WHO FELL FIRST, WHO FELL HARDEST | Good Omens Episode 4 Reaction + Analysis

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 54

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +29

    "You don't seem his type at all."
    Eyebrow raise: Bitch, I invented his type.

  • @RyeGurl
    @RyeGurl ปีที่แล้ว +106

    The bullet holes have always been on the car. Not explained in the show but in the book it says Crowley bought a tank of gas for his Bentley in the 60s just so he could get the free stick on bullet holes that came with it.

    • @doctorcanonvo4647
      @doctorcanonvo4647  ปีที่แล้ว +26

      Oh! okay I couldn't remember any references to it in the show and I didn't have time to double check.

    • @canadiankazz
      @canadiankazz ปีที่แล้ว +17

      You can first see them on the window in the 1960's flashback in season 1, when Aziraphale gives Crowley the thermos of holy water.

  • @ceebee2
    @ceebee2 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    “Martin Sheen has such a winning smile” maybe, but that is *Michael* Sheen.

    • @doctorcanonvo4647
      @doctorcanonvo4647  ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Damnit 😭😭😭 I was SO proud of getting it right the first time too! 😢

    • @ceebee2
      @ceebee2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@doctorcanonvo4647don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s a fandom joke anyway! 🤣

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@doctorcanonvo4647 Well, they both have good smiles! This reminds me of a thing I saw where David Tennant and John Hamm answered most frequent Google searches on them and one of David Tennant's was whether he was related to Martin Sheen. (Or was it Charlie? Well, the answer would be the same either way, I guess.) He was like, Do we look alike? and John Hamm said they _kind of_ did. But now I wonder whether people were just typing in the wrong name.

  • @ishy2953
    @ishy2953 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    “Zombies aren’t good at lip reading”
    Me: You have no idea…

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +1

      These zombies have more agency than the usual run of zombies.

  • @montanarose-sings
    @montanarose-sings ปีที่แล้ว +72

    The bullet holes on the Bentley are a reference from the book lol. Crowley doesn't actually need gas in his car (bc demon magic) but he bought some once when the gas station was having a promotion where you could receive free James Bond bullet hole window stickers with your purchase (bc he's a dork)

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Ask Crowley if he's done something lots of times.
    Crowley: Not--as such.
    Translation: I've never come close to doing this thing, but I don't want to tell you that.

  • @dotty6970
    @dotty6970 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I don't mind the miracle blocker because everything in this show is like a business. Heaven and hell are different floors in the same skyscraper. Everything the angels and demons do is permitted through permits and passed down through memos lmao. I think the miracle blocker punch ticket is hilarious and really more of a gag with plot relevance than anything else. I can see your point about it being cheap but also I think it's very on-brand for the show. there is something to be said about how it really shouldn't work for Crowley because you would think they would make it to specifically combat angels but also most of the demons are kind of stupid so I guess whoever made that didn't think that far.

  • @Luuuna
    @Luuuna ปีที่แล้ว +57

    Just a theory, but maybe Crowley can only feel when the car physically changes, not who is sitting in it?

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Aziraphale, oddly, works best under great danger pressure.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Great question about Shax in the car and why Crowley didn't sense that.
    I have thought about why Aziraphale doesn't tell him about it, though. When he "asked" to take the car, Aziraphale made a big point about the car being *theirs* and the bookshop being *theirs,* followed by telling Crowley he would stay there while Aziraphale was gone to look after Gabriel. It almost seems as if he is trying to relocate Crowley to the bookshop (where he probably is most of the time anyway). Unfortunately, Crowley comes right out with plants to move back out as soon as Aziraphale gets back, even though he has nowhere to go. He doesn't tell Aziraphale that Shax has his apartment now, maybe because he would like Aziraphale to ask him to move in because he wants Crowley there and not because it's the "right" or "good" thing to do. Would Aziraphale have told Crowley if he hadn't had a plant thrust into his arms as soon as he got back? Maybe he still wouldn't have. I do think he wants Crowley there, though, and doesn't know how to say it.
    But then, they have spent so long hiding their relationship from Heaven and Hell just to survive, and hiding things from each other (we see Aziraphale, at least, be very guilty of this in season one) because of being on opposite sides, that it may just be hard for them to move on from this now.

  • @riablatterspiel7236
    @riablatterspiel7236 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    That was once again a very intriguing reaction, especially your initial thoughts greatly helped me understand your perspective on Episode 3. Personally, I really liked Episode 3 because I felt that in all retrospects, it's always about morality and recognizing that when it comes to good and evil, it's not just black and white. And Aziraphale, especially in Episode 3, proved that he sees the world far too simplistically! Crowley's frustration with the misery of the world was also very relatable for me! And in Episode 4, the theme of morality continues, though here it's a bit more about trust. I get the impression that Episode 4 is also meant to show us the eternal dance that Crowley and Aziraphale engage in: who trusts whom, who helps whom out of a bind, how do they talk to each other and how do they not, and who might be too accustomed to this "dance" and therefore takes it a bit too much for granted.

  • @huntress666
    @huntress666 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Awesome analysis. Definitely had some zingers that make me feel like you'll reeeally like the payoff. One way I've thought about the historical little minisodes myself is that they all show the 'risk' of subverting Heaven and Hell. There was a threat (implied) from heaven in the Job one, Hell nabbed Crowley in the Resurrectionist one for what he did, and there's a verbal threat here to them both. It all gets you nicely tense about the motional stakes of them hiding Gabriel in the present day (as well as the threats made in the present day).
    Keeps making the audience ask, 'What are they willing to risk? And what will be the sacrifice?'
    Nice foreshadowing imo.

  • @cawareyoudoin7379
    @cawareyoudoin7379 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Keep that thing about Aziraphale not being able to make his own choices in mind for later.

  • @diane_5789
    @diane_5789 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    5:30 to 5:50 is SUCH a clear insight into the psyche of these two characters!👏 It resolves the main disagreement I had about the conclusions you drew from the previous episode: Aziraphale and decision making. Az, if put on the spot, can be easily influenced. Doing what one is told and following the lead is part of his indoctrination as an angel. It is not a question about Aziraphele not having agency but how he has always been conditioned not to use it, he was taught to limit himself!That also works with his lack of understanding for morally grey areas: his only moral compass is "what good is" and that good is synonymous to the will/word of God, even if we see him doubting more and more that the former and the will of Heaven are one and the same.
    And seeing as now you understand that fact that Crowley can not actively help humans, always has to make excuses for any kindness (both because he feels like a bad demon and because if caught he will be punished). It is clear how he has a VERY good idea about the vaule of humane life: he is endlessly fascinated by these creatures who have the privilege of free will, who are allowed to question God's law, the unfairness of it, and stray badly from "good" but still can earn back God's forgivness if they genuinely repent. He is at times envious of them exactly because how central and important human life his in God's creation. So I do think that ep 3 while it does explore the value of life, is more about showing how both Crowley and Aziraphele react when put in front of a moral conundrum and what the choose to do or not do.

  • @StellaTZH
    @StellaTZH ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I can really relate to your prattle over the magic show scene. I get such a bad case of second hand embarrassment with anything cringy. It was hard to watch. Still funny and suspenseful though.
    What I find interesting about this episode is that we finally see how Aziraphale handles himself in the aftermath of the church scene from season one. That scene is probably when he fell for Crowley, or at least the first time he realized it on some level. But season one cuts off there and now we know how Aziraphale deals with it: by immediately putting his life in Crowley’s hands while trying to repay his kindness. Well, his heaven issued body at least.
    I think both instances are really significant for their relationship - Crowley saving the books for Aziraphale and Aziraphale performing for Crowley. They have helped each other before, like Crowley saving Aziraphale during the French Revolution and then their deal of course. But all of that has been business, necessity and a kind of need for company because they were both lonely on earth. These two instances were purely born out of kindness and selflessness. Both were just a pure expression of how much they have come to care and understand each other (to an extent). And by the end of the flashback they they realize they can rely on each other. The little disagreement about how light or dark their new gray middle ground should be seems like foreshadowing: they talk about the same thing but each of them has a different idea about how that thing should look like.

  • @moonfacedlover
    @moonfacedlover ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I really appreciate you saying outlaid what you do and don't like! It is much more enjoyable to watch then people pretending to like everything without thinking about it critically

  • @captainblacksand8484
    @captainblacksand8484 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Eeeek! I'm glad you took the week off you needed, but I can't tell you how happy I was to get this alert!

  • @Marqui1015
    @Marqui1015 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Hellooo! I’m just dropping by to say that I absolutely love your analysis and I love your interpretation of the show and your perspective, especially with crowley and aziraphale as individuals and their relationship

  • @SS-ui7by
    @SS-ui7by ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Honestly so excited for this video, I caught it at the right moment the second you released it!!! Love my daily dose of intellectual, well thought-out commentaries on one of absolute FAVOURITE pieces of media of all time.

  • @orth82
    @orth82 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    LOL at how dramatic the magic act was when there were no stakes and they could have just walked off stage. I get that it was necessary to show trust and all but I mean...

  • @Cass.k.k
    @Cass.k.k ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Loved the reaction, as always! Little thing I found funny this time was at 16:08 you call Aziraphales actor Martin Sheen 😭
    Similar name, different actors I'm afraid. Michael Sheen is his name lmao

  • @ghostsomenswho
    @ghostsomenswho ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The bullet holes are a reference to the book where it says Crowley only bought petrol once for his car and it was cause it came with free James Bond bullet hole stickers (cause he's a nerd)

  • @Natala00
    @Natala00 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Crowley being such a supportive partner in this. Huge husband vibes. Living vicariously through Azi's joy for life. That said, this episode did make me cringe, and I agree about the zombies, it's such a tired trope.
    I agree with your thoughts on the previous episode, it fell a bit forced in an attempt to push a message when the whole episode could have been solved by Az just healing the sick girl and make them both stumble on some wealth. Which is the type of minor miracles you'd think he'd be used to doing as part of his job on earth, and seem more in line with season 1 Az. I do get how they have Az discover that sometimes bad things are done for the greater good, but after 6000 years, I am sure Az knows this is a thing.

  • @AmandaBee
    @AmandaBee ปีที่แล้ว +3

    No spoilers but you said something about the characters at one point that made me briefly forget you don't know what happens beyond this episode lol I was like "ah yeah that makes total sense considering- oh wait you haven't even see that"

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      She's really good at catching things that will come up later.

  • @canadiankazz
    @canadiankazz ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yeah, I'm with you on the bullet catch scene causing great anxiety. The first time I watched it, I had to pause it no less than three times to calm the f down and I kept yelling at the screen "Just walk away! you don't have to do this! It's just a stupid trick!" But yeah, it's implied that this is why Crowley was so against Aziraphale doing his magic act for Warlock's party.
    The fact that we never find out what happened to the zombies at the end if my biggest flaw with this series. That and the lack of COMMUNICATION between the two of them, but that's an issue with their relationship in general.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is what I keep thinking about Aziraphale giving anything away to Shax. She thought he was in the bookshop and she still thinks that.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What is going on with Beelzebub this episode is certainly a question.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Well, you pronounced Crowley right when you talked about pronouncing it wrong. It's just an oh like in crow vs. an ow as in cow difference, so I don't think it's accent related. Your Aziraphale is spot on, though.

  • @katecastreviews4639
    @katecastreviews4639 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "There were a lot of things I liked about this episode, the zombies were not one of them." Ha ha! My sentiments exactly.
    It's a funny idea but man is it a joke that overstays it's welcome.
    Thankfully the rest of the episode is fun and delightful enough to compensate for it! At least to me. I've rewatched this one a lot...

  • @reasonablyreliable
    @reasonablyreliable ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am very curious about the miracle blocker because it seems so clunky. I'm expecting it to either be a red herring in some way for S3, or otherwise return. The matchbox as well.
    Also i loathe watching the awkward magic but enjoy finding out why Crowley hates it so much when it comes to Adam's bday in S1.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The zombies are pretty icky, yeah.
    It is true that people have died performing the bullet trick, including a Chinese magician, as mentioned. Crowley will always do anything for Aziraphale.

  • @4c_aperture
    @4c_aperture ปีที่แล้ว +1

    13:08 i cannot express how DISAPPOINTED i was that the little orphan girl wasn’t maggie’s ancestor

  • @roscoerappaport2321
    @roscoerappaport2321 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I love your analysis so much! You are so observant and you put so much thought into your dissection of key themes and character moments!! Fully agree with you about the zombies, I would have liked this episode so much more if they weren't in it, not even because I dislike zombies but because it was extremely dissatisfying to learn that the literal fucking nazis who I thought exploded in season 1 got to come back when none of the other s1 human characters did. I also just did not find them funny. But seeing your reaction to the suspense is so validating, it's incredible that the show can put so much weight into the concept of the Bullet Catch even though the consequences of discorporating for an angel or demon would just be paperwork! It's still a huge act of trust for both of them, and I feel like, especially without miracles, it is them at their most human.

  • @Temptation666
    @Temptation666 ปีที่แล้ว

    14:19 made me so laugh. Sorry. Yes the second hand embarrassment is hard to cope with here. I agree.

  • @meganmanning377
    @meganmanning377 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love these videos! You're perspective is so thoughtful which I really appreciate as it gets me reevaluating everything ❤

  • @iesika7387
    @iesika7387 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Crowley was also just fucking with Aziraphale in the last episode and part of this one mostly just because he does like fucking with him. I think he really wasn't thinking of the human elements at all beyond "see, angel, everything's complicated! Humans are super entertaining and weird!" right up until things went to shit. Similarly, getting Aziraphale to embarrass himself a bit probably sounded like great fun up until he had to point a gun at him with no miracles in the back pocket.
    Something about this episode I don't think I've seen anyone else catch (Even my friend who went to seminary!) is that Aziraphale does the Good Samaritan story at the start and faaaaails. He only stops because Shax forced it but her reaction is still "I knew you couldn't resist helping someone in need" - yeah, he sure did resist it. He resisted it three times.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

    Imagine dissing a Bentley.

  • @bluefox5331
    @bluefox5331 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow, I am very curious what you'll say when you watch the whole season. I feel like I'm learning from you, ha. I missed the failed boundary setting in last episode with the car, but once you pointed it out- yeaaah if someone acted like this I would be annoyed to say the least

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Interesting take on Crowley's role in the previous episode. Do you think that is the case in the Job episode as well?

    • @doctorcanonvo4647
      @doctorcanonvo4647  ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Yeah cause in the Job episode, I felt like Crowley couldn't really understand why he never seemed to fall in line with Heaven or hell. He just knows that he's lonely and having Azzy commiserate with him was eye opening for him. I saw episode 3 as him finally figuring out why. Because human life has value, not just for the stuff they make or do but because they have the capacity to change like they kept saying in the first season.

    • @HuntingViolets
      @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

      @@doctorcanonvo4647 That's very interesting. I love that. Love your reactions. So thoughtful!

  • @cawareyoudoin7379
    @cawareyoudoin7379 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had to literally get up and walk away from this episode several times, partly from the tension, mostly from the secondhand embarrassment.

  • @4c_aperture
    @4c_aperture ปีที่แล้ว

    i like this bit at 13:01 but question: what does the stretching mean in this metaphor??

  • @livb6945
    @livb6945 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't really grasp your excuse for not pronouncing Crowley correctly. I mean, you have crows -the birds - in the US right? Do you call them 'crow' as in 'how'?
    Nor the most important thing in the world, admittedly. Just confused

  • @niamhfox9559
    @niamhfox9559 ปีที่แล้ว

    One thing that felt like wasting time that could have been spent on other characters was the 'mini episodes' of the flashbacks. As they go on I got more annoyed.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets ปีที่แล้ว

    I haven't been on Twitter for a few weeks, but I hope whatever it is doesn't bother you too much.