all just silly