Reminds me of a story about a dog that would bite the people caring for her at the vet. They thought she was just a one-person dog until her owner mentioned she was deaf. They then started finding ways to alert the dog before handling her so they wouldn't scare her.
I had to help my choir teacher in hs, and there was this girl who signed to communicate (idk if she’s deaf or not) but she was signing something that looked urgent. Turns out, she was just telling a joke 💀
Tim must've had a supremely garbage personality if he ticked off everyone at his new job in less than a month. It's almost impressive he was able to make enemies so quickly and not even a single friend. I would do some serious soul searching if I were Tim.
I worked with a Timotea - 🤣 a women like him - she was pretty so it gone 1 month longer with the men - but all the wimen hated her after 1 month - she was also big in gossip - 🙄🙄🙄
Maybe he could not afford the $50 for the secret santa, and could not afford to buy food for the entire office. No one ever asked him WHY he was behaving the way he was.
Yeah, but I'd be grateful about getting rid of Secret Santa. I always hated having to go out and find some thoughtful gift for a person and end up with the Old Spice cologne set that had been regifted so many times the colors on the box were fading.
@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 because it could be interpreted that he was making sexual advances in the girl. Yes thing like this have happened before and people have taken it to court.
@@puppetmasterey So what. That's such an overreaction, it's abserd. I guess if her friends or parents gift her that kind of clothing, whould she send them to court too?
The woman who was always asking to leave early because "her sons" got into trouble. She was a talkative parrot who loved to gossip every minute, to do loooong bathroom breaks and while letting the rest of us to do the hardest job because she was a lady. Fortunately our boss got tired of her after she caught this woman in a big fat lie and fired her.
Good wen this type is gone - 🤗🤗🤗 - I work with one like this now since 4 months.... Sometimes I am on the edge to loose my pacience. You would be surprised how many bad people work in the care work - from nurses down to C level - many crazy people.
My boss is easily the most hated person where I work, there isn't a single person I've ever heard say anything nice about him. He's rude as hell, micromanages everything, goes back on what he says, and won't hesitate to throw anyone under the bus. He's already driven out several employees (who were good at their jobs) and there's a couple more of us, including myself, that are looking elsewhere. He's the primary reason we're always short handed.
My old GM at my previous would’ve been pissed and fired him, she was also a woman, who was not one to be trifled with. Sweet as pie when calm and in a good mood, but piss her off? Ohhhh there was hell. She was awesome as hell.
Appreciate story about the deaf guy. To the person who related the story kudos, you have shown all of us how to counteract prejudice. You are to be commended.
I once had a coworker who was a complete drama fiend and she was also extremely flaky about showing up. First up, she was a drama Llama. At least several times a week she would lock herself in one of the bathrooms to yell on her phone or to cry until she was vomiting about some drama going on with her. Second, she worked here for years and never once worked a full 40 hour week. Because of all the drama she would cry about a family emergency every few days and leave the office early... and that was if she bothered to show up at all. My job was very laid back and we had pretty good leeway about emergencies as long as you didn't exploit it. She 100% exploited it. She probably used all her sick days by the time January was over, and she probably never had more then one hour of stored vacation time at a time because she used it constantly. She was technically full time, but I would be shocked if she ever once recieved a full paycheck.
Ok so being D/deaf in the work place IS hard. Most people won’t take the time to learn basic sign or use their phones to communicate through text. They have also violated ADA and other legislation by passing him up consistently. Good on you OP for learning to communicate and making someone’s work life better!
That person was my previous manager! She WAS terrible. I was a temp for 4 years, and she ran off so many people because of her toxic behavior and lack of support for her team. She also had NO IDEA how to work our jobs and couldn't explain anything we asked. Agents came to me for answers. All of us were searching for new jobs.Then she bailed the day before an audit with our biggest client. I got her job, and the culture is completely different now.
I never had this experience, so I’ll share a story I saw from a documentary a few years ago. It was a documentary about postal shootings that happened in the US in the 80s and early 90s. In one case they profiled, an employee killed 5 people at work, one of whom was a supervisor. One of the former employees interviewed for the documentary said they had a memorial service for the 5 people slain, and their names were listed on a sheet on a bulletin board. When she went up to the bulletin board to read the names, the name of the supervisor who was killed was crossed off the list. That’s something that has stuck with me. It just makes me wonder what kind of person this man was that not even other victims of this shooting wanted to acknowledge his existence after he was murdered.
Two people actually: the regional store manager and a janitor, or "maintenance", in my shift. The RS Manager; a whiny uptight prick who's constantly adding up new rules specifically for my shift (overnight) just to make things super difficult for us than they already are. The janitor; bossy, throws their weight around, gives an attitude towards almost everyone (including the ON managers for simply giving them tasks), and is sexist.
The thing about Bob is, that no one bothered to ask him about stuff besides the OP. They jumped to conclusions about him which is unfortunately common in group dynamics.
I still feel like he could have explained why he was doing things a lot better. If one line made things so clear to the OP, he could have easily told everyone he wanted to make sure they learned their work well, and people wouldn't resent him as much.
I have a coworker like one story where he just *talks* all the time. Which isnt too bad because hes extremely good at his job and puts full effort into everything which is extremely admirable.
Had a suck up coworker at my old job, call him “Tsunoda”, and he was a miserable turd whom the bosses loved. He got away with doing the least amount of work, bullied us on behalf of the bosses, and tattled on everyone. Tsunoda had somehow found out I had applied to another job, and tattled on me to the big boss. I was fired. As I left, I made sure to pop his car tires with a sharp tool, no working security cameras in that part of the lot and the guard didn’t see what I had done (even if he did, he wouldn’t care because he hated Tsunoda as much as I did). The hiring manager at my new job knew Tsunoda, and hated that suck-up as much as I did. I got hired on the spot as we bonded over our hatred of a common enemy.
I work as a cart pusher at Walmart, so we don't get a lot of bad associates in that department, but those we do get really stand out. One particular person that comes to mind was a kid Hajbibe. This was around early 2020 when the pandemic was in full swing. At first, he showed promise as he was good to work with, got the carts in at a timely manner, and made sure not to damage the mule. The mule by the way is what we use to push a large amount of carts at a time so we didn't have to do it by hand. A month after he started, Hajbibe started to slack off by disappearing randomly, pushing one or two carts in at a time, taking smoke breaks a bit more frequently than normal, somehow damaging one of the wheels on the mule, as well as chatting and flirting with customers, and I think a few other associates that worked in the store for longer than they should. Mind you, this was during the pandemic, and because we were an essential store, that meant we were constantly busy and had little to no down time whatsoever, and only one entrance was being used, instead of all three. So carts were going in and out really really fast, and having even just one cart pusher slacking off can really set us back. At one point, one of the trees caught on fire because someone tossed a lit cigarette into the bushes, and we were going through a dry season, so it was easy to have a fire happen. No one could confirm who did it as we have a lot of customers and associates that smoke, but I'm pretty sure it was Hajbibe. At that point we really wanted to see him get fired because there's already been numerous complaints about him, including the ones I mentioned earlier. I don't know what the last straw was that broke the camel's back, but he was fired while I was taking a week off due to an anxiety attack I had. He apparently blamed me for getting him fired when in reality he did it to himself. He also tried to go after me, not knowing I was gonna be gone for a week, and we never heard from him again.
I will always be adamant about the fact that in the workplace, if you're incompetent, you'd better be chill. You should know how to get along with everyone. If you're a jerk, you'd better do your job, do it well, and by the book. But if you're both, an incompetent asshole, then you're the 1st to go when it comes down to who needs to be gotten rid of.
Reminds me of something funny I once heard: Our Supervisor yelled at us today in a meeting and banned overly specific code names that we used to talk shit about people. NOW, everyone is starring daggers at NeedleDickBrianBoringtonTheGoodTimeRuiner. 😂😂… did I tell that wrong 🤔
I work in retail. We had one guy awhile back who was generally scheduled on carts. His job was to make sure we have enough carts, and do whatever miscellaneous things needed doing whenever we had a surplus of carts. This guy really just didn’t do his job. He would come in, and hang around the service desk talking to coworkers/screwing around with office supplies. This really wouldn’t be an issue except for the fact that if he didn’t do his job by the time he left for the day, it would become everyone else’s problem to make up for his lack of work. Add on the fact that he fully admitted to watching Netflix in the electronics storage room instead of working whenever he was scheduled back there, and we had no idea how he hadn’t been fired. He even took one of the manager walkies that we aren’t supposed to have, and hid it in his locker. They apparently tried building a case against him for that, but didn’t end up pulling the trigger for unknown reasons. He would regularly do unsafe/stupid/outright irresponsible things, and somehow was never fired for it. After 2 years of this, he finally handed in his 2 weeks and we were free of his BS.
My place? Me, probably, because I expect honesty and being informed. They have a "you didn't need to know ahead of time" attitude, telling me things the DAY BEFORE that they knew about weeks or months in advance. Addendum: I have a "right of refusal" clause in my contract - if they don't tell me ahead of time, I don't have to do it. They keep screwing themselves and make their own lives more difficult instead of telling me at the earliest possible date.
Rather than a single person I’d say it’s several of the managers and supervisors at my previous workplace. They broke so many anti harassment policies when dealing with me, never cared to listen when I tried to communicate with them, and told me a million ways to do a single task while contradicting themselves in the process. It got so bad that they drove me into severe suicidal tendencies. Thankfully a saving grace found me at the last second and saved my life and I kept living on. H.R. did nothing to help and I couldn’t get a hold of anyone higher up. So I left and have never looked back since. I’m still holding thoughts of breaking down and bashing my bosses skulls open for what they put me through and how they treated me.
Honestly the kitchen supervisor Bob could possibly be my dad. He's retired and disabled now but I could see that being him. He was tough on his crew but it was a tough love type of tough.
I still feel like he could have better explained why he was doing what he was doing so they wouldn’t resent him. After all, one line easily helped OP understand him.
I'm in the army, but my position is more like a desk job than what most people would think if as a soldier so I guess it counts. My department is divided into 3 sub-departments, each with its own commander. The moment I got there, everybody warned me that the commander I was under is awful and everybody hates him- but I didn't realize why until I started actively working. While I was still in my learning period (I.e learning what the job is, memorizing information I need to do it, but not actually working), he decided that I had finished it and started giving me tasks- the first one he gave me was a huge project I was definitely not qualified to do. He also told me that I'll be staying at the base rather than going home this weekend (I was not supposed to do it during my learning period) so even though I was eventually told to go back to studying they still had me stay over the weekend. There's also a command from the department commander (so, my commander's commander) that unless there's an emergency we shouldn't work past 9pm- he routinely has us working well past that hour. When we tried to bring it up to him that we shouldn't be working this late, he blamed it on us saying that we're wasting time... almost every day he only tells us our tasks for the day in the afternoon, so yes we sit around doing nothing in the mornings- but it's because he won't do his job!
Wife of an active duty member: my heart goes out to you and your team. Sucky leadership makes sucky experiences! There are days my husband's life leaves his eyes because his higher-ups have failed him and the team in some large way. I understand corruption may run deep, but I'd give someone a call and set up an investigation. You matter! 🫂
Story 17 is similar to a supervisor I had at a fast food place. Everyone disliked him because he comes off super gruff and rude. He’s very straight forward and doesn’t mince his words. I left that job about 2 years ago. He was a good supervisor.
I've had 3. 1: A super Karen of a prison guard who wouldn't just lock up inmates for no reason, but also do it to punish coworkers for mild grievances, just because she knew we had to pack the property. Anytime she had to pack property she'd go home. She'd purposely rile up inmates for no reason, and filed EEOs on coworkers and cases against inmates for every mildly conceivable reason. 2: A heavyset stinky old prison guard who fell asleep at the drop of a hat, standing up, with keys in the door and G5's walking around. He'd also take offense at people taking offence to their lives being risked. Overall, a good guy, but unsafe AF. 3: A self absorbed narcissistic misogynistic 350 pound acting foreman who threw would literally scream at you for doing what he told you to do. He had lost his actual foreman rank for being unable to listen to orders. I had him convinced I was a crap driver because I'd purposely make every dip, bump, and pothole the worst impact I could for him. Guy spent all day watching My Little Pony and random harem anime. At employee appreciation lunches where all the tables are full and dozens of people are standing, he still sits alone at a table in the middle of the room watching the crappiest anime. He blamed everything on the people under him, refused to ever be wrong, and was almost every incompetent leader cliche, plus almost every neckbeard weaboo cliche, plus a furry. The only good things I can say about him is he was bizarrely good at the actual work we did and smelt better than the above 2 coworkers.
@@princessmarlena1359 Sadly can't be the same guy, because he's worked where I work for pretty much his whole adulthood. That means there are 2 giant weaboo furries.
I worked with a guy at Walmart in the Maintenance Department (aka the handyman department), and this guy (let's call him D) is the bane of _EVERYONE'S EXISTANCE_ at this Walmart. When _the even-tempered store manager_ doesn't have good things to say about D, he's pretty bad. He's shit at training people, pawns work on everyone else, and was shit at doing his job (to the point that not even dogs would eat off floors he cleaned). He went for greener pastures, leaving me as effectively head of the day shift with little knowledge of how to do things. Oh, and he wasn't kicked by management because he had to be a corporate star.
Ah yes... The day I walked into the wrong hospital ward last year during my nursing training... Had already spent weeks working on the cardio thoracic surgery ward already... Walking into morning shift at 06:10 in the morning I used the loooong service corridor way down in the basement. I used one elevator to early. (there are four branches coming off the main connecting corridor on each level. Cardio thoracic was in the fourth on the 1st level. I went to the 1st level but in the third elevator. I even wondered why the big corkboard in the break room looked so different, was just about to introduce myself to a nurse looking at me curiously when I realized that I was in the wrong ward. I had walked into trauma surgery! I quickly explained myself and shuffled away to the ward I was supposed to be in. The nurses surprise didn't catch me off guard as there is a lot of different staff and staff returning from vacation not knowing a student nurse that had been there for half a month already wasn't uncommon... I guess sometimes body autopilot carrying tired people into work does have glitches sometimes causing people to mix up rooms, levels of buildings or similar things....
I am so glad that we all have a Charles!! He only shows up to work to talk, use the computer to shop for Amazon, and use company supplies to ship his Amazon returns....he also likes to show up and pretend to work when any big wigs show up.
Worst one at my old job. I worked at a college dining hall. A bunch of new managers were hired after the pandemic. All but two of them were terrible. The worst was a woman named Rasheeda. Like many of the managers she refused to help out with serving spending most of her time talking in the office. She would always preach about not taking food home with you even though she did it herself. There had been many occasions where she would take more than half a tray of chicken or beef during a busy dinner hour. Then got mad at us when we ran out of said item. And of course, she was too good to actually help in any way unless the owner was around. She constantly called me lazy even though I worked more than her. She told me no more drink or bathroom breaks after I finished my work. Attempting to gaslight me and say I didn't do anything. One of my coworkers ended up reporting her to the owner who was a genuinely good guy. That along with other complaints lead to her being "encouraged to resign". I ended up learning from another coworker that she gave a promotion to her son rather than one of my coworkers.
11:12 that’s bloody infuriating! I’m so glad that the fella has a friend now, and that the other folks are now finally starting to learn, it’s so important to have accessibility, including with other employees.
I had to train a guy for general accounting functions and different systems in our department this one time.. The guy made women in the office uncomfortable with his blunt jokes and sexist statements. He would sometimes come back from lunch smelling like beer. I'm usually very patient with people and I would always give the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was just some aftershave or some shitty cologne.. I got an email the following week that the guy has been terminated on the spot. By end of day, my boss's and 2 other windshields have been smashed.. I was nice to him so my car wasn't touched lol. A restraining order was issued on my behalf and the rest of the accounting department's personnel. You can only help so much...
I used to do job training for people with intellectual and mental disabilities, and almost without fail the worst people I worked with were not the disabled clients, but the staff. We had a few problem clients, but for the most part they can't help it, and honestly who is going to hold it against them, but holy hell some of the staff members were insufferable. I had a fellow staff member, later subordinate, who was somewhere between the "Magoo" described in this video and Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter. This guy was the type that feels that rules make him strong, he will do his utmost to immediately challenge anything he feels is against the rules to the letter, but not in any actual meaningful way. Our job was incredibly easy, but he would constantly make things harder for everybody in the most asinine ways possible. Another employee asked him to hand them something because they were busy operating machinery? Nope, you aren't his boss and you can't make him. If he would see a client or coworker doing something wrong he would flat refuse to correct them or let them know, even if it is setting the entire project back, because that's supposed to be the supervisor's job and not his. He was both a furry and also one of those sovereign citizen types, and at least half of what he had to say pertained to one or the other. He would do anything in his power to catch somebody being wrong about something in conversation to correct them, except it was typically he who was wrong, and would sulk all day and do crappy work once you proved it. When I eventually ended up being his boss he was still a pain in the ass as often as he could find a way to be. I made it clear to him that it was the entire crew's job to ensure that the job was done right and in a timely manner, and that included him speaking up when he knows full well that another crew member was doing the wrong thing, or doing it the wrong way. He tried avoiding this by just not communicating with the rest of the crew at all. Eventually it led to a write up on a night when 4 hours into the shift I went to check on his group's work, only to find out that one of the clients had been doing completely the wrong thing, and rather than correcting him like he had been explicitly been told to he went and pretended to be doing something else for hours. He fought the write up for a week, starting with my immediate boss and working his way all the way to the director, who flat told him to either do as he was told or he was going to be fired. That ended that problem, but it was one of the few victories over this guy, and tons of other problems arose and had to be "corrected" because he was incapable of not causing problems, and for some reason the center loved bending over backwards to not have to deal with him rather than fire him, which they wouldn't let me do. What made things hardest was that all write up's needed my boss's approval, and the higher ups preferred to just let him have his way rather than deal with the headache. A short list of things enacted because of his ceaseless whining: Both shifts had to start clocking in and out whereas before they would just credit everybody a full day unless you missed around a full hour, this started because he'd constantly claim he was being shortchanged an hour every paycheck, which wasn't true, he was just showing up late after calling to make excuses so often that it would add up. We had to start logging the miles and usage of the supply van because he told my boss that we were leaving base to grab lunch, leaving base for lunch wasn't an issue, but taking the van off base would be a terminable offense, and he insisted that because he didn't see whether we were taking our personal vehicles to lunch that it was possible we were using the van. We had to start checking tools and supplies in and out of the shed because he developed a habit of tucking things into hard to find places and nobody would notice during the nightly roundup. Secret Santa ended for both shifts because he didn't feel he should have to buy somebody something against his will, but also thought it was unfair for him not to receive anything regardless. I was explicitly told I was no longer allowed to buy lunch for the crew, because he thought it unfair when he didn't get to pick what we ate except when it was his turn. He nearly got holiday parties cancelled, because it was unfair that they were held during first shift, and he didn't want to get up to go during that time, even though it was a paid day, but also didn't think it fair to have to come to second shift with the rest of us for not showing up (second shift would also have a party, but smaller considering it was only 5 of us). Smoke breaks started to be regulated (far fewer and at designated times) because he threw a fit that he couldn't just walk away to go smoke whenever he wanted to, especially because not every area we worked had a designated smoking area anywhere nearby because of chemicals and it being a production facility, and he went to the director to complain this one only affected him on second shift, but pissed off a ton of people on first shift. The list continues for quite a while. Eventually he decided that he wanted to work on first shift after an opening came up, they transferred him over as soon as they could rather than spend time hiring a new candidate since he was already technically trained. He decided he hated it and quit 4 days into first shift at lunch time, then to add insult to injury the sleaze made an official complaint about the center for not opening the position to applicants when they moved him, because technically they have a legal requirement to do so under state law for a facility of it's type since it wasn't technically the same position. They did everything they could to placate him for 7 years, then he quits and gets them fined under a technicality for changing his shift like he wanted. This is a non-profit company for the benefit of disabled people mind you, so the fine cut into center funds, and Thanksgiving and Christmas parties for the clients would have had to be cancelled had staff members not gotten together to raise the money for them.
I don't think the detail about the guy being a furry was really necessary, but some of us furs do tend to be kinda obnoxious from time to time. Though, that's more of a personal problem rather than a community problem.
@@rebel6301 It wouldn't be necessary, I have no problem with it typically, but this guy brought it up obnoxiously often, to the point it was uncomfortable. He would go out of his way to talk about how hot he thought various characters were, and would go around sharing borderline NSFW art with other workers on a routine basis. It only stopped after HR got enough complaints to look into it and decided it probably qualified as sexual harassment.
@@swahilimaster Yeah, that’s TMI. And also, I hope they undid everything they messed up to placate this guy after he left, like with the Tim story (first in the video).
@@KnakuanaRka At the point when I left the company last summer they had not. Overall they are very good about how they treat their employees though, I just think they don't want to have to go through the whole ordeal again should they get a similar person. I was sad to leave them, but unfortunately my health was at a point where continuing there was no longer an option.
Mine would have to be a certain manager on mine. He won't stop making baby sounds despite everyone asking and telling him to stop. Tho when that happens I just wear my earbuds and listen to creepypasta so it doesn't bother me much. Of course they don't like my earbuds inside but I told them that unless he stops the sounds I won't be changing. It's less now but sometimes he still does it.
There are two from different jobs for me. Worked janitorial. New lady threw fits easily over little things. She was soon fired for getting lost and crying for 3 hours in an office she was tasked to clean. It was 4 side rooms and *one fucking hallway.* My current job is retail and there's this girl who will not cover breaks. Managment is well aware, but will still make break schedules revolve entirely around this girl. No greeters, gardeners or till workers get their breaks or lunches. They usually rely on everyone else to cover, but usually me because I'm the most reliable. Because of this: I keep being yelled at for not being available for anything else and am being held back from getting raises, awards and promotions. No clue why management isn't doing anything about a girl who is risking a lawsuit from half of the staff in the store who aren't getting paid for the missed breaks.
We had a woman who came in as a supervisor right out of high school. Her father was a high-ranking officer (Army) and we all worked on post. She insisted we were no longer allowed to listen to music while prepping, even with earphones, and she insisted on blaring black gospel music all over the work area. She took exception to me because I was the friendly atheist of the restaurant who always took weekends to give everyone their sabbath day off. She was not pleased with my existence and told me “people like you will burn forever. Get on your knees right now and pray to the Lord.” I told her to F off, and she said cursing was a mortal sin. She also tried taking away my antidepressants from my locker because “Jesus will heal you” and insisted another coworker not call the cops or file divorce after being beaten by her now-ex-husband, because “divorce is wrong under any circumstances. God’s law above all else.” Said coworker had a black eye and was ready to hurt herself out of panic. I ended up helping that coworker out in the end, and she’s ok now. I brought up the religious discrimination to her boss, a friend of mine. He asked her about it, and she said verbatim “Atheists don’t have rights to protect.” When he brought up the 2006 Supreme Court ruling that, yes, we do have rights, she got mad and then said “you’re siding with her because she’s white. White people don’t have rights anymore.” She was fired for religious and racial discrimination and denied access to the base. Her father came in one day to apologize. She continued to harass me via text while trying to convert me for about a month before stopping after I threatened a restraining order.
The employee everyone hated at my old job ( assisted living )would do nothing constantly fall asleep on the job including once hiding in the bathroom on the night shift to nap then talk to bosses about how they did everything and we were all lazy I think the final straw was when a sweet older lady straight up told me that she gets the feeling that the coworker didn’t like her
Just left a previous job last fall because a “coworker” who would refuse to work and leave the premises crying if anyone asked her to do her job instead of flirting with a male coworker enough to be her dad or trying to stuff more drinks into the already full drink cooler. We worked in a hospital kitchen that not only ran the cafeteria but we also made meals for patients so when she left her work fell to the other hostesses and hosts. When she got back she would start grabbing unfinished meal trays and try to load them up onto a cart and take them up which led to two things: 1. We would stop her and she would have another meltdown. 2. She would give a patient only part of their order and the whole kitchen would get in trouble for “improper patients care”. Nothing was done by management because she was “on the spectrum” and they were afraid of getting sued for “ableism” if they said anything “mean” to her. They would brush us off when we point out both I and another hostess were also “on the spectrum” and we were the ones picking up most of her slack on top of our own jobs and part of her problem was also that her parents babied her silly growing up and only got her this job because she was done with school and they needed somewhere to send her while they worked. She was a okay kid but no one could stand working with her because she was always screaming (never learned how to talk quietly) never did her job, interrupted ours by taking things that weren’t done yet or she just wanted attention. Patients didn’t like her either cause she always screamed when she spoke and when we put our feet down on her just leaving all the dirty dishes for the next shift and the nurses to deal with she would take the tray with her when she left and then come back half an hour later to just take the dishes instead of waiting an hour to ASK if they were done like we were supposed to which resulted in patients going hungry and patients that were groggy or had dementia thinking they were being robbed and a few patients losing personal items that got swept up when she just started grabbing stuff (eye glasses on a napkin that still had silverware in it, dentures and retainers on plates, a coffee cup the patient’s visitor brought from home) She doesn’t work there anymore because all the people who would cover for her found better work elsewhere and she snapped like a KitKat bar under the pressure when people only helped with her share of the work instead of doing it for her.
I have a story. When I started working at my local Animal Shelter, there was another new hire as well. Someone about a decade older then me but he seemed alright at the time. Boy was I wrong. Let's call him D. D was originally hard working and loved to chat. He chatted a lot but usually always got everything done that was needed. After a few weeks he started to get more and more comfortable and started to tell inappropriate stories to literally everyone. From fucking x amount of girls at a ski-resort when he worked there or what he's seen working as a chef, his stories seem very made up but somehow at least a couple of them turned out to actually be true, such as him being a Chef. This wasn't the worst of it. As time went on, D got more and more bossy. He'd try taking over other peoples areas saying we weren't cleaning things right or weren't fast enough yet his work area would be a complete mess and he'd leave it so he could clean someone else's area instead. He'd also constantly be cleaning random things all day, every day, constantly. Walls? Cleaned multiple times a day that the paints worn thin in places. Doors? You could probably smear cake on it and eat it as if it was a plate. Everything else? A state if it was actually his area. It got so bad that the manager had to create a bunch of different sheets that everyone had to follow to try and stop his behavior. D didn't stop. He got worse and worse, any night shifts he'd do there was always multiple things wrong. Some of the animals wouldn't have food or water down all night long. Cat litter was full, never scooped. Larger messes of poop and pee then what there normally would be for how many animals are there at any given time. Other works kept pushing more and more to get him removed but for some reason the manager just never did... Until it got the point where D started to yell not only at other works but the manager herself. When D was finally let go, he went around town spreading rumors and false acquisitions to many many people whether he knew them or not. To the point where random members of the public reached out to some of us to ask if we knew what he was saying about us. We sued him and he quickly went silent. Not much came of that as far as I know now. He hasnt been back around but he's the worse person i've ever met.
Used to work with a guy in my store that everyone but me hated, and I could never understand why. He had some quirks, but overall was a great guy once you got to know him. He eventually quit, and the last I heard he got a sex change.
Sometimes, I get worried cause I hear this sort of thing happening to autistic people since we appear to be “odd” or have something off about us (thank tiktok for that)
It is like I worked a job and my biggest pet peeve with strangers is someone who tries to break the ice by busting you're balls. See it as a lack of intelligence, just overall dumbass behavior. It's like almost everyone liked the guy except me and this girl, we both saw his loud mouthed in you're face behavior as hot fucking trash.
Another hater, who never bothers to ask WHY someone behaves in a certain way, never bothers to LISTEN to anyone but themselves, refuses to accept that every person is different, and some may not think they way they do, that some people may like different things to them, never bothers even to try to accommodate what anyone else needs, and has a 'you can't be in our gang', infantile, mentality, that never welcomes new co-workers. You don't have the balls to to be civil, so run along, little hater.
Story 11 makes me smile. I'm learning ASL or trying to anyway because I interact with deaf people all the time at work. I fumble a lot but they smile when they sign back.
I worked at Pizza My Heart in Isla Vista. A coworker got mad at me for scraping grease off the pizza platter. If you just wipe it down with a rag you spread grease into the wood. Despite my explanation, our supervisor (her best friend) gave me an earful. I really tried to be their friend, I was a goofy 19yo. Not their vibe.
I work at a Menards which is a home improvement store like Home Depot. One of the guys in receiving is Derik. I have not seen him smile once, and everytime I have asked him for help he is very condescending when he answers. My best friend worked in reviving for a couple months, absolute hated the guy. My neighbor also worked back there and said it got to the point where he told the GM if him and Derik have to work with each other that someone is going to jail because someone will be dead. From what I hear he has a form of autism that doesn’t affect him working, but affects his social interactions and he just isn’t there when it comes to being social. If I need to ask someone in receiving for something and he is back there I just don’t ask them, I’ll go back an hour later when someone else is there. One employee got so mad at him for something he said that the employee threw a mattress at him and pinned him against a railing. Employee got no discipline because even the GMs know how hated he is so they understood lol. Yet somehow they promoted him to a manger in the reconfirm department even though everyone hates him
At my job it’s Tracy she’s a huge conspiracy theorist who thinks that their is a theory behind Victoria Secret because the word secret is in it. She also sings a Miley Cyrus song (Tracy can’t sing) she once complained that to me that her mom made her a steak (Tracy is in her mid 50s and acts like a child) my girlfriend got covid one time and she told me to my face that my girlfriend needed a stronger immune system and that covid didn’t exist (I understand people who don’t believe covid exists or that u should or shouldn’t get vaccinated but keep your opinions to yourself)
Worst we had was this old woman who had to receive the same instructions multiple times, claimed to be allergic to perfume so she could have an excuse to sniff people and complain to the manager if she didn't like their scent. How do we know for sure she was lying, aside from never seeing her gasp for breath? She went to a perfume test our company was in charge of. She also kept trying to lure the young (late high school age) employees to the pub for an "after work".
My second to last job, me. I had injured my back and was losing mobility. It was a physical job and I was looking to leave it for an office job but have no college education. Everyone hated me for not being able to move around like them.
In my workplace, lets call him R. R is one of the store managers in a specialty food store. He does not know how the store works and makes dumb rules for the sake of it. Can't have water bottles in my department and we can't take many breaks, so...screw us for wanting a drink. Any advice from him is about as helpful as a middle finger. The whole department is overworked and he's still a massive jerk about it. He recently hired a new assistant manager for my department who can't even do basic tasks when he could have easily promoted someone who deserved it.
Update: new assistant manager who didn't even know how to use a deli slicer is now the department manager and also an incompetent jerk who's currently screwing over all the part time people by giving them barely any hours
I got one. I work in receiving for a hospital kitchen and sadly due to Covid and the Gov giving out money, we've been having a hard time with our employee turnover. As a result I've had a total of 6 different coworkers since 2018 and keep in mind there are only two receiving positions. My 5th one, we will call CW, was quite a character. At first I had absolutely 0 problems with him. He worked fast and very well, was asking the right questions and trying to do a good job. That lasted roughly 2 weeks and then, like a light switch, he completely changed. He still worked, but his attitude was horrendous. Constantly complaining over either mundane issues or issues not even related to him. Any inconvenience he treated like a sleight against him. He became loud, obnoxious and didn't give a crap what people thought about him and made sure they knew it. He started numerous arguments with even delivery drivers for being late. Which, I could understand if it was hours late, but it was minutes at worst. On the days they were late by an hour or two, it was usually because their dispatch put us down a few stops. He didn't care and still yelled at the drivers. He yelled at our dock workers for not prioritizing us before anyone else and even yelled at housekeeping for just trying to get past him. Most of the time, I didn't bother because it was handled before I had a chance to. At one point, I did yell at him for going on a rant about a dish worker taking time off. He finally got fired, the day before his last day on his notice. And we later hear from a friend that he went to go work at a place his parents run. Only to get fired on his 2nd day. We were all laughing when we found out.
I seam to be at the moment because I went from co-worker to Terminal Manager. I'm 41 and have 8 years of experience in my field and some management skills. The older people in my team are in board because they understand what I'm trying to accomplish while the younger ones have the, "why not me?" mentality.
"J" covers our after-school care program. She's always grouchy, stressed and snappy. The second she gets a chance to talk to an adult, she's complaining. She badmouths parents who get their kids later in the period she's meant to be there. Not late, within the last half hour of her expected shift. Also, a family member is the school accountant, and she doesn't need to talk to the principal as much as J "needs" to talk to the principal. Sometimes she's even discussed aftercare fees with me like I am a fast-track to speaking to said relative. I can sense some people dreading when J wants to speak to them. Also she changes her instructions to the kids on a dime and gets upset when they don't change gears fast enough. Anytime she gives them instructions by repeating something like she's told them ten times when it's her first time ("Your bag your bag your bag!"), I wanna yell "Your attitude your attitude your attitude!" But she often brags she's been doing this since some of the school parents were students themselves, so she's likely not going anywhere.
There was this one guy that was hired who was practically the definition of unreliable. First day he called in unable to work because his wife was sick. Alright, sure, things happen, despite the fact that he had a closing shift and despite the half-hour it takes to get to the nearest city he said he couldn't come in. He was consistently either late or a no-show, afterwards (I only remember one time he actually closed with us.) On his final day, like half an hour after he clocked in, he asked the store manager if he could go down to the grocery store around the corner for "Something really important." Manager begrudgingly allowed it saying he should get it done before the shift, and the dude started punching in his order for his break. After a lengthy conversation between him and the manager (The latter saying it wasn't fair to everyone else if he went on break first and that if he could do a good enough job for the next few weeks it would all be let go, water under the bridge,) he left the store, we never saw him again. He didn't even break out, this was all under a month of his hiring.
When i was a manager for a pizzahut i would use the little tips we got to cover minor register discrepancies, but my staff was good so it was never over a couple quarters, then the tips would be divided between everyone excluding me.
Not 100 percent sure if he still works here but our store manager. He blames people for his mistakes, leaves carts of returns for the cashiers to take up and then gets on to us if we don't see it soon enough. He leaves it out of sight and doesn't say anything. Unless shown evidence he left them he'll deny it. He's so bad that corporate told him to either move stores step down or get fired. He left on leave and we thought he was gone. We recently heard he's coming back and no one in the store is happy about it. Haven't met anyone that is. If he comes back I can guarantee he's going to have a lot of either quitting or switching stores. We were just getting the store to a good position. He comes back and it all goes down the drain. His stuff is still here so we're not sure yet.
I hate that why do they change how things are done based one 1 persons feelings. When the majority feel the same! We have one person who clocks in exactly on time and leaves exactly on time while others stay late to help their team mates, constantly take on extra work which causes them to be behind on their own work. Yet she is praised for being causghtbip In her work all the time. That’s because she never helps anyone out. If she’s asked to help she says “ no”.
As someone who has definitely been taken advantage of before she seams more like a genius than a jerk. Never helping anyone is a very wise policy. Only reason I help out at my job is because I have so much free time that if I didn't do anything outside my job description I'd be bored for half my shift.
Tim from the first story and Magoo from the last story are that kind of people who unintentionally make everyone in their work place dislike/hate them so much that they make Dwight from The Office look like Jim. There was a guy (let's call him Randell) that my dad used to work with in a company that does training and other things, was known for wanting to be the first person to get his company car with a few things added to it due to his leg condition, he had a couple of ass kissing cronies, stole ideas from people by claiming them as his own (people called out his b.s. for doing that) and Randell and/or probably one of his cronies followed one of their co-workers who was going to be laid off within a month with a severance package to a restaurant, reported them, got them fired and they never gave them their severance package.
Woah. I have a story i would be glad to get off my chest. I work for a big IT company and we were working on a project with client that we took over from a previous team. I was the only analyst replacing 4 prior people and there were 4 new engineers replacing 3. We were all from the same company so, we were supposed to be cooperative with each other. I worked my ass off and even my client side manager sent an appreciation email for my work. For context, I analyze and scope up applications and engineers work on those applications. I have to churn out enough progress to feed the 4 engineers' pipeline. If the engineers have any doubts, they come back to me and I have to help them out. I am constantly in calls 7 hours out of 9 working hours each day juggling new applications scoping and helping engineers with their requirements. So, it is like 4 engineers running 4 projects and me singlehandedly serving them requirements, guiding them and also bringing in new applications for them to work. And the engineers do not have a lot of workload because all the technical documents are prepared by me. They just have to implement a said number of steps i have outlined and their job is done. The 4 engineers were lazy and client side manager even had separate discussions with them personally about their lack of work. I noticed it and gather them all to lead them on how to work out of pure empathy. 3 engineers took my help and grew well. This one engineer crom our company is just so jealous that he starts questioning what work i did and what i accomplished (a question he is not entitled to ask) in front of client side manager. The client side manager was also like wtf but did not say anything because it was our company's internal argument. I raised it with our company side project manager and she supported me. He then started deliberately sending ridiculous and pointless requests over email and bugging me about completion status. When i can't accomplish because of my other important works, he blatantly tells our client side manager that his work is stuck because there was a pending item on me. He slowly started poisoning the other engineers' mind that i am the reason for the client side manager getting angry. One engineer switched sides and started acting as per his instructions with all the same behaviors. I simply stopped helping her out and she is getting worse at her job everyday because of lack of my out of the way extra support. Another engineer is a fresher and she started cycling between his side and mine. I just told her that she can't expect my extra out of the way help if she acts out and blame me for every project hurdle. She dug her own grave by taking his side and exaggerating my "shortcomings" to such an extent that the client side manager smelt fishy and inspected the issue deeply and realized what kind of mistakes she was doing and how much she was delaying and costing the project. One of the remaining engineers is rock solid with me and I help him out with most of the work and he reciprocates the same. I raised his issues again with our company side project manager and explained to her how this behaviour is costing us with these internal battles. She instructed everyone to not to escalate anything when there is a client in the call. That A-hole engineer is just trying his hardest to highlight all my "shortcomings" in every meeting. Even the client side manager sides with me and questions him if there are any showstoppers because of this. He just won't get rid of the habit and I'm battling anxiety everyday because of this jerk. I am stuck with him for now because we are in a tight timelined project and firing him and hiring someone else is not a solution. Everyone higher up empathize with me so atleast I have that going for me. I'm just waiting for the day when the project will get over and get riddance from this buffoon.
I've talked about this before but when I was working in fast-food I had a supervisor who lasted for six months until he got fired. He missed the first two weeks of work and when he came back he was constantly leaving us during lunch time to go use the bathroom and he would do this the whole time he was working with us. When he was in charge of the closing shift I kid you not it was just me ans him closing and he would close us early without general management's permission. When it came time for us to close, I was always the one left to do EVERYTHING while he sat in the office looking at his phone. I was usually there for up to 2 hours after we closed and when I asked him to do something, he always said he couldn't do anything because I'm quicker and better than he is or he couldn't do something because of his "upcoming surgery" which he got after he was fired or he would default on leaving to "go use the bathroom." It got to the point that I clocked out and left right as soon as we closed. He would always complain to management the next day and jokes on him because management always took my side. The only reason he was even hired as a supervisor in the first place was because this was after Covid and my manager was so desperate for new employees that she was willing to hire anyone who was applying for whatever position.
At my last job, I was the most hated person. Why, you may ask. It's because I was always working harder than my coworkers, getting more hours/pay by volunteering to stay late and being on call whenever needed, and reached a point where I wouldn't help them with their work. ⅔ of the crew (including my head manager) all wanted me to do their job for them. Was I perfect? No, I wasn't. Did I try my hardest? You bet your grandma's dentures I did.
My brother had a fun one at a vet clinic he worked at. She would repeatedly ask for coworkers I work her hours, would essentially take +40 minute lunches by not going on break until after she’s done watching the microwave finish her food, but ask for more work, she would have to be repeatedly reminded/ told to do simple tasks like taking out the trash because her phone was more important, would blatantly disregard warnings on cages like “warning, aggressive dog”, and if asked if she completed a task, like one time she asked him if he could take her next day, he asked if she did do the trash, and she lied about it. On his first day there (he was scheduled for the day after), she called out due to “car troubles”, he comes in the next day and she actually told him she just didn’t want to come in when he asked about it. In the words of him and his coworkers I met, she only lasted there for so long because everyone there was the same race but her, and on her final day, I can’t remember why she gotfired, but she played the “I put in more work than all of you” card. I know I wouldn’t have stayed more than a month if I had a coworker like her.
My old manager from my last retail job. Simply put, he's a clock-watching, up-his-own-arse, nepotisticly employed excuse of a manager. He told a pregnant colleague that she couldn't do a lighter workload because she "wasn't sick, she's pregnant" and "has been pregnant before". If we were to report him, his manager would block it because they're best friends
Tim sucks but that management sicks more. One guy complains about the food type, no nlmore lunch? One guy is unhappy with his bonus, so no one gets bonuses? Its all or nothing?
The most hated in my workplace is a Vietnamese dude who always disappears when ever it gets busy but always comeback when it's slow when we brought it up as a team to our leaders but the problem is he sucks up to management and after we brought it up they blamed it on communication when we 100% communicate with him. Eventually he got suspended becuase of to many reports of his attitude to a couple employees but when he returned nothing changed he got worse and kept disappearing from the team to which I went to hr about because some leaders know about about what he does and the hr manager thanked me for reporting it and keep bringing this to my attention and FYI I've been working at this company for 6 years never dobbed anyone until this December last year. He is still working for the company doing little for the company and not being a team player and its not just one team who knows what he does. Once again I went forward and once again was shot down by my leaders saying its all about communication when alot of people communicated about this one person. My guess is they don't care or they forget but the problem is when supervisors are around he works until they walk away. I should put it out there most of our Vietnamese workers knows he's a terrible worker. Brought it up again to hr and the team leaders organised a team meeting which was super uncomfortable once again communication was blamed. Which is 50% true but it's coming from leadership becuase our team has to communicate effectively with our leaders and everytime we've brought it up to leaders they keep lying by saying how come you never mention this when we know that's lie. Update now he still doing it but I'm gonna keep reporting to our hr manager becuase he seems to be the only one who cares
Worked with a guy who complained about everyone even complained to the district manager about me, well in short he got sided with but I chewed him out when I found out he got sided with, as a result he put in his two weeks then had the guts to try and apologize for how he treated me, yeah that was a fun job, I left back in December of 2021
Last Story - Man, it would be so fun to bait Magoo. I have a fantasy world I've worked on for a long time now. Would be SO easy to bait somebody like him, then eventually go, "Funny how you know so much considering a lot of it isn't even released yet and still on my computer, since I made it and all"
I`m not sure if he was hated by everyone but my and a few friends saw that he was clearly not into the job. I work as an English teacher on weekdays, and the English teachers on that school have this little group where we can ask eachother for help, tips, group activities (where we "fuse" out two groups, material etc.) In one of the weeks where my group just took the test and ascend to the next grade my boss asked me to check on this new teacher, he wanted me to observe his class and give him tips by the end of the day. WELP, he made a little girl cry because she was 10 minutes late. Didn`t had his class well planned (noticed he ran out of idea by the last hour) He didn`t pay attention to what the students were doing. Didn`t like when his student ask him something. grow *very* frustrated when they didnt understood something. It was like watching someone attempting to be a strict teacher but didn`t knew the difference between being strict and an ass. I tried to be gentle, since back then I only had like 4 months worth of experience and I understand being nervous and things not going as planned, but he wasn`t good with criticism. Lasted for other 3-4 weeks and I never saw him again. hope he is ok, looks like he was going through something.
I've got one. This one middle-aged guy, Jay, never has anything nice to say about anything or anyone, and expect people to follow rules that he comes up with. If you don't do what he says, or don't follow his rules, he tries to get you written up or fired. He also has a problem with how pretty much everyone runs their truck routes, and he always yells at us for coming down the Steep driveway too quickly
Honestly considering the extreme aversion to anything that doesn't match routine along with the other issues they have suffered I wonder if the deaf guy In the woodshop also has something like high functioning autism or possibly some anxiety issue
Nobody is forced to learn a new language. It doesnt make you a bad person to not want to spend your limited spare time at work trying to accommodate one person.
#13 This coworker may be a compulsive talker. I once had the misfortune of working with a woman who could NOT.STOP. TALKING. No matter how hard she tried. She wasn't a bad person, but her compulsion (a legit medical condition for which there was no treatment at the time) made it impossible for her to have any relationships, and everyone at work hated her. That was a long time ago, and hopefully she got help and is now able to control her compulsion.
#13 reminds me of myself I have bipolar it’s hard for me to keep jobs . When I’m unemployed my family is all I talk to . When I’d get jobs I’d try to make friends and talk . One girl specifically I really got along with id be obnoxious I realize now talk to her as soon as she got in and loved to talk to her she’d remind me to work and I feel bad we both left that job and we hangout as friends and I have no regrets I worked but I loved talking to her and having a friend to spill tea with & we still talk to this day and hangout ❤️ sometimes people don’t realize you’re the only human interaction they’ve gotten in months understand people have issues making friends
Going months without human interaction doesn't sound so bad. I'm constantly around people as it's a customer service job and talking to people is something I have to deal with.
Me. I got to work remotely because I asked. The boss let me. The rest didnt ask, stayed in the office, hated me for getting the special treatment. I also got a raise frequently. Again, because I asked. The rest of my coworkers were afraid of being too much when they ask or not being deserving of it. Now all of them are trying to get me fired by spreading gossip about me and sabotaging my work. My boss is too fed up with this and it’s easier for him to let me go than fix everyone’s jealousy. I am resigning soon.
Aww, the story about the deaf guy is so sweet! Sometimes, someone just needs a person to talk to.
I relate to that statement!
Reminds me of a story about a dog that would bite the people caring for her at the vet. They thought she was just a one-person dog until her owner mentioned she was deaf. They then started finding ways to alert the dog before handling her so they wouldn't scare her.
I’m really happy for him that he found someone to talk to
I had to help my choir teacher in hs, and there was this girl who signed to communicate (idk if she’s deaf or not) but she was signing something that looked urgent. Turns out, she was just telling a joke 💀
Psychiatrists like frasier craine are for those who have no friends. Why dump your problems on a stranger.
Tim must've had a supremely garbage personality if he ticked off everyone at his new job in less than a month. It's almost impressive he was able to make enemies so quickly and not even a single friend. I would do some serious soul searching if I were Tim.
My boss will AXE someone like Tim in a heartbeat
Suprised they kept Tim longer than he should have
I’m impressed but not surprised
I worked with a Timotea - 🤣 a women like him - she was pretty so it gone 1 month longer with the men - but all the wimen hated her after 1 month - she was also big in gossip - 🙄🙄🙄
Maybe he could not afford the $50 for the secret santa, and could not afford to buy food for the entire office. No one ever asked him WHY he was behaving the way he was.
I'm glad that the perks in story 1 were reinstated, perks like that can really boost someone's productivity.
It's crazy that just one guy being annoying ruined all these things tho
Yeah, but I'd be grateful about getting rid of Secret Santa. I always hated having to go out and find some thoughtful gift for a person and end up with the Old Spice cologne set that had been regifted so many times the colors on the box were fading.
Honestly, Tim sounds like exactly the excuse some managers give for not doing anything for their workers
Tim should have been fired on the spot for the lingerie gift.
how is it sexual harrassment?
@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 Right, not exactly harassment but DEFINITELY creepy
Agreed. That was just creepy
@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 because it could be interpreted that he was making sexual advances in the girl. Yes thing like this have happened before and people have taken it to court.
@@puppetmasterey So what. That's such an overreaction, it's abserd. I guess if her friends or parents gift her that kind of clothing, whould she send them to court too?
Tim's story is hilarious, but it would really be annoying if I had to work with someone like that.
I had to skip Tim. Maybe Tim's the new Bruno.
i have to work with 2 people like that
Hes like an Office character that would be around for a couple episodes
I would punch him in the face and don't mind a day trip to HR office
The woman who was always asking to leave early because "her sons" got into trouble. She was a talkative parrot who loved to gossip every minute, to do loooong bathroom breaks and while letting the rest of us to do the hardest job because she was a lady. Fortunately our boss got tired of her after she caught this woman in a big fat lie and fired her.
Good wen this type is gone - 🤗🤗🤗 - I work with one like this now since 4 months....
Sometimes I am on the edge to loose my pacience.
You would be surprised how many bad people work in the care work - from nurses down to C level - many crazy people.
My boss is easily the most hated person where I work, there isn't a single person I've ever heard say anything nice about him. He's rude as hell, micromanages everything, goes back on what he says, and won't hesitate to throw anyone under the bus. He's already driven out several employees (who were good at their jobs) and there's a couple more of us, including myself, that are looking elsewhere. He's the primary reason we're always short handed.
@Don K Good news update, he got fired a couple weeks ago for pretty much everything I mentioned.
When I heard the secret Santa one, I was thinking he got her some cheap dollar store gift or something. Not some whole underwear. AND AT A JOB???
My old GM at my previous would’ve been pissed and fired him, she was also a woman, who was not one to be trifled with. Sweet as pie when calm and in a good mood, but piss her off? Ohhhh there was hell. She was awesome as hell.
@@danielabernathy6123 I don't appreciate moody bosses of either gender.
Appreciate story about the deaf guy. To the person who related the story kudos, you have shown all of us how to counteract prejudice. You are to be commended.
Dude went the against the usual Western perspective of: "Mind your own business"
I once had a coworker who was a complete drama fiend and she was also extremely flaky about showing up.
First up, she was a drama Llama. At least several times a week she would lock herself in one of the bathrooms to yell on her phone or to cry until she was vomiting about some drama going on with her.
Second, she worked here for years and never once worked a full 40 hour week. Because of all the drama she would cry about a family emergency every few days and leave the office early... and that was if she bothered to show up at all.
My job was very laid back and we had pretty good leeway about emergencies as long as you didn't exploit it. She 100% exploited it. She probably used all her sick days by the time January was over, and she probably never had more then one hour of stored vacation time at a time because she used it constantly. She was technically full time, but I would be shocked if she ever once recieved a full paycheck.
Sounds like tim as a super power to piss off all his co-workers
Ok so being D/deaf in the work place IS hard. Most people won’t take the time to learn basic sign or use their phones to communicate through text. They have also violated ADA and other legislation by passing him up consistently. Good on you OP for learning to communicate and making someone’s work life better!
That person was my previous manager! She WAS terrible. I was a temp for 4 years, and she ran off so many people because of her toxic behavior and lack of support for her team. She also had NO IDEA how to work our jobs and couldn't explain anything we asked. Agents came to me for answers. All of us were searching for new jobs.Then she bailed the day before an audit with our biggest client. I got her job, and the culture is completely different now.
7:19 my boss denied the fact that the hot dogs in the broken freezer were bad and refused to damage them out. THEY WERE GREEN! I no longer work there.
I never had this experience, so I’ll share a story I saw from a documentary a few years ago. It was a documentary about postal shootings that happened in the US in the 80s and early 90s. In one case they profiled, an employee killed 5 people at work, one of whom was a supervisor. One of the former employees interviewed for the documentary said they had a memorial service for the 5 people slain, and their names were listed on a sheet on a bulletin board. When she went up to the bulletin board to read the names, the name of the supervisor who was killed was crossed off the list.
That’s something that has stuck with me. It just makes me wonder what kind of person this man was that not even other victims of this shooting wanted to acknowledge his existence after he was murdered.
Two people actually: the regional store manager and a janitor, or "maintenance", in my shift.
The RS Manager; a whiny uptight prick who's constantly adding up new rules specifically for my shift (overnight) just to make things super difficult for us than they already are.
The janitor; bossy, throws their weight around, gives an attitude towards almost everyone (including the ON managers for simply giving them tasks), and is sexist.
The thing about Bob is, that no one bothered to ask him about stuff besides the OP. They jumped to conclusions about him which is unfortunately common in group dynamics.
I still feel like he could have explained why he was doing things a lot better. If one line made things so clear to the OP, he could have easily told everyone he wanted to make sure they learned their work well, and people wouldn't resent him as much.
I have a coworker like one story where he just *talks* all the time. Which isnt too bad because hes extremely good at his job and puts full effort into everything which is extremely admirable.
Had a suck up coworker at my old job, call him “Tsunoda”, and he was a miserable turd whom the bosses loved. He got away with doing the least amount of work, bullied us on behalf of the bosses, and tattled on everyone.
Tsunoda had somehow found out I had applied to another job, and tattled on me to the big boss. I was fired. As I left, I made sure to pop his car tires with a sharp tool, no working security cameras in that part of the lot and the guard didn’t see what I had done (even if he did, he wouldn’t care because he hated Tsunoda as much as I did).
The hiring manager at my new job knew Tsunoda, and hated that suck-up as much as I did. I got hired on the spot as we bonded over our hatred of a common enemy.
I work as a cart pusher at Walmart, so we don't get a lot of bad associates in that department, but those we do get really stand out. One particular person that comes to mind was a kid Hajbibe. This was around early 2020 when the pandemic was in full swing.
At first, he showed promise as he was good to work with, got the carts in at a timely manner, and made sure not to damage the mule. The mule by the way is what we use to push a large amount of carts at a time so we didn't have to do it by hand.
A month after he started, Hajbibe started to slack off by disappearing randomly, pushing one or two carts in at a time, taking smoke breaks a bit more frequently than normal, somehow damaging one of the wheels on the mule, as well as chatting and flirting with customers, and I think a few other associates that worked in the store for longer than they should. Mind you, this was during the pandemic, and because we were an essential store, that meant we were constantly busy and had little to no down time whatsoever, and only one entrance was being used, instead of all three. So carts were going in and out really really fast, and having even just one cart pusher slacking off can really set us back.
At one point, one of the trees caught on fire because someone tossed a lit cigarette into the bushes, and we were going through a dry season, so it was easy to have a fire happen. No one could confirm who did it as we have a lot of customers and associates that smoke, but I'm pretty sure it was Hajbibe. At that point we really wanted to see him get fired because there's already been numerous complaints about him, including the ones I mentioned earlier.
I don't know what the last straw was that broke the camel's back, but he was fired while I was taking a week off due to an anxiety attack I had. He apparently blamed me for getting him fired when in reality he did it to himself. He also tried to go after me, not knowing I was gonna be gone for a week, and we never heard from him again.
I will always be adamant about the fact that in the workplace, if you're incompetent, you'd better be chill. You should know how to get along with everyone. If you're a jerk, you'd better do your job, do it well, and by the book. But if you're both, an incompetent asshole, then you're the 1st to go when it comes down to who needs to be gotten rid of.
Reminds me of something funny I once heard: Our Supervisor yelled at us today in a meeting and banned overly specific code names that we used to talk shit about people. NOW, everyone is starring daggers at NeedleDickBrianBoringtonTheGoodTimeRuiner.
😂😂… did I tell that wrong 🤔
I work in retail. We had one guy awhile back who was generally scheduled on carts. His job was to make sure we have enough carts, and do whatever miscellaneous things needed doing whenever we had a surplus of carts.
This guy really just didn’t do his job. He would come in, and hang around the service desk talking to coworkers/screwing around with office supplies.
This really wouldn’t be an issue except for the fact that if he didn’t do his job by the time he left for the day, it would become everyone else’s problem to make up for his lack of work. Add on the fact that he fully admitted to watching Netflix in the electronics storage room instead of working whenever he was scheduled back there, and we had no idea how he hadn’t been fired.
He even took one of the manager walkies that we aren’t supposed to have, and hid it in his locker. They apparently tried building a case against him for that, but didn’t end up pulling the trigger for unknown reasons.
He would regularly do unsafe/stupid/outright irresponsible things, and somehow was never fired for it.
After 2 years of this, he finally handed in his 2 weeks and we were free of his BS.
My place? Me, probably, because I expect honesty and being informed. They have a "you didn't need to know ahead of time" attitude, telling me things the DAY BEFORE that they knew about weeks or months in advance. Addendum: I have a "right of refusal" clause in my contract - if they don't tell me ahead of time, I don't have to do it. They keep screwing themselves and make their own lives more difficult instead of telling me at the earliest possible date.
Rather than a single person I’d say it’s several of the managers and supervisors at my previous workplace.
They broke so many anti harassment policies when dealing with me, never cared to listen when I tried to communicate with them, and told me a million ways to do a single task while contradicting themselves in the process.
It got so bad that they drove me into severe suicidal tendencies.
Thankfully a saving grace found me at the last second and saved my life and I kept living on.
H.R. did nothing to help and I couldn’t get a hold of anyone higher up.
So I left and have never looked back since.
I’m still holding thoughts of breaking down and bashing my bosses skulls open for what they put me through and how they treated me.
Honestly the kitchen supervisor Bob could possibly be my dad. He's retired and disabled now but I could see that being him. He was tough on his crew but it was a tough love type of tough.
I still feel like he could have better explained why he was doing what he was doing so they wouldn’t resent him. After all, one line easily helped OP understand him.
@@KnakuanaRka chefs aint got time to talk lol
I'm in the army, but my position is more like a desk job than what most people would think if as a soldier so I guess it counts.
My department is divided into 3 sub-departments, each with its own commander. The moment I got there, everybody warned me that the commander I was under is awful and everybody hates him- but I didn't realize why until I started actively working.
While I was still in my learning period (I.e learning what the job is, memorizing information I need to do it, but not actually working), he decided that I had finished it and started giving me tasks- the first one he gave me was a huge project I was definitely not qualified to do. He also told me that I'll be staying at the base rather than going home this weekend (I was not supposed to do it during my learning period) so even though I was eventually told to go back to studying they still had me stay over the weekend. There's also a command from the department commander (so, my commander's commander) that unless there's an emergency we shouldn't work past 9pm- he routinely has us working well past that hour. When we tried to bring it up to him that we shouldn't be working this late, he blamed it on us saying that we're wasting time... almost every day he only tells us our tasks for the day in the afternoon, so yes we sit around doing nothing in the mornings- but it's because he won't do his job!
Sounds like he's too stupid for his position.
Wife of an active duty member: my heart goes out to you and your team. Sucky leadership makes sucky experiences! There are days my husband's life leaves his eyes because his higher-ups have failed him and the team in some large way. I understand corruption may run deep, but I'd give someone a call and set up an investigation. You matter! 🫂
Story 17 is similar to a supervisor I had at a fast food place. Everyone disliked him because he comes off super gruff and rude. He’s very straight forward and doesn’t mince his words. I left that job about 2 years ago. He was a good supervisor.
I've had 3.
1: A super Karen of a prison guard who wouldn't just lock up inmates for no reason, but also do it to punish coworkers for mild grievances, just because she knew we had to pack the property. Anytime she had to pack property she'd go home. She'd purposely rile up inmates for no reason, and filed EEOs on coworkers and cases against inmates for every mildly conceivable reason.
2: A heavyset stinky old prison guard who fell asleep at the drop of a hat, standing up, with keys in the door and G5's walking around. He'd also take offense at people taking offence to their lives being risked. Overall, a good guy, but unsafe AF.
3: A self absorbed narcissistic misogynistic 350 pound acting foreman who threw would literally scream at you for doing what he told you to do. He had lost his actual foreman rank for being unable to listen to orders. I had him convinced I was a crap driver because I'd purposely make every dip, bump, and pothole the worst impact I could for him. Guy spent all day watching My Little Pony and random harem anime. At employee appreciation lunches where all the tables are full and dozens of people are standing, he still sits alone at a table in the middle of the room watching the crappiest anime.
He blamed everything on the people under him, refused to ever be wrong, and was almost every incompetent leader cliche, plus almost every neckbeard weaboo cliche, plus a furry. The only good things I can say about him is he was bizarrely good at the actual work we did and smelt better than the above 2 coworkers.
Damn! That last one sounded like our former district manager, at one of my old jobs.
@@princessmarlena1359 Sadly can't be the same guy, because he's worked where I work for pretty much his whole adulthood. That means there are 2 giant weaboo furries.
2 sounds like he has narcolepsy.
I worked with a guy at Walmart in the Maintenance Department (aka the handyman department), and this guy (let's call him D) is the bane of _EVERYONE'S EXISTANCE_ at this Walmart. When _the even-tempered store manager_ doesn't have good things to say about D, he's pretty bad.
He's shit at training people, pawns work on everyone else, and was shit at doing his job (to the point that not even dogs would eat off floors he cleaned). He went for greener pastures, leaving me as effectively head of the day shift with little knowledge of how to do things. Oh, and he wasn't kicked by management because he had to be a corporate star.
Ah yes... The day I walked into the wrong hospital ward last year during my nursing training...
Had already spent weeks working on the cardio thoracic surgery ward already... Walking into morning shift at 06:10 in the morning I used the loooong service corridor way down in the basement. I used one elevator to early. (there are four branches coming off the main connecting corridor on each level. Cardio thoracic was in the fourth on the 1st level.
I went to the 1st level but in the third elevator.
I even wondered why the big corkboard in the break room looked so different, was just about to introduce myself to a nurse looking at me curiously when I realized that I was in the wrong ward. I had walked into trauma surgery!
I quickly explained myself and shuffled away to the ward I was supposed to be in.
The nurses surprise didn't catch me off guard as there is a lot of different staff and staff returning from vacation not knowing a student nurse that had been there for half a month already wasn't uncommon...
I guess sometimes body autopilot carrying tired people into work does have glitches sometimes causing people to mix up rooms, levels of buildings or similar things....
I am so glad that we all have a Charles!! He only shows up to work to talk, use the computer to shop for Amazon, and use company supplies to ship his Amazon returns....he also likes to show up and pretend to work when any big wigs show up.
"I'd like to say- *hey it's me, your dry skin* "
'Magoo' sounds like a grown-up version of me when I was 11. Kinda sad to be a grown man and have same level of maturity as an 11-year-old girl
Worst one at my old job. I worked at a college dining hall. A bunch of new managers were hired after the pandemic. All but two of them were terrible. The worst was a woman named Rasheeda. Like many of the managers she refused to help out with serving spending most of her time talking in the office. She would always preach about not taking food home with you even though she did it herself. There had been many occasions where she would take more than half a tray of chicken or beef during a busy dinner hour. Then got mad at us when we ran out of said item. And of course, she was too good to actually help in any way unless the owner was around. She constantly called me lazy even though I worked more than her. She told me no more drink or bathroom breaks after I finished my work. Attempting to gaslight me and say I didn't do anything. One of my coworkers ended up reporting her to the owner who was a genuinely good guy. That along with other complaints lead to her being "encouraged to resign". I ended up learning from another coworker that she gave a promotion to her son rather than one of my coworkers.
11:12 that’s bloody infuriating! I’m so glad that the fella has a friend now, and that the other folks are now finally starting to learn, it’s so important to have accessibility, including with other employees.
I had to train a guy for general accounting functions and different systems in our department this one time..
The guy made women in the office uncomfortable with his blunt jokes and sexist statements. He would sometimes come back from lunch smelling like beer. I'm usually very patient with people and I would always give the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was just some aftershave or some shitty cologne..
I got an email the following week that the guy has been terminated on the spot. By end of day, my boss's and 2 other windshields have been smashed.. I was nice to him so my car wasn't touched lol.
A restraining order was issued on my behalf and the rest of the accounting department's personnel. You can only help so much...
Deaf guy might be autistic too. Not looking people in the eye and getting very upset over schedule changes are textbook signs
I was the most hated person in my workplace for having the nerve to assist a sick co-worker with substituting 2 history classes
1:45 i would like to inform you that as a tim this is not representative of the tim community. i apologize for this particular tims bad behavior
I used to do job training for people with intellectual and mental disabilities, and almost without fail the worst people I worked with were not the disabled clients, but the staff. We had a few problem clients, but for the most part they can't help it, and honestly who is going to hold it against them, but holy hell some of the staff members were insufferable.
I had a fellow staff member, later subordinate, who was somewhere between the "Magoo" described in this video and Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter. This guy was the type that feels that rules make him strong, he will do his utmost to immediately challenge anything he feels is against the rules to the letter, but not in any actual meaningful way. Our job was incredibly easy, but he would constantly make things harder for everybody in the most asinine ways possible. Another employee asked him to hand them something because they were busy operating machinery? Nope, you aren't his boss and you can't make him. If he would see a client or coworker doing something wrong he would flat refuse to correct them or let them know, even if it is setting the entire project back, because that's supposed to be the supervisor's job and not his. He was both a furry and also one of those sovereign citizen types, and at least half of what he had to say pertained to one or the other. He would do anything in his power to catch somebody being wrong about something in conversation to correct them, except it was typically he who was wrong, and would sulk all day and do crappy work once you proved it.
When I eventually ended up being his boss he was still a pain in the ass as often as he could find a way to be. I made it clear to him that it was the entire crew's job to ensure that the job was done right and in a timely manner, and that included him speaking up when he knows full well that another crew member was doing the wrong thing, or doing it the wrong way. He tried avoiding this by just not communicating with the rest of the crew at all. Eventually it led to a write up on a night when 4 hours into the shift I went to check on his group's work, only to find out that one of the clients had been doing completely the wrong thing, and rather than correcting him like he had been explicitly been told to he went and pretended to be doing something else for hours. He fought the write up for a week, starting with my immediate boss and working his way all the way to the director, who flat told him to either do as he was told or he was going to be fired. That ended that problem, but it was one of the few victories over this guy, and tons of other problems arose and had to be "corrected" because he was incapable of not causing problems, and for some reason the center loved bending over backwards to not have to deal with him rather than fire him, which they wouldn't let me do. What made things hardest was that all write up's needed my boss's approval, and the higher ups preferred to just let him have his way rather than deal with the headache.
A short list of things enacted because of his ceaseless whining: Both shifts had to start clocking in and out whereas before they would just credit everybody a full day unless you missed around a full hour, this started because he'd constantly claim he was being shortchanged an hour every paycheck, which wasn't true, he was just showing up late after calling to make excuses so often that it would add up. We had to start logging the miles and usage of the supply van because he told my boss that we were leaving base to grab lunch, leaving base for lunch wasn't an issue, but taking the van off base would be a terminable offense, and he insisted that because he didn't see whether we were taking our personal vehicles to lunch that it was possible we were using the van. We had to start checking tools and supplies in and out of the shed because he developed a habit of tucking things into hard to find places and nobody would notice during the nightly roundup. Secret Santa ended for both shifts because he didn't feel he should have to buy somebody something against his will, but also thought it was unfair for him not to receive anything regardless. I was explicitly told I was no longer allowed to buy lunch for the crew, because he thought it unfair when he didn't get to pick what we ate except when it was his turn. He nearly got holiday parties cancelled, because it was unfair that they were held during first shift, and he didn't want to get up to go during that time, even though it was a paid day, but also didn't think it fair to have to come to second shift with the rest of us for not showing up (second shift would also have a party, but smaller considering it was only 5 of us). Smoke breaks started to be regulated (far fewer and at designated times) because he threw a fit that he couldn't just walk away to go smoke whenever he wanted to, especially because not every area we worked had a designated smoking area anywhere nearby because of chemicals and it being a production facility, and he went to the director to complain this one only affected him on second shift, but pissed off a ton of people on first shift.
The list continues for quite a while. Eventually he decided that he wanted to work on first shift after an opening came up, they transferred him over as soon as they could rather than spend time hiring a new candidate since he was already technically trained. He decided he hated it and quit 4 days into first shift at lunch time, then to add insult to injury the sleaze made an official complaint about the center for not opening the position to applicants when they moved him, because technically they have a legal requirement to do so under state law for a facility of it's type since it wasn't technically the same position. They did everything they could to placate him for 7 years, then he quits and gets them fined under a technicality for changing his shift like he wanted. This is a non-profit company for the benefit of disabled people mind you, so the fine cut into center funds, and Thanksgiving and Christmas parties for the clients would have had to be cancelled had staff members not gotten together to raise the money for them.
I don't think the detail about the guy being a furry was really necessary, but some of us furs do tend to be kinda obnoxious from time to time. Though, that's more of a personal problem rather than a community problem.
@@rebel6301 It wouldn't be necessary, I have no problem with it typically, but this guy brought it up obnoxiously often, to the point it was uncomfortable. He would go out of his way to talk about how hot he thought various characters were, and would go around sharing borderline NSFW art with other workers on a routine basis. It only stopped after HR got enough complaints to look into it and decided it probably qualified as sexual harassment.
@@swahilimaster I think it becomes a problem when your are just sharing nsfw material with random coworkers so it’s Ight
@@swahilimaster Yeah, that’s TMI.
And also, I hope they undid everything they messed up to placate this guy after he left, like with the Tim story (first in the video).
@@KnakuanaRka At the point when I left the company last summer they had not. Overall they are very good about how they treat their employees though, I just think they don't want to have to go through the whole ordeal again should they get a similar person. I was sad to leave them, but unfortunately my health was at a point where continuing there was no longer an option.
Mine would have to be a certain manager on mine. He won't stop making baby sounds despite everyone asking and telling him to stop. Tho when that happens I just wear my earbuds and listen to creepypasta so it doesn't bother me much. Of course they don't like my earbuds inside but I told them that unless he stops the sounds I won't be changing. It's less now but sometimes he still does it.
"Survives on diet coke, ciggerettes and souls"
Reminder to self: When i start working do not indulge in your addictions at work
There are two from different jobs for me.
Worked janitorial. New lady threw fits easily over little things. She was soon fired for getting lost and crying for 3 hours in an office she was tasked to clean. It was 4 side rooms and *one fucking hallway.*
My current job is retail and there's this girl who will not cover breaks. Managment is well aware, but will still make break schedules revolve entirely around this girl. No greeters, gardeners or till workers get their breaks or lunches. They usually rely on everyone else to cover, but usually me because I'm the most reliable. Because of this: I keep being yelled at for not being available for anything else and am being held back from getting raises, awards and promotions. No clue why management isn't doing anything about a girl who is risking a lawsuit from half of the staff in the store who aren't getting paid for the missed breaks.
We had a woman who came in as a supervisor right out of high school. Her father was a high-ranking officer (Army) and we all worked on post.
She insisted we were no longer allowed to listen to music while prepping, even with earphones, and she insisted on blaring black gospel music all over the work area.
She took exception to me because I was the friendly atheist of the restaurant who always took weekends to give everyone their sabbath day off.
She was not pleased with my existence and told me “people like you will burn forever. Get on your knees right now and pray to the Lord.” I told her to F off, and she said cursing was a mortal sin. She also tried taking away my antidepressants from my locker because “Jesus will heal you” and insisted another coworker not call the cops or file divorce after being beaten by her now-ex-husband, because “divorce is wrong under any circumstances. God’s law above all else.” Said coworker had a black eye and was ready to hurt herself out of panic. I ended up helping that coworker out in the end, and she’s ok now.
I brought up the religious discrimination to her boss, a friend of mine. He asked her about it, and she said verbatim “Atheists don’t have rights to protect.” When he brought up the 2006 Supreme Court ruling that, yes, we do have rights, she got mad and then said “you’re siding with her because she’s white. White people don’t have rights anymore.”
She was fired for religious and racial discrimination and denied access to the base. Her father came in one day to apologize. She continued to harass me via text while trying to convert me for about a month before stopping after I threatened a restraining order.
The employee everyone hated at my old job ( assisted living )would do nothing constantly fall asleep on the job including once hiding in the bathroom on the night shift to nap then talk to bosses about how they did everything and we were all lazy I think the final straw was when a sweet older lady straight up told me that she gets the feeling that the coworker didn’t like her
Story 1: Tim must be a delight at birthday parties. Or *any* event, for that matter. Lol.
Just left a previous job last fall because a “coworker” who would refuse to work and leave the premises crying if anyone asked her to do her job instead of flirting with a male coworker enough to be her dad or trying to stuff more drinks into the already full drink cooler. We worked in a hospital kitchen that not only ran the cafeteria but we also made meals for patients so when she left her work fell to the other hostesses and hosts. When she got back she would start grabbing unfinished meal trays and try to load them up onto a cart and take them up which led to two things: 1. We would stop her and she would have another meltdown. 2. She would give a patient only part of their order and the whole kitchen would get in trouble for “improper patients care”.
Nothing was done by management because she was “on the spectrum” and they were afraid of getting sued for “ableism” if they said anything “mean” to her. They would brush us off when we point out both I and another hostess were also “on the spectrum” and we were the ones picking up most of her slack on top of our own jobs and part of her problem was also that her parents babied her silly growing up and only got her this job because she was done with school and they needed somewhere to send her while they worked. She was a okay kid but no one could stand working with her because she was always screaming (never learned how to talk quietly) never did her job, interrupted ours by taking things that weren’t done yet or she just wanted attention.
Patients didn’t like her either cause she always screamed when she spoke and when we put our feet down on her just leaving all the dirty dishes for the next shift and the nurses to deal with she would take the tray with her when she left and then come back half an hour later to just take the dishes instead of waiting an hour to ASK if they were done like we were supposed to which resulted in patients going hungry and patients that were groggy or had dementia thinking they were being robbed and a few patients losing personal items that got swept up when she just started grabbing stuff (eye glasses on a napkin that still had silverware in it, dentures and retainers on plates, a coffee cup the patient’s visitor brought from home)
She doesn’t work there anymore because all the people who would cover for her found better work elsewhere and she snapped like a KitKat bar under the pressure when people only helped with her share of the work instead of doing it for her.
I have a story.
When I started working at my local Animal Shelter, there was another new hire as well. Someone about a decade older then me but he seemed alright at the time. Boy was I wrong.
Let's call him D.
D was originally hard working and loved to chat. He chatted a lot but usually always got everything done that was needed. After a few weeks he started to get more and more comfortable and started to tell inappropriate stories to literally everyone. From fucking x amount of girls at a ski-resort when he worked there or what he's seen working as a chef, his stories seem very made up but somehow at least a couple of them turned out to actually be true, such as him being a Chef.
This wasn't the worst of it.
As time went on, D got more and more bossy. He'd try taking over other peoples areas saying we weren't cleaning things right or weren't fast enough yet his work area would be a complete mess and he'd leave it so he could clean someone else's area instead. He'd also constantly be cleaning random things all day, every day, constantly. Walls? Cleaned multiple times a day that the paints worn thin in places. Doors? You could probably smear cake on it and eat it as if it was a plate. Everything else? A state if it was actually his area.
It got so bad that the manager had to create a bunch of different sheets that everyone had to follow to try and stop his behavior.
D didn't stop.
He got worse and worse, any night shifts he'd do there was always multiple things wrong. Some of the animals wouldn't have food or water down all night long. Cat litter was full, never scooped. Larger messes of poop and pee then what there normally would be for how many animals are there at any given time.
Other works kept pushing more and more to get him removed but for some reason the manager just never did... Until it got the point where D started to yell not only at other works but the manager herself.
When D was finally let go, he went around town spreading rumors and false acquisitions to many many people whether he knew them or not. To the point where random members of the public reached out to some of us to ask if we knew what he was saying about us. We sued him and he quickly went silent. Not much came of that as far as I know now. He hasnt been back around but he's the worse person i've ever met.
Snitch named Matt lol. That deaf guy story was super heartwarming.
Used to work with a guy in my store that everyone but me hated, and I could never understand why. He had some quirks, but overall was a great guy once you got to know him. He eventually quit, and the last I heard he got a sex change.
Sometimes, I get worried cause I hear this sort of thing happening to autistic people since we appear to be “odd” or have something off about us (thank tiktok for that)
@@RichielaurensIII yeah I get you. What’s happening right now is pretty worrying. I just hope that guy is happy.
It is like I worked a job and my biggest pet peeve with strangers is someone who tries to break the ice by busting you're balls. See it as a lack of intelligence, just overall dumbass behavior. It's like almost everyone liked the guy except me and this girl, we both saw his loud mouthed in you're face behavior as hot fucking trash.
I’ve never hated Tim more than I do right now
Another hater, who never bothers to ask WHY someone behaves in a certain way, never bothers to LISTEN to anyone but themselves, refuses to accept that every person is different, and some may not think they way they do, that some people may like different things to them, never bothers even to try to accommodate what anyone else needs, and has a 'you can't be in our gang', infantile, mentality, that never welcomes new co-workers. You don't have the balls to to be civil, so run along, little hater.
Tim sounds like a Chad version of Dwight schrute
Story 11 makes me smile. I'm learning ASL or trying to anyway because I interact with deaf people all the time at work. I fumble a lot but they smile when they sign back.
So needed that story of the Deaf coworker to end that way ❤️
I worked at Pizza My Heart in Isla Vista. A coworker got mad at me for scraping grease off the pizza platter. If you just wipe it down with a rag you spread grease into the wood. Despite my explanation, our supervisor (her best friend) gave me an earful. I really tried to be their friend, I was a goofy 19yo. Not their vibe.
I work at a Menards which is a home improvement store like Home Depot. One of the guys in receiving is Derik. I have not seen him smile once, and everytime I have asked him for help he is very condescending when he answers. My best friend worked in reviving for a couple months, absolute hated the guy. My neighbor also worked back there and said it got to the point where he told the GM if him and Derik have to work with each other that someone is going to jail because someone will be dead. From what I hear he has a form of autism that doesn’t affect him working, but affects his social interactions and he just isn’t there when it comes to being social. If I need to ask someone in receiving for something and he is back there I just don’t ask them, I’ll go back an hour later when someone else is there. One employee got so mad at him for something he said that the employee threw a mattress at him and pinned him against a railing. Employee got no discipline because even the GMs know how hated he is so they understood lol. Yet somehow they promoted him to a manger in the reconfirm department even though everyone hates him
“Find out next time on Dragonball z”
At my job it’s Tracy she’s a huge conspiracy theorist who thinks that their is a theory behind Victoria Secret because the word secret is in it. She also sings a Miley Cyrus song (Tracy can’t sing) she once complained that to me that her mom made her a steak (Tracy is in her mid 50s and acts like a child) my girlfriend got covid one time and she told me to my face that my girlfriend needed a stronger immune system and that covid didn’t exist (I understand people who don’t believe covid exists or that u should or shouldn’t get vaccinated but keep your opinions to yourself)
8:23 why does it sound like they were working with Sonic the Hedgehog? 😂😂😂
Bob really should have explained to everyone why he was doing things; maybe then everyone wouldn’t have resented him.
Worst we had was this old woman who had to receive the same instructions multiple times, claimed to be allergic to perfume so she could have an excuse to sniff people and complain to the manager if she didn't like their scent. How do we know for sure she was lying, aside from never seeing her gasp for breath? She went to a perfume test our company was in charge of.
She also kept trying to lure the young (late high school age) employees to the pub for an "after work".
My second to last job, me. I had injured my back and was losing mobility. It was a physical job and I was looking to leave it for an office job but have no college education. Everyone hated me for not being able to move around like them.
In my workplace, lets call him R. R is one of the store managers in a specialty food store. He does not know how the store works and makes dumb rules for the sake of it. Can't have water bottles in my department and we can't take many breaks, so...screw us for wanting a drink. Any advice from him is about as helpful as a middle finger. The whole department is overworked and he's still a massive jerk about it. He recently hired a new assistant manager for my department who can't even do basic tasks when he could have easily promoted someone who deserved it.
Update: new assistant manager who didn't even know how to use a deli slicer is now the department manager and also an incompetent jerk who's currently screwing over all the part time people by giving them barely any hours
I got one.
I work in receiving for a hospital kitchen and sadly due to Covid and the Gov giving out money, we've been having a hard time with our employee turnover. As a result I've had a total of 6 different coworkers since 2018 and keep in mind there are only two receiving positions.
My 5th one, we will call CW, was quite a character. At first I had absolutely 0 problems with him. He worked fast and very well, was asking the right questions and trying to do a good job. That lasted roughly 2 weeks and then, like a light switch, he completely changed. He still worked, but his attitude was horrendous.
Constantly complaining over either mundane issues or issues not even related to him. Any inconvenience he treated like a sleight against him. He became loud, obnoxious and didn't give a crap what people thought about him and made sure they knew it.
He started numerous arguments with even delivery drivers for being late. Which, I could understand if it was hours late, but it was minutes at worst. On the days they were late by an hour or two, it was usually because their dispatch put us down a few stops. He didn't care and still yelled at the drivers.
He yelled at our dock workers for not prioritizing us before anyone else and even yelled at housekeeping for just trying to get past him.
Most of the time, I didn't bother because it was handled before I had a chance to. At one point, I did yell at him for going on a rant about a dish worker taking time off. He finally got fired, the day before his last day on his notice.
And we later hear from a friend that he went to go work at a place his parents run. Only to get fired on his 2nd day. We were all laughing when we found out.
Omg the Tim story he might as well be the CEO as whatever he does is treated as such.
Yeah, what the heck was up with Tim that they would take away so many perks from everyone else because of his whining?
I seam to be at the moment because I went from co-worker to Terminal Manager. I'm 41 and have 8 years of experience in my field and some management skills. The older people in my team are in board because they understand what I'm trying to accomplish while the younger ones have the, "why not me?" mentality.
"J" covers our after-school care program. She's always grouchy, stressed and snappy. The second she gets a chance to talk to an adult, she's complaining. She badmouths parents who get their kids later in the period she's meant to be there. Not late, within the last half hour of her expected shift. Also, a family member is the school accountant, and she doesn't need to talk to the principal as much as J "needs" to talk to the principal. Sometimes she's even discussed aftercare fees with me like I am a fast-track to speaking to said relative. I can sense some people dreading when J wants to speak to them. Also she changes her instructions to the kids on a dime and gets upset when they don't change gears fast enough. Anytime she gives them instructions by repeating something like she's told them ten times when it's her first time ("Your bag your bag your bag!"), I wanna yell "Your attitude your attitude your attitude!"
But she often brags she's been doing this since some of the school parents were students themselves, so she's likely not going anywhere.
There was this one guy that was hired who was practically the definition of unreliable. First day he called in unable to work because his wife was sick. Alright, sure, things happen, despite the fact that he had a closing shift and despite the half-hour it takes to get to the nearest city he said he couldn't come in. He was consistently either late or a no-show, afterwards (I only remember one time he actually closed with us.) On his final day, like half an hour after he clocked in, he asked the store manager if he could go down to the grocery store around the corner for "Something really important." Manager begrudgingly allowed it saying he should get it done before the shift, and the dude started punching in his order for his break. After a lengthy conversation between him and the manager (The latter saying it wasn't fair to everyone else if he went on break first and that if he could do a good enough job for the next few weeks it would all be let go, water under the bridge,) he left the store, we never saw him again.
He didn't even break out, this was all under a month of his hiring.
When i was a manager for a pizzahut i would use the little tips we got to cover minor register discrepancies, but my staff was good so it was never over a couple quarters, then the tips would be divided between everyone excluding me.
Not 100 percent sure if he still works here but our store manager. He blames people for his mistakes, leaves carts of returns for the cashiers to take up and then gets on to us if we don't see it soon enough. He leaves it out of sight and doesn't say anything. Unless shown evidence he left them he'll deny it. He's so bad that corporate told him to either move stores step down or get fired. He left on leave and we thought he was gone. We recently heard he's coming back and no one in the store is happy about it. Haven't met anyone that is. If he comes back I can guarantee he's going to have a lot of either quitting or switching stores. We were just getting the store to a good position. He comes back and it all goes down the drain. His stuff is still here so we're not sure yet.
I hate that why do they change how things are done based one 1 persons feelings. When the majority feel the same! We have one person who clocks in exactly on time and leaves exactly on time while others stay late to help their team mates, constantly take on extra work which causes them to be behind on their own work. Yet she is praised for being causghtbip
In her work all the time. That’s because she never helps anyone out. If she’s asked to help she says “ no”.
If we never helped anyone then we would all also be caught up!
As someone who has definitely been taken advantage of before she seams more like a genius than a jerk. Never helping anyone is a very wise policy.
Only reason I help out at my job is because I have so much free time that if I didn't do anything outside my job description I'd be bored for half my shift.
I feel so bad for the def guy what a completely unnecessary hard work environment for him to be in
Tim from the first story and Magoo from the last story are that kind of people who unintentionally make everyone in their work place dislike/hate them so much that they make Dwight from The Office look like Jim.
There was a guy (let's call him Randell) that my dad used to work with in a company that does training and other things, was known for wanting to be the first person to get his company car with a few things added to it due to his leg condition, he had a couple of ass kissing cronies, stole ideas from people by claiming them as his own (people called out his b.s. for doing that) and Randell and/or probably one of his cronies followed one of their co-workers who was going to be laid off within a month with a severance package to a restaurant, reported them, got them fired and they never gave them their severance package.
Woah. I have a story i would be glad to get off my chest.
I work for a big IT company and we were working on a project with client that we took over from a previous team. I was the only analyst replacing 4 prior people and there were 4 new engineers replacing 3. We were all from the same company so, we were supposed to be cooperative with each other. I worked my ass off and even my client side manager sent an appreciation email for my work.
For context, I analyze and scope up applications and engineers work on those applications. I have to churn out enough progress to feed the 4 engineers' pipeline. If the engineers have any doubts, they come back to me and I have to help them out. I am constantly in calls 7 hours out of 9 working hours each day juggling new applications scoping and helping engineers with their requirements. So, it is like 4 engineers running 4 projects and me singlehandedly serving them requirements, guiding them and also bringing in new applications for them to work.
And the engineers do not have a lot of workload because all the technical documents are prepared by me. They just have to implement a said number of steps i have outlined and their job is done.
The 4 engineers were lazy and client side manager even had separate discussions with them personally about their lack of work. I noticed it and gather them all to lead them on how to work out of pure empathy. 3 engineers took my help and grew well. This one engineer crom our company is just so jealous that he starts questioning what work i did and what i accomplished (a question he is not entitled to ask) in front of client side manager. The client side manager was also like wtf but did not say anything because it was our company's internal argument.
I raised it with our company side project manager and she supported me. He then started deliberately sending ridiculous and pointless requests over email and bugging me about completion status. When i can't accomplish because of my other important works, he blatantly tells our client side manager that his work is stuck because there was a pending item on me.
He slowly started poisoning the other engineers' mind that i am the reason for the client side manager getting angry. One engineer switched sides and started acting as per his instructions with all the same behaviors. I simply stopped helping her out and she is getting worse at her job everyday because of lack of my out of the way extra support.
Another engineer is a fresher and she started cycling between his side and mine. I just told her that she can't expect my extra out of the way help if she acts out and blame me for every project hurdle. She dug her own grave by taking his side and exaggerating my "shortcomings" to such an extent that the client side manager smelt fishy and inspected the issue deeply and realized what kind of mistakes she was doing and how much she was delaying and costing the project.
One of the remaining engineers is rock solid with me and I help him out with most of the work and he reciprocates the same.
I raised his issues again with our company side project manager and explained to her how this behaviour is costing us with these internal battles. She instructed everyone to not to escalate anything when there is a client in the call. That A-hole engineer is just trying his hardest to highlight all my "shortcomings" in every meeting. Even the client side manager sides with me and questions him if there are any showstoppers because of this. He just won't get rid of the habit and I'm battling anxiety everyday because of this jerk.
I am stuck with him for now because we are in a tight timelined project and firing him and hiring someone else is not a solution. Everyone higher up empathize with me so atleast I have that going for me.
I'm just waiting for the day when the project will get over and get riddance from this buffoon.
I've talked about this before but when I was working in fast-food I had a supervisor who lasted for six months until he got fired. He missed the first two weeks of work and when he came back he was constantly leaving us during lunch time to go use the bathroom and he would do this the whole time he was working with us. When he was in charge of the closing shift I kid you not it was just me ans him closing and he would close us early without general management's permission. When it came time for us to close, I was always the one left to do EVERYTHING while he sat in the office looking at his phone. I was usually there for up to 2 hours after we closed and when I asked him to do something, he always said he couldn't do anything because I'm quicker and better than he is or he couldn't do something because of his "upcoming surgery" which he got after he was fired or he would default on leaving to "go use the bathroom." It got to the point that I clocked out and left right as soon as we closed. He would always complain to management the next day and jokes on him because management always took my side. The only reason he was even hired as a supervisor in the first place was because this was after Covid and my manager was so desperate for new employees that she was willing to hire anyone who was applying for whatever position.
Omg i love this! Kepp it up
At my last job, I was the most hated person. Why, you may ask. It's because I was always working harder than my coworkers, getting more hours/pay by volunteering to stay late and being on call whenever needed, and reached a point where I wouldn't help them with their work. ⅔ of the crew (including my head manager) all wanted me to do their job for them. Was I perfect? No, I wasn't. Did I try my hardest? You bet your grandma's dentures I did.
8:24 am i sonic? That line made me laugh to hard
My brother had a fun one at a vet clinic he worked at. She would repeatedly ask for coworkers I work her hours, would essentially take +40 minute lunches by not going on break until after she’s done watching the microwave finish her food, but ask for more work, she would have to be repeatedly reminded/ told to do simple tasks like taking out the trash because her phone was more important, would blatantly disregard warnings on cages like “warning, aggressive dog”, and if asked if she completed a task, like one time she asked him if he could take her next day, he asked if she did do the trash, and she lied about it. On his first day there (he was scheduled for the day after), she called out due to “car troubles”, he comes in the next day and she actually told him she just didn’t want to come in when he asked about it. In the words of him and his coworkers I met, she only lasted there for so long because everyone there was the same race but her, and on her final day, I can’t remember why she gotfired, but she played the “I put in more work than all of you” card.
I know I wouldn’t have stayed more than a month if I had a coworker like her.
My old manager from my last retail job. Simply put, he's a clock-watching, up-his-own-arse, nepotisticly employed excuse of a manager. He told a pregnant colleague that she couldn't do a lighter workload because she "wasn't sick, she's pregnant" and "has been pregnant before". If we were to report him, his manager would block it because they're best friends
Tim sucks but that management sicks more. One guy complains about the food type, no nlmore lunch? One guy is unhappy with his bonus, so no one gets bonuses? Its all or nothing?
The most hated in my workplace is a Vietnamese dude who always disappears when ever it gets busy but always comeback when it's slow when we brought it up as a team to our leaders but the problem is he sucks up to management and after we brought it up they blamed it on communication when we 100% communicate with him. Eventually he got suspended becuase of to many reports of his attitude to a couple employees but when he returned nothing changed he got worse and kept disappearing from the team to which I went to hr about because some leaders know about about what he does and the hr manager thanked me for reporting it and keep bringing this to my attention and FYI I've been working at this company for 6 years never dobbed anyone until this December last year. He is still working for the company doing little for the company and not being a team player and its not just one team who knows what he does. Once again I went forward and once again was shot down by my leaders saying its all about communication when alot of people communicated about this one person. My guess is they don't care or they forget but the problem is when supervisors are around he works until they walk away. I should put it out there most of our Vietnamese workers knows he's a terrible worker.
Brought it up again to hr and the team leaders organised a team meeting which was super uncomfortable once again communication was blamed. Which is 50% true but it's coming from leadership becuase our team has to communicate effectively with our leaders and everytime we've brought it up to leaders they keep lying by saying how come you never mention this when we know that's lie. Update now he still doing it but I'm gonna keep reporting to our hr manager becuase he seems to be the only one who cares
Worked with a guy who complained about everyone even complained to the district manager about me, well in short he got sided with but I chewed him out when I found out he got sided with, as a result he put in his two weeks then had the guts to try and apologize for how he treated me, yeah that was a fun job, I left back in December of 2021
Based Tim dismantling corporate America from the inside.
Last Story - Man, it would be so fun to bait Magoo. I have a fantasy world I've worked on for a long time now. Would be SO easy to bait somebody like him, then eventually go, "Funny how you know so much considering a lot of it isn't even released yet and still on my computer, since I made it and all"
Tim basically made himself unhireable thanks to his entitlement
I`m not sure if he was hated by everyone but my and a few friends saw that he was clearly not into the job.
I work as an English teacher on weekdays, and the English teachers on that school have this little group where we can ask eachother for help, tips, group activities (where we "fuse" out two groups, material etc.)
In one of the weeks where my group just took the test and ascend to the next grade my boss asked me to check on this new teacher, he wanted me to observe his class and give him tips by the end of the day.
WELP, he made a little girl cry because she was 10 minutes late.
Didn`t had his class well planned (noticed he ran out of idea by the last hour)
He didn`t pay attention to what the students were doing.
Didn`t like when his student ask him something.
grow *very* frustrated when they didnt understood something.
It was like watching someone attempting to be a strict teacher but didn`t knew the difference between being strict and an ass.
I tried to be gentle, since back then I only had like 4 months worth of experience and I understand being nervous and things not going as planned, but he wasn`t good with criticism.
Lasted for other 3-4 weeks and I never saw him again.
hope he is ok, looks like he was going through something.
I've got one. This one middle-aged guy, Jay, never has anything nice to say about anything or anyone, and expect people to follow rules that he comes up with. If you don't do what he says, or don't follow his rules, he tries to get you written up or fired.
He also has a problem with how pretty much everyone runs their truck routes, and he always yells at us for coming down the Steep driveway too quickly
Honestly considering the extreme aversion to anything that doesn't match routine along with the other issues they have suffered I wonder if the deaf guy In the woodshop also has something like high functioning autism or possibly some anxiety issue
I knew a Tim in my personal life that was that bad maybe it was the same guy.
Ok, but that deaf guy story was wholesome.
for story 15 its actually fine pork or other haram food only darkens the heart of a believer if they eat it willingly
Nobody is forced to learn a new language. It doesnt make you a bad person to not want to spend your limited spare time at work trying to accommodate one person.
#13 This coworker may be a compulsive talker. I once had the misfortune of working with a woman who could NOT.STOP. TALKING. No matter how hard she tried. She wasn't a bad person, but her compulsion (a legit medical condition for which there was no treatment at the time) made it impossible for her to have any relationships, and everyone at work hated her. That was a long time ago, and hopefully she got help and is now able to control her compulsion.
#13 reminds me of myself I have bipolar it’s hard for me to keep jobs . When I’m unemployed my family is all I talk to . When I’d get jobs I’d try to make friends and talk . One girl specifically I really got along with id be obnoxious I realize now talk to her as soon as she got in and loved to talk to her she’d remind me to work and I feel bad we both left that job and we hangout as friends and I have no regrets I worked but I loved talking to her and having a friend to spill tea with & we still talk to this day and hangout ❤️ sometimes people don’t realize you’re the only human interaction they’ve gotten in months understand people have issues making friends
Going months without human interaction doesn't sound so bad. I'm constantly around people as it's a customer service job and talking to people is something I have to deal with.
I can always hear him taking a breath before each line
Me. I got to work remotely because I asked. The boss let me. The rest didnt ask, stayed in the office, hated me for getting the special treatment.
I also got a raise frequently. Again, because I asked. The rest of my coworkers were afraid of being too much when they ask or not being deserving of it.
Now all of them are trying to get me fired by spreading gossip about me and sabotaging my work. My boss is too fed up with this and it’s easier for him to let me go than fix everyone’s jealousy.
I am resigning soon.