Interested to know your thoughts - was this the hybrid mode you had hoped for? If Neural get a Desktop Editor and achieve Plugin integration, will they have met the expectations of most customers?
If they did both of those things, then I'd say yes. Also I want the switches to be enabled to do anything, absolutely no reason why they have to be tied to single things or banks. Overall though I think the QC offers the easiest route to dial in basic good sounding amps. I still think the amps sound better in the QC then other devices. Or maybe I'm just rationalizing a sunk cost fallacy.
I think the plugin integration comes with problems. I would be annoyed having shelled out £1600 to have to pay for more amps. Line 6 gives you them free as updates
Hey John, I just got a HX Effects unit to plug into my QC, going to use the QC for amps and cabs, and drive pedals. HX effects for all other Effects, and I got a clean boost with a tube in there to give me just a touch of that special tubeness. Anyway, you were inspirational in my choosing gear, I appreciate your content very much and I love your playing. Thanks for doing what you do, you help many others develop the skills that bring them endless happiness. The new update changes the device for me s bit, makes it easier to use captures to save CPU, and hybrid mode is useful. But at the end of the day, I somewhat regret my choice to buy the QC, but not enough to sell it. My rig sounds pretty damn good, so it just is what it is. I don't know what my dream rig is but since I've dropped 7k into what I have now, I'd say I'm probably stuck with it for a while. I'd love to have plugins ported, but I get the sense that that won't happen any time soon, it seems it would require so much coding and the two platforms are just way different.
I wasn’t part of the hype train for the QC and only found out about it last year. I can honestly say, without the broken promises or unsatisfied expectations everyone seems to be going on about, that I love the QC. The number foot-switches and capture feature already make me like it more that the stomp, the size is preferable to the full helix, and this update allows for hybrid mode and a lot of helpful user features. If I was promised something and didn’t get it I would be mad too, but seeing as how I had an open mind and didn’t know what they initially claimed it would do I don’t feel let down at all.
That’s what I’m saying, it took kemper years and years to be what it is now, and even if QC doesn’t continue development, it’s still a great unit. I do have faith that QC will be the next industry standard, like the Kemper has been for years
Exactly my thoughts. I got mine late last year and use it everyday and love it. Knowing that it will be improved is amazing and part of the entire echo system of not just amp modeling, but all technology - Hardware/Software. I am usually not an early adopter of tech - I let it mature a bit. If you are an early adopter of tech, you will always have these issues. See MRNA.
I don't wanna love it, but the tone you get with the QC is one of the only times I can really appreciate a difference between these units. That opening track was a banger BTW!
tbf I'm not sure the majority of the Neural fanbase is necessarily aiming for the vintage stuff? Would assume they skew towards the heavier side of stuff as a result of the plugin success?
For me, the three best features are the Global EQ, the Global Cab Sim On/OFF and the File Management. I'm looking forward to diving into the other updates. I've given up on plug-in porting so that's not even on my radar anymore. Don't need an editor. What I want most next is the Marketplace. I do think this is a great update and solves a lot of issues. You should post your suggestions for colours in the QC section for feature requests and we can vote on it.
Working on a cruise ship I’m not able to install this update for another week. I also didn’t have time to back up all the captures I made back home of my amplifiers which are absolutely mind blowing I’m loving Having my amplifiers on the ship it’s a game changer. You wouldn’t happen to know how long it would take for this back up and to update to 2.0. My time is very limited with Wi-Fi on land
My plugins and QC live separate lives. I record with plugins and play live with QC, I don’t need the desktop editor, and I don’t need plugins on my QC to each their own I guess.
I appreciate that lots of folks don't necessarily need a desktop editor or plugins - but I'd wager Neural wouldn't have sold nearly as many units if they had said at the outset that it'd be more than 2 years before the plugin integration arrives - it's the only reason we knew who Neural were?
The updates are fine. I bought this for gigging and I'm not disappointed. Small,powerful unit with plenty of foot switches and great live tone through a PA. Once you figure out how to program your Scenes, I don't see any reason for using the Stomp feature.
Great thoughts John (as always), I agree with most..Particularly those about the colours but would also like the option when using hybrid to switch back to scenes or stomp in an easy way.
I'm inclined to agree with your final sentiment about being able to have a hybrid mode as well as discrete modes that you can cycle through. i.e. Scene/Stomp -> Stomp -> Scene -> Scene/Stomp.... etc.... That would be pretty useful and maybe not too difficult to implement.
John, they must have done something to the capture process - I've been trying to capture an amp on CorOs 1.4.1 several ways (even went as far as capturing the Pre and Post sections separately) but couldn't get the Capture result where I was happy with it; this changed - I retried today after updating the unit to CorOs 2.0 and the new capture is sooooo close. I even have the old capture of the amp (identical settings) I did on CorOs 1.4.1 and they're very different (the CorOs 2.0 is a lot more accurate).
This is cool news. I also had issues capturing an overdrive . Always ended up with way too much gain despite me being careful with the input meter etc .
I was hoping the cab bypass could be assigned to outputs rather than rows. But better than nothing. The new file management does not work for me that well.I have to edit every single capture I made (221 in total).Browsing the factory captures becomes even harder since they combined both folders and add a ton of new captures. I don't understand why they don't allow users to create new "capture folders", it would be a nice way to organize captures.
As they are still a small but growing company they need more time to implement their stuff than bigger companies I'd say. Software takes much time! But I don't have any neural plugins nor would I use a desktop editor (or rarely) so I really love the QC and every so small update will make it even slightly better :)
John to slide the screen up or down try going from side to side, it’ll go way quicker. Yes I agree we need to be able to come out of hybrid mode without so many issues. I figured out the Kemper I do not like the feel or the sound. I figured out the helix not thrilled with it both being sold. It’s amps, pedals the quad and the the overlooked great double modeler the Yamaha double modeler with its own power the 100hd. Simple. Comes with footswitch. I feel like people want a bigger challenge tbh. Keeping amps, pedals , quad and Yamaha 100hd.
I have a Quad Cortex and I do like some of it's features. But it's a joke that it's advertising said it would be the most powerful modeler on the planet, and now with DSP at 71% you can't run a global EQ.
You have anything in the cloud that utilizes 70% DSP I could try out? I must be a simpleton, because I dont think I’ve ever come close. 😂. I want to know what I’m missing out on.
@@SunshineHB I don't have anything in the cloud because I don't really use it. From time to time I plug it to test the new features like now with the CorOS 2.0.0 update. My last band rig was my Diezel VHX and previous to that used a Kemper. Both of them are more gig ready because of simpl things like the performance mode in the Kemper where you can have 5 different rigs with a different set of amp, effects, etc per rig and seamless change between them. The QC didn't have a hybrid mode untill now. If you change presets you get a gap between sounds so that leaves you with the only option of creating complex presets and then use scenes. It couldn't handle what I needed so I didn't use it for my band. Great unit but still green 2 years after release.
The desktop editor is key, and quite honestly, should be standard fare on a Modeler at this cost. Wifi doesn't work everywhere. Sharing presets should be available to others outside of a friend relationship in cortex cloud. It would be nice to have the Neural plug-ins available (even if we had to pay for them). The unit sounds great but is sub-par for the user my humble opinion.
What good is having thousands of captures if you can't really adjust them? Captures use a ton of DSP and when stacked with other captures they raise the latency exponentially.
imo it's a great update with lots of QoL features. I was happy before it and its useability is greater now. I'm not using any complex setups with it. I'm in a whitesnake tribute band, so the sounds are pretty much straight forward, but the hybrid mode comes handy. I don't mind the missing desktop app as the tweaking via touchscreen is fast and fluid. I think this is the feature which i was missing on the Fractal Fm3 or the Helix. I love all the units, but making changes on the fly is so fast on the QC which is gold in rehearsals and stuff.
I'm so glad that I ended up cancelling my QC order and then bought an Axe Fx III instead. Fractal never promised anything but has added sooooo many new cool features in the last year and a half.
I’ve used the QC for quite a while now and there’s nothing I’d complain other than one tiny little thing…I used the Headrush Pedalboard and I truly miss the fact you can assign every switch to whatever you like it to be as, let’s say you want to have 6 footswitches assigned as scenes and the other two as stomps, not “bottom or up row” as this or that…I remember having 4 scenes on the bottom row and 1 scene and 3 stomps on the top row…kinda learning curve on how to organize things. Other than that, I don’t miss anything (given the fact I have the sp-1 expression pedal)… To summarize and finish my 2 cents here, LED color change possibility and the ability to assign any switch as scene or stomp…
7 months, expect feature parity with helix, axefx and kemper by the heat death of the universe. Very happy for the JP2C. Not very happy that it still doesn't have PC editor (are they surprised something with footswitches would be living on the floor??) and the delays/verbs are only functional.
I sold my Kemper to buy the QC - but I gave up on the QC and sold it 6 weeks ago. I'm a home player - so I'm fine with Neural plugins. They're great. I recently played my buddy's Kemper. I think Kemper has QC beat for sound/feel/3rd party options. The Kemper's UI is dated and clunky but the sound/feel is the closest to the amp-in-a-room vibe. After all this time, QC still smacks of a beta-unit. Hope they pull it together. I like the company. I wish the best for Neural/QC - but I think they bit off more than they could chew.
I know you're not the only person to have gone back to the plugins. I still think that was one of the KEY unique selling points of the Quad Cortex so it's pretty unfortunate that it hasn't been realised
Out of curiosity, when you say the Kemper has the best amp-in-a-room vibe, are you referring to playing it out of a FRFR cab or monitors? (or headphones I guess). Just trying to figure out the best case scenario that people like to run
Hello John. Im a big fan of your videos. between helix and quad cortex...considering the price...which one is the best for you? btw you are the best ! your tones are incredibles.
they were very clear on what changes were coming beforehand- the News section of the NDSP site has been posting Dev updates since July. It was well known that the Editor and plug-ins would not be included in this particular update, this was primarily a UI rework. It did manage to address many of the most voted-for Feature Requests on the official forum, so they are listening to what users need. The other content will come eventually and they have been more communicative recently about letting us know. The update didn't make a huge difference for me personally, but for many users it did. Doubling the capture slots available for both local and cloud storage (2048 each) is pretty huge for future marketplace vendors
Maybe I was alone in thinking that they were working on stuff other than what they had published would be in CORS 2.0? I wasn't expecting an Editor or Plug-ins - but had assumed that since it was taking so long there might be something more substantial to explain the "showstoppers" etc
@@johnnathancordy they managed to sneak in a few surprises (almost 900 new captures) but were pretty vocal about the fact that those major features weren't quite ready yet. I'm sure we'll hear more soon, but not likely to give time-frames based on how people freaked out over the 2.0 beta delays. I'm sure (based on what we see in other forums) plenty of people were expecting their most-desired features even though they'd addressed what was coming and what wasn't. Hopefully they'll centralize the info they've been sharing officially recently and make it easier for everyone to keep up
In some ways, I know transparency is important and stuff but most of the other companies don't let users know what is being worked on specifically because it can cause disappointment when delays (which are probably super common) occur?
Hey JC.I second your thoughts on the whole. It felt a bit like the gift I needed but didn’t really want! A bit like an iPhone update . You know the device will work better in theory but you probably could have lived with it as it was. I was really hoping for marketplace as someone who generally refuses to plug my gear into a computer I want to buy IR’s from the individuals who really have the gear to make them properly. I won’t mention porting plugins .. I’m just not sure they can do that! Maybe there’s just not enough horsepower or it won’t fit in system as it is currently set up. I’ve not even bothered to update yet which probably shows how excited I am. But then my HX Is still not up to date. I could care less about a billion more boogies and most digital overdrives can be set to do fundamentally the same thing give or take. I’m not complaining but I rarely go on the cloud these days I have a few captures that I like and pretty much use pedals in the front end if I choose not to use an amp. I’m wondering if it will be another year or nearly a year before the next update . I think it is clear maybe that this update was in preparation for something else … maybe marketplace ? Maybe in 2024. It’s taken me two years to figure out how to operate the basics as it stands .. the prospect of having to learn a load of new housekeeping stuff rather than just playing guitar with a preset I quite like … I dunno .. meh! Thanks for the content last year
I had a quad cortex and returned it, I was just looking for basic functionality that I got from the Helix and GT-1000, such as; *You can’t assign effect parameters to a footswitch. * You can’t change the colors of the footswitchs, and without the scribble strips or any colors it makes it impossible to know what each pedal does on each patch. * Also only the footswitch that is currently active has a led on, the other ones are off completely making it impossible to see in a darker room. * I didn’t realize it has an external AC adapter, cheap for a device this price * No 1/4” amp control out to control my amp that uses a traditional TRS foot switch * Lastly the biggest issue is I use 4 cable method with my Mesa TC-50 amp, and midi to control the amp, and you can only assign a single cc code per scene, currently with the helix or Gt-1000 I can assign multiple and that is how I can control my amp without needed the amps pedal.
Hi James, just a thought. Having a low voltage power input really works for those of us who want to integrate the QC on to a pedalboard with other devices. I, for one, am very glad they didn't incorporate an IEC power input on the unit.
Well said, a lot of those reasons are why I went Helix over QC when upgrading from a Boss GT-10 a couple of months ago. I'm a live user so the wider footswitch spacing, scribble strips, large array of functionality and I/O are all extremely useful. Plus footswitch LEDs that are dimmed rather than fully turned off so you can clearly see where everything is on dark stages is a really sweet nice-to-have.
@@james1939-s1c Hi James. Like many others I use the CIOKS DC7 to power my QC and now CIOKS also have a DC7 add on specifically for the QC which frees up extra power ports if you need them. I think Neural will have given this issue very careful consideration and because of its form factor went down this route. Kind regards.
Overall, I've been quite happy with the QC but was a little underwhelmed by this update. Not caring too much about the plug-in compatibility but the desktop editor would be helpful and some more effects with this update would have been nice
Can I ask - catch up to what? I am just looking at multi effects units to compare to my huge pedal board. I have long been against digital overdrives and especially amp simulators. But since getting into finally building a midi stereo pedal board after years of not using effects, I am now wondering if it is dumb or worth it to struggle with separate boxes. I am basically running wet dry wet but more like three amps one dry two stereo wet. On line east to use editors are everything equal to sound. I am not interested in cloning amps at all.
i had to give my update a day to sink in before you twisted my opinion John ;) I am, lets say, pacified for now on what they brought to the table. I just want a desktop editor, end story. It's a joke I have to just mash my screen as it's just slow and cumbersome for a workflow especially considering how powerful the line6 editor is.
I was quite happy with my Quad Cortex prior to the update, so while the update was a little anti-climactic, I wasn't all that let down by it. The global cab/ir bypass and hybrid mode are fantastic additions, but I can definitely see why some people are a little peeved about it, especially since, as you pointed out, they didn't knock out the top priority things on that list. Seems the whole overpromising and underwhelming delivery cycle continues to plague them. It works great for what I want to do, though, so I am still quite happy with it, but can certainly see where some of the hate comes from.
Yeh I also think there's a bit of a thing where anything but praise gets called out as whining or moaning....There's absolutely lots to like about it, but there's some users who are missing out on things that were possibly one of the key reasons they actually bought the unit based on marketing?
@@johnnathancordy yeah that's where the whole issue of overpromising and underdelivering comes in. Anyone is totally justified in calling them out on those things. I am just super easy to please (just want high-quality sounding amps/effects and an easy to use on the fly UI), so I always make sure to preface that when I give my opinion. I am hoping that Neural can deliver, though. Seems that with this update, not a whole lot of progress on that front has been made.
Its a great update but the removal of the "swap" option when re-arranging presets is so inconvenient, the only option now is replace which makes it take forever to make slight adjustments if a setlist is changed on a gig
The biggest thing I was looking forward to was the desktop editor, so I suppose you could say I was “let down” in a way. As with anything touchscreen, it’s not always 100% responsive, so especially when moving and rearranging presets I’d really like to have the editor. Fingers crossed it’s in an upcoming patch.
Seens very strange that a global EQ should take that much power so that with a 70 cpu load you cant use it, as a reference a very similar EQ in my DAW hardly registers on the DAW CPU meter on my 11 year old PC. I know its of course not a PC so its not a direct comparison but still very surpricing.
It’s a decent QOL update, but TBH it’s filled with things you’d have thought would be there at launch, not two years later. They still feel some ways off their own hype threshold from when it was announced. Kind of a bummer really.
Well it looks like I made the right decision then. It was FM9 or QC, I was waiting for Coros2 first. In the end I gave up waiting for Neural and got the FM9 I'm glad I did. I thought 2.0 would have been way bigger. 1 more amp seems really lame. My gut said they are not really focusing on fully developing this hardware, shame I love the form factor
I never liked the idea of a global eq, so having to deactivate it won’t be a big deal. Still, strange that most of my presets wouldn’t let me use it even if I wanted to.
I thought they added a Tone King Imperial, updated the SLO100 and added a bunch of preamps and power amps as well. Were these already in the QC the whole time?! 😂 I’m failing at this. EDIT: those are captures, not devices.
How anyone can pick playing an HXstomp or Helix over this is beyond me. The QC is definitely the best modeler I've ever used, and every bit as "real" feeling as my friends axfx3, and only getting better and better.
I have the hx stomp and the QC, and the stomp sounds just as good to me through monitors, headphones, and the powercab. Neural have been consistently behind schedule, and they still can’t deliver what was promised when the device was first announced. What they’ve created sounds good, but no better than line 6 …and line 6 have solid reliability
Well - there are lots of things that the Helix can do that the QC can't. I know some people will say that the QC sounds better or as good as X - but just as some examples of stuff - Latency and Oversampling are two areas where both Fractal and Line 6 outperform. That's not to say the QC can't sound decent, but modelers have been sounding decent for a while now
@@johnnathancordy I had a Helix and a HXstomp, and my friend has a axe3 and I just hear the opposite, no latency and better feel to the amp response. I just don't understand the dislike for the QC. The line6 modelers sound "sterile" to me and over processed, and I put the qc and fractal neck and neck and continually reach for the QC for ease of use and portability.
Tbf it was you who expressed incredulity at someone picking up an HX Stomp or Helix, I didn't say I disliked the QC - here's some stats on latency - I'm not saying the QC is bad - I'm just saying in this area (and others) the HX Stomp and Helix performs better.
@@johnnathancordy honestly I’m not saying the line6 is bad either. I just for real don’t understand reaching for that over the QC haha. And in terms of latency, 4ms (as noted in that video) is the equivalent of standing 4 feet away from your speakers. So if your speakers are 3 feet away already, and you add 4 feet to sound like 7 feet away, how that can be felt or off-putting in real world use is a stretch imho.
Still no desktop editor or market place or plugins, also lacking in effects…sounds great, but for me Fractal, Helix and Kemper are all better choices. They continue to overpromise and underdeliver.
Does everybody remember when Neural announced this "product?" The original promise is that this "product" would allow users to utilize the Neural Plugins in a "stage ready format." Get that incredible tone in a "gig ready, midi friendly Package." Not only have Neural never come anywhere close to that promise, they continue to miss deadlines, they are lacking an interface, it is brutally difficult to buy or load captures, and let's be honest here: Neural could give two flying F's about it's end users. While everyone was waiting for basic features on the QC; Neural went and developed the JP Mac/PC plugin; choosing to sell yet another "me too" plugin instead of honoring their existing commitments. All of that being said: Neural will never change until the QC users demand it. So, ANYONE WHO BUYS (or who has purchased one) A NEURAL QC HAS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO COMPLAIN. Do you want Neural to honor their commitments? Don't buy their products until they do.
It's tricky init cos as honest as I'm trying to be I also don't want to be negative just for the sake of it - I do still think there is some potential in the unit, and there's a lot of cool stuff in there. But, ultimately, I wouldn't like to see other companies adopt this sort of approach as the early adopters who may have sold their gear based on some of the marketing and so on are some of the ones who have been vital to the QC success. These are also the users who have the experience to be able to feedback to Neural what needs changing/updating?
@@johnnathancordy Your honesty comes thru. I know you would NEVER just hype something nor would you just trash something for the sake of views. This issue with Neural is a sore spot for me. Facts are, Kemper nor Fractal nor Helix would treat its users as a giant "test and demo" market then get mad at them when they request what was promised. And Neural seems to fail more than they succeed. Just my opinion. Btw I got your preset pack for the Helix and love them. Thanks for all you do.
Don’t need a desk top editor it has a great UI and cell is the future not computers tied to you. I wish none were needed tbh. I do run it in to a real cab. No way I’m selling my amps that took years to get. And that are great and my pedals. This is the best modeler it just needs an easier way to utilize it. It’s so complicated now. Why can’t it be made simple to use? The consumers rushed and rushed them. So now we have a confusing mess. Why do you all need plug ins? You have a better sounding no latency amp sim right here. They’re so used to “digital ears.” Gotta have that desk top editor. Why? Look at the UI.
I bought the QC in October, and TBH I was a little disappointed coming from Fractal. The big reason I bought it is because of the usability (UI) without having to use an editor, and because it seemed to sound very good! Sound quality wise I think it's great! Better than Kemper and Helix for sure. Not sure about Fractal.. But with the right amps and IR's it can sound very real sometimes. But it has quite a few thing that needs improving in my opinion. A few things were added in this update, like the bypass mute option which I used a lot with fractal! Very useful for parallel 100% wet paths! And being able to delay IR's by 0.01ms steps instead of just reverse polarity!! But that was probably what I was most excited about with this update, haha. I expected more from the new file system. Being able to sort my stuff?? C'mon. it is a mess, even when it's now possible to sort after name/author etc. I want to easily be able to change in which banks and spots stuff are for example. It's better though. All my IR's were a complete mess before, at least now they are in order if I sort by name.. I also want to be able to utilize the grid system better. Like with fractal you can easily have one dry path on say the second row, and then split it into two different additional wet paths that then meets again. Some other things I'm waiting for: -Desktop Editor/File Editor for the computer. -Updated sounds, especially clean/crunch stuff like Vox, Klon, and reverbs/delays. -More new amps. Helix added the Sunn Model T, which sounds GREAT! Wish QC will too, I know they announced that they will add it before launch. I'm surprised Fractal haven't yet either. The Sunn Model T RI is my main amp that I use live and in the studio, so would be great for me to have it in there! Not really a fan of the Capture thing, seems to be some more aliasing with the captures than with the models, and it's a little limiting. My mind has started thinking about maybe selling the QC and get an FM3 instead, but not sure yet. I have belief that the QC will become very very good in due time, but I don't know if I'm willing to wait..
I think neural engineers and programmers are more inexperienced than they would like to show and theyre lumbering under a code base that theyre struggling to reform to be more flexible to users needs.
I’m the rare odd duck that really likes the QC, likes this update, and in general thinks these are some of the best amp and cab sounds a modeler/profiler/capturer is capable of producing. Reverbs and delays are obviously lacking, that’s why I ordered an H90, but reverb and delay in a live set is highly over rated as zero percent of the crowd can tell the difference between an analog delay and a digital delay in a live mix.
I'm with ya, however I don't find anything wrong with the reverbs and delays. Tbh, and imo, I came from helix and I absolutely enjoy and feel inspired by the flavor the QC has and the way it feels/ interacts with my guitar
the head rush 2.5 updates have a freeze as well and assigning 2 scenes in one button here is a great Example..
It sort of feels like the hybrid mode is a stop gap? Like this is definitely better than not having it, but it's not as flexible as some users are going to need?
@@johnnathancordy agreed. I mean all the processing power and only 8 squares/footswitches to work with, gonna have to be more creative with their updates. Why not have one scene block thats on off and goes between 2 scenes, and be able to add a single preset square.... You can control multiple bypasses with one footswitch but you cant rename that footswitch? come on, it cant be that hard to fix....... and Why does everything have to be a capture? Real gigging musicians need to be able to tweak. It kills me that L6 could come out with a QC killer, but they would rather milk the Helix floor cow another 10 years....
5 years from now Quad cortex users will still be waiting for the coming soon features and a desktop app while Boss, Helix and Fractal will be light years ahead .
Boss has been in the multieffects unit market for 35 years. Line 6 has been in the multieffects unit market for 20 years Fractal for 17 years Kemper for 11 years. QC launched not even 2 years ago and it already is neck and neck with these large companies.
@@sketchstuffs lol neck and neck ? They don't even a desktop app yet. The delays and reverbs are worse than my zoom fx pedal that cost £300 .Helix and Fractal are light years ahead in effects and don't work based on marketing hype. The fractal amps are closer to the real than the QC and with the latest Helix update they sound identities in a blind test. Boss released the GT-5 in 1996 . How did you arrive at 35 years ? lol ...are you considering the Boss OD as a multi effects pedal ?
@@joshuafernandes4935 The boss BE5 was released somewhere around 1988. I love fractal and helix as well, and frankly do not unerstand the level of hatred you and others have for the QC. It is demonstrably not as horrible as you are saying it is, as I use it live every week with players that use fractal/helix, and real tube amps with effects pedals. There is in no way a difference to the audience's ears, and the differences are subjective to tonesnobs that very obviously just hate a product without basis.
@@sketchstuffs The Boss BE5 contains actual pedal circuits and not digital models of the pedals. I frankly do not understand some QC owners get so defensive and find everything besides glorifying the unit as outright hatred. As you yourself mentioned I did not find any major difference in the amp sims as the Quad cortex was originally game changer in amp sim as it was marketed to be. I also did not find it to be the most powerful as it clearly struggles with cpu usage. I also did not find any coming soon features implemented yet in 2 years. I understand that pointing out these realities may mean QC hatred to you and some QC users but they are the obvious realities of the unit as per today.
its all crap. they promised so much 2 years ago that hasn't come out yet and probably will not. Do your selves a big favor get a fm9 and don't waste your time on this trash.
Interested to know your thoughts - was this the hybrid mode you had hoped for?
If Neural get a Desktop Editor and achieve Plugin integration, will they have met the expectations of most customers?
If they did both of those things, then I'd say yes. Also I want the switches to be enabled to do anything, absolutely no reason why they have to be tied to single things or banks.
Overall though I think the QC offers the easiest route to dial in basic good sounding amps. I still think the amps sound better in the QC then other devices. Or maybe I'm just rationalizing a sunk cost fallacy.
Its been 2 years since Neural DSP promised these were coming soon .If coming soon is 2 years and counting then coming soon has a new meaning :)
I think the plugin integration comes with problems. I would be annoyed having shelled out £1600 to have to pay for more amps. Line 6 gives you them free as updates
Hey you’re plying a strat! Congrats to you three! Being a dad is the best thing I’ve ever done! Have fun and enjoy this special time..goes by so fast!
Hey John, I just got a HX Effects unit to plug into my QC, going to use the QC for amps and cabs, and drive pedals. HX effects for all other Effects, and I got a clean boost with a tube in there to give me just a touch of that special tubeness.
Anyway, you were inspirational in my choosing gear, I appreciate your content very much and I love your playing. Thanks for doing what you do, you help many others develop the skills that bring them endless happiness.
The new update changes the device for me s bit, makes it easier to use captures to save CPU, and hybrid mode is useful.
But at the end of the day, I somewhat regret my choice to buy the QC, but not enough to sell it. My rig sounds pretty damn good, so it just is what it is. I don't know what my dream rig is but since I've dropped 7k into what I have now, I'd say I'm probably stuck with it for a while.
I'd love to have plugins ported, but I get the sense that that won't happen any time soon, it seems it would require so much coding and the two platforms are just way different.
I wasn’t part of the hype train for the QC and only found out about it last year. I can honestly say, without the broken promises or unsatisfied expectations everyone seems to be going on about, that I love the QC.
The number foot-switches and capture feature already make me like it more that the stomp, the size is preferable to the full helix, and this update allows for hybrid mode and a lot of helpful user features.
If I was promised something and didn’t get it I would be mad too, but seeing as how I had an open mind and didn’t know what they initially claimed it would do I don’t feel let down at all.
That’s what I’m saying, it took kemper years and years to be what it is now, and even if QC doesn’t continue development, it’s still a great unit. I do have faith that QC will be the next industry standard, like the Kemper has been for years
Exactly my thoughts. I got mine late last year and use it everyday and love it. Knowing that it will be improved is amazing and part of the entire echo system of not just amp modeling, but all technology - Hardware/Software. I am usually not an early adopter of tech - I let it mature a bit. If you are an early adopter of tech, you will always have these issues. See MRNA.
I don't wanna love it, but the tone you get with the QC is one of the only times I can really appreciate a difference between these units. That opening track was a banger BTW!
I really happy with this 2.0 version... Odbiusly Neural need yo reléase new versións more often but i like we're we go with this Quad cortex
You are quick off the mark John, not updated mine yet. Kind regards.
Im loving the if/then/and/or windows popups on touchscreens for dialing in my vintage tube tones! Livin vintage in 2023!
tbf I'm not sure the majority of the Neural fanbase is necessarily aiming for the vintage stuff? Would assume they skew towards the heavier side of stuff as a result of the plugin success?
@@johnnathancordy yeah agreed C# standard is as low as i go for my Iommi kicks at home.
Wow 7 months to get an update out ! Glad I went Fractal Audio route.
For me, the three best features are the Global EQ, the Global Cab Sim On/OFF and the File Management. I'm looking forward to diving into the other updates. I've given up on plug-in porting so that's not even on my radar anymore. Don't need an editor. What I want most next is the Marketplace. I do think this is a great update and solves a lot of issues. You should post your suggestions for colours in the QC section for feature requests and we can vote on it.
The plug-ins sound so good I don’t feel like dumping money on the quad.
Working on a cruise ship I’m not able to install this update for another week. I also didn’t have time to back up all the captures I made back home of my amplifiers which are absolutely mind blowing I’m loving Having my amplifiers on the ship it’s a game changer. You wouldn’t happen to know how long it would take for this back up and to update to 2.0. My time is very limited with Wi-Fi on land
My plugins and QC live separate lives. I record with plugins and play live with QC, I don’t need the desktop editor, and I don’t need plugins on my QC to each their own I guess.
I appreciate that lots of folks don't necessarily need a desktop editor or plugins - but I'd wager Neural wouldn't have sold nearly as many units if they had said at the outset that it'd be more than 2 years before the plugin integration arrives - it's the only reason we knew who Neural were?
If I had Fractal’s sound/feel on QC’s interface I’d be happy. I’m so glad you validated what I was thinking: this update is just okay.
I've seen some folks who are super happy, some who are disappointed and some who don't seem bothered either way!
The updates are fine. I bought this for gigging and I'm not disappointed. Small,powerful unit with plenty of foot switches and great live tone through a PA. Once you figure out how to program your Scenes, I don't see any reason for using the Stomp feature.
Great thoughts John (as always), I agree with most..Particularly those about the colours but would also like the option when using hybrid to switch back to scenes or stomp in an easy way.
I'm inclined to agree with your final sentiment about being able to have a hybrid mode as well as discrete modes that you can cycle through. i.e. Scene/Stomp -> Stomp -> Scene -> Scene/Stomp.... etc.... That would be pretty useful and maybe not too difficult to implement.
John, they must have done something to the capture process - I've been trying to capture an amp on CorOs 1.4.1 several ways (even went as far as capturing the Pre and Post sections separately) but couldn't get the Capture result where I was happy with it; this changed - I retried today after updating the unit to CorOs 2.0 and the new capture is sooooo close. I even have the old capture of the amp (identical settings) I did on CorOs 1.4.1 and they're very different (the CorOs 2.0 is a lot more accurate).
Honestly that is fantastic to hear
This is cool news. I also had issues capturing an overdrive . Always ended up with way too much gain despite me being careful with the input meter etc .
I was hoping the cab bypass could be assigned to outputs rather than rows. But better than nothing. The new file management does not work for me that well.I have to edit every single capture I made (221 in total).Browsing the factory captures becomes even harder since they combined both folders and add a ton of new captures. I don't understand why they don't allow users to create new "capture folders", it would be a nice way to organize captures.
As they are still a small but growing company they need more time to implement their stuff than bigger companies I'd say. Software takes much time!
But I don't have any neural plugins nor would I use a desktop editor (or rarely) so I really love the QC and every so small update will make it even slightly better :)
Still can't rename stomps (multiple) or change colors, no new delays or reverbs or drive pedals, wahs. 1 new amp with 3 channels.
John to slide the screen up or down try going from side to side, it’ll go way quicker. Yes I agree we need to be able to come out of hybrid mode without so many issues. I figured out the Kemper I do not like the feel or the sound. I figured out the helix not thrilled with it both being sold.
It’s amps, pedals the quad and the the overlooked great double modeler the Yamaha double modeler with its own power the 100hd. Simple. Comes with footswitch. I feel like people want a bigger challenge tbh. Keeping amps, pedals , quad and Yamaha 100hd.
I have a Quad Cortex and I do like some of it's features. But it's a joke that it's advertising said it would be the most powerful modeler on the planet, and now with DSP at 71% you can't run a global EQ.
This is how marketing hype works ! Always buy stuff based on the features today and not the promises of tomorrow.
You have anything in the cloud that utilizes 70% DSP I could try out? I must be a simpleton, because I dont think I’ve ever come close. 😂. I want to know what I’m missing out on.
@@SunshineHB I don't have anything in the cloud because I don't really use it. From time to time I plug it to test the new features like now with the CorOS 2.0.0 update. My last band rig was my Diezel VHX and previous to that used a Kemper. Both of them are more gig ready because of simpl things like the performance mode in the Kemper where you can have 5 different rigs with a different set of amp, effects, etc per rig and seamless change between them. The QC didn't have a hybrid mode untill now. If you change presets you get a gap between sounds so that leaves you with the only option of creating complex presets and then use scenes. It couldn't handle what I needed so I didn't use it for my band. Great unit but still green 2 years after release.
@@SunshineHB - I was stunned also. I’ve never come close to 70% even with 4 full lines of blocks!
Only took a week for a Strat to be back in your hands lol. Great video as always John! Might have to take the leap with the QC after this update.
This intro is from about 3-4 weeks ago when it looked like the update was imminent - still clean on strats!
The desktop editor is key, and quite honestly, should be standard fare on a Modeler at this cost. Wifi doesn't work everywhere. Sharing presets should be available to others outside of a friend relationship in cortex cloud. It would be nice to have the Neural plug-ins available (even if we had to pay for them). The unit sounds great but is sub-par for the user my humble opinion.
What good is having thousands of captures if you can't really adjust them? Captures use a ton of DSP and when stacked with other captures they raise the latency exponentially.
imo it's a great update with lots of QoL features. I was happy before it and its useability is greater now. I'm not using any complex setups with it. I'm in a whitesnake tribute band, so the sounds are pretty much straight forward, but the hybrid mode comes handy. I don't mind the missing desktop app as the tweaking via touchscreen is fast and fluid. I think this is the feature which i was missing on the Fractal Fm3 or the Helix. I love all the units, but making changes on the fly is so fast on the QC which is gold in rehearsals and stuff.
Yeh the hybrid mode was something that I thought a lot of folks would need for gigging
Glad the strat is back.
This technology is indeed a absolute game changer
I'm so glad that I ended up cancelling my QC order and then bought an Axe Fx III instead. Fractal never promised anything but has added sooooo many new cool features in the last year and a half.
Yeah, but cortex still sounds better. Ill take tone over features any day
I’ve used the QC for quite a while now and there’s nothing I’d complain other than one tiny little thing…I used the Headrush Pedalboard and I truly miss the fact you can assign every switch to whatever you like it to be as, let’s say you want to have 6 footswitches assigned as scenes and the other two as stomps, not “bottom or up row” as this or that…I remember having 4 scenes on the bottom row and 1 scene and 3 stomps on the top row…kinda learning curve on how to organize things. Other than that, I don’t miss anything (given the fact I have the sp-1 expression pedal)…
To summarize and finish my 2 cents here, LED color change possibility and the ability to assign any switch as scene or stomp…
Hi John, hope you and family are doing well. They sure promised a lot, didn’t they? Cheers, D
They also surely sold a lot of units based on coming soon features that they have not delivered in 2 years and counting.
SOON Joshua
@@johnnathancordy 🤣
7 months, expect feature parity with helix, axefx and kemper by the heat death of the universe. Very happy for the JP2C. Not very happy that it still doesn't have PC editor (are they surprised something with footswitches would be living on the floor??) and the delays/verbs are only functional.
I suggest a clip on led bookreader lamp for those dark stages with your Gene Simmons dragon boots searching for your Dr Love patch...
I see that you put your Mesa/Boogie back together.
One workaround for the EQ CPU usage would be to use a MIDI controllable external EQ (such as the Source Audio Programmable EQ).
I was agnostic about stomp mode. I still am. Same for everything else.
I sold my Kemper to buy the QC - but I gave up on the QC and sold it 6 weeks ago. I'm a home player - so I'm fine with Neural plugins. They're great. I recently played my buddy's Kemper. I think Kemper has QC beat for sound/feel/3rd party options. The Kemper's UI is dated and clunky but the sound/feel is the closest to the amp-in-a-room vibe.
After all this time, QC still smacks of a beta-unit. Hope they pull it together. I like the company. I wish the best for Neural/QC - but I think they bit off more than they could chew.
I know you're not the only person to have gone back to the plugins. I still think that was one of the KEY unique selling points of the Quad Cortex so it's pretty unfortunate that it hasn't been realised
Out of curiosity, when you say the Kemper has the best amp-in-a-room vibe, are you referring to playing it out of a FRFR cab or monitors? (or headphones I guess). Just trying to figure out the best case scenario that people like to run
Hello John. Im a big fan of your videos. between helix and quad cortex...considering the price...which one is the best for you? btw you are the best ! your tones are incredibles.
they were very clear on what changes were coming beforehand- the News section of the NDSP site has been posting Dev updates since July. It was well known that the Editor and plug-ins would not be included in this particular update, this was primarily a UI rework. It did manage to address many of the most voted-for Feature Requests on the official forum, so they are listening to what users need. The other content will come eventually and they have been more communicative recently about letting us know. The update didn't make a huge difference for me personally, but for many users it did. Doubling the capture slots available for both local and cloud storage (2048 each) is pretty huge for future marketplace vendors
Maybe I was alone in thinking that they were working on stuff other than what they had published would be in CORS 2.0? I wasn't expecting an Editor or Plug-ins - but had assumed that since it was taking so long there might be something more substantial to explain the "showstoppers" etc
@@johnnathancordy they managed to sneak in a few surprises (almost 900 new captures) but were pretty vocal about the fact that those major features weren't quite ready yet. I'm sure we'll hear more soon, but not likely to give time-frames based on how people freaked out over the 2.0 beta delays. I'm sure (based on what we see in other forums) plenty of people were expecting their most-desired features even though they'd addressed what was coming and what wasn't. Hopefully they'll centralize the info they've been sharing officially recently and make it easier for everyone to keep up
In some ways, I know transparency is important and stuff but most of the other companies don't let users know what is being worked on specifically because it can cause disappointment when delays (which are probably super common) occur?
Hey JC.I second your thoughts on the whole. It felt a bit like the gift I needed but didn’t really want! A bit like an iPhone update . You know the device will work better in theory but you probably could have lived with it as it was. I was really hoping for marketplace as someone who generally refuses to plug my gear into a computer I want to buy IR’s from the individuals who really have the gear to make them properly. I won’t mention porting plugins .. I’m just not sure they can do that! Maybe there’s just not enough horsepower or it won’t fit in system as it is currently set up. I’ve not even bothered to update yet which probably shows how excited I am. But then my HX Is still not up to date.
I could care less about a billion more boogies and most digital overdrives can be set to do fundamentally the same thing give or take. I’m not complaining but I rarely go on the cloud these days I have a few captures that I like and pretty much use pedals in the front end if I choose not to use an amp. I’m wondering if it will be another year or nearly a year before the next update . I think it is clear maybe that this update was in preparation for something else … maybe marketplace ? Maybe in 2024. It’s taken me two years to figure out how to operate the basics as it stands .. the prospect of having to learn a load of new housekeeping stuff rather than just playing guitar with a preset I quite like … I dunno .. meh!
Thanks for the content last year
awesome sounding and playing
Where do I get the qc presets ?
@@johnnathancordy found you
I had a quad cortex and returned it, I was just looking for basic functionality that I got from the Helix and GT-1000, such as; *You can’t assign effect parameters to a footswitch.
* You can’t change the colors of the footswitchs, and without the scribble strips or any colors it makes it impossible to know what each pedal does on each patch. * Also only the footswitch that is currently active has a led on, the other ones are off completely making it impossible to see in a darker room. * I didn’t realize it has an external AC adapter, cheap for a device this price * No 1/4” amp control out to control my amp that uses a traditional TRS foot switch * Lastly the biggest issue is I use 4 cable method with my Mesa TC-50 amp, and midi to control the amp, and you can only assign a single cc code per scene, currently with the helix or Gt-1000 I can assign multiple and that is how I can control my amp without needed the amps pedal.
Hi James, just a thought. Having a low voltage power input really works for those of us who want to integrate the QC on to a pedalboard with other devices. I, for one, am very glad they didn't incorporate an IEC power input on the unit.
Even the fairly low cost Boss GX-100 can do most if not all of these i believe.
Well said, a lot of those reasons are why I went Helix over QC when upgrading from a Boss GT-10 a couple of months ago. I'm a live user so the wider footswitch spacing, scribble strips, large array of functionality and I/O are all extremely useful. Plus footswitch LEDs that are dimmed rather than fully turned off so you can clearly see where everything is on dark stages is a really sweet nice-to-have.
@@bernie_smith it’s 3 amp, no power supplies on the market output 3 amps over 12 volts
@@james1939-s1c Hi James. Like many others I use the CIOKS DC7 to power my QC and now CIOKS also have a DC7 add on specifically for the QC which frees up extra power ports if you need them. I think Neural will have given this issue very careful consideration and because of its form factor went down this route. Kind regards.
Overall, I've been quite happy with the QC but was a little underwhelmed by this update. Not caring too much about the plug-in compatibility but the desktop editor would be helpful and some more effects with this update would have been nice
Is no Desktop Editor realesed?
Sounds like they are still playing catch up...they still have a long way to go.
I would not say a long way at all.
Can I ask - catch up to what? I am just looking at multi effects units to compare to my huge pedal board. I have long been against digital overdrives and especially amp simulators. But since getting into finally building a midi stereo pedal board after years of not using effects, I am now wondering if it is dumb or worth it to struggle with separate boxes. I am basically running wet dry wet but more like three amps one dry two stereo wet. On line east to use editors are everything equal to sound. I am not interested in cloning amps at all.
i had to give my update a day to sink in before you twisted my opinion John ;) I am, lets say, pacified for now on what they brought to the table. I just want a desktop editor, end story. It's a joke I have to just mash my screen as it's just slow and cumbersome for a workflow especially considering how powerful the line6 editor is.
I was quite happy with my Quad Cortex prior to the update, so while the update was a little anti-climactic, I wasn't all that let down by it. The global cab/ir bypass and hybrid mode are fantastic additions, but I can definitely see why some people are a little peeved about it, especially since, as you pointed out, they didn't knock out the top priority things on that list. Seems the whole overpromising and underwhelming delivery cycle continues to plague them. It works great for what I want to do, though, so I am still quite happy with it, but can certainly see where some of the hate comes from.
Yeh I also think there's a bit of a thing where anything but praise gets called out as whining or moaning....There's absolutely lots to like about it, but there's some users who are missing out on things that were possibly one of the key reasons they actually bought the unit based on marketing?
@@johnnathancordy yeah that's where the whole issue of overpromising and underdelivering comes in. Anyone is totally justified in calling them out on those things. I am just super easy to please (just want high-quality sounding amps/effects and an easy to use on the fly UI), so I always make sure to preface that when I give my opinion. I am hoping that Neural can deliver, though. Seems that with this update, not a whole lot of progress on that front has been made.
Its a great update but the removal of the "swap" option when re-arranging presets is so inconvenient, the only option now is replace which makes it take forever to make slight adjustments if a setlist is changed on a gig
The biggest thing I was looking forward to was the desktop editor, so I suppose you could say I was “let down” in a way.
As with anything touchscreen, it’s not always 100% responsive, so especially when moving and rearranging presets I’d really like to have the editor. Fingers crossed it’s in an upcoming patch.
Seens very strange that a global EQ should take that much power so that with a 70 cpu load you cant use it, as a reference a very similar EQ in my DAW hardly registers on the DAW CPU meter on my 11 year old PC. I know its of course not a PC so its not a direct comparison but still very surpricing.
A Strat Video! Baby? Is this a banked video? I just started it listening to the intro!
Ah just got to the strat disclaimer part of it :-)
Wait, that's a Strat! Does this mean congratulations are in order??!
It’s a decent QOL update, but TBH it’s filled with things you’d have thought would be there at launch, not two years later. They still feel some ways off their own hype threshold from when it was announced. Kind of a bummer really.
Has the game changed?
I've been checking the game. I'm yet to determine if it changed or not.
Step in the right direction but still has a long ways to go
Well it looks like I made the right decision then. It was FM9 or QC, I was waiting for Coros2 first. In the end I gave up waiting for Neural and got the FM9 I'm glad I did. I thought 2.0 would have been way bigger. 1 more amp seems really lame. My gut said they are not really focusing on fully developing this hardware, shame I love the form factor
My main takeaway: don’t enable global EQ
I never liked the idea of a global eq, so having to deactivate it won’t be a big deal. Still, strange that most of my presets wouldn’t let me use it even if I wanted to.
Its kinda useful for adapting a whole bands sound for specific venue if you use qc for bot guitars and bass
Waiting for Line 6 Double Helix.
I thought they added a Tone King Imperial, updated the SLO100 and added a bunch of preamps and power amps as well. Were these already in the QC the whole time?! 😂 I’m failing at this. EDIT: those are captures, not devices.
How anyone can pick playing an HXstomp or Helix over this is beyond me. The QC is definitely the best modeler I've ever used, and every bit as "real" feeling as my friends axfx3, and only getting better and better.
I have the hx stomp and the QC, and the stomp sounds just as good to me through monitors, headphones, and the powercab. Neural have been consistently behind schedule, and they still can’t deliver what was promised when the device was first announced. What they’ve created sounds good, but no better than line 6 …and line 6 have solid reliability
Well - there are lots of things that the Helix can do that the QC can't. I know some people will say that the QC sounds better or as good as X - but just as some examples of stuff - Latency and Oversampling are two areas where both Fractal and Line 6 outperform. That's not to say the QC can't sound decent, but modelers have been sounding decent for a while now
@@johnnathancordy I had a Helix and a HXstomp, and my friend has a axe3 and I just hear the opposite, no latency and better feel to the amp response. I just don't understand the dislike for the QC. The line6 modelers sound "sterile" to me and over processed, and I put the qc and fractal neck and neck and continually reach for the QC for ease of use and portability.
Tbf it was you who expressed incredulity at someone picking up an HX Stomp or Helix, I didn't say I disliked the QC - here's some stats on latency - I'm not saying the QC is bad - I'm just saying in this area (and others) the HX Stomp and Helix performs better.
@@johnnathancordy honestly I’m not saying the line6 is bad either. I just for real don’t understand reaching for that over the QC haha.
And in terms of latency, 4ms (as noted in that video) is the equivalent of standing 4 feet away from your speakers. So if your speakers are 3 feet away already, and you add 4 feet to sound like 7 feet away, how that can be felt or off-putting in real world use is a stretch imho.
Another Single Coil video. That means the baby has arrived!
Still no desktop editor or market place or plugins, also lacking in effects…sounds great, but for me Fractal, Helix and Kemper are all better choices. They continue to overpromise and underdeliver.
Does everybody remember when Neural announced this "product?" The original promise is that this "product" would allow users to utilize the Neural Plugins in a "stage ready format." Get that incredible tone in a "gig ready, midi friendly Package."
Not only have Neural never come anywhere close to that promise, they continue to miss deadlines, they are lacking an interface, it is brutally difficult to buy or load captures, and let's be honest here: Neural could give two flying F's about it's end users.
While everyone was waiting for basic features on the QC; Neural went and developed the JP Mac/PC plugin; choosing to sell yet another "me too" plugin instead of honoring their existing commitments.
All of that being said: Neural will never change until the QC users demand it. So, ANYONE WHO BUYS (or who has purchased one) A NEURAL QC HAS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO COMPLAIN. Do you want Neural to honor their commitments? Don't buy their products until they do.
It's tricky init cos as honest as I'm trying to be I also don't want to be negative just for the sake of it - I do still think there is some potential in the unit, and there's a lot of cool stuff in there.
But, ultimately, I wouldn't like to see other companies adopt this sort of approach as the early adopters who may have sold their gear based on some of the marketing and so on are some of the ones who have been vital to the QC success. These are also the users who have the experience to be able to feedback to Neural what needs changing/updating?
@@johnnathancordy Your honesty comes thru. I know you would NEVER just hype something nor would you just trash something for the sake of views. This issue with Neural is a sore spot for me. Facts are, Kemper nor Fractal nor Helix would treat its users as a giant "test and demo" market then get mad at them when they request what was promised. And Neural seems to fail more than they succeed. Just my opinion. Btw I got your preset pack for the Helix and love them. Thanks for all you do.
Stratocaster! Is all well?
Don’t need a desk top editor it has a great UI and cell is the future not computers tied to you. I wish none were needed tbh. I do run it in to a real cab. No way I’m selling my amps that took years to get. And that are great and my pedals. This is the best modeler it just needs an easier way to utilize it. It’s so complicated now. Why can’t it be made simple to use? The consumers rushed and rushed them. So now we have a confusing mess. Why do you all need plug ins? You have a better sounding no latency amp sim right here. They’re so used to “digital ears.” Gotta have that desk top editor. Why? Look at the UI.
I bought the QC in October, and TBH I was a little disappointed coming from Fractal. The big reason I bought it is because of the usability (UI) without having to use an editor, and because it seemed to sound very good!
Sound quality wise I think it's great! Better than Kemper and Helix for sure. Not sure about Fractal.. But with the right amps and IR's it can sound very real sometimes. But it has quite a few thing that needs improving in my opinion. A few things were added in this update, like the bypass mute option which I used a lot with fractal! Very useful for parallel 100% wet paths! And being able to delay IR's by 0.01ms steps instead of just reverse polarity!! But that was probably what I was most excited about with this update, haha.
I expected more from the new file system. Being able to sort my stuff?? C'mon. it is a mess, even when it's now possible to sort after name/author etc. I want to easily be able to change in which banks and spots stuff are for example. It's better though. All my IR's were a complete mess before, at least now they are in order if I sort by name..
I also want to be able to utilize the grid system better. Like with fractal you can easily have one dry path on say the second row, and then split it into two different additional wet paths that then meets again.
Some other things I'm waiting for:
-Desktop Editor/File Editor for the computer.
-Updated sounds, especially clean/crunch stuff like Vox, Klon, and reverbs/delays.
-More new amps. Helix added the Sunn Model T, which sounds GREAT! Wish QC will too, I know they announced that they will add it before launch. I'm surprised Fractal haven't yet either. The Sunn Model T RI is my main amp that I use live and in the studio, so would be great for me to have it in there! Not really a fan of the Capture thing, seems to be some more aliasing with the captures than with the models, and it's a little limiting.
My mind has started thinking about maybe selling the QC and get an FM3 instead, but not sure yet. I have belief that the QC will become very very good in due time, but I don't know if I'm willing to wait..
You have a Sunn Model T?!!
I think neural engineers and programmers are more inexperienced than they would like to show and theyre lumbering under a code base that theyre struggling to reform to be more flexible to users needs.
That seems to be the most logical explanation?
I’m the rare odd duck that really likes the QC, likes this update, and in general thinks these are some of the best amp and cab sounds a modeler/profiler/capturer is capable of producing.
Reverbs and delays are obviously lacking, that’s why I ordered an H90, but reverb and delay in a live set is highly over rated as zero percent of the crowd can tell the difference between an analog delay and a digital delay in a live mix.
I love it too man. I program it to change scenes during live gigs (we play to a click ) and it hasn't let me down thus far
I'm with ya, however I don't find anything wrong with the reverbs and delays. Tbh, and imo, I came from helix and I absolutely enjoy and feel inspired by the flavor the QC has and the way it feels/ interacts with my guitar
the head rush 2.5 updates have a freeze as well and assigning 2 scenes in one button
here is a great Example..
What if you only need 2 scenes? Come on neural use your brain
It sort of feels like the hybrid mode is a stop gap? Like this is definitely better than not having it, but it's not as flexible as some users are going to need?
@@johnnathancordy agreed. I mean all the processing power and only 8 squares/footswitches to work with, gonna have to be more creative with their updates. Why not have one scene block thats on off and goes between 2 scenes, and be able to add a single preset square.... You can control multiple bypasses with one footswitch but you cant rename that footswitch? come on, it cant be that hard to fix....... and Why does everything have to be a capture? Real gigging musicians need to be able to tweak. It kills me that L6 could come out with a QC killer, but they would rather milk the Helix floor cow another 10 years....
I think it's only really a matter of time before someone else sees the benefit of the smaller form factor/higher power?
@@johnnathancordy lets hope so
5 years from now Quad cortex users will still be waiting for the coming soon features and a desktop app while Boss, Helix and Fractal will be light years ahead .
Boss has been in the multieffects unit market for 35 years.
Line 6 has been in the multieffects unit market for 20 years
Fractal for 17 years
Kemper for 11 years.
QC launched not even 2 years ago and it already is neck and neck with these large companies.
@@sketchstuffs lol neck and neck ? They don't even a desktop app yet. The delays and reverbs are worse than my zoom fx pedal that cost £300 .Helix and Fractal are light years ahead in effects and don't work based on marketing hype. The fractal amps are closer to the real than the QC and with the latest Helix update they sound identities in a blind test. Boss released the GT-5 in 1996 . How did you arrive at 35 years ? lol ...are you considering the Boss OD as a multi effects pedal ?
@@joshuafernandes4935 The boss BE5 was released somewhere around 1988.
I love fractal and helix as well, and frankly do not unerstand the level of hatred you and others have for the QC. It is demonstrably not as horrible as you are saying it is, as I use it live every week with players that use fractal/helix, and real tube amps with effects pedals. There is in no way a difference to the audience's ears, and the differences are subjective to tonesnobs that very obviously just hate a product without basis.
@@sketchstuffs The Boss BE5 contains actual pedal circuits and not digital models of the pedals. I frankly do not understand some QC owners get so defensive and find everything besides glorifying the unit as outright hatred. As you yourself mentioned I did not find any major difference in the amp sims as the Quad cortex was originally game changer in amp sim as it was marketed to be. I also did not find it to be the most powerful as it clearly struggles with cpu usage. I also did not find any coming soon features implemented yet in 2 years. I understand that pointing out these realities may mean QC hatred to you and some QC users but they are the obvious realities of the unit as per today.
@@joshuafernandes4935 “light years ahead” is quite a leap for someone as objective and balanced opinion as yourself.
its all crap. they promised so much 2 years ago that hasn't come out yet and probably will not. Do your selves a big favor get a fm9 and don't waste your time on this trash.
So you bought one ?
$3,000 CAD paperweight vs the competition. No thanks.
I just checked as that seemed a little high but I think the price in Canada is the same price in the UK relatively? $2600 is approx £1579
Damn, Canadian dollars aren't worth jack lol
I love that machine BUT my kemper sounds 10 times better! specially Reverbs and Delays!