This is not knowledge If u study Social media since (JNU BHARAT tere tukde honge,SLOGAN) U r seeing change in iIndian politics, India changed ,Now every day u see Rape , Lynching,Bhim army ,sc ,St,OBC,Swarn,kissan rally's..etc etc, SONCHO, ALL r against Hindus ,AGAR aeb nhi smje KBHI nhi smjoge CASTEISM Is SIN
I enjoyed it well. It is scholarly as well as informative. David Frawley is more of an Indian Rishi than an American. Good programming. Intend to be at tuning the whole series.
Thank you for this nice talk. I have listened to a number of Shastri ji's talks. They are straight forward, succinct and free from any sampradaaik (संप्रदाईक) pollution and bias. A truly scholarly philosophical content. Thank you Shastriji and India Inspires for sharing this wonderful video.
Unless india is a Hindu nation , future of hindus is in question, This kind of discussion is necessary. 58 islamic nation even one jews country for 25 millions But one billion hindus with no nation is dangerous for them .
If you are centered in the Self, you have nothing to fear. Sanatana Dharma was almost lost due to onslaught of Buddhism until it was revived by Adi Sankara. Since Truth is embedded in this religion (real name is "Sanatana Dharma"), it cannot ever disappear. After 8 centuries of Islamic onslaught and 2 centuries of Christian onslaught under British, we are still there. I take this as God's will.
It is possible that Philppines ( called Malaya before) had Hinduism as its religion. Malaya was part of the continent of India. There was a small incursion of Islam at the southermost islands called Jolo islands. Then with the advent of colonialism and Christianity, Malaya became Christian and is named Philppines. For example, the local dialect "Simba" means " to go to church". "Simbahan" means "church." "Agwanta " ( moagwanta , agwantahon) means to bear, to be patient, to suffer." Last names, such as : Rama, Remo, Villarama, Cana, Bodoy, Lozada, Prado, Sayson, etc.
Not just maybe possible, but factual, you, me, and other brown skin brothers and sisters are connected through this vedic knowledge, seek your true history, and make sure islam doesn't deny it you, return back, we await your return in anticipation. Your ancestors well our shared ancestors will be rejoicing in the for ever realm. Come back brother come back. The greatest minds that have ever existed quote the vades, on completing his atom bomb the western designer quotes the vedic knowledge. Cheers from the UK 🇬🇧.
We do have words like guro (from the Sanskrit guru) in the local language. Also pre-Hispanic rulers in the Philippines held the title Rajah such as Rajah Humabon, etc. Our ancient Tagalog word for God Bathala, is said to have come from Bhattara.
Strictly speaking, Vedic Yoga is an improvement over Puranic tradition of Vaishnav Yoga, emphasizing activation of the pineal gland, through breathing.
Energy of Agni is indeed the heart of the Indian theology. Frawley mentions the beautiful Gayatri hymn composed by Vishwamitra, but Vashista, probably belonging to the Puranic tradition of the Yadav tribe of Krishna, 9500 bc,, represents the orthodox version.
Actually the first manifestation in creation was prana, which is also shakti and agni and vayu, of which Indu was the lord, and vayu means also wind or air. Breathing and eating use prana and it is also the lifeforce and all action depends on prana.
If you had listened more closely you would know that shiva is a principle, not a person; and how could the saptarishis be spread all over the world since Sapta means 7 ( there were 7 Great Rishis who are supposed to be guarding spirituality throughout India till the end of the world, and India means original Maha Bharat which means the surrounding countries originally part of India.
@@SelfHealingGuidance They are totally different texts, with totally different messages. Vedas are advaita and Yoga Sutras are Vaida. Impersonalism and personalism.
"Vedic" as a Euphemism for Aryan Brahmanism has gained currency to reclaim some of India's heritage despite the anti-Brahmin mythology and canards propagated by the British and their stooges of the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Religions-Communist Consensus. The Vedas survived because of Brahmins. And the contortions that are being made to claim that Aryans originated in Tanjore or Rameshwaram if not the Indo Gangetic Plains is creating a new smoke screen that will obfuscate the truth. Brahmanism originates from the Saptha Rishis with the Prathamo Upanishad from which the notions of Karma and Dharma were born with the Aryan Constitution from which the laws and code of Chivalry were born. This pre date the Rik Veda. The Rik Veda (Taming of Horse and Fire) occurred on the grazing grounds between East Prussia and Mongolia among the pastoral, nomadic Aryans. During the Sukla Yajur Veda period (Archery and chariot war fare) they drove in all directions to raid for food, cattle, women and slaves. Many settled into more luxurious lives. This was so in the Indo-Gangetic Plain where the Aryans over laid the Druids who had come from Mesopotamia, bringing agriculture and architecture to these lands. The tall fair, polytheistic Lalitha, Vishnu and Shiva worshiping Druids of Mesopotamia too had scattered in many directions to escape the constant harrying by their own apostates who had adopted Yahweh who said unto Abraham, "Put no other Gods before me for I am a jealous God", and the Aryans. In the Indo-Gangetic plain began the joyous tones of the Krishna Yajur Veda from the plenty and luxury of the agricultural and architectural tribute that the Aryans extracted from the Druids. Under the treaty of Bharatha the Aryan Chiefs formed themselves into a "One for all, and all for one" alliance that made them formidable while they paid tirbute to Arya Mihira, the paramount Chief, North of the Hindu Khush to keep their territory safe. The Vedas and Aryan laws died out with Brahmanism outside the Indo-Gangetic Plain during this period, while it became extremely strong and intricate in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. This was succeeded by the decadence of the Sama Veda that gave rise to music. Then followed the great civil war at Kurukshetra that Vyasa's literary masterpiece revolves around. This broke the back of Aryan hegemony. This began the Atharva Veda Period. The Aryans and Druids began to inter marry. Large numbers of Aryans migrated out of the Indo-Gangetic plain, fearing for their safety. The Dasyus entered the Guru Kulas as the fourth Varna with varna mobility thereafter on par with the Aryans. Agriculture, Architecture, and temple wroship entered the Atharva Veda through the Aagama (that which came from outside) Shastras. Siva, Vishnu, Lalitha and the other Druid deities were Sanskritised and the Thraithreya Upanishad was created as a compendium for reference by all the preceding Vedas. The Vedic period was brought to an end by Ashoka who dismantled the temples and the Gurukulas and persecuted Sanskrit and the Brahmins. A great exodus of Druido-Aryans took place to the far corners of the globe. Adi Shankara, whose ancestors had fled Ashoka's persecution revived Sanskrit, the Vedas and the Brahma Sutras. , and wove the various religions into the Panchayatana (the five deities) comprising the Aryan Sun (idol of Brahma), and merging the Aryan Narayana with the Druid Vishnu, the Aryan Shankara and Rudra with the Druid Shiva, the Aryan Sandhya, Savithri, Gayathri and Saraswathi with the Druid Lalitha, Lashmi, and Parvathi with the tribal Mother Godess into Durga Parameshwari and included the tribal Ganapathi. Most though continued to adhere to their ancestral faiths of Vashnaivism, Shaivism, Shaakthaism, Brahmanism, Necrophagy, Human Sacrifice, Thuggee, Cannibalism and so, all of which have continued to this day. Post 1857, the British, recognizing Brahmanism, the traditional and hereditary law giving priesthood devoted to learning and poverty to be the soul of "Hinduism" began to eradicate it. They spread unfounded canards and found stooges to carry this forward in 1921 as a native Anti-Brahmin movement. In 1923, they confiscated the Hindu temples, commonwealth, common lands and so on to render the Brahmins irrelevant. They also made non-Hindus who did not adhere to Aryan (Brahmin) Law as Hindus to swamp the congregational temples welfare system and so destroy the Hindus. In 1949, Nehru-Gandhi-Ambedkar cabal plagiarized the Government of India Act (1935) and added inequality under law, exceptions to the rule of law and "Many Nations" to it to come up with the grotesque "Animal Farm" Constitution which turned the descendants of all those who had been Hindus prior to 1921 into third class citizens. In 1959, the Indian Republic confiscated Hindu Temples, Religious Endowments, Commonwealth through out what remained as India including the former princely states. Today Hinduism is what India's grotesque "secular" atheist, communist, christian, moslem, and ignorant "Hindu" courts and administration decree that Hinduism is. Just as they decree what truth is or History is. There are few countries in the world that can be as contemptible as India. India's game is to commit suicide to claim that it is a good boy. It is about reservations, extortion and "social engineering" that keep it a Third World Banana Republic and Fourth Rate Power that is ashamed of all that was good (e.g. Brahmanism) and proud of all that is evil such as the Indian Constitution, courts, laws and governance. It is the clown that keeps falling over to oblige the slap stick of "Western Values" that decree that India must "keep its place". It is irrelevant to international affairs. It has kept the peace in India by winking at cattle rustling by Moslems and the kidnap, and rape of Hindu girls by Dalits and Moslems. That is all India is or ever will be. "Secular", Unless, there is a bloody revolution, OR "Atlas shrugs".
+Yashwanth kumar You had better take your own advise. Go back to kindergarten, and this time, learn to learn, beginning with discernment of who is a superior person. I do not need a young Johny-come-lately like Rajaram or Vadakku, sans any classical Sanskrit education. or somebody who is so young and non erudite to believe them blindly, masquerading as an authority. Your comment is a good display of your breeding and culture. Which slum was it?
anykind of civilisation itself started in indian subcontinent. its from indian subcontinent that all knowledge spread out. overbearing ppl cant bear it. hahaha
+Yashwanth kumar I do not know why I am wasting time on you. But here is one last post of mine on this subject: Arya is NOT a race. Arya mean noble and denotes those who are bound by the Brahmin law derived from the Prathamo Upaishad (Dharma and Karma) and the Aryan Consitution (represented by the Swasthika) That Arya is a "race" is a Western confection. India is among very few hosts of the surviving islands of Aryan culture, albeit under persecution under the Indian Republic that confiscated their religious freedoms, temples and common wealth in 1959. But Aryan (Brahmin) laws and beliefs did not originate in India. Those who have not been classically educated in Sanskrit (Prathamo Upanishad, Vedas, Ithihasa etc) should not talk of "Aryans" as the British and the Nazis did or try to negate the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Other (Alien) Religion-Communist racist theories that are rooted in them. The difficulty for a genuine Historian who has not grown up in the Shrotuha Smartha Ithihasa tradition where, like the Japanese Kojiki, History has passed from mouth to ear and has been committed to memory, has to do with the scale of Geography and time that makes a mockery of the limited vision of “Historians” who impose gew gaws like the Gregorian calendar or apply the scale of the Old Testament (the Jews were themselves apostates from the Shiva, Vishnu and Laltiha worshiping Druhyus of Mesopotamia) on an extremely vast panorama. There have been many migrations in and out of what is now called India over the ages. The inward migrations during the Shukla Yajur Veda period that heralded the Treaty and Laws of Bharatha and commenced the Krishna Yajur Veda Period was just one. Great outward migrations took place after the great Civil War of Kurukshetra when Aryan power was broken and the the Druhyus and Aryas intermarried and temple worship and Shaivism, Shaakthaism and Vaishnavism were Sanskritised and the Fourth Varna of Shudra enetered the Guru Kulas with Varna Mobility thereafter, again when Ashoka began the persecution of Brahmanism, and more recently through the Islamic slave caravans from which the Romanis escaped. How will you have archaeological proof of a nomadic, pastoral, multi racial people? Even after they integrated with the Druhyu (Dasyus) after the Civil War of Kurukshetra, whatever temples and universities they created were destroyed by Ashoka. The only proof is the oral tradition of the Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa that is corroborated by linguistic traditions and genetics found all over the world. What is Aryan Invasion Theory? It seems to be something that Neo-Integrationists or, "Gen Next" Jabberlal Neckscrews have drummed up as ar Redicsovery of India? I am classically educated in Sasnkrit and subscribe to Shrotuha Smartha Ithihasa. I personally think that those who have not had a classical Sanskrit education and are busy trying to remove the words Brahmin and Arya from the Indian dictionary or, to recast them in consonance with or in opposition to the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Relgion-Communist consensus should not be tampering with the History of the Druido-Aryan civilization of the Indian Subcontinent. All allusions to an Aryan Invasion theory are baseless because there could not have been any "invasion" when there were no "nations".. The intoxicating Soma integral to some Rik Vedic rituals is juice crushed from a creeper that grows along the highlands bordering the Aryan stamping grounds from East Prussia to Mongolia and is not available in the Indian sub continent. What does DNA prove? That there is no racial purity. Racial purity was never posited in the first place. The Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa states very clearly that after the Mahabharatha War, the Idolatrous, agricultural, temple worshipping Druids who originated in Mesopotamia and the Caucasian to Mongoloid nomadic, war like pastoral Aryas of the Eurasian steppes who had settled in the Indo-Gangetic Plain under the treaty of Bharatha, exacting tribute from the Druids, inter married after the Mahabharatha War and that the agricultural, architectural and temple worshipping methodologies entered the Vedas as the Aagama (that which came from outside) Shastras of the Atharva (the chronologically last or fifth) Veda. The Vedic Period that came to an end with Ashoka's fratricidal war and tyranny that put an end to the Treaty of Bharatha. Legends see many counter migrations out of what is now known as India. After the Mahabharatha War there was a great Exodus of Aryans from the Indo Gangetic Plain towards Europe with written Sanskrit. Sanskrit is still spoken in Lithuania but with an entirely different script and accent. After Ashoka's genocide and persecution of Brahmanism many went as far as the Urals and beyond while some, like Adi Shankara's ancestors, escaped to the deep South. Again during the Islamic invasions, many slaves were transported to the Middle East and Europe. The Romanis are descendants of those who escaped from Islamic slavers and plunderers. So, really given the time scale, the geographic scale and the many migrations inwards and outwards, what conclusive "scientific" proof is there? Precisely what does this prove or disprove? All available data fits in to the Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa and none contradicts it. THEORIES constructed out of selective or limited (in time and space) data contradict the Ithihasa. The earliest written (inscriptions) in Sanskrit are found in the remains of the Mitani Kingdom in Northern Syria (!500 - 1350 BC) in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin. Ofcourse, Sanskrit had NO written script in the nomadi,c pastoral Rik Vedic and Shukla Yajur Vedic Period when all knowledge was passed in the Shroutha (Heard) Smartha (remembered) tradition, but borrowed Devnagiri from a conquered Agricultural and Architectural civilization in the Krishna Yajur Veda Period. There is worship of theDruido-Aryan trinity in Yugoslavia since before the advent of Christianity there. The Rik Veda evolved in the Aryan Grazing grounds between East Prussia and Mongolia. They had interactions with agricultural civilizations all around them and, therefore, cultural influence when they raided them for food during times of Kshama (scarcity) for themselves. The Druids of ancient Ur escaped their harrying as well as their own apostates who had embraced Yahweh and migrated all over. Some of them brought, agriculture, architecture etc (i.e. civilization) to the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Some Aryans followed them, conquering them during the Shukla Yajur Veda Period (invention of Archery, Chariot use in warfare). During the Krishna Yajur Veda Period, they settled under the treaty and laws of Bharatha. They exacted tribute from the Dasyus (Druids) in terms of agricultural and archtiectural produce and other forms of labour. This led to the decadence of the Sama Veda period. This led to the Mahabharatha War. This civil war broke Aryan hegemony giving rise to the Athrava Veda Period when the Dasyus and the Aryas inter married, the Shudra Varna entered the Guru Kulas and a great number of Aryas migrated back to their home lands and beyond. The Atharva Veda (Vedic period) came to an end when Ashoka destroyed the Druido-Aryan temples and dismantled the Gurukulas (thereby putting an end to Varna Mobility) in revenge for being declared an outcaste by the Supreme Council of Kashi when he contravened the treaty of Bharatha that established the consensus of Ashwamedha Yajna during the Krishna Yajur Veda period in place of the Rik Vedic Rajasooya where the heads of opposing kings are offered in the sacred fire by the victor. Ashoka waged war on his fellow Aryas (like the US waging war on NATO). At this time too a great number of Druido Aryas migrated to the North and the North West from India. Markers, there is no older structure than Saranath in Ashoka's former empire. The back lash to Ashoka's tyranny destroyed Budhism is India together withn the Ashoka Chakra with which Ashoka replaced the Swastika of Aryavartha Dharma whereas, Budhism prospers in South East Asia and Japan with the Swastika emblazoned on Budhist temples. Adi Shankara whose ancestors fled deep South to escape Ashokan persecution revived Sanskrit and the Brahma Sutras. .
You seem convinced Brahmins are everything in India. Gandhi, Nehru and others are only trying to bring India back from the dust bin of history and find a new identity in line with India's past glory. Vishnu Purana records that mortal Krishna died at the end of the last ice age, that is 9500 bc. It also records how Prithu taught the Yadav tribe, commerce and agriculture, and went on many sea voyages, and Dwaraka was the nerve center of a vast shipping trade route. Krishna gave the Sanatan religion with Vishnu as the first and by far the oldest monotheistic God. Krishna and Prithu led Yadav (Yadu, Jadu) tribe to prosper and multiply to 38 million (?) and spread all over India (page 352), explaining linguistic and religious uniformity in India, debunking the Aryan invasion theory. After the fall of Harappan civilization, central Asian tribes entered India and formed the consortium named in the VP as 'evil Kuru', who destroyed the mighty Yadav in the battle of Kurukhetra , 1500-1200 bc, and replaced Sanatan with Semitic religion of Hinduism and also replaced Vishnu with Rama.
Well meaning, but I didn't like this video very much. However, I did learn from it not to listen to Western understandings of Vedic texts, so thank you very much :)
OM That's a lame accusation. Saraswati was the one who championed the core ideals of Sanatan Dharma. It is because of his work that we are able to read the traditional version of the Vedas rather than the European translated ones.
Sanatan Dharma, Moksha, Athma means absolutely nothing if the total equality of all humans is not recognized. Anything less is utter nonsense. This should be your mantra. The most vile and oppressive system in the world today exists in India. And it's enshrined in the vedas.
Devon Naidoo Again that is not true. The Vedas are simply poetry on yoga, natural phenomenons, history and science. Nothing more. There is nothing in the Vedas itself that promote oppression. Ahimsa is the root message of the Vedas. If you are aluding to the caste system then you should know that it is not mentioned anywhere in the Vedas. It is only there in the Manusmriti.
Devon Naidoo You just confirmed what I am already telling you. The Caste system is nowhere there in the Vedas. It is ONLY there in the Manusmriti. I am not denying that the Caste system was a henious crime against humanity. But generations of yogic practictioners have sought to remove it from our society. Shankaracharya, Buddha, Mahavira, Sai Baba, Guru Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dayanand Saraswati, Vivekananda, Shri Aurobindo, the list goes on. The core belief in the Vedas does NOT support caste system. If it is there it should be thrown out the window into a bottomless pit.
Dr Frawley , you are a treasure!
What a pleasure to hear Dr. Frawley talking with that confidence and authority in the knowing. 🧡🕉️🧡
very less people have both spiritual and political knowledge like this man...great work...🙏🚩👍
This is not knowledge
If u study Social media since (JNU BHARAT tere tukde honge,SLOGAN) U r seeing change in iIndian politics, India changed ,Now every day u see Rape , Lynching,Bhim army ,sc ,St,OBC,Swarn,kissan rally's..etc etc, SONCHO, ALL r against Hindus ,AGAR aeb nhi smje KBHI nhi smjoge
I enjoyed it well. It is scholarly as well as informative. David Frawley is more of an Indian Rishi than an American. Good programming. Intend to be at tuning the whole series.
thank you guruji. you are a true bharathiya than many of us. thank you for kindling more interest.
The breadth of this man’s knowledge is astounding.
Bow down to this sage of our era
Thank you for this nice talk. I have listened to a number of Shastri ji's talks. They are straight forward, succinct and free from any sampradaaik (संप्रदाईक) pollution and bias. A truly scholarly philosophical content. Thank you Shastriji and India Inspires for sharing this wonderful video.
Great work by Dr Frawley . Very good research .
Just just just INCREDIBLE Aum Namah Shivaya❤❤🕉🕉
You are the gret guru and you are the gret risi.I like your defination of vedik knoladge.
what a gem!!!!
Am your admirer Dr .
shiva after teaching, spread the saptarishis throughout the world to spread the knowledge. one just needs to conscious enough to connect the dots.
Just woderful, Namaste to all Spiritual Human Beings.
Unless india is a Hindu nation , future of hindus is in question,
This kind of discussion is necessary.
58 islamic nation even one jews country for 25 millions But one billion hindus with no nation is dangerous for them .
If you are centered in the Self, you have nothing to fear.
Sanatana Dharma was almost lost due to onslaught of Buddhism until it was revived by Adi Sankara.
Since Truth is embedded in this religion (real name is "Sanatana Dharma"), it cannot ever disappear.
After 8 centuries of Islamic onslaught and 2 centuries of Christian onslaught under British, we are still there.
I take this as God's will.
Thank you!
It is possible that Philppines ( called Malaya before) had Hinduism as its religion. Malaya was part of the continent of India. There was a small incursion of Islam at the southermost islands called Jolo islands. Then with the advent of colonialism and Christianity, Malaya became Christian and is named Philppines.
For example, the local dialect "Simba" means " to go to church". "Simbahan" means "church."
"Agwanta " ( moagwanta , agwantahon) means to bear, to be patient, to suffer."
Last names, such as : Rama, Remo, Villarama, Cana, Bodoy, Lozada, Prado, Sayson, etc.
Not just maybe possible, but factual, you, me, and other brown skin brothers and sisters are connected through this vedic knowledge, seek your true history, and make sure islam doesn't deny it you, return back, we await your return in anticipation. Your ancestors well our shared ancestors will be rejoicing in the for ever realm. Come back brother come back. The greatest minds that have ever existed quote the vades, on completing his atom bomb the western designer quotes the vedic knowledge. Cheers from the UK 🇬🇧.
We do have words like guro (from the Sanskrit guru) in the local language. Also pre-Hispanic rulers in the Philippines held the title Rajah such as Rajah Humabon, etc. Our ancient Tagalog word for God Bathala, is said to have come from Bhattara.
He, Dr. Frawley, is the reincarnation of a Vedic Rishi who is speaking in English , instead of Sanskrit!
Even i felt the same
Amazing lecture.
The content was very enriching ...
Namaskar Mahra
Actually we were followers of
Great hindhu super human saints. Great hindhusthan. Om namo nareyanaya
Strictly speaking, Vedic Yoga is an improvement over Puranic tradition of Vaishnav Yoga, emphasizing activation of the pineal gland, through breathing.
Agni is the energy which is the cause of everything
Energy of Agni is indeed the heart of the Indian theology. Frawley mentions the beautiful Gayatri hymn composed by Vishwamitra, but Vashista, probably belonging to the Puranic tradition of the Yadav tribe of Krishna, 9500 bc,, represents the orthodox version.
Actually the first manifestation in creation was prana, which is also shakti and agni and vayu, of which Indu was the lord, and vayu means also wind or air. Breathing and eating use prana and it is also the lifeforce and all action depends on prana.
If you had listened more closely you would know that shiva is a principle, not a person; and how could the saptarishis be spread all over the world since Sapta means 7 ( there were 7 Great Rishis who are supposed to be guarding spirituality throughout India till the end of the world, and India means original Maha Bharat which means the surrounding countries originally part of India.
I'd like for someone to highlight where in the Vedas we find the specific teachings of Patanjali? He claims they are there, but I don't see it.
Are you talking about yogic science where you will learn how to control your own body and mind the way wanted.
Patanjali is not mentioned, and the teachings or lessons are sort of coded; but they are there.
@@SelfHealingGuidance They are totally different texts, with totally different messages. Vedas are advaita and Yoga Sutras are Vaida. Impersonalism and personalism.
@@ErinnE3 sounds like you answered your own question.
Vivekananda takes karma yoga and disassociates it from ritual
"Vedic" as a Euphemism for Aryan Brahmanism has gained currency to reclaim some of India's heritage despite the anti-Brahmin mythology and canards propagated by the British and their stooges of the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Religions-Communist Consensus. The Vedas survived because of Brahmins. And the contortions that are being made to claim that Aryans originated in Tanjore or Rameshwaram if not the Indo Gangetic Plains is creating a new smoke screen that will obfuscate the truth.
Brahmanism originates from the Saptha Rishis with the Prathamo Upanishad from which the notions of Karma and Dharma were born with the Aryan Constitution from which the laws and code of Chivalry were born.
This pre date the Rik Veda. The Rik Veda (Taming of Horse and Fire) occurred on the grazing grounds between East Prussia and Mongolia among the pastoral, nomadic Aryans. During the Sukla Yajur Veda period (Archery and chariot war fare) they drove in all directions to raid for food, cattle, women and slaves. Many settled into more luxurious lives.
This was so in the Indo-Gangetic Plain where the Aryans over laid the Druids who had come from Mesopotamia, bringing agriculture and architecture to these lands. The tall fair, polytheistic Lalitha, Vishnu and Shiva worshiping Druids of Mesopotamia too had scattered in many directions to escape the constant harrying by their own apostates who had adopted Yahweh who said unto Abraham, "Put no other Gods before me for I am a jealous God", and the Aryans. In the Indo-Gangetic plain began the joyous tones of the Krishna Yajur Veda from the plenty and luxury of the agricultural and architectural tribute that the Aryans extracted from the Druids. Under the treaty of Bharatha the Aryan Chiefs formed themselves into a "One for all, and all for one" alliance that made them formidable while they paid tirbute to Arya Mihira, the paramount Chief, North of the Hindu Khush to keep their territory safe.
The Vedas and Aryan laws died out with Brahmanism outside the Indo-Gangetic Plain during this period, while it became extremely strong and intricate in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. This was succeeded by the decadence of the Sama Veda that gave rise to music. Then followed the great civil war at Kurukshetra that Vyasa's literary masterpiece revolves around. This broke the back of Aryan hegemony.
This began the Atharva Veda Period. The Aryans and Druids began to inter marry. Large numbers of Aryans migrated out of the Indo-Gangetic plain, fearing for their safety. The Dasyus entered the Guru Kulas as the fourth Varna with varna mobility thereafter on par with the Aryans. Agriculture, Architecture, and temple wroship entered the Atharva Veda through the Aagama (that which came from outside) Shastras. Siva, Vishnu, Lalitha and the other Druid deities were Sanskritised and the Thraithreya Upanishad was created as a compendium for reference by all the preceding Vedas.
The Vedic period was brought to an end by Ashoka who dismantled the temples and the Gurukulas and persecuted Sanskrit and the Brahmins. A great exodus of Druido-Aryans took place to the far corners of the globe. Adi Shankara, whose ancestors had fled Ashoka's persecution revived Sanskrit, the Vedas and the Brahma Sutras. , and wove the various religions into the Panchayatana (the five deities) comprising the Aryan Sun (idol of Brahma), and merging the Aryan Narayana with the Druid Vishnu, the Aryan Shankara and Rudra with the Druid Shiva, the Aryan Sandhya, Savithri, Gayathri and Saraswathi with the Druid Lalitha, Lashmi, and Parvathi with the tribal Mother Godess into Durga Parameshwari and included the tribal Ganapathi. Most though continued to adhere to their ancestral faiths of Vashnaivism, Shaivism, Shaakthaism, Brahmanism, Necrophagy, Human Sacrifice, Thuggee, Cannibalism and so, all of which have continued to this day.
Post 1857, the British, recognizing Brahmanism, the traditional and hereditary law giving priesthood devoted to learning and poverty to be the soul of "Hinduism" began to eradicate it. They spread unfounded canards and found stooges to carry this forward in 1921 as a native Anti-Brahmin movement. In 1923, they confiscated the Hindu temples, commonwealth, common lands and so on to render the Brahmins irrelevant. They also made non-Hindus who did not adhere to Aryan (Brahmin) Law as Hindus to swamp the congregational temples welfare system and so destroy the Hindus.
In 1949, Nehru-Gandhi-Ambedkar cabal plagiarized the Government of India Act (1935) and added inequality under law, exceptions to the rule of law and "Many Nations" to it to come up with the grotesque "Animal Farm" Constitution which turned the descendants of all those who had been Hindus prior to 1921 into third class citizens. In 1959, the Indian Republic confiscated Hindu Temples, Religious Endowments, Commonwealth through out what remained as India including the former princely states. Today Hinduism is what India's grotesque "secular" atheist, communist, christian, moslem, and ignorant "Hindu" courts and administration decree that Hinduism is. Just as they decree what truth is or History is.
There are few countries in the world that can be as contemptible as India. India's game is to commit suicide to claim that it is a good boy. It is about reservations, extortion and "social engineering" that keep it a Third World Banana Republic and Fourth Rate Power that is ashamed of all that was good (e.g. Brahmanism) and proud of all that is evil such as the Indian Constitution, courts, laws and governance. It is the clown that keeps falling over to oblige the slap stick of "Western Values" that decree that India must "keep its place". It is irrelevant to international affairs. It has kept the peace in India by winking at cattle rustling by Moslems and the kidnap, and rape of Hindu girls by Dalits and Moslems. That is all India is or ever will be. "Secular", Unless, there is a bloody revolution, OR "Atlas shrugs".
shut up. see dr rajarams video the aryan debate. you ll get an ides of the origins. see ajit vadakayils blog. just dont spread anti indian propoganda.
+Yashwanth kumar You had better take your own advise. Go back to kindergarten, and this time, learn to learn, beginning with discernment of who is a superior person. I do not need a young Johny-come-lately like Rajaram or Vadakku, sans any classical Sanskrit education. or somebody who is so young and non erudite to believe them blindly, masquerading as an authority. Your comment is a good display of your breeding and culture. Which slum was it?
anykind of civilisation itself started in indian subcontinent. its from indian subcontinent that all knowledge spread out. overbearing ppl cant bear it. hahaha
+Yashwanth kumar I do not know why I am wasting time on you. But here is one last post of mine on this subject:
Arya is NOT a race. Arya mean noble and denotes those who are bound by the Brahmin law derived from the Prathamo Upaishad (Dharma and Karma) and the Aryan Consitution (represented by the Swasthika) That Arya is a "race" is a Western confection.
India is among very few hosts of the surviving islands of Aryan culture, albeit under persecution under the Indian Republic that confiscated their religious freedoms, temples and common wealth in 1959. But Aryan (Brahmin) laws and beliefs did not originate in India. Those who have not been classically educated in Sanskrit (Prathamo Upanishad, Vedas, Ithihasa etc) should not talk of "Aryans" as the British and the Nazis did or try to negate the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Other (Alien) Religion-Communist racist theories that are rooted in them. The difficulty for a genuine Historian who has not grown up in the Shrotuha Smartha Ithihasa tradition where, like the Japanese Kojiki, History has passed from mouth to ear and has been committed to memory, has to do with the scale of Geography and time that makes a mockery of the limited vision of “Historians” who impose gew gaws like the Gregorian calendar or apply the scale of the Old Testament (the Jews were themselves apostates from the Shiva, Vishnu and Laltiha worshiping Druhyus of Mesopotamia) on an extremely vast panorama. There have been many migrations in and out of what is now called India over the ages. The inward migrations during the Shukla Yajur Veda period that heralded the Treaty and Laws of Bharatha and commenced the Krishna Yajur Veda Period was just one. Great outward migrations took place after the great Civil War of Kurukshetra when Aryan power was broken and the the Druhyus and Aryas intermarried and temple worship and Shaivism, Shaakthaism and Vaishnavism were Sanskritised and the Fourth Varna of Shudra enetered the Guru Kulas with Varna Mobility thereafter, again when Ashoka began the persecution of Brahmanism, and more recently through the Islamic slave caravans from which the Romanis escaped.
How will you have archaeological proof of a nomadic, pastoral, multi racial people? Even after they integrated with the Druhyu (Dasyus) after the Civil War of Kurukshetra, whatever temples and universities they created were destroyed by Ashoka. The only proof is the oral tradition of the Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa that is corroborated by linguistic traditions and genetics found all over the world.
What is Aryan Invasion Theory? It seems to be something that Neo-Integrationists or, "Gen Next" Jabberlal Neckscrews have drummed up as ar Redicsovery of India? I am classically educated in Sasnkrit and subscribe to Shrotuha Smartha Ithihasa. I personally think that those who have not had a classical Sanskrit education and are busy trying to remove the words Brahmin and Arya from the Indian dictionary or, to recast them in consonance with or in opposition to the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Imported Relgion-Communist consensus should not be tampering with the History of the Druido-Aryan civilization of the Indian Subcontinent.
All allusions to an Aryan Invasion theory are baseless because there could not have been any "invasion" when there were no "nations".. The intoxicating Soma integral to some Rik Vedic rituals is juice crushed from a creeper that grows along the highlands bordering the Aryan stamping grounds from East Prussia to Mongolia and is not available in the Indian sub continent. What does DNA prove? That there is no racial purity. Racial purity was never posited in the first place. The Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa states very clearly that after the Mahabharatha War, the Idolatrous, agricultural, temple worshipping Druids who originated in Mesopotamia and the Caucasian to Mongoloid nomadic, war like pastoral Aryas of the Eurasian steppes who had settled in the Indo-Gangetic Plain under the treaty of Bharatha, exacting tribute from the Druids, inter married after the Mahabharatha War and that the agricultural, architectural and temple worshipping methodologies entered the Vedas as the Aagama (that which came from outside) Shastras of the Atharva (the chronologically last or fifth) Veda. The Vedic Period that came to an end with Ashoka's fratricidal war and tyranny that put an end to the Treaty of Bharatha. Legends see many counter migrations out of what is now known as India. After the Mahabharatha War there was a great Exodus of Aryans from the Indo Gangetic Plain towards Europe with written Sanskrit. Sanskrit is still spoken in Lithuania but with an entirely different script and accent. After Ashoka's genocide and persecution of Brahmanism many went as far as the Urals and beyond while some, like Adi Shankara's ancestors, escaped to the deep South. Again during the Islamic invasions, many slaves were transported to the Middle East and Europe. The Romanis are descendants of those who escaped from Islamic slavers and plunderers. So, really given the time scale, the geographic scale and the many migrations inwards and outwards, what conclusive "scientific" proof is there? Precisely what does this prove or disprove? All available data fits in to the Shroutha Smartha Ithihasa and none contradicts it. THEORIES constructed out of selective or limited (in time and space) data contradict the Ithihasa. The earliest written (inscriptions) in Sanskrit are found in the remains of the Mitani Kingdom in Northern Syria (!500 - 1350 BC) in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin. Ofcourse, Sanskrit had NO written script in the nomadi,c pastoral Rik Vedic and Shukla Yajur Vedic Period when all knowledge was passed in the Shroutha (Heard) Smartha (remembered) tradition, but borrowed Devnagiri from a conquered Agricultural and Architectural civilization in the Krishna Yajur Veda Period. There is worship of theDruido-Aryan trinity in Yugoslavia since before the advent of Christianity there.
The Rik Veda evolved in the Aryan Grazing grounds between East Prussia and Mongolia. They had interactions with agricultural civilizations all around them and, therefore, cultural influence when they raided them for food during times of Kshama (scarcity) for themselves. The Druids of ancient Ur escaped their harrying as well as their own apostates who had embraced Yahweh and migrated all over. Some of them brought, agriculture, architecture etc (i.e. civilization) to the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Some Aryans followed them, conquering them during the Shukla Yajur Veda Period (invention of Archery, Chariot use in warfare). During the Krishna Yajur Veda Period, they settled under the treaty and laws of Bharatha. They exacted tribute from the Dasyus (Druids) in terms of agricultural and archtiectural produce and other forms of labour. This led to the decadence of the Sama Veda period. This led to the Mahabharatha War. This civil war broke Aryan hegemony giving rise to the Athrava Veda Period when the Dasyus and the Aryas inter married, the Shudra Varna entered the Guru Kulas and a great number of Aryas migrated back to their home lands and beyond. The Atharva Veda (Vedic period) came to an end when Ashoka destroyed the Druido-Aryan temples and dismantled the Gurukulas (thereby putting an end to Varna Mobility) in revenge for being declared an outcaste by the Supreme Council of Kashi when he contravened the treaty of Bharatha that established the consensus of Ashwamedha Yajna during the Krishna Yajur Veda period in place of the Rik Vedic Rajasooya where the heads of opposing kings are offered in the sacred fire by the victor. Ashoka waged war on his fellow Aryas (like the US waging war on NATO). At this time too a great number of Druido Aryas migrated to the North and the North West from India. Markers, there is no older structure than Saranath in Ashoka's former empire. The back lash to Ashoka's tyranny destroyed Budhism is India together withn the Ashoka Chakra with which Ashoka replaced the Swastika of Aryavartha Dharma whereas, Budhism prospers in South East Asia and Japan with the Swastika emblazoned on Budhist temples. Adi Shankara whose ancestors fled deep South to escape Ashokan persecution revived Sanskrit and the Brahma Sutras. .
You seem convinced Brahmins are everything in India. Gandhi, Nehru and others are only trying to bring India back from the dust bin of history and find a new identity in line with India's past glory. Vishnu Purana records that mortal Krishna died at the end of the last ice age, that is 9500 bc.
It also records how Prithu taught the Yadav tribe, commerce and agriculture, and went on many sea voyages, and Dwaraka was the nerve center of a vast shipping trade route. Krishna gave the Sanatan religion with Vishnu as the first and by far the oldest monotheistic God.
Krishna and Prithu led Yadav (Yadu, Jadu) tribe to prosper and multiply to 38 million (?) and spread all over India (page 352), explaining linguistic and religious uniformity in India, debunking the Aryan invasion theory.
After the fall of Harappan civilization, central Asian tribes entered India and formed the consortium named in the VP as 'evil Kuru', who destroyed the mighty Yadav in the battle of Kurukhetra , 1500-1200 bc, and replaced Sanatan with Semitic religion of Hinduism and also replaced Vishnu with Rama.
Awesome! Nehru & his dynasty did great harm to this great culture & nation.
Well meaning, but I didn't like this video very much. However, I did learn from it not to listen to Western understandings of Vedic texts, so thank you very much :)
So we're just gonna ignore the fact that Soma proves Yoga is Shamanic...
tf lmao
dayanand saraswati never understood hinduism and started arya samaj to only glorify himself nothing else
That's a lame accusation. Saraswati was the one who championed the core ideals of Sanatan Dharma. It is because of his work that we are able to read the traditional version of the Vedas rather than the European translated ones.
Sanatan Dharma, Moksha, Athma means absolutely nothing if the total equality of all humans is not recognized. Anything less is utter nonsense. This should be your mantra. The most vile and oppressive system in the world today exists in India. And it's enshrined in the vedas.
Devon Naidoo
Again that is not true. The Vedas are simply poetry on yoga, natural phenomenons, history and science. Nothing more.
There is nothing in the Vedas itself that promote oppression.
Ahimsa is the root message of the Vedas.
If you are aluding to the caste system then you should know that it is not mentioned anywhere in the Vedas. It is only there in the Manusmriti.
Devon Naidoo
You just confirmed what I am already telling you. The Caste system is nowhere there in the Vedas.
It is ONLY there in the Manusmriti. I am not denying that the Caste system was a henious crime against humanity.
But generations of yogic practictioners have sought to remove it from our society.
Shankaracharya, Buddha, Mahavira, Sai Baba, Guru Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dayanand Saraswati, Vivekananda, Shri Aurobindo, the list goes on. The core belief in the Vedas does NOT support caste system. If it is there it should be thrown out the window into a bottomless pit.
Hindutva propaganda
So what?