Maybe you will not read this comment of mine or it will be lost somewhere. But if you read these lines, I wish you health, money and luck will come to you, I wish your family always healthy. Always believe and expect good things to come to you. ❤❤❤
I know my comment will be read by millions of people😊 and I just want to say I love you and hope, pray and wish we all are receiving Divine Supernatural Miracles in every area of our lives.
Sonsuz mutlulugu herzaman disarda arayanlar belki bir gun icindeki gücün farkina varirlar. Hangi dine mensup olurlarsa olsunlar insanlar en mukemmel bir sistemin icindeki en donanimli varliklar olarak yaratilmis ..hayatin tek anlami da aslinda tamda bunu bulabilmek ...icindeki gücü kesfeden onunla baglanti kurabilen ve farkina varan insanlar icin hem bu dünya da hem de diger alemler de (kim neye inaniyorsa ) cennet yani mutlak Sonsuz mutluluk hicte zor degil ...icindeki gücü kesfeden bunun icin ṣükreden minnettar olan insanlarin cogalmasi en buyuk dilegimdir
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. may peace and calmness fill your life.
If you come here because you need that little bit of peace, let me tell you please don't give up. You have to keep fighting. That stronger, faster, better you is waiting at the end of whatever battle you're fighting. It's not the end. It's only the beginning. You have to get up . Despite the numerous times you've been slammed into the ground you have to dust yourself off and ask "is that all you got?" Because you're strong. Know it. Own it. Trust me, I know. And if you have to go down, go down fighting with everything you've got. Never stop fighting. Please. I'm sure someday we will meet and show our battle scars and talk about how we made it. Sleep easy tonight. You need to rest. Blessings and Love 🥰❤🙏
Thank you, it's tough because I am diagnosed with endometrial cancer and 5.3cm mass on right ovary as well, hard to determine it's stage 1 or 3, just the hysteroscopy showed grade 1, I don't wanna do the surgery and I hope a miracle can really happen on me. You said it I have to fight as well...Thank you for your encouragement🙏
I understand that you may not see this message, or it might get lost among others. However, if you do come across it, I sincerely wish you good health, financial prosperity, and abundant luck. May your family always remain in good health. Keep believing and anticipating the arrival of wonderful things in your life. 🥰🥰
بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا وبالجنة وإياكم بإذن الله تعالى هدا الجميل أن شاءالله القادم خير وبركة وسعادة بإذن الله تعالى اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين اللهم آمين يارب العالمين ❤
If someone reads this message... I'm just telling you... Music is one of the best medicines in the world... It doesn't matter where you are or what language you speak, it's universal and what better than this kind of music... Enjoy it the way you do... Happy day.. Enjoy this life... 🤎
Thank you so much for these beautiful words. You said it perfectly: music truly is a universal language that connects us all, no matter our differences. It speaks to the heart and soul, heals, inspires, and accompanies us through all of life’s ups and downs. It’s incredibly beautiful how music can comfort us in tough times and make us shine in the best moments. Thank you for sharing this thought and reminding us of the importance of enjoying life-with all its music and all its colors. W
Beautiful miracle who deserves to live! Oh Lord God, please forgive our sins and heal our land. Begin with those of your people who are blind and send a spirit of repentance. Our hearts are broken when we see these precious babies who are destined by sin to be slaughtered.
Какие прекрасные комментарии. На самом деле я когда их читаю на душе так тепло и спокойно. Благодарю Бога, что на земле очень много добрых людей. С наступающим новым 2025годом.
Please restore my health that I ruined with drugs for numbness. Please help me release the fear and anxiety i have been feeling. Please show me my true calling and path. Please bless and protect ,from the evil in the world, my family and everyone here. May you forgive me and show me how to forgive myself and others who have caused me such emotional trauma. How do I let go?
Dear lord be with us as we seek you. We need your touch , your peace, Your healing. Please lord forgive our sins and come into our hearts that we may know and feel your presence. Amen
He’s alive within your heart ❤ a part of who you are! No need to come into your heart because he’s been there all along it’s just a matter of us looking within ❤ sending you so much love on your journey home
От таких теплых пожеланий в комментариях, на душе стало тепло и радостно, что во всём Мире хороших, добрых, отзывчивых людей гораздо больше чем злых!!! Люди я люблю вас!!! ❤❤❤
Wishing you all love, peace and health. Remember, you are God's child, and deserve to be loved. May there be Peace on Earth and may Good triumph over Evil! Amen!❤
Thank you, all of you for your beautiful comments and sharing your love and prayers and care! You all mean the world to me! I've been praying to find good people and pure love and white light. Let's always pray for one another and spread this love around the world. God bless you all always! 🙏🕊️♥️🏵️
Absolutely. I agree. Anyone who would like to stay in contact and prayer together, please reach out. I’m not exactly sure how we would do it but I’d love to try.
I know my comment might get lost easily here, but if you’re reading this, it's no coincidence, be sure. I recently came across a video about a book called “The Black Protocol of Wealth” that changed my life forever. I was financially stuck, and nothing I tried was working. But thanks to this book, I’m finally getting things sorted out, and I’m thriving like I’ve never thrived before. I know we don’t know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured, God is always by your side!
The hurt I feel right now in this Moment is UNMEASURASBLE and anybody out there who feels this way May Our crys and Prayers be heard by the 1 and only Ever Living God May his divine healing and grace be upon us may he feel that Void in our hearts snd may he banish whatever it may be causing our suffering in His only son Jesus name I pray this 🙏 💙 ❤️ 🙏 Amen
You are blessed with the knowledge of divine healing. God sent his son to give his life for us to overcome and not to suffer endlessly. Hold onto your faith and love for the truth and your heart and body will be healed. ❤❤❤
Hola, no encuentro ese libro, como protocolo, hay empezando el libro negro pero empezando como protocolo negro de la riqueza no existe, será El libro negro de la persuasión etc,Saludos desde Tampa Florida.
Господи, Всевышний я приношу благодарность свою, что среди этих земных грехов, ты углядел меня и не дал пропасть. Ты протянул мне руку помощи. За все, что я вижу, слышу, ощущаю. За каждый глоток воздуха, воды, еды. За ту еду, что нам даруешь. Еду как духовную, так и жизненную для наших тел. За доброту людей, помощь, отзывчивость и милосердие. Храни, Господь, молю каждого из нас. Как же приятно читать благодарности тебе Господи добрых людей, которые живут по разным уголкам нашего мира. Убереги нашу планету, примири всех людей - пусть правит миром ЛЮБОВЬ.
Sus comentarios me ayudan afrontar el cancer, no se que fin tenga pero espero en Dios todos sean felices y siempre sigan motivando a mas personas en situaciones difíciles. Dios los bendiga ❤
Luisa no te sueltes de la mano del médico de médicos, confía en su palabra y su promesa. 🙏🙏 Abraza la enfermedad y dile al Señor que te ayude en este camino que será una enseñanza en tu vida. Cuídate mucho. Te dejo éstas palabras milagrosas y que dijo el Señor al sordo mudo: *EFATÁ, EFATÁ, EFATÁ*, que significa ábrete y recibe la sanación. Desde la distancia mi abrazo de luz. Te escribo desde Medellín Colombia.
"My mind is worth millions "Every penny I spend is returned to me tenfold." "I get paid to exist," " I don't work for money. Money works for me," " I'm always at the right place at the right time," "My name is spoken up amongst the most successful people," " I am in alignment with the frequency of generational wealth" " My wealth compound exponentially daily." I am now stepping into the identity of my new level" And I am thankful for the daily breaths, bread, and blessings from divine guidance to divine prosperity and protection of my spirit team in name of Lord and Savior Amen 🙏🏽🌍🕊💪🏽💙🧿💰♑️♋️♌️🧿🙏🏽
I pray for a better world. That more people come to God. That we all are more kind. And that those in need get the help, love and stability in their and their families lives. Thank you God.
Я желаю счастья, безусловной любви, мира и добра всем живым существам на планете! Бог любит каждого! Бесконечная благодарность и любовь Богу за все, что есть в этом прекрасном мире! ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Farklı dillerde farklı inançlarda insanların birbirlrri için ne kadar güzel dualar ettiğini okumak bu frekanstan çok daha fazla etkiledi brni umarım tüm güzel kalpli canlar bu dünya da ve ahirette hep Allahın şefkat ve merhametine dahip olsunlar❤❤❤
Amem, Gratidão por Singeleza de sua Essência💚💛💙 Divina para com os Semelhantes ! Ano de 2025 de Paz ,Luz e Bem para todo o Planeta ! São Paulo, 28-12-2024-Brasil💦💐🦕🌸🌿🌸🌲
Я счастлив в семейных отношениях 🙏🏼 у меня прекрасная семья ❤❤ любящая супруга . У меня здоровые дети аминь 🙏🏼 . Мы путешествуем вместе с семьей на Мальдивах, в Турции, Малайзии, в Египте. Аминь. Я зарабатываю в месяц 100.000 долларов 💰аминь 🙏🏼 отправляю во вселенную. Помолитесь за меня люди ❤❤ и вам воздастся 🙏🏼❤❤
If you are reading this...Remember when you thought you would never get through some stuff! And... Look at you, you are here, you ARE ALIVE, you made it! You are so much stronger that you think you are! Everything will be fine, you deserve to live life fully and to gain stability, peace and happiness. You are already moving in that direction! Love and blessings from my heart to yours! I pray for your healing❤🙏❤
Merci infiniment pour ce message, j’en ai tellement besoin. Qui que vous soyez je vous envoie tout mon amour et je prie également pour vous, que Dieu vous bénisse 🙏
You might not see this comment, or it may get lost somewhere. But if you do read it, I wish you health, prosperity, and good fortune. May your family always stay healthy. Keep believing and looking forward to the good things that are on their way to you. ❤❤❤
There is so much evil in the world that it cannot be understood. Nowadays everyone is so cold, calculating and distant. So much of one's own destiny is also in the hands of others. You cannot influence it if someone wishes harm to you and your family. I feel like my mind is falling apart. The only thing that gives comfort is faith. The big man cries and prays and wishes that there would be less evil.
Tanta maldad que hay personas mas desalmadas que insectos, ahora te pueden robar tus riquezas en trampas y hacerte enfermar, y hacerte pecar desde la enfermedad y con brujerias y acusarte de pecador, y muchos visten de salud y de santos con dinero y brujerias, tratan de hacer a dios todo lo contrario, ahora tengo problemas de salud por esto espero sanar y a todo el que le pase esto sepa no fue el unico. dios no esta para hacer pecar a los enfermos y acusar, el es amigo de los enfermos que pecamos por nuestra enfermedad y encima por culpa de otros y brujerias.
I feel it too. It never fails to shock me to my core and it's coming from the ones I love the most, even created within my own body. It's like I've somehow stumbled unknowingly into some other realm of existence where I'm meant to be absolutely and utterly destroyed from the inside out by a brutal invisible force. I feel crazy as well sometimes. Then I remember that all I can do is change myself, I cannot force change upon anyone else. I can lean into learning what I'm meant to learn and I can take steps to remove myself from my current environment and I can train to myself to recognize when I'm allowing people to treat me as if I hold no value- more importantly I'm seeking out why I've not seen the worth within myself for so long. Forgiving myself has been the hardest of everything. Ive always heard that "God puts no more on you than you can handle" and it's always struck me as untrue bc of things such as suicide, addiction, neglect, etc., obviously the people resorting to those choices weren't "handling things", they'd gotten "more than they could", right? Reasonable, I think. But then a few days ago I heard it differently somewhere. I was told "God doesn't give you more than you can handle WITH HIS HELP". MIND BLOWN! With HIS grace. When you surrender to HIM and let YOURSELF go. Maybe this short story I wrote here will help another soul, if it's not you, reader, forgive my lengthy way of speaking. ;);) ❤
Thank you God for all your help and for being there for us by showing your love and warning us, leading us down the right path in life and how to make ourselves better each and everyday! I love you God, Lord, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Thank you God,l seek your guidance,give me courage to accept the things l Cannot change,you know the desires of my heart, please never let go of my hand🙏🙏
Qué música tan maravillosa, me imagino con Dios dialogando....caminando por los campos llenos de hermosas flores con un sol espectacular y un cielo celeste........te amo mi Dios.....bástame tu gracia me dijiste una vez y eso es lo que importa..... Para los que lean éste msj deseo amor ,salud , prosperidad ,y un sinfin de bendiciones.......
Hidden Pineal Gland Activation from Shirlest is something I wish I had discovered sooner. Since I started, my creativity has hit new heights, and I feel more connected to my inner self.
Oh My Lord My Creator My Savior, grant me the miracle of financial sustaination to pay and to maintain for everything that need money and which is ever going up such as hospitalisation, education, transporation, food etc. Surely to donate any extra to charity of genuine old folk, orphanage homes and animal sheler homes. Amen
Merci Mon Dieu pour ce moment magnifique de paix et d ' sais que tu es là auprès de moi...dans mes moments de tristesse... Fasses que ma sœur soit "Bien" là où elle est ... près de toi et des anges.. Protège moi et les miens sur cette terre...aides moi à continuer ma route avec fasses que l'argent coule à flot pour nous...pour pouvoir aider nos enfants.Amen!
No puedo explicar con palabras por q es indescriptible tu venevolencia y tu misericordia para todo los que creemos en tu Divina Presencia y tu Creación. Gracias, Gracias y Gracias mi Creador. Todo lo bueno, sano y correcto en la vida de todo aquel que llegue aquí y para quienes le rodean...
Thank you GOD for all the unexplainable Miracle's that with your blessing will extend in every area of our lives! To Each and everyone that has left a comment here Amen! Love to all🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ich wuensche mir das die Welt zur Ruhe kommt ....das sie genesen kann und das jeder versteht das alles miteinander verbunden ist ....vom Anfang ....das ist die Schoepfung ...Alles Liebe in die Welt ...egal wo ...❤passt auf Euch auf 😊
Пусть раскрывается у каждого его Божественное сердце, заполняется Любовью Творца.♥️ И все вокруг становится Любовью! Во благо всех живых существ на Земле!🪷
May the color of God fill you up to overflowing. May the source of life within you explode in a flame of life that lives forever.. May your soul realize your own true Glory as God had created you to start with and a long journey to become what you are yet to be..
I claim wealth, spiritual cleansing and healing, unity with my love, blessings in my household, family and those around me. I claim positive growth and maturity. May I be of spiritual guidance and positivity to all those I come around. Thank you God Thank you universe ❤️🙏
❤❤❤ Благодарю тебя мой Бог,прославляю Тебя Всевышний, Слава Тебе Господи Слава!!!Спаси Мир на земле и пусть все будут счастливы и каждый найдет свою половинку и продолжит свой род.Спаси и сохрани нас всех!!!🙏🙏🙏
The age of Aquarius is upon us. The evil doers will be held to account and humanity will be united for a thousand years. It starts from January 20th love and blessings to all.
ГосподьВсемогущий Милосердный Благодарю Тебя за всё что мне Даёшь Слава Тебе Господи Иисусе Христе СЛАВА ТЕБЕ во веки веков АМИНЬ я люблю тебя Господи ИИСУСЕ ХРИСТЕ СЛАВА ТЕБЕ АМИНЬ
Peace and blessings to all that read this I've been around the sun 68years (Happy Birthday to Me) I'm thankful and grateful for all things that Mother Earth and our Universal Father have allowed me to have and continue to bless me with mercy and grace each day. May we all continue to receive the blessings but also be a blessing to someone else. Be at peace through the greatest of times and learn the lessons through the worst of times. Remember that wall we hit is not there to HURT us, but it's there to PROTECT us!! Go in peace...NAMASTE
Feliz Aniversário para ti , com as Bençãos do Universo de Luz do Pai Criador . Saúde a ti e Familiares !💐🌸🌿🌺🌴🌸🦕💐🌿🌸🌲São Paulo, 28-12-2024-Brasil , Pátria Amada, que volte a Paz !🌲🍊
Beautiful message. Thank you. It starts with a grateful heart. The Reiki list- just for today, I will not be angry. I will not worry. I will be grateful. I will work diligently. I will be kind. Great way to start a meditation whether in the morning, or last thing at night. Love and healing energy to all who see this.❤❤❤
Father I know before I ask you know! Grant me peace joy happiness protection over my children an grandchildren prosperity healing long life and health!!! In Jesus name
Благодарю за помощь,ваш труд.вам,здоровья,сил,энергии,продвижения и процветания канала,удачи.пусть в жизни будет только хорошее,счастья,любовь и позитив.всех вам земных благ.берегите себя.врагаи пусть вернётся их деяние,как решит справедливый суд,суд богов,так ,как справедливости в мире нет.огромное спасибо,и с наступающим новым годом.
Przyciągm nieograniczone bogactwo zdrowie i szczęście. Jestem wdzięczny za finansową wolność która pozwala mi na życie pełne radości chojności i spokoju ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
Je suis contente d être tomber sur ces commentaires très chaleureux alors je souhaite aussi à ceux qui me lisent beaucoup d amour pour cette nouvelle année 2025,santé et prospérité que Dieu nous Bénisse❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
Maybe you will not read this comment of mine or it will be lost somewhere. But if you read these lines, I wish you health, money and luck will come to you, I wish your family always healthy. Always believe and expect good things to come to you. ❤❤❤
Gratidão 🙏
Thanks, same for you
Please.bless the person reading this with Gods Love and Protection.🙏
Te invitamos a nuestro canal de sonidos meditativos diseñados para ayudarte a alcanzar un estado profundo de relajación y conciencia plena. ✨❤
Bless you🙏
Gratidão 👏👏👏
The new year will bring you unexpected surprises of good health, restored relationships, wealth and dreams fulfilled. You are blessed
I know my comment will be read by millions of people😊 and I just want to say I love you and hope, pray and wish we all are receiving Divine Supernatural Miracles in every area of our lives.
Amén, amén, amén 🙏💗
Να είσαι πάντα γεμάτος δύναμη και υγεία από Ελλάδα φίλε μου.
Thank you and the same for you ! 🙏✨️
Sonsuz mutlulugu herzaman disarda arayanlar belki bir gun icindeki gücün farkina varirlar. Hangi dine mensup olurlarsa olsunlar insanlar en mukemmel bir sistemin icindeki en donanimli varliklar olarak yaratilmis ..hayatin tek anlami da aslinda tamda bunu bulabilmek ...icindeki gücü kesfeden onunla baglanti kurabilen ve farkina varan insanlar icin hem bu dünya da hem de diger alemler de (kim neye inaniyorsa ) cennet yani mutlak Sonsuz mutluluk hicte zor degil ...icindeki gücü kesfeden bunun icin ṣükreden minnettar olan insanlarin cogalmasi en buyuk dilegimdir
@@sandiburwell878 Thank You Darling God Bless You Too ❤🙏I Love You Back.
Please.bless the person reading this with Gods Love and Protection.
Thank you. That’s most kind ❤of
Amen. And may you be richly blessed with abundance in all areas of your life.
@@realsutl1 thank you so much Real. Would be a pleasure to see you on our page as well ♥️
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. may peace and calmness fill your life.
You n your's as well ❤
Аминь 🤲
Thank you
Thanks❤ same to you
If you come here because you need that little bit of peace, let me tell you please don't give up. You have to keep fighting. That stronger, faster, better you is waiting at the end of whatever battle you're fighting. It's not the end. It's only the beginning. You have to get up . Despite the numerous times you've been slammed into the ground you have to dust yourself off and ask "is that all you got?" Because you're strong. Know it. Own it. Trust me, I know. And if you have to go down, go down fighting with everything you've got. Never stop fighting. Please. I'm sure someday we will meet and show our battle scars and talk about how we made it. Sleep easy tonight. You need to rest. Blessings and Love 🥰❤🙏
Blessings and Love 🙏
Благодарю Вас with all my heart and soul
Thank you, it's tough because I am diagnosed with endometrial cancer and 5.3cm mass on right ovary as well, hard to determine it's stage 1 or 3, just the hysteroscopy showed grade 1, I don't wanna do the surgery and I hope a miracle can really happen on me. You said it I have to fight as well...Thank you for your encouragement🙏
❤Thank you, Maria❤
I understand that you may not see this message, or it might get lost among others. However, if you do come across it, I sincerely wish you good health, financial prosperity, and abundant luck. May your family always remain in good health. Keep believing and anticipating the arrival of wonderful things in your life. 🥰🥰
Благодарю. Во Имя Рода Человеческого и наших Всех Родов. Миром Правит Любовь❤🎉❤😊❤
Благодарю 🙏 тебя челоВек.❤
بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا وبالجنة وإياكم بإذن الله تعالى هدا الجميل أن شاءالله القادم خير وبركة وسعادة بإذن الله تعالى اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين اللهم آمين يارب العالمين ❤
I wish you the same ❤
If someone reads this message... I'm just telling you... Music is one of the best medicines in the world... It doesn't matter where you are or what language you speak, it's universal and what better than this kind of music... Enjoy it the way you do... Happy day.. Enjoy this life... 🤎
Thank you so much for these beautiful words. You said it perfectly: music truly is a universal language that connects us all, no matter our differences. It speaks to the heart and soul, heals, inspires, and accompanies us through all of life’s ups and downs. It’s incredibly beautiful how music can comfort us in tough times and make us shine in the best moments.
Thank you for sharing this thought and reminding us of the importance of enjoying life-with all its music and all its colors. W
Yess 🎉❤😊its right
Sen̈or Jesus ..tu eres mi roca mi escudo y mi fortaleza ....Amen y AMEN
Beautiful miracle who deserves to live! Oh Lord God, please forgive our sins and heal our land. Begin with those of your people who are blind and send a spirit of repentance. Our hearts are broken when we see these precious babies who are destined by sin to be slaughtered.
Какие прекрасные комментарии. На самом деле я когда их читаю на душе так тепло и спокойно. Благодарю Бога, что на земле очень много добрых людей. С наступающим новым 2025годом.
You've mirrored my thoughts❤
Happy new year to you and yours ❤
Sve najbolje u Novoj 2025. dobri ljudi sveta
Deus abençoe a todos nós, filhos do Senhor nosso Deus 🙌🏻♥️🙌🏻🙏🏻🕊
Orai e Vigiai 🙏🏻❤
Please restore my health that I ruined with drugs for numbness. Please help me release the fear and anxiety i have been feeling. Please show me my true calling and path. Please bless and protect ,from the evil in the world, my family and everyone here. May you forgive me and show me how to forgive myself and others who have caused me such emotional trauma. How do I let go?
Me uno a ti, estoy igual, Dios nos ayude ❤
Dear lord be with us as we seek you. We need your touch , your peace, Your healing. Please lord forgive our sins and come into our hearts that we may know and feel your presence. Amen
Amin 💙💚🧡🩷💞🤎💜🩵💛❤️💖💗💓💝💘💌🙏🙏🙏
Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Beloved Son of God, have mercy on me.
Ne kadar güzel dilekte bulunmuşsunuz
He’s alive within your heart ❤ a part of who you are! No need to come into your heart because he’s been there all along it’s just a matter of us looking within ❤ sending you so much love on your journey home
Thank you
Благодарю всех взаимно 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Спасибо за имна
Благодарю 🥹🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
To whoever reads this message, I wish you receive everything you want and what you need. I wish you lots of love, health and success,
Thank you for your prayers and know that others are praying for you to be uplifted and healed mentally physically and spiritually. God Bless You! ❤❤
Sending lots of love to you. :)
Благодарю взаимно 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Namaste ❤
От таких теплых пожеланий в комментариях, на душе стало тепло и радостно, что во всём Мире хороших, добрых, отзывчивых людей гораздо больше чем злых!!! Люди я люблю вас!!! ❤❤❤
Желаю всем людям на земле мира удачи здоровье всех благ и мираааааа❤
Wishing you all love, peace and health. Remember, you are God's child, and deserve to be loved. May there be Peace on Earth and may Good triumph over Evil! Amen!❤
Всем людям на планете желаю здоровья, мира, любви и гармонии❤🪄🤗
Все, кто читает меня, будьте счастливы, любите людей и весь мир.❤
Желаю тебе всего ДОСТАТОЧНО ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Я люблю тебе Боже, і хочу ,щоб всі люди на Землі жили в любові,радості і мирі. Амінь ❤❤❤
I pray the wisdom of God and the love our Lord Jesus Christ and his healing blood over each and everyone who reads this message
How can Christs blood be healing? It is not the blood. That’s satanic. It’s the energies. It’s just wrong
Amen and Amen thank you .
Thank you for this beautiful message Daniel
Thank you, all of you for your beautiful comments and sharing your love and prayers and care! You all mean the world to me! I've been praying to find good people and pure love and white light. Let's always pray for one another and spread this love around the world. God bless you all always! 🙏🕊️♥️🏵️
God bless you! 🤗🌠
Sending you so much love ❤
Thank you for your wonderful words, they touch my heart. Blessings and love gor you.💚⚜️💚
Absolutely. I agree. Anyone who would like to stay in contact and prayer together, please reach out. I’m not exactly sure how we would do it but I’d love to try.
Well said I agree Amen
I know my comment might get lost easily here, but if you’re reading this, it's no coincidence, be sure. I recently came across a video about a book called “The Black Protocol of Wealth” that changed my life forever.
I was financially stuck, and nothing I tried was working. But thanks to this book, I’m finally getting things sorted out, and I’m thriving like I’ve never thrived before.
I know we don’t know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured, God is always by your side!
The hurt I feel right now in this Moment is UNMEASURASBLE and anybody out there who feels this way May Our crys and Prayers be heard by the 1 and only Ever Living God May his divine healing and grace be upon us may he feel that Void in our hearts snd may he banish whatever it may be causing our suffering in His only son Jesus name I pray this 🙏 💙 ❤️ 🙏 Amen
You are blessed with the knowledge of divine healing. God sent his son to give his life for us to overcome and not to suffer endlessly. Hold onto your faith and love for the truth and your heart and body will be healed. ❤❤❤
Hola, no encuentro ese libro, como protocolo, hay empezando el libro negro pero empezando como protocolo negro de la riqueza no existe, será El libro negro de la persuasión etc,Saludos desde Tampa Florida.
Hola. Donde busco ese libro porque no lo encuentro como Protocolo.
Hola, disculpa pero con ese título no encuentro ese libro. Estas seguro que se llama así. Saludos desde Tampa USA.
Господи, Всевышний я приношу благодарность свою, что среди этих земных грехов, ты углядел меня и не дал пропасть. Ты протянул мне руку помощи. За все, что я вижу, слышу, ощущаю. За каждый глоток воздуха, воды, еды. За ту еду, что нам даруешь. Еду как духовную, так и жизненную для наших тел.
За доброту людей, помощь, отзывчивость и милосердие. Храни, Господь, молю каждого из нас. Как же приятно читать благодарности тебе Господи добрых людей, которые живут по разным уголкам нашего мира. Убереги нашу планету, примири всех людей - пусть правит миром ЛЮБОВЬ.
Beautiful absolutely beautiful 🥹
belas palavras
Давайте вместе любить друг друга,как Бог нас любит.да будет Мир вовсем Мире..Аминь ❤❤❤
Grazie..amore a tutti
Sus comentarios me ayudan afrontar el cancer, no se que fin tenga pero espero en Dios todos sean felices y siempre sigan motivando a mas personas en situaciones difíciles. Dios los bendiga ❤
God bless and heal you
Luisa no te sueltes de la mano del médico de médicos, confía en su palabra y su promesa. 🙏🙏 Abraza la enfermedad y dile al Señor que te ayude en este camino que será una enseñanza en tu vida. Cuídate mucho. Te dejo éstas palabras milagrosas y que dijo el Señor al sordo mudo: *EFATÁ, EFATÁ, EFATÁ*, que significa ábrete y recibe la sanación. Desde la distancia mi abrazo de luz. Te escribo desde Medellín Colombia.
People are being saved with great results taking Ivermectin, Quercitine, or Fenbendazole. Please give them a try... God bless!
"My mind is worth millions
"Every penny I spend is returned to me tenfold."
"I get paid to exist,"
" I don't work for money. Money works for me,"
" I'm always at the right place at the right time,"
"My name is spoken up amongst the most successful people,"
" I am in alignment with the frequency of generational wealth"
" My wealth compound exponentially daily." I am now stepping into the identity of my new level"
And I am thankful for the daily breaths, bread, and blessings from divine guidance to divine prosperity and protection of my spirit team in name of Lord and Savior Amen
Аминь 🤲
Amen❤Dio ti amo❤
I'm home God bless everyone. The Savior. You first then me ❤😂🎉
Thank you❤
Pela primeira vez vejo alguém traduzindo minha mentalidade e estilo de vida! Felicidades, sucesso!
I pray for a better world. That more people come to God. That we all are more kind. And that those in need get the help, love and stability in their and their families lives. Thank you God.
Я желаю счастья, безусловной любви, мира и добра всем живым существам на планете! Бог любит каждого! Бесконечная благодарность и любовь Богу за все, что есть в этом прекрасном мире! ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
:) and to you. What language is that!
Русский @@karenlee2565
Amen !! Thank you Jesus.
The one true King. Amen
Farklı dillerde farklı inançlarda insanların birbirlrri için ne kadar güzel dualar ettiğini okumak bu frekanstan çok daha fazla etkiledi brni umarım tüm güzel kalpli canlar bu dünya da ve ahirette hep Allahın şefkat ve merhametine dahip olsunlar❤❤❤
Amem, Gratidão por Singeleza de sua Essência💚💛💙 Divina para com os Semelhantes ! Ano de 2025 de Paz ,Luz e Bem para todo o Planeta ! São Paulo, 28-12-2024-Brasil💦💐🦕🌸🌿🌸🌲
Amen, Saludos y Bendiciones desde Nl México 🙏 Paz, amor y Salud ...
Sıze hayatınızda mutluluk dılerım❤❤❤
God is always with us, bestowing His blessings upon us. 🙏✨
Я счастлив в семейных отношениях 🙏🏼 у меня прекрасная семья ❤❤ любящая супруга . У меня здоровые дети аминь 🙏🏼 . Мы путешествуем вместе с семьей на Мальдивах, в Турции, Малайзии, в Египте. Аминь. Я зарабатываю в месяц 100.000 долларов 💰аминь 🙏🏼 отправляю во вселенную. Помолитесь за меня люди ❤❤ и вам воздастся 🙏🏼❤❤
идиотство чистейшее
Oldu oldu oldu çok şükür amin 🙏❤
Дай БОГ чтобы у тебя было 100000 в день!🤝
Аминь!!! 🙏🙏🙏
If you are reading this...Remember when you thought you would never get through some stuff! And... Look at you, you are here, you ARE ALIVE, you made it! You are so much stronger that you think you are! Everything will be fine, you deserve to live life fully and to gain stability, peace and happiness. You are already moving in that direction! Love and blessings from my heart to yours! I pray for your healing❤🙏❤
Gracias 🫂 Gracias Gracias
Merci infiniment pour ce message, j’en ai tellement besoin. Qui que vous soyez je vous envoie tout mon amour et je prie également pour vous, que Dieu vous bénisse 🙏
Likewise to you. Love, light and peace
Gracias amén 🙏 igual para ti 🌹
May blessings fall upon you like a gentle rain❤
That’s really beautifully said. Thank you
God Is Love - Love Is All Around Us 🙏🏻✨️💞🕊
You might not see this comment, or it may get lost somewhere. But if you do read it, I wish you health, prosperity, and good fortune. May your family always stay healthy. Keep believing and looking forward to the good things that are on their way to you. ❤❤❤
May you be blessed ever more. May your health your heart and your family be fully blessed with miracles from here forward ❤❤❤
thank you Heavenly Father amen
Desejo o amor de Deus para todas as pessoas.
There is so much evil in the world that it cannot be understood. Nowadays everyone is so cold, calculating and distant. So much of one's own destiny is also in the hands of others. You cannot influence it if someone wishes harm to you and your family. I feel like my mind is falling apart. The only thing that gives comfort is faith. The big man cries and prays and wishes that there would be less evil.
So much evil 😢 its overtaking our lives. Im so thankful for ciming across this channel. May we all be healed and blessed
Tanta maldad que hay personas mas desalmadas que insectos, ahora te pueden robar tus riquezas en trampas y hacerte enfermar, y hacerte pecar desde la enfermedad y con brujerias y acusarte de pecador, y muchos visten de salud y de santos con dinero y brujerias, tratan de hacer a dios todo lo contrario, ahora tengo problemas de salud por esto espero sanar y a todo el que le pase esto sepa no fue el unico. dios no esta para hacer pecar a los enfermos y acusar, el es amigo de los enfermos que pecamos por nuestra enfermedad y encima por culpa de otros y brujerias.
Blessings child. Go inside yourself - there you will find goodness and truth. and.... enough strength to endure.
I feel it too. It never fails to shock me to my core and it's coming from the ones I love the most, even created within my own body. It's like I've somehow stumbled unknowingly into some other realm of existence where I'm meant to be absolutely and utterly destroyed from the inside out by a brutal invisible force. I feel crazy as well sometimes. Then I remember that all I can do is change myself, I cannot force change upon anyone else. I can lean into learning what I'm meant to learn and I can take steps to remove myself from my current environment and I can train to myself to recognize when I'm allowing people to treat me as if I hold no value- more importantly I'm seeking out why I've not seen the worth within myself for so long. Forgiving myself has been the hardest of everything. Ive always heard that "God puts no more on you than you can handle" and it's always struck me as untrue bc of things such as suicide, addiction, neglect, etc., obviously the people resorting to those choices weren't "handling things", they'd gotten "more than they could", right? Reasonable, I think. But then a few days ago I heard it differently somewhere. I was told "God doesn't give you more than you can handle WITH HIS HELP". MIND BLOWN! With HIS grace. When you surrender to HIM and let YOURSELF go. Maybe this short story I wrote here will help another soul, if it's not you, reader, forgive my lengthy way of speaking. ;);) ❤
Thank you God for all your help and for being there for us by showing your love and warning us, leading us down the right path in life and how to make ourselves better each and everyday! I love you God, Lord, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Я люблю тебе мій Господи я благодару тебе мій Господи і єднаюся з твоєю небесною силою❤❤і світлом,яке мене наповняє❤❤
Thank you God,l seek your guidance,give me courage to accept the things l Cannot change,you know the desires of my heart, please never let go of my hand🙏🙏
Amen and AMEN. I agree
Благодарю Вселенную и Господа бога ! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
Желаю всем кто читает здоровья, любви, мира, добра, благополучия, удачи, успехов и исполнения всех желаний ❤️
Qué música tan maravillosa, me imagino con Dios dialogando....caminando por los campos llenos de hermosas flores con un sol espectacular y un cielo celeste........te amo mi Dios.....bástame tu gracia me dijiste una vez y eso es lo que importa.....
Para los que lean éste msj deseo amor ,salud , prosperidad ,y un sinfin de bendiciones.......
Le Seigneur est auprès de tous ceux qui l'invoquent avec sincérité .
On n'est tous beni......
Hidden Pineal Gland Activation from Shirlest is something I wish I had discovered sooner. Since I started, my creativity has hit new heights, and I feel more connected to my inner self.
thank you so much
very good book
very good book
thank you so much
thank you
Oh My Lord My Creator My Savior, grant me the miracle of financial sustaination to pay and to maintain for everything that need money and which is ever going up such as hospitalisation, education, transporation, food etc. Surely to donate any extra to charity of genuine old folk, orphanage homes and animal sheler homes. Amen
Amen and amen. I ask this for you, myself and everyone else who comes across this.
БлагодарениеБогу Всемогущему ❤❤❤ заТвое присутствие в моей жизни и за помощь, за Любовь,за дар жизни 🎉
With closed eyes and listen .. To everyone who reads these comments, Health, Happiness, Love and the fulfillment of all your desires !!! 💜
Благодарю вселенную, за все, за взлёты, подения, за счастье за трудности, за все что со мной происходит, во истину 🙏 я не знаю ты знаешь Аминь 🙏
Услышь, помилуй прости Господи меня грешную❤❤❤Ибо на Тебя уповаю!!!
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 we all love you God
Loving Kindness to all, We are beings of the light. Do a good deed for someone and expect nothing in return 11:11 🦅⚪✴️ from MJK Wales, Nov 24 🙏🌠
and to you ! Happy Wales.
Merci Mon Dieu pour ce moment magnifique de paix et d ' sais que tu es là auprès de moi...dans mes moments de tristesse... Fasses que ma sœur soit "Bien" là où elle est ... près de toi et des anges.. Protège moi et les miens sur cette terre...aides moi à continuer ma route avec fasses que l'argent coule à flot pour nous...pour pouvoir aider nos enfants.Amen!
No puedo explicar con palabras por q es indescriptible tu venevolencia y tu misericordia para todo los que creemos en tu Divina Presencia y tu Creación. Gracias, Gracias y Gracias mi Creador.
Todo lo bueno, sano y correcto en la vida de todo aquel que llegue aquí y para quienes le rodean...
Bless everyone 💖
Thank you GOD for all the unexplainable Miracle's that with your blessing will extend in every area of our lives! To Each and everyone that has left a comment here Amen! Love to all🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amen. I agree with you
Благодарю, ПРИНИМАЮ В Моей Жизни происходят Чудеса! Вижу Верю! Ощущаю! Чувствую Любовь во Мне . Люблю!
Allah'ın gücü ve kudreti sizinle olsun.
Ich wuensche mir das die Welt zur Ruhe kommt ....das sie genesen kann und das jeder versteht das alles miteinander verbunden ist ....vom Anfang ....das ist die Schoepfung ...Alles Liebe in die Welt ...egal wo ...❤passt auf Euch auf 😊
Пусть раскрывается у каждого его Божественное сердце, заполняется Любовью Творца.♥️ И все вокруг становится Любовью! Во благо всех живых существ на Земле!🪷
CRISTO é a luz que ilumina a escuridão do nosso coração
❤️🌟Rising manifest what you believe and it will be ASE’ my beloved fellowman grace and peace thanks for sharing 🥰
Свершилось! Мир 🌏 исЦелЁн❤ ЛЮБОВЬЮ.
I send blessings, hope, and strength to our entire world.
Sunt recunoscator pentru toate binecuvintarile din viata mea Multumesc Multumesc Multumesc Universului ❤❤❤
May the color of God fill you up to overflowing. May the source of life within you explode in a flame of life that lives forever..
May your soul realize your own true Glory as God had created you to start with and a long journey to become what you are yet to be..
a tous ceux qui lisent mon message je vous souhaite de ressentir cette amour infini que dieu nous bénisse tous
I claim wealth, spiritual cleansing and healing, unity with my love, blessings in my household, family and those around me. I claim positive growth and maturity. May I be of spiritual guidance and positivity to all those I come around. Thank you God Thank you universe ❤️🙏
1111thankYouGod❤love you so much
❤❤❤ Благодарю тебя мой Бог,прославляю Тебя Всевышний, Слава Тебе Господи Слава!!!Спаси Мир на земле и пусть все будут счастливы и каждый найдет свою половинку и продолжит свой род.Спаси и сохрани нас всех!!!🙏🙏🙏
Blessings to all of you, to the animal kingdom and our beloved mother earth. Love and light be with you, with us
The age of Aquarius is upon us. The evil doers will be held to account and humanity will be united for a thousand years. It starts from January 20th love and blessings to all.
Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю!
Крутая музыка - действительно лечит, через душу и чувства! Спасибо!
Music lifts ❤and soul thank you
Дякую. Господу. Богу і. Всесвіту за допомогу мені і моїй сім ї. Амінь. ❤❤❤❤
Прекрасна музыка, прекрасны комментарии. Мира и Любви в себе ❤❤❤
So tu és Deus de misericórdia e de amor 🙏 Realiza senhor milagres em minha vida.
God is good!
Que Deus nos ilumine e proteja. Gratidão à todos comentários cheios de amor e compaixão.💎💗
ГосподьВсемогущий Милосердный Благодарю Тебя за всё что мне Даёшь Слава Тебе Господи Иисусе Христе СЛАВА ТЕБЕ во веки веков АМИНЬ я люблю тебя Господи ИИСУСЕ ХРИСТЕ СЛАВА ТЕБЕ АМИНЬ
Благодарю Вас за это чудесное и прекрасное видео, спасибо за всё!!! Да будет во благо всем!!! Благодарим!!! 🙏🙏🙏
Peace and blessings to all that read this I've been around the sun 68years (Happy Birthday to Me) I'm thankful and grateful for all things that Mother Earth and our Universal Father have allowed me to have and continue to bless me with mercy and grace each day. May we all continue to receive the blessings but also be a blessing to someone else. Be at peace through the greatest of times and learn the lessons through the worst of times. Remember that wall we hit is not there to HURT us, but it's there to PROTECT us!! Go in peace...NAMASTE
Feliz Aniversário para ti , com as Bençãos do Universo de Luz do Pai Criador . Saúde a ti e Familiares !💐🌸🌿🌺🌴🌸🦕💐🌿🌸🌲São Paulo, 28-12-2024-Brasil , Pátria Amada, que volte a Paz !🌲🍊
Beautiful message. Thank you. It starts with a grateful heart. The Reiki list- just for today, I will not be angry. I will not worry. I will be grateful. I will work diligently. I will be kind. Great way to start a meditation whether in the morning, or last thing at night. Love and healing energy to all who see this.❤❤❤
Activate ours soul to God amazing
Obrigada Jesus por tê-lo comigo todos os dias,mesmo muitas vezes esquecendo disso.Paz interior só é possível com Deus.
Father I know before I ask you know! Grant me peace joy happiness protection over my children an grandchildren prosperity healing long life and health!!! In Jesus name
Merci univers gratitude infinie🙏🙏🙏
Amen to Jaweh Almighty. All the grace and glory to Him. I pray for each one of you.
Благодарю за помощь,ваш труд.вам,здоровья,сил,энергии,продвижения и процветания канала,удачи.пусть в жизни будет только хорошее,счастья,любовь и позитив.всех вам земных благ.берегите себя.врагаи пусть вернётся их деяние,как решит справедливый суд,суд богов,так ,как справедливости в мире нет.огромное спасибо,и с наступающим новым годом.
Que el AMOR de DIOS AZUL 💙 inunde tu vida. Lo más importante del mundo es el AMOR ❤️
Przyciągm nieograniczone bogactwo zdrowie i szczęście. Jestem wdzięczny za finansową wolność która pozwala mi na życie pełne radości chojności i spokoju ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
Спасибо Господа
❤❤❤ БлагодарениеБогу Всемогущему!!!
Благодарю Вселенную за Великую Милость к нам РБ Сергею и Валентине За Помощь и ПОДДЕРЖКУ за МОЛИТВЫ АМИНЬ Аминь Аминь ❤❤❤
Merci infiniment pour vos grâces , il en va de même pour vous et vos proches Amen 🙏
a tous ceux qui me lisent que dieu vous inonde d'amour
Je suis contente d être tomber sur ces commentaires très chaleureux alors je souhaite aussi à ceux qui me lisent beaucoup d amour pour cette nouvelle année 2025,santé et prospérité que Dieu nous Bénisse❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
May whoever reading this be blessed with divine health, happiness an alignment with the Kingdom of God
🙏🏾 Amen Blessings you 🙂