What itch me the most is that lobbed-plants are done dirty in terms of damage scaling cap compared to other attacking plants which have linear damage scaling (for context: cabbage pult's max damage is 120 damage, capped at level 9, and it's damage DOES NOT increase with each upgrade afterwards, which means at max level, it's dps is LESS THAN HALF of that of a Peashooter)
@@davidleon7918 What? Rooftop mechanic? What do you mean rooftop mechanic? Why would PopCap/Electronic artsA bring back pvz1 stuff? Oh yeah -Money- POOP
People do forget Sapfling USED to be terrible because it was a premium plant and had a higher sun cost... and stall strategies weren't really AS meta back then without the buffs applied to arena and Penny's pursuit zombies to make stalling more rewarding. There are more reasons to stall the mid game, but yeah. Sap Fling is one of those plants that's good when you know how to use it, but many insist on using it "for the sake of" and it's better to think of which type of stages it's really best for, like the aformentioned Arena and harder Penny's pursuit where unconditional stall is extremely useful and you don't really want to damage zombines too early. But in base game, it's usage is kind of.... you're using it cause you want to. Though it is excellent in Frostbite caves (shame it was added well AFTER that world was XD)
Bruh, bonk choy is easily one of the best plants in the game. It can attacks way faster than any other plants and deals pretty good damage. Not to forget he can also attack two sides. The only downside is that it can only melee (close range) attack.
the reason the player gets pepper pult instead of fire peashooter in frostbite caves is because lobber plants can bypass ice blocks so pepper pult will still be able to attack zombies and warm plants
Well that and Fire peashooter is a gemium plant so if you're playing strictly free plants (not seedium either, adventure only) then Pepperpult is kind of your only option.... or it WAS your only option until they FINALLY let Snapdragon have a warming effect. It still has it's niche, but it is painfully underpowered. it did NOT need the slow recharge to be balanced. it's already balanced by being a half as powerful melonpult for about half the cost. The fire is strictly just a bonus.
1:53 I dunno how the game goes for other people, but I got 100 gems to buy a gemium only at jurassic park, and i spend them on shrinking violet. fire-peashooter is the last plant i would consider buying, because it's only useful in frostbite caves.
Sap-fling works amazingly with shrinking violet. You essentially cut a zombie's DPS by 75%. Because of this, they take minutes just to eat through one wall-nut.
I originally ranked it a lot lower, but then after actually playing with it I changed my opinion on it. While still not the best by far, it's not too bad.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 I can see it being useful for thinning herds in the back. Plus given your favorite plant is Banana launcher, it fits you'd be comfortable with strategies that involve having a row of attacking plants in front of a line of defensive or utility plants. I haven't used Boomberry but I do agree with you. Used right it does have a unique niche. Plus it'll make Wizards and and other zombies that stay in the back ANSWER for their sins.
@@MarioMastar Boom Berry does have some strong uses, I found that when playing with it for this video. But it is difficult to get value out of compared to other plants.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 Yeah I agree, I really like your content. I like how your rankings aren't based on what you assume the "meta looks like" at the time like other rankings and instead seem to be based on what a decent casual player would notice about the plant and how likely they are to get general utility out of it to be worth bringing in. It's really therapeutic in the day of people demanding others ONLY play tower defense games "their way" (hence my mods rant), but your ranking system aligns a lot better with causal fans who don't live on the wiki and message boards trying to minmax their game and jsut want to know what plants are worth investing in.
I love placing 2 grid of kernel-pult just to see the butter Rng 😅😅 For me, kernel-pult is a solid SSS-tier Then supporting them using any insta-stalling plants like iceberg, stalia, stunion, etc.
I think another good way of buffing Spore-Shroom is making all new Spores from zombie kills spawns from every empty leftmost colum in the same lane as the original Spore planted. (this is may be too much, but hey, we have things like Pokra now.)
Spore shroom is one of those "Good idea on paper, bad idea in execution" because I LOVE the idea of a plant that effectively regenerates itself across the lawn for some good swarming strategies. It just does a really bad job at that. If it were like Red stinger where the further in front of the lawn, the slower the attack rate but the more defense it has, it would be an EXCELLENT plant. but in the front where it usually ends up, it dies so quickly it might as well not be there, and if it spawns in the back, it's either due to luck that a zombie got that close or you're losing anyway if Spore shroom (which is effectively a cabbage pult that can multiply and has a worse plant food) is your last line of defense. Plus in tower defense games you USUALLY want to control where you place plants to make the most out of thier strategy. Very few plants can be swarmed arbitrarily and be effective. So give it the Red stinger treatment and Boom that would fix it. Red Stinger is a plant that WISHES it had a reason to be planted up front, cause it's literally a worse wall nut/peashooter when planted anywhere but the back 3 lanes, where it's ironically a slightly weaker but cost effective repeater.
Cabbage pult being the worst lobber says a lot more about how good Lobbers are than how bad Cabbage Pult is. as Cabbage Pult is still a solid plant, just HEAVILY power crept, but if you HAD to use it, it's still worth planting and has a good plantfood as unlike most other lobbers, it hits EVERY zombie on the map.
EA can really breathe in new life into the game if it increased its lawn size from 9x5 tiles to 11x6 tiles. At present, it's too small for plants like sporeshroom, bloomingheart, and current PP plant Levitater to demonstrate their gimmick with so many OP plants that can kill the zombies even before they could set foot on the lawn.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 Blastberry vine was the first Vine plant to be introduced (technically Pumpkin was first but it wasn't considered a "vine" yet) so it's kind of weak because they wanted to make sure it was balanced. Similar to the Power mints having a ton of limitations when first introduced like not being able to use plant food to recharge them. Still, the worst vines are C tier purely cause they occupy the same space as a plant, so at worst they're as good as the plant they're protecting.
Dragon bruit is one of my personal favourite plants. Boosted with moonflower it can deal with all the bucket spam in penny’s pursuit thanks to poison. It’s a dusk lobber and shadow combined
I think even if pepper pult did have a 5 second recharge it would be in the same boat as AKEE and even spore shroom and unpowered dusk lobber. Maybe even cabbage pult AKEE stats: 175 sun. Hit's up to 4 zombies. Does 70 damage. Shoots out 3 big seeds with plant food Pepper Pult stats: 200 sun. 3x3 splash area of 10 damage. Does 50 damage. Shoots out 3 big peppers with splash damage with plant food Spore shroom stats: 150 sun. Zombies turn into spore shroom when killed (sometimes). Does 60 damage. Shoots out 3 big spores with plant food Dusk lobber stats: 150 sun. 1x1 splash area. Does damage(I don't know what the damage is) Shoots out 3 big buds with splash damage with plant food Cabbage pult stats: 100 sun. Does 40 damage. Shoots a 200 damage cabbage at EVERY ZOMBIE. So what do you think is better out of these? For me it's AKEE. (Yes I know AKEE does less damage every time it bounces of a zombie, and I know that it is pretty much lobbed bloomerang)
Hehe it'd actually be balanced. the slow recharge time makes it unbearable to use. It feels like you're being punished for not using hot potato in tandem with it. but given how random wind can be, how is that OUR fault? XD Just give Hot potato a lingering warming effect and buff Pepper pult's recharge time and it'd be fine. I'd argue it's worse than Cabbage pult PURELY cause of the slow recharge.
Fun fact: I always think that cabbage pult and kernel pult is a decent or great combo as cabbage pult can deal a big damage while kernel pult stuns the zombie, giving CP (cabbage pult) more time to kill the zombie
Imo kernel pult is very underrated if he’s used in a certain way you can actually beat every level in the game (that allows you to use him) with him and only him (and yes I know this because I’ve done it)
Doesn't Buttercup count as a lobber? Also can you count chinese plants like Primal Raflesa who spits at the zombies and bearberry (I think it's called that) who shoots slowing cannonballs at the zombies Cabbage Pult is underated the same cost as peashooter and twice the damage
I used cabbage pult from ancient Egypt until wild west cuz of its plant food, for me its op for clearing up crowds of zombie. only stopped cause i got dusk lobber from the arena,yes my baby dust lobber made it to S Tier YESSSSS. So is sunproducer next? I think the poll are hints for future videos
@@Howtoplay116 I have 2 ideas for the next video. One of them is a bit out there and probably won't perform well, but I might make it anyways because I like the idea.
This is more of a popularity contest than a viability one looking at Winter Melon's overrated position having bad damage scaling with levels and very high suncost, SBR which somehow ranked 3rd is orders of magnitude better than Winter Melon and Dusk Lobber, not to say the former are bad but some plants are just built different and SBR deserves number 1. And don't get me started on the low placement of Sap-Fling, that plant is fundamentally broken at 75 sun, to the point i would rate it higher than Winter Melon as it effectively steals its niche as a consistent slowing plant (inb4 some1 mentiones Sap-Fling doesn't do damage, it not doing damage can №1 be a positive if you don't want to kill a zombie for waves to not progress or №2 use better options for damage that don't cost your entire sun economy to buy for mediocre damage).
I agree, if I were to rank Stickybomb rice without the influence of that poll it would be number one easy, dusk lobber still second. Yeah sapfling is good. I tried to acknowledge that in the video. Maybe I did not rank it high enough.
Want to know something that DOGs? And IS really annoying? The fact cabbage pult is that high! The anger BUBBLES inside of me at the mention of cabbage pult! (Go on, read out the capital words)
I don't really understand, why people don't like cabbage pult so much, but here we are. For me it was fine, I was using it all the way through Ancient Egypt and bloomerang didn't completely replace it. What did, however, is kernel-pult. Kernel-pult is just better. Pepper pult was the worst for me. It's just awful. Warming plants? Well, since snapdragon also warms plants now, just use it and everything is great. Unlike pepper pult it does much better damage, and also it covers three lines at once. Sporeshroom... Yeah. I don't know what about early worlds, but I don't feel like it does its job in the world it was made for. Gimmicks of this world don't really allow it to work, and also zombies are just too tanky for it. Boomberry I just didn't use yet. But after description from the video I feel like it should be in the C tier. AKEE for me wasn't that good, it struggled to kill zombies on it's own and even with other attacking plants like repeater it was worse than forementioned kernel-pult. Ability of the latter was just better (should I make a pun with "butter"?) Turkey pult isn't familiar to me, I just didn't have a chance to play with it yet. Sapfling is... Ahh... Mid? I don't feel like it slows zombies good enough, but maybe it's just me. I don't like, that it doesn't damage AT ALL. Like, man, doesn't that cone hit painfully, when lands straight ON a zombie? No? WHY?!
I prefer Dusk Lobber over Winter Melon because you multiply 3x3 radius by 3 for every plant, and it only costs 200 sun with Moon Flower It's only weaknesses are Prospectors, Pterodactyls and Parasol Ladies
I would put dusk lobber in a cus it requires at least 2 seed slots and plus has to be near that second slot to be strong, so it requires space, and seed slots or a premium purchasable plant.
I want to defend blooming heart so badly as I like the plant but it does suck and other plants are better then it however I would say that blastberry vine is ever so slightly better then d tier just because it doesn't take up any space and is essentially extra dps for any plant if you have the sun spare for the vine and or don't own any other vine
What itch me the most is that lobbed-plants are done dirty in terms of damage scaling cap compared to other attacking plants which have linear damage scaling (for context: cabbage pult's max damage is 120 damage, capped at level 9, and it's damage DOES NOT increase with each upgrade afterwards, which means at max level, it's dps is LESS THAN HALF of that of a Peashooter)
I feel this. Melon pult has very weak leveling for example.
The game need to bring back the rooftop type mechanics.
@@davidleon7918 What? Rooftop mechanic? What do you mean rooftop mechanic? Why would PopCap/Electronic artsA bring back pvz1 stuff?
Oh yeah
-Money- POOP
"Boomberry is kinda decent"
That one zombie in the back of the lane cucking you from attacking a gargantuar:
Fair point, I use boom berry mainly for its stun.
The octo at the back
@@agentmanface6255 wizard zombie at the back aswell playing uno with octo and fisherman zombie
Boomberry is cool boi, Hocus Crocus well be it's best friend in my opinion, Sadly i was not playing when it's season was running.
@@Karasu9-qw7yg one of the most annoying trios
Personally, sap-fling is a very good plant. Good early staller and works with fire plants.
That is a nice bonus of sap fling. W
People do forget Sapfling USED to be terrible because it was a premium plant and had a higher sun cost... and stall strategies weren't really AS meta back then without the buffs applied to arena and Penny's pursuit zombies to make stalling more rewarding. There are more reasons to stall the mid game, but yeah. Sap Fling is one of those plants that's good when you know how to use it, but many insist on using it "for the sake of" and it's better to think of which type of stages it's really best for, like the aformentioned Arena and harder Penny's pursuit where unconditional stall is extremely useful and you don't really want to damage zombines too early. But in base game, it's usage is kind of.... you're using it cause you want to. Though it is excellent in Frostbite caves (shame it was added well AFTER that world was XD)
if i recall it also works with other forms of stall too, which can be insane.
my guy iceberg lettuce exists for a reason.
Plus, spikerock.
Zomboss comes with a new boss mech...Kernel Pult asks Winter Melon: Would you win? Winter Melon answers: Nah, I'd Win
I don't get it
@@idontknowbruh gojo
8:07 Screw MGP, screw Bonk Choy, embrace banana
Oh yeah, and just a thought. Would you want to import your pvz2 trivia here?
Perhaps, Maybe I could post them as community posts as well?
Bruh, bonk choy is easily one of the best plants in the game. It can attacks way faster than any other plants and deals pretty good damage. Not to forget he can also attack two sides. The only downside is that it can only melee (close range) attack.
@@IWishYouTheBest finally someone understands me!
@@IWishYouTheBest pea vine= better
@@Mobilenoob-ps8em Yeah true. But bonk choy isn't bad either.
8:23 just spoiled it man
Yeah you're right. I'll make sure to fix that for future projects.
You sure love your bananas
the reason the player gets pepper pult instead of fire peashooter in frostbite caves is because lobber plants can bypass ice blocks so pepper pult will still be able to attack zombies and warm plants
True. I like that too. it is just... Pepper pult is very weak.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 hes actually my favorite plant. and its rlly satisfying in frostbite caves when you have a line of them thawing and heating nearby plants
Well that and Fire peashooter is a gemium plant so if you're playing strictly free plants (not seedium either, adventure only) then Pepperpult is kind of your only option.... or it WAS your only option until they FINALLY let Snapdragon have a warming effect. It still has it's niche, but it is painfully underpowered. it did NOT need the slow recharge to be balanced. it's already balanced by being a half as powerful melonpult for about half the cost. The fire is strictly just a bonus.
@MarioMastar yeah also 20 seconds is a medium recharge. a long recharge is more of 30 seconds-90 seconds
@@PrimalJackOLantern I think 20 seconds is a little long for PvZ2s fast pace.
1:53 I dunno how the game goes for other people, but I got 100 gems to buy a gemium only at jurassic park, and i spend them on shrinking violet. fire-peashooter is the last plant i would consider buying, because it's only useful in frostbite caves.
6:01” I was to lazy to get a footage of turkey pult fighting garg “ also him 5 seconds later: 6:08 here is a footage of a turkey pult fighting a garg
Yup, too lazy.
Sap-fling works amazingly with shrinking violet. You essentially cut a zombie's DPS by 75%. Because of this, they take minutes just to eat through one wall-nut.
-Banana Launcher
The disrespect towards turkey pult, with global stun it can easaly kill every zombie on the law
I dont know why but your videos are super entertaining and fun ti watch keep it up man, the content is great
Glad you like them!
8:08 “bannaananananans vs bonk choy Jesus!”
Personally, i love pepper pult, he’s insanely good in arena with his plantfood and splash damage.
I like the plantfood too
ACKEE would be easily A-tier for me if it didn't took 20 years just to shoot a single bullet
Boomberry never deserves such high ranking, even blastberry vine can do the job better with the same level
I originally ranked it a lot lower, but then after actually playing with it I changed my opinion on it. While still not the best by far, it's not too bad.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 I can see it being useful for thinning herds in the back. Plus given your favorite plant is Banana launcher, it fits you'd be comfortable with strategies that involve having a row of attacking plants in front of a line of defensive or utility plants. I haven't used Boomberry but I do agree with you. Used right it does have a unique niche. Plus it'll make Wizards and and other zombies that stay in the back ANSWER for their sins.
@@MarioMastar Boom Berry does have some strong uses, I found that when playing with it for this video. But it is difficult to get value out of compared to other plants.
No, it deserved the high ranking.
people be talking negative about your voice and you still are positive about it
actual goat 🐐 🔥
Bro sounds like a literal goat
@@KO-wd3wwI feel bad forlaughing at this even though he doesn’t sound like a goat
Is it just me or am I obsessed with Lobber Plants
Finally someone else who sees banana launcher as our lord and saviour
@@DJ_Wolfy5 BANANA
@@arcitatious APPLE.
Banana launcher is one of my favorite plants, maybe even my favorite
@@therealgigavolta Banana-oh-na-na
People don't know that Sap fling can't stall the zombies in water
It's kinda useless in Big Wave Beach
This is S tier content why isnt this channel famous? Plus u got a sub for entertaining me
Thanks for the sub and the complement!
You make really nice content, you’re super underrated 😭 thanks for the video it really helped me learn
That is awesome sauce. Also ty for the complement.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 Yeah I agree, I really like your content. I like how your rankings aren't based on what you assume the "meta looks like" at the time like other rankings and instead seem to be based on what a decent casual player would notice about the plant and how likely they are to get general utility out of it to be worth bringing in. It's really therapeutic in the day of people demanding others ONLY play tower defense games "their way" (hence my mods rant), but your ranking system aligns a lot better with causal fans who don't live on the wiki and message boards trying to minmax their game and jsut want to know what plants are worth investing in.
@@MarioMastar Thanks. I just rank based on what is probably good and probably bad based off my personal PvZ2 experience with the plants.
I love placing 2 grid of kernel-pult just to see the butter Rng 😅😅
For me, kernel-pult is a solid SSS-tier
Then supporting them using any insta-stalling plants like iceberg, stalia, stunion, etc.
sap fling is a decent staller, but the sap fling and turkey pult combo is ABSOLUTLY OP
Yeah it's really good. Also blockoli goes well with that combo.
I think another good way of buffing Spore-Shroom is making all new Spores from zombie kills spawns from every empty leftmost colum in the same lane as the original Spore planted.
(this is may be too much, but hey, we have things like Pokra now.)
That does seem like it would help spore shroom be good. Though a spore shroom spawning behind a spore shroom might look weird lol.
Spore shroom is one of those "Good idea on paper, bad idea in execution" because I LOVE the idea of a plant that effectively regenerates itself across the lawn for some good swarming strategies. It just does a really bad job at that. If it were like Red stinger where the further in front of the lawn, the slower the attack rate but the more defense it has, it would be an EXCELLENT plant. but in the front where it usually ends up, it dies so quickly it might as well not be there, and if it spawns in the back, it's either due to luck that a zombie got that close or you're losing anyway if Spore shroom (which is effectively a cabbage pult that can multiply and has a worse plant food) is your last line of defense. Plus in tower defense games you USUALLY want to control where you place plants to make the most out of thier strategy. Very few plants can be swarmed arbitrarily and be effective. So give it the Red stinger treatment and Boom that would fix it. Red Stinger is a plant that WISHES it had a reason to be planted up front, cause it's literally a worse wall nut/peashooter when planted anywhere but the back 3 lanes, where it's ironically a slightly weaker but cost effective repeater.
Giant skeleton :o
"cabbage pult is the worst lobber"
*Mr.Marinara would like to know your location*
RIP Carl
RIP carl
Cabbage pult being the worst lobber says a lot more about how good Lobbers are than how bad Cabbage Pult is. as Cabbage Pult is still a solid plant, just HEAVILY power crept, but if you HAD to use it, it's still worth planting and has a good plantfood as unlike most other lobbers, it hits EVERY zombie on the map.
@@MarioMastar Yeah, cabbage is solid.
Also I enjoy reading your comments.
i see how big your channel is going good job
Thanks, great job on your channel too!
@@thomasthegood For sure. Keep it up!
YEY the Cute TH-camr has finally uploaded!!!
Yes Sir!
He said bloomberry attacks plants?in the back
Split pea from pvz heroes
EA can really breathe in new life into the game if it increased its lawn size from 9x5 tiles to 11x6 tiles.
At present, it's too small for plants like sporeshroom, bloomingheart, and current PP plant Levitater to demonstrate their gimmick with so many OP plants that can kill the zombies even before they could set foot on the lawn.
That mcfluffin blue zombir who holds a umbrella counters these....
Zombie made to counter lobbing plants counters lobbing plants
Meanwhile, Dusk Lobber, Sticky bomb Rice, Banana Launcher, Sap-Fling, Blast berry Vine, and Turkey Pult:
Blastberry vine is good , he has splash that can help deal with grapes and when paired with kernel pult , you basically deal with crowds
Fact, all lobber plant can counter by umbrella zombie in lost city, ok by
4:21 "BoomBerry has an interesting gimmick of attacking plants at the-" DUDE WHAT SINCE WHEN IS IT PLANTS VS PLANTS
Glad I was not the guy to fumble that sentence-
-oh wait.
Ngl that kinda hurt when he said the thing abt grinding for blast berry vine
At least the berries go blast!
@@DJ_Wolfy5 Blastberry vine was the first Vine plant to be introduced (technically Pumpkin was first but it wasn't considered a "vine" yet) so it's kind of weak because they wanted to make sure it was balanced. Similar to the Power mints having a ton of limitations when first introduced like not being able to use plant food to recharge them. Still, the worst vines are C tier purely cause they occupy the same space as a plant, so at worst they're as good as the plant they're protecting.
@@MarioMastar Yeah the space they save is really good. I think that being able to plantfood recharge mints is a bit OP.
3:33 sonic superstars reference
I like how he answers every comment
I try my best to. There are soo many of them!
Love the vids. How do you feel about dragon bruit? It’s got lobbed projectiles.
Dragon bruit is one of my personal favourite plants. Boosted with moonflower it can deal with all the bucket spam in penny’s pursuit thanks to poison. It’s a dusk lobber and shadow combined
Cool design that I love, but it shoots somewhat slow.
I know it makes me sad
@@Dumbsparce yeah
I think even if pepper pult did have a 5 second recharge it would be in the same boat as AKEE and even spore shroom and unpowered dusk lobber. Maybe even cabbage pult
AKEE stats: 175 sun. Hit's up to 4 zombies. Does 70 damage. Shoots out 3 big seeds with plant food
Pepper Pult stats: 200 sun. 3x3 splash area of 10 damage. Does 50 damage. Shoots out 3 big peppers with splash damage with plant food
Spore shroom stats: 150 sun. Zombies turn into spore shroom when killed (sometimes). Does 60 damage. Shoots out 3 big spores with plant food
Dusk lobber stats: 150 sun. 1x1 splash area. Does damage(I don't know what the damage is) Shoots out 3 big buds with splash damage with plant food
Cabbage pult stats: 100 sun. Does 40 damage. Shoots a 200 damage cabbage at EVERY ZOMBIE.
So what do you think is better out of these? For me it's AKEE. (Yes I know AKEE does less damage every time it bounces of a zombie, and I know that it is pretty much lobbed bloomerang)
Helpful comment.
Hehe it'd actually be balanced. the slow recharge time makes it unbearable to use. It feels like you're being punished for not using hot potato in tandem with it. but given how random wind can be, how is that OUR fault? XD Just give Hot potato a lingering warming effect and buff Pepper pult's recharge time and it'd be fine. I'd argue it's worse than Cabbage pult PURELY cause of the slow recharge.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 Very Kool👍
@@MarioMastar pepper pult is obviously worse than cabbage (Other than last stand)
Its so heartwarming to see winter melon, a plant from pvz1, score the first place
And to also see cabbage pult score the last place lmao
Cabbage gets unlocked in the tutorial, then you never really use it again. At least that is how it went for me.
Poor cabbage pult. Even a peashooter has better dps than cabbage
@@Threepeater6447 yup, that is true.
Fun fact: I always think that cabbage pult and kernel pult is a decent or great combo as cabbage pult can deal a big damage while kernel pult stuns the zombie, giving CP (cabbage pult) more time to kill the zombie
10:32 you miss Turkey Pult
You are right. Thanks.
Can you do like a big video about short range attackers plants from pvz 2
(And gloomshroom for bonus because i like comparing him to pvz 2 plants)
I will add it to the list.
“BUH-BUH-BANANA” -Banana Launcher
Bro just thought of a new plant called zaza
I love the style of your videos a lot
I am glad you like it!
@@DJ_Wolfy5 keep doing great things bro
Good video
@@DJ_Wolfy5 i never knew which lobbers were bad and mostly good
@@DJ_Wolfy5 so thank you
@@JoanDaBest69 If you see a pepper pult, it's bad!
Also love the cat pfp.
Imo kernel pult is very underrated if he’s used in a certain way you can actually beat every level in the game (that allows you to use him) with him and only him (and yes I know this because I’ve done it)
I completely forgot about pepper pult lmao
Lol, it's that forgettable.
Personally i find pepper pult more useless than cabbage pult. I rather save up and spend 100 gems to get the fire peashooter for frostbite cave.
Doesn't Buttercup count as a lobber?
Also can you count chinese plants like Primal Raflesa who spits at the zombies and bearberry (I think it's called that) who shoots slowing cannonballs at the zombies
Cabbage Pult is underated the same cost as peashooter and twice the damage
I used cabbage pult from ancient Egypt until wild west cuz of its plant food, for me its op for clearing up crowds of zombie. only stopped cause i got dusk lobber from the arena,yes my baby dust lobber made it to S Tier YESSSSS. So is sunproducer next? I think the poll are hints for future videos
The polls were hints lol. I was using them as data for my rankings.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 okay if you post some polls then I think I can piece them together to find out the next video topic is
@@Howtoplay116 I have 2 ideas for the next video. One of them is a bit out there and probably won't perform well, but I might make it anyways because I like the idea.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 you do you I'd like to consume more content nom nom nom
@@Howtoplay116 Om nom (cut the rope reference.)
I am glad that you enjoy my content. Thank you.
Let’s go! New DJ Wolfy video dropped 🔥
yes sir!
To cabbagepult's credit its plant food is decent and at the end of levels i plant 1 cabbagepult and use a plant food on it to clear a punch of zombie
Dude really say "Boom bewwy"
yeah lol
How u gonna put sling pea above turkey pult :c
(Im bias to it cuz its my first arena plant)
"Just use fire peashooter" but i dont have him
You forgot to mention that sticky-bomb rice cannot attack air targets directly
9:10 “arguably the best shadow plant” so are we just going to ignore shadow pea
This is more of a popularity contest than a viability one looking at Winter Melon's overrated position having bad damage scaling with levels and very high suncost, SBR which somehow ranked 3rd is orders of magnitude better than Winter Melon and Dusk Lobber, not to say the former are bad but some plants are just built different and SBR deserves number 1.
And don't get me started on the low placement of Sap-Fling, that plant is fundamentally broken at 75 sun, to the point i would rate it higher than Winter Melon as it effectively steals its niche as a consistent slowing plant (inb4 some1 mentiones Sap-Fling doesn't do damage, it not doing damage can №1 be a positive if you don't want to kill a zombie for waves to not progress or №2 use better options for damage that don't cost your entire sun economy to buy for mediocre damage).
I agree, if I were to rank Stickybomb rice without the influence of that poll it would be number one easy, dusk lobber still second.
Yeah sapfling is good. I tried to acknowledge that in the video. Maybe I did not rank it high enough.
Spamming sling peas is so fun
Why I was different with other players? I like Pepper-pult the most :)
2 reasons now go
0:18 i’m dead
blooming heart can burst through armor
4:25 attacking "plants" at the back of the lawn 💀
💀Oh no!
Booom bewwy is against User Dave 😭
Down in Ohio swag like Ohio
Blastberry vine in #13 is a federal offence do not diss my boy (i got him to level 4 and use him virtually every level)
I didn't even know boomberry existed 🤣
"But Dusk Lobber isn't an Arma-mint plant!" -A certain nerd
It still lobs!!!!!
Want to know something that DOGs? And IS really annoying? The fact cabbage pult is that high! The anger BUBBLES inside of me at the mention of cabbage pult! (Go on, read out the capital words)
I don't really understand, why people don't like cabbage pult so much, but here we are. For me it was fine, I was using it all the way through Ancient Egypt and bloomerang didn't completely replace it. What did, however, is kernel-pult. Kernel-pult is just better.
Pepper pult was the worst for me. It's just awful. Warming plants? Well, since snapdragon also warms plants now, just use it and everything is great. Unlike pepper pult it does much better damage, and also it covers three lines at once.
Sporeshroom... Yeah. I don't know what about early worlds, but I don't feel like it does its job in the world it was made for. Gimmicks of this world don't really allow it to work, and also zombies are just too tanky for it.
Boomberry I just didn't use yet. But after description from the video I feel like it should be in the C tier.
AKEE for me wasn't that good, it struggled to kill zombies on it's own and even with other attacking plants like repeater it was worse than forementioned kernel-pult. Ability of the latter was just better (should I make a pun with "butter"?)
Turkey pult isn't familiar to me, I just didn't have a chance to play with it yet.
Sapfling is... Ahh... Mid? I don't feel like it slows zombies good enough, but maybe it's just me. I don't like, that it doesn't damage AT ALL. Like, man, doesn't that cone hit painfully, when lands straight ON a zombie? No? WHY?!
W bananananananana
I prefer Dusk Lobber over Winter Melon because you multiply 3x3 radius by 3 for every plant, and it only costs 200 sun with Moon Flower
It's only weaknesses are Prospectors, Pterodactyls and Parasol Ladies
That is fair. I like dusk lobber too.
I like how speak with a lisp when pronouncing the letter "R"
You talk so uwu-ey
I have gotten this same comment a few times and I have no idea what it means.
@@DJ_Wolfy5 It means you speak like those furries want to speak, y'know,the "I'm vewy sowwy :333"
Never say that again😉
I would put dusk lobber in a cus it requires at least 2 seed slots and plus has to be near that second slot to be strong, so it requires space, and seed slots or a premium purchasable plant.
Love how Banana Launcher is in Banana tier
I would put boom berry in a low tier but not that low it cant even shoot expect the last tile
The A.K.E.E is one of my favorite plants.
How did you say that about cabbage pult!!!!!!
Coconut Cannon being left behind
I feel bad for cabbage pult because he's tooo darn cute. 😢
Yea, just some crazy powercreep.
Turkey-pult is goated IMO
The most broken and underrated plant in the game
Blooming heart throws its flower at a the zombie, in real life she is a plant called Bleeding heart, which its flower has a heart-like shape
Yeah that type of stuff is cool. Kinda like how dragon Bruit is based off dragon fruit.
50 for sap-fling? Why does mine cost 75?
It must be the level of the sapfling in this video. I used to record footage with leveled up plants, but now I do all level 1.
I prefer to use Cabbage Pult throughout all of the Egypt world, and even a bit of Pirate Seas and Wild West, maybe also in others
I want to defend blooming heart so badly as I like the plant but it does suck and other plants are better then it however I would say that blastberry vine is ever so slightly better then d tier just because it doesn't take up any space and is essentially extra dps for any plant if you have the sun spare for the vine and or don't own any other vine
That is a fair point.
6:06 bro you can use this as a footage😭😭😭
I still use cabbage pot at pirate seas literally after ancient Egypt
ten Ten TEN lobbing plants are frocking NON WORLD
At the thumbnail I thought you rank the A K E E an f bro.A K E E is my cutie plant ok
I'm surprised to see spore shroom on this list
also boomberry does more damage when there is more boomberries on the lawn
Yes! I forgot to mention that.
Banana launcher is my favourite plant.....
I love your channel 🤩
Love the way you talk
@@DJ_Wolfy5 I've been noticed
Turkey pult deserves higher ranking
Actually Spore-shroom is useful in last stand level's to get more attack
I like Kernel-Pult soley because it's cheap and can stall Gargs.
I think kernel pullt is a tier if u combo it with primal pea shooter