Thats alot of dps for so low firearms and high hp, whats your dps on the marksman? Would be nice if you went more in to detail with your gear, like screenshots of them so we can see the stats. Great video as always, keep it up!
As a solo player, I’d recommend Recovery Link for the ultimate, because the auto revive. And for the turret if you run it, the fire turret does apply burn, so like the zapper for CC but with damage, it’s the best option for solo unless you just want the range of the bullet turret. I’d recommend the life support support station as well, at least until you’re comfortable with your gear and skills. Until you have a classified set of choice (like Nomad, Reclaimer, Striker or whatever) I find having a “1-up” or two is absolutely key (the support station has both an auto revive feature as well as a “hold button down to revive” feature, so that’s two). The ultimate skill recovery link is for me the GOAT for solo play, just let it pick you up when you go down (don’t ever use it).
I'm not 100% on this, but I think tapping First Aid procs as a medkit in the game. I've had several low health abilities proc when tapping that ability and it's saved me without having to consume limited medkits. (I think) that's a valuable benefit above healing station, plus it's instant, but they're both great options. Other than that I think the gas seeker mines are really good for add control as well. But yea, good guide! I think it's incredible how many people sleep on Survivor Link as a super. You become near indestructible with it activated. :D
+Westlo Yeah you can use First Aid in a pinch, and it's faster acting which is great, but ultimately if you go down, it's game over. That's why I use Support Station - it may be a tad slower to double tap, but the overall utility outperforms First Aid IMO. But at the end of the day, whatever works, right? :) Edit: completely missed the part about it proccing as a medkit, will have to check this out - interesting if that's the case!
+Arekkz Gaming yeah i have this issue alot in DZ never of thought about support station as a solo. will certwinly help out especially if i go down. cheers
+Arekkz Gaming First Aid is not very useful if you don't put as many points into Electronics. I tank most points into electronics/firearms and as a background medic an Overdose charge can fully heal + fully overheal from 5% HP with enough power.
My advice: if you decide on going with a Turret as your second skill, I'm basically a solo player 100% of the time (almost done the campaign, only ran a mission in co-op twice) and I've been running with Tech Support. My turret will last until the end of basically any fight, so long as it isn't destroyed. I'm excited to hit 25 to get another talent and use it on Fear Tactics, then switch to the electric turret for a really solid turret build. Awesome vids Arekkz. I just found your channel this morning and I've watched a lot of your stuff already, definitely subscribing! I'm going to try out the Support Station tonight to replace my Heal, I hadn't thought to do that but I'll take your advice! One thing though: in solo play outside of the DZ, will the station revive you if you're downed inside of circle? Since there is no "revive timer" when you're downed, not sure if this would work.
I've found myself a LMG with the Talents Unforgiving (Missing health segments increase damage) and Brutal (Headshot damage is increased by 18.5%), with weapon mods I have set the stability as high as possible and this thing melts opponents away as long as I manage to land my hits. That honestly is the most important thing about my solo build.
So hard to find players that try to bring it to a realistic level, nice tips here. Trying to play it these days for first times. Looking for no handholding, stamina health stuff, but actually playing it cinamtically.. Hard to find co-op players that understand realism based simulation and thoughtful immersion.
That awesome feeling when you see Arekkz endorse the same exact build you've been running with already. Awesome vid man, I actually have been running with this one already and it's especially nice to get some validation. I wasn't 100% sure if this was the most effective or not, so seeing your vid was reassuring. Its been super effective for me even when I was still rocking blues, and has only gotten better as my gear quality increased.
Time for the theory crafting! :D Can't wait. I think I got a solid healer build up soon, unfortunately a little low on the DPS side but should get the healing on point. I also got a solid DPS build I'm using right now to mow over content for the time being. Can't wait to go extreme in depth with creating builds. I feel like a lot of people are not understanding the potential in their characters with armour and what not. It'll be good to have a popular youtuber showing some builds so players get an idea.
The seeker mine with the gas modification is simply superior to the turret with electricity. It's amazing vs mobs. And the 50% chance to not consume a bullet is incredible when using a high RoF weapon up-close and landing all headshots: your dps will increase drastically (by having twice as much ammo in your mag), and your ammo consumption will also lower. It's not useful enough for snipers
My favorite solo build so far is the deployable flame thrower turret, first aid with booster shot mod and the security wing signature skill. With that I run my liberator with a high end extended mag and my purple vector 45. acp. I've speced into critical hit damage and chance with my stats to something like the scale of 3:2:1.5 (firearms, stamina and electronics). With steady hands (25% stability buff for 10 seconds after taking cover, wild fire chance to set all other nearby enemies on fire when I set one on fire, 30% damage resistance when going cover to cover and damage resistance after killing any enemy on the move).
+Jack Allen Liberator is such a nice weapon to have but players must remember to use their skills often so they get the weapon damage boost from Competent perk.
Thank you for this guide. Only just got the game and playing solo until i get to grips with things. Coming from WoW and Final Fantasy online this is a different animal with a lot to take in and this has helped a lot. Subbed :)
With my marksman rifle as often a primary, I like the talent that gives me 30 rounds when I score a pistol kill. Since the ammo that you carry is far less, having the ability to add 30 rounds for making a quick change to the pistol and finishing a target for a 30 round boot has been essential between restock points.
Got this game for free from a friend through a graphics card purchase. Never was on my wish list, but I'm pleasantly surprised how fun it is. Almost level 30 and no sign of getting bored with it. Going solo is fun, but for harder missions, having 3 other friends play this helps :)
Hahaha... My build is exactly the same. I am even rocking the Vector - Btw can you make a video about the difference between DZ special vendor items and Base of operations special vendor and about crafting legendaries
just got the game and really struggling alone, I've come to online gaming late in life at the age of 40, I enjoy six seige online, a friend has just got an Xbox one so gave me this free to download, the enemy just don't seem to die very easily, I've got to the roof top where I'm encountering the big guns for the first time, I'm level 5 but have put the controller down tonight, thanks for this though been new to gaming I struggle a bit with load outs and instructions on how to equip stuff, my son has had a look but I'll try and go with the advice here, thanks for the tips,
Mexx thank you for the reply and yeah I kept on going, I was actually making really hard work of it, like I said I'm new to all this so this style of game is unlike anything I've played before, just the load outs and knowing what all the different numbers means to work out now, I'm struggling for time too, 3 kids, 50 hour weeks at work and a nagging wife, what's a man to do lol, once I'd done this mission I found I could do the others, I've just done the one where you've to check the money and where there's a guy in a room at the end and you've to fight off a load of them, I took cover in a corridor as they didn't seem to want to come up it and killed them one by one in the doorway, might be a slow pussy way to do it but it worked ha cheers again
jamie deyes thats actually a good tactic when the enemy is stronger . and if ur struggling u should do some side missions and dont rush to higher areas . good luck with the game mate
Arsalan Amiri thanks bro, I've stuck with it and still going it alone, I'm really enjoying it and as you say it seems to be the side missions that help, I ventured in the dark zone today and seemed to get killed by a team of online gamers, not really sure how it works in there but will figure it out, it's amazing how playable this is seems as most of the encounters are more or less the same enemy, keep thinking I'll get bored but the more I keep going the more important enjoying it, how does the dark zone work?
jamie deyes dark zone is fully online and if you are under level 16 its way harder. there is no missions in darkzone. but you can find good weapons .playing solo is pain in the ass but if you put the wright abblities you can manage to stay alive. Avoid attacking other people (non hostiles) in darks zone you will ho Rouge and you will be a target for other players. I wish i could explain more but its just easier to watch 1 or 2 videos about " solo builds for the division" or " how to survive in darkzone solo"
i feel that tech support is a must have for all builds. because as long as you keep killing. ANY skill with a duration will stay up longer. sometimes even indefinitely
Alex, outstanding channel, always has been. This is my first comment: can you please mention that the Blue Prints have the advantage to being re-rolled by crafting as oppose to using phoenix credits. It is fine to use phoenix credits but not everyone realises that they can simply be crafted again to have the chance at better rolls. Thanks.
Your videos KICK ASS man! So helpful as I struggled at first with this game but now that I just level upped to 30, it is one of my faves ! Cheers and keep killin it!
I find that tech support (increase skill duration per kill w/ a skill activated) is better for the long standoffs that comes with playing solo than the overheal adrenaline provides. If used correctly, by which I mean focusing the lower health enemies (reds and purples), you can hold both a turret and support station up until you get late fight with only the yellows and bosses.
I personally recommend fire turret with the perk that has a chance to spread fire affect to all enemies in a small area. I recommend this only because you get the same stun time with fire but for some reason, when as enemy is on fire, his shields seem to go away faster.
My best solo build is Abilities: First aid-overdose Healing station- ammo cache Signature skill: Recovery link Perks: one is none, repo reaper, when at low health using a med kit reduces incoming damage by 40% and I can't remember my last skill but it works perfectly for me and so far I did all the dailies solo and challenge mode to two hours with two people.
You may have to split some into electronics due to how the damage focus weapon perks often require electronics. The High stamina will already cover the perks that provide HP regens from Weapon Perks.
This is also a good build for people like myself who are disabled gamers that have physical difficulties. Great tips for building a character to use in Solo or even basics to use in co-op (would only need a couple of tweaks) Cheers. Defo going to be slightly respecing my build.
Good build man and stepped into DZ06 for the first time as a character level of 29. I use for my fourth talent the Steady Hand as I use cover a lot in PvE and PvP fights. I also use a Tactical ACR as I am pretty bad with a marksmen rifle, except maybe the M1A because it is semi-auto. Hoping there is a high-end of that model.
You can revive yourself with the defibrillator mod for the first aid. Shoot it at your feet before you go down and you'll be fine. Also the support station can be destroyed very easily. The first aid shot cannot be destroyed, but don't use the defib first aid if you don't have the master mod for it yet.
I had something close to this build(fire rather than just stun to cause a little damage) switched it out for another build that was stated to be the"best solo tank build" and I kept going down all the time I'm switching back to this build it seemed to work much better.
Important caveat on the health station vs first aid - health station does NOT revive you ever if you are solo and not in the Dark Zone. There is no down state in regular pve solo meaning you can't crawl anywhere. Also, even if you drop a support station and die in the green circle, it will not revive you in solo pve - no matter what mod you put on it. So, I find first aid much, much better than support for say regular level grinding, solo, non-dark zone pve. Also, smart cover with the renewal mod works extremely well since it gives you the trifecta of health regen, skill cool down, and DPS buff. Also, while smart cover does relatively small healing, often this is enough to get you over that second box so you get back to full on your own, and in general the small amount combined with added defense is surprisingly effective - on the other hand, I find much of the healing work work the support station does is wasted bc I am at full health or need to move and do not want to wait to heal. So, I use Smart cover + first aid for most PVE solo encounters and when you face guys like machine gun fatties, switch to zapper so you can flank hit bullet box etc.
@@Eric_._only with certain mods. One mod let’s you self revive but you have to hold the activation button and be near the box, the other automatically activates
nice build. this one is about 10 percent stronger then mine. almost identical except of the skills and perks. I call mine the equilibrium build and it makes challenge mode seem pretty easy. enemies with shotguns on challenge mode can kill me in about 4 hits, unlike most players dying from one lol. overall good set up.
Arekks, can you do a cosmetic items farming video? I have been trying to get a orange hoodie for the longest time and and having a farming spot would be a blessing! im sure alot of people agree.
This setup is phenomenal, ammo cache for the support station is the cure for the dark zone. For PVE I use the seeker mine with the gas mod tho, but pulse is perfect for PVP
So A good approach would be actually damage maxing and then accompanying it with some tactical stuff like pulse, or seeker mine etc. For me it's not functional only as 99% players seem to desire, but it's about style, immersion, making it feel realistic... and look so and sound so if in co-op and comms are included... it seems the first option of a build is the most viable...
Hey Arekkz! Great video! The Special gear vendor is selling a blueprint for a High-end Vector. I really like smg's but im not sure if i should farm for those pheonix credits to buy it.
there is one thing i try todo in division at the moment and that is having a good amount of bullets to shoot while having a good amount of dps and health and maybe now i should try to invest in every stat in the game if i can
looking forward to trying this, I'm level 25 and still feel like don't know enough ha, after watching this i most certainly need to improve my health, also just wondering when you are doing a full tank one? just when i go in with friends think ill be the tank as I'm further ahead of them and already completed the missions they are doing Thanks again appreciate it :)
I have been using the turret with the active sensor on and the tactical link signature skill and i think that tactical link also boost the damage of the turret, so I use it on named enemies and it's pretty good.
I have been getting good use out of the healing mod for smart cover. I have been trying to decide between firearms and electronics because I like my skills but I also want to kill things more quickly LOL
+Bart Stanek in the base of operations, top floor (tech wing) BP's are sold by the phoenix credit vendor which refreshes stock once a week, so get there fast
Hey Arekkz, when you have gotten to the end of the main story the icon for the upcoming incursion appears in the lower right corner of the map by the Warrengate Power Plant.
I have a quite similar build to this one , but I wanted to ask you if you could do reviews on high end weapons being level 30 in not sure which to get and which not to get , at the moment I have a Liberator and Cassidy and the Damascus side arm but that Scar-H marksman rifle that you had looked pretty good. Not to mention the vector that melted shields
Thank You, thank you, Thank You!!!!! I am a solo player only and I found some things in this build that will help me tremendously!!!! I am at lvl 22 and it has been fun but very tough playing alone..... though I have enjoyed the shit out of it!! I prefer to play alone just so I can take my time and not have to rush a mission.... I'm a patient player! so thanks for sharing!!!
I'd like to reiterate what another commenter already said, but was not answered. How do you have 126k Dps with your SMG with such low Firearms? Did you get an insane roll on that Vector? Also I noticed it's all purple mods. What I am assuming is that you have very nice rolls on your gear and it it optimized. As I have been messing with different builds I haven't been able to get over 106k DPS (with the rolls I've had on my vector) and that is at 1911. That's with lots of crit % and crit damage %. Thanks for the vids and a +1 from me for showing the actually gear specs, I suspect they are quite nice.
Still don't understand the basis behind med station being better than first aid. Sure enough you get constant healing, but usually when you go down mobs will kill you and barelly leave you time to blink, much less let you resurrect. I dunno, maybe this works well for console players but for me on PC I just don't see how practical that thing is; especially when the AI forces you to move so much. Same deal with smart cover, you definitelly don't want to be static in the DZ both for the PvE and PvP part. Smart Cover + Med Station are a clear indicator that you WANT to be farmed by other people for being an idiot. Again, this from a Mouse/KB standpoint; If I saw anyone running around with that skillset I'd automatically think to myself "that guy is a noob".That set is pretty good for missions on challenging difficulty and I do run it from time to time; But for the DZ... can't believe anyone would suggest something like that.
Quick question, do you think a high electronics explosives build could work in challenge mode? I just feel like the skills might not hit hard enough compared to guns in those situations.
@Arekkz Gaming Is it worth getting the liberator? i got the vector blueprint instead because it deals alot more damage but it only has a mag of 34 with ext. mag whereas the liberator has 50 at base, is it worth getting? would like your opinion. i literally use everything you stated in this video anyway which is great to know im doing the right thing i just find myself reloading the vector at inappropriate times and it can mean the difference of winning or losing a gun fight. thanks :)
Get the vector and if you save up or have the Phoenix credits I suggest getting the high end magazine mod. You might get lucky with a 100% magazine size.
+Its_Jipz don't get the liberator. It would be a waste. The liberator is one of the worst guns because if your shooting at something anything farther away than 5ft then you'll have to tap fire. The liberators dps drops so much because of that. Also when you get a good extended mag, the vectors ammo count will go up from around 30 to 50.
I would suggest not getting use to having high stamina and letting yourself get shot like that thinking you will be ok. Healing Station is decent but if you're soloing you will not being standing in one spot for long. Use Marksmen with a 15x to drop people fast hit tanks bomb packs..etc. If you are farming level 30's then it's fine but higher difficulties get use to moving and pop shots. As solo I run mobile build. You absolutely need Pulse Scan as solo. You want to kill stuff fast with burst and keep moving. I do DZ06 with half that HP with another player and only die if I am not paying attention. I can solo DZ06 if I play smart but it's not recommended if it's during slow pop times.
totally true with what you said. for fun I'll do rogue and my armor is higher then his on the video but I have 2k less on health. dps is at 117k, health at 98k, and skill with 11k. taking hits from a glass cannon player with at least 220k of dps is no joke. that shit hurts even with all the armor and health. luckily I can still take them out with there poor health pool, but that's if he or she is running solo like me. otherwise anyone helping would most likely kill me. overall how you run with a build that is equal in every way, will determine the outcome.
Make A Video Showing Your Loadout,Weapons,Gear. and How you got what you have, crafting or buying and or finding. so we can all destroy enemies like a boss. Imagine 4 players with this build no one would stand a chance.
Great video. Thank you, could you make something similar for desynchronized duo. I wanna play with my brother but there is no chance that we would accept some strict roles like Glass cannon + Support. I think that in 2 you can switch at least weapons and maybe run assault + shotgun ?
thank you for the vid Arekkz , been strugleing solo in the DZ(to many high gear teams farming the lowwer DZ and killing every one on ps4), going try your surgestions, thx again for the Informative Vids, i feel like and idiot for not useing the aid station with it rez mod >
Thats alot of dps for so low firearms and high hp, whats your dps on the marksman? Would be nice if you went more in to detail with your gear, like screenshots of them so we can see the stats. Great video as always, keep it up!
This is pretty much my build to the letter. Always good to see when someone else feels the same and you aren't just deluding yourself.
I really love your videos about The Division. Top quality. Keep them coming.
As a solo player, I’d recommend Recovery Link for the ultimate, because the auto revive. And for the turret if you run it, the fire turret does apply burn, so like the zapper for CC but with damage, it’s the best option for solo unless you just want the range of the bullet turret. I’d recommend the life support support station as well, at least until you’re comfortable with your gear and skills. Until you have a classified set of choice (like Nomad, Reclaimer, Striker or whatever) I find having a “1-up” or two is absolutely key (the support station has both an auto revive feature as well as a “hold button down to revive” feature, so that’s two). The ultimate skill recovery link is for me the GOAT for solo play, just let it pick you up when you go down (don’t ever use it).
This channel has helped me SO much the last few days with understanding the game more. You're doin a solid job, keep it up.
I'm not 100% on this, but I think tapping First Aid procs as a medkit in the game. I've had several low health abilities proc when tapping that ability and it's saved me without having to consume limited medkits. (I think) that's a valuable benefit above healing station, plus it's instant, but they're both great options.
Other than that I think the gas seeker mines are really good for add control as well. But yea, good guide! I think it's incredible how many people sleep on Survivor Link as a super. You become near indestructible with it activated. :D
+Westlo Yeah you can use First Aid in a pinch, and it's faster acting which is great, but ultimately if you go down, it's game over. That's why I use Support Station - it may be a tad slower to double tap, but the overall utility outperforms First Aid IMO. But at the end of the day, whatever works, right? :)
Edit: completely missed the part about it proccing as a medkit, will have to check this out - interesting if that's the case!
+Westlo Love you Blue!
+Arekkz Gaming yeah i have this issue alot in DZ never of thought about support station as a solo. will certwinly help out especially if i go down. cheers
+Arekkz Gaming First Aid is not very useful if you don't put as many points into Electronics. I tank most points into electronics/firearms and as a background medic an Overdose charge can fully heal + fully overheal from 5% HP with enough power.
BlueWestlo blue I watch fruit
My advice: if you decide on going with a Turret as your second skill, I'm basically a solo player 100% of the time (almost done the campaign, only ran a mission in co-op twice) and I've been running with Tech Support. My turret will last until the end of basically any fight, so long as it isn't destroyed. I'm excited to hit 25 to get another talent and use it on Fear Tactics, then switch to the electric turret for a really solid turret build.
Awesome vids Arekkz. I just found your channel this morning and I've watched a lot of your stuff already, definitely subscribing! I'm going to try out the Support Station tonight to replace my Heal, I hadn't thought to do that but I'll take your advice!
One thing though: in solo play outside of the DZ, will the station revive you if you're downed inside of circle? Since there is no "revive timer" when you're downed, not sure if this would work.
I've found myself a LMG with the Talents Unforgiving (Missing health segments increase damage) and Brutal (Headshot damage is increased by 18.5%), with weapon mods I have set the stability as high as possible and this thing melts opponents away as long as I manage to land my hits. That honestly is the most important thing about my solo build.
So hard to find players that try to bring it to a realistic level, nice tips here. Trying to play it these days for first times. Looking for no handholding, stamina health stuff, but actually playing it cinamtically.. Hard to find co-op players that understand realism based simulation and thoughtful immersion.
That awesome feeling when you see Arekkz endorse the same exact build you've been running with already. Awesome vid man, I actually have been running with this one already and it's especially nice to get some validation. I wasn't 100% sure if this was the most effective or not, so seeing your vid was reassuring. Its been super effective for me even when I was still rocking blues, and has only gotten better as my gear quality increased.
Time for the theory crafting! :D
Can't wait. I think I got a solid healer build up soon, unfortunately a little low on the DPS side but should get the healing on point. I also got a solid DPS build I'm using right now to mow over content for the time being. Can't wait to go extreme in depth with creating builds. I feel like a lot of people are not understanding the potential in their characters with armour and what not. It'll be good to have a popular youtuber showing some builds so players get an idea.
The seeker mine with the gas modification is simply superior to the turret with electricity. It's amazing vs mobs.
And the 50% chance to not consume a bullet is incredible when using a high RoF weapon up-close and landing all headshots: your dps will increase drastically (by having twice as much ammo in your mag), and your ammo consumption will also lower. It's not useful enough for snipers
My favorite solo build so far is the deployable flame thrower turret, first aid with booster shot mod and the security wing signature skill. With that I run my liberator with a high end extended mag and my purple vector 45. acp. I've speced into critical hit damage and chance with my stats to something like the scale of 3:2:1.5 (firearms, stamina and electronics). With steady hands (25% stability buff for 10 seconds after taking cover, wild fire chance to set all other nearby enemies on fire when I set one on fire, 30% damage resistance when going cover to cover and damage resistance after killing any enemy on the move).
+Jack Allen Liberator is such a nice weapon to have but players must remember to use their skills often so they get the weapon damage boost from Competent perk.
orrthehunter True true.
Awesome video. Thanks! I been having trouble understanding all the stats and how the play together. This helped a lot.
How has Ubisoft not hired you lol these edits and your knowledge towards the game is very professional. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 great video
Thanks Arekkz! Great guides as always! This was basically what I was speccing my character in.
Thank you for this guide. Only just got the game and playing solo until i get to grips with things. Coming from WoW and Final Fantasy online this is a different animal with a lot to take in and this has helped a lot. Subbed :)
With my marksman rifle as often a primary, I like the talent that gives me 30 rounds when I score a pistol kill. Since the ammo that you carry is far less, having the ability to add 30 rounds for making a quick change to the pistol and finishing a target for a 30 round boot has been essential between restock points.
Got this game for free from a friend through a graphics card purchase. Never was on my wish list, but I'm pleasantly surprised how fun it is. Almost level 30 and no sign of getting bored with it. Going solo is fun, but for harder missions, having 3 other friends play this helps :)
Hahaha... My build is exactly the same. I am even rocking the Vector
- Btw can you make a video about the difference between DZ special vendor items and Base of operations special vendor and about crafting legendaries
just got the game and really struggling alone, I've come to online gaming late in life at the age of 40, I enjoy six seige online, a friend has just got an Xbox one so gave me this free to download, the enemy just don't seem to die very easily, I've got to the roof top where I'm encountering the big guns for the first time, I'm level 5 but have put the controller down tonight, thanks for this though been new to gaming I struggle a bit with load outs and instructions on how to equip stuff, my son has had a look but I'll try and go with the advice here, thanks for the tips,
jamie deyes dont worry im in the same situation and you will quickly get into it! Dont give up ;)
Mexx thank you for the reply and yeah I kept on going, I was actually making really hard work of it, like I said I'm new to all this so this style of game is unlike anything I've played before, just the load outs and knowing what all the different numbers means to work out now, I'm struggling for time too, 3 kids, 50 hour weeks at work and a nagging wife, what's a man to do lol, once I'd done this mission I found I could do the others, I've just done the one where you've to check the money and where there's a guy in a room at the end and you've to fight off a load of them, I took cover in a corridor as they didn't seem to want to come up it and killed them one by one in the doorway, might be a slow pussy way to do it but it worked ha cheers again
jamie deyes thats actually a good tactic when the enemy is stronger . and if ur struggling u should do some side missions and dont rush to higher areas . good luck with the game mate
Arsalan Amiri thanks bro, I've stuck with it and still going it alone, I'm really enjoying it and as you say it seems to be the side missions that help, I ventured in the dark zone today and seemed to get killed by a team of online gamers, not really sure how it works in there but will figure it out, it's amazing how playable this is seems as most of the encounters are more or less the same enemy, keep thinking I'll get bored but the more I keep going the more important enjoying it, how does the dark zone work?
jamie deyes dark zone is fully online and if you are under level 16 its way harder. there is no missions in darkzone. but you can find good weapons .playing solo is pain in the ass but if you put the wright abblities you can manage to stay alive. Avoid attacking other people (non hostiles) in darks zone you will ho Rouge and you will be a target for other players. I wish i could explain more but its just easier to watch 1 or 2 videos about " solo builds for the division" or " how to survive in darkzone solo"
i feel that tech support is a must have for all builds. because as long as you keep killing. ANY skill with a duration will stay up longer. sometimes even indefinitely
Alex, outstanding channel, always has been. This is my first comment: can you please mention that the Blue Prints have the advantage to being re-rolled by crafting as oppose to using phoenix credits. It is fine to use phoenix credits but not everyone realises that they can simply be crafted again to have the chance at better rolls. Thanks.
Tried out the support station/ammo cache set-up yesterday and it works a treat, especially against snipers.
As a new 30 as of last night I just stumbled on your videos and find them very helpful. Keep up the good work and have a sub and a like.
Your videos KICK ASS man! So helpful as I struggled at first with this game but now that I just level upped to 30, it is one of my faves ! Cheers and keep killin it!
I like this build, it's like I'm still free to do whatever I want I just know how now.
I think this dude is using some type of glitch bullets don't hit him fuck that
I find that tech support (increase skill duration per kill w/ a skill activated) is better for the long standoffs that comes with playing solo than the overheal adrenaline provides. If used correctly, by which I mean focusing the lower health enemies (reds and purples), you can hold both a turret and support station up until you get late fight with only the yellows and bosses.
I personally recommend fire turret with the perk that has a chance to spread fire affect to all enemies in a small area. I recommend this only because you get the same stun time with fire but for some reason, when as enemy is on fire, his shields seem to go away faster.
great video thanks I've just got the division and I'm a solo player and now I have a good idea how to create a player to go through the game! ☺
My best solo build is
First aid-overdose
Healing station- ammo cache
Signature skill:
Recovery link
Perks: one is none, repo reaper, when at low health using a med kit reduces incoming damage by 40% and I can't remember my last skill but it works perfectly for me and so far I did all the dailies solo and challenge mode to two hours with two people.
+Kegon Really Could you please tell me the last Perk that you are using? also why did you pick repo reaper?
You may have to split some into electronics due to how the damage focus weapon perks often require electronics. The High stamina will already cover the perks that provide HP regens from Weapon Perks.
This is also a good build for people like myself who are disabled gamers that have physical difficulties. Great tips for building a character to use in Solo or even basics to use in co-op (would only need a couple of tweaks) Cheers. Defo going to be slightly respecing my build.
Good build man and stepped into DZ06 for the first time as a character level of 29. I use for my fourth talent the Steady Hand as I use cover a lot in PvE and PvP fights. I also use a Tactical ACR as I am pretty bad with a marksmen rifle, except maybe the M1A because it is semi-auto. Hoping there is a high-end of that model.
I had an idea of what solo build I should have and you've just confirmed my theory. Thanks Mr Arekkz!
Solid Guide Arekkz. Thanks :) Love the videos!
New sub and I wish I could click like more but thank you for actually explaining your reasoning behind builds
Thanks for this! I've been trying to figure out what to use ever since I hit 30!
Thanks for posting this, man. The game still confuses me (almost too many options) but this helped!
You can revive yourself with the defibrillator mod for the first aid. Shoot it at your feet before you go down and you'll be fine. Also the support station can be destroyed very easily. The first aid shot cannot be destroyed, but don't use the defib first aid if you don't have the master mod for it yet.
Thank you for the Solo Build I was thinking get The Division tomorrow!
I had something close to this build(fire rather than just stun to cause a little damage) switched it out for another build that was stated to be the"best solo tank build" and I kept going down all the time I'm switching back to this build it seemed to work much better.
Important caveat on the health station vs first aid - health station does NOT revive you ever if you are solo and not in the Dark Zone. There is no down state in regular pve solo meaning you can't crawl anywhere. Also, even if you drop a support station and die in the green circle, it will not revive you in solo pve - no matter what mod you put on it. So, I find first aid much, much better than support for say regular level grinding, solo, non-dark zone pve. Also, smart cover with the renewal mod works extremely well since it gives you the trifecta of health regen, skill cool down, and DPS buff. Also, while smart cover does relatively small healing, often this is enough to get you over that second box so you get back to full on your own, and in general the small amount combined with added defense is surprisingly effective - on the other hand, I find much of the healing work work the support station does is wasted bc I am at full health or need to move and do not want to wait to heal. So, I use Smart cover + first aid for most PVE solo encounters and when you face guys like machine gun fatties, switch to zapper so you can flank hit bullet box etc.
The changed it now if you have your heal station deployed then you will go into knocked mode instead of dying
@@Eric_._only with certain mods. One mod let’s you self revive but you have to hold the activation button and be near the box, the other automatically activates
Great Video! I will defiantly be using this build when I am not playing with my best friend haha.
nice build. this one is about 10 percent stronger then mine. almost identical except of the skills and perks. I call mine the equilibrium build and it makes challenge mode seem pretty easy. enemies with shotguns on challenge
mode can kill me in about 4 hits, unlike most players dying from one lol. overall good set up.
Just what I needed. Thank you, your videos really help me.
Thx man i was looking foward to this!
Definitely helpful! Keep up the great work!
Arekks, can you do a cosmetic items farming video? I have been trying to get a orange hoodie for the longest time and and having a farming spot would be a blessing! im sure alot of people agree.
Thanks Arekkz! Great tips! 100% Lone Wolf. In the PVE and Dark Zone. I just go in the DZ to kill NPCs to get loot and DZ exp.
this is fantastic. cant wait to try this out! thanks
Thanks for the help I'm getting the Division for my birthday next month.
This setup is phenomenal, ammo cache for the support station is the cure for the dark zone. For PVE I use the seeker mine with the gas mod tho, but pulse is perfect for PVP
just got yourself a subscriber! Thanks for the build up!
Thank you for recommending these builds. Maybe putting down some of my thoughts later.
So A good approach would be actually damage maxing and then accompanying it with some tactical stuff like pulse, or seeker mine etc. For me it's not functional only as 99% players seem to desire, but it's about style, immersion, making it feel realistic... and look so and sound so if in co-op and comms are included... it seems the first option of a build is the most viable...
Love the channel! have you tried the Warren power plant on challenge mode yet? Easily the hardest mission so far in my opinion!
Hey Arekkz! Great video! The Special gear vendor is selling a blueprint for a High-end Vector. I really like smg's but im not sure if i should farm for those pheonix credits to buy it.
there is one thing i try todo in division at the moment and that is having a good amount of bullets to shoot while having a good amount of dps and health and maybe now i should try to invest in every stat in the game if i can
would this build still be affective after 1.5? BTW great videos there a huge help keep up the great work.
gEnErAl sAnDmAn no
looking forward to trying this, I'm level 25 and still feel like don't know enough ha, after watching this i most certainly need to improve my health,
also just wondering when you are doing a full tank one? just when i go in with friends think ill be the tank as I'm further ahead of them and already completed the missions they are doing
Thanks again appreciate it :)
You will have 3 million subs by the end of the year. Keep it up!
I recommend the attribute: "x% health on kill" the 'x' can be any number
Thank you again. I was able to notice the difference right a way.
I agree with most, although I currently use a rifle instead of smg, modded for hip fire when needed.
Hey Arekkz! Big time fan. What are your thoughts on a ballistics shield focused tank build and do you think it would be viable ?
Amazing build helps so much solo thanks for the build👍🏻
Did anyone notice the flying body at 3:12?😂😂😂
I have been using the turret with the active sensor on and the tactical link signature skill and i think that tactical link also boost the damage of the turret, so I use it on named enemies and it's pretty good.
I have been getting good use out of the healing mod for smart cover. I have been trying to decide between firearms and electronics because I like my skills but I also want to kill things more quickly LOL
Nice breakdown, thanks!
That vector, did you buy the blue print or buy it from the special dark zone vendor?
+D3STROY3D APPL3 I bought the Blueprint
+Arekkz Gaming where can I buy blueprints?
+Bart Stanek in the base of operations, top floor (tech wing) BP's are sold by the phoenix credit vendor which refreshes stock once a week, so get there fast
+Fenix Lionheart spot it's empty. Do I have to beat the story first?
+Bart Stanek vender open 30 level understand~? :) p.s No darkzone level
Nice! This has changed how I'm looking at my character build immensely!
Cheers eh ;)
Hey Arekkz, when you have gotten to the end of the main story the icon for the upcoming incursion appears in the lower right corner of the map by the Warrengate Power Plant.
I have a quite similar build to this one , but I wanted to ask you if you could do reviews on high end weapons being level 30 in not sure which to get and which not to get , at the moment I have a Liberator and Cassidy and the Damascus side arm but that Scar-H marksman rifle that you had looked pretty good. Not to mention the vector that melted shields
Thank you! This is really helpful. You got a 👍🏼
Thank You, thank you, Thank You!!!!! I am a solo player only and I found some things in this build that will help me tremendously!!!! I am at lvl 22 and it has been fun but very tough playing alone..... though I have enjoyed the shit out of it!! I prefer to play alone just so I can take my time and not have to rush a mission.... I'm a patient player! so thanks for sharing!!!
I'd like to see a glass cannon build. :)
Just Amatuer lol i had like 200k firesrms and like 60k health
I'd like to reiterate what another commenter already said, but was not answered. How do you have 126k Dps with your SMG with such low Firearms? Did you get an insane roll on that Vector? Also I noticed it's all purple mods. What I am assuming is that you have very nice rolls on your gear and it it optimized. As I have been messing with different builds I haven't been able to get over 106k DPS (with the rolls I've had on my vector) and that is at 1911. That's with lots of crit % and crit damage %. Thanks for the vids and a +1 from me for showing the actually gear specs, I suspect they are quite nice.
oh yea turret with zapper mod saved me so may times in darkzone this solo build is almost what I use think a few talents are different
thank you arekkz, great info
I don't know the specific talents but I saw on Reddit a pulse (or Smart Cover) and mobile cover build for high damage with a sniper
Still don't understand the basis behind med station being better than first aid. Sure enough you get constant healing, but usually when you go down mobs will kill you and barelly leave you time to blink, much less let you resurrect. I dunno, maybe this works well for console players but for me on PC I just don't see how practical that thing is; especially when the AI forces you to move so much.
Same deal with smart cover, you definitelly don't want to be static in the DZ both for the PvE and PvP part. Smart Cover + Med Station are a clear indicator that you WANT to be farmed by other people for being an idiot. Again, this from a Mouse/KB standpoint; If I saw anyone running around with that skillset I'd automatically think to myself "that guy is a noob".That set is pretty good for missions on challenging difficulty and I do run it from time to time; But for the DZ... can't believe anyone would suggest something like that.
Awesome help. Thank you for your videos.
Do you have a video of best Semi auto rifles, Shotguns (that uses Slug ammo) and pistols?
this build is KEY. I need it
Great minds think alike, this has been pretty much my build since release
Quick question, do you think a high electronics explosives build could work in challenge mode? I just feel like the skills might not hit hard enough compared to guns in those situations.
@Arekkz Gaming Is it worth getting the liberator? i got the vector blueprint instead because it deals alot more damage but it only has a mag of 34 with ext. mag whereas the liberator has 50 at base, is it worth getting? would like your opinion. i literally use everything you stated in this video anyway which is great to know im doing the right thing i just find myself reloading the vector at inappropriate times and it can mean the difference of winning or losing a gun fight. thanks :)
Get the vector and if you save up or have the Phoenix credits I suggest getting the high end magazine mod.
You might get lucky with a 100% magazine size.
+Jarred K I already had the vector and I know it is currently the best weapon, was just wondering if the liberator was even worth getting
+Its_Jipz don't get the liberator. It would be a waste. The liberator is one of the worst guns because if your shooting at something anything farther away than 5ft then you'll have to tap fire. The liberators dps drops so much because of that. Also when you get a good extended mag, the vectors ammo count will go up from around 30 to 50.
I would suggest not getting use to having high stamina and letting yourself get shot like that thinking you will be ok. Healing Station is decent but if you're soloing you will not being standing in one spot for long. Use Marksmen with a 15x to drop people fast hit tanks bomb packs..etc. If you are farming level 30's then it's fine but higher difficulties get use to moving and pop shots.
As solo I run mobile build. You absolutely need Pulse Scan as solo. You want to kill stuff fast with burst and keep moving.
I do DZ06 with half that HP with another player and only die if I am not paying attention. I can solo DZ06 if I play smart but it's not recommended if it's during slow pop times.
totally true with what you said. for fun I'll do rogue and my armor is higher then his on the video but I have 2k less on health. dps is at 117k, health at 98k, and skill with 11k. taking hits from a glass cannon player with at least 220k of dps is no joke. that shit hurts even with all the armor and health.
luckily I can still take them out with there poor health pool, but that's if he or she is running solo like me. otherwise anyone helping would most likely kill me. overall how you run with a build that is equal in every way, will determine the outcome.
This is an Awesome kit Thanks so much! helped me a lot love your content. Next time try do appearance ideas!
Make A Video Showing Your Loadout,Weapons,Gear. and How you got what you have, crafting or buying and or finding. so we can all destroy enemies like a boss. Imagine 4 players with this build no one would stand a chance.
I beg to differ
+J Woods Fightfightfight....
Do a DPS support build
Thanks. Good vid. Very helpful indeed. Thumbs up for that.
I've been using this exact build type except with first aid with the overdose mod instead of support station
Awesome this helped me alot! :)
Best guide ever, thx !
great video making this build now
Great video. Thank you, could you make something similar for desynchronized duo. I wanna play with my brother but there is no chance that we would accept some strict roles like Glass cannon + Support. I think that in 2 you can switch at least weapons and maybe run assault + shotgun ?
thank you for the vid Arekkz , been strugleing solo in the DZ(to many high gear teams farming the lowwer DZ and killing every one on ps4), going try your surgestions, thx again for the Informative Vids, i feel like and idiot for not useing the aid station with it rez mod >