For those who are reading. You are going to make it out of depression and it's okay to cry because you're not alone, I am here for you but most of all God is too. The universe wants to inform you about moving forward and never look back on your past. You're stronger than what you think - God bless you. I love you
Thank you Miquan for the uplifting words and support. We all need to be reminded how much the higher being above truly loves us and most of all how much we love and respect ourselves and yet remain humble even after going thru trauma and pain. Need more men like you who keeps all in his prayers and wishes safety on others and not abuse them. Thank you.
To whomever reads this: Expect riches in your near future. Prosperity, peace and love will flow in abundance soon. This favor of love, peace and abundance will last a lifetime. 🙏 I hope everyone achieves their dreams when they awake, peace and good sleep ❤️
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. And may peace and calmness fill your life.
Forget facebook I want to be friends with you guys. This is the most peaceful thoughtful and loving conversation I've seen in well forever. I love everyone here. My soul felt urged to read these comments and now I know why. Facebook is filled with such hate and demented ways. I'm so sick of hearing all this negative I had to break loose. I want you guys to know I love you all and you all are highly favored. Stay true to you.
I love you too. I can see a greater light at the end of your tunnel. But the light that shines within you is the brightest 🌟. You have two angels protecting you. Listen to your inner self. You are lucky and blessed 🙏❤️
You don't give yourself enough credit for staying alive from January 1st till now. Being a Human is difficult. I'm proud of you and I'm happy you're still here. Don't give up x
Naturally Curious TV this means a lot to me today is day 33 for me with coronavirus I have four more days till this virus dies and I’m so grateful I’m still alive Thank you God 🙏☝️🙌
Incase you didn’t hear this today.. because I know I didn’t. I love you. You are loved. You are manifesting your dreams. Stay positive and focused. I know it’s hard right now, but you got this. ❤️
I really need to go to bed, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t write this. You are loved. You are important. You are strong. No matter the obstacle, you shall persevere. It is all within our willpower, as humans, to keep on. You got this. Don’t ever doubt yourself, you hear me? ✌️
Тем, кто заинтересуется...Колоссальный вред в тренировке чакр идёт от ошибки: когда-то очень давно какой то немецкоязычный автор написал книгу, где он стал утверждать, что чакры должны быть раскрашены в разные цвета. То есть, поскольку существует семь основных цветов радуги, семь музыкальных нот, семь чакр - всех по семь! - то, значит, каждой чакре должны соответствовать соответствующая нота и соответствующий цвет. И чакра анахата, оказывается, должна быть зелёной… Поймём, что ведь в чакре анахате должно родиться и из неё расти - духовное сердце. У Творца и Святых цвет - Нежно-бело-золотистый! А на что годится зелёное духовное сердце? Бог ведь - вовсе не зелёный! Зелёным духовным сердцем можно претендовать на слияние с болотной тиной, например. Но никак не с Богом! Красными, зелёными и прочими чакрами “соваться” в Творца - бессмысленно! Люди, которые занимались расцвечиванием своих чакр, - если они не “отмоются”, а это очень трудно - они лишили себя возможности достичь высоких этапов на пути духовного совершенствования! Это - ловушка! Я очень прошу всех не следовать этой вредоносной тенденции и отойти от тех, кто пытаются навязывать такие порочные, губительные псевдодуховные тенденции! Общие сведения о чакрах: Чакры - это биоэнергетические структуры человеческого организма. Чакры являются органами, в которых продуцируются те или иные эмоции и иные психические состояния человека. Среди их функций - запасание, переработка и перераспределение в организме биоэнергий. Каналы, по которым происходит перетекание, передвижение биоэнергий называются меридианами. Нет "хороших" и "плохих" чакр (о чем в литературе существуют невежественные фантазии). Каждая из чакр играет в жизнедеятельности организма свою роль. Расположение чакр: Всего чакр 7, иногда называют иное их число, что вызвано недоразумениями, они имеют форму более или менее правильных сфер; лишь верхняя чакра сахасрара уплощена по вертикали и подобна лежащему диску. ПРИМЕРЫ:1.Сделаем визуализацию маленького солнышка, и поместим его в образы чакр, пусть все чакры начинают светить, как эти солнышки. Дополним: Представим душистую розу. Введём цветок в анахату. Чакра наполняется нежным ароматом. (Введём образы цветов во все чакры). ___подробнее, в "Экопсихология", В.Антонов. часть 2 На самом деле чакры расположены следующим образом: Сахасрара - подобная лежащему диску чакра, находящаяся под теменной костью. Её диаметр - около 12 см, высота - около 4 см. Это - область полушарий переднего мозга. Аджня - расположенная в середине головы крупная чакра. Вишудха - чакра, расположенная в нижней половине шеи до уровня ключиц. Анахата - чакра грудного отдела туловища, расположенная на уровне между ключицами и "солнечным сплетением". Манипура - чакра верхней половины живота. Свадхистана - чакра нижней половины живота. Муладхара - чакра, расположенная в нижней части таза между копчиком и лобковой костью. Чакры также не имеют внутри себя никаких "лепестков" и подобных сказочных структур; это - фантазии человеческие. Чакры должны иметь внутри себя нежный бело-золотистый цвет. Желательно, чтобы все чакры были всегда очищенными и развитыми. Для этого существуют специальные медитативные приёмы. Необходимо подчеркнуть, что работа с чакрами и с развитием других тонких структур организма несовместима с "убойным" питанием, употреблением алкоголя (даже в виде кваса и спиртсодержащих молочных продуктов) и других психоделиков, ибо они разрушают эти тонкие структуры. Нарушения этого правила вызывают тяжёлые заболевания. Главная из всех чакр - это чакра анахата, ибо именно с её помощью человек может реализовать своё главное предназначение: т.е. духовное совершенствование. Надо научиться устойчиво жить душой в чакре анахате, из нее смотреть на окружающий мир, из нее посылать любовь на людей, животных, растения, духов, Бога. Для этого можно, например, научиться ощущать свою голову в груди - с глазами, ушами, губами… часть 3 Выскажусь и о "третьем глазе", об аджне. Важно знать, что находящаяся в центре головы чакра аджня является «виновником» очень многих людских бед. Этому соответствует и её название, которое означает на санскрите ‘не-мудрая’, то есть, попросту, ‘глупая’. Эта чакра, как и все остальные, нужна и должна быть, в идеале, очищена и развита. Но ей нельзя позволять доминировать! Ибо тогда она порождает эгоцентрические эмоции, делая её обладателя эгоцентриком. Тенденция провозглашения чакры аджни - главной чакрой имеет исток в шутке Кришны, зафиксированной в Бхагавад-Гите. В беседе с Арджуной Кришна, показывая жестом на свою грудную клетку, говорил, что вот здесь, между этими «бровями» (Он показывал на волосы на Своей мужской груди), надо открыть выход Атмической Божественной Энергии... Но Его жест не был передан в Бхагавад-Гите, шутка не была понята читателями. «Аджнические» люди становятся «труднопереносимыми» в социальном общении. Они также обретают склонность к психическим нарушениям. Чакра аджня является одной из самых трудных в очищении и утончении. «Низшее я» - это совокупность гнездящихся в головной чакре аджне порочных эгоцентрических самоощущений и эмоций - таких, как гордость, тщеславие, высокомерие, самость, надменность, презрение, нетерпимость, насильственность, желание получить себе в ущерб другим, обидчивость и т.п.
I was beginning to think that there weren't many pure and genuine souls out there until I saw these comments on these videos. I hope you all live a happy and prosperous life and get everything you desire
hey I love that!!!! There is a WHOLE TH-cam COMMUNITY with pure loving souls :) Guess what else? There is this youtube channel called Mary Jane Maxwell. Go type in her name on youtube and check out her stuff!!! She is the real deal, she has helped me on my self-love journey for the past two years!!!!!
I am love I am light I am joy I am peace I am aware I am divinely guided I am empowered I am protected I am abundant I am HEALING Sending so much love to everyone
@@mysticespresso6956 Yes, I'm healing from my 19 year old son passing away. Yesterday was his Angelversary, in fact. But thank you for pointing out the obvious! Take good care of yourself!
My dad just passed away yesterday. He was my best friend and I’m only 18. My brother is 13 and we are struggling. This music is helping me sleep thank you 🙏
JMS Stay positive, at all times: stay positive when you are on the path, stay positive if you struggle with temptation, and stay positive if you falter. Positivity is what will help you back up again. You can do this.
If you’re reading this you’re here for a reason our glorious universe didn’t birth you for no reason you’re loved you’re strong you’re worthy of this life embrace it with all that you are & live free peace love & unity be with you all
I never comment on youtube videos but right before I came on here I asked my spirit guides to give me a sign that someone's listening and someone cares. This comment section was my sign. I love you all and I'm so thankful for all the kind words!! We've all got this
Keep holding on even when it feels like no ones listening. Your guides, ancestors, and angels are near by with reassurance that you will be better. Ase
If you are reading this, may all your relationships bond with unconditional love.. may you recover from health issues.. may you heal deep from inside.. may all your worries, anxiety and wealth and health issues go away.. love to all the beautiful souls.. this time will pass.. be strong.. divine will take care of you.. love to all..❤
I love that. Kind of the direction I'm trying to embrace. I wish you the best in your life. And at the very least wisdom and growth from the times that aren't.
Kindly listen to this as well. Unique Meditation Method to be in love with meditation Guided meditation to relax your mind in 15 minutes. This is a joyful meditation journey to relax the mind and body. It is beautifully narrated, to enjoy the meditation, to make u stress-free. If you practice this before going to bed, you will a good night's sleep
@@Himlens Someday, everything we know now will end, but beginning from then, nothing will end ever egain. And that life will be even better than before, WAY BETTER. Don't worry, and please try to stay safe, fight for your dreams, try to be happy somehow in this world nowadays, and wait until that moment. The end of almost everything, which now looks depressing and so sad, will become a new beginning.
Manifestation: I am light being , I will always be protected by the most high, great prosperity is coming my way and I will began to flourish in every area of my life . I own who I am
This was so moving and touching for me that I had to copy and paste it into my list of affirmations. I might make it into a poster to put on the wall for positive environmental energy ❤️ Namaste, love!!
I am not joking.. I have PCOS.. i stopped taking pills 6 months ago so I haven't menstruated since then .. but after listening to this in my sleep, even I'm not taking a pills. I menstruated .. thank you for this 🙏❤️ this is God sent
I truly believe we will witness how Earth becomes a place of love and light. All the previous negative structures will crumble and everything will change. It's a gradual change, but it's gonna be so good the wait will be worth it. Sending everyone a lot of light right now !
The government is planning a blackout and all these corona cases are a merely a distraction but only the chosen ones the ones who are spiritually woken will be able to with stand the chaos that is about to come
your affirmations for today: i attract i am love i am a magnet i am deserving i am grateful my skin is clear and glowing i am in complete control of my life everything i want, i receive i can easily handle what comes in my way i am aligned with my higher purpose i am beautiful i am a magnet for all positive things i am grateful i love you guys and i’m so proud of you. take a deep breath, drink some water and get some sleep you deserve it xxx
To the beautiful soul reading this. Please know that you are loved. Things may not be at their best right now but trust and believe that the universe has planned something for you. Everything is organized in a chaotic manner. You will eventually be led to where you should be, with the people you should be with. Just act with good intentions and the universe will take care of you, I promise.
Oh my gosh, you are truly connected to the heavens. Thank you for this message, beautiful soul. You wrote this two years ago and your words are exactly what I needed to read at this time. I believe the universe will take care of me and I am certain it is/will for you too. Sending love right back to you.
Listening to 5 minutes of this literally I have deleted all my social media it’s time for me to get centered and relax and stop all my depression and anxiety it’s time to focus on me
@@luv0732 because social media can consume our life and not let us focus on our wellbeing plus she could be dealing with toxic ppl in those platforms as well:)
I'm genuinely moved by some of the comments, I truly wish whoever reads this understands that although we may never meet, you are wonderful and I hope your life is fulfilling and beautiful
I am beautiful I am smart I am blessed I am enough I am light I am joy I am peace I am aware I am divinely guided I am empowered I am loved I am amazing I am life HEALING SONG THANK YOU😀
To the one percent reading this right now, I just want to take a minute to remind you that you are a beautiful and unique soul destined for greatness and I truly wish you all the best in your life, you are worthy of all that you desire to become reality and you have the power within you now to make that happen, I may have never met you but I believe in you. Much love and peace to all... the sky is the limit... never surrender and never stop dreaming !!! 🧘♂️💪💙🙏💸
Kindly listen to this as well. Unique Meditation Method to be in love with meditation Guided meditation to relax your mind in 15 minutes. This is a joyful meditation journey to relax the mind and body. It is beautifully narrated, to enjoy the meditation, to make u stress-free. If you practice this before going to bed, you will a good night's sleep
Just got over a toxic relationship..I gave my all when i shouldn’t. Now im making the effort to purify my energy and heal mentally. Now im unlocking the hidden potential i have within myself
I’m so sorry you had to go through a rough period in your life. But just know that you have come out of it as a much healthier individual. It won’t make sense to you now but later down the line you will understand how powerful you really are. You needed those lessons to learn and grow and become a better and stronger version of yourself... purify your energy, my love. And heal yourself. Be kind and gentle and loving to you every single day. Know that your strength lies within you. You got this. I believe in you. Love and peace. Xx
To whoever comes across this comment: yes you can and you will. The universe has your back no matter what and good things are coming. Just being here now proves You are on the right path
Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: it doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful day and a happy, peaceful life where all your dreams come true. You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you!
If you are reading this .. let me tell you that you are a warrior, you have come this far, if you can go through this rough patch, there's nothing which can hold you. Just imagine that the best days are yet to come. Just remember that there's someone wishing luck and love for you. If an example helps then let me tell you that, there were days when I was totally empty, there were sleepless nights, no hunger and and only depressing vibes and lonely nights, but slowly everything starts to fade. Remember your favourite song , your happy vibes, your favourite thing which you always love to laugh at, and slowly everything starts becoming normal, then I realised that those depressing days too are a part of life which we need to embrace. Remember that I am wishing for your good days to come. You are not alone, You are a Warrior. And peaceful days are coming.
I had the most amazing and deepest sleep I’ve had in weeks using this video. I am a hospital employee and work during this COVID-19 pandemic has been beyond stressful. I have not been sleeping, even on my days off. This has been the only thing that has been working for me. Thank you
God bless you. I pray for all of us everyday but especially the people like yourself who are putting yourselves in the front lines so that we can have a fighting chance. I would love to get more involved. How can I help you and others like you?
Reading the comments makes me happy that people like all you exist, I should not be feeling so lonely and hurt but I am, and I wish the best to all of you, many blessings
I hope you are feeling better since you originally posted. I don't believe in "should or shouldn't" anymore. There just is. Remember to be loving and compassionate to yourself. You deserve love
Julio, I pray you are feeling better since your last post. You are not alone. See all the light surrounding this channel, which you found. Be kind to yourself. You are more amazing than you know. Blessings, light and love.
No one should feel so bad about themself. I hope you're doing well atm and is healing. Just know that there are people that still cares about you. Stay safe
I'm actively focusing on more meditation instead of desperation. More gratitude instead of attitude. Quitting pointing fingers outside and eating on a daily dose of humble pie. We are all one. Intentions and thoughts are manifested by our own minds. Sending love, peace and positive vibes to all.
I miss my mother.....I've done well for 4 months..... this meditation music sent me into my feelings. I loved my momma, we had major differences but I wouldn't be me without her.i dont want to post on facebook because friends and family will worried and be concerned. But I had to write this rather than continuing to cry. I miss my momma, i want my mom. Rih Doris Jean . I love you....
Mía, I know how you feel. My mom passed five years ago. She was my best friend. You are feeling untethered and cast adrift; it feels like things can never be good again. I'm here to tell you that it does get better, and there does come a time when you can breathe again and even feel her close to you without your heart stopping. My heart is with yours.
Meditate on her.....remember the answers shed have for you....remember her smell.....sound.....go through senses and be with her...have a time of day youd sit with her....this music is ideal to send you into this meditation.... your so pretty.... make your mama proud. We are all connected....only here for around 70 years if we're lucky.....won't be long till you see her again.....where were you before you were alive.? That's where you'll be peace .....she's just a little ahead of you....the little oak tree shouldn't cry for the big oak tree....the big oak tree is wanting the baby oak tree to thrive and grow up strong.....I send you love xxxxxxxx
Im gonna be honest i dont know how you feel but it must really hurt and we can just hope that your mother is watching over you like the angel she is, well thats how i feel
Reading all these comments make me so happy! You're all so awesome and uplifting. When I need some calmness, hope and positive energy, or feel restless or sleepless, I always put on meditations/soundbaths by this owner. And it helps me so much. I can't explain how calm it makes me feel. And reading these uplifting words from everyone makes me feel even more good about myself.
everyone that is here listening to this and reading comments we are all connected even if not at the same exact moment we still transfer that positive energy between one another and makes it grow bigger and better everyday . you all are wonderful beings ✌
Beautiful t. Simply beautiful. There are no mistakes. I don't even know how to use this cell phone. Divine appointment. I feel better already. Such wonderful comments from some beautiful people. Light bearers. Let's all continue to raise our individual and collective vibratory frequencies to raise our collective human consciousness NOW! THANKS. 😆
thank you, you are so nice! You know who is unstoppable, YOU ARE! And I believe that you have the power to always grow and evolve because you rock! Guess what else? There is this youtube channel called Mary Jane Maxwell. Go type in her name on youtube and check out her stuff!!! She is the real deal, she has helped me on my self-love journey for the past two years!!!!!
Kindly listen to this as well. Unique Meditation Method to be in love with meditation Guided meditation to relax your mind in 15 minutes. This is a joyful meditation journey to relax the mind and body. It is beautifully narrated, to enjoy the meditation, to make u stress-free. If you practice this before going to bed, you will a good night's sleep
Goodluck I can't say I've full stopped but I cut out most drugs that affect my mind and hurt my's hard having an auto immune disease so I will always need medicine but that doesn't mean I need the BS that comes with them. Try writing it helps alot and reading makes the time go by. Blessings sending your way fam.
Dear person who is reading this, You live in a world of touch, smell, see and taste. For a moment close your eyes, and observe your thoughts like passing clouds. The more you fight the more the thoughts will fight back, so ride the thoughts like tides. Your thoughts do not make you, your brain will never stop telling you things you don’t want to hear, it’s you who gets to decide which thoughts are more important. Don’t allow your mind to control you, control your mind. Keep your head up little one. I love you 🙏🏼❤
I've been using this every night before bed to help me relax. My mantras are the following: I AM releasing all negativity, pain, anxiety, and depression. I AM healing. I AM love and light.
Try them all in the present tense for faster results too!! I release all pain, negativity and depression from my Mind. I am healed. I am whole :). Making them all present in this very moment. Great work. Beautiful soul thank you for sharing
We are healthy We are wealthy We are blessed We are shinning stars We are loved We are amazing We are life We are stronger then our weakness We are not alone We are healing together ♡ stay kind everyone and be safe ♡
These comments got me cryinnnnnnn. Most of the time I feel alone and that no one understands me or what I’m going through but I see me in so many of you. Y’all are so sweet. 💛
Kindly listen to this as well. Unique Meditation Method to be in love with meditation Guided meditation to relax your mind in 15 minutes. This is a joyful meditation journey to relax the mind and body. It is beautifully narrated, to enjoy the meditation, to make u stress-free. If you practice this before going to bed, you will a good night's sleep
I understand you i just feel like nobody takes the time to just ask me what i want or how i feel ive held up alotta frustrations throughout the years and the comments allow me to let it all go
I am 17 and have been battling with anxiety and depression my hole life I just recently looked into raising my frequency and have been doing everything I can to improve my life. have faith in god and trust in your path everything that’s happened in your life has lead up to these moments for a reason you may not know why but trust that you will soon and don’t worry about the past or the future because the only thing that matters is being present in the now cherish what you have before it’s gone. Spread unconditional love and you will be loved back♥️
Feel better it gets better I ve been there at 17 just remember the stuff we go thru thats tough Is just the fertilizer for the growth of the Good stuff coming to you I had depression etc since 11 I'm now 38 and it's just a road not a test be you even if u cry a whole day it goes away ok Trust me , you're very special and your light will shine Be kind to your beautiful mind And LIVE for U U MATTER , ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
If you are reading this and you are on the road to enlightenment just know I am very proud of you and you should be proud of yourself there is no trying only doing and you are doing great keep your head up let your light shine One Love
To whoever needs to hear this, you are beautiful and you are worthy No matter the obstacle and no matter what anybody tries to say You are loved and you will always be protected as long as you dig deep and find yourself everything will be okay Love you all & have a wonderful rest Tomorrow has great things awaiting you
these comments make me cry that there so many people around that care , i feel safe , please if you’re reading this , keep going , keep holding on , you will find your peace and we’re doing this together , i love you
Id like to start thinking more positively, see my worth, communicate better and see the good in others. This is something I've dealt with as a child which made me have codependency issues. I'd like to heal from those things.
I’ve also seen and love yours videos. You two are smart beautiful and talented women. And you doing this to better yourself will only enhance your beauty inwardly. Self love and self care is where the true peace comes from.
You keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.balanced in forgiveness for loves sake .God is the first unconditional love .I am just following his guidance..peace and God s eternal love.libra here.
This music has helped in my healing greatly. I haven't drank alcohol or smoked med mj in months, I've weened off meds including Adderall and benzos and the toughest one, haven't smoked a cigarette since Monday. I listen all night and into my mornings when I can. It's helped so much. I've also done a lot of purging and Shadow Work.
Be strong on your journey to healing. There will be distractions. Keep the focus on your healing. Gabor Mate says we self medicate to quieten the pain... Makes sense
That's amazing.. Good for you! And, congrats on your recovery! I'm basically in the same boat that you were in - except no marijuana use. I've been on benzos since 2015 and been smoking nicotine since 2007. I've tried weaning off my benzo medication (which I'm prescribed for anxiety & panic attacks) in 2017 in a medically supervised hospital.. That was an unsuccessful attempt.. The withdrawals were the WORST I've ever experienced in my life compared to any substance I've stopped prior to that. And my anxiety came back 10× WORSE than before- heart palpitations, shaking, everything! How did you do it? I'm just curious because I don't want to be on these meds and addicted to nicotine for the rest of my life.. any help or advice is appreciated.. thanks! Sending you love & light.. God Bless! ❤️🙏 This music helps me to feel calm & relaxed as I'm about to go to sleep while playing this in the background!
@@LucciB1111I know this advice comes long after you posted this. I still smoke so I don’t have nicotine advice. But getting off benzos is a long slow taper, not something you’ll likely stick to if you try to do it in a week in a hospital. It was smart to go there as stopping benzos suddenly can be dangerous. However, it’s best to wean off them over a period of a year. Your doctor should be able to help you. They should want to help you. Benzos are miracle drugs for short periods of time, or for occasional use, but you never want to be on them long term. The doctor should put you on a plan to slowly decrease your dose. It may take a year. But it’s safer that way, and then you won’t have much rebound anxiety. Good luck to you. Peace and love.
The Universe lets us meet one another here. It’s not accidental. So I wish all the best things would come to you guys and I as well! To be honest, I always have faith in the Universe, Guardian Angels, Spiritual Protection Team, Buddha, Kuanyin, Ancestors, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Animal Guides, my Higher Self! Yay, I deeply believe that they are trying to defend, guide, help, support and encourage us unconditionally! Especially, many thank “Meditation and Healing” channel for updating this meaningful video as well as everyone for spreading optimistic statements! Well, just remember that “We are courageous and confident. We are calm and peaceable. We are blessed and loved. We are abundant and healthy. We are positive and joyous. We are safe and sound. We are alive and grateful. We are unique and free. We are on our accurate path. We are precious and successful. We are healing and growing. We deserve the best!” 🌏☀️🕊🌱🌸
The internet let us escape the evil that was taking over the lives of most. They didn't know it would allow us all to connect and change the outcome. We are one. We are love.
There are no such things as coincidences. Everything happen for a reason. We have choices, but the universe decides the rest. So I agree, we were all brought here to meet each other
I just woke up in the middle of the night crying and screaming “no.” I was listening to this as a slept. My depression is so bad and nothing is getting better in my life no matter how hard I try. But reading these comments makes me feel like I’m not alone. Bless you all and may we all find peace in our lives.
Sending you love and healing prayer 🙏 you are not alone because I am praying for you. Depression sucks. Some days all I can do is meditate and breathe. That makes me feel in control. You are not worthless for not gaining progress, and certainly not because you have these feelings. You are lovable and worthy and I am sending you healing light. Keep going!
Have you heard about Ketamine for depression? It's said to be a major game changer. People who have tried everything get dramatic rapid results. There is lots of info and testimonials on YT. Very convincing.
Just had 27 hours of anxiety. Finally kicking it. With a long walk and fresh air after being In the er. These sounds were made for the soul. Blessings everyone. Control ur mind and put the right things in ur stomach. Love and light.
Been listening to these frequency’s for 8 months or more and I can truly say they’ve changed my life for the better, I rarely think negative anymore and am also rarely depressed 🥰 to anyone listening and reading this, life gets better and whatever your going through will pass ❤️
In a few days I will be six months sober. It has been one of the most difficult times in my life. I’ve never experienced so much pain after losing the love of my life due to my addictions. All I can do is keep ahold of gratitude... I am in good health and I am cultivating a relationship with my higher power. This meditation is beautiful. I don’t want to have such a difficult time with TRUST 🙏🏼
Please, please know there are people who do love you even in your lowest moments. Don’t give up as you did it before you can do it again for you. I lost my brother and sister the same way and always teach out to others who struggle with addiction with compassion. I suffer from depression and have for many years and have been on medication for it . It takes courage to get out there and say you need help. We hear your pain and suffering, you are not alone. Go to a spiritual healer that can work on massage as well as chakra healing. I have a broken heart and have for months and her healing changed my life for the better. Loneliness and suffering are your steps for a better future. See the light opening up to you and love yourself for who you are . Please don’t destroy or hurt yourself as too many who love you and care would be heartbroken to see that happen. It happened to me when I lost my only siblings. Please try again but hold on . Believe others are suffering too. But also know when you succeed, they are so very happy for you and for you to believe you can do this . I believe in you. ♥️
Congrats on your recovery! I've been in recovery from substances for three years and I lost the love of my life first due to my addiction, then when I was about 1 year into my recovery.. God called him home.. He was suffering from alcoholism and the physical illnesses it caused him but he fought hard to get sober with my help.. I did everything within my power to help save his life. Some days that pain, that guilt still consumes me. It's become a little easier to live with but the pain never goes away. Keep building your relationship with your Higher Power. My Higher Power, God helps me to stay clean and in recovery even through the loss of my loved one. Bless you, Sending you love & good vibes 💗✨
For whom ever is reading this, we will get through this, we are facing some off the hardest times in the world. But together we are 💪🏽 strong. No matter what race, sex, or gender we are all brothers and sisters and god loves us all. Stand together! Fight together! Love together! ❤️
Beautiful what you wrote...we all come from one...they are trying to divide us because they know that if we all stand together,nothing can stop us..they trying to control everything we do,eat,think and what we see...but is a new time now..much love💗
My wife and I are taking a break. We both have a lot of problems we need to fix. With her gone we are not whole and we are not well. My children this holiday sent a new letter to santa for her to be back. Even through this pain the only reason we have gotten ANY sleep this past week has been from this video.
I hear you. Icecream helps the heart and mind. Start with the heart chakra, then add the throat chakra. Be near moving water. Aunty Eliza Sydney Australia 13th of December 2022 11:58am Never alone, I am here. X
Humans need breaks from one another sometimes it’s only natural, both of you and you two as a whole will come out of this better than coming in. Sending good energy:)
Hello, I am a 23 year old single mother, I work and I am also a part-time student. My goals are to one day become the greatest nurse and mother I can be; and I won’t stop until I reach that goal. This year hasn’t started off to good but...I am going to keep pushing, no matter what. I will keep pushing. I’m mentally I’ve leaned how to channel my emotions and thoughts; which keeps me sane. At times I feel lost and most of the time I can’t talk to many about it. So I listen to these and it actually calms me and puts me in a happy place. I am becoming in-tuned with not other myself but also the universe. But to those reading my comment. I believe in you and hope all is well, and that you becoming rich in knowledge, wisdom, peace, understanding, love, happiness, kindness and so much more✨🙏 and may the most high walk with you in spirit! Be safe and be blessed to you all❤️
Dont ever Give up Keep trying the universe never Give up ask me i never knew now i Know i have trusted and i gained my strength .. please keep strong .. we all love you 🌹
If you're reading this remember to always take care of yourself first. You can't take care of others without being okay. Self healing and self love are very important. Don't ignore your issues shine above them and let the light guide you to your proper path 🌞
To the person who is reading this comment, its okay, its alright to feel lonely sometimes, if you are going through tough times, keep pushing through, but never give up, i wish you great success in health, love and happiness!
i found myself here, amongst friends it seems, along this journey. it's a very safe place. my mind has never been so quiet. i send love to all out there reading this.
I’ve been on a journey of self discovery and I’ve been having a hard time with really connecting with myself and I hope that this helps me with that. I affirm that when I wake up in the morning, I will have a fresh start
it will find you a whole products of the streets...bad relationships ..horrible lifestyle and i found myself i found what the higher power put me here for ..
You stand here today despite your sufferings, dont discount the unique strength it took for you to have come this far. You’re doing great, and if no one said it today know that I’m proud of you🖤 Never give up because then you lose your chance to become something great:
I love you, and everything you're doing for this world. Just you reading this has made my day. Despite what you may think, your mere existence has made such a huge impact on the people around you, and even people you've never met. If you ever feel hopeless or lost, there's hundreds of people, online and in real life, who would bend over backwards to get you the help you need, whether you're having a hard time with school, family problems, relationship problems, and mental health problems. If you ever just need a hug, don't be afraid to ask for one. Your guardian, your best friend, your partner, hell, even you could hug your pet! And of course, speaking for everyone in the comment section, we would all love to give you a virtual hug. If your life isn't looking up right now, and you feel like you've hit rock bottom, have a quick reminder that the only way left to go is up. Life might just start looking up from this point on. It doesn't matter how much it feels like you're never going to get better, you need to remember that your mindset will never change if you don't try! That's where talking to people if you need help comes in. We're all here. You're probably never going to hear from me on another video again, and it was nice to drop this little supportive message. I'll have you know you just took advice from a thirteen year old girl, with a variation of medical problems and a fellow "rockbottomer". Back to the point, I love you! Stay safe, and reach out to others during these trying times. Thank you for reading, have an excellent, day or night.
So many of us has been traumatized through out our life’s journey. However the fact that you are even here listening or reading the comments show that you’re seeking to be healed or already are healing! I send you loving energy from the infinite universe ♥️♥️♥️ and know that one day soon you will be the sovereign light being you are meant to be! Blessings to all🙏🏽🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🏽
Wishing everyone who reads this wealth, success, happiness and abundance!! You are the creator of your life and you can make your dreams come true so never give up on them!! Love everyone -Your good friend Teddy
Every night before bed or when you have time repeat yourself many times “The whole world and the universe is full of peace and happiness, all the beings that live in it are full of peace forever, the people who used to be bad are now good" And then make a visualization of a better world So we could change the world and help the other ones And also pray for those who are no longer saying “All beings who have already passed away are resting in peace forever”
I feel like I’m drowning. I’m always sad, always angry. I feel like I’m always stressed. Cheers to trying to get back into meditation and being more spiritual again.
Say it with me. I am loved. I am light. I am rich with both experience and money. I am confident. I am beautiful. I have achieved enlightenment. I am in touch with my higher self. My chakras are aligned. I am filled with positive energy. I am healthy. I have completed my goals. I know only happiness. 👏🏻💗✨
Came here for the first time. Tears rolling and heart beating I will never leave this place. Thank you all for the beautiful words and I truly believe I can come here to heal. xoxo to all.
hey thank you I love you to and I want you to love yourself unconditionally. So im gonna ask you a favor so that you can love yourself unconditionally. There is this youtube channel called Mary Jane Maxwell. Go type in her name on youtube and check out her stuff!!! She is the real deal, she has helped me on my self-love journey for the past two years!!!!!
my anxiety and depression is getting worse. i’m trying to find some motivation and to heal. I’m trying to find anything to help. if anyone else is struggling, know that you aren’t alone. i hope we can get through this together.
Try to spend 1 /2 hours a day surrounded by nature...walking slowly,with your senses attentive to the smells, sounds and every movement of branches...leaves...I'm quite sure it might help. Sending you Love and Light❤️
Some days I feel so lonely and sad, i can’t explain why I feel this way but it can be tough to bear at times. I often question my purpose in life, hopefully this mediation brings me to a good place where I can find happiness and solace in my soul again. Love to all and god bless.
Your not alone. Please hold on. The answers will come to us. This human experience is a difficult one but you may be here to help others feeling the way you do. Children, mothers, people who feel they have no hope. Think about how long you have coped and how and help others get through it. You are stronger that you think. Your beautiful (look at you😊). That face can heal people with just one smile. God bless you and thank you for letting Me know I’m not alone. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@@lf3809 WOW! You are a SPECIAL SOUL! THANKS for taking the time to write such encouragement & love! I'm sure others who read your reply will see the message is the same for them...and, take it to heart! GOD BLESS BIGHUG
You are purposed! You are a part of me and the entire universe! You are necessary and deliberate. A Wonder in a plethora of space, time and matter! Know! Become! Manifest! Ot is your calling!
Your body encompasses a vast universe filled with galaxies of never ending waterfalls and cascading peaks of love and compassion for every movement and object that come near . Be one . Be everyone. Let your emotions feel the ground around you and let the fear escape into the depths of earth and let sink to never rise again but only to be viewed down upon from a higher perspective
I will have a job soon , I will have money to provide for myself my son and babies father and we will have our first home 💯speaking this into the universe
You have a high paying job, you have money to provide to yourself, your son and babies father, you have your first home!! congrats girl I’m so extremely proud of you. the universe has and are fulfilling what you deserve. (Instead of using “will” use present terms like I did. It’s a better attraction :)) - 10:10pm
hey thank you I love you to and I want you to love yourself unconditionally. So im gonna ask you a favor so that you can love yourself unconditionally. There is this youtube channel called Mary Jane Maxwell. Go type in her name on youtube and check out her stuff!!! She is the real deal, she has helped me on my self-love journey for the past two years!!!!!
I am touched by everyone sending such positive vibes. It's beautiful. Believe that everything that you desire is on its way, in abundance. Envision yourself receiving or being in possession of those things. Sending lots of love, especially if you're heart's a little heavy. Everything is working in my favor. I am divinely guided and protected and will receive my blessings in divine timing.
Please help me with my negative thoughts! My deep depression is taking over my life and I don’t know how to be happy anymore. Pray for me you guys! I love you all and wish everyone peace and eternal happiness !!
Absolutely Kari !! Have you heard of Wesley Virgin? He puts in such a clear way. I love it so much!- Here is a free sample for you.
Hey beautiful, I just want to let you know that pain doesn’t last forever. I promise you one day your gonna be so happy to the point where your past and your past negative thoughts won’t even effect you anymore. Pray more. Talk to god more. Do more of what makes you happy. Do what you love to do. Never let anyone try to tear you down. Keep your head up. I promise things get better. Better days are coming! ❤️
I've officially listened to this for 7 days and it has truly changed me for the BETTER. For one, I am happier! Everything seems brighter and little things that used to bother me, I don't let them get to me anymore. For example, if I am feeling down- even a little, I instantly want to feel better. But before, I was addicted to my own sadness. Two, I am letting go of my fears. As a person who is self-conscious, I had lots of fears and still do. But the ones that I couldn't do before I can do now. Like going out w sleeveless shirt and shorts. I am still working on cameras lol. I am not afraid to take pictures, but I just don't want to see it after. Two, I am selfless. I am thinking less of myself and more of others. I just want to help everyone and I want everyone to be happy. Seems like I am opening my root chakra haha. Three, I am feeling unconditional love for EVERYONE. I CARE for everyone now. Whereas, before, I was the opposite. Now, I'm not saying I care what people think because as I said before, I let go of some of my fears. (and I forgot to mention, I am able to eat in front of ppl now, that was also a fear of mine.. ik it's silly) This is something I have to work on. Four, I have been feeling a bit paranoid at night. I am constantly feeling like there are demons in my room. I have sage, but I just keeping forgetting to cleanse my room. I will do it today, for sure! Lol Five, I don't really pay attention to my looks as much as I used to. I am learning to accept myself and love myself. Just as I love and care for all of you. But that's all for now. Take care, angels. 💞
You are beautiful don’t let anyone tell you other wise ! And the paranoia is a sign of enlightening I got through it myself..... When it happens to me I meditate it’s helpful
You are beautiful, unique and strong. Your love is growing for yourself and others and that is what connects us all . We are one! Sleep well and continue to grow! I love you and your soul!
The demons you imagine or sense are the fears you have let go. Clean your room and keep your surroundings clean also. They are gone forever as you continue on this path. You have won already!
As a yoga teacher, I am always looking for new music to incorporate into my classes, and this meditation ambient music is perfect. The serene sounds and calming energy help my students to connect with their breath and find stillness within. Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece of music!
I'm just trying to be a better version of myself, I'm 23 years old and I deserve to be happy, have peace, and be successful. I want to be able to help my family, especially my grandmother she deserves the world before she leaves this earth and I want to show her how much I appreciate her, I have a business slaybeastboutique and im working towards making that be the way I feed my family, I am claiming it, thank you universe, thank you god, amen.
Stay strong Girl...we are going through same situation , but u know there is one thing that I can say is just live every happy moments with your loving ones because ' This time will pass ' ... Stay blessed ❤️
For those who are reading. You are going to make it out of depression and it's okay to cry because you're not alone, I am here for you but most of all God is too. The universe wants to inform you about moving forward and never look back on your past. You're stronger than what you think - God bless you. I love you
I thank you for the help you give others
Austin White Noise, Thank you
Thank you Miquan for the uplifting words and support. We all need to be reminded how much the higher being above truly loves us and most of all how much we love and respect ourselves and yet remain humble even after going thru trauma and pain. Need more men like you who keeps all in his prayers and wishes safety on others and not abuse them. Thank you.
Hi Miquan, God bless you, sweet soul, for the kindness of your gentle message...Thank you and peace be with you. HUG~~~♡
To whomever reads this: Expect riches in your near future. Prosperity, peace and love will flow in abundance soon. This favor of love, peace and abundance will last a lifetime. 🙏 I hope everyone achieves their dreams when they awake, peace and good sleep ❤️
You too dude. 🤙
Same to you
b;ess you
A men to that place and love my friend
🙏You too
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. And may peace and calmness fill your life.
Back at cha
Thank you so much 😊
This message is specially for me❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you
If you are reading this.. we are connected...somehow.. peace n prosperity be with you always.
Yes we are connected being in earth and universe
Vickram mike inspired by friends?😂😂here for it we are connected peace be with you ❤
It's more to it than that😂🙏
And with you
I live in Washington DC
Forget facebook I want to be friends with you guys. This is the most peaceful thoughtful and loving conversation I've seen in well forever. I love everyone here. My soul felt urged to read these comments and now I know why. Facebook is filled with such hate and demented ways. I'm so sick of hearing all this negative I had to break loose. I want you guys to know I love you all and you all are highly favored. Stay true to you.
I love you too. I can see a greater light at the end of your tunnel. But the light that shines within you is the brightest 🌟. You have two angels protecting you. Listen to your inner self. You are lucky and blessed 🙏❤️
So true✨💯
Sending lots of love your way as well Brittany! 💖
Agreed. What wonderful people in here. Love to all
Let's spread love on Instagram social media then ❤ig: Armando Kozomara 💪🏼❤
You don't give yourself enough credit for staying alive from January 1st till now. Being a Human is difficult.
I'm proud of you and I'm happy you're still here.
Don't give up x
Thank you
Ok, I won’t
Naturally Curious TV this means a lot to me today is day 33 for me with coronavirus I have four more days till this virus dies and I’m so grateful I’m still alive Thank you God 🙏☝️🙌
Tru. I could've been dead by now.
Incase you didn’t hear this today.. because I know I didn’t. I love you. You are loved. You are manifesting your dreams. Stay positive and focused. I know it’s hard right now, but you got this. ❤️
We love you too. Thank you and stay blessed ❤️
I love you all ❤️
I love you,thank you for your kind words
Love you to hun
Please whatsapp me 14734180667 or 18682873234.
Listening to this after finally getting the news of being cancer free. Sending love and light to all who have made it here. 🙏🏻💜🌈
So happy for you!!! 🎉❤ may light and love be with you always ❤
Congratulations 💗💗 I’m so happy for you
Congratulations!! 🍾🎉
❤️🙏🏽 I am also now free of brain cancer, god bless 🙏🏽❤️
I really need to go to bed, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t write this. You are loved. You are important. You are strong. No matter the obstacle, you shall persevere. It is all within our willpower, as humans, to keep on. You got this. Don’t ever doubt yourself, you hear me? ✌️
Тем, кто заинтересуется...Колоссальный вред в тренировке чакр идёт от ошибки: когда-то очень давно какой то немецкоязычный автор написал книгу, где он стал утверждать, что чакры должны быть раскрашены в разные цвета. То есть, поскольку существует семь основных цветов радуги, семь музыкальных нот, семь чакр - всех по семь! - то, значит, каждой чакре должны соответствовать соответствующая нота и соответствующий цвет. И чакра анахата, оказывается, должна быть зелёной… Поймём, что ведь в чакре анахате должно родиться и из неё расти - духовное сердце. У Творца и Святых цвет - Нежно-бело-золотистый! А на что годится зелёное духовное сердце? Бог ведь - вовсе не зелёный! Зелёным духовным сердцем можно претендовать на слияние с болотной тиной, например. Но никак не с Богом!
Красными, зелёными и прочими чакрами “соваться” в Творца - бессмысленно! Люди, которые занимались расцвечиванием своих чакр, - если они не “отмоются”, а это очень трудно - они лишили себя возможности достичь высоких этапов на пути духовного совершенствования! Это - ловушка! Я очень прошу всех не следовать этой вредоносной тенденции и отойти от тех, кто пытаются навязывать такие порочные, губительные псевдодуховные тенденции!
Общие сведения о чакрах:
Чакры - это биоэнергетические структуры человеческого организма.
Чакры являются органами, в которых продуцируются те или иные эмоции и иные психические состояния человека.
Среди их функций - запасание, переработка и перераспределение в организме биоэнергий. Каналы, по которым происходит перетекание, передвижение биоэнергий называются меридианами.
Нет "хороших" и "плохих" чакр (о чем в литературе существуют невежественные фантазии). Каждая из чакр играет в жизнедеятельности организма свою роль. Расположение чакр:
Всего чакр 7, иногда называют иное их число, что вызвано недоразумениями, они имеют форму более или менее правильных сфер; лишь верхняя чакра сахасрара уплощена по вертикали и подобна лежащему диску.
ПРИМЕРЫ:1.Сделаем визуализацию маленького солнышка, и поместим его в образы чакр, пусть все чакры начинают светить, как эти солнышки. Дополним: Представим душистую розу. Введём цветок в анахату. Чакра наполняется нежным ароматом. (Введём образы цветов во все чакры).
___подробнее, в "Экопсихология", В.Антонов.
часть 2
На самом деле чакры расположены следующим образом:
Сахасрара - подобная лежащему диску чакра, находящаяся под теменной костью. Её диаметр - около 12 см, высота - около 4 см. Это - область полушарий переднего мозга.
Аджня - расположенная в середине головы крупная чакра.
Вишудха - чакра, расположенная в нижней половине шеи до уровня ключиц.
Анахата - чакра грудного отдела туловища, расположенная на уровне между ключицами и "солнечным сплетением".
Манипура - чакра верхней половины живота.
Свадхистана - чакра нижней половины живота.
Муладхара - чакра, расположенная в нижней части таза между копчиком и лобковой костью.
Чакры также не имеют внутри себя никаких "лепестков" и подобных сказочных структур; это - фантазии человеческие. Чакры должны иметь внутри себя нежный бело-золотистый цвет.
Желательно, чтобы все чакры были всегда очищенными и развитыми. Для этого существуют специальные медитативные приёмы.
Необходимо подчеркнуть, что работа с чакрами и с развитием других тонких структур организма несовместима с "убойным" питанием, употреблением алкоголя (даже в виде кваса и спиртсодержащих молочных продуктов) и других психоделиков, ибо они разрушают эти тонкие структуры. Нарушения этого правила вызывают тяжёлые заболевания.
Главная из всех чакр - это чакра анахата, ибо именно с её помощью человек может реализовать своё главное предназначение: т.е. духовное совершенствование.
Надо научиться устойчиво жить душой в чакре анахате, из нее смотреть на окружающий мир, из нее посылать любовь на людей, животных, растения, духов, Бога. Для этого можно, например, научиться ощущать свою голову в груди - с глазами, ушами, губами…
часть 3
Выскажусь и о "третьем глазе", об аджне.
Важно знать, что находящаяся в центре головы чакра аджня является «виновником» очень многих людских бед. Этому соответствует и её название, которое означает на санскрите ‘не-мудрая’, то есть, попросту, ‘глупая’.
Эта чакра, как и все остальные, нужна и должна быть, в идеале, очищена и развита. Но ей нельзя позволять доминировать! Ибо тогда она порождает эгоцентрические эмоции, делая её обладателя эгоцентриком.
Тенденция провозглашения чакры аджни - главной чакрой имеет исток в шутке Кришны, зафиксированной в Бхагавад-Гите. В беседе с Арджуной Кришна, показывая жестом на свою грудную клетку, говорил, что вот здесь, между этими «бровями» (Он показывал на волосы на Своей мужской груди), надо открыть выход Атмической Божественной Энергии... Но Его жест не был передан в Бхагавад-Гите, шутка не была понята читателями.
«Аджнические» люди становятся «труднопереносимыми» в социальном общении. Они также обретают склонность к психическим нарушениям.
Чакра аджня является одной из самых трудных в очищении и утончении.
«Низшее я» - это совокупность гнездящихся в головной чакре аджне порочных эгоцентрических самоощущений и эмоций - таких, как гордость, тщеславие, высокомерие, самость, надменность, презрение, нетерпимость, насильственность, желание получить себе в ущерб другим, обидчивость и т.п.
I hear you :-)
I hear you, receive this, and you're as well. Amen Asè
I was beginning to think that there weren't many pure and genuine souls out there until I saw these comments on these videos. I hope you all live a happy and prosperous life and get everything you desire ,.,.
hey I love that!!!! There is a WHOLE TH-cam COMMUNITY with pure loving souls :) Guess what else? There is this youtube channel called Mary Jane Maxwell. Go type in her name on youtube and check out her stuff!!! She is the real deal, she has helped me on my self-love journey for the past two years!!!!!
You too 💜✨
I am love
I am light
I am joy
I am peace
I am aware
I am divinely guided
I am empowered
I am protected
I am abundant
Sending so much love to everyone
I am restless
Ich Segne Dich
@@mysticespresso6956 Yes, I'm healing from my 19 year old son passing away. Yesterday was his Angelversary, in fact. But thank you for pointing out the obvious! Take good care of yourself!
@Tara, Thanks so much for the uplifting & encouraging words. Much appreciated & Really needed to hear them. God bless you lovely 😊 🙏🏼💖🦋🌈👼🌟🌹
My dad just passed away yesterday. He was my best friend and I’m only 18. My brother is 13 and we are struggling. This music is helping me sleep thank you 🙏
I'm so very sorry. I lost my parents last year and the pain is worse than anything I could ever imagine. Bless you and your brother. ❤️
so sorry for your loss
I'm sooo sorry, god bless you, you are strong enough to take care of everything 💝💝
Do you have your mom still?
Sending my condolences 🖤
I am trying to stop using drugs cuz I just want happiness and no more darkness in my life. I really hope this helps me. I want my life back
Seek and ye shall find.good luck.
You can do it!
Good luck on your new journey to healing
I wish you all the luck in the world. It's not an easy journey to par take in but it has by far been the most rewarding 💖
JMS Stay positive, at all times: stay positive when you are on the path, stay positive if you struggle with temptation, and stay positive if you falter. Positivity is what will help you back up again. You can do this.
UNITY 333 wow that was very interesting to read. Do you have any social media, where can you be found?
If you’re reading this you’re here for a reason our glorious universe didn’t birth you for no reason
you’re loved
you’re strong
you’re worthy of this life
embrace it with all that you are & live free peace love & unity be with you all
I really needed to hear this, thank you so much.
Lmao you guys are losers. All of you are weak.
Josias Hernandez a way with words Danny downer
I never comment on youtube videos but right before I came on here I asked my spirit guides to give me a sign that someone's listening and someone cares. This comment section was my sign. I love you all and I'm so thankful for all the kind words!! We've all got this
Love you Jilly
I care very very much
@@clairefox4640 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
@@jillykornak7459 💖💖💖✌️
Keep holding on even when it feels like no ones listening. Your guides, ancestors, and angels are near by with reassurance that you will be better. Ase
If you are reading this, may all your relationships bond with unconditional love.. may you recover from health issues.. may you heal deep from inside.. may all your worries, anxiety and wealth and health issues go away.. love to all the beautiful souls.. this time will pass.. be strong.. divine will take care of you.. love to all..❤
😭thank you ❤
Thank you
I needed to hear this more than you could possibly understand! Thank you! ❣️
So as we are here right now we are all here right now. If I'm right in this then gypsieaj is here or not????
Never mind I got. I'll shut up. I'm OK thanks for asking. Cause we're all just here.. AWESOME
“Everything will be okay in the end. And if it’s not okay, it’s not the end” John Lennon.
love you beautiful human beings ✨
I love that. Kind of the direction I'm trying to embrace. I wish you the best in your life. And at the very least wisdom and growth from the times that aren't.
Kindly listen to this as well.
Unique Meditation Method to be in love with meditation
Guided meditation to relax your mind in 15 minutes.
This is a joyful meditation journey to relax the mind and body.
It is beautifully narrated, to enjoy the meditation, to make u stress-free. If you practice this before going to bed, you will a good night's sleep
Why everything ends?
John lennon beat his wife ✨
@@Himlens Someday, everything we know now will end, but beginning from then, nothing will end ever egain. And that life will be even better than before, WAY BETTER. Don't worry, and please try to stay safe, fight for your dreams, try to be happy somehow in this world nowadays, and wait until that moment. The end of almost everything, which now looks depressing and so sad, will become a new beginning.
This is the place where best people actually appears... Love you all guys. All of you are amazing... Stay blessed....
هذا تأمل عشان يسويلك تنظيف لشاكرات وانت نايم ؟
Thank you. Many blessings to you, family.
Live long & Prosper ....or whatever Spock said
Chakras are the portal to universe ❤️❤️
Manifestation: I am light being , I will always be protected by the most high, great prosperity is coming my way and I will began to flourish in every area of my life . I own who I am
I am that I am
Thays beautiful
This is beautiful
Thank you!
This was so moving and touching for me that I had to copy and paste it into my list of affirmations. I might make it into a poster to put on the wall for positive environmental energy ❤️ Namaste, love!!
I am not joking..
I have PCOS.. i stopped taking pills 6 months ago so I haven't menstruated since then .. but after listening to this in my sleep, even I'm not taking a pills. I menstruated .. thank you for this 🙏❤️ this is God sent
I truly believe we will witness how Earth becomes a place of love and light. All the previous negative structures will crumble and everything will change. It's a gradual change, but it's gonna be so good the wait will be worth it. Sending everyone a lot of light right now !
It's crumbling as we speak.
@@marquispalmer9 whats this link youve been sharing? wish i seen it before it was taken down. curious
The government is planning a blackout and all these corona cases are a merely a distraction but only the chosen ones the ones who are spiritually woken will be able to with stand the chaos that is about to come
TheyLuvChrollo When is this?
If you haven’t heard it , I’m here to say proud of you.
same to you too yeah.. proud of you too
No one ever said that to me before :)
We're proud of you too!
Proud of you girly❤️✊🏾
your affirmations for today:
i attract
i am love
i am a magnet
i am deserving
i am grateful
my skin is clear and glowing
i am in complete control of my life
everything i want, i receive
i can easily handle what comes in my way
i am aligned with my higher purpose
i am beautiful
i am a magnet for all positive things
i am grateful
i love you guys and i’m so proud of you. take a deep breath, drink some water and get some sleep you deserve it xxx
So powerful..thank you
Thank you 🙏🏼
This is exactly what I needed thank you. And you are precious
🙏thank you❤️
To the beautiful soul reading this. Please know that you are loved. Things may not be at their best right now but trust and believe that the universe has planned something for you. Everything is organized in a chaotic manner. You will eventually be led to where you should be, with the people you should be with. Just act with good intentions and the universe will take care of you, I promise.
Thank you 🤍
Thank you❤
Thank you!
I needed this.❤
Oh my gosh, you are truly connected to the heavens. Thank you for this message, beautiful soul. You wrote this two years ago and your words are exactly what I needed to read at this time. I believe the universe will take care of me and I am certain it is/will for you too. Sending love right back to you.
I'm impressed by these comments, this is how human beings should be.
I agree 🙏🏼❤
There’s hope, just give it time
we are, but sometimes we forget
There's no excuse to not be kind to eachother, everyone is entitled to respect. If your against that then "Hate" was taught into you.
I agree
Listening to 5 minutes of this literally I have deleted all my social media it’s time for me to get centered and relax and stop all my depression and anxiety it’s time to focus on me
How are you now? X
Hope you’re doing wonderfully. Aways good to reground and take time to settle and heal. Blessed be ✨
why delete the apps? i’m just curious.
@@luv0732 because social media can consume our life and not let us focus on our wellbeing plus she could be dealing with toxic ppl in those platforms as well:)
Javera Crawford i just didi the samee
I'm genuinely moved by some of the comments, I truly wish whoever reads this understands that although we may never meet, you are wonderful and I hope your life is fulfilling and beautiful
Thank you and the same to you
Same to you
Thank you
Thank you so much,Same to you!
Beautifully said... Diddo💓
I am beautiful
I am smart
I am blessed
I am enough
I am light
I am joy
I am peace
I am aware
I am divinely guided
I am empowered
I am loved
I am amazing
I am life
Amen and thank you and GOD BLESS you and your family and friends and loved ones and also everyone in here
Hahaha lol what
To the one percent reading this right now, I just want to take a minute to remind you that you are a beautiful and unique soul destined for greatness and I truly wish you all the best in your life, you are worthy of all that you desire to become reality and you have the power within you now to make that happen, I may have never met you but I believe in you. Much love and peace to all... the sky is the limit... never surrender and never stop dreaming !!!
Kindly listen to this as well.
Unique Meditation Method to be in love with meditation
Guided meditation to relax your mind in 15 minutes.
This is a joyful meditation journey to relax the mind and body.
It is beautifully narrated, to enjoy the meditation, to make u stress-free. If you practice this before going to bed, you will a good night's sleep
We thank u
Just want to add my part to the beautiful energy here blessings for everybody peace
Thank you 🙏🏾🥰
Just got over a toxic relationship..I gave my all when i shouldn’t. Now im making the effort to purify my energy and heal mentally. Now im unlocking the hidden potential i have within myself
That is a is a good thing keep it going we got you😁😁😁
I’m in the same situation....I thought that I could make him see that I was worthy of his love. I gave my all..
I need peace, and healing...🙏🏾
I’m so sorry you had to go through a rough period in your life. But just know that you have come out of it as a much healthier individual. It won’t make sense to you now but later down the line you will understand how powerful you really are. You needed those lessons to learn and grow and become a better and stronger version of yourself... purify your energy, my love. And heal yourself. Be kind and gentle and loving to you every single day. Know that your strength lies within you. You got this. I believe in you. Love and peace. Xx
@@KD-bp6wc thank you. I'm doing my best to heal..💛💛💛💛💛
Same 11 years of toxic I am unlearning it's been truly liberating
To whoever comes across this comment: yes you can and you will. The universe has your back no matter what and good things are coming. Just being here now proves You are on the right path
Thank you. I needed to hear this
girl I love your pfp
Really needed this, life sucks right now.
Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: it doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful day and a happy, peaceful life where all your dreams come true. You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you!
Love you 🧡
Thank you. I wish you continued peace, love and joy. I love you❤
That was lovely...❤
Pozdrowienia z Polski. Niech Bóg ma Ciebie w opiece. 🙏
And you we have this we all can do it together ❤
To the people who are reading the comments
God had a pencil
U have a highlighter
He drew the world
And u made it brighter
Wow.....that made my day.
@@sineisilvana4340 it's good to hear that😄
Nice word play
@@JesusChristIsLord777. that word- no- just no
If you're reading this, know that 2020 belongs to you. I wish you every blessing. May your life be extraordinary. Blessings, love and light.
Thanks a lot❤️May God bless u allways😊
Awwww ty and I wish you love and abundance too!
I love you soul 💚
Thankyou !!! Peace love and light to all humanity !!
Thank you♡
The only place on TH-cam where the comments are pleasant.
Anon 6789 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
There are plenty of good places on TH-cam. Just be aware of where you surf.
the lo fi place is full of sweet words too
If you are reading this .. let me tell you that you are a warrior, you have come this far, if you can go through this rough patch, there's nothing which can hold you. Just imagine that the best days are yet to come. Just remember that there's someone wishing luck and love for you. If an example helps then let me tell you that, there were days when I was totally empty, there were sleepless nights, no hunger and and only depressing vibes and lonely nights, but slowly everything starts to fade. Remember your favourite song , your happy vibes, your favourite thing which you always love to laugh at, and slowly everything starts becoming normal, then I realised that those depressing days too are a part of life which we need to embrace. Remember that I am wishing for your good days to come. You are not alone, You are a Warrior. And peaceful days are coming.
Grateful! Amen.
Never knew I needed to hear that....thank you...I'm in a dark place due to depression, and those words resonated with me, so thank you.
Your first sentence got me in tears, I needed to read this bless you 💖 01/05/2024
I had the most amazing and deepest sleep I’ve had in weeks using this video. I am a hospital employee and work during this COVID-19 pandemic has been beyond stressful. I have not been sleeping, even on my days off. This has been the only thing that has been working for me. Thank you
Mathew, thank you for your service!
Bless you
Thank you and bless you
Matthew kenyon bless you 🙏🏽
God bless you. I pray for all of us everyday but especially the people like yourself who are putting yourselves in the front lines so that we can have a fighting chance. I would love to get more involved. How can I help you and others like you?
Reading the comments makes me happy that people like all you exist, I should not be feeling so lonely and hurt but I am, and I wish the best to all of you, many blessings
Hope you're feeling better
I hope you are feeling better since you originally posted. I don't believe in "should or shouldn't" anymore. There just is. Remember to be loving and compassionate to yourself. You deserve love
Julio, I pray you are feeling better since your last post. You are not alone. See all the light surrounding this channel, which you found. Be kind to yourself. You are more amazing than you know. Blessings, light and love.
No one should feel so bad about themself. I hope you're doing well atm and is healing. Just know that there are people that still cares about you. Stay safe
if you start this it will take you away from so much negativity and give you something to focus
To the 1% of you guys that are reading this, remember you are beautiful and unstoppable.
Stay safe everybody. 🌻
your comment made me smile. thank you 🥰
I checked your videos and I really love them. Keep up with the good work 🍀
Thank you ❤❤
@@jenniferfield3587 Thank you for your lovely feedback. It really means a lot to me. Stay safe Have a great day 🍀
Thank you for that! I believe it so i am
I'm actively focusing on more meditation instead of desperation. More gratitude instead of attitude. Quitting pointing fingers outside and eating on a daily dose of humble pie. We are all one. Intentions and thoughts are manifested by our own minds. Sending love, peace and positive vibes to all.
If you are reading this; you should make loving yourself a priority. You're blessed.
Thank you very much 🙏🏼❤
Yup we all die alone
I needed to hear that Thank you! Blessings to you !!
💖🙌🏽 thank you
Thanks you too mama.
I miss my mother.....I've done well for 4 months..... this meditation music sent me into my feelings. I loved my momma, we had major differences but I wouldn't be me without her.i dont want to post on facebook because friends and family will worried and be concerned. But I had to write this rather than continuing to cry. I miss my momma, i want my mom. Rih Doris Jean . I love you....
Mía, I know how you feel. My mom passed five years ago. She was my best friend. You are feeling untethered and cast adrift; it feels like things can never be good again. I'm here to tell you that it does get better, and there does come a time when you can breathe again and even feel her close to you without your heart stopping. My heart is with yours.
Rip 😔
Meditate on her.....remember the answers shed have for you....remember her smell.....sound.....go through senses and be with her...have a time of day youd sit with her....this music is ideal to send you into this meditation.... your so pretty.... make your mama proud. We are all connected....only here for around 70 years if we're lucky.....won't be long till you see her again.....where were you before you were alive.? That's where you'll be peace .....she's just a little ahead of you....the little oak tree shouldn't cry for the big oak tree....the big oak tree is wanting the baby oak tree to thrive and grow up strong.....I send you love xxxxxxxx
Im gonna be honest i dont know how you feel but it must really hurt and we can just hope that your mother is watching over you like the angel she is, well thats how i feel
If youre reading this . i wish you the best on this journey we call life. Good luck , i know it aint easy
Aww thank u you too
Thank you!!! We wish you the best also.
You too !
@@sofiulhajib4266 hey☺
Reading all these comments make me so happy! You're all so awesome and uplifting. When I need some calmness, hope and positive energy, or feel restless or sleepless, I always put on meditations/soundbaths by this owner. And it helps me so much. I can't explain how calm it makes me feel. And reading these uplifting words from everyone makes me feel even more good about myself.
everyone that is here listening to this and reading comments we are all connected even if not at the same exact moment we still transfer that positive energy between one another and makes it grow bigger and better everyday . you all are wonderful beings ✌
Thank you 🙏🏼
Much love !
Sending lot‘s of love ❤️🙏
I realized social media is affecting me negatively so now I just listen to this, relax and read. The internet is no place to live.
Beautiful t. Simply beautiful. There are no mistakes. I don't even know how to use this cell phone. Divine appointment. I feel better already. Such wonderful comments from some beautiful people. Light bearers. Let's all continue to raise our individual and collective vibratory frequencies to raise our collective human consciousness NOW! THANKS. 😆
TH-cam is idk bout social media tho
Exactly, social media is killing us
olive ostrich Agree
Nuff Love ❤️ to you all 🙏
We are beings of infinite potential.
If your reading this, you can do it.
You can do anything.
You are the universe.
Your beautiful.
Amen!! Yes, appreciate your vibes. I would love if you check this
@Shawn Berthelette sorry but the bible was man made by them..
thank you, you are so nice! You know who is unstoppable, YOU ARE! And I believe that you have the power to always grow and evolve because you rock! Guess what else? There is this youtube channel called Mary Jane Maxwell. Go type in her name on youtube and check out her stuff!!! She is the real deal, she has helped me on my self-love journey for the past two years!!!!!
In agreement!
It’s important to know that a mistake doesn’t define you. You are capable of doing greatness. You are worthy. You are loved. ❤️
The comment section is so positive that I am using everyone's kind words as affirmations for myself...Thank you all and may peace be with you
Kindly listen to this as well.
Unique Meditation Method to be in love with meditation
Guided meditation to relax your mind in 15 minutes.
This is a joyful meditation journey to relax the mind and body.
It is beautifully narrated, to enjoy the meditation, to make u stress-free. If you practice this before going to bed, you will a good night's sleep
222 likes✨ gon leave that there
May you be well. May you be in your peace. I honor you.
Peace and love ❤️ shall follow you always 😘
To everyone watching this video, I hope this life becomes every thing you have dreamed about. Sending love and good vibes your way!
Same to you thank you blessings 💖
Yes,the same .
we love you
Love that, same to you!!!
Imagine what the world would be like if everyone had the same kindness as this comment section.
Alex D the love is there we just need to reset everyone’s receptors to it.💚
We should pray for the corona virus can you join me like every Sundays and Mondays pray for the virus thanks
Seriously man
Goodluck I can't say I've full stopped but I cut out most drugs that affect my mind and hurt my's hard having an auto immune disease so I will always need medicine but that doesn't mean I need the BS that comes with them. Try writing it helps alot and reading makes the time go by. Blessings sending your way fam.
Dear person who is reading this,
You live in a world of touch, smell, see and taste. For a moment close your eyes, and observe your thoughts like passing clouds. The more you fight the more the thoughts will fight back, so ride the thoughts like tides. Your thoughts do not make you, your brain will never stop telling you things you don’t want to hear, it’s you who gets to decide which thoughts are more important. Don’t allow your mind to control you, control your mind. Keep your head up little one. I love you 🙏🏼❤
I love you ❤️💖🙏
@@patriciavolcan ❤️
Be blessed. And thank you
I needed to hear this exact thing it’s almost magical. Thank you and sending upmost happiness, blessings, love and life to you.
If you’re reading this your prayers have been answered!! DONT STOP BELIEVING 💜
Thank you and same to you
Thank you infinite Will mate
Thank you....same to you!!!
💓💓💓😘 thank u
Much Appreciated.
I've been using this every night before bed to help me relax. My mantras are the following:
I AM releasing all negativity, pain, anxiety, and depression. I AM healing. I AM love and light.
We are loved and healed our minds will remain in peace in the midst of confusion
Try them all in the present tense for faster results too!! I release all pain, negativity and depression from my Mind. I am healed. I am whole :). Making them all present in this very moment. Great work. Beautiful soul thank you for sharing
Love this mantra!!
@@CuriousInWyrdoland, thank you so much. I chose I AM because it's a continual process because each day brings new trials.
We are healthy
We are wealthy
We are blessed
We are shinning stars
We are loved
We are amazing
We are life
We are stronger then our weakness
We are not alone
We are healing together
♡ stay kind everyone and be safe ♡
Amazing!! Thank you for this!!!!
Thank you. This is beautiful ❤️
Love it
Know you are loved. You are strong, you are brave, and you are beautiful. I believe in you. Be kind to yourself. You’ve got this!
These comments got me cryinnnnnnn. Most of the time I feel alone and that no one understands me or what I’m going through but I see me in so many of you. Y’all are so sweet. 💛
you are special gril
Kindly listen to this as well.
Unique Meditation Method to be in love with meditation
Guided meditation to relax your mind in 15 minutes.
This is a joyful meditation journey to relax the mind and body.
It is beautifully narrated, to enjoy the meditation, to make u stress-free. If you practice this before going to bed, you will a good night's sleep
I understand you i just feel like nobody takes the time to just ask me what i want or how i feel ive held up alotta frustrations throughout the years and the comments allow me to let it all go
🖤🖤🖤 we need to starting spread more love and positivity as a whole n hold each accountable
I am 17 and have been battling with anxiety and depression my hole life I just recently looked into raising my frequency and have been doing everything I can to improve my life. have faith in god and trust in your path everything that’s happened in your life has lead up to these moments for a reason you may not know why but trust that you will soon and don’t worry about the past or the future because the only thing that matters is being present in the now cherish what you have before it’s gone.
Spread unconditional love and you will be loved back♥️
sending you love and light 🕊❤
All the love, light, healing and care to you dear. God is indeed great.🙏🏻✨ keeping you all in prayers 🙏🏻
Feel better it gets better I ve been there at 17 just remember the stuff we go thru thats tough
Is just the fertilizer for the growth of the Good stuff coming to you
I had depression etc since 11 I'm now 38 and it's just a road not a test be you even if u cry a whole day it goes away ok
Trust me , you're very special and your light will shine
Be kind to your beautiful mind
And LIVE for U
U MATTER , ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
If you are reading this and you are on the road to enlightenment just know I am very proud of you and you should be proud of yourself there is no trying only doing and you are doing great keep your head up let your light shine One Love
Thank u
I cried 🙏
@@swish2187 awww I appreciate you so very much 🙏🏼😁💣💥💚💚💚💚, thank you 🕊💜🔥
@@jailenesanchez4148 💜🕊💚
To whoever needs to hear this, you are beautiful and you are worthy
No matter the obstacle and no matter what anybody tries to say
You are loved and you will always be protected as long as you dig deep and find yourself everything will be okay
Love you all & have a wonderful rest
Tomorrow has great things awaiting you
these comments make me cry that there so many people around that care , i feel safe , please if you’re reading this , keep going , keep holding on , you will find your peace and we’re doing this together , i love you
I love u keep going sending postive energy
Feel the love 💞💗🌌🌠💫
Me also
..Do peaceful from all the toxic people in the world
Can you be my friend ?
I was raped, tortured and beaten by a man for hours several months ago, I'm trying to heal from this, any suggestions for sleep and peace videos?
I love every single one of you, never lose hope.
Love you all...namaste...
I love you
Blessings to you my dear!
Thank you
Love all of you!
Id like to start thinking more positively, see my worth, communicate better and see the good in others. This is something I've dealt with as a child which made me have codependency issues. I'd like to heal from those things.
I love your videos! Cool to randomly have found your comment. I hope you have made progress in healing from those things 💕✨💫
I’ve also seen and love yours videos. You two are smart beautiful and talented women. And you doing this to better yourself will only enhance your beauty inwardly. Self love and self care is where the true peace comes from.
You keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.balanced in forgiveness for loves sake .God is the first unconditional love .I am just following his guidance..peace and God s eternal love.libra here.
So be it so it is
Wow... same here ... thanks for sharing! I’ll be praying for everyone!💕
This music has helped in my healing greatly. I haven't drank alcohol or smoked med mj in months, I've weened off meds including Adderall and benzos and the toughest one, haven't smoked a cigarette since Monday. I listen all night and into my mornings when I can. It's helped so much. I've also done a lot of purging and Shadow Work.
I'm very happy for you
Congratulations! No east feat but you’ve done it! Take it one day at a time and you can do anything.
Be strong on your journey to healing. There will be distractions. Keep the focus on your healing. Gabor Mate says we self medicate to quieten the pain... Makes sense
That's amazing.. Good for you! And, congrats on your recovery! I'm basically in the same boat that you were in - except no marijuana use. I've been on benzos since 2015 and been smoking nicotine since 2007. I've tried weaning off my benzo medication (which I'm prescribed for anxiety & panic attacks) in 2017 in a medically supervised hospital.. That was an unsuccessful attempt.. The withdrawals were the WORST I've ever experienced in my life compared to any substance I've stopped prior to that. And my anxiety came back 10× WORSE than before- heart palpitations, shaking, everything! How did you do it? I'm just curious because I don't want to be on these meds and addicted to nicotine for the rest of my life.. any help or advice is appreciated.. thanks! Sending you love & light.. God Bless! ❤️🙏 This music helps me to feel calm & relaxed as I'm about to go to sleep while playing this in the background!
@@LucciB1111I know this advice comes long after you posted this. I still smoke so I don’t have nicotine advice. But getting off benzos is a long slow taper, not something you’ll likely stick to if you try to do it in a week in a hospital. It was smart to go there as stopping benzos suddenly can be dangerous. However, it’s best to wean off them over a period of a year. Your doctor should be able to help you. They should want to help you. Benzos are miracle drugs for short periods of time, or for occasional use, but you never want to be on them long term. The doctor should put you on a plan to slowly decrease your dose. It may take a year. But it’s safer that way, and then you won’t have much rebound anxiety. Good luck to you. Peace and love.
I become calm reading all these beautiful and positive comments! Thank you for that, dear people. I'm sending love to you🌻🍀
And you Moon Dance!
Moon Dance yes me too. ☺️🙏🏽🙌🏽
The Universe lets us meet one another here. It’s not accidental. So I wish all the best things would come to you guys and I as well! To be honest, I always have faith in the Universe, Guardian Angels, Spiritual Protection Team, Buddha, Kuanyin, Ancestors, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Animal Guides, my Higher Self! Yay, I deeply believe that they are trying to defend, guide, help, support and encourage us unconditionally! Especially, many thank “Meditation and Healing” channel for updating this meaningful video as well as everyone for spreading optimistic statements! Well, just remember that “We are courageous and confident. We are calm and peaceable. We are blessed and loved. We are abundant and healthy. We are positive and joyous. We are safe and sound. We are alive and grateful. We are unique and free. We are on our accurate path. We are precious and successful. We are healing and growing. We deserve the best!” 🌏☀️🕊🌱🌸
The internet let us escape the evil that was taking over the lives of most. They didn't know it would allow us all to connect and change the outcome. We are one. We are love.
There are no such things as coincidences. Everything happen for a reason. We have choices, but the universe decides the rest.
So I agree, we were all brought here to meet each other
You need the lord jesus christ not buddha
Xin chao
I agree coincidences are not real everything has a reason but we may not know it yet
I just woke up in the middle of the night crying and screaming “no.” I was listening to this as a slept. My depression is so bad and nothing is getting better in my life no matter how hard I try. But reading these comments makes me feel like I’m not alone. Bless you all and may we all find peace in our lives.
Sending you love and healing prayer 🙏 you are not alone because I am praying for you. Depression sucks. Some days all I can do is meditate and breathe. That makes me feel in control. You are not worthless for not gaining progress, and certainly not because you have these feelings. You are lovable and worthy and I am sending you healing light. Keep going!
You are here, taking the first steps to caring for and loving yourself. ❤ I wish you peace and serenity.
Have you heard about Ketamine for depression? It's said to be a major game changer. People who have tried everything get dramatic rapid results. There is lots of info and testimonials on YT. Very convincing.
You are not alone
Depression sucks sending you love and light
Just had 27 hours of anxiety. Finally kicking it. With a long walk and fresh air after being In the er. These sounds were made for the soul. Blessings everyone. Control ur mind and put the right things in ur stomach. Love and light.
Been listening to these frequency’s for 8 months or more and I can truly say they’ve changed my life for the better, I rarely think negative anymore and am also rarely depressed 🥰 to anyone listening and reading this, life gets better and whatever your going through will pass ❤️
i’m so happy for you ! i feel the exact same way, these frequency’s change your mind.
Me too I've been doing it a week and already I feel a little more like myself again x
My g
Thank u for posting. I don’t know how to feel happy anymore.
It’s true.... they really do something in your mind
In a few days I will be six months sober. It has been one of the most difficult times in my life. I’ve never experienced so much pain after losing the love of my life due to my addictions. All I can do is keep ahold of gratitude... I am in good health and I am cultivating a relationship with my higher power. This meditation is beautiful. I don’t want to have such a difficult time with TRUST 🙏🏼
Sadly, I'm on day one again. Congrats to you.
Damm sorry to hear that
Please, please know there are people who do love you even in your lowest moments. Don’t give up as you did it before you can do it again for you. I lost my brother and sister the same way and always teach out to others who struggle with addiction with compassion. I suffer from depression and have for many years and have been on medication for it . It takes courage to get out there and say you need help. We hear your pain and suffering, you are not alone. Go to a spiritual healer that can work on massage as well as chakra healing. I have a broken heart and have for months and her healing changed my life for the better. Loneliness and suffering are your steps for a better future. See the light opening up to you and love yourself for who you are . Please don’t destroy or hurt yourself as too many who love you and care would be heartbroken to see that happen.
It happened to me when I lost my only siblings. Please try again but hold on . Believe others are suffering too. But also know when you succeed, they are so very happy for you and for you to believe you can do this . I believe in you. ♥️
Congrats on your recovery! I've been in recovery from substances for three years and I lost the love of my life first due to my addiction, then when I was about 1 year into my recovery.. God called him home.. He was suffering from alcoholism and the physical illnesses it caused him but he fought hard to get sober with my help.. I did everything within my power to help save his life. Some days that pain, that guilt still consumes me. It's become a little easier to live with but the pain never goes away. Keep building your relationship with your Higher Power. My Higher Power, God helps me to stay clean and in recovery even through the loss of my loved one. Bless you, Sending you love & good vibes 💗✨
I’m rooting for you!’ ❤️❤️❤️
For whom ever is reading this, we will get through this, we are facing some off the hardest times in the world. But together we are 💪🏽 strong. No matter what race, sex, or gender we are all brothers and sisters and god loves us all. Stand together! Fight together! Love together! ❤️
Thank you❤️
Thank you
Beautiful what you wrote...we all come from one...they are trying to divide us because they know that if we all stand together,nothing can stop us..they trying to control everything we do,eat,think and what we see...but is a new time now..much love💗
Correct dear happy with your comment
My wife and I are taking a break. We both have a lot of problems we need to fix. With her gone we are not whole and we are not well. My children this holiday sent a new letter to santa for her to be back. Even through this pain the only reason we have gotten ANY sleep this past week has been from this video.
I hear you. Icecream helps the heart and mind. Start with the heart chakra, then add the throat chakra.
Be near moving water.
Aunty Eliza
Sydney Australia
13th of December 2022
Never alone, I am here.
i hope you each get the healing you need and find your way back to each other
Humans need breaks from one another sometimes it’s only natural, both of you and you two as a whole will come out of this better than coming in. Sending good energy:)
I'm currently going through the same thing with my husband.
@@sharilynjones4446 chin up, take it a day at a time and focus on yourself. You are not alone, we are burning in hell along side you.
Hello, I am a 23 year old single mother, I work and I am also a part-time student. My goals are to one day become the greatest nurse and mother I can be; and I won’t stop until I reach that goal. This year hasn’t started off to good but...I am going to keep pushing, no matter what. I will keep pushing. I’m mentally I’ve leaned how to channel my emotions and thoughts; which keeps me sane. At times I feel lost and most of the time I can’t talk to many about it. So I listen to these and it actually calms me and puts me in a happy place. I am becoming in-tuned with not other myself but also the universe. But to those reading my comment. I believe in you and hope all is well, and that you becoming rich in knowledge, wisdom, peace, understanding, love, happiness, kindness and so much more✨🙏 and may the most high walk with you in spirit! Be safe and be blessed to you all❤️
May the universe shower you with blessings, and may your heart be filled with joy always. You're an excellent mother! 🙏❣️😇
Dont ever Give up Keep trying the universe never Give up ask me i never knew now i Know i have trusted and i gained my strength .. please keep strong .. we all love you 🌹
Sierra Missouria it’s already in you. You’ve got this!!!
Thank you all so much!!!!!!❤️
Sierra Missouria you are already a great mother ❤️
If you're reading this remember to always take care of yourself first. You can't take care of others without being okay. Self healing and self love are very important. Don't ignore your issues shine above them and let the light guide you to your proper path 🌞
Amen 🙏💖🙏
Amen 🙏🏼
reading your inspiring comment 11mos ago..
I came across this when I exactly needed to hear this. It’s been an extremely mentally exhausting day for me.
🙏🏽 thank you ❤️
To the person who is reading this comment, its okay, its alright to feel lonely sometimes, if you are going through tough times, keep pushing through, but never give up, i wish you great success in health, love and happiness!
Wow, thanks for sharing 🖤
Never give up
Ok thank you🙏
Never give up never give in.
i found myself here, amongst friends it seems, along this journey. it's a very safe place. my mind has never been so quiet. i send love to all out there reading this.
I’ve been on a journey of self discovery and I’ve been having a hard time with really connecting with myself and I hope that this helps me with that. I affirm that when I wake up in the morning, I will have a fresh start
Remember this my friend there is no tomorrow or yesterday only the now let go of the past and you will set yourself free...
it will find you a whole products of the streets...bad relationships ..horrible lifestyle and i found myself i found what the higher power put me here for ..
You stand here today despite your sufferings, dont discount the unique strength it took for you to have come this far. You’re doing great, and if no one said it today know that I’m proud of you🖤
Never give up because then you lose your chance to become something great:
Thank u so much, you really help me, I almost cried... 💛
Scarlet Rambor that rlly made my day, thank you for sharing that🖤
escape time We Proud Of You As Well & Thank You ❤️🙏🏾
GOD bless u & yr loved 1s with great health wealth happiness & wisdom. Then share it freely.
I love you, and everything you're doing for this world. Just you reading this has made my day. Despite what you may think, your mere existence has made such a huge impact on the people around you, and even people you've never met. If you ever feel hopeless or lost, there's hundreds of people, online and in real life, who would bend over backwards to get you the help you need, whether you're having a hard time with school, family problems, relationship problems, and mental health problems. If you ever just need a hug, don't be afraid to ask for one. Your guardian, your best friend, your partner, hell, even you could hug your pet! And of course, speaking for everyone in the comment section, we would all love to give you a virtual hug. If your life isn't looking up right now, and you feel like you've hit rock bottom, have a quick reminder that the only way left to go is up. Life might just start looking up from this point on. It doesn't matter how much it feels like you're never going to get better, you need to remember that your mindset will never change if you don't try! That's where talking to people if you need help comes in. We're all here. You're probably never going to hear from me on another video again, and it was nice to drop this little supportive message. I'll have you know you just took advice from a thirteen year old girl, with a variation of medical problems and a fellow "rockbottomer". Back to the point, I love you! Stay safe, and reach out to others during these trying times. Thank you for reading, have an excellent, day or night.
I love you, too. Thank you so much for this message 🥺
Thank You beautiful soul...have a Nice day too😘😘😘
I really needed this, thank you for your words. You’re so kind and have a nice day
@@ness7915 love you! have a great day as well. :)
I wish anyone who sees this the big blessing break through they need ❤
To whom ever is reading this... go to bed and don’t worry cause everything will calm down and be fine
Thank you. Needed to hear that. ❤️
Thanks I needed that
Love you ...thanks 💙👍
So many of us has been traumatized through out our life’s journey. However the fact that you are even here listening or reading the comments show that you’re seeking to be healed or already are healing! I send you loving energy from the infinite universe ♥️♥️♥️ and know that one day soon you will be the sovereign light being you are meant to be! Blessings to all🙏🏽🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🏽
That was beautiful
日本語に翻訳すると 綺麗な文章に変換される 英語読めないけど 丁寧な文面なんだろうな♪
Wishing everyone who reads this wealth, success, happiness and abundance!! You are the creator of your life and you can make your dreams come true so never give up on them!! Love everyone
-Your good friend Teddy
Picasso Woodard ❤️🙏🏾 Same To You!
Same to you Teddy,Have an amazing life time and all who's watching this comment! ❤
Every night before bed or when you have time repeat yourself many times
“The whole world and the universe is full of peace and happiness, all the beings that live in it are full of peace forever, the people who used to be bad are now good"
And then make a visualization of a better world
So we could change the world and help the other ones
And also pray for those who are no longer saying “All beings who have already passed away are resting in peace forever”
I feel like I’m drowning. I’m always sad, always angry. I feel like I’m always stressed. Cheers to trying to get back into meditation and being more spiritual again.
The world seems to be testing a lot of us real heavily right now. I feel you
hey girl i hope things are looking up for ya.. we’re rooting for you:)
i support you brother
i hope and am positive things are getting better for you!! Sending good energy always
Good luck on your journey, friend!
Say it with me.
I am loved. I am light. I am rich with both experience and money. I am confident. I am beautiful. I have achieved enlightenment. I am in touch with my higher self. My chakras are aligned. I am filled with positive energy. I am healthy. I have completed my goals. I know only happiness. 👏🏻💗✨
Thank you so much.
Meditation and Healing and you as well!
I love this. Peace, love, & light ❤️
What if I'm not loved ? What if I am not rich in wealth or confidence , what then ? Still want to be my friend ?
Gnossienne Magika Thank you🙏🏽. ❤️
If you’re reading this. You are worthy. You are good enough. You are loved. You are never alone & I am so proud you.
Ily this made me tear up
To everyone that’s on here. It not about how you start something, it’s about how you finish . You are built for this. Peace and love ❤❣💓
Came here for the first time. Tears rolling and heart beating I will never leave this place. Thank you all for the beautiful words and I truly believe I can come here to heal. xoxo to all.
hey thank you I love you to and I want you to love yourself unconditionally. So im gonna ask you a favor so that you can love yourself unconditionally. There is this youtube channel called Mary Jane Maxwell. Go type in her name on youtube and check out her stuff!!! She is the real deal, she has helped me on my self-love journey for the past two years!!!!!
my anxiety and depression is getting worse. i’m trying to find some motivation and to heal. I’m trying to find anything to help. if anyone else is struggling, know that you aren’t alone. i hope we can get through this together.
Sending you love ❤️
I am blessing you with love and peace Maddie , love you .
Try to spend 1 /2 hours a day surrounded by nature...walking slowly,with your senses attentive to the smells, sounds and every movement of branches...leaves...I'm quite sure it might help. Sending you Love and Light❤️
Some days I feel so lonely and sad, i can’t explain why I feel this way but it can be tough to bear at times. I often question my purpose in life, hopefully this mediation brings me to a good place where I can find happiness and solace in my soul again. Love to all and god bless.
I feel ya on a deep level.
Your not alone. Please hold on. The answers will come to us. This human experience is a difficult one but you may be here to help others feeling the way you do. Children, mothers, people who feel they have no hope. Think about how long you have coped and how and help others get through it. You are stronger that you think. Your beautiful (look at you😊). That face can heal people with just one smile. God bless you and thank you for letting Me know I’m not alone. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@@lf3809 WOW! You are a SPECIAL SOUL! THANKS for taking the time to write such encouragement & love! I'm sure others who read your reply will see the message is the same for them...and, take it to heart! GOD BLESS BIGHUG
You are purposed! You are a part of me and the entire universe! You are necessary and deliberate. A Wonder in a plethora of space, time and matter! Know! Become! Manifest! Ot is your calling!
Your body encompasses a vast universe filled with galaxies of never ending waterfalls and cascading peaks of love and compassion for every movement and object that come near . Be one . Be everyone. Let your emotions feel the ground around you and let the fear escape into the depths of earth and let sink to never rise again but only to be viewed down upon from a higher perspective
I will have a job soon , I will have money to provide for myself my son and babies father and we will have our first home 💯speaking this into the universe
You got this girl!
Loooots of positive energy to you sister❤
You are enough
Yes you will!! The universe is on ur side always
You have a high paying job, you have money to provide to yourself, your son and babies father, you have your first home!! congrats girl I’m so extremely proud of you. the universe has and are fulfilling what you deserve. (Instead of using “will” use present terms like I did. It’s a better attraction :))
- 10:10pm
*If you are reading this comment, I have something to tell you. This day will be amazing. Lots of blessings from the Universe!💚*
hey thank you I love you to and I want you to love yourself unconditionally. So im gonna ask you a favor so that you can love yourself unconditionally. There is this youtube channel called Mary Jane Maxwell. Go type in her name on youtube and check out her stuff!!! She is the real deal, she has helped me on my self-love journey for the past two years!!!!!
I come back here simply to read the comments ❤
Thanks lad :)
I am touched by everyone sending such positive vibes. It's beautiful. Believe that everything that you desire is on its way, in abundance. Envision yourself receiving or being in possession of those things. Sending lots of love, especially if you're heart's a little heavy. Everything is working in my favor. I am divinely guided and protected and will receive my blessings in divine timing.
ChocoLatte Beautifully Spoken/Written ❤️🙏🏾♾
Thank you! I receive it and same to you.
ChocoLatte see thx you 🦋💛
My first night trying this. So far love the sound, as it feels calming. Thank you. If no ones told you yet. I’m proud of you, and you are loved 🖤
Please help me with my negative thoughts! My deep depression is taking over my life and I don’t know how to be happy anymore. Pray for me you guys! I love you all and wish everyone peace and eternal happiness !!
Absolutely Kari !! Have you heard of Wesley Virgin? He puts in such a clear way. I love it so much!- Here is a free sample for you.
Hey beautiful, I just want to let you know that pain doesn’t last forever. I promise you one day your gonna be so happy to the point where your past and your past negative thoughts won’t even effect you anymore. Pray more. Talk to god more. Do more of what makes you happy. Do what you love to do. Never let anyone try to tear you down. Keep your head up. I promise things get better. Better days are coming! ❤️
I am feeling this same way! I hope we both can feel better soon!!! ❤️
Pain is ever present but never everlasting
Praying for you! May God bless you and show you the light! And you're so worthy and timeless, and so so capable!
I've officially listened to this for 7 days and it has truly changed me for the BETTER. For one, I am happier! Everything seems brighter and little things that used to bother me, I don't let them get to me anymore. For example, if I am feeling down- even a little, I instantly want to feel better. But before, I was addicted to my own sadness. Two, I am letting go of my fears. As a person who is self-conscious, I had lots of fears and still do. But the ones that I couldn't do before I can do now. Like going out w sleeveless shirt and shorts. I am still working on cameras lol. I am not afraid to take pictures, but I just don't want to see it after. Two, I am selfless. I am thinking less of myself and more of others. I just want to help everyone and I want everyone to be happy. Seems like I am opening my root chakra haha. Three, I am feeling unconditional love for EVERYONE. I CARE for everyone now. Whereas, before, I was the opposite. Now, I'm not saying I care what people think because as I said before, I let go of some of my fears. (and I forgot to mention, I am able to eat in front of ppl now, that was also a fear of mine.. ik it's silly) This is something I have to work on. Four, I have been feeling a bit paranoid at night. I am constantly feeling like there are demons in my room. I have sage, but I just keeping forgetting to cleanse my room. I will do it today, for sure! Lol Five, I don't really pay attention to my looks as much as I used to. I am learning to accept myself and love myself. Just as I love and care for all of you. But that's all for now. Take care, angels. 💞
You are beautiful don’t let anyone tell you other wise ! And the paranoia is a sign of enlightening I got through it myself..... When it happens to me I meditate it’s helpful
You are beautiful, unique and strong. Your love is growing for yourself and others and that is what connects us all . We are one! Sleep well and continue to grow! I love you and your soul!
The demons you imagine or sense are the fears you have let go.
Clean your room and keep your surroundings clean also.
They are gone forever as you continue on this path.
You have won already!
That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you! Your words give me hope! Thank you! 😘
Just remember...where's there's darkness...there's light...Keep your balance and stay focused on your goals, your kids', your family, your health...
As a yoga teacher, I am always looking for new music to incorporate into my classes, and this meditation ambient music is perfect. The serene sounds and calming energy help my students to connect with their breath and find stillness within. Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece of music!
I'm just trying to be a better version of myself, I'm 23 years old and I deserve to be happy, have peace, and be successful. I want to be able to help my family, especially my grandmother she deserves the world before she leaves this earth and I want to show her how much I appreciate her, I have a business slaybeastboutique and im working towards making that be the way I feed my family, I am claiming it, thank you universe, thank you god, amen.
Positive thoughts and love to you and all the luck for your future
@@nellecook7293 thank you, god bless
xxtraaa_ much love
Stay strong Girl...we are going through same situation , but u know there is one thing that I can say is just live every happy moments with your loving ones because ' This time will pass ' ... Stay blessed ❤️
Wishing you all the best you deserve every blessing coming your way I love you💕💕💕