Rome’s Greatest Challenge | The Dacian Wars (Part 1)

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    The Dacian Wars is a topic over overlooked due to a severe lack of sources, which is in stark contrast to the magnitude and importance of the conflict. However, with this video, we hope to create a series detailing everything we know about the campaigns until this point, based on the works of numerous researchers and archeologists. So sit back and enjoy our lively animated and epic series as it covers the forgotten wars in their entirety, with no details left out!
    Each video will include the details about the cultural and social lifestyle of the Dacians, a deeply fascinating people who were later Romanized to extinction by the Romans.
    - Charles, B. “The Flavio-Trajanic miles : the Appearance of Citizen Infantry on Trajan's Column” in Latomus, 61, Fasc. 3, 2002, 666-695.
    - Florea, G; Pupeza, P. Les Dieux tués: La Destruction du chief-lieu du Royaume Dace” in Die Römischen Provinzen: Begriff und Gründung Colloquium Cluj-Napoca 28. September - 1. Oktober 2006, Editura Mega: Cluj-Napoca, 281-295.
    - Neamtu, C; Bârcâ, V; Buna, Z. “Promoting and Capitalizing on the Vestiges from Sarmizegetusa Regia by Modern Multimedia Methods” in Plural, Vol. 8, no. 1, 2020, 150 - 173.
    - Oltean, I. A; Hanson, W. S. “Conquest strategy and political discourse: new evidence for the conquest of Dacia from LiDAR analysis at Sarmizegetusa Regia” in Journal of Roman Archaeology, 30, 2017, 429-446.
    - Oltean, R. Dacia: La Conquista Romana. Desperta Ferro Ediciones: Madrid, 2016.
    - Oltean, R. Tracios, Getas y Dacios. Desperta Ferro Ediciones: Madrid, 2021.
    - Pupeza, P. “To see or to be seen: The Dacian fortresses from the Orăştie Mountains” in Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste, Section d’Archeologie et d’Histoire, XIV, 2, 2012, 81-85.
    - Richmond, I. A. “Trajan’s Army on Trajan's Column” in Papers of the British School at Rome, 13, 1935, 1-40.
    - Rossi, L. “Dacian Fortifications in Trajan’s Column” in The Antiquaries Journal, 30-35.
    - Soria Molina, D. Las guerras dácicas de Trajano Antecedentes, desarrollo, geopolítica, estrategia y consecuencias. Universidad de Murcia: Murcia, 2016.
    - Stefan, A. S. Les guerres daciques de Domitien et de Trajan: Architecture militaire, topographie, images et histoire. Ecole Française de Rome: Rome, 2005.
    - VV.AA. A Monumental Effort: Trajan’s Dacian Wars. Ancient Warfare Magazine VI.2, Karwansaray Publishers: Zutphen, 2012.
    - Wheeler, E. “Rome’s Dacian Wars: Domitian, Trajan, and Strategy on the Danube, Part I” in The Journal of Military History, 74, 1185-1227.
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  • @adrianr9454
    @adrianr9454 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +338

    As a Romanian, I thank you for your dedication in research and editing this video. Epic.

    • @RalucaSalsera
      @RalucaSalsera 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I totaly agree with you

    • @gabrielpopescu7587
      @gabrielpopescu7587 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Dacii nu sunt stramosii nostrii. Ei erau foarte inalti, blonzi si cu ochi albastrii. Uitati-va cum arata poporul Roman si vedeti daca exista vreo asemanare. De asemenea despre Geti, Herodot a spus ca erau cei mai drepti dintre Traci, adica cinstiti. Poporul Roman de astazi a cam speriat Europa cu ''cinstea''. Stramosii nostrii au fost colonistii Imperiului Roman. Din acest motiv vorbim Limba Latina. Imperiul Roman nu a putut sa ii supuna pe Daci chiar daca i-a cucerit. Cam la fiecare 10 ani era cate o revolta, iar Imperiul Roman ii lua sclavi pe toti Dacii din acea zona, femei, barbati, copii, dupa ce ii invingeau. Scrieri vechi spun ca numai la doua revolte au luat cate 150 de mii si i-au dus prima data in Albania de astazi si a doua oara in Britania. Imaginati-va , in 170 de ani de stapanire cati sclavi au luat din Dacia. De asemenea nobilul Venetian de origine Greaca, Markos Antonios Katsaitis, care a scris despre calatoria sa in anul 1742 in Moldova si Valahia, a spus ca Imparatul Aurelian cand s-a retras din Dacia, de frica, ca Dacii sa nu devina din nou o forta de temut care sa puna probleme Imperiului Roman, i-a luat pe toti si i-a trecut dincolo de Dunare in Moesia aducand in locul lor Colonisti Romani. Gasiti acest lucru in cartea ''Saeculum'' la pagina 94. Markos Antonios Katsiris si-a facut studiile in Italia, deci a invatat Istoria Imperiului Roman si stia ce spune. El s-a documentat despre trecutul Transilvaniei, Tarii Romanesti si Moldovei pentru ca la comanda Ducelui Venetiei a scris o Geografie a Europei, deci cele ce a afirmat le-a gasit probabil in documente vechi care astazi nu mai exista sau sunt pe undeva uitate. Domnitorul Moldovei de atunci Constantin Mavrocordat l-a verificat pentru a vedea daca informatiile lui despre ce a fost pe teritoriul Moldovei in antichitate, scrise de el in Geografia Europei sunt corecte si a constatat ca sunt. Va rog terminati cu ineptia ca noi suntem urmasii Getilor si Dacilor si cinstiti-va stramosii latini, cetatenii celui mai mare imperiu ce a existat vreodata pe pamant, imperiu ce a adus civilizatie in Europa si in lume. Mandriti-va ca gena Colonistilor Imperiului Roman, nu a putut fi infranta timp de 1800 de ani de nici o natie care a venit pe aceste pamanturi. In final toate, ori au fugit, ori au fost asimilate, ca in final gena Latina sa se ridice din nou. Unde sunt Hunii, unde sunt Gotii, unde sunt Avarii, unde sunt Pecenegii, unde sunt Tatarii, unde sunt Bulgarii, unde sunt Cumanii, unde sunt Turcii, unde sunt Austro-Ungarii, unde sunt Germanii, unde sunt Slavii, unde sunt Rusii sau alte natii care au venit sa stapaneasca aceste pamanturi? Toti au fost invinsi de gena Latina. Voi ii preamariti pe amaratii de Daci, care au fost invinsi si dusi sclavi de stramosii vostrii, desi acestia nu aveau scriere, constructii marete, opere de arta, scoli, poeti, scriitori adica nimic, erau niste salbatici cocotati pe Muntii Carpati. Si unele din cetatile lor au fost facute tot de romani, doar sunt scrieri care spun acest lucru. Pentru ce preamariti un popor ingenunchiat de stramosii vostrii? Cred ca nici voi nu stiti. Ce merit au avut ei in dezvoltarea omenirii? Nici unul. Radeti singuri de voi ca fiind urmasii unui popor invins in loc sa fiti mandrii de gena voastra care nici astazi nu a fost invinsa de nimeni, ci a cuprins jumatate din planeta. Roma si astazi conduce prin Vatican aproape doua miliarde de oameni de pe acest pamant. Ca sa intelegeti ca noi poporul Roman nu avem aproape nimic de-a face cu Dacii sau Getii si ca ati fost mintiti de ''istoricii comunisti'' care de fapt s-au ocupat cu mistificarea istoriei si mintitul, va pun un link cu un studiu genetic al ADN-ului, facut pe majoritatea populatiei pamantului in 2014 in care se arata ca populatia de pe teritoriul Romaniei nu are decat 0,4% gena Daca sau Geta ( Dai este numita Gena Tracilor in Genetica. Dacii si Getii erau din neamul Tracilor). Dati click pe punctul rosu de pe harta Romaniei si in dreapta vor aparea doua tabele. In ele, ce este bifat cu albastru sunt genele majoritare din ADN-ul romanilor, iar cele ne bifate sunt genele minoritare. Genele majoritare au fost gasite la toti cei 1400 de romani de pe tot cuprinsul tarii ce au participat la studiu, cele minoritare numai la unii din ei. Romanii invata la scoala o istorie mincinoasa care le ascunde ca sunt urmasii colonistilor adusi aici de Imperiul Roman. Pentru ca erau rasisti, ne suportand sa fie sub conducerea altor neamuri Dacii se revoltau si Romanii i-au exterminat aproape complet.

    • @ioro7268
      @ioro7268 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Ce puternici eram o data

    • @stensimisuveran
      @stensimisuveran 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@@ioro7268Și încă suntem ,asa vor sa creadă toate popoarele din Europa ca suntem !
      Când ei în sinea lor știu cu adevărat cine suntem!
      Suntem copiii primordiarilor!

    • @ioro7268
      @ioro7268 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@stensimisuveran adevarat

  • @khirondb
    @khirondb 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +158

    We Romanians thank you for this well produced, in depth analysis. Congrats and we wait for part 2! Thank you.

    • @HistoriaMilitum
      @HistoriaMilitum  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Thank you! Part 2 should be out by mid January!

    • @sticlavoda5632
      @sticlavoda5632 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@HistoriaMilitum Any idea how long is left?

    • @qwaz67
      @qwaz67 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sticlavoda5632good news, it’s out now!

    • @antonival50
      @antonival50 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As a Bulgaria,I think we need finally to clarify the history.

    • @sticlavoda5632
      @sticlavoda5632 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@antonival50 ?

  • @HistoriaMilitum
    @HistoriaMilitum  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +393

    As far as I could think, the Dacian Wars was that one big gap that was never fully covered in a detailed documentary on TH-cam, and with good reason. Given the lack of sources, most of which is archeological, this series is and will be a big challenge to produce, but nothing impossible! This series aims to compile everything we know about this long lost conflict, from the combined works of numerous historians and archeologists, and make a fine addition to the already amazing arsenal of free Roman videos on TH-cam; thanks to the hard work of many great channels. Thank you all for making this possible!

    • @dand7763
      @dand7763 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

      i liked that you colorize the map , in blue, yellow, red ... it's obvious about what country live now in this region around The Carpathian Mountains :)

    • @HistoriaMilitum
      @HistoriaMilitum  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +35

      @@dand7763 Haha, I suppose I did unintentionally create the Romanian flag… what a coincidence!

    • @InAeternumRomaMater
      @InAeternumRomaMater 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      ​@dand7763 Well, we Romanians are after all children of Rome, and still hold in our chest Rome's glory in Dacia as we still speak the language descendant from theirs

    • @danielvijulie7123
      @danielvijulie7123 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Loved this! As a Romanian I appreciate you trying to investigate my ancestors history. Decebal really did damage to Rome it's no wonder they carved him in the side of a huge mountain.

    • @Fly_By_NightX
      @Fly_By_NightX 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Dacia and the Getae are among my favorite cultures of the time and so I'm very pleased with the video. Great work

  • @AntiMuste
    @AntiMuste 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    Salut! As a Romanian I would like to thank you profoundly for creating this video. There is a enormous lack of investment into our history by the authorities. However, history still lives through our traditions, our lands and last but not least, our language.
    Keep up the great work! 👏👏🙏🙏

  • @High_rise12
    @High_rise12 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +245

    Thank you so much for covering this, I had no idea just how powerful the Dacians where

    • @dand7763
      @dand7763 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

      romanians are their descendants ,the roots are from that period ,of course native dacians plus roman colonists (bring their civilization here, adopted quick by the local natives, plus the language - latin one)

    • @balazsszieberth9736
      @balazsszieberth9736 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @sebastianlup
      @sebastianlup 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@MajorCharlesCarringtonVCand shields.

    • @karoltomis5704
      @karoltomis5704 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      In the times of Giulio Cesare the Dacians under Burebista had kicked out Gauls (Kelts) out of territory of recent-day Slovakia.

    • @sh4ark964
      @sh4ark964 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @MajorCharlesCarringtonVC because of the falx, which is a type of curved sword.

  • @Warmaker01
    @Warmaker01 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +101

    These were epic wars. The Dacians were a fierce power. It took the Roman Empire at its height, with campaigns led by arguably its best military minded emperor in Trajan, fought by the Legions at their best during the Principate to beat Dacia.

    • @Roma_Aeterna_SPQR
      @Roma_Aeterna_SPQR 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      The reward was worth it. The Dacian gold was the biggest war spoil that Rome ever took. Then they started mining the rest. When Trajan won, he decreed 123 days of holydays throughout all the Roman Empire, in celebration for its victory, the greatest victory that Rome had till that date. 123 days... Dacia was filthy rich in gold. So rich that it fueled the whole Roman Empire's war machine for over 100 years. 6 ships from the first cargo were so filled that they sink somewhere on the way to Rome. I don't remember who did the study, but there was a study that came to the conclusion that the catalist for the Roman Empire power expansion and maintenance was the Dacian gold.

    • @InAeternumRomaMater
      @InAeternumRomaMater 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      If Rome didn't abandoned during Hadrians time great part of Dacia Traiana, the province might have had great places to be defended like Dnister river and Prut river to the east and Carphathian mountains in the north/west.

  • @Ion_Antonescu
    @Ion_Antonescu 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    It is tragic how so many details have been lost considering the magnitude of the campaign and the relevance it still has for both Romanians and Rome. This is a nice insight in the little there is left of their story.

  • @emiibbb
    @emiibbb 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +77

    I'm a romanian and I'm born into Carpatian mountains and proud of my ancestors .

    • @SashaBaron112
      @SashaBaron112 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Well, they wouldn’t be proud of you 😂

    • @jeanbasil7512
      @jeanbasil7512 7 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @mihaifloares2503
      @mihaifloares2503 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @emiibbb, me too, but we are more romans than dacians, hence the name "Romania". And why tf do I reply u in english if we are both Romanians? Salut frate!

    • @InAeternumRomaMater
      @InAeternumRomaMater 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Our Roman ancestors wouldn't be proud of us for being bunch of Dacopaths. Treziți-vă românilor! Strămoșii noștri au fost domnitori Europei!

    • @emiibbb
      @emiibbb 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@mihaifloares2503 because the YT page and the video is done in english? Tf? Salut si tie

  • @mirceapirvu1851
    @mirceapirvu1851 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    I HAVE NO WORDS TO EXPLAIN ME GRATITUDE . AS A ROMANIAN . ty ty ty ty god bless you and your work

    • @gabrielpopescu7587
      @gabrielpopescu7587 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stramosii romanilor nu sunt Dacii. Dacii erau foarte inalti, blonzi si cu ochi albastrii. Uitati-va cum arata poporul Roman si vedeti daca exista vreo asemanare. De asemenea despre Geti, Herodot a spus ca erau cei mai drepti dintre Traci, adica cinstiti. Poporul Roman de astazi a cam speriat Europa cu ''cinstea''. Stramosii nostrii au fost colonistii Imperiului Roman. Din acest motiv vorbim Limba Latina. Imperiul Roman nu a putut sa ii supuna pe Daci chiar daca i-a cucerit. Cam la fiecare 10 ani era cate o revolta, iar Imperiul Roman ii lua sclavi pe toti Dacii din acea zona, femei, barbati, copii, dupa ce ii invingeau. Scrieri vechi spun ca numai la doua revolte au luat cate 150 de mii si i-au dus prima data in Albania de astazi si a doua oara in Britania. Imaginati-va , in 170 de ani de stapanire cati sclavi au luat din Dacia. De asemenea nobilul Venetian de origine Greaca, Markos Antonios Katsaitis, care a scris despre calatoria sa in anul 1742 in Moldova si Valahia, a spus ca Imparatul Aurelian cand s-a retras din Dacia, de frica, ca Dacii sa nu devina din nou o forta de temut care sa puna probleme Imperiului Roman, i-a luat pe toti si i-a trecut dincolo de Dunare in Moesia aducand in locul lor Colonisti Romani. Gasiti acest lucru in cartea ''Saeculum'' la pagina 94. Markos Antonios Katsiris si-a facut studiile in Italia, deci a invatat Istoria Imperiului Roman si stia ce spune. El s-a documentat despre trecutul Transilvaniei, Tarii Romanesti si Moldovei pentru ca la comanda Ducelui Venetiei a scris o Geografie a Europei, deci cele ce a afirmat le-a gasit probabil in documente vechi care astazi nu mai exista sau sunt pe undeva uitate. Domnitorul Moldovei de atunci Constantin Mavrocordat l-a verificat pentru a vedea daca informatiile lui despre ce a fost pe teritoriul Moldovei in antichitate, scrise de el in Geografia Europei sunt corecte si a constatat ca sunt. Va rog terminati cu ineptia ca noi suntem urmasii Getilor si Dacilor si cinstiti-va stramosii latini, cetatenii celui mai mare imperiu ce a existat vreodata pe pamant, imperiu ce a adus civilizatie in Europa si in lume. Mandriti-va ca gena Colonistilor Imperiului Roman, nu a putut fi infranta timp de 1800 de ani de nici o natie care a venit pe aceste pamanturi. In final toate, ori au fugit, ori au fost asimilate, ca in final gena Latina sa se ridice din nou. Unde sunt Hunii, unde sunt Gotii, unde sunt Avarii, unde sunt Pecenegii, unde sunt Tatarii, unde sunt Bulgarii, unde sunt Cumanii, unde sunt Turcii, unde sunt Austro-Ungarii, unde sunt Germanii, unde sunt Slavii, unde sunt Rusii sau alte natii care au venit sa stapaneasca aceste pamanturi? Toti au fost invinsi de gena Latina. Voi ii preamariti pe amaratii de Daci, care au fost invinsi si dusi sclavi de stramosii vostrii, desi acestia nu aveau scriere, constructii marete, opere de arta, scoli, poeti, scriitori adica nimic, erau niste salbatici cocotati pe Muntii Carpati. Si unele din cetatile lor au fost facute tot de romani, doar sunt scrieri care spun acest lucru. Pentru ce preamariti un popor ingenunchiat de stramosii vostrii? Cred ca nici voi nu stiti. Ce merit au avut ei in dezvoltarea omenirii? Nici unul. Radeti singuri de voi ca fiind urmasii unui popor invins in loc sa fiti mandrii de gena voastra care nici astazi nu a fost invinsa de nimeni, ci a cuprins jumatate din planeta. Roma si astazi conduce prin Vatican aproape doua miliarde de oameni de pe acest pamant. Ca sa intelegeti ca noi poporul Roman nu avem aproape nimic de-a face cu Dacii sau Getii si ca ati fost mintiti de ''istoricii comunisti'' care de fapt s-au ocupat cu mistificarea istoriei si mintitul, va pun un link cu un studiu genetic al ADN-ului, facut pe majoritatea populatiei pamantului in 2014 in care se arata ca populatia de pe teritoriul Romaniei nu are decat 0,4% gena Daca sau Geta ( Dai este numita Gena Tracilor in Genetica. Dacii si Getii erau din neamul Tracilor). Dati click pe punctul rosu de pe harta Romaniei si in dreapta vor aparea doua tabele. In ele, ce este bifat cu albastru sunt genele majoritare din ADN-ul romanilor, iar cele ne bifate sunt genele minoritare. Genele majoritare au fost gasite la toti cei 1400 de romani de pe tot cuprinsul tarii ce au participat la studiu, cele minoritare numai la unii din ei. Romanii invata la scoala o istorie mincinoasa care le ascunde ca sunt urmasii colonistilor adusi aici de Imperiul Roman. Pentru ca erau rasisti, ne suportand sa fie sub conducerea altor neamuri Dacii se revoltau si Romanii i-au exterminat aproape complet.

  • @kalibra2121
    @kalibra2121 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    The fact that you used music from Praetorians, one of my childhood games that I played so much is even more impressive. Thank you for this!

  • @Katini_
    @Katini_ 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Not as much Dacian war content as other parts of ancient history. Appreciate this

  • @kreken5260
    @kreken5260 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +138

    Absolutely great episode. I have written several scientific writings on the Dacian Wars in the course of my history studies and can only say that you have presented everything perfect so far. Cant wait for Part 2!

    • @HistoriaMilitum
      @HistoriaMilitum  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      Thank you for the kind words!

    • @ionutpaun9828
      @ionutpaun9828 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Where can I find these writings if you don't mind me asking?

    • @kreken5260
      @kreken5260 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@ionutpaun9828 Difficult topic. The ones I read were german and they are only avaible in libraries, not online. You can still give it a try searching for some online but I cant say if u will find something good

    • @christiankeresztesy4450
      @christiankeresztesy4450 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ionutpaun9828 communist propaganda. You got plenty of that in Romania

    • @claudiu8426
      @claudiu8426 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@christiankeresztesy4450Hungarian mongol spotted! You can`t deny the Dacians that were living in Pannonia and in all Romanian territories!

  • @tonyn4374
    @tonyn4374 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +101

    As a Romanian I studied about Dacians a lot and I'd like to add the following details/facts:
    1. Dacia won at Tapae and had a lot more small battles won at south of Danube, this being the main reason the Roman Empire wanted Dacia conquered as it was a rising power at its borders, constantly raiding its territories.
    2. Roman Empire paid the Dacians tens of thousands of Denari tribute, which is the largest sum Romans ever paid in tribute. That was for Dacia to behave and not organise as a Kingdom, but Daecebalus kept unity and military training along with raids at south of Danube despite of the tribute being paid.
    3. After the first Dacian-Roman war, because of the Dacian falx sword all the legions taking part in the conflict had to improve their helmets and armors as they were just being chopped off by Dacians, which led to a whole new armor type in the Roman Empire
    4. Although the Roman Empire managed after the second large scale war to conquer Dacia, they didn't exterminate the Dacians as a lot retreated at north of the Carpathian Mountains and lived known as Free Dacians and kept trading, language and traditions with living Dacians left in the Roman province of Dacia.
    5. Romans held a small part of Dacian territory for about 200 years and this time period it was considered till nowadays to be the end of the Dacian people (end of language, traditions, etc) and the start of a new nation (nowadays Romania) resulted from the converted Dacians to the Roman culture. But as you can see Dacia was a powerful kingdom at the time, its people considered by many historicals at the time as being brave, courageous, fierce warriors. Was it possible for Romans in 200 years to erase such a strong culture, considering that a large part of Dacian people lived free of any Roman occupation at the north of the province? Also Roman Empire inhabited England for over 400 years and English people are still speaking their own language and have their own culture.
    6. Dacians had huge issues with alcohol. The first king, Burebista, had to burn all the grapevines and ban alcohol consumption in order to get Dacians to fight properly and not be constantly drunk af
    7. The Dacians were religious people and they believed in one god, Zamolxis along with prophets as Daeceneus, Zeuta etc. In their religion death was seen as a relief from this world and a pass to the next world and they were celebrating every death. This is very similar to other cultures as Egyptians, Vikings. And my personal belief is that this made them fierce warriors as they were not afraid to die in battles.

    • @gabyradu8266
      @gabyradu8266 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Asa e ...n-a fost nici o romanizare . Oricat s-ar chinui istoricii sa explice asa zisa romanizare n-au cum sa explice triburile Traco-Gete din nord si din est. In Getia n-a calcat picior de soldat Roman si cum puteau reusi Imperiul Roman sa schimbe limba si obieiurile in 179 de ani si-o ocupatie partiala cand ungurii n-au reusit in 800 de ani si-o ocupatie tiranica ? Ce nu se spune in video-ul asta e ca Ilirii , Tracii , Moesii , Bastarnii , Costobocii si multi altii mentionati...erau de fapt tot triburi Geto-Trace desprinse din triburile originale Geto-Trace. Triburi care si-au format propriile state dar care aveu aceesi limba cultura si religie. Asa zisa Romaniare si descendenta din Roma a poporului Român a aparut in secolul 18 cand o multime de alte neamuri pretindeau ca noi Românii nu am locuit aici si ca ei au primul drept. Sti ca ma refer la Bulgari , Sârbi , Unguri , Polonezi , Ucrainieni , Rusi, Bielorusi si altii. Tari care n-au nici 1000 de ani in Europa. Adica eu n-am vazul sa existe la Vatican sculpturi de 2000 de ani cu capul lui Attila sau Sviatoslav I al Kievului. Uite-te la dinastia regala a Rusiei, incepe prin anul 1280 . Dar de Traco-geti exista foarte multe

    • @gundabalf
      @gundabalf 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      nu mai bate campii

    • @Crowe_77
      @Crowe_77 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gundabalf cu ce bate ma campii? Pune dracu mana pe o carte de istorie!

    • @mitzanu2007
      @mitzanu2007 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@gundabalf foarte bun argument....

    • @SashaBaron112
      @SashaBaron112 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Man just look at yourself for a second coz I don’t have time to read all your post [got an early flight to Romania (Kolozsvár) lol] so just look at your point at number 1: the Romans had to take care of the raising power (aka Dacia) who constantly raided their borders.
      So long went the myth of your peaceful people growing peppercorn and cucuruz(corn on the cob) just minding their business and the ugly nomad Huns came 😂

  • @tudorm6838
    @tudorm6838 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +104

    Trajan wanted to remain in history like Caesar, and his conquests in Dacia to be equal to those of Caesar in Gaul. He wrote a description of the wars with the Dacians "De Bello Dacico" which has not been preserved, in the mirror of Caesar's "De Bello Gallico". In Rome, Trajan's Forum was right next to Caesar's forum and was wider.

    • @seaman5705
      @seaman5705 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      So , Trajan conquered Dacia, because he wanted to remain in history , not because Dacians where a menace and didn't respect treaties , even though they were for their advantage .
      Ata Romanian boy !
      Mai invata istoria adevarata mai baiete ! Lasa nationalismul imbecil si dacopatia fara fundament !

    • @iDeathMaximuMII
      @iDeathMaximuMII 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      That's just awfully unfortunate. I would've loved to hear Trajan's personal stories of conquering Dacia

    • @neddhu
      @neddhu 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      its one of the greatest loses of history it would have speared us romanians of so much drivel spewed by our magyar friends.@@iDeathMaximuMII

    • @SashaBaron112
      @SashaBaron112 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @gabrielpopescu7587
      @gabrielpopescu7587 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dacii nu sunt stramosii nostrii. Ei erau foarte inalti, blonzi si cu ochi albastrii. Uitati-va cum arata poporul Roman si vedeti daca exista vreo asemanare. De asemenea despre Geti, Herodot a spus ca erau cei mai drepti dintre Traci, adica cinstiti. Poporul Roman de astazi a cam speriat Europa cu ''cinstea''. Stramosii nostrii au fost colonistii Imperiului Roman. Din acest motiv vorbim Limba Latina. Imperiul Roman nu a putut sa ii supuna pe Daci chiar daca i-a cucerit. Cam la fiecare 10 ani era cate o revolta, iar Imperiul Roman ii lua sclavi pe toti Dacii din acea zona, femei, barbati, copii, dupa ce ii invingeau. Scrieri vechi spun ca numai la doua revolte au luat cate 150 de mii si i-au dus prima data in Albania de astazi si a doua oara in Britania. Imaginati-va , in 170 de ani de stapanire cati sclavi au luat din Dacia. De asemenea nobilul Venetian de origine Greaca, Markos Antonios Katsaitis, care a scris despre calatoria sa in anul 1742 in Moldova si Valahia, a spus ca Imparatul Aurelian cand s-a retras din Dacia, de frica, ca Dacii sa nu devina din nou o forta de temut care sa puna probleme Imperiului Roman, i-a luat pe toti si i-a trecut dincolo de Dunare in Moesia aducand in locul lor Colonisti Romani. Gasiti acest lucru in cartea ''Saeculum'' la pagina 94. Markos Antonios Katsiris si-a facut studiile in Italia, deci a invatat Istoria Imperiului Roman si stia ce spune. El s-a documentat despre trecutul Transilvaniei, Tarii Romanesti si Moldovei pentru ca la comanda Ducelui Venetiei a scris o Geografie a Europei, deci cele ce a afirmat le-a gasit probabil in documente vechi care astazi nu mai exista sau sunt pe undeva uitate. Domnitorul Moldovei de atunci Constantin Mavrocordat l-a verificat pentru a vedea daca informatiile lui despre ce a fost pe teritoriul Moldovei in antichitate, scrise de el in Geografia Europei sunt corecte si a constatat ca sunt. Va rog terminati cu ineptia ca noi suntem urmasii Getilor si Dacilor si cinstiti-va stramosii latini, cetatenii celui mai mare imperiu ce a existat vreodata pe pamant, imperiu ce a adus civilizatie in Europa si in lume. Mandriti-va ca gena Colonistilor Imperiului Roman, nu a putut fi infranta timp de 1800 de ani de nici o natie care a venit pe aceste pamanturi. In final toate, ori au fugit, ori au fost asimilate, ca in final gena Latina sa se ridice din nou. Unde sunt Hunii, unde sunt Gotii, unde sunt Avarii, unde sunt Pecenegii, unde sunt Tatarii, unde sunt Bulgarii, unde sunt Cumanii, unde sunt Turcii, unde sunt Austro-Ungarii, unde sunt Germanii, unde sunt Slavii, unde sunt Rusii sau alte natii care au venit sa stapaneasca aceste pamanturi? Toti au fost invinsi de gena Latina. Voi ii preamariti pe amaratii de Daci, care au fost invinsi si dusi sclavi de stramosii vostrii, desi acestia nu aveau scriere, constructii marete, opere de arta, scoli, poeti, scriitori adica nimic, erau niste salbatici cocotati pe Muntii Carpati. Si unele din cetatile lor au fost facute tot de romani, doar sunt scrieri care spun acest lucru. Pentru ce preamariti un popor ingenunchiat de stramosii vostrii? Cred ca nici voi nu stiti. Ce merit au avut ei in dezvoltarea omenirii? Nici unul. Radeti singuri de voi ca fiind urmasii unui popor invins in loc sa fiti mandrii de gena voastra care nici astazi nu a fost invinsa de nimeni, ci a cuprins jumatate din planeta. Roma si astazi conduce prin Vatican aproape doua miliarde de oameni de pe acest pamant. Ca sa intelegeti ca noi poporul Roman nu avem aproape nimic de-a face cu Dacii sau Getii si ca ati fost mintiti de ''istoricii comunisti'' care de fapt s-au ocupat cu mistificarea istoriei si mintitul, va pun un link cu un studiu genetic al ADN-ului, facut pe majoritatea populatiei pamantului in 2014 in care se arata ca populatia de pe teritoriul Romaniei nu are decat 0,4% gena Daca sau Geta ( Dai este numita Gena Tracilor in Genetica. Dacii si Getii erau din neamul Tracilor). Dati click pe punctul rosu de pe harta Romaniei si in dreapta vor aparea doua tabele. In ele, ce este bifat cu albastru sunt genele majoritare din ADN-ul romanilor, iar cele ne bifate sunt genele minoritare. Genele majoritare au fost gasite la toti cei 1400 de romani de pe tot cuprinsul tarii ce au participat la studiu, cele minoritare numai la unii din ei. Romanii invata la scoala o istorie mincinoasa care le ascunde ca sunt urmasii colonistilor adusi aici de Imperiul Roman. Pentru ca erau rasisti, ne suportand sa fie sub conducerea altor neamuri Dacii se revoltau si Romanii i-au exterminat aproape complet.

  • @Tanu.90
    @Tanu.90 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +50

    Salut! 🇹🇩 Romanian here wearing the Dacian Draco as my channel image since 2011! Our ancestors were a great civilization of Antiquity, a fact with which not may nations can be proud of. I wish us romanians acknowledged our roots and be more confident in ourselves everywhere we are. And you help us do that, so you have my huge respect, and I declare a friend of the romanian people ^ ^. Mult succes în continuare prietene!! ❤💛💙🤗

    • @stannicolae4623
      @stannicolae4623 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stop it with this we wuzzing shit. Jesus Christ.

    • @seaman5705
      @seaman5705 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Nu a fost nici o civilizatie, mai baiete ! Dacii ca si getii au fost o cultura , cu nimic diferita de alte culturi din jur sau aiurea .
      Sa fii mai razboinic decat atii , nu inseamna civilizatie . Sper ca ai inteles din video ca cele mai avansate lucruri din viata lor, le-au primit de la Romani sau Greci . Aia erau civilizatii .
      Si apoi , tot din video , Dacii nici nu au existat pana prin secolul 2 BC , cand au suspus locuitorii arcului Carpatic , ca invadatori de origine Getica , cel mai probabil amestecata cu multi altii. Cand sa faca o civilizatie ?

    • @nathanworthington4451
      @nathanworthington4451 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      😂😂😂You're proud to be Romanian😂😂😂

    • @Tanu.90
      @Tanu.90 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@nathanworthington4451 I'm proud of my ancestors, yes. What's the deal?

    • @nathanworthington4451
      @nathanworthington4451 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Tanu.90 Its just absurdly funny on several levels that's all. You had to go all the way back to antiquity and you said ancestors like you're related to those people who werent even Romanian🤣 Plus you're super proud to be Romanian. Again that's just ridiculously funny. Like what are you proud of? Dracula? 🤣🤣🤣

  • @nenadnikolic6142
    @nenadnikolic6142 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +64

    My village is on Serbian side 12km far from Trajan's bridge, where the Romans crossed the Danube in Dacia.

    • @mirelairinapetre6503
      @mirelairinapetre6503 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Hello neighbour. I miss seeing your shore, from Dacians part! My mother and her family were born and lived in Orșova.Great vacation,great places.And Vegeta was tasty,back then!❤🇷🇴😀

    • @nenadnikolic6142
      @nenadnikolic6142 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@mirelairinapetre6503 Hello 👋, we still have a lot of visitors from Romania in our small town, they usually come to eat our BBQ in restorans and other delicious food and I think that they still buy vegeta 😁

    • @valentinovidiucornea4525
      @valentinovidiucornea4525 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mirelairinapetre6503 The original Vegeta actually comes from Croatia, from Koprivnica, from the company PODRAVKA.

    • @utvm6748
      @utvm6748 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I have vlach family in korbovo

    • @nenadnikolic6142
      @nenadnikolic6142 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@utvm6748I'm from village Korbovo (but I feel much more as a Serbian)

  • @robertscheidbauer5677
    @robertscheidbauer5677 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    Proud to be Daco-Romanian !!! 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

    • @_UwU_92
      @_UwU_92 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Mee too❤❤❤

    • @InAeternumRomaMater
      @InAeternumRomaMater 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      @@_UwU_92 It is written Daco-Roman not Daco-Romanian tho. And modern Romanian Academia argues we Romanians originated from both sides of the danube river, and were under Roman influence for 733 year's, which makes us Thraco-Romans and not Daco-Romans

    • @_UwU_92
      @_UwU_92 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@InAeternumRomaMater 🥰😘💋💯👋🏻🙏🏻💪👍🏻

    • @syl1894
      @syl1894 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Esti sclavul europei, de acum 2000 ani si pana azi, nu te ai uitat la video sau nu iesi din casa? 😂

    • @admar7777
      @admar7777 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@InAeternumRomaMater ha ha ,oricum,important e marele adevar ca ungurii sunt un trib nomad.Un popor nomad! Si ca noi dacii dupa cum rezulta si din acest video construiam cetati cu mult inainte ca anglo saxonii si germanicii sa coboare din copaci.Binenteles ungurii erau inca dinozauri

  • @MrTNA-ml8tt
    @MrTNA-ml8tt 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Greetings from the great country of Romania - Dacians are here

  • @flaviusstilicho397
    @flaviusstilicho397 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +105

    You didn’t mention that Crassus grandson managed to kill a Bastarnae chief in one on one combat and was eligible to be granted the Spolia Opima but was snubbed by Augustus

    • @JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez
      @JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      That's a secret we are keeping for the future 😉. If the series performs well he will get his own episode.

    • @danielating1316
      @danielating1316 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez are you the writer?

    • @JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez
      @JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      @@danielating1316 Yeap, I'm his right hand man 😉

    • @tudorpatrascu2476
      @tudorpatrascu2476 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What was Crassus's grandson name ?

    • @flaviusstilicho397
      @flaviusstilicho397 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@tudorpatrascu2476 Marcus Licinius Crassus lol same name as his father and grandfather

  • @YesterYearsProductions
    @YesterYearsProductions 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +41

    Fantastic coverage of an often overlooked part of Roman History. Arguably the best narrative on Dacia I've seen on TH-cam yet. Brilliant job. I'm looking forward to part 2!

  • @denoro.
    @denoro. 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    As a romanian, THANK YOU!

    • @JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez
      @JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      Actually, thanks to you!! Romanian historians are doing a great job at uncovering the dacian history. One of our most trustworthy sources is a romanian historian, Radu Oltean. He does an amazing job at putting together all the info available in romanian and translating it to english. He is also an incredible artist. Without him these series would have been incredibly difficult to do

    • @aiurea1
      @aiurea1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@JonEtxebeberriaRodriguezare you a member of this channel too?

  • @aaronjordan-webb8984
    @aaronjordan-webb8984 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Preatorian ambient music in the background at the start??!!!!! Man I got goosebumps from that

  • @deonepeacham7531
    @deonepeacham7531 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Hmm very interesting. Big fan of Roman and Greek history but didnt know about Dacia being so difficult

  • @islar7832
    @islar7832 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    Fun fact, it is beleived that due to the frequency and skill with which the dacians used falx swords, the romans started using the manica armor segments on their right hand, which usually got chopped off.

    • @JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez
      @JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Actually that idea has began to be questioned by historians. They found a couple of tombstones of Roman soldier in the Rhine from the 40-60s AD that represent them with something similar to a manica. It's still a matter of debate of course. History is a very slow science when it comes to adjusting information 😂

    • @ericconnor8251
      @ericconnor8251 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@JonEtxebeberriaRodriguez I’m skeptical of this claim as well, since the manica armor was worn even before lorica segmentata was widespread, and for that matter was previously used by Hellenistic Greeks and Iranian peoples for cataphract heavy cavalry, known as cheires. The Seleucids and Parthians were particularly fond of it. I’m not sure if the falx weapon used in the Dacian Wars specifically was the reason some Roman legionaries adopted manica more widely.

  • @LiveinReykjavik
    @LiveinReykjavik 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +55

    This is absolutely magnificent! Each and every one of your videos is worth the wait! I was beyond myself from joy when I saw that you are about to cover the Dacian wars in a way only you can! Thank you! By far my favorite channel on the entirety of TH-cam.

    • @HistoriaMilitum
      @HistoriaMilitum  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Thank you for the kind words! We are blessed to have such devoted history enthusiasts like yourself. As for the wait, we working hard to cut production time while still retaining quality.

    • @LiveinReykjavik
      @LiveinReykjavik 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@HistoriaMilitum And we appreciate it! You are always worth the wait, continue with the awesome work and all the best to you!

  • @stevetamacc
    @stevetamacc 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    This is the best Roman video on TH-cam I have ever seen, by far! I will watch it over and over! I won't lie... I thought of Spartacus while watching this!

  • @cerdic6586
    @cerdic6586 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +61

    Fun fact: some of Rome's best auxiliaries were recruited in Dacia.

    • @harlequin7735
      @harlequin7735 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Just like that? You expect anyone to believe that?

    • @cerdic6586
      @cerdic6586 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@harlequin7735 No. I expect anyone who is seriously interested in the topic to do their own reading and come to their own conclusion.

    • @wankawanka3053
      @wankawanka3053 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@cerdic6586usually you need a source to say stuff like this

    • @razvanbarascu4007
      @razvanbarascu4007 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@wankawanka3053have a look for Dacians in Britain. They even remained on the island after the Roman retreat from Britannia.

    • @Bickdickrandy
      @Bickdickrandy 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also Batavians from the Netherlands

  • @jeremy1860
    @jeremy1860 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +54

    It's a fascinating period in Roman history. This one region they fought and fought and fought for, only to decide to leave afterwards because of how difficult it was to control 😅

    • @sashat.2629
      @sashat.2629 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      many have come after them, greeks, turks, even russians... and they all left for the same reason :))) Romanians have a way of showing you the door :D

  • @IorizMaximusCaesarAugustus
    @IorizMaximusCaesarAugustus 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Dacia will soon be the one of heir of the Romance language, although Rome just ruled it for just a century until the restitor orbis Aurelian pulled the legions and gave up the region. They're thoroughly Romanized as their language today reflects.

    • @balaceanuandrei5183
      @balaceanuandrei5183 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Welp, moving the entirety of the dacian fighting force into Britania, and then re-colonising the lands with roman citizens, tends to do that to a population.

    • @InAeternumRomaMater
      @InAeternumRomaMater 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      We Romanians originated on both banks of the Danube river, so Moesia as well. That's why many people of the Proto-Romanian subgroup are still south of the Danube river

    • @mimisor66
      @mimisor66 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      The centuries long proximity to first the Roman Empire and then the Eastern Roman Empire, aka Byzantine, also helped. When Latin is for so long lingua franca and has great prestige, people were proud to speak it and declare themselves romanus. Especially as this set them apart from the other, non-Latin neighbours.

    • @zburdatorul2204
      @zburdatorul2204 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How to be romanized,when it was conquered between 20-28 % of Dacia, what about the free Dacians ?? So the rest of the country these days speak the same language!! PS they were on that part of land 160 years . Romans were over 500 years for example on Palestinian side and so on , and nobody speaks the language there 😅😂😂😂 bro I studied everything on Dacia, but the most important things you didn't showed. 😊

  • @thomasechols8834
    @thomasechols8834 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +44

    The 'Falx' , a weapon of Dacian origin, was a great tool for reaping the legions that tried to fight those wielding them one or two handed. it forced Rome to adjust how it fought.

  • @mohammedsaysrashid3587
    @mohammedsaysrashid3587 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Thank you for sharing this magnificent historical coverage video about Ancient Dacian, their political and militarily dominant, around the Danube river..their's Ancient civilization

  • @WeeZz95
    @WeeZz95 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Much love from Romania

  • @RalucaSalsera
    @RalucaSalsera 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    As a Romanian person, I want to thank you for this video that shows that us Romanians aren't so weak after all.
    Fun fact: Dacia managed to resist the most agianst The Roman Empire.

    • @gabrielpopescu7587
      @gabrielpopescu7587 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stramosii romanilor nu sunt Dacii. Dacii erau foarte inalti, blonzi si cu ochi albastrii. Uitati-va cum arata poporul Roman si vedeti daca exista vreo asemanare. De asemenea despre Geti, Herodot a spus ca erau cei mai drepti dintre Traci, adica cinstiti. Poporul Roman de astazi a cam speriat Europa cu ''cinstea''. Stramosii nostrii au fost colonistii Imperiului Roman. Din acest motiv vorbim Limba Latina. Imperiul Roman nu a putut sa ii supuna pe Daci chiar daca i-a cucerit. Cam la fiecare 10 ani era cate o revolta, iar Imperiul Roman ii lua sclavi pe toti Dacii din acea zona, femei, barbati, copii, dupa ce ii invingeau. Scrieri vechi spun ca numai la doua revolte au luat cate 150 de mii si i-au dus prima data in Albania de astazi si a doua oara in Britania. Imaginati-va , in 170 de ani de stapanire cati sclavi au luat din Dacia. De asemenea nobilul Venetian de origine Greaca, Markos Antonios Katsaitis, care a scris despre calatoria sa in anul 1742 in Moldova si Valahia, a spus ca Imparatul Aurelian cand s-a retras din Dacia, de frica, ca Dacii sa nu devina din nou o forta de temut care sa puna probleme Imperiului Roman, i-a luat pe toti si i-a trecut dincolo de Dunare in Moesia aducand in locul lor Colonisti Romani. Gasiti acest lucru in cartea ''Saeculum'' la pagina 94. Markos Antonios Katsiris si-a facut studiile in Italia, deci a invatat Istoria Imperiului Roman si stia ce spune. El s-a documentat despre trecutul Transilvaniei, Tarii Romanesti si Moldovei pentru ca la comanda Ducelui Venetiei a scris o Geografie a Europei, deci cele ce a afirmat le-a gasit probabil in documente vechi care astazi nu mai exista sau sunt pe undeva uitate. Domnitorul Moldovei de atunci Constantin Mavrocordat l-a verificat pentru a vedea daca informatiile lui despre ce a fost pe teritoriul Moldovei in antichitate, scrise de el in Geografia Europei sunt corecte si a constatat ca sunt. Va rog terminati cu ineptia ca noi suntem urmasii Getilor si Dacilor si cinstiti-va stramosii latini, cetatenii celui mai mare imperiu ce a existat vreodata pe pamant, imperiu ce a adus civilizatie in Europa si in lume. Mandriti-va ca gena Colonistilor Imperiului Roman, nu a putut fi infranta timp de 1800 de ani de nici o natie care a venit pe aceste pamanturi. In final toate, ori au fugit, ori au fost asimilate, ca in final gena Latina sa se ridice din nou. Unde sunt Hunii, unde sunt Gotii, unde sunt Avarii, unde sunt Pecenegii, unde sunt Tatarii, unde sunt Bulgarii, unde sunt Cumanii, unde sunt Turcii, unde sunt Austro-Ungarii, unde sunt Germanii, unde sunt Slavii, unde sunt Rusii sau alte natii care au venit sa stapaneasca aceste pamanturi? Toti au fost invinsi de gena Latina. Voi ii preamariti pe amaratii de Daci, care au fost invinsi si dusi sclavi de stramosii vostrii, desi acestia nu aveau scriere, constructii marete, opere de arta, scoli, poeti, scriitori adica nimic, erau niste salbatici cocotati pe Muntii Carpati. Si unele din cetatile lor au fost facute tot de romani, doar sunt scrieri care spun acest lucru. Pentru ce preamariti un popor ingenunchiat de stramosii vostrii? Cred ca nici voi nu stiti. Ce merit au avut ei in dezvoltarea omenirii? Nici unul. Radeti singuri de voi ca fiind urmasii unui popor invins in loc sa fiti mandrii de gena voastra care nici astazi nu a fost invinsa de nimeni, ci a cuprins jumatate din planeta. Roma si astazi conduce prin Vatican aproape doua miliarde de oameni de pe acest pamant. Ca sa intelegeti ca noi poporul Roman nu avem aproape nimic de-a face cu Dacii sau Getii si ca ati fost mintiti de ''istoricii comunisti'' care de fapt s-au ocupat cu mistificarea istoriei si mintitul, va pun un link cu un studiu genetic al ADN-ului, facut pe majoritatea populatiei pamantului in 2014 in care se arata ca populatia de pe teritoriul Romaniei nu are decat 0,4% gena Daca sau Geta ( Dai este numita Gena Tracilor in Genetica. Dacii si Getii erau din neamul Tracilor). Dati click pe punctul rosu de pe harta Romaniei si in dreapta vor aparea doua tabele. In ele, ce este bifat cu albastru sunt genele majoritare din ADN-ul romanilor, iar cele ne bifate sunt genele minoritare. Genele majoritare au fost gasite la toti cei 1400 de romani de pe tot cuprinsul tarii ce au participat la studiu, cele minoritare numai la unii din ei. Romanii invata la scoala o istorie mincinoasa care le ascunde ca sunt urmasii colonistilor adusi aici de Imperiul Roman. Pentru ca erau rasisti, ne suportand sa fie sub conducerea altor neamuri Dacii se revoltau si Romanii i-au exterminat aproape complet.

  • @bethebrains898
    @bethebrains898 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Dacians and Getae were Thracian tribes. According to Herodotus "The Thracians are the biggest nation in the world, next to the Indians; were they under one ruler, or united, they would in my judgment be invincible and the strongest nation on earth; but since there is no way or contrivance to bring this about, they are for this reason weak. They have many names, each tribe according to its region. All these Thracians are alike in all their usages, save the Getae, and the Trausi.."

  • @troydodson9641
    @troydodson9641 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Let's gooooo! Give em the Tragan treatment, the Roman Jimmy Russlein, the Galatial Dacial, the Falx Romana
    Jokes aside, love to see it covered in such grand detail. Thanks

  • @bolapromatoqueejogodecampe8718
    @bolapromatoqueejogodecampe8718 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    It is always a joy when Historia Militum publishes a video. Looking forwar to part 2

  • @rdatta
    @rdatta 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Excellent work and analysis. Looking forward to the next one.

  • @BlackWolfofWar
    @BlackWolfofWar 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Many thanks for your work ! I can't wait to see the entire serie !

  • @desild5869
    @desild5869 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +38

    This was nice. The Dacian Wars were monumental and in their aftermath Dacia went through radical changes even though Roman rule only lasted under 200 years. A historical ripple effect ensued that led to the creation of us, the Romanian people, over the next 1000 years.
    It needs to be said, unfortunately, that Romanians are native from times immemorial to Eastern Europe and don't share any kind of common origins with Gypsies (who for some unfathomable reason call themselves Roma since 1971) who are a nomadic people coming to Europe from India sometime between 1000-1400 AC.
    Out of all cultural and organizational changes the Romans brought to Dacia, their (Vulgar) Latin language turned out to have the most fundamental impact. The Dacians started speaking this language and the old Dacian languages took a backseat being used mostly just to enrich the vocabulary.
    After the Romans were gone, the new language, customs and massive DNA mix with the Dacians stayed. For centuries the new language evolved into what came to be called the Romanian language and its native speakers called themselves Romanians. Our name as a people literally comes from our language name and our language comes from Romans + Dacians. A great Romanian once said Romanians don't so much live in Romania as they live in the space of the Romanian language. It's in our blood.
    Interestingly, I think, our present day national anthem doesn't mention the Dacians but it does mention and praises the Romans and Trajan as our ancestors and great conquerors (and curses the Ottomans and the Russians). The anthem also spells out what's worth fighting to the death for, as Christians: our people, our blood (our ancestry), our land and our language.

    • @wanceterence835
      @wanceterence835 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      but before romanian you called yourself vallach, not?

    • @desild5869
      @desild5869 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      ​ @wanceterence835 No, we never called ourselves Vlachs. This is a name used by outsiders / strangers / foreigners (i.e. an exonym) in the Middle Ages to cover everyone who spoke Romance-derived languages in the Balkan peninsula. It includes not just the people who lived in what is present day Romania but also many others spread around the Balkans. Once Romanians became a people with a distinct identity, "Vlach" started to be used to denote anyone who is not Romanian but speaks a Romance-derived language in the Balkans (e.g. anyone South of the Danube). Vlach languages are related to 1000+ years old variants of Romanian so today Vlachs can't understand Romanian and vice versa. There are very few Vlachs left.

    • @SashaBaron112
      @SashaBaron112 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@desild5869the argument of Romanians living through language when you just said that they basically gave it up to their colonisers makes me chuckle a bit… you know a high school level pupil can understand a text (Oh Marys cry) without help? I wonder when the text was written… yep, 1000 year ago a Hungarian mother (I think of jewish ethnicity) wrote a cry to her lost child.

    • @unboxing4319
      @unboxing4319 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@wanceterence835nope, they didn’t call theirselves vlachs. I heard that’s how their neighbours were calling them. What was the language of the vlachs though? I never heard of ‘vlachian’. Is there a vlachian language? That’ll be so interesting if it’s the same as other Slavic languages

    • @andrei-mn2nc
      @andrei-mn2nc 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Tienes una respuesta en la opera de Strabon donde este dice que el hermano de Decenal,Diegis ha hablado en el senado romano y ha sido entendido, los dacios y los romanos hablaban quasi la misma idioma

  • @BlessVibez
    @BlessVibez 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Great video! Dacians were super savage! Dacian Draco is legendary

  • @kingspore5000
    @kingspore5000 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +37

    8:13 A big credit to Crassus' grandson who restored the honor of his family. I feel soo proud for him

    • @westout119
      @westout119 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      He did! Unfortunately due to Octavian's own insecurities/ambitions he only got a triumph when he was entitled to spolia opima for killing a Dacian king during the campaign in single combat; which was the greatest military honour he could've and should've been afforded for that deed.

    • @obiwankenobi07
      @obiwankenobi07 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@westout119I’m surprised he got a triumph as Octavian might have been paranoid about a new civil war

  • @KatakuriUchiha22
    @KatakuriUchiha22 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    WE NEED PART 2!!!!
    Thank You for these videos

  • @simplepixel5617
    @simplepixel5617 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Beautiful episode. Looking forward to the next one!

  • @juragabriel4930
    @juragabriel4930 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Till now the best video on the Roman-Dacian Wars by far.!! Congratulation !!

  • @nestingherit7012
    @nestingherit7012 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    In Romanian we can even form phrases of exactly the same meaning, in both Latin and Dacian
    Borh meaning
    "Its sunset in the hillock of the hill towards the dark forest"

    • @gabrielpopescu7587
      @gabrielpopescu7587 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stramosii romanilor nu sunt Dacii. Daciii erau foarte inalti, blonzi si cu ochi albastrii. Uitati-va cum arata poporul Roman si vedeti daca exista vreo asemanare. De asemenea despre Geti, Herodot a spus ca erau cei mai drepti dintre Traci, adica cinstiti. Poporul Roman de astazi a cam speriat Europa cu ''cinstea''. Stramosii nostrii au fost colonistii Imperiului Roman. Din acest motiv vorbim Limba Latina. Imperiul Roman nu a putut sa ii supuna pe Daci chiar daca i-a cucerit. Cam la fiecare 10 ani era cate o revolta, iar Imperiul Roman ii lua sclavi pe toti Dacii din acea zona, femei, barbati, copii, dupa ce ii invingeau. Scrieri vechi spun ca numai la doua revolte au luat cate 150 de mii si i-au dus prima data in Albania de astazi si a doua oara in Britania. Imaginati-va , in 170 de ani de stapanire cati sclavi au luat din Dacia. De asemenea nobilul Venetian de origine Greaca, Markos Antonios Katsaitis, care a scris despre calatoria sa in anul 1742 in Moldova si Valahia, a spus ca Imparatul Aurelian cand s-a retras din Dacia, de frica, ca Dacii sa nu devina din nou o forta de temut care sa puna probleme Imperiului Roman, i-a luat pe toti si i-a trecut dincolo de Dunare in Moesia aducand in locul lor Colonisti Romani. Gasiti acest lucru in cartea ''Saeculum'' la pagina 94. Markos Antonios Katsiris si-a facut studiile in Italia, deci a invatat Istoria Imperiului Roman si stia ce spune. El s-a documentat despre trecutul Transilvaniei, Tarii Romanesti si Moldovei pentru ca la comanda Ducelui Venetiei a scris o Geografie a Europei, deci cele ce a afirmat le-a gasit probabil in documente vechi care astazi nu mai exista sau sunt pe undeva uitate. Domnitorul Moldovei de atunci Constantin Mavrocordat l-a verificat pentru a vedea daca informatiile lui despre ce a fost pe teritoriul Moldovei in antichitate, scrise de el in Geografia Europei sunt corecte si a constatat ca sunt. Va rog terminati cu ineptia ca noi suntem urmasii Getilor si Dacilor si cinstiti-va stramosii latini, cetatenii celui mai mare imperiu ce a existat vreodata pe pamant, imperiu ce a adus civilizatie in Europa si in lume. Mandriti-va ca gena Colonistilor Imperiului Roman, nu a putut fi infranta timp de 1800 de ani de nici o natie care a venit pe aceste pamanturi. In final toate, ori au fugit, ori au fost asimilate, ca in final gena Latina sa se ridice din nou. Unde sunt Hunii, unde sunt Gotii, unde sunt Avarii, unde sunt Pecenegii, unde sunt Tatarii, unde sunt Bulgarii, unde sunt Cumanii, unde sunt Turcii, unde sunt Austro-Ungarii, unde sunt Germanii, unde sunt Slavii, unde sunt Rusii sau alte natii care au venit sa stapaneasca aceste pamanturi? Toti au fost invinsi de gena Latina. Voi ii preamariti pe amaratii de Daci, care au fost invinsi si dusi sclavi de stramosii vostrii, desi acestia nu aveau scriere, constructii marete, opere de arta, scoli, poeti, scriitori adica nimic, erau niste salbatici cocotati pe Muntii Carpati. Si unele din cetatile lor au fost facute tot de romani, doar sunt scrieri care spun acest lucru. Pentru ce preamariti un popor ingenunchiat de stramosii vostrii? Cred ca nici voi nu stiti. Ce merit au avut ei in dezvoltarea omenirii? Nici unul. Radeti singuri de voi ca fiind urmasii unui popor invins in loc sa fiti mandrii de gena voastra care nici astazi nu a fost invinsa de nimeni, ci a cuprins jumatate din planeta. Roma si astazi conduce prin Vatican aproape doua miliarde de oameni de pe acest pamant. Ca sa intelegeti ca noi poporul Roman nu avem aproape nimic de-a face cu Dacii sau Getii si ca ati fost mintiti de ''istoricii comunisti'' care de fapt s-au ocupat cu mistificarea istoriei si mintitul, va pun un link cu un studiu genetic al ADN-ului, facut pe majoritatea populatiei pamantului in 2014 in care se arata ca populatia de pe teritoriul Romaniei nu are decat 0,4% gena Daca sau Geta ( Dai este numita Gena Tracilor in Genetica. Dacii si Getii erau din neamul Tracilor). Dati click pe punctul rosu de pe harta Romaniei si in dreapta vor aparea doua tabele. In ele, ce este bifat cu albastru sunt genele majoritare din ADN-ul romanilor, iar cele ne bifate sunt genele minoritare. Genele majoritare au fost gasite la toti cei 1400 de romani de pe tot cuprinsul tarii ce au participat la studiu, cele minoritare numai la unii din ei. Romanii invata la scoala o istorie mincinoasa care le ascunde ca sunt urmasii colonistilor adusi aici de Imperiul Roman. Pentru ca erau rasisti, ne suportand sa fie sub conducerea altor neamuri Dacii se revoltau si Romanii i-au exterminat aproape complet.

    • @InAeternumRomaMater
      @InAeternumRomaMater 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Those words aren't even Dacian in origin. We have almost zero words in Dacian, a lost language. We have no idea whether a word in Dacian exist in Romanian, but most likely doesn't exist

    • @nestingherit7012
      @nestingherit7012 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Italienii spun ca nu suntem rude cu ei.
      Poate cu 80% I2a Sardinians
      Avem aproape 1000 de cuvinte Dacice.
      De exemplu,Bulgare e vechi de 5000 de ani si vine din IE *bhalg' ( pile, gramada), balega la fel.
      Deal din IE*dhol ( arch) si e misterios similar cu Jewish Tell ( Tell Aviv/ spring hill)

    • @InAeternumRomaMater
      @InAeternumRomaMater 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@nestingherit7012 Tu confuzi limba PIE cu limba dacică, ceea ce este total greșit. Limba PIE sau „limba proto-indo-europeană” este o limbă dispărută care își are originea în stepa pontică caspică, dovedit de arheologie. Limba aceasta s-a vorbit cu peste mii de ani înainte de Daci Magni. Totuși, limba Proto-Italică, Thracică, Greacă antică, Proto Germanică, Proto Celtică (etc) se trag din PIE. Deci nu, noi nu avem nicio dovadă că vreun cuvânt în limba română (o limbă latină) are un cuvânt de origine dacică. Pentru că, limba dacică este dispărută, nu mai există niciun vorbitor de această limbă.

    • @gabrielstanciu13
      @gabrielstanciu13 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@InAeternumRomaMaterși ce dovada avem ca limba ce o vorbim este de origine latina? Lingvistica,nu?ei bine,lingviști dovedesc faptul ca limba romana a moștenit mult mai multe cuvinte de origine dacica decât spune dictionarul,care dicționar (etimologic acceptat) e făcut pe genunchi,bunăoară cercetători unguri au stabilit ca maghiara conține vreo 4300 de cuvinte românești,iar lexiconul romanesc spune despre cuvinte curat românești ca sunt împrumuturi din maghiara.Studiati lucrările lui Paliga și Vinereanu,și veți avea o surpriza,cele "câteva cuvinte" dacice sunt de fapt o mulțime,desigur,noi rămânem romani,însă nici dacii nu au perit.

  • @4sakenreaper42
    @4sakenreaper42 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Very very good video, I already can't wait for part 2! Great job

  • @anarrivingwingedhussar9692
    @anarrivingwingedhussar9692 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I'm actually upset I haven't seen you guys sooner. Excellent video, excellent channel, keep up the amazing work!

  • @Farkmetal
    @Farkmetal 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    thank you for talking about this i feel like it hasn't been covered enough by modern historians and enthusiasts

  • @canadious6933
    @canadious6933 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Very interesting period of history to explore. Happy to see it here

  • @micahistory
    @micahistory 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    very interetsing video. Thanks for covering this underrated part of Roman history

  • @dimosthenistserikis5901
    @dimosthenistserikis5901 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Can’t wait for part two!

  • @b_ks
    @b_ks 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Interesting, thank you. I'm eagerly awaiting part two.

  • @fuferito
    @fuferito 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Romans couldn't spell "AUDACIA" without Dacia.

  • @d3consultancyservice12
    @d3consultancyservice12 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Truly impressed by the exceptional quality and comprehensive nature of the information you've provided! Thanks for your thoroughness!

  • @av4840
    @av4840 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    HM great video about Dacians ! Waiting on part two. Thanks

  • @N238E
    @N238E 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Falx and Rhomphaia

  • @Hugh_Morris
    @Hugh_Morris 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you for making this mate

  • @monkey6114
    @monkey6114 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The fact that Davia was posibly the closest empire to conquer Rome despite it being close to it's peak it's crazy

  • @ProbusVerus
    @ProbusVerus 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks this is great! The Praetorian soundtrack at the beginning is a chef kiss.

  • @funfacttrivias2121
    @funfacttrivias2121 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Superb production and easy to digest presentation, Good job HM

  • @losdocereyes4442
    @losdocereyes4442 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @captaincole4511
    @captaincole4511 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Fantastic video! Excellent quality!

  • @sstewart116
    @sstewart116 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    thanks, amazing work!

  • @geologist6817
    @geologist6817 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @jacopofolin6400
    @jacopofolin6400 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    finaly a detailed video on the biggest and most unknown campaing of Rome, best youtube channel

  • @parrythetrojan
    @parrythetrojan 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you for making this series, just found you on youtube! SUBSCRIBED.

  • @oberstul1941
    @oberstul1941 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Most excellent video, mate. Cheers!

  • @markcannon8522
    @markcannon8522 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have been waiting years for this episode!!!!!!!🎉

  • @paulwhite533
    @paulwhite533 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Very interesting video, although the First Battle of Tapae was a Dacian victory, so there was a slight mistake there.

    • @gabrielpopescu7587
      @gabrielpopescu7587 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dacii nu sunt stramosii nostrii. Ei erau foarte inalti, blonzi si cu ochi albastrii. Uitati-va cum arata poporul Roman si vedeti daca exista vreo asemanare. De asemenea despre Geti, Herodot a spus ca erau cei mai drepti dintre Traci, adica cinstiti. Poporul Roman de astazi a cam speriat Europa cu ''cinstea''. Stramosii nostrii au fost colonistii Imperiului Roman. Din acest motiv vorbim Limba Latina. Imperiul Roman nu a putut sa ii supuna pe Daci chiar daca i-a cucerit. Cam la fiecare 10 ani era cate o revolta, iar Imperiul Roman ii lua sclavi pe toti Dacii din acea zona, femei, barbati, copii, dupa ce ii invingeau. Scrieri vechi spun ca numai la doua revolte au luat cate 150 de mii si i-au dus prima data in Albania de astazi si a doua oara in Britania. Imaginati-va , in 170 de ani de stapanire cati sclavi au luat din Dacia. De asemenea nobilul Venetian de origine Greaca, Markos Antonios Katsaitis, care a scris despre calatoria sa in anul 1742 in Moldova si Valahia, a spus ca Imparatul Aurelian cand s-a retras din Dacia, de frica, ca Dacii sa nu devina din nou o forta de temut care sa puna probleme Imperiului Roman, i-a luat pe toti si i-a trecut dincolo de Dunare in Moesia aducand in locul lor Colonisti Romani. Gasiti acest lucru in cartea ''Saeculum'' la pagina 94. Markos Antonios Katsiris si-a facut studiile in Italia, deci a invatat Istoria Imperiului Roman si stia ce spune. El s-a documentat despre trecutul Transilvaniei, Tarii Romanesti si Moldovei pentru ca la comanda Ducelui Venetiei a scris o Geografie a Europei, deci cele ce a afirmat le-a gasit probabil in documente vechi care astazi nu mai exista sau sunt pe undeva uitate. Domnitorul Moldovei de atunci Constantin Mavrocordat l-a verificat pentru a vedea daca informatiile lui despre ce a fost pe teritoriul Moldovei in antichitate, scrise de el in Geografia Europei sunt corecte si a constatat ca sunt. Va rog terminati cu ineptia ca noi suntem urmasii Getilor si Dacilor si cinstiti-va stramosii latini, cetatenii celui mai mare imperiu ce a existat vreodata pe pamant, imperiu ce a adus civilizatie in Europa si in lume. Mandriti-va ca gena Colonistilor Imperiului Roman, nu a putut fi infranta timp de 1800 de ani de nici o natie care a venit pe aceste pamanturi. In final toate, ori au fugit, ori au fost asimilate, ca in final gena Latina sa se ridice din nou. Unde sunt Hunii, unde sunt Gotii, unde sunt Avarii, unde sunt Pecenegii, unde sunt Tatarii, unde sunt Bulgarii, unde sunt Cumanii, unde sunt Turcii, unde sunt Austro-Ungarii, unde sunt Germanii, unde sunt Slavii, unde sunt Rusii sau alte natii care au venit sa stapaneasca aceste pamanturi? Toti au fost invinsi de gena Latina. Voi ii preamariti pe amaratii de Daci, care au fost invinsi si dusi sclavi de stramosii vostrii, desi acestia nu aveau scriere, constructii marete, opere de arta, scoli, poeti, scriitori adica nimic, erau niste salbatici cocotati pe Muntii Carpati. Si unele din cetatile lor au fost facute tot de romani, doar sunt scrieri care spun acest lucru. Pentru ce preamariti un popor ingenunchiat de stramosii vostrii? Cred ca nici voi nu stiti. Ce merit au avut ei in dezvoltarea omenirii? Nici unul. Radeti singuri de voi ca fiind urmasii unui popor invins in loc sa fiti mandrii de gena voastra care nici astazi nu a fost invinsa de nimeni, ci a cuprins jumatate din planeta. Roma si astazi conduce prin Vatican aproape doua miliarde de oameni de pe acest pamant. Ca sa intelegeti ca noi poporul Roman nu avem aproape nimic de-a face cu Dacii sau Getii si ca ati fost mintiti de ''istoricii comunisti'' care de fapt s-au ocupat cu mistificarea istoriei si mintitul, va pun un link cu un studiu genetic al ADN-ului, facut pe majoritatea populatiei pamantului in 2014 in care se arata ca populatia de pe teritoriul Romaniei nu are decat 0,4% gena Daca sau Geta ( Dai este numita Gena Tracilor in Genetica. Dacii si Getii erau din neamul Tracilor). Dati click pe punctul rosu de pe harta Romaniei si in dreapta vor aparea doua tabele. In ele, ce este bifat cu albastru sunt genele majoritare din ADN-ul romanilor, iar cele ne bifate sunt genele minoritare. Genele majoritare au fost gasite la toti cei 1400 de romani de pe tot cuprinsul tarii ce au participat la studiu, cele minoritare numai la unii din ei. Romanii invata la scoala o istorie mincinoasa care le ascunde ca sunt urmasii colonistilor adusi aici de Imperiul Roman. Pentru ca erau rasisti, ne suportand sa fie sub conducerea altor neamuri Dacii se revoltau si Romanii i-au exterminat aproape complet.

  • @davidhughes8357
    @davidhughes8357 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    After well over forty years of studying Roman military history I have anticipated a documentary covering this particular subject. Well it looks like you have delivered. Thank you all so much!
    Looking forward to the next installment. You have my attention!!

    • @HistoriaMilitum
      @HistoriaMilitum  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm, we will try our best not to disappoint!

    • @davidhughes8357
      @davidhughes8357 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I am still here.
      Your presentations could not possibly disappoint me.
      Thank you my friend!!!

  • @titusjst5478
    @titusjst5478 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very well made, good job guys!! 👌

  • @mihaibalog9653
    @mihaibalog9653 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    The name of Roman Empire was Romania ... Today Dacia is Romania .. great job 🤩🤩

    • @carron979
      @carron979 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      well, there is no act of bravour without side effects 🙂

  • @TbZwtf
    @TbZwtf 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    U did a good job with the documentary .

  • @santinodagostino02
    @santinodagostino02 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Amazing video and nice name change. Can't wait for part 2!!!

  • @AJ-et3vf
    @AJ-et3vf 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video. Thank you

  • @bogdantirea6085
    @bogdantirea6085 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is making both proud: The romans and the dacians, and me, among dacians.
    Briliant work !

  • @hobosbro5863
    @hobosbro5863 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Waiting for the second part. Eagerly.

  • @kingspore5000
    @kingspore5000 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    As an roman legionnary reenactor myself I fought in battle against Dacians. This was ofcourse scripted battle, but still its hell of an adrenaline to stand against few dozens of dem dacians with their long deadly falx swords. These guys really look deadly and terryfying. Decebalus and his kingdom was indeed one of the TOP 5 greatest struggles Rome had to deal with. The mental and physical toughness of real historical legionaries who defeated dacians face to face in real full scale battles and destroyed Dacia in 106 CE is unimaginable for me

    • @GabrielBelmont4727
      @GabrielBelmont4727 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Imagine having to modify your equipment because of the Falx.

    • @paulionescu4920
      @paulionescu4920 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      They never destroyed Dacia. They conquerd the capital and 15% of it's territory , enaugh to stop them from ever managing to gather a large enaugh army to pose a threat. Alltough , there are over 50 recorded uprisings in the province , most of them timed with outside attacks of free dacian tribes. The name of "dacians" come up in history up to 1600 when Michael the Brave of Vallahia was called "Malus Dacus" or "restitutor dacie" by the western leaders.

    • @raulpetrascu2696
      @raulpetrascu2696 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I imagine when reenacting you have to be careful to restrain yourself when you have that burst of adrenaline so you don't seriously hurt somebody

    • @seaman5705
      @seaman5705 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Gargara de dacopat . @@paulionescu4920

    • @kingspore5000
      @kingspore5000 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@raulpetrascu2696 Yep. Especially when fighting half-naked barbarians

  • @heartwork86
    @heartwork86 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video! Glad the algorithm suggested you!

  • @patrickchrisrobert8034
    @patrickchrisrobert8034 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Part 2 pleease, this was awesome

    • @HistoriaMilitum
      @HistoriaMilitum  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You dont have long to wait! :)

  • @ryanthuranira6036
    @ryanthuranira6036 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I missed you guys

  • @blackhawkdown4376
    @blackhawkdown4376 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cant wait for the next one

  • @karenbrown938
    @karenbrown938 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wow-thrilling history, wonderful presentation!

  • @johndaarteest
    @johndaarteest 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The TotalWar Rome 2 graphics add to this brilliant topic. Thank you for this.

  • @GuyFromTheAnatolia
    @GuyFromTheAnatolia 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great episode

  • @NickTheHip
    @NickTheHip 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great documentary

  • @micahistory
    @micahistory 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    It's interesting that only Dacia would bear the name of its roman conquerors

    • @nazeem8680
      @nazeem8680 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That is largely the result of 19th century nation building and romaticization. Romania used to be called Wallachia or transylvania among other names up to the 19th century.

    • @micahistory
      @micahistory 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @mihaelac2472
      @mihaelac2472 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      ​@@nazeem8680wallachia was an exonym. The name is Țara Românească a Ungro -Vlahiei, the Romanian Country of Ungro -Wallachia (the Wallachia near Hungary, as there were other Wallachias too). Vlach or Wallach is from the same root as Walloon, means a Romance speaking people.

    • @raduromanesti6408
      @raduromanesti6408 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      2nd century @@nazeem8680

    • @kasmoe
      @kasmoe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Google a little bit the Greek name of the Eastern Roman Empire, please.

  • @cfc1523
    @cfc1523 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The fact that Rome survived as long as it did is a miracle. They had a solid dozen “greatest tests”

    • @RyanG0899
      @RyanG0899 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Shows you just how good they really were.

  • @thibs2837
    @thibs2837 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The epic roman build up at the end of the video is exciting 😁

  • @blessthfallen
    @blessthfallen 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Cant wait for a part 2, this was such a fun and informative docu to watch!

  • @grigorekushnir
    @grigorekushnir 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Looking forward to part 2

  • @TheMadMax1000
    @TheMadMax1000 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very impressive, this is outstanding work.

  • @mrsheeplive874
    @mrsheeplive874 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Dacia big cool

  • @nicolafiliber3062
    @nicolafiliber3062 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nicely done

  • @BodoKun-kl2vp
    @BodoKun-kl2vp 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is awesome!!

  • @rocobaroco2147
    @rocobaroco2147 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good job guys!

  • @Elsidu13
    @Elsidu13 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great work frater

  • @ChristopherThrawn-el3sz
    @ChristopherThrawn-el3sz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Excellent work here.Please remember to always have a narrator who can cativate us listeners.
    Not many sites know this.
    Yours is great.

  • @duboisdvoleur
    @duboisdvoleur 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    very interesting thank you

  • @ryanthuranira6036
    @ryanthuranira6036 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice work