That was such an interesting video! I also love history, but I had only a vague understanding of persian history and culture, about them not being arabs, and about the great persian empire !
@@thelifeofyelna See my last upload, oploaded just now, about the Dacia - Iran/Persia connection. It' s a clip from Dacia/Romania, from a history fan. See the pinned comment too, or the clip description.
Hi. I've seen your clips for the first time today, so I asked you about your origin at your first clip (after that one I've seen that one about Romanian music, than this one), and now here I see also the answer to my question there. I don't know if you heard of the most fampus and knowledgeable historian of the world, a Dutch citizen born in Romania, but in his serie about the world history, he also made a documentary about the history of Parthia/Farsia/Persia, which is so long that he had to split it in four parts, episode 15-A, 15-B, 15-C and 15-D, in which he documentes the ancient relations between Romania (Dacia) and Persia ("iran" as name is relatively new in history). If interested, check at my clips here the short clip called "Trailer scurt la episodul 15-D". Underneeth you have the link to the whole serie. Before that, think well if you prefer the red or the blue pill (like in the Matrix movie), if you get my drift. Cheers! PS: Only episode 15-D is fully bilingual (English translated, plus Romanian explained), but Alex could help you understand the other 3 also.
Eu sînt un băiat italian care vorbește românește deoarece o am învățat către anii trecuți prin cântecele române și cărții pe care i-am cumpărat cu puțin timp în urmă...Păi da, îmi place așa de mult și cultura și limba română...În plus am mulți prieteni și cunoștințe în general cu multe persoane din România și Moldova...Mama mea are o prietenă moldoveancă care vine de obișnuit la noastră casă pentru a ne vizită...Mă bucură ideea că pot să comunic cu alții vorbitori de limba română...Logodnicul tău mi se pare un băiat bun și cumsecade...S-încântat să vă cunosc..😊❤
As far as I know, "Iran" is the name of the country in Farsi language, while "Persia" is the name in (ancient) Greek. Also, Ottoman Empire fought many wars against Persia (and the border moved a lot), but they never conquered Persia; the modern border between Turkey and Iran was established only in the 1920's.
What are you talking about?? Ottomans never ruled over Iran, Safavid Persia defeated them. Ottomans were also not Turkish, they spoke Persian and Arabic. Also Iran was called Persia until 100 years ago not thousands years ago.
Its alright I already said at the beginning I am not sure about the information. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. So what I understood Ottoman were in Persia and there was a war until they were defeated. But also I mentioned they ruled Romania! and also I thought Ottomans were osmanies with Turkish language because they were pretty much dominated by turks 🤔.
@@thelifeofyelna I know but I was confused because Iran is famous for being a treat to the Ottomans. The Ottomans were different ethnicities but most of the Sultans were non Turks. For example Sultan Abdul Hamid spoke only Persian and Arabic. Turkish was the language of the farmers, Persian was the language of the elite families and Arabic was common.
@@thelifeofyelna The Ottomans didn't rule over Iran, they just captured Tabriz but the Safavids defeated them and took back Azerbaijan and Armenian. Every time they wanted to attack Iran they lost.
@@thelifeofyelna You can google "Battle of Yeghevārd" which was the main war that stopped Ottomans. Only 15k Persians defeated 80k Ottomans. It is one of the most spectacular victorys in human history. Thanks for your videos anyway.
@@dariusbaluchi4890 wow super interesting, definitely going to read about it..Unfortunately we dont learn these in schools or anywhere outside Iran. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏽
All the best 👍! Your story is not His ! It's yours and I appreciate your life, I am South African of Indian decent, it's hard explaining it, but you did great. Never too old to be Schooled. That's it and Thank You. We are One Peoples with Different Cultures based on our Environment.
Thank you ! I learned so much about myself while doing research for this video haha so no never late to learn more and we all have our own unique stories 🤗
I think you are doing a wonderful job! Although I have to say appreciative things on your enterprise here, on youtube, I have also have to say that in between wars in Europe, even before that, the race based endeavours and eugenics were a common practice in Europe. It was not Germany that organized an Eugenics conference at that time....Hitler and Germany was interested of course but is not correct to singularize this kind of interests and to state here that was propaganda and only Germany did that. This is, of course, if you are really interested in history and not only demonize that country once more (as Hollywood type of discourse is not enough....)
Similaritatea cea mai mare la mine e ca tastatura-mi face "farsi" cateodata. Stiu ca cioban si alte cuvinte vin de pe-acolo. Parca si "dușman", portocală. N-am verificat, scriu din ce stiu pe dinafara.
Yelna is a short modern version of older "Yelena" (very common slavic/schythian name), or "Elena" in Romanian. "Scythian" is a modern English term for the ancient eastern Dacians with their falxes, which were made of scythes ("coasa" in Romanian). See on the net wat is falx. The ancient eastern Dacians (now the Russians and Ukrainans) were called "sakka, saka, saca, sece(rari)". An agricultural tool which looked more like a short falx, than a modern (almost perfect round) sickle, "secera" in Romanian. See the serie I told you in my other comment.
Btw Daas means Coasa in Persian. Also using -ian in the end of the word is typical way in Persian language to plural a word (e.g Derakhtan (trees), Khersan (beers, actually this word u can find it in Romanian too, urs)). So to me, Dacians can mean people who had Daas or scythes in their hand, most probably they got to know how to farm an agricultural land besides using it for defense equipment too. Anyway, Persian and Romanian shares a great deal of word similarities as they both are from the same family group (final example: Kur or koor in Persian means blind, which I believe would be the same as Romanian)
@@behnoodfathi7236 Thank you very much for your input. Blind" in Romanian is "kior", it is now written "chior", but read the same: kior. The world famous serie "Noi Arianii Daci" proves quite a lot of things about the Persians versus Dacians (once the same nation, culture, language, traditions, clothes etc.). Darius 1 was also Dacian, from Scythia, and his ancient portrets shows him as a red haired man with a typical Dacian/Phrygian helmet, with the top of it pointed foreward. Also the typical Dacian cap (seen allover the ancient world, see also the Trajan's Column in Rome, full of Dacians wearing that cap) has the same top of it ponted foreward, the same like the cap of the Dacian/Scythian Mitra (see his ancient sculptures), initial name "Badea Mitra" (means the "handsome shepperd" called Mitra) known also as Badheo Mitra (ancient indian version), also known as Maitreya Buddha, Buddha, SakiaMuni Buddha (Sakia = Scythian, Muni = wise man, teacher), GautaMa Buddha (Gauta/Gautar = Get, Geat, Goth, Gothar, in India called "Jat", reads the same as the Romamian "Get", Get = Dacian) etc. See the quatrilogies of episode 14 and 15 of the serie I mentioned above. There are many facts about the Persians, from ancient Sumer to today Persia. Some episodes are so long that they are splited in 2, 3 or 4 clips per episode. I saw in the serie also input from history teachers from India, about Jats (reads the same as Gets/Geţi in Romanian/Dacian, it's another name for the Dacians) and their language, culture, clothes, legends, gods etc.., all identical to those in Romania, Dacia, up to today. Even the original name of Shiva (which is " Rudra") exists in Romania. "Baba Rudra" (indian "Father Rudra/Shiva", meaning "the father of rain/water) remained up to today in Romania as "Papa Ruda" (oftem written in one word) as the father of rain. There is an ancient song "Paparuda" to sing it and call for rain. Anyway, the serie I mentioned above is very interested, esspecially if seen in order. PS: The Dutch language (from Holland) contains over 1000 Romanian/Dacian words, plus expressions, traditions, legends etc., including the Dacian/Phrygian cap, called in Holland the "Volendamse Hul", woth it's top pointed foreward, also in it's holy/religios version with wings on the side, now those wings look different, hardly wings.. By the way, the word "Dutch, reads exactly as the Dacian word "Daci", in english "Dacians". You can find any episode from the serie I mentioned above ("Noi Arianii Daci") on the net, and underneeth there the link to the whole serie.
@@behnoodfathi7236 Yes, you are very right. David Guia too. I also seen that serie. Everybody should watch it. It's full or real evidences about everybody and everything, from all historical era's, from the creation of the Universe up to today. Thank you for the info. If you have some more, it would be excellent.
@@thelifeofyelna I see that David Guia answered to the other user here with some info, maybe you are interested in that info, if you are interested in the connection Romania - Iran, you should definitely study the serie "Noi Arianii Daci". I've seen it, I download it, it's the best history documentary serie I have ever seen. i also seen there about "Arie", greek version "Aries" (see that in the zodiac) which is the origin of the world Ariens, english written Arians (sometime as "Aryans") but read the same as Ariens. Arie was initial the god of the shepperds, and at the invasion of the Sea Peoples, hw became the god of war, Arie, griek "Aries", later shortened in Ares. His sign were the Ram horns. As Zeus, Amun etc. The same arian sign as Alexander the Great etc. See that serie. Your husband does not know much history, so it seems. "Dacians were a small part of the Tracians"??? "The Germans = Nazis"😉😂🤪?? Nazi (plural "Nazis" in english) is the short version of "nazionalist", meaning "nationalist". For example the Americans (who place their flag allover the place, including garages, clothes, shoes, socks etc..) are 10 times more nationalist/nazi than the Germans ever were. And the Thracians NEVER existed! "Thracians" (as "scythians") is a made up english word. The original name was Traxus/Traxi (singular/plural). It was a greek nickname given to the Gods of War (Dacians), from their greek god of war Trax. And in ancient times there were no names, but descriptions, which in time, in history books, became names. It is much wiser to study history before talking to people about it. (This about your husband. Not about you)
Aryan homeland was bordered by Carpathian Arch - North Pontic Lake Shores - South Ukraine Steppes. Black Sea Deluge (byblical flood) bolstered Aryan migration both East and West.
Our ancestors,the Proto-Romanians and then the Vlachs were nomadic shepherds and horse breeders roaming much of Central and Eastern Europe,in Czechia and Slovakia there's even a Vlach autonomous region !
Prophet Abraham most likely it was Aria, that move from Iraq or that Babilon time or Persianto Makkah (Arab) with his wife Hajjar/hagar. (Hajjar is the princess from Syria or Maroko that time) that live in Egypt.
Dedication to history and historical truth is more than usually lighter hobbies, so do serious research before being categoric, self sufficient and predicate false (or partly false, diformed, same thing) facts. Why are you so sure that propaganda works only for one type of state? (Germany in this case, rethorical question...)
Btw Daas means Coasa in Persian. Also using -ian in the end of the word is typical way in Persian language to plural a word (e.g Derakhtan (trees), Khersan (beers, actually this word u can find it in Romanian too, urs)). So to me, Dacians can mean people who had Daas or scythes in their hand, most probably they got to know how to farm an agricultural land besides using it for defense equipment too. Anyway, Persian and Romanian shares a great deal of word similarities as they both are from the same family group (final example: Kur or koor in Persian means blind, which I believe would be the same as Romanian
@@robb5828 Hi man. Sure in every language there could be similarities, but here there is diff, which is here is not minimal but indeed huge influence. The diff is that ethymologiest consider the languages that spread all over Europe to be linked to wider family language called Indo-European, meaning all European languages with plenty of reasons and evidences are linked to one another, more specially linked to its root as Iranian languages. The reason it is called Ino-European because this branch of family-language were spread from India to all over Euroup, pointing its geographical distribution over thousands years rather than its mother root in Iranian plateou. The mother of all those languages are linked the Old Persian or Avestan languages that carried out by Dacian to Europe. Dacian were branch of Aryan (Aria) people who settled in Iran and later in India, and other groups of them from Cascedaus and central Asia through black sea went to Europe. Basically for every words in Romania the etymologist can recosntracut the equivalent words in Persian for you. Thosuands of words we can name which is out of the scope of this answer to share, but feel free to simply search and find the dictionary for it even in internet. Despite what public thinks, Arabic is not the some root as all European language for example, it is from Proto-Semitic languages, which is hell diffenet worlds. Although nowadays Persian use Arabic alphabet for writing, but they put their language after Arab Invasion into those alphabet, like Tajiks speaks Persian but write it in Russian alphabet but it is Persian language. Or I can write Romaina in Persian alphabet but it does not mean it is not anymore Romanian language, writing is a method to show your words but not the language for example. Since you mention Orb, let me reconstruct this for u: Orb --> Orbit --> Orchid (latin) --> Orchideh (Persian), pointing in today Persian a flower that resemble the eyes, specially the blue Orchideh as resembling the blue eyes. I assume your lack of knowledge perhaps about this leading you think simple and generalize which could be understandable, but for this case, I hell suggest you have a little research, you will see many other words too, it is much more than what you called minimal. (another example: apa (romanian), aqua (Spanish) ---> Aba (Persian means water). The words Danube = Dan + Aba = Dan (it is suffix in Persian used for place, u can find in in many cities in Iran even today, this turned in English to town, u can also find it in many other place names in Europe like Denmark or London or etc) + Aba (water), from Persian empire point of view in 500 BC when they name that area was people live next to water and they called it Dan (place) + Aba (water).
Wrong, Darius never conquered the main Dacians lans he just crossed thru Scythia minor (today Dobrogea in România amd Bulgaria, a very dry land the rest of the Dacians lands was covered by forests and no-one dare to cross it. Even the romans needed to build a bridge in the other side of the country closer to the Sarmisegetuza capital of Dacia) . He also conquered the south Danubian Thracians in today Bulgaria. The languages are coming from an older common language used in the North of black sea and close to the sanskrit language.
Romania didn't exist back then. Most of our persian words are loaned from the Turks who reigned for hundreds of years over current day Romania and who had Persian as an oficial language.
Persian history in brief . A few thousand years ago , the Parthians left the mouths of the Danube and finally arrived in the territory called Iran today . The Parthians are not the only Aryans who leave from the mouths of the Danube . After the great Wurm glaciation , when vegetation began to take the place of ice and snow , the inhabitants of the Carpathian and pericarpathian areas began to swarm , repopulating Europe and even reaching China and India .
That political lie was debunked long time ago. And we know our ancestors were here 2000 years ago, the same like you know your ancestors are Asians, hunting rabbits on Asian steps 2000 years ago
@@coolcalm1605 lol,and greeks build cities on our coastal part of the country That doesn t make us greeks(unfortunately,cause then we would part of the greatest civilization on earth) I m romanian and i m telling you were are not persoans Where are you from exactly?
@@mamad567 bro,iran is literally not the oldest That would be mesopotamia And greeks built the world What did you do exactly? Oh,that s right,nothing You only fough the greeks 🤣🤣
So awesome! I love to hear how people find Romania as a foreigner (I am American but I love Romania). Absolutely awesome!
That was such an interesting video! I also love history, but I had only a vague understanding of persian history and culture, about them not being arabs, and about the great persian empire !
Glad you enjoyed it and this has be informative .
See my last upload, oploaded just now, about the Dacia - Iran/Persia connection. It' s a clip from Dacia/Romania, from a history fan. See the pinned comment too, or the clip description.
I have discovered now that you upload two videos. One by one. That was very interesting. Basically I known little bit about Iran. Greetings Guys :)
Yes I didn’t want to overload information. some people might not be interested in History… Thanks for watching both !
Hi. I've seen your clips for the first time today, so I asked you about your origin at your first clip (after that one I've seen that one about Romanian music, than this one), and now here I see also the answer to my question there. I don't know if you heard of the most fampus and knowledgeable historian of the world, a Dutch citizen born in Romania, but in his serie about the world history, he also made a documentary about the history of Parthia/Farsia/Persia, which is so long that he had to split it in four parts, episode 15-A, 15-B, 15-C and 15-D, in which he documentes the ancient relations between Romania (Dacia) and Persia ("iran" as name is relatively new in history). If interested, check at my clips here the short clip called "Trailer scurt la episodul 15-D". Underneeth you have the link to the whole serie. Before that, think well if you prefer the red or the blue pill (like in the Matrix movie), if you get my drift.
PS: Only episode 15-D is fully bilingual (English translated, plus Romanian explained), but Alex could help you understand the other 3 also.
Eu sînt un băiat italian care vorbește românește deoarece o am învățat către anii trecuți prin cântecele române și cărții pe care i-am cumpărat cu puțin timp în urmă...Păi da, îmi place așa de mult și cultura și limba română...În plus am mulți prieteni și cunoștințe în general cu multe persoane din România și Moldova...Mama mea are o prietenă moldoveancă care vine de obișnuit la noastră casă pentru a ne vizită...Mă bucură ideea că pot să comunic cu alții vorbitori de limba română...Logodnicul tău mi se pare un băiat bun și cumsecade...S-încântat să vă cunosc..😊❤
What region do you mean by "South Europe?" From my understanding, the original migrations began in Central Asia
As far as I know, "Iran" is the name of the country in Farsi language, while "Persia" is the name in (ancient) Greek. Also, Ottoman Empire fought many wars against Persia (and the border moved a lot), but they never conquered Persia; the modern border between Turkey and Iran was established only in the 1920's.
Is told when Darius came in this area he could talk with the natives whiteout the need of a translator.
Any reference when that happened?
I am really interested.
@@florintanasoiu faptul i-a fost povestit sotiei cand a facut facultatea de istorie , Darius a fost in zona prin anul 514 i.e.n
Au venit în vizita de lupta pe Marea Neagră în zona Dobrogei….si doar atit.
Au cotropit ce au apucat…și au dispărut în istorie.
What are you talking about?? Ottomans never ruled over Iran, Safavid Persia defeated them. Ottomans were also not Turkish, they spoke Persian and Arabic. Also Iran was called Persia until 100 years ago not thousands years ago.
Its alright I already said at the beginning I am not sure about the information. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. So what I understood Ottoman were in Persia and there was a war until they were defeated. But also I mentioned they ruled Romania! and also I thought Ottomans were osmanies with Turkish language because they were pretty much dominated by turks 🤔.
@@thelifeofyelna I know but I was confused because Iran is famous for being a treat to the Ottomans. The Ottomans were different ethnicities but most of the Sultans were non Turks. For example Sultan Abdul Hamid spoke only Persian and Arabic. Turkish was the language of the farmers, Persian was the language of the elite families and Arabic was common.
@@thelifeofyelna The Ottomans didn't rule over Iran, they just captured Tabriz but the Safavids defeated them and took back Azerbaijan and Armenian. Every time they wanted to attack Iran they lost.
@@thelifeofyelna You can google "Battle of Yeghevārd" which was the main war that stopped Ottomans. Only 15k Persians defeated 80k Ottomans. It is one of the most spectacular victorys in human history. Thanks for your videos anyway.
@@dariusbaluchi4890 wow super interesting, definitely going to read about it..Unfortunately we dont learn these in schools or anywhere outside Iran. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏽
All the best 👍! Your story is not His ! It's yours and I appreciate your life, I am South African of Indian decent, it's hard explaining it, but you did great. Never too old to be Schooled. That's it and Thank You. We are One Peoples with Different Cultures based on our Environment.
Thank you ! I learned so much about myself while doing research for this video haha so no never late to learn more and we all have our own unique stories 🤗
How are you guys met each other. Don’t take my question out of respect, it’s just curiosity.
Thats a good question :) We are going to tell our story in next video how we met and how we got married.. stay tuned 🤗
@@thelifeofyelna 😱🤭
How do you look like a romanian?
I do ? Well I also think a lot of Romanians look like Persians. We do share some DNA I guess :)
Perșii arata diferit sunt si albi nu toată lumea e smadă
I think you are doing a wonderful job!
Although I have to say appreciative things on your enterprise here, on youtube, I have also have to say that in between wars in Europe, even before that, the race based endeavours and eugenics were a common practice in Europe. It was not Germany that organized an Eugenics conference at that time....Hitler and Germany was interested of course but is not correct to singularize this kind of interests and to state here that was propaganda and only Germany did that. This is, of course, if you are really interested in history and not only demonize that country once more (as Hollywood type of discourse is not enough....)
Similaritatea cea mai mare la mine e ca tastatura-mi face "farsi" cateodata.
Stiu ca cioban si alte cuvinte vin de pe-acolo. Parca si "dușman", portocală. N-am verificat, scriu din ce stiu pe dinafara.
so as Romanian could also be Persian?
Love from Romania ❤
Yelna is a short modern version of older "Yelena" (very common slavic/schythian name), or "Elena" in Romanian.
"Scythian" is a modern English term for the ancient eastern Dacians with their falxes, which were made of scythes ("coasa" in Romanian). See on the net wat is falx. The ancient eastern Dacians (now the Russians and Ukrainans) were called "sakka, saka, saca, sece(rari)". An agricultural tool which looked more like a short falx, than a modern (almost perfect round) sickle, "secera" in Romanian.
See the serie I told you in my other comment.
Yes thats correct about my name 👍🏻
Btw Daas means Coasa in Persian. Also using -ian in the end of the word is typical way in Persian language to plural a word (e.g Derakhtan (trees), Khersan (beers, actually this word u can find it in Romanian too, urs)). So to me, Dacians can mean people who had Daas or scythes in their hand, most probably they got to know how to farm an agricultural land besides using it for defense equipment too. Anyway, Persian and Romanian shares a great deal of word similarities as they both are from the same family group (final example: Kur or koor in Persian means blind, which I believe would be the same as Romanian)
Thank you very much for your input. Blind" in Romanian is "kior", it is now written "chior", but read the same: kior.
The world famous serie "Noi Arianii Daci" proves quite a lot of things about the Persians versus Dacians (once the same nation, culture, language, traditions, clothes etc.). Darius 1 was also Dacian, from Scythia, and his ancient portrets shows him as a red haired man with a typical Dacian/Phrygian helmet, with the top of it pointed foreward.
Also the typical Dacian cap (seen allover the ancient world, see also the Trajan's Column in Rome, full of Dacians wearing that cap) has the same top of it ponted foreward, the same like the cap of the Dacian/Scythian Mitra (see his ancient sculptures), initial name "Badea Mitra" (means the "handsome shepperd" called Mitra) known also as Badheo Mitra (ancient indian version), also known as Maitreya Buddha, Buddha, SakiaMuni Buddha (Sakia = Scythian, Muni = wise man, teacher), GautaMa Buddha (Gauta/Gautar = Get, Geat, Goth, Gothar, in India called "Jat", reads the same as the Romamian "Get", Get = Dacian) etc. See the quatrilogies of episode 14 and 15 of the serie I mentioned above. There are many facts about the Persians, from ancient Sumer to today Persia. Some episodes are so long that they are splited in 2, 3 or 4 clips per episode.
I saw in the serie also input from history teachers from India, about Jats (reads the same as Gets/Geţi in Romanian/Dacian, it's another name for the Dacians) and their language, culture, clothes, legends, gods etc.., all identical to those in Romania, Dacia, up to today. Even the original name of Shiva (which is " Rudra") exists in Romania.
"Baba Rudra" (indian "Father Rudra/Shiva", meaning "the father of rain/water) remained up to today in Romania as "Papa Ruda" (oftem written in one word) as the father of rain. There is an ancient song "Paparuda" to sing it and call for rain. Anyway, the serie I mentioned above is very interested, esspecially if seen in order.
PS: The Dutch language (from Holland) contains over 1000 Romanian/Dacian words, plus expressions, traditions, legends etc., including the Dacian/Phrygian cap, called in Holland the "Volendamse Hul", woth it's top pointed foreward, also in it's holy/religios version with wings on the side, now those wings look different, hardly wings..
By the way, the word "Dutch, reads exactly as the Dacian word "Daci", in english "Dacians".
You can find any episode from the serie I mentioned above ("Noi Arianii Daci") on the net, and underneeth there the link to the whole serie.
Yes, you are very right. David Guia too. I also seen that serie. Everybody should watch it. It's full or real evidences about everybody and everything, from all historical era's, from the creation of the Universe up to today. Thank you for the info. If you have some more, it would be excellent.
I see that David Guia answered to the other user here with some info, maybe you are interested in that info, if you are interested in the connection Romania - Iran, you should definitely study the serie "Noi Arianii Daci". I've seen it, I download it, it's the best history documentary serie I have ever seen. i also seen there about "Arie", greek version "Aries" (see that in the zodiac) which is the origin of the world Ariens, english written Arians (sometime as "Aryans") but read the same as Ariens. Arie was initial the god of the shepperds, and at the invasion of the Sea Peoples, hw became the god of war, Arie, griek "Aries", later shortened in Ares. His sign were the Ram horns. As Zeus, Amun etc. The same arian sign as Alexander the Great etc. See that serie.
Your husband does not know much history, so it seems. "Dacians were a small part of the Tracians"???
"The Germans = Nazis"😉😂🤪??
Nazi (plural "Nazis" in english) is the short version of "nazionalist", meaning "nationalist". For example the Americans (who place their flag allover the place, including garages, clothes, shoes, socks etc..) are 10 times more nationalist/nazi than the Germans ever were.
And the Thracians NEVER existed! "Thracians" (as "scythians") is a made up english word. The original name was Traxus/Traxi (singular/plural). It was a greek nickname given to the Gods of War (Dacians), from their greek god of war Trax.
And in ancient times there were no names, but descriptions, which in time, in history books, became names.
It is much wiser to study history before talking to people about it. (This about your husband. Not about you)
Frumoși și inteligenți!😘😘
Aww Multumesc frumos 🥰🥰
Dar cam proşti. Habar nu au de istorie.
Aryan homeland was bordered by Carpathian Arch - North Pontic Lake Shores - South Ukraine Steppes. Black Sea Deluge (byblical flood) bolstered Aryan migration both East and West.
Been there . I mean Teheran,Ispahan,Gorgan,Mashad,Tabriz. Didn't blew my mind. And I also think that this politeness is just tarouf.
Tehran * Isfahan* Mashhad* .
@@thelifeofyelnayup. Three words: sharia, takia, TAROUF.. That's Iran
@@ardeiuti explain the term tarouf
Our ancestors,the Proto-Romanians and then the Vlachs were nomadic shepherds and horse breeders roaming much of Central and Eastern Europe,in Czechia and Slovakia there's even a Vlach autonomous region !
Bă, tu ești nomad, treaba ta? Ține pentru tine, că te faci de râs.De transhumanța păstorilor noștri ai auzit?
Ottomans didn’t rule Iran, different Turkic groups ruled Iran. 😊
Do you love ur husband?
Prophet Abraham most likely it was Aria, that move from Iraq or that Babilon time or Persianto Makkah (Arab) with his wife Hajjar/hagar. (Hajjar is the princess from Syria or Maroko that time) that live in Egypt.
Dedication to history and historical truth is more than usually lighter hobbies, so do serious research before being categoric, self sufficient and predicate false (or partly false, diformed, same thing) facts.
Why are you so sure that propaganda works only for one type of state? (Germany in this case, rethorical question...)
Btw Daas means Coasa in Persian. Also using -ian in the end of the word is typical way in Persian language to plural a word (e.g Derakhtan (trees), Khersan (beers, actually this word u can find it in Romanian too, urs)). So to me, Dacians can mean people who had Daas or scythes in their hand, most probably they got to know how to farm an agricultural land besides using it for defense equipment too. Anyway, Persian and Romanian shares a great deal of word similarities as they both are from the same family group (final example: Kur or koor in Persian means blind, which I believe would be the same as Romanian
Orb means blind in Romania.......There are similarities in every languages to a certain minimal extent
@@robb5828 Hi man. Sure in every language there could be similarities, but here there is diff, which is here is not minimal but indeed huge influence. The diff is that ethymologiest consider the languages that spread all over Europe to be linked to wider family language called Indo-European, meaning all European languages with plenty of reasons and evidences are linked to one another, more specially linked to its root as Iranian languages. The reason it is called Ino-European because this branch of family-language were spread from India to all over Euroup, pointing its geographical distribution over thousands years rather than its mother root in Iranian plateou. The mother of all those languages are linked the Old Persian or Avestan languages that carried out by Dacian to Europe. Dacian were branch of Aryan (Aria) people who settled in Iran and later in India, and other groups of them from Cascedaus and central Asia through black sea went to Europe. Basically for every words in Romania the etymologist can recosntracut the equivalent words in Persian for you. Thosuands of words we can name which is out of the scope of this answer to share, but feel free to simply search and find the dictionary for it even in internet. Despite what public thinks, Arabic is not the some root as all European language for example, it is from Proto-Semitic languages, which is hell diffenet worlds. Although nowadays Persian use Arabic alphabet for writing, but they put their language after Arab Invasion into those alphabet, like Tajiks speaks Persian but write it in Russian alphabet but it is Persian language. Or I can write Romaina in Persian alphabet but it does not mean it is not anymore Romanian language, writing is a method to show your words but not the language for example. Since you mention Orb, let me reconstruct this for u: Orb --> Orbit --> Orchid (latin) --> Orchideh (Persian), pointing in today Persian a flower that resemble the eyes, specially the blue Orchideh as resembling the blue eyes. I assume your lack of knowledge perhaps about this leading you think simple and generalize which could be understandable, but for this case, I hell suggest you have a little research, you will see many other words too, it is much more than what you called minimal. (another example: apa (romanian), aqua (Spanish) ---> Aba (Persian means water). The words Danube = Dan + Aba = Dan (it is suffix in Persian used for place, u can find in in many cities in Iran even today, this turned in English to town, u can also find it in many other place names in Europe like Denmark or London or etc) + Aba (water), from Persian empire point of view in 500 BC when they name that area was people live next to water and they called it Dan (place) + Aba (water).
În română exista cuvântul chior ( кёr)
Romania was apart of the Persian empire under Darius the great which is why there are so many similar words.
Wrong, Darius never conquered the main Dacians lans he just crossed thru Scythia minor (today Dobrogea in România amd Bulgaria, a very dry land the rest of the Dacians lands was covered by forests and no-one dare to cross it. Even the romans needed to build a bridge in the other side of the country closer to the Sarmisegetuza capital of Dacia) . He also conquered the south Danubian Thracians in today Bulgaria. The languages are coming from an older common language used in the North of black sea and close to the sanskrit language.
Romania didn't exist back then. Most of our persian words are loaned from the Turks who reigned for hundreds of years over current day Romania and who had Persian as an oficial language.
Roma, Legio, Aeterna , Victrix
@ver_idem I can give one example: iranian "khaleshke" in Romanian is caleașcă=coach/carriage.then cioban=choban=shepperd....
Persian history in brief . A few thousand years ago , the Parthians left the mouths of the Danube and finally arrived in the territory called Iran today . The Parthians are not the only Aryans who leave from the mouths of the Danube . After the great Wurm glaciation , when vegetation began to take the place of ice and snow , the inhabitants of the Carpathian and pericarpathian areas began to swarm , repopulating Europe and even reaching China and India .
La Izzata Illa bil Islam
Romanians has nothing in common with the Davians! The ancestors of the romanians, the Vlachs came originarry from Illyria, where they was romanized.
That political lie was debunked long time ago. And we know our ancestors were here 2000 years ago, the same like you know your ancestors are Asians, hunting rabbits on Asian steps 2000 years ago
Romanian are ancient Persian..
No,we re not :))
@@alex.profi27 I don't exactly, I just see the ancient map that Rumania region is part of Persian Empire..
@@coolcalm1605 lol,and greeks build cities on our coastal part of the country
That doesn t make us greeks(unfortunately,cause then we would part of the greatest civilization on earth)
I m romanian and i m telling you were are not persoans
Where are you from exactly?
@@alex.profi27bro Iran is literally the oldest nation today what do you mean greatest civilizations in Greece?
@@mamad567 bro,iran is literally not the oldest
That would be mesopotamia
And greeks built the world
What did you do exactly?
Oh,that s right,nothing
You only fough the greeks 🤣🤣