I once won a game with 4 lands in play with Morska. If your deck is mana efficient, drawing cards, dorking, ramping, or creating tokens that can be used for mana.... well you can cut back on lands. 35-30 is perfect for some piles. Good call, and nice decks 🤙
@thekrakeninggames deck building skills really come into play here too. You need to have things flow well or you can get stiffed. Glad to have some support on this, andthank you. i appreciate that 🙏 My moxfield is under my channel description. Also here's a link moxfield.com/users/GetDeckdEDH . Currently it's under progress as I need to update the decks and add descriptions. I'll be doing that this weekend with deck techs to follow!
@@GetDeckdEDH Absolutely. I have seen the more land push too. I'm with you on this, and proof of your theory is in cedh decklists. Most of them dont even touch 35 lands, and move faster than 95% of decks running 38 lands. If you build it the synergy should cary you through. Awesome man thanks for the link, and the video. I appreciate it.
Absolutely! I can plug it in before my deck tech videos coming throughout the next couple weeks. Definitely a topic I want to iterate on prior to those. Thanks for putting it back on my radar
While I don’t agree with the whole premise I do think you make some really good points. Just sticking 38 basic lands in a deck and calling it a day is probably not good deck building in the year of our lord 2025. After MH3 I'm only running less than 38 lands in two decks. One is Prosper who provided mana advantage and card advantage negating the issue partially. Its also a Bolas Citadel deck and wants to pop off without being too worried about lands coming off the top. The other is lonis who is looking to combo before turn 6. However, all my other decks run between 38-43 lands. Mdfcs are so strong now that I dont see a reason to take a full grip of them. Lands can also provide bodies with field of the dead, card advantage with bounce lands, card selection with surveil lands, graveyard hate and fogs. I think the best point you made is that card advantage is extremely important. My decks all shoot to draw at least 2 extra cards a turn, ideally more. If I have cards and mana games are trivial. Also, I play snow covered lands in all my decks, they enable field of the dead.
This is a good middle ground point of view. Some decks absolutely want more lands, and I believe some run like 99 or 98 lands 🤣. I have Prosper too 😂😂 it barely needs 35. Even without Dockside. So seems to me it is deck, and strategy specific?
@thekrakeninggames it is definitely deck specific. However, I think the reason most people want to run fewer lands is they aren't taking advantage of everything lands can provide. Sure, sea gate restoration is expensive, but you can also run lorien revealed and mystic sanctuary and do a decent impression of it. I'd advocate for running all of that in blue decks if budget allows. You can also play mdfcs early game as lands to set up can advantage and value engines and late game use bounce lands to put them into your hand. You can also run thespian stage to ramp off said bounce lands. Once people start embracing lands as part of their game plan rather than something they need to run the minimum of for their decks to function, their decks tend to get a lot stronger.
I tend to push down lands in decks that the lands are holding back the game plans after teting it, and finding it could use cards in some of those slots. For sure utility lands and mdfcs are a must in some decks, and a good way to mana fix in 3 or more color decks while still having value besides mana. I think there are a lot of decks too that you could use either strategy. It is the age old go fast vs control type thing. To land or not to land 🤔🫴💀 its a good convo
@thekrakeninggames I can't imagine lands holding back a gameplay with how good lands are nowadays. Even in my aggro decks I run a good number of lands. There's not much of a reason not too.
@thekrakeninggames I think it's probably just the 9s and cedh decks of the world that want a greedy land count. But if the games ending on turn 8-12, I want to be hitting my land drops.
I run 29 + 1 mdfc in raffine and literally never miss a land drop with all the conniving. ALL i have to mulligan for is colors to cast raffine and the rest falls into place (bunch of 1 drops so the conniving starts when he hits the board). Mainly because i want to be discarding nonlands everytime for the counters
@davidreeves4165 exactly! You get it! utility pieces that synergize with your gameplan and forward your value engine will have more productive worth than another basic land that sits in your hand
This goes for removal as well. Some decks can forsake holding up opponents for the sake of do the things 🥳 I have been thinking about revamping some decks for just that. Deck edging 😂
I once won a game with 4 lands in play with Morska. If your deck is mana efficient, drawing cards, dorking, ramping, or creating tokens that can be used for mana.... well you can cut back on lands. 35-30 is perfect for some piles. Good call, and nice decks 🤙
You got a moxfield, or anything like that for your lists?
@thekrakeninggames deck building skills really come into play here too. You need to have things flow well or you can get stiffed. Glad to have some support on this, andthank you. i appreciate that 🙏 My moxfield is under my channel description. Also here's a link moxfield.com/users/GetDeckdEDH . Currently it's under progress as I need to update the decks and add descriptions. I'll be doing that this weekend with deck techs to follow!
@@GetDeckdEDH Absolutely. I have seen the more land push too. I'm with you on this, and proof of your theory is in cedh decklists. Most of them dont even touch 35 lands, and move faster than 95% of decks running 38 lands. If you build it the synergy should cary you through. Awesome man thanks for the link, and the video. I appreciate it.
You do good work man, looking forward to more 🥳🤙
Can you do a mulligan guide on how to aggressively mulligan effectively
Absolutely! I can plug it in before my deck tech videos coming throughout the next couple weeks. Definitely a topic I want to iterate on prior to those. Thanks for putting it back on my radar
While I don’t agree with the whole premise I do think you make some really good points. Just sticking 38 basic lands in a deck and calling it a day is probably not good deck building in the year of our lord 2025. After MH3 I'm only running less than 38 lands in two decks. One is Prosper who provided mana advantage and card advantage negating the issue partially. Its also a Bolas Citadel deck and wants to pop off without being too worried about lands coming off the top. The other is lonis who is looking to combo before turn 6. However, all my other decks run between 38-43 lands. Mdfcs are so strong now that I dont see a reason to take a full grip of them. Lands can also provide bodies with field of the dead, card advantage with bounce lands, card selection with surveil lands, graveyard hate and fogs. I think the best point you made is that card advantage is extremely important. My decks all shoot to draw at least 2 extra cards a turn, ideally more. If I have cards and mana games are trivial. Also, I play snow covered lands in all my decks, they enable field of the dead.
This is a good middle ground point of view. Some decks absolutely want more lands, and I believe some run like 99 or 98 lands 🤣. I have Prosper too 😂😂 it barely needs 35. Even without Dockside. So seems to me it is deck, and strategy specific?
@thekrakeninggames it is definitely deck specific. However, I think the reason most people want to run fewer lands is they aren't taking advantage of everything lands can provide. Sure, sea gate restoration is expensive, but you can also run lorien revealed and mystic sanctuary and do a decent impression of it. I'd advocate for running all of that in blue decks if budget allows. You can also play mdfcs early game as lands to set up can advantage and value engines and late game use bounce lands to put them into your hand. You can also run thespian stage to ramp off said bounce lands. Once people start embracing lands as part of their game plan rather than something they need to run the minimum of for their decks to function, their decks tend to get a lot stronger.
I tend to push down lands in decks that the lands are holding back the game plans after teting it, and finding it could use cards in some of those slots. For sure utility lands and mdfcs are a must in some decks, and a good way to mana fix in 3 or more color decks while still having value besides mana. I think there are a lot of decks too that you could use either strategy. It is the age old go fast vs control type thing. To land or not to land 🤔🫴💀 its a good convo
@thekrakeninggames I can't imagine lands holding back a gameplay with how good lands are nowadays. Even in my aggro decks I run a good number of lands. There's not much of a reason not too.
@thekrakeninggames I think it's probably just the 9s and cedh decks of the world that want a greedy land count. But if the games ending on turn 8-12, I want to be hitting my land drops.
I run 29 + 1 mdfc in raffine and literally never miss a land drop with all the conniving. ALL i have to mulligan for is colors to cast raffine and the rest falls into place (bunch of 1 drops so the conniving starts when he hits the board). Mainly because i want to be discarding nonlands everytime for the counters
@davidreeves4165 exactly! You get it! utility pieces that synergize with your gameplan and forward your value engine will have more productive worth than another basic land that sits in your hand
This goes for removal as well. Some decks can forsake holding up opponents for the sake of do the things 🥳 I have been thinking about revamping some decks for just that. Deck edging 😂
@@thekrakeninggames all gas no breaks is how I like to run it. Out pace removal with a strong healthy board state
Dakka dakka 🏎 You sure you aren't a cedh player? 💪😂
@thekrakeninggames hahaha I don't run any fast mana and barely any tutors/combos(minus my combo deck). High power casual is my comfort zone