Hey there! The logic in the circuit is that, when the magnet is near the switch the blades in the reed switch close meaning that the door is closed in this case the buzzer is not triggered, as the magnet moves way the blades in reed now open meaning that the door is opened the the buzzer produces the sound.
how to set delay time to trigger?
Can you please upload the diagram of the complete circuit
wht buzzer do you use
It's an active buzzer www.faranux.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/dce0c3c9-ky-012-active-buzzer-module-for-arduino.jpg
Thanks brother
The magnet moves away as we open the door, then why does the reed switch work, like come in contact and produce sound
Hey there! The logic in the circuit is that, when the magnet is near the switch the blades in the reed switch close meaning that the door is closed in this case the buzzer is not triggered, as the magnet moves way the blades in reed now open meaning that the door is opened the the buzzer produces the sound.
Very good
Sir pls gsm reed switch call and sms alarm tutorial
Okay soon I will add it!! which GSM module do you need to use if I post I will use the sim600L or A6