This was very quirky when I watched it the first time. The second time I felt it was something special. Not as drastic as when I watched Natural Born Killers, hated it and now love it. I did think what made it for me were the side characters. The dance scene is very memorable and was just fit perfectly. Your right about the timing, it is hard to pin down what time frame this was supposed to be. Very much a subtle retro vibe. Efrin was a great complement to offset the goofy Napoleon. Great job, fellas!
Je suis français. J’ai vu ce film pour la première fois il y a moins d’une semaine et je l’adore. J’ai déjà vu une dizaine de vidéos de réaction + une dizaine de vidéos à propos du film (dont la vôtre). Un livre pourrait être écrit à propos du film, sous la forme d’un petit dictionnaire par exemple. Il y aurait pas mal de choses à dire, je crois.
This was very quirky when I watched it the first time. The second time I felt it was something special. Not as drastic as when I watched Natural Born Killers, hated it and now love it. I did think what made it for me were the side characters. The dance scene is very memorable and was just fit perfectly. Your right about the timing, it is hard to pin down what time frame this was supposed to be. Very much a subtle retro vibe. Efrin was a great complement to offset the goofy Napoleon. Great job, fellas!
Thanks, man! Great points (as always). I haven’t watched NBK in yeeeeears, but have been wanting to revisit to see how it hits me decades later.
This is a movie that I did not like when I first saw it, but grew to enjoying on future watches.
Well, at least you get to enjoy it! :)
Big hat. Funny. -Turd Ferguson 2:40
Je suis français. J’ai vu ce film pour la première fois il y a moins d’une semaine et je l’adore.
J’ai déjà vu une dizaine de vidéos de réaction + une dizaine de vidéos à propos du film (dont la vôtre). Un livre pourrait être écrit à propos du film, sous la forme d’un petit dictionnaire par exemple. Il y aurait pas mal de choses à dire, je crois.
Thanks! Totally agree!
2004 is retro now? Good God....
Yes, welcome to our world. :)