Thank you! :) Really, I just read like three bad comments in a row and this brought me right back up. :) Granted they were for two different videos, but they still hit where it hurt. xD Also, the next video that I'll be releasing, and it should hopefully be on XMas Eve, will be the 4th in this series. So if you liked this one, the next should be something you'll enjoy too. Especially that I have an interesting selection of games picked for it.
First of all, I'm sorry to hear (read) that things have been tough, but the times are hard, and I suppose it along with some personal things can pile up. Good thing you've survived through whatever bothered you and are in a good enough place to mention it. And secondly, I'm glad that I could help, even if up until today it wan unintentionally and unknowingly. :)
Not only is there a new official HoMM game coming out next year; Paul Romero just announced he will compose the music for it too ... seems the world is healing a tiny bit again !
HoMM is a jewel in the video game landscape, i wish we knew well who created it, because by the way they changed them from iteration to iteration, they didnt care much for the creators.
This kinda reminds me of the time when Atari devs left the company for that reason in particular and formed Activision. To get the recognition for their work. Good for them!
Before Heroes of Might and Magic, there was King's Bounty. The fun mechanic they dropped were ghosts. Your hero had a Commander number and you lose control of groups of troops if they outnumber that. Ghosts in battle will kill enemies, then their number increases by the number killed. If the ghost group surged beyond your Command ability, you lost control and they just attack the nearest troops.
Ubisoft is making a new Heroes game which it hopefully will be a throwback and not a microtransaction revenue source. It even takes place on Enroth. Bonus points if it has the New World Computing logo in it.
I found my copy of Freedom Force in the bargain bin at my local low-end mega-store. That game was always found in those large containers alongside leftover Encarta '94 boxes. It's a fun game, deserved better.
Agreed. It seems like a mindless violence, but it's fun mindless violence, and many of us just need to have that outlet to let some steam off from time to time. :)
Heroes of Might and Magic was release between Might and Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen and Might and Magic 6: The Mandate of Heaven. This was a big transition, as the game was ported to a 3D engine with real-time with pause. And the overall story of the first five parts with Sheltem and Corak was dropped.
Oh, I'm gonna get a lot of hate for that but I'm kinda happy that the Sheltam thing ended, 5 games was enough. xD Not saying that the stories that followed were better, just that I was happy to get something new.
i own all avernum and all but one spiderweb software titles. the original blades of exile and exile are freeware now and blades of exile and blades of avernum have fan made scenerios. very very cool.
Not sure I'd say Avernum is overlooked; it gets a remake on a biannual schedule after all, along with the rest of the Spiderweb games. I still remember when it was Exile: Escape from the Pit, and not Avernum. Avernum was the first remake, with the original Exile being a 1995 release. I think the OGs are freeware, though I doubt you can get them to run on a modern system easily. I ended up liking the Geneforge series better, but Exile/Avernum is still good fun.
Yeah, the originals are a 16bit code which requires a lot of tinkering to have it run on modern systems. That said, it's not impossible, just very annoying to do, it's much better just to get the Avernums which run just fine. Also, let me explain why I consider Avernum overlooked/forgotten - and it may differ from country to country and from a group of friends to a group of friends, but how many of your video gaming and RPG playing friends know of it? None of mine. Not a single one. And I had a blast in 1995 playing Exile from a cover CD attached to some random mag. :)
@@OldAndNewVideoGames When I was a kid I remember printing out the manual for the original Exile game. For me personally, It was one of the first games I remember discovering and purchasing on that newfangled world-wide-web exclusively.
FYi, They have a remake on steam called Avernum: Escape from the pit. Its UI is more akin to baldurs gate and helps the experience imo. I had fun with it.
I LOVED kings bounty on amiga, played it so much. I tried HMM years later and it was nice, but I still treasure KB more, maybe also due to Amiga charm. I even made a similar game (demo) in AMOS Pro, but sadly I lost all the floppy disks long ago :(
Heroes of Might and Magic a forgotten gem? Such a pity! I definitely haven't forgotten it and given it quite a few hours recently too. I can confirm that it's definitely fun. :) Blam! Machinehead's strongest point seems to be the story. Do they explain all the melted cheese everywhere? :D I always appreciate a modding-friendly game. That's very nice of the devs and usually ensures sales and fans. I wonder why Freedom Force vs 3rd Reich didn't do better... Especially since superheroes have been pretty popular. I must disagree about the reasons why one might not want to play Punisher. Being a kid and having a weak stomach aren't the only ones. Some people prefer to play characters they can relate to and maybe sadistic a-h isn't on their list. :D Can Yt make the like button default to bacon for me? 🥓
Well, I believe that the first heroes is. It was considerably simpler than the rest, and is usually overlooked in favour for any other entries in the series. Cheese is kinda like bacon, it makes most things great. xD Alright, your reason for not playing The Punisher is as good. On a side note, I exclusively play characters I cannot relate to. And it's not a joke, and also has nothing to do with the Punisher. What's more, it goes outside of video gaming and into the board/tabletop too. :) I'm sure you could write a simple extension for your browser of choice to change the like into bacon. What is your browser of choice?
@OldAndNewVideoGames Cheese is great on lots of things, even on brown terrain in videogames. :D I didn't say that that was my reason, just that it was one that might apply to multiple people. It doesn't to me. No, I would avoid Punisher for the simple fact that sadism, even if I know it's not real, makes me very angry and it's not a state of mind I enjoy having. But it's a situation very specific to me. :) Playing as characters you don't relate to is often really fun, I agree. You get to "live" other lives, explore all sorts of situations and possibilities. Even as Skunny, saving pizzas :D which, coincidentally, is one more thing that is made better by adding cheese. Oh, I use the TH-cam app for watching, liking and commenting... No extensions possible there
Heroes 1 is looked over because Heroes 3 is such a classic and standout game. Heroes 2 is much the same; great game in it's own right, but overshadowed by HOMM3. NWC was on fire during this period, taking everything King's Bounty did right, and making it better for Heroes 1, then taking everything right from HOMM1 and making it better for 2, and finally 3.
I have bought all 5 of Heroes of Might and Magic games on Good Old Games. It's great to play those turn-based fantasy games anytime, even offline. 🙂 I hope the upcoming Heroes of Might and Magic::Olden Era game will be as good as Herroes of Might and Magic 3.
So do I, buddy, so do I. I am actually pondering about getting a pre-order, but I kinda worry that Ubisoft will pack it with micro transactions and that I will be very upset.
Ha ha ha :) What can I say, it is the BEST entry. :) Everything about it is great and fits. While arguably Heroes III was better, I have a very love hate relationship with its presentation... Nope, it was a hate hate relationship with it. xD
Blam! Machinehead - It looks like a game I might have enjoyed if it wasn't for the view bobbing around like the camera was held by someone walking on a waterbed.
It was pretty fun, but admittedly, I'm not a fan of bobbing either and whenever games allow for turning it off, and screen shaking too, I do that before I even start playing.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames I don't mind "head bobbing" in FPS games, as long as it's not too exaggerated, because it's a predictable rhythm. The bobbing in that game was just all over the place.
My issue with Heroes I was how I got it. I got the game as a gift from my girlfriend who dumped me via answering machine message while I was away for my grandfather soon after I started playing it. I didn't play the original PC game again after returning and getting that message for decades though I played the Gameboy Color port a lot in high school a few years later.. I love the Avernum franchise. I actually started with the Exile trilogy. When playing the Avernum games I usually run with a Rebel, Rogue, Archer, and a Cleric or Sorcerer trained with healing magic. I usually train my Rebel, Rogue, or sometimes both in healing magic as well after a few level ups since all classes determine is a character starting skills and you can train anyone in anything. I had a lot of fun with the Punisher PS2 game though honestly I think the earlier Punisher NES, Gameboy, and Arcade games plus the Genesis port of the arcade game were pretty good as well.
Oh man... Getting dumped via answering machine sounds rough. I got dumped once on my namesday, which is like a smaller birthday in our country, and it sucked too. So I feel ya! :/ The arcade/Genesis Punisher was fantastic! I love it to bits!
Cztery słowa: 1. Kameleon (2005), 2. Confict Zone, 3. Raven Squadron, 4. Messaiah. AD. 1 Dobrze zrobiony system "skrytości" w zimnowojennej fabule przy której seria Splinter Cell to mix "Pani Gadget" z " Bednarski na kłopty" (w skrócie- zabili go i uciekł😁) 2. Oprócz nowatorskiego podejscia do "zasobów" czy możliwości wyręczenia się "generałami", czy nie jest imponujący fakt, że w klasycznym rtsie (nie typowo wojennym w stylu Sudden Strike) sprzęt zmechanizowany ma różną grubość pancerza w różnych sferach (np. najgrubszy na przedzie)- samo to dodaje w warstwie taktycznej możliwość walki manewrowej, która w innych grach jest bezsensowna (rzucasz na wroga chmarę czolgów- kto ma więcej-wygrywa). 3. Gra znienawidzona bez powodu a mająca pewien unikat -nie tylko gracz steruje drużynami/sekcjami ogniowymi ale S.I. też. Więc wrogowie działaja jako zespoły, a nie chmara wolnych elektronów latających po planszach. Wojna to dzieło zespołowe, wojsko się ćwiczy do walki w ramach jednostki. Sprytne, intuicyjne sterowanie sprawia, że podstawową taktykę "ogień i manewr" bez utraty całkowitej kontroli można wykonać dwoma kliknięciami bez odwoływania się do "klawiatury fortepianowej" (tak tak Hidden and Dangerous 2- o tobie mowa). 4. To jest majstersztyk pod względem technicznym i gameplayiowym. Pierwszą warstwę pominę (jak kto ciekawy mogę rozwinąc) dość że pewne aspekty nadal są lepiej rozwiązane niż obecny Unreal Engine. Gra jest grą "infiltracyjną" w typie "kostiumowym" (jak w późniejszym nieco Hitmanie gdzie trzeba się przebrać by przeniknąć w dany obszar), nie ma tu kucania w czarnym rogu pomieszczenia (pomieszczenie oświetlone sztucznym światłem i kryjący całą postać cień- co za niewiarygodna niedorzeczność). Tylko że Messaiah realizuję tą koncepcję spójniej niż Hitman, zawsze wiesz, że jesteś zdemaskowany, bo źle odgrywałeś rolę "społeczną" postaci w którą wniknąłeś. W Hitmanie jeszcze przez parę kolenych części npc tajemniczym sposobem niekiedy odkrywali "przebranie". Nie wspomnę o dużo większej swobodzie i nieliniowości bez wręcz wskazywania alternatywnej drogi przez twórców (w Hitman 1 często była całkowita liniowość, a w dwójce to było na starcie misji podpowiadanie drugiej drogi-sposobu działania). W praktyce to sobie można zobaczyć na pierwszych lewelach Messaiah, co można zrobić z technikiem nuklearnym (gdzieś jest na YT). Ciekawostka: SoF imponował dużą ilością animacji trafień, a były one wspólne dla wszystkich modeli postaci. Messaiah ma niewilele mniejszą (pocelować w głowę a w szyję i animacja zabicia będzie odrębna dla każdego wypadku) a każdy typ npca ma inny zestaw animacji ruchu, spoczynku, nie mówiąc, że odrębnie poruszają się kobiety. A na dodatek są też "nieludzcy" przeciwnicy.
The Punisher movie which was released around the same time as the game was also better than it had any right to be. It was an odd mix of campy & darkly serious with Tom Jane in the title role.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames Yes and no? I mean, there were some great superhero movies before Marvel did the whole Infinity Gauntlet thing, but most had a very small budget and were hit-or-miss. Judge Dredd in the 90s was just a cheesy & corny adaptation, but I absolutely love that schlock. You had the mega-blockbusters which lit the way for later trend, such as the Michael Keaton Batman films or the Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 1 & 2. To your point, there were several movies released in the early aughts which weren't critically acclaimed, but were decent one-offs. The Daredevil movie of 2003, 2004's King Arthur, and The Count of Monte Cristo from 2002 showed an enormous budget wasn't necessary if the story was workable. How far we have fallen. tl;dr Somewhat, depending on budget & creativity. Sorry for the ramble.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames It also depends on if you count V for Vendetta as part of the superhero genre since it came from a graphic novel. That one is excellent. Hellboy dropped around the same time. I'll shut up. Turns out I enjoyed some of these movies more than I remembered.
HOMM 1 was a trailblazer but its very clunky and unpolished by today's standards. Most fans favor 2 or 3, depending on who you ask; personally HOMM 2 was my favorite of the original 4 games. The operatic/cinematic music really enhanced those games! Good times.
Forgotten? Treasure? HoMM1: Not forgotten. If the argument is "Not as good as the sequels", that's true but this isn't a series where the first game was bad, and it wasn't even the "first game" since it was King's Bounty: Might and Magic version. I think this would be like calling SimCity forgotten compared to 2000. Blam!: Console game on PC; I'm not on "treasure" here. I seem have it in my head that this was a lark by Core and very shallow. I think if Core wasn't attached to this, it wouldn't get any notice compared to similar efforts. Freedom Force vs 3rd: I would have said "Freedom Force" and "Vs 3rd" both qualify. I was shocked when Freedom Force got a sequel, especially when it did. Spectacular games that expanded on X-Com style strategy during an era where it was largely dead, and even more dead when 3rd came out. The first game was well reviewed, but I so were most thing Irrational did and they didn't sell. Avernum: I feel like the dev is still doing his thing as much as he ever has, probably to a wider audience now. If you're saying a previous game in a series is "forgotten" when the series is so incremental, I don't know that makes sense. The Punisher: Ok, this is going to take some brain cells. Forgotten? mostly. Treasure? No. This is where you are way too nice. Very little going on in this game. Mostly an average shooter; the deal at the time was the game's rating. But violence doesn't get past the fact it had little going on. Reviews are middling across the board. Yes, it is Volition (before they decided to make the worst sequel ever and go out of business), but this game shows all the signs of a developer using the PC team to push a licensed game pushed out the door. Even as a pure hyper-violence-fest (from the era before video games had to be morally pure) it isn't Manhunt.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames hahahaha, if your in the country heat will get you first. It's so funny how all the ppl from countries with bears worry about our wildlife. None of our dangerous insects or wildlife will come anywhere near you unless you literally live next door to their habitat. I'm 1 suburb away from funnel webs but they will never reach my apartment
I get what you're saying about Heroes 1 but god DAMN are the sprites ugly. It's like it was made by two different art departments at the same time, overland map and ui stuff by professional and sprites and animations by unpaid interns...
Fair point. What do you think of pre-rendered graphics in Heroes 3 then? Or overworld graphics in Heroes 4? It seems that it's only the 2nd that had unified and high quality presentation. :)
@@OldAndNewVideoGames Heroes 3 prerendered creatures works well enough, but I do think the Heroes2 creatures have aged better. Some of the Heroes3 spell effects are really rough though. It's always hard for me to say which HoMM I like the most, 2 or 3. As for HoMM4... it's just such a disjointed mess. I'd actually rather play game 6 and 7 over it.
FAN-TAS-TIC VIDEO, keep them coming in this format! Thank you for taking us back to some of the best times!
Thank you! :) Really, I just read like three bad comments in a row and this brought me right back up. :) Granted they were for two different videos, but they still hit where it hurt. xD
Also, the next video that I'll be releasing, and it should hopefully be on XMas Eve, will be the 4th in this series. So if you liked this one, the next should be something you'll enjoy too. Especially that I have an interesting selection of games picked for it.
Thanks for all your videos. I've had a really draining couple of months, and your videos have been a welcome momentary escape to better times.
First of all, I'm sorry to hear (read) that things have been tough, but the times are hard, and I suppose it along with some personal things can pile up. Good thing you've survived through whatever bothered you and are in a good enough place to mention it. And secondly, I'm glad that I could help, even if up until today it wan unintentionally and unknowingly. :)
Not only is there a new official HoMM game coming out next year; Paul Romero just announced he will compose the music for it too ... seems the world is healing a tiny bit again !
I love this sooo much: "seems the world is healing a tiny bit again !" :)
It's very impressive what you are doing. Great quality!
Thank you! :) I'm glad that you enjoy the videos. I like games, I like to talk about them, so it's cool that you like to listen to it all. :)
HoMM is a jewel in the video game landscape, i wish we knew well who created it, because by the way they changed them from iteration to iteration, they didnt care much for the creators.
This kinda reminds me of the time when Atari devs left the company for that reason in particular and formed Activision. To get the recognition for their work. Good for them!
Merry christmas dude..
Thank you so much, and Happy Holidays! :)
Before Heroes of Might and Magic, there was King's Bounty. The fun mechanic they dropped were ghosts. Your hero had a Commander number and you lose control of groups of troops if they outnumber that. Ghosts in battle will kill enemies, then their number increases by the number killed. If the ghost group surged beyond your Command ability, you lost control and they just attack the nearest troops.
Ubisoft is making a new Heroes game which it hopefully will be a throwback and not a microtransaction revenue source. It even takes place on Enroth. Bonus points if it has the New World Computing logo in it.
It's Ubisoft so it'll be a microtransaction hell, riddled with malware, and have less gameplay value than the original King's Bounty from 1990.
WOW! Hold on a sec! King's Bounty was fun! ;)
I hope so too. Though I'm keeping my expectations at check not to get disappointed. :)
Huh, I know of Terminal Velocity and Radix of the same period, but haven't heard of Blam.
Oh well, the more you know!
Keep em coming good sir!
Thanks! And the next one's in the works already :)
I found my copy of Freedom Force in the bargain bin at my local low-end mega-store. That game was always found in those large containers alongside leftover Encarta '94 boxes. It's a fun game, deserved better.
Nothing deserves to end up next to old Encarta CDs. xD
Freedom Force is one of my favorite games of all time. I played it for twenty years now.
Holy moly! You're an expert! But yeah, it's a fantastic little game that hardly anyone knows about.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames Very true, but also very sad, and since making Bioshock Irrational Games will not go back to making Freedom Force again.
Punisher was far better than I expected before I got my hands on it
Agreed. It seems like a mindless violence, but it's fun mindless violence, and many of us just need to have that outlet to let some steam off from time to time. :)
Calling the X-men characters X-com characters is one of the funniest typos of all time.
Oh man... It shows what I like to play, and also that I should spend much more time sleeping at night, and much less time editing. xD
Spiderweb software mentioned. Heck yeah. Early RPG goodness for the Mac that eventually made it to Windows.
Exile was my first, and I got it on some kind of Cover CD in a shareware form.
Heroes of Might and Magic was release between Might and Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen and Might and Magic 6: The Mandate of Heaven. This was a big transition, as the game was ported to a 3D engine with real-time with pause. And the overall story of the first five parts with Sheltem and Corak was dropped.
Oh, I'm gonna get a lot of hate for that but I'm kinda happy that the Sheltam thing ended, 5 games was enough. xD Not saying that the stories that followed were better, just that I was happy to get something new.
i own all avernum and all but one spiderweb software titles. the original blades of exile and exile are freeware now and blades of exile and blades of avernum have fan made scenerios. very very cool.
I remember first playing Exile as shareware games that I found on a random cover CD attached to an even more random gaming mag. xD
Geneforge, made by Spiderweb Software, remains in my top three games of all time. Avernum ranks highly too. Just amazing worlds and storytelling.
@@koshi6505 geneforge 1 and 2 remake are on gog. they are well done.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames i still have my cd-rom of blades of avernum i ordered back in the day.
Not sure I'd say Avernum is overlooked; it gets a remake on a biannual schedule after all, along with the rest of the Spiderweb games. I still remember when it was Exile: Escape from the Pit, and not Avernum. Avernum was the first remake, with the original Exile being a 1995 release. I think the OGs are freeware, though I doubt you can get them to run on a modern system easily.
I ended up liking the Geneforge series better, but Exile/Avernum is still good fun.
Yeah, the originals are a 16bit code which requires a lot of tinkering to have it run on modern systems. That said, it's not impossible, just very annoying to do, it's much better just to get the Avernums which run just fine.
Also, let me explain why I consider Avernum overlooked/forgotten - and it may differ from country to country and from a group of friends to a group of friends, but how many of your video gaming and RPG playing friends know of it? None of mine. Not a single one. And I had a blast in 1995 playing Exile from a cover CD attached to some random mag. :)
i played escape from the pit, yeah its hard to get into but the fact he made this game on his own back then was impressive.
Avernum looks great
It's a very good game. It's just limited in the presentation department, which makes it difficult for it to appeal to modern gamers.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames When I was a kid I remember printing out the manual for the original Exile game. For me personally, It was one of the first games I remember discovering and purchasing on that newfangled world-wide-web exclusively.
FYi, They have a remake on steam called Avernum: Escape from the pit. Its UI is more akin to baldurs gate and helps the experience imo. I had fun with it.
I LOVED kings bounty on amiga, played it so much. I tried HMM years later and it was nice, but I still treasure KB more, maybe also due to Amiga charm. I even made a similar game (demo) in AMOS Pro, but sadly I lost all the floppy disks long ago :(
Did you see KB on C64? Now that was an achievement, cramming something so big on a system so small. :)
@@OldAndNewVideoGames I had no idea, it looks great and very similar to amiga version.
Heroes of Might and Magic a forgotten gem? Such a pity! I definitely haven't forgotten it and given it quite a few hours recently too. I can confirm that it's definitely fun. :)
Blam! Machinehead's strongest point seems to be the story. Do they explain all the melted cheese everywhere? :D
I always appreciate a modding-friendly game. That's very nice of the devs and usually ensures sales and fans. I wonder why Freedom Force vs 3rd Reich didn't do better... Especially since superheroes have been pretty popular.
I must disagree about the reasons why one might not want to play Punisher. Being a kid and having a weak stomach aren't the only ones. Some people prefer to play characters they can relate to and maybe sadistic a-h isn't on their list. :D
Can Yt make the like button default to bacon for me? 🥓
Well, I believe that the first heroes is. It was considerably simpler than the rest, and is usually overlooked in favour for any other entries in the series.
Cheese is kinda like bacon, it makes most things great. xD
Alright, your reason for not playing The Punisher is as good. On a side note, I exclusively play characters I cannot relate to. And it's not a joke, and also has nothing to do with the Punisher. What's more, it goes outside of video gaming and into the board/tabletop too. :)
I'm sure you could write a simple extension for your browser of choice to change the like into bacon. What is your browser of choice?
@OldAndNewVideoGames Cheese is great on lots of things, even on brown terrain in videogames. :D
I didn't say that that was my reason, just that it was one that might apply to multiple people. It doesn't to me. No, I would avoid Punisher for the simple fact that sadism, even if I know it's not real, makes me very angry and it's not a state of mind I enjoy having. But it's a situation very specific to me. :) Playing as characters you don't relate to is often really fun, I agree. You get to "live" other lives, explore all sorts of situations and possibilities. Even as Skunny, saving pizzas :D which, coincidentally, is one more thing that is made better by adding cheese.
Oh, I use the TH-cam app for watching, liking and commenting... No extensions possible there
Heroes 1 is looked over because Heroes 3 is such a classic and standout game. Heroes 2 is much the same; great game in it's own right, but overshadowed by HOMM3. NWC was on fire during this period, taking everything King's Bounty did right, and making it better for Heroes 1, then taking everything right from HOMM1 and making it better for 2, and finally 3.
@@drg5352 True, though I bet that each game was well-liked when it was new. :)
@@TeaAndFloppyDisksit must have been mind blowing to play the first homm back in the day. I can only imagine.
I have bought all 5 of Heroes of Might and Magic games on Good Old Games. It's great to play those turn-based fantasy games anytime, even offline. 🙂
I hope the upcoming Heroes of Might and Magic::Olden Era game will be as good as Herroes of Might and Magic 3.
So do I, buddy, so do I. I am actually pondering about getting a pre-order, but I kinda worry that Ubisoft will pack it with micro transactions and that I will be very upset.
11:00 you prob meant modded with X-Men characters not X-COM. Anyway thanks for shedding light these gems!
Sure did, cause I'm a silly potato. ;)
...a die hard HOMM2 fan? I knew i liked this channel before, you dont't have to sell it to me again ;)
Ha ha ha :) What can I say, it is the BEST entry. :) Everything about it is great and fits. While arguably Heroes III was better, I have a very love hate relationship with its presentation... Nope, it was a hate hate relationship with it. xD
@@OldAndNewVideoGames was it the switch to 3D sprites? For me the sprites from 2 looked the best in the series.
Blam! Machinehead - It looks like a game I might have enjoyed if it wasn't for the view bobbing around like the camera was held by someone walking on a waterbed.
It was pretty fun, but admittedly, I'm not a fan of bobbing either and whenever games allow for turning it off, and screen shaking too, I do that before I even start playing.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames I don't mind "head bobbing" in FPS games, as long as it's not too exaggerated, because it's a predictable rhythm. The bobbing in that game was just all over the place.
My issue with Heroes I was how I got it. I got the game as a gift from my girlfriend who dumped me via answering machine message while I was away for my grandfather soon after I started playing it. I didn't play the original PC game again after returning and getting that message for decades though I played the Gameboy Color port a lot in high school a few years later..
I love the Avernum franchise. I actually started with the Exile trilogy. When playing the Avernum games I usually run with a Rebel, Rogue, Archer, and a Cleric or Sorcerer trained with healing magic. I usually train my Rebel, Rogue, or sometimes both in healing magic as well after a few level ups since all classes determine is a character starting skills and you can train anyone in anything.
I had a lot of fun with the Punisher PS2 game though honestly I think the earlier Punisher NES, Gameboy, and Arcade games plus the Genesis port of the arcade game were pretty good as well.
Oh man... Getting dumped via answering machine sounds rough. I got dumped once on my namesday, which is like a smaller birthday in our country, and it sucked too. So I feel ya! :/
The arcade/Genesis Punisher was fantastic! I love it to bits!
Cztery słowa:
1. Kameleon (2005),
2. Confict Zone,
3. Raven Squadron,
4. Messaiah.
AD. 1 Dobrze zrobiony system "skrytości" w zimnowojennej fabule przy której seria Splinter Cell to mix "Pani Gadget" z " Bednarski na kłopty" (w skrócie- zabili go i uciekł😁)
2. Oprócz nowatorskiego podejscia do "zasobów" czy możliwości wyręczenia się "generałami", czy nie jest imponujący fakt, że w klasycznym rtsie (nie typowo wojennym w stylu Sudden Strike) sprzęt zmechanizowany ma różną grubość pancerza w różnych sferach (np. najgrubszy na przedzie)- samo to dodaje w warstwie taktycznej możliwość walki manewrowej, która w innych grach jest bezsensowna (rzucasz na wroga chmarę czolgów- kto ma więcej-wygrywa).
3. Gra znienawidzona bez powodu a mająca pewien unikat -nie tylko gracz steruje drużynami/sekcjami ogniowymi ale S.I. też. Więc wrogowie działaja jako zespoły, a nie chmara wolnych elektronów latających po planszach. Wojna to dzieło zespołowe, wojsko się ćwiczy do walki w ramach jednostki.
Sprytne, intuicyjne sterowanie sprawia, że podstawową taktykę "ogień i manewr" bez utraty całkowitej kontroli można wykonać dwoma kliknięciami bez odwoływania się do "klawiatury fortepianowej" (tak tak Hidden and Dangerous 2- o tobie mowa).
4. To jest majstersztyk pod względem technicznym i gameplayiowym. Pierwszą warstwę pominę (jak kto ciekawy mogę rozwinąc) dość że pewne aspekty nadal są lepiej rozwiązane niż obecny Unreal Engine.
Gra jest grą "infiltracyjną" w typie "kostiumowym" (jak w późniejszym nieco Hitmanie gdzie trzeba się przebrać by przeniknąć w dany obszar), nie ma tu kucania w czarnym rogu pomieszczenia (pomieszczenie oświetlone sztucznym światłem i kryjący całą postać cień- co za niewiarygodna niedorzeczność). Tylko że Messaiah realizuję tą koncepcję spójniej niż Hitman, zawsze wiesz, że jesteś zdemaskowany, bo źle odgrywałeś rolę "społeczną" postaci w którą wniknąłeś. W Hitmanie jeszcze przez parę kolenych części npc tajemniczym sposobem niekiedy odkrywali "przebranie".
Nie wspomnę o dużo większej swobodzie i nieliniowości bez wręcz wskazywania alternatywnej drogi przez twórców (w Hitman 1 często była całkowita liniowość, a w dwójce to było na starcie misji podpowiadanie drugiej drogi-sposobu działania). W praktyce to sobie można zobaczyć na pierwszych lewelach Messaiah, co można zrobić z technikiem nuklearnym (gdzieś jest na YT).
Ciekawostka: SoF imponował dużą ilością animacji trafień, a były one wspólne dla wszystkich modeli postaci. Messaiah ma niewilele mniejszą (pocelować w głowę a w szyję i animacja zabicia będzie odrębna dla każdego wypadku) a każdy typ npca ma inny zestaw animacji ruchu, spoczynku, nie mówiąc, że odrębnie poruszają się kobiety. A na dodatek są też "nieludzcy" przeciwnicy.
Avernum comes from the word Avernus, meaning "he ll" in Latin.
It's also a name for a very strong disinfectant used to clean public toilets. ;)
Ah yes, the era of the brown game.
Ha ha ha :) Both Fallout 1 and 2 were pretty brown too. xD
@@OldAndNewVideoGames Elder Scrolls Arena? Like 75% brown.
The Punisher movie which was released around the same time as the game was also better than it had any right to be. It was an odd mix of campy & darkly serious with Tom Jane in the title role.
I think I remember it. It was in the time when most superhero movies were not good yet, wasn't it?
@@OldAndNewVideoGames Yes and no? I mean, there were some great superhero movies before Marvel did the whole Infinity Gauntlet thing, but most had a very small budget and were hit-or-miss. Judge Dredd in the 90s was just a cheesy & corny adaptation, but I absolutely love that schlock.
You had the mega-blockbusters which lit the way for later trend, such as the Michael Keaton Batman films or the Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 1 & 2.
To your point, there were several movies released in the early aughts which weren't critically acclaimed, but were decent one-offs. The Daredevil movie of 2003, 2004's King Arthur, and The Count of Monte Cristo from 2002 showed an enormous budget wasn't necessary if the story was workable. How far we have fallen.
tl;dr Somewhat, depending on budget & creativity.
Sorry for the ramble.
@@OldAndNewVideoGames It also depends on if you count V for Vendetta as part of the superhero genre since it came from a graphic novel. That one is excellent. Hellboy dropped around the same time.
I'll shut up. Turns out I enjoyed some of these movies more than I remembered.
HOMM 1 was a trailblazer but its very clunky and unpolished by today's standards. Most fans favor 2 or 3, depending on who you ask; personally HOMM 2 was my favorite of the original 4 games. The operatic/cinematic music really enhanced those games! Good times.
Forgotten? Treasure?
HoMM1: Not forgotten. If the argument is "Not as good as the sequels", that's true but this isn't a series where the first game was bad, and it wasn't even the "first game" since it was King's Bounty: Might and Magic version. I think this would be like calling SimCity forgotten compared to 2000.
Blam!: Console game on PC; I'm not on "treasure" here. I seem have it in my head that this was a lark by Core and very shallow. I think if Core wasn't attached to this, it wouldn't get any notice compared to similar efforts.
Freedom Force vs 3rd: I would have said "Freedom Force" and "Vs 3rd" both qualify. I was shocked when Freedom Force got a sequel, especially when it did. Spectacular games that expanded on X-Com style strategy during an era where it was largely dead, and even more dead when 3rd came out. The first game was well reviewed, but I so were most thing Irrational did and they didn't sell.
Avernum: I feel like the dev is still doing his thing as much as he ever has, probably to a wider audience now. If you're saying a previous game in a series is "forgotten" when the series is so incremental, I don't know that makes sense.
The Punisher: Ok, this is going to take some brain cells. Forgotten? mostly. Treasure? No. This is where you are way too nice.
Very little going on in this game. Mostly an average shooter; the deal at the time was the game's rating. But violence doesn't get past the fact it had little going on. Reviews are middling across the board.
Yes, it is Volition (before they decided to make the worst sequel ever and go out of business), but this game shows all the signs of a developer using the PC team to push a licensed game pushed out the door. Even as a pure hyper-violence-fest (from the era before video games had to be morally pure) it isn't Manhunt.
Это просто возмутительно. Автор научился свободно говорить по-английски, но не предпринял ни малейшего усилия, чтобы избавиться от ужасного акцента.
i think aus is doing better than the uk atm, with the brexit and terrorism and more crime. I'd stay in sydney 😁
What about spiders and snakes? ;)
Not to mistake it for snakes & ladders. xD
@@OldAndNewVideoGames hahahaha, if your in the country heat will get you first. It's so funny how all the ppl from countries with bears worry about our wildlife. None of our dangerous insects or wildlife will come anywhere near you unless you literally live next door to their habitat. I'm 1 suburb away from funnel webs but they will never reach my apartment
Heroes arent "lost to time" though, still going with shitty chinese microtransaction made copy-paste. And i played Avernum 6 just the other day LOL
He's referring to the original series of Heroes games from NWC. Their gameplay and style has indeed been lost.
I get what you're saying about Heroes 1 but god DAMN are the sprites ugly. It's like it was made by two different art departments at the same time, overland map and ui stuff by professional and sprites and animations by unpaid interns...
Fair point. What do you think of pre-rendered graphics in Heroes 3 then? Or overworld graphics in Heroes 4? It seems that it's only the 2nd that had unified and high quality presentation. :)
@@OldAndNewVideoGames Heroes 3 prerendered creatures works well enough, but I do think the Heroes2 creatures have aged better. Some of the Heroes3 spell effects are really rough though. It's always hard for me to say which HoMM I like the most, 2 or 3.
As for HoMM4... it's just such a disjointed mess. I'd actually rather play game 6 and 7 over it.
You constantly talking without even taking a break, makes me sick 😮
I may have ADD xD
Your accent is unbearable