What's Your "I QUIT IN A BLAZE OF GLORY" Story? - Reddit Podcast

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 พ.ค. 2023
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ความคิดเห็น • 144

  • @shaereub4450
    @shaereub4450 ปีที่แล้ว +266

    I'm surprised the customers didn't say "if the food is so good, let's see you eat it. Take a bite and show us how good it is"

    • @IlGreven
      @IlGreven ปีที่แล้ว +33

      Protip: They never will, and will likely accuse you of trying to doctor it (even if they just brought it out to you).

  • @jamesmiller7211
    @jamesmiller7211 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    I worked for a construction company in the early 90's. I was the main Superintendent and was running 4 small to medium commercial projects. My new boss who had started a few weeks earlier was angry that two of the jobs were behind schedule. It was due to bad weather, and not any fault of any of the crews. My boss showed up to one of the critical sites, blamed me for not running the jobs correctly and fired me. He told me to gather up my tools and leave. I called my crew over and said get all of my tools and equipment loaded up as I was fired. 95% of the tools and equipment was mine, not the company's. I loaded up 2 trailers and 3 trucks and we left. I went to the other sites and had all of my items loaded up and took it all away. The owner of the company called me a few hours later in a panic begging me to come back, as he had just fired the idiot. I declined, and just went and started my own company as I had everything to get started. This caused him to go out of business within 9 months...

    • @hope1447
      @hope1447 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Looks like karma

  • @kunfussed213
    @kunfussed213 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    He grew up in Greece and now he's serving grease. 🙊😭🤣

  • @angelirizarry2666
    @angelirizarry2666 ปีที่แล้ว +95

    That ending was hilarious
    Big respect to you ian
    You recognized that your past was an important part in becoming who you are today, yet also allowed yourself to move on and mature from what you were

    • @PolarbearTank021
      @PolarbearTank021 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Right? I need to see that tik tok video now lol

    • @RedK5
      @RedK5 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@PolarbearTank021I want to see it too

    • @kahuugaming5935
      @kahuugaming5935 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@RedK5 me three

  • @Ben-fr8gi
    @Ben-fr8gi ปีที่แล้ว +14

    This thing in the US where staff are expected to call all the other staff to cover shifts is super weird to me. It never happens here like that. The supervisor or manager sorts out who works when.

    • @merpymerpington9175
      @merpymerpington9175 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      When management has to do actual work, it distracts them from their critical duties of keeping the lower classes suppressed.

    • @F40PH-2CAT
      @F40PH-2CAT 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      This really isn't a thing here. An employer can say it but there's no obligation.
      Non Americans get a lot of bad info about what it's like here, especially on employment and health care issues.

  • @marmot418
    @marmot418 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    The first story, sounds like there could be a wrongful termination suit

    • @MarsJenkar
      @MarsJenkar ปีที่แล้ว +6

      If it's the US, then there probably isn't grounds for wrongful termination (at-will employment in most states). Still, gotta love how the OP of that first story handled the situation.

  • @Mechjoc
    @Mechjoc ปีที่แล้ว +80

    First job I had, I was trained to be the stockroom manager while we were setting up the store. Dude that was training me knew I could do it. Told the manager as much. After the store was set up and open, the manager dropped me to 8 hours a week. Then bitched at me when the stockroom was a mess. After three weeks of that, I went and found another job. Literally five seconds after I got my, "You're hired!" call, he called up. The other stockroom guy had quit and gone on to a better job. "You've got the schedule made out, right? I'm only on there for two, 8 hours shifts, right? Yeah, this is my two weeks notice."

  • @ZeoViolet
    @ZeoViolet ปีที่แล้ว +17

    "He grew up in Greece, where food was an art!" I guess he meant he grew up in _grease._

    • @svdzcbshf6912
      @svdzcbshf6912 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Ba dum, *TSH*

    • @graysonoliver2632
      @graysonoliver2632 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Doesn't he know, art isn't liked by everyone universally?

  • @devingaumont5048
    @devingaumont5048 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I quit working for the procurement department of a major university. My boss was a crazy, man-hating Karen who hated anything good I did. For example, one task that normally took 5+ hours to perform every day. I managed to streamline the process and reduced the workload to a half hour with perfect results. She would deliberately sabotage my other projects, then give me crap for the delay. I ended up having cancer and she insisted I tell her outright that I had cancer, verbatim. I had a nervous breakdown after my surgery, when she told me I would have to take over another person's job while still performing my own- with no additional help or compensation. Realized I had to get out of there for my own health. I had already saved up almost a month of PTO. So I took all my work stuff, put it in a paper bag, dropped on her bosses desk (She was hiding) and told him i was giving two weeks notice... and taking the next two weeks off. HR called, trying to smooth things over and I said the only way I would consider coming back was if she was let go and I was compensated for the misery she put me through. They said they couldn't do that (more like wouldnt) so I enjoyed my two weeks off and started a new job receiving a 30% raise.

    • @luketimewalker
      @luketimewalker 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      WOOOT! Stay strong

  • @eddietowers5595
    @eddietowers5595 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I worked for a financial company’s mailroom, that was desperate to hire because the supervisor hadn’t taken a full fledged vacation in two years because of COVID changing everything. They were impressed with my experience because I oversaw the mailroom in my previous job at a local News station, beating out other applicants they gave me the job. They paid more and said they were proud of their positive environment. Seemed like a nice place, then. They hire special needs people which I thought was cool because it’s giving back to the community.
    Then red flags started to show. I was told that every Monday I’d have to come in at 7am, my regular time was from 8am to 4:30p. I found it odd but I’d make an hour overtime. When the manager and my supervisor were going to lunch. At the time I go to lunch they asked what was I doing, I just said, “lunch”. They looked at each other than at me and said that I couldn’t. That I’d have to stay with the special needs people because that’s why I was hired to baby those two. I was taken aback. I pointed out that wasn’t in my job description and I’m not qualified to babysit, let alone special needs, they chuckled and walked off.
    After being there nine months I did not like the job, they wore team work like an aesthetic rather than a practice and I went to the restroom, as I do, when they were texting incessantly with ‘WHERE ARE YOU!!! Repeatedly, thinking it was an emergency I texted I’m in the restroom I’ll be there when I’m done. I get back and the two special needs tell me the manager and supervisor are looking for me at that moment they walk in and the supervisor said that I need to let someone know when I leave the office because they don’t want the special needs to be left alone to be ask questions they can’t answer. Surprised I said, “excuse me?!” They heard my tone and the manager chimed, “it’s the nature of the job. You were hired to watch over the two.” I retorted, “So I’m supposed report when I wanna take a sh!t as a convict reporting to a PO?! I told you I’m-not qualified to baby sit the two” the manager didn’t like my attitude and smugly said, “Well that’s the job and you have no other choice” that is the moment I had an epiphany right then and there and went with it. I said, “Oh, but I do…I quit”
    I was surprised by the reaction of the whole room. The two special needs yelled out “NOOOO!!!” The supervisor called for me, turned to the manager and exasperatingly said “we have that Maine meeting next week” and the supervisor followed me to my car trying to talk me out of it and explained how they need me because they both have to go to a corporate meeting for four days, I told him, I know then got in my car rolled my window down and said, “but…I got no choice”
    Moral of the story: if you’re not happy leave. Just leave.
    Good or Bad no one makes choices for you the beauty is only YOU make life changing choices. You never let anyone hold your job over your head, take back the power by lining up quitting, on the spot, at their most inopportune time. If you can or line up other job opportunities.
    You’re not required to give your two weeks, specially at a job you’re not happy at. Line up a job and have your small victory by quitting, knowing you left them high and dry with nothing they can do about it. Because if you can be good at one job you can be good at any other job to prove your work ethics…up until they don’t deserve you.

    • @Mephitinae
      @Mephitinae 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      So you had a well paying job that consisted of sorting some letters for a few minutes, and then sitting around for the rest of the day while the special needs were hanging around, pretending they have jobs? No wonder the whole room was shocked when you quit.

  • @JRCSalter
    @JRCSalter ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I worked in a restaurant with a chef who was a right arsehole. The kind of person who would regularly make the waitresses cry. The kind who couldn't take any criticism.
    He had also once booby trapped a fridge so when you opened it, a jug of water fell out.
    On my last day, I decided to do the same to every. single. fridge.

    • @jackthorton10
      @jackthorton10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Giving him a taste of his own medicine I see, clever

  • @moonsaces2122
    @moonsaces2122 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Last job before my current one. I was the closing cashier in the Lumber department of one of the big Hardware store chains. I’d just turned in my two weeks to leave for the new job and was working my shift when one of the regulars came in. This guy was a complete A-hole who everyone hated and was on thin ice with our management cause he was a scammer. I start ringing him up and he decides to get pissy with me over something that our system required of me saying I didn’t need to do that. And I was in a mood having to deal with him so I told him “I think I know my job better than you.” Well he decides to lash out at me and be particularly vicious. So I set down my scanner, clear out the transaction, and inform him that I refuse to check him out if he’s gonna treat me that way. He’s furious and calls over a manager he sees nearby to complain about me. Well this particular manager was a nice guy who liked me cause I had a good rep for stopping thieves and hated this guy as much as I did. He comes over and I explain the situation. So my manager looks at him and says “She definitely knows her job better than you and you can’t disrespect my employees like this. If you don’t calm down you need to leave.” Guy tries yelling at him some more but he is adamant and keeps telling him to calm down or get out. Eventually he realizes screaming isn’t getting him anywhere and shuts up so the manager can check him out for the stuff he needs. I spent the next two weeks with that A-hole leaving me alone and being treated as a legend by all my coworkers for standing up to him. According to my friends who still work there I’m still mildly famous.

  • @ZoruaZorroark
    @ZoruaZorroark ปีที่แล้ว +9

    oh gosh, that restaurant story, that sounded like my ex-boss from a few years ago, except he can actually cook unlike that boss that burned everything

  • @kenl5290
    @kenl5290 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Not mine, but a former co-worker. Worked in a deli, of a well known supermarket chain. The supervisor that was coming on in 5 minutes, for some reason, ALWAYS bullied this co-worker. The supervisor came in, as it was 5 minutes to clock out, began bullying the co-worker. The supervisor then left to the office. The AM and PM crew saw the whole thing and were in total agreement. It was end of my shift, PM didn’t clock in. The bullied co-worker, took all the cold serve salads, dumped them in the case. Yelled “I QUIT!!”, and walked away. The PM shift blew up the phone line, calling in sick. I was last to clock out, as the supervisor let out a shrill of panic. She received word that PM crew called out and the bullied co-worker quit. She ALSO saw the mess left for her. She told me that I had to stay and help. That was my last day as well.

  • @kevindaniel2073
    @kevindaniel2073 ปีที่แล้ว +42

    Alright my time to shine lol
    I used to work at a fast food known to have the same name as a certain sailor that eats spinach back in 2020, like every fast food work the job was very physically demanding especially for those who were trained for every station in the restaurant, this is important later. At the time i was already on the verge of quitting for being so burned out from the pressure of 2 jobs and the fact that i was the only one taking care of my father which at the time he was going through an emergency surgery which they had to amputate his leg. I was already racking up on absent days because of my fathers condition so management decided to issue a sort of ultimatum for an already physically and mentally exhausted 22 year old me in which they gave me 3 options, quit the fast food job, quit my second job or leave my already vulnerable father like he is to take up more shifts. I was absolutely shocked at the audacity management had for even giving an ultimatum, so they said i can take my time to decide and i accepted. With my newfound determination first thing i did was get a new job, i went crazy searching for a job that was flexible enough for me to take care of my father and i had a hit, a gas station 5 minutes from where i work, got and an interview and 2 days later i was already on training, it was hard to hide it but i made it, second i had to wait for bad bunny’s concert that was a few days after my meeting with management, i knew despite the pandemic some of my coworkers would go, it was a matter of time till someone showed symptoms, and someone showed indeed, one of the coworkers vomited in the middle of the kitchen and was found she tested positive, and after her the rest of the coworkers that went to the concert also tested positive along with half of the whole staff, lucky for me i was off for those days so i was safe for all of that. Now for the good part, since i was the only employee that had been trained for all the stations they wanted me to work more shifts while everything gets back to normal, so my manager calls with the situation so i let her finish, then i dropped it, i told her i already got a new job and that i was quitting, effective immediately, my manager was speechless for a few seconds before sheepishly wishing me to have a good night and hung up.
    The fallout I wasn’t there for it but some buddies that still worked there at the time all told me that because i quit they had to close earlier than normal and had to close for a whole day since everyone was out of commission. You see, for this particular restaurant having to close early was already problematic since this restaurant is the only one in my town, since its the only one around this place does over 10k a night easily, and it didn’t help that a few other coworkers followed suit and quit after me. It took them weeks to get back on track and hire new people, all because they made me choose between them and my dad, easiest decision ever.

  • @marmot418
    @marmot418 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I really like the sticker under the supervisor's desk

  • @jamesbraun9842
    @jamesbraun9842 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The van parking ticket story: Maybe the parking enforcement officer had Comcast screw him over like they did with us.

  • @ivannichols715
    @ivannichols715 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I am a doordasher on my days off and i had a Mickey Ds order at like 7 in the morning once. The place was crazy and there were people all over the place waiting for their orders and the one manager who was doing everything ripped off her headset and gave everyone a wave as she said she didn't get paid enough for this and left. The catalyst was some crazy white lady who is yelling at her because she had to wait a few minutes for her food. We really need to start treating fast-food employees or service employees in general a lot better.

  • @kirstygunn9149
    @kirstygunn9149 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The student that needed time off his job so he could get his college work finished ,reminds me of a call i over heard in my first supermarket job. quite alot of our staff were part time so they could pay for college and university , and one of our check out girls called in to say she wouldn't be able to do her shift the next day becaue her lecturer had arranged for her whole class to do a first aid course on a Wednesday evening for the next six weeks ,and had only been informed that morning ( she was in her last year of her health and social care qualification and depending on her grades she could go on to teacher training at university ,get a degree in social work ,or become a nurse at a care home) the manager that took the call was all mouth and thought going to university or getting further education was in his words stupid she explained what was going on ,and i kid younot, he replied with 'you need to get your priorities straight. Whats more important your silly little "baby sitting course " or your job?' She replied with 'my college qualifications because it means i wont end up in a dead end job as a supermarket manager like you' ( i had to stop my self from laughing at this as she had shouted it loud enough for half the works canteen to hear) she then ended the call .the manager then walked off to the toilets to hide .

  • @i-have-a-handle
    @i-have-a-handle ปีที่แล้ว +5

    ending story was the most glorious blaze of glory

  • @Colbio
    @Colbio ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Oh man, I've got a whopper.
    So, I'll preface this by stating my mom got me into detective novels at a young age. To this day, I've got a bit of a Sherlock Holmes complex.
    Anyway, I worked as a courier at this small company. I genuinely loved the work, and my driving skill skyrocketed. My co worker was also a walking Boston stereotype. Love that man to death even today. Boss however was an interesting guy. Might be on the bi polar spectrum now that I'm thinking back on it. One day it was all smiles, jokes, and even him lending a hand loading all our stuff going out. Next day he was screaming at his wife on site. Like, full on domestic incident screaming.
    He also had a habit of texting and calling about things that had gone wrong while I was off shift. I was too young and naive to see the red on that flag.
    Well, one day, Boston man and I are already working overtime. We're 10 ish hours into a shift that had no right being that long, but a truck we were using was being testy. Being a small company and is a couple of grease monkeys, we got in there and tried to fix it. (And we did, damnit!) Well, I get a call from boss man saying I needed to pick him up at the airport because he didn't want to get a cab. I was annoyed, but again, I was a bit naive at the time, and the airport WAS near where our office was, so I saw SOME sense in it.
    I pick him up, and drop him off at his friends place, since he didn't want to try and sneak in to his house and wake the wife and two kids. Fair enough, I figured.
    Well, as I drove away, my Sherlock sense started tingling. Im getting this weird feeling that something is wrong here and I don't know why. So, just to put my "Paranoia" at rest, I park the truck a couple blocks away and walk back.
    Well, I arrived just in time to peek in a window and see my boss take off his pants next to a woman who was definitely not his wife.
    I duck away from the window and silently scream for a few minutes. Motherfucker used me as a cab so the charge wouldn't show up that day, he'd actually told his wife he'd be back the following day.
    Aaaaaand that was when I realized how spiteful I could really get. I grew up on good old fashioned values, the fact this guy made me an accessory to adultery? Ohhhh no, he had it coming. I got pictures first. Made sure to get his face so there was no ifs ands or buts about it. And my phone had a REALLY nice camera too.
    I then shoot that info to his wife, for now thankfully asleep, and return to the shop. I explain the situation to Boston man, and he fires the information off to our morning drivers, advising them not to bother coming back in either. We then both left our resignations on the desk at roughly 11:30 PM, and left. Job unfinished cause fuck him.
    Three hours later, one of the morning boys showed up, saw everything was unfinished, then checked his messages, realized what had happened, and left his resignation too. He even called boss man... or, he TRIED to. The number he had was his HOME NUMBER. Wife picked up instead, groggy and annoyed.
    I wake up at 10 AM, refreshed. Looking forward to finding a new job. I'd powered off my phone anticipating chaos. Powering back on, I discovered I'd received one, thankful message from boss man's wife, and no less then a dozen filled with vitriol and abuse from boss man. Saved em, sent em to wife. Got played in divorce court a month later.
    Total damage? His business went down in flames, his wife got full custody AND the house, and his mistress kicked his ass out when he didn't get anything in the divorce.
    By far the worst thing I've ever done to someone and I revel in it.

    • @rudeboyjohn3483
      @rudeboyjohn3483 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That's just karma

    • @robertpetrovich6776
      @robertpetrovich6776 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Richly deserved, but in most places taking pictures through someone's window is illegal.

  • @KBgamer2010
    @KBgamer2010 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Between the years of 2014 - 2019, I worked as a custodian on a military base...the company I worked for was meant for those with some form of disability. Until more recent years, I was one of only 7 employees among 20+ who were considered old guard (Not a single one of us were in leadership, and this actually included management and up)
    Of the entire team, I was considered the backbone in the sense of everyone wanting to drop their workload onto me and that they can just be lazy. Honestly such treatment like that is not worth $11/hr, and they know it.
    It took up until 2019 for me to start handling entire group buildings by myself, to drive the idea that the rest of the team should do their work and NOT drop their workload on top of me. One day, I ended up feeling so sick that I had to take a few days to recover, when I came back...one of the team leads (The one who liked treating me like shit) straight up told me that I'm going to go back to one of the teams and am no longer handling an entire building by myself (Which I was handling for almost a full year) The claim was that "I wasn't doing my job". In my mind, I thought that they're just trying to get me back to do their work for them again...So I waited until the manager showed up (Which normally the team would try and leave before the manager drives up to the office). I told them that I will not clock in until manager shows up and they kept trying to push me to clock in, I'm being stubborn and a baby about it. I kept refusing until I hear it directly from the manager himself. Manager finally showed up after an hour and reiterated what the team lead said and that I was to go back to working with a team, due to me not doing my job for the past week (During that week, I was in the process of moving into my new home and had approval from the same manager to miss work for that week)
    I reiterated what the manager and I agreed to in the first place, that I am to stay off the team in the first place due to all of the mistreatment, I even brought up the "Falsified documentation" He tried passing off during the work related Injury I had to endure (Suffered a major back injury on the job and the documentation he falsified claimed that I had the injury since high school because of backpacks being full of heavy textbooks, that was a lie since I never had to carry textbooks home all of my high school career...he doubled down on the decision and I just said "If that is how you're going to handle this issue, then I no longer see myself working here in good faith, I quit"
    Found out two days later, the guy they had who was to replace me for the solo job (He was originally hired to do the job) Straight up said, that job is too much for a single person to handle and just refused. Everyone was scrambling to get vans loaded and resulted in being an hour late (I was getting vans loaded in a timely manner by myself) And it took them an extra 30 minutes to get things opened because no one was there to open the office (I was always the first one to the office for 5 years)
    So long story short, I just left a shady business practice and never looked back to this day.

  • @yestfmf
    @yestfmf ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Had a factory job in the 90’s. It paid…..poorly. $5.25 per hour as i recall. I found an evening job. Meanwhile, they were hiring new guys at $7+. Even though i was a setup person, they wouldn’t even give me a 25 cent raise. I had plans to go, so i told them they needed to let me train somebody. They never did.
    About that time my evening boss asked me why i was still working in a factory instead of full time with him. I talked it over with my wife and we decided to go for it.
    Next morning, 6 am, i walk in wearing a suit and tie. As each coworker commented on my attire, i told them i was quitting. I walked back to my work area, grabbed my toolbox, and i was gone.
    Found out later people talked about that for weeks. The day i left the plant manager held a meeting of all leadership and told them, “don’t let that &$@%%# back in the door.”
    That was 1992. Aint been back yet.

  • @spartanhuntergaming
    @spartanhuntergaming ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had the exact same problem with my first job, the boss was that bad, that I don't feel at all comfortable putting that on my resume/CV

  • @fenrichvega6166
    @fenrichvega6166 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    These stories are really good. I really like these reddit podcast type videos. My only problem is that some of the people that read these (like this guy here) doesn't stop for 2 seconds before reading the next story. It's just straight into the next as if the previous story nvr ended. I'm not actually watching the video ya kno,I'm listening to it so I can't really tell sometimes if I'm hearing the next story or the same one continuing lol. Just......slow down a bit and breathe

    • @luketimewalker
      @luketimewalker 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      totally! I like channels that say "Story 6" "Story 7" etc

  • @blackphoenix1981
    @blackphoenix1981 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    7:20 must have been Amy's baking company in Scottsdale lol.

  • @dedman1096
    @dedman1096 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    10:29 this gives the same feel of Italy and Germany during world war 2.
    Germany: “Well guys this is looking pretty hellish but if we stick together, we just might make it through this.
    Italy: “Yeaahh…About that…” (Italy disconnects from the Axis discord voice chat and adds themself to the Ally’s chat)
    Germany: “NOOOOOOOO-!!!!”

  • @sarahgroot5394
    @sarahgroot5394 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Trial period is normal in hospitality. You go in, do a shift, then by the end of the shift you either have the job or not. Simple. Effective. Both employer and employee get to see how the other works. Best of all, it’s quick. At its most basic level you’re getting paid while you interview. Or at least that’s how New Zealand does it.

  • @JacobNascar
    @JacobNascar ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I've been working at one of the big shipping companies and have been there for nearly 8 years driving a yard dog truck. Not to boost my ego, but I'm pretty dang good at what I do. I'm the yard trainer and I even trained my own boss. He comes up with BS excuses for doing what he does and he is very two faced. I was training someone and we had just hooked up to a trailer on the dock getting ready to pull it when a moron of a coworker backing in next to me, hits my truck with the trailer. I get Mt boss over to report it. He tells me to lie on the report and to safety and say that a truck driver hit me. I refused to lie, especially to cover his butt. I even told safety, his boss, and wrote on the report on what happened and him wanting me to lie. The first couple years of me working there, my company took care of everyone and was a good place to work at. Now it's a bunch of morons hiring morons, promoting morons, and they treat the hub like its kill or get killed. I'm so close to throwing in the towel and telling some folks if as they escort me out to my car. Speaking of car, employees have been breaking into cars AND SECURITY DRIVES THROUGH THE LOT 24/7

  • @striker0
    @striker0 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I was a security guard for 5.5 years, and each and every year seemed to get worse, moreso during the merger. During my last year, I was taken off a job site for the most insane reason, my handwriting. I write small, always have, and they proceeded to tell me that they warned me about it. They only started warning me 4 months before they took me off the assignment (I had been there for 2.5 years). Well, because of their fuck up by doing that, I qualified for unemployment since I was taken from 38 hours a week down to 8.
    Couple months later they finally put me at the site they promised me when I first started. This is the site that I was getting 8 hours a week, now 39 hours. First couple months were going pretty well, I knew the site like the back of my hand, knew all the procedures, everything. Then something happened and I was pulled in for questioning. Seems some tires went missing (this was a rock quarry/cement processing plant), and they tried to make it look like it was during my watch. Well, to make a long story short, the theft took place after my shift ended, and I was off the hook. However, after that, my supervisor had the brilliant idea to play detective, to try and make it look like she was solving problems that the worksite had. Well, she did more harm than good. We were forbidden from using our personal vehicles to do perimeter checks, namely for safety concerns, as well as problems with potential insurance claims. She was caught doing this, and I wound up blowing the whistle on it. She hated me for doing that, despite me telling her that her safety was more important, in which even the office agreed. The next 7 months she made it her mission to try and catch me doing something against policy, which she had a really hard time doing because I did my job.
    Come February 2018, she somehow managed to convince the account manager to get me moved to a different site because she was tired of me doing my job better. Well, wouldn't you know, the company waited until my work week started (started Thursday night, ended Monday morning) to say that I was being moved at the very last minute, while trying to say they almost forgot to call me (this is 10 minutes before the office closed and two hours before my usual shift started). I asked them why did they take so long to tell me this, in which they replied with "Go to the (new) site and come into the office tomorrow so we can discuss it." It was then that I said fuck it and told them "Since you couldn't give me the courtesy to give the reason why sooner, I'm going to repay the favor. I quit!" Long pause over the phone, and they realized they did fuck up. Told them I'd be there in the morning returning my uniforms and badge.
    Now for the really juicy part. After that, they struggled to find people to do the job because the supervisor was a bitch. I was really the only one aside from her that knew what was needed, and 6 months later the security company lost that contract because karma came for that bitch, in the form of her losing her foot because she walked into a scorpions nest and got stung the fuck out. It was one of the bigger contracts, and to lose it did deal a serious blow to the company. No one else knew the inner workings, so that happened, and honestly, the company deserved it.

  • @dickward1090
    @dickward1090 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    i’m regards to the cage cleaning thing: I was a shop supervisor for a small engine repair place. kid came in with no experience and said he’d never really worked on stuff before. so I asked him if he felt comfortable disassembling and reassembling a carburetor. kid did amazingly well for never having touched one and I gave him the job.
    I’d had people come in with no experience or skill and get the job because of connections so I just wanted to see if the kid could work through a problem he’d never seen before. was I in the wrong???

    • @chazon1780
      @chazon1780 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Late replay (and probably worthless because I'm a jobless bum myself), but I feel as long as you merely gave them a TEST run and not have them do any real/pending jobs, then it should be fine in my books.

    • @dickward1090
      @dickward1090 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@chazon1780 it always irked me when every job listing would require experience. how is someone supposed to get this “required” experience unless someone gives them a shot, ya know?

    • @chazon1780
      @chazon1780 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dickward1090 it's a vicious cycle sadly...

    • @dickward1090
      @dickward1090 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chazon1780 at least I try to give people a shot when I see some aptitude. hopefully there are some of those still out there

    • @HarmonyEdge
      @HarmonyEdge ปีที่แล้ว

      Depends on how many carburators you ordered the kid to work on. Anything past one and you are in the wrong.

  • @dravenhuffman
    @dravenhuffman ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dude, you are a genius

  • @abiola33
    @abiola33 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 2 is wild!

  • @20SG20
    @20SG20 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That last one was superemely spectacular! ✨🌟✨!

  • @hazelreaves5921
    @hazelreaves5921 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    1971,,my first job was goodwill,, grew up working flea markets ,yard sales warehouse with my family.. was put in wares { book, kitchen, pictures & such} we had guys unloading boxes on a conveyer? belt. this one jerk always loved piling my part of the belt up.. I lasted about 15 months kept telling the warehouse mgr.. to stop him,, one day I had it with the jerk threw a toy at him & yelled for mike & walked out.. heard later through grapevine he was let go soon after.

  • @vickiesmith3021
    @vickiesmith3021 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for your video.

  • @mleskoyeah1464
    @mleskoyeah1464 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It’s not the employees’ responsibility to find sick coverage…that’s what the manager is for…don’t fall for that BS people!

  • @Tw15tedMynd
    @Tw15tedMynd ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I worked as a server at a Chili's once and had to transfer to another store because I was moving several hours away. The first Chili's I worked at wasn't really that bad. The management was actually very nice. The second store, however, was being run very poorly. At this time, I didn't have a car,and I'm such a dedicated employee. I walked 2 hours to get to work on time, and since I didn't know any of the other employees there. Nobody gave me a ride home, so I would have to walk 2 hours back home in the dead of night. (Around 1-2 in the morning) just to get back home. (My roommate at the time had to leave for work super early and would be out of town for a few days at a time) So, a couple weeks of working there and were hit with the Memorial Day Weekend Slam that usually happens at restaurants. And I just so happened to see that I was scheduled a Friday Night and 3 doubles in a row. I question the Scheduling Manager about it, but she doesn't want to be bothered. I even told the General Manager about it, and he told me that he would talk to the SM about it and get back to me. He never did. So here I am, working Friday-Sunday, basically a walking corpse. On Sunday, I will admit that once they closed a section, I sat down and rested for a few minutes every other hour because from Friday to that Sunday, I had a TOTAL of 3 maybe 4 hours of sleep. I came in on Monday morning, I was called into the office to talk about why I was sitting down so much during my shift on Sunday. My customers didn't know absolutely anything. In fact, they all tipped me pretty well because I've been in the service industry for nearly 10 years. But of course, the manager asked me why I was so tired, I told them before, and they didn't listen that my schedule was impossible to run. But since it was Memorial Day Weekend, nobody wanted to cover my shift since all the servers were scheduled for at least 2 days as well. Management told me that if I could put a "pep in my step and work as fast as I could the first day I worked there. I could just leave." I took off my apron and walkie and set it down on their desk. I replied with, "The first day I worked here, I had a full night's sleep," and walked out of the store.
    For some extra details, I was a server, so we get paid in cash a lot. And since I just barely started working there. I didn't have the time to go to the bank and deposit my money since:
    1. My bank was closed on weekends.
    2. I had to be up and leaving my home by at least 7:45 to at least make it to work by the time it opened at 10.
    3. I would wake up by 7:15 to even get ready for work, leave by 7:45, and work the double all the way until 1-2 in the morning. Walk 2 hours back home since I didn't have a ride. Take a shower because I've been walking and working the whole day, which would keep me up another hour 1/2 and then pass out by maybe 5:30 or so. Rinse and repeat for 3 days.
    I tried to call corporate to have them do anything about it, but pretty much that investigation consisted of corporate calling the GM "hey did you fire this kid? Do you still want him to be fired?" And that was the end of it. I have personally vowed NEVER to eat at that Chili's EVER again.

  • @lisag.4054
    @lisag.4054 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The one about the restaurant is hilarious. I would’ve left, then returned an hour later with a party of 10 who are all somehow dissatisfied with their food.

  • @aleeshagilbert1009
    @aleeshagilbert1009 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Off topic, but I genuinely thought that plane was a tuxedo airplane. XP

  • @ProGamer61-349
    @ProGamer61-349 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Holy crap, you still play Race the Sun? That's cool.

    • @thechaoticvideogamer
      @thechaoticvideogamer ปีที่แล้ว

      I actually just realised that I bought Race the Sun years ago on my PS4.

    • @coffecrazy
      @coffecrazy ปีที่แล้ว

      You guys too?!

  • @abdillahahmad7025
    @abdillahahmad7025 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story 11 reminds me of the Stanley Parable

  • @exploranator
    @exploranator ปีที่แล้ว

    3:35 was GOLDEN.

  • @dolanvskaney
    @dolanvskaney ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I never recognize the games being played in these.

  • @dsrtflwr6093
    @dsrtflwr6093 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There aren't any journalists anymore

  • @thefallenangel6864
    @thefallenangel6864 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not exactly, but when I was 8 I quit ballet class after my second performance. Even though it was only my second one, it was the best I had done. My quitting was literally magnificent.

  • @simiktek
    @simiktek ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @andrewbatts7678
    @andrewbatts7678 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Years ago after retirement, my grandma worked for a company that owned and managed different properties. The office manager saw an ad in the classified section for her job with her bosses phone number. She was convinced that they were trying to fire and replace her behind her back. She came in one day and burned all of the company files in a bonfire pit behind the building, sliced the tires on all the work trucks in the garage then took a baseball bat to the computers. She was arrested and prosecuted then sentenced to 4 years in prison. Turns out the couple who owned the company wanted to retire and was planning on gifting her the entire company as a gift but not before they hired a new office manager. Talk about jumping to conclusions 😂

    • @GipsyDangerfan
      @GipsyDangerfan 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It also establishes that communication IS key. If you plan on gifting your company to somebody, TALK to them. And for god's sake, make sure they're actually competent to run it.

    • @luketimewalker
      @luketimewalker 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @jamesr736
    @jamesr736 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yoooo Race the Sun gameplay! Love that little game!

  • @ellesandralady8596
    @ellesandralady8596 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Number 5 I have a feeling that his wife is a better cook than him. He puts so much grease that the food has grease dripping, and it was all black 'n' gross that a 5 year old knows not to eat it, and I'm sure they are divorced and the wife took over

  • @romecottrell6444
    @romecottrell6444 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This restaurant owner on this first story was a total jerk, he shouldn't have been in this restaurant , because his wife does a better job than he does 🧑‍🍳.

  • @namegoeshere3838
    @namegoeshere3838 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Okay Genius, you can have this one. I needed work that paid decent and found a job with a printer. Now, this "printer" was what printed and folded the newspaper ads, then we had to get them in perfect stacks and get them set up for delivery, but I'm not talking about the office Xerox machine, we printed the store ads you get in the mail. (Think grocery store ads) It was a graveyard shift and 12 hours but they did 4 nights in a row and then I had 4 nights off. Return for 3 nights and get 3 nights off. It was 84 hours for 2 weeks and lots of time off so yeah great! That machine ran full out for 11½ hours (30 minutes for lunch). Bathroom break meant the guy on the other side of the belt had to cover and work faster. If they fell behind sometimes a supervisor would go help until the other guy was back. That 4 on 4 off I slept the first day and 4th day as recovery and preparing for the next 3 so the time off wasn't as good as I thought but it was a paycheck. Watching the "joggers"(using your arms we jogged the stacks, getting air inside so they would slide together in neat stacks) was the supervisors (plural, and they stood around unless the paper rolls got jammed, ran out, ink problems etc) was their favorite thing to do and if you were keeping up they would speed up the machine. I was good, didn't goof around, just kept my head down and did my job. The fateful night: the supervisor near me was bored and thought he would have some fun so he wads up some paper, sprayed it heavy with the spray glue they used to repair breaks in the roll or join the next roll and yells my name as he tossed it to me. Wouldn't it be funny if I had to go get the glue off my hands? Except the machine was very loud and I didn't hear anything. The glue covered paper ball hit me in the face and glued my eyes shut!!! They took me to the eye wash but had to use solvent to get my eye lids open. That supervisor had left before I could see again to beat his ass!! Never went back after that

  • @animetalk8132
    @animetalk8132 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That's funny what are doing down here step bro looking for a raise 😂😂😂

  • @bonniebunny6857
    @bonniebunny6857 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    My mom was pregnant with me at the time of this story but she worked for a private Christian school where she was treated so horribly by the other women because my mom was in her 40's when she finally had kids. They would make very snarky and rude comments about my mom and my dad because my dad already has children. They would make snarky comments like, "you shouldn't have done that. You're going to be well in your 60's when the children are grown. You already have a step daughter. Isn't that good enough for you? You're a step mother to a child who needs a mother. You should've just settled with that." The stress was getting to my mom and she knew she could have a stress induced miscarriage if she didn't leave her job. So, she did.... When she went into labor with moi (French for "me" btw). She didn't bother showing up or telling anyone at her old job she went into labor because I was born on a Friday morning and the last thing she was worried about was her job. I was born healthy and my mom and dad were finally able to meet moi. My mom told my dad to call her boss and to tell her boss she quit because she had given birth. The school is no longer in business due to so many parents pulling their children out and low enrollment. My mom never got another job in teaching because of how rude and condensing the women were.

    • @RedK5
      @RedK5 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They were stupid. They needed to stop watching those evil step mother type movies and step into the real world. Did they really think that your mother couldn’t be mother to you and her stepdaughter too? That’s not very Christian like

    • @bonniebunny6857
      @bonniebunny6857 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RedK5 nope. It's not. My mom's not the best mother but, at least she got the TWO things she wanted: my younger brother and I. The school had closed down a few years after my mom left and my mom has found a few of her students from the school she taught on Facebook. One of them actually found me on Instagram a few months back and she shared a few stories about my mom with me. One of my favorite stories she told me about my mom was: there was this little girl who's mother was going through cancer treatments and her mother's insurance was really crappy (this was in 2002 a few months before I was born. I was born in January and this happened in October or November) and the student's father couldn't afford a winter jacket for the girl so my mom went out and bought a winter jacket for the girl.

    • @RedK5
      @RedK5 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bonniebunny6857 I like your mom. She sounds awesome. I’m glad she found the students and not the bullies but on the other hand the best revenge is living well and shoving it in their faces

    • @bonniebunny6857
      @bonniebunny6857 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RedK5 Yee. The student that found me on Instagram said to tell my mom "thank you" because thanks to my mom, she has a master's degree in special education and a bachelor's degree in English. My mom left teaching after I was born but, like, my mom was a bad butt teacher from what the student said

    • @RedK5
      @RedK5 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@bonniebunny6857 I love a happy ending

  • @stevenfrost3469
    @stevenfrost3469 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Story 6: This journalist did the right thing in an industry that rewards you for doing the wrong thing.

  • @thegitslapper
    @thegitslapper ปีที่แล้ว

    3:57 i have had a trail period but my manager was/is good

  • @FunboyMacphallush
    @FunboyMacphallush 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Comcast literally steals from their customers.

  • @jondonriotorres5676
    @jondonriotorres5676 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ain't the dude from the last story the dude holding two light bulbs

  • @boxfox2945
    @boxfox2945 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Guns blazing' no need for words.

  • @ElijahWade-uq3zm
    @ElijahWade-uq3zm 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    so the fist story completely avoided the question

  • @joelheath2746
    @joelheath2746 ปีที่แล้ว

    Last exit wasn’t graceful, it was fucking legendary!

  • @riptors9777
    @riptors9777 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That restaurant one... wasnt that an episode of hells kitchen?

    • @arcticwolf8150
      @arcticwolf8150 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No it was Kitchen Nightmares

  • @disheartenedboi
    @disheartenedboi ปีที่แล้ว

    wait i think i've seen your video! i remember one just like that!

  • @Cat-pv6yx
    @Cat-pv6yx ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Part of the first 10 views wow

  • @titanslayer2476
    @titanslayer2476 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not gonna lie the op of the last story was a genius and petty and I love that definitely going to use those moves in my future jobs that treat me poorly and yes I am considering becoming a content creator on TH-cam in the future for minecraft and Terraria vids like mod reviews and let's play and yes after I've reached a point I will be asking my community of viewers and subscribers to suggest any mods they want to see in future let's plays Caz I can see most don't do that too often but that's probably due to incompatibility but as a future it guy and ethical hacking I'll be able to do it givin a lot of effort but hopefully it'll be worth it 😅😅

  • @dragonrider4253
    @dragonrider4253 ปีที่แล้ว

    10:33 "Well, imagine it twice as bad, I quit."
    Ialso want to know what that game in the background is.

  • @sone2166
    @sone2166 ปีที่แล้ว

    btw the backround game is "Race the sun" or smth like that

  • @miguelamezcua6717
    @miguelamezcua6717 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wait whats the game in the bg? At the beggining like a plane flying

  • @alastortheradiodemon8134
    @alastortheradiodemon8134 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    👾 chain

  • @boaha5918
    @boaha5918 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @FaerieAmira
    @FaerieAmira ปีที่แล้ว

    I need a link to that tiktok lol

  • @Tibadude
    @Tibadude ปีที่แล้ว

    Where this tiktok u mention?

  • @rodleypumpkins4174
    @rodleypumpkins4174 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don’t believe the first story. Who has that many concerts first of all.

  • @coffecrazy
    @coffecrazy ปีที่แล้ว

    Never thought I’d see race the sun on one of these

  • @nagume
    @nagume 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ngl i wanna see that video

  • @GrippyClips
    @GrippyClips ปีที่แล้ว

    Did my favourite country Greece wrong :( 7:13

  • @emilydonut3262
    @emilydonut3262 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Does anyone know what this tiktok is called

  • @johntumahab323
    @johntumahab323 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good job on that journalist, but that may have only worked because it was a mere state senator.

    • @F40PH-2CAT
      @F40PH-2CAT 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sadly this isn't indicative of modern journalism. I googled the story and the politician was Republican.

  • @nathlech919
    @nathlech919 ปีที่แล้ว

    Name of the game played?

    • @fractalgem
      @fractalgem 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Chase the sun

  • @yansidronio1732
    @yansidronio1732 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What game is this?

  • @dip4898
    @dip4898 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why did your voice changed?

  • @leaf_vr2
    @leaf_vr2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @srideout91
    @srideout91 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Half of these stories are just fairytales

  • @zumbimaluco
    @zumbimaluco ปีที่แล้ว

    I need to see this tiktok he talked in the last story

  • @grncpe0001
    @grncpe0001 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i was the 30th like

  • @timelord862
    @timelord862 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @SilentNolife
    @SilentNolife ปีที่แล้ว +3

    First Lezz fo

  • @josejohnson3274
    @josejohnson3274 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bro .... Who is editing this video, uuuugh just clean up the background static noise. It's so easy and makes the audio much more desirable.

  • @marcy6161
    @marcy6161 ปีที่แล้ว

    People that say that employment is a 2 way street, and say that the boss/supervisor/manager is also on a trial period definitely dont have a family at home counting on a steady income, and dont have a mortgage, car payments and childcare breathing down their back. They are the massive wave still living at home with mommy and daddy into their 30s😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 gtfoh

  • @riseofasinkingwarrior490
    @riseofasinkingwarrior490 ปีที่แล้ว

    Had this one job for a few years. Genuinely loved it, despite being during covid, but suddenly had problems when my phone got wet from my sweat during one shift when all the staff walked away and expected me to do the work. After that shift I had to buy a wireless charger due to a message repeatedly stating my connection was wet, and it still happened months later - plus my gps stopped working, but I didn't realize that one at the time because I only used it for work. My job required gps for the location when logging in on an app, so it didn't work. I told my boss multiple times, but he did nothing to help. So I kept turning up, but I noticed my pay decreasing very slowly, since he had no record I was actually there. One day I had enough and messaged a co-worker "I'm coming in late." I was driving in as I'm about 15 minutes late, probably about 15 minutes away from parking my car and being able to start work as my phone rings, I ignore it. I get to work and start half an hour late - felt like why should I care about repercussions when I'm getting unfairly docked my desired pay? Soon I see someone walk across that was from another store about 40 minutes away - and this guy wanted to let people know he's in charge, despite being in charge of one store, as to me having represented his store and another I needed to fly to. When I saw him, I immediately quit and walked away, making out I was walking to my car, but I was secretly walking to a second hand store around the corner to look at video games first. To my surprise, this lard ass caught up to me and begged me to stay. He bribed me with a 6 pack of beer, which I foolishly accepted. My next pay was about 200 dollars less. I texted my co-worker and said "I won't be coming in tomorrow." Explaining the situation and he thanked me for telling him. Not a blaze of glory... just got conned hoping they'd realize the consequences. Still a win for me since I have a voice recording blaming me.

  • @teviblekhman1628
    @teviblekhman1628 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Boo cavilers 9:02