2:48 = everybody needs to hear my 'hey everyone' so i gotta breathe cuz ive been forgetting to breathe cuz the song's soft and soothing to play with good friends and makes u forget to breathe
i think he has a point we should make the best out of our lives instead of drinking and smoking. we should spend time with our friends and family god bless u guys
i've heard this song hundreds of times, and this still made me cry
same - and it's 2022
Not sure why this is the first time I'm finding this video.... great rendition of a great song....
So beautiful and seemingly appropriate to my life as of late!
Magic pure excellence, just the guitar makes me cry in this one.
2:48 = everybody needs to hear my 'hey everyone' so i gotta breathe cuz ive been forgetting to breathe cuz the song's soft and soothing to play with good friends and makes u forget to breathe
Amazing song!! ❤
one of my favorites by Jon.
Great song, I also love thinking about it in the sense of dying to self.
such a beautiful song
i think he has a point we should make the best out of our lives instead of drinking and smoking. we should spend time with our friends and family god bless u guys
If you watch it again you can see the cello players bow bump jons guitar as he goes to change strings.
@AaronLenk They didn't bump each other, Mr. Cello Man played the wrong note, hahah. I like that part too.
Beautiful song, I love this so much.
True art
I like the part when they bump eachother and they both look at eachother and smile
i love this songgggggggggggggggggggggg
@arghomez awesome :)
leave it to detroit to make someone thing that deeply about death. i love my hometown.
@marvelboy04 nope its definitely Jon
dude they spelled his name wrong.
no they didnt