Awesome, my labs would totally hang with your dogs. Duck Dogs. They run with us on the quads like crazy. I seen you video where one of them had a rabbit, that is so like my Diesel, he is always after tote guys. He hasn't caught a Jack yet, but those cotton tails are no match.
Awesome, my labs would totally hang with your dogs. Duck Dogs. They run with us on the quads like crazy. I seen you video where one of them had a rabbit, that is so like my Diesel, he is always after tote guys. He hasn't caught a Jack yet, but those cotton tails are no match.
You have to have 2 of the most cardio fit dogs in the US!
Just curious as to what y’all calculated on fuel mileage on the machines? What a freaking trip!
Got ABOUT 13 to 14 mpg - around 650 gallons per machine 🤠.